* ' * / - < < . . TH.B DAILY BEE-OMAHA THURSDAY FEBRUARY 8 Omaha Bee. Published every morning , en * nt Bun- ay. The nly Alondny morning dully. TERMS BY MAIL One Ye r.$10 00 I Throe Month * . f3.00 Biz Months. . 5.00 | One Month. . . . 1.00 'HE WEEKLY HKK , publl hed every \Velncsday. TEU&IS POST PAID One Vcar . $2.00 I Three Monthi. TO Bti Month . 1.00 | One Month. . . . 20 AMIMCAN NEWS COMPAKT , Bole AgenU Newsdealers In the United States. , CORRESPONDENCE All Oommunl- ifttfons relating to News and Editorial , mttcr nhould bo addressed to the Kniion or THE BEE. BUSINESS LETTERS All Builnei Letters ami Hemlttancea should bo ad irc cd to Tun BKK PODLIBHINO COMPANY JVAHA. Drafts , Chocks and PostoIBoo Jrdors to be made payable to the order of the Company. IhB BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props , E. ROSEWATER Editor. BOTH republicans and democrata are docgtng the tariff issuo. The olio Ido IB afraid and the other daren't. in the south are skip ping the country with great regularity. The latest U ono County Treasurer Woods , of Texas , who has gene to join Polk and Vincent. TUK motto "In Qed wo trust" has been omitted from the now nickel pieces. It Is still retained on the standard dollar , where it IB supposed to refer to the 14 cents of missing liver. Or course Senator Reynolds is a crank. Every public man who can neither be bought or threatened into obeying the monopoly cappers is a dangerous character who ( ought to bo placed in the insane asylum. THE French chamber of deputies haa adjourned until the end of the week and hopes are expressed that a llttlo common sense may be injected during the vacation Into that mercurial and oxoltable public assembly. THE Michigan senatorial contest haa boon postponed until February 13th. It is generally believed that anew now candidate will bo selected before another ballot is taken. Senator Ferry has not only failed of a r'o-eleo- tion , but his business is ruined andhls firm hopelessly bankrupt. ' Tuz proposition to increase the hours of work in the departments at Washington has sent a chill of horror down the backs of every government clerk. Six hears a day with ten hours pay Is their Idea of a condition of af- ialra with which civil service reform haa no right to intotfero. There Is no reason why the government nhonld not receive as much value for it's money as a private individual. If it does not the taipayora nro being swindled In the Interests of lazinrea. No merchant would think cf retaining for an Instant in his service an omployo who pro tested that moro than six hears ol Jabor was wearisome and unprofitable. TIIE growing observance of Lout in this country has been especlally'no tlceablo during the past ton years. This is duo largely to the fact that it has become fanhlonablo to rent from social amusements during Its contlnu anoo , and the decrees of fashion rule where the commands of sect fail to ex orclso more than a passing influence For the coming thirty-nine days , o : until Easter Sunday puts an end ti the season of presumed fasting , bollov era and unbelievers will generally fol low the fashion and oaaso from tbel social labors. The flesh will bo ovei hauled by the spirit. The pockc book will bo replenished in anticlpi tlon of another reason , and rcgnla hours and fresh air can give place t early morning dancing and the hoate ball room. For this reason Leu comes as a sweet boon to the dovotoc of social dissipation , and has found i lasting a plaoo iu the diary of as it haa in the calendar of faith. PRESIDENT AIITUUK is delaying th appointment cf the civil service con mlsslonors until ho can bo thorough ! satisfied with his choice. Within week , however , it Is fully expected tl selections will bo made. So far as U newly enacted civil service law applli to poetoOicos the following will 1 brought under its operation at tl out start : Albany , Baltimore , Bosto Brooklyn , Buffalo , Cleveland , dinol nati , Chicago , Detroit , Indinnapoll Jersey City , Kansas City , Lonisvill Milwaukee , New Orleans , Now Yor ! Philadelphia , Plttsburg , Provident Rochester , St. Louis , St. Paul , Si Franclsso aud Washington. All the have fifty employes and upward , ai some others may bo added when t full roBtcrfl are received at Washlt : ton. It la hold that in making app cation of the l&w It may bo extend to postofliccs and custom houses hi lug fewer than fifty employes. T act requires the heads of dopartmeu when .directed by the president , arrange lu classes the clerks "In othi office ! , and under tills provision t system may bo extended to oflli having so low as twenty employ Having thoroughly committed hims to thb measure the pretidont n doubtless extend the benefits of I ystem as far at the law will perm INCREASING TIIE DISTRICTS. The demand for an Increasein the number of judicial districts is especi ally strong In Douglas county , where the district court is two years behind In its business , with no hope of relief , except from action of the legislature at the present session. Under the exist ing law the Third judicial district com prises the counties of Sarpy , Douglas , Washington and Burt. Two-thlrds of the cases in the district arlso in Doug las county , while loss than half the tlmo of the judge can bo dovotcd to their consideration. In consequence quence the docket Is constantly In- croaning in slzo until at the present time a case filed to-day in Omaha can scarcely bo reached for at least oighhtocn months to como. It IB evi dent that relief Is nccorsary in the in terests both of suitors aud of the judge. Section 11 cf the constitution roads as folio we : "Tho legislature whenever two- thirds of the members elected to each house shall concur therein , may in or after the year ono thousand eight hun dred and eighty , and not oftener than once in every four years , increase the number of judges of the district courts , and the judicial districts of the stato. " It is evident from the reading ol the section that the number of judges iu district may bo increased by legisla tive enactment whenever in the opin ion of two-thirds of the members of the legislature such iricroaso is necessary , and that the number of districts may also bo Increased at their discretion , under the restrictions of the law. The adoption of the first of these plans would perhaps solve the prob lem In the Third judicial district. With two jadgcs there would bo no necessity for dividing the district and the dockets in the four courts could soon bo cleared. Ono judge would , bo morn than sufficient for the needs of Sarpy , 'Washington and Bnrt counties , while the growing re qniremonts of Douglas county will soon demand moro than the presence and attention of a single judge. During a portion of the , year both judges could Bit at Omaha , dividing the work of the session between them and rapidly disposing of the cases on the docket and the motions which might bn brought before them. This plan has commended itself tea a number of our loading lawyers , and la well worth the thoughtful consider ation of the legislature. If there are any doubts that it will conflict with the requirements of the constitution , the opinion of the supreme court might bo requested as its feasibility. If adopted , it will obviate the necessity of rodlstrioting the Third district for some years to come , and will afford relief to the overburdened docket much moro rapjdly than if the district were divided. All that will bo required is an act of the legislature authorizing the elec tion of two judges at the election which takes place next fall , when a successor to Judge Neville is to be chosen. The subject Is well worth the attention of the Douglas county delegation. CHANGING THE SESSIONS OF CONGRESS. Congress haa now before it two or three bills which propose changcn both In the torma of congressmen and in the timu of ocsaioni. The present ar rangement of sessions haa often been crltiched. It wou originally duo to the recommendation cf the constitu tional convention that the old congrost as soon as nine states had ratified the constitution , should fix a date for the choice of electors and congressmen , aud one for the choice of president bj the electors , the congresamon bcinf notified to assemble at the same time , and that as soon aa the proalden should have taken the oath , "tho con gross , together , with the president should , without delay , proceed to ei ocuto this constitution. " The day fixed for this ceremony wa the 4th of March , 1780. The term c the first congroes , therefore began on that day , and th terra of each successive cot congress has begun on the 4th c March cf each second year since Inasmuch as the constitution provide that the term of the president sha bo for four years , It is impracticabli without amending the constitution , t fix another date for the beginning i hit , term ; but It Is hold that anotht date may bo fixed for the beginning < the term of members of the houeo < representatives if it does not cocflli with the constitutional otipul&tla that they shall bo elected every se < end year. In any change , two objects woul in have to bo kept It view. Ono Is < no avoid a mooting of the old cougre ad after a now ono ia elected. The to ho oud Is to secure such an arrangcinoi of the Boseious in wlll'glvo coiigro inora time to work. The busintts < cd the country now requires mo to tin LV- for its consideration than ia givuu u LVho ho dor the existing lawa. is , Mr. Blanchard , of North Oarolin to haa introduced n bill to meet bo those requirements. It provides that t ! ho Forty-ninth congress , which rill 1 : oa choion in November , 1881 , ahall t 08. gin Its first regular session on the 0 Oil of March , 1885 , Instead of tbe fii rill Monday in December , 1885 , that he on the day after the Inauguration It. the president , and that no sitting that congress shall begin on the first Monday of December ; that the second end regular session of that congreea shall begin on the first Monday in January , 1880 , and that the "torm" of that congress shall end t t noon on the first dny of December , 1880 , at which tlmo the term of the Fiftieth congress , elected in November preceding - ceding , shall begin , to continuo for two ycart ; and that thereafter , until otherwise provided by law , the term of each congress shall begin on the first day of December , and the annual sittings shall begin on the first Mon day of December. This scheme is highly commended by a number of eastern papers , and notably by the Boston Advertiser , which thinks that the arrangement proposed would accomplish the two purposes spoken of. The new congress would moot soon after its election , and the now determination of the people regarding the conduct of the government's affairs would at once begin to bo effective. Further , no session of congress would bo prema turely cut off , Each session would be a long session , aa long aa necessary even if it ran through the year , An other thing that would result from such an arrangement la that the pro ceedings cf congrcsa aiTtotlng the choice of president , whether simply the counting of the electoral vote , or , iu case of no election by the people , the choice of a president by the house of representatives , would bo In the hands of a congress newly elected , chosen by the people at the same time that the president was Voted for , and , therefore , moro likely to bo of the same sentiment with the majority. It ia not pleasant to think that it may bo In the power of a congress - gross controlled by a party the people have repudiated to make the candidate of ita party president for four years ensuing. In case a powerful third party should arlso before the next election defeating a choice by the electoral college , the next president will bo chosen by the democratic congress - gross oleotod last autumn , although the congress olcctod iu 1884 may bo republican. If the now congress be gun its term and aesslon In December following the election , anch a thing oonld not happen. Of course the term of ono congresr , the forty-ninth , would bo shortened three months , ending on the 1st of December instead c f the 4kh of March , put aa the bill provides for two ses sions of that congress , and the session of the next congress is to begin at once , no harm would bo done. Prob ably the country would not object to their voting themselves the pay of a full torm. Although there is no prob ability of the passage of this or any bill on the subject at this session , the matter la ono of increasing urgency , and It la not iirprobablo that a chanpo will be made some tlmo. ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER KIM- itALL has been called to Now York on important business connected with the Union Pacific railway , and will leave Oinnha for the metropolis to-day. Herald. The Amoa Intercut want to have o little talk with Ktmball. They arc not inclined to mince matters -wheu they charge that the Union Pacific hoe boon grossly mismanaged in the inter est of Sldnoy Dillon and a gang ol Wall street speculators , and thai Thomas L. Kimball has boon the tool through which the job haa boon per formed. The stock has tumbled with , in six months from 116 to 05 , one those who are in it position to know assert that Dillon sold out before thi drop. When Mr. Thomas L. Kimball'e lutorost iu the construction rings anc contracts by which the stockholder ! have boon swindled in fully exposed the Boston interest , will have gooc grounds for making home moro pointed od charges than they fool in clinod t < make at present. TUB supreme court haa recently given three decisions affecting thi rights of atatea which settle the fol lowing questions. The first aflirm the exclusive jurisdiction of the state over the civil rights of citizens. Th second affirms the constitutionality estate state laws prohibiting and runkln criminal the intermarriage of white and blacks. The third denies th power of'any state to abrogate or i ° any way impair the right of coloic 3 citizens to sit on juries on account e their color. None of these opiuioi are in the line of a contralizitio which Horatio Seymour recemly dc plorod as the meat dangerous toi dcuoy of the political times. TIIE Century for February opet Id with tm article on American Etchnn to which Is less technical and moro popi cs lar In character than most trcatmon flat of the eamo subject. Artists' Mode at In Now York is an illustrated artlc IBS which has little beside the lllustrutloi Of to recommend It. There are blograp1 ao leal sketches and critiques of Gcorj n- William Ourtls and Frederick Locke and an unusual number of continue papers. Among the latter are M th Gushliig'a doecrlption of the Zunl I he dlaus ; the first chapters of Mr. Hoi bo oil's now story ; Through Ono Admt 1st ration ; The Led-horao Claim ; at Featnios of the Now Northwest , 1 rst E. Y , Smalley. Other articles of 1 U , torost are Evils of Our Public LSI of Policy ; A Reception by Preside of Lincoln ; The Jewish Problem ; at The Spectral Morlgsgo , another of Frank R. Stockton's humorous ex travagances. The poetry of the num ber is abundant and strong , The Oon- atat Heart , by E. 0. Stodman , easily ranking first. The Century Oo. : Now York. THE oxporlonco of the city in mak ing bargains with the railroad corpo rations should bo a warning to it to bo on its guard in future bargains. The city gave up valuable thorough fares and exclusive priyilcgea to the Union Depot people in consideration of having a million dollar depot erected , and was cheated In the trade. It made arrangements with cnrtaln railroad corporations about the bridges on Twelfth and Fourteenth streets , and was cheated In a manner that would disgrace ' 'Hungry Joe , " the Now York confidence man. It gave 'oplar street up for railroad purposes , ma no compensation woa made to the ioor people whoso property was un- Joubtodly injured. With those ex amples before us there ia no excuse 'cr allowing the city to bo caught igaln making a bad bargain with rail- oad enterprises. Post-Dispatoh. Omaha gave over a half a million lollarn in bonds and land In consider- lion of having a magnificent union lopot created , and got a cow shod and .ho . bridgn monopoly in return. EVERY dishonest cost mill justice In maha is trembling in hla boots for ear that ho will bo legislated out of ilioo , and every honest lawyer and windlcd suitor feara that ho will not > o. The duty of the legislature in ho promises Is plain. Senator Brown , if Douglas , ought to have something say on the subject. THERE are fully 300 miles of rail- oad alda tracks and switches in Dong as county alouo , and not ono mile has eon returned for taxation by the orporatlona who are beating the state nt of their juit dues and howling gainst anti-monopoly oppression. THE St. PaulPiojwer-PttM says that ihoro Ia a suspicion that senator-elect abin's methods are not always marked by the virgin purity of the rcsh fallen snow. The sane can bo laid of Tabor and Bowou of Colorado. MONOPOLY organs are boasting that .he apodal railroad investigation was farce. It remains to bo seen whether hey can maku the same boast over the railroad legislation which ia impend- ng < ALEXANDER III haa appointed Maj 27th for hla public coronation. The dynamite trade Is happy over the proapeot of increased ordera. STATE JOITINGS. J. J. Ballard was arrested at Dubnque Iowa , and taken to Ojceola , where he ar clved on tbe 27th. lie was charged witt seducing Miss Jennie Baker , who live : near Shelby. A prelimary examlnatloi was to begin this evening , when Misi Uakor asked leave to have a private inter view with Ballard. It wan refused , Im the eherlfl agreed to an interview if him self and deputy were present. The officer stood apart from tbe unwise couple , wh convened briefly. A click was heard , bu beta o they could intcrferu Mian Baker hai fired a 32 caliber ball into Ballnrd'fl shcul der. The wound will not burt him , bow over , and he will yet have a chance "t marry the girl or go to jail. " Henry B. Tahor , of Cambridge , wa taken to the dtateinstne asylum last week A few years ago , while working in a quai ry , he fell backward and struck bla heai upon a sharp ro'k , which occasioned prail ual softening of the brain. One of hi fancies is tbit a large fly ia on tbe back c hla neck , and he cannot dhlodge it. A case of rubbers was stolen from th depot platfoim at Weeping Wattr lui Monday night , and the thief took tw pairs frnra it , leaving the rest in a lumbe yard. He was couerou ? , and wanted t give BOine ono ehe a chance. Lea Howard , tbe ex-aonvict who bn prepared a lesture on "Prlnon Life , " hn been arrested for burglary ut Llncclu , an thinks he must have a couple of yeai inoro experience before he can complet the lecture. The Blair echool board cloaed tl ecbooU for the rest of tbe term on accost of imoll-pox , and allows the teacbeis t retain their place * on a salary of 15 week. A couple of them "kicked" uu got the grand bounce. Asbland Is one of the many place ] whei people get their coal from tbe earn on dark night. The thieving is belt stopped , however. A watchman at C lumbun shot n thlet in the aukle recent ! as he w s getting away with a lump. George Hartley and a tenant name SIpe had a cutting f crape in Custer count on the27tb ult , an ! SIpo'a in juries are l > lieved to be fatal. Hartley left tbe coui try. The trouble arose over a land trau action , Wra. Pouett , of Precept , was fatally ii lured tbe other day while going lion from Beaver City. Jib team ran awa1 he was thrown out and several ribs broke from the etfects of which ho ( Hoi No clue has yet been found of the wrier aboiltiof Klcbard M.illojthe Atkins : teacher , who is supponed to have fr. zen' ( louth. It is reported tie had three < four hundred dollars with him. I ano Best , one of Mcdtton count ) itminrrr. uilfererl a stroke of paialyt wtnlo doing chores In hU barn one m > r ng recently He was r vived comewhn mt a few days later had another htroV wUoh k lied him. Mia * Amelia Church , who had bei teaching at Norfolk , left Ihere on Decer ber 29 , Intending to go to Mndtann , SI liaa not been beard of since , and foul pit IB is ifipecteii. The scaffolding tupportlng tbree mi who were pla > terlnp the celliuK of tl Wymore op rt housa fell on the 24th an the men were more or leas Injured. Prof. Drrinmond , principal of tl I'luttstnouth hlRh school , was fined ( mall amount last Tuesday for "dresaln an unruly pupil with a swlU'b. A number of Tecumwh merchants wl went into grtlu Vujlng aud ha\e lar quantities ou hand , now find they can n get cats toahlpin. : d Went Point expects a great bulldl : boom the coirinj ; reabou. A number T.n . business men contemplate erecting bri n- blocks , A subscription paper woa circulated Tfcututth las' week tn buy akgforo of the citizens -the said leg to ba made id cork. Jerome J. Collins , wbo perished on t by Jeannette Arctic expedition , was local u < The Lincoln Stateiman a dozen yean ag ad A high wind last Monday blew down number o ? Central City chimneys , and t nt people looked towards their cyclona car ad Tba * chool homo at Birgent , On * county , was burned on the 19th ult. . with all the books of tbe tblrty.nlnetcholarii. The Hill county Agricultural socle'y ba * bosun work with a view to again se curing the first prize at the state fait. Itobert J , Kendall , an old-time editor in the Elkhorn valley , ha become private secretary to the governor of Tcxis. Charles Hoyden , n York county man , trlnd to suicide with ct-ychnlno on the 25th imt , , but was pumped out. Several purlieu Imve been arrested In .TunUU for stealing railroad ties , and it cost them 850 each to get out. Mf SES Kldder and wife , of Norfolk , o'l- ebratod tbe sixtieth anniversary of their marriage on the ICth Inst. Tbe Methodist church at Lone Tree was dedicated on the 28th ult. It is tha first church In Custer county. The Christian church at Arapnhoe was dedioikterl on the 23tb , and 8180 25 raised to liquidate the debt. Sidney talks of a Burlington and Mis souri branch to Deadwnocl , from Akron , on the Denver line. The Grand Army folks at Minden will have a picnic on the 22d. It will be hold In the court house. A Humboldt man baa pot * up nn Im provement on the harrow , and expects a patent and fortune , A large part of Kuckolls county was Isible to Falrfield people in a mirage the ther morning. ColumLui has one cite of variolnld , a ittle girl recently from Wisconsin. There s no alarm , Tbe teacher * of Butler county held n onvention at David City last Friday and laturday. There is a coal famine in a number of allroad towns in the upper Elkhorn val ey. ey.There There Is one case of small-pox at Her man and several in an adjoining precinct. One Fh'lps county man lost over 200 beep in the storm a few weeks ago. Louisville has a long-felt want supplied The Observer , published weekly. The Baptists of Wreplng Water will mild a 82,000 church in April. A "Sons of Veterans" society has been rganlzaJ at Weeping Water. A farmers' institute begins at Brock , fomaha o ninty , on the 20th. There is talk of establishing a barb wire manufactory at Grand Inland. The Congregational church at Wymore was dedicated las Sunday. The Signal is the name of the paper just started at Guide Rock. The records of Furnas county are being overhauled by an expert , Exeter wants a steam mill , a publl jail and a jail. The estimated number of cattle In th state is 609,000. The Ice is 24 inches thick on tbe Repub lean river. A Masonic lodge has been organized a SteeleCIty. Nearly $50.00O.OOO. The Immensity of the business don by the Pennsylvania railroad company eaat of Pittsbnrg in the year 18S2 Is made apparent. The faot that the nvcrapo daily income was $140,00 ( ftom its frafli : nearly $50,000,000 tor the year. A review of their annual statements of earnlrgs shows that there have been only two periods in the history of the company in which the earnings have been BO high , but the monthly average for 1882 la great er than the largest earnings ever re turned for any single month previous ly. In September , 1873 , and in Octo ber , 1870 , the earnings reached $4- 000,000. In the latter named month the centennial traffic was very heavy. The monthly average for 1882 is $4,089,085 , while the largest earnings of any month previous to 1832 were In September , 1873 , and aggregated $4,039,100 In 1880 the gross earn ings were $41,2(50,072 ; iu 1881 , $44 - 124,182 , and in 1882 , $40.079,826. The operating expenses wore : 1880 , 824 625,047 ; 1881 , $26,709 809 ; 1882 , § 30 647,379 While tbe gross earn ings have boon large , the cost of ope ration has also beau heavy. Over $30 OOO.OCO waa paid out during the year , and the bonofi ial effects pro duced upunthu communities interested by the distribution of such an im mense earn cannot well bo overesti mated. The rjrcspocts for 1883 are such BB to warrant the belief thnt the earnings will bo fully up to those ast year. The roller ekatern * friend. It cures heir sprained wrists , skinned limba , nt'noses and bruised bodies. No oiler skater , or other skater can afford o bo an enemy of Sr Jacobs Oil. The First Locomotive In Iowa. 0 obc-Dimocrat. Tiiu statements in your piper this naming regarding thofirut locomotive > rought into the atato of Iowa wore ncorrect. I vmi upon the ground and that interesting event. The first locomotive on the toll ol [ owa vas the "Antoine La Claire " K was brought across the Mississippi river from RjckIsland , III , , toD.wen/ } ort , lown , upou elrh'r skids ore ; emporary track laid upon the ice , auc not in a econr , IB stated I do not rn member thn year , but it wai aboul 1854 or 1855 I remember distiuctly seeing thi ocomotivo hnulod acre o the river anc npthobinkat Dwunport , und rodr upon it frequently , ai a boy , while il was hauling construction trains upo : the Misaiasippi and MUaourl railroad BENTJ W. OLAHK an lie id CURES lie Rhoumatism.Heuralgia.Sciatica . Lumbago , Dickache , Headache , Toothache , B11 Bar * Thnut , Bwtlllni : * . Kprnlni. llrultct , llurui , hold * . rr t Illlrt , 1D ILL O1I1XII HUU1I.Y P1I\8 A.1U ICIIKS. bo S 1J IT Druliliu ind D lrr > ci rwh r . FIR ; Ctatl ge tollU. lltrMtloBi ID It Uomir" . ot TIIK niAKl.tn A. VOOKI.KII CO. A. YO-.llua.iCO , ) lUIUBin , H < LtC.B.i ok HjaolntliRi BULBS Tnltai. In Crocus o * . neon o , lndll other ( or F.UI Planting. Largett uteri merit rrcr shown In Chicago * IllustnUd Catalogue life. Send lor IL h on Hiram Sibley & Co. , lUcdolphBt . Chic -WINE or CARDUI' ' M tour Umea tw household. XJ , * ft- > * / U&.XKT3rj POWER AND HAND "JET * taxf& > Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , 'IALLADAY.WIKD-MIULS Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. SPECIAL NOTiOE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Ground Oil Cake. It ia the best and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound is equal to three pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Guko in the fall and win * tor , Instead of running down , will increase in weight and bo in good market able condition in the spring. Dairymen as well as others who U6o it can tes tify to Us merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton ; no charge for sacks , Address o4-ood-mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob. Hellman & Co. WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS , 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. I3t OMAHA , NEB , McNAM ARA & DUNCAN , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN KENHJCKY AND PENNSYLVANIA WhiskieS ! in I end or Tree. Also direct importers of WINES , BRANDIES AND ALES , Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine I GA. . Agents for Jos. Schlitz1 Milwaukee Beer , Bottled and in Kegs. 214 & 216 S. 14TH STREET. - - - OMAFA. HEB. ANHEUSER-BUSCH Brewing - Association , OELEBEATED KEG- & BOTTLED BEER , SPEAKS FOR ITSELF , Orders from any part of the State or the Entire West will be promptly shipped : All Our Goods are Made to the Standard or our & Guarantee. IGEORGE HENNING , Sole Agent for Omaha and the West. fflce Corner 13tli and Haraey Streets , Omaha , Net. _ McMAHON , ABERT & CO , , Wholesale Druggists , 315 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. MILLS. MANUFACTURERS OF Carpenter's Materials ALSO SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Balusters , Window and Door Frames , Etc. Kirat-olass facilttleo for the Manufacture of all kindea of Mouldings , Painting and mulching a Specialty. Orders from the country will be promptly executed. ndclrawftll comrnnnlooUntiito _ A. MOYbR. Proprietor The Original and Only Regular SEED HOUSE in Nebraska. 0. WHOLESALE AND UK.TAIL DEALERS IN Wa m kt * ipecUUy of Onion 8ml , Onlcn Beta , liluo GIAM , Timothy. Red Alfalfa tnd Wblt Clover. Osag and Honey Locust. . Dealer ) and Uuket Gardeners will save money by buj lag ol ct. r < i aJ ( or Ca'alogut , FRKK.