Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1883, Image 5

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The .Need of a Strong Loader
a "Long Felt Want" in
France ,
The Senate Determiuod to Re-
the Exouloion Bill
Divitf , Henly and Qamn Sent
to Kilmainhttm Prison for
Six Months.
Parnell Wnveru in the " Think-
leas Tnok" ot Muint.-i
nn Irish Party.
Number of arln
Ittp jrlrd Qcnural
Siwclal Dispatches to Tils Dim.
PAKIH , February 8 Tno auciallata
in Franco have decided to CUIIVOHO a
tuoutiug wi'h a view tj orginiziogaad
being In readiness for the nmicipitod election for members of the
chamber of doputua.
It ia stated that Jules Ferry do
cllued to form a cabinet mid that
president Grevy will summon Brisaon
for that purpose.
The report of the cammitti o on the
expnhiou bill was undo to the satiate
to-day. Ddbito on the report in ticcd
'for ' Saturday. The report atatoa , in
the opinion of the committee , thorn is
no came for the republic either to foul
alarmed or resort to violent ineaauroti
embraced in thu proposed law. It
would be a stop in a dangerous path
and ono contrary to the idoaa on which
the republic was founded. If ia ru
mored tUo report nays if ooiiiliuu or
dlasotn .IMU . do not disturb the country
it will racism steadfastly ruptiblicnn.
Orgenoy wan- voted for dermo on thu
bill S-iturdity , and uiuoh exckoinint
dxixtn in parlitttnuntary circluo.
Djulora and domi inundo inat'ily at
tended thu a.ilu of the S ri Btirnhardc
jeweli A neokUco i f rxsa diHiiunda
brought 24,000 fiansa ; tvro brACslota
PAIUB , February 8 Sweeping
changes in the miuiatry , . making vir
tually si now ciblnot , is oxpuotcd to he
gazetted on Sunday night. It h even
said that General ShobaLclon , the
minister of War , will be the only mem
ber of the present ministry remaining.
PARIS , February 8. The f Deling of
uneasiness cimtiuuen. Business Is
stagnant and the pntlicia yearning for
a strong government.
Bpeelal Dispatches to Jim URE.
DUBLIN , February 8 Thomas A.
GoinuuBH , liberal conservative , candi
date for the county Dublin for parliament
mont , at an inilutmtial mooting asked
On' ' . Kini ; Harman to ba a candidate.
T. SI. Healy , in a opoech advocating
a better oyatom of g ) vernmnnt for Iro-
landndvised that oil localnff _ lra such as
the management of rates , appointment
of magistrates , etc. , bo confined to
elected boards , each 'of which shall
send delegates to a central council of
the province , whlah ahall have powcra
In rcgird to private bills now oxorjisod
by parliament.
'Farnell , in a communication asking
the attention of Irish membero of the
house of commons at the opening of
parliament next May , a ya events cf
the greatest importance to Ireland
will ba discussed. A preliminary
meeting of the pirty will bo hold the
14th inat. to consider the action of
Irish members during the session. S > r
Parnell , writing to Joseph VValah
concerning a possible vacancy In
county Mayo , deprecates the election
of a member \vho refuses to take his
aeat. If the time came for Irish mom-
bars to retire from the house of com
mons , ho says that they thonld do ao
In a body. Ho earnestly advocates
the adoption of some ayatem of secur
ing compensation to members. If
.constituencies do not make an effort
In that direction he would be obliged
'to consider whether ho could persevere
in a thankless tusk cf endeavoring to
keep together an independent Irish
arrested some time ago for making in
flammatory speeches , have refuted to
give bill , and this morning were
lodged in Kilmainham jail for a term
of six months.
Tae trial of D jwling for the murder
of policeman Oox began to-day.
Do w ling was convicted of shooting
with intent to m ardor and sontonosd
to penal servitude for life.
Archbishop McCiba is better but
atill f : oblo.
Eirl Spencer arrived from Lendon
to-day. Ho was easortoi from the
railway by a troop of hussars , followed
by cara laden with directives ,
Ohiff Secretary Trovelyan sUrted
for Eagland to-day escorted by de
DUBLIN , February 8 Davltt sayo
that to give bail for hia good bohavioi
toward the landlords is impossible ,
for the growing importance of the
Irish party in parliament is being roc
ognliad. _
paclal Ulipatcbet to Tin Bn
FT JOHN , N. B. , February -The
tmgitntotngu , trotn Gttrddl , waa lost
with all aboard.
NEW OHLEANS , February 8. Tht
atcamer Celtic Monarch for Bremen ,
Is ashore at the east end of the jetties ,
OtAsaow , February R TneAnohoi
line steamer Ut < pin , ( rum Now Yorli
January 23 , arrived all well.
ANTWEIIP , February 8 The steam
ship Necterland pasiod Sjllly lalandi
Monday night No unusual hie
weather has been reported , Her rig
ging was intact. This makei the report
port of her lots unlikely.
LONDON , February 8 The BUT
vlvors of the disaster to the steatno :
Kirniaro Oistle , which foundered ii
the biy of Biscay the 2 i inst , existoc
three diys by chowlog a flinnol vest
The third ofliaer became itatvlng mat
fcnd jumped orotboard , but was ret-
A schooner bus boon wrecked near
Poriaferry , Ireland ; another no r
Shetland Inland , Scotland. In thu
Brat , live siilora were drowned ; In the
aecond , the whole crow p'rishod.
The steamer Ihvurhn , which sailed
January 2J f ir Bostuu , returned to
Liverpool with machinery damaged ,
LONDON , Fobruarj 8 It is reported
the steamer Kontniut < Caetlc , 2,030
tons , from London to Slunghiliathe
Sure catml , is lost , and the pissetigert
* tro bsvod. Many of the crow uro
iltMirneil. A hnavy ( ulo prtvtlls
on tlm coasts to-duy , Several minor
cAMi'iltlPi , lnvolvii ) | . ' a loss of life , are
The report of the loss of the fltenmer
Kenmnro ( Jiiatlo is cnnltrnu'd She
foundered m the By of Buoy on the
22 Hunt , , in a fotv mlimUf , : uid war
piily able to launch 0110 boat onntain-
ing nil tlto p'irieiigern , numberiiip
eight , and elijliror the crew. The
ciev numbered forty persons. Thi >
survivors , whtn rescued by a French
steamer , only wore their night dresses
and were vary week
Her captain , ( Irst mate and thirty
of the crew Asiatics were drowned ,
LONDON , February 8. A bottle ha
hna been touud on. the Boarnemouth
beAch c'jntftiniig | oaloon ticket , on
which are written the following words :
"Our ship Is in greet distress. The
masta nro destroyed. Immedinto re-
lltf is iivcesAary. Steamer Nader-
land. " The Red Line ntearaer Nedot-
land , Cftpt. Uberwig , sailed from Ant
werp , Bebfuuy 3J , for New York.
Bournemouth beach , whore the bottle
is snid' to have boon found , is in
Southampton county , England.
BEULIN , February 8 The emperor
is especially gratified at the acceptance
by the prince of Wales of the colonelcy
ot thu Bluoher'e hussars of the Third
luiTKra Ho announced the appoint-1
nient la a very touching ante riph
'utter to tlin prlnc.o. A dopntatioli i f
'w regiment rtqucst pormltsion to
nnder p.ernonally 10vatea an cxpree-
on of their renen of thp honor con-
< rrcd , and hops ho will attend the
prmp or autumn parade ntid present
he regiment to the emperor.
MILBOOJ K , February 8. Returns
f the oleotinn for members of tnrri-
oriul parliament ; f jrcshadow the do-
cat tf the govcrnnont.
N , 1'Vbruary 8A Paris < lis-
Jules Forrv yostordiy
ecoinm'inded Prosidtuit Gravy to ex-
} L the Orleans princoa by a decree
Grovy hesitates to take anoh a coursr ,
" ut it will probably bo adopted if a
ministry ia formed under Ferry.
BEULIN , February 8 The liberals
.nduttraraontarna . are against holdinga
ossion of the hntag and relchatag
miultanooujly. Germany continues
xclted over the elevation Gan Thu-
landia to the ministry.
The Post says : Tno incident may
OB.slbiy prove a sontco of fresh calam
tijf ) fjr Franco and Germany and
misfortune to the countries likewise.
OAIUO , February 8. The report ia
hero that the Egyptians in Boudar
have yielded to the false prophet.
HULL , Eng. , February 8. The
ihlp "Brixmblo Tye , from S n Fran-
cieoa , lost four men in a hurricane.
A boat with the stern marked "Uto
pia , Glasgow , " was foiwd at Movagis-
say. The funnel of the steamer
Utopia had no band , consequently the
atoamor reported iiiT Capo Cornwall
with n red bond nround the funnel
oatinot bo the 'Utopia of Naw York.
The * steamship Utopia sailed from
'hisport January 23 , for Glasgow.
HAMDURQ , February 8 The case
against the captain of the atoamor
Sultan , vhich ran into and sank the
Cimbria , will bo brought to trial on
iturday. Sixty-eight witnossea from
ho Sultan and Clmbrla will bo exam-
nod. It la rumored the prosecution
'or manslaughter ia Intended.
LONDON , February 8. A Paris dis
patch states that Falliera , president < f
the council , to-day expressed an in
tention to resign.
CORK , February 8 The White
Star ship company subscribed to the
Cork exhibition and offjrs to carry
free ICO tons of American exhibits.
CETHNJE , Februarys. The Mon
tenegrin government announces the
rupture of rotations between Monte <
negro and Turkey bocauio the lattti
filled to agree to the cession of tor-
P. Bsnjtmin , the qnoon't
contisc-l , has retired from practice.
LONDON , February 8 The bullior
in tbH Bank of England increased
00,000 Ibe. the past week. Thn pro
porliojjofjreajrro tolhbl.i y la 4G pel
cent.Thirty thousand tons of now ship
ping wora ordered on the Clyde tin
past fortnight , Including two steamer ,
for the North German L'ojd ' company
Thn Dynmlta Fiend * .
Special DUpi'ch toTur. 13SK.
BOSTON , February 8. A Philndel
phia dispatch says Loon Hartmann
the Russian nihilist , arrived fron
Washington and had an all nigh
oonf jronco with Ilerr Moat and throi
momborii of the fntornatlonal aocietj
of Now York. Too conference hnc
relation to the coronation of the czir
Bachraann , another nihilist , arrivoc
to-dcy nnd another cnnfersncn tool
place. Herr Most Kent a cipher dia
patch to Berlin socialists and ar
rangei f or another conference thl
eveniog. Elartmann declared to tin
Girman eooialiata there that the coronation
nation will not bo allowed.
A Tfot d Crook Caught.
Spccltl ll pitch to Tui Dun.
CiiiuAna , February 8. The polic
have in custody an expert hotel thle
who has been committing a eorlea o
depredations for the past two weeks
lie gives his name as William filado
lie is believed to ba the man win
robbed the room of J II. Fiemtalng
the New York drummer , at tin
[ * &lmer house , a few days opo , am
when discovered , frightened awaj
three hotel porters with a revolve
and eoocped. In hU room in the wca
side were fonnd 025 shires of stock in
tbo Denver Oirclo railway , the prop
erty of Mtrshtl Jowcll and Thnmra
M. Nichnl , politichr ; a protr.mrj
note by Nichol for 51,50) in favor of
Speaker Kelfor , of Ohio , all stolen
from Jewell's weRtcrn agent at the
PACilTi a week ngo. In ndditlou there
was valuable j molry and two 1,000
mlln railroad tickets. Tie police arc
unable to identify him in the list ol
Oenernl H'4 5rmi\n'j BlrthtlBy Cole-
brntpd by iv Mt\tq lot Speech
bytuudrortt Wnrrlor.
SpocUl Dlapikteli ti Tin ! ) .
WAHHl a oN , Fdhrunrj 8 4-A bin-
qnet wta given nt Wornih-vV to nl hl
in cnmiiii mnr\tlon of the Oil 1 birth
day of William Tccnuitnli Shumian ,
gencicl of the army , The gucstn were
Ohiaf Justice Wsito , General Sheri
dan , J Warren Kuifer , Senator lliw-
ley , Marshal ClaytonMcM < cln ( > 1 , Mr
Stilton Hutchitis , Gen. Van Vied ,
Chief Justice dirtrr , of the dln'rlot '
supreme court , Senators .John Shor
nun and John A. Ligan , Justice Mo
\rthur , Senator Allison and RnuHdell ,
Henry Wat'orson , Jmtlco Stanley
Matthews and Justice Miller. In reply - ,
ply to n toast to ha health , General
Sherman made n speech of some
length. Spoechpa were atai marfo by
Chief Justice Waite , Justice Miller ,
cnonxl Sheridan , Senator Ilawlpy ,
enator Logan and Mr. Wattorcou.
Gen. Shonnan bo a-i by sayins :
According to our family Bible I wan
jrn the 8 h day of Fdbrusrr , 18iO ,
onsiquently I am in my C4th year
f life , and If I survive another year ,
111 pass from ac'.lvo command ot the
rmy of the United States to a life of
ompnrativu ease and retirement. The
w for compulsory retirement of all
rmy cfli ; era at the ago of G4 wns in
iy judgment wise and proper. I did
ot ask for or wish exception in my
wn cise , and I declare that I then as
ow approved the measure nnd nskad
: ny friends not to interpose any objco-
'ons by reason of its effect on mo
think I am duly grateful
hat I have pasaod through
i3 years cf varied Hie with mind nud
ocfy sound enough to premise a roit-
nablo remainder , f irl Tarn thankful
o congress that oultihlo and liberal
irovisioi a hts boon made for mo and
hooo dependent upon me , to enable
i to live out our nppolnttd dttya in
lompar.V.ivo ease "
Ho then reviewed briefly the pro
rea of the world in the orta of civil-
zitlon during the past half u century ,
oferred to the stirring ovonta which
id taken place in tliia country within
Iiat period aud ojpecially to thn wnra
i which the people ot the United
states has been engaged and said that
von now , after a very ahoit lapse of
ime , it could bo aeon that these wats
iad accomplished valuablcrosnlts which
: onld not have Seen reachtd in any
ther way. As an illustration cf thlj
10 asserted that the American war
which extended our a system of gnv <
Tninont from the Atlantic to the Pa
iific , converting lands which had re <
malned for centuries in possession ol
wild beasts and wilder savages , into
prosperous ststca and torr torica in n
hort period of years. After pointing
mt the fact that the acquisition of
Califuiiila wan blio one of the resulta
of this war , General Sherman review-
id briefly the riao and development of
hat great otato and the open-
ng of railroad communication ncrora
the plains. "In those mighty ou'or
prises , " ho said , "the noldier went
hand in hand with the civilian. " Rd-
erring to the late civil war , Gen
Sherman said : " 1 need not apeak to
yon of the civil war. Ito history is
written , and all who now hear mo re
member its details. I will venture to
aay , however , in this connection that
friend and foe alike now Bharo its
glories and fruits. No part of the
union has experienced a larger meas
ure of profit than the section over
which wo seemingly triumph. I be
llevo that nine out cf ton
toldicrs of the aouth would
rather be members of our present
glorious Union , at peace with all the
world , than citizens c f the Southern
Confederacy , with slavery the corner
stone , and at constant war with their
neighbors. I have not the least de
sire , hero or elsewhere , to boast < f
my share in that war , but I do feel a
aeuso of pride and satlefactlon that
wo aa a people mot the issuea of that
day like bravo men and carried our
ship through breakers which for u
time appeared to bo A ihlpwrock. "
"Peace and good order now reign
snpremaand I can lay aside the armor
with which I hav been clothed with
honor and safety. Another will take
up where I leave i IT and our arm ;
wi'l ' move on ita glorious career to ul
timate destiny , which no wan m y
foresee. "
In conclusion tbo general said ;
"The occasion is not suitable for mete
to eay even this much , but though
my military career is in its penulti
mate , I cannot help pleading to my
countrymen at every opportunity tc
cherish all that Is manly and noble in
thn mi itary profoition , bfciusj peace
is enervating and no man is wist
enough to foretell when soldijn maj
be in demand again. "
Gen. Grant in a speech , said : It
perhaps , fifteen months it will be pos
alblo to g } by railway to Mexico , am
from any point of the United States
The now treaty , the general hold , wll
open a market for many manufacture !
which Mexico does not produce , am
which wo do , aud it will bo the mos
advantageous thing for both countries
Poyuo Cuptuiod-
SpocUl DUpttch to Tni H i.
LEAVKNWOBTU , February 8. Th
headquarters department of the Mia
souri to-day received oflioUl notice o
thocaoture of Captain Payne , th
Oklahoma boomer , south of th
Clmarron river , by Lieutenant Ste
vena , the party being on thrjr way t
Oklahoma oututtcd with ono hnndrei
wagons. Captain Carroll , command
ing troops in the Oklahoma country
will toke the party to Fort Rano.
Thn Auont * Deny It.
Epedal D pitch to TUB Bin.
PHILADELPHIA , February 8 P to
Wright & S ms' ugonta , of the Ilei
Star line , still continue to assort tha
the steamer Ncdorland will nrrlv
iafoly. In rog&rd to the messagi
found in the bottle on Itourcimutl
beach , they bollovo aomo fotlfoh paa
aongor had thrown the bottle over
board. The ahip la most atrongl'
built and had juit undergone o thoi
ongh overhauling.
The Remarkable OareEr of Jay
IW.d , His Ear'y Life x-
poiioncos , and His
Later Triumph5 ,
What Ho Bays of Himself On-
dorPro'.oat HowHMLlv B ,
aud 8omo of Hid
ATrlbnttfromHia Frloml
A1J a Con-pica in
Character on thr. Unit ,
line Strost.
8itc'.il Cormpjudonce of th Planter firji.
Nhw YOHK , January 3l. Jfy
Gould wnghs 110 pound * . S.icctsj
ful pollliolaua are u u lly largo men
phystcftlly largo , I mean. 1 have no
doubt , judging from the mcmbora I
am acquainted with , and the avoirdu
pois 01 past congresses , tlmt the mom-
burs of iho present congress neigh , on
an nverjge , 183 pounds each pjrhapi
morn. In n United S'ntcs ourmte , nut
very long ago , the overage weight nns
200 pounds. The cause of this lo not
fartoeock. Other thingsiqunl , largo
ruon have grcnt vitality , Mid BO are
oapililo of ovorcomiug obstacles.
Moat of thu fnmoun editors this
country has produced have boon lurue
men. Ilorao-i Grooloy weighed 12CO ,
Thurlow Wood welxhrdSlO ; Uonry J.
Rtymond weighed 180 or more ; so did
Simuol Bowlcn. IIugh Hastings and
Qiiu. .lam01 Watson Webb turn the
to ilen at 00. ll'jbert Banner weighs
2fiO ; George Jones weighs moro thnti
20j ; so docs Charles A. Dins ; BO does
Uon , Hawley : Bodoos Murnt lidlsteoJ ;
so does George Alfred Townsend ; au
does Mr. Hnrlbu'jao will Whitolaw
Rjtd In five yoifA moro.
Jiiy Gould ia ouo if the daintiest
outers I over saw. lie Is often to be
scon at DjlmonicoV , opposite hU
tflbo ( whioh is in the famous old build-
lug at 71 Broudwaj ) and if ho can got
a piece of atonk a& big aa his Uigur
a finger , mind yea ! and half a oup
black o&lTje , ho ia abundantly uat
fiid. If , in udditon , ho oata a stick
celery and tire aliens cf broiled po-
tkto , ho ealla it gorging. Ills dgjs-
'on is not good , his utomce'i is in a
ate of somt-rebellion nil the time
t ia astonishing how n mm with the
cry citadel of lifo occupied by the
nerny ciu possess such ovenn inter-
uj ; power. I don't know where Sol
ver went to after he had indignantly
gJayGiuldovortho railing in WoU
treot , but if ho had any munllnoan in
itn ho WAB thoroughly ashamed of
imsolf and hasn't K it over it yet.
I otllod at Mr. Gould's bilbo the
thor day , had a talk with the great
nauoial con ; HI about himself , and ob-
almd from the principal tnoaiber of
is bnsinoia family , G P. Morisinl ,
omo fiots udditlmul to thoio gonur-
lly known about him.
Jay Gould was born in Itoxbury ,
Daluvan couutv , in a rndn part of
iVeatarn Now York , May 27 , 1837
o ho IB not yet forty six Indeed , his
oal black board and hair , whioh ,
hough thin , h scarcely touched with
ray , indicate a nun below middle life.
iy Gould WUB lucky at the very start
in bolrg barn poor. Few Amorl
cans are rich at f jrty unless they hid
u inheritance of poverty. They who
iavo an easy boyhood and find them-
lolvcs at twenty with a few thousand
n hund , which they try to increase ,
ire the onus who are really "born tea
a hard lot " Jay waa not thffhandt-
sapped. His father , John B. Gjuld ,
wan a poor farmer , and could scarcely
} arn nnough to support his largo faml-
y in the simplcat slylo. The boy was
ho youngest , and when at the ago of
en or twelve his great thirst for
knowledge developed , hir elder sisters ,
. ouug ladies of considerable culture ,
became his teachers. I couldn't induce -
duce Mr. Gould to toll mo much about
his period of his lifo or , In fact , at.j
other. ' 'I have nothing to say"he
protested ; "why should I talk about
myself ? It doesn't seem to mt at all
proper or necessary. I am talked
about now ten tiraos as much as I wanl
to ba or ought to bo. I prefer to re
main a otriotly private citizen. "
"Yon cannot bo that , " I took tha
iborty of suggesting , "unless yon gc
out of Wall ntr < ! ot , out cf speculation ,
and out of business and put youi
money Into bonds and lire on the in
terest of it. At preaunt , the public
have a right to feel an interest in you. '
' "Vury well , then , " no reluctant ! )
conceded , "my boyhood in Iloxburj
wai about the iitne us that of othei
boys roundabout. I worked around
the farm , planting and hoe > ng , going
to district school some , doing cliorei
and milking COWB nights , and ubonl
the most vivid memory of tlmt time If
of an old brindle cow that I tried tc
milk. She kicked mo in the mos' '
skillful manner , and I turned a complete
pleto Bomeraot in the yard. It aoemi
funnier now than it did then. "
The growing boy studied nights
road all the books ho could got in tha
sparsely settled country , and at tin
ago of fourteen applied to hia father ti
end him to the aondomy in an ad
j nnlng town.
Ills father could not afford it. Th
boy thought it over deliberately , ful
that his study of mathematics , no ;
beyond the instruction cf Roxburv
mtint be gratified somehow , and re
solved to go to the academy and pa ;
hla own expenses. Ho asked hi
father's permission. "Of course , yoi
can go if you want to , " was the nature
rrply , "you nin'tgood fir much hpro
It was the solemn truth Jay had al
ready discovered that he was not bor ;
to bo a farmer by u largo mujsritj
The next morning the ambitiou
youth hastily arose from the breakfat
table , held out his lurid to his sat
prised father and said "Good bye.
There were tears , entreatier , warning'
but ho hurst away , seized hla llttl
bundle c f clothes and ntarted on foci
through the wild and Bunraaly settle
regions over the mountains to Helm
academy , with CO cents In hla pockol
Thirty-two yoare later , being charpe
with treacherously Boiling out hi
a&archtcH , ho laid upon a table stoc
and bonds of hla own of the value :
$35,000,000 ,
Arriving at Hobart college and car
vasalng the town for work , ho got
chance to keep booka for the vlllaao
blacksmith , who had started n little
store next the shop. This helped him
out. lln spent mornings nnd even
ings with ( ho son of Vulcan , and p td
his w y at cohool. Ho rested h'tlo ,
played little , talked Httlo , and wrrkod
turd llko Napoleon r t the artillery
tchool cf Brlenno , tie inado su.prls
lug progress. In tii months ho had
learned what the academy had to
teach aud letl It. Ho left the village
blacksmith , too , nud entered a hard
ware atoro as clcik , devoting hli oven *
uiKS to systema'lo study of trlgoiium-
otry and summing. Ho arose r\t 4
in thu mornins ana gave three hours
to bjok and olato. He bjrrowcd an
old couipitn and a sot of surveying
tools , and , inducing the boys of the.
village to bco iino his ihg and chain
bearers by presenting to them tojn t f
his own manufacture , ho succeeded in
learning practical surveying "without
a master.
At the same time ho uppllod him
se f to the hardware buiinojs BO omr
getically that at the aqo of fifteen the
little prodigy wns made ( nil partner
and entrusted with the onliro charge
of the buslucia Ho came to uw
York for the first tinii' in his life , and
was able to opai account with Phelps ,
Dodge & Co. , nnd other heavy houses ,
Hut hd had not yet found his career.
Tito hardware trade wax not congenial
and the same year , 1852 , ho slipped
out , left his Httlo capital behind , put
hia father in his place , and engaiud to
tnko clnrgo of n ourvoying party at
$20 a month , to complete the imp of
Ulster county. Ho organized his
pirty , and smarted with $5 in his
pocket ; walked for.y miles the first
day and worked A fortnight , when hla
employer suddenly "f.tiled" before ho
had paid them a cent. Gould nt once
resolved to carry on the survey him
self. What now happened to the
fifteen year old boy is best told in
11 u OOULU'H OWN wonus.
"i was out of money , that la to say ,
nil I had WM a 10 cent piece , and with
that last coin I determined not to part.
( [ did not part with it , and never
nhall. I keep it new aa a memento )
Fall was approaching , and unless our
surveys were finished before winter
sot in they would bo postponed till the
next spring , subjecting us to addi
tional expense and perhaps cinalng
their abandonment. I determined to
go ahead , if possible. But lion ? I
had neither time nor money to go back
to Delaware county for supplies. I
was among entire atrnugcra and with
out credit. I could neither advance
nor retreat without money , nnd BO
deeply did I deplore the ruins of our
project that I shod tears. Tired ou
with my lapl day'a trump , hungry and
djt > atod , I was resting in n rocky
nook nottr the town of < ; nnk ,
my tears trickling down on the face of
the compMS , when I was suddenly
halted by a farmer , who asked ma to go
homo with him and mtko a noun-
mark north and south line ,
so drawn that the shadow of au
upright object falling on it will in
dicate mid-day. I was asked to t\ko
dinner first , and joyfully accepted , aa
I had supped on two small crackers
the previous night , had boon hud at
work since daylight , and felt exceed
ingly faint. After a hearty dim or , I
made the noon mark , and wan ubuut
to bid the hospitable farmer g iod-byu ,
when ho asked what I clurged for the
work. I said I charged nothing ho
was woioomo to it ; but ho offiired mo
half n dollar , insisting that it was the
price a neighbor had paid for ono. I
accepted the money and departed re
joicing. If I had discovered a now
continent , I could not have been moro
elated , for with GO cents in my pocket ,
and the prospect of making other noon
marks along the route , I saw a way tc
carry my enterprise through. lean
never forgot that diy. From that
time forward the fame of my noon
mirks preceded me ; applications came
in from farmers all around , and out
of this now source of supply I paid all
the expenses if my surveys and came
out at the completion with 8 > in my
picket. "
A respectable sum was rocolvod
from thu map Young Gould non
became a prcfjsslonal surveyor aud
civil engineer. He mapped Albany ,
Ulster , Greene and Delaware counties ,
la .Now York , Like and Goauga coun
ties , In Ohio , and Oakland county In
Michigan ; nude the surveys for a
p ank road and a railroad , wrote and
published a history of Delaware
county , started a tannery where he
employed 250 men , built a town
( Gjuldborr ) and established a bank
and c&rriod it through the panio ol
1857 bi fjro ho waa twenty-one. lit
sold aui ntomtjn his town for $80,000
and invested the money in dopreciatcc
railroad securities alter the panic
Soon after this ho secured a controll
Ing Interest in two railroads , and i
waa not long before ho embarked al
his fortunes in the Erie , with wha
sucoeas ia well known. With heron
lean energy ho has reached out auc
gathered in the relna of transports
tlon dropped by other hands , till nov
hn la the cmtral fitgnro of 30,009 mllei
of railroad communication , and thi
most potent financial gonlua in the ro
with the Mutual Union Telegraph
undertaken in behalf of his pot , th
Western Union , ia said to worry Mr
Gould more than anything olio ha
recently done , lie is BUI prised to se
the now company develop such fi ht
ing qualities , and ho has boon tomptoi
to do aomo things tf the Jim Fill
order , that are not regarded as quit
inaro by his otsoclnter , Cyrus Fluid
Dr. Gioen , Uon. Eckort and men sensitive
sitivo to bn-inoes honor such BI thi
recent breaking open and examlnlni
of John G. Moore's private paper
during hia abaenca from the city ,
Jay Gould is not "nice , " but hi
quarrels do not rankle , Russell Sig >
said to mo a fortnight ago :
"Gould in ono of the best nature
of men. After the failure of that pei
sUtcnt conspiracy to ruin him , 1
which his fingers certainly wer
pinched Borne , ho was just an plcasan
ns ever with the parties to it ; ho deal
with them just ns freely as ever , an
gvo them as many chances as ho dl
anybody. But while the contest last
ho never leta up. The bears at prei
eat are not having a very goo
time in their dealings with him. "
now n r. LIVES ,
Mr. Ginld lives In an unprutontlot
but spacious mansion at thu corner i
Fifth avenue und Forty-seventh atn e
in the winter timo. Ilia tuilta n
alrnplo aud democratic. His h&bltn n
i- thoroughly domestic. Ho ia not 1J | <
! y to die aa Tom Soott did three yc
ago , for ho uios neither liquor nor tc-
bacco. loroa his family , retires t 10
ind rises at C , Mr. Gould has a fine
library , with a choice lolcctlcn of
l)3okp , strong In the department of
history , and ho is n oloso student out
of business hours , Ho is not n ro-
llgioua man , like Rnisoll Sago , bnt
goes to church sometimes.
Mra. Gould is a daughter of a Mr.
Miller , a retired grocer of the city ,
and ia a qnlot , refined nnd Interesting
lady. There nro six children , equally
divided between the soxcr , and the
three boys nro all in buslnoen with
their father. The oldest , O.orge.l
Gould , n youth of 22 , Is n member of
the linn of W , E. Conner & Co. , ol
which Mr. Morlslnl himself ia spechl
ptrtnur. Connor , by the way , known
to his famllltrs M "Wnsh , " began lifo
as Mr. Gould's cflica boy , and ia now
a millionaire-and more , too.
Thn Troaimjr Emptr.
Hptclal Dbpatoh to Tin lliti.
NAHUVILLB , February 8. A mes
sage from Uov. Bate wia road before
the lnglslaturo to-day , the urontor portion
tion of which refers to the nottlomont
of the Btnto debt and payment of in
terest bonds funded , together with
the Into defalcation. The governor
says Polk left the treasury empty.
Thn Flro in n Hunlnn Circun
The Vienna ooirospondout of a Lon
don paper gives ttio lollowing details
of the rccont burning of a RuaMau cir
cus :
The performance had reached the
fifth item in the programme , eomu
clowns being in the ring , when an
other clown in noting oooturao rushed
in , shouting "Fire ! " At first the
people thought this was part rf the
performance , and laughed ; but immo
dlatoly after the ringmaster rushed in
and gave the alarm. The econo of
horror that ensued was indescribable.
The audience wore so closely packed
that motion waa almost irnpotslblo.
Some in despair flung themselves
from the galleries , aud paronta nuablo
to iavo themselves made a diapcrato
attempt to save their children by
throwing them down into the ring. .
Some ol thu men , wearing the long
coats of the Russian Jews , were en
tangled on apikoH , nnd remained hang
ing In the air , while the whole build
ing resounded with heartrending cries.
In the ring , where thu clowns had
boon performing , there wns a carpet ,
nnd for a Httlo while thu children
were Bifo in the centre of thl * ; but
when the grown up people in their
despair began jumping from tha dross
circle und galleries , the whole ring
became ono inextricable mass , in
which the children were trampled to
death or tutlccatod before the Ihmcs
rnaohid them. But oven this was not
the worst. The horses soon boosing
unmanageable , and about n dozju of
them , driven m&d with pain nnd ter
ror , broku into the ring , trampling to
death the people huddled together
there , All this occurred In less time
than it takes to describe , nnd In
twenty minutes all was over at least
half the people who had boon in the
building being burned to death or suf
focated. At the windows and various
uxits scenes of the most horrible do-
eoription were enacted , some of the
strongest , in their efforts to oxtrlaato
themselves from the struggling mass ,
forcing others weaker than themselves
into the ( lunos.
The fire brigade was summcgod ;
but the engine was delayed by fulling
through the ice , and when It arrived
the water In the tanks wan frozen.
The doors of the circus opened in-
w.ud , add thu aide ontrancoa were
nailed up. Efforts were begun on
Sunday to reouvor the bodies. At the
main entrance to the circaa lay the
burned and blackened bodies rif a heap
of victim , their heads fairly outside
the doori while their bodies wore
hold aa though ill n vice by
these who had crushed upon
thum from behind. Further inside
the ruins many of the bodies were
urnod to a cinder. The total lees of
fu has been ascertained to bo 2G8 ,
nd of these 187 had up to last night
eon identified and claimed by their
ciativoa. Twenty-one bodies are atill
waiting identification , while slity
'liora have boon literally burned to a
ilnder and are past all hopes of roc
ignition. Among those who porlnhod
ro oald to bo two E.iclish o to wns
tie of them named Wostpn. The
oad of the Bourse committee auc
ho colonel of the police an
, mong the victims , the majority ol
rhcm are said to bo Jews. A Jo
amed Barcaowac , whoso wlfo anc
hroo daughters were killed in tht
trcun , attacked in the open atreot or
'nndny M KorrBtloff , the chief ol
ho Merchants' Guild , and tftor BO
reroly wounding him with a knifa at
cmptod to commit auicido by cuttio (
his own throat. It IB stated thai
Koroslloff , in iflVctinghfa own escape
'iad jjUjhod back Borca3wno'ri wifi
iito the flames. Four women win
oat their hmbanda wont mad in thi
onfualon and horror of the night.
Wr lleiule nd lUtlU
Correct an'illablo Wtvea a Specialty.
L 222M. . , Omnlin. Nrti
* I GAKLIBLK , Pa. , January 27 183.1.
Notice Is hert-br . Ivtin that ho partnnnhl
liereiotoie olitliu b twcen th under * uned , It
itotk ( crowing purpose ! , li Chi > ) cnne count ;
Veliraoka , hai bceu thlt day dlaso > ol by rnu'ui
coiiieut. T II. LAWKIXCK ,
J 11 IIOHL.H ,
Feb2-lw Qto.l. . II08LEB
0. SrEOllT , . - Proprietor.
/212Harnoy8t. - Omrlia.NQl .
id Tin , Iron and Slaio Goofing ,
Spt'cht'a Patent llotnllo Bkyligh
Patent Ad j aatod Rntohot Bar
and Brocket Shelving , I am
the general ugont for the
it , nbovo line of goods ,
Orcttlnift , Daluttrcde * , Ver nda JOm *
. i Bank Ralllugt , Window and Mlterj
° I tiuardi : lie
The &URE8T OURRfor
Doe 11 lame baok or a dlaordered nrtne
IndloataJiatyonaroavlcUrnr TltEKDO
once ( drutirlflU recommend It ) and It will
ipeedlly iveroome the dlteaae and rttiore
3 healthy action toalltheoreani.
c I arll roroomplaln .
c fmf\4lVOm toy our tex.tuohai pain
and weakacatee , KIDNEY-WOBT It uniur-
wpamed.aiiltwlli aot promptly and tifelj.
e Mthfr Box. Incontinence , retention of
urine , brlclc dtut or ropy depqulta , and dull
[ aUro power. ( 2)
Mn o prftrilb il KlilnryW rtwlth rcry gml
n'lCLt in a in ro oru O'c cln'ln t cm n ( k d-
not ml ll crttmtilc * , ! I rlemto wMkoow-
i n - 1'hllip U llillou , it I ) , M mklon , Vt ,
"V > to ( hat been m'ich ti-ntllt'cd ( rcmthe
nor i K iln y Wur . bhah il K nno > a < 1 tttiir
c inphint ; " wrltcj Itcv , A. 1) . Cjltinin , Jajttta
llilp , Tiiiti.
> for nil dloonsos of the Kidneys and (
It hna frpeclflo action on thla moat Important
I orpin , onabllng it to throw off torpidity and |
i Inaction , stlmnlatlnff the healthy aeontlon
, ortlin inie. iind by keeping the bowelj In tree
1 condition , clTcotlca tta roculardlncharee. '
nlm > | t Kyou ore luHerinK from
r dldllcli malaria , have tbe chilli ,
are Mlloui. riytpcpUo , or ooiutlpntod. Kid-
ney-Wort will lure IT rrClove ft quickly oare.
1 lnthliBeaiontocleanietheByitomevery
ono ihonld take a thorough oource ot It. ( II )
"I ainallTlnor mhocnte uf the rlr UM ol KM-
nry wort. 1 mirTer il Ititold ncony trom lifer
JUo'iUr U rar il ma , " John D. httlrn ,
HilnRfle | il O.
Mo other dlsouo In BO prevalent In tblt
sountry M CoiuUpatlon , aud no remedy
hu evrr rquallcd tbo celebrated KIDNEY-
WORT u a euro. Whatever the cause ,
however obatlnato the caae , UiU remedy
will ovrroome 1U
Dll K7Q THIS dlitnxalnc eom-
r * I L. BO plaint U very apt to be
oompllcxtrd with ootuUpatlon. Kidney-
Wort trcnjrUiena the weakened parU and
Junlckly cum nil klmU of Win even when1
C phyalclani and mixUclnci have before niU-
ed. IWiryou have either ofthenotroubl
"Coiisllpntliii , liuill I i form' , jlcUlato KM
rrywort ] i ftinn'eillwa i In li > oiy I.ICCIM
fu . " Dr. I'hlllii 0. llallou Monkton Vt. , Anill
20th IS .
it lfniiri nii iT-i- T inir i n ni
- - - - - - - - -
An It IA ror nil Uie painful dlaoosea orthe
Itcloansci thelyitcmorthoacrid polnon
that causes the dreadful iffatinc which
only the victim * of rheumatism eun roaliio
of the wont forma of till j terrible dtaease
have boon quietly relieved.
' " "
rnin i.'iJctiii | rDB1ir"BrjLrTL"r iriccasTi.2 |
(5O Dry can be n nt by mall. ' '
| < V1 LTJUICllAUHSONn > . . llurllnirton.Vt
f ftVl * * 1 VST ilW TI * ' * * " " 1 ' " " l - * *
"I eouUflnJ m remMy ( or my K'dney ' com-
liUlrn and rhiti imtlsin. " writiu "r A. U Uurr ,
r > ITorilo | MI'I ' Flnrl.U , until I wai cmed b/
Klilney Wor " K pjiiirn , Ino'deut to lumbar-
U IT cnu e > l Ur Hut I'D i licidirr.
Bare Care for all FKMAIiK WEAK *
MISSES , Inclmllntr I.eacarrbaa , Ir >
vemilnr and Painful Ulcniitruatlon ,
Inflammation nnd Ulcorntlon of '
the Womb , rioodlnf , PICO-
nrneananttotliatasto , cmcacloui and tamedlati
IU effect. It ( merest help In preenaney , and n-
vr < pain dnrln ? labor and at regular ( icrlodt.
rinsinisstsniT j'surniscninc IT I-HITLT.
[ TTon AiLWeinnaisrs of the Reneratlve cream
either ee j , It la ( econd to no remedy thnt ta ever
en lieforu the public i and for all dlscnecs ot to *
VKETa It 'jt thu Qrentitt Ktmtdy in thi World.
T-KII > NIY i-AiNTs of cither s r
Find ( .rent Kcllef In Iti Uie.
i.vni \ n. I'l.VKiiAsi's IIUIOD
iradlratu rvi'iy ve ttio or lIuinoiB riora
oo < lnMlmiuunotlmnwllU'lrntniin and rtmigth to
ijHun. Airaarrclluualii rctulUOBUioOomiiouad.
ITTRolhtlio Compound and Blood Pander are pro
| rtd at 13 and JS3 Wcktcrn Avenue , Lynn , Mai *
rlmorilthor , 81. fill bottles fur ti The Compound
ent by mall Inthoformntpllli , or of lorcnRef , on
< eelrt of price , gl per box for either. Mrs. Ilnkhan
rely aniwera all Icttrraof Inquiry. EnrloMSeoA
amp. Beni for pamphlet. Xtiitlon tM > ruprr.
nrl.Tnu E. rrnauVH I nm. Pnjj rare Conrtrp * .
( n. lllllouineu and Torpidity ( it thu IJvcr. S3 com *
1 3-Kold by all Irns = Ut . - a CO
01,0 MEDA' , , PAU 8 , 187 $
Warranted Absolutely pur *
Cocoa , f re in wblo theoio.ii
nt ol ti betn r ruoTcJ. It b 8
three tlmei thettrength ot
Cocra mix d lm HtTCD , Ar-
DK Ilootor 8rg > ranli : ti to-
lot ( r n ore e rmuilcal. It la
J Iclcui ncurl'hlntr , itrorinb-
enl"ir , i lly dlg > tel , a'dal-
n Ir bly let < pftd lor Invi 'At as
well ai lor peisjm ID he.llh.
Sold by Qrocert Everywhere
W , BAKER ft Oo
New CO hone power S'asm Boiler.
Now25-h rm i > oucrBt im Dollar.
New Vertical Steam Ii I er
hew Vtrtk-jil "toani llcllcr , 15-hOMe rower.
Becond haaj virtlcaUteatu tn lno ol 15-hotne
Stioml lianil entire ct C-hotaj ponerneu1y (
now )
Aluo l'iinip , Smoke-Stocks atd all arllc'oj be-
to tuat line
Missouri Valliy Boiler &
Iron Works ,
J 10-131 PHOPniETOR-
cures fj
* : ' 'i J1 Uon mi Icnrtban.