THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA FRIDAY FEBRUARY 9 Omaha Bee. Pnbllihed ernry morning , ozoept Son * y. The enly Mondfty morning dally. TERMS BY MAIL- One Year. . . . (10 00 I Three Months. (3.00 BlxMonthi. . 5.00 | One Month. . . . 1.00 ' 'HE WEEKLY BEE , pnblUhed every Welneaday. TERMS POST PAID One 5f oar 82 00 I Three Months. BO "Mr Months. . . . 100 I One Month. . . . 20 AMKHICAN Nrwa CourANT , Bole Agent * , rs'ownilealors in the United Statoa. , CORRESPONDENCE Onirmunl. i ntfons relating to News > .nd Editorial matters nhould bo addressed to the Knrrou or THE BEE , BUSINESS LETTEHS-All Basinet Iiflttern And Kemlttnnces chould bo nd 1re > ed to THE HER I'unLiHiiiNO COUPANT JMAHA , Drnftn , Chnckn nnd I'ostnllico Jrdert to be made p.iyablo to the order of the Company , The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props- K. ROSEWATEH Editor. AN attempt wan inado on Friday in the Now York assembly to doalaro a defeated bill pasted , It lookn aa if 3d Slaughter haa boon imparted to Vlbany. . FIVR thoasand dollar * reward Is offered for the return of State Treas urer Vincent , of Alabama. Tretnarora in the south are valuable pieces of property. COLOIUUO'H proanot tf gold , silver , lead and copper last year was about 926,000,030 Her product of senate' at the last election represented exactly 910,003.000 , and unfortunately noth ing nlse. TJIK Rovcrnmtnt paye the railroads nearly eleven million dollars yearly for its mail sirvioe. It other wordi , the government oanhib'Ucs two per cent of the entire annual gross earn- IURS of the railroads of the United Statoa. IT in rumored in Washington that Judge Bradley will ru'.iro from the supreme premo court bench in a few months and ba aaccjodcd by Secretary Fr < j- linghuynan. Julgo Bradley will bo remembered a the popular favorite of the demoaratia party during the elect oral oiirumlsslon agony. Iv thuro are any nbuioj cDnnected with the Nobrvuika Inoano asylum the people to know It. The general improioion is that Dr. Mathuweon'a aduiinlotratlon has bocn a remarkably nacooeoful one , so succouaful in foci that several other dootors of less ability would bo glad to slip into his sheen. The present legislature h s , hownvcr , no idea of Investigating one man out of oflba for the purpooo of appointing a joilnus and ambitious oandidato to the came position. THF.UK are already n half a dozen self announced candidates for the various city ciflicou which will bo vi- cated at the osmiug spring elections. Most of the gentlemen .who are anxious to succeed Mayor Boyd and I . his associates will not fill the bill. Our I oitizaiiB are ospoolally anxious at this time to ospiblo , tflijiont and honest men as their representatives , A great deal of money is to bo taken in and disbursed in Iho next two years for public Improvements and that is ono reason why the taxpayers of Omaha will bo even moro careful than usual in their choice of city of ficials and counoi'mon , These men who are most anxious to secure office are the ones who are least likely to uooeed. MORE attention than it deserves li being given to the trouble at the An napolis naval academy. The affiir is a college row complicated by mutiny , and like most sush rows shows how bumptious boys can bo and how inju dicious their masters. The original cfTtnso was that of Cadet Woodruff , who had solved certain hard problems in naval architecture , obtained per * misilon to leave the room during ex amination on plea of necessity , and while out posted a paper on which the problems wore worked out where other cadets could sco them ; and then on returning signed an affirmation that during his abionco ho neither re ceived astlstanco nor rendered any. The facts being discovered , Oapt. Ramsay imposed on him certain "do * merits" for dishonorable conduct and deprived him of his rank as potty cffior. Some cadets took it upon tham to cheer Woodruff , and penalties wore likewise laid upon them ; and when a derisive howling and hissing arose in regard to this order , a third was issued sending all cadets of the Crst class who participated on board the prison ship Santee , now Ij ing in the Severn , and depriving the patty officers of their rank and privilege * ; amTalso rcstiUtlng all the cadets in various ways , such as forbtddlcg them to attend "hops , " to walk beyond the academy grounds , or to walk in them "with 'other persona than c&dois " The consequence is that there are 40 cadets shut up on the Santee , and the rest 6f thrm extremely uncomfortable , whllo the commandant is maintaining his dignity over them all. The boys have acted like fools , cheering n man who is properly punished for cheating and Jylujf , and resontlngall discipline. They seem to forget that they are a part of ( he military force of the cosa- try , supported by the country. PROHIBITION OR HIGH LI- C.ENHE. . Iowa prohibitionists are rampant over the decision of the supreme court , declaring the late constitutional amendment void , and Governor Sher man is urged to call an extra session of the legislature as speedily as possi ble to take tbo first step towards the submission of another prohibitory amendment. If the governor is wiio ho will re fuse. Public sentiment in Iowa on the question of compulsory temper ance has undergone a great charge since tro members of the last legisla ture were elected , and another Eoislon of that body Tould not fairly represent - sent the voters of the state on the pro hibition Issue , The result of the experiment in Ktnsas has bson an eye opener to many who believed that the oi.f jrce- ment cf prohibition waa pracl'oble , and the revulsion of fooling at the late election Indicated what the verdict of the people of that state will bo should the qacsHon over again bo sub mitted to thorn foi revision. Nu sennlblo man wi 1 deny the evils resulting from intemperance or ploco any obstacle in the path cf such re striction of the traffic in llquois as is demanded by public sentiment , and can bo enforced by law. But the fact remains unchallenged that no prohib itory Amendment haa over been enforced - forced and it is fiir to assume from the results of past experience that none over can bo enforced. Nebraska has gene farther than any state in the union to wards solving this important problem of regulating the liquor tram's. If the Iowa republicans dcsira a sensible law which can bo'en forced lot thorn copy our high license bill with such modifications as have boon suggested by its operatlonu. They will find that nothing will so quickly take the question of prohibition out of politics bconusoiio prohibitory law can throw greater atfttguards around li quor nailing or bn onfoic'd half so easily. In addition the revenue from high Ihonsos Is no small mittor to bo passed over , when taxpayers are con sidering thu tompnranco question. DISTURBING INVESTMENTS- The railroad inAna ors and their representatives at Lincoln have a great deal to cay about the immense capital iavcstod in railroads in Ne braska , the cost of their construction and Iho small riturno which they pay on the investment They protest that legislation against extortionate rail way rates will bo intorfuronco with prlvato property , and rsk why the people do not attempt to restrict the charges in other industries beside their own. No r , if over the public had an in terest in any corporation or business concern , they have in the railroads which travcrso thin state. Those road ) wore built originally wore money donated by the government and bonds voted by the people. The United Stairs poured over $70 000.030 into the pockets of the Orodlt Moblller-and Ojiitral P-uilia - syndi cates and voted them a princely land grant which in itself would have boon sufiblont to construct the Union Pa cific from Omahn to Ohoyonno. Ic addition hundreds ot thousands of dollars of local aid have boos extorted from towns and cities along its route. The capital invested was the people's and all the income for years has gone into the pockets of the stock jobbers and pirates who have manipulated its securities , watered its stock and in creased Its Indebtedness to cover up the enormous profits earned by its operation. The only investment which the Orodlt Mobiller gang made was an investment of bribery and jobbery in Washington and now their sue- oassors have the impudent audacity to protest against any Interference by the people with the rights cf innocent cap italists. While the B. & M. received no government subsidy in money , the sales from their land grant in the most fertile portion of Nebraska have been sufihlont to build the road and all its bronchos ever again from Plattsmonth to Oalbortson , without taking into ac count the liberal local aid which its managers have received , from towns and counties along Us route , Lit the fact bo known that those gigantic monopolies Invo not only boon created by the state , bt't fur nished vi 1th their capital by the people plo , and the howl cgilnst any restric tion of their abuses booiuio it may im. pair their dividend earnings , will have little effect on members of the leglsla < turo sworn to curb the extortionate exactions of the railroad robbers. A COKUE8PONDENT writes ns com plaining th t "TiiE BEE is not pub lished in the interest ! of the public , ' because its editor refuses to print t voluminous communication upon "The Eternal Immutability of Nature. ' Now Willie a number of our roadori are doubtless yearning to know some thing .more about' the eternal Immnta bility of nature , more are Interested In reading the news. A two colurur essay of the kind sent by our oorrcs pendent is generally a great deal mon interesting to the writer that to the readers of a nowapapor , For this reason in nine cases ont elton ton it finds a place in the editorial waste piper basket. If correspond ents have news to send , It is alwayi welcome when written concisely and as brli fly as possible. The Bex is also glad to receive communications on topics of current interest , but they must bo to the point and in small compass. The space of every news paper is valuable. In the BEE it sells for twenty cents a line to advertisers , and a communication must bo of moro present interest than the essay on ihn "Eternal Immnlability cf Nature" to bo worth that sum. PETITIONS are pouring into Wash ington from the west a khg congress to put lumber en the free list in the intercj. of consnmrrs in the trcelots states , Senator Vnn Wick's excellent speech has waked up a hornet's ucst. It haa also sent pout haste to Wash ington a lumber lobby which is only second in means and influence to the steel and iron ring in the capital. The porplo of the west are now taxed $10,000,000 a year on the lurn. bor they consume. This enormous subsidy is pocketed by a ring of east ern lumbermen who have steadily ad vauced prices and pocketed enormous profits ont of the necessities of the treeless states. Within the past five years the prices of common lumber in Iowa , Nebraska and Kansas have ad vanced from 45 to 05 per con- , while these of the finer grades have in creased in a etjll larger ratio. There is no excuse for this impo sition except the greed of the lumber barons. The tax on lumibor adds from $8 to $40 an aero to the value of their plno lambs. It does not increase by a dollar the wages earned by the Oanadtau lumbermen who are chit fly employed in felling and transporting the lojB. In addition , the tariff on lumber ia a standing promlum to a wanton destruction c f our foreeta which throhtons to make our soasaco iltoinations of ruinous drouth and weeping fhodo. THE LUMBER DEALERS' PETI TION A letter from Mr. Frank Colpetzer o the editor of TUB BEE encloses the 'ollowiig petition of western lumber dealers to oorgress , asking that Oatia dian lumber be placad on the free ist. The names appended represent ever two millions of capital , invested n selling and manufacturing lumber : OUIOAOO , February 5 , 1883. To tbo Honorahln the Seuntora and Repre eentntlvca In Congrest UHsombled : Wo , your petitioners , earnestly beg that in your wisdom you may BOO the ) thoughtful ptudcnca and atrontr moss- ity cf nuoh legislation as will plio * Chnadun lumber on the free list , and otherwise amend our present tariff laws. Wo think , in view of the rev- 'ions made by our federal oonaua in 1880 , which , however dlrputod , must bj valuable as it basis of information , wo find from the statistics of forestry that the entire standing white pine of the United States Is only sufficient to supply our want * for fifteen years , at present rate if consumption. Wo think the census estimate somewhat in error , and wo bellovo the error was imposed on the census bureau by the reports of the owners if timber lands , for the direct purposn of convincing the public that the supply of our white plno was nearly exhausted , and as a result pine lands must rapidly onhanca n value , and these being in the hands of comparatively f jw persons , offering an easy and tempting opportunity to monopoly. But the question of ad mitting Canadian lumoor to our ports free of duty was not seriously thought of at the time our owners < i growing ptno furnished such reliable informa tion to our census bureau. Admitting that wo have srflhlont whlto plno to supply our needs for twenty or twenty-five years , surely It is the part of prudence and the duty of statesmen to make provision against such a calamity in onr new republic , with its sparsely settled states and territories , needing , above all things , pine lumber to build homes for the brave , civilizing pioneers cf onr tree less plains. We think there can be no gocd reason for taxing any lumber ( in Us rongi state ) that may come to onr ports. Of course , the people liv ing in the pralrio states are the great est sufferers from a short supply of htph priced lumber. Your petitioners would ask your at tention to tbo following table of prices , showing the rapid advance in lumber in the past five years. CHICAGO QUOTATION * * ON COMMON LUM BKB. 1878. Studding , joists and Urn- berd 6 OOOtoStl.Ol Common bouil and fencing 10.00 to 11 00 Standard A shingles 2(0to ( 2.V5 Lath l.-IUto l.OJ 1883. Studding , jolsti and tim ber 513.W to ? 19.01 Con in m board und fencing 14.0 tj 18.00 Standard A Blioglei ' . ' .DO to P.IU Lith i.fiOto 2.73 Showing an Increase of from 45 to 05 per cent on common lumber within the piat five years. The upper grades of lumber have advanced in still greater ratio , showing plainly that un less new markets of supply bo opened lumber in the future will bo a luxury only attainable by the rich , while all improvements and settlements In the new slates and territories must cease. In fairness to the men who object to free lumber , from a feeling that it will greatly and suddenly depreciate their property in pine lands and logs , wo c ll your attention to the fact that tbo outtro present capacity of the saw mills of Canada is not of sufficient volume to materially lower present prices as to guard against continued and ruinous advances in the price of building material , oo essential to the development and progress of our country , and the total extinction of our whlto pine f jrests , with all its deplorable - plorablo consequences , placing the cltisans of our country at the mercy of foreigners , who control the only available white pine accessible to our continent. Trusting these considerations will have weight with your honorable body , and that you will in yonr wisdom adopt such measures as will result in Canadian rough lumber on the free list. . . Your petitioners , as lumbermen dealing directly with the poeplo in the states of Illinois , Iowa , Kinsae , Nebraska braska and Missouri , and representing the nesds of the people , will over pray. M. T. Greene , Chicago , III. } Frank Oolpo'zar , Omaha , Nob.j H. F. Cady , Nobranko City , Neb ; U. P. F.-ster , Llnc-jln. Nib. , Geo. Cross , Auburn , Neb ; Rjbert Pijrco , Topeka , Ki j S. Guerrior , AlcMsin , Ks ; Jno. Bwtt , Loavonworth. K * ; GJO. Pratt. Wich ita , Ks ; E T Williamson , Wellington - ton , Kt ; Fox Winnie , Newton , Ks ; 8. II Fullcrton , Bdloie , K > . ; Jno M. Byrne , Kinass City , Mo ; llobert Fullerton - lorton , Dos IVToltmi. I * . Prohibition und tbo Federal Confitltu- tlon. Clereliml L < Jcr A movement is being made to ao cure a prohibitory amendment to the constitution of Ponneylvania Nearly a hundrtd. thousand people have signed petitions favoring the measure , atd the aubj ct will doubtless provoke legislative action. To hulp on the matter ex-Chief Justice Agnoff , of that ntato , recently addressed iho members of the legtsla turo nt Harrisburg. He assumed that prohibition was the demand of the hour , and that the legislature could do no hotter work than to prohibit the mannfu3nre nnd sale of liquor in the state. Ho mudo , however , an admis sion that mutt prove fatal to pro hibition unions the federal constitu tion itself undergoes a change. In winding up hit argument he remaiked that prohibition of tbo importation of liquors would bo an infringement of thu constitution of thu United Statoa. Herein lien a fatal bar to the success ot prohibition. If it were poesiblo for a state to break up and banish all distilleries , browotius and saloons , liquor could atill bo brought within Us territory and offered for sale. In the abaonce tf domcatio liquors those of foreign manuficturo would bo intro < dnced , as has boon done in the state of Maine. The con stitution permits importation of wines , spirituous and malt liquors , and the supreme court of the United States haa more than once decided that imported liquors may bo sold any where and everywhere in the orig inal packages. It' Importers choose to import brandy , whhky or other liquors in half-pint or gill packages , sach packages may bo taken into any state and sold , provided they remain unbroken. An wo have said , this sort of thing has been done In Maine , the Importations being from Canada. BJ fore prohibition can amount to much its advocates must secure an amend ment to the federal aa well as their own state coiaiitutiona , and thin they will find t" hn n hp vy undertaking. Kuaoc a HtronK Law. Durtonlan , The fact that ( ho people of Nebraska demanded of the present legislature the paaengo of some law that would effectually prevent the abuse of power oti the pjtrt of the railroads of onr otatd , and prohibit them from do minding or collecting such unreasonable enable and exorbitant charges as they have heretofore boon permitted to make , at lei g.h seemed to have foretd itself upon the unwilling brain of our railroad tflblals , and the result has been the Introduction in our legislature , by representatives and touatora who faver the uforefaid railroads , of a scsro or more of bills providing for the election or appoint ment of a .board of railroad commia sionrra to whom should bo referred all questions in dispute between the pee pie and the managers of the roads , the reason for the introduction of these bills evidently being the fact that such a law would bo.tbo least ob- jootlonablo tq the railroad mon of any that could bo enacted , it being well understood on their part that railroad commissioners seldom if over do any thing contrary to the wishes cf tbe corporations who furnish them oys ter suppers , and grant them free passes over their roada , and now it transpires that these bills have all been introduced to no pur pose , and this avenue of escape sud denly closed. The supreme court has decided that a railroad commissioner system modelled after the Illinois or Iowa laws will bo in violation cf the Nebraska constitution , which prohib its the creation cf new executive offi ces. This clears the way for the en- uotment of some law that will bo of some practical benefit to the paople at large , and the supreme court in ren dering ouch a deoiiion have earned the everlasting gratitude of the far mers and business men of onr state. Tne Next Senate. Sfin Frtnclioo Gill. The next United States senate Is to ba the battlefield where the tariff and other important issues will bo hotly contested. The lower house of con gress , it is thought , will have so de cided a majority in favor of a tariff f jr revenue that opposition will ba nearly useless. The great manufjctarera will therefore make their principal fight for protection in the senate. Bjlnp farther removed from the people and being elected for six years , senator * do not usually fool the full force of public opinion as do members of the house of representatives. Pereone who have large interests at stake nat urally look to the senate fjr con servative legislation. Until poll tlca and business are divorced this will always be the case. No ono can tell what the next senate will do ; but some cf the characteristics of the now and re-elected members can bo given aa a starting point or aa a slight clue by which to judge thtir future courto of action. Senator Plumb , re-elected from Kinsas , is a millionaire who talks but little , but who is noted far his good judgment in matters of legis lation for hl party Senator Garland , ro-elooUd from Arkansas , IB the prln clpl author if the now constitution of that state , which has worked well and satisfied the pooplo. Ho was governor of Arkansas before he bsoamo senator , and stands 10 well with his people that ho was reelected - elected by an almost unanimous vote of both pirtios , only three membcri voting against him. Senator Berk , a hard-headed Scotchman from Kun > tnoky , has always taken high rank In congress. Ho has 'the "genius of common sense" in a marked degree. Senator Morgan , re-elootod from Ala bama , is a fliont speaker , and isroady on all occaslops to addrees the senate on any subject that comas up , lie is said to be the best orator in Alabama , but ho is not the boat in the senate. He is a man of convivial habits and well liked by his associates. Senator Butler , of SjutU Carolina , ono of the youngest senators , has steadily risen in public estimation ntnco ho first on tcred the senate. He la abe ! and haft made an excellent record. Sena tor Stulsbury owes his re-olectLn to family Influence. There has been for many joirs a Saulabuiy in the senate from Delaware. His brother , who preceded h m for several terms , was a much abler man , Senator Mo- Pheraou , ( f New Jersey , owes his reelection - election to the fact that his opponents could not combine their strength on any one candidate. McPherson is % dull man , "ho insists npon talking whan VTy of ten no one wishes to hour him. S > nator Frye , re-elected from Maine , is au able but indolent man. He wais ons cf Hideo's managers nt the Ghlcnuo convention. Mr. Gib- eon , of Louisiana , now a mnnbcr of congress , will bo one if the most u/uful , gentlemanly and honora ble members of the next senate Gov Colquitt of Georgia , whnwillti.kj his eeat us a eunator on the 4 h of March , has hud an evenUul career. Ho has been u teacher , a minister of the gos pel , a planter and a railroad builder. He commenced a political career n few years ago , and was snccesifulfrom thu statt. Oncsen to the legislature , ho became a leader , and was nominated tor governor. Against violent oppo sition ho was renomlnnted and reelected - elected , and now steps from the gov ernor's chair into the United States Bonato. POLITICAL , NOTES. The Nfivadjlcgi'laturn Is trying to get along without a chaplain us a matter ot economy. Two men wern lynched In Ohio durini ; the year If82. It la Lnderetaod that they declined to retuin to oifice. Sumet Cox n ya be ban a dead sure thlnp on the tpeakersbip , On coin a while Mr. Cox gtts ell a very able juke. Iowa will be entitled to twenty.tir dele gates in the next republican national con- ventloo , and Illinois to forty-four In the Crst twenty-eight days of the legislative ees-iton the Pennsylvania sen ate pasted one public bill and the house none. The inangnral ndi'rera ' of Gov. O'Netl , cf Alabama , contained a sentence of 200 words. No n'ew to the woman who wrote It has keen obtained. Delegate elect Slngker , of Idaho Terri tory , eays Mormoniam U making Inroads in bin Territory , and in the pte.etit legiab- tu e there are ten followers of Jueeph Soiih The Prohibitionists of Iowa City and the surrounding country have decided th&t it la unwise to urge upon Governor Sher man the calling of en extra session of the Iowa ItgUlaturo. Many of the Southern newspipera de nounce thepropcs-d Conptitntiuual amend ment f Representative Moore to enable a State to be sued in thn United States courts for the payment of its jtut debtn A bill has been introduc d in the III ) , no's legislature providing for nn nn'form terfeiof text bo ks in | ublic Bihools , and authorizing county superintendents to PC- lect them. The Chicago Time * denounces the icea ure. Ex-Sentktnr John B. Gordon , who ha ? t returned from Europe , expre en no desire to return to public life. While a senator ha waa poor and over-worked. In five years after leavinc the tenate be has become rich , idle , and happy. "Do you want to ruin my cdroinlstra ttouT" Inquires Governor Crittenden of ex- LUutenant Governor Johnson , who has been making some damaging revelation ! concerning the management cf the Mia touii t enltentiary. The MassaclmaettB legislature , having relu-e1 nn approptlition to pny for print- lag 10,000 copies of Governor Butler * ' Inaugural - augural 8 | eechj the governor haa ordered 2.0 JO extra copies which ho will pay for out ot his own pocket. Pennsylvania hag bad but nineteen governors In ninoty-twn years ( The firtt three governors Mifllin , MnKean and Snvdor terved nlnt years ( three term * ) each Four republican governors Cur- tin , Geary , liantrantt and II 'yt served an aggregate of twenty-two ytars. Cameron Is not a candidate for reelection tion to the senate , so the nuchlno orgina and leaders Bay. The Timua quite ogrCea with the orgaLS and oracles of the machine system In this invtnnce. Cameron li not now a candidate for senator , and he won't bo a candidate until the republicans eurrv the legislature in 1884 Pil&delphla Time- . President Arthur quotes imrubero of his cabinet 'as saying that If coEgrcstmen would let them abne there Wuuld ro llttlf need of any civil service commiceion. It Is noted since the pastage of the Pendleton bill thitt the better class of congressmen have glcen up official bunting , but schem ing patronage seekers are aa indtfitigable aa ever. It la reported that the house commerce committee has agreed upon river and hirhor hill which appropriate * between $7 500.0CO and f 8,000 0(0 , including $2 , . 600,100 for the Mi-ileelppl below Guiro. The trout brooks have nothing , but a me cnlerpritea condemned bv Secretary Lin coln get rm lt favors. The bill la to be presented nhen the tariff trouble la ended. The movement for divorce reform in Maine haa taken a practical shape In a bill upon which the Judiciary Committee of the legislature his agreed , which proposes to rei.eil the discretionary clause in the ex- luting law , end to turntitute for U tive or eli epecilij causes for divorce , and alee to fo-Md the maniago of the libelled within two years after tt\e \ entry of the final de cree , and then only by permission of the court. School tuflrnge waa an experiment to teat the interest of MnaaathuasUa women In the great reform. But they did not ruth to the acceptance of their privilege. Tne en franchised negroes at tbo South have faced threats and pintols In the oierclee of their new power. But no political concession has ever fallen so uuresponeively upon those for whom It was Intended M the school euffr ge upon the women of Massa chusetts. We moat sadly conclude that the Indifference of the legislators is tut an echo of the IndilTerenee < f the women. Boston TraniCiipt ( Hep. ) . In a recent political letter Jefferson Da vis eayr : "You a k for my thoughts on 'The source of the right In the majority to rule. ' I do not think there is such aright ; ll it were admltied , the only source I could aupgeit would be physical ; but it is not telf-evldtntthat the mijority would be the atrorgjr , and civilization denies that rnUbt and right are convertible terms. The people of an independent community cou'u give to n majority the power to ruve. unriHtrlcted rule , iluycoulJ not tr.ii.ater the Inblleuable right of tbo minority , and a brief expetienco would , no doubt , cauie them to revoke the grant of a power to dangreous to the common welfare and happiness. " Mr. J , S. LsFavonr , nrtlst , Salem , Main , eaja his rheumatism was routed by St. JacobaOll. DexterL.Thomas&Bro , WILL BUY. AND SELL. JLHD ALL TRANSACTIONS OCHNECTXD TUEKXWITH. Pay Taxes , Rent , Horses , Etc. BOOH 8 . . CROiriON BLOCK PlfteontnSt.- - SXXsTCM-X B POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , 1IK1S9 MACHINES Y , BELTING , HOSE , DRAB3 AKI ) IKON FITTINqS PIl'B. PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AND UKTAIL. HALIADAY WIND-MILLS CHURCH AMD SCHOOL SELLS Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. SPECIAL NOTJCE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. . WE CALL YOUIl ATTENTION TO OUR Ground Oil Cake. It it the best nnd cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound is eqnnli to three pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cuke in the fall and winter - tor , instead of running down , will increase in weight and bo in good marketable - able condition in the spring. Dairymen as well as others who uuo it can tes tify to its merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Price 825.00 per ton ; no- charge for sacks. Address o4" WOOODRIAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob. Hellman & Co * WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS , 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. I3t _ OMAHA. NEB. McNAMARA & DUNCAN , WHOLES LE DEALERS IN KENFUCKY AND PENNSYLVANIA WhiskieS ! in Eond or Free. Also direct Importers of WINES , BRANDIES AND ALES , Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine O Agents for Jos. Schlitz' Milwaukee Beer , Bottled and in Kegs. v V 214 & 216 S , 14TH STREET , - - - OMAHA , NBB , ANHEUSER-BUSCH Brewing Association , CELEBRATED KEG & BOTTLED BEER , , THIS EXGFLLEfiT BEER SPEABj FOR ITSELF , Orders from any part of the State or Entire West will be promptly shipped : All Our Goods arc Made to the Standard of 01 Guarantee. GEORGE HENNING , Sole Agent for Omaha and the West. ffloo Corner 13th and Hnrney Streets , Omaha , Nob. McMAHON , ABERT & CO , , * Wholesale Druggists ] 315 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA PLANING MILLS MANUFACTURERS OF j\ Carpenter's Materials ALSO fffr SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Balusters , Windo and Door Frames , Etc . j [ Pint-class ( acllltiee for tbo Manufacture of ell klnJcn of Moulding ? , Falntbu matching a Si > ecialty. Orders from tbo country will be promptly executed. 5T i o A. MOYKn. Pmnrf The Original and Only Regular SEED HOUSE in NebrasU WHOLESALE AND UtTAIL DEALKItS IX Agricultural N. W. oroit Vegetable , HJ er , , Dodge draw , HeJ e , We m Vo ft rpecliltjr ol Onion Sredi , Onlcn Set * , llltie OIM , T mothy , Red A lla Cloror , Ouca uid Honey Locu t. Uf Jw < and Uuket OardeneN will tu\e money ) > ' - = - - > jor Ca log-ut , 1"--t >