* & ' * * " * * * * * T THE DAILYSBEE--OMAHA TBURSDAY FEBRUARY 1 The Omaha Bee. Published everr morning , ctoonl Son- ay , The only Monday morning dally. TERMS BY MAIL- One Year. . . . 810 03 I Three Months. f 3.00 Blx Months. . 5.00 | One Month. . . . 1.00 CHE WEEKLY BKE , publUhed every Walnctday. TERMS POST PAID- One Year $2.00 I Three Months. CO Qi > Monthi. . . . 1.00 I One Month. . . . 20 AMXBICAS NEWH COMPART , Sola Agent * the United Statei. CORRESPONDENOE All Oommnn ) . ifttfooi relating to News and Editorial Afttters should be nddrcsned to the Enrroit or TUB BKK. BUSINESS LETTERS All Bu ! ne Letters and RcmlttAnccH nhonld be ad dressed to THB BKR PUDLIHHIKO COMPART OVAHA. Drafts , Checks and Pontoffice Jrders to bo made payable to the order of the Company. The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props , E. ROSEWATER Editor. THE ecoptro has not passed from Omaha , There Is room for congratu lation in that little fact. GENEBAL MAKDERSON In a native of Ohio. The pDlltlcal lack of Ohio men JFv has pvssed into a proverb. IT IB a remarkable fact , but every member of the legislature who voted for the successful candidate on the last ballot was "an original Mandor on man. " TUB balance of power was held by the anti-monopolists. If they failed to elect their preferred candidate they prevented the election ot a mon opoly tool. BIN BDTLRB has been prevented by ome absurd person with a gavel made of wood from the Mount of Olives. The present Is supposed to have aomo reference to Judas. A FIEBOE intrigue Is in progress In Washington over who shall bo the next quartermaster general of the army. Washington without army scandals would be a dull place. NlOnoLAH NlCHOLAEVITOU MlKLUK- HA-MAKLAY is the name of a dis tinguished Russian traveler. It is afe to say that he discovered nothing more remarkable in hla travels than his own namo. GKNBBAL MANDERHON was the only original Garfield man In Nebraska. He was a personal and very intimate friend of the general , and a week bo- fora the nomination urged the Ne braska delegation to vote for him. Tint judiciary committee of the Maine house of representative ! has re ported in favor of the restoration of capital punishment. No punishment for murder that la an improvement upon hanging has yet boon suggested. All experience haa proved this fact. TUB .Republican tells us that the election of General Mandorson has shelved the railroad IBJUO. The elec tion or defeat of no one man can oholvo the monopoly lesno. Thut Isiuo will not down until the arbitrary power of monopoly is cached by na tional and state legislation. BEFOHR congress adjourns it should Investigate the manner of taking the last oonsns. A more ihgrant fraud was never perpetrated. After the ex penditure of millions of dollars It is discovered that the statistics gathered are worse than valueless. Instead cf reliable statistics made up from the paoplo wo have nothing but n mass ol figures doctored UD by dorks. The public has a right to know the fall measure of the fraud which haa been perpetrated on them. CONCHES * has only twenty-seven working days left , and the proaooot ol the passage of a bill for the revision ol the tariff la more than doubtfal. Anj bill will certainly have to finally go to & conference committee. With t committee of throe from each house the usual number a dlsagrcomonl would bo almost inevitable. Sonatoi Van Wyck has done such valiant ser vice for tariff reform that it is bn llovod he will bo one of the senator appointed on the conference commit too. IN VIEW of the fact that such a hu and cry has been raised about the pretended tended revelations of Thos , L. Kim ball , wo call attention to the tcsllmou ; of the editor of THE HEB baforo th special railroad commission , as dc tailed in another column. If wo d not mistake , there Is some spicy roac ing there for Thomas L. Klmba and the Reppbli'ccm outfit , togethei with some general information whlc may prove of interest to the publl Facts there disclosed uhovr that tl alleged blackmailing of Jay Gou was prior to the attempt of the Uul Paclfio to gobble up THE BKK by consolidation with the Rtpullita which failed , because the proprlol refused to put the control of the pa ; out of hla bands , It Is singular tl after being blackmailed , as Kimb Bays , they should attempt to have a further dealings with Iloaowat Mr. Klmbill's teitlmony was an a folly constructed fabric of llui won together on a very thin warp of f ac It doM not , however , stand waihli OUIl NEW BINATOll. The election of General Mandorson to the senate is a result which will give widespread eatlehction through out the state , and will bo hailed with especial joy in Omaha , with which the now senator has been so long identified and whore he Is universally known and respected. None of the candidates before the legislature en tered the late canvass with more per sonal popularity , and none , so far as ability and Integrity are concerned , had greater claims upon the suffrages of the joint convention. The choloo of General Mandorson was a victory for the republicans , not for the rail roads. As such It Is a cinso for con gratulation In a republican state which has shaken off the bonds which for years have boon cast around It by the agents of corporate monopoly. General Manderson gained strength dally from from the singularly , straightforward manner in which he conducted his canvass. Entering the campaign as the first choice of few of the members of the legislature , ho refused to add to his support by the petty artifices and profuse promises of an offloo seeking politician. No one can charge that he sacrificed his Inde pendence In gaining the highest prize which the state has to offer to any of id citizens. Ho will thus enter upon his duties unfettered by any factional pledges , and bound only to work and vote for the best interest * of Nebraska. That he will suooood In doing this , his past record as a gallant and faith ful soldier , an eloquent and able law yer and an upright and valued cit izen is sufficient guarantee. TUB BKR joins wlthahost of friends of the now senator in congratulating him over the outcome of the most ob stinate senatorial contest in our his tory. It believes that the Interests of the people of this state will be safe in hla hands. It haa confidence that as he haa kept himself free from entang ling alliances with corporatojmonopoly in the past ho will keep himself equal ly free In the future. Omaha , espec ially haa reason to bo proud that she will have an eloquent advocate of her claims at Washington , and Nebraska that a man cf brains , of honesty , of ability and of personal addrcas suffi cient to make himself felt for the ben efit of the State , will represent her in the national senate. THE FRENCH CRISIS. The disagreement between the French ministry and the chamber of deputies haa resulted in the resigna tion of M. Dooloro and hla associates , and President Grevy hai called upon M. Fallloros to form a new cabinet. The new ministry la built on the ruins of the old. With the exception of the premier , the mlnloter cf war and the minister of the marine , It U In all re spects the aamo aa its predecessor. This in itself la significant of how little may bo expected of ita efforts to solve the problems with which the cabinet of M. Duclero struggled in vain. M. Falliorea has boon known as a hot-headed mem ber of the extreme loft or radical wing of the assembly. There is no reason to believe that ho has cither the force of character or temper of mind neces sary to moot the crisis through which French republicanism Is now passing. In the diiorganlzation and oxcitcmonl which porvadca all wines of the pnrtj there is need of a cool head and mature < turo judgment , neither of which lia portaut qualifications the new prumiei is believed to possess , For those reasons the twentieth cabinet may bi expected shortly to follow its nluotoot predecessors. That ( there ,1s an element of grea' ' danger lu the situation , no one will at tempt to deny. But France , whatever over the cut face indications , is strong ly republican , The republic haa beoi built on the mouarchlal regimes , am the people have no doalro to repaat th experiments of the past. Ropubli oinlsm in Franco is not on trial. It I steadily advancing towards a stabl ! Ity , which can only bo reached ed when factionalism ( Is dlmlnlsho by the appreciation of the necessity o political concentration. The variou groups into which the wings of th Chamber of Deputies are divided hav split for the moat part on purely lees differences. Dangers like those whio at present menace the existence of th republic Itself will have a tendency t blot out minor differences for the can 31 mon good. If , as reported , I'resldor I Grovy has determined to dissolve il . I Chamber , the common sense < p the French people will probi o bly quickly solve the problo I by the election of now doputl o who will allay by judicious and we considered action the panic which hi 111 boon aroused by the foolish exploit , I Prince Jerome , In the absence of h strong leader like Gambotta the sob e. 1 judgment of the French people is t ! 101 hope of the republic for relief fro Id I the excitement which has taken pi iulBCtulou of the jjovernmont. A a I there is every reason to belie ti , I that it will bring peace &ud order c or I of the present chaos , lerl = = = = = = - tat WHEN the Nebraska legislature ci all I vanod wo wore asourod by the ropi ny I llcan leaders that their party was er. tormlucd to profit by the lesson of rtn - hte election In placing Itself on ) n ord In favor of wholesome antl-i its. nopoly legislation. The first act the republican legislature was election of an impudent monopoly cupper to the spoakorahip. Through him they packed the railroad commit tees of the house with corporation tools' , and when the house , trusting to his honor , allowed him to appoint a special committee to Investi gate the management of rail roads , ho appointed four repub licans who had voted against the Investigation. Eichof these men , aa well as the speaker , are on record voting for Joe Millard for United States senator. An investigation by such a committee is an outrage , and the republican party is responsible for this crime against the people. It is self evident that the republican party haa degenerated into a mere machine to register the will of the railroad bosses , and the honest leaders ho see the hand writing on the wall , ro powerless. READERS of "Nicholas Niokolby" will remember the horror which the Irtuous and tyranloal Mr. Sqneera olt over the possibility of dining on ho beef purchased for the pupils of Dotheboy'a Ilall. Mr. William H. Vanderbllt aoema equally Indisposed to avail himself of the facilities which o offers to the public in the way of ransportatlon. About to make a trip In royal state across the continent , he aa taken extraordinary precautions In itdvanco to provide agalcat accident to .is person or property while en route. One of iho nloopera of hla magnificent special train la to 0 ooonpied by a machinist with Is tools and a telegraph operator with la Instruments and wires. In case 1 accident , the machinist will be oady to assist in repairing , and the lelograph opeator to out the wires and onnoot his wire and notify stations ahead and bohlnd to detain trains , All other trains are to keep out cf the way of this one , so aa not to impede prepress in the least , and all witches are to bo not and spiked in r.ler to guard against a misplaced witch. In this way this republioo- oyal train Is expected to make an ave - o of forty miles an hour for a du- anco of about 3,500 miles. Of ourso Mr. Vanderbllt'a life la of more importance to the great 'all road monarch than the llvea f the ordinary every day lassengpis on the line * which ho con- rob. The public has no right in hla iplnlon to ask for the Increased safety f travelling which he secures by his normoua wealth and powerful Influ- nco. They have no reason to expect telegraph operator on trains to in- brm the nearest station in case of ao- ildont or to demand a machinist to sslst in repairing possible damages. The difference between a dead head monopolist and a paying passenger ii marked one and the sauce for the monopolist king seems to be too rich 'or the consumption of hla poorer pat- ons. ' TUB legislature baa taken a recess ol me week , By the time they return hey will bo In a frame of mind to on' or upon the active duties of law making. They must bo aware by thli imo that all the talk of the rallroac managers that they doairo full information mation oonoa rning the management o railroads by the legislature U all bosh Every officer of the corporation wh < has boon called upon the wltnus stand before the committee has ovadec direct answers to fair question ! concerning the conduct and policy o the roads. They have sought bj hirelings like Judge Manon to throttli investigation and- ' browbeat witnosso who have suffered from abuses and dls crimination. In view of all this thi duty of the legislature will bo plain There 'Is already enough known concerning corning the wanta of the people in th matter of railway regulation to rende farther investigation unnecessary The people want laws limiting the toll and protecting the rights cf patron and localities. Other states have enacted acted such laws and they can bo fol lowed with safety by Nebraska. MONEY won in Colorado. Bower with his $10,000,000 , secured the Ion term , and Tabor , with his $5,000 , OCC the short term in the senate. Mono won in Now Jersey , also , Senate MoPhoraou securing the undivldc support of the railroad ] , The Pull fays , "Railroads have more gratltud lan republics. Ho served his ral oad well , and verily ho hath his n ard. " Nebraska can boast that tl " ailroads filled to elect her Unite tfttos uenator , nud that no bonani inS lug secured the seat solely throng ) S tie Influence of his wealth. 11 is THE treasurer of Alabama has a isat ata oouded with $200,000 of the sta a unds. Following so closely on tl or lofalcatlon of State Treasurer Pol lie of TonuouBoo , the news will create a m dltlonal distrust In the honesty of t iuanagement cf southern financi acvo Some cf the Bouthorn papers are coi vo plaining of the unfavorable ropoi 'U ' which northern journals publlih their section. Wheu the south loat to bo honest In the payment of m debts and fair in its treatment ib Bottlers from the north , the grounds do complaint will bo removed. Lheo eo BKADT proposes to locate In N no York aa soon aa the star route trial nee o over. From present indications Uw will looato In the Albany penltenUa THEANII.MOKOPOM&TJ. While the election of General Man- derton will bo hailed with ( satisfaction by men of all parties aa a stop toward bolter government and a higher grade of public men , it must not bo forgotten - ton that there is yet a momentous litsuo to bo settled befoto the cause of antimonopoly - monopoly can bo abandoned , The twenty members of the legislature who cast a solid vote for an anti-monopoly candidate in the face of the as sured election of General Man dorson stand out as a living protest against the abuses that made a third party in this state a possi bility in the last campaign. Of the 17,000 voters who cast their ballots for anti-monopoly candidates fully 13,000 had loft the republican party , notwithstanding the fact that in BO dolncr they separated from an organi zation that gave Garfield 20,000 majority in 1880. During the struggle that boa juat closed in the election of General Manderson , this now element Nebraska politics sustained Itself n an unequal struggle with the ut most credit. Before the legislature met it was charged by the henchmen the railroads that anti-monopoly otes were the cheapest votes they ould qot , but the senatorial contest given the lie to the assertion. It was mainly the firm and manly stand taken by the anti-monopollata that made it Impossible for the railroads to ictate the senator , and while was impossible for the min- rity to elect their candidates , ; hey were the meana of preventing ho calamity of an avowed monopoly accessor to Alvan Sannders. Had .ho democrats , who were also in the minority , shown less selfishness an int-and-ont could - - anti-monopolist ave boon elected. Aa it la , the anti- monopolists in the legislature have eon an important and useful factoi n the great struggle. Until the ro lublloan party gives vitality to the irofossions it makes of being in favoi f the reforms demanded by the anti- monopolists , this Important element must continue a separate factor in our olltioa. Now that the senator is elected all arty Ism in legislation must be drop ped , and it remains to be seen whethei .ho . anti-monopolists are to be second- id in their efforts to redress the pub- io wrongs by mombora of other par ies. General Charles F. Manderson. Cltreland Lcaier. Wo are pleased to notlca the name of General Charles F. Manderson men- lonod BO prominently by the press ol Nebraska in connection with the United States senatorahip from thai state. Of the very honorable gentle men whose names are to be presentee to the legislature for that exalted offiet this winter , none would more ably rep recent the progress and patriotic sen timent of the great northwest , or taki higher rank upon the floor of the sen ate than would General Manderson Ohio , remembering his tour years o : honorable and distinguished service ii the cause of the Union , as one of thi best and most gallant of her soldiers and unswerving devotion to the grea principles of the republican party would feel honored in his election. At the outbreak of the war of thi rebellion , in April , 1801 , Ganera Mandorson loft a lucrative law prac tlcu to eullat as a private soldier ii Company A , Nineteenth Regimen Ohio volunteers , and was almost im mediately promoted to the captalncj of his company , and with it serve * wsth General MoClellan in West Vir giuU , At the expiration of the thre mouths' servica he immudiately re enlisted hia company for three yearn and with his regiment was assigned t the Army of the Cumberland. P.irtio ipatlng with great credit in all th memorable campaigns and battles o that army , General Manderson rose t the colonelcy of hia regiment , and wa bra vetted brigadier general "for gal laut and meritorious services durln the entire war of the rebellion. " A the battle of Lovejoy'a Station , Sap tember 2 , 1804 , after having led hi brigade in one of the most brilllan and successful charges of the wat General Mandorsou received u tomb ! wound which well nigh prove fatal , and from the effects c which he bus suffered more c less over since. After th cloco of the war ho resumed his prat tic 3 at Canton , and before romovin to Nebraska had taken rank as one ( the loading attorneys of northern Ohii An orator of rare ability , a gentlcma of liberal education and culture , \vil mature judgment and eulightoue views upon all great political quontloi and a character without a blemis ! General Mandorson , will , If olcotei prove an honor to his etato and a va nubia acquisition to the ability an gnity of the senate. We cougrat Uo the leg : laturo of Nebraska upi he opportunity before It. Duty of Common Carriers , t. L'.uli Kerutllcan. : a Although the recent decision by tl general term of the Now York sup rlor court on the question of oblig ion cf railway companies to card rclght In spite of strikes among thi employes comes after the clrcui stances which cave rlso to the t\ lave passed away , it la not wltho tatnro significance of the most Impo : ant practical character. It will bo i d membcred that at the tirno of t lie freight handlers' strike for high is. wages , laat summer , the railways i is.n fused to glvu the higher wages c mandod , aud the result was that lai ts amounts of freight accumulated at t of depots and business was for n tl : ns soiloualy affected. The shippers i its pealed to tha attorney general , a that officer instituted proceeding ) the court for a mandamus to com the roada to perform their duty common carriers. The lower court fused the application , and an app .was taken to the superior court. T ew body reverses the lower court's di is slon and decides In favor of tha it he peri. The court say : "We think thi * question admlU but one answer. The excuse has in law no validity. The duties imposed must bo discharged at whatever cost , They cannot bo laid down , or aban- jonod or suspended without the legally expressed consent of the state. ' The trusts are active , potential and imperative , and must bo executed until lawfully surrendered ; othornno a public highway cf great utility is closed or obstructed without auy pro cess ; recognized by law. This is mmo- thing no public t fiber charged with the same trusts and duties in regard to other public highways can do without subjecting himself to mandamus or indictment. Wo are not able to per ceive the difficulties that embarrassed the court below as to the form of a writ of mandamus in such cares. It is trno the writ must bo npecifio as to the thing to be done ; but the thing to bo done in this case was to resume the duties ot carriers of the goods and property offered for transportation that is , to receive , carry and deliver the same under the existing laws and regulations as the business htd been accustomed to be done. There was no necessity to specify what kinds of ; oods should be firtt received or car- iod , or whose goods , or , Indeed , to ake any notice of the details of the stabllshod usages of the companies. ! t was the people who were invoking he writ , on their own behalf , and not 'or some private suitoror , to redress ndividual injuries. " Hanltary Bohool Houses. LmtrtckQ Arch tcet. A medical commission , which was appointed not long ago in Germany to study certain questions relating to the construction of school buildings , has nado an interesting report , which cor- ; alnly must bo regarded as marking a step in advance in that branch of science. In the matter of ventilation we find that the members of the com mission agree with all the other ex perts who have investigated the sub ject , In Increasing the quantity of fresh air which is to be regarded is essential to health. It IB but a short time since a thonsard feet of air per hour for each pupil was regarded as an extremely liberal theoretical allowance for healthy children , and In practice of this country , at least a room which a hundred and fifty or two hundred feet per hour la actually sup plied to each person Is regarded as admirably ventilated. Now , however , those who have long submitted to ba accused of foolish extravagance in In sisting that this is an inadequate al lowance may cite the authority of the German doctors , who set two thou sand ono hundred and twenty cubic feet par hour for each pupil as the minimum quantity of fresh air to be supplied. In the best arranged ven tilating shafts , of metal , fitted with gas-flames , stoves , or other artificial means for promoting the draught , the upward current will occasionally roach a velocity of a thousand feet per minute in cold weather , although the average is rarely more than five hundred feet and generally much less ; BO that a room containing sixty pupi's ' should have an outlet shaft of four square feet or more In sectional area to be even capable of such ventilation is pronounced essential. In regard to lighting , the new commission totally denies and rejects the famous theory of unilateral Illumination , following in this respect the French authorities , who began to call It in question a year or so ago. In the language of the re port , it la practically impossible , even with lofty and narrow rooms , to obtain diffident ligh' by Chia method. In oases where openings can only be madu in one wall , the report requires that the width of the piers between the windows shall not exceed three-fourths of that of the windows themselves , and that the width of the room shall not bo more than five feet greater than the holghth of the windows , which would restrict it in such caaea to about eighteen feet as a maxi mum. Lighting from two oldes being then required under at ordinary cir cumstances , it is advised that the windows should bo in thn opposite walla , on the light and loft cf the pnpila as seated. L'ght ' from the reui is admiisible , but in not recommended , and windows facing the pupils are pro < hlbltod. Walls of neighboring build , ings painted white and reflecting the sunshine into the school-room art wry injurious , and the owners should bo perauadod or ob'igsd ' to paint them of a dark color. The insidrr iacool the walls of the school rocm Itself it to ba painted pale blue or bluish whlti aud the colling pure whito. Artificla light should be csod without lienlta tion on dark or short days , H la mona dangerous to work by inaofliciont day light than by gaslight. Argam burners are preferable , as giving i steadier light , and ground-glass globe ; are objectionable on account of thi largo proportion ot light which the' absorb. Difficulties of Tarltt Making. Cleveland L'nJer , The interests of the country nro a diversified as are ita soil and climate and each intert&t asanmun tlmt it ough to receive favors which it is ready t < deny to others. Louisiana sugar pro duoera Insist that their industry shouli bo protected by the highest poa&lbl duties , while Eintoru Importers am sugar refiners contend with equal per tinacity that the present datioa ough to bj reduced in the interest of th public. Southern manaficturers o cotton are crying out for fruq machine ry , and against this * ho producers > machinery indignantly protest. Midi Igan and Muino want foni n lutubt excluded from the country , while tt. prairie States declare that it mat come in free of duty. The miners c a Iron ore want an Increase cf duty o their production , and the maunfactui ilr era of iron protest against it , inristin n- that the of io prioo ore already to lit high. The iron mou in turn are ae ut saulted the of by producers stce rte - while the makers of agricultural in e- ploments , cutlery , etc. , make wt against high dutie'snpon stool. ho ORTHEPERMANENTCUREOF uo CONSTIPATION. uop. . > p. 2o other dlMuM Ii ao prevalent In thl p.ud country at ConiUpaUon , and no rcmed ; lu ever equalled the celebrated KIDKITT- in \VOHT an a cure. Whatever th * mow , pel however obetinat * th * C&M , thia rcmed ; will overcome It. aa Oil E ? < 2 THIS dlJtnwlnc oom- ro- -CO plalat L > very apttotx oompUcated with cooiUpation. Kidney- cal 'iVortitr nethenth w iOce& > dparU and iat tolckly cure * all kind * of File * even wheu . phyildan * and jnedlclnrt have befon ( Sill id. ed. IITIfyouhaT * either oftheca trouble * ip. 3RICUOI.J USE fbruB l t58el ip.of of JDNEY-WORT POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MAoniHKaT , BKMINU , HOBS , DUASB AND IRON rrrrmas PIPE , I'ACKUJO. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WHD-1l.L3 ! ! Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR 'ATTENTION TO OUR Ground Oil Cake. It la the boat and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound la equal to throe pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the fall and win * tor , Inatoad of running down , will increase in weight and bo in good market able condition in the spring. Dairymen aa well aa others who use it can tes tify to its merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton ; no charge for sacks. Address o4-eod-mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob. MoMAHON , ABERT & CO , , Wholesale Druggists , 315 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. The Original and Only Regular SEED HOUSE in Nebraska. u. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Agricultural M. VT. Cor. 14th Vegetable , aodJ crest , Fliwor , Dodge tftrwta , 0rasa , Hedge , Omaha , Neb. We mike a tpeclalty of Onion 8eed > , Onion ScU , Biro Grass , T , mo thy , Rod AUaUa and Whit Clover , Osage ami Honey Locust. Dealer ) and Market Gardeners will save money by buying ot ui. m end for C alogue , FREE. Hellman < fc Co. WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. 13th OMAHA , NEB. ANHEUSER-BUSOH Brewing Association , CELEBRATED KEG & BOTTLED BEER , THIS -EXOFLLE8T BEEE SPEAKS FO& ITSELF , Orders from any part of the State or the Entire West will be promptly shipped : All Our oads are Made to the Standard or our Guarantee. GEORGE HENNING , Sole Agent for Omaha and the West. fflce Corner 13th and HarnBy.StreBts , Omaha , Neb. MoNAMARA & DUNCAN , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN KENTUCKY AND PENNSYLVANIA WhiskieS ! in lend or Tree , Also dirsot Importers of WINES , BRANDIES AND ALES , Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine OXGr--A _ Agents for Jos Schlitz' Milwaukee Beer , Bottled and in Kegs. 214 & 21B S , 14TH STREET , - - - OMAHA , EBB , MANUFACTURERS OF Carpenter's Materials ALSO SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Balusters , Window- , ! and Door Frames , Etc. Tp Flnt-ol M facilities for the Murafuctora of All kindca of Mouldings , Fainting od V matching Specialty. Orden from the country will b promptly executed. xMramll oommnnlcaUeM to A , UOYKIt , Fropriti