Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Thursday Morning , Fob. 8.
Weather Report.
( The following obcorratlonn nro taken ftt
tha game moment o ( time at nil the stations
mentioned. )
OMAHA , February 7 , Ib83 , (1:45 ( p. in , ) )
Stock In Dawson anil Custor [ counties
! * reported all right.
Lent has begnn and balls and parties
will be fewer lora time.
Mr. Hospo says Uho now Kngravings
and Water Colors have arrived.
The last Rppeiranco of General Tom
Thumb and party will bo tit the opera
house to-night ,
No coal fttnlno vet. 1'lenty ol hard
coal itt liedforu'n uu 14th , between Farnam
and Douglas.
Mr. 0. B. Wodren , recently from thi
east , has opened a liar.i&rotte In CrelKhtun
Block , 16th street.
The ladles ot the First Congregational
church will rlve a New England dlnnei
Thursday from f until ti. ]
The Swedish library association will
hold th1r nnnual maiqucrada at Masonic
hall on Friday , February 10th.
There was onlv one case In pollct
court yesterday a boy , for disturbance
of the p.ace. Committed.
Meeting of W. 0 , T. U. on Thursday
itt 3 p. in. In Y. M. C. A. rooms on 15th
street , between Farnam and Haraey.
The trains from the east were late
again yeatcrday , the overland tram from
the west left an hour behind Itsusunl time ]
Secretary Al D. Morris , of the Omaha
Glee Club , has Mmsoll gold nearly a hun
dred tickets for the concert next Tuonday.
Mr. Ho po tftys the new Engravings
and Water Colors have arrived.
The Swedish Library Association It
the stronge3t Swedish society In the State
and their ball on the 10th will bo n grand
Thomai lloboy W.IB sent to jail Tucs
day for thirty days for ntevllng a coppei
kettle belonging to Louts Krultech am
valued at $20.
J. G , Morse , now with the Oinahi
Electric Lighting Company , fell through i
hatchway in the Mlllard hotel Tuesday
and was quite badly bruised up. He wll
be laid up a low days.
-St. John1 * Lodge , No. 25 , A. F. & A
M. , will meet in special communlcatlor
thU ( Thursday ) , evening for work. Visit
log brethren are fraternally invited. J. B
Bruner , master.
The estimate for the doubling of quar
ten at Forts Omaba , Nlobrara , Ihorn
burgh and Kussoll haa been favorably ra
ported tor aonsldoratlon to the congrer
slonal committee on appropriations.
A teamof black horses attached to
sleigh , tno outfit belonging to M. llellmnn ,
Bq.rab away on St. Mary's avenue Tuec-
d y and smashed things generally. Thi
runaways wers finally captured by Dr ,
Carrie Mullen , the beautiful fcmali
slugger who Interrupted the proceedings R (
Judge Wright's court Tuesday morning ,
waa arrentod by order of Judge Wrlghtlasl
Tuesday for contempt ol court , She woi
fined | 19 and sent up fur nine days.
Mr. M. Whelan , a well known [ ; cntlo
man ol thin city , formerly employed ut tin
Government oorrnl , has disposed of hL
farm of elgthv acrna , situated Just beyonc
Irflnfton , far 81,445 cash , Wm. 0. Alns
worth , K-q. , being the purchaser.
Prof. Samuels , the optician , can lit
fonnd at the Paxton from 9 a. in. to 7 p
m. , and all those needing aid for their eyoi
will do well to call on him at once/M hi
atay will bo short. Ills glasies are rewin
mended by all that are wearing them.
Mr. J. W. Nichols , who was hurt by i
( all three weeks ago at the Woodman ele
vator , suffered a relapse last week , ana fo
wveral day * hU life was despaired of. H
b now on the mend , and his physician
think thai the wort Is i st , but his reoov
ery will be alow.
The funeral of the lata Joseph Grube
took pl > s yesterday at 9 o'clock Iron
j . -oermnn Catholic Cathedral * on Don
> " glas street. The deceased died from the re
suits of an ucclcUnt at the Smelting Work
some weeks ago. It w a .found necesjar ;
after comlderable suffering to amputat
both limbs below the knee ad the uufor
Innate man survived the operation only i
week. He leaves a wife but nothlltlten
Ralph "W. Boone , the young ma :
whom Carrie Mullen announced to be c
Intended husband , denies the soft Impeac )
ment. He U not yet ready to tie up I
matrimony with anybody and especlall
with a woman ol MIsi Mullen's well know
propensities. By the way Miss Multc
was not a wltnei In the case before Judf
Wright Tuesday but merely a spectator-
Interested of course.
Ash Wednesday Is , according to goc
authority , also the Chinamen's New Yea
day and visitors at their houses yesterdi
received a good clgsr , a cupot tea ar
candy by way of refreshment. At 2 o'cloi
in the afternoon the Chalk club auembl <
and marched in a body and in full unlfor
to the Joss Loass on 10th street , whe
they , by special invitation , participated
the cervices of the day , which were ol tl
most Imposing character. At the ooncl
lion they banquetted with the high olficl :
of the celestial race.
Some very Una lithographs of Ml
Button , the soprano singer who will pi
tlclpate In the forthcoming- concert by tl
Omaha Glee Club , February IStb , appes
ed In the various show windows yesttrda
The club , with UUm MaUUa andDatt
the Fhllomatbean string qntrtetU and
Omaha Glee Club , February 13th , appear
ed In the various ( how windows to-day ,
Miss Brookner , the planlit from Iowa , will
present such a programme M few trarellng
companies can equal and none excel , The
sale of tickets is large and there will be a
ruih when the reserve sale open * at the
opera house next Monday rrornlng at 0
o'clock ,
The proceedings of the city council
Tuesday were several times interrupted
by the noise from the adjoining room ,
rented by the city to iho Olympic gymnas
tic club. The sergeant-at-arms was twice
s ent to stop the racket and Gnally th
captain of police and an officer were sent
to close up the place , The members of
the club rery kindly consented to stop
their exercise for the evening though they
had the undoubted right to go on as the
city rented them the room knowing what
it was to be used for ,
Indian Agent Mcdillionrldy Back
From Washington.
He is Satisfied /That Peace in
Fully Restored.
Dr. V. T. McOillicuddy , Indian
agent at Pine Ridge , arrived in the
city last night on ronto homo from o
Iwo weeks trip to Washington city ,
where ho wont to investigate the dis
turbances created against him. He is
satisfied that everything is Bottled tc
the satisfaction of the interior depart
ment , and that the tronblet
at the agency last fall
wore wholly the results of a conspiracy
gotten up to bounce him from billet )
and put someone else in his place , Inspector
specter Pollock being at the bottom
of the whole nfl'ilr. It will bo re-
momborcd that after the alarm caused
bf the alleged prospective uprising cf
the Indians at Pine Ridge , Inspoctoi
Pollock visited the agency and sus
pended Agent McGllllcuddy. A day
and a half later the agent was rein
stated by order of the department ol
the interior , and Inspector Pollock was
subsequently suspended himself.
lied Cloud sent down a request for
permission to visit the great father at
Washington , and has been there for
some weeks , but had nothing of ini
nortanco to rotate und the whole thinu
fell flat.
Dr. McOillicuddy finds himself now
cut off from telegraphic coinmunica
lion with Pine Rldgo , itnd will not
resume his journey until hu know ;
whether the rend is open to return
Ills route Is by the Sioux City & IV
cifo to its wottnrn terminus , uud b }
Port Nlobrnrn , Pine Ridge being 122
miles beyond Thatcher.
The agency over which Doctor Mc
Gllllcuddy has control is the largest
Indian agency of the government , and
ouu of the best managed. The lit'
dians at present natnbor 8,209 , whioli
will bo Increased by COO Northorr
Oheyouncs to bo returned from In
dlan territory. It requires 12OG , (
cattle annually to food them , and 4 ,
000 are now on hand foedlhf
on wild grata and In good condition ,
Post Trader Garter , of the Rosobuc
agency , la also In the city on his wa )
homo , and awaiting information as tc
the posulbillty of reaching there.
Judge Aylesworth , of the superior oourl
of Council Bluffs ; Colonel Dally , Alter
noy Porclval , Mr. Trowbrlclgo and severn
other prominent Council Bluffs folks won
In the city yesterday.
Slier ! ! ! PInaeo , of Oreoloy , Col , , am
Deputy Sheriff Jacob Ort , of Wahoo
registered at the Pazton last night.
weo. W. Peek , of Dourer , Col , , repre
sentlng the Travelers' Insurance company
w s at the Paxton yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Pusoy and Mrs. D
WButhnell , of Conncll Bluffs , vlsltoi
Omahn yoitorday ,
Mr * . S. S. Gill nnd daughter anil Mia
Bnrbank , of St. Louts , are at the MM
t > Lee Hopkins , of the Wells & FargoKi
press company , U nt the Metropolitan.
0. P , Heath and daughter , of Coving
ton , Neb. , are at the Metropolitan ,
P. Fold * , of Sohuyler , and L. Wessel
jr.jof Nebraska City , are In town.
Wm. Robare and A. W. Gennaer , of SI
Paul , Neb. , are at the Mlllard.
United States Marshal Blerbower wen
down to Lincoln yesterday.
v J.II. , Mlokey and Mrs. L. Meyers , c
Osrfeola , are at the Mlllard.
Di. V. P. Mcaillicuddy , of Pine Rldg
Agency , Is at the L'aiton ,
Mrs. II. J. Drelgh , of MinneapolU
Minn , , Is at the Paxton.
Mra. Winters , of St. Edwards , Neb. , is
guest of the Mlllard.
L. J. Blowers and daughter , of Oscenln
are at the Paxton.
Mrs. B. , F. Rumsl , of lied Oik , lows
ts at the Paxton.
F. S. Granger , of Lincoln , was In th
city yesterday.
P. T. Satlotd. of Gcshen , Ind. , U at th
Metropolitan ,
, J. A. Plenon , of Flint , Xtich. , U at th
Metropolitan , |
y k George Bnrbyte , o ! Denver , Is at to
n Metropolitan.
D 0. J , Phelps , -Sch'nyler , Is a tl
Mlllard ,
J. D. MwKae , of Kansas City , Is at tl
Mlllard. * f
Guy A. Laing , of North Platte , Is at tl
Paxton ,
Wm. Sander , of Pflpllllon , is at U
Geo. Shledly , of Kansis City , Is at tt
F. M , Howard , of St. Louis , Is at tl
18 J. M , Curtis , ot Ashland , Is at the M
E. R.Foftg. of Beatrice , is at Ilia Ml
Geo. W , Post , of Ysrk , Is at'tb.Atl
rr. WOULD not be wltboutRedJIng1 * Ruts ! Balvc.U the verdict of all who use I
in Price 35c.
A Colored HOKO Thief Over
hauled ,
An Ex-Soldier of Muscular
Proclivitiee ,
A Bold BurBlftiy-Ptlt Thieving ,
IE to.
For sorno days past the bold auto
graph of B. F. Pinnoo , the stalwart
sheriff of Groeley , Col , , hai boon noted
from tHe Paxton register , but the
owner will now return to his own
jurisdiction for awhile , his business in
these purls having been completed
yesterday by the arrest in Uiii city ol
a man named Arthur E. Price , who it
charged with horse stealing.
The details of the affair , as obtained
from the cfiiiors last night , were quite
interesting. Price was formerly u
resident of Grcelcy , und cjirly in No
vember hired a horse of a livery stable
man thoto named Wiight. Ho was to
have uio of the animal , which was
worth $80 or $100 , for several dajs ,
hnd before the time expired Wright was
taken sick and died. 1'ricj ecimH to
have thought , this u good opportunity
to get in hh work , and accurelitu ; > y hu
" vamoosed the macho" with hie
The ralativoa of the dead man felt
Ilko proiocutiiitf Iho thief , juid no
corJlngly Sheriff PJnnoo started out
to find him ,
iln followed him to Fort Collins ,
Fort Liramio , North Park and Ohey.
ouno , and at the lint nani'id point ascertained -
cortainod that ho had mid the horse
and gene east on the Union Pacific
road , it was supposed to Wahoo , Nub
A letter was written to Wahoo , but
nothing had boon soon of the man attbe
time A nnnth Inter , however , he
was found by the rffiers and Sheriff
Pinneo was not ! Hod of the fact. Ha
had boon working in n livery stable
and driving ntat" > between Wihoo and
North Bond. Pinnoo came down , but
in the momtitno it appears tlmt PrlcciV
brother , who lives in Oouncll Bluffs ,
had written him thnt ho could prob
ably got n job by coming there , and on
Friday lust Price loft Wahoo , just in
time to escape arrest.
Pinnoo and Duputy Sheriff Ort , of
Sanndurs county , started from Wahoc
last night acre > a the country to Fremont
mont , to catch a train tor Omaha
They struck some big snow drlfta and
broke down three timer , at ono time
being out in drift th t wuo up tc
their nooko. The Colorado oflicia !
was not provided for cold weather , at
they were ploring the fields whoa hi
left homo n week ego yesterday and hit
follow ofiicor from W ahoo apreat
bufftlorvboa in the sntw ) for him tr
walk over , nnd Sheriff PJnuoo TO
marked that a plug hut in January , in
Nebraska , wan no good.
Fremont was reached in time tc
oatch the 9 o'clock freight , and thf
two officials got into Omaha at 1 a m ,
It was supposed that Price hac
cone to Council Bluffs to jiln hii
brother , and as the requisition papori
were addressed to the governor ol
Nebraska and would bo useless in thi
Hawkeye state , it was determined t <
try to get him across the river b ]
some ruse. Accordingly Gonstabli
Edgorton was taken Into the job
and ho and Dapnty Sheriff Or
wont ncrofs the river in a sleigh t <
look Price up. They soon found hln
in a saloon and , Ort recognizing him
they wont ont to plan a campaign
Price ctttno out , not suspecting any
thing out of the way , and Broke ti
Ort. The latter said , "I guess yoi
have the advent ago of mo. " Pric
responded by tolling whore ho hat
worked in Wahoo , whereupon Or
recoynizod him and told him that hi
and Edgorton wanted to como over ti
Omaha and would pay him if h
would come' over and drive
the team back. Price consantei
and thuy drove across am
upon drawing np at a mooting pom
In this city Sheriff Pinnoo stopped U |
and arrested his man. Ort was vnr
indignant ( ? ) and ho and Pinneo hai
some hard words ( ' ) , so that the prie
oner did not oven suspect the tricl
that had boon phyod on him. Mr
Pinneo will leave for Colorado to-da ;
with his prisoner , and as the ponalt ;
for horse stealing is from ono to tei
yeara in the state prison , and the prls
oner confessed to the whole bnslnest
It is likely ho will pay dearly for hi
little job. t
A man named L. Brown wits at
rested in a gambling house on Douglu
street last evening In response to several
oral letters and telegrams from Lin
coin. Just what the charges ngains
him are , la not known. Ho says tha
ho had some trouble with a man dowi
there and licked him ; that ho wa
taken before the police judge and offered
forod to plead guilty to assault am
battery , but was required to giv
bonds for a more serious offense. Ai
officer went ont with him t <
got his bond , and Brown turned li
and cleaned out the oflioor and mad
good his osoaon. The prisoner Is t
man cf about 33 years and dresses a li
cowboy. Ho has nevertheless sorai
documents showing that ho Is no com
men man. Ho hai a modal given hln
by the United States povernraont fo
bravery at the Big Hole massacre , am
nd & discharge from the army witl
character marked "excellent. " Ho ha
boon on the police forces In Indian
apolla and was highly reoom
" > nded for similar
a position at Lin
coin , rjejg
evidently a man of nervi
T } n ° w111 bo tRken '
Tin M
Lincoln this mo4 in ( .
Throe young follows wore. .rMto
last night on the chargn of stoallnp
valuable fur hat from General 0 U
Frederick's bat store , opposite'tl ,
Paxton. While the case ngMustthei
§ corns to bo a clear ono , the offene
will bo ao worse than potty larceny.
pome time Monday night the res
d < inco of Mrs. Kendall , corner of Soi
ontoenth and California , was enterc
by thieves , who pried open the bac
door to obtain an entrance. Once 1
they ransacked drawers
, closets an
wardrobes and secured clothing an
jewelry to the araouut of $400 c
9500 and then made
, Rood their o
cape. The police are on the track i
the thieves. Mra. Kendall had boon
ftbecnt from homo for several nights ,
returning each day to ice that every
thing was all right , and the burglars
evidently chcsa their time right.
Army Unions
Upon the approval of the troop and
elemental commanders , Private John
lll is hereby transferred from
roop Q to troop L , Fifth cavalry , and
will bo sent to join the station of his
roop by the first favorable opportu
The following named men enlisted
t Fort Omaha , Nab. , and Fort D. A.
lussolljWyo , are assigned as follows :
oseph B. Klrkhnm to the Fourth
nfantry ; Thoinaa McUale to company
Ninth Infantry.
A general court martial is appoint-
d to meet at Fort IJridger , Wyo. , on
ho 13th day of February , 1833 , or as
eon thereafter ns practicable , for the
rial of Private Thomas McDermott ,
'jrnpany II , 4th infantry , and such
thur prisoners as may be brought bo
om it.
Detail for tha court : Captains Wil-
lam H. Blsbce 4th Infantry and Qor-
urd L Lukp , 4 h infnuiry.
First Lieutenant Robert H. Yoang ,
h infantry.
Second Lieutenants Edward II.
Jrowne , 4fh infantry , and Oeorgo W.
"lolvor , 7th infantry.
First Llentpnarit Alfred B. Johnson ,
th Infantry , jadgi advocate.
A general court martial la appointed
o mental Fort McKinney , Wyo. , on
ho 19th day of February , 1883 , or as
0011 thoresf cer : t * practicable , for the
rial of Private Michael Kelly , corn
> any H , Ninth Infantry , and euch
ithur prisoners as may be brought be-
ere it.
Detail for the court Capta. San-
ord C. Kellopg , Fifth cavalry. Loon-
.rd . Hay , Ninth infantry , and Alpheus
I. Bowman , Ninth infantry ; First
louts. Charles D. Parkhurat , Fifth
ivalry , and James McB. Slembcl ,
flnth infantry ; First Lieut. William
S. Hoffman , Ninth infantry , judge
dvocato. i
Recruits John Follmath and Fred-
rich Paul , enlinttd at Fort Omaha ,
fob , are assigned to the Fourth in-
Army Promotion.
Major William Chambers , who haa
or many years been the government
gent fur the purchase of horses in
ho military department of the Platte ,
ms boon appointed inspector of the
military dlviniun ot the Missouri for
, ho purchase of cavalry horses. The
'ollowing order apcaks for Itaolf :
OF TIIK Mlatouiu , s
CmcAtio , 111. , February 1,1 83. J
General Orders No 3 : In consider-
r.lioii ot their long end faithful eer-
rioeo , especially in viy.v of their well
mown eap..citifB for the performance
of the duties , the following appoint-
moutn are made :
Major William Chambers to bo inspector
specter for the purchase of cavalry
torses in the division : Mijor Thomas
Moore to be chief packer and inspector
of pack muloo in the division' .
By command of
RODT. WILLIAMS , Aest. A'dj. Gon.
A Delightful "German" at Ft. D. A
Correspondence of Tin B .
FT.D. A.RuasEU , , February 3. Last
night was the scone of a remarkably
delightful German glvon under the
auspices of the ladies and gentlemen
of this gtrrlsaon. While thirty Inohoi
of snow on the level and a temperature
turo of 33 ° below , with a tendency tc
fall , are not cheerful conditions to con
template , in the performance of duty
they had no terrors for these whc
were on pleasure bent , and who were
asaarred that a treat was in store foi
them at the ploasnt garrison.
Invitations were laiuod for twenty
four couples , a few of whom from thi
city weru compelled to decline by the
severity of the weather , but the num
ber engaged waa admirably adapted
to the most thorough enjoyment.
The German was charmingly led by
Ciptain Ooolidgo , of the Seventh
Infantry , accompanied by Mrs. Lieutenant -
tenant U. W. Mason , of the Fourth
The hall waa tastefully adorned In
the regimental and company colors
and stands of arms. The floor wac
like a sheet of Ice in Its smoathnose
and the music waa all that could be
desired. It waa cold enough to make
exerciao pleasant , and ices ( think o !
It , yo gods ) wore served during the
evening to those who found it toe
Favors were supplied in generous
prefasion , each h'guro of the dance
being a "favor figure , " and notlcaa-
bio among many beautiful ones were
fans , tambourines and drums , deco
rated by the ladies of the garrison ,
assisted by Miss Ijams , of Omaha ,
ind by their dtft fingers transformed
From the commonplace things they
werelnto things of artistic beauty.
At midnight n delicious snppe'r waa
served of such substantial as oysters ,
salad , Saratoga potatoes , biscuits and
coffee , and the lighter accompaniment
of Ices , ice cream and cakes. The re
cuperation of the inner and outer man
being thus thoroughly effected , the
dance was resumed with now teat ;
and when , at half past three , the
strains of "Homo , SweetHomo"camo
with plaintive auggostivonoss from the
tired music , thrro were none but fell
that the end had como too soon , at
they made the most of the last waltz
Individual mention of ny whc
made thu night inch an onjovoblo one
would bo invidnoua , whan all the en
tortalnors vied so earnestly , ono witl
another , in their graceful hospitality
and when all the entertained won
m&do so happy by their efforta II
would have been dlflbult to divine
from the bright and merry faces ,
which experienced the greater pleainn
thu bestowers or the recipients.
The occasion will not fail to have t
lasting remembrance by all the par
tlolpiuts as containing more solid , aat
Isfactory , wholesome enjoyment to th
lineal hour than similar cues are won
to contain.
Quick , complete cure , all anneyin
Kidney , Bladder , and Urinary DIs
eases. Druggists , fl ,
A Trio of Auspicious Wedding
Ceremonies ,
Cupid'd Carnival in Omaha a
Delightful One.
The near approach of St. Valentino's
ay has brought to some of Omaha's
oung people their valentine in ad-
anno. Tuesday was the date of
hroo very interesting nuptial ceremo
nies and an occasion ofrejoicing to a
roat number of friends of the happy
onplcs ,
The reaidunco of Mr. Charles
chlank was the scene Tuesday of
bo wedding of Mr. Sol Prince , the
iarnum street clothing merchant and
Mr. Schlauk'a partner , with Miss
flora Ilosonthal , the charming and
accomplished sister of Mrs. Schlank.
The marriage took place at G o'clock ,
Judge Chad wick tying the knot , and
at 8:30 : a reception was held at Stand
ard hall , where about eoventy-fivo
couples attended to offer their con
gratulations and drink to the health of
Mr. and Mrs. Priuco in sparkling
ihampagno. Among the guests wore
i number from at ) road , including
* Ira , Henry Fuhrmau , the Missus
3ccktnan , Mr. Julias lipckmttn , of
Tremont ; Mr. and Mrs. Simon Kahn ,
f Chicago ; Mr. L SchWartz , of Now
fork ; Mr. Jacob Jacobaou , of Mil
waukee ; Mrs. L'juia Lindauor , of
Joonr , Iowa ; Miss Flora Oahn , of
few York.
Thobanquet wan an elegant ono and
Hr. Jdlins Meyer officiated as master
if ceremonies with the usual happy re-
ult. Simeon Bloom , M. Goldsmith ,
Andrew lloaowator , Abraham Priuco
and others responded to toasts , and at
ho close of the feast the Musical
Jnlon orchestra played , and dancing
was in order until a late hour.
The t > room is well know in Omaha ,
whore has resided for a number ot
rears and haa demonstrated bin fine
) usiness ability. His bride is of a iino
umlly , Airs. Charles Schlauk , Mrs.
Lluichunbarg and Mrs. John Merntt
) olng her slstcre , and she is as lovely
and amiable as the heart could duslrt1.
A largo number of presents wcro re
ceived from the immediate relatives
and intimate friends.
A pleasant wedding took place Tues
day on Dodge street , at the residence
of Mr. William SVildo. Tao room
was Mr. Emil Ehrlich , of S.Ut
Lake City , and bia bride ,
Miss Maty Wilde , daughter of
Mr. Wm. Wilde , who was for Eoveral
yeara in business in this city and
whoso family remain here , but who is
low hinuolt manager for the J. W.
Bailey mercantile company , of St. Joo.
The ceremony was porfoiimd by
DoatijMillapuugh. After a few da } sin
Draaha the newly married couple will
, eave for Now York Cl > y and thi'u re-
urn to take up their renldenco in
Salt Lake City.
Shrove Tuesday has come and gone ,
and with its advent have become nnso
ciated in the lives of some of onr
younger people , oome of the most en
dearing and cheerful of tteo. Ae
Shrove Tuesday , however , the day is
not particularly well known. As MardI
Graa , or "tho last day before Lent , "
It la more widely celebrated , and
looked upon as time of feasting and
intense pleasurable excitement , as if
a surfeit of both or either , would
atone in advance for the abstemious
ness enjoined during the Innton per
iod. It is also a day , on which loving
couples delight to commence married
life , because with two fold intent , the
occasion may bo fittingly and cheer
fully commemorated , Taridiy , in
the last mentioned respect , there was
the usual heglra from wastes of wed-
less lives , and among the fleeing ones
wcro Mr. J. J. O'Connor and Miss
Nellie Dlfflay , of this city. The nuptials -
tials of this lady and gentleman had
long been expected. Yet the an
nouncement ot the "day certain" was
not the leos pleasing because it wan
earlier by at least the Lenten period ,
than had boon looked for.
Mr. O'Connor is an attorney who
ban long been associated with the
Hon. Charles Brown. Ho la a gentle
man o f ability , a close student of his
profession , and devoted to it with the
rdor of a gentleman who Is in love
with his calling. Mr. O'Connor Is be
sides a gentleman of promise at the
bar , excelling in the conduct of civil
cases , In several of which ho has al
ready been distinguished. The bride
Is the niece of Mr. and Mrs. M Donovan
van , of the Orelghton house1 , of this
: lty , of whoso family , for some yean
back , she has baon an Intimate mem
ber. She is a lady of pleasing and
winning manners and handaomo pres
ence , and an admired member of an
jxtonslvo circle of acquaintances and
The bridal party loft the Oroighton
IOUBO Tuesday morning nt 8:40
o'clock.repairing thence and reaching
the church a few minutes before 9 ,
whore already a largo number ol
'riends were assembled.
The nuptial services expected on the
occasion consisted of a high mass , with
the attendance ot a full choir. The
former was sunn by Father J. E Lng.
Hsh , and the latter were under the
direction of Miss Arnold. While the
bridal party wore approaching
sanctuary Miss Arnold sang , with excellent -
collont effect , Mareau'a bridal hymn ,
and the rendition was generally com-
mended. The groom was attended by
Mr. J. English and tha brldo by Miss
Ella Orolchton.
The brldo was attired In heliotrope
and her attendent In wine colored
silk. Both ladles bore thomselvee
with consummate grace and ease
throughout the lengthy , and palpltat
inp ordeal.
The nuptial mass In the Catholic
church is among the most solemn and
impressive of the services in hei
ritual. In It nre Incorporated the
nuptial benedictions in full , which the
church pronounces upon her children
when entering the married state. In
deed , It la only In the nuptial rnasi
that those benedictions are bestowed
in their entirety , In other marriage
ceremonies they being curtailed ol
their complete and rounded proper
tlons. The benuons are road by the
priest facing the people , and from the
missal held by the aoolyto for that pur
3oso. Those consoling and edifying
Features nf the occasion wcro attended
to by Father Eugllsb , who subse *
imntly united the groom and bride
nthobonds of wcdlcck ,
Tno mass over , the party returned
to the Oroighton house , whither a
number of friends repaired to attend
the reception , which commenced at 10
o'clock. At 11 ft'cloek the party ,
about forty Invited guests , partook of
the bridal breakfast , served in most
exquisite style by Mr. Donovan , the
proprietor of the Crelghton. This
gentleman would seem to have made
up his mind to excel even his well
known ability in getting up appetizing
moiaolfl. His thanksgiving and Christ
mas and Now Year's dinnerohavo been
the they also have been the
marvel , of his guests. The break last
yesterday was beyond a doubt the
greatest of Mr. Donovan's achieve
ments and testified in no uncertain
manner the esteem In which ho hold his
wedded niece. The bill of fare , espe
cially printed f jr the occasion on toned
paper of unique design and appropri
ately and tichly described , contained
ninety features , both of substantial and
delicasiec , that would have delighted
the moat faitlducua of epicures.
A host of friends called during the
day and extended hearty greetings to
wedded pair. In the evening at C:30 :
o'clock Mr. and Mrs , O'Connor started
on a tour to the south , to bo absent
"or n few wtekc , whither hearty good
wishes have attended them.
The presents made the happy couple
wore both numerous and magnificent ,
but at thin time prevent their being
King Cainival Turts Loose in
Omaha ,
Brilliant Masquerade by the
The great night of all the year for
masquerades , that of the annual ball
of the Omaha Miunnorchor , was cele
brated tlili year with more than usual
Both Turner and Metz halls were
thrown wide open for the occasion
and a baud stationed lu each to fur
nish music for the dancers , the Musi
cal Union orchestra being stationed in
Turner hall , and the Bohemian band
in Metz'a hall.
The attendance was unusually large
nnd the number of nueqncrs only ex
celled by the variety and eleganca of
their costumes , which were 111110
costly , unique ncd beautiful than have
over appeared at any previous occasion
of thu kind. Many cf the caulumca
deserve especial mention had the
names of the wo&rera been obtainable
boforti unmasking came at midnight
The Ghnlk club appeared with a uni
form of plug hats and rod
gourds aa clubu , vrhilo the
mrst potent gocoralleeioio were a dreas
suit of burlaps with blue silk facing ,
and was otherwise gorgeously attired ,
"The light of the harem" was the
most noticeable fcmalo character im
personated and was immense.
A popular Dodge street news
dealer made several mashes disguised
as a middle-aged widow lady , and was
seriously alarmed by the persistent at
tention of one of his admirers.
The floor managers were brilliant in
their Turkish costumes , and the "frog
chorus" was an attractive feature oi
the preliminaries to thooponing of the
ball. From 10 o'clock until daylight
the dancing was kept up without in
termission , and the loading society
beaux whirled in the mazy waltz with
partners whoeo acquaintance would
have bsen acurnnd by others
who previous to midnight had
been locked in the earno embrace at H
more celoct gathering. "Tho girls , '
who formed a largo portion of the at
tendance , were , however , as decorous
as their sisters in high lifo , and it waa
not until early morning thit the car
nival becntno boisterous , Everything
passed c IT pleasantly and quietly , and
at 4 o'clock the B jhemlau band gave
a street fcorenade , the dancers dis
persed and the lights wont ont on the
latest festivitien of the season , the
morning having ulreody como in with
Lent and its requirements.
Mode froir the wild floweru of the
It Is the most fragrant ot perfume.
Manufactured by H. B. Slaven , San
Francisco. Forsale In Omaba by TV.
J. "Whitannnee and ) Kennaia Bror.
& 0o ,
Tables supplied with the beat the
market affords. The traveling public
claim they got better accommodations
and more general satisfaction here
than at any other house In Omaha.
Rate , $2 per day. augSltfm
r 8PEOIA1 Swill POSITIVELY not btln
serted unless paid In advance.
] \ jf ONEY TO LOAN-Calt at Law office ol I ) . L.
1YL Thomas room SCrclghton lilock.
807 tf ' UC6 Faroam
LOAN-On chattel mortpago re
MONEYTJ A. B. Tutton , Ko. 1516 Douglas
street front room upttaira. 43.Vtf
AAATO 10AN At 8 per cent In
f.UUUtercst tn sums ol J2.000 and up
wards , for 8to C years , on first cla s city and farm
15th and Douglas Sis ,
TONEY TO LOAN At 8 per cent , Shriter'i
1 > J Ui l G tit and Loan Agency , oppoilto
poatoffice. 7OT.U
Loom ( 'lrl wanted atCiiiflelcl houie ,
DINING 017-13
'ANTr3 > A woman took alee illihuanher at
the Hartley St. Restaurant. 831-St
ANTED A boy U or 14 years eld. The
W American News Company 215 S Uth St
ANTED A dining KOm girl at th Occl
W denul 3 5-81
Wanted male or female. In every
AGENTS | toiro In the Urlted States , tlo.0
to 1510 rar d.y cully made. G. E. HIDEOUT
* CO. , 10 lUrclfy Street , New York City.
J IS line mor. .
At Fort Om&hi.a glil to do house
WANTED cooking. Apply Tnuradiy bt
tuccn 12 atd 1 o'clock at No. 1713 Cbictto St.
Omaha : -8
- tint elits solle'fora , tlr T
WANJKD-Fonr ( Manted men preferred. Ad-
dr r B. M. K ofllca. & 3J-1S t
WANTED Apprr nt'ce ' for Drestmiklnir. In-
quire of M s L ni , Darenpert st et , bel.
Stl and 17th , ucuth ilJt , up stairs. 942-7t
/ IHL WANTED-For general housanork 2I1C
OT Darenport St. 930-7 1
\ irANTED Someone to board nd take earn ot
YV boy 4 years of age , Addreu Mrs. FiUmor-
tl Be. offic. 94-8 (
WANTED Hotel or boarding home to paper
and ( decorate byatklllcd mrclnnie In ez
chantre for d > y boatd. Address "E. " 11 o cilice.
gentlemen rou'd bo
[ date < l wl'h loom and board at 113 13'.hitrr t
bet. Drfge and Capitol arenue. 913-St
- 'Joi'ie ot fi orO rocms.Tlth ce lar
WANTED- nnd full lot. Will pay ca h.
AddrtM "Ptman Cramer , " U. & M.htadquaTters.
9117 ]
ANTED-Lidlcsto call and test the few
tysUm of ilrean cut Ing , wo can Ut nnr
lorm at first trial Tent llnmngs cut free nexl
Saturday. Patterns a ipcclalty , 1418 DoJgo M.
- % t turn Wed room rr Hilt *
WANrED-Pleis frv. llrg m n anil lfn with
board. Addms until 15h , "f. N. H. "
coreMlllud Hotel. _ Fet-r -
WANTED By an experienced b-ok kccepcr |
a position to work ivinlngs. Addrcm ' 'A.
F. P. " Bee o III co. U2C-8
LADY l > he9 a position > a houscke ter In
' n family whore help la ko t. Wou'd not
object tog In * out of the c ty. Addresser call at
09a North 20th street. 911-7 *
KENT H acres hndw'thlnlj ' m Irs ol
rostDtllce , with home ol two rooms , Und
in three pared , ono o' ' 21 aoro' , ono ot 18 ncros
and ono ot 4 acred , and all nlc 'v fenced.
ISKMI3 , Aiot ,
15-tf 15th ant ) DoujlM Street ? .
NT Ne t cottage full lit nice loca'lon
JL1 112 00 per month. p.L.THOMA3 950-13
HREE unl unlshed rooms for rent , with bay
Jl window. 1416 .hleato ( street. 91O12t
T > OOM FOR RENT-Pleiwint Iccatlen , newly
I k furnished all modam convenience ? . 0. B.
Moore , 1M4 Dodge street. D38-71
FOK RENT After Februiry IB two lirsreun-
lurnishid rooms on flrt floor. IteM < kne
18tb St , first hous.i nor h ol Chicago , 931-711
OK HUNT lloueof four rooms aid kitch
F en. Apply A. iluiphjr 42014lhSt 929-lOr
I UK KhNT Double office la Jacobs' black.
O UENT Ijp-stalrs over 14U Fatnam at. JOIhS U. JACOBS.
AUAROI7A < CEFOR UEM * The 2nd story
and b s raonto ( hulldln No.llll b'arnam
street. Inquire next Jooreas .
FOB KENT One organ , 83.00 per mi-nth , at
_ A . JIo-paVMuslpJloll _ 777-lm
_ L' coiTcnlercos 1810 OodgaSt. 573-lm
FOU RENT 25 house' , 2 to 10 rooms , at ? 3 to
} 25 per mrnth Sliriver'n Kent bureau , op-
pObt ] Dost otlic ; . | 7C8-t (
iiOH KEXT Se\cral i 1 house * , 5 rooms
J cack. DU. C. II. PAUL.
' 39-lm
It If I Oiie l v nl O'V luruisfuti room
wllh board Ir tno nt 1808 California St.
B EM IS' New Map of Omaha , just completed and
ready for delU cry at 95 each. Is 4 feet wldo
by 7 feet lon . Largest anil moat complete map
of Omaha ever published. OUlclal map o ! the
city. See column.
EOIIS ILK Span of mules , Ilarntsiand wagon
Inquire Jamo , FaKonr Oper * house \au.t-i.
1.1 ItaAI.lO A larL'e Lu ihcst , alu.oit ntw
Jj sultblcforcaloon or restiuran' , cost 120.00
111 b sold for 75.uOa1 o ono una 1 nicely orna *
mented couute * , IHO Douglas St. 91t'-9
IOHHA'.E-Carl-na drift horjes at Dillran-
cea Bile stable 219 S. lOth St. 934-71
\X7"E otter ( n s lc at a bargain the engine and
YY fixture * now In Ute at our works. Tha
ccmtl t > onflt : ISM aooil u new , ted cor l-t < of
" 111 0(40 h'rs jiu e > ) , B < If , HeaterSti m
I1 mp , Suiokehtt k , H fnm nd Water Onugp' ,
\Vitvr5a k Va\ti tipo''tc. lt llbat Kun
out sb ut thi fi'"t < it njxt Miy Partie intern
led are 1ml et oca'l ' un * s > t Inofe-ctlcn < < r
a"d n'u it ( bund j ncept- ' ) " ' * a9 Wncdma'n
Llrinea Oil tYorkj , co-n rSetemth and NIch-
c.'as tUci'N 017-im
, , \OH SAf F A Block of mcrchand so In ono ot
L1 thi llulest ow a In Kdrthern Nebraska , d Ing
a rash b tli.CFB , la t ju r's > al(8 j'JO,000 ulll run
moru ihl year ; s 'Ha tory real ns ghen for
trailing. AddrtM "Merchant , " carj Omaha
Ofi : i I Oil SAhh IIIEAI' ( U milts west ot
Omah , nn lie Union Pacific railroad
Brick barn , two ttiry hotel and furniture , three
lo'slixluJ ' , good Bland , co d business. Oo il
ruasonn for sellinff. IiKjuirc of subscriber.
" 13-Im-m9 North Ffcnd , Neb ,
Ij uii ALb -llou u ana I , t tor rsulr on S lath
C MI-I Dorcis suteU. Call on tbe premises.
8W-12tt !
HALK P. c cts maps of Nebraska 0o
FOU . For birgains in aha City Improved
andummpr > ed property , call on Wm f , Shri-
> cr , neil Estate Agent , oppoa'te ' ) > o.itotfico.
I/loll SALll hlx room cotta u with barn vnd
J. half lot on Chicago street , near Illch School
Only 82,300. McCAGUK ,
COO-doo 27-tt Opp. I'
tiALK , \ Jri'l cl 8ieconl o ud pbaotoo-
HUJlt at ISlOnarneySt ? 97-tf
11J th'u'iuil , Yard 15th street , two b'ojk
south ot JJe'leviie ' road
doc 23-3ml LORENZO DIBDLK ,
E1IIS New Map of Omaha , Just completed ano
B ready for dtltery at K each. Is 4 foot wldt.
by 7 feet long. Largest and moet complete map
oi Omaha ever published. Official map ol the
city. Sen column.
waUh charm nca- the IVit Office
Owier can ha\c same by descrlbinpr prorf-
tv and Ipayinf ( or thU adrertlBement. Charles
Lundjtrcm 2bth and Honaad. 3J3-71
T OST A ladle i iold Ear r'.nf. Under Iwve
11 game at Dee oflico.
TIONALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam
and Harney. Will , with the aid of guardian
snlrlta , obtain for any one a glanoo ol the past
and present , and on certain conditions ID tbr fu
ture. Itoota and Shoos made to order. Pulrct
satisfaction iruarantee.1.
Absolutely Pure ;
This pow der never > ariea. A marvel ol purity ,
strength and holcomene a. More eoonomlcal
than the orplnary k'nds , and cannot b sold la
competition with the multitude ol low tout , short
w eUht , alum or ph tphate powiler. Sold only la
cans. ROTIL Bn o POWPSK Co. , Wall-fit. , 90
New York ,