Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 01, 1883, Image 1

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\ Oharles F , Manderson Elootod
Senator ,
Receiving Seventy-five Votes
in Joint Convention.
Speech of the Senator-Elect.
The Xut Bcenc * in , 'McmoraUo
SpocUl Dbpatch to Tim iu.
LINCOLN , Nob. , January 31. Gen.
Manderson's election after last eve
ning's caucus waa a foregone conclu
sion. The feollnz In the city to-day
waa one of congratulation , and before
the meeting of the joint convention it
waa generally understood that the
General would have at least ton more
votes than sufficient to elect. At II
o'clock every inch of available stand
ing room in the hall of the houao of
representatives was occupied by spec
tators eager to witness the last aceno
In the contest which for fifteen days
past has been in progrois. There was
a hush of expectancy aa the clerk began
calling the roll , and when the sixty
seventh vote for Mandoraon ws re
corded a round of applause , which
could not be suppressed , broke forth
from floor to gallery. The announce
ment of the vote waa followed by
cheers. General Manderaou'a speech
waa warmly received. It was ad-
mlrablo in tune , and waa delivered
with evldencea of deep feeling. Con
gratulatory dispatches have been
pouring in upon the senator-elect all
day. A general exodus from the
capital will begin this evening.
pedal Dispatch to Trig Bu.
LINCOLN , January 31. Iho follow
ing Is the result of the nevcntejnth
joint ballot for United States senator ;
Those voting for Charlea F. Manderson
were : Bamgardner , Brown ( of Lancaster ) ,
Brown ( of Clay ) , Jolnn , 1'illey , Fisher ,
Harris Harrison. Heist , Howell , Kirkland -
land , Norris , Shoenheit , Lowers , Walker ,
in the senate. Abel , Babcock , Bierbowe ,
Bretton , Brown , Castle , UbapinOnarlaton ,
Cbrietopheraon , Cole Collins , Calpetzer-
look of Nichol ? , Cox , Dawson , Draper of
Kaoz , Fitbliuger , Field , Gordon , Gow ,
Gray. Grimes , Grimstetd , Grout , Hall ,
Hatch , Horner. Howard , Jensen , John
son , Krong , Lee , Martin , McAllister ,
Miller , Morrison , Nettleton , Palmer cf
Dixon , Kunney , Uobberts. Koche , Russell ,
Badilek , Savage , Sessions , Spitiogle ,
Stiever , Stephenson , Sneasenbach , S e .
iugen , Taylor , Thempscn , Walker , Watte ,
Wastcoth , Whedon , Wessenbirg , Wolph ,
W rt , Humphrey. In the house 75.
For Stickel BarVer , Conner , Decb ,
Dye , Reynold ? , Rich (5 ( in the teutite.
Aimltace , Berkley , Cook ( of Jefferiob ) ,
Dcdd , Haven , .Tone ? , Palmer ( of Saline ) ,
Rainey , RatclilF , Steadwell , Town , Wer.
ban , Wlrtzel , Young 14 in the home.
For Bjyd Brown ( of Douglas ) , Can
field , Case , Conlding , McShane , bang-
In the senate. Carnnhy , Dennian , Draper
( of Cftes ) , Fiauze , Ftdfhurn , Harrington ,
Hemricb , McGavock , Neville , Suhruodor ,
Thomas 11 in the bouse ,
For Morton Dumpby , Pattireon , Hog-
en , Thatcb , Asbby , Barton , Clark ( o
DouglaO , Grove , Iloebel , Laird , Lutby
North , Payne , Town. 14.
For Brown Brown ( of Col fax ) , Clark
( of Coital ) , Davenport , Hollman , Turtle.
For Conner Butler. 1.
For Nettleton Turner. 1.
General Manderson being callei
npon stopped to the front of th
speaker's cloak amid loud cheering and
spoke as follows :
Mr. President and Gentlemen of the Sen
ate and IIou e of llrepresentatives of
the State of Nebraska :
Oppressed with a sense of the deep
obligation I am under , I find it dllli-
cult to say anything at this time.
You have gone through a moat weari
some contest : For thirty days it haa
continued and I congratulate you that ,
as the result of the contest from this
republican state , a republican sena
tor has been elected. [ Applause. ]
lama republican. T glory in the fact
and delight to contemplate the history
of the party , of which I have been a
member. But while a republican I
nice for something higher , I am a
citizen of this glorious state [ ap
plause ] and I go to the high placu to
which I am elected , as a citizen of
this state of Nebraska , representing ,
I hope no faction , no party ,
but the Interest of every party
and of all parts of the cltizenehln of
thia commonwealth , [ A.pplanao. ] I
am a republican , but I glory not in the
past of that party , but I glory that
within it there la stamina , there is en
ergy , there la determination not to
live upon the past , but to progress
with the march of events into the fa-
tnro. In the place that I am to fill I
assure yon that whatever there
is of wrong that may bb rem
edied by my action It will
have my beat and earnest endeavors.
There are agitated in the national
congreaa questions of vital importance
not only to the paoplo of this state
but to the nation at largo. I submit
to you that the past hlatcry of the !
republican party a hews that It is able
and willing to grapple with those is
sues and to bring thorn to a succaas
fnl termination. But I do not Intend
to make A opeoch but simply to thani
you for the high honor that you havi
conferred upon mo. All that there I
In mo shall bo devoted honestly an
faithfully to the performance of th
duty to which you have elected mt
I look forward to no six yoara ef east
I know that It moana a term of hai
labor and oarnoat work. I bel
there is something higher and no
In the position of a senate .
the United States than that of T- ' ,
the simple medium through whlob
patronage of this government sha
dladenaed. That fa a part of the d
perhaps , but I look upon it aa the
meanest part. I certainly do not de
sire that this high oflico should be
come a more broker shop for the dis
tribution of offices. [ Applauat ] I
aoo aomothlng higher than that and I
will act my aim higher. I
may falter on my road to
reach It , but I assure yon
gentlemen , that It will not be becanau
I do not doalro to roach that high aim ,
but It will be from an inherent weak
ness beyond my control , I will i < ot
detain you further. The president of
the senate caullona mo that the time
( a progressing , and that you are anx
ious to como to an adjournment.
Gentlemen of the convention , I
heartily thank yon , and in giving you
my thanks I desire to return them al
so to the gentlemen who have competed
with me for this high honor. It Is to
the credit of this state that wo come
out of thia fight with no blttornesj
whatever. For the gentlemen who
have aakod anpport at your hands I
hnvn no worda but thoao of the high-
fat pralao and most fraternal regard.
[ Afpause. ] Again I thank you ,
coiulornon , for this high honor.
[ Loud and prolonged cheers ]
Steamships and Railroads
SpecUl Dispatch to TBS Ust.
CHICAGO , January 31. The Ohosa
poako and Ohio railroad haa expended
$3,000,000 on their steamship line ,
and before long will has the steam
ships running from Newport News
and Rio Janeiro , and from Newport
News and Europe. Three of the
steamers will bo completed shortly.
Rumors were current yesterday that
the Chicago , Burlington it Qulncy had
completed arrangements for the Im
mediate construction of an indepen
dent line west from Denver to the Pa
cific coast The officials of the Hnr-
llngton , however , atate that there is
no truth in these reporta. Ho new
atepa in the matter have been taken.
The rolatlona of the Burlington with
the Denver and Rio Grande are of a
very amicable nature , and aa the latter
company will aoon have completed the
now line to Salt Lake and Ogden , the
Burlington will find an Independent
outlet via thia route.
Fraudulent Firm * .
Special Dispatch to Tin lisi.
CHICAGO , January 31. Postmaster
PiUmcr yesterday received telegraphic
orders from the Washington author !
ties mentioned In the Associated Press
dispatches as having boon Issued for
bidding the delivery cf mail matter
addrtsied to a number of firms , The
stated mode cf carrying on the bus !
ness practiced by theao firms la to
solicit by circular an Investment of
from $10 upward to forward for the
purpose of grain or stock speculation.
A regular feature of their plan being
known as the mutual investment club.
LUtlo or no return la made
for the money remitted them. The
extent of their operations may be un
derstood from the fact that over $75 ,
003 linn been received through the
pofltcllho for theao firms in the past
twenty days. The expreaa companies
have dollvurod them in the same tima
neaily $30,000. Beyond a amall com
mUsion business transacted throngl
the open board none of thoae firms
have any actual countotiona with th
grain trade.
More Mnnlf/Btos.
Special Dispatch to Till 1) .
WASHINGTON , January 31. Private
dispatches have boon received of a reliable
liable character with reference to the
nature of gold deposits in Alaska
The information alluded to Is of aucl :
e , character thnt aa noon aa it becomes
known It will result In a rush to the
gold fields p.uch na has not boon scon
since the days of " ' 49. " It la atated
that a quartz vein which will yield
from $5 to $8 net to a ton haa boon
discovered on the mainland of aouth
rn Alaska 200 foot In width. Many
othora equally aa rich In the aam
district are reported and preparations
are being made quietly. It is said , by
a combination of New York and Sin
Francisco capitalists to start early in
the spring with mills and machinery
to take possession cf the niluoa and
mill quartz.
Tiru gentlemen , in conversation on
this subject , aald that there
would bo 10,000 men from Nevada
and California on the way to Alaska
within three months , and that before
a year the mining population of the
Pacific slope would be thoroughly
drained of all the surplus labor to sup
ply the now iiold , unless some extra
ordinary excitement should be created
by now diacoverles nearer home.
The Iron-Workers.
Fpeclal Dispatch to Til K IJKE.
PITTSTON , Pa. , January 31. Next
week the of the amalgamated
association t f Iron-workers throughout
the country will commence a revision
of the rates of wages paid the past
year , with a view of arranging a now
acalo to go Into eil'ect Juno lat. It ia
not thought that any radical Increase
will bo demanded.
Vandrrbllt'a "Western Roc do
Special Dispatch to Tui KIR.
ROCHESTER , N. Y. , January 31.
The Democrat and Chronicle state !
that Vanderbllt has aoourod the Cen
tral Indiana & St. Loula railroad foi
weatern connections with the Cleveland -
land , Columbus & Cincinnati , and In
dianapolla , Terre Bauto & Nickel-
Plato route instead of the Vandalla ,
' Carvnr nucl Bogardns ,
Special Dispatch to TIIK lies.
CHICAGO , January 31. The Am
' orican Field will nnnonnoo a plgooi
JI match agreed upon between Capt. S
U. Bogardus and Dr. W. F. Carver
, \to \ ho shot at Loulavillo , February 22
° ICO blrda each for 81 000 , five proum
lcj traps ; London Gun club rulea.
ho * DyliiR Prtzo Filters.
10. | Special Dtiuatchto Till Usi.
io. PirrsiiURO January 31 , The cor
rd I dltion of McForron , ono of the prlt
le I clpala In the priza ti jht which recon
b ly took place at Rocheator , Pennsy
I vanla , la reported very serious. Sllgl
I hopes are entertained of hia recover
A Swede named Gibaon , wr
I fought several woeka ago near Sharoi
, | Pennsylvania , la alao said to be dylr
from the ctTdota of injuries received ,
Roferooa and other participants are
preparing to leave the city in event
of their daath.
A PrlKhtful Know Slide In Colorado.
Bpedo ) DUpatch to Tni DM.
DENVER , , COL , , January 31. Last
night , about thrco miles from Crested
Butte , occurred ono of the most dis
astrous snow allies over known in the
Rocky Mountain region * . Late In
the night thirtyj ) men employed in
Howard T. Smith's c-nthraclto coal
mine , were startled from alcop by an
omnlous rumbling noiso. Almost in-
aiantly the avalaucho waa upon them ,
The building In which they were
alooping waa crushed to atoma , and
the human occupants hurled down the
mountain side. A rescuing party
started out from Created Bntte
aa aoon aa the news waa re
ceived , and after several hours'
Indefatigable labor the men were all
uncovered. Philip Carmln , Logan
Inman , Louia Rloharda , Wm. Moore ,
Charles Botta , J. J. Raymond and ono
other , name unknown , were found
dead. Eighteen others were wounded ,
aoveral fatally. All of the company'a
expensive machinery was destroyed.
A passenger train yesterday , when
within six miles of Created Butte
divided , the ougino going ahead to
clear the track. When tbout four
mtlea from where it lett the coaohoa
the ooglne was struck by a snow alldo
and ditched , and It Ia now under
about twenty feet of enow The
wrecking engine which loft thia mornIng -
Ing could not got nearer than two
mtloa of the coaohea , and returned
to-night for provisions for the starving
Another Btot * Thief-
Special Dispatch to Tni Ilu *
MONTGOMERY , Ala. , January 31.
State Treasurer Vincent's disappearance -
anco led to an investigation by a com
mittee of the legislature. The money
In the treasury vault waa counted ,
amounting to $152,009 , making a de
ficit of $227,000 , amply aocured
by good bondsmen. It waa developed
that the money waa' taken in
the last two years , and nearly allbefore
November laat. Vincent by the statement
mont of a witness before tbo commit
tee , loat over $100,000 in cotton
through ono honao , Fred Wolfle , and
aomo through others. It is surmised
he may have loaned some. There haa
boon some talk since ho bought
honao , rich furniture , carriage and
horses. The governor has taken
charge of the key of tbo treasury.
The default does not interfere with
the business of the atate or canao any
interruption to the regular payment
of warranta. The January interest la
all paid.
Treasurer Vincent left Monday
night , by what route not known.
The governor will offar a largo rowarc
and has sent telegrams to the police
of all largo cities announcing the do
Mention and 11 ght. Vincent Bays in
a note to hia cbrk that ho .wil"
"straighten" the whole matter. Thi
amount tf the defalcation can only be
ascertained after a careful cxamina
tion of the treasurer's books and care
f ul count of the money In the troas
nry , but a hurried and.pirtiil Invest !
Cation indicates that it Is more than
$200,000. It IB not known by wha
train or what direction Vincent lof
Montgomery. Moans have been
adopted to intercept and detain him
if possible. It ia believed the state i
largely secured against ultimate logs ,
NEW YORK , January 31. The de
falcation of the la to Treasurer Vin
cent , of Alabama , oauaed great sur-
priao , Vincent had a large acquaint
ance on Wall street. Clerks at the
tllbo of Fred M. Wooffe referred in
quiries' to the chief for the nature and
extent of business done. Woeffe this
evening refused to speak npon the
subject. The Imp-rtera' and Tridora'
b'uik paid their January Interest ,
Vincent having sent the money in ad
Th Newltall Inquest ,
Special Dispatch to 1 UK L'KE
MILWAUKEE , January 31. Ths tes
timony in to-day'a inquest proceed-
inga was mostly regarding the condl-
tlon of the building. 0. H. Foots ,
commissioner of public works , consid
ered the hotel ono cf the safest incaau
of fire or panic , and not moro danger
ous than the Grand Pacific , Sherman
or Tromont , Chicago. Thia testimony
was corroborated by builders. Captain
Nash , president of the Newhall asso
ciation , occupied the stand moat of the
day. Ho gave it as his opinion the
Cro was incendiary , and let c room for
the inference that Sjhellor was the
party lie first refused to glvo lnfor
motion on the latter point , but being
pressed , said : "Well , eir , I have uc
confidence in a drunkard or gambler
a man who gooa homo at 4 o'clock it
the morning and cannot glvd a eatin
fdi-tory account of himself. " The In
qnent will close to-day.
A Duel for a Girl. 'I
Special Dispatch to Till Bin.
Soconuo , N. M , January 31. To
day Sheriff Simpson brought to towi
a mangled Mexican as prisoner win
was ono of the parties that took par
in a terrible duel near thia place las
night , lie and another Mexican ha td
< been paying attention to the aami
girl. In order to Battle their claim
they locked themselves In a asm
and wont at each other with axes
The ono brought In chopped his
in a horrible manner , severing hi
" head fiom the body , while he hlrngol
ia terribly cut up and cannot live.
No Mcro SulnldlB * ,
, SpcdU Dispatch to TUB liir.
id OTTAWA , ONT. , Janyary 31. Th
Dominion ministry haa Intimate
that , although the Souria and Rock
Mountain railroad charter mny be ro
viewed , no further land subsidies M !
be granted railroada In the Nortl
weat. It Ia rumored that the dopar ,
it- menta of railways and canals and pul
Ho worka will bo united , and a no
jht department of Indian affairs croati
at the coming session of the Domlnlt
The governor-general haa return i
ing and was cordially welcomed.
Brown's HOB Pass Bill Again
Before the Senate ,
The Measure Overloaded With
Amendments by the
Reynolds' Railroad Regulation
Bill Briefly Discussed.
The Management of the Luna-
tie Aeylum Overhauled in
the House.
The Mental Wrecks of the
State Brutally Beaten by
their Keepers.
The Monope of tke House Tire of
tbo Railroad Inquiry
pecUl Correspondence of the l > e.
LINCOLN , January 31. The preai-
dent aanonnoed that ho had appointed
ai the oommlttoo to Invoitlgate the
charges made against the management
of the lunatic asylum , Moura. Connor -
nor , Rogers and Shoonholt.
Mr. Oaao fathered the diurnal reso
lution of Mr. Butler to furnUh offi-
oora and olorka of committees with
papers and stamps. Not agreed to.
The special order bill No. 54 , was
considered and an addition to section
No. ' 2 was offered by Mr. Shoonholt
and accepted. Then Mr. Harrison
asked to amend by inserting a clause
forbidding the Issuing of passes to any
citizen of the state. Daring the dis
cussion upon this amendment some
recrimination was Indulged In be
tween senators. The vote on the
amendment was 1C ayes to 1G nayes ,
and the president east his vote In the
Mr. Bang then proposed the omor
joniy olauso as an additional section ,
which was adopted.
The senate now went into committee
of the whole with the senator from
Otoe in the ohalr.
Bill No. 5 for an act to establish
uniform freight and passenger rates
on railroada In the state of Nebraska
and to prevent discriminations in
favor of or against persons and places ,
wan taken up , Mr. Reynolds is the
author cf the bill and strongly urged
the passage of its several sections.
The antagonism came on the consid
eration of section No. G. This sec
tion compels the roads to carry any
excess over a car load , or any weight
lees than a cir load , at the same proportionate
portionato rate as f jr a car load.
Mr. Reynolds was asked whether
he knew the1 rates now charged , and
whether he knew how much a certain
railroad paid. rt *
He replied that their showing made
them out very poor.
Mr. Brawn , ( Lancaster ) , wished t
know whether ho had nny reason ti
doubt the sta'temonts cf the railroad
Mr. Reynolds replied that ho wni
not hare to acsutm gmitlomon of falsa
hood and did not know that ho nco
to answer that question ,
Mr , Deoh euid that tlin railroad
commlttoo could find out nothing from
the authorities. Whunnoked whether
they brought their pay rolln with
them they say "No ; It would take a
freight car to transport them. Be-
sidoa they cro in nao ovary hour , and
wo have no right to bring our tmploy-
er'a property down here anyway , "
When aakod what their salary is they
refuse to answer , and no on through
out. If they refuse to gtvo us lighten
on the matter , letns legislate with such
light us wo have.
Mr. Butler tkought it would bo very
hard to got up a perfect bill , but ho
was going to vote for a railroad bill
even though it might work a hardship
to the roads. They raiuht bo brought
to their ( tenses and bo willing to give
the people the information they de
sire. If it was within his power IK
would shut up behind the burn theec
railroad magnates who defy the legla-
latnro in its efforts to acquire thai
it formation which the people so earn
estly dasiro , He moved that whor
< the oommlttoo rise the bill bo re-re
furred that It might bo put into oa on.
nhspo in which it could bo noted upon
, Mr. Brown ( Lancaster ) , had 10
knowledge of the freight business one
did not fool able to vote Intelligent ! ]
npon such a question. Ho read
statement sent up from the anditor'i
oflico , stating the earnings of cortah
roads and that the 0. & U. V. roac
was run at a loss Irut yoor Hi [
- thought that the bill should be re
ferred to tb committee and the 0r ;
should Investigate the facts ; or batter
the matter should be left to a comrnis
st eion with power to fix rates.
Mr , Butler's motion to ro-comml
was carried.
The committee then rose and madi
m heir report as agreed upon.
. A communication was received fron
al ho commissioner of public lands am
ralldinga , in response to a resolutioi
slf of the senate asking Information glv
ng the facts In the case of Enginoe
J. H. Brady.
A. resolution * was offared that th
jourd of public lands and bntldin
ho allow Brady $3 per day extra durln
ed the eesalon. The motion waa carrlc
ky and the resolution was carried.
On motion the report of the con
illl mlttoo of the whole was adopted.
th- The sonata then adjourned until ]
rt o'clock to-morrow morning.
ow January 31 , Mr. Re
ted nolds moved pi at the commlttoo c
Ion railroads bo requested to report ba <
his bill No. G so that It might 1
placed on the general file. Ho w
absent when It was recommitted. I
did not see the reason for doing so
miles * It was wished to kill the bill.
He wanted to resurrect it.
Mr. Harrison laid there was no In
tention to kill the bill , but they had
snont a great deal of tlmo upon It.
Questions had been asked about It , but
no one could glvo answers , so they re
ferred the bill that Mr. Reynolds
might go before the committee and In
form them how to put some life In it
and have It understood.
The committee on railroads hero In
terposed with Instructions tD its chair
man to report back at once all bills
bcforo the committee , if so desired.
It was then Intimated that the com
mittee would report after the contem
plated adjonrnmrnt , and Mr. Reynolds
withdrew his motion.
Mr. Brown , of Lancaster , Intro
duced a resolution calling upon the
commissioner of public lands and
buildings for Information as to
whether any complaints had been
lodfjod with him against the manage
ment uf the lumtlo asylum ,
The rules were suspended and the
resolution adopted.
Mr. Butler introduced a resolution
to permit the railroad commlttoo to
sit during the contemplated recess
if hero they pleased , and to authoriro
thorn to send for persona nd pnporu.
Agreed to.
A joint resolution was Intaodnood
from the house asking the concurrence
of the senate to an adjournment , after
the election of United States senator ,
to February 13th , at 2 p. m. This
resolution originated a discussion In
which almost all participated , and by
which almost all the morning was con-
sumrd. Finally the senate resolved
to adjourn to February Gth , and re
fused to consent to the adjournment
of the house to the 13th.
At noon the senate wont Into joint
convention , the ballot resulting In the
election of Charles F. Mandoraon U
United States senator.
On returning , on motion of Mr.
Reynolds the special railroad committee -
too was permitted to alt during the ro-
cass and to pursue their Investigations
independently of the committee of the
homo. '
The senate then adjourned till next
Tuesday at 2 p. m.
Sptdal Correspondence ol Tni Bit.
LINCOLN , Neb. , January 31. A
small sized aholl was thrown into
Speaker Humphrey's conrt yesterday
in the ahapu of a resolution from Mr.
Btoadwoll of Buffalo. For some tlmo
past it has been rumored that there
are numerous employes about the
building that could bo disposed with
but as there was no way 6f fining out
who they wore or what they were
supposed to bo doing , and as they
would not show themselves till the
last day of the session when they
would como for their pay , Mr. Stead-
well decided fo introduce the resolu
tion which reads as follows ;
RESOLVED , That the chief clerk bo
and ho Is hereby Instructed to make a
full and complete tabulated Hat of all
the employ on of this house , whether
employed within the body of the house
in committee rooms , or any other
place. Said list to set forth the name
of every parson other than members
berne npon the pay roll of this hoaso
whether elected or appointed , and , i.
appointed , by whom and what author
Ity and the time of appointment , the
nature and kind of employment and
the amount of Balnry per diem , or
otherwise , and report the eamo to thia
Mr. Ribborfa moved to lay the mo
tlon on the tablo. Motion lost ,
Question recurring , upon the motion
to adopt , ou n division of the house 1'
wfta agreed to.
U , R. No. 37 nlao came up ; thi
bill provided that the Inmates of in
anne aaylumi shall bo allowed to wrltt
letters which shell not bo opened and
road by the Buperintendont.
Mr. Whndou moved that when the
committee arose they report the bill
back with a recommendation that it
do pass ,
Mr Haven moved ns a substitute
that the report road "do not pass. "
Ho said by * hlo bill this house brand
ed the superintendents as sconndrole ,
and ho thought that they should bo
treated as gontlomen.
Mr. Robborts read the following
, from tke State Democrat.
For years there has been repeated com
plaints of biutallty at tha ttate Insane
asylum. Inhamau attendants , it Is bald
have pounded and choked the inmates
Statement ) have been published and olli.
davits made , but Governor Nance , to hit
- diucredlt tie It said , paid no attention and
the work has gone on for ycnra. Tbo su
perlntondciit of the Institution seems tc
think that tbo asylum was created for the
purpose ( f paying him a large salary and
- aifordinK him n princely living rather that
a for the purpose of protecting and caring
. for the i oor unfortunate crazy people ol
< Nebraska. It must be heart reading fui
those who have friends In that place ti
bear , from of o witnesses , the severe treat
ment to which these poor creatures an
a fubjected. It Is bad enough , God known
'a to bo Insane without being compelled t <
In submit to the kicks and blowi of brutal
men and heartless women ,
ido Tne Democrat does not speak nt randorr
o when It ays It has positive Information or
0y this subject and cau point to day * ant
y dates and give particulars In detail whet
, lunatics put In the asylum for treatment
a- have been brutMly pound d and choket
by attendants who would disgrace a rat-pll
men , who It would feein , were employer
lit because of their heartlessnem. If there I
a clasi of unfortunate beings that deuiant
our special attentl'n Ills the Inmates of
lom our Insane asylums , and the person in
charge of them should be n man who wil
id m take peraonil supervision of the entire In
stllution and not turn the trust over ti
311V persons who know little , and care lean
V- about the requirements ol the patient * .
Ver II It In tbo policy of the utato to Uil
rather than curetlio-r. ; ttu cluhblmr nm
ho choking Idea la a good ons and should nebo
bo abandoned.
"g The Je/lsUture h now In session and w
HK would reapccttully urge upon the mewl ;
cd hereof to give Ilia natter a little bltci
cdm Ion ,
m- Mr. Robbarta said-that whether thi
charge waa true or not , it was ovldor
10 that so mild a bill M this could do n
harm. Ho was In favor of the bl
acd hopo-1 It would pass.
ey- Mr , Haven declared that the artlcl
eyon was n libel on Its faoo , and said thi
nok letters should pass through the bam
be of the superintendent , for In many li
was atancoa it might do a great Injury.
Ho Mr. Whedon aald that the super !
tondent of our Insane asylum had his
remedy , and If ho did not llko this bill
ho could resign , He waa In favor cf
It , and the statement of the gentle
man that this waa a scurrilous article
waa bogging the question. Ho hoped
the bill wsnld pass.
Mr. H oil man also favored the bill ,
and aald that a committee had this
day boon appointed In the aonato to
Investigate the charges against the In.
sane asylum. Ho said that every pos
sible safeguard ahould bo thrown
around such institutions.
Mr. Nottloton also favored the bill ,
and thought that the superintendent
ahould not bo allowed a volco in the
matter. Ho , however , opposed the
delivery of letters to the patients , but
was In tavor cf their being allowed to
write and send letters unmolested ,
all the city , extending oven to those
who did not got their first choice for
United States senator. Everybody is
pleased that the fourteen days fight Is
at an end , and that so good a man as
General Mandcrson has secured the
prlzo. The general was warmly con.
gratnlatod last evening and this mornIng -
Ing by all classes and shades of poll
tioiaus who are always anxious to bo
at the death. Even The State Jour
nal expresses as satisfied , when It la
well known that paper , In company
with all Its strikers , fool like death ,
and would rather have had any one
else , and The Omaha Republican la
expected to oomo out with the moat
fulsome flattery , the same aa when
Senator Van Wyok waa elected. General
oral Mandoraon can rest assured that
for a tlmo at lout , the hair will all bo
rubbed all the right way.
The bill repealing the joint rosolu
tlon , allowing the governor to appoint
an agent to collect money from the
United States , under which Tom P.
Konnard waa to receive fifty per cent
of all collections as per a contract
with Ex-Governor Frnnas , catao npon
its reading and passed without oppo
The chairman of the special railroad
oommltteo this morning made a report
to the honao In answer to the resolu
tion of Mr. Franao , Introduced yesterday
day , calling tor a statement of the ex
ponao already incurred In proouolng
testimony , The report shows that
only $53'J 35 has as yet boon expended
instead of nearly $2,000 , as charged
by Mr. Franse , and the amount re
ported includes everything that could
possibly bo charged up to the com
mlttoo , Including the payment of
clerk , reporter , &o.
Mr. FraiiBo moved that the report
bo rcocivod and the committee dis
charged and ho made a speech In
which ho had much to say about
Rosowatcr'a fit < ht with the Union Pa
cific railroad. Ho said that ho did
not think that the house had any bus
Incss to interfere with the politics of
The motion to discharge the com
mlttoo was agreed to with but ono
faint dissenting voica and ho was a
railroad representative. The antimonopoly -
monopoly part of the houao hav boon
convinced that the houio part of that
commlttoo htd aa well never beau ap
pointed for they never cared aa
though they were anxious to
got information. The antl-
monopa wdro therefore per
fectly willing that they should
bo dlBcharged. However , Mr. Franao
need not rxpeot thnt the examination
will 1)3 suspended ; the senate can proceed
coed alone , and will probably do so ,
The crowd to-day at the capital was
equal to , or greater , than the [ crowd
witnessed on the first day of the senatorial
torial light , a largo number of thi
spectators being ladies who carao ou
justjjto bo nblo to sty that they wore
proaont when Senator Mandorson wai
A resolution waa to-day edopted by
both branches , adjourning the loglsla
turo till 2 p. m. February G , indmoi
of the members wont homo to the !
families on the noon trains.
Tbo Annapolis Cadets on a Bender.
Special DUp&tch to TIIK His.
ANNAVOLIH , Md. , January 31. The
cadet ollicers and midshipmen resigned
and the first and second classes decline
the portions. Moat of the first class
are under arrest.
O.idot Woodruff's first class was re
ported for dishonorable conduct , they
, having certified on honor to a false
, . hood which ho acknowledged In writ
ing afterward. Ho waa reduced to the
ranks. Oftdot Lieutenant Street then
< kd his command in the place broken.
The cadet nontenant was reduced to
the ranko , and on reading the order a
number of cadoto groaned and hissed.
The first clans men participating In the
mutinous conduct wcro sent aboard
the Santeo. Several cadet ofllcora were
placed in confinement on the Wyoming.
As the demonstration was general the
, superintendent atoppod all prlvlloces
and the usual rations. The cadet
oflioors who eont in their resignations ,
except Cadet Gun Captain Colvln ,
were rodncod to the ranks and placed
in solitary coiifmomont. Owing to
the diplomatic character of Oolvln's
letter of resignation , It was accepted ,
lie was cheered by the cadots. The
cadets in solitary confinement , Bark-
loy , Wlthorspoon , Barnard , Glgnllllat ,
Tony O'Leary , and Wiiaon , Insubor-
dlnatoa , were sent on board the
- Thanking hhtrldon-
pedal Dlsiatch to Tiu BM.
OHIOAOO , January 31. Genera
Ill Sheridan received to day from the BOO
ad otary of nUto of Illinois an , cfltoh
lOt copy t.f the joint recolutlon by tin
state sonata and house ol represents
ire Ivos , thanklnj * the general for his ro '
ra jort on tha Yellowstone Park to th
irar department , and calling attontlo
ih ; o the danger of loinjng Its privilege ;
mt to any private corporation.
node OMJ
HA , NEB ,
do Tables supplied with the boat U
mt market ailorda. The traveling publ 1
ids claim they got bettor accoramodatloi
In and more general Batlsfaotlon ho
than at any other house in Omah
Rate , $2 per day. aug21tfm
l kK , . ' , .0V
The Famous Ohio Doaoon Pleads
the Poverty of Distillers ,
Secretary Teller Orders the
Suit Against the U. P.
to Proceed.
Th Tariff Talk of CoagrMC.
Bp eUI DUpAtch loTna llsi.
WASHINGTON , January 31. The
customs G ( Moors have been Instructed
to admit at a duto cf 30 per cent ad
valorem as manufactured Iron not
otherwise provided for , bands , hoop
Iron cut to lengths , cotton tioi accom
panied by buckles , but not having
buckle permanently attnohed.
Secretary Folger has Informed
delegation , Including Hon. Richard
Smith , of Cincinnati , and Represent
ative Buttoiworth , ho had no author
ity to extend the time for paying the
February taxes on spirits which fall
duo the Gth proximo. Congress action
la needful.
The secretary of the Interior hat
directed the commissioner of railroada
to Ignore any suggestions loaklrg to
an attempt to agree upon the facts
upon which the claim of the United
States against the Union Pacific road
are baaed , and proceed with prepara
tion of the cue.
The estimated reduction of the debt
for January la $13,600,000.
In the star route trials the morning
was consumed in the Introduction of
official paper * relatfng to Dalian and
Baker City ( Oregon ) route.
Secretary FolRor will probably Issue
a call for $16,000,000 extended fivoa
Teller decides that Fortorfiold acrlp
can only bo located upon unappropri
ated public lands ,
Belmont has Informed the secretary
of the treasury thathia report respect
ing frauds in the importation of
Hawaiian sugar waa shown the com
mittee ou foreign affairs , and that un
less the statements are absolutely
false they are qulto enfllolont to war
rant investigation of the subject.
Special Dlirntch to Tns Bsi.
WAHHINOTON , January 31. The
speaker laid before the house the
resolution of the board of trade of
Portland , Oregon , thanking the com
mander cf tno Morrlmau for his
prompt action in punishing Insubordi
nate Indlaus in Alaska , thus renderIng -
Ing life and property secure. Referred.
Mr. Reed , from the rules committee -
too reported back a resolution provid
ing daily sessions of the houao to ex
tend till G p. m. Laid ovor.
On motion of Caswoll the aenato
amendment to the house joint resolu
tion nmklnr ? appropriations for con
tinuing work of the tenth coniua waa
concurred in , Valentino ( Neb , , ) in-
trodusod n bill tor the construction of
a bridge across the Missouri at Oma
ha , Referred. .
On motion of Mr. Carlisle the duty
on alumina alum was reduced from
80a. to10j. . per 100 pounds.
The house , alter completing 62 of
tlu 1GO articles in the chemical sched
ule , the commlttoo rose and the house
began eulogies on the late Represent-
tivu Orth , of Indiana.
Resolutions in respect to the mem
ory of Mr Orth were adopted and the
honeo adjourned.
In the Donate , Mr , Miller ( Gala , ) ,
from the foreign relations committee ,
reported favorably the bill to incor
porate a maritime canal company ( the
Nicaraunan company. )
Mr. Hawley Introduced a bill to retire -
tire Quartermaster General Rnfua In-
galls with the rank of major-general.
A bill providing for holding a cbn-
tonulal cotton and industrial exposi
tion In 1884 waa called up , and after
behig amended so as to provide that
Invitations to foreign nations to par
ticipate In the exposition bo given by
the board of managers Instead of the
president , was passed ,
The senate Insists on Its amend
ments to the poatcfiioo appropriation
billand conferees appointed.
The tariff bill was then taken up
for consideration.
The tariff bill was taken up and
after debate Senator Udrlch'a amend
ment and Senator MaPhorson's substi
tute , offered yesterday , were rejected.
Senator Fryo offered an amendment
to make the duty on sugars of all
grades 40 per cent advalorem , and on
molaeBoa 25 per cent. Debate was in
terrupted by the presentation of house
resolutions relating to the death of
Representative Orth. Senators Har-
riaon , Fryo and Yoorhoos made ad *
drossoa , Resolutions were adopted.
Special Dispatches to TUB Bii
I'IIIIADKI.VIII , January 31 , Coinage for
January § ? , 'ja 1,000.
NEW YOHK , January 31 , A disabled
cteimor with skyebaard lost , waa passed
at sea.
ALIIANY , January 31 , The assembly
10 pasted a bill reducing the f < ire to five cents
on the Ntw York elevated railroad.
JERSEY CITY , January 31. Tli3 pru
0ho dent , cashier and bookkeeper of tha
In Jloted to-day ,
wi eclied ( Ity bank were
on NEW YOIIK , January 31. The right to
ca give sparring exhibition * will bo tested In
the case of Mace and Slado by a writ of
certlorari ,
A- KALKIOH , N. 0. , January 3t.-0omjre s.
man Cor , Fourth dUtrlct ; , and lanny
the Augu.ta , daughter of Ulshop Lym&a ,
! were married to-day.
ST. Louw , January 31.-A wrestling
3ns match f jr $500 a tide , between Mnldoon
ore and Blbhy KnglUhman , w a closed by
ha. telegraph this tventajf. It will take place
at the Olympic theatre Sunday afternoon.