THE DAILY BRE-COUNCIL BLUJFJFS IOWA MONDAY EEBRDAUY 5 The Daily Bee. COUHCiL BLUFFS. Monday Morning , Feb 5. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : By Carrier , . . . . . SO cents per wetk. . . . . . . 110.00 per Year , _ Otnco : No. 7 Pearl Btreot , Near Broadway. MINOR MENTIONtJ. J , Mueller's Palace Mnslo Hall , Regular council meeting this evening. The trains were all behind time again yesterday , from out to four hours. St. Paul's F.piscopal church , of this city , has decided in favor of free slttingr. CHEAP KAII.UOAD TICKETH. Buy them from D. W. Buahncll , 5 doors north ol postofEoe. mtf William Lewis wan cotnplainoi of on Saturday for assaulting lienry Vogelman by thumping him several lime * The sheriffs of the state hare decided to hold their next meeting In this city at the time of the spring races here In May. The cue of Schllct v . Gnltter still oc cupied tbe time in the circuit court Satur day and was Htlll undecided at the tlmo ol adjournment. The boys , Ulce and Goodohlld , chargcc with assaulting another boy named Dev- llbllc.s were discharged by Justice Ab bott Saturday. Frank Moidy was arrested Saturday night for raising a disturbance while drunk. Ho will Interview and bo inter viewed in police court this morning. John Raymond , who has just served one term in jail for petty larceny , was ar rested again Saturday for stealing an over coat from a Broadway saloon. A warrant WM taken'out ' on Saturday { or tb arrett of Lewis Crandall , charging him with having got a 920 tult of clothes of Bpetman * Bro , under false pretenses. The board of trade will hold a regular meeting Tuesday evening. Let the busi ness men wake up and be on hand promptly. The telephone exchange was moved yesterday , and the changing of so many wires caused a general suspension of the telephone business here during the day. Burglars are reported as having blown the postoffica tafe at Pacific Junction sometime Friday night. They got only about $20 worth of stampK and envelopes for their trouble. Fred Bokrmper nettled the cases sgalnst him and bis skipping bartender by paying 925 fine for the latter , and the costs in both cases. Charles Spctcor , charged with dis charging firearms in tbe street , was him self discharged on Saturday by Judge Ayleoworth , Thecomplalnt for carrying concealed weapons was taken under ad visement. A } ! AIUMIN. Any person desiring to purchase an elegant residence ono block from Baylisit' park , for $6,500 , part on time , should address W , box 1G7. ! f2-3t Theodore Gifford on Saturday plead guilty to stealing a. vallio from Major Randolph , aide-de-camp on the city mar- dial's cow staff. He was sentenced to twenty days In jail , No services at the Presbyterian church yesterday. There seenu to be much trouble In getting just "the man" lor pastor , the pastorate baring been va cant for a long time now. The saloon-keepers are to meet nt ) o'clock this afternoon at Max Mobn'f , on Main street , to take In conrlderation mat ters of importance In regard to the busl < ness here. The thermometer in some parts of thi city yesterday morning nt 7 i > 'clocl touched 21 degrees below , five degree * colder than any morning this season "Yesterday afternoon the mercury was ' . degrees below , Tbo Danube society gave an enjoy able maiquerade Saturday night. Thi society is composed of a largo number c the best Danish citizens , nnd their socii gatherings are always of an enjoyable in ture. Tbe polling lists were tacked up o the corners Saturday , ready for the publl to gate upon and correct , With tbe the ; mometer below r.ero , there are not man who tarry and gsr.e upon them. The college students at Tabor are vei much excited over a discussion as I whether it is proper to say "bath is good or "hash are good. " Those who stand u ' on tbe platform that hash is singular see : \ to be in tbe ascendancy. An attempt Is to be made to perfe arrangement * by which tbe Council Blnl ' driving park association will bo includi in the Iowa , circuit , together with D i tuque , Cedar lUplds , Marshalltown at Des Moines. Mayor Bowman and J. | Itart expect to visit Marshalltown tl week to complete tbe arrangements. Despite tbo storms and blockades , box of Imported clears reached this ci only eight days after passing through t custom house in New York , and tb came too in the roundabout way of o friend in New York buying a box and set ing to a friend in this city , instead of r" direct importation. The fair and festival for the relief the poor of the city proved quite a succ financially. Tbo gold watch wai given Miss Blanche Oliver , she having receli tbe largest number of tbe 491 votes cost ten cents each. Rev. J. G. Lyman i given tbe gold-beaded cane , there hav been WJ votes cast at a dime each. 1 entire proceeds cf tbo fair amounted about $300. A man giving Ms name as Peter Ml * was arrested Saturday evening for steal t a vallee at the transfer , The grip belon \ to Edward Iveur , who waa en route | t Denver , und who carelessly left it in waitlnt : room while be took a stroll ab I * town. It stems that Miller picked It and b jjin peddling its contents at ferent houses on tbe plea that be ' hard up and was forced to sell bis clotbl Dr. West , Daatist , 14 Pearl atrc THE LIMES. Plenty of goods on the lines at I price , at PhlUlp * . GOBBLING A GIRL , An Iowa yather Has a Hard Time Recovering Bis Daughter , He Finally Finds Her Near OdelJ , Nebraska , and BringB Her Back. The Story of the Chtie. Teatordfty there arrived in this city an elderly fjontleman accompanied by a little girl wboao ago , on inquiry , WAR glron as between nine and ton years , though her face h&d an older look , and her form and manners indicated that oho waa lacking much of the vivacity and vigor of the ordinary girl of that ago , when happy and In good health. The elderly man who had her In charge proved to bo her father , and ho had qnlto a atory to narrate as to how ho had regained possession of hia daughter after a long and anxlomi aroh. The mm gave his name a * Jameo Dickinson , and eald his homo has be < n for Bimo time past in Jefferson , Iowa Hia wife died about six ycara bgo , hio little girl boitig then only butweoti throe and four years cf ago. lie ar ranged a homo for the little girl with a wealthy family in Montloollo , who did not adopt the child , the under standing botng that slio should remain there oo lorg as it was satiefaotory to all concormtd Time wont on , and the foster father and mother had aomo family troubles , which led to a divorce. On the day that thU divorce wai granted the man wrote to Mr. Dickinson , tollIng - Ing him ho had bettor come and got hli little girl , and in compliance with thli request ho started at once for Montlcollo , bat found ho was too late , the child having boon lent aw y to some unknown spot by the woman. The anxious father waa naturally do lermlnod to Rot some trace of his child , but could not got any informa tion beyond scmo faint clues that tbo woman had sent the child to live with one of her sons , who was married and had a family somewhere in the west. A short time ago ho ascertained that the woman had started westward , and thinking that she was going in all probability to her BOHR , and that probably his daughter was there also , ho followed her on the next train. IIo found the woman In Lie- coin , and kept with her until ho reached the son's house , about thrco miles from Ot'oll. IIo there found his little daughter , living with that family in a very rough and nimble way , much in oonstraat with the comfortable and even luxurious homo which the girl had enjoyed in Iowa. She was poorly dressed , and though the weather was oxtrumuly cold , , her raiment was thin end worn , she having no warm undergarments - garments , and even her shoes being so worn that her feet were exposed to the blttor frosts , and one of her feet had been badly frozen , She had boon holplcg gather corn , and doing chores about the plnoo , and yet she was beguiled with such prom ises as that she was soon to have a little pony of her own to ride , and was to have some pigs and calves of her own to raise and sell , etc , The father found that the girl was sleep ing at night upon a pallet of straw in nu unfurnished part of the garret and waa In all rospoota undergoing hard- shies which were rapidly making her look old und worn. The father Insisted on t > klng the child away with him , but there boinp oppooition shown to this , ho went ta Odoll and there eoourod the Her- vices of a constable , who pro ceeded back to the houao witli him. There WBB quito a BUUUO , according to the father's otory , ono oj the sons of the old lady pouncing on to him , and the ofticer having to inter fcro. The child was secured by them , however , and taken bnok to Odoll ! where fathur and daughter stopped a' ' a hotel while waiting for the tr.Uu the next morning. The mini at whom house the little girl had boon stopplup got some of his chuim and sympikthiz ors together and milled at Odoll t < take the child back by main force. Th hotol-koopor , hearing of this , and feai ing a row. advised the father to secret the little .girl until mornlnv and In accordance with thi advice ho placed her in private family. On taking the tral the next morning the father an daughter were guarded by the doput sheriff and a possoo to avoid the o : peotod attack from "tho gang , " an under sad , exciting circumstances tt two left , Once more on the journt an attempt was made by two mon 1 got the child nway from her fatho but this was thwarted , and they a rived yesterday at the transfer all rlgh and in the afternoon started off oaa Don't fall to attend the Turnei masquerade ball on the 22d. Great closing out bargains at Blisi The finest lot of anthracite coal th ae has been received hero this winter h j. just arrived at A. II. Mayno & Oo. Crystal Roller Mills Patent Gran latod Flour , Superlative A , the nig est grade of flour manufacture Snowy white , pure , light and awei Ask your grocer for It and you w have nouo other. tf. Itoma at tbo Institution. OK The Deaf Mute Hawkeye appot 'he ' this week In the form of a'nest. Thi to is first the paper of nsnal dra , ins ! of that a smaller ono called "t ler junior , " and inside of that still i UB other called " the " baby that ; ed ; to oa to reader cn take the one which best 1 the his size and ago. From a number Interesting Itoma wo glenn ; jut Rev. 0. L. S urges , late inslruc up In the preparatory department lit. Tabor oollogo , haa boon employed boys' supervisor , and haa entered n ] his duties. Ho is a gentleman of o cation and culture , and we doubt et. will perform his work to th * satlsl tion of all. Thn position Is a try one , end requires tact , patlonoo i alf education to fill it. The cold weather haa caused for first time the supply pipe to the insti tution rrsJrvolr to fruoeo. Mis * Pollock , who used to tench hero , visited the Institution last Sun day. She lias resigned her plnco a * teacher In the Nebraska insti ntlot and In now at homo In Burlington She expects to bo married soon to a Chicago gentleman named Fair- weather. A sleigh load of institution people mot with quite a minhap last Satur day. Mr. Hugors was driving and in turning a corner In the lower par , if the city , a short turn Qver tipped the sloiuh and threw the occupants to the ground with considerable violcnci. Miss Van Dorln teems to have born the worst sniff ror , receiving an injury on the forehead right between the eyes , which put those organs into mournlnp , and enlnrged her nosn to double Its natural ilzo. Miss Van Taosel had htr knee sprained , and Mattie and Mr Kogers escaped un- injured. Mr , ll-jgers was dragged along the nlreot a hundred factor more while holding to the lints baforo ho succeeded inotnpping the horaoi. \Vhon yon want to get Iowa conl that is almost if not ii-iilo equal to Wyoming , call for the Frederick , at A. H. Mayno AOo.V ! PERSONAL. K. S. Ilniley , of Carroll , WM In the city yesterday. W. G. Albright , of Des Blolncn , Is nt the Ogdon. K. J. Ball , of ( Jr nd Havn , Mich. , it at the Pacific. B. K. Stricter , cf ATOCB , I ) a Pacific house K'ie t. Jamen K. Blake , of Ixmclon , 0. , Hun- daycd Jtt the Pacific. J. S. Wil on , of Lnndvlllt ) , SnmUyed at the Orfden F. H. Urern of Oakdale , Neb. , was at the Ogden yesterday. II. N. Wood , of Tabor , * pent his Sue- day IntheBluflri. Dr. A. J. Cool ; , who has been 111 for a few diyr , U en tlio naln , K. D. Mansflold , ot MLnetpolii , spent Bnnday at the O den. K. D. Humphrey , of C ! ) nera. N. Y. , is an Ogdcn house yneat. J. W. Squires , the real cntato man , bos been on tbo Rick list for a few dayr. The wife and child of Thomas Kane , Hrlng near the transfer , are both quite ill with malarial fever. Fred K. Kistland nan retlgned liln clerk- nhtp in the poetoflico hero to go into busi- iu for hitmolf at NooK S , A , Klagler biwi lio-n selected to f 11 the vacancy , A. T. Flickiuger started yeaterduy fci Iowa City In roaponso to a telegram stating that his youngest brother , who IF a Htudtnt at the university , U very ill wilh inflimmatory rheumatism J , D. C'in.eroii , of Sioux 'Falls , whotc name haa liccnine pretty well knowc throughout the west on nccduat of hi < connection with the "nrlpt"cipen , wnair the city yesterday , en route for St. Loui < , hia trial on the charge of cnnpplring to de fraud the government being sot for next Tuesday. W. D. llueiell , of Yankton , who ia a co-Jefendant , waa also hers , botl gentlemen bring guests of the Ogdon. Mr , Camrronla qulto confident that he will bi acquitted , nnd expects that there will bi no delay In the trial , but that it will commence monco surely on Tuesday. Tbeia ar about a hundred wltnoste * from Yanktoi and vicinity who nro invited lo attend th affair. Mr , Carpenter , of linlolt , anotbe of the defendfntfl , hai already gone to St Lous , nnd Mr. Cameron and Mr. Husiol left last evening. To close out my buuliiesti I will eel my entire clock of millinery , lane dry goods and notions regardless ti coat. The hoRt- bargain < wor r ilercrl J. J. BUHH , 1)28 ) Broadway. Cnapmun Captured The oilicors for eovernl dnyu hav boon on the looki u- * for Josh Ohap nv.ui , who was wantud on a chtrgo o iiuyhem , ho having bitten the lip of tuau named Neal In a row arising ovf ivgnnioof "Irocs5'3'ont. ' " Chapman , i ius , has beou nt work in Itayd pnuklng houto in Omaha since Hi row , nnd yostordny ho cumo over lion Constable Skinnvr npied him und ai rested him at onco. * # * "They who cry iondcnt are n < alwuya the most hurt. " Kidney-Woi does its work likotho Good Samarltai quickly , unostentatiously , but wit great thoroughness. A Now Earn ] shire lady writes : "Mother has bee alllicted for years with Kidney di cases. Last spring she was very I and had an alarming pain and num HODS in ono side. Kidney-Wort provi a great blrst ing und hr.s complete ured hor. " The report that Maritml Jackson h a narrow escape while brlogluc Sal , Paine from Mlisonri to this city is ni confirmed , The woman hail her examh tlon Friday and was committed to ( ail night for lack of $500 bonds. During < bight she gave birth to A bouncing ba The woman nnd babn aru being cared at the jail. The child i < doing wall , 1 the woman was quite sarionsly 111 yest day. The city marsh 1 broathoa easier ho thlnka that the lui'g trip U over aud escaped "thu saddest of all it mltjht hi been. " U- AFTER THE BATTLE- Uh h- hd. . The Interview Between 'tho Gnlli it. Mnjor" una an Editor Who Helpo Detent Blm. Hardly a word has been hoard fr Major Andonon since ho was so ov irs whulmlngly defeated for congress re W , H. M. Pmoy. He has been do most a lost Charlie Iloss , the pis ho which know hlni once know him in more. J. A. Bode , of Tabor , \ > inch fonght the major BO strongly dnr Us the campaign , discovered him of oVnnca the ether day , on calling at 08100 of Anderson & Eaton In Bldu tor to see another man on business. at Is said the gallant major and the as Itor had a very lively mooting , but ion blood was shed. The major otdo iu. him out of the office , and made not demand In so forcible terms that so- Bcribo hied himself away to his SB Ing turn and there penned for The Unl ind Arrow the following account of the fair : the W were in Sidney , othen DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. JOHNBENO&GO. 18 Mala GENERAL Struct MERCHANDISE and IT Pearl Street. MAX MOHN , } OKE3TOH " " " " " " loolt" " MRS. S. J. NOBBIS , 80 days , 105 Main Street , J. M. BAB8TOW , M. D. Cor. 6th OFFIOK St. and : 5kb Avo. OFF ° - Oor' Bth , up-Htalra. DR J F WHITE Heeldcnco , 009 Willow Avonoo. JUSTICE OF TQEPEA.OE , NCO1JIID7 | Ofllco after February 15th , over American Ezproia. s. s. WAGNER , for funerals nt reasonable rates , No. 22 4th St. & Broadway Moat Market , 327 HDCTUVD&inPC I j The boit Meats at lowest prices known ai the city tf retired statoemon and delinquent tax lists , la t Mondty and having some bw'noss ' with O. II Rinsh , called for him at his headquar tore in the law officti of Anderson & K tou. It was hoie no mot Major Albert R. Johnson , ottorwl-o known as the general p.wiengcr ngbnt of the Iowa lines. Our reader * will remem ber wo disagreed with tha ma jor tu to tno quallfioatloni of congraooman , but guided by the advice of his frieridi , who said WH ruadrt many votes for him , we felt wo ehoulcl receive a warm reception nt his hands and nt lerst eucuru a pass over iho Wabash. Not trusting hia own sight , ho inquired of h's ' secretary if it Vis tlio editor of the religious weekly who auemed to float before him in a vision. Wo av onoo observed that bi bosom heaved with unfavorable emo tion's , and wore not surprised when in worda found only in Dennis Koarney'a supplement to the English language ho informed ua that the sunlight of hs | love was still concealed behind the horzlon of the past , and requested na to elimi nate oursolf from the immediate ad j tconoy of the great pass agent. We lore the major , but could not help thinking how George Washington would hnvo acted bad he been In his place. Doubtless George would have liiven us a little hatchet and asked ua to continue In the good cause , with many words of encouragement. George was a good boy and loved the troth. Albert know not the ways of the father of his country. IOWA HEMS. Belle Plalne is to have a packing house , with ? 2S,000 cjpltal. Uuolap hunlnem homes are said to be In a prosperous condition. Cedar llapidH It nt fleriug eome from the snow blockade on the railroads. The CeiUr lUpldi Jlepublican is venti lating the faro and nuintjling layouts of that city. The farmers of Harrison county are complaining of the very poor condition of the roudd. A young lady named Growl came near lo lntf her Ufa by kerosene one day last week. Tbo Kntghta TempUr of Iowa are pre paring for the anuuil rciuclavo to bo held In Sau Francisco next fill , A collia'on on the railroad near Thayer occurred one day last neelc which resulted in breaking up several car * . The employes of the C. , B , & Q. rail road at Cieeton have commented tvorklug nine hcuiH per day. During the prevalence of small pox in Auaubou county there were ele\ondoithi. The farmers of Iowa are unanimous in the opinion that this is the hardctt winter on ttook for many years. The doctors of the Iowa electric medical college at Derf Moines recently had a big row which it took a policeman to quell. Glium hlcwtirx are entertaining . .the citi zens of Dubuqur. The LouiurH paper luo given an expose of u fraudulent lijncl inwlo by Wiliint. Birrett , the ooun'.y tronturer. A minor named Connelly lost bin life tea a coal niiuo near Ottumwn , on the 2Ctb , by the roof caving in ou him. Tim at.venth anmul eosiiou of the lowt Butter and Cheete ( .eaoclntion will ba held at Mnrx.iulltown , February 21. f Toe thug who aaeaultcd n Storm Lak ( newspaper man WAH fined $100 the othei d > y. Leave tbe jnnrnalistu alone litre aftor. The infnut town 'if Kolfe in PocahonU' ' county , expended $20,1100 for building 1m prove mentR In 1882. Flora lUymond , a young girl at thi Commoicial hotel In Creotou accidcntnll ] shot herself. It was the result of a qnarre with her lover. * The Masons of I'.urlington have organ l/eil a Mascnio Building association , wit ) the purpose of erecting n three story brlcl block to be used for a Masonic building. The tnpreme court has revemd the de cition in the case of Hubbard vt > , Masoi City. Hubbard recovered $500 damage for injuries received from an alleged defec tive sidewalk. The city carried ! ' UP am is now on top. Three men named Thay , Childreas am Doc. Sweets h > e been arrested In Neol and taken to Council Bluffs for eufe keep ing. They are charged with the burglar ; ot Kichanis Bros' , store , in Neola , in Ma ; last. last.Michael Michael Walsh , who loft u rcaidenc about two miles from Kmmetsburjf , Jam ary 2 , to walk to town , and had not aftei wards been seen , was found lying de d 1 at 'he snow on the 23,1 Inst. He had ovidenl he ly loot hia way ami frozed to death. There are 'J33 boyn In the reform tchot at Kldora , The farm embraces 70S acroi of which 500 are under cultivation. Tt mt buildings entire coit about 9100,000. Tn school lus received up to the present Urn er- about lCO * inmates , and moat > ! thoco dli charged httve become useful citizen * . he Tbe number of pupils at Coo College f Cedur llapids Is 145. Of these 53 are Iroi Cedar Itaplds , and tbe others from all pi : tlons of the state. Among tbe names pul linhed by the Kepnblican are the followln from Sioux City : FreshmanJclasB , W. V .nt Soule and Miss LUlio Jandt ; nnclassifiel 1 Miss Ida Jandt. * No lady of roGnoment llkoa to ri nn aort to superficial dovlcoa to supply or- becoming semblance of her forme orby boauty. It is health alone Hint kimll Di the fire that li jhts the countenance an scs bring } bach the frtsh tints of the app no blotsoms to the fadtd cheek , -If an ; ho thing on earth will do this It la Mr ing Lydla E Plnkham'a Vegetable Oon by pound , which haa already hrougl Iho health to multitudes with whom a Dy.i other moans had failed. adno tlur Now Loan and improvement U no Investigation Into tfco matter coi red vlncoa us that ono of the most equit the bio , reasonable and feasible plans the building houses Is that proposed at noon in operation by the Mercantile Loa on- Trust and Improvement company af-1 ibis city , By investing In shares thla Institution , which ia backed 1 'lae I some of our best and moat rollat COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special ertlecmcnto , sue Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Ilo&rding , etc. , will be Insetted In thli mloinn at the ow nte ot TEN CENTS PER LINK lor tha Orel Insertion and F1VB GENTS PKn LINE ( or each tnbeoquont Insertion. Leave adr ertlioments at oni office , No. T Pearl Street , near Hroadway. Wants. WANTED A good barber at Ogdcn House b.ubor oliop and bath toanu Immtclatly. Fobl'2t Joil.i SITUATION WANTED A Udy of expcrlenoo d lrc9 a situation M ston ginph c clerk ; can alKOUiet e caller ph Itefo'cncca 11 necetsaiy. Ad rtHJ "O , " 117 H.uth iloulUon St. , Council 111 De.'owa. HOOIM'OLKS WANTED-For further par ticular ) ! all on or aidrcxn JoHqih Koix , CIS Upper llroad ay , FebM4t rpHKTtoroujjbred Nnrman stallion , Kcna'or , JL 7 je rs i U , 10 handx high , weight 1,700 p undii can l-e Keen at O den I.lTorj' , Terms mxy. Forp ilfrc ( , Ac. , calon or addrnm M StarnWh , 313 I'leref Btioot. J n 2-flt fcT r > body In Council UlnOs 10 WANTED Tun Bsi , H ) cento per week , de llvered by 'carriers. Office , No 7 Pearl Street near Broadway. , For Bale and Rent il OR8BMEN 1 have for wlo tha stallion , n Youn Wallace , 7 years old , bright bay , tnds 18j hatds hlffi , he I * w 11 brok , a good rlepper , and can he se n at Compton's barn , on Mtdlion street , Pedigree given on "pplcatlon. Price WOO. > \ J. DAT , Owner. fmw-2w I70H BALK A half Interest In a good paying J1 h tel , oleo Intercut Inanaloon. T3t ODKLL&DAT. IlKNT The desirable offices lately occupied FOIl pied by the board of trade. Apply to Bufth- nell & Crackett. U RENT A houoo of three rooms for 'ght FOIl i ollars a month , loialcd marly opposite the high school. Apply at No. 826 High School A\ermo. tf HKK3-In vacKsges 01 a hundred at 25c JLU pacua , e at Tim Bxi office , No. 7 Pearl street. tf A V olllco , ino'tadvantageously fltuatcd , offura c\ . desk room In return for 'ervlci's ; , 'OK , fail , tp. , furii'shud. ' Adurcsj , "Olllcc , " llBK clfice , Counc 1 Binds Miscellaneous. OK HKWAUD $2.'i ' ( or one pockctbook con- O-i'J taliilnic * KO lu rioh , aid two notc pty. ableto Ld e DeCttnp , on First Natlit al bank , Council UltttT' , IOHO. Leave at Bun ofTce , OALOONFOHSALE-In Omvha , doing a cash O Imtino Rfroi.teiOVOOOto . S1200COpcr mon h uxpcnces light iho party haa other huMno'B. Address - dross Omaha Dally Bco Omaha Neb77U191 business men , it becomes posellilo nnd comparatively easy for n man of mod erate moans to secure a comfortable home for himself and family. In tak ing a certain number of shares , at a certain monthly payment , in a fern years a man can own a house of hia own for about the aoms at ho pays monthly for rent. Wo believe the Mercantile Loan and Trust company , by organizing and opening up for buainesp , having filled a long felt want In Council BluiTi. ThoU plans und system of loans will bear thn moat cnrefnl scrutiny and exam ination , and vro have no hesitancy in pronouncing them reasonable and equitable , und bucked by gentlemen of honor and integrity. As the conv puny I'xintB it besomes at once an in stitution of value nnd credit to oni city and thoeo who deairo homes , Their president is T. A. Kirkland vice president , Judge Peuko ; sec1 retary , I H Beery ; treasurer , Col , Bcubo , and their ofBso is in the buso ment of Shugart'a and McMahon'f now block , corner First avenue anc Pearl street. jan27-ly UnckUri'u Arnica I The BEST SALVK la tbe world for Oati Brnioea , Sore * , Ulcers , b lt Khenm , Fever vor Sorei , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chil blalns , Corns , and all nkin eruptions , am positively curw pllee. It Is guaranteed t give HAtitffkCtfon r nx aoy refunded Price , U5 cents vtr ex. Tor s U by C w Ootvln < " < woman really practices econ omy unless she uses the Dlainom Dyes. Many dollars ( Ian be save every year. Ask the druggist. COMMERCIAL. COUNCIL DLCrFH UABKBT. Corrected dally by J. Y. Fuller , me : cbandlse broker , buyer and shipper i grain and provision * , 39 Pearl street. WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 77o { No. S , C ! rejected Cflc ; cooil demand. CoilK E2o to fee < lern and 34o to thli pern ; rrjetted corn Cblc co , 43 : ; ne OATS Scarce and in good demand ; 30i ( S2o. S2o.IIAY IIAY 4'00G 00 per ton. HTK 40o ; light supply. COILS MEAL 1 25per 100 ponnda. Woon Good supply > prices at yard B no@o oo. COAL Delivered , hard , 11 00 per toi soft. 5 50 per ton. UUTTEII Plenty and in fair demani 25p ; creamery , S0 . KOOH-Scarce and in demand ; SOo p < dozen. LAUD Fairbank's , wholesaling at 1SJ POULTIIY Finn ; dealers paylnsj 13o pi pound ( or turkeys and lOo for chickens. VKQKTABLKS 1'otatoe , 45c ; onion ? , 2f > cabbages , 30@40o per dozen ; apples , 2 I @ 3 50 per barrel. FLOUU Wholesale prices Holler pa ent 'A 25 for superlative ; roller i paten 2 85 for dladum winter ; roller st&udar 2 DO for goltlcn shoif ; roller family. I 60. Wholesale prices for Hour , 2 40@3 25. 11BOOU9 2 00@3 00 per doren. STOCK. CATTLK 3 00@3 50 ; calves fi 00@7 BO. Hogs About 3 can of hogs Friday. J * trains delayed by extreme cold aud snoi Packers raying about lOc advance on t grades. Market active , and all oflerln quickly taken at higher prices. Car lot Common , 5 45@5 EO ; good mixed , 5 00 580 ; heavy paikinp , 50@595 ; choi Unoy packing , C05@G 10. L. EVERIHCHAM & CO. , Commission Merchants Ohkco and UlltmukM ooBrirnmcnk On * * , 0 44 od ProrldoM. soUd * l. B. HACG & CO. , GEISE' BOTTLED BEEK , MADE FROM THE AHTKSIAN WELL WATER. ALSO AGENTS FOB THE Orders filled In any part of the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to. BATH INSTITUTE , Bryant Street , on * Door north ot Dohtnjr's Hall. Thermo-Eleotric , Medicated and Sulphur paths. For lidles and gentlemen. These llnthi arc fully ondo s l by the Medical Fraternity as being a unfailing auillla'yln rec nt Colds , Rheumatism , fouralirlo , Lumbago and mtny other allmenH Uwldeo , my wife , a competent lady , will attend ladles. P. M. LOOK WOOD , Propr. PETERSON & LARSON , Wholesale Dealer In and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company's Celebrated MILWAUKEE BEER , No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , Order * from the aonntry elicited City ordera to famlHea nnd doalera dellvcr"d free. _ M. GALLAGHER , GROCERIES , New Store , Froih Goods , Low Prices , Polite Attendants. First Door East of the Metropolitan Hotel , Lower Broadway. DUQUETTE , GUI BERT & CO. , ( Successors to HUB & DUQUETTE ) , 16 and 18 Pearl-st. , Council Bluffs , la. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 FFIGE. J. 1AK3J Q TT X Xt > 3B O O- I , and s and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW BATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. OOUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. M. T. DAVIS , President. N. B. E ASTON , Sooy. J. 0. HOFFMAN , Vioo Pros. 0. HULBURT , Adjuster. MUTUAL IOWA STOCK INSURANCE CO. Insuies Live } took Against Loss by THEFT OR DEATH. Offlor , 103 Poorl Htroot , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. The only company in Iowa tbat will Insure y oar stock against loea from any cause whatever. Owners ol Stock will consult their own Interest if , when InhurliiB thcli Stock , ttityse tha thi po'ley ' 1' eludes all the lows th } may hate , i.ndbuia isflrd withnotliit ! ' \ < M4. For fuither Informal ! ' n i'a 1 on or address Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa. 8-dft ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE A1 D RETAIL DEALERS IN LAOKAf MIA , LEHIGH , BLOSSBURG AND ALL COMMELLSVILLE COKE , GEWIEHT , LIME , PLASTER , ETO , Office No , 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Btreot r nd Eleventh Avcnne. Oouncil Bluffa. . _ i 0 Al Mfcslltt-fcf KSLK K ) THE LEADING DEALER IN OE& C * O O 30 SB 337 Brnndwny. Oounoil Bluffs , . D. IDMCICDBOS , 1. L. SIinaABT. A. W. SIUMt , President. Vlce-PrcVt. Cashier. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Bluff * . Organlied under Ihe laws of the Stale of Iowa Paid up capital ' .15'SSS Authorized capital MO.OM Interest paid on tlma deposits. Dralta Issaod on the principal cities of the United States and Europe ; Special attention tfven to collection ! and correspondenca with prompt returni. DIRKOTOKS. J. D. EJronndson , K. L. Shujrart , J. T.n r , W..W .Wallace , J. W. Bodfer , I. A. Mlllei k. W. Sktoe * . Iv7i f JACOB SIMS , Attxjrney ani Oonnsollor at Law , COUNCIL FLUFFS , IOWA. Offlct-UcJIahoii block , roomii 1 and 2 M5ln treet. * UI piactlcs to Utate and fedirtl court' . . AND Dr , J , Meaglior.ziOutilist , Anrist , , ANDSl'ECIALIST. In Chronic dlceaees , oilers hla son Ices to all at dieted with diseases of thi Eye , Ear , or Chronic diseases of any chancier. Warrants a euro lu all Rheumatic affections Can bo consulted by mall or In person ot the Metropolitan hotel , Council Illutte , Jowa. _ Office over etvtnci bank. BLUFFS. OB , Iho Story of tno Sewing laolilno , a handwme llllle p aphIeJ , olaf ! ni > ' ICT "t h numorons enjrarlnp , wUlJb * GIVEN AWAY lo DT audit person calllnj ; for tl aUnv braao * . 01 inb-offlo * of Th Singer Manufacturing Com. panr , or will b * nt by mtU. poll paid , t > rton llrtnz at dlitanc * from oar offlcei I ' Principal "Offloo , 34 Union 8q i fORK cotns-cxr , TIME TAKJUE. CtllCAOO , ROCK ISH P AND PACIFIC. Depart. Arrl > e. Atlantic Ext..520 p m Pacific Ext..9:15am : Ex and Mall".9.-25a m ExandMall'.6iWpta D. HoluoH ttc'.7:15 : a m Pea MolnoflAC.4:40 : p m CIIICAOO , BUttUKQTOS AND QDIHITI. Deport Arrive. Atlantic Ext..5:30 : pm Pacific Ex t..9:20 : a Mall and Ki.0:20nm : Mall and Ki' . OOpm M. Y. Ex 4:00pm : Neb & Kos Ex..8:20 : a CIIICAOO AND KO&TUKKSTHRN. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf..5:15 : pm Pocino Ext..9:15an : Uallanil Ex.9:20 : a in Mali and Ex.0:15 : pn Accom. ( Sat. ) , .6:50 : p ni Accoui. ( Hon. ) . 1:15 : p a KANSAS CUT , BT. J0 AUD COUNCIL BLOFrW. Depart. Arrive. Mall and Ex..OARam I Express 8Mpi : Exprtxu 9:10 : p m I Mall and Ex..6-45pM UNION PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive. 0\crland Ex. 11:30a. m. Overland Ex,4:00 : p. n. Lincoln Ex..11:30 : a. ra. Dem er Ex. . . . 8:00 : a. m. Demur Kx..TOOp. : m. Local Kx 6:30 : a. in. Local Ex 7:2.1 : a. m. " Ex 9.0Ba , rm. Emigrant..020 p. m. " Ex fQOa.m. WABABII , BF. LOUIS AND PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive. Mall and Ex. . 0:45 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4:30 : p m Cannon Ball. . 4PO : p m | Cannon Ball. . 11:05 : a . SIODl CUT AND PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive. For Sioux Ciiy.TSS a ra Frm Sioux C'y.6M : > p For Fort Nlobrara. Fnn Fort h iobrara , Nct > 7:55 : am For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul..8:60 : a n CIIICAOO , MILWAUKIS AND ST. PAUL. Lcavu Council Bluffa. ArrU ea Council BluBs. Mall and Ex./US.'O a m I Mall and Ex.'CM pm Atlantic Ex. [ 5:15 : p in | Atlantic Ex. . . | 9:10 : a m CIUCACJO , MILWAl'KKS AND ST. PAUL. Leaves Omaha. Arrhca at Omaha. Mall and l'.x.7IS : am I Pacific Ex | 9:45an : Atlantic Ex. . | 340 ! p m | Mall and Ex.7-25pm Except Sunday ) . \Except \ Saturdays. JExccpt Mondaja. ( Dally. Council BluQa Si Omabn Street n , R. Lea\ Council liluffn. Leave Omaha. 8 a m , 0 a in , 10 a in , g a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 11 a m , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p 11 am , 1pm , 2pm , 3p m , 4 p m , 5 p in , 0 p m ui , 4 p m , 5 p m , U p m. Streei cars run half hourly to the Union 1'aclfle Depot. On Sunda\ the earn tiejjln their trips at 9 o'clock a. in. , and run re larly during tha day at 9,11 , 2 4. 5 and o'clock , and run to clt ) time. \ rt ABnt * i'or ' r Y > Truchorou of WKITTEN nV HIS WIFE , he only llfoauthoiitcd by her auduhlch will not ba a < 'lllood and Thunder" story , euch as haa been and will bo pul llshcd , but a tiuo life by tb * only person who Is In poseealon of the facU a fahhtul and detoUd wife. Truth U mon nker > Mtlog thin fiction , A rente should appli I or ter ritory at enc . Ben 75 cU. for Sample book. MBS. fi J HILTOW M D . , , , , , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. IIS wav. CouolUBlaff *