Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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A great msay people ore suiting
wfcat pcrtienkr troubles Bxowit's
IKOK BITTXU u good for.
Tt will core Heart Disease , Parti ,
ysb , Dropsy , Kidney Diiease , Con.
sumption , Dyspepsia , Rheumatism ,
Neuralgia , and ail similar diseases.
lU wonderful curative power tt
( imply because it purifies and en *
riches the blood , thus beginning at
the foundation , and by building up
the tyitern , drives out all disease.
A Lidy Cured of Rheumatism.
Italtlnore , Md. , M r j , i8 i.
My health w > i much sliatrrmi by
RhniMMiim when 1 commenced
u i E Brown's Iron Plnctt. n < J I
carcely hid ilrtnfth enough lo l-
tend I * my daily hotifheMdullM.
I an now tiling the third bottle and I
< m rtnlnlne ilrcncth d iljr , aod I
' cheerfully recommend It to all.
I cannot lay too much In pratic
of It. lln. MAXY K. URABHIAM ,
ij 1'rettouiit.
Kidney Disease Cured ,
Chrlillantburr , Va. , tS8t.
SufTerinc from kidney dUcate.
from which 1 could get no relief , I
tried Drown'i Iron lllllen , which
cured me completely. A child f
Ine , recorering from c.irlel ferer ,
fcad no appetlto and did not s eM tti
ke kbit to eat at alt 1 give him Iron
Bitten wlta the kappleat renulu.
Heart Disease ,
Vlae St. , ItsrrUWic , Pa.
Dec. , i 8i.
After trying different phyilciam
and many remedies for palpitation
f the heart without recurine any
benefit , IwMidriiedtotryllruwiii
Iron Ilittera. I hart Uletl two bottle
tle * and nerer fouid anylhiaj that
gmre no to rauch relieC
tin. Janxii Hut.
For the peculiar troubles -which
ladies * are subjecl , IJnoWN's IRON
BITTKJU is invaluable. Try it.
Bo sure and get the Genuine ,
Every Cornet la warranted anils- .
factory to Its wortror In ovorr way ,
or tbo 11101197 " 111 bo mfundod by
tno poraon from whom It wn bought.
Ofh only Oorvt pronounced by our leading phynlciani
Injurious to th * wearer , MiclrndorxxluT Indie * as
i "moit comfortable ana perfect Citing Con-it mf
PniCEftby * lrPoU eFt < ll
* alth Preaenlnc , 1.SO. Stir.AdJu.UnaCl.BO
AMomlnal ( cir faEBTy ) tt.OO. Nonlast , ! . &
Ktaltk l rerTln ( One contll ) fli.OO. I'awawoa
BLIrtupportln . f 1.BO.
ff r aala by Icadlnst IteUll Dealer * CTtrywher * *
OI1IOAGU OOllSliX CO , , Chicago , UL
Western Agent * , I , ( ajetto , Indiana.
Rubber Bools and
tools and Shoes
The center pieces are ) IntercbanKotulo and re-
venlblo ltm\en's the count r from running1
OTO , requiring no heel atlffuncn.
The Agency lot llusogoMls In this town has
been ( ill M .
Others sanm procure ficni.
Call and < latnlnj a lull linn of Leather and
'Candf e" Hubbor Ifcots and Shoou with the lie-
rcnllle Heel.
Ii09 aod Itll Doi < Strett ,
ujj 7-nie Cm OMAHA. Nv - .
PERFfflgE ,
Murray & Lanman's
Pest for TOILET , BATH
Tba Lex Aogelci and Humholdt Icmbtr
company harolncorporatedat Lot AoRtlei
to do wholeiala ttmti ) ( * < at H n Pedro
Tha capital itock U $2uO,000 , dlrlded tut *
100 iharti.
There li but nine eenii remaining In the
San KritnoVoo nchool land at prtient , out
< f the 1833,000 which WM apportlonod to
ib tapport of the ichnnl department M IU
part of the taiw for 1681.3.
Tha wholemU ftroceri cf Sicramento
bare glren their Nerida City cnitomcr *
notion that the price of ijrrapi h d ad.
rinctd five eenU perg llon at ( he ri nniilti
but no change Iniugan wai notleed.
Sacramento boaaU of clcrer swindler
In the perton of n thirteen yrar old gill ,
who ha * been luccrsifully operating among
the tradesmen at the Litpltal by tercnn1-
lag hemelf an the dm hter of lome promi
nent cltlien and obtaining noixJ ,
The Good Templnri rre having a te m
ramp put In near the Nnpit ro&4 forth *
pnrpoie of supplying the Orphans' Home
ltliwater. It tfquired two wlndmllli
leretofnre , and it \ rrpected the pamp
III take the place of both.
HanU Ana ban a mineral uprlnR with a
species cf aan'l at the hot tun which bai
mimrkiibln c'eamlDg qualltlei. Nut only
will It remore italni from the hand- , but
t glvea a peculiar toltneu to the ikln
which li rery agreeable.
Under anordlnanmof the town of Llrer.
more , the tatnes uf linbltnal drnnkarcU are
x > ted la every i loon In town , aocompa
lled liy a prohibition of the ale of liquor
to them , Several arrentn have been njade
ecently for the violation of thin ordinance
The footlofci of the Hacramsnto n 08 -
ment roll have juit hecn completed and
are an follow * ! V lueofland , 3JU8,025j
r\\io \ \ of improremenU , (4 0 7,135 ; value
of Improvements atiennri to otheri than
owneri cf real estate , $13,450 ; value nl
pirional property , (3,000,876 ; total , $11 -
79,375. In 1832 the total wai not quit *
A courier reached Ilennoilllo , Sonnra ,
Saturday evening , begging far Immediate
military aitUtance near Oiua de Jonot , on
the Chlhuahut frontier. The people then
are inrrunnded by 1,300 Apachei. All
available cavalry and lnf ntr > lift at once
"rnm Hermonlilu , under the command of
Colonel Garcia.
During the cold spell la t week the
channel connecting Stockton with the San
Joiqaln river wai froxentoaucb a depth at
iO ierlou ly Injure the steamer * running
, o that pl ce by splintering the hulls , oat-
> lng eut the in-tterlnl with wnlch they are
caulked , elc. It wti a little beyond the
oldest Inhabiting experience.
Thrre li Rome talk of establishing a First
National hank at Oreeley.
The fire plu j In Denver ara all frozen
up and nmia hpprchemlon la felt Itst a lire
suould occur.
The B tptUU nro holding ft revival In
Denver , which la creating qulta a furore In
religious circles there.
It li uncleistood thit the Denver and
Ulo Oraida ruliroud will extend Its Maya-
vlllo branch to ( .huffed City next ni/rlng.
A company In rlnklog ix ihnft reren
miles nurtb of Orrelry with the nntlclps-
tluu of striking au Imtnemo bo ly of coal ,
A Denver dommtlo I ullt a Mir lire in the
kitchen range ncd It niortly ) cxplojed , A
piece of Iron xtruck her on the bead frac
turing bernkull
List woclc at Dlxnn on ( he Snake river ,
two inoti qu irrelled over gnmo of oirtln ,
1)111 Iko wai hit over the bond with a battle -
tlo nnd died soon Hftvrw.\rdu.
Will L. Vtsnchcr , the j uirnaliot , who re
cently dellveud 't lecture on "Sixty Mia-
utei In the Wnr , " hen been uqueitcd by
the people of Denver to repett it.
The 1'ueblo uteel wotkl ne rtitinlng their
uplke deparlmeut njght and diyaudore
turnlti lUt from ! x to n veil tons of apiku
dally for the Dcnvur uud IUu Qrtndo rail
The first installment of Nebraska beef
nriived In Dnuver on the -Itli lost , and
cnnl ted of three rar loads of foil cUtle.
The Denver Trlbauu B JB good beef limit
nowoimio from the ra t.
The deep mines of ( Jllpln county nrn the
Hid ten TreuMirc. 1'JSOct ilrup , the Knn.
KIM 13'0 , the Uillforul' 1310 , unoelll50.
DobUll 1000 , nnd the 1'iiz * 00 feet. All
these mines chow well on tbo lower level * .
The la a big war at the Koblnion rnlnr.
Parker , the former manager , recently
beaded an nrme 1 liody of men and eiulunv-
arid to gain pos'8hn | [ of the mine but wan
driven invny ut the inuziln of Winchester
rlflen. 'Jibe matter will be tettled in the
There are 137 indigent insann persons
n the Nevada lusauu aaylum at Keno ,
The total valuq < I all taxtble property
n NeviJ * for the year 1832 waa 37,309 , .
135 37.
Within the nvit tblrlren mnntha alx
murders have been committed in Napa
alley ,
The Martin White company , whose
nill started up sumo ton days ago , have
hni far shipped bullion amounting to
The mines at Kiucka fcave paid larger
dlvfdeudt ( n proportion to the aeiiesjmdnta
collected than those of any other dlttrlct
on the P . .cilia coast.
It is said thnt a grail deal of the grain
n the vicinity of K mira , Solano county ,
la * rotted in the ground , and the land will
tave to be resowu ,
Sheep men in Merced county anticipate
in average IOM cf20 tier cent of lambs
jy coyotes this season. During the post
.wo years these pests luvu increased in
Kern county has a man who claims to
lave cured himself ol dyspepsia an'l re.
iuvenated hlmsolf by living on a diet of
raw fruit and n coarse-ground meal from
eaU and bnrlcy , aud also oitten raw. He
mys hia wife and son aUo live on the inmo
Food , and that ic only costs a few cents a
month to food hlmoelf nnd family.
Lant week n Pluto Indian , while chop.
Ing wood ut Winrummcoa , struck a Pluto
child of five yenra of ago on thn head with
the ai , cutting a KH'1 ' through the skull
some four and n half Inches long and pene
trating the brain , The hardy joung red
skin lus a chttnce of recovery.
TomVstone is happy over the prospect ol
a now hotrl.
A goo I many investments have been
undo in mining property in the Mineral
Park , a nw camp ,
Keal estate it on the rise at Albu.
Albuquerque's board of trade yotec
? l,600tu aHoisttheSuita Yo celebration.
The mines of New Mexico are attract
ing the attention of California capitalists
The stock Interests of the territory have
smtalncd but blight damage from the re
cent etormi.
Keceut assays of ore made on the Ivan
life lode In the Ulnck range how up from
800to larger amounts per ton.
At present there Is a grmt excitement a *
Kingston , due to the dl > corery of gome
tow and valuable mines near there ,
The products of Grant niuntyitro gold
silver , copper , Iron , leid , cot ) , rattle
ilieep , timber , corn , wheU uud marble
Ibe Sau Marclal depot , which wai re-
c ntly burned , will bo replaced by a much
handsimer and sub tantlal bnlldlug.
A new procots bin been added to the
Lake Valley Bineltim ? worVs by whlcl
nicety-five per cent of silver is extracted
AU > uquerquo is figuring on the lirush
eloctrlo light , An egout of the company
Is In the t iwn conduo'.lngtbe negotistlour
Cooper City , on the Upper P < co , Is a
mining camp establltheit a year ago by
Santa F men. It Is a prosperotii plaot at
present. ' \ .
A grading outfit Is now at work level *
Ing the depot ( ( rounds of tb * Silver City ,
Dsmln * and 1'aclfio railroad at Silver
Almost pur * silver Is being oar ef ths
Solitaire mine In the Pareha district. Un
less the ore rum out this mln will prove
the richest ever diicovtrtd ,
Nf gotl .tlons ara pending for the sala of
a latge tract of Uud near Albuquerque ,
one ot the most dislrable propertlei In the
Unitary. Tbt consideration Is $150,000.
A committee hi * lucceeded In ralslag
$250 for the relief of lha suffersn by the
recent floods In Germany.
Tha hopplttls In Salt Lake have a large
number of p tlent , and among them are
many oises of lead polionlug.
Mining men In Utah have never been In
better spirit * than at preient. Ihe bnl-
lion production is large aod the ont-pni ol
ore (4 ( constantly Increailng ,
The only dsath caused by the cold
weather In Utah , as far a * ascertained ,
was Jacob Jensen , who lost hli life while
herdbg sheep neir Gosben. He was
found frozen by his friends within half a
mile of a houte.
In Clear Creek canyon l t Saturday
two parties KO' quarrsling over tha i ttlt >
u.ent of their business , when one ihot the
uther , and then Ifft tne country. The
wuundail msn. Wlllum West , was taken to
Salt Lake and placed In the hospital.
Tno Mammoth mining company employ
100 men t the mines and about 150 at the
smelter * , running those now In operation
and bull ling new ones. Fourteen furnaces
are completed and twelve more are in pro
cess of election. It is estimated that the
smelters , nflolng works , etc. , will have
cost when completed about $200000 ,
while $ 0,000 will have been expended at
the mines in new machinery.
Matthew Drand , a horse thief under In
dictment In Grant county , baa been .cap-
lured at Portland.
Tom Gilbert , the Indian who murdered
a blind Indian named Dave and his wife In
Oregon recently , has been sentenced to be
hanged on tha Ut March next.
There is not n vacant reiid nce In Jack-
onvllle at the present time , and still there
Is a demand for more. A large number of
new buildings will be sreeled aarly next
spring ,
It wa * rumored at Portland a day or
two ace that thirteen rougba were hanged
by vlgilantea at tha Northern Pacific
front , but neither th company nor any
newspapers have such Information.
In P rtland during the past year the
real estate sales ngiuegatcd 0,237,000 , and
the number of diedn re-icrd'd exceeded
2,100. The growth tf the city during the
patt year tux been remarkable.
From every tectlon nf Washington 'rn.
) orts arn sent In sh iwing that a largely in-
iroaned are * of land is belog devoted to
wheat thlj tei-on.
The Pill ir Rook cinnery , fift en milei
above AstorU , tin the Washington territory
side , wai Imrne-l last week. Lo . $24.000 ;
innurotco 810,000.
During the last half of 18C2 the debt of
8-attlo WBB reduced from$11,118to7,273.
During this time ft steam fire engine was
[ HirchaaoJ and u city hall built , and both
ld for.
Owing tn tbo lack of water several of the
cadlng Indunlriiil oititblhhroenta at Seat-
lie hive ! > < n compelled to KUipond opera-
tl m , and 3-0 u _ n In conseiiucnco are out
of enipJnynivnA.
Fifty publlo-Bptrited ritlieni ot Wnlli
ivllft pr.i | > ofe buying the Tom CD llns
hiving park to be used for county BRrlcul-
ur. l f ir purpose' . Ttn thousand dollau
the prlco n quired , nnd half was sub
scribed In a short lime.
The North Pacific railroad is nulling
.heir agrl-mllum ! latidn In oWern Wush-
ngton , incoriiornte o clause in ttio con
duct that one-eighth of tha Ian Is shall
10 plowed and cu tlvated before tlt'o ' will
-o given , and the provision iibtrlctly on
A bill will be Introduced In , the Icuielu
ure to aulend the city charter of Butte ,
Iturglnrs fire now making It lively for
resUents cf Helena , Several rtstdencea
and tores have recently been robbed.
One day lost week the Mmilton compiny
hipped eight bara of bullion and the Allco
sompni y four barr , aggregating $15,000 ,
'rom Buiti to tbo onatern market.
The oattlo Uln < a of Montana are now
Asking from $33 to $35 per bead for stnok
cattle Less than fifteen months ago 818
ior bead waa comlderod a good price.
A mysterious murder occurred at Clanev ,
near Helota , on January 2H'.h. Tha body
of Win. Neabuhr , a ranchman , was found
lear the door of his own residence with a
lUilet through his brain.
On January 29th fifty pounds of giant
powder exploded in the Anaconda mine ,
n-ar Butte. It had frozen and was being
hawed out over itoam trap. Luckily no
me WM li'ju'ed ,
The Montana legislature , now sitting In
leleno , find that Ci G , Cox , a member of
he council , was tried and convlct.-d of x.
clony In 1870 , The uu mhora nmvo his
mpeachment , and the tight ii Interesting
a view of the fact that on bla vote hanga
partisan legislation.
The Idaho leglslatura will conclude IU
esslon on the 8th inst.
The legislature baa passed on act appro-
iriatlng $ . ' ,000 for the relief of destitute
A Beaver Canyon man has just com
iletod a contract for ( urnl-hinc tbo Oregon
Short Line with 250,000feet of lumber.
The Oregon Short Llua has abandoned
the Bur. . river canyon and turned their
: our e Mown the canyon of Snake river to
[ jewlitou , Idaho ,
Th * machinery for the new smelter ol
the Wood HIver company , at the foot ol
Lookout mountain , bus arrived and it will
be put up immediately.
The people of K tgle Uncle complain ol
tbo lawlotsueiu theie , There are no ra
etr lotions on gambling , uml the nightly
brawls of the miRcxlly are accompanied by
the mutlo ef pistols ,
AHurflH eounty , of which Hailey Is the
enmity seat , l < nearly as large as the state
of Ohio , containing Ihe famous Woot
river , S .wtooth and Smuky mines , and i
population of about 10,000 people one
fllth ot the entire population of Idaho ter
The passengers of the snow bound train
on the Union I'jcllio were furnished pro
vlslous from Laramlo City ,
The postmaster general ban ordered th
appointment of a postmaster at the Sh
shone agency , In Swcettvater county.
During the night of tbo 2d lovt. th
tbermouioter at Lnramle City dropped t
40 * below zero , and' the local , papers de
slguato it KB a "chilly evening. "
Harris & Fisher , Ornalm butcherr , hav
3,0,0 sheep and tevoral hundred tides o
lieef hanging in their slaughter house a
Sherman , The meat will not bo shlppei
until spring.
Kpgs are worth sixty cents a dozen i
K.pld City.
The Homeatake railroad has been block
aded by tuow.
There t < considerable talk of building
hotel at Grand Forks to coct 3:00,000.
According to a oenius juit completec
the actual population of Jamestown is 3
Niche la the name of a new town tha
ha Manitoba railroad la booming at pras-
t * . 1
Tb'Dead wood Terra mine ha * declared
dividends of $ JOOCO far tha month of
Tha Faro doctors hava established a
yatam of reglslrttlon which Is Intended
to nxpel all qaacks ( torn practle * .
Word hM been rooelrid at Grand Forks
o tba effect that 800 Immigrants have ar-
ived In Montreal , and that their objective
ralnt Is Northern Dakota.
Rltiht hundred stamps are kept bnsjr all
be year In tha hill * turning cnt golden
wealth while numerous smelters product
arge quantities of silver bullion.
The noted Blue Lode , In tha Central
Ilia , which Is said to rival the famous
Golden summit In richness and extent of
re body , was recently sold to Deadwood
If yon nro sick and troubled with
yspcpsla , Brown's Iron Bitters will
are yon. _ _ _ _ _ _
Poetoffloo Changes
n Nebraska during the vrook cud-
ng February 3 , 1883 , furnished by
Wm. Van Yleck , of the post office
opart men t :
EiUbllnhed Agoe , Holt county ; P.
Linsworth pDitmMttr ,
Diioontinued Bnokan , Onmlrjg
ounty ; Austin , Sherman county.
Postmasters Aapppolnted Cache
3roek , Holt county , Ojcar Wallace ;
Jamdon , Sdward countv , Oeorgo N
Jowfcn ; Olarkior , Oolfax county , Juo.
I. RudertQorf ; llerman , Washlnpton
ounty , Hadly Orloat ; Indianola , Red
Willow county , O , 8. lilihop ; Sarato-
a , Holt county , B. 8. Gllleiple ;
Vhite [ Ublit , D wson county , Mr * .
rlary Lutten.
PoatofEoo ch DBOi In Iowa during
hn week ending February 3 , 1883 :
Established Curlew Palo , Alto
wnnty , Harriett A. Fouler , postmas
er ; Uolsteln , Ida county , Herman
Thodo , postmaster.
Postmastora appointed Apliugton ,
latter county , A Oillmnn ; Ash
Strove , Davis nnnnty , Joseph Fletcher ;
Jentoniport , YanBuron county , Gao.
Moore ; Cambria , Wayne county ,
R. Miner ; Key , Bromer county ,
Trank H. Page ; Lunl , Wright county ,
3hoa. Packard ; Masalllon , Cedar
county , W. J. Mills ; Mount Zion ,
n Bnton county , Wm. Agor ; North
rlcGregor , Clayton county , B. F
Hancock ; Sulphur Borings , Brienvillo
county , Geo. W. Parsono ; Santtor ,
Maharka county , Pot or H. Earloy.
uTho Diamond Dyea for family
usu have no rqaal All popular col
ors easily dyed , fast and beautiful. 10
cents a package for any color.
A Mouflotbac Wore ) u Diamond ,
loston Journal ,
Bororal months ago a lady reiidlog
on Beacon street took elf a number of
ings from her dressing table. After
wanning her hands aho returned to the
oem to replace her ringa , when , to
ior BRtonishuiont , ono of them , a dia
raond ring , waa missing. She was
actatn that oho took the ring from her
iugor , aud.equally certain that no ono
canld have entered the live minntc-a
ho had been in the blth room. A rigid search waa instituted , but
ho milling ring , valued at $200 , was
not fouud , A fonr weeks slnco the
ady was much annoyed by mico. Al
most nightly they hold their rove ! ; ,
They not only destroyed Lor aloep ,
> ut ohoioo lacoa were mutilated. The
ady procured n trap , ono ( f
ho old faihioGod kind , nnd , having
mitod it with a tomp'.ing bib of choose ,
) laced it near the icono of depreda-
ilons. On the following morning she
md throe fine silky mioo of various
BEH. ! Oae of thorn was so peculiarly
lonstruotod that it attracted ° her at-
ontion , as it appeared to have a string
led around ita body. The servant
; irl was iuatruoted to drown the cap-
( ves and reset the trap , and she was
abant to throw the dead mioo Into the
dirt barrel when her eyes were at
raoted by a sparkle from what proved
o bo the lost diamond ring , which was
not perceptible when the inouao was
ilivo , bat which c mo to light after
ho severe soaking which the monso
ocolvod. It is supposed that In his
las to to got away ho- ran his head
hrough the ring , and subsequent
struggles only iorced it over his fore
ogt , where it remained.
Ono voice all over the land BOOS np
rom mothers , that says , "My ( laugh-
era are so feeble and sad , with no
itrongth , all out of breath and life at
least exertion. What can wo do
ior them ? " The answer ii simple and
ull of hopo. Ono to four weeks' use
of Hop Bitters will make them healthy ,
roty , sprightly , and cheerful.
The young people of DBS Molnos have
leveloped a apeoles of influenza , which
commences with hoarseness and coughing
and is attended with viol , tit vomiting.
EEBllowe for Dairy Cows ,
/orrcsroadent Country Gentleuun.
Such grave uncertainties seem to
jorvado the minds of many farmers aa
; o the use of ensilage as food for milch
cow * ; such doubts as to a poesiUlo po
cullar taste of the milk , cream or but-
; er ruado from this food , that with
your permission I will give my experi
ence of last soasou , hoping tt may
load some of the doubters to the right
List year I built a silo of 201 tons
capacity , wholly of stone and Rjsen-
dale cement , with a frame and roof for
cover. It Is a gocd ono ( I believe in
no other ) ; no water can got in ; no sap
from the corn can got out as so man ]
complain of whoa their silos are no :
half built , or made from stale cementer
or any poor material. On account ol
the long extended drouth in this par
of Now Jersey , I was able to scrape
together cf Rood , bad and InditTer
ont , half dried , wilted , grown an <
half Krown corn , eouia thirty tons o
cn'ilngo after cured. This , however
was -.nnngh to satisfy my mind on
thli subjooi , if there had. over been
any doubts. I used it a food for cow
110 days continuously , nntil all wa ;
fed out. Within a week from thi
time wo began feeding hay , and thougl
with an addition of grain , the cow
lost at least 25 per cent of milk ; tin
croMii did not make as much butter
and the butter was not of M good cole
or flavor. Dnring the time of foodlni
ensilage wo were nnablo to dlacovo
any other than the moat aatlsfaotor
taste to milk , cream or butter. Th
cows were in the moat perfect state o
health , and kept In fine condition.
I raised a Jersey calf dropped i
September , which had all it wanted o
onellago , and I will show It any day
xssldo any mn' § calf six months
I fed for ninety days eight western
etri , which averaged a gain of over
no and a half pounds per day , The
ration for cowi and oxen was tVonty
wo pounds of ensilage morning and
Ight , and fifteen pounds of ont corn *
talks at noon. The cows : had throe
narts of cornmeal and two quarts of
rheat bran per day , and the steers
ad four qnarts ot cornmeal for the
ast forty-live days. Our success with
bo steers quite astonished my neigh-
x > ri , who food in the old way. The
utcbor says the cattle slaughtered
roll , and that the moat was re
markably fine and gave htm
Tory satisfaction. The use of
leer ensilage , made from corn
ialf ripe or frost bitten , I have reason
or believing , would not give such sat-
ifaotory results. I am ono who bo-
loves that to make good ensilage the
orn should bo ont at the right time ,
nt the right length , put away in a
jood silo nnd covered over nicely and
hen well and thoroughly weighted
down. The ecod planted should bo
ho southern gourd seed , drilled in
owa thirty to forty inches apart , and
he ground cultivated the same * g any
torn , The ensilage should bo cnt
hroo'eighths to throe-quarters of an
nch long. It is Important to have a
good water-tight silo and heavy
voighting 300 to 350 pounds U the
quaro foot of sutfaco. I believe in
iving the animals all they will .eat np
ilean , be it more or less. Content
ment means fat in the bovine tribe u
well as riches In tha human.
Ire noTor imitated or caunkrfeikd.
ia Is especially trao of a > family
medicine , and It is positlro proof that
ho remedy imitated is of the highest
value. AB soon u it had been tested
and proved by the whole world that
Bop Bitters was the purest , best and
most valuable family medicine on
earth , many imitations sprung up and
jegan to steal the notices In which
.ho press and people of the country
lad expressed the merits of H. B. ,
and in every way trying to induce snf.
'ering invalids to use their stuff in *
ttoad , expecting to make money on
: ho credit and good name of H. B.
Vlany others started nostrums put up
In similar style to H. .B. , with vari
ously devised names in which the
word "Hop" or "flops" were used in
away to induce people to believe they
wore the same as Hop Bitters. All
such pretended remedies or cures , no
matter what their style or name is ,
and ospicially these with the word
" 'Hop" or "Hops" in their name or in
any way connected with them or their
latno , are imitations or counterfeits.
3owaro of them. Touch none of
hem. ( Tea nothing but genuine Hop
Jitters , with a bunch or cluater of
green Hops on the wliito label. Trust
nothing else. Druggists aud dealers
are warned against dealing In imlta-
ions or cormtnrfnita
A General Stampede.
Never waa snch a rush made for any
Drug Rtors aa is now nt 0. F. Goodmnn's ,
for a Trial BotUo of Dr. King's Now Dh-
: every for Consumption , Coughs and
Jolds. All persons aBicted ( with Asthma ,
Uronchitia , Hoarseness. Sevea Uougtn , o
any affection of the Throat and Lung *
au get a Trial Bottle of this gtoabemftuy
r ; ; , by calling at above named Drug
3 tore
Are acknowledged to be the
aest by all who have put them
to a practical test.
Buck's StpveOo. ,
Milwaukee & St , Paul
la now running Its FAST EXPRESS TRAINS
Fnllman's Magnificent Sleepers
Finest Dining Cars in the World
Or to nv point be > end ; or ]
Take the BEST ROUTE , the
Chicago , Milwankee&St.PaulR'y
Ticket office located at corner Farnun and
Fourteenth etrceta and at U. 1' . Depot and at
Mlllatd Hotel , Omaha.
V8e Time Table In another column.
F. A. NASH , General Arent.
0. H. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha.
General Manager. General fam. Agent.
0 nena Sup'i. Au't Oen. I'm * . Atf fit
O. IE1.
Window and Plate Glass.
MTAnyons tonttmplattni ; bnlldlnf stor , baak , or any Othtr Has will Bed II to tbt
Mlac * to sorrtt oad wllh ns b tort purchasing taslr Put * OIa .
Flour. Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Fire and Burglar Prj ?
1020 Far n ham Street ,
la only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges,11
; For sale by ,
The Oldest Wholesale and
in Omaha. Visitors can here
find all novelties in SIL
Rich and Stylish Jewelry ,
the Latest , Most Artistic ,
and Choicest Selections in
all descriptions of FINE
WATCHES at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store. Tower Building ,
corner llth and Parnham
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured. '
Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacturer
and Dealer.
Pianos and Organs sold
for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
A SPLENDID stock of
Steinway Ghickering ,
Knabe , yose & Son's Pi
anos , and'other makes.
Also Clough & Warren ,
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us before pur-
chasin ? . 1
A Large Stock always on Hand.
Window Shades aiid Curtains ,
Paiuts , Oils & Brushes.
im Son tb 114th Stpeot
BEEMKR. flpnurttl Wettnrn Ontb
_ _ & .
On Long Time Small Payments
A. 1IOSPE , Jit , , 1519 Dodge , Omaha , f
; >
> Bpec