THE DAIJL1T BEjtf-OMAHA THURSDAY FEfiJJUARr 8 ROARING RIVERS. frightful fiuln Wrought in Ohio and Adjoining States , The People Forced to Ply From Their Homea to Higher Grounds. The Hilltops Alone Visible in the Vast Waste of Waters. The IleBtrnotiontf Zilvo Stock ana Other Property Incalculable * Special Dispatches to Tun CINCINNATI February 7. The Ohio river ia rieiig hero inim Inchra an hour , Bt.d at the same rate at Ports mouth and Catlottsburg. Heavy ioo Is reported to have rocchod Ports mouth ; thirly-aix foot at Wheeling. The tiver is ocginning to riao again with heavy latui. Side utreanis will causa a rapid ri p all along the river. The Big Sandy river la higher than it haa been for ton years. WILKESIUHRE , Pa. , February 7. Feoplo living along the river front in thii city arc no win dread of the river overflowing to-night , and those living In the lower part of the townaro mak ing proparationa to move. A second Ice gorge formed opposite the jail. The ioo Is piled up in immense hoapi. The flats between horn and Miiigiton ro covered with about nlno feet of water. The rain last night swelled the mountain streams. Should the lee remain in the bed of the tivor much longer there is every probability of the greater portion of the valley being inundated. PiTrsBono , February 7. Indica tions point to another flood , this time from the Monongahola river. Heavy rains foil along the valley yesterday and last night , and dispatches fro headqnartura this morning report the water rising rapidly , which will reach here by to-morrow. CINCINNATI , February 7. Extreme- lyhtuh waters in the Ohio and Lick ing tivera. Fifty coal barges , half of them loaded , were wathed uway from the Coviiigtun chore to-night. LOBS , $35,000. The river waa forty-nine feet at midnight , still rising. POUT DEPOSIT , Md. , February 7. The ice gorge in the Saequthanria ex tends two tniloa. 'Tho ice below the gorge is firm for three intiea. All p < ! O- plo m the exposed places have been removing vuluoblea. The river la rising all day. WASHINGTON , February 8. The weather bureau s ya : The Ohio , Tennease and Cumberland rivers will continue to rise , causing dangerous floods in the Ohio and Cumberland valleys. The Allegheny and Monon- gahela rivers will rise rapidly at points near Pittabuig. The Ohio will prob ably reach the danger line at Cincin nati to-day. CINCINNATI , February 7. The Com mercial-Gazette's special says : At Marlota the whole lower part of the city la overflowed. The river is rising three inches an hour. Hundreds of people have boon driven from their homes. Relief meetings have bson organized. At Portsmouth the river is 48 foot high , completely submerg ing the lower stories in that portion of the city. At Wavorly tha Sciota overflows miles of bottom land * . The town of Jagpar , aeveu miles be low , Is entirely flooded to-night by the breaking ot the levte. The damage is enormous. At Stubonvllle the water works are submerged and manufactur ing establishments re cloned. At Mtllorsburg the danuge to railroad and other property is over ? 30OOJ. At Pomoroy business b entirely sus pended Water la coming into the main buainets portion of the town. Many residences are flooded at Bloom- irgton , lud. The diuuaqo through out the country by the flood will go Into the millions , Live stock h-m > bopn swept away and hogs froze la the water. TOLKDO , Ot , February 7. There ia still great distress from the flood tit towns above OH the Muurnen. The wakir has fallen about three font at . Detianc3. At Napoleon tha bank of the canal gave away , flooding tha entire country. At the town of Florida , forty miles above her 3 , the water has risen thirty-three feot. Every family in the town haa been driven from home. Many have taken refuge In the ichool bouses , others in the brick church. Both building are crowded. The flour mill waa swept away and goods and provisions have been lost from stores to a largo amount. Many bead of live stock have also perished. The weather Is clear. The danger by the flood here is thought to bo past. WHEELING , vv. va. , Jfdbruary 7. The river continues to rise. The southern portion of the city and Island wore under water all day , the resi dents having no communication but by boats The streets are full of mer chandise removed from cellars. Hundreds - drods of families are now moving out In expectation of flooding. The letter _ carriars to-day delivered mail on portion of their routes by skiffs. No I leES of life. Fjhnnry 7. From present indications tilts sic'ion will bo visited before morning with the greatest flood fuf fifty yeara. All dny yesterday and hut night the rain fell in torrents at all points along the Monougahola valley. The record Bhowa a totil rainfall of one and & half inches. This malted and carried off the snow on the mountains , and soon the creeks and etroama were converted into small rivers , pouring their volumes of water Into the Monongahela Eirly this morning caino reports from points above of a booming river , but not until noon was there any rise hero The rlvof then commenced swelling and haa since been rising rapidly , Dispatches from Morgan town , Greens bore , Brownsville and other towns along the banks report the water still rising at the rate of 18 inches an hour. Many places are already partially sub merged. Great dlstrnction of property U anticipated. At this point there wu twenty feet at 10 o'clock to-night , and from the amount of water yet to come it is thought there will bo from 43 ; to 35 feet before the flocd rewhai the highest point. A portion of Allegheny City and the South Sldo are now under water and by to morrow mornh'g it is expected the mlllo and faatorlc along the rivers will bo compelled to suspend operations. Families in the lower parts of the city are mov ing goods to places of safety , de serting their housm. A Blnoliinntlf r find Defumtr. Special Dispatch to Tin HIE. MILWADKKE , February 7. A few days ago there wcro received in this city and In Fen du Lac , addressed tea a well-known person , n considerable number of tintype likenesses of a beautiful young lady , accompanied by certain printed statements calculated to create n great sensation in society circles. Th young lady in question is a Mies Vesta L Stiles , and the person who sends out the pictured is said to bo C. J. Jones , an uywit fr Texas land * , residing in Francis co. Jones says the girl wai engaged to go to Sau Francisco as a governess to his children , but on rauto accepted the position of his mistress , and after living with him as such for nome time returned to Wisconsin. The girl's parents deny the story in tote , and her lawyer eays : "For nearly four months past a person whoso enmity the young lady incurred by refusing to marry him , haa been annoying her and her family by threatening all sorts of exposure and to disgrace and ruin the reputation of the girl unless she should recall her decision not to marry him. " Ho said , "Tho follow who is scattering this ecandal is in California and almost out of reach on account of the great expense involved in bringing him to justice. Steps , however , are now beIng - Ing to prosecute him for both black mailing and criminal libel , and her attorneys will soon have him in , limbo. " Tli * Cold in Texas- Special Dispatch to Tin Un. FORT WORTH , Texai , February 7 The snow storm has abated and the weather has greatly moderated , al- tnough still unusually oold. Reports from ranches are that cattle huvo drifted in ovcry direction and the mortality among sheep the Jargon ever known from weather in thia pec tion. The Stock Journal in this city has accounts from all stock and sheep regions and reports as high as twenty per cent , loss to flocks and nome few cases as high as fifty per cent. Thu thermometer ranged from 3 to 8 below - low zero. THAT BRIDOlu MONOPOLY AQA1N. To IhuEiitor of run OKI. The writer haa frequently thought of writing an encouraging word to the editor of THE BEE in its unequal fight against the extortions cf the Union Pacific railroad. The people of the state of Nebraska can not do too much for such an able advocate as you are proving yourself to bo , for the power of public opinion reflected through the press is commencing to make itaolf hoard through the land , and that power is gaining rapidly in strength ; and railroad magnates will be com pelled to yield to the just demands of their patrons the public. "Tho pub lic bo d d" appears to bo the motto of too many of tneae railroad kings. The writer had to pay to-day for the transfer of himself and ono ordi nary-sized trunk from Council Bluffs to this city the respectable sum of eighty cents , and every other commetclal traveler haa to do likewise if ho wants to ueo his trunk , und have it come on the dum my , which , ao called dummy , by the Kay , is really unfit tor emigrants , let alone first-class passongoru paying 80 cents a he < id ( if with trunk ) for the privilege ( ioraootb ) of riding In them. It is a wonder to the wilter that the pooplotf Omaha and Council Blufl'a have submitted ao long to this high way robbery , for it ia certainly noth ing oleo , Tilts onerous tax on the travel be tween the two cities rnuat bo , of ne cessity , ahinderanca to profitable com mercial iuU'iconriie , in a measure re tarding the irreuiiiblo onward march of this city , bound to become a great bn&lneoa center within a couple ot do- Perhaps Mr. Kltubill o-m tell you why U. P. stuck la worth leas than 95 ? Possibly ho will bo able also to tell you how much lower it la going ? COMMERCIAL TRAVELER. Omaha , February G , 1883. TEARS OF FIiOOD. A. Warning to Healdonta of the Platte Valley. To The Editor of Tun Ilia , Having been a resident of Douglas county , Neb , , for many years and wit nessed the terrible and frcquoiit floods that have occurred along { he Platte and lower Elkhorn valleys , I feel it my duty after close observation and notes taken , to publish this warn ing to the citizens of Waterloo and vicinity that they are on the eve of ono of the most destructive floods that was over witnessed in the i'Jatto val ley. I would advise all who are not prepared to abandon homo and every thing at n moment's notice , to go to work and bo prepared as it la euro to come. A CITIZEN. Watorlio , Fobrtmy 7. THE LAFAYETTE SOANDAL Extraordinary interest ; Manifested In Iho Cfxaoof Mrs Cougar. INDIANAI-ODIS , February 3 The scandal case at Lifuyetto , Involving Mrs. Helen M Gougar , the well- kn w women BuKVago and prohibition advocate , has created the greatest sen sation all the weok. Chief of Police Mandlcr haa circulated the report that on a certain night ho had sci > n Mrs , Qougar and 0pt. Dowltt Wallace , a leading attorney and the republican c nridato for the state senate last Fill , go up to Wallace's oflioo and remain there for some lime. Mrx Qougar brought auit for $10,000 , und the dolau- dant jtantiiled admitting the words und charging the couple with adultery , and also that the plaintiff had thj reputation of an adulteress. A hard fight waa made to confine the ovldanco to the particular night in question , but the court admitted evidence to show the adulterous disposition of the couple , and finally admitted general reputation. Mrs. Oougar Is the pub lisher of a weekly temperance and suffrage piper , Our Ilernld , mid by her sharp pen has surrounded herself with bitter ononiiea. Capt. Wallace ia also a prominent Baffraglst and pro hibitionist , and the two have b'en mutually thrown together very much. All the week there has been n ucotn- slon of witnesses testifying to their Intimacy and to the fact that In cottain circumstances Mrs. Cougar's name was freely used. A former ser vant girl his sworn that Capt. Wal lace spent ono night and part of ouo day at the Gougai residence while Mr , Gougar wns w y from homo. The persons Involved have not boon able to restrain their feelings , and several scenes have occurred In court , such as the denunciation of testimony as par- jury and lies. Yesterday the defense , because cf these things and upon the ground that two of the jurymen hid expressed opinions favorable to Mrs. Gougar , moved to discharge the jury and begin the caao do nova. But the court overruled the motion. The trial Is exciting almost national interest , and has taken on n phase of temperance nnd suffrage versus the liquor interest. Miss Anthony , in behalf ot the National Suffrage asso ciation , telegraphed sympathy and confidence to Mrs Gougar , and the court room is filled with prominent suffragists and temperance women , who sit by the plaintiff from morning un til night. On Thursday night the brewers of Lafayette gave a ball , the proceeds of which were for the benefit of Mandlor to aid him in his defense. It is a remarkable cane. Mrs. Gougar claims to bo able to provo absolute in nocence , and also threatens that she Will reveal a conspiracy involving the names of the mest prominent citizens of Lafayette. TneWnlte Houa'e Dinner to the Grants Washington Correspondent Now York World. The dinner on Wednesday at the white house to Gen. and Mrs. Grant was the first state dinner of the season and as elegant as state dinners usually are. The truly horrifying spectacle of seven wino glasses at each person's oouvort was witnessed. During Mrs. Grant's -reign she ordered for the white house banquets a long , flat mirror for the center of the table , and this mirror and the silver Hiawatha boat selected by Mrs. Hayes are the two handsomest ornaments of the whlto house table. This mirror is beautifully and effectively arranged on occasions with cushions of flowers. The flower decorations at the White House are always elaborate and never give the Idea of ostentatious profusion , asthoy MII all supposed to come from the White house conservatory , which is , however , only a pleasing fiction. The president , of course , took Mrs. Grant in to dinner. She was as usual decolletto , and just as fine as hands could make her , and also as estimable , aa awkward and as bourgoolso ats ever. Secretary and Mrs. Lincoln wcro present , a nice little couple of refined people. Then came Secretary Chan dler , looking what ho Is , a parvenuo of the first water , and not nearly so well fitted to grace a state dinner as the butler who served him. Tim othy Howe , an excellent man , who offers a lady his arm like a shark 'sticking his fin out of the water , escorted Mrs. Teller , who is a good soul. Gen. Grant tucked Mrs. Frolinghuyson carelessly under his arm like a napkin , and that lady ac cepted the honor with a frigid don't- triflo-wlth-a-Knlckorbockor air. Dan Cameron was in great luck , having Mrs. John Davis , Mrs. Frollnghuy- sen's eldest daughter , to escort , for Mrs. Davis is very entertaining. Ad miral Porter and Gen. Sherman , who are noted for their admiration for ntco , unaffected young ladies , wore provided with stout , elderly lud 133 , each of whom left her warrior to the uninterrupted enjoyment of his din nor. Mrs. Browstor was contrived into a scat next the piosidcnt , aa bo- iny the youngest and bunt looking of the cabinet Indies. Everything ( ex cept the guestf. ) wua very Imposing. There were three or four young ladiea present , Miss Bcalo , the Misses Fro- liughuyson and ono or two others , but the majority , I grieve to say , were what the irreverent call "duffora" in gorgeous coatumoa. Foreigners always glvo us a few hard hits on our White house state dinners. They recognize the exquisite absurdity of anything formal or stately when such hetero geneous guests assemble ; for is there on thia broad continent anything more truly democratic than a Atato dinner ? Mrs. Frolliighnyson and Billy Chandler hobnobbing make a contrast something like Charles Francis Adams and Billy Mo- Glory. Miss Bealo and Jones of Nevada vada were paired , not matched. It Is droll to think of Benjamin Harris Browstor conversing affably with worthy Mrs. Grant , of whom ho would have Bald not no many yearn ago , "She is not in society , you know. " In short , the state dinners are constructed strictly according to the JcfTdrsonian doctrine , that all men are free and equal. They are convo cations of goutlofolk and hoodlums on a common level , the hoodjums being raoro or less disguised by high-sound ing titles and expensive clothes. A cabinet dinner Is the very rovorco of BAKKH'H Ohocolato , Broma and Cocoa are stable articles with which everybody ia familiar. They are universally used , and their wholesome qualities have won prlzaa and medals the world over. It is said the proof of the pudding Is the eating , and judging by the immonco amount of this Cocoa and Chocolate consumed in the United States , they nro household needs , often taking the place of tea ann'coffeo. There nro various prepa rations mndo at the famous Walter Baker & Co. manufactory at Dorches ter , and all taatoa have boon consulted ; ono Is the Broakfait Coooo , an easily. digested beverage , admirably adapted for Invalids' use ; another is the Ger man Sweet , whloh Is very palatable and nutritious , and an excellent arti cle for family use. For these who prefer plainer and simpler diet , bromu and the excellent cracked cocoa , which required equal and steady boiling , n.ay bo highly commended when other fluids prodnco unpleasant effects. d&wlt Have your Chronometers repaired at Edholm & Erlckson'a. SPLENDID WEATIIEK for Fire Kind lon. J. B , French & Co. general western agents. MUSCULAR MASHERS. Men Now ill This Oity Exhib't tlio Symptoms , But Not tlio La-flo-flali Kind. An Interview With the Ath letic Gentlemen John , stem nnd Elliott. A Local Sport ii to bo Knocked Cold the Firat Round. Olympian cameo are among the old est sports of the world , and date back of the druma. Mout.t Olympus was the arena upon which many cuutusts and battles , which would In these times bo called slugging matches , took place in the presence of the ancients and to the honor nnd glory of the God Jovo. In our midst wo bavo a num ber of men , who although they never mot to struggle on the mount , have fought many hard battles and delight ed the people of the present time by their exhibitions of prowets and iklll. A BEG reporter called at tbo Canfiold house and mot the atlothio gen tlomou who are sojourning in the city during the week. E W. Johnston , the nthloto of the party , is a magnificent specimen of the gouns homo , and wlthall a gentleman ly sort of a fellow. When the n porter ter was Introduced to him ho Imagined ho was making the acquaintance of some foreign potentate , or at least a muscular plenipotentiary , from the number of medals which decorated Johnston's breast olovou of them in all. Among those the most beautiful and costly were two presented by Cal edonian clubs in Philadelphia for the highest and longest leaping ia the world , and ouo modal presented by the Marquis of Lorno for being the best general nthloto in the world. In answer to a question what waa the highest jump ho had over made , Johnston said that during an exhibi tion In Elizibotb , Now Jersey , ho had made a high leap of five foot ton and i half inches , the highest over made by any man in the world. He said that ho had mot Muldoon , Blbby and Wlmtlor , the celebrated wrostlerH , but only In exhibition matches. Johnston has a standing challenge in The Spirit of the Timss to all jomors for the championship on any feat of strength or nglhty , and thus fir his title to the honor haa never been disputed. Johuiion is Sso'c'i by birth and waa raUod ia Canada This is his first trip in the went and ho says tie likes the country , but not the cold weather. Ho stands exactly six feet high and weighs , while in athletic trim 185 pounds. During the conversation the re porter Inquired nbout the difference which existed between Elliott and Harry Hill , the Now York wicked man. Daring the tlmo Hill waa in Chicago recently ho oust a number of reflections on Elliott in his capacity us a fighter , and in fact said the latter waa no good. When Elliott hoard this statement , or rather saw it in tha paper , ho went to eoo Hill , but tha latter kept out of his way and wont back to Now York to escape what ho thought was in atora for him a good licking. Elliott told the reporter that ho had no idea of whipping Hill ; and only wished to have him make a re traction. Ho had called at tha Sher man hoaeo for that purpose , but IJill , hearing cf hid prcsenc-s , lud , no that ho had no opportunity for oeeing him. him.Hill Hill , Elliott Bald , was-mad becaiuo ho , the latter , would not make his place his headquarters when ho was In Now York , aud had tukcn this moans to show his spite. Tlio truth was that Hill kept n most disreputa ble place and no decent man would bo soon in It. The reporter naked E'lloU ' if ho had mot Hill would ho have whipped him. "No , " ho replied , "Hill Is an old man , ever CO , dud he can always fool lufo , for I wouldn't touch him. I would have made him eat his words , though , if I had seen him , " ho con tinued. A match IIUB bean arranged for Friday night , In which Elliott's wager of $50 has boon accepted by Unnley , the local bruiser. The former agrees to knock Hanloy out in three rounds or lose his money. lu talking about the matter Elliott iiaid that ho felt convlncod that ho could lay him out on the first round. ' Knock him oold , oh ? like you did Crosby In Chicago , " queried a by- starder who was tagorly listening to the conversation. "Yes , I can do that easy enough , " responded Elliott. Chaa. E. Divlos , the manager of the parly , g vo it as his belief that Iliuiloy wua not much good that is , ho wouldn't bo standing In front of Elliott. PILL SYMPTOMS OF A TORPBD LIVER s of Apnotlto , Dowola costive , Tain in the lload.'with dull nan- I VTV4 * a VU * lu rr waV . "V" * part , Pain under the Shoulder blade , fullness after eating' , with a disinclination to ex- ortlon of body or mind , Irritability of toraner , Low spirits'with a feel- Imr of havlnur noKlootod acme duty , Weariness , Dizziness , Fluttering at Jho haiart "ots before the yes , Yel low Skin , lleodacho peneraily over the rteht eye. noatleBsnoas , witli Ut- ful droomu , highly colored Urine , * * CONSTIPATION. TTJTT'H 1MLLN are caiieelally ndiiDtcil Jo kiiLli cfmea. one clnao ef- iMo'nVs'l l . ' rc/ re lU > " " l ° l \ftlWlXtf& \ & tern Is iiourUlieil , nnd by their Tonlo Action on the IHReatlve Oritniia , Jtrn- ular HtnoUnroproJuccO. iTliuZicxim. llMiirrny Nt. , IV. Y TUTT'S HAIR DYE. OIUT Iliin on WniRXEtia change to a Oimar ViACfby a slnglo application of thin Dvt It mportsoimiurulcolor. Actalnstantnnroux fcePVorJ.y ! ! r 5o't''critD''y' ! > 'trt''ua oF 'icn , an JHUHUAY ST. , w. v. f5 , 'n rr'HBiifiLtftii..u.i.rr .u. . wi-k - - - m mitiruuM > A Trftvolor'd Experience. DK.NVKK , Cole , January HI. To the Editor of Tua Ilia. Thtru IUP many incidents that trnus- plro in ctnrttng on a journey ( s pn clallf if the Iriin ia two hours late ) that are iiilrilifuTto ouo who la accus tomed to traveling , Tuesday mornlnsr , January UOth , thoO. , 1) . & Q. from Chlcngo waa ever two hours late at Plattanionth , therefore the Omrtha H. & M , train wont on to Platttmouth instead tf stopping at the junction. On the way from the junction to Plitttiniouth , < hi inquiiy was raised by many , "Whoro ia thia train going ? " Ouo man rms , "It It going south. " Another sayi : "It in going toward Florida , where it la warmer , * ' aud to nn , and armio of these desiring to gut to Lincoln and there change to go to other points were much agitated , and tuxdo frequent Inquiry of the kind ind pleasant conductor or train men , if their train would wait for them at Lincoln , Sjmo were afraid that tboy were on tlio wrong train , etc. And the agitation of A few nervous ones was decidedly mirthful , but the con ductor and train moti are deserving of pralso for their kind attention and larroct information to the passou * jaw. Arriving at Lincoln over two hours late , all were qnito happy for their trains wrro in waiting , Lunch wan had and off wo went'for Denver with as beautiful and commodious a train of cars , with aloopor attached , aa any person could deslro to rldo in , andover ever as smooth n roadbed aa almost auy railroad in the oaat. Good tlmo waa made and at Rod Cloud the other train from the east joined us with an additional deeper well filled with pas- seiners for Denver and the southern route to California. Quito n heavy nnow atorm was prevailing all along the line and through Colorado , and at Denver the deepest snow of the season WAS had , Notwithstanding the hard storm wo arrived at Danver in good tlmo. The cattle along the route arc Buf fering very much , aa the enow is so deep , Considerable dauiago was douo to many buildings in Danvor from the wind storm of yesterday. Z P. S. All are pleased with the nomination of Gen Mandorson for U. S. senator from Nobr.tnkn , HAS BEEN PROVED Vhc SUREST CURB for KEBNEY DISEASES. J DOOJ i lame back or a dlaordrratl urine o Indicate .hat you are n vlctlmf THEN DO B NOT HESITATE | use KIDKET-WOaTat once ( drufrelnU recommend It ) and it will speedily overcome. th dlmaae anil roaton S hi althy action to all thoorgans. l'oroomplAlntapcullu toyourioxiuahupln | anil wcokncnca , K1DNHT-WOHT U uniur- pMwd.ultwill act promptly and aafelj. Either Box * InoonUiienco , retanUon of ] urine , brick doit or ropy depoilU , and doll _ . , ell spewlUy yield , to Itaieur- atlvo power. (13) SOLnBYAI/LDIHJOGIBTa. rrioefl. IDNEY-WQRTj I have pretcilbcd K'dney ' Wirtwltli vrry iicco'S In a iciro or mote oMtlnato rai'n 11 kid ney nJ lliir troutilo * . atai tar fomt'e wntknosi -Philip 0. Uallou , U , D , llonkton , Vt , "llyjwlfo liai been much boneflttod from the uieol Kidn-y Wort. She hid Kidney aod ether e mrlalnti ; " writes Her. A. 0. OalmanKa } Uo Tllle , Tcinti. f KID NEY-WORT IS A SURE CURE for nil dlMtues of the Kidneys and LBVER It hu ipootflo aotlonon tills moatlmportimt orgirn. onabllnjt It to throw oir torpidity and J innctlon , aUmulatlnt ; the liaalthy looroUon J oftho Blip , and by koopLne the bovrolj In fret condition , cflcctlnc it/i roffulnr dlscltinra. rfJJ lQMl.t * iryouaronufferlniffrom LtflCllciricSi malaria , linvo the chill * . { on bllloui , dyipoptlo. or oonetlpatttl , Kid- n y .Wort will rarely r.'llovo & Qtilokly oure. Ill thin aeaaon to cleuii * the Oyetera , every OnCBtiouldUkiathoroujhoourceorit. (11) ) ) SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Priced. "I nnia llvlnp aihocato of Urn Urtuenol KM cy wort. I BiifloroJ Intnl.1 ni-otijr from liver disorder. It curul mo. " John U. Kevins , Bprlngflo il O. i/iA / ? tax > 3i ! FORTHEPEflMANENTCUKEOF CONSTIPATION. 17o other dlsocta la HO prov-iltnt Hi thli - . oouutry aa ConctlnaUon , aud no Nmcxly 0) , o hM ever equalled tlio rclobratod JCUJKEV- f : VVO11T aa a our * . Whatever the cause , " however obutlnato the raso , thia rem dy nrill ovcroomo It. 131111 KCt T1U3 dlatrefsins own- w * i' B nCO p'alnt li very apl to be j coniplldatcd wlUi coriaUpation. Kidney. C % 7ort trctifithenBthowoiiltcno < lpartii and " ( julchly ourmftlll-lndaofrilca even when phyelelana and mndlolnes linvobofcro fail ed. C Vlf you have cither of thtao trouble * pnicusi l USE "Constipation , In all I B formjlclilnto Kid nrj wort In female dlseaios It U veiv fluau > - ( til. " Dr. 1'hlllp C. Billou Moukton Vt. , April 20th 183 * . JHE GREAT CURE FOU IMI-E-TO-M-A-TT-I-S-M - - - - - - - - Ai It la for all the painful dlaouoa of Ui KIDNEYS , UIVCR AND DOWELS 11 olenn&ra the aystcm of the acrid poUon that oauaca the dreadful eiiXTcrin which only the Ylctlmaof rhoumaUam ounreallae. THOUSAtJUO OK CA8C3 of tha worit forma oftlils tcrrlMedi have teen quloUy relloved , andlnrl > rt tUn0 PER rnirri. i.t'it incr uut , HOLD\j IIKLCCISTS. CO prvonnb nent hyrnall. " ' .1.1 Klf.\ltlM ) ! ( . CO.lluillnKtonVt _ "I could flnd ni rcmtdj for my Kidney com phlnl and rhimnntUm , " wMes ' < r A. U llurr , "ITeuplo Mill Klorl.Ji , until I wis cured b/ K'dney Wor . " n posuro , Inc'Ucut lo lumbar log , cau/ed II r Duir'i dUorJon. H."PHILLlPS . , THE LEADING NEW YORK Call nntl look ever my now Hture and BU ray new goods. 1207 FnrnBmStreft. 1207. Under tbo management of Mr. Ktlleh. MCCARTHY & BURKE , Undertakers , 218 14TH BT..BET. FARNAMAND DOUGLAS DISSOLUTION NOTIOK. it , ! ' . , Jan'ry27. . I8S3 Notice li hereby nlven that ilia partnerihlp heretolore txUtliu boUocn the undernlKned , ( or t < xk wowing furpoMM , In Cheyenne coiiaty , Nebruka , ha bv u thU day dU-tohed by mutual cxinmnt. T II. LAWIK.XCI. J. II BOSI.IR , feb2-lw UaO. U. A FEW BARGAINS HouseS LOTS , Farms , Lands- BY BEMIS ! 5th&DouglasSt. : HOUSES AND LOTS , ISINo. It ) Full otnud now liouiw3Jrooma , two be'ow and ono up Ktalra. KUlit foot celling below ami * i te enubo\e. i. . f- . . . , . llrlck foundation , collar , etc. No. 18 largo two Btory lioiwo , to roonm , two InrL'o ccllnrfl. Kood nolland clxtorn , barn , etc. , on \Viii8tcraiulvr.M Rtrcct , W.OOO. No 17J-Lot Mxia S teat , now lieu o o ( two roonm brick ( oundntlon IUO barrel clutcrn on Hamilton ntroct noir 1'oor OlurcCoiucnt ItOO. No. IB House and lot on ntli near Ulark St. house R room otc. $ I'AK ) . No. 15 Homo of 3 rooma full lot on 1'lerco 8t nonr IDtliflOOU No. 21--Now hoimoof 7 rooms , with corner lot , half mile ucst of Turntable o ( rod Btroct can on Bail dcrnSt. $1000. No. o llotiDu of eight rooms , tarn etc. lot Vacant Lots. No. 252 Two full lots on 10th Street near Lake St. 1GOO. No. 331 Twenty flroloti In 1'arkcn addition jiut north of the end of red atrutt car line 1-100 oacli oitay terms. No.3.o Four lots on Delaware b't. nc r Hani- com park , 1050. No. 831 Ona half lot on South avenue , near Et. Slury'n avonuo. ? 5M. No. 319-KlKhteon (18) ( ) lotfl on 21st , 2Sni ) , 23rd ana Stundordttroet , uoir ( liaco , f500 each , and en taxytcrm * . No , 310 Six beautiful rrnliloncoloUi on Cather ine street , near Ilnnxconi park. $1,600. Twelve beautiful rralilc'iiro lota on Hamilton street , near end of old dtroutcar track ; high and tlehtly , * 3toto JIOO. Sevnal aero and half acre corner Iota on Cum- Inif , Hurt * id California tticetn , In LOMO'J tec- cud addition and 1'ark I'lico near Academy of dacrcd Heart. I.otH in1'rn'pect Place" on Hamilton and Clnrlii ) ttrcct. Just west of the end of Hod Hircet Car ti ark and Conxent of the blstcrd of 1'oor Clare , nno and one half mile from poetnlllco , nml ono nill.i foni U. 1' . bliot > , flM ) to tVO tacli , only S per cent down and f ) per cent per month LoUl'i Lcwu'd addition ono-lialf inllo woat of nnd of lied Strait Car traok near Convent of 1'oor Clare Hlatcra In Shlnn'i ) addition , tl'25 to $ )00 each , and on very ea y ternut. l.ota In Horb&ch'a ] at and 2nd addition * , ShlnnV , 1'jrk i'lacn , Lowo'e 2nd addition , llvrai'i Luko'a , Nelnon'a , lianicom flace , Ilodlck'i ad ditions , etc. , oto. Lot.H In "fro lit Fonder addition" Juat one- quarter mlle louth-rait of Union I'acl&o and 11. andM. It. 11. depots , 2M ) tolC.OOeach , very emy terms. Business Lots. Tnree Rood bualnem lobi on Podge near 12th Struct , 2.U120 fcut each , 91,600 each , or l,60Ufor all , OA y terms. Two K-1"1' ' huslneia lot < on Farnam itreet , 33z 60 feet each , w Ith frame bulldlngi theron.renllni ; for about 9BCO per year each ; price 81,260 each. 44x132 feet on Karnam near lOthalruoi. corner 912.000. Splendid Warehouao lot on Union Pacific right of way , north ot track and caat cf Nail Works bclni ; 132 feet north frontage on Muon ttroct , by anout 100 fo.t west frontwe on 10th it. Farms a d wild l nda In Dougla ? , Harpy. Dadgo , Washington , Iluit , Wavne , Htanton , and other good counties In outernNobraakafor aalo. laxoa paid , routfl collectoJ , an 1 money loaned on Improved city and country projerty at low rates of luteroHt. BEMIS' NEW OITY MAP , FOUR KEET WIDE AND SEVKN FKET LONG , WITH EVERY ADUI TION RECORDED OR CONTKM- PLATED UP TO DATK "Oh FI OIAL MAP OF THE ( JUT. " $5.OO EACH. CEO. P , BEWIIS , Beal Estate Agency , 15th and DouglaslSt. , Omaha . Nab. flR ' 000 A COS Wjandolt * St. , , , nrf fractict-Vi in KANSAS CITY , MO. . Anlhorlrcil by the Stale to treat Chronic , Ncrvotiii nnd 1'rhnto Il - cfifcK , Aiithmn , Kpllcprr. Ithcuma- tl m , I'llc .Tnpp-worm , urlnnry and IHkln Dlpcnucp , SKMINAL WKAKNIS * \nifkt \ ( lam ) , HKXUAI. UEnitrrr _ ( If > t ef ttxttal fen'tr ) . Ac. Cnrca giinrnnlpcil or money rufntiiU'd. ChnrKO low. ThanminilH ofrnsca cured , Nolnjtirlotin medicines iifed. No detention from luii-lnefi" . All medicine * furnished even to pntlentn ntncllstnncc. Conenl- tnllonfrcc nml confldcntlnl call or u rile. Anand ( expcrlvnca are Important. A HOOK for both oxen Illustrated nud circulars of other thine * MtU scftlcd lor tno 3c stamps , free Mititum. i. \ * * * * * -v v v w > - v vr t W WOMAN CAN V HEALTH OF WO , YD1A E. PINKHAM'S COMPOUND. flare Cnra for nit WBAK- NKHSES , InclndlnK t.oncorrhn > n , Ir. recnliur nnil Painful lUenntrtmtlon , Inflammntlon nnd tllccrntlon of the Womb , riaodlna , lItO i I.Al'HUH UT1UU , Arc. cvnranuit to the taste , rfflcaclotif and Immediate Itxffeet. HU-arrcAthtlpIn rrrctiancjanil r - , T I pain daring labor and at re eular pcrloda. riminnsrsKiT iMirREsrntiiE rr min.r. ( VFon ALL Wiinrusra of the generally * orcan * either tri , It b tecond to no remedy that hai etrr rn befora the public | and for all dliratea ot th * PICXTI It U the Grtattit Rmtdy in thi Find flrcut Itellcfln It * Vie. T.TDIA n.riNKiiAM's Htoon rcnrrntB Al I'ruilliAto I'icrr vcttlRn nf llumorn irtmi tbc HKXl , at the nnnm tlmn will irlro tnno and rtmiRth to f s j uteui. As niarrellouii In rnults a > the Compound. tVBnth ' the Compound and Blood IMi iflcr are pro > rrd n't 133 and \Vcstorn Aronue , I jnn , Majuv rleoof cither , Jl. Blx bottles for 93. Tim Compound rent by mall lntheformofplll , or of loicntjpn , o i < H > lpt of price , 91 per IHH for rlthcr. ItrA. 11nkluu folj aniirfn alt letter * of Inquiry. V.nclofw 3 c n amp. Bcni for pampldi t. lltntlon tltt * I\ijfT. _ K. moniA ' I men Trtt a euro Corurtlro. n , lllllouimo's and Torpidity of the Urer. U coot * 03-SnIil by all Pmaalata.-tt ( n ( J01.0 MRDAti , PAH'S , 1878 BcVKER'B BREAKFAST OOOOA , Warranted Absolutely pure Cocoa , from wlilci the axciu of oil lika been rcmmciJ. It hu three tlmea the strength of Cocon mixed ultli Htircn , Ar row Itootor Hufr r , and la thrro. forr f ir more e onon.lcal. It la Uiillclont , nourlslilnf , atrcnrth- enlnr. easily dlt'ertel , ardad > mlribly adapted for Inva Idsaa well aa for poiaona In batlth. 1 Sold by Qrocera Everywher * W. BAKER & Co. , PorohBster.MasB. . PERSONAIi "Parlaof the hurajibodr enlar eil , dovelopeii and atreiicthened , " etcu > an Ititereatlnir ad\crt'eeinont ' long run In our paper. In reply to Inquiries wo will say that there la no evidence cf humbug about thia. On- the contrary , the ad > crtl ra arrory highly In- doraed , Interca'cd pernonn rray get scaled clr- culara glIng all particulars , git Ing all particu lar" , by nddrcaalmr Krlo JlwllculCo. , P. O. Hot 513. Lniffalo , N. Y. Toledo livening Bee. JOSSB JafflBS. ins wins. . ho only life anthoilred by her amlwlilih11l not ho n "Illood anil Thunder" Btory , auch as ha been anil Mill bo pul llehcd , but a tiua life by the only pornon wlio la In pcewdon of tlm facta a- falnlul and .lovrtcd llo. Truth la more ntcr- cstlni'ttu'i flo'.loii. / ircntv Bliouul app'y 01 ter ritory at 011:0. Sen 76 cti. for Sample book. M WEBTEKN iioeics ! 0. SPE011T , - . Proprlotor. t. - Oinrlia.NBb . CORNICES , DORMER WINDOWS , FLNIAL8 Tin , Iron and Slatci Booting , Spooht's Patent Molallo Skylight Patent Adjuutud Ratchet Bat and Brocket Shelving , I am the general aijent for the above Hue of goods. IRON FENCING. Oritln ( > , fJalintradta , V r nd jOfn Hank Ralllnga , Window end CMllar , Quarda ; nlso GOLD ROPE. Thelntrlnalc merit and superior quality of out Qoldltopolobacco haa Induced otuor manufac turers to nut upon the market ooda similar to our brand In name and atyle which are offered ind told for lew mor.oy than the. gonulrio Gold Itope. We caution the tradci and consumer toia that our name and trade mark are upon each lump. The only genuine aud original Gold Hope Tobacco la manufactured by THE WILSON & McNALLY TO BAOOjO OOMPANY Oil ATEFTIL-COMF OKTIWQ. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "ly ! a thorough Knowledge of the natarM lawi ffhlch govern the oporatlorm of illfo4lon and nutrition , and hy a careful application of the floe properties of well-Lloc ed Cocoa , lit , Kpp > tin provided our breakfast tallies with B ddlcatcly Oavored biverago which may aave u many litavy doctora * blllu It U by tha Judlclon * rue of auch article * of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until atronz enough to resist every tendency to dloeaeo. Hun4red * of subtle tnaUdlea are floating around na ready to attack wherever there la a weak point. W may oactno many a fatal nhaft by keeping our- selv s well fortified with pure blood and a prop- oily nourished fratuo. " Civil Scrvke Oaiette. Made almply with boiling water or milk. Bel lu Una only ( J-ll ) and Ib ) , labeled JAMICB UPPS (5J CO. , HomcBOpiUhlo ObomlHM crArsl.wly bondon. Eucrlun KKMO 7ED TO NO. 611 1GTH BT DXALXB IK ALL KINDS OF PURE WINES ALMA E. KulTH , HAIR GOODS ! Correct ntH ' llabl Waves Specialty , MASQUERADING WIQB , ' 1822-F.rjuua St , Omaks. K- .