Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Saturday Morning , Peb 3.
Report ,
( Tbe following observation * nro taken at
thd same moment of time at all the stations
mentioned. )
UlMourl nd ; JI Ml lpi'l ' rlrcrt frozen
Omih\ nVton , St I'aul , L Croste nd Iu-
buqus. III HI I'ppl ' rlter 0 feet Clinches Lclow
The street cara got around nearly on
time yesterday notwithstanding the
anew drifts.
Tbe hotels are well filled up with leg <
ulatora and politicians during the recess of
the legislature.
The lecture of Doan Hart , at Trinity
oUhedral next Tuesday evening will bo
very Interesting.
The Internal revenue collections for
the month of January nero the largest In
the hlatory of tbe atatc , and amounted to
There were two cases of plain drunk
in court yesterday , Ono was dlsmlated
and the defendant in the other went up
for three days ,
Tbe cans of asicult and battery
agalnatB. McLaughlln , in which H. G.
Baker waa tbo complainant , baa been dla-
mfaaed , the complaint being withdrawn.
Throe notarial coma.lsslona ] were to
day received with Gnv. Dawes'rilgnature
attached. They were for George W.
Shleldi , W. It. Morria and Joaeph K.
Gcncaal Manderson'a photograph wan
Thursday forwarded to The Dally Graphic
by Mr. K. L. Kston , and uwill appear
shortly with the pictures of other newly
elected senators.
-M. B , Gibler , who wan formerly pro
prietor of tbo European hotel at Fremont ,
and la popular In this part of the atatc , baa
purchased tbe largo restaurant at 1212
Farnam street.
Tbe Her hoae company will have a
meeting to-day ( Saturday ) , February
3 , at 7:30 o'clock lu Turner hall. All
member * are requested to be proient.
F. FflMfrlng , foreman ; A , T. Wiberg , secretary -
retary ,
The regular monthly meeting of
Franklin assembly No. 2122 , K. of L. ,
will take place to-morrow (3 ( iturday ) evenIng -
Ing at 7:3) p. m. There will be a great
deal of important business to be transacted
aud all are requested to bo present.
There is uow at tbe Masonic hall an
every day free dinner for tbe poor of every
creed. The meal hour la from 1'J to 1 p.
m- This la practical benevolence that
will be appreciated by those who need It
Tbe regular meeting of G , A. Ouster
post No. 7 , G. A. R. , will be held Mon
day evening , February fitb , 1883. All
members of tbe post are requested to bo
preient. Bualneaa ot importance. , Vialt
lug comrades are cordially Invited to at
tend. By order of post commander. 0.
II. Fitch , adjutant.
John KIsher and Andrew Waldron ,
two boys charged with utea'ing forty cents
worth of coal from a loaded car consigned
to Geo. Patteraon , wore sent up for three
days each by Judge Uenokc. Omaha
merchants abould not complain when one
Council BlufTa company loses two tona per
night by tha same aourcu.
If you want good liquors and cigars
call at Wittlg's opera boute exchange ,
141C Farnam street , Tbo genial and
popular proprietor sets out a magnificent
warm lunch every morning from 10 till
noon , and those who have partaken of it
say that there la nothing to equal It in the
gate city. f2-lmo
Mr. J. E. Mumaugb , one of the main
stays in the great establishment of A. I.
Strang , Is a proud man to-day , haying at
10 o'clock Thursday become father to a
a nine-pound girl. We don't kuow of
anyone mure deserving cf such happiness
than Mr. Mumaugh and we whh him
many happy rcturur.
A pleasant surprise waa given Mr. J.
G. Morse , the retiring general supejln
tendent of the telephone exchange ,
Wednesday evening , when trie employes
of tbe exchange called at hla rotiiknce and
preaented him with a magUficent eaty
chair , The relations between Mr , Moise
and tbe employes were always of the
pleasant eat nature.
It baa been reported'revera \ time
tint the new gas company bad put up tbe
810 , ( 00 In government bouda required by
the new ordinance , but such la not th
fact. They nro only required to put u |
the amount within sixty days f r. m the
date of tbo approval of tbo ordinance ,
which waa about ten daya ago.
Quite a complication haa arisen ever
the ownership of tbe gold wntch given nt
tbe German ladle * fuir to the holders of
season tickets. Tbe lucky number on tbo
drawing waa " 1291 , " and thoholderof that
tlket did not put In an appearance that
night at all. Since then three different
perilous have claimed that they held the
ticket on which waa tbo winning uutuber
but that they have lott It. There ia snw
thing out of kilter and aoaio of tbo claim
ants must be mistaken. It will probably
be found neueaaary to wills tbe watch otf
again for tbe benefit of tbe uhool.
Dr. Ilenry F. King , aged farty-Bve
yearn , died February 1,1883 , at 9 p , m.
The decea ed was a physician of long
aUndlng , tnd formerly re IJed at Geneva ,
Fillmore county , hla original home , however -
. ever , btlng Kewaunee , 111 , , where be
leaves two children surviving him. For
tbe patt eight montha he has been
l ted with Mr. W. J. WhltehouM , of
, hla city , in the drug baslneu , Tha fn-
ieral will take place at 2 p. m. , ilatnrday ,
'ebruary 3d , from the Ute residence on
'wenty-thlrd ' and Nicholas atreeti.
A few daya atnco a Hloux City man
.amed IMO'Kourke arrived In Omaha ,
so route west , with abont 811C in hl < pot-
lesalon. He imbibed pretty freely and
pent bla money lavishly , being carclem
tbout exhibiting bin roll. He fin-illy
wound up In lU mmscn'd naloon on Far-
i m treot , where ho Rot pretty full tnd
tent to Bleep.on the billiard Ublr. Next
Jay he citno around sober and the follow
ing day also and madi no complaint
ig inst anyone , but on the third day he
.iled a complaint ia the poUco couit charg-
ng the bar tender , Mr. Peter Nelson , with
obblrg him of all he hud. When the mater -
; er came up in Judge Btncko's court the
iroof WAI conclusive ai to Nelson's Inno-
tenco and Ibe jud/e being satisfied of this
tewai dlschirgod. While there is no
.otlit tliat O'Hourko lost hla money , no
jno who li acquainted with Nelson would
believe him capable of auch an act , as hla
onraty and good faith has never yet been
Tbo Official R-port Shows n LOTRO
locroaeo Over Loat Tear.
The cfliilal report of the clorkTcf
ho police court , Mr. Jerome PCD 7.9) ) ,
or the month of Januaiy,1883 , shows
largo increase in the number of ar
csts made ever these of a year ago ,
'ho ' offenses have mostly been cf a
minor character , the month all in all
icing more than usually quiet. The
oport is as follows :
larceny 27
ntoxlcitlon , . 4 * >
r grant and suspicious characters 15
wfudllng 3
3arrrylng concealed weapons 4
'alao pretonacs 1
Aainuit and battery G
' ) ipchargrjg ! firearms 2
Cooping aatoon open after 12 o'clock. . 3
'tabbing with Intent to kill.- 1
'hroatcntng Ufa 6
) laturbance of tbo peace 12
'restitution 41
ambling 4
'ermlttiug ' minors to play billiard * , . . . 1
RoeolutlocB or Thanks.
At a mooting of the Gorman ladies
; oioty hold on the first day of Feb-
uary in Max Meyer's music hall , the
illowlng resolutions were unanimous
ly adopted :
WIIEIIKAH , The German ladies so
ioty met with the most cordial sup
ion and the greatest liberality in ar
angitif , ' and holding a fair for the
lonolit of a Gorman English school
, nd for the building cf a hall , there
'oro ' bo it
Resolved , That the hearty thanks of
; ho society are duo to th6 business
men , the press and the citizens gener
ally , who have contributed by their
mist liberal support to the success of
.ho fair ; also to the following named
loolotifs to wit : Harmonic society ,
Glee Club , 03nonrdlo , Tnrnvoroin ,
VJajnuorchor and Zither Olnb , who
ifTorcd with the greatest readiness
heir-assistance , and to the Musical
Jnlon orchestra , the Bohemian band
, nd the U. P. band , said orchestras
laving famished excellent music under
, ho most liberal conditions.
Unsolved , Tnat thoto resolutions
hall bo published in the daily papers
if Omaha and the Gorman papers ,
? oat and Telegraph.
Mits. B , HUBEBMAH , Secretary.
Army Orders.
Recruit James H. Tnttlo , enlisted
Fort Omaha , Nob. , is assigned to
ho 4th Infanty.
Paragraph 2 , Special Orders No. 10 ,
urront series from thcso Headqnir
ors , is nmondod to read :
Under the provisions of paragraph
General Orders No. 51 , series of
881 , Headquarters of the Army ,
Adjutant Gjneral's Office , Private
lobert Stone , Troop L , 6th Cavalry ,
s transferred to the general service
'etaoaraont on duty at these head-
.uarters as a typographical assistant ,
X ) date February 1 , 1883 ; ho will re
port to the Assistant Adjutant Gen
eral of the department , not later than
'anuary 31 , 1883.
Under the provisions of paragraph
S40 , Army Regulation * , the command-
ng officer of Fort Douglas , Utah , will
.icnd under proper escort Private
Henry Miller , company A , Gth Infan
try , an insHiio soldier , to Washington ,
D. 0 ; the party in charge will report
o the Adjutant General of the Army
'or further orders
The well known firm of Wm. Urlau
& Bro , has this day boon dissolved by
mutual consent , Mrs. K. Url"n , the
widow and successor of Wm. , Urlau ,
tolling and transferrirg her interest
o Mr. Charles Sohwnao.
The business will bo continued nt
lie old established bulory , 1100
Douglas street , under thu name of
Urlau & Schwoab.
Mr. Sohwaab his boon loader of
S'lnth Infantry mutlo corps for eight
) r ton years and now engages in the
bakery business , at which wo wish him
all BUCCOIS feb2 JU
Uoal Estate Transfers.
The following deedi have boon filed
'or ' record lu the cilice of the connty
clerk since our last report :
John I. Rodick and wife to Richard
N. and John Withnoll , lot No. 34 in
Rtdiok's second addition ; w , d $500.
Martin Dunham and wife to Augus
tus Pratt , w. 22 foot cf lot 7 , block
111) ) , w. d S10.COO.
A. S , Paddok and wife to Jnmci
italtKll , B. half section 24. 1C , ! ) , w.
d gG.GOO.
Tables supplied with the beat the
ii'orket uliords. The traveling public
claim they got bettor accommodations
end more general satisfaction here
than at any other houao in Omaha.
Rate , $2 per day. nug21tfm
Made frorr the wild flowers of the
It Is the most frocrnnt ot perfumo.
Manufactured by H , B. Slavon , Sat
Francisco , Forsalo In Omaha by W ,
J , Whltahouko and Kennaio Broa ,
& 0o.
Meteorological Report for the
Month of January.
Indications for an Early Spring
for 1883.
The Railroada MVkinjj Good
Time Generally.
Tbe monthly report of | th uSrerver In
charge of Omaha station , U. H. signal ser
vice , Alexander Pollock , glrei the follow.
Ing meteorological tummary for January :
Daily mean barometer , 302 , " ) ' ; dally
mean teinnenturc , 11,0 ; dally n ein hu
midity , C3.7i dt'lv ' menn rainfall , 032 0.
Highest barotnelor , 30 < W3 , on tha 231 ;
lowest barometer , 29 I'J3 , on the 12th ;
monthly ran fie of baromtter , 1 170
Hlghoat temperature , 4G 3 , un tbo 12th ;
lowtst temperature , 221 , on tbe 1'J.h ;
greatest dally rsBgt c ! ttmr.crilure , 4U.8 ,
on the ! hh ; let dally range of tempera *
ture , 8. ? , on the lit ) mean of maximum
temperatute , 210 ; mean ft minimum
temperature , 0 V ; mean dally range of
temperature , 20.8 ,
Prevailing direction of wind , northwest ;
total movement < f wind , 5,858 , milehlvli ;
est velocity of wind , and dlrtcilun , 1C ,
northwest , Oth and lOlb ; number of foggv
days , 0 ; number of clear dayr , 0 ; number
of fair days , 11 ; number of Cloudy days on
which no rain qr snow fell , 2 ; number l
cloudy days on which rain or snow fail , G ;
total number if dys on whbh rain or
snow fell , 15 : depth of unmnlted snow ou
ground at end of month , 1 Inch ,
Dates of Auroras , I1 ; dat R of solar
halox , 0 ; dates of lunar halos , 28 ; dates of
frosts , 15 , 1C , 28.
1871 210 18r fO.2
1872 192 1878 288
1873 109 1H79 21.7
1874 22.2 Ib80
187S 1".8 1881 11.8
18G ? 2C.7 1882 27.5
1871. . . .O.COlnrhes 1 > 77.
1872. . .008 " 1878 113
1873. . .O.G " 1879 0(17 (
1874. .0.32 " 1H80 0.93
187B. . . .0.2G " 1881 0.G1
1870. . . .022 " 1882 1.74
February 2nd Is what is known as
ground hog day. The popular tradl
tion is that this animal cornea out of
his hole February 2 ad. If he sees
his shadow ho wtll return to the hole
and remain for forty days longer , or ,
iu other tiruin , sunehlnoon 2nd meant )
a long winter. If'the earthly porklnc
does not Bouhisahadowhoatayaout and
an early spring may bo lovkad for.
There is also an old dialtch running
thus :
"If February 2nd be nice and clear.
There will bo two winters in one year , "
According to both the aboro signs
wo may look for un early breaking up
of the cold weather a * there was not
sntiHhlno enough yesterday to throw a
shadow of anything.
There is , however , another rule
which has boon found pretty reliable
by weather observers which is that
"the first three days of December rule
the winter months , December 3rd ,
which should indicate the weather for
February , waa a remarkably sororo
oold day.
There is lots Interruption to travel
than might hare | been expected after
such a storm as that of Thursday
The Union Pacific's Dourer train of
yesterday oamo in on time. Its No. 4
Is delayed by snow drifts west ol
North Platte , and the Danrer train
duo in Omana this morning Itfc
Sterling on time.
Other trains are running without
interruption. The west bound over
land train was delayed nearly an hour
at noon by eastern lines which came
Inlato , All the roads made connoo
tlons except the Wabash and 0 , , M.
&St. P.
The B. & M. report their trains
running regularly and no blockade
anywhere ,
The Missouri Pacifio got its trains
in and out on tirno and none of the
lines anticipate any aorioua trouble.
The atorm appears to have been
moat aovoro at Oheyonno , where at
o'clock last night thirty inches of anew
lay on the lovul , and the storm had
had not ooaacd. A light wind waj ]
A atorm and some drifting , but nol
ao great a doapth of snow an at Ohoy
ouuo , was reported from Laramio.
IN THIS cixv
the depth of snow which fell durinp
the night waa not uroat. The mor
cnry fell perceptibly , and the wiuc
tossed up the drifts in many , places
but aside from being unpleaaant t <
pedestrian. , the atorm waa not so bat
as it has been before this winter.
The worst suow storm of the season
commenced in this locality abou
daylight yoatorclay morning , and from
that tirno until 2 o'clock this morning
the "beautiful" hnsbocn coming dowi
thick and fast , with n fair prospect fo
its continuance uevoral hours longer
It has drifted badly , and in man ;
localities in this city fs piled up thro
or four foot in holghth. Thus far th
outgoing and incoming trains hav
oxporloucod no trouble ou account o
snowbanks , but there ia no telliu
what to-day may bring forth
The tn > ln from Omaha duo hero
at 930 ; failed to reach Lincoln until
midnight. Many supposed the delay
was occasioned by snowdrifts , but this
ia a nifstnko , aa the train made tituu
from Omffha to Oroipolla , nud at the
latter point it remained for three
hours , waiting tor the train from the
The railroad otUolala of this city are
keeping the snow plowa at work con
stantly and liopu to keep the tracks
clear ; but with the heavy wind that
prevailed during tbo latter part of last
night it scorned like labor thrown
away. From what wo can learn from
railroad men the atorm acorns to bo
worse west of us , though it is bad
enough in this section. [ State Jour-
Special DUpatch to Tin linn.
OHKYENNK , Wyo. , February 2.
The heaviest snore storm in the hla
tory of the territory prevailed during
the past four days. Snow is three
feet dcop in the city , and from 12 to
30 inches on the cattle ranges all ever
the territory. Thcro being no wind ,
the entire surface.of the ground ia cov
ered. Cottlo are suffering fortress ,
and unless wind comes within three
days and blows the snow off exposed
places the losses will bo disastrous.
Cattle men are hopeful of wind. Tom-
neratur * . 30 * below. Trains on the
Onion PAclfio road have bcon block *
ft led f ir the pi s forty eight hours on
th IVmVy mountains. Psiongers
ara furnished with far , When the
wind blo f , drifts are bound to
blockade trains in places along there
ro d for 400 miles.
F. 11 T. Plumb , traveling salesman
from New V'ork , mysteriously diaap
poarod .January C.h from n hotel
hero. His overcoat and dress coat
were found In n c nyun near by , cov
ered with blood. The body has not
been found because of snow.
TOPKKA , February 2
now prevailing throoghout the entire
state. Though not particularly disas
trous , it "ill cscsj suffering amonp
cattle on the ranges. The cold hi s
frozen some smaller streams to the
bottom , and the question of water
for stock becomes a serious one A
heavy snow fell in western Kansas.
CHICAGO , February 2 Abont noon
to d y enow began falllrg heavily. It
cintinnod nearly the entire tfornoon.
[ "rains In every direction wore inter
fered with. Those from the east were
delayed savernl hours. To westward
and northwettward the trouble la more
berions and some lines are blockaded.
Ih MAR , D. T. , February 2.--
Junukiy was the coldest month since
1874 The weather is still cold , the
thermometer reaching several de
grees below zero every night. The
days are pleasant and there is but lit
tle anow. Trains on the Northern
PaclQo are tow running on regular
time again.
A Happy Family. .
fulled from tbe I rtrut , rqu z iJliom the bottle
Stomtchs will a .ur&nd mi k will urdlt ,
lUby h ll-11j h all that iiljh' .
HrvU * h Id buc pin. haJn In awful ( right.
Dj 't cljry , 'tw thus with Viet31U ,
Nloht Wi8 bl'tous lthc.ut CAS TOM t ;
Wnen c'lie left ; f.rpetcotul ilumbrr ,
Anil ild their pr.jtfj and BI ! pt II le thucder-
W. H. Lingarl , Fred Corbett , Forbes
Daweon , Given Westtord , Byron Dou > ; lu ,
Mias Andrewt , Tea Ie Butler and Hiss
Berrle , composing the Lingard company ,
are registered at the Mlllard.
Charles Schlcsinger and Samuel Hart
f But to , Montana , ar guests cf the PAX-
A Crawford and family , of Council
luffd , were at the Metropolltanyeatcrdaj'
H. Grieat and J. L. Conant , Jr. , of
Herman , are at the Metropolitan.
Thomas C , Gamble , of St. Louie , wai at
he Metropolitan last night ,
0. B. Baumin , of Sioux Falls , ia a
uestof the Metropolitan.
Wm. II , Noako , of Cleveland , registered
.t the Paiton yesterday.
1 , 1 , Cole and daughter , of Grand Is-
and , are at the Millard ,
Jno. A. a'aeMurphy , of 1'lattsmontb ,
WUB in town yesterday.
John McFheraon , of RepHbllcan City ,
was in town yesterday.
II. W. Inrin ? , of Chicago , was at the
? axton yesterday.
J. II. Broady , of Brownvllle , was at the
. 'niton yesterday ,
Robert Armstrong , of Cheyenne , is at
.ho Metropolitan.
AtthnrH. Bowen , of Lincoln , was IB
own yesterday.
W. II.'B. Stout , of Lincoln , was in the
: lty ye&terday ,
Wm. Valentine ; of Bellevue , is at the
C. B. Dusenberry , of New York , is at
> he Paxton ,
J. II. Redmond , of Hiawatha , is at th
K. H. Farrar , of Denver , is at the Mil-
0. S. Johnson , of Wahoo , is at the Pax.
Joe Houae , of Denver , is at the Millard.
W. Baker , of Albion , ia in the city.
Never Give TJu.
If you are suffering with low and depressed
pressed spirits , loss of appetite , genera
debility , disordered blood , weak conntltn.
tion , headache , or auy diaeaee of a biliffua
nature , by all means procure a bottle of
Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to
ee tbe rapid improvement that will follow ;
ou will be inspired with uow life :
treiiKth and activity will return ; pain and
misery will cease , and henceforth you will
rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitten ,
Sold at fifty cents a bottle , byC. F. Gaol.
Sir George Onetwynd and Frederick
GebURrd En Route to New Or
leans to Join tbo Beauty.
It will bo rcmombored that shortly
after the renouncement cf the differ'
onccs arising between Mrs. Langtry
and Mis. Libouchoro because cf the
attentions of Mr. Qobhard to the
former , it waa else statedlhat Sir Geo.
Chotwjnd , under whoso kindly guar
dianship Mrs. Langtry had spent a
portion of last summer in Switzerland ,
was coming to America , although his
wife , the Maiquito of Hastings , seri
ously objected to his doing so. Ba
SlrGeorgo was not to bo restrained by
any such thing as an old wife's objtc
tton to his attentions to another man's
young wlfo : and ho arrived here last
Friday , as wo have previously nn
nouuced , and la uow on route to New
Orleans where she ia to play.
Bo it appeara from n Pittaburg dis
patch to Mr. Freddie Gebhard. lie
passed through that olty ou Saturday ,
aud carried a seal-akin robe for the
Now comes npws from St Louis
that Major Cunningham , of the Globe
Doinoctat , who posted Gebhard aj a
coward , has aho gene to Sow Orloaca
to huut for Gebhard'a goro. This > it
uation seams to point to a bcautifu
chaucefijr thro-haiidcdduol. Dallj
Mca'.c ' and Drama.
HorsfjriVa Aodl Fboiplinta In Sea
says ; "I used it for acaslcknosa
among the passengers , during a pas
cage across the Atlantic. In the'gen
rallty of cases I saw the violent sym
toraa yield which characterize the
disease , and glvo way to a hoalthfn
action of the function * impaired , "
fini , Horace M'ga'din "Divor-
cous , " aD Boyd's ,
Miscellaneouo Theatrical and
Musical NottB.
The opera housa was comfortably
filled last evening , on the occasion of
; ho appearance of the famous come
dian , William Horace Llngard , In
Sirdon's great comedy , "Divorcons. "
OoLfltdorlng the ex'remo ' tererity of
, bo weather the nudlcnco waa a very
flittering ono In poiqt of numbers and
the play well received. Although of
a decidedly light and aupoi facial char
acter ii la pleasing and humorous
throughout and mikes an unexcep-
b'onally Qno evening's entertainment.
The cast waa as follows :
Dei Pruntllei Win. Horace Llngard
Adbemar Fn-derlo Corbet'
CUvnlgnao Furbea lawaon
liafourdin Henry Browu
0 rnmlasary Byron DoucU
Uiitten Chif. Meadows
Joseph Owen Weatfnrd
Oyprienne Mini Tessie Butler
Mdllede Lulennu..KllziV > eth Andrews
Mdme. De Biion Mha Fannie Beiile
"Patience" was presented by the
young ladies cf Sommorrillo echool ,
St. Olalr , Mich , , last week to a very
select audience. It Is spoken of as a
very creditable iffjrt indeed ,
The many friends of Miea Lizzie
Ualderwood will be glad to learn that
she has abont recovered from a very
severe attack of Inr.g fever. Advices
from her teachers nro the most flit
toting and of a nature to make Oma
ha proud indeed of her fair lyric star.
hold another rcheareal last night , and
showed excellent preparation for the
rand concert to bo glyen on the 13th
ist. In addition to the excellent
music from the , boys , Miss Datton ,
10 celebrated soprano and Miss Ma-
ella , the celebrated contralto , will
o present. Of the former , The St.
* aul Pioneer-Press
- says :
Mias Jennie Dutton sang so well the
'Emanl Involami" thit she estab
shed heraelf at once in favor with
10 audieuce and answered their demands
mands for a reappearance by singing
' 'No Sir No , " Her
tiarmingly , , ; BOB
nd number , the polka cantabile , by
Ardlti , entitled , "The Daisy , " with
rchcstral accompaniment , was one of
10 most delightful incidents of a meat
allghtful concert. Mias Button's
oico is an exceedingly pleasing so
rano , clear and excellent in its en
Ire range , and exceptionally true , auri
nitod with a method the very best.
ler success was most positive , and
bo will bo hoard again with pleasure.
Of Mias Mabolla , the Toronto Eve
ing Telegram says : "Miss Mabella
as a deep , rich contralto voice , the
naltty of which is greatly enhanced
y the artistic use of it. "
Lawrnuce Batrett has not succeeded
1th "F.ancesca de.ltlminl" la Cincin
It Is stated that the king of Portugal
as had a telephone arranged between bit
brnro and the onera house , so that he can
njoy the opera from his arm chair , Tni
s delicious.
Mrs. Langtrv will promptly come north
la the Rock Inland railroacf. Dates arc
olnu fixed by Marcus Meyer for her ap
earance in the tmaller towns cf Illinois ,
Mmn. Janauicbe'c produced her new
l y "Xillah. " at the opeia house , Wheel
n ? , W. Vtv. , the other evening. It la re
orted as being a succesa.
Mme. Modjaeka was unable through
revloun engagements to accept the filt
ering offer to appear at the Cinuinnat"
ramatio festival.
Mils Bertha Welbv resumes her toui
bin evening in South Bend , Ind.
Mary Anderson appears at the Globe
beatre , Burton , on the 12th uf February
jr two weeks.
Hartley Campbell'a first play waa en
Hle.l . "Peril , " and UN first production wai
t IlnnlDv'd opera home , Chicago , and !
was n veritable failure.
Mlea Mnry Dickens , eldest granJchl'd o
ha'len DickenR , aged nineteen , is abuui
0 become on uctrcBj.
Mrs. Liingtry , during her tour weat.
lougbt several valuable diamond orn.v
euts , one heing a diamond brac'
uluedat $8.0.
The third oper * festival in Cincinnati
1 at hand. Ntwer before bai it happened
bat I'.Ull , Nlletou and Albanl , were in
ne city at the name time. Also , Sjalcbl ,
he celebrated contralto , will be present.
Mary Andaman will play Ophelia and
lnra Morris Queen -rtrude in "Hutu-
ct" at the dramatis festival ia Cincinnati.
One roico all over the land goes up
rom mothers , that says , "My daugh-
era are so feeble and sad , with no
trongth , all out of breath and lifo at
ho least oxortlon. "Want can wo do
'or them ? " The nnawor is simple and
'all of hope. One to four weeks' use
of Hop Bitters will make them healthy ,
rosy , sprightly , and cheerful.
If yon are sick and troubled wi'h '
dyapopaia , Brown's Iron Bitters will
cnre you. _
Tnursday , February 1 1083
John Taffo of Douglas county waa
admitted to practice.
McDonald va , Atklnn. Rehearing
State ex rol Lathrop va. School
district 45 , Hall county. Referred
to R , D. Bibcock to take teatimony
it & M. va. AJIUS. Continued.
B , & M. va. Kearney county. Ro-
State ox rel Boatty vs. Mayor , etc.
A. & N. R. R Co. ra. Bally. Sub
Barton va. Ericksnn. Submitted ,
State ex rel Hart Vd Post. Mo
tion to diimias submitted.
LONE JACK , Mo. , Sept. 14,187' '
I have been using Hop Bitters , and
have received great boncfit from them
for liver complaints and malarial fover.
They are superior to all other medi
cines , P. M. BAUNEH
A General Stampede.
Never waa such a rush made for any
Dntg store aa ia now at C. F. Goodman's ,
for a Trial BotUo of Dr. King's New Dia-
covery for Comminution , Coughs and
Colds. All nerjona alllicted with Asthma ,
Bronchitis. Hoartteness , Bcnoo Cougtu , o
any affection of the Throat and Lunge
an get a Trial Bottle of this great remedy
ru , by calling at above ] named Drug
< arBPECIAL8 will POSITIVELY not be In
terted unto * paid In advance.
-HEY TO AN-CMI at Law ofllce o O. L.
M Thou M room HCrelghton llloclt.
T" LOAN $3,0005 . '
SOTtf I'.iCKarr-ain. -
MOKYT LOAN-On chatttl mortpige le-
„ curity. A. D. Tutton , Ao. 1510 „ .
street front room up stairs. 435 tf
dOKll r\nn \ " 'DAN ' At R per cent In-
* D--Ull"MH' tcrest n sums of $2,000 and up
wards , for Bto n ycaft , on flrnt ilass city and farm
prop rt ) , HXMIH Hr.AL EMTATS ind LOAK AULICT ,
16th aud DouglaaStn.
O > BY TO LONAt 8 per cent. Hh-ncr'a
K < kl Kattto .ud Loan ARcncy ,
W'NIK A neattidy vlrltor Rene'fl house
ojk In f mly ol two. < all Fatunlay
mrrn ntflictwfcn IR tan ) t.n o'clock atS. .
corner lit i aid I'.dflc treet P18-2I
W" N1EI-Uln 15 1 Chicago atreet , bc'we
IDth and Kith , oin > o U Jcdersen xnuarn
AQE'TS Wnnibu mulocir lemalu lucry
'I y and toT > n In the Urlted Htttea 100
to 15.10 ift'djy omlly mnje G. K. KlCKOUl
k C . , 10 Ilatcl y Street , J cw York City.
J IS 1ms mor.
W AN' KU Girl for gcn'ral housework. In >
nul-e at 101 S. IMh fctrect. 98-2
l / AMTKLlly a family ot two , a coiunUnt |
T * Swrcdi-cr i.crminRlrl with ( f JOJ refrrencea.
K. cor 19tband lodja trett < . 691-St
WANTED Twn nicely furnl h'd roofru cen
trally ocate < l , with n oJern con > e > .lcmes ,
or three geiiU. Addie a at once , W. M. T , tliln
' ' anil cxp-rlcncod mlllinora
AI'l'HKSTICKJ I. O KUFK , UKlt & < O. ,
878 3t 1308 and 1310 Dougha St.
- rom abou'oof plx or re'en
roonij , m a high location , /ddrcsj R. Y
"KK office.
' A well furnMifd tootn.
ntato rate * and address "tllm" LVO ofllce.
A few table boardcrd at 1720 COM
dH. . 912-lf
'ANTED-Lidles to call anil tcft the lew
W lystem of driwa cut In . wo can lit an
'orm ' at Ornt trial. Test Hillings cut free nci
'aturJay. 1'nttorna a specialty , 1418 Do IRO t-t.
" \T7ANTED-A youn ? Kent'eman of f4 of ( rood
VV characVr , hatj.tiandNn. . 1 posiljn ,
wistei tocoireipoid with a y urphd ) or widow
f rcflnouiout and culturo. A'Jdreoa' Box S73 , "
' . 889-3J
\ kA" < tt l ) ly ! two jounit men tw > fti-nl'h i
> roomH wlti In four blocks if Toot tllce
Vrni'not HO much of on rlij ct M ikslrnbl
oo-is. Ad rcH X. 2caruof Decotnce. 90-J-2
WANTED Employment us cxor. 83 driver
Will nt' to do ch tifl r und ho'i ' n or olon ,
Cm furnleh nleiecrcn. Appl > ° tJ K Ultknu
" 14 15th atriot , Omaha t$6-2i
\A ANTED By an experiencedbook-keecpcr
* a ii-Blt ion to w or U o crimps. Address "A
F. P. " Ufuitnce. C28
WANTEDSituati n n prltate family to dc
gtliuial liouio ork AclJnus \ . 1 Dee atl'.c
. LADY wiilics a position as housekeeper In
* n family where help is kc , t. Wou d no'
ibjcct to B in r out of the c ty. Addrtasor call ix
Ik8 North 20th street. 911
FOIl KKJJT Three unturnlsel rooms on How'
ard ntrcct , Lorthaide , third door f > om Oc
"Ide tal hotel. Mils. i. WILK1E.
POU RENT Huuse ol four rooms corner 17th
nnd Davenpoit. S. I.tHMAN ,
9 7-lm
FORHENr Kurnl-ried roora with botr' , ran
and bath rocm also tabla board , 1718 Do < U
t. 895 C t
T710H RENT A large unfurnished front room
JD nt HIT Howard St. . 677-5J
mllREE unfainUbed rooms for rent , with bay
JL window. 1410 Chicago street. 820-5t
FOB UENT-Plcaafnt south front room , fur
nlnhed or unfurnished. Inquire at th
-ifflco. SC8-3
TTIOI HUNT Fl aaintrooM 2407 Farnim St.
Jj A'M otllco In Boj d'a Open Houie.
RENT Fu'nlihol rcoma 1 door nor h o :
Dodge , on 18 h , 8G4-2J
TTIOH RFNT Double office In Jacobs' block.
J } 89-lw
flO i KENT ljp-8'alia ' over 1417 Farnam bt
' 840.1W JOHN G. JACOBS.
4 RAR CHANCE FOft ItiSHT Tra2nd story
\ . and rnnement of bullJIn No.llll Karnam
itrett. In'julro next riocf eta . J18 ImD
FOR RFNT One organ , ? 3.00 per m nth.'ol
A. Hospe'g Music Hall , 777-lm
C cooveniei cos 1810 iloilga St. 773-lm
RENT y > house" , 2 to in rooms , at $3 tc
8-5 per mcnth ; 3 and 2 acre garden , wltD
house , barn , etc. , 01 Sit and g'2 ' p i
month. 8hr\ ! cr's Rent bureau , opposite Dost-
ollieo. 708-tf
l.iOK RENT Sexeral vma'l houscH , 5 room
L1 cack. DR. C. II. PAUL.
710 U It Nl Ono Uiiiu nl aiy furuiahuu louui
D wlih board fur two at 1808 California St.
E1IIS' New Map of Omaha , lust completed and
B ready for delivery at ? 5 each. -licet wide
by 7 feet long. Largest and most complete map
of Omaha o\or published. OIQclal map of tht
city. See column. _
HOTEL ALB CIIEAP-C2 milts went ol
Oinahn , the Union Pacillc railroad ,
llrlck liarn , tw > tory hotel and furidture , three
lo 8 C"xl3'J , good Btand , K ° d Inislncss. Good
reasons ( or Helling. Inuuiru of subscriber.
713-lm-me Noith fend. Neb ,
TTIOIl'HAU : Al' A KAMJAI Tlio IlaUinss
I1 Citv > I1U. .Stc.-iin ] vo er , four run buhra.
ThN mill iilotatolat tlie boat ton n ( er4UO'J '
imputation ) n tbra8ka , A ruilroail cento * , and
tlno wheat growing country Dili mi 1 runs d > y
and night , doing a paying business Ilulldl'g
nd i ncMncry new a d mttkt Improvement * .
Itookintid bmlneas shown to p CHJIII actual y
dedroui of pure asln < mill property , Cioad ri-a-
8onsglv-n forte lint ; , 'tcrmi ca y. forr upon-
ilcnca Hillcltud AclilrMH D. Low man k nru ,
Real Ebtntc Agent > , llaitinga , tcb. . 015-SJ
WE offer fir silo at a bargain the envloe a < d
flxiuro * now In u o at cur works. 1h
cruul tf nutflt la at good fa new , nnd cousUta of
FntlnedO hTs < powei ) , IIi' \ \ , HeaterStotm
P nip , aujnkr St lc , R cam rid Water Utuger ,
W < ttrla"kacs Upo1 , itu. It l i bd tiKcn
out ftb > ut thfl tint of next Mty 1'artle inter.8
teilari * Intl'ut o call ani It lnoctlon day
and rifgtiSund'a ( rxrcpit" ) at the Wovdnun
LtiiMcJ OU Works , corner tieo itoenth and Nich
olas tticctn 917-im
EOItSAI.E A L-ooJiia ) ! g drug tjro at Lin
coln , Neb , wll. sell par oitlmuor tridafor
a good farm or good real rstat. ' . Address "Liu-
coin Sell. " 1218 M tr et. W2 3 (
HALE Shirt nl kulttlnz stock ; Sicw-
FOR machints ; 4 knitting rnacklnc' , and llx-
lures ol more at 111) N. ICth St. Omaha Neb.
90J-3 }
LALE-Qcod htavy tcani of hrsc3 at 8'iT
FOR . Street. U13G )
OR SAL" Three Mronil-hanil orgin" , gin ,
F J.W 8f6 , a 717 S. 13th street U14-3 !
i OUSAT.E A stock ol mcrchand no in ono of
Jj ! lill\llst ( ow a in northern Nebraska , d Ing
a cash b sltie , last ) o r'uraUs fc9 ! , X ) will run thli jeir ; a.tU'a tory rras ns gl\en for
telling , Addn "Merchant"car ( > Oirah tr
TnORSALU Small bou-e on leased loa. . ) - .
Jj cir. yih nl Jacksoa. InqUro ou prtm soi
f7\OHSALr \ : ilouioindlot lor Mloon S 13th Darcta atrecta. Call ou
8S8-12t t
HALE Pock eta mapa of Nebraska roe
FOR . For birnalns In on aha Cit ) Improved
and uulmpr : > ed property , call on Wm. K , Sari-
rcr , KoU LsUto Agwit , oppoolte potofflc .
ron 8f\LK-The Darti I7otu In Fu * *
HOTRL , connt le > t cl eann'y , > eb-
raika Two storlr * high , I ul t Ihre i jean ire
recrnt'y rtfu n'KlieJhai a g od trade , haa ll tb
coma eiclal trude. A p * n M I ihai.ce. Ttrma
c -y. Cill on or addrcn D.rli Houie , Fulli rton ,
Nebraska. I tb-3t
TTIOH ALK 8f room eottaae wlth barn nd
X half lot on Chicago street , near llkh School
Only $2,300. McCAOUE ,
( XHldoiVT-tf _ Opp. Po > offloe.
tiALK A arm clsn tfcorm tuud pnnetoo-
B10H at 1SIO "army S > . _ SP7.lf
/ thu 'and , YirJ ISth ktrect , two b'ojks
jlec S3-3ra { LOHEVZO PI RULE ,
Kit IS New Mapof Omaha , Just completed anu
B ready for dilhcry at t5 each. Is 4 feet wld
by 7 feet long. Largest and mct complete map
of Omaha ever piibll heil. Olllclal map of tht
cltv. Boa column.
_ MinOEtA A W ETTH _
nfl ItKWABD I Th ri was 1 dt ycster-
UU < la > tctw on in h and Jacks ) n and
l.l b and ongln , i | iooketliook c ntnlnlng S1CO
In c sh nnd two notes , one no e 3 < 0aiidth
o hertt'O. ' tinder call fornwnrd at ,
I hare exainlncd i artful } the stock of watchv *
and jcwelrv iio * > b < l"g sold liv T , K. I awson , at
Ciimnilngs nu tion ro m t find the watches all
solid gold , illv r orxn IT c own fi udcwes ,
with gen ino American moremen'ii , th ullver-
plated hollow ware til * % mpvd ' Wllcox , " and
quadrup I pitted R-gcra' Ir > H. ' ( ripple plated
knlre forks and spoons 1RI7 pattern also solid
silver spoon * . Ihavenkter 9 en a stockwl h ao
few cheipg oodiln.
F. n ANC1EL ,
901-3. ' ftlcMJweler'
ri > NAL18T , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam
and Uamoy. Will , with < ho old of guardian
atilrlta , obtain for any ono a glance of the peal
and present , and on certain conditions In tbr fu
ture. Boots and Shoes made to order. Pttfecl
natl'tartlnn truarantoet * , .
Absolutely Pure.
Thla powdernc er varies. A man el of purity ,
strength and wholesoniencvs. lloro economical
tlmti the orplnary k tids , and cannot bo eold In
competition with the multitude cf low tat , short
w el. lit , alum or pli ephato powder. Sold only in
cans. RoTAb BAKI.VO POWBIR Co.VallSt. . , 90
New York.
Undertakers ,
The best business opportunity in the
city. The well known store and lot ,
corner Twelfth and Farnam streets ,
oppraith Caldwell , Hamilton and Co. 'a
Bank , and. next to the Nebratka Ra
tional Bank. Brick building , fire
proof , now owner ! and occupied by N.
I. D Solomon , Painta , Oil , and Window -
dow Glass , Notions , eto. Store room
22x132 , three Btoiieshigh , ccllarwholo
length of building , elevator , gas , and
water In all atones , has six roams in
pecnnd story , finished for family uae.
Will ecll on lone timeOr will cell
goods ana store fixture ? , and give fire
years lease of store. Cau&e for celling
intends to giro all hla time to the man
agement of nis Spring Ynlley Stock
farm adjoining Omaha.
N. I. D.
. . . ,
1204 Farnam Street ,
Dext-erL.Tliflfflas&lJro ,
Pay Tuxes , Rent , Houses , Eto.
Flfteentn St.umahaNeb :
ClironiD , Neryoos and Special
Difeasos ,
Uedlclnoa fnrnUoed t nf&ca.
OSco , N. W. corner ISth and Farnim rtreoli ,
over Merchant a National Bank , Omaha Keli.
Office Hours 9 to 11:70 : a. m. . 1 too and 7 to
9pm Residence 1114 south 13th nstt.
; tj W. Cor 16th alid Cumlng Street.
four Umea u
' 7'firppy . ' household.