Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 03, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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ho Nebraska Hational Bank ,
Of Omahv Neb
Paid up Capital , - - $300,000
OriMio far business April 27,1683 , with thi
gcatca 'U ! u , MI nhcbrask * .
JOHNSON , President , cl 8t el , Johnson &
TOUZALIN , Vice Prudent , ol 0. , B * Q
K. K , Boston.
'W. V. MOUSE , of W. V. Mor e A Co.
JOHN 8. OOLLIN8 , ol 0. II. & J. S. ColUnt.
J , M. WOOLWOKTII , Councilor and Attorney
L. S. RKKt ) , ol Djton Reed & Co.
H. W. YATKS , CAshlor , late Cashier ol th First
National Dauk ol Omaha , connected with
'the active management ol that Bant ilnce 1U
onranliatton In lhC3
CotuinioNs tccelvn special attention anil char
-jea lowest obtainable here or elsewhere.
IflTtRiuT allowed on tlma deposit * upon ( aver <
able turns and upon accounts ol banks anil bank
II.FORiaas KxcrUNOi , noicrntncntBonds , and
County and City Securities bought and sold.
II iftproparrrU' ( ' general banklnu business
etin tadotallj , ant lu the treatment ol custom
all wllpursne tbs mail liberal policy consistent
with fate hftiiVInt
Special Dispatch to Tin tin.
NEW YORK , February 2
Money * 34 per cent.
Prune Mercantile Paper 54@6 per
Sterling Exchange Steady ; bankers1
bills at 84 82i ; demand , $4 86.
Governments Irregular , but in main
strong and J@4 Per ° ent higher.
Railroad Bonds Irregular on a small
volume of buamets. The net result of the
day's business on the stock market shows
a decline of 4@lg per cent , the latter
Omaha common ; Northwestern 18 per
cent lower ; Omaha preferred , 14 ; Micsonrl
Pacific , 11 ; Union Pacific , 14.
Yesterday. To-day.
S's 1044 101
5'a 103 ? 1031
4Va Coupons 1131 113
4fs , 1184 ll'JJ
Padfho'sof 1895 128 128
BO if Da.
Central Pacific firsts 1131 1133
Erie seconds 90j 9di
LehighVilkesbarre 103 ? 10 J
Louisiana couai'la 731 7.1
Missouri G's 110 110
Bt. Joseph 109 119
St. Paul & Sioux City firsU.tliS 113
Tennessee G's 45jf 444
do new 44 44
Texoa & Pacific land grants. . Sty 19
do K. G. div.HI TJl
Union Pacific 1st mortgage. Udjf 113
do land grants. . + U0 110
do sinking fund..lltt 118
Virginia 6'a W 3i
do consols G's 50 51
do deferred 12 } 121
Adams Express 134 134
Allegheny Central 11 If 1 'I
Alton & Terre llauts b ? G J
do pfd. . . . PG 95
' American Express 90 90i
JfF Burl. , Cedar Kapids & North. 83 83
a Canada Southern Gb GGJ
Col. , Cin. &Ind. Central..104 104
Central Pacific 83J 82 $
Chesapeake & Ohio 22J 22 *
do 1st pfd. . . 32 31 i
do 2d pfd. . . 254 25
Chicago & Alton 135 135
do pfd 140 140
Chi. , Burl. & Quinoy 1221 1214
ChL , St. L. & New Orleans. . 78 78
Cin. . Band. & Cleveland 48 4G
Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 78J 78
Delaware & Hudson canal. . . .10/6 10/6
Del. , Lack. & Western 125ft 121
Denver & Rio Grande 48 iKZ
Brio 38g 38j
do pfd 80 80
East Tennessee 91 9J
do preferred IGj IGj
Fort Wayne & Chicago 130 136
Hannibal & at. Joseph + 444 421
do pfd. . . 84i 84
Harlem 19G 1915
Houston & Tex AS Central. . . . 74 73
Illinois Central 14G 1458
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 301 294
Kansas&Texas 31W 174
Lake Erie & Western 2'Ji 281
X Lake Shore & Michigan So..109J Wfi
> Louisville & Nash villa 57 5GJ
Louisv. , New Alb. & Chicago G21 60
Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd 10 10
do do 2dpfd 54 54
Memphis & Charleston 45 45
Michigan Centrftl 914 94J
Minneapolis & St. Louis. . . . 2GJ 2i5j
do pfd. G 1 G0 {
Missouri Pacific 1023 101 i
Mobile & Ohio 118 118
Manhattan Beach. 122 lKJ !
Morris & Essex G2 Gil
New Jersey Central 72 72
Nashville & Chattanooga 45 -1 4
Northern Pacific 49 48 ]
do pfd 818 bl
Northwestern 12'Jf ' 1283
do pfd I4r > j 145
New York Central 15 $ 125
Ohio Central 12
Ohio & ilissiosippl 31 32
do pfd 90 94
Ontario & Western 26J 251
Oregon Transcontinental Sii 81J
Pacific Mail 49 41
Panama. 1G7 1G7
Peoria , Decatur & Evansv..124 123J
Pittsburgft Cleveland 140 1411
Pullman Palace Oir. 123 nl20J
Reading 54J 5 ?
Rock Island 123 122- |
Bt. Louts & San Fran 304 -'Ji
do pfd. . . . fil 504
do 1st pfot9G 90
St. Paul & Milwaukee 1059 1014
do pfd..ll ! 4 119
Bt. Paul , Minn. A Manitoba. 142 142
Bt. Paul & Omaha 45g 4bJ
da pfd 10IIJ 105
Texas & Pacific 139J 39
. * . Union Pacific 9S5 978
United States Express G3 G3
Wabwh , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 3.1 31J
do pfd. 534 52i
Welb , Fargo & Co. Express.124 121
Western Union Telegraph. . . 816 80jj
Caribou If 11
Central Arizona 1 i
Excelsior 1 1
Homestake 17 17 j
Little Plttsburg 1 1
Ontario 31 32
Qulckeilvor 8 8
do pfd S9 41
Robinson 1 1
BllverCHff i i
South Pacific 8
Standard 5 54
Bntro J J
Offered. fEx. Interest. JAsked. | ] Kx.
Ipoclal Dispatch to Tin Bn
LONDON , February 2. 5 p. m.-
United States Railroad Securities
Illinois Central , 1501 ; Pennsyhanla Cen
tral , G2J ; New York Central , 129f ; Erie ,
39J { Ktie , seconds , 99J ; ] { eading , 28J.
Special Dispatches to TQI Un.
OIIIOAQO , Febiuary 2. KJour Steady
common to choice aprlnf , ' , 3 60@l 7J
Minnesota , 3 604 23j bakers' , 4 25'3
* patents' B 607 25 winter , 4 ( ,0
Wheat Demand active and prices hnvi
txlvanced ; resul.r. 1 05g@l 05 for Feb
? 0i [ 1 Opjl OC | tor March ; 1 07J ( o
AprU } 1118@111J ( or M yi & > . 2 Ch !
c go iirDB ! , 1 C.Jai . ( O'.Jj No. 3 Chicago
priog , SSr ; No. 2 ret winter , 1 O.t ) .
Cora 1) mnnl actlvo nnd times IIOTO
advance Is fif j" arCo for caahj 'Cj for FeS
rmrj ; 6CC $ BtiJo for Mnrcb ; 5SJ@8io ] fur
O -Firmer ; 37 Ja for .
for Febitiary ; 37i'g37i5. ( ! ) for Miru't ;
fur April ; 4131 > r May ! 89ft@3Jjo | for
Barley Dull Hud nominal ; 82@83i
FHX | cietd Finrer ; 1 Ssjfjll 29.
Dcs ud HotH Setdjj ; light , 7 SO ;
ha ivy , 7 50755.
1'iirlc Actlvt ) , hrtn and higher ; 1800 bid
nd 18 05 Ued for oii h and F hruar ) ;
14 l)5@18 ) 074 for Match ; 18 3 > @ 1H 374 for
Ap'll ; 1855 for May ; 18 G5 for Jtiue ;
18 70t ( ( 18 75 for July.
L ml Active , firm and higher ; 11 20 for
owh nnd February : tl S\ for Mutch ; 11 45
@ 11 474 f' > r April : 11174@ll GO for Maj ;
11 GO jll tiJJ tor Juno.
Kiilk Meau In fnir demand ; fihoulilers ,
G 8ri ; fhort rib , 9 30 ; short clear , 9 55.
Butler Dull : tulr to fancy croimory ,
25a35c ( ; ; uooj to fmiry Hairy , i0283 !
Kvifj Liwer25 ; ( ii2Gj.
Whhkv Steudi : 1 10.
i CALL BOAHD. . . > . Wheat Active and firm ;
Corn Active and firm ; advanced
Oats Ac'lye ' and firm ; adanced tic. ) |
1'ork-S'rouR and higher ; 18 30 for t'e
ruarv ; 18 fi5 for Mmch ; 18 80 bid for April ;
18 80 for May ; 18 824 for June.
Lard Active , nrin and higher ; 11 324 ®
11374 fur Febitmry ; 11476 for Mn/ih :
11 65 for April ; 11 70 for May ; 11 ti ) @
11 70 for June.
NKW YORK , February 2.Flonr Firm ;
superllno atata and western , 3 40@3 75 ;
common to good extra western. 3 7 > r > ! gi4 60 ;
good to choice , 4 C0@7 00 ; white wheat ,
extra , G 25@7 JF > : extra Ohio , 3 00@7 00 ;
St. Louis , 3 90@7 25 ; Micueesta patent
process , 5 G0@8 CO.
\Vhe t Cnah gradee , io higher ; option ? ,
y@Jo higher ; No. 2 spiiiiR , 1 10 ; ungradeJ
red , 1 01@1 22 ; No 3 rod , 1 144 ; steamer
No. 2 rtd , 115 ; No. 2 red , 1 174@l 19 ;
No. 1 rrd , 1 21i@lVlS ; unRrnded white ,
1 07@l 2liNo. ; 1 white , 3.0CO bushels sold
at 1 1C ; No. 2 red for Februaiy , BC8 000
busheli eold at 1 173 © ! 18& , closing at
I ISi ; do for March , I,5j4,000 hu-hels sold
at 1 101 I'Ji , closing nt 1 10 ; do. for
April , 8(0,000 ( buehel sold at 1 1 ! < @ 1 2tj ,
closing at 1 21Jdo ; for May , 1.17G.OIX ) bush
els Bold at 1 2-l 22g , cloning ut 1 22g
Corn J@lc bettor ; utmrade'I. 63a71c ;
No. 3 , Glj3ateauierG4@G9tc < ; ; No. 2 ,
683@68fo ] In elevator. 70&704) delivered ;
old No , 2. 701 in store ; No. 2 tor February ,
684@G Jj , closing atOj5 : ; do. for March ,
C9MC9jc , closing at C9jc ; do. for April ,
C94 CUge , doping at Gyjc ; do. for May ,
G7i' u3e , closins nt C34u ,
Oats Jfoilo bi htr : mixed western , 45@
49c ; Vfhitt ) western , 48@52e.
Hay-Quiet , but firm ; CiifSCnc.
1 * Freeh western , quiet , but steady ;
Pork Strong nnd higher ; now tne p ,
1875@1900 ; February and Murch , li 20 ;
April , 1940 ; May , I960.
15eef-Q net but Dte-idy ; 18 T0@18 25
Cut Meats Firm ; long clear middles ,
9 f > 0.
Lard Excited ; prime Hteutn , II 40 ; Feb
ruary , 1140@1I67 ; March , ll4n@UGl ;
Ap'ril , 1150041173 ; M.y , lltO@1181 ;
June , 11 61@11 8i : July , 11 G3@ll 85 ;
August. 11 G4ffll ( 7G.
Butter-Quiet , but s endy ; 1G@40.\
Cheeic Dull ; tvisttrn fUt , 7@131c.
8T. LODI3.
Sr. Louis , February 2. Flour Firm ;
family , 4 21 @ 4 35 ; choice , 4 75@4 83 ;
fancy , 4 95@5 00.
Whe it Higher ; No. 2 rod fall , 1 07 ®
1 07S fnr cash ; 1 0y@l C9 for February ;
108I@llOi for Mirch ; 1 J14@l lift for
April ; 1 1 @ 1 13J for May ; No. 3 red
lull , 97a9JJo (
Corn Higher ; 49Jo for cash , 49J@19Ji
for February ; hO ? a.51o for Marcb ; 52i
fi . ' 4o for Aoril ; 63 | O,533c for May.
Oata-Higher ; 38@383o for cash ; SSJ ®
SPJo for May.
llye-Uigher ; HSJo bid
Barley Steady ; Gi@85f.
Corn Meal-Firm ; 2 45@2 50.
Butter Steady ; dairy , 23@28c ; cream
ery , i8@3Jc.
EeBSte dy ; 22c.
Whisky-Steady ; 1 14.
Pork -Higher ; 1775 for cish and bid
far Murch ,
Bulk Moats Higher , hut slow ; short
rib , 9 00 ; short clear , 9 25.
Jbacoa Firm ; abort rib , 10 124 ; > hort
clear , 10 M.
Lrd Nominal ; 1090.
1094 for February ! 1 11J for March ; 1 123
bid tor April ; 1 14 for Muy.
Com Firm and it snade belter ; f > 0i bid
far February ; bid for March ; T > 24c for
April ; C33o for May.
Oats Firm , but slow ; 3Sj for Febru
ary ; 39c bid for March ; 40@10Jo for
May ,
KANSAS CITY , February 2. Wheat-
Pin No. 2 red , 89 $ ) for cash ; 01 91 jo
for March ; 95j tor May.
Corn Higher ; 42o lor cash ; [ 4"o bid
for March : 44 $ 3 bid for May.
O Us ; 34 ] 5 BH'ed for cash.
Butter Steadj ; dairy , 23@2ic ; cream-
cry. 30 ( 38e.
Eggs Firm and active ; 27c.
.pedal Dispatches to Tun B .
OaiOAGo , February 2 The Drovers'
curnal ri'Drtt an follnwe :
HOXH-Trade Rctiye and generally n
.hade . higher ; quality very geol ; f , ncy
'hilAdelpnia yn\ien sold at 7 20&7 25 ;
; oed to choice heavy , G 70@7 15 ; common
o peed mixed lota. G 20 ( 0 00 ; licht bacon
[ rules , G 20@G 75 , moatly at G 60@G 70 ;
kips , 5 OJ@G 00.
Cattle Trains delayed by snow storm ; ;
ttronger aud 5 iClO : uighor ; trade rather
ilow oa account of limited olFarings ; com
mon to choice shipoint ; , 4 25@G 50 ; butch-
irri aud cannijir , 2 uO@l 50 ; btockora and
'eedere , 3 30r5J4 CD.
Sheep OlferingH liberal nnd demand
moderate ; vlnn eteu.iyj common to
[ ) rim . 3 G0@5 GJ , with the bulk at 4 50
@ 500.
NEW YORK , Fe rnary 2. The Droveri1
Journal Bureau reports :
Beeves Firmer and aHout ? 1 per head
higher , but very dull , with brtly clearances -
ances ; poor to prime steers nold at 5 OO'gl
G 30 per cwt ; topi gold st G 40@G 55 ; ex
porters uied r > ! c r loa Js aud paid 5 70@
5 90 for fair steers.
Sheep Slow trade and a fraction lower
'or ordinary and c > mmon ; extremes : 4 50
( IzG 50 per cwt for ( he p : G 25 g7 50 for
lambs ; general sale * , 5 50@6 00 f ) r theep ;
7 00 ( 7 25 for hinbi ,
Swine Firmer frtdlnK ! good western
licga wanted at 7 00@7 10 per cwt.
HT. LoniH , February 2. Cattle-Finn
on light supply nud demand good for all
good grades ; txporU , 6 60@5 75 ; good to
cho'ce ' shipping steers , 5 00@5 50 ; light ,
4 50 0,5 00 ; cnmmun tn lair butchers'
stoak,3 2rji43 75 ; good to choice butchers'
stock , 4 00@4 50 ; Btockera and feeder * ,
3 50@4 25.
Sheep Freih arrivals few. but pens
pretty full of Ktale stock , which doesnt
go oif very briskly ; common to medium ,
2 10 ( < 53 50 ; fair nd pee J , 3 75@ 1 50 ]
choice to fancy , i 7 < > @ 5 25.
Hogs Strong and hfphor : Yorkerf ,
G : < 5@G 50 ; packing , G 10&G GO ; butchers
to extra , G50@G8j.
1CANHA8 CITV , Febrttsry 2 The LIvi
Stock Indicator rspoita :
Cattle Firm ; nativeJUecr ? , 4 75 ® " " 23
cow , 275 375 ; , stoclierj and feeders
3 75 ( 1 CD.
Hogs Light to extra heavy , 585(5,085 (
Sheep Stoaiiy ; natlv.m frum 70 to 91
pounds sold at 300 390.
Special Dispatches to Tui On.
Nrw YORK , February 2. Coffee-
Quiet ; Ilio cargoes quoted at 8&9c.
Sngar Quiet : fIr lo gowl rcfiniug
quoted at b } < l OJo.
MolansoH-Q > iiet : KPW Otlenn * . 40(301c ( ;
Porto KIco , 40T > 3c ; KnglUu IiUudtt , 40
@ 13c.
Hico-Stcady ; dorceitic , r > i7 ; Kin
goon , 24o 1 ° boud ,
1'otruionm Market dull ; UnUvil , I 02J }
crmlo , 7@"ic ; rolliipil. "i/WiSe. /
T. llow - atoidy ; 88C * 8 7-ltia.
Rosin-Quiet hut nun ; t Wall G7J.
TtirpenUt u Htrougui ; 534@5 Ic.
Lend Quiet hut i-ttvvl ) ; common , 4 70
(54 ( " 5 ; rctmod , 4 70@4 8J.
LOSDOK , Fcbmwy -SiKar-Cdntrlfti- -
K l. 22 , Gjd22) ( ; U < : Muscovado , Mbit , 20s.
Whale Oil-I8S30j.
SjirllsTurpuutiuB 37s 9J@38 ,
$ | wi l DUpatchcs to Till Hit.
CHICAGO , Fobrmry 2 Recelnta nnd
OiipinouU of flour nnd grain for tbo past
24 hours havn been ni follows :
Recflnt * . Ship'te.
Flour bl'ln 11000 MO
Wheat bushels 18 000 G , " > OJ
Corn " 20.UOO 3.8JO
Oits " G4000 750
Rye " ,30J . . .
Barley- " 47,000 3,800
NEW YOBK , February 2 , Receipt * and
shipments of Hour and grain for the past
24 hours have been as follows :
Receipts ShpV
Flonr-bbiB 31.000 2700
Wheat bushels V7,5)0 ! ( ) 1 OS 0.0
Corn " GO 000 77.UCO
Data " 21.GOO
Sr , LODIB , February 2. Receipts and
shipments of tlour and grain for the past
24 hours have been as follows :
Receipts. Shlp'ts
Flour bbls 7,000 6,000
Wheat bushel 28,000 28,000
Corn " 80.000 64,000
Oats- " i2,005
Rye- " 1,000
Barley- " 7,003
KANBAB Cm , February 2. Receipt *
and shipments of grain fet the past 24
hours have boon aa follows :
Reo'ts. Shlp'U
Wheat , bushels 14,000 12,000
Corn " 51,000 4G.OO )
CHICAGO , February 2. Reoelpta nnd
shipment * of live stock for the past 21
hours have been as follows :
Reo'to. Shipm't-
Hogs 10,000 4,200
Oattlo 4,500 2,80) )
Sheep 4.000 1,400
New YOUK , February 2. Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the pant 21
hems have been as follows :
Rec'tn. Ship'tn
Hogs 5900
Cattle 1,525 ' 700
Sheep 3,81)0 ) . . .
B-efqrs 'G.OSO
Mutton , carcafsea * l/ljO
Including to-morrow.
ST. LOUIB , Feiruiry 2. Receipt * nnd
shipments of live stock for the past 24
hour * have been as follows :
IWti. Shlpm't.
Hogs 2nro 1,300
Oattla SOU 40
Sheep 200 150
KANSAS CITT , February 2 , Hecelptp
and shipments ot live stock , lor the piut 2-1
hours have been as follown :
Rec'ta. Shlpm'ts.
Hogs 5FO ) . . . .
Cattle 703
Sheep iOO
Wholowilo I'rloea.
Friday Evening , February 2 J
The only changes reported in the market
to-day ar < 3 as follows :
Wheat , No. 2 advanced Jc.
Barley No. 2 advanced Ic ,
Corn advanced &c.
Liocal Grain Deallnga.
WHEAT.-Cosh No. 2 , 674o ; cash No.
70c ; rejected , 48o.
BARLEY. Cash No. 2 , 73o ; No. 8
RYE-Canh. 49o.
OATS 35c.
SEEDS Flax need 96o per bu.
Produce and Provisions.
POTATOES 50@GOo per bushel.
ONIONS-50@55o per bushel.
BUTTEKChoico country. 2025o.
KGGS 25o picked ; fresh , 28@30c.
HONEY Callforaia. per lo. 2t.
APPLES Per barrel , § 3 00 8 25.
OYSTEUS-Booth'a and Plait's R.-lect .
sterR , 40o' Stan'lard ' , 30 ; modiumu , 25.
LEMONS- 25@4 50 per box.
BKANP Navy per bushel , 2 75@3 00.
TURKEYS-15@lCo per pound.
Grocers List
CANNED GOODS Oyntern , ' . ' . Ib
[ Field's ) , per cane , 04 00 ; do 1 Ih ( Field1 j ) ,
- > er case , 2 75 ; dp 2 It > ( Standard ) , per cnso ,
90 ; strawborriiiH , 2 Ib , per case , 2 40 ,
aepberrlea , 2 It ) , per cane , 3 5' ' ) . Dam-
one , 2 ID , per cnae , 2 45 , Bartlett
< ears par cajo , 2 40. Whortleberries
> er cane , 275. Egg plums,2 Ib perdue , ? 90 ;
jrrorn gages/J Ib per case , 2 90 ; do choice , ,
1) i > cr cane i 50 , Pine Apples , 2 Iti , per case
tfOB ( 75. Peaches , 2 Ib per case , fl 00 ;
lo 3 Ib , case , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 8 Ib , per
aue.230 ; do pie. 6 Ih , per dozen. 2 30.
FLOUR Jobbing pricea , Jack Frost
It. Louis winter ) $3.90 per 100 Ilia. ; To-
eka Patent Kansas , 33.85 : Minnehaba ,
rlinnesota Patent , $3.70 ; Shawnee Fancy
irlntor , 83.10 ; Eagle , XXXX winter ,
3.00 ; Triumph spring , best , $2.80 ; Chris-
tan's superlative. 3.G5 ; bran , per ton ,
:14.00 : ; chopped feed. (28.00 ; Queen Bee
lour , per sack , 3 25 ; Nellie iilye , per sack
aUGARS-Powdered , lOJc : Cut loaf ,
OJc ; Granulated , 9o : Confectinuere' A ,
Standard Extro C , 8 c ; Extra 0 ,
ic ; medium yellow , 74o ; dark yellow , 7Jc.
SYRUP Standard Com. , SGo , Dbla. ;
Standard do , 44 gallon koRB. JJ1 90 ; Stan-
'ard do , 4 gallon kegf , 81 70.
MEATS Hams per Ib. , 124c ; Bbaoon
, > er Ib , , 13c ; clear eido bacon per Ib , He ;
dry salt tides per Ih , , 9Jc ; dry salt shoul-
lorn peril'Jc ; bacon shouldera per Ib. ,
* c ; tierce lard per Ib. ; lie.
rtPIOES. Pepixsr , Vl | Allspice , 18j ;
Jioves , 35o ; Nutmegs , SI 00 ; ( Jk.M < -a,2ic :
Mase 8100.
L \RD-Oraaha Refininin ? Co. : Tierces ,
Uu ; 40 and 50-lb cans , lljc ; 20-lb cans ,
2lc ; 10-lb palls , screv/ top , 12c ; 5-1 b do ,
lie ; 3 Ib do , 12Jc.
KICK Louisiana prime to choice , 54 ft
'o : fair , 0170 ; Patina , Gfcc.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brla , G 75 ;
No. 1 niKckerol , kits , 1 00 ; family mack
erel , half brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kits ,
85c ; No. 1 white fish , half brio , G 00 ; No. 1
oOKFL e. Kio , talr , 104 1 Ulo , ,5000
lie ; prime to choice , llj to 12o ; Old gov't
Java ; 2C4illc,2 ! Mocha , 2S4o ; ArbuoHe'i ,
UHEKS2 Full Cream , 14ci Parl
dklm , 104o.
LYE American , 3 8ri ; Greenwich , 3 40
Weatern , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis1
lye , 4 GO ; Jewell lye , 2 7& .
FEED Jobbing prices , Chop feed
81.50 per 100 Ibo. ; chop corn , 81.40 ; bran ,
70o per 100 Ibu.
HOMINY New , 31 25 per bbl ,
SOD A lu Ib papers , 53.20 per case ; kci
ioda. 2Jc.
NIi\V PIOKLES-.Modlum , In b rrel
8700 ; do in half bblu. 4 OOjsnulln , in bbln
900 do , in halfbhla , 500 ; gherVlru , li
bblH. 11 00 ; do , in half bbli , G 00.
HTAKOH.-Pearl , 44c ; ailver Ulos
gjo ; Com Starch , 3jc ; ExceUIoraioM
7c ; Com , 74c.
TEAS .Uunpowder , good , 4I5@CS
Choice , 60@75c ; Impsrial , good , 40)15c
Chnlot G0@76c ; Young Hyuon , good.86j (
' < 0e ; choice , 65c@51 0-J ; Japan Nat LM !
lrici Japan , choice , G075c ; Oolong , good
85@40 ; Oolong , , 40'a GHt Bouchonc
Kood. 3510c ; choice , 35g45o. (
ROPE Sisal , Inch and Urger , 104 <
linoh , lie : i inch , 114c.
WOODEN\VARK Two hoop p Ui
I 75 ; throe hoop palls , 2 00. Tub * . No.
1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 N > Double
Crewn290Vollbuokcts , SCO ,
LKAD Bar , 81 CD.
VINEGAR Pure pplo extra , 16oi
pure apple , 13c : Prumlns wire anole , IGo.
BALT.-Uroy load * , i > or bbl , 1 G5 ; Ash-
ton , In sao kg , 3 50 ; bbln dairy CO , 5s , 3 60
BOAl'S KlrVi Savon Imperial , 8 > ;
Kirk'a iMInnt , 3 60Klrk' ' standard. 3 75 ;
Kirk's white Russian. 525 : Kirk's
Kutoro , 316 Kirk'a Prairie Queen ,
(100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia dot. ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cant , 4 cow ,
In CAM , 3 85 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 dot. la ca e ,
I 90 : Anchor Boll 2 do * In casa 1 N ) .
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red 'irn-
nossoe , lOopor Ib ; fancy white , 104c pnrlbj
raw whlto Virginia raw , 10o | routed ,
CANDLES Boxw , 40 Ibs.K'B , 15fc ; 8 ,
15Jc ; Ixxufl 40 Ibs. , 10 oz. , Gs , 15Jo.
AlATOHKb Per caddie , 95oj ronnd ,
JMW , W 10 ; nquftw , orwrr , rw 40.
Dry Uoodi.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , % ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , c ; Boott
FF , 8 c ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W ,
7ic : Cuittcnango A , file ; Uroat Fi.lla K ,
! jc ; Horsier , file ; Honest Width , SJc , Iu-
Jiaa Head A , 840 ; Indian Standard A ,
83i' ; Indian Orchard d. w. , SJc ; Lawrence
LL , 7c ; Mystic River , 74c ; Pequot A , SJcj
Shawinut LL , 7o ; Utlco 0 , 5jo ; Wachuu-
ott B , 74o ; do A , 84o ; do B 48,12jc ; Wai-
colt BB. 8Ao.
' 4 : 74o ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Je ;
Atlantic LL , r 4c ; Badger Statn X 4-4 , 7oj
Bennington 0 4-4 , Go ; Buckeye S. 4-4,6ico
Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , 84o ; Loconla 0
J9 , 8to ; Lehlgh E 4-4 , 94o ; Lousdale4.1 ,
lOc ; Pcpperell N 80 , 7o : do O 32 , 7Jc ; do It
30. 7Jc ; do E 39. 84o ; Pooawet 0 4.4 , 7 c ;
gin L 4-4,94oBlackstonoAA Imperial 8jc ;
do do half bleached 4-4,9cj Cabot 4-1,8 } ;
rideHty4-4 , 94cFrult ; of thoLoom,94 ; do
can.brIc4.4,12JcdoWatorTwlst,104cjUreat ;
Falls Q , 94o ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12o ;
Loiisdale , lOo ; do cambric 37 , 12Jo ; New
York Mills. 124c ; Pequot A,10c ; Popperel
N G Twills , 124ci Pocahontao M , 9Jo ;
Pocosaot 4-4 , Sic ; Utloo , llo | Wainiutta
0 X X , 124c.
UUCKS Colored ) Albany K brown.
8c ; do O , drab , lie ; do X-A. stripes and
plaids , 124o ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes and plaids , 12Jo ; Arlington fancy ,
1'Je ; Brunswick brown , 84o ; Chariot fancy
I24o ; do extra heavy , 20o ; Fall Itivcr
brown , extra heavy , 114c ; Indiana A
brown 1X < " NoDonset A brown , 15o
TlCK-liNUs Affloskeag A C A S3
19c ; do XX bluoi 32 , 184o ; Arrowacca ,
94o ; Claremont B B , 154o _ : Coucstoga ex
tra , 174c : Hamilton D , lljo Lewistou A
30 , 15c ; Mlnuohaha 4-4. 20o ; Omega super
extra 428o ; Pearl River 32 , IGlo ; Putnam -
nam XX blue stripe , 12o ; Shetuckot S' '
104c ; do SS 12c ; Yooman'a blue 2'J , 9c
DENIMS. Amoskoak , blueind broun
104o ; Andover DD blue , 154c ; ArHcgX
blue Scotch , ISJic ; Concord OOO , blue aw
brown , 124o ; do AAA , do do 131 ; doXXto
Jo do 11 Jo Huyninker'fl blue and brown ,
94c ; MyHtio River DD stripe , IGJc ; I'onri
Hiver , uluo and brown , IGc ; Unca8\lllc ,
blue and brown , 144r.
CAMBRICS Banmrd , 'lie ' ; Eddyutono'
lining , Zl Inch double face , 8jo ; Uarnor A
glared , rjc ; Manhattan glove finish , 5Jo
awj.wrt do Go ; do glazed , 62c | Pequot do
; Ivocltwood kid finish Go.
CORSET JEANS Ainory , BcjAudros
oggin toUoon SJc ; Clareudcu , Gjc ; Cones
n Hattcens , 7ic ; Hallotrel , He ; lu dl
rclmrd 7io ; Narriganjottlmprove'ic
miiiorill Buttmn 9 n ; Uockport , 7 o
PRINTS-Aliens , 64o ; Auioncan , 6 0 ;
mold , 7o ; Bonvlck , 4jo ? ; Cochcco , 7cj
: a. G4c ; Duukirk , ; Duunell ,
Wi . Eddyntono. 7c ; Gbucoater , GCJ
armony , 54c ; Knickerbocker , GJo ; Mor
OG D. 7c ; Mystic , 6Jo ; Spra ucd , Go ;
> outhbrdge ! , Gc ; do. Ginghams ; Murl-
ere , 5Jc ; Orlentul G o ,
GINGHAMS Am keag. 12Jci Amos-
eeg dreso 9J | Argryle , lHc ( : Atlantic ,
c ; Cumberland , 74o ; HighlDncl , 7Jc ;
Kenilwortb , 8Jc ; Plus kett , lOioj Sns
c. 8c
COTTONADE3 Abbervillo 134o
.gate , 2Go ; American , llo : Artialan , 20s ;
airo D and T , ISJo ; Clarion D and T ,
74c ; Doccan Co. stripes DondT , IGo ; Key-
tone , 134c ; Nantucket , IBff 'VT npareil ,
Go ; Ocean D and T , 134o ; Royal , 164)
uasex , 12c ; Tioga , 124c ; .Waohutett ahirt-
a ? : hpcko , 124c ; do , Nankin , 12Jo ; York ,
lalb Nankin. 124o ; do.oheoki , stripes and
, ney , 12 0 ! do , 8 oz 20c ,
aHEETINGS-AndroscoGifln 10-4a74c !
i 9.4 , 23c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C
2 , lie , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New
rork raills98 , 35o ; do 78 , SOo ; do 6S. 22Jc ,
ombrjlre 10-4 , , ! i5o ; Pequot 10-4 , 28Jc , do
4 , 19o do 19 , Ifio ; Pepperell t9G , 29o
o 67. 21cdo ; 57 , 18o ; Ut2ca 90 , 3Go ; do
8 , 224o ; do 48.17c.
P lnti Oils nd VarnlihM
OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon ,
2c ; 150 * headlight , per gallon ,
4c : 17M headlight , per gallon , 19c ;
50' Water White , 18c ; linseed ,
ntr , per gallon , ? 3 ; linseed , bollo'l ,
cr gallon , TGs ; Urd , winter str'd , per gal ,
on , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 75c ; castor ,
XXX. pr gallon , 1 25 ; No. 3 , 1 20 ; sweet ,
> or gallon. 85c ; Bporm , W , B. , per gallon-
76 ; &ih , w. B. , per gallon , GOc ; noatsfoot ,
xtra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , 65o ; lubri-
atlng , zero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , 15c ,
olden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 85c ; No.
30 : sperm , uignal , per gallon , 80o ; tur-
utinc , per gallon , Gac ; nuptha , 71' , per
allen , 18c : 64 ,17o
PAINTS IN OIl-Whlto load , Omahr ,
\ P. . Glc ; white load , St. Louis , pure , Gjj < i ;
Irirseilles ( jreen , 1 to 5 Ib oano , 20o
'rench ' zlno , giaen seal , 12o ; Freiiob zinc ,
ed seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish asst ,
Oc : French zlnoc , in oil aest 15o ; Raw
ad burnt umber , 1 lu cans 12o ; raw and
unit Sienna , 13c : vandyke brown ,
efined lampblack. 12c ; coach black and
"ory black , IGoj drop bla < k , IGc ; Prussian
lue , SOo ; ultramarine blue , 18o ] ohn'inc
reen , L. M , & D. , llcjblind and shutter
roen , L. M , & D , , Me ; Paris green , 18oj
ndlan rod , 15c : Venetian rod. 9c ; Tuscan
rt > , 22c ; Amerlcnu Vormillod , I. ft P. , 18c |
hrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D 0. , 18c ;
ellov/ ochre , 9c ; gel inn ochre , 18 ; pateui
JjT cr , 8c ; graining colors : light oak , darli
fit : . walnut , < Nhcstnut and aeh 15o ,
Ort ° lnt
Whlto load , 74o ; French zinc , lOci Par
whitolui ; 2Jr ; whiting gildors. IJo ;
v > hlting coru'l , lie ; lumpblnck Gormau <
town , 14c ; Umphl'iok , ordinary , lOc ; Prun.
Inn blue , 55o ; ultramarinci , 18c ; Vandyke
: < -own , 8c ; umber , burut , 4 : ; nmbor , ran
ojelenni. , burn t , ic ; sienna , raw , 4c
'aria green genuine , 25c ; Paris green com
20u ; chrome grudii , N , Y. ' 20c ; ohron
, ; reen K. , 12c ; voruiillion , Eng. , 70c ; voi
ndlliou , America , ISo ; Indiau red , 10 (
roue pink , 14c ; venetlau read , Coktifloa <
? Jo : voiiotlan red Am. , We ; roi lead , 7ic
chrome yellow , genuine , 20o brome yel
low , K : , 12c ; oohro , rochelle 3c ; ochrt
French , 23c ; ochre , American , 2c
Wititora mineral. 240 ; lahlgb brown. 24o
spAninh brown , 2\ \ ( . ; 1'rlneo's mlnoral Sc
VARNISHEa-Barrels per ( rAllon
Furniture , extra , $1 10 ; furniture , No. 1
81 ; coach , tixtra , 81 40 ; oonh , No. 1
91 20 ; Damar , extra , 01 75 ] apan , 70c ; as
phalturn , extra , 85c ; khella 83 50) ) ban
oil flnifih , 81 0
rteavy Hardware Lilt ,
Iron , rate * , 33 10 ; plow steel , specie
cast , 7o ; crucible , 80 ; special or German , 6c
cant tool do , 15B20 ( wagon opokea , sel
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per sot , 1 25 ; felloes , aawe
dry. 1 40 ; tonguoa , each , 70@85c ; tvxloi
each , 75c ; Bnuaro uutR , per Ib , 7llc
wofhora. per Ib. 8@18c : rivets , per Ib , 11 <
cell chain , per Ib , C@12c ; malleable , 8c
Iron wedges , Go ; crowbars , Go ; harroi
teeth , 4o ; norB ? ahons , per keg , 5 00 ; eprln
stcol , 7@ o ; Burden B horjeshoiir , C5 (
Burdcn'n mulealioos. G 50
SHOT , Shot , 81.85 ; Buck hot , C2.1 (
Oriental Powder , kegs , SJo.iO : do , , ha
kege. 83.48 ; do. , nuorter keg ( , 81.88 ; Blat
big , kcm , 83.H5 : Fuse , uer 100 foot 50o.
BAhBUD WIKK-In car lots , 8 25
8 25 per 100 ; in less than cor lota. 8 7E (
0 75 cor 100.
NAILS-Ratea. 10 to 60i | , 425.
HldM Fur * , Etc.
HIDES < ireen butcher1 * hide , 6@7 |
cured 78o ; hlden , ( aeon salt , p rt cure
7iclUdea,74c ; dry flint , sound , 13@14o | di
calf and kip , 12@14o ; dry salt hueaiouni
10@llo ; green calf. wt. 8 to IS Bu. . 11@12
green calf , wt , under 8 DM , V ° r kln , 50
greonpelU , 50@tl 25 ; green Lamb ikin
II 251 60 ; damaged hicfei , two-third nt
cut scored and on * grub , olaasoj two-
tLlrds rate , ) branded hide * 10 tr oont. off
Coon skins , No. 1..45cNo. ; 3 , 80o ; No. 1
20. ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , SOoj No. 2
ISo ; No. S , 16o : No. 4 , 60. KOI , ,
60o ) No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b5o )
65o ; abort ill Ipo , 40ni narrow itrlpro
broad ttrlpe. lOo. Tallow 7o ,
Oak sole , S8o to I''o ; hemlock ni..r ' , OSc lo
S5c ; hemlock kip. SOo lo 100 ; nmncr ,
GSo to 80o ; hemlock cMf , 85o lo 120 ; horn-
lock upper , 2So to 2Go ; oak upper , 'Jlc ;
alligator , 4 00 to 6 50 ; oalt kid , S'J35c ;
Grolscu kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 80o lu
1 00 ; o k calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French ktp ,
110 to 1 5C ; Fieueh calf , 1 25 lo 2 00 : rui. .
rtotU. 5 DO to 7 60 ; linings , G 00 to 10 fO ;
topplngp , 9 00 to 10 50 : B. L. Morocco , 30c
to 35c ; pobbln 0 , D. Morocco , 85c ; sltnou ;
3 M ) to 3 00.
HAUNK3S No I star oak , 42o ; No 2
do , SUc ; N. 1 Ohio oak. 880 : No. 2 do ,
85c ! No. 1 Milwaukee , 7o ; No. 2do Stc.
Wo qnolo lumber , lain and shingles on !
cnrx ulOtuithit at the following prlcu i
utulfr , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , $23 50.
TIMUKUH 10 fl. and under , 322 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 82360 ,
CC ft , * 2J 5C , 33 ft. , J2G 60) ) 24 ft. $26 60 ,
1'RNCING ' No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , t > 2t 00 ;
No. 2 , $22 00.
SHKETINO No. 1 (2nd ( ocmmon
boards ) . $2i ) 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00.
LIME Per barrel , tfl 35 ; bulk per ons-
40c ; Cement , bbl , $2 25 Iowa plaster ,
bbl , 82 50. Hair per bn , 40o. Tarred
foil 100 Ibj. C3 f * . Straw board , 03 50.
COAIy Cumberland blacksmith , 912 ;
Morris Run Blonsburg , 812 ; Whitebroaat
lump , $5 f 0 ; Whltobroost nut. 85 50 ; Iowa
lump , (5 50 ; Iowa nut K 50 ; Uook Hprlnx
M : Anthracite. 810 50@12 00 ; Colorado ,
Carbolic , SOc ; Acid , Tartario. 553 ; Balsam
Copabla , per Ib , 70o ; Bark , Sasuafras , per
Ib , 141) ) Calomel , per Ib , 75e ; Clnchonldta ,
per ot , 8115 ; Chloroform , per Ib. 100 |
Dover's powder * , t > or Ib , $1 40 ; Epson
Salts , per Ib , iljc ; Glycerine , pure , po bl ,
31c ; I/Oftd , Acetate , per Ib , 22c
Oil , Caiitor , No , 1 , per gal , * 1 25 ;
Oil , Castor , No. S , per gtl , ill5 , Oil ,
Olive , per irol. fil 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50 ;
Opium , U I * , ' Quinine P. A W. & R. & 8. ,
per oz , SI 8 / ; Potassium , Iodide , per 11
8175 ; SaiAcui , per oz , 40o ; Sulphate o
Morphine , ver or , C3 85 ; Sulpnur Uonr
per ID , 4c | Strvchnlno , tier oc. 81 5.
Liquors ,
ALCOHOL Ifc8 proof. 2 25 nor wine
gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
1 25 per proof gallon ; triple refined dpirltfl
187 proof , 123 per proof gallon ; ro-dlstillcd
ufc.Hkios , 1 00051 60 ; fine blended , 1 50 ®
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 2007 00 ; Ken
tucky aud Pennsylvania ryes , 2 COfotf 00
BUANDIES-Importod , JO 001B 00 ;
doimwtlc 1 40&4 00.
GINS Imported , I oO o1 00 ; domeatlo ,
iOfotli 00.
. RUMS Imported , 4 606 00 | New
Kuglnud. 9. 00J)1 ) 00 ; dumoetic , 1 50(23 ( 60
OIIAA1PAGNE3 Imported per case ,
.1800 1 OjAmtrUtj , case , 12 f)0 ) ®
tOCX ) ,
CLARETS or oauo , 4 oUfalfi 00
WINKS Rh uo wine , per cai , 6 00 ®
2 00 ; Cat/w-K. pi-r o.wo , < > < ) (47 ( 00.
Cintrf nna foDvcras.
FlNECU'l In paiK iJard to UeaU
7 ; Golden Thrnai ! , 70c ; 1 o'liituia , 8Jc ,
Favorite , POe ; RorUy Mountain , 60o :
Kaucy , 65c , Dai.iy , tt'c. ' in tin foil
Catlliia O. S. , B Ib boxes , per 11) G3c ; Ixirl-
llhird's Tlnor , dOc ; Diamond Crown , 6Go.
SMOKING All gradcB Common , 25 to
33o. Granulated Blackwclls Durham , 16
oz 51c ; Dukea Durham , 1C oz , 4Go ; Seal of
North Carolina , 16 or , 16 ; Seal of Nobras-
k , 16 07 , She ; ivoiio.Tnsk , 4 or , linen bags
per Ib , 81.35 ; Marbnrgo' Puck 2 ot , tin
oil , D5o ; Dog Tall ftfic.
Merino nnwaa eel , light , 14@lfo ; heavy.o ,
@ 181Ro ; rooilium unwanhed , light , 18@20
wanhed , cbolco , E2c ; fair , SOc ; tub-ding ;
and w. , 2Kc ; hurry , Mackand ootted wool
2Co lees
Horses und Mulot.
Thci market is briek and all gradoi are
llinjjvjoll at iMllght advanoo In pi lees.
Tbo demand for good borne.1) ) oiceeda tba
supply couclderaaly. Prlctn range an fol
lows :
Finn single drivers , 0150. to 800. | Extra
draft horses , 8175. to S25. ; Common draft
horses , 8100 , to ICO , ; Extra farm horsus ,
8110. to 125. ; Common to gua 1 farm horson
890. to 8100. ; Extra plug" , WO. lo 75. )
Common plugs , $20. to $40.
MULES. 16 to 154 hi.ndj ( extra ) , 125.
to 150. ; 144 to 15 handx , 0100. lo 140.1
It to 144 hands , 875. to 100. ; ISi to 11
bands , 860. " 7R _
"I Hav Bo n AHllotoil
with an Affection of the Throit from
childhood , oituued by diphtherln , and have
wed various remedica , but have never
found imythlng nqual to BIIOWN'H Blto.V-
CHiALTuooiiJH. " Her. O. M. / ' . Hamp
ton , J'dcton , K/ ] . Sold only lu boxes.
o womimrually pinctlcos ooon
omy UD Idas oho noes tliu Diamond
Dyes. Many dollani can bo oavod
nvory vi > ; ir. Ask ( ho druggist. _
IS A supe CURE
! for nil diseases of the Kidneys and <
It hMBpoolfla action on this moatlmporUut
I organ , onabltnn It to throw off torpidity nd |
Inaction , BtlmuUtlnsr tbo hcallhy eocretlon
' . oftlio Ullo , and by keeping tbo bovteli In fnM.
I condition , offcctiojr lu rpirnlar dl clmres.
.invtn Ifyou arc Buffering from
' lira hlllous , dyspeptic , or coiutlr > at d. Kid-
! noy-Wortwlllsarolyrellovoatciuloklyoure.
I InUdaiioasoa tocloanBoUioByBUim , eTory
ono should take a thorough ooarce oflt. ( II )
Those desiring to make monev
small and medium Investments I
( train , prorUloas and stocU tpocul *
tlons , c n do so by operating on oni
plan. From May 1 , iB81to the prr
sent Unto , on Investmnnvs ot flO.Ot
rnalUod 'and paid to Inveaton
moui'lnKtoseveril tlmoj thBOrtg
In&l ln\CBtinont , I'roUts paid 1st o
every month , still Innvlni ; tbi
orKlnklln\eUment ! miking monej
or pajalilHOn demand Kxpltn&to
1 ry clrculiri nil nUtoinents ol tune
W sent frco We want responalbli
fl lfin agents , who wll report on crops unc
UllUU Inttoduco the pUn Ul > oral com <
mtsalons I old. Address
mluiton fcorclnntj , Utlnr lllock
o , ill.
Ir- < 'rav
ford , of Cloi
I-IK , O , tl ;
eld , poi'tila '
BtlJ HLIlfl
latest PUn"i ' ' "
Of ( ho " " Improved
l branch mtchanlcal sundry loslltute .
id IGtn ttrcot , Uiualia , wheru he Is proi arixl to fu
nUtt limbs ol eirdmciiptlo . , s t.toni ) at
bupporteru for paral'ied and ilcwnntU llmli
truMo and shoulder braiand supporter * | i
female v.oaknes.1 . , etc. T Doctor hu li d
year , e.pcrtenco In "j/ l- , , ,
S23 Morlh 16tt > Utr * t
Have now been finished in our store , mak
ing it the largest and most complete
In the West. An additional story has been
built and the five floors all connected
: with two
Ono Exclusively lor the ma of Passengers. These immense warerooms -
roomsthronstorfs , ivro 66 leet wide are fil ed witu the Grand
est disp ay of all kinds of household and Office Furniture ovei
All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first floor
and go through the building and inspect the siook.
1206 , 1208 , and 1210 Farnam Street , Om ha ,
Paining and Trimming , Bopairing Promptly Dons
HnrnxT. Cor14th. . Omb
all Brannhnp. dlOfl. IIIUTEKNTrNniKET OMM1A. Nl.ll- ,
Window Shades and Curtains ,
Faints , Oils & Brushes.
107 Sonth Il4tfa Street
ingle Breech Loading Sbot Buns , from $5 $ to $18 , '
louble Breech Loading Shot Buns , from $18 to S75 ,
[ uzzle Loading Shot Buns , From $8 to B25.1
i'lshing ' Taokel , Base Balls and all kinds of Fanoy floods ,
iill Stock of Show Oases Always on hand,1
Imported and Key West Cigars a large line of
Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and ev. rything re
quired in a first clasi Cigar , Tobacco and Notion
Store , Cigars from $15 per 1,000 upwards , Sender
or Price List and Samples ,
A Ourn Guirxit < l.
Dr. B. C. West * Norvu ftnJUcMn Treitmeal
( L tiieclflo Icr Hystcrli , Dlulnen , Convalslooi
feivaat Kenliche , Mnntil Dcpieulan , Lou
[ emoryBprtnitotrha ) , InipoleocyaralanU ( i
Eiultelons , I'ruamturo Old Age , ciusoJ byarai
lottlan , esll-abuje , or OTei-lndalieoca , whit
oadi to mUcry , decny and dcMh. Onenox * !
uio recent cion. Kach loz contftlni one month
roatmtnt , Ono dolltr a box , or ilxboieelai
, vo dolltrt ; tent by mull propkld on receipt o
jfico. Wo ( piirtntce olx boiei to cars ny OMC
Vlth c : h older recal > cd by in for > U bait ) , o
oropknled with Bra doll r , will lead tbe pai
biter cui written gtmuntae to return Ibi
money If llir tiuttmpnl do i not effect kcare.
0. 1. Goodmnn , iru l6t , Bolt.
iral ceOmabi , N 0. OiJ'il by null '
Tlio Or eat Popular IUmuy ! for riles.
Jure euro forlillncl , HlcedlD &ItcblngFllei
And all forint of IlcmorrholJal Tumors.
Ttio KuiTOHiTOKii > it act directly upon tbi
cnatu of tliu Hlocxl Vtmclj.nml by their utrlnKont
iffecU gently force tliu blood from the swollen
.uinorB , andi > > making the coaU of the vclni
strong , prevent their rtfllliiiK' . and henca a rod I
calcuru U auro to folbw their u u. 1'rlco , 73
ccnU a box , For nalo by all JrUKk'lits , or sent b )
mall on receipt of prko , 11 } En ll b Modlon ]
Institute , 718 Ollvo St. Pt IAOII
A a.
Murray & Lanman's
a r
"By a thorough knowledge ol tbe nataral lawi
hlch govern the operations ol digestion and
nutrition , and by a careful application ol th
BOB properties ol well-S'loctod Cocoa , lit.
Kjins has provided our breakfast tables with a
delicately flavored beverage which tnay save M
many heavy doctors' bills H Is by the Judlclota
rue ol such articles ol diet that a ccnitltutlon
may be gradually built up until strong enough
to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds
ol subtle maladies are floating around tu ready
to attack wherever there Is a weak point. W *
may escape many a tatal shaft by keeping oai-
Belvis well fortified with pure blood and a prop
erly nourished frame. " Civil Service Gaxett ,
Uade simply with boiling water or milk. Sol
In tins only ( J-lb and Ib ) , labeled
Hommopathlo Obemlstu
uonrton. Knglnn _
617 Bt. CUnrlei Bt , ST. LOUIS IMo
A UKOTJLAR GllAUUATE of two medical
cell Keebas been longer enifazed In the treatment -
BLOOD Diseased than any other physician lu Bl.
Louis aa city pipers show and all old resldootl
know. Consultation free and luvltod. When II
la Inconvenient to vls't ' the city for treatment ,
modlcmea can be sent by mall or eiprtsu every ,
whore. Curable cues uuaranteod ; where donbl
exlBtx It I * frankly ttated. Call or write.
Nervous prostration. Debility , MentU
and 1'hvalcal Weaknew , Mercurial nnd
other alfectlons of Throat. Hkln and liouM.
Hlootl ImimritKa and" mood Potaoulng.
Alfectlona , Olil'Sorea and Ulcert ,
Impedlroenta to Jilamn e. Ithoiunntlitn
1'ilea. Special attention to raped from
oW.worlcodbraln. 8UUOIOAL OA8E8
receive special attention. Dltea > ea arising
from Impru lenoe. Ko > 'asea , Indulgence *
r I TlTlT A flTTI' 0 pages the whoU
IV A H H A IH ttory Well told. Many
lliJirilIu.iJllI.lH receipts ; who may mai-
, ry , Who muy uol , why ,
Cr - * 7i 9Mm causes , eons qu no (
anil euro. Sealed for 29o postage or starur