Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 31, 1883, Image 1

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    k VI-
A Lively and Lengthy Pasa E
at Alms in the Nebraska
Sonata ,
'The StrontjtBt Debate of the
Sosaion on Brown'a Proo
Pass Bill.
'The Unwashed Pawnee Paitlc-
ularJy V.ndlotiva Toward
HIH Old Friends.
'The New Capitol Building
Proves u Poor Excuse for
P/rat Olaes Work.
Manitoba Zaphyrs Howl
Through Countless Craoks
in the Baat Wing.
The Monupi Bollovcd to Have Ef-
foctuilly Blotktdod Rail
road IiO iiliitlon
S.xcbl Corr i nilenco of TIIK GKK
LINCOLN , January 20. The senate
mat thla morning in time to billet in
joint convention , and only prooeodcd
to buainoaa at 2 o'clock this afternoon.
After the reading of the journal cov-
> oral reports of an unimportant char *
actor were received and read. Among
theeo , one to encourage the search for
coal in the state , wus recommended
for ppasago.
Under the head of resolutions Sir.
Conuer introduced the following :
WHKUEAS , It ia asserted by dlvois
and sundry peraunn that unlawful , se
vere nnd brutal cruelty ia txurciaad
by the cflicora and employes of the
inaano asylum towitrda the patients
therein COL lined , and that great And
unnecessary extravagance exists in the
manogemcnt of said iuativutiou ; and
WHBHE.VS , Tno lawfu1 , humane and
ccDiiomicil manig'jmtnt of Dild nui-
tntion is a mittcr of great public con-
earn ; therefore ba it
RESOLVED , Taut a committee of
thrio bo appointed by the president of
the ronute , whoso duty tt ehall bo to
investigate auch obatgta and report
tbo same to the senate at at early a
day as practicable , and fir this pur
pose said committee ia authorizad to
send for persons and papers.
On motion the rules were suspended
and the resolution pasted. The proai
dent announced that he would appoint
the committee at a later hour.
The bill to legalize dissection of the
human body waa read a second time.
It requires that such operation "thai !
not shock the sensibility of the com
munity" where such disaecllon ia car
ried ou. ° Referred to the committee
on education.
The bill to protect the employes oi
railroads in the case of accident , &s. ,
i waa referred to the railroad com
i An inanranco bill was toad a second
tlmo and referred to thn corumitto on
corporations , the effect cf which will
* be to encourage a crop cf swindling
Insurance companies all over the state ,
The committee on "Livo atock and
grazing , " is intiujted with a bill tc
pnntth the giving of faha pedigrjeo.
A bill to deflao tno duties of the
board of county commissioners wa :
sent to the judiciary committee.
Mr. Hamaon propoaea by n bill , nr
amendment to the constitution BO ac
enlarge the number of atato offisen
provided for by the constitution , tc
any number that may bo created bj
law.A resolution to allow the cnglnooi
of the building $3 per day extra dar
ing tha sceslon cf the legislaturec.llec
forth a long discuseion , and at thu one
the resolution waa ruled out of order ,
The diurnal bill of Mr. Butler-was
Indefinitely postponed.
In committee of the whole bill 54
Brown of L nciator's bill to ptfvout
the giving and taking of paasea , camt
op for consideration.
It occasioned a debate which , foi
the numbers taking pirt , the pro
nounced views expressed upon nil
road matters , and the eloquence am
argument displayed , has had uoequa
BO fr , and will probably stand nuaur
passed in those reapocta for the rest o
the feaclon.
Mr Brown uald ho need not rominc
the aenato of the wide spread com
plaint ] cf the corruption wrought bj
the paaa system. It was regarded a
having debauched our politic * and t <
have Involved our highest clluiala , a
well > a all ranks below thnn. lie lia <
given his boat elTorta to framing tin
bill and had consulted othera aa to thi
dlhloncy of ita provisions , The bill
aa it appeared , bad mot with the com
mendations of men of great Irga
ability and ho waa anxioua to eoo i
passed , as helping to some extent t
remedy the evil complained of. I
any gentleman had a better bill , o
could propose any changes for th
improvement of this ono , bo tthould b
glad to acjopt the ouo or tbo other.
Mr. Sohceaholt roao t. ) object to th
manner lu which the bill wai cor
atruoted. Ho believed it would defer
ita own purpose , inasmuch as it pur
Ished btb pwtioa This van th
great defect n ! our election .law r <
apecilng biibory. It propcastl t
punish bath thu giver und the taker i
a b'ibn , consequently bribery \n
never discovered. The man who too
a bribe would never expose tha torn ]
tor becauio by BO doing ho brought
penalty upon himaalf. So in this bl
there waa a penalty for the taker cf
pass na well aa tf.o giver , and the
never could Had out traneactlona of
guilty character , and the evil woul
go on as brforo , unchecked.
Brown , cf Douglas , mid ho waa i
sympathy with the object of the bil
> ut was averse to approving thu last
clauao of the first section , which It
Addition to the line imposed upon the
ikor of a pais , disqualifies him for
ever from holding auy ollico , appoint
ment or position of trust or profit in
ho atato , This wcs too severe. It
waa excessive. It wai greater punith-
nent than waa imposed on a felon , for
f hn wai pardoned hia disabilities
eased. In this caaa the atatutoa die-
bled him for ever.
Mr. Conner spoke forcibly and . .t
ongth upon the propriety e f oxelud-
IHJ all ( Hioera from accepting pisacs.
t waa i'lipoasiblo to measure thn of-
ect such favors hud upon men , Their
udguient would bo biased in apito of
liem , It waa human nature , and a
man would bo an ingrate who could
tccopt auoh f ivora and not fool that
10 WAS under obligations in cense *
uonco. He romiodedaonators of the
ettlonay exercised in thii respect in
udiot&l proceedings , If a dinner waa
liven a juryman , or any slight act
> f kinduosa shown him by the party
ateroatod in the verdict that jurjman
waa about to give , it vitiated the pro-
oadings and the verdict was set aside.
Mr. Sowora objected to the bill
rit , because it would not accDmpllsh
ae abject proposed * Its provisions
oald bd ov.\iod with-perfect oaaa
lo proceeded to show how by the
mrchaao nnddlsttibutlon of tickets at
i inkoi ( Hioj all atild in the bill about
msnos cjuld bo rendered absolutely
mil nnd void. He alao objected to
: ia bill aa an improper Interference
with the rights cf railroads and per-
ona , nud gave notice that ho should
ot only vote F gainst it in committee
f the whole , but on each and every
ccasion on which the opportunity
as afforded him.
Mr. Brown of Clay described the
> ill aa H good ono. In hia judgment
WIIB complete , and ougtit to be
meat d just us It waa. Many of them
ud been aunt there to i fl'jct reforms
n this direction , and ho loi- ono pro-
> ostd to do hia duty and should vote
or tbe bill.
Mr. Kiucnld said much that ho in-
ended to say upon the bill had al-
cady been ao well said by othera that
10 had little moro to add. Ho would ,
lowovtr , take ndvantnge of the op-
lortunity olfercd him and say that ho
ugarded the bil ) as well drawn and
ell adapted to effect iia object. So
ar aa that object waa concerned ho
wus decidedly in favor of it aud
hcu'd ' vote for it Ho hopid thn
) ill would not bo stilled in commit *
; oo , The paaa btjeimsj was ono that
nd baen abased , and it wits tlmo that
t should bo controlled for the welfare
f the people and the welfare of the
oada ,
Mr. Butler said ho had a speech to
make on the subject , and reminded
enators that if they wanted to appear
hero two years from now they would
lave to vote for that bill , or when
hey parted it would bo to aoe each
ther no more in the capacity of rep-
esantatlves of the people. Ho then
> rocoedod to arraign the railroads of
hoatato for the unjust discrimination
hey had shown in the diatribution of
passes. Their meanness had almost
lonvincod him rf the doctrine of
iriginal Bin , a doctrine ho did not
10. want to belluve , and had almost
leprived him of his faith in universal
alvation , a doctrine ho tried to bo-
love. If there was not a hell there
lught to be ono for the punishment of
_ uat such meanness as the railroads
were guilty of. Talk of stealing a
lickol from a dead nigger's eyes , or an
corn from a blind hog ! the railroads
were intinltoly meaner than that. Ho
nstanced the case of ono who had
orved them for years ; ono who would
; et up in the night to servo them ; one
vho did aorvo them dy and night ; yet
10 was sot aoldo and they sent and
taked him to return the pass that had
> ecn iaeiud in his favor. It was tlmo
omethiug should bo done to put the
.fliciira of the road a in their proper
ilace. lie had thought of them In
loll and fie devil with a harpoon got-
iog at their vitaln to furnish food foi
{ Udgeona.
Mr. Barker said ho had not attach
ed much importance to the bill till
low , nnd the rppjsition it had met
with had led him to regard it aa ol
; reater consequence than before. He
hould vote for it KB a measure llkolj
.u meet the wlahoa of the people , who
tolerate the interference
would * no longer
ence of railroads in the politics of the
Mr. Norria aaid ho was opposed tc
ho bill aa casting an undeserved ro
lection open members of that body ,
farmers outaide o' the senate mlghl
receive passes ; farmers in the sonatf
could not. Lawyers outside coulc
tuko such f wore ; lawyers serving thuii
constituents , thoao wore tn be cut off ,
Sow why iy It was a reflection up3i
; heir honor and integrity , ho for om
could not quietly submit to.
Mr. Butler naked him whyfarmori
and lawyers in the senate rocoivoc
jasics , nhilo farmers and lawyers out
aide did not. This fact furnished iti
own answer.
Mr. Harrison objected to the bil
oocauio it did not go far enough. Hi
wanted a clausu Inserted which wonh
include all citizens , as well au cllhon
and dele < ! > atoi to conventions.
Mr. Dolan objeotod for the sam <
reason , and offered an amendmontpro
liibiting railroads from giving pasao1
except to persona in their employ. I
waa not agreed to.
At ono time , and baforo moat o
aonato were aware of what wai involved
volvod , the motion to adopt section :
wia lost and the bill was cut down at
that acctlon 2 waa all remained of it
Subsequently the vote was recon
oidcrocl and eoction 1 waa roatorod
amended by striking out the claua
dltqualtfyiug the officer from holdiii ]
aftnr conviction ol a eocond offenso.
When alraoet all had rpoken , Brown
of Lancaster , made a atronp appeal 01
behalf of hia bill. He said ho wa
not r.n enemy to the railroa'la , h
only wanted justice done to all , nn
dwelt upon the nccoiaity of auch
measure , the joalouay with which a
temptation abould bo removed froi
men who had dihlal tracts , nn
added that ao far had the morale c
public men been tampered with b
the railroad" that oven the auprom
court of the United States waa nc
ibovo suspicion. That court ha <
it ly turned some very sharp oar
lorn in order to make ita decision
avorsbio to railroads , and had ovei
) eon guilty of Bonio contradictor ]
rulinira. He cited the ax to of the B
fc M , in which thu supreme cour
md decided that thu land grant t <
tut company had no lateral boundi
md ir vo them the rl ht to onloc
! 00CCO acrea of land elsewhere thai
.long the line cf the reid , and yo
n the case of cottier who c'aimcd i
atent for land along the sidt
he rend , Iho eamo court decidrc
hat thu B it M hind grant lud lat
rat bound ] , and that this man had nr
ight to a patent , bjlng within twontj
nilcsof the road. He made no im
nitatlon upon any otlicer , and had the
) gieat regard for thu judiciary ol
Ilia atate. Ho hoped hit bill would
ot bo still-id in committee of tin
whole , but bo dealt with fairly andac
nat they could all ga on reoatd upon
Mr. Sowora then said If it waa pro
inaed to make a record of this bill he
was ready , , nnd would favor the ro <
toratton of section 1 and a report or
10 whole bill , whioh would bring il
> nforo thorn for a vote , aye or nay.
Mcsirs. Ilaynoldaand Dosh were ab-
ent during moat of the discussion , ba <
ug occupied with buatnros aa uiouv
> era of the committee on railroada.
It waa dually resolved to recommend
lat the bill aa amended do pass ,
Vhen the cnmniittoe rose and tnauo
a report , on motion the cnnsldora-
.on of the report waa poatponod nu
ll to-morrow.
LINCOLN , January 30 It la cold In
iio senate chamber this morning. It
Iwaps is when a stiff breeza is blow-
UR outsldo. Olrrks are wearing their
vercoats , memboro are clustering
iroand the steam heaters , and cough-
ng nnd siiuczing are the prevailing
ounda. Tlfu fact appears to bo thai
no work done nn the wing , at loiat , ol
lie capitnl ii badly done. The win-
ow sssh do noi lit. The caslugs hnve
lirunk from windows nud lloorc , and
Ithough , the other day , the cpacit
) utween the window oaein s nnd the
tonfe work on the iiitide , wen
huckcd'jtviih oakum , like the gaping
saina of an old atorm-bnttcred nnd
woathor-worn hulk , the cold air yol
moves through the clumber with per-
optibln velocity and moat uncimf > rt-
bli elfact. It i > n p inlul n tl'ctioti
tiat ao much money Ins been vpaut tu
> roduca : i butldii g , bolter only in up-
) earnnce than the crumbling wnok it
na displaced.
The busino's of the morning com-
moticad by n resolution to nak tlu
otnmissionor on public lands and
mlldimjs what stlary the engineer ol
ho capital building receives , and whul
ecommoudation ho has to make at
ncreaae of the engineer's aalary duriuf
ho seBslon. Agreed to.
Another resolution to procure 1C (
dditlonal copies of the legislatlvi
nanual for distribution was votec
[ own.
House bill for the protection of f
male omployea waa read. Ic compali
employers to furnish seats for fomali
impleyes , and to permit them to ai
lown , when not required to wait upoi
customer ! " .
A bill was read a second time , wltl
bo emergency clause attached , ti
abolish the practice railroads have o
barging an extra rate when a passen
; or fails to aecuro a ticket and offar
lis fire upon the cars. It was ra
erred to the committee on railroads
The committee to whom waa re
erred the bill to provide for ai
amendment to the constitution so n
p parmit a larger number jf oxecu
ivo rlVuera than nonr provided , ro
tortcd favorably.
Under the head of unfinished bust
less the report of the commlttoo o
bo whole on bill No , 54 , to proven
giving or taking cf pussoa , cimi
up for consideration. It waa sough
o amend the bill so as to prohibi
any citizen receiving a pass.
Brown , of Clay , Biid there was nc
objuot in such nn amendment excop
o kill the bill. The people did no
want oilioers to have passes , but the ;
did not want thorn to hinder railroad
uiving passes where they pleased ii
irder to forward their business. The ;
lad no right to Biy railroads ahonl
not give paesoa to shippers of clock , o
nick or indigent poraons , ana ho re
leatod his suspicion that it was sough
; o defeat the bill by overloading it.
Mr. Sh < uahoit resented the insinnc
tion , but did not explain.
Mr. Brown , of Douglas , did not ba
love in muking this bill so that rail
roada could not Isauo pasaoa to indlvi
duals. It waa to do away with th
corrupt use of pastes that the bil
waa framed. That was what the
ought to have in vioir.
Mr Butler had no doubt that th
total abolition of the pans system we
the correct ono , but while wo had th
boat people nad the bast lawa yet w
were not perfect. He thought the bl
wont at ftr as it were possible to got
the prfsout tlmo It was all the poc
pie ankid , and ho gave the opponent
of the bill notice tint if thoyintendo
to kill the bill by the amendment , h
did not intend to vote with thorn. D
should vote acnnat ; thu amendmoi
aud for thu bill.
The amendment was not agreed t'
Mr. Dolan offered another amonc
muni including eovoral addition
claseo" , to which Mr. Connor objucte
a ? not being germane.
The point of order was not su
Brown , of Douglaa , thought the la
amendment worao than thu first , . '
would bo utterly Itnpo.islblo to can
out its provisions , and ho hoped
would bo promptly voted down.
The amendment net agreed i
Mr. Harrison then moved to inao
after the word election in the fnurl
line , "or any citizen of this slnto. "
The amendment waa agreed to.
On motion tha bill was niado tl
apccial order of businesa for 3 o'cloi
this afternoon , and the Boriato a
jonrnod to moot the house la joli
convention ,
After the convention the aonato a
journed till 2:30 : p. m.
SjH-cul Corropondonco at Tin Hit.
LINCOLN , January HO. Twelve no *
ills were introduced yesterday after
lonn , among thorn n bill ( house rol
243) ) f ) r nn not for thn rcluf of tin
i'lrst National bank of Nebraska City ,
ppropriatinc ; ever $13,000. .The
iiionoy clnimod is on nrcount of n
omiHliaUl act cf Ao.iig Governor
V II .Jurors , and thn aamo bill hna
con baforo each Icgialaturo for thu
aat twelve yoarr.
Mr. Whodon nlao introduced Inueo
oil No. 252 , making paisonnand cnr *
lorations owning or operating telp-
, raph lines within this atato common
arrirrj , ntd restrlotlntr their nuthur-
ty to limit their liability by notice or
Two bllla were nlao introduced pro-
Idlng for thooatablishmont of n board
f immigration , both of which will
Hobahly go the way of nil the earth
t no late day.
Six aonato bllln , namely , numbers
, 2 , 3 , 4 , 13 and 14 Thtaa are the
rat from that end if the house. All
f them were read n first time , and
rdered to a second reading.
HIDK ainwa.
The caucuses of tha different parlies
nd the operations of the apeclnl nil-
oad commlttoo nffjrd about all the
xcltement at this tlmo , aud it ia
robal'lo that the examination into
ho ncta of the BDporlntcndcnt cf thn
wane asylum by n epcclal nenntocom-
iltteo may add another aide- allow
which may open up at nny moment.
If nny credulous anti monopolist ia
ugglng to h'.a soul the , fond delnaiou
lint rnilroad legislation attho _ present
eenion ia an assured thing , let him
a \buso hia mind at once. It ii not
ortain that nny alnglo railroad bill
will become n Inw. It ia not prob-tblo
liat nny valuublo legislation on tins
ubjfct will bo had audit it hnrtil ?
osatblo that nny bill otn paa ] unos
; haa the full nactlon cf onn or both
tic * railroad corporntiona. This miy
torn atr.ingo to those rrho hltvo heard
o much of the nntl-inonopily snnalo
nd thn anti-monopoly ropubllmn
onao. Il la tnin that they had n
03\ majority in both houus whin
lected , but it ia nlao true that there
ns been , as thure nlw ya ia , a con-
intiona line of converts to the rnilrnad
idu. uudhoiiaouvcr the railroads
ot they keep.
A man can purchase prairie land
helper than ho can homeatead it , and
; it often easier to convert a member
ati to elect ono.
Bo this ns it may , the nnmbor of
mon who came hero to assist in rail-
oad legislation has already dwindled
own to a minority in the house , nnd
a certainly not much , If any , in the
majority in the eonnto.
There are excuses enough by which
a man may seek to appease his con-
tltuents and bis conscience. The bill
s not in the right form ; itii unoon-
titutional ; ho ballovoa in'acoramia-
ionor system , etc. , but the bold fitcl
emaina that hia vote will help to kill
ho bill , and there are .enough nf thii
clasaa to kill every bill that touohec
upon rates or passes. ,
If the saprprnj ourfc V uolwi.
dored ita opinion at a early a day we
ihould have had a railroad commis-
ion lyatom as advocated by The
Fournnl and other railroad mouth
pieces. The chief beauty of the sys >
em in the railroad mind was the fuel
.hat whenever it became troublosamc
t could bo shaken off and abolished
> y this very authority that has now
> rovcntod its adoption. It would
lave boon declared unconatltutiona
nnd therefore dead. Having Ion
iholr commission bill , it now renuini
'or thorn to kill everything clue luok
'ng toward railroad regulation. I
hey are dinposed to do BO they cut
control votes enough , and they wil
very naturally bj dispoaod to uac
.hem. . V
Houao Roll No. 7 , a bill providitij
'or aolling and leasing the school land
of the state ca'ino up for pataage thi
morning , and was passed by a largi
majority. Mr Jensen explained ht
vote , aaying that ho had expected t <
vote for the bill , but upon oxamina
ion found that any man could lease a
nany flections aa ho might think boat
Be hod boon Informed that ono man ii
Wayne county lias leased and nov
controls fourteen sections of this land
Lie thought it opened the door to to
much speculation nt the expense o
, ho atato and the nuttier * . Ho , there
fore , voted no. Mr. Wolph ondorsoi
Jensen's objections , but thought tbn
it waa ao much better than the ol
air , now in force , that ho wnuld vet
Mr. Fratiao , of Gumming introduce
n resolution calling upon the epecir
railroad committee to furnish th
lioaso with the expense already ir
currod in Bonding for witnesses to a [
pear before naid committee. In BJJ
port of hia resolution Mr. Frans
made a few remarks in which b
charged that he had boon informo
that botwoun ono and two thonaan
dollara had already been uaed up an
ho waa opposed to any farther ei
pondituro for the reason tint h
thought the examination had assume
n personal nature , and he thougt :
that Roses water was too small a mate
to occupy so much tlmo nnd connun :
so much money in this fight agalni
the Union PactOo cimpany. The n
solution waa adopted ,
There ii no doubt but what all rai
road atrikora will hoar enough to 001
vince them that the people of th
ntnto had bettor pty n half million
year in ever charges on freight turif
rather than to expand n thousand <
two in finding out Ah"ro the troub
UOUBO roll NOB. 40 , 41 , 41 , 08 , 1
and 28 trero read a third time ar
At 11:40 : the homo took a raceca t
11:50 : when the roll wai again cnlli
and nt 12 Iho aonatn camu into tl
repr ; entativo hall fr the purpose
holding joint convention.
u Against Decency.
Special IMvpitch to Tun H .
. NKW YOUK , January 30. At t !
annual mnotlng of the society for I hi
prevention of vioo Anthony Cnm.loct
atixtod that durini ? llio your ha hac
seined alx tons of gamSllpji fnrnitun
and apparatus aud undo 118 arrests
for ollonaca ngainrt decency
Tha Work of 1'nriil' Revision
Slowly tn
Both Houses.
A Pointer an St Idiots' Horutfttend *
SpecIM Dl > i < atch to Tin HIM.
WASHINOTOK , January 29. Gas-
well , from the nppropiia'ion com
mittee , reported the poatt Hi jo appro
priation bill , with the senate amend
ineut recomuiouding n concurrence In
; lie same , and n nou-coucurronco in
: ho others. Among the amendments
non-conourrcvl in were those nppro
irlixtlng $185 COD for special mail
Acilitioa , nnd fixing July 1st next as
the date dnto when the two cent letter
? oetago should go otfcot. The report
was ngrood to mid n conference com *
nittoo will bo appointed. The house
.him wont Into committee of the whole
ktid resumed consideration of the
D-'b.ito on nil nmondmnnta was
imltcd to thirty minutes. Glue , gly *
corino , aoop , etc. , were kept as in the
bill of the committee. The duty on
ylaocB ) WM reduced f mm 25 to 20 par
cent advatorom , ( Twenty per ejut is
the present rato. )
Mr. AndtTAou Kuns ) moved to
pkco phosphate of lime for fertilizing
ptirpoios on the frco list. Ilia advo
cacy of the measure was much ap
plauded by thn democratic tide.
Mr. llatikull interrupted Anderson ,
and n noisy oollilr'iy ( ] followed , made
inaudible by the laughter nnd ap
plause on buth Rides of the chmnber
Mr. Aodorson'o motion was ngreod
to , the committee on ways and uiuana
withdraying all ( 'ppusition , upon the
assertion of nuuthurn mumbora that
they did not wish for a protective
duty on the article.
Thirty live of the 150 items in the
chemical nluv.luh ) wcro ounsidercd
when Mr Il iuiu ni1 ( G < t ) moved the
cummittuo uuo. Tlu > i otinR voted
down Iho demnor'xto f f lira" to vote
on the nextiiinendmont , u f jruiul ( ino ,
and the comiuit eii wai loft without a
quorum. Tne roll win \llod and
absentees reported , but u quorum
being declared the cnmmittrn itiimu-
diatuly resuirod scaslou. The same
aotics were pursued nnd again' the
ommittofi reported no quorum ht'd
otod. The house at 0:25 : adjourned.
In the aonato Kuliuyg introduced n
ill authorizing the secretary of the
avy to tram fjr to the secretary of the
uterlor for entry nud nalo all reserved
ands not needed far niivnl purpones
Senator Merrill , from the finance
ommittoo , reported fworably thn
.ouso bill authorizing the issuance of
aplicato checks by the auperlnton-
, ont of the Ban Franciaoo mint.
Consideration of trio tariff bill was
Senator George moved an amendment -
mont providing for admitsion of ma-
hinory frir the manufuoturo of cloth
, nd thread from cotton , wool , hemp ,
, nd jnto , nnd all tools used solely in
nanual labor , be admitted on a duty
f ten per cent ud valorem. Ho oiler-
i an additional amendment admlt-
nc agricultural implements , tools
, ud maohinery at ten percent for ton
.parsafter the ptueayu of the act.
g Henutor V.\nco offered an amend-
nent p-ovidin for the free iidmbalou
f nnchinory for the nmuufacturo of
otton end woolen goods
Senator Davis ( WestVirginia ) , took
, he ground that the country had
, lwaya proepored best under a fail
ariffthat the truu historical democratic
lootiino was not "tariff for revenue
.nly , " but "tariff for revenue witli
ncldental protection. " Uo oxprosioc
ho opinion if the word "only" had
joon omitted from the last democratic
pl&tfotm , Hancock would have beer
lected. Dobftto on the amondmon
: ontlnuod until after G o'clock. Kaol
[ Goorgo'Hatnoiidmout were dofeatoc
iy soporate votes.
Senator Heck explaining his vote
declared "Ho was not a free trade
after full examination of the quea
Ion "
Vance's amendment was lost.
The metal nchodnlo being disposoi
f , the senate proceeded to conside
ho sugar echodulo. Senator Morril
offered a substitute for the schedule
ncreaslng the rate above that of th
arid commission.
Senator A drlch offurod an nunnd
mont to thoeubJtltntu offarod by M or
rill , making additional duty on Biiu'an
not above No. 13 Dutch standard 10
contb per pound instead 5.
Senator MoPnoraon offjrod nr
amendment , which ho said was tin
tariff commiaslon'o echodulo , pun
and simple.
Senator Morgan explained why h
should vote to rodnca the duty 01
Senator Jonas nrgned against th
proposed reduction.
Sutmtor ICellof' ( { announced that h
intended to offer the tariff oommli
alon'a sugar nchrdnlo as a aubstituto fc
that reported by thu committee.
Without actincr on auy umwidmon
the Bonato , at 11:10 : , , adjourned.
Snttllnc Ihn lunnrauco.
Special to TUB ItKK.
CiNOi.VNATi , January 30. John ' .
Covlngton , superintendent of the Ii
surunco adjuitment company of th :
city , has returned from Milwauko ;
having completed inves igation nn
adjustment of the N-iwlull houi
building nnd content * , ilo tnaki
the IOSH on building SMO.OCO ; innui
iitifo. 878 DCO ; 1 8 on aauMiiitn , ? 3l
000 ; iusuMuco , ? 23 800. Ho eaya tt
oonatruction oi the building was i :
tooro hazardous than most hotel
while oppllancoa coneidtrod valunb
to extinguloh liroa were moro nume
oua in it than in moat hotels. Olncl
nali luauranco companloa will pay the
Inaurauco without litigation.
0311,0 , F , Manderson Secures th :
Caucus Nomination ,
All Hail tbo Coniiup Mar , and
Mifjhty Few Mourn ,
Though the Slaughter of AB-
pining Statesmen Was
Joseph and Hia Bar'l Dies Un-
houored and
While Thny/r nml Cowln Act an
Chief Ucmruoii.
Special UltpaU-h to Tin Unit.
LINCOLN , January 30. At laat the
moat memorable contest in the annals
of Nebraska ia ovor. After two week ;
of scheming and wlro pulling the com
bat of political gladiators has ceased
in the selection cf General Charles F.
Maudoraon , who carried off the re
publican caucus nomination on the
lifth ballot to night nnd waa then
proclaimed the choice of the ropubll-
cana amidst cheers nnd general re
When the joint convention adjourn
ed last evening the impression among
veteran politicians waa that General
John 0. Ojwln would bo the caucus
nominee. Ho has bon supported
with nil the ardor and influence that
Congressman Liird could command ,
n nd within the laat forty-eight houra
Laird had been joined by Captain
Phillips , the boas politician of the B.
& M , who had bi'on previously sup
porting Millard. The offorta of
Phillips nnd Laird alarmed Judge
Weaver , who had been n worm
aupportor of General Thnyer. At
3 o'clock this afternoon Weaver and
hia poiHjnnl friends made a still hunt
nmung the aupportorn of Thaycr ,
Saundcra and Millard , who were in
duced to algn n paper pledging their
volon to General Mandoraon , during
the progreea of the caucus. By 8 p.
m. fifty-two signatures had boon pro
cured to thia paper , and when the cau
cus mot General Manderaon's nomina
tion was n foregone conclusion. The
nomination of Mamhraon elicited
cheer after cheer from the members
and spectators.
Oouoral Mandorson waa called for
and made ono of the happioat apooohea
of his life , congratulating the republi
can a upon the harmonious conclusion
of a contest that had been waged for
fourteen day * without ongandorlDg
bitter foolinga nmong rival candidates.
Ho believed the republicans were en
tering uplii a now era and pledged
himself to devote his energies nnd
talontH to the party in the state.
Senator Saunders followed in n
speech expressing his satisfaction will )
the choice of the republicans. Ho regarded
gardod the position of senator ni
laborious and onerous , bccauso it wai
importable for any man t * aatlsfj
overjbody. Ho had discharged thi
dutica of his cllioo to the best of hii
ability and. ho would now retire frorr
political Ufa and devote hia tlmo t <
lie interests of his family.
Loud calla were made for other can
lidatoo , but they were not in the hnl
nd the crowd adjourned to the Commercial
morcial where the nominee recoivei
an ovation from hia friends rogardlea
f party.
The general impression is very favorable
vorablo among nil classes. The antl
nonopi regard the choice as satlsfac
; ory M that tf any other ol the prom
nont republican candidates , Thor
s no doubt now that the nomlnatloi
will bo ratified on the first ballot to
morrow. E. II ,
Special Dispatch to TIIK Hi-it.
LINCOLN. Nun , , January 30. Oul
ono ballot waa taken in joint convou
tion to-day , with the following n
suit : Thayer 21 , Boyd 10 Millard If
Oowln 14 , Saundora 10 , Stioldo 1 !
Mnndorson 10 , Brown ( i , Morton [
Jrounsu 2 , Lake 2 , Savage 2 Bath
9 , Aahby 3 , Oautiold 1. Adjourne
to 12 o'clock to-morrow. )
Spec'M CorrcepondeiiM ot The lieu
LINCOLN , January 2 ! ) . The vo1
for senator stood as follows on tl
Kith ballot :
Kor Stlckel-lUrkor. Dyn , Ucrklo
Oodil , Jnne' , I'almer ( ot Saline ) . Studwo
Town , W h n , Wlmzel.-lO.
For MandcrMm Uomijardner , Sowei
Walker , Oox. Jeimin , Hadul k , Hjbbetl
lUnney. Wnllcor , Humphry 10.
V r lljjd Hrowu ( f l > niilaii | ) , C *
Hold , Cue , Conkllnt , ' , McSliarw. 1'atti
inn , Siuir , Clark ( of Coif ix ) , lliu-enpi )
Drap-r ( of C. f ) , Fninrp , Ilarrlrctn
Hi-luricV' , Ljlhby. . McGavock , Nevil !
Xortb , Schro'ler , WatU-JO.
Krr HnuniJm lirown ( > l L-incatto
Hi-lit. IMr&ownr , Coliiet/ar , Urnper I
Kiuu ) , Guw , GilmoH , Htiner , J ilinsi
Mlllur , I'u'mor ' ( of Ulxur ) , lUinst
KocUf , Hatclilte , Wetcott 15.
for Ttiiuer Brown of Clay , VM\ \
Harriinn , If'iwull , llivnoldn , Ulcli , Am
tipp , Cole , Cook ( if JclfiTHor ) , Cook
NucltnlU ) , KMilioRor , ( irinateid , Ho
Krd , Martin , Nettloton , Hnaiell , Hoaslni
HnanoRkHtoaver , Swe.uingtn , Young ,
Kor lirown Hrown ( of Cnlfax ) , lo (
Caruaby , Grovor. Holtinan , Turtle Ii.
Vnr I'nniior Uutlor , 1.
Kor Cowln Dolan , ICIncald , Non
Dabcock , L'bupla , ChrUtophereon , C
1ln , D w in. Gordon. Hall , Haver , Lee ,
WNrnbeiB , Wolph 14 ,
For Uor-Onnor , Frcebura .
FT Morton-Dtimpby , HOBO * * , HoebeJ ,
1'ftvne , Tower 5.
For Mlllnrd-FIHey , llnnlr , Aboil. Brit-
tnn , llrown. Castle , Charlnton. Field ,
( ray , Grout , Moirlaon , Savage. Stephen *
on , Micwetibach , Taylor , Thompson.
Worl 18.
For Af > hhy Aihhy , Button , Tumor 3.
fur Savago-Clirk ( ol Djuglut ) , Thorn *
a2. .
For firounio Hatch , Knony 2.-
For L ko.NfcAUMor , Whcdon 2.
Thatch voted for Canticld.
Joint cjiivontion adJDUrnod to meet
to-morrow at noon.
BpoiUl Dlapfttchrs to Till Um.
PAIIIH , January 30 Fallloroa was
so > .jd with siokiicss while defending
Kitlru'a bill proscribing protondora to
the throne. The sitting was suspend-
od. After the aoiaion Fdlliorea f tint
ed. Cjngostion of the brain is f tared.
Debate waa adjourned until Thuraday.
P.-ovlous to the illness of Fallioros ,
Runault , republican , spoka strongly
againat Fkquot'apropoaitlon ; alao the
government's measure , dcclarintj such
attacks on liberty would not bo ap
proved by a vote of the whole people.
A member of the ohatubor shouted ,
"You are on Orlennist. " Renault ro *
plied einco Count do Paris had gene
to Frohadorf the Ork-anUt party had
died. The excite mont waa increased
ry Reualt painting to the dilemma
wiiioh would arise should the congress
of two houses , despite the proposed
law , nominate a prince president of
the republic. Renault said ho admit
ted the government had the right of
defense , but not persecution ,
Fallioros said if the web of the in *
tilgio which at least hy silence en
couraged princes had not boon woron
around the povenminnt the question
of rendering security cf the country
complete would otlH have arisen ,
but na a matter of fact nd-
Vintngo had boon taken of
thn liberty enjoyed under the ropub-
1 u to nttack the government , which
being foundedjon national soveiignty
must depend upon itaulf for its pre
LATKH No seriom results is appre
hended from the illness of F.iUores.
All ) KJll Illil.AM > .
LONDON , January 30. McOirthy ,
O'Dannell and Oatlan , Irish members
of parliament , appeal to the English
people to moist the starving Irish
( armors nnd laborers. Tno govern
ment baa boon appealed to and the
lord mayor naked to open a relief fund.
Coi'ENHAQKN , January 30. The
Russian ducrop ordering youths born
of Danlah subjects and now residing
in Kjhaswlg , either to outer the Prus
sian army or leave their homes , causes
Intense indignation throughout the
country. Denmark protests against
this froah breach cf treaty obligations.
ODEHHA , January 30. Fonr atoam-
ors Ice-bound have boon carried sea
in the ice iloo. Their f to unknown.
BERLIN , January 30. The govern
ment contradicts the rumor that Gar-
many insisted upon the oxpnhion of
Cardinal Lodoohowski.
llelmpoltz , the ominontphyslologiat ,
, raa created a noble.
DUIILIN , January 30. Tire priaon *
a in Kilmalnham jail have been
dentifed ( as the l'hunix park rnnr-
"orora , nnd Kavnnafjh'o car recognized
.a that upon which the assassins drove
> ff. The oar driver , bound for Amor *
as arrested at Cork alighting
rom the Dublin train. Ho is aua-
_ ooted of being one of the murderers.
Ho oallrd upon the crowd to cheer for
Councillor Carey.
BEIILIN , January 30la thu reich-
tag , Windthorat announced , in con-
Idura'iou ' of the emperor's luttor to
ho p'jpo , the clerical priy would
bandoii the pondijg motion againat
he May laws.
ST. PETBitsnuua , Jauaary 30.
The Goloa and Viudomustl admlt do *
pito the Anatro-Gorraan alliance ,
riondahlp between Russia and Austria
a possible.
Till ! IHiail ItKLIEF FUND ,
DUIIUN , January 30. Parcel ! has
'orwarded to Father Gallauhor 100
jf 385 received from the Now York
iocioty of the Ancient Order of Hiber
nians. Father Gallagher in acknowl-
idglng the receipt of tbo money
wiites that the Buffering people of Don *
gal are subsisted on food only fit for
i boast ; that private charity cannot
cope with thu widespread distress
hero ; that the government alone can
do ao , and things will very soon coma
o a crisis.
January 30. Switzerland
hna rejected thu naturalization treaty
propoaod by the United Statca , ac
cording to which nationality is for-
foiled by redding for n certain period
abroad , on the ground that this clauao
of the treaty is contrary to the Swlaa
PAKIS , January 30 General Cam-
ponor bus accepted the ministry of
war. Admiral Joaroqulberry in coin-
plying with the request of President
Grovy haa agreed to cojiduot the min
istry of marine pending th3 uppolnt-
muut of his aucceaaor.
BKUUN , January 80. The plan for
Ktrongthenipg the fortifications of
Kiel doviacd by Gnneral Moltko , and
approved by the Emperor , ia for the
cuutitraotloii of the circle of sixteen
forta , makini ; n part af the dockyard
ono of thoatrongrat in existence , and
the completion of the ( strategic rail
way , ofttabliahlng nil uninterrupted
commuuiciition along the lUUio coast.
the Party.
Kioolal | DUpatch to Tim Dm.
NEW YOKK , January 30. The Mar
quis cf Loruo and aulto arrived this
morning from Washington and will
leavu for Montreal this evening ,