Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1883, Image 1

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slsasMS aMBaasBaisisas s sMsa sMMa a B M MMMBMM M MF BMB MMi BBiBMI s
k I _
Ik Ptn Plotnra of the Thirty Daj'E '
Struggle at Lincoln ,
Political Bores and Snatoria1
Cranks Developed by
thn Score.
'The Mortonian Method ol
Uniting th * Democratfj
I roved s Failure ,
The Fiva Hour's Work of Wenvoi
Finally Closed tli i W r
Edttji al Jo leepondence of Tin Dun.
LIACOLK , J. uu\ry ! 31. The coti'
tondirg poltticil hosts have disbanded
and returned to their homes. The old
stamping grounds at the Commercial
are deserted and the capital is asquiel
as a Quaker meeting house. The
scones at the depot baforo the dopar-
turn of the disoiplinod veterans whc
had undergone privations , taken part
in the weary marches and cotmtci
marches through hotel corridors In
haled the dense tobicjo fames and
grappled with monomaniacs nnd borci
waa plcturetquo and entertaining ,
The little baud of conquering horoo. '
who had battled from drat to last uu-
dor the standard cf Mmdoraon wen
proud and jubilant. The mon wh (
had fallen iuto line with thorn on the
final homo crurgo were exultant ovoi
tholr triumph and th6 grim visagoc
stragglers wno were too late to cAtol
on , were gloomy and reticent ,
while the warriora who hadgono don-r
to glory and died with their baota 01
seamed cintont with their record.
The cimp follo'or fi.u ht tha ba"
tlo ever again and talked bois fally o
done had their plans not
The beat < f fvoling prevailed , how
ever , among all thoao contendiag lo
inputs , and everybody seemed to ro
j ) ica that the caijfllot wai ended
These who \voro no5 behind tlio ujeut
may find norni interest in a brinf ( ir
line of the political drama that ha
just closed.
At the very i-utsst when the legiala
turo mot , it bi'ciuio mauifrnfc that th
republicans held the winning curd , i
they could ever unite thi if fjtcji
'Their raaj > rty , however , was vor ;
alim , ia fact it ia questionable whothu
they had moro thin a bare majorit ;
of straight republicans olcced aa auch
Of the flovonty-fivo votoa oaal fo
General Mandaraon only tixty-oigh
weru straight republicans or only on
more than a majority. Of the othe
eevim Watts was a
Sadolek a straight hnti-monopo
list , McAllistar , Gordon and Steovo
oloctcd on republican and antl-mor
opoly tiokota. Fisher aud Fiblluao ;
elooted in Neman * county in oppoal
tlon to the straight republican o
Church Howe tlckot.
With their very narrow msjorit ;
and their factional division undar
doznn leaders , republicans were con
stantly exposed to defeat by a cor
solidation of the opposition compose
of democrats , straight anti monop
and a few republicans , But the or
poaition waa never able to conaolldat
because from the outset it was wori
ing at cross puapoacs.
under the leadership of Jay S erlin
Morton whoau solo aim and purpon
waa to consolidate ho democratic vet
on hlmiolf for party ends in th
future. Morton is sanguine that th
next president will bo a doimcra
and Morton wants to ba the heai
and front of democracy in Nubraak
to aa to command the controlln
ii'fluanco in the dlitrlbution of pal
ronagu. Beyond thia , Morton wa
anxious to hava Milliard olootod sun
ator , and a majority of the Morton
I\UB in the loglolaturo had bargains
to go over to Millard if ever there wa
a chahca to oleop. him. T io oppoaiu ]
wing , under th 3 leadership cf Senate
Brown , of Dough ) , and Gdiioral Hoi
man , roeiated Morton'u oll'orc to rul
and do'lvor , and they fought hit
with such spirit aud vigor t atMorto
finally left Lincoln in disgust , wit
the injunction to his followers nave
to vote for an Omaha man. That wa
intended to head i f James E Boyc
who had.untorod tie * race and w is trj
ing to conailidatu the democratic an
anti monop vote on himself. I ;
spita of Morton , Bayd one
cuodcd so far us th-j denoorat
were concornoJ , but ho WAS neve
able to got the atralght auti-raouopc
lists. With thorn aud hla 37 demi
crats ho could have mustered fil ! vote
or within eight of the number nece
eary for an election.
that ho would have ton republic M
whenever the consolidation tou
place. I know he had person
pledcoa from a number of republic ! ) )
but I doubt whether they would hu\
had the courage to fulfill the
On the ono hand , when the figl
grow vary bitter botwoou Millard HI
hla republican opponenta a number <
Millurd'a supportnrathreatoned to vo
for Boyd , and evan Oaipar Yost , <
the Kqwllicaii , declared that if Ml
lard vua boatou hia friends would {
ever to Boyd. Oa the other ham
Boyd waa confident that if Milla
carried the caucus there would bo
break-up , from vrhlch he wou
gain votes onuu h to elect him. /
thesa plans were , however , frustrate
by a failure to gut aa agreement wi
the anti-iuonopoltata.
that all bat two democrats who wo
elected on anti-monopoly tickets , si
cd all the wuy through with the don
crata , and never entered an an
monopoly caucus. Of the twont
two anti-monopolists who did ha
together from first to last , twenty h
L /
- . - - - .
formerly boon republicans , nnd mo
of them refaaod to go ever to ths
democrats , The latter , on thu otliei
hand , seemed inspired with only one
idea , and that waa to olcct a sfrniizhl
democrat and nothing olce. In thi
face of the f ct thai the anil monopi
had given thorn the state treasurer.
and had helped elect fully ono. half o !
their numbers , they stubbornly ill' '
slated that UiUHtili innnopi should desert
sort thoit own colora by pooling on i
democrat ,
there waa alao a good deal of disiord
and poraon > il contention. Whou the
legislature met General Connor hnd t
rjapoottblo following among the null
nmiopi nhllo a maj irity favored Cip
tain J , 11. S ickln , but Connor and
his personal followers made thorn
aelves so generally disagreeable thai
ho lost all his support but two boforc
the fight waa over. Another disturb
ing tuctur waa Captain Aohby. He
had eot hia hrnrt upon the senator
ship and was a D Intensely imbued will
thu Idea that ho waa the only mat :
upon whom the the democrats and
anti-monopa conld consolidate that he
bccamo a monomaniac on this aubj-
and never ooaaed hia efforts f rom tiral
to hot. Ho had boon a domocra. and
became a republican aud wat
now en anti-monopolist , and there
fore , in his own mind , hia clootioi
waa auro. Then there wna Gjvernoi
Butler , who alao had the sonatoria
boo in hla bonnut and wai bound t (
disagree uoon every other candidate. .
Onteido cf the lines of all parties and
factions the senatorial minli
and mon troro bored to death 'frorr
dawn ti'l late after midnight by the
worst cot of cranks I havi
ever soi. Am'd the conflb
and turmoil begotten by til
thjio dtlf rent forcoa , the senator
uleot wt.8 finally brought to light-
not as the rosu'.t of a preconcertcc
oimbiualin ) , or r.a the product of i
corporation pool , but na the embodl
limit of individucl cholco di
rected to : icommonountor by a geni > ri
esiro to end the wearisome conflict
\ > bo sure , there were to or threi
ending minds who inspired the mom
irn to that aekcdjti. Chiif amor ]
tieao waa Congressman Wonver , whoei
ffjrta had a tolling dFiot. Judgi
Voavor hud booa paasivo in tha be
inning , but when ho found Laird am
JOBB Phillips , of the B & M. boon
or Cjvtiti lie put hia nhouldor to th
wheel QAd
hanged thu entrant , turned the lid
nd carried Mandoraon iuto thu sona
orial chair.
There waa a disposition towards th
ast on the part of the auti-monop
o concentrate on General Maudorso
r on Thayer with a view of placin
hem on their own pla > form , but th
ondltiona were not favorable , an
hey decided to stand together an
upport their own candidates to th
nd. One of their number , Mr. Sad
ek , of S dine,1 voted forGan. Mandoi
on several times before ho waa oleoto
nd ho alone of the straight anti-mc
topa cast his vote fcr him on the fic.i
( allot. There was an understanding
in rover , that if any at tempt hod bee
made to-defeat the election after th
icas had nominated him a aufficion
nnmbor of anti-raonopa would hav
; ono over to nuke good the dofoctlor
.3 . they regarded anch a course on th
iart of republicans aa dishonorable.
n Jii.K | ,
A Now Fast Freight-
Ipedal Dispatch to 'lux UBK.
CHICAGO , February 1. The low
runk line association ( Iowa pool ) ha
: stablished a fait freight line to tram
ict business going from Noir York t
C-tlifornin vin the roads in the low
) ool. This fast freight line will r <
ii-ive businois over all of the rxiatin
? aclfio routes : The Atohison , Topek
& Santa Fe , the Union Pacific o
Texas Pacific. Mr. E. H-awJey , th
enoral pastern ngent of th
iowa pool line at Now York , wh
lad chut go of the California basinos
'roin New Vork , has resigned tonccoj
ho position of general eastern ngor
of the new Southern Pacific rrtuta b
toamor from Now York to Naw Oi
enns , and thence via the Souther
ifio to the Pacific coast. It ia mer
ioncd that thu Otllfornia fast frcl h
las been formed in order to ba pre
urod to fight the now competitoi
Fointly , and to save aa muoh of tb
astern business going to California i
Now York Notts ,
peclil Dispatch toTui li .
NEW YOIIKFebruary 1. Thochon
) or of comiuorco adopted a petition t
congicas asking suspension of coiua ;
of silver dollars and will momorialh
cpngrpss upon the subject of prohib
ion cf importation of American porl
The widow tf John 0. Green hi
> iven the chamber ? 57,000 for tl :
Denufit of honorable but unanccessft
At the request of the society for tr.
prevention of cruelty to children
iollo pro-icqvil was entered in twont ]
: mr ituliovmenta remaining againi
tlov. Edward Crowley , who served
wm iu thu ponitoutlary and pal
$250 , being c Mulcted of crnel trea
> nt lo a child in the Shepherd
Fulfl , of which ho was manager.
James D. Smith WAS chosen con
modoro of the New York yacht cli
to day. The regatta ia fixed fi
Juno Slut.
B jou FJeron and Henry John Mi
ler , lormorly of tha Union Squai
thcti'or , married * o-night.
Now Ntokola.
Spcc'al ' Dispatch ta TJIE HKB.
PuiLAinantiA , February 1. T
day 102,41.0 new five per cent pleci
were pit Into circulation. The ne
coin it being atruuk at tha rate
1CO.OOO pieces per day.
A Fult Acaluat tbo U. P.
Special DUpatch to Tint HIE.
WAHHI.NOTON , February 1. Tl
commissioner of railroads , Armatron
U prepaiinrc a caramanicatlon In rel
iiato the Union Pn 'Go ' indobtrdne
end which ho promises to submit
the Booretary of the Interior to-raorr <
or next day. Tno communication w
eoommond the government to brinjj
suit against thu Union Pacific roiui
or about $1,600,000 which it Ii
aim jd Is duo the formor. Tno Union
'apitio It required to pay 25 per conl
f its not onrnlnga to the qovornmonl
ess H fair p-ico thnt may bn naked foi
nsDortlng'troops or suppliea , Thlt
' IFjrenco , iimountini ; to f > bout half n
illlon dollnrs , hni never been pniil
'ho communication alao rrfi'M * o the
p"r cent not earnings of the Ivnnsti
'dcilio for which suit has been pond'
: ig flume t'mo
A Ilugo Mooting In Now York.
Dkpatch to TUB Hun.
Ntw YOHK , February 1. A mast
nootl"g was hold in Cooper1 Union to <
y under the auspices < jf the New
irk association for the protection ol
Ytnorfcin industry. The great hid !
KB crowded , IVnr ( "lonpur presided ,
stated by Win. E. Dodge. Among
10 vice presidents woru Hamilton
'i3h , John Jacob Astor , Edwin D.
lorgan , A. A. L w , Whitolaw Hied ,
udgo Noah Davis , Wm. H. Robert-
on , Ilusspl Sapo , David Davla aud
thera. ' Mr. Cooper said "ho was
lad to BOO the attention < f the
\mericau people fixed on the
ueation of free trade and pro'
eel ion , The free traders if othoi
ountrios have tried to persuade us Ic
dept tholr teachings. Our countrj
ould , if thoBO theories were adopted ,
j rendered to the condition of Ire.
tnd , Spain and Mexico. Wo would
roHico the raw matt rial and othtn
, vould do the manufacturing. Such t
ollcy would bring ruin upon hun <
rods eif thouaanda of Amerlcm work
men , who would have nothing tn do ,
hould the tariff bn reduced 20 pn
ent il. would coat na at least $1,000 , '
00,000 Free trade In England pro
ucud a condition of wrotchodncti
ni'irg the working .paoplo and tr iv
hem bato'y sufli iimttoiraintain life
'ho olios t in America would bo tin
William E. Dodge followed in at
ffcctivo addnisa ou the actual con
itiin of the laborer in England am
Vales n comp'ireid rith the laboro :
n thi ) United Stito : ? , t peaking fcon
raonal obsatvation.
William M. E/arta mid : "Tht
ate olectiona liavo proven , if the ]
uvc'prwan any thing , tliat thn psoplo
ro to be mister ? ; thit oxtrivaginc'
vud wilful misuBH of public mminy b }
lublic F.ov\uta aiuoi bo utoppod. Thi
[ ucstlon now cornea , whether in re
luting the revenue the governmon
aril ! system ehall bo BO arranged in
.o benefit our own industries or thi
nduatriea of foreign countries. Tin
Vtnurioin laborer know on which nidi
iia broad waa buttered , and there cute
) o no doubt what their answer to thi
question will bu. E/arta then ga o i
kutch of the cauaos of the pinio o
1837 nnd traced the ups and downa o
leglalatlon from tno time o
He-nry Clay.
Dexter A. Hawkins , and othora
ollowod with addresses , showinoitba
daring the period when the tariff hai
> een low , financial dlatreai and pini
ilfoctod tbo conntryt while prosporlt
ias attended , periods of history I
which the tariff was high.
The address to the public of tb
} oard of mansgaia ot the N w Yor
asaoclation fur the protection c
American industry , was then road
The address is s'gued ' by all manager !
with General Grant's name at th
load. Ic concludes with the follow
eg resolutions :
" .RESOLVED , In view of the oxooa
flivo amount of rovonnes r.ovv collecte
iy moans of import and exciaa dutio
nnd taxo < , it U deemed incumbnnt o
; ho present cougrcas to roduoo 1h
duties in the direction irdcatod b
; he report of thu tariff commisalo
within a reasonable limit , so as t' '
prevent imprudence in expenditure
nd that thia should bo done so as t
; ivo adequate protection to our ow
nduatries and labor against deetruc
tlvu and pauperizing competition froi
RFH LVEB , Wo are in favor of re
storing ocean navigation under on
1 it ; to the position required by th
exigencies of trade , commerce an
manufactures wid to the advantng
aud safety of the country , but 1
American built shipa ; that it is ono c
; ho highoit duties of congress to plac
the creat industry of American shl
building on a foundation neoasaary fo
eucccatf al competition with the worl
at largo.
RE.SOLVED , Wo recommend to th
legislature of states to pasa laws ai
thoriz'ng ' all domestic corporations o
rn&guitudo to make allowance or pel
siena for faithful and long continue
jervico in their behalf by persons wh
liavo become old or infirm in sac
Minnesota' * Nnw Senator *
Special Dlnpatch to Tui lim.
ST PAUL , Minn. , February 1.-
3ibin wcs elotcd on the seventh ba
lot to day b > 81 votes , 00 being noco
aary for cholcu.
The 20th ballot , by which D. '
EJabin vins nominated , stood : Sabh
81 ; Windom , 30 ; Ool.i , 10 ; Uubban
J ; Wakefield , 1 , Thirty demoera
voted for Sabln , the rest divide
batrreon other rupubl.oaus. Sabin
republican votes were drawn from i
other candidates. The changea
democrats to Sabin began on the 27
ballot , when ha gained rapidly to tl
closo. Sabin l < i a prominent an
worthy manufacturer and state prisi
contractor of Stiilwatesr. Ha h
navor hold dlico except in the legist
turo. He is 39 years old and a uati
of Connecticut.
O no to Join Polk.
Spcc'al Dlipatch to TIIE line
ST. LJUIH , February -Advlc
from Texas says : The safe of \
Wood , the treasurer of Jackson count
was bloarn open at Edna yeatorday 1
order of the court. Wood hai bei
abaont several wooka , oitonalbly f
medical treatment , but it Is bellovi
ha Ii a dt faulter for a considers !
amount. It waa oxpcotod there w
525,000 in the safe but nothing w
thero. Wood had also In custody
largo amount of prlvato funds , none
which were found.
Both Houses of Congress in Duty
B ,11111 ! to Protect Ameri
can Workmen ,
ThoBugbinr of Pauper Laboi
Sucoeetiulty Uraployod to
Pftvont a Reduction
The FopabHoana of the Hcu3t
to Bo in Their
Seatu Moudi.y.
Iho Monthly Statement of the
Pub'io Debc nud Comli-
tloii of the Treasury.
TheRow nt AnnnpOli JdnUcra-
tlonof TOBI G u r l Now * .
SpecUl Dlatwtch toTui H .
WASHINGTON , Fobrunry 1. - Thi
soimtu commerce conjmittoo to da >
guvo a hearing upon tho. bill ' to provuul
importation ot adultoret'ed teas. Tin
WBJS nud moanstalao considered the
subj-jot this morning and it 13 inserted
wilt again inako a favorable report
thereon , -f
TRIAL m-uunviiN UTAH.
Jcro Black argued b'oforo the houif
judiciary tO'day that there ojuld bo m
conatitutlotiol trial by jury in U < ah ni
long nq the Mormqun nru excludoi
from the juries.
has been issued $15,000,000 01
oxtsndid 5's , principal and iccriiet
interest to be p id at ( , ! tru.ttuty ui :
May 1 , and interest to cuanj 01
that day.
Five pur < ienU , $81 .T 8 750 ; 4Vs
S2&0 010 000 , 4'e , t738 907 8UO : 5V
20l,444i5 ! ) . Total uitvruitt b-arU ) | . , SI 37 131050. Total doht
81 012 033.5:14. : 'I'oul iatoreat , 810 ,
158 81)1) ) .
Oa ri in treaonrr , 8318 785 Ml
di'firoosj during Fdtnuary , § l3li < ( >
883 ; riocrcwe ainco Juuf > IKhti , 1882
$ ! )5C07GG7 ) ; bonds hsuud to Paoiti
railroad nompauy , interest payaMi
in lawful mmipy , principal outatatul
iug , SGi 023,512 ; I < u rist norun
and not ywt paid , $323,117 ; int ( r < >
piid by United Scutes , § 57,283,388
Inturcac jopald by ompany by trans
portation service , 916.317,518 ; b ,
cash payments 5 per cunt ,
earnings , $655,108. Bilanco of in
terest paid by Uuitud States , 810-
In the otar roato oases to-day , Ed
win Hail , poatmaatov itt Onnon Oity
with regard ; to Dalles-Biker Oit ;
route , testified that "raadulont algua
turus.werp yfiftcic/o odtions , and
n'uioug iHlicd , iiTtui ? _ "Isufc hla own a
RB fraudulent. Wilson protested , ba
the toitimouyrao admitted , \Vilao
do'jlurad the defense would bring poi
sons hero from Oregon to swear i
their eignaturen though it would tak
all aumuior. Wihon ventured to ox
preen to Morrlck hlu disapproval of tl )
ruling in rejection of the paper th
dtfonso attempted to introduce t
aho-,7 a apacimunof witnooo * handwrll
ing to impeach his testimony , and vrc
Bovtroly nrrhiguod by the court f.
a disrespectful remark. Adjournoc
Secretary Chandler oxprosaod hi
opinion ot the recent troubles at At
napolls as follows : "Tho diaturl
ancoa and ineubordinafion nmon
Cadets will doubtless eubaldo if th
Buporlntendont la allowed to work ot
the result without interference , lit
if cadets are onoouraged to persist b
their inronts and friends , dismissal c
forty or iifty may result. The jjrei
difliculty in the mauegomont of tli
academy is that boyn and their roll
lives fail to raalizu that the school i
not un ordinary notrinary of loarnin ;
whore Btndentspty for the nducatio
which they receive , but ia an instill
tion of military discipline , whoi
boys have thtlr cxpenr.oa paid by th
United Btatua. If boys expsut the an :
privileges , HbortiosunduaBy lifo whlc
they inay havu in an ordinary acai
omy , they should resign and let thoi
places bu tilled by young goutlomc
who are willing to unreservedly con
nilt thcniBelvoa to the privations an
labors of the academy. So far aa tl
department now uiidortlandB thudl
Ccultlus in the academy , itviil su
tain the superintendent , oven to tl
txtont of dumiBHlng a larger part
ono of the claRSca. "
The prctiieut gava a etito dinn
to thu juaticua of tlui United Stat
aupromu court this evening.
A bill Iran reported to the sona
to-day , cstablmhing 355 now pu
routes , principally lit the west ni
A joint rvaoluiicn was introdur
Into the fonato to-day ] iroviding f
an amuudment lo thu conntitution a
thorizlng the president to veto ai
ono or more items in an approprlatii
bill when in hn judgment the expo
dituro would bo injudicious and co
trary tn publb policy , and that t
vuto aliall Btnnd i against such itc
or itvmi unices overridden by a tw
thirds vote if bothhuuaea of congrt'i
the vote , hoi > i-vcr , not to effect otli
portions of the bill.
The foil jwh'g circular wag eent
each repuhliciri member o ! the houi
"A. quorum of republican mombi
Is deruandud for Mondy , the 5
y inst. It has been fully dimonstrat
that if the important hneinoca
this scsulon is to rccelvo linul act !
147 riipubllcana must bo In their so :
o from 11 a. m. till adjournment.
asking pauage of the bill to exto
national aid to common schools wi
presented In the eonato this morn !
by Messrs. Blair nud Mahono , 25 by
the form r and 32 by the latter. Thi
uniformity in the signatures of a great
majority of three memorials linn oro-
atid i < om curiosity ni to their gonu-
inuni'ts ni roprenontativo potltions.
In miny ItisUuara all ii-nnturim on
thn pulitlon to the number of 50 or
II 0 are found to have been written by
the saiuo pornon ilh ncithrr crosr
marks tnr momor.imU to explain the
ting ilitr fnot. The peti ioi-o nro not
dmid aud with but ono exception arc
from thu routh.
The following is a list of vcssole
stricken from the navy register undei
the provieionn i f the naval approprin.
tlon act of 1882 , they bulng unlit f i
further service Uoig-i-ns , ( Juml ,
K nann , Massaahuiottn , Stbinn , Oon-
ncotlout , Town , | Niapnra , Orecmn
Ohio , I'ouiiBvlvantft , Florid i , Vir-
ainln , N < r Orleans , 0losuc , J.IVA ,
Suoquohana , Uarllngton , S.ipply ,
Anlotun , Do.'ntor , Frolic , Holief
Piwiioo , R-iiecea , Old Monadnock ,
N irrapnncott , Nyiick , S.ico , Tiuo *
rora , Worcustor , Ojumulaigua , Shaw >
mut , SiVrtnnali , Santco , Wyomlni
and * ll < anoko. Moat of the veasoli
montumod will bo broken on thi
Atocko , wlillo < \ few will bo sold at nnc
Secretary F < Ig > r said to-night thn <
hii\ action in ipiuijgacall for 15 000 , '
000 extended 5'a was not inlluoncod
by sp oulations aa to the course whicl
oongrtHJ would ( urauo with reference
tt > rtdccing tixce , 11 o believed the
surplus of rdvouiijs which would no-
cruu before nuy law miking a rodno
tion could go into i IF ot would uu-
j doubU'dly provide f r redumption of
these botals , and under tuah clrcum <
cuiinttMicoi it wan his pU.iu duty to
issue the enll wi.hout regard to the
attitude of congress pres <
put or proep o ivo. Of counv
if ho hnd tluu ht it probable
tin nautili could Lot bo rodoemoi
without reducing thotreasuiv reserve
ho would lot h'iv ia-u.'d Iho CA ! ! ,
b il such was not hia opinion. Even ad
mitting for a mo i.o it that eoiigrcec
inijhf. reduce the and impuri
itutiea at the pntieut aesslon , it die
not , ho thoig'it , f illow a un Intvlta
bo ! ounorquiiiico that the reduotinn o
revenue would ho correapondlimlj
gvat. The lo oriDK of cintoin dutiti
uud intorrinl lovouuen and the tjxci
would cliuiu.ato Imp utitlon ant
c innntnp'i 'ii , eo thu' , t'l. firs : oll'jot c
atiHh livteluion ; mltjlubitn Incn'aEi
tiiu ruvuiiUiirt uuttiad of dimiahiii |
in thoccnatoMr. Mjrrill offered r
resolution suspending no muoh i tin
act of Fobruar > 28h , 1878 na author and directs the secretary of tin
treasury to purclu-o oilvor bullion a
the nuukct prioo , not loss nor mon
than f jur million dollars worth pn
inenih , aud o ute the stmq to bi
coinid into dolltrn na faataa purchased
Hpedal Dispatch to 7lln Um.
WAHHINOTON , Fubrmtry 1. At th
clouo uf the uioruini ; businosa the tin
iT ( bill wai taken up. The pondin
question vrc a on Fry'a amendment
mont proposing an ad vuloret
duty of 40 per cent en !
sugars. Oarlialo moved to ntrlL
out the item imposing a duly of j of
cent per pound on nulphnto o ! iron o
copper as agreed to.
Senator Fryo subsequently modi
fled hia amendment so na to inako tin
duty on all eugiira under thlrioot
Dutch standard 35 per cent. , and 01
sugara nbuvo thirteen par cunt. A
long debate onnuud.
Senator Kellogg said that if Fryo'i
nniimdm ut wua adopted it woult
ruin Louisiana eugnr producoro , whi
generally voted thu ticket
llo was aorry ro see the attack mudi
fran > Iho ropub ic < ii : aidu < f llioc' ' > un
ber upon thcau b'ack ' d.lijrU. Kil
lo ggavo statistliM of su irproJu- 1 i
m Liulflidim. Mo aald it omployut
about SOOODO.fO ) o.piial , of whtc !
810OCOOCO was n > nuolii'idry. Fop. .
hundred ihonsind poop'o ' lived by il
sixty or aovuii'y ' lliuiiiiand iiinn am
womun were einoloyod ui lub..inr.i , i
whom more than two-thirds wore cnl
orod. The number of oxlavcH own
ing homos and other property wa
two or three times ai largo ii
Louiulana aa in any other utite , nm
that claeu of papnlittionVi3 mor
quiet and orderly there than in othe
southern states. Ttiono roiults trer
largely atttibutablo to the augur in
Senator Beck said the raoro ho con
F.idorod the queotlon the more satiofio
he bcoamo that the effort to got avra ;
from the finunco committee bill vru
in the interest of rtfiuora. That bi
was moro favorable to planters tha
any other proposition and waa th
bent they could get.
Kryo'a amendment was rojeotad.
The substitute oiiured by Senate
Morrlll , on behalf of the oommittooo
flnnnco , for thu gugur echodnlo in th
committee bill woa then adopted.
Senator Guorgo olTered an amoat
mont reducing the duties laid in tli
schedule 10 per c nt. upon artich
imported from countries alav
labor is not employed. Lost.
Senator Morgan gave notloo of n
amendment which ho would ouVr I
the seuateprobib'tlng ' thu adulturatla
of sniar , molnseea , etc. , by mixlt
glucotio with them
Sjnator Bock gave notloo ( f a
amnndmont to prevent Ill's ' sale of an
mixture of sugar and glucose us augt
without advising the purchaser of th
fact of ita boiug a mixture.
Sonitor Ingal'a t'eprocatod the o
forta to brliiu glucose into dlsroput
Senator S lormHii offiirui an add
tional proviso , to bo printed and r
ferrud to th i committee on linanc
imposing an additional duty .f 10 p
rent advalorem on articloa tiumud.
ihla Bohcdnlo , when no export duty
levied upon such articles by the cou
try producing them.
The consideration of the sap ,
sohedulo In comml'teo ' of the vlu
being concluded , thu oonato took
the tobacco schedule. The amor
mont of the finance committee , ilxl
the duty on cigars , &o , , at $2.50 [
pound and 25 per cant advalorem T
. .adopted.
ig I Sanator Hawley oilorod the folio
ng as a substitute for the second pir-
ngraph ;
"Tobaccnin leaf unmanufactured nnd
lot stommcd , whan the greater nor-
ion of the bale , box or pickaqu is
suitable for wrappers , 75 cmts per
) oundjHupon' the whole contents eif
nle , box or pnokngc , if atommed , $1
per pound ; tobacco manufactured , nil
dstcrlptions'i not f pot i illy ei nmerated
or provided for in thia act 40 cunts
par pound. "
The question was tnkon on the first
) arf graph of Senator Hawloy'a amend-
mint aa above ending with "ono del
i r per pound. " Ljet ayea 18 , nays ,
-0. The remaining provisions of
llawlej'n amendment were agreed to ,
Thnpiir'ion ' rejected wna then mod-
tied by Shrrman and waa adopted aa
'ollorct ' ; ' 'Tobacco in loaf , unmanu-
'notnrod ' , when the greater portion of
the bale , box or othnr package Is ault-
able for rpoera , 75 conta per pound
upon the whole contcnta of said bale ,
beix or other package. "
COIIB dera ion of schedule "G" ( pro
vlslonr ) having boon entered upon ,
Senator Bayard moved to atrlku out
the clause imposing a duty of 1 cent
per pound on beef and poik.
Senator Williams , advocating the
motion , chnrnatcrizid thu tax on pro
visions as ' flummery" and as a "tub
thrown to the wholo" in order to
deceive farmers by pretending that
they in tholr share of pro
tection. As a farmer ho scorned all
Lhla noiisonso. Nobody waa going to
tnport lions into Indiana and Illinois ,
wheat into California , whisky into
Kentucky or torrnpinn Into North
Cirollna. Thia duty did not benefit
ho former In any way. Senator
Utyard'ii motion wnn lost , ayes 11 ,
layoa 28.
Thu uroviafon schedule having been
diauonod of , schedule " ! ! " ( liquor * )
waa taken up and aome progress made
rrhcn the eonato adjourned.
Ill the liouao the committee of the
n-liolo resumed the consideration of
ihs tantl' bill.
Mr. Tucker moved to rodnoo thn
duty on brown acetate of lead frqm 4
.o three cunta per pound. Thu mo
tion was opposed by Mr Kwon and
others , Attor a long discussion Mr.
Tucker'ii nmnndineut waa loot by a
vote of 80 to 00 , Knsion and Ander
son ( Ivis ) , voting with the democrats ,
and Kimody , Jones ( IVx ) and Front
with the republicans. Other motions
Co n duct ) thu duty on load In Un vari
ous f irms were loet. On motion c f
Mr Kalloy thu ckubo imposing a duty
of 10 cents n pound on white ncotato
' f load tit for modioil use was atruok
from the bill. In thu course of the
diccuislon Mr. Anderson ( Kus ) re
routed what ho claimed to bt > aa at
tempt of Bulford to send him out of
the republican party. Kvery ono ol
the Pennsylvania democrats voted
with the hii > li tariff mon. Had they
for that reason to turn republican ?
tlo gave notice ho should claim for
himself the right to do his own think-
Mr. Ilindallsaid ho re-cognized the
fact there could not bo freu trade between -
tweon nations where wages of labor
varied. Ho would cover the gap' be
tween foreign labor nnd the labor pi
.psopln.of the United States. Ho did
b.illovo congress need go much
further. Taking the throe bills and
comparing thorn ho had deliberately
to thu ooncluMon that the commission
bill was far preferable to the ways and
moans bill. Ho had voted in every
instance In favor of imposing the duty
rocomtnon'dod by the committee. Thu
senate bill waa preferable to oithor.
Ills object was to BO regulate the
revenues that they would glvo In
cidental protection to the people ol
his state and nothing moro.
Mr. Cox suggested the gentleman
from Pennsylvania ( Ivolly ) withdraw
Mi forces and discipline them , ' 'Call
cuuciu and dipolpllno thu gentlomoi :
from Iowa and Kiimag. "
Mr. Ivully You and your friend *
apt landed thrin to day.
Mr. Cox I lovu to BOO an lndopon <
dent nnn , erpoolally when ho is lean'
ing toward the ti ; < ht.
Mr. Calkins said , speaking an a poll'
ticiau , ho would rutheir the doinouraU
should should defeat the bill than not.
Thi y could not puts a tariff bill of thcii
own.Sovnral democrats "Wo can pass i
bjttor bill than this. "
Mr. Oalklna You tried six years tc
pats a tariff bill , and it died.
Mr , Ellin moved to strike out the
item proposing a duty of 25 per cent ,
advalorem on bono char or bono blacl
fit for sugar refining , the intontlor
boini ; to place the article on the froi
list. Agreed to , 80 to 75. A nambot
of republicans voted with the demo
crats in tbo affirmative.
On motion of Mr. Randall the dut )
on oxide zinc fit for medical uao wai
reduced from 10 to Ga a pound.
Mr Morrison moved to strike ou
the duty of $1 H gallon on fusil oil
Lout.Mr. . Willis moved to Increase th
duty to 82 Lost.
The committee rose and the hona
nnd Iho Railroads.
Dispatches to Tin U .
TOI-EKA , Ks , February 1. A. oor
concurrunt rcaolutlon instructing tli
ottornoy-gonoral to couimonco quc
warrants proceodlnga against the Kui
isna 1'acilic and Union Pacific railroad
explained a few daya ago , passed tl
Honato to-day. It haa piaaed tl
houio. The roaolulion asking Cm
urora to oitubliuh a iiallonul call
trail through Texm Indian Terrltor
IC'incai and Nobraskn , waa rejected.
Kuto Oiuxtan Siok.
SpcclM Dispatch to Til it DBS
NK * YOUK , February 1. Kit
Olaxton was tukon homo aorioualy
at thu cloao of the pnrformancu
the Park theatre , Brooklyn , la
Tables supplied with the boat tl
market atiorda. The traveling pub !
olalin they got batter acoommodatio
and moro general satisfaction ho
than at any other house lu Oman
Rate , 92 per day.
A Blaze on the Toman Steamship
ship Pier in Now York
Threatens to Glean Out nn Im
tnenao Amount of Ship
The Steamer B j pfc Partially
The LOSB Now Estimated at
A Foil nnd Gr-pulo Aooonut of
the Soon i.-Tho Latett
SpcctM Dispatch to Tim till.
NEW YOHK , Ftbriury l. A con-
lUgration that promised atono'timo to
destroy a lurgo amount of shipping
along the North river front , in the
vicinity tf the piers of the Intnan ,
Cunard , Trans Atlantiquo , Oouoralo
and White Stir companies , broke out
at an onrly hour this morning , und is
not yet (4 ( a. m ) under control. The
fire broke out in the cwpontor shop
on the Inmau company's pier , which
ia at a point where the Hhipplng ot
this class is very numerous , and enor
mous storehouses filled with gooda of
every description ore very close to ono
of the national company's line , and
which waa sometime ago chartered by
the Intnan company , soon took fire
and was immediately towed up the
river. As thu steamer was to od into
the ntream , the il unen were running
swiftly up Iho rigging and gaining
headway ulsowharo as shoe true into
the brotzo sweeping along the river.
The sppotaclo was ono of graudiour ,
it being soon by the people 011 thn tugs
that ench a thing aa saving the Egypt
waa entirely out of o question.
They got out of haiin'a way aa soon as
into every part ot the ship with great
rapidity. The fire rolled and cracked
in great sheets frorr the hold , now
dipping thu very trucks with ita torkod
tongue and than aiain swooping down
with resistless fury upon the deck and
rolling and tumbling back and forth ,
llko great waves in the rostloaa sea.
Presently there came a tcriiflj explo
sion that was hoard clour across Alan *
hattan Island , and thu fl imea shot up
ward with ronowr.d energy. Then a second , third , fourth and fifth
explosion that bade filr from their
violence to rend thu blazing hull in
txaln. The atoamor will be entirely
Thu steamer Alaska , of the Qulon
line , which arrived from Liverpool to
day , as well na Nevada of the same
line were thought to ba In so much
danger that at ono time they were
lying at the pier adjoining the Inman
company'a , bat thu wind fortunately
bolng from the southeast drove the
flames beyond the Ouion company's
pier. At the last accounts' thoao two
steamers wpro safe. It is supposed
that the origin of the fire was a
ho violated the rules and took a quiet
hiff at the end of the pier , and whoa
o thought ho had overstald hit time
ut the plpo with an ember in it in
ho locke/ . After towing the Bremen
tcamur Henry to a point of safety
ho tuua set to work to remove the
anal boats from the dock north of the
n man pier , ai their docka were cov-
rod with embora , and their crow had
usortod them. The crafta in the
ock south o [ the Inman pier were not
iany great danger , aa a strong south-
ast wind blow from thorn to the pier. '
"ho Egypt wua completely burned.
iVhon thu ihmca wora at the highest a
umor waa started that
at suoh reports could not bu verl-
ed. The watchman on the pier
tatod positively that all the workmen
ot off ana that there wan no ono on
ho Egypt when she was towed into
ho stream.
rcvullcd on the neighboring plow ,
nd it was. feared at onu time that
housandn of casks filled wlth _ liquors
itid gooda on the bulkhead opposite
ho Inman dock would bo destroyed ,
'ho fear among the captains of the
arloua boats was intensified when a
argo cinder , carried by the wind , fell
nto a olowod-up nvilntopsnil of a three
maatcd schooner and sot fiio to the
masta. A aailor , bucket in baud , ran
up the rigging and put oat the bUz ? ,
bat other similar fires occurred until
.ho . busy little tugs had emptied the
docks of the vessels. They were
mostly all towed down toward the Rat-
tory , but a largo number sought tafaty
on the Jersey shore. It ia impotslblo
to atato
but a rough estimate furuiahod by the
police la placed at nearly S7GO.OOO.
Other estimates rnako the losa ever
$1COO,000.A .
At 0 thia mornirg the Inman dock
ia still burning and nest of the buildings - '
ings on the pier and contonti are con
sumed The losa ia roghly estimated
at $1,000,000. The Egypt was not
totally destroyed. The fire depart
ment and two fire boata are at work
on the flarnoa. Of the large covered
ahcda on the pier , nothing remains ,
and the plor itself is burnt to the
water's odge.
Beyond the pier itself and the con
tents tlio ] nm haa proved inconsidera
ble. The E-ypt is iron and a thou
sand dollars or two will rnond her In
At meeting of the board of fire un.
dor rritern to-dity , oommitteca were
appointed to adjust the losses on the
plor building , machinery and mer
chandize. The amount * of Insurance
are pn the pier $80.000 , on the
machinery $21COO and merchandize.