THE DAILY UtiE-THURSDAY FEBRUARY 8 VA T. THOM COMPANY , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS , FARM MACHIMEEY , PUMPS , ETC. , IMF Nebraska and Western Iowa. , , . N , C. Thompson Mower. The N 0 T ompssn Reaper. WEMAKE A SPECIALTY OF Line of Implements N. 0. Thompson's Full CHALL NG PLANTER. and Machinery , Will do well by Corresponding with us. OTJIR For receiving and transferringgoods for Manufacturers are of the best. The N. C. Thompson Hay Tedder. N. G. Thompson Double Row Stalk Cutter BIBnCTIDsrT , TSZODVC SOIST < Sc CO. , WATER Thai never require crlmplnp , At lira. J. J. QuoVa Uftlr Store , it prices never before touched by ny other hair dealer. Also a lull line of flwitches , etc. at Kreatly reduced prices. 4l90gold , liver and colored now. Wave * made from ladlea' own Lilt. "Da not fall to call hoforo purchasing llaenhcre. All goods warranted M represented. 11113. J. J. GOOD , 2 ! ( Mam strcot. Council niuth , Iow . DOCTOR STEINHART-S Enr t ire . KOR OLD AND You.vo , HALK AND KRVIALK. It la n sure , prompt and effectual remedy or In digestion , Djepip-la , Inttrmlttcnt Ket era , Want of Appetite , Ncnoug Debility In nil Its Htauen , Weak Memory , Loss of Ilroln Power , Prostration , Weakness and general Loss of I'oner. It rcjialr ncnous waste , rejmenates the faded Intellect , ttrcnghthens the enfeebled brain and restore * lurprls ng tine and \igor to the exhausted or cans. The cx | > c rlenco of thousands | > roes It to bean im aluable remedy. Price , 81.UOa bottle , or six orW. for Bale by all druroUtx , or suit ecure from observation on rectlpt of price by I > r. StoinliiLV t * . Q. Box 24CO Si Louis Mo. 617 St. Charlne St. ST &OYT1S tSSu A BKQULAIl UUADUAlK of two iutdli. eollf > scehi3beoi longer eniaied In tha tr > > ivt ment of UIIKOMO , MEIlVOUH. SKIX ANC BLOOD Diseases than any other physician In Hi Lout ) u city pipers show anil all ol > t rcsldpnti know. Consultation free and Invited. When ft la Inconvenient to vls't ' the city for treatment medtclnM can be sent by mall or exprcai cvoty where. Curable cases znarantsed ; where doabt cxlitn It la frankly btaUd. Call or write. Nervous prostration , Debility , Mental and Physical Weakness , Murcnriftl ana other itUcotioiiH of Throat. Hltlq nnd lionfi , Blood Impuntlea and lilood L'oiaonlogi Skin Affectfona , Old Surea and Ulcara. Impedimenta to M&rr'nro , Itheumatinru , Piles. Hpcclul attention to C&HOK ( ruir OTor-worked brnln. aUltGIOAL OAHEB receive gpoefal attention. UlaoMCB arielntr from Impru'leoce ' , KxceasoB , Imlulgeneer 2TiO pages the wholi MiEBIA&l story well told. Man ; receipt * ; who may mar ry , who may' not , why , GKCTXODXI. causes , consequence ) and cure. Sealed for 25o poatagb or stai DOCTOR STEINHART'U SUPPOSITORIES ! The Great Popular Kenuuy for Piloa. Sure cure for Blind , Uleeding I-cblngPllet And all forma of Hemorrholdal Tumora. Them ScrrofirrORiM act dlructlv ujion tht ooaU of the Wood Vessels , and by their astringent eOccU Kently force tha Mood from the swollen tumors , andby making the coats of the \uiu [ itronir , pre ent tho'r ' refilling , and hence a radl col cure U suru to follow their use. Price , TC cent * a box. For sale by allJrUKirteU , ur sent b ) mall on receipt of price , fcy a Ush Medical Imrtltuto , 718 Olive StSt T/on IMPERISHABLE " - - - - PERFUME. Murray & Lanman's RORIDA WATER aw [ n a BJrt Itf H i U 11) . Best for TOILET. BATH and I ANDKERCHIEF. -i r IK\\KR , Cou , Aujust23 , 1832. Oh\in I ciTot flnd words w th which to of- 1 re-H my gftltuJa to you for the euro jour SulftsSpccillc haiclTcct d In my cisc. I wu olll'ct'il w.tli tl > 3 horrible d ncaso for three joirs , an 1 nftospcnilln HOMO tlmu at the Hot "prln 'd I uieil on y ono dozen small tmu'l bottles of S. S S. and there h not a Ign of the illjeno remiln- Inj My soreH nre alilieilml , my thrott Is en- tiioj wollj bleilU'uio. lamiWrf llcini ; a that tcrrl- driiif tlcrk , I ha\o so n 80 nnny hundreds of men ilo-fcd with Caljincl , lodldj o' McJcury anil lodlJe rf 1'otaah , u til > hey wo o c nip etawrtckt , tbat I shudder to thfnk of tli'j in s ry which ha. * bon brought on tin human family by the use of Mercurials ( or . j I Blood Diseases It luncrjlogshamo th\t physl , cfana w 111 not acknowltaro the limit of your ! GIl ND Blood MeJ'c'no. Use my ramo a.i jou wish. J. II. KAFF. If you doubt , come to sea us , and wo will CURE YOU , or c'jargo no'hingl Write for particulars and a copy of the little book , " Jlcssa u to the Unfortunate Suffering " Ask any Dnij 'ist " 8 to our standing. tfi-81OOO Hewnrtl will ho paid to any ChciuUt who w.ll nnd , on ana'jsU of 'JOO bottlea ofS. S. S. , onu parllco of MD curj , lodldo of I'osasslum , or any .Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Proprietors , Atlanta. Qa. Price of Small Size , $ l.rjO Largo Slzo , 1.73 SOLI ) BY ALL DUUQOISTS. UUA OR , r/iie Stnr-y or tue Swing Haohlno , & bau-ltcice little r mbe ) } , Mnt/uid jrl or * with rnmsan Migrfcilrijn iIIih ! GIVEN AWAY 0 ny aac'.t peMon r.itllcj for II , ct aar bsimck or imi-oHreof The Si&Kor IlincfkcSmlcf ao-u- > * ny , or will b ? otut by mil , pc J pild , ti tcvprrcaa Uvlm rt dtn anc funcnr of3 i The Slu Mnnrtraulini'inK Oo , , 'tlnelvitl 'Xfloe , 34 Union Bqujra COL , L. T. lYoungiitown , Ohio , May 10,1690. " * D . B. J. KUNDAIA * Co. I livl a > rcry valai tala UamblotonUn colt thRtlprltnd very lilghlj hebadalargehnnecpavln en ono Joint and i imull one on tbo ether which made him rerj Uuie : I had him under the charge of two reter Intry turgeono which failed to euro him. I wn ono day reading the i-dvertlsement cf Kcndalh Bpavln Cure In the Chicago Exprew.I dctormlnw itoncetotry and got ourCrufglsf , her * It tend lor It , ind they ordered three bottles ; I tool ill and I thought I would give It a thorounl trial , I used It aeccrdlng to directions and thi fourth day the colt ceiled to bo laiao and th < lumi have disappeared. I used but one bollli and the cot' ! llra > , are as Jree of lumri and u tmooth aa any borae In the state lie Is entlt > ly cured. The euro w " to remarkable tha havvletlwoof mv celghbori have tht leinalr Ing two bottlei who are now ruing II Very mpdctfully , L.T./OSTKa 5 nd for lltnrtrattd clrcnlur clvtng poilllr , poof. Filntl. All Druiv-lits have It or ca- getltfor jot. Dr. P. J. KencUll b Oo ; , tn prleton. Enotbnrgh Kalll , Tt. BOLD BY bL DRUQQIBTS 4-w-l A. TflB OStfluDIj HEN. la breaking an egg at a hotel la rlilwaakeo the other d y there was onnd a foreign substance Imbedded u too yolk , which , on closer Inve tl- ation , proved to be a allvor dime with leaden filling. Mm. StoTart , of Madison , Ga. , said n 1881 : "Yoa had bettor chop that Id hon'a head off. " "No , " eald O. S. townrt , "she may yet bo useful. " Ir. Stewart aold $10.77 worth of eggs nid by the same hen from January 1 , 882 , to January 1 , 1883. lira. L. Wyman , of Palmyra , Maine , haa a hon vrhich has three sets f YTtngo. The largest sot are on tlr6 iody In the usual position , the next argor on the hips and are about half ho size of the first , the smallest on bo lower extremities of the Icf-d and early half the aizo of the hip wings. The hon is a success in Illinois , as witness a npocimon item from the En- orpriso , publiahed at Ilomor , in that late : "Mrs. Rebecca Thompson , liv ng about eovon and one-half miles iouthwcst of this place , the past year ias sold from only GO hens over $31 worth of eggs , besides raising 350 chickens. " From the Montezuma ( Qa. ) Weekly , ho world learns the following : "R. Perry has brought a double egg , or , wo eggs in one , as a curiosity 10 thla office. Thay are united at the small ends and stand out at right angels to each otbor , being dlatlncf and Bepa rate eggs with the exception of the mall ends that unite them together. " The young peoplu of Den Molnea have developed n species of influenza , which commences with hoarseness and coughing and IB attended with violent vomiting. How to Wake Sound Sleepers. Wew Tork Sun. A conductor on a Third avonno liorso-car was seen last orening ox poaing to the cold air the little iroi wrench used on the road conncotec with the faro register. Ho was asked what ho was doJng. "Giving it a lit tie fro za , " ho replied. "You BOO that lad in the cornerj" indicating yonng man in a ntato of advanced somnolency. "Well , ho told mo to wake him up at Tenth street. Jos' ' watch me do It. " Ho then ontoroi the car and applied- the chilled meta to the alumborer'a neck , The young man leaped to his feet , rolled hla oyei In a bewildered way , and dlsjolntodly exclaimed : "What how where am I ? Who litruck- ? " "This is Tenth street young , fol lor , " interrupted the conductor. "Oh ! Ahl Thank " you , nald the young man , getting off the oar in some confusion , followed by the unchecked laughter of passengers. "That fetches 'em " always , aald the collector of farog , "It's a wrinkle that all of the boys hasn't ketchud or to yet. You never sees mo tuggln and pastin * lush lads who fills asleep in my bjrooch. I jest gives 'urn nn 'applorcatlon of cola steel. ' Of coorso I can't do this In warm weather , which Is a reason I wishes with all my heart that there was more winter In a year , Not regular , downright winter that freezes a man onto hii car , bn just enough winter to glvo my wrench the chills. I hope the company wil tumble enough to the Idea s to give eoh conductor an Ice box for to freeio lis wrench in summer , so ho can wake up lush passengers. It's bottor'n an alarnclock. . " Ono volco all over the land coos up rom mothers , that says , "My ( laugh- .era are so feeble and sad , with no strength , all out of breath and life at ho least exertion. What ban wo do 'or them ? " The answer la simple and lull of hope. One to four weeks' use of Hop Bitters will make them healthy , rosy , sprightly , and cheerful. Ho Qot it. A farmer hitched his toim in front of a business house on Grand lliver nvonuo Saturday , stood for a moment lo look up and down and ecratch hU car , and then entered anil said to the proprietor : "I want to converse with you. " "What about ? " "That's the p'nt thrit bothcra mo. I live out hero about C'gHt miles , and have got through soiling ray 'tatcri and am ready to go home. The old woman told mo to be cur , ) and ronipm- her somothine , but vrhat it was I can't remember. Perhaps , if wo open a conversation you may any something to mnku rno remember the article. " "Well , suppoao wo talk of the east ern question ? ' ' No pood. Nothing over there to give mo hint , " "How about the recent horrort ? " "Horrors ? Horrors ? " mused the farmer. "Horrors would tnoin horti cultural , and horticultural would would moan flour. Can't bo that , for wo ralae our own. " "How about cougrost ? " "Congress ? That would remind mo of congress galtora , but the old woman wears calf-ekinu shoes. " "Anything In the recent bank fall uros strike you ? " "Lot's see : The caahlor skips. Nothing in that. Ho is Arrested. No slgnlGcanco to that. Ho compromieos and becomes again a good fellow. Nothing there try again. " "Rather moial day. " "Alolslt Nothing in that. " "Tho now year la rolling on. " " ! the "IlolllDg-roll-hold on By big spoon youv'o hit ill Rolling roll roller towels ! That's It to a dot ! She wanted six yards of roller towels , and I'll roll ritlit ; off and git 'em before my head cloaes up on mo again. Roll roller roller towels towrols to wok roller six yards six roller yard towels six towel van rollers. " * Both Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable able Compound nnd Blood Purifier are prepared at 233 and 235 Western avenue , Lynn , M < uw. Price of either , $1. Six bottles for $5. Bant by mall In the form of pills , or of lozongon , on receipt [ of price , $1 per box for cither. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all let ters of Inquiry , fincloeo 3 cent stamp , Send for pamphlet. Montlon this paper. Have to Squoeie. The man with thopatent ] firo-CBcapo , patent applied for , la to ho encounter ed on every corner. Some of them have a knotted rope , others a canvas tube , and others got a rope ladder worked by a crane or a pulley nc block. Eftoh one li warranted to ure everybody from the sixth story in tlmo of Ore with the utmost promptness ind dispatch , and without oven a irniso on the shin , and the " "coat Is a nero nothing. On Brush street there s a carpenter shop on the first floor of and old house. The carpenter occu pies only the first floor , while the garret - rot is empty. A firi-oaoapo ) man dropped around here the other day and pointed out ho dangers of a holocaust in such graphic language that the carpenter : ould almost foul blisters rifling up on ; ho back of his hnnda. Ho realized the need of a firo-eaonpo , and ho laid down his saw and paid a call on the Dwnor of the placn and asked him to lave a hole cut through the floor and a rope ladder put In. "Lot's see , " mused the owner. "How largo is the room you occupy1' ? "About fourteen foot square , " "And you work there alone ? " "Yes. " "How many windows ? " "Three. " "And double doors' " "You. " "Well , of course , I don't want you to burn up in there , " observed the owner ; "but I wiah you would do mo a fivor. In case of a fire I wish yon would open the throe windows and the double doors and see if yon can't possibly equoozo yourself out far enough for some outsider to catch hold of your hair and pull you through ! " Money for tbo Unmarried , One of tha moat toll j uml uubatanclal Institution ! ) in this country In the Mar * rlage Fund and Mutual Truat Association , of Cedar Uiiphlu , IOWA. They are organ ized under the lawa of Iowa , and their of ficers and directora are among the lending nnd most prominent buslnew men of Cedar llaulde. Kvory unmarried portion should Imve a certlfiouto In this .imoclntlon , It la a Bplondld investment , as aafo aa a government boud. You on just no well have n good turn of money to commence married life on an not. A large number of mombora have boon paid off , receiving over 800 per cent on thrlr Inveitmont. Write for circulaiH fully detailing the plan , which ID tlio liuest known. Do not pontpono it. Good agent * wanted. Mention whuro you H.IW thU notice , fG 3m. Ho Won't Puy. DitroU Kite 1'icis , "I got thit notice this forenoon , " ho remarked , as ho handed the print ed slip Into onii of the ward windows tit the wator-otlico yontcrday. "Y-e-s , I see , " rppllod the clerk , she ho handed It bak. "I Bm noliQad , " ro umed the citi- rn , "flint the water Is to bo shut off from my hoaeo unices I pay rates * onoo. " "Yes , air. " "Is this despotic Koiala , or free America1' "I L'u/i "J ) sighed the clerk as he IcxjUoa over a lot of figures. "Then you'll shut my water off , wil you ? " "I presume wo will. " " 1 don't bellovo it. 'Wu'vo boon frozen up for ton days , and ii anybody can find any water to shut off they may try it on. " "Frozon , oh ? " V'Frozan tight ai a crowbar , an * whose fault is it ? Yon contract to give me so much water dally or weekly 0r monthly for BO much money. Where ( a my water to-day ? " "Then It'i froisn ? " "Fro ent Didn't I uj crerjr water plpo in my house was frczan as solid aa the Rook of Gibraltor ? And whoso fault is It ? " "I see , " murmured the clerk. "What do you BOO ? Da you BOO mo going around the neighborhood bor rowing water , or do you ceo those frozen pipos/ / The landlord says ho didn't freczo 'em up ! " "No ? ' "And I didn't. " " ' " "Tlmt'a an. "But the weather did. Am I any more runpunsiblo for the woathcr than you arc ? Why don't you rim your water ever a hoatur in the winter and take the ohllla oC ? " "Ithi.ik wo will. " "And now I won't pty until I get watorl No , sir ! I will sou you hung first ! You ivm go up and dig and pick , aud turn your old rods around ) but' you can't noaro mo into paying ! " "I know it , " wus the brisk answer. "You may udviao mo to light a nan- din nnd oriiwl under the house and knock the top of my head off against the jointi , but I won't do It. You nny ndvlso hot briclts , but I'd like to BOO myeolf holding hot bricks against the cold pipes to please anyoodyl Warm rjgs will somotimtsdo the bust- nosj , but am I going to hunt all over Datroit for rnga nnd burn half a ton of onnl to warm * om ? " "No , " softly said the clerk. "And don't you forgot that you nro a sor/ant of the public , either ! " "Novor ! " "And aa I eaid before , shut off and bo hanged to you ! " "Yos. " "And 1 will tuovo ! " "You will ! " "And you may sue mo 'for the amount and I will fight yon to the highest court in the unlvoreqThU / monopoly can't bluff mo for a cent ! " "That'a BO , " was the ca/m / reply , and the citizen walked out as stlfly as if hla Icgn had boon drilled ( or wator-pipo and there had boon a freezo-up. A Vnlnnblf Medicine. HU.NT'H UKMKUV , I" MINY HKBIH , Thcra are no dlitwas more prcviluot , with perhafH , thooxccp'l of Conaomflliw , In tlila country , thvi the Kidney an ! i"or Cornplolntai and to Hnd n runiody tb- ' would eDrctu.lly re- llevethimi. . | ] ou ' < > < 'tno 1" olm.nyt.mic- ted ufferM" . rfncthw our h Ml ana vo't-'o ' Me pn iuclho to these dli H , or whether thar rnayioiultlrom th picullorlty of our cllmale , l8b < ynnd our comprehension , and la ( IllltU val ue Bln.p n cllljacloiu r innly cm bo Ind ; Imt of on * iMnji wu are turu , Hot the lint allllctiil jm'illo will hall with Jar tliofjieclJc which has again luil n itln jirovcd IU ahllltf to eflectually cope ulth fciid vradloto tlioso Ultooaor , Too care olthin incdlcma In IIntit' Itcmcily , and It It inar.ulactured Iiy the llunt'a Itcmody Ccm pinyol I'rovllcnce , Itt \ not often that men lien of n potent niallclno occurj In thesis coUimi hut , when one c mu uniler our notice iioaiccalni ; mioh undoubted nurlttH tliu ono of which wo gpcalc , wo caniot refrain from ( 'lvlntf It the crotl- It Itduorrva. Itcurouwlien all other rcinrdUn ( all , a > It acts directly on t'o KldnayiLlrvr | nod I ) ] ol rtmtorln them all at one * to be<hy action. It l euro to eradicate " Jlee ; s of the KUceys , UUdder , U < ln < ry Orian , eucli aa Qravi.lUi totit < , incontinence , Uotentlon of tha Urlno. It hM wonderful t fleet on Wcakncii i I'aln tn the Hack , Hide , or Loins , and hai pror- rDIUdll thu moit reliable medlclie ettanl fcr OenVial Dollllly , Fcnula Utieaie , Ulitnrbod Bleep , IAM ol A | > | ietlt , ac J all ooropUInU oi the Urlno-Oenlljl Orgaat. Ifi efBiAcjr lo caiei of thai dreadful aoourgt and IcdJIoui Brlght's Dlioate of the Kldntjs , hai been rt- marlablc ; and , If Iti merit rested on Ita aucoew In coping with that dlioiBo alaue , It would b wotthy of lil h rank aj publla benefcbtor. la all dltosocaof the Llvor an Dlllouanoii , Head ache , UyiH ] > pg a , Sour Stomach , and Cogtlvenow It quickly Induces tlut organ to hjallly action , and remove j the c U3o at the tame tluis. His jniroly vrKclablo In componltlon , being entirely free from n'l mercurial or mineral poisons , and pOMc c rjro > lrtuei ai a remedy for Heart Disease and Hhoumatlam. Wo hare neither time ) norepicoto do thli mcdlclno full juatlcs ; but the public can obta'n full pu tic jlar * In the thapo of pamphlo't and circular ! by acMrorilog Hunt' * Ileniojy Company , Providence , K , I. Sclontlfla Timi-s. Vy II jou r * iiui ' * orliu lii'TiwrU ir.un of u * > incil hvtlirnmluor fr > iolllnta I itir illltlm uvnlt' iilwlit word ( c irnn > i'Aiitff ua uin * ) rjit UJl i. . lWT' " ! . 01 Jllt.UJ If TCUW lr. T. rife : ui tl neli ; , ula oi ' a iKMir/trrltli or luiiitimh tine , ruly cu Hop " 11 * ni n n rr > ou ftul ! rnrr r'im ami Tour ] tcnv urd l inuin | ( > t ir > , nif or - Jiare txfuiir frutwf bf ' tlmt ! y uwof t te Hop HcpEIttnrw f > s ta , Dot. O nrvfHuiffevm- I Mitclnt * aa * of tU * f marA , and Irritiitta. MirfU. tlaod , ble c u r i' ( or mirointmif ( iruilcruitfi. ui of opttno , YOD will 1m tobaeou , w nuntloa. Hop Bitt ni ilr w * ak KIM ! rmi Send for (7wir > lr Circular ii It may avcyour life. It hut II Vtt W , hun- . ' tT.TO.U.O.I. EUROPEAN HOTEL , The mott centrallr located hotel In Ibt dtr. Boom TSc fi.00 , l.M > Mid IJ.OO per d y. Fir C'aw nrstaurunt conneclid wil | h b ° U * HURST. - - Pro * . V fourth nd f-ft > Av t ( . .DC.OTTXO Bend 91 , 52 , ? ? , or W for s rt- tall box by 'Exprew of tha beat Oatrjle In America , pat up g nt boxes , and strictly pure , Suitable for { present * . Exprttft cbargea light. Refers to all Ohl- oago. Try it once. JO. F. QUNTHBBJ Confectioner , Nebraska Loan & Trust Company HASTINGS , NEB. Capital Stook , - - $100,000. JAB. I ) . UKAHTWELL , Prealdent. A. L. CLAIIKE , Vleo-Prc ldent. E. U. WbUSTEU , Treasurer DIKEGTOIIS. Sanmol Alexander Oswald Oliver , A. L. 0'arle , K.O. Webster' Ooo. U rratt , JM. a Ueutwell , D. M.MoEllllim y. First Mortgage Loans a Specialty This Company furnUhc * a permanent , horn * Institution where School Iloi tand other lonally Inued MuiiMnal Becurlllo > o INcbruka oan babe bo netotUt d oo the ra3 11 avorabla tenna. Loam made on lmprote < t f u J n all well tettloa oouatiwof Uxetale , thioi t I Mpoiwlblelocal oorrMuoodtotf.