m HE OMAHA AILY BEE. . . _ . . , . . , . _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . j-v * - * * * * B f l m * K < PV M. - - i j ! fc. -m w y v T V fcT - * KJ H - - - - M TWELFTH YEAR. OMAHA NEB THURSDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 8 1883 198 THE STATE CAPITOL The Law-Making Machine Again Moving After a Brief Rest , Reynold's Regulation Bill Over looked and Finally Killed in the Senate , But the Antls Outwit the Mo. nopa by Substituting an Improved One. Text of the Report of the Special Railroad Committee of the Senate. Tbo Kouso LaT > 3r Long on Land lord .Liens and Gthnr Matters * THE SEN < WTE. Special Correspondence of Tun Bm. IIAILUOAD REGULATION. LINCOLN , February 7. In the aan- ate chamber yesterday the bill of Senator Reynolds to regulate the rail road traffic came up in the committee of the whole , and waa roughly hand led. It waa loaded down with amend mants by the friends of the corpora tions till it could hardly be recognized , but just when it waa thought that the bill waa virtually dead , Brown , of Olay , offered us a substitute a copy tf 8. F. No. 54 , and the aamo n adopted by the committee , and the committee was ordered to report back with recommendation that it do pass The subatltuto was r.ubsequeutly ordered dorod to a third reading by the senate. This ia considered a victory for the anti-monopolists , as senate file No. 54 had previously been before the com mittee of the whole and loaded down wlt'.i amendments which were calcu lated to kill It , but thia brlnga it up in ita original shape aud places it where the senators will have to make a record on the question. In the -Eonato thia morning three bills were introduced , ono by Senator Browu , of Oolfjx , eonato file No. 133 , providing thai all bridges coating over $5,000 shall bo the property of the etito. Senate file No. 184 , by Senator Norris , granting the right of way to all telephone companies along public highways , and senate file No. 135 , providing for the ealo of wino by the raisers of grapes. The penitentiary la to bo investi gated , itud the following ccmmittco haa boon appointed for that purpose : Senators Butler , Brown ( of Lancaster ) and Oaao. Senator Oanfield waa originally on thia committee , but upon his own mo tion was excused. The blind asylum is also to be in vestigated , MBorsJilliT-4" " TMi'tulJ-M- of the aanaw , by the following named senators : Reynolds , Thatch aud Har rison. Senator Dnnphy Introdncod the following , which , upon motion of Senator Connor , was ordered printed before any action was taken : WHEREAH , No industry can bo pro tected except at the expense of ail others ; and , WHEVKAS , The protective tariff on lumber > a particularly adverse to the agrlcHtural and manufacturing inter ataf > Nebraska ; and , VHEUEAS , Hon. Charles H. Van ck , the republican senator from Nebraska in the American congress , /as manfully denounced the lumbar tariff and fearlessly advocated the doc trine of frae trade ; therefore RESOLVED , By the legislature of the state of Nebraska that the govern ment of the United Statoa haa no con stitutional or other right to Impose taxes on the people except with the Intent and result /citing money into'thu public treasury with which to pay the public debt , provide for the common defence ant ? promote the gen eral welfare ; and a-1 tariff taxoa , call ed protection , lal < ? for a different In tent and result , ought to be utterly Senator Conaor Introduced the fol lowing : RKSOT.VED , That the state treasurer bo respectfully requested to Inform the senate at as early a day as possi ble the true amount of permanent school fund now on hand and not in vested in bonds , and whether said school fond , if any not so invested in bonds , is now in the vaults of the treasury , and whether the same or any part thereof , la now , or at any time has been , Joined to banks , asaocla- tlons or individuals. INVESTIGATING THE FEN. The chief clerk of the house inform ed the senate that the house had pasHed - ed n. R. Noa. 5 and 17. Butler introduced the following resolution , which waa adopted , the rules being suspended. WIIEAIIEAH , Humors are in circu lation derogatory to the management of the atato prison , and grave suspic ions are entertained In the public mind that undue severity of discipline and occasslonal acts of gross inhumanity are practiced by the warden and the officials under him upon the convicts In their charge , RESOLVED , That a special committee of three be appointed to investigate the conduct of the officers of the state prison aud the treatment of convicts , with power to hold sessions at the prison or elsewhere , to suit their con venience , and to send forparanns and papers , TUB SfECIAL UAILUOAD COMMITTEE , Air. Reynolds , from the special rail road committee , presented the follow ing report : Your committee appointed for the purpose of investigating the conduct , management , and rotation of the rail roads In all their bearings as regards thels interosta and the interoata of the people of this state , bog leave to report Jhat wo have examined a largo number of witnesses , several of whom are persons holding h'.gh official poaltiona of aomo kind under railroad corporations , the roriol'.idor being citizens of thla state who are engaged in the different pur- ults if industry and business cf the ountry. Your committco bollovo the proper nd only legitimate relation of rail- oadnand telegraphic companies to the ooplo , is that of o-minion carriers , rhoso only duty it la to rocolvo and with all reasonable spjjd forward to heir declination Ml persons , freight r mocsagea entrusted to tholr care ; irovided a just and fair rate of freight , Ate or fee ia paid or secured for the ervico and risks attending sush trans- ortation. Aud your committee recommends hat lawn to confine those corporations o the ucca and purposes above stated > 3 passed. We have ionnd it impoa- ! H to draw out from the gentlemen it have the direction and manage- aent of the railroads in thia Btato , _ , material facts ot which hi > publio are not well ac- [ ualnted ; and when pressed to j full and complete explanation of all hur conduct and management , also ho icuBona for some objectionable oaturoj In tholr policy , they refused make ouch explanations on the iunda that the etatoa , uu states , have 10 juricdictiou over them , and plainly dnclaro that these uro mattera over which and to which congress alone has any right or power to oontrcl or In quire into. Wo find , from the evidence adduced u the examination of witnesses , that nany unjuat and inexcusable abnsoa , ind wanton cxorciab of powers , are oxerclaed by railroad managera , which are subversive of that friendly feeling and good will which should exist bo ; weon the people and railroad corpora' ' ione. Your ccmmittco finda facts in the iostimouy taken to warrant them in reporting that the corporations doing justness in thia state are continually laing improper means to control the juolnesa of the state , by trying to dlo ; ate who shall ahlp grain or sell coal n the towna along the hue of road , and by a classification' of freight based ipon the value of properly in the mar- cots where Bold , and placing rates on such gioda which deprive the dealers or first owners of duo advantages of ho laws of f upply and demand which lonestly belovg to thorn , and not to the cnrrlora of the property. Your committee also finda that the railroad companies of the Btato , while professing to obey the law generally mown BB the Do r > o tub luw , have by a change in classification of freights , evaded the true and juat moaning of the said law , and while doing thia liavo continually , by their officers and igonte , endeavored to prejudice the buainesa men of the state againat said 'aw ' aa the cause of higher freights in the state , when really the canso of anoh higher rates waa a change in the classification of freights made by those companlea , apparently for the very purpoao of evading the law. Therefore , we would reapoctfally recommend that juit , yet positive re strictive laws be enacted to the end - mat ail trto'peopio bUouid have equal and. exact freights , ono with another , find all the advantages and conven iences the public can derive by reaaon of the hlghwaya which are created by the people , and thia being , or under stood to bo a government of the people ple , by the people and for the people , aaoh and every ono should bo made secure in the enjoyment of every bless- jng , or convenience , on an exnctequal ity. Your committee boliovoa that by a conspiracy called pooling , the rail road companies owning and controll ing competing linoa are depriving the people of a proper buBincaa competi tion , which in many cues was paid For by the people by bonds voted to those companies to obtain such compe tition. They also deprive the people of these advantages , when the govern ment gave thorn vest estates of land , that the people might have thla pro. * ' competition. mend that Your committee re , , congroaabo mem ° "J-1ZBd b7 thi legis lature to ab * oaoh pooling , if pos- your committee would further re port that a system of free passes haa ( town up , by which the railroad com panies , by giving free transportation o officers , jurors and members of political conventions , haa led the people to believe that tboir officers nd delegates are improperly Influ enced in favor of those corporations who furnish them with such passes. That thoae passes have been utod aa a means of seeking favor of their officers and law makers , there can , aa we bo- ileve , bo no honest doubt ; and your committco recommends that any o fiber or other person accepting a position of trust , in which all persons , or any community , are interested In the ro- lult of their deliberations , uhould not bo allowed to accept or nao , while oc cupying Buch position or office , any pass or different rate than that given to the general publio at the same tlmo and place , to the end that confidence may bo aa perfect between officers and their constituents aa possible. Your committee would alao recommend mend that a constitutional amend ment be submitted to the people , BO that a department can bo created in the state government to supervise and enforce the obedlenpo of largo corpora tions to the lawa within the atato ; and wo alao recommend that there bo es tablished under the preaont constitu tion a bureau , to hoar and examine aa to complaints against these corpora tions , and report to the proper au thorities. And also , that said bureau may perfect and announce a juat and proper rate of freight tariff to be paid by tholpoople ; and that caid bureau may alao collect all necessary informa tion to enable future legislatures to legislate with all the facta before them , and fool assured that both and all eldcs oi these questions are justly roprcsontcd , Yourcommittec further recommends and respectfully oaka that all the tes timony taken , together with the pro ceedings of this committee , bo printed , to the end that the people may know in what manner those corporations1 respond to an inquiry for Information as to tholr manner of doing bnslnesa Wo further report that It Is our firm onvlotion that through congress alone An the people receive complete relief ; nd wo earnestly appeal that their lower bo invoked to the work of ro- uoving every barrier , to the end thut ustico may bo done to the most hum- ilo citizen on perfect equality with ho moat exalted , in every respect , aa elatea to the benefits that may bo de lved from the existence and opera- ion ot these publio highways. Your committee ask to bo dle- hurgod from iurther duty , aa the ommittoo representing the house of rpruDonlativoa haa been heretofore ischargod. All of which la rrnpoctfnlly sub mitted. S. S REYNOLDS , W. II UECU , EUIIA BHOWN , Committco. SUl'PLF.MENTAllY HEl'OHT. Wo have further become Batlefied hat the railroads of the nation are of 0 IndlspouBablo a nature to every ed ucational , and cl/lllzing Influence hit they must bo controlled by the looplo Instead of individual for in- lividuah ; that the power of a con- olidatiou of so vest an amount of in dividual capital aa ia represented in ho railroads of this government IB BO lontrary to every spirit of ropibllcan- amor democracy , and which , must eventually destroy the last vestige of 1 people's goverorncnt in the United states. Wo thorcforo recommend that the agislatnro petition , by a j tint me morial aud resolution , our national cglslaturo to formulate and enact juoh laws as will at the earliest possi- > Io tlmo transfer the. railroad t yatom nto the hands of the general govern ment S S REYNOLDS , W. H. DKCU. On motion , the report waa accepted , ho report and the evidence ordered > rlnted , aud the committee discharged. THE HOUSE SpocUl Correspondence ol Tin llsi. LANDLORDS' LIENS , LINCOLN , February 7. The house lonvoued at ! > :30 : pursuant to adjourn meat. Jensen of Butler offered a resolu Ion that the houao hold night BOeaiono during the balance of the tlmo allotad the lecislatuto. The resolution was placed on the table. Thu homo then roaolvcd itaulf Into committee if the whole to consider ) llls on general file with Mr. How ard of Olay us chairman. After an hour and a half waa con sumed in the consideration of house roll No. 79 , bill to provide for a andlord'a lion upon crops on leased ands , introduced by Mr. Tower ol Adams. Mr. Rubborta , . of Butler , made a motion that the bill bo reported back with recommendation that it do not pass. pass.Mr. . Tower , of Adams , moved an amendment that it do pass. After a long and tedious discussion In which a number of rosmbors took part , Mr. Tower's amendment waa Mr. Whodon , of Lancaster , movec that house roll No. 121 , to provide for the appointment , compensation anc dntlca of special deputy county treas urers In counties not under township organization , bo reported back with a recommendation that It do pass. TJ" motion waa carried. H. R No. 130 , an act to grant hon orable discharge to offieora and mooj- bors of company " 0 , " Flrat ieghn Second brigade of the Nobraskm"1' tia , waa reported back wir1 recom mendation that it do pusa. R No. 131 makir amendments H. . , * in the act authorizio j"uanco of bonds ' 1'0'1 ' baok with county , " recommend-0" t.k ? . ° Pasa cK reat * a 'IB' ' ; ° ' t" ° The r nrl inployes which showed that they .umbered fifty-one thla session , whore- a at the previous session sixty-one > ersona were employed. ' Adjourned until S o'clock thla after noon. _ _ CHICAGO NOTES. Tne Board of Trade Protect Huge Swindling In Futures Feara of a Flood. Special Dispatch to Tui Dn. CHICAGO , February 7. The board of trade passed resolutions against the ransfer of the revenue maiino , lift saving and marine hospital services t control of the navy department ani against establishing a maritime buroaa n that department. Evidences of the extent of the busi ness done by Fleming & Meriam and other professed grain brokera here , : ho delivery of money lettora to whom waa stopped by the postal department a few days ago , accumulate fvom day to day. It appears .they not only .re ceived money Irom firms , towna and villages all over the country , but also [ rora Canada nnd some points In England and Scotland. The sum transmitted to them for investment In grain futures is estimated to roacli into the milliono , and It la intimated that certain respected and highly con nected persona joined hands with the recognized gambling element in work ing the achomo , The city authorities exprose feai of great damage by the flooding ol basements In the city incase of a sud den thaw. The entire winter anov accumulated in tho' streets ia pllec above the sidewalks , and If a gorge forms in the rlvor there will bo no ont let for thia vast volume of water. > Editor Medal's Health. Special Dispatch to Tui linn. CHICAGO , February 7. The pub llahcd reports concerning the oondi tlon of Samuel J. Medill , who fo many years haa been managing edito of The Chicago Tribune , are exaggor ated. Mr. Medill had gene to Las Yogas for the winter aud waa blow ) ; improving in health when the recon "norther" swept over Texas. There waa a drop of 70 decrees in tempera tnro within twentyfour hour * , anc Mr. Modill haa a relapse , > Ho wa then taken to his father-in-law's home at Qulncy , where ho now la in a slightly Improved condition. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. The Qbvernor of Montana BOBS For Rufus Hatch and the Park Qrab , A Scathing Review of the Plans for a Magnificent Oftttlo Ranpe. Reduction and Consolidation of the Ouatoms Districts Recoininendod. The Senate Grapples SUCCOSB- fully With the Myotoriea of Millinery , Whtlo the Honso Siti the D y Out on Cold Irani THB NATIONAL PAKK. pedal Dispatch to Tun BM. ' aov. OUOSUY'U LETTER. WASHINGTON , February 7. A com munication from J. Sohnylor Crosby , ; ovornor cf Montana , was presented o the senate to-day by Senator Ssuu- dors , chairman of the eonnto commit- ,00 , on torritorlea It rolatoa generally , n the preservation and management of the Yellowstone National pirk , out is devoted partloaUrly to a caustic review of the oohomoo of Rafua EIrtoh , who , It is alleged , alma to so- core for his own exclusive benefit the use of the park and turn the grcntor part of it into a vast private ctUlo ranch. Governor Crosby B ys : ' 'Mi. ' [ latch arraigua mo byname for guud- Jig the Intercuts of the territory , which I have the honor to prssido over , and acouaoa mo of poaiag public reformer. I- cannot refute the accusation. Mr. Hitch iiaa aohiovod a national reputation as A monopoliat and apooulato'r , bnl it would bo wrong to call theau thluga "reform. I am not unwilling to be culled n reformer and I am uttnihod in good company , for General SLari- dan , whoso ofliolal report struck n damaging blow lit the achen.i of Hatch iiud hia coadjutoru , Is also llorcoly assailed by the opeculator" Oroaby thou oays : " 1'he real iuo | is national , not poraonal. It la whether the Yellowstone park inUll be , in the language of the dedicaoty Utute , n puullo park and plcn-uro round for the benefit and onjoynont of the people , or whether it ahal ! Jo a cattle rancho for -Rufua Hatch , ? ho propoBcs to oatabliah a v at cittioon tcrpriau cloae to the park and BO are unlimited fortge and immunity f om diatnrbanco. " Oroaby then reviews atgroaUoigth and with much corimnuy * Ao naoi and alleged parpoaoa cf Hi/oh an'djhiu associates , and elcaes recomrrjjid ing absolute annnlw 1 of ' 'rf ? f authorized lease " " > : PJ.tol V" park , for the * * * Hatch and < * ooiati ore to bo permltterl v ° kecp a hoto1 there n11 abuses "nat ave mat * ° Niagara a by- worr ( disgust will attend auch ad- . .difatratiou. CAPITAL NOTES. SpodalDlspatchea to Till nun. TOE OA11FIKLD FAIR. WASHINGTON , February 7. The jarfiold monnmout fair netted $7,500. RAILUOAD TIES. The secretary of the interior baa decided that railroads are not limited lands immediately attjolnin the roada In cutting tloa or obtidiilnp other construction material intended for the ute of rallroada. PAYNE'S RAIDS. Oilhlala at the Indian bureau assort hat Capt. Payno'a raida upon Okla- loma lands in the Indian Territory al ready coat the government about J200 000. and thla expenditure might tare been saved if congroea had adopt ed the repeated reoominendatloiia of the commissioner providing for the mniahmont of intruders on pabllo anda. BIIOniNQ OUT A ItAILROAU. The house committee on Indian af- aira haa decided to report adversely in Mr. Craven's bill authorizing the Mississippi , Albuquerque & later- ocean railway company to construct a railway through Ohoctaw and Chloka- saw natlona. A LIVELY "SPAT. " Daring the discussion of tbo tariff )111 in the homo to-day a brief but exciting "spat" cccurred between Vleanrs. Horace Page and Andurson. The latter offered some atnondmanta , which Mr. Page opposed , when Mr. Anderson became very m-ich excited and said ho would not be rin by the gentleman from California. anurous DISTRICTS. Secretary Folger aont a letter to congress to-day , recommending ci . solidatlon of the customs districts It many instances in order to effect saving of the salary of the oflioors at ports where business is very small and does not Increase from year to year. The secretary's recommendations would in effect not only lesson the numbers of collection districts but in Bomo caaea reduce the number of of ficers at the port , which after reor ganization , would comprise all con solidated porta and rodnce the nguro- gate coat for salaries by $401,270. The greatest reduction of cllicora and em ployes will ta.ko place at the chief eastern porta. CONGRESSIONAL. Special Dispatch to Tun lien. SENATE I'UOOBEDINaS. WASHINGTON , February 7. At the close of the morning buslnoaa the senate - ate held a brief executive session. When the doora reopened the tariff bill waa called up. The subject waa further dlscuisod by Senators Merrill , Dawoa and others , Senator Aldaioh criticised the tabu lar statement presented by Senator Beck In connection with duties on women's and children's dross goods as misleading. Ho said if prepared aa Senator Dock had stated by a man familiar with the subject , it had been prepared with deliberate inten tions to deceive the senate , Senator Aldrloh , in concluding , said ho could hardly trust himself to apeak of the spectacle presented hero of Ameri can manufacturers , honest and re spectable , being compelled to plead in I ho senate for their llvoc , and assailed by moans of anonymous communica tions in the interest of Importers. Mr , Allison aaia If the paragraph und r discussion waa intended to In clude only all-wool goods , the com mittee on finance had been unfortu nate in the choice of phraseology , and ho auggeatcd such phrase bo revised by the committed. Af tor some further discussion all the remainder of the wool schedule , ex cept the paragraph embracing "wob binge , gorlngs , boltings , uto. , " wno Informally passed over in order to give the committee on finance an opportu nity to consider it further. The para graphs thus passed over embrace women's and children's dress geode , clothing , carpets , and ondloea bolts or felts. felts.Tho The silk schedule waa road and loft unchanged. The next schedule ( bookt , papers , etc. ) waa taken up. Senator Ingalls said ha would move to put books on the free list , Senator Bayard moved to innko the duty 15 per cent. Adopted 31 to 18. Senator Vance then moved to strike out the paragraph so as to lot books , pamphlets and other printed matter go on the free Hat. The motion wna agreed to by a vote of 24 to 22 The motion to put pulp for making paper on the tree Hat waa lost ayes 22 , nays 27. The aundrioa schedule waa next taken up The paragraph embracing bonnets , hats and hoods , chip , graac , palm-leaf and materials lor hats was pjisiodovor informally The button par- amended "not Including ngraph waa by adding cluding brats , glltorsilk | buttons , " The duty on cundlos and tapers of all kinds waa made twenty per cent and on osro clothing twenty per cent , advnl- oroin , On motion of Senator Djkvla ( W. Va ) Inn duty on bituminous coal and shale was made 75 couta per ton ayra 21 , nous 20. On motion of McPhoroon the clanso Imposing a duty of $5 per ton on emery ere waa otruok out. Senator Bayard , under Instructions of the committee on finance offered tin amendment imposing a duty of u per cent advalorom on motion or luclfor matches of all descriptions. Acreod to. Senator Aldrich , from the finance committee , offered an amendment im posing a duty of 50 cent a pair upon "gloves , kid or leather , cut to ahapo or otherwise partially manufactured , " but at the suggestion of other aona- tors , accepted an amendment , making the rate 50 per cent advalorom. Agreed V _ * Senator Baynrd OUm --v.iii- - 'far the paragraph embracing gunpow der und all explosive substances the provision of the house tariff bill levy ing a duty of 0 cents a pound on pow der , etc. , valued at 20 cento a pound orloso , and 10 cents a pound on that valued above 20 conta. Agreed to aycB 30 , nooa 15. On motion of Senator Sowoll , hat- tcra' plush , composed of Bilk or silk and cotton , was iusortod at 25 per cent advalorom , | The provision embracing calfskins IT&S made to road "calfskins tanned or drcased , etc. " Senator Hawley moved to insert "garden aeods , except needs of sugar boot , 20 per cent advalorom , " Agreed to ayes 22 , nooa 20 Senator Allison moved fo make the duty on marble In block CO conta per cubic foot and on marble slabs and paving tilea $1.10 per cubic foot. Agreed to. Senator MoPheraon , from the com mittee on finance , offered amendments to "pencil paragraph , making the duty on pencils of wood or other mi- tori tl $1 pat gross and on pencil loads not in wood 10 per cent ad valorem , " but modified it so as to leave the present duty unchanged. Agreed to. On motion of Senator Vanes , pipes of wood wore inserted at the same rate aa thoio of clay 35 per cent ad- valorem , Senator Vance moved to make the duty on diamonds , cut or uncut , and ptaolous stones of all kinds 25 per cent advalorem. Agreed to ayes 21 , UOCB When the free list # ag reached San- ator Vance moved to adjourn. No quorum voting , the senate roll waa called , when 52 senators answered. Senator Oooko moved an executive session. Motion lost and thoaanato adjourned. HOUSE T o hcuso wont into commitoo of the yholo on the tariff bill. fifr. Carlisle offered an amendment impfBirK a duty of fifty cents per ton of oie , or pyrites , oranlphurota of iron onioning moro than forty-fivo per nt Bjlphur and moro than three per " " t topper. Amendment loat , 72 to 00 , , 'V * after r iV ' consideration of the Urat ItL , o the metal Bohedulo for four hon , and a baf ] tno oomtnlltoe " ' ' > n It without making , Kp the ratoof duty > whlc'1 ' . .c.taV'fcentaper ' , ! ton. - . . moved to reduce the duty of stool VotB , cogged Ingot * , ° ora8 Rnd BlaCwolghInf ' { moro than 600 pounds. ? cop oruoiblo procj froValx.tenthn to threo.tontha of , ent per d acUonIUtcominltto ' > M , Mr. B ngham intiinoed B bm f the appointment of aoojnralson | to consist of seven menws three of whom may bo momlof the ont house and two whomto ; bo aolnatorfl to onqnlro into lho ndllon , and value of the plant of t0yBrOU9 , to,0. , graph companies of thoUntryaud ) ro. port to the next congresviut methods are at present avallablo roduoo the cost f tolonraph commuoaalon and whether any legislation iKocosBary to carry out the power of , ngress to rrgulato commerce as applied to tele graph communication. Referred , Also bill providing that "No owner , ngont , master , or consignee of any ship or vessel shall by virtue of the lawa rf any atato bo compelled to take , employ or pay a pilot , not voluntarily employed , on entering or departing from any port or harbor , or passing through or leaving any channel or strait within the waters of the United States. " Referred. UOCOSH. When the house mot this evening only fifteen or twenty members wore present , but in half on hour a quorum put in an appearance and the house went into committee of the whole on the tariff bill , the pending amend ment being that reducing from alx- tontho to three-tenths of one cent per pound the duty on stool ingots , etc. , welching over 500 pounds. Mr , Bnttorworth moved an amend ment by fixing the rates at four- tenths of one cont. Agreed to ayca 03 , noes 72. Mr. Haakoll then moved , nmld do- riiivo laughter on the democratic Hide , to fix the rate at forty-fivo per cent , advalorm. Agreed to 88 to 85 , ' Mr. Tucker moved to reduce the duty on atenl railway bars welghinp moro than 25 pounds to the yard from eight-tenths to aovou-tontha of one cent per pound. Mr , Mortiion moved to make the duty $15 per ton. Pending action the committee rose and house adjourned. TELEGRAPH NO1ES. Spoclnl Dispatches to Tui tin. UOSTON , February 7. Tto house , 80 to 107. voted not to mnko election dny a legal holiday , NEW HnuKHWiCK , N. J. , February 7. The police are looking for a gypsy band wL ( , led n donJ baby to a bear. NKW YonK , February -17,700 relohs nrUii , collected principally In Ohio , wure to-Uv f < > rwnnUl to the Khlno mUjrori" . NEW YonK , February 7. The lied Star line jionplo ei\y no Information Ins been re ceived re nnllng the ttennier Noiierlarui , niul they do not believe any accident has bgfnllen her. MONTKHKY , Mtx , February 7. Orndlog Is actively iniihed uii the Mexico Nntlotinl rend boyoml ( Jarcln. The roml will prob ably lie cnmploti'd to HHlllo hy . .Mnunot - wltlutandlut ; 2,101) footaicont to forty-fivo inr.es. KANSAA Cm , Kebnmy 7.-In thn wreutlliiK matnh , Ciroco-Hoinnn , butweon lUuor itud Wblstlor , lor S5liO olilo Whistler won. gaining the lirst fall In twenty two miuutca , itud the ac nd hi eleven niliuitos. 1'noviDKNUK , Folirunry 7. The ostaU of Kov. Dr. Alcrcor , of Nowiiort , HOOH utter hlrt death otlniatncl nt 210,000. In found to amount to over 31,003,00. ) . It lmn bcon tnxod nt $10,00 , There la rcnt Bur- \n\nn \ nt tlie lovclutlon Si'iUNQi'iKLi ) , Ilia. , Fobrnarv 7. Capt. U < 'H dun to-duy gave nn exhibition shoot at tils luine , nt one hundred pleoonn. lie Hcoied seventy nine. Ho wilt give nu- other I cfuro goiug to Lonievlllu to shoot with ) ) r. Carver on the 22ud lust , NKW YOHK , Fobruaiy 0 , The United Stated circuit court to-day granted judg ment for 81,813 ajalnst the government for excessive duties on "steel bloonn. ' ThU was a tort ca-o. The govornmonl will be requlrud to repay a largo amount ojf monov. . . , - . - , - . , i Oat on the _ Special Dispatch to Tin li RAWLINS , Wyo , , February 7. Ad vices from the country atato cattle had suffered seriously. Snow on the Swoot- waterand Upper Platte was not as heavy as in eastern Wyoming. The loaaes BO far are reported Insignificant cattle tlo about ono per cant and sheep per hapi two per cont. It the Bitter Crook valley the loss of sheep was heavier. A high wind Is blowing from the weet to-day , which will Boon clear tht- ranges of enow. Cattle drifted badly during the storm last week and ranchmen have as yet no moans of as certaining positively the amount of damage done the herds. Not mooting with any dead stock upon their ranges they are tooling eafn. Trial < tf Nunl nnd Croft. Special Dispatch to THE llitn- GIIAYSON , Ky. , February G. Today - day the prisoners Neal and Craft wore romovid from Lexington here for trial , under the protection of four hundred state guards. Horses for the artillery and mounted infantry were sent acron the country. The prison- era and pirt of the soldiers are quar tered at the jaU J others in a train of nine cars. Corn Jnloo Turned Special Dispatch to Till DEE. LOUIBVILLK , February 7. It la esti mated that a quattor of a million gallons lens * f whiskey go out of bond in this district under the law requiring the payment of taxes en thla date. There la no excitement whati vor about the matter aa it was apprehended , and no failures uro reported yet , A heavy sleet foil hero last night turning Into rain this morning and continuing to-night , There is no apprehension - prehension of Hoods however. A Special Dispatch to Tin 11 . NEW YOUK , February 7. Lx- Mayors Hall , Kly Grace , Cooper aud Wickhum , General ( trant , ox-Sonator Oonkling , Wm U. Vanderbilt and Jay Gould wore summoned aa a coroner's jury in the case of George Mahon , who killed a follow patient in the hos pital Sunday. Thn American Agricultural associa tion resolved to hold the national fair in the place offorlng the moat Induce ments. Six Persons Drowned in tha Flood- Dispatch to Til R DIE. INDIANAPOLIS , February 7. The streams In this vicinity are falling and no farther damage U expected About 100 families were driven from tholr tiomoe. It Ins been raising since noon at Peru , and thirty families are flooded ind are losing largely. It ia reported to-night that a family of nix persons wore drowned at Keller'a atatlon , FOItCIUN. Special Dispatch to TUK HUB. THEY NEED TIMK TO CALM. Sr. PKrKusnuuu , January 7 The czar's manifesto on his coronation lays : "Wo are determined in our heart not to perform this sacred rite unless the feelings excited by the crime which the benefactor of the people foil a victim had time to calm , WORTHLESS WORK. A Harvest of Barren Regrets for the Taxpayers of Nebraska , The Reform Legislature Pro viding Positions for Po litical Fossils. Piling Up the Pay Roll the Main Ambition of the Monopo. Cho Ponderann Great of Otuo Scrrei Hii Miuter Well , , Special UUpaUh to Till II > K. ' LINCOLN , February 7. The legisla ture has now resumed were in earnest. So far the legislative mill has ground ont nothing but chaff. It now looks as if the taxpayers of Nebraska would not only have to Bottle n big tax bll' , but this legislature , from which so much economy and wholesome law- tuaklng was expected , would saddle upoi them n hoard of supernumerary a ilary grabbers in the shape of atato geologists , atato chemists , emigration secretaries , railroad secretaries , med ical examiner's , and other pensioners of high and low degree. In spite of the general demand for retrench ment there la a disposition on all hnnda TO ENLtllOE TUK RTATE I1 AY ROLL by the creation of all sorts of needless DfHoers , under various pretexts urged by an active lobby of political barmv lea who are out cf moat. The legitimate- atato expenses necessarily grow from roar to year as our penitentiary , re form schools , anylnma , charitable and educational Institutions are enlarged and the numbers dependent on the state for support and education in crease. To this must bo * added the demand for and Qonocqnont oxpeuao of additional district judges and dis trict attornoya , together with the ex- ponao incident to numerical Increase of the legislature by nineteen members. All this will make the state tax levy MUCH IIEAVIP.U Foil Tim NEXT TWO 1 YKAUS than on any former period. In the face if all this the legislature keeps on framli g nnd recommending bills that will pile up the agony mountains high and make the taxpayers fairly groan. On the other hand , so far , not a thing has been done to relieve the people by rqnallzirg railroad taxoa or by passing any * bill roducirg the paasorgjr or freight ratoa , The malu foaturo.of . the proceeding in the house to-day waa the debate over a number of bills thatworoconsldorcdlncommlttooof.tho wholo. The moat exciting discussion waa over Mr , Towot'd LANDLORDS' tun BILL on crops. Robberts opposed thU inyaouroTTlth great deal of ability vigor as calculated to put the poor tenant farmer under the noel of money lenders and land sharks. Whoodon asked whether there waa not a me chanics lion on the state books , and Roberta retorted , "That waa for pro tecting mechanics and securing them tholr wages. " Toner argued in favor of the bill on the ground of justice , and the bill was finally rooonmondod although its passage Is very doubtful. A good part of the afternoon session was wasted in debiting half a dozen unimportant bills that ought to have gone In the waste banket , and finally quite n breeze was stired up by Bier- bawor'a bill for A OEOLOOIOAL HCIIVEY. The bill creates a geological corpa of three salaried officials ; a geologist at $2,000 a year ; assistant geologist at $1,000 ; chemiat $1,800 a year each. An appropriation of $4,000 is alao made for surveying expenses and ohomioala. The governor in to fill the position with opmpetont scientists and exports of known integrity. The geological corpa in required to make the entire survey ot > the sixty-five counties and the unorganized terri tory within eighteen months , and de posit the specimens of minerals , aoili and bones in the atato university. The collection of natural curiosities would bo moro costly than raro. If the gov ernor can find a renowned geologist for $2,000 a year to make poraonal inspection and survey of seventy-six thousand square mil OB In eighteen months , ho will accomplish a feat greater than Sampson whorl ho alow a thousand Philistines with the jaw bono of an ass. FOUR YEARS AGO a wonderous man from Oleo county , Oapt. Mtoholl ( , as chairman of the railroad committee of the house , dis posed effectively of all the railroad bills of that session by reporting back "That no railroad legislation whatever - over was needed. " To-day , another ponderous son of Otoo , Mr. Grout , aa chairman of the railroad committee , performed a similar foot by recom mending to the house that all the bills pending in the committee bo shelved , and that In their place the house should substitute a bill , which , if enacted - acted , would bo a dead letter. The bill , us outlined by Mr. Grout , creatoa a board of commissioners , composed of state ofliccra , who are to bo empowered to regulate the railroad traflic. Mr. Qrout and a majority of the committee tiavo doubtless taken their cue from the railroad managers , who want simply to defeat all regulation by A DILL THAT WOULD NOT HOLD WAT R before the courts. Grout's report saya the committee have consulted emi nent counsel moaning , of course , John M. Thuraton or Citizen Mason. Had they consulted the constitution of Nebraska they would have discov ered that the power to regulate ralN road tariffs la vested by it in the legls- laturo and that body cannot delegate Ita power to any board of commission ers , whether composed of state officers ) r outsiders. Grout and his commlt- : eo have either fallen into a trap or ) lao they are playing atool pigeon. Tholr report waa accepted and the } lll hold over for further consldera- , lon.