Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 07, 1883, Image 1

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The Close of thi Sicial Season
Drowned Mh Brilliant
Events ,
Marriage of Mlsa Alio Blaine
and Ool. Copplncer in
the Forenoon ,
Followed by That of Miso
firewater nnd B. J. W.
Keen in the Evening ,
While the President's Reojp-
tion Ore yes and OloF 03
All. .
The Effect of the Political Cy
clone Conspicuous in the
New Harbor Bill.
Pope Details Hie Preparationa
to Bounce the Okla
homa E aiders ,
The Bill to Put Grant on the
Retired List Adopted by
the House Committee.
The Day's Wrrk in Congreat
Chttily Enlcciatlo-
. Vast Variety of Interesting NOWB
Special DkpatchM to Tux Dir.
WisniNOTON , February G. Miss
Alioo BUlno was to-day married at her
fathor'a rsoidpnca in this city to Bro
vet-Col. John G. Ooppiugor , United
States ni'iny. It waa witnessed by a
brilliant assemblage of ladies and gen
tlemen prominent in Washington so
ciotv. Among them were President
Arthur , all thu members cf the cabi
net now iu the city , the justices of the
supreme court , a large number of sou-
atom nnd members of the houao of
representatives , and nearly nil num
bers of the diplomatic corps , together
with the ladles of their respective
families , nnd many oflicerd of the army
and navy. Col. Ooppinger ia now on
Gan. Pope's ataff as Inspector general
of the department of the Missouri ,
i + s with headquarters at Fort Leaven-
' , ' worth. His army position is major of
the Tenth regiment of infantry.
Miss Mary Walker Bro wstor , daugh
ter of tro attorney general , was mar
ried to-night at Epiphany Episcopal
church in this city , to Robert J. W.
Koona , of Philadelphia. There were
ten bridesmaids , one of them the
daughter of Senator Miller of Califor
nia , ton ushers and a best man for the
groom. Tha largo church was nllod
with invllod guests , including Presi
dent Arthur and many other per
sona of high position in official
and social life in Washington.
The wedding reception was hold
soon afterwards at the residence
of the bride's parents. A largo pro
portion of the diplomatic corps , and
most of the army and navy officers ,
who subsequently attended the presi
* dent's special reception , were present
at this wedding , and their cilioial
h costunun made the scene uncommon
ly brilliant. The oresldent'a carriage ,
while ho and his daughter was on their
way to church , was run Into by a
carric ga In the rear and the
polo of the latter broke through
the panel , but did not strike either of
the occupants. On hia return from
church , however , the wheels of Presi
dent Arthur's carriage bacamo locked
with these of suveral others , and find
lug that his already damaged vehicle
could not ba extricated without long
delay , the president abandoned it and
walked homo with his daughter
through the rain. The occurrence
created some excitement , and gave
rise to a nnrabar of alarming rumors
as to the president's aafoty.
Tht president gave a reception to
night to the diplomatic corps and the
officers of the nrmy end navy. Ho
was assisted by Mrs. Frolinghuynon ,
Mrs. Chandler , Mrs. Hale , Mrs. Hill ,
Mrs. Teller , Mrs. MoElroy , Mrs. Cam
eron and members of his cabinet ,
Marshal McMichaols and Colonel
Stockwell inado the presentations.
The attendance was very large , not-
withstandingtho disagreeable weather.
Mr. llaskell introduced a bill In the
house to-day relative to invasion of
Indian territory , proposing an amend
ment to the revised sUtutea ai to pro-
vlda for Iraprl nonment for two years
at hard labor of any person convicted
of invasion , with n provision against
Its application to emigrants probably
passing through the territory.
The state department announces
that the rumor current at the capitol
thla morning that the president has
withdrawn from the senate the Witl
h Abra Mexican treaty Is not true.
Secretary Lincoln hai furnished the
secretary cf the interior with copies ol f
telegrams from Oon , Pope describing
preparations made by the military tc
secure the Oklahoma lands fromintru i-
alon , Gan. Pope says ho does nol >
expect forcible resistance , but In nnj
event ho is prepared to ohforco tht
removal of the raiders.
Telegrams received at the Indlai
bureau indicate that strenuous effort
are being rnndo on the psrt of thi
military to eject all alien half-brooda
buffilo hunters and Canadian Indian
from the Fort Peek ( M. T. ) Indiai
reservation ,
The house commltto on commorc :
prajtlcally completed the
harbor bill , though somn inattoti ,
detail nnd nrrnrgmuon- remain , and
the Items for the Mississippi river will
not bo finally fixed in the bill iu ad
vance of the report o ( the tpecial Mle-
ssslppi ! river coramtttct- . The com-
meroa committee has carefully exam
ined each of the ninety items objected
to in the report of the eoorotary of war
concerning last year's river and har
bor bill , nnd in some oases
hai recommended appropriations
for the sarao objects. The committee
do not mike any recommendation
for beginning now work ) , but nil are
for money to carry forward Improvements -
monts on which the government has
already expended largo sums , as , for
instance , at the harbors of Baltimore ,
Savannah , Galveston , Oakland and
such other paints as appear from the
engineers' rpport to demand appro
priations. _ With the exception of the
Mississippi Improvements the amounts
recommended do not exceed 39 per
cant of the engineer's estimates , The
whole amount culled for by the bill
will ba nbout $6,000,000exclusive of
the Mississippi river appropriation.
The honso committee on military af
fairs practically agreed upon terms of
thu bill to place Gen. Grantupon the re
tired llstcf the army with the rank of
general. The chairman was Instructed
to prepare a report In.favor of the
biil to be submitted to the committee
ThnraiRy. The minority report will
probably bo signed by two or three
In the star route trial Thomas W.
Steele , of Arizona , testified in regard
to the route from Troaalamous to Clif
ton. Bliss put in thn offhlal papers
connected with the California route
from Julian to Colton. John 0.
Hayes , aub-contraotor , was examined
A question put by the court relative to
the number of extra horses required
led to discussion on horses. Witness
Bargnor was recalled by the govern
ment and corroborated the testimony
of the procodiag witness as to the
number of stock required on the
route. His crosa-oxumlnntion by In-
geraoil caused much amusement. Hu
placed the average hf j of a horse at
25 yeard , but finally admitted the
only horse of that ago ho poaacaaed
had been given ita liberty.
Ingeraoll "And what ia ho dolnjj
now ; H ho p'okli g out a grave I'
A. Dm'c know ; never aeki'd him
that question. [ LiU htor. ]
Witness aaid no had carried the
mail fourteen yean without losing n
hone ; had two extra horses , but did
not need them.
Ingeraoll What is the broodof your
horses ?
A. California horses.
Q Would you sell your horses.
Bliss I object.
Ingoraoll- never had such nn op
portunity to buy n horse btforo.
Bliss I do not want thu witness to
bo.taken in.
Ingersoll I don't want to cheat
him. Well , If men are not immortal ,
horses aro. [ Liughtor. ]
After reacting a number of cflblal
iapers connected with the route from
lilverton , Colorado , to Parrot City
sixteenth ronteof the indictment the
court adjourned ,
Secretary Folgor received n few
days since from Representative Dingly
a letter containing a aeries of in
quiries with regard to coinage and cir
culation of gold and silver in the
United States up to February 1,1883.
The secretary referred the communi
cation to Burchard , director ol the
mint , and the latter has just replied
by letter , in which ho answers oeveral
questions propounded , as follows :
First Coinage tf dollars from
March 1 , 1878 , to February 1 , 1883 ,
? 135,405,080.
Second Of these silver dollars
$37,574,111 were in circulation on the
1st of February , 1883
Third Amount of silver corf iGoatea
outstanding February lat , 1883 ,
872 745,470 ; amount in treasury $4-
30UG50 , leaviug in circulation $ G8.
438 820
Fourth The price of silver bullion
at London , February 1st , 1833 , waa
50i , British standard , which equals
witn ( exchange nt par 1,097 per cz.
for fine silver.
Fifth The value of silver bullion
oontained in standard silver dollars
waa 03 4G 100 cents on the lat of
March , 1878 , nnd 85 3 100 cents on
the lat of February , 1883.
Sixth On the 1st of March , 1878 ,
the value of gold coin and bullion in
the treasury waa $125,083,850 , and
of silver criu and bullion 8,631,071 ,
while on the 1st of February , 1883 ,
the Vijuo of the former wai > 8173,317-
833 , nnd the latter $128,428,171.
Seventh The nm mnt expended
from March 1 , 1878 , to September 30 ,
1832 , in getting silver dollars in cir
culation was $319,071.
Eighth The amount expended In
providing vaults for nilvor oolu since
March 1 , 1878 , is $93,020
Ninth It ia impossible to state
how much has been paid during the
aamu period for tranoportation of coin
from the mints to thu oflico of the as
sistant treasurer.
Tenth Nothing has booa expended
alnco March 1 , 1878 , in providing
vaults specially for gold coin ,
The payment of the twelfth quar
terly installment to Capt. Eada , on
account of the Mississippi jettioa , duo
December 0 , has been suspended.
The secretary of war referred to the
I-attorney general for hla opinion as to
whether , under the law , Eads is re i-
quired to maintain a channel 20 feet
deep through the jetties ( encineert
ireport showing seven inoboa of nhoal
t ing existed in a pare cf the paesV
The attoney general decides thai
e Eidu muut keep the paaj open tht
entire length of the channel , henci
the suspension. Documents relating
to the matter have been 'sent to thi
10 senate.
Lite this afternoon a caucus of Re
publican senators was held for th
purpose of consulting as to the conrs
to bo pursued by the Republicans rel
o I alive to the pending tariff bill. Th
jjoot of tariff legislation was fully
ouicd In the lightof recent Ultima-
. .otis from the houao that no tariff bill
can pi s that body at this session ,
nnd thn opinion prevailed that the
senate thould not bo inllu need to de
viate from I's ' present linn of policy
through nny npprohenaion that the
house might refuse to accept its
worlc. It WAB resolved to cuntinuo
consideration of the bill during the
remainder of the week , and to nnko n
vigoro-is effort to secure its comple
tion. The unanimous fooling was that
the oonato ahotild not nbnudon the
bill on account of nny di ubt that
might bo felt na to what the houao
would do ritU it. The fooling waa
very hopeful for easy passage of the
bill , eomo acnntors being of the opin
ion that by aitting late onch evening
the bill oin bo completed by Satur
day night.
Plupatch to Tun Mm.
WASUINQTON , February 0. The
senate , after n ehort oxooutivoBcssion ,
took up.tho tariff bill.
Senator Beck moved to make the
duty on woolen cloth , shawls nnd all
manufactures of wool of every de
scription , made wholly or in part of
wool , noteprcial'y ' enumerated or pro
vided fnr , 35 instead of 40 cents a
pmud , leaving the additional ad va
lorem duty cf 35 per cent aa in the
Senator Sherman offered n substi
tute for Back's paragraph , which , be
ing objected to , ho modified to road
as follow * : "Woo'on cloths , woolen
shawls and all manufactures of wool
of every description , made wholly erin
in part of wool , not specially enumer
ated or provided tor in this act , valued
at not exceeding 80 cen's per pound ,
35 cents per pound and 35 per centum
advalorem ; valued nt above 80 cents
per pound , 35 cents per pound and in
addition thereto 40 per centum ad-
valorem. Agreed to.
Senator Beck's amendment with
drawn , the paragraph waa left in this
Ou motion cf Senator Aldrich , the
duty on ilannela , blnukota , hats of
wool , knit goo is , nud nil gooda randy
on knitting framei1 ; balmorals , woolen
and worsted yam and alt manufactures
of every description composed wholly
or In part of worsted ; hair of the ulp -
goat or other animals , except Mich
t.i ure composed in part of ivol l t t
fppcUlly enumerated or provided for ,
valued at above 8J cunts per pound ,
was mode 45 cents per pound and 40
per cont. advalorem.
On Senator Beck's motion , the duty
on bunting waa reduced from 12 to 10
cento per equaro yardand 10 per cent ,
Mr. Slater offered the following
amendment : All wools , hair of nl-
paca goat and ether animals , of value
of fifteen centn per pound or over ,
30 per cont. ndvnlorem ; under fifteen
cents per pound , 20 per cent advalo
rom ; nil manufactures of wool or of
which wools shall be the obit f compo
nent element , 40 per cunt , ndvalorem.
Mr. Bayard proposed to amend by
striking out the whole shcdulo and
substituting the following : All wool ,
hair of the alpaca gent and other like
animals , 25 per cent , advalorom ; all
manufactures of wool or of which wool
shall bo the chief component , 45 per
cent , advalorem. These amendments
are pending.
Senator Vance moved to msko the
duty on woolen dross goods having
coton warp , worsted stuff , etc. . 50
per cent advalorom. The amendment
wcs rejected ayes 20 , noes 27.
Immediately after the announce
ment of the vote the houao resolution
iu relation to the doith of Repre
sentatives Hawk and Updograff wuro
received. Senators Sherman nnd
Pondloton spoke of UpdografTa lifo
and services , and Senators Logan ,
Hampton md George cf Hawk. On
conclusion of the remarks the usual
resolutions were adopted and the senate -
ate adjourned.
After the transaction of some un
important business , the house wont
Into a committee on the tariff bill ,
Consideration of the metal schedule
was entered upon ,
Mr. Kqlloy , under instructions from
his committee , moved to luoroasa from
50 to 75 con's per ton the duty on iron
o.-o , including manganiforoua ore , and
also dross or rosldium from burnt
Pending action on Mr. Kolley's mo
tion , the committee rene and public
buelno3tbelng'uuspcndid | , appropriate
resolutions upon the lifo and public
narvlces of the late Representatives
Updegraff ( Ohio ) and Hawk ( Illinois )
were offered. After addreast-a eulo
gistic of Updcgr&ff by Mesera. Taylor ,
Athcrton , MuKlnnoy , Skinner nnd
Willis and eulogistic of Hnwk by
Messrs. Hltt , Sherman , Anderson ,
Davis , ( Illinole ) Rosocrana , O.irppn-
tor , Wheeler nnd Curtin , the resolu
tions were adopted , nnd na n further
mark of roapoct to the memory ol the
deceased representatives , ihouso ad
A Dtninl From the Stock MOD.
BpncUl Dlt | lch toTiih lj i.
CHEYENNE , February 6 Many
telegraphic inquiries have cotno from
the oust , nnd because of the crossly
exaggerated nccounta uf the loaa of
cattle sent hence in specials , the
Wyoming Stock Growers' association ,
the largest association cf the kind in
the world , says , t fliclally , through the
president of the executive council to u
correspondent , that though the storm
has boon unusually aevoro along thu
Union Pacific road , U haa been much
ileaa aovero on the ranges which Ik
north The cattle are in a much bet'
tor condition than they have boon foi
pears , and the loss to the present tim <
Is very slight , the crnaa being vorj
good. SJcncd W. R Davlf , president
All the Union Pacific trains are 01
time nbng the onUrorouto ,
" ' " '
K _ _
" Tlio Union Iiaagna.
Special Dltpntcb to Tin Uii ,
NEW YORK , February G. Th
Union league olub oolebratod to-nigh
Its twentieth annivoraary , The banquet
quot waa followed by a poem by Stod
dard , oration by Wm. M. Kyartt
nnd addresses by John Jay an
otherr ,
A Varied Assortment of Hews
From 411 Quarters ,
The , Prince Mxpuloion Bill
Doomed to Defeat in the
French Sonnte.
All British OffloUlu Closely
Quorded ARttin ° t Fenians.
Exiling tin Poor of Ireland War
rant * Iiiacd Agnla for
Uavltt and Henly.
Special Dtrr&tch to Tim UHK ,
PAKIM , February 0. Crowds visited
thu llotol Dronat to day to liitpiot
Sarn Bornhardl'n jewels offered for
1'rlnco Krnpotklno ii ill. Ho will
bo moved to the infirmary.
Krnpotklno ia suffering from conges
tion of the brain ,
Prince Jorouio denies ho aspires to
the French dynasty by dirino right.
The National s y whatever the
vote In the senate on the expulsion
bill , the minister of war trill request
the president to sign n decree placing
the Orleans princes iu the army on the
retired Hit.
Fallioroi K ft his bed to-day for an
hour. A week's repose is absolutely
nccoisiry far his recovery , houco hu
will not bo proeeut at the expulsion
bill debate iu the senate.
Northcoto left Nice to-day for Lon
don. The Prince of Wales and Salis
bury will follow Friday ; Gladstone
At the carnival at Nice to-day , W.
Bigelorr , n American , won the first
prize for the carriage moat tastefully
duonrotccl with 11 inert * .
Jalra Ferry hid a long confuroncu
with Prcnidout G.-evy to-day.
It is rumored that Senator Clullo-
mutt Licour conditionally nccep'.od
a post in the now ininiatry.
IHouard Ab u' , opposed to n coin-
promise , WM nppoiuted reporter of
the rcimto oommilteo on the expul-
H ! > n bill.
PAIIH , Fobru&ry 0 , Louts Nicholas
Bwchorolli1 , thu author and grammar-
l..n , ia duad.
PARIS , Fjbrunry 0. Pabllo unoasi-
ncaa Is iucroaning. The impression
prevails that the army doca not like thu
oxpulnion bill. An intimation to this
t-ffuct has boon convoyed to President
Qrovoy. _ _ _ _ _
Special to Till Uu.
DUBLIN , February G. Subscriptions
wore opened yesterday in county
Wioklow , to present Parnell a testimonial
menial for the purpose of clearing off
the mortgage on his estate.
The queen's benok division granted
warrants for the arrest of Djvitt ,
Healy and Qulnn. t
The -grand 'jury "returned fcltno
bill for seditious libnl npninst Wm.
O'Brien , editor of The United Ire-
lane ; nlno a true bill against Dowllng
for the murder of Policeman Oux.
If a desirable and safe candidate
fir parliament can bo found for 0 irk.
It is likely Par neil will resign Cork
and contest Dublin county. Edward
Grell Guinness will be the conscrvatlvo
Three thousand pounds , the balance
of the duchess of Marl borough's relief
fund , will bo devoted to assisting Irish
DUBLIN , February G.Tho grand
jury to-day considered the case of
Tom O'Briun , the edit or of the United
Ireland , and elected to parliament for
Mallow. After four houro' delibera
tion the jury disagreed on the charge
of seditious libel. The counsel prom
ised further ovidonco.
A man named Muroy wan arrested
yesterday at Graveeend aboard the
steamer Avoca , upon her arrival theru
from Tubliu , and ho is believed to be
the individual for whoso nrro&t war
rants were issued a fortuipht ago.
Special DUpitch to Til. Jl .
LONDON , February 6 Eirl Spen
cer , lord lieutenant of Ireland , was
present at to-day's meeting cf thn
cabinet council The meeting lasted
three hours. Extra precautions wore
takoi to insure the tafoty of members
of the cabinet attending the council ,
and two Irich detectives followed Earl
Spencer as an escort to Grsnvlllo's
The warden of the convict prison
to-day brought a conviut to the police
station. Evidenci ) of the moat im
portant nature wan obtained at the in
quiry. . Th < 9 convict la believed to bo
Walsh , the Olorketiwell Ionian.
A steamer of nbout 1,500 tona bur
den foundered off the capu of Qorn-
wall on Friday. It ia Impoaeiblo to
render assistance.
LONDON , February G. The Times
in commenting on the emperor ol
Russia's coronation manifesto , Bays
Much too little attention Is attached
to the subsidence of a revolutionary
storm and the rcaraortion c f the an
condoncy by the permanent force H o
Rusalan societies The events of thi
laat few weeks indicate n break up , a
auy rate for the present , of thi
wicked nnd ntcrllo conspiracy. St
Petersburg haa resumed a normal np
poarauco und the palace la open.
Special Dispatches to Tun HK .
BOMUAY , February G. The Inllin
of Ryots , who protested against rail
Ing of the land revenues , h&a uxolto
abhorrence against the raj aha pollci
BERLIN , Fijbraary 0. The omporc
of OUUIA telegraphed oougratulatloi
to the crown prlnca ou the occasion
of his silver wedding the first tele
gram over sent by n Ohrnoso sovereign
to a European prince.
The IMnco of Wales ia gazetted
colonel of Bluohor'ii llussurs ,
Sr. PKTKRSIIUKO , Fobnuryt ) , The
Hnsilau police oUliu to have dcitroy..d
nihilism , The czar walks the itrootg
of St. Potorburg without nrmod cs >
The programme of the czar's ' IIMTTO-
monts nro. announced for the nut
three months.
MADRID , February ( J. Another
earthqiukj occurred at Archona to
day. It lasted five minutes. No
MAPKID , February G. The antl-
ilavosy society will shortly demand
the extinction of the Cuban system ,
which cuinpula former slaves to con
tinue in the norviao of masters for a
term of years.
VALPARAISO , February G The di-
nloniatlo relations between Spain and
Chili have boon resumed.
BOMBAY , February G. The Rajah
of Lutmgur , Naatywar , has raised a
land revenue. The Ilyots refused to
pay and 3CO of them assembled , arm
ed , claiming redress. The Rajah dis
posed of 700 police to auppro-a the dis
order. They attacked the Ilyols killIng -
Ing 70 and wounding many others.
Seven police wore wounded. The dis
proportion of casualltloR auggoata that
the iilfiir was simply a massacre. The
government has ordered an inquiry.
BEULIN , February G. Bijmarok it
is thought will bo nblo to attend the
roichsUg this session. Matters , ho
snld , "progress tolerably well without
me. Tfio empire's mnohinu generally
works capitally. I am dncuroly gnd ]
wu nrn able to live without perpetual
co ) ilict. I could not onduru it. The
irritation of former times would kill
mo. I sometimes sutler the greatest
agony. "
UAUHUKU , February G. The col-
lectiotm at Hamburg for the relief < jf
the sullorciB be. Mi * Ciiubria disaster
hnvurero'ii'fl Ht 000 mnrk
CZM has issued u manifesto giving no-
the of the coronation nt Mi.eoow , on
the 27th of May. The manifesto \
aidreaeod to nil Russian subjucta. The
uktso orders the attendance of mar-
chain , of the nobility and the pnft-cta
of the provino nl capitals except those
of Siberia , whoso attendance is ex
cused on ncoonnt of the distance , and
the president cf the rural and Urban
PAUH , Fubruury G. Count DJ
Montebillo htin resigned the Brussels
tinbaesy on account cf the notion on
the expulsion bill. It is txpojtod
that Prince Jerome will bo liberated
on Tuesday.
Both Boused at Worn Again : *
Special Dispatch to Till Il
LINCOLN , February G. The legisla
ture resumed session at 2 p. in. In
the absence of a quorum the 1'onso
adjourned until 9:30 : to-morrow morn
lug. The sonati hold u three hours'
sonsion with routine business. Nothing
important traatpirod.
A Menrtlcii llouteimut.
Special Dlnpatoh to Tin Iit
NEW Youi ; , February G The
twenty-second regiment has again be
oerno notorious by the attempt of a
young woman named Lottie Rama to
kill Lieut. George E B. Hart. The
Hhooling recurred near the armory on
Fourteenth street , nhoro she mot
Hart by nppolntniont. When they
met she drew a revolver and fired ,
lie turned and ran and shn followed ,
discharging the four remaining cart
ridges an fiat us possible. She was
arrested , and c vo her ago as 19.
The paot summer when the regiment
returned from encampment , the
woman fell in love with a member
whose name she refused to give , lie
accomplished her ruin and deserted
her. Hart besought her to live with
him. She did so until about two
weeks ago , when ho too deserted her.
She had no money and was maddened
at the thought of losing him , so she
determined to kill him.
1 ho Southern Route.
Special Dtsutch | to Tun HUB.
CHICAGO , February G. The Illinois
Central announces the completion of
an arrangement for the sale of through
tickets from Chicago to San Francisco.
The route will bo over its own line to
New Orleans , and thence to San Fran-
CMCO over the Southern Pacific. The
rates nro the same as by the other lines.
The route is COO. miles longer than by
the Central and Union Pacific , bu the
manager believes that thu greater com
fort to winter travelers by the aouth-
orn ronto will induce many to go that
, 'Ihn Gnuova Award.
Special Dispatch to Tun llii
NKW YOIIK , February G The supreme
premo court has authorized the re
ceiver cf the Columbian Insurance
company to begin suits to enforce the
claims of the company against the
United States government for coin'
peneation out of the Geneva award ol
815,500,000. The claims prow out ol
acts of confederate cruiHura.
Special Dlupitch to Til J L'li.
CITY or MEXICO , February G. Tin
National mining scuiuty , organize )
under the nusplcoa cf the dopurtmen
of public works , wan installed yestei
day. President Gonzolos presided
A largo number of miners from al
id states and mining organization ! } wor
10. present.
Lionel Garden , British consul a
or Savannah , Is Rant hero by the Drills
na government to uncertain what must t
done to develop British trade
Auoxlcoj what oin bo done rognrdln
Mori-mil bonds held in England , aiu
to taVt. ' etcpa towards renewal o.
diplomatics relations. Well informed
persons say only nn unconditional pro
posal by EngiVuid for renewal cf rela
tiona will bo accepted.
7 ho FlootJ > dn { trioti
Special DUpntchrs to T i Jim
TOLKPO , February --Tho river at
tlt.U point has men n foot during the
pas,1 ri < ht hours , but the Ice still
holds Cm ? , and upon Itrt ability to
withstand Jho pressure fimta above
dependo the safety of the low-lying
districts of the city.
GLKVKLAJ ; .February G. Hundreds -
drods of men wore busy to-da ? clear
ing the alluvial from the recently
ijodcd dlstrrok The railways ate ie
aumlug tlii-ir onstomary running of
trains. The Standard Oil comp ny
made cantrnoU to rebuild the burned
works to-day. The weather is throat-
oiling another nfann.
TMKDO , O. , February G. Fears o )
n flood from the Mnumoo river nro
groaty ! heightenedtonight by the
heavy snow storm , rrtth Indication of
doming rain. At Dslltmco and Napn-
loon tfator in the Auglnlio tiver Is
hlghot to-day than at any tlmo since
the fljcd. A portion of D fmncs IB
entirely under water. Taroo largo
bridges at that point are in imminent
danger. At Fremont ilio water is
slowly falllnR. There is great suffer
ing there nmong the poor families
driven from their homes. Relief ojni-
mitteos are at woik at those places
and other points.
CINCINNATI , February Oi Another
heavy rain sot In this altonoon nnd
oontlnnos unabated late to-night , ill-
ports indicate that the storm prevails
over n wide bolt of country on both
sides of the river. Fears are enter
tained as to the results if the storm ,
as all streams throughout thu-otato nro
now swollen beyond anything previ
ously known by the storm of Friday
and Saturday. It is estimated that
from sixty to n hundred ) aye iron
nnd wooden bridges hove been swept
uwuy throughout the state of Ohio , ;
an d nearly na many in Pennsylvania.
The losses will run up into many mil
OnicJ.uio , February G. It haa been
anown g heavily since noouv The
amount of snow already piled up .
along the tracks is so great that it
will lake Lut n email depth of now
enow nnd n little wind to created
another blockade.
NKW YOUK , February G. A sleet
storm , which at the beginning threatened -
oned to bring disaster-upon the tele
graph wirea nnd property , fortunately
quickly changed to warm , heavy
rain , turning thn ice Into olush.
LAKAYBTTE , lud. , Fobruary. G
The Wubash contiuncs rising. A
number of families are rendered
homeless. Sixty fiyo cattle sur
rounded by water in the yards at
tempted to swim out to-day , but all
woru drowned.
Special DUpatcheii to Till HIM.
NEW HAMBURG , Tobrtiury ( X Ih tlia
twenty-mile Ice yucht rare for the chnuv
nlonihlp cf Amotioi , K. Harrison San
lota's Avalnocho , of the L'oughkosniio
club , won In 57 mluutfs.
' " \VOBCESTBU , February l.-Av collision
butwtou tliD 1'urtluiul cxpreart and a
frelfiht train rn tlio Woojtcr nnd Nauhua
railroad ntAyor , tliln mor < lag , eeriously
Injured the prislnner nnd two pasBOUKora.
NKW YOIIK , KelicURry 0. The Itritiah
mail tor AintralU nriivea from Uiiropn
yesttrday and left for San Francisco liwt
NKW YOBK , Ifpbrunty 0. The wroUUng
match between Duncan C. HOES and John wns postponed. MniUson
Square garden wnn closed , not boiuK
licenced plnco of ainuiompnt.
I\toNTltKAL \ , Kobruarv C. Charloi Du
Tuitu Do horochcllo , French oinlKn1 , uf
noble fiiniily , tils brother belnfr Konernl In
tlio French army , died to-day in nbnoluto
Hr JOHN , N. 15. , February 8. The
Bchoonor L. J. Uarney ban been lost with
nil on linnrd.
CINCINNATI , February C. The opera
festival lit thn col'ovn of mimic closed to
night with Linda Da Chamounlx , Patti
and Hcnlohl In tMo cftat. The estimated
receipts from the ton ' performances la $100 ,
TYxus Trinparaturo *
Special Dl | tch to Tim 15ml.
ST Louis , February 0 The oold
weather In Texas continues , and Is
loported to bo the severest known
there for many years. The mercury
in Homo places in the northern part o'
the staco dropped to 7oro , and us far
down as Austin and San Antonio fol'
to 10 above. Stock , particularly
sheep , are raid to bo suffering greatly
through the range country , and many
thousand head are said to have already
died. There is also much suffering
among the poor paoplo , they boln
totally unprepared for such seven
A Railway Accident.
Special Dispatch to Tim Dm.
BT. Louis , February ( i. A frolgh
ttcin on the Vandalta road encountered
torod a broken rail near Mulberry
Grove , Illinois , early yesterday morn
ing , and seven cars were ditched ,
few moments later n second Hoctlon of
the train following clone behind
crashed Into the rear of the first sec
tion smashing the caboose to pieces
nnd wrecking nineteen cars of the
two trains. The fireman and ouo
brakeman were severely Injured.
A Bad Outlook.
Special Dbpatch to Tin ItiB ,
UAWIINH , Wyoming , February G.
The snow hero is n foot deep and 1
badly drifted. It Is snowing to-day
and the prospects 'are gloomy. The
stockmen are praying fur wind. There
hat been no wind sinca the storm
nbatod on Friday night , which U
Bomuthlng unprecedented hero.
Dnltotn Blizzunls-
Special Dlapatih to Tux HBK.
GitAND FOUKH , D. T. February G.
Tha worst blizzard over known swop
over Larimoro this morning. Th
mercury waa twenty degrees bolov
zero. The storm waa light In thi
city , though on the prairie It was quit
dusty , A high wind has prevailed al
day. and the meroury has boon rieing
At H o'clock thla ovoninp It rcglatore
ton below zero.
A Brief but Magniffoent Spec-
taolo in the Beaten of
Morous ;
Plftto'a Deecription of the-Lost
Atlantis Illustrated in <
Eighteen Cars :
New OrloQDs In QorBaoiis
tire by Eun and
T&tf Kcocptlon nt tlio Klr 1 *
'BOB nnd Other
Klnc Carnival.
3prcl * } Wj | t h to Tin Dm.
NBW OKLKANB , Fibrnary C. U6x
was officially received in the cUy-to.
day with seventeen cars , presenting a
brilliant tableau , Illustrating different
epochs in French history. The cnrni- '
v l opens to-morrow.
NKW OXUANR , yebruary G. Mardl
gran was colobrotod with the iwual fes
tivities and grand1 street ip etude's.-
The city. WM gaily decorated and illu
minated nt night. An immense crowd
was in the streets , Including 25,000"
vlaitorot Th king of the carnival
nppoarcd > with a grand pageant of
Lwonlycaw , followed by the Phunny
Phorty PhellowB with fourteen caw , ,
utid too Independent Order of the
Moon with silicon. The royal pageant -
goant ; , preceded by Bumf Oras and at
tendants , illustrated Atlantis , or
the Lost Continent , described
by Pinto , The tableaux pro-
lontod wore deiignod to represent
the AtlautotinBiu their social , religions
uid political customs. The costumes
front Parlu were not received owing
o the non-nrrivnl of the steamer.
Duo hundred and twenty characters
trcro in the pageant and seventy
lioooa of papier macho work. The
lubjoct of representation by the
Phuuny Phorty Phcllons embraced
.ravestles on the drama and opera.
fVmong the tableaux wcrn burluiquo
Hustrnlionn-of Himlet , Merchant of
Venic ? , Maacotto and Patience. The
independent Order of the Moon for
their tnlrd procession presented gro
tesque illustrations of Inmiliar rhymes.
At 1 o'clock the weather cleared and
luring the progress of the Ilex pro-
: eBlon the sun shone brightly for two
lipurs , the first In three dsys , At
night the pugoant of the Knlgntn of
Momus , appeared. The subject was
the "Moors In Spain , " eighteen cars ,
illustrating scones from legends , ro
mances and the conquest of Granada.
In the display there were twelve
horsov , lifo stzk' , of papier nuoho. The
cars were magnificently decorated.
The royal reception nt the Imperial
palnae waa attended by nn immense )
crowd. The number of invitations
were over 25-COO. , The throne room
in which the king and queen received
together with Lord and Lady Ba'tl-
imro , WBB painted to represent the
bottom of the sea whore Atlantis sank.
The queen was Susie Riohardion ,
daughter of Col. Edward Richardson ,
cotton planter. The Knights of Mo
mus gnvo n brilliant ball at the French
opera house and the Phunuy Phorty
Phollowa nt the St , Ohnrlos theatre.
Many other entertainments are in
progress. Thu ships lining the whole
city front were gay with flags and
bunting , and many building were il
luminated ,
CHICAGO , February G. The first
mardl gran In this city was hold to-
niijht under the auspices of the Ohl-
oigo Turners. The tableaux repre
sented the five grand dlvlsionn of the
earth , and the figures from Greek
mythology were tbn cliinf ff ntures.
Tlin AclilBiid Demons
Hpoclal Dii | tchoi to Till li ! .
CiNOiNNA7i , Fobrnary G Troops -
numbering about 400 , with throe -
pieces of artillery , kf c for Lsxington ,
Kentucky , thla morning , escorting
Neal nnd Craft to Graynon for trial.
GRAVHON , Ky. , February G. Thorj *
is much opposition to coming of *
the , military with Neal and Orafh-
Great crowds were at the depot.
Many threats to fire on the military . .
were made. The saloons nro alh"
closed , and extra policemen have boon ,
appointed. Cltlzjns say the military.
will bo beaten if a conflict happens.
Kansas and
Special DUaUh to Tins Hi B. ' .
Toi'BVA , K . , February G. The *
donate this morning adopted the house
joint resolution instructing the attor
ney general to bring proceedings in
the supreme court against the Union
and Kansas Paclfio railroads , with a.
view to breaking up the consolidation
of those two companies ,
Whut President Dlllou Stiya.
Do tin Journal.
President Dillon Is reported a&
stating , in reference to the report from
ioaton that the Union Pacific railway
ompany contemplated closlng.its of-
co in New York , with the view of
nalntalnlng a single head office in
Boston , that no such action was con-
omplatcd , nnd that tho. company ia
) bligod to maintain an cilice iu Now
fork for transfers of stocks , if for no
other purpose , as long as Ita stock ia
dealt in on the Stock Exchange. Ho
alao said that the proposed proceedings -
ings of the state of Kansas against
the Union Pacific company are of no
importance , aa the United States gov
ernment expressly granted the right
of consolidation to all the subsidized
Pacific toads. Ho also eald that the
allowed claim of the government for
$1,000.000 is , if auy exist , forabaut 5
per cent , of that amount , and that
the company haa n counter claim that
will moro than oil'jot any amount that
the government may allege to bo dua
Wo sell the host Gun Powder and
Oolong Tea to bo found In Omaha for
BOc par pound. Grind UnAou. Tea
Co. , 110 Sooth 15th itreot.