Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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he Omaha Bee.
Pnbllnbed every morning , except Sun-
7. The only ftfondny morning dally.
One Year. . . .810 01 1 Three Mont hi. $3.00
Six Months. . 6.00 | One Month. . . . 1.00
' 'HE WEEKLY HUB , publlihed every
One tfear . 82 00 I Three Months. fiO
III Month . 100 | One Month. . . . 20
"VewsJeulera In the Unltuci States.
COUKESrONUKNCi : All Comrrmnt.
ntfons relating to News mid E'lUnrUl
.natters hotild be addressed to the KniTOH
Letters arcl IteinltrmirrH rlould ho il
JHAHA. Drafts. Cllnka npil I'ontnltico
jrdera to l ) made payable to the order of
the Company.
The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props ,
the treeless ataUs could not have referred
ferrod tu Nebraska , There waa an
overabundance of eonatorlal timber in I
Lincoln daring the late unpleasant-
ncs > . '
TUIHTY FIVB vcusols have boon
itrlckon fforn the navy register as un
fit for torvico. Mr. Iljbotcn has done
hla work well. The Ameiuan navy
ought to join the Universal Pcacu
THE tooner the number nf ( harks
and shysters who fbeoo poor litigants
ai justices t f the peace , la reduced the
better it will b * for the pibllo. This
ia a matter which the legislature
ooght to promptly attend to.
Mn. VANUEitniLT admits thai his
income last year was $20,0(0,000 , but
Mr. Vanderbilc still opposes all rail
road regulation as oppressive and op
posed to the bout "interests of the
public " What Da real opinion of the
public is , every ono who road his fa
mous interview kuowa.
THE public debt waa reduced $13-
000,000 last month , but publis taxa
tion in the interest of industrial ! ! , and
indpstrial monopolies still continues
at the old war ralo , with an active
millionaire lobby busily engaged in
Washington to keep it there.
Ir Senator Saundora expects to BO
cure the pd,0"011 ' of Dk9tfl R ? ft
Btaio at the present session iio is more
languid o than moat cf hia colleague * .
With only twenty-eight days h ft before
fore the closeof congrois , . it ia
ecarcoly poisiblo that the bill will
paaa. Next session , with the democ
racy In power , there ia very little like
lihood that the territory will bo per
mitted to become a stuto beforn the
presidential election.
MIC. WISDOM'S defeat in Minnesota
is a matter f jr general regret. Ho
was ouo of the few senatora ecaitut
whoso integrity the influences of the
railroad lobby wore powerless. Bo
was a broad minded and well informed
public man , whoso views upon all im
portant Issues wore invariably dictated
by common eonso and sound judgment.
His successor Mr. Babln Is without a
natimal reputation. Do will bo n
poor substitute f jr Mr. Windom who
waa a man of whom the west was with
reason proud.
A JOINT resolution haa been intro
duced In the senate providing for an
amendment to the constitution whl&h
authorizes the president to veto any
one or more if the items in the appro
prlatlon bills whenever , in hla judg
merit , the expenditure would bo con
trary to public policy. This is in the
line of thn anngcatlon made in the last
message of President Arthur , at d
ought tu carry. If such an amend
monl had boon operative lost year the
republican party would have been
saved n number 0 ( congressmen ,
through the difjat of the most objec
tionable features of the unsavory river
and harbor bill which proved the
graveyard cf the hopes of several
aspiring politicians.
AFTER a hard fi ht the throe rail
raid commissioners nominated by
Governor Cleveland in Now York
hvro been confirmed by the legislature.
The principal contest was over the
anii-mcnopoly representative , Mr ,
O'Donnel1 , against whose confirmation
the railroads brought all the forces a
their command. At the final b llo
the republicans , through fear of losing
the anti-monopoly vote next fall , cam
over and Mr. O'Djnncll was con
firmed. It ia understood that th
railroads will test the constitutional !
cf the law when the commUnlonen
assume the duty of their cflioo.
ILLINOIS la about to pass a bill t
regulate primary elections. The in
tenlion is to place the primary on the
name plane as the general election ,
and to throw as strong safeguards
around it aa are now placed around
the ballot box at the public polls. A
penalty of fine and imprisonment la
Imposed for violation of the law. The
measure U strongly eupportcd by the
leading republicans of the state. Now
Nebraska la as greatly in need of a
law ri forming the primaries aa Illi i-
nois la. No more barefaced frauda I
have ever been committed la any por-
tlon of the country than h vo boon
witnessed in Oaiaha. ' The disgust of
the m a tf reputable voters with the
w y In which the primaries are at pro-
aent conducted U aufliolcnt roaaon for
their regulation by law.
THE apoech of Sjnator Van Wyck
in favor of putting lumber on the
free Hat has attracted well deserved
attention. It ia a clear and forcible
cUtomont ( f the absurdity of putting
a premium on forpit destruction and
of taxing C2 C03 (00 people f jr the
benefit of a f w monopolists , The
sonntor'a arfjuinants carried conviction
to the nenato and resulted in the passage -
sago of hia rcHohitiou , Senatora In-
galle , Plumb nnd McD.ll voting with
h'in in it ) favor. 11 the running do-
bto with Mr. Conger , Senator Van
Wyck proved hlmsu f as ready In re
ply aa ho waa in statement. lie proved
that in eight yoats at the preaont rate
of destruction our plno forests would
bo exhausted nnd emphatically dii-
proved Mr. Cougar's assertion that
the Irg oamu in free by showing that
Canada imposed a duty on all lumber
exported while the United Statoa im
ponod n tariff on all imported. In
concluaion the senator made a vigor
ous plea for "tho treeless states , " In
cluding his oft n , which waa rocolvod
with applause and followed by the
passage tf tha resolution placing lam-
bor on the free list.
Ir S.'nator Van Wyck can vet my natls
faction Mil of It he i < welcome to Ir ,
KOB SAL ) . A court decision that didn't
work , nJ a boom that was too-two. It'-
Such wanton Insults to a republican
senator and the republican chit f jus
tice of the supreme court from aptpsr
that claims to bo the exponent of true
republicanism cm hardly tend to re
store harmony within the party. On
the contrary it it/fordo / proof positive
that party ia merely a convenient
cloak under which mercenary Hessians
in the pay of ojrpornto monopoly may
do their cowardly bushwhacking cf
public men who luva the moral cour *
ago to do their sworn duty.
GEN. MANDEIWON is the iirnt United
States senator oluctid in Nebraska
without > hn nsMstano1' ot democratic
votud. Wilbur Opposition.
This ii incorrect. Thayer and Tip-
ton , the first setmtora from this state ,
were elected by republic n votes ; Mr.
Tipton was ro-o'ojtol ' by republican
volcp , and Alvln Sounders was elected
ix your a ago without the naslstancoof
dumoorntia votos.
The eyes of Europe have boon fixed
on Franco for the past week , A now
ministry has been organized under M ,
Fdlllercr , and there are evidences
that the political cxcltt limit is subsid
ing. On Thursday tHe debate In the
chamber of deputies , upon the bills
providing for the expulsion of princely
pretenders , came off and the govern
ment seems to have won the day over
the radical element in the assembly.
The compromise meaanro as passed by
the chamber of deputies , deprives all
princes of their positions in the army ,
placing them permanently on the re
tired list , empoworo the president at
any tlmo to decree their expulsion and
enacts a penalty of imprisonment f jr
violation of the decree. In addition ,
it prohibits all princes from holding
civil or military service. It will
readily bo aeon how much more con
sorvfttivo thla measure is than the
original Floqnot resolution which
summarily expelled from Franco and
French territory all dynastic pretend
ors. Under the compromise measure
from which in the senate it is prob
able that the clause prohibiting civil
and military tflho holding will bo
further amended , the entire power of
expulsion ia left in the hands of the
government which will cxurclso its
discretion aa seems best under any
emergency which may arise.
Some excitement has bean created
on tin continent by the recent visit to
Austria of Do Giers , Raul in foreign
minister. It is generally bollovod to
bo significant of a coming division of
Turkey and an immediate settlement
cf the question of the Danubean
frontier. Austria ! said to bo
permitted to extend her frontier
southward , while KusiU ultimately 1
to add Bulgaria aud Raumella to ho
possessions. Lengthy interviews wen
hold with the Anstro-Hungarian f jr
olgn minister with the arihdukes
emperor and others. There Is an im
presslon th t Bismarck his been It ;
uorod In the matter , but his icfluonci
is likely to assert itself in the coming
conference at London upon the Dan
nboan question.
Now that Gambotta has gone , Bis
marck cm give both eyes to JgnatUfT ,
and it is the talk of the diplomats thai
thla astute , energetic and Irroprosslbl
etatetmin is to bo restored to power in
Russian affairs. Ho boa always had
the heart of the emperor and is adored
by the Russian nationalists Ho be
lieves in his country as Oavour bo
llovod In Italy , und ho has all the re
sources of Gambotta and Oavour for
the Titanic combat ho is aching to
wage with the foes cf his fatherland ,
Germany , Ejgland and Austria ,
Hitherto ho has been banished to quasi
retirement , In deference to the BUS-
capabilities of Berlin and London.
But , aa Price ) Bismarck has recently
expressed hia Indifference to hla res
toration , it ia very likely the Czir will
call upon hia favorite mlo'ter again
to attempt the reconciliation of the
popular party with the d ynaaty.
In Ireland Informtlon concerning
crimea is aaid to bo 'Doming in freely ,
and many warrants , are out for mem-
bora of secret organizitlona. The
government prjfeeses to have obtain
ed full confcr.siona of witnesses to the
Ptunix Park , Mountmorriaand Lord
Luitrltn murders. Btu the stories ( f
informers do not carry great weight
with fair minded men , and especially
where hoivy pecuniary rewards are
offered aa inducements to perjury ,
Sach glib testimony aa the Dublin
courts elicit on the so-called Fanmn
plots must bo taken with a great deal
tf allowance , The gnrrului young
womnu and circumstantial Infoniura
are ft class that may nlwrv > sbo nocimd
by Buflhiont inducement. The ntnff
rotailcd in the Kllmilnham shambles ,
Hi urday , any otiterptizini ; agency cm
procure at any tlmo. It must bo re
inomburbd , nhrn these startling
stories of premeditated and syotom-
izjd aisassmatlon nro dropped so trip
pingly from the witness * lips , that the
men who pretend to divnlgo them
claim to have been pant and parcel of
the miicroiuta who designated them ,
That alone is tufi'nient to d scredit
anything they narrate ; for , if a man
will loud himself to assassination , ho
will not bo apt to stop at porjnry f > r
the ble atakoa offered by the English
law tflbors.
Mr. Gladstone is atill taking his
vacation in the south of Franca and
will remain there until next week ,
when he will return in time for the
opening of parliament on the 15 , h.
Mr. Joseph Ohamberlain. In his ab
sence , has declared that Irish legisla
tion will occupy a largo portion ot the
attention of thn next session but that
the extension < f the fraoch'sa ' will alao
bo pushed forward. Granville haa in
formed the French mtalater that Great
Britain will maintain her position In
Egypt until the proper time for the
removal of the troops cornea , which ,
In the Iancuni > o of diplomacy , insy
moan nnj thing.
Italy acd Austria , never warm
friends , are jus1 ; now almost at swords'
points , The radicals if the peninsula
are extremely violent in their out
bursts ogdlnut thn government of
their accient northern oiiemy. The
bark of these people is notoriously
worse than tlioir bite , but the preen is
filled with their clamor , and jealousy
of Austria is certainly not confined
exclusively to them. The execution
of the , young assassin Oberdank , at
Trieste' , was the immediate cause cf
the proiont coolness. Italians of
every party nro generally agreed that
the panlshraont was too eovoro Had
Oberdank been spared from the scdf
fold for life imprisonment his name
would have boon forgotten bt fore lonp ,
just aa that of the incarcerated Pesaa-
nanto , who eoognt to kill King Hum
bert of Italy , Ima passed out of mem
ory , JJlt now Obordanlc is counted a
marlyr , Tlid were Wins of the em
peror of Acsirtft la fl lu nudi' ! ! to bo
now "more execrated ot Rome than
over before , " while it la eoborly
asserted by Italian radicals that if the
emperor were to visit Italy ho would
certainly be , to a ay the least , In
Dictator VointemllU has had bat a
brief taata of usurped power in Ecua
dor. Kntorprlsli g rivals huvo sprang
up on all bauds , uud the little republic
It ) aa animated as a disturbed ant hill.
Now governors have boon selected in
moat of the provinces , and such towns
as adhere to the usnrpar have boon
seized and made to Btiffjr the penalty
of the fealty to the obnoxious cause.
Military movements tf considerable-
importance are outlined , and the next
phase wo shall probably BOO will bo
the banishment or rummary deciplta-
lion of the savior i f society , an vein-
tomllla , in common with depredators
of hla class , claims to bo. The revo
lution may load to Uhi'lan ' intrigues fur
the perpetuation of the pretender , as
In the division and chaos of Its neigh
bora Ohlli hopes to arrive at the point
where she cm control all the South
American republics , as eho now eon
trols Bolivia and Porn.
A written November 13 ih by
our minister to Chili to Vice Presi
dent Montero of the Oaldoron government <
ornmont of Porn is published by the
atato department. Ic recites the faota
already known that Ohlli abandoned
previous demands , and consented to
make peace on the absslute cession of
Tarnpaoa as a war indemulty , Ohlli to
pay the debts of the province , and the
purchase of Taona and Arica for
810,000,000 in three equal annual
Installments. Thraa terms Ortldorou
has steadily refused , and Montoro has
not presumed to exceed the action of
his chief. Oalderou would not heil
tate at Tare pica , it seems , but does
not believe the people would assent to
the sale of Taoua and Arica. Minister
Logan argues elaborately the
right of the Pornvhu oxsca
live to make peace , without the
aid of the national congress , even to
the potnt of sequestrating territory
But Ohili had chosen to nonatruo
Montoro'a proclamation calling for the
election of a now congress as a dis
claimer of the executive authority , and
had therefore broken off all treaty
with Otlderon. Mr. Logan docs not
counsel in this letter that Montero re
tract his proclamation , or indeed pro
pose any course ol action , bat states
the facts , deplores the eternal disorder
of Peru , and Informs the vico-prosi *
dent of Bolivia's intention to make a
truce and very probably abandon the
alliance with Pern. Sloca the the
writing of this letter the Iglosias
movement seems to have died oat and
Pierola has not returned , while Boliv
ia has expressed her faithfulness to
her ally. Yet there is nothing cheer
ing In the condition of Rffilrs in the
laud of the IncM.
There his been a most gracious ex
change of letters between the Ger
man emperor and the pope , which
f ireihadows the repeal if obnoxious
ontl-Oithollo legislation. It would
greatly strengthen the hands of Ger
many nnd Amtro-llungary In the
event of war with Russia to have a
good understanding with the Catholic
Porn is evidently getting anxious
for peace. The assembly of what is
left of the country Is willing to accopl
any terms not absolutely fatal to
national indopondoncn and destructive
J to all resources of wt ilth and power.
Doecrtptlon of the Etiquette of Preel-
dontlal and Otllclal Parties.
SpeclM Cor. Bt. Lout Poit-Dtip th.
WAHUINOTOK , January 28. Iho
pant ton days have been very busj
ones In society , the most ao that the
aeaaan will soonond , for Lsnt will soou
cut short thofestlvitics. The ball atthe
British minister , the dinners at the
whlto house , the public reception by
the president , have boon in many re-
spcota very interesting events The
ousUuna of thesd etato dinners at the
whlto hriuiso sro nomewhat changed
under Pr. sidont Arthur. F.iruiorl )
the tast room wun uot much me' !
on these occasions , the guests bjlngr
culvcd by ttio president In that uluu
parlor , nnd thonc3 oicorted to ihb
state dining room. Now , howevar ,
the guc-Bts urn received iu tha can' ,
room , and cpend sumo time there before
fore going to the stntu dining room ,
promonuctiu/ slowly down the broitd
hall ua they paaa from the reception
room to tha tablu. The details of
these state events are qaito interest
ing , nud aa jour correspondent has ro
coutly had opportunity of witnessing
them it may uot bo inappropriate to
toll hnqr it id done. The tablea in the
Htato dining room in the white house
will aeat , by close crowding , thirly-aix
pooplo. This then is the limit ot the
number invited , and usually there are
not lesi than thirty on those occasions.
Whora it ia convenient to do so aa
many lidiea as gentlemen are invited ,
though . at diplomatic dinners , when all
the foreign ministers hero are to be
present , it is found impossible to seat
as many at the table as this plan
would require , BO that the rule is not
always followed. The table is usually
very handiomtl ? ornamented with
flowers , a huge floral design of some
sort appearing as a canter-piece and
smaller ones near the end. Two large
golden candelabra , or branching cm-
dle-atlcka holding perhipa a dozen
candles apiece , reminding ono very
much of the pictures of the "golden-
candle-sticks" in the old family bible ,
occupy places on the tab'o , ono at
either etd of tbo floral center-piece.
Those contain the finest of wax cau
dles , which are lighted just baforo din
ner begins. Near ttio ends of the
ublo are emillor cindolabra , with
perhaps a half dtzau cuidlus a piece ,
each having a little pink-lined shade
at th top , aupported by a silver rod
which clasps tbo handle near thn bet
torn , The plates are placed ' right
aide np oith care ' about thirty itches
apart around the table. On eaci
plato the napkin is laid , and on the
nupkln a bouquet for the ladies a
flat coraago bouquat cf rosebuds and
sometimes lilies if the valley ; for the
gmtlbinon usually a bint-la half-
opined rosebud Bealdo these lalnld
a curd , ono on each plato , and on it
the name ot the person who ia to alt
at thla placa. The head of the table
on those occasions is not at the end ,
but in tuo middle The seat occupied
by the president is half way up the
Bide of the table , at the next aide door
where the guests enter. The lady
whonl Ue escorts to dinner alia at his
right , and the honored guest on
tno ocowlon ta dtreotly oppoaito
the president , with his lady on his
right. Thoaoj who arrange the table
and the order in which the gaests sit ,
ofoonrno arrange BO that QonUoinan
and wife do net ait Bide by aide under
any circumstances. For Instance , if
Count LawcStefflpS should bo dolotrat-
totHjort Mr. Secretary Chandler ' < o
dinner it would bo'an unpardonable
error to designate to Secretary Chan
dler the secondseat , to the right of
that occupied by Count Lowonhnupt ,
for , aa the count'a partner , Mrs Char-
dlor would occupy the scat athla rlcht ,
that arrangement would bring Mrs.
Chandler and Mr. Chandler neighbor/ .
So that the person who arranges these
featurca of the dinners often fiada hia
tisk the "tiftoen-
quite as puzzling as -
fourteon" bralu rcckor of a
year or two ago. When the
arrangement for seating ia com
pleted and each person has boon as
signed to his place , a card is prepared
for each gentleman and placed in an
envoloro bearing hla name. On ono
side of this card ia a plan of the table ,
with each seat numbered. Oa the
other aide ia the name of the lady
whom he ia escort to the table , and
the numbers of the seats they are to
occupy. Tnose envelopes are handed
to the gentlemen aa they enter by a
gentlemanly usher named Allen , and
aa aoon as the gentleman haa "shed"
hla outer garments ho examines hia
card , onrsoa or blesses the fates
which have consigned him to an
uncongenial or congenial partner
for the evening , hlea him
to the east room , where , after
paying his respects to the president ,
ho hunta up the lady and propareo for
the evening. Meantime the famous
Marino band haa taken Its place in the
vestibule. After half an hour spent
in conversation iu the east room the
president gives the signal to an attend
ant , who passes it on to the band ,
whloh strikes up some appropriate
selection , and the president giving his
right arm to the lady whom ho la to
escort to dinner ) loads the way to the
dining rootn. Tno othora follow ,
each gentleman giving his arm
to the lady designated by hie
card. Tha president usually' takan
to the table the vifo
of the secretary of atato. The promenade
enado down the long hall to the dining
rocm Is vtry alow aud l a striking and
beautiful spectacle. The ladles , o'
course , all in evening costume , thi
tiandsomeat that money and ingenuity
can provide , and the gentlemen In
dress suits , the lights brilliant , the
hall lined with tropical plants , and the
rausio entrancing. Arriving at the
table the guests are seated in their
order , and inn dinner , which Ia usual
ly in twelve or fourteen coursea , with
a ha f dczan different wines , occupies
folly throe hour * , and it nuy bo added ,
is good.
John T. Berry , Esq , of Rocklana ,
Me. , President of the Lime Rjok Na
tional Bank , and of the Knox and
Lincoln railroad , aaya ho had ; the
rhcuuuticin in hla left foot and leg.
St. Jacobj Oil relieved him wonder
A Portable. Eleotrlo I < lght ,
Silenllflc Amerlcin , New York , Ecc. 1C , 1882.
A Portable Eleotrlo Lighter for
$5 CO Ia being extensively aold by the
Portable Elootm Light Co. , of 22
Water street , Boston. It ia an economical
nomical and aafo apparatus for light
ing for home and business purposes.
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciadca ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
Her * TJirnl , 8niFlltiic > . HprntnK , Hrullen ,
Iliirni , Hcnld * . trout Illloi ,
A D iti. omen miuiLT rms AID inim.
Sold by DructUti nd lfil r Iterfwhcre , PlftCenW ft
bottle. Dlr-tloDl In II LnKUief
Tin : ( itMii.m \OUKUU : ro.
Uilllnort , B. . , 1. S. A.
PERSONAL 'Tarts of the hu-ran body
enlarged , ' cM.lipcu anl ttro Ktho vil , " etc. , Is
an mtcrntlii' , ' al trtee > o/t Iu K r > n In our
piper In re pit to I iti rlcs wo lllny that
ttitro Is no t\i ion o ( humbug nb u' tilp. "n
the contrarj , I ho a < h ertl < rs ar \ crv Mg > ly In-
lor-Lil ItituriM ixl persons n ay get H al il 'Ir-
cu'ars ' RlvhiK all particulars , git luff nil partlcu-
lar' , l > y addr nsuu Krlo M > uical Co. , P. O. HJX
CIS. llutr.lo , N. Y. lo.ixlo MenUg lice.
In { Sir ; Kuf Uk tin
TutLe I ve OtnAfu SMO p. EJ. > nd 7 : < f . m.
Bat foil liiici niitlnn cull un I ) . P. IiKCKL. Ticket
Aijn-Jt , 14th ktid rnjru ete. , J , BLM , U. P
Ral"i < r 'iiT't r of
J.HMARS HAMOnoornl AGnt.
lilwaukee & St. Paul
In now running Its FAST EXPUESS TRAINS
Pullman's Mapiflcent Sleepers
Finest Dining Cars in the World.
Or to any point beyond ; or
Take tbo BEST ROUTE , the
Chicago , Milwaukee&St , PaulR'y
Ticket office located at corner Farnam and
Fourteenth streets and at U. F. Depot and at
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9Sco Tlmo Table In another column.
F. A. NASH , General Aront.
G. n. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha.
GcncralManaeer. General Pans. Agent ,
General Sup't , Ass't Gen , Paaa , Aijcnt.
ruusi r , Pa. , Janii ry 27 1R:3
Notice Uhir , by 4 lien that he parlnernhlp
heretofo eixlatln ; b tueen the undersencd , ( or
btock ( 'rowing purpose ! * , In Chcjcnne count } ,
Nebraska , hajbcoa thU day illtsocil by mu ual
consul . T H. LVWIIKSCE
J. H lcwim ! ,
\Voshl Ktou , December 30,1882 f
WnitRMg , By gatlsfactoiy evidence presented
to the underIgned , It haa been made to appear
HA , " In the clt ? tf Omaha , In the county of
Dougla- , and State of Ncbra * ' ha * cot piled
with all the Drovlsorscf the "Act of Congress
to erablo Na lonal Banking Associations to ex
tend their corpora'o existence and for other pur
pose , " approved July 12th , 1882
Now.liiKRuroRi , I , John J. Kaox , Comptroller
of the Currency , do hereby certify tint "The
First National Bank o ! Omaha , " In the city of
Omaha , in the county ot Doug a , and t tat ot
Ncbrask , is authorized to have successloi for the
rcnod specif ! ) d in In IU amndcJ articles of aeso
cia'ion.naiely , until thojcloso of bu.-lnBa en
December 31,1902.
IN TtSTIMONY WHEREOF , witness my Innd
tnd seal of office this 30th day of DeccnaberlS82.
, - -N , JCIINJ. KNIOC ,
t BRAI , [ Comptroller of the Currency ,
1 Y - ' No. 209 J n 4 im
Pauer Stock , Woolen Eags , Iron
Hlghent Frlcea Paid. Shipments from tbt
country solicited. KemitUuceo
OwAHA I Promntlv m Hn
2ECX OC fH 1K.'S3
oldest und most reliable
Ia North Om h . Voiy cholco
Moat , Poultry and Vegetables ,
& RTOEHM , Prf Motor ?
Silver Plated
DoorPJataaExtgravod to Ordar.
No. 600 N. 7th St. St L"-ii ! , Uo
Wr alesale and Retiil
Correct an'1 liable Waves a Specklty.
1222-Farnom St , Omnlta. Neb
Cill And look over my nuw store and aee
my new good .
1207 Farnam Stre t. 12U7.
Under the management of Mr , Kaliib.
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb ,
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
V/ll "I
It ia the boat nnd chenpont food for stock of any kind. Ono pound ia equal
o thruo pounds of corn. Stock fed \vith Ground Oil Cake in the fall and win-
er , instead of running down , will increase in weight and bo in good market *
bio condition in the spring. Dairymen ns well aa othora who use it can tea-
ify to its merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton ; no
iharge far sacks. Address
04-eod-mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob.
Druggists ,
The Original and Only Regular SEED HOUSE in Nebraska.
Aifr1 cultural * < . . .
' , W N. W. Cor. Hth
Vt'KCtab'e .
L.a and :
ftrest M , "
nor "
Grass , Dodge Streets
1 Omaha ob.
Wom keafpeclaltyof OnlonSecdB , Onl"n Sets , lll'-oOtos' , Tmothr , Red Alfalfn and Whll
lo\cr , OsaRoan Honey Locust. 1 calero aad Market Gardititr. will m\o money by kuvlizofui.
" , .
SS" end for Ca a o ue KllEE.
Hellman & Co.
301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor.
Association ,
Orders from any part of the State or the
Entire West will be promptly shipped :
All Our Goods arc Made to the Standard or our
Sole Agent for Omaha acd the West.
fflce Corner 13th ana Barney Streets , Omaha , Net ) .
WhiskieS !
in lend or Tree , Also diraot Importers of
Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine
Agents for Jos. Schlitz1 Milwaukee Beer ,
Bottled and in Kegs.
214 & 216 S , 14TH STMEf
, - - - OM4HA , FEB.
Carpenter's Materials
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window
and Door Frames , Etc.
Fint-clau facllitlee for tha Manufacture of all kinder of Moulding * , Painting and <
matching a Specialty. Orders from the country will b promptly executed ,
addreuall communication ! to A. MOYKK , Fropriet .