TEES DAILY BEE-THURSDAY FEBRUARY I 1882 SEASON EW STORE-NEW STOCK-EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. BTRfc . . 32 MAIN STREET AND 33 PEARL ST. ( New McMahon Block , next door to Postoffice. ) COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. KESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT HE IS NOW EEOEIINGA VEEY LAE&E STOCK OF v WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES , CAREFULLY SELECTED from the full line of the LEADING MANUFACTORIES. Citizens of Council Bluffs and surrounding towns are respectfully invited to examine THE NEW STYLES FOR 1883 , whether . . . . you wish . . . . to buy . . . or _ _ . _ _ not . . . . . , . PRICES . . . . . . . guaranteed * ! . _ 1 . ' . , as - - . LOW * . as anywhere " . _ _ in . the . United _ States. . . . _ _ , . . , , 1' ' " - .II .1 - - - I. ! IN ' I ! ! .I I I.I I.-.I. -T.-/ ; * * T 1- ' ' ? " " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' " ' - - " " - " - " " - " ! -I II I ! I ' I I M- - I I-J I ICXW.A. PROPRIETOR OF = PALACE MUSIC HALL ! Headquarters for the justly Celebrated WEBE8 PIANOS , now approved and used by aH first class Artists. WESTERN COTTAGE AND BURDETTE ORGANS. Importer and dealer in MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , such as Violins , Guitars , Accordeons , Music Boxes , Italian Strings , Etc. , , Etc. Also a full line of ZMZTJSIO ZBOOIKISIMlTJSia BIZNTDIEIRSAZtsTID SIBHEIET HVCTJSIO , Fancy Goods , Childrens' Carriages , Velocipedes , Bycicles , Carts and Wagons. To make room for new stock I will sell at EXTRA LOW FIIURES FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. Good Organs at $50 and upward. Pianos and Organs sold for Cash and on Monthly Payments. Orders solicited : Address , J. MUELLER , Council Bluffs , Iowa. COTCJ3XTC3H. DBX-TJ3E" WATER WAVES , Thai navcr require crimping : , at Mrs. J. J. Oiiod'a Hair Store , &t prices never befere touched by ny other hair dealer. Aba a full line of 8witches , etc. at ( really reduced prlcus. Aim gold , liver and colored nets. Wavea made from ladies' own hair. Do not fall to call before purch&alny ilMwhere. All goods vrairanttd as represented. MKS. J. J. Q001) , 29 Main strooi. Council DIufTs. Ion a. MORGAN , .KELLER & CO. , Tha flncat quality a d largest stock ue't of Chicago ot < * oodcn and Metalic Cisco. Calls at tended to ct all Inure. Wad fy c inpoti'i-n in quality of goods or prlrca. Our Mr. Morgan has served as ujdcnaker for forty years and thor oughly u dcrntands bU business. Warcroomi , aiUandai ; Ir ! aitway. Upli lUertn ; In all IU branches promptly attended to ; a DO carpet-lay- lag and lambrequins. Telegraphic : an a mall or ders flllcd without delay. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice ot the Peace and Notary Public , tl&Brondway , Council Bluffs JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Cotmsollor at Law , COUNCIL LLUFKS , IOWA. Office Ucllihon blcck. rooms 1 and 2 M5ln treet Ul practices ID Statv aud Vedml courts. S. L MAXQN , Jfc. 3Efc O HOC X M7 3E3 0 V. Office over tavlcgi bauk. 00 ONOIL ! BLUFFS , town. $500 REWARD. The ahoie reward will he paid to any persoo who will produce a Paint that will equal the Pennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint , for pronervlng Shlnelco , Tin and dnuel r.ooffl. Warranted to bo Fire and Water Proof. All orders promptly attended to. Cheaper and bct < t < ir than any other paint now In uoe. STKYVAKT 6 : STEPIIENSON. Sole Vroprlcton , Omaha lloiue , Omaha , Neb. RBFERKNOE3. omcer & Puwy , Dr.RIce. Rr. Plnney , Fnll Council Bluffs , Iowa. t Bsi QlHcB. Omaha Nco. EUROPEAN HOTEL , The most contrail ? located hctel In the city. Room 71 * 1.00,1l.60and (2.00perdty. Fir C'au lUataurant connected wit tht hot ? HURST. - - Prop. . Fourth nd rfrj Btretti. wio. Bond $1 , (2 , $3 , or 85 for a re- kail box by Kxpreas of the best Candles in Atneiica , put up pj ) legant boxes , and strictly pure Soluble for [ presents , Exprei" ch&rgea light. Refers to all Chicago cage , Try it once. OQ P. ODNTHBB ) Confectioner , Chld > l ? MRS , E , J , HARDING , H. DB Medical Electrician AND GYGNEOOLOGIST. Graduate of Klectropathlc Inutltullon , Phila delphia , Ponna. Office Cur , Broadway & Qlonn Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all dlsoi'eu and p lnfal dlf Scoltlea peculiar to femalej a ipoclaliy. > fV. R. VAUGHAN : JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Omaha and Council Bluff * Real Estate & Collection Agency. In Odd Fellow's block , over Savings' Bank. ianS-t ; FOU ; WIHTHERLICH BROS. , Are now ready to contract for small costings of e > cry Uehcrlptlon In MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OF BRASS. SpocKl attention U called to the fict that the ructala arc mo ted In tRCcim.n.1 which gives tie tery best cuttings , Burning Brands ron DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACKERS - ERS , CIGAR and TOBACCO FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. , An well as Cattle Brands AUK NICELY KXKCCTKD. Works : Corner SUth street and Elctenth aveuue , COUNCIL 1JLUFFS , IOWA. TUOS. ornciR. w. u. u. i-cm OFFICES & PUSET , Conncil Bluffs , la. Established , - - 1858 Dealtn In Forelr > itod | | Dome tlolEichanj [ t d booM Kcorltic * . \ BORDER'S BLUNDERS. He Seems Even Worse as a Detective Than aa a Showman. Many here remember a young man giving his nanio a Borden , who sorre few months ago spent ovoral days hero as the alleged advance ngont of ar. allognd t.liovv . , nud after sqaoczliig out all the poraonal favors ho could and getting wlnt credit ho coald on that BOOIO , dijappoaied to play the gnmo olsewhorc. Since then he has been heard from as playing the role of dotectlvo , and hs Rained [ lorni notoriety riety in oonnoction with the lion- necko abduction c'.so in Milwaukoo. A tek'gr.im from that city glioatho following dotaila : Yesterday Mr. Cajpur Hennccko , father of the mip.slng girl , Maggie Ilonnecko , gave the particulars of thu plot concocted by the man Borden , of .Nebraska , for tuo purpose of gutting money from Mr. Ilonneoko , on the pretoneo tht ho know the where abouts of the lost Maggio. The plan was a troll pur- pared one , but the villain idled in the attempt. The man Brown who caused the arrest of Borden and hli accomplices , Mr. Honnooko be lieves to be an honest man. It ap pears that Borden , in company with Brown , spent three days with Air. Honuecko in this city , between the Oth and 15th of the present mouth , and it Was during that time Mr. Hen- nocke discovered Bordeu to bo a raud. He lot him go , however , until hedovelopod his uchemo unwittingly. Borden recently aunt to Mr. Hennocko ho ring and peach-stone basket , which , it ha > ) boon reported , was worn by Maggie when she disappeared. The ring was marked with thu letters "M , H. " on the inside. While Borden was at the Iluunucko residence it was noticed that he had paid much attention to the jewelry worn by the girls of the family , desiring to got an idea of their rlngi so that ho could dnpltcato thorn. The ring and little baakut aorit him by him to Mr. Honuooko > ioro wlmt oipo.md the frand. The ring worn by Maggie instead of being marked on the inside with her initials vraa mnrkod on the outside , and the little bukot , reputed to have boon Undo of a po.vsh stone , was made of ft hickory nut , BO that the trinkets returned by Borden bore not even a cetnblancu to thoHo vrorn by the girl , Borden wai last heard from in Chicago , whcra it is alleged he wan working up the caso. If he In riot now cntsldo of the state of Illi nois it la probable his own cane will bo n worked up one by the authorl- itles. CONVENIENT FOR COWS A Olanco at tno Accommodations Furnished Them at the Pound. Thora baa boon much kicking by the citizens , if not the cows , about the condition of the place which has been consecrated as a pound for the confine ment of cowa convicted as vagrants , An Inspection of w s made of the place yesterday , and it must become apparent to all of those who visit the spot that is little Eden , though snowed under several foet. What there is to complalnjof there is more than the unprt judfcal mind can con ceive , and not ono of the three cows who were stopping at thin open reefed winter hotel uttered a word cf complaint. They could not in justice to themselves and the place. Every comfort and oonvoniuncu needed and some not nordcd , were visible there. Everything is on the ground floor , and there being no roof there is pctfopt oafoty from tire , even if thu gasoline stored there by the city aball burn. There are several big 11 tt bouts lying around thorn for UEO in case of a fire. A cannon is there for uao in case of war. There is a big lot of rocks for the conn to throw at niughty boys who teano them. There ! a largo harrow etaudlng against thu fence , with ita long tooth projecting And conveniently for the cows to tcratoh themselves on. There are two road scrapers , a pile of lumber , several big timbers and ha'f ' a dozan lamp posts of llesurou , a whoolharrow , sev eral piles of old Iron , n houp of fine ruins where a barn once stood , a Fourth of July and Decoration Day tlalform , ono hand , one eupcranuatod Tflndlass , ono thirsty well-curb and n hole in the ground under it , a part of feed mill , a plow , a carpenter's horse , impounded for aomo reason un- ler the stock ordinance , besides sev- rnl spears of hay. The entrances to this bovine hotel , ro carefully secured by look * , so that her. ) is little danger from burglaro breaking into the rooms at night. With anch furnishings , of which ho foregoing is a pretty accurate in- routory , why should not the caws foul hat they ought to ba more than ordi nary cows to live there at all for any "ength of time ? Even to die in such place must bo sweet for cows , Those who crowl about the pound being ao unfit for mo as to lender it cruelty to animals to place them thnre , ihould peep over Into the enclosure and ECO for thomiolvtM the variety of convonlonciffl , in id especially note the excellence of the mutilation. No ! No I The city nuoda no new pound. Free of Charge. All persons Htitferinx from CwitliBCo ! < ! n AHthina , Bronchitis IJOKH of Voice , or any ntfoctioa of the Throat and Lunxri. ivro ic- quested to cull nt 0. K. GoodruanV drut , Btore and get a Trial liottlo of Dr. Kins ; ' * Now Dlncovery for Consumption , free o charge , which will convince them of it wonderful rnerltt and ahow wlmt a regula olUr-Hl/n hottln will do. Call tmrlv. IOWA ITEMS. Parties with cnpltal will start a creamer ) &nd cheraa factory nt I'eteruon If the cit ! zena will furnlih the building. The jieoplo ol Cedar Kails complain that the Telephnne company charge to much for the talking privilege. An eilort will Le inoda to boUtcr up th college at Amity In tbu erirlntr. The clli zens nave raised several thounand dollara towards it. The Masonn of Dea Molnei are dl cum ing the advltability of building n newhal | They will probably do 10 , as they now have no inttkble meeting place. A public-minded cltlon of the state ha put the taak on hlmielf to tee that Dr Molnea does not farther IncrnmelU tnuclc Ipal debt which U nuw over $300,00 } . U has brought mlnjanctlonxult. Tb * board of loporvlion of Bueaa VIiU ounty hi > offered a reward of $1,000 fcr ne hundred tons of soul mined within IB county and deliverer ! in Storm Ltke within 12 months from January 1 , 1883. The Benedict homo at Uen Molnea eems to bo unable to restrain Ita Inmates rom returniog to their evil courfO an noon \i \ they net an opportunity. Jonulo Lick- open , keopnr of nu Onialm baRnlo , roaxod twny on Thunday a girl who hid been yn ! nt tba homo for two month' , and ook her nn to Omaha. The DIoklnion woman claimed to be Mm. Irnin , wife of hardware denier In Council lilulfd. The World Moves Skill and Bclenca Trl- umphant. Our reporter rslalea thu follow inr r workable experience of o'lo nf ( iir mcst rel able and gubatantlnl inerchtnta , Deacon Stej IIMI 0. Ma son. Mr. Mafo.iea.vu tnat from HO to 18:0 lie suffered terribly fiom lr < itient | very B0\cru at tacks of Inflammatory Illuumatl m The latt attick In tte winter ot ' 79 and ' 80 waisoaoUTo M torundirhlm imab o to take a a cp In four months. Ills pbjilo ana Hi uxlu lint mo tide o ! him was parilicd , and liitli knocn lorin BO ntlfl that to cr.ulj not hcnd them. The rector - tor < pronouncid lila cain Incuruble , Icav'riK him In a terrible cor.dlthn. Ho Hal then Imlucoj 10 try Hunt's lloniedy'liyj ' a inodlc.l filend who told l.lmlhat nil whole lcknc > Bi and trouhto cBi > from kidney dlieiee , and convinced 11 r Va on th > t tuch W..H the ca < e , and after Ukln < It six woiks was entlrolj cured , rnd li now In eucli ercellent ( ihjflcal condition that nilthir amp woilhtr nor wet fret aflsct htm dliiKicca- ily Hr. Miint yi ( > iat his cure It complete , as It la mire thai twujcare blare ho hai hid the licose. "I attribute my mott romukalilocurc olclytolluit'n Kemoily , f } Infalllblo Lldney and Liver Medicine , " eayu Mr. Mason I'i vl * The Deit. Willltin U. WllfOn , M. . frprlrgnclJ , minzton Co. , Ua , iy : " 1 iircHcii'jcil Jlunt'n 1'umcly In compUcu oJ ca o ol Drcp-v which I hid bien riatliiK for ilijht yo it , iind I flnil Ifunt'4 Hem- eJ } In tt u I o > t ma Iclno for Jrojisy and the LI I- line ever lined. " Owa My Exlitance. AUcall B. Colts , ol Jlooroi town , lurln ! ! trn Co. , N. J B5 > s : "K'Bhteon ranutlm FK I h d Drop y urounl HID hoitt. My phji-UUni and ircndf do pilrcd cf my ev rKolllli w.ll. The first bottleoIfiinfK ! henudy ifivome urcat ro- llof. Ifrcllowiiny very nlnl'iico t > Hunts Hemcdy , and I am deftly thanklul " Al-iH' ' Unip vtrou 'lit inlh'hly tlilnga , but Hnr.t'd liemedy w-rl H ml h'l. ' r. 'iiy It. A Irue friend to thn weak mul con- vftltBcewt IB Browji'n Iron Hitters. niauny for tlio Unmnirricd. One of the moit Build and substan tial iiie'ititrioni ) in tliia country ia tlui Marriaijo Fund Mutual Trust an ocl- tlon of Cedar lUpldn , In. During their lirstjoar , urdiUK Jniuavy 1st , 1883 , they fiwl over $ .T > 000 00 in benutitn to their inoinoi-i-n , and tbo [ { ntatcel natitfaolinn proinlls among their curtlficato lioldcro , Thny ro organizid under the laws of lo.va , and their otlicora and directors ; iru amonp the loading and tnoitt promlnunt bunt- ncnn ni n ot Owlar JUpido. Every unmarried - married pcraon ehoula hove a certifi cate ) In this association. It h a splendid invcatuiont , ns eafo' nrouro ami euro aa a government bond. You can just as wall have a good iium of moiu y to commence mar ried Hfo on an not. Over 200 mem hers have been paid off , receiving over 300 per cent , on their Invent montBond a postal card for free circulars fully detailing the plan which it the finest known. Ooo < genta can get territory if applied to oon. Write to-day. Do not poit ) ono it. Mention whore you saw his notice J4-lm If yon are a , frequenter or a resident of a miaimatlo district , barricade your ystom against the econrgo of all now ountrlca ague , billions and inter mittent feversby the use of Hop Bitters. NERVOUS DEBILITY , A. OnrnOnttrantead. Dr. K 0. Vftit a Nona .nJ uraln Trcalmeot- roctfio for Uyttorla , Dlulnosa , Conraldcni ervoat Ilradacho , Mental Dqirewton , IiQM ' < ! cniory,8pi'ruivtorrh'r , Iiipo .iDcyarjaul | ry Coilenlom , 1'remi.turu Old Azr , c.iumrt byovti- xcrtlon , lolf-abusc , or oicr-lnJnlucbce. wbl \ts to ml > ry , doay snd dmth. Ono bom 1 ire recent latou. Ka.h hex conUlmiooaintDth raatrunnl , One dnllar t , box , or tlxboxmtai ve dollara ; enn ) by to ill prepaid en rooolrtol irlco , W guarantee nix boxci to care any caie With nr.b order rocclvi-d by us for cl boxe , ao eoinianled with UrodnlUni.w 111 aonj the pat < laser our written KUtintutco to return Ibi mouoy If Ibe treatmoni dc < ( not effact a cure , 0. t. Qoodman , iru riot , Bole. holcs lc a ( rnl cfiOmaha , N ti Oiil'ts by null il DR. WHITTIER. 817 St. Cburlm Bt , ST. LOUIS tlftu A UEQULAH Q1UDUATE ot tno medical ell Keiiban been longer engaged In th.i treat ment of ClIilONIO , NKHVOUS , SKIN AND 11X301) Dliease ) than any other pnyelclan In El , auto ai city piperi Dhow and all old resident ! mow. Consultation free and Invited. When I ) o Inconvenient to visit the city for treatment , medicines can be eent by mall or express every , where. Curable case * guaranteed ; where doull xlat * It li frankly etated. Call or write. Nervoun prostration , Debility , Mentt.l and I'hyMeM Weaknenn , Mercurial and other ntfectlonn of Throat. Hit la and Honoa , Wood IinpuritleH und Blood 1'ohoolnp , Shin Affection * , Old Sores find Ulcer ; , [ inpedlmeptH to MarriaKO , IthmmiftUmu , t'llea HpecUl nltentluu to caitH Iroir. oviir-worjred brain. riUHUIOAL OAHK8 receive t iwcinl attention , II eareri srinlng frum Impnrlonco. Kicwiwn , InilultrtincM paifcn the wii MARM&Ei well told. Many receipt * ; who may ma , ry > w ho may ' " * whJl cannon , conec'iuoncel and cure. Scaled for 25c postage or Ptami.H. COL. L. T. FOSTER , irounifrlown , Ohio , M y 10 , ISBC r DP. II. J. KitnuiLL * Co. I had uSTtry vnloa lie llmiib'.ctonl-.n ' colt that Iprlir.d very rilslilj holiiul . ltr < i 1 > < T.9 Hpnvlii rn one Joint and r nrjull mm on the othur Hhlcli madn hid vtl ] nine ; 1 had him under the charge ot two vctet Innry ourt-ccni * hlch fulled to cure him. I w onediy it vilnKthe dvirtlDOiuent of Kcudall' iiavln Curu l'i thnChlcapo Kxpriue , ! dutDrnilnci ! tnricctatry It and got ourtrucjrlsts tioro t ( 3'ti'l for It , slid they onlcredttircd hottlcn ; I too1 ill aoi ) I tboiiitht I would give It a tbcrcuj trlil , I U4oil It ai cording t ? dlioctlonb and tli < 3urth d > y the colt ceited to ho lame tnd th lampnhuvo disappeared. I used but out botU ind thu colt's limb ) are o Irre ol lump- and a smooth M any hoiso In tlio Ktato lie I ] ontlit ly cureil. The cure wai. 13 rematVibU tha vB Intt oof my nclKhbor * bKTA tbu rumiln u < two botllos bo arunow ujlnpll Very Kapectlully , It , T. FOSTKF. fiend for Illuelratcd circular Klv proof I'rlcdll All Drcrglsts have It or ct ff < t < t(0r you. Dr. C. J. hcndill 0 Co" , 1'ic , nlelora. Xnoilinr h Tails , Vt. t30Lto BY ALL DOCTOR STEINIIART'S SUPPOSITORIES ! The Great Popular KemcJy for Plies. Sure cure for Blind , HleedlnB&Itchln Pac And all form * of HemorrhoUUl Tumory. Thura SurrOHiTomim act dlrtxtly upon tb onaU of the Illood VesucU. and by their aatrlnwn effoctn gently force thu blood from tha swolle tumors , andby makltij ; the coats of the veil strontr , prevent their refllllng , and hence a ra < l cal cure li sure to follow their use. Price , 1 conti a box. for ule by alldruirirUta , or noel b mall on receipt of price , by n lliliModlon IrwUtuU , 718 Oliv * Bt8 * Ixiait OWIFT'S SPEOIFIO 5 OURE3 SCROFULA. JWIFT'S SPEOIFIO 5 CURES ULCERS. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC > CURES CATARRH. SWIFT'S SPEOIFIO ft CURES SOUEO SWIFT'S SPEOIFIO O CURES I10ILQ SWIFT'S SPEOIFIO O OURE3 ERUPTIONO ' SPEOIFIO SWIFT'S OUUES ECZEMA. ' SPEOIFIO SWIFT'S OUUES RHEUMATISM. SWIFT'S SPEOIFIO V REMOVES ALL TAINT. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC IS THE tiUEAT BLOOD REMED OF THE AGE. Wrlto for full particulars to SWIFT SPEU1FIO 00 , . Atlanta.Ga. . SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SI to 81.75 nor Battle. DOCTOR STEINHART'S ESSENCE OF LIFE. FOR OLD AND You > o , HALM AND FRIULH. It li a iiiro , prompt ai < d effectual rcmcds or Indigestion - digestion , Dyaiicp la , Intermittent Foicra , Want of Amt'Ule , Nenoua Debility In all Us Stages , W 4K Memory , Lous of liruln I'ower , Prostration , WmknrM ami generalIx w of I'ooer. It repairs ( icrvout HiiHto , rvjuvcnaluM the failed Intellect , BtrcnuhtluiM the enfeiblcd brain and restores siiririi | ntf tone and vlror lo the exhausted or gans. Thu experience of thousand * proves It to be an ImaliuliliJ remedy. Price , Sl.OOa bottle , or MX or $5. For sale by all drujrgl'te ' , or snl neciiro from observation on receipt of price by pr. Stolnliuv t P. O. Box 21(70 St. JjualM Mo. Hop . unar. yon t HI .it f it'll a. ? . . IhAl inbO liu 'MfnjiMmtwl , : .i ! ur li Uv tlm J 'ii ol r-lir Hop It H nu till c a r < IrucletiQv r UJOO' r-lrtiilir ill ft may XOKIITlJU av your , CO , life. It rm ec ! nun * tired *