Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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DR. A. J. COOK ,
Diseases of Women and Diseases of the Rectum a Specialty.
The Dr. has been located In Coun
cil Blaffi nesily two years-and hav-
ng boon called profeaaionally during
that time into the host families in the
city and surrounding country , takes
pleasure iu an announcing that ho has
cotne to stay. Hia constantly increas
ing practice at homo , in the midst of
hia nwn people , in the best evidoncoof
hia skill as a SPECIALIST , and ho
wishes it understood , once for all , that
his methods of treatment are STRICT
LY scientific ; that ho doapiaca quick-
ery aa well among so-called "Regular'1
and "Homeopathic" practitioners aa
among traveling charlatans and "Cure-
Alls. " He haa devoted fifteen yoara
to the atudy and practice ot hia SPE
CIALTIES and haa had the benefit of
the moat ckillful training in the best.
> * colleges and hospitals in the laud , and
his no hesitancy in promising the very
' "s ' t * D6B' results to bo obtained trom scion *
f i tlQ cmedicine and surgery.
It must bo evident to every cloao
observer that no one miud , however
gifted , can group morn than a mere
ntnattoring of medical science , The
field la too largo and the natural divis
ions too numerous for anything more
thin a cursory viaw of the vaat obatn-
olss to bo encountered by the "gen
eral" practitioner. Wo have our em
inent surgeons iind our eminent prac
titioners of medicine , after which fol
io IT the noted aoeclalista , embracing
the Eye , the E r , the Throat , the
Langs , the Kidnoya and Bladder , Dia-
oaisoa of Women , Insanity , &o , it3. ,
any ono of which requlrta yoara of
patient atndy and practice to insure
proficiency and ultimate success.
The busy practitioner of to-day
the "family" physician oui no more
o-nbrace all these apoclaltiaa in his
pr.ictico and do j'latico to his patients
than ho can "bottle up sunlight , " yet
how many physicians in the western
\ t never require crimping , at Mr § . J. J. Quod's Hair Store , at prices never befcre touched by
ny other hall dealer. Also a full line of switches , etc. at oreatly reduced prices. Also gold ,
( I lUror and colored nota. Waves made from ladles' own hair. Do not fall to call before purchasing
V ilMwhere. All gooUs vairanted as represented. MRS. J. J. GOOD ,
fi 89 Mam street , Council Ulutfa , Iowa.
A.CEJ : xe , s
The finest quality a d larpeijt stock west of
Ohicat'O of v oodcn and ik- tulle Ca cs. Call * at
tended to xt all h mri. We d fy c mpetiil > n in
quality ot goods or prl 'ex. Our .Mr. Morgan ihaa
served asu ider'akcr for forty yean and thor
oughly u dcrstands Lin business. Warcroomx
34B and 3A7 Or an way. Upb bterlru In all IU
branches promptly attended to ; nso carpet-Uy-
lug lambrequins. Tclrgraphlc aru mall or-
den filled without delay. _
Justice ot the Peace and
Notary Public.
tIBBroadway , Council Bluffs.
Attorney and Counsollor at Law ,
OSiit Ucllahon bl-ck , rooms 1 and 2 KMn
triit. WU1 practice ID Bute and
court ) .
$500 REWARD.
The above reward will be paid to any person
who will produce a Faint that will equal the
Pennsylvania Patent Rubber
Paint ,
for preserving Shingles , Tin and Gravel Roofa.
Warranted to be Fire and Water Proof. All
orders promptly attended to. Cheaper and bet
ter than any other paint now In use.
Bole Proprietors , Omaha llouec , Omaha , Neb.
Officer b Pugey , Dr.lUco , Dr. Plnney , Full *
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Din office. Omaha Neo
v o
The meet contrail ? located hotel In the city.
Boom Itt 11.00 , II.Mand W.OOporday.
Fir C'm Restaurant connected wit tht
hota _
HURST. - - Prop.
. Vsurtbmd ' * fV Streets.
Bend $1 , 52 , 53 , or $5 for & re.
tail box by Kxprew of the best
Candles in America , put up
p ;
alcgant boxca , and strictly pure
Suitable for fpreaents. Expreai
: hargea light. Refers to all Obi-
sago , Try it once ,
Confectioner , - Chic * :
And all other far Fall Planting. Largoit MWJ
merit ever ehown In Chicago-
niiutratvd Catalogue free. Bend for It
Hiram Sibley & Co. ,
CD-SCO EindolphBt , GMc
MBS , E , J , HARDING , M , D , .
Medical Electrician
Graduate of Electropathlo iDitltntlon , Phila
delphia , Fenna.
Office Cor , Broadway & Glenn Ave.
The treatment of all diseases and pulnfol dlf
Scultlcs peculiar to females a cpocUlty.
Omaha and Council Bluffs
Real Katate & Collection Agency.
In Odd Fellow's block , over Savings'
Bank. jac8-t )
Are now ready to contract for small castings of
every description in
Six-da ! attention is called to the f ct that the
metals are me ted in CKI'CIIILIM which glvea tte
ycr > best cMtlngs ,
Burning Brands
FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. ,
Cattle Brands
Works : Corner SUth street and Eleventh aveuua ,
tucs. ornciB. w. n. M. rcair.
Coocil Bluffs , la.
Established , - 1856
Dealers In Foreleiind | |
aa d borne lecaritlt * . \
country are PKKTENDISO to do ao , to
the coat and injury if thuir pitioats.
Tnu D ; . duos not prucuuU tu can )
ALL chronic diaaaioa. II-j claims ,
however , that yoira of pitiont atudy
and oraotlot ) , in the hospita'sind ! BJ-
where , give him advantages in their
trea'mont whlali no ordinary priotl-
tlonar cm poialbly have ; that ho CAN
CURE many c sea now pronounced
INCURABLE by them , and glvo relief
liof to hund * ed * of othori whoao dia
GWBi cnmu within the range of hisSPK-
ClALTIES. Ho is praparod to vu
the moat upprovad electric treatment
and medicated vapor bitha , when
needed. Parties rea d ng at a diatincu ,
whose moans will not admit of their
taking a regular courtio of treatment
her < > , wiil ba furnished blanks with
quujtlons , which can ba niuworod and
r turned to the Djotor. who will mak-i
up hia di ignosia and give trp.V.mmit if
doiirort , bit ho much nref ra to mko a
Raturnlnc' from a buainooa trip , I
entered my wife's boudoir and found
her kneeling before a low chair , on
which sat a boy baby with largo , round
and wondering eyes , She got up and
came ruatling la her silken robe do
chambro to mo. She reached out her
hand and greeted mo not more heartily -
ly not yet more formally than wo vroro
acouatomod to greet each other in
thoao days.
"Thoro it is " said wife
, iny , pointIng -
Ing to the child.
"What ? " asked I. But she stooped
down before the little stranger , hold a
biscuit to its upturned , and half turn
ing toward mo , replied ;
"Well , you know did wo not read
of It in the newspaper ? Don't yon re
member the day before yostordaj ?
And la It beautiful ? "
Now I did not recollect that a few
Ighta before she had The Qizotte un-
er the light of my student lamp , and ,
olnting with her finger to an advor-
.wement , said to mo , "Please road
hat. " It was the well-known appeal ,
ho cry cf despair from a bleeding
heart addrecsed to "good peoplo. " A
ihild was offered for adoption to per
inns well off. "What would you think
i our taking It ? " my wife had said ;
and I had returned the paper to her
with aahrug of my shoulders.
"But , Martha , w hat have you done1
cried I , in a tone vibrating with anger.
' You have really "
"Certainly , as you BCD , And then
t bolorgi to me ; I myself have settled
everything with the poor mother who
"a iu reality to bo pitied. I have sworn
to tbko good care of U ; and r.o I will
indeoa. "
She took the little head , with its
blonde , silk curia , batwoou her white
hando , and fondled and caressed It.
"la ii * not so little one ? you will beloved
loved ? "
But the somewhat sickly and doll-
cato little f ice showed no signs of nn-
deratnndlny , except that out of the
heart-shaped little mouth came ono of
thoao sighs that sound so strangely
from children ,
I at once gave up all serious objec
tion. Had wo not been accnttooicd
far yoara to act independently of each
other ? Our marriage was not a very
happy one , although wo had not mar
ried for lovo. During the noijo and
bustle rf the crowded exchange our
fathers hud contrasted this union. She
had to tear her heart from a beloved
ono , and In mlno had glowed a pasiion
not outspoken. But parental wishes
cocquorod. Wo chose to bo obedient
children ; and so it happened.
At the commencement wo were to
each other a silent reproach ; after
which followed a declared war , until
finally wo came to a polite but gloomy
peace ,
To bo sure , she was beautiful ; she
was good and bright and sparkling.
Others cilled her angel. And II
Well , I bollovo I was no monster
either. The analysis showed the bright
est colors , still the ann was aliasing ,
We we sir years married and had no
children. Perhaps had heaven sent
us them
Well , this child belonged entirely to
personal examination and treat all
patients hero , when possible , thua
avoiding nny ohanoo of orior in diag
nosis ,
The Doctor treats all forms of chron
ic diaoaao , without mentioning uny
ono in particular , and hai no husiUncy
in 8 yiug that ho OAN and WILL
give the best treatment known to mod'
icil acisnou , and charge only a reason
able fee for hla'aorvicds.
This is ono of t.ho SPECIALTIES
to which the Dr. haa devo el the boat
yoara of hia life , and hnndreda of
women , now living , ura roidy to teati
fy that they found rolioE at his hands
when others had failed to bonofi
them. The "family" .phyaic'mn can
not treat thoao diseases successfully ,
for ininy important ro.uuma. , chlel
-nont ; which la , that ha has not tie
limn to devote totholr study , nor the
patience to do * thom jnstno. Nor
her ; I hoard later that she had pi von
$1,1)00 ) , the price of a so : of jewels
which she had sold secretly.
"Why did you not tell mo cf ill" I
Bald , half angrily.
"Becanso it would have boon too
late , If I had waited for your return to
the city ; and , beside. I wanted to have
it entirely for myself ; I want'to call it
my own , " she said , poutingly.
My horses , my does ; her canaries ,
her gold fishes 1 could endure that ;
but that she wanted to havp her child
for herself alone , that was too much
for mo. The thought of it tortured
mo ono , two days long , On the third
d-ay my wlfo had gone out in her car
riage ; there came a veiled woman and
demanded entrance. It was the
mother. Like a shadow she
glided Into the room , and , with a half-
aupproaaod sob , bogged to see her
child once more. She could not part
from him forever without Imprinting
ono more Lisa upon his chocks. I
opened my saf 3 quickly. "Hero , my
good woman , " said I , "take that ; they
have not given you enough. " Her
tears fell down her wan chgoke ; she
begged me not to judge her too rashly ;
she had another child , a cripple and
helpless ; she herself was sick and
would not live much longer , and what
was to become of the children ? Then
the thought I , myself had to
finish the sentence , which a violent
fit of coughing had interrupted.
Yes , " she had thought : "I will sell
the healthy ono In order that the
money may help the cripple < rhon I
am dead and gone. "
No , she must not bo judged harshly ;
wo rich know but little of the trials
and temptations of the poor.
When my wife returned I gave her
an account of the call I had had , add-
ng that I hud given the unfortunate
ono exactly the same cinount as eho
had. "And now , " said I , "you
must aoo the child , belongs to both of
i. "
She bit her lips with her little whlto
"It Is all the samn to mo , " said she ,
after a moment's nflaction , nnd with
that she pressed a tender Usa on the
little boy's mouth. It sounded almosl
like a challenge.
"Oar child ! " I scarcely over saw
It. An.1 the changes that were made
in our household for his sake were
made entire.y without mo. Some
times , after the most Important things
were decided , my consent was then
asked. "Wo are obliged to have i
nnne ; I hired ono , Anaelra. " I
nodded silently. "Wo must fit up a
nursery ; that room ia too warm for
the child. " I nodded silently , but I
hoard the sound of the workmen who
were already at work In the hall.
Whatconldldobettet ? Was It not
all djno for our obild ?
My wife and I did not talk much
about the child , and vf lion wo did mention
tion It , wo used only the name "It.1
But this "It" could be hoard through
the house at almost uny tlrao of the
"Hush ! not so much noise 1 I
Bleeps ! It must have its dinner ! I
should bo taken out for a drive
It has hurt itself ! " And to the whole
house began to turn round our "It.1
This namrlosa neuter vexed mo.
"It must have its own name , " sale
I ono day.
"I entirely forgot to ask the motho
I moan the woman what ita name
should it bo oxpootoJ of him , in thr
kbieuco , porhtps , of special tnininx
and oxporiono , find in the hurry anc
iicitomout of general praolioo
Tao Dr. ia prepared to treat all fn
male disoasouna skillful and a until !
nnqr , having devoted several yjarc
: o their study .ma treatment , both iu
hi hospital and in no ivo practice
Diseases of the Rectum ,
I'hoao oinbraco Llemorrnoida , or
Piles , Fiatulos , Fissures , Prolaps , or
fating of the anus , tumora , otc , oto
tnd constltu'o OQO of the Deter
loading apoclattiua. All rootal Umor.i
ire treated by the now method of in
jecting and orj thoroughly and speed-
tly romovol. with but lit IJ or no pain
Oiaoi of Piles , from ton to twenty
veara standing , have bean pormtnont-
ly cured bp this now mothoJ , many of
thorn residing ia and near the city at
present.EPILEPSY ,
Many cviua ot E ilop-ty , or Fits
a , " answered my wifo. "Sho inI I
ended to corao again. But she does '
lot come ; she is certainly sick. Now
call it Max. Max is a pretty short
uatno , iu it not ? "
"H'rn , " returned I , between two
Irafts of my cigar. "Fritz would also
10 quite a pretty name. " "Ono can
not change the name now on account
'f ' domoatica , " answered she , shortly ,
and then called out loudly , "Is Max
up already ? " Never mind , was it
not our child ?
Once , though , I played my justifi
able part toward our child. At din
ner it was always served at a little
able in an adjoining room. At such
imes wo could hoar , between the
scantily dropping phrases of convorsa-
ion , its merry prattling , accompanied
> y the clattering of i's spoon. My
wife had no rest ; there was a contin-
lal coming and going bo' woon us and
lim ; the soup might bo too hot , and
10 might cat too much ! "Wife"said
F , very quietly , but very decidedly ,
' 'from to-morrow it shall cat with us
at our table. It is old enough now ,
with its two years. "
From that time on "It" ate with us.
Bo sat there In his high chair like a
prince , close to my wife both oppo-
lite to mo like declared eneinlou , as it
The yellowish paleness of poverty
liad yielded to an aristocratic pink iu
Ills little chocks , which now , becoming
quite chubby , sat comfortably on the
stiff folds of hia nnpkln. It worked
powerfully at its soup ; and now , that
it had finished , tot up the spoon like
a eoaptor in its little round flit on the
table. My wlfo and I had exchanged
a few words , and now wo cut silent.
Apparently on account of this sUenco
its largo eyes begin to open wider
and wider. They stared on mo ,
stared on my wife , with rt surprised
expression , as If they had a prcHonta-
mont that all was not right between
us. I confessed that these eyes em
barrassed mo , and that I had a feeling
if relief when Frederick entered with
a dish. And I think that my wife
felt the amo.
And the following days there were
the same largo , wondering eyes , like
an appealing question , staring Into
the causes if our conversation. It
sounds ridiculous , but it Is neverthe
less true , wo were culprits baforo the
child , wo two grown personI And
by degrees our conversation became
more animated. The occasional prat-
tllngs of the lltllo ono were noticed
and Hpokon about ; Indeed , sometimes
there was mutual langhter at his at-
tomptH to speak.
Ah ! how light , how boll llko pure
sounded her laughter ! Had I never ,
then , hoard that before'/ / And whal
was the matter with mo , that I sometimes -
times bent over my writing desk lie-
toning as though I hoard from a din-
tixnco thee tame silvery tones ?
With the first sunny spring , "If
began co play in the garden , which I
could overlook from my seat iu my
oiliso. Bho was generally with him.
Iconld hoar the sound of hia little
foot on the pebblec , and then her
footsteps. Now oho would playfully
chato him , and a chorus of twittering
sparrows would join in their notea
with their merry laughter. Now she
would catch him and kiaa his ohceki
over and over. Once I opened rnj
window ; a warm balsamic air stroamet
around mo , and a butterfly fluttered In
can bo cured if taken in t'itno , and es
jecully in young snbjoota. The Dr
dooj not claim to euro all cases that
como to hiai for treatment , but can
point to numerous instances where a
permanent euro haa boon wrought
within the last five yours. Modi ino *
will bo aunt by express when patients
cannot como to the city.
These troublosoino parasites oan be
roiuovod in a few hours , with but lit
tin iiioonvonionco to the pitiout. The
Dr. wtll send modiciaos by express ,
with full directions for use , at mi )
tlmo they may bo ordered. .
The Dr. makes no promises but
what will bo fulfilled to the letter. It
ho oxatni ica you and finds your dii
oaao incurable , ho will toll you so in
plai i words ; if ho fi ids you can bi
benefit ted ho will treat you for a mod
erate fee and give you the bandit ol
nil that medical science can do for your
ctso. This is all that any caroTn
and lit on my inkstand. Just then
she came out of a green , vino-grown
> ovrcr ; she was dressed ip. ft dazzling
rhito negllgo , trimmed with a costly
see ; all over her streamed the golden
sunshine , oxcnpt that her face was
overshadowed by the pink of her par-
now slim she appeared ! how grace-
: al In hew movement * ! Had I boon
jlind ? Truly the aunts and cousins
vcro right ; she wea in reality beaut 1-
oil A sweet oniilo transformed her
'oaturcs , she was happy and her
mppinces came from her child , Then
t voice made itself known iu my
jroaat , which said very plainly , "Yon
are a monster ! " I got up and walked
to the window. "It is a cold day , "
called I. I know how cold and pro-
a&io it must have sounded to hor. It
came like a heavy cloud-shadow over
, hp landscape. She answered some
thing that I did not understand ; but
: ! IQ brightness wasgono from her little
[ BOB. Then she took up the child
who was stretching out his arms to
: ior , and kissed and caressed him beFore
Fore my eyes.
There It was when the first fooling
of jealousy was aroused In mo ; a
jealousy , truly , but what a strange
jealousy , which could not make olrar
to itself who was its object ? If "It"
said "mamma , " there came pain to
my heart ; and the caresses with which
she overwhelmed him almost drove
mo wild. I was jealous of both ! It
pained me that 1 had no part in thlrt
weaving of love , that I was not the
third in the union. I exerted myself
to gain apart of their lovo. I did it
very clumsily. The child persevered
In certain shynots , and she had I
not kept myself forcibly away from
her during tlicuo long , long yoart ?
Ono day at the dinner table after a
skirmish of words , came a treat still-
nrna between us , a stillness tnoro pain
ful than had ever been. I glanced
down at the flowers on my plato of
Saxon porcelain , my displeasure show
ing In my fact ; but I felt plainly that
"It" had its eyes on mo , and rilso her
oyos. It was aa if these four eyes
burned on my forehord. Then sound
ed suddenly In the stlllnoBs : "Papa ! "
and again louder and moro courage
ous. "Papa ! " I shuddered. ' It" eat
there and stared , now very much
frightened , over at mo , wondering
perhaps , whether a storm would be
raised by Us "paoa. " But her face
was salTuBcd with glowing redness ,
and her half-opened lips trembled
There came a flood of gladness over
my heart. Certainly no ono but her
had him this " "
taught "papa. Why
did I not spring up , bound to her
and with ono wordono embrace , strike
otit the loneliness of the last six years )
Ono light word in this moment and all
would have boon well. It remained
nncpoken ; I Boomed to have lost all
power to act ; but on a certain page of
my lodger are still traces of the tears
I shod iu anger at my own stupidity.
There wun no doubt about U ; on
other spirit hod stepped in with ita
little curly head the spirit of love ;
and that made mo a stranger in my
own house. A precious sunshine
brightened the rooms , oven when the
ono in the heavens was hidden by
clouds. The faces of the servants and
even inanimate objects streamed back
this radiance. But mo , only , this
radlonco did not touch ,
I felt myself always moro and moro
> ractitionor should promijo his pa
tents' It is all he OAN promise them
tnd bo honest.
Parties u i ing the city for the pur-
> ese of consulting the Dr. should
jomo directly to hii ofli jo , where the
> nat references i i the city will bo f ur-
lishod when desired , and whora pa-
ionta will also bo assisted in prour-
ng board and rooms at reasonable
( Olio Block North of Broadway. )
Address all Lottora to
DS , A , J. COOK ,
P. 0. Box No. 14C2 ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
nah'ippy ' in my loneliness. Jealousy
g'ow In mo ; it gave mo all sorts of
tooliah thoughts. I wanted to rebel
against the httlo autocrat ; that would
bo ridiculous. I wanted togivo her
the cholco between him and mo. I ,
audacious ono , know very well which
side her heart would choose. At an
other time I was ready to take stops
to find the mother , and with the
the power of gi > ld force her t6 ; take
back her child behind my wife's
back ? That would bo cowardly.
The sunshine would not lot itself bo
banished , and the spirit of love was
stronger than I. With his flaming
a word ho drove mo out. "I must take
a long journey , Martha. " My voice
trembled as I said this this. My wife
must have noticed It , for comothlng
like pity trembled In her beautiful
eyes. At my taking leave , she hold
the Httlo ono toward mn and asked , In
soft , caressing tones , "Will you not
adieu to our child ? " I took up the
little ono , perhaps too roughly ; at all
events ho began to ory and to resist
my caresses. Then I put him down
and hastened away.
I traveled In uncertainty through
the world , and boholdl after the first
fdw days , In addition to my ordinary
traveling companion , bad humor , there
oamo another fellow that told me
plainly that I was a fool. First it
sounded like a whisper , then louder
and louder , "You are a downright
fool. " Finally , I road It in the news
paper before mo ; it was traced on the
blnp mountains ; the locomotive
shrieked it to mo. Yes , I bollovo It ;
why did I not then and there turn my
ftco homeward ? Well , the fool mast
firnt travel it all off before everything
would bo right again ,
At last , ono day , with a violent
boating of the heart , I again entered
my dwelling. What a solemn still-
rsess rclgnod there ! I could now hoar
the sound of whispering voices ; ray
wife oamo toward me. "It Is sick ,
very tick , " moaned she ; "it will surely
die ! " i tried to comfort hor. Only a
short time , however , proved that her
fears were but too well grounded.
During the last night wo both sat by
the Httlo bed , she there and I hero ,
each ono holding ono of his Httlo
hands. Ah ! those feverish pulse beats !
ovej-y stroke sounding like an appeal.
'Lova oich other ; bo good ! " We felt
eventually these throbbinga , and wo
understood the appeal. Oar eyes met ,
full and earnest through the glittering
tears , as In a first , holy vow. Words
would have seemed a sacrilege then.
Not long after wo laid our darling
in the warm spring earth.
When wo again sat down at our
table there was a stillness between us ;
but it was not the same stillnois as
that which the Httlo stranger had
broken in upon with his parting
"papa. " Even by the wall stood his
hinh arm-chiir , and on the Httlo
board before It lay hia spoon sceptor.
My wife reached her fair whlto hand
ovirtho iublo and asked ; "Did yon
also love it at loait a Httlo ? " tier
voice trembled "My wife ! my sweet ,
my own wife ! ' cried 1. Then I fell
ut her foot and hold her hands fast ia
in mine. " 1 love theo , my , wife ! oh ,
my wlfo. "
After the first emotion had subsid
ed , I pointed to an arm-chair , "fhe
Httlo one came to teachus love , "
whispered I. "And when It had tin-
Iflhod Ita teaching It went egiin to the
aogols , " added she through her tears.