Paid" * o. \ \ . WJl U. * at t 4 ri Special - Jc4 c4bC c4f , f . 8' B'r P , 1 f 'I ' Gu i " ' - - F * T * * ' HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TWELFTH YEAE. ' OMAHA NEB MONDAY MORNING JANUARY 5s9 1883 189 THE STATE CAPITOL Progress of Important Measures Through the Lei8lature , Brown of Douglas Hasps the State Treasurer and His Defective English. 1 he Watch Dope of the HOUBO Securely Seated in Front of the Speaker. PaiBHRe of an Am ndm nt to Oma ha's Charter , RclatluB to VlRoroua Bounce or Two Sploj on the KopubHcan Cnucua THE LEGISLATURE. Special Corrospondenca ol lunDxB. BBXATE AFTEHNOON HEHS10N. LINCOLX , January 20. The ticat bill read was ono to logaliz ) Iho din- Rjctlon of human bodies in the etato , and the mortal remains of nil paupora and unclaimed persons are hereby devoted - voted to the surgeon's knlfo , undur certain rcatrictlons. The bill to prevent { domestic ani mals , having any contagions desoase , running at largo , was road a second time with the emergency clause at * tachod. la response to an inquiry of the senate , the treasurer asnt a communi cation upon the items of interest ac count. It brought out from Brown , of Douglas the remark that the reso lution ought to bo sent bick to the treasurer with the intimation that if did not understand English the senate would furnish him an interpreter , and that the treasurer w. s trying to bamboozle - boozlo the senate. The committee on counties reported Irtvorahly the bill to deliuo the bound aries of Loup county , The senate wont into convention of the whole , with Mr. Harrison in the chair , who brought the committee into working order with unexpected skill. skill.Mr. Mr. lleynoldo bill No. 5 , for the regulation of , and to prevent abases and unjust discrimination by railroad corporations , wan postponed Bill No. 11 , to amend too coda of civil procedure , introduced by Mr. Shoontielt , was similarly pootponed. No. 12 for the re location ot county Beats being no-xt in order waa thun considered. Mr. Rich introduced a change in the title conf ding itc Application to county seats within five miles cf the centre of the county. Brown , of'Clay , Rpposed the change aa being a bind ot special legislation. The change of title- was accepted , and it was resolved to report recommend ing the panesgo. The norh bill for consideration waa ono introduced by Mr. Djlun to authorize counties , precincts , town ships aud towns to vote brrlge bonds for internal improvement , it j. Mr. Brown , of Douglas , moved to strike out thu word "railroad ) " Mr. Cite moved to changu the rat is of per cent , of valuation from 10 per cent , to S per cent. Mr. Ssnoiul.huit raoyod to make it f per cent , Mr. Bailer spoke in favor of allow ing the people of the state to bond thcmsolveo rfor works of internal im- provetnaut end even railroads , lie referred to the case , of Douglas county and the city of Omaha. Buforu tht people began to issue bonds ho could have fed and fattened ono hundred head of cattle in the streets of Omaha , but now it was the most rosporour city on the Missouri river. SVith bonds earno prosperity. The amendment to reduce the per csnt of valuation were lost , and when Mr. Dolan explained that they only ranted a construction of the present law so s.3 to include bridges , because his people wanted a bridge across the Republican , the bill was recommended to pass with tbs amendments made. The committee then rose and reported , and the bills wore ordered -engrossed for a third readhag. HF.NirE aXiHNINO SESSION. LINCOLN , January 27. The talk ol this morning is AC incident not strict ! ] legislative , and haa reference to t couple of citizens , hitherto 3gardod as reputable , who wore found trying , in a sorrepUtions 'manner , to learn thi secrets of the republican caucnc. The editor of TKK 'Bus IB credited with patented aod exclusive rights dn thli direction , and it is 'fitting ' and joct thai these infringes should bo hold .up U public reprobation. Tt soenu thai Phllpot and Courteney , legal HgUt ol the capital city , scouted themcolvei in a room adjoining -Uio one in which the caucus wai held. The rooine eon- mocted by & door , and over the dsoi 4raa a transom. During the meeting come of the members of the ciuoui * sw a face framed in the traninm. A newspaper wai" put up to bafflj tlw off. After a while the newspaper wai in c motion , and ft was found that the transom was open , so that every word poL-on waa heard by the Hatouer. Or this discovery two stout cau-canoi burst open the door , there was t rackfit , as of filling furniture anci scufnlcg , hurrying human feet , HUC Conrtnoy fell a cipllvo to his in coaiod visitDrs , was taken through tin mooting and uncannoniously ejected , A farther inspection cf tho'room re veriled another craun , tf the lumo o , Phillipot , who followed in nuickordei the fljing atepc < f 1m purmer In in iamy. There hat bocn a mystery for aomi time about the rapidity with whicl the secrets of the caucus fjund pub licitPhillpoi claims ho had a rlgh to be in tliu room , as ho is a gymnast and the room ii utad for physical ox Tciso , and ho threatens to brlnat tetloi agaiuet the CSCCIIB for asmull * .ad bsttery. I ihtot ho will find 1 lifllcult to convince any court or jury hat any system of gymnastics pruo iced slnco anti-dolnvlan times re quires an athlete to place himself in n iarkened room and hang by the lobo of bis aur cnlar to the open transom if n door , beyond which important political business is being transacted. Tbo senate did not convene till 10:30. : The journal was road and Sen ator Brown , of Douglas , moved that ho ntatoraont of the president why 10 ruled that the senate conld not ad- ouru from day to day , until the olrc- ion of a oenator of the United States should be stricken from tin journal , lo contended that it had no more right to bo Hproad upon the paoa of ho journal than the speeches of mom- jers. Senator Butler opposed the motion , and thought ho undoin'.ood the motive at the bottom of the matter , lie road from Iho manual , and thought ho opinion of the chair ought to ap- > ear , and gave oxpresjion to a general oeling as to the value of the argil- nent of the chair , In opposition to .ho . proposed adjournment. lie hougnt ii ono of the most able de cision upon tbo question involved yet ; iven. The motion wai lost. No other business was transacted and the senate adjourned to meet in ho house In joint convention. Af- ; orwari adjourned till Monday 11:40 : a. 'n. I10USK PKOCKCDINOH. Tno house in the committee of the whole yoateiday afternoon considered imong other things , the militia bill ntroduced by Mr. Armitage , Roll No. 41. This bill provides that ; ho ctticers and privates shall receive ; ho same pay when called out , and ; hat amount shnll not cxcid two del < , ars a day. It also reduces the pay ol ; ho adjutant general from $500 tc § 300 a year It also reduces the paj of stall rUlcers of any kind. The militia ofii jors entered a protest againsl this bill , but the committee of the whole were almost unanimous in recommending commending it back to the house foi passage. Tno record of "Camp Dump' which is still fresh in the minds of the people of Nebraska , with its wiiu luppora , and high prictd oftiora and , ) oorly paid privates who did the worl iad its influence. The bill us origin , ally introduced provided for paying the odisers S3 , and the privates ? ' _ > , but it was amended by Gen. Uollmat : to make the pay of all alike. The question of dividing the state into juuiclal districts is ono of Import , auco , aud any division that e < iu bt made is bouna to meet wltn consider , ible opposition. Thu suggestion lint boon made to bring all the law > era in both branches into a caucus tuiddcc'.dt ' upon a rodlvlslon among themselveo , and then support the measure with r will. There is a bill in the Ronato bul none in the houso. Tiio general sup position is , legislation will favor mi.k ing nine or ton districts in the place o' ' six which wo now have All the l.iw yers favor making more distrlctn , bul the furmera nro generally opposed to It , Hall and Wolpli , of Cass county , whc occupy chairs just to the right of tin speaker , are looked upon by all job bora with anything but a friondh look. Like Kimunda in the Unitoc States eouiito , they are known as thi watchdogs of the treasury , and fov oRCurea with an appropriation con uected therewith escapes tholr notlco , They are both farmoro , and are amonf tlio most useful on the floor. Mr , Hall was in the last honso and Mr \Volph corved a term in the legiala lure in territorial tlmoa. Kousc1 roil No. i > 3 , a bill compollinj einploj1 era . f female help to furnisl chaira or Roata to such employees wai road a third time and piased. llousi roll No 4 , a bill for an act to amotu section 15 of an not entitled "an uc to incorporate cities of the first class aud regulating their duties , povron aud eotroramont , " introduced by Ojlpotzor , wai nvl a third time aud put upon ita passage. It being f bill pertaining ocly to the city o Omtha there was no opposition andi passed. As wo understand it , it ia i ro-er.Bctmunt if the law that is nov in force , except section 41 , whlcl reads as follows : 41 st. To regulate the crossing o railway tracks , to regulate the runniu of railway engines , cars and track within the limits of the city , and t m ko other and further rules and re strictiona to prevent Occident t croce ing , tnd < on the trackc of railroads , atv to proveut fires from engines ; also t aid in the construction of viaduotc o bridges ever , ortunnolu under railro * tracks ac etroot croBsltigs with QOCM satj Approaches , bv eiiuslng to be is saea the 'bonds cf tto city in a amount not exceeding thirtj five thousand dollar * fornch work an not eiceedinc one-half of the cos thereof , wliich bjnds tfaall not drai interest at n greater rode than six pe centum per Annum , and payable nc more than twenty years from the dat thereof. Provided , Ttct no sue ! bonds shall ta issued until an ordl nance providing therefor efoall be tin submitted to , ud ratified by , a majoi Ity of the legkl voters t anch clt voting tbof eon -t a generw ! or ipecli oloction. There wore fiy two voiot againi the bill , namely , KIcOavock And Sad ; lok. THE BALLOT Hp < x.U DIeiatch ( oTim Una. LlNcotK , January 27. Tlie join convention mot at 12 o'clock and vo ted once with the following reaull Eight members were absent : Btlekt 14 , Saunders Hi , Bjyd 23 , Brown 5 Cowin U , Connor 4 , Croanso S Thayer 15 , Manderson H , Millard 14 Morton 5 , Savage 2 , Dye 1 , Like i Butler 1 , Ashby 0. The house adjourned till 11:1 : o'clock on Monday and the sonata tl 12 o'clock the same day. THE VOTE IN DETAIL hl > : clal Corrmpoiutaii u ol Thi Itui I.INUOI.V , January 27. The folio ? in ; ; is to-day's vote for United Ht t ( senator : 1'or .Stlckel Jlirker , Ue"li , Dyf. lie ; ml < U , IMch , Annltve , HerUuy , efforHOD ) . Dodd , Junes , Town , Werhfto , Vhltrol , YounR-14. For Manderson BomRardner. Soworr , Valker , Cox , Jeoion , Kobbcrts , S.idcloV , VMkor8. . For liojd Brown ( of Douglas ) , Can- eld , ConkllnR Patterson. Hatiir , Ashby , 'arnaby , Clnrk ( of Douglas ) , Davenport , ) eutnan. Draper ( of CMS ) , Frnnsp , Hnr- Inptoii , Ilolnrloli , Hollmnn , LMnl.Iiutbey , IcGnvocV. Neville , North , Schroder , Thomnn , Watts 23. For S unilerBrown ( of Lancaster ) , Iflst , Belrbowcr , Colpetzr , Draper ( of vnoi ) , Gow , Grimes Griniteiil , Horn r , Tolmson. Miller , Pa'mor ' ( of Dlxoi ) , 'nltner ( of Saline ) , hUlney , lloche , Wcet- tt 10. For Thftver Brown of Cluv , Fisher , farrinon , Hnwell , Cole , Cook ( of Nuclt. Us ) , FublluRor. Howard , Mnrtlu , Nettle- on , Ituncoy , Kuaicll , Suauogle , Stcovcr , iwenrlnitii ; 15. For Brown Urown ( of CoHnx ) , Thntcb , Turtle-3 Fur Connor Bailer , IU > en , Kntclille , Stedwrtl 4. For D jo Connor 1. ForCowln DolanKnci\MNorrI ! , Bub- ock , Clirtatcphor'ou , Colllun , Chapln , ) W OD , Gcnlon , lUll.Lco , Taylor , Wis- enbertrnnd Wolnb. 14 Fir Morton Dunpby , HoRord , Hoobel , 'nvne , Tower 5. ' For Millftnl Filloy. llnrr ! , Schoenhclt , Lboll , Ctvtlo. Chnrlnton , Field , Morrison , Savage. Session * , Stcphenson , Siiesflun- 3acb , Thnmjxiun , Humphrey II. For Aahby Barton 1 For SivaRO Clark ( of Colfax ) , Graver. 2. 2.For For Tntler Freoburn . For flrouuso Hatch , Kuonoy- . For LikoMcAllister , Whcdon-2. "WonUljnrno on Franco. Special Dispatch lolim I ! " CincAoo , January i ? The News mbliahcs a tolegratufrom Ex-Minister \Vashburne on the present political complications in Franca and their irobabio outcome. The ridiculous liu- lortanco which is attached to Jerome's nanlfcsto is accounted for by the gen eral detestation of the Bonapartlst potters. "Plon Plon'a" croaking has directed attention to the gauzy claims of the Orlcanlst and bourbon proceedings. The intense hostilities : o all Imperialists has thus boon aroused. Flame wai added to the nel of popular Indignation by Eugenie's ill timed visit to Paris and her expressions of sympathy for the puny plotters. Hence the de mand cf the exile of all pretenders Washburn eays that an Irreslstablo lontimont in favor of free institutions las imbedded itself in the nation's ' ioart , and ho gives it as his deliberate judgment that no existing hostile in- luoicoa can imcotnpasa the republic's downfall. Gimbotta's death , ho nays , ins wicourapod adventurers , but their secret Bchiiminp and pub'lc ' prating will be wholly fruitless. Tim Cliintna QnoNtlon- SprcUl Di-pntci ! to 'lux UKH WASIIINOTON , January 27 Score- : ary Folder h telegraphed the col- eetor at Sau Francisco that thi Chi- ipfio laborer who "ai in the United 3Utes Nivomber 17 , 1880 and loft aoforo the act Miy ( i , 1(582 ( , has a right to land without the s'atuto cor- tiliaatoon proof aa'ijfactorily to you or the court not names the day. The date of the proclamationo [ the treaty October 5 , 18H , is Immaterial. The department's attention bar. bccncr-llod U > thecas'sof Chinamen now on ship- biard at Sin Francisco. Special Dlcpitch to Tile liu. CINCINNATI , January 27. Mohr S Motir , dijtiilora , rntdo an asDlimmont this inornir < ; to Charles Rinkin. The bond line not yet been etvon , and nc Rtatcmont cf assets or liabilities haa boon mncte. It ia estimated the liabilities will not excaod S15C'COO. ' Bjforo the assignment to-d y , thoj filnd chattel mortga -agprpijatiiif 83o,000 , ono < f which , for § 20,000 , waa to Mr. Solomon , of Boston , r member ot the Qrrn. A Venn-Hit Tiro- SjiudU Ii piUch toTim HrK. i \ViNi-38Ki Vr. ' . ' , , Januiry 27. At , o'clock a car r n oil' the track , collid ing with anothercnr loaded with kero none nil , which exploded and But fin to a largo wooden storehouse close ti the tr.ick. The storehouse was con sumed , tcgalhor with its contents which consisted of wool and mill sup phes of all kinds belonging to thi Burlington \Voolon company. Thi lost is $12 ; , OOO. Insurance , $75,000 A Wnbitb. Accident. ll patli to TllR URI. , Ind. , January 27. At i : o'clock last night , a mile east of hero the west bound express train on thi Wabash , St. Louis and 1'acific strucl a broken rail , and the chair car am steeper rolled down a forty-foot em bankmont. There were bnt oigh passengers in the two cars , and noni were seriously injured except thos in the sleeping car. The woundoi were brought hero. Badge and Blood SpecUl Dispatch lo Tui 1) . KOHTOX , January 2K , Elizabotl Weasels. ged 14 , killed her brothel ln-aw ! , Henry Fashoaor , a dlsslpntei fellow who wua separated from hi wife. Fashoaer visited his wife to night , quarrelled with her llttl brother and while abusing hiiu wa slot. A Western Man Dead. | u'.il Dispatch to Ten ItrH , V/ASHINOrON , January 27. Ool , 0 II. Irian , chief cf the bureau of on Kraring and printing , died to-day c paralysis of the heart. The Anionut Oono- SjHH'ii U.tpatili to Tur It ) r. NASHVILLE , January 27. Th nccount-vnt finds the deficit of M. T Polk , lalo state traaaurer , to be § 202 , 407 or * ! * { t tVt Tbo Ajnitvorsury of Payne. Ipeclat Dlnpi'jch to TUB Una. Ntw YOUK , January 2x The an nheraary of the birth of Tom J'nyn was celebrated to-night in the Get MaJonic tomple. ' ddrosses wor made advocating tree thought. Tint Mnrfted Popular Favor accorded to "Hub Punch" In amply war ranted. .A' " < itkfIKIKI M > ( Iwhen re qutrcdfvr an MIIrivit tt. Trade ttippllet At manufacturers' jn'icei ; liy M. A. Me Nftinsra. Kamiliei t pjil/sd / by A. H ( Jla'i > tonn , Oniiha NCI. ' . THE INQUISITION , A Lively Session of the Special Railroad Oommittoo , Odorous P. Mneon Froths and Fumoa Aeainst " ARrnriantein , " But "Positively Deolinea" to Give the Name of His Client. Attorney Xaird Manages to * Eub- on Free PniBCH and nu Rntnlnor. Uurohaut Uumphroyo Details n Pew of tbo Troubles of Sulppora. Spucnl CarrM ( > end nce ol Tin liu. IINCOLV , January 20. The special railroad committee hold another moot ing at 3 o'clock this afternoon. There were present Senators Reynolds of Butler , Dech of Sauudura and B.-oirn of Olay , and Mr. Grout of Otoo , who , as on former occasions , aotod as chair man. Mr. Galoy appeared on behalf of the committee , and Judge Mason and Assistant B. & M. Attorney Dawooso wore present to look after the railroads. Senator Reynolds made a request that JUDQB MAHON bo sworn , which bolne complied with , the learned judge was put through the f jllowlng examination : . , Question. Will yea ntato to the committee mittoo for whom yon appear hero ) Answer. I appear first for oltizuu Ma- Don. Don.Q , Well , for any other persons ? A. YOB , sir. Q. State , please. A. Well , if the committee desire to know. If a ma jority of this committee desire to know , I have no objection to telling. At this juncture in the proocoodlngs considerable discussion took place , and Senator Ddah moved that it is the sense of this committee to know for whom Judge Msson appears. Senator Reynolds aecondod the mo tion. Senator Brown wanted to know what bearing it supposed to have. Senator Reynolds explained that if Jndgo Mason appeared as an attorney for uomu p.irticnlar person , the committee mittoo ought to know it. Ho wanted to know If the jadgo vraa there on railroad buninooa. Senator Deoh thought it was very plaiu , that in the ovldonco which will go before the people , it would bn un derstood that Mr. Galey appeared for the committee for the pooplo. 11 n ( Mr. Ga1oyjtskod ) a particular Hue of questions , which it is thought will bring out particular ovldonco on which Judge Mason appeared to bo there aa an attorney to nk questions iti in nppotito diiectitxl * iippurontly , to take awuy so much of the real ef- fee : of the questioning aa was potsl- bio. Tno public would want to know why these questions wore a iked by Judge Minim if it were not in the interest of the r.iilro.ub. . If Judao MMOII appeared for the rail- toads then the c unmittoo and the people should know it that they might draw their own concluilonn. Judge Mason said ho did not doauo to delay or ovoid or disguise any matter. So far as his appearance thoru wan concnrnod up to the prosant timu ho nald three Kcntlomon who wore exam ined by the committee had asked him to appear and neither of these three Kontlemon had any connection with the railroads. "If , " continued thi learned gentleman , "wo have rcachat the point that it is a crime to appear for a railroad in the estimation of this committee or any member of it we are stepping very closely upon the borders of aggressive agrarianlsm. " ( What ever that may bo. ) After pointing out that ho hac elicited more important facta againsl the railroads than the gentleman who appears for tiio committee and in forming them ttuit he did occasionally try law suits and do business fet the B. & M. and on one occasion oven tried a sal' ' for the 17. P. , ho emphatically added : "If I was to BOO tholr inter este imperilled here I trust I am nose so lost to a sense of propriety as tc allow either my pride , my impulses , my hatred or my spite to overrun m ; judicial propriety to interpose In the ! behalf. But up to the present time no member of any railroad hoi Hpoken to mo ; up to the present time BO far the matter Is mine. It look to me aa if the gentleman was trench ing on private business. In otho words , the gentleman might as wel ask me what me and iny children o t for break fait , or what wo expect tc have for supper , or who * her wo sleep on the floor or on a feather bod. " The learned gentleman conclude ! his speech with a brilliant porora tlon. Senator Reynolds painted out tha ho did not wish to blacken any per BOD. Ho waa well aware that the judgohada right to nppour fjr tht railroads , but the committee had n right to know It. Mr. Galey eaid ho thought the om mittoo had n right to know in wha capacity Judge Mannn appeared. Thereupon the jud o jumped U ] and exclaimed"I decline absolu tely to answer. You entertain wha opinion you please. You will got IK " answer Mr. Galoy then put the Ijllowiiif question to the lutrned gentleman V I will utk you to state , Judge whether or not you appear at the in atanco or request of ny ollicor of unj railroad company of this fituto , or attorney tornoy of any railroad conipiny ir this state. A. No mi of your bus ! , . tiesu v. MI : . JAMKH IAIKU waa then called and aworn. He tcatl od that ho had boon retained by the 5. & M. U. II , Co. as attorney , but iras never put on the salaried list , 11 o eceivrd a certain sum as a general otainer. and after that waa paid In nc- ordanco with what ho did , Was lover engaged to perform any political orvici ) for any railroad in this state Ylth regard to passes , ho had some linca hod some for the purooao of novine witnoescs , etc. Mr. Djwoeao iftd given him n few passes for per- onal friends , which ho atkcd for , and hit waa all. Senator Reynolds innulred whether Mr. Laird had n pass himself , and the witness replied "I have. " The witness added that whenever ho Burlington road had given passes o delegates they had given them In- lacriininatoly so far as ho knew. Mil. UODPUCY wai the next wltnota examined , but lothitig very fresh was elicited. Quos- lour' respecting discrimination in atos itnoas said that ho had told .kiln d men that hn thought ther was C crltniuntlou , but whenovnr ho iad L tied for any fiver or reduction hey i * d Inviuhbly told in a most arcli' 13 tone "tho law forbade them , " Mr. I.V. . Raymond , wholesale gro- : or c f < his city , was next oxAinlnnd , mt ii'i'hlng of particular public inter- st MU. nuni'iiur.r of this city , and in the hardware aud griculiural implement , and storage and commission busiuoea , was the lnt witnot * examined. Asked to atalo whether bo know of any 01303 of dla- rlrainatlon on the part of the rail * oadn , ho said that lost summer 1 o eccived a notlco from the B. & M. hat they would not advance bask barges on freight unless it was ship- ted over tholr line , and after that lotloo he made a shipment to Palmyra nd they refused to advance bask barges , although it had ] rays been the custom pricr o that time to advance back charger. Asked whether ho know what their reason was for for rcfuslnc , witness re- ilied that It was bocauao ho was unlp- ilng over other lines. That is vrhit 10 tupposed was the reason. The U. ' . who had some freight come in at ho tlmo over the same road were al- Owed back charges. Senator Reynolds asked Uio witness whether the rates from Lincoln and ) mnlm are higher now than when the Uchinon & Nebraska waa operated as an independent road ) Witness relied - ) lied that thu rates wore higher , prob- ibly twenty-livo per cent higher , aid 10 thought the volume of business TIBS double. The committee adjourned to moot at 10 o'clock ' this morning. A CHURCH RECORD. Wet uDobt In tbo Stato-A Sunday Sormen * Before the sermon nl the First Presbyterian church yesterday morn- ug It was announced that all but d few hundred dollars of the huuvj debt which bad been a qroat burdoi to the church for so long had boor raised , and it was desired to have tin remaining burden removed. Th ( pastor par o'the GoilfirogatloD. into thi charge of the session , who in a ohori time rtisod every cent required , and at the present time there ia not a debt on any Presbyterian church ii : Nebraska. The paitor chose for hla text "Then nald the Lord of the vineyard , what nbiill 1 doi I rill send my bo' loved sou ; it m.iy bo they willwelcoini him when they BOO him " It may have appeared to the mom bora of the congregation , and not t' the members cf the church , that tin. g' > spel to tlieiu wns void and usulcas , on aceount of the sormona in rnfurenco to tlui fact that thu Holy Spirit had boon directed oipcclally tc Oririatiaua. But everyone whc hears thu gonpol of Christ should not bu without an interest in it , and that interest should bo vital and nul ftupcrficlal. In this tigure we have the vlnoyari our life which in hedged about bj providences and cultured by the mint aud heart , and the good accomplishec for man and the glory rendered t < God are the fruits 'of that vineyard In this we BOO that everything hai boon done for man , and that the Soi of God has boon sent In order thai the vineyards , which take from th < earth its barren peaks and deser wastes , may give to it beauty and life And before this Son have hnm nlt ] fallen end said , holy , holy , holy. Ii this life they BOO perfection. Itanan In his Life of Jesus , BO brilliantly undi this < vork , It casts a sunshine of dls credit on all ho had previously sale against Christianity. And as his fami has conquered the world will you no reverence hlra ( But you say you can not graip the truths of the Bible you uinnot accept his won as true. And hero yet need the Holy Spirit. Yon saj yon say yon will wait and lot this sal vatlon come to you. It may leon proper to His Majesty to grant yoi only the privilege of accepting tha which ho oilers you , and not bo so 1m pertinent as to bo In danger of deservIng Ing a resentment. As the hasty moments monts of tlmo fly , the weary hours o eternity pass slowly away , over ; minute opportunity to make life a sue cess IB gruapod , while the great oppor tunltios for making eternity a BUCCCB are allotted to paia with a Borrow lu KUnuo. And the work cl the Hoi , Spirit Is to cause you to look at otora ity as It IB , to connidor the respectiv positnna , and to apply thn moans b ; which heaven muy bo obtained. The philosophy of Ilobbs , could no runtrain him from fiaying , HH ho vru dying , "I am taking a fearful leap Ii the dark. " And men , though they h men of talent , if they have dlerog.trdui the claims of fho Holy Spiritth present agent of the trinity the ; make it Known to others era they tak the "leap in the dark. " Socrates was pu/zlud. as lie auw th sculptor and the fanner absorbed ii their calling , whllo they disregards the higher culture of the mind thei should not the Holy Spirit bo grieved as ho BOOS this lack cf spiritual anpira- tlon mental gravitation ! The "laugh ing water , " as it winds its way to the ocean of eternity , IB to tome the acme of joy ; bnt In the briny deep it lashes its waves In angry turmoil. FATAL ACCIDENT. A Ltttlo Olrl Drowned In a Clstorn. A sad accident , resulting In the thu death cf A little girl , IMiol Itich- ard , about joars and G montliB old , daughter of , ) , M. Uicnnrds , book keeper of Fenroii & Cole , took place at noon Saturday , on Eleventh ntreot , between I Limey and Howard streets. I.auemi tlntwlillunoaio wa'.er WM be- ingdrrtwn fr 'in a cistern Inthokltchen , the opening to which was riqht in tin- doorway leading from the dining room to the kitchen , that the little girl , who was p'oying armtud started to run out to tha kitckcn aud jumped ctMight into the cistern , from which she could not bo taken , as there wore no men around the house , until llfn was cx'inet. ' Dr. Mercer won on hand as soon us the llttlo ono was tak en out , which was in about ton min utes after nhn had fallen. I'KUSONAL * Col. Harry Bruwncon , Accompanied by liln wife nutl daughter , nnd bin wlfd'ii shier , Mist Dourdau , of Vermont , lefc Oma'ia Saturlny for l/ii Anelfi | , Cali fornia. Gel. Brownnon will spend three innntbi at I/on Atigolo ? In boposof benefit- ting bia bcnltb. Sarmtor C-infioU run ) up homo to spend tbe Snbbnth , nmi looks ns If tlio wrlnhty responsibilities of his ctlico nt lightly on bis shonlilenr. J. C. Morrlmey , M MorriHKey nml I'J. Morrisioy , of 1'lattnmoutb , rc 'ntorpd nt ha 1'axton ycntenUy. ills * Xlmmerm-n Is rlnltiiif ; In Ouinlm , ml U the unest if her Muter , Mis. ll K. tayloril , CV II. Hcndrlx , uf tlio military bead- quartora , Inn iono ; cist to rrcupcrAte. Mr. nml Mrs. ( iri > oilin\i' wore cast joutnl pun cugerd ycntcnl y. Col , Gco. T. Bi\le'j , of Htratn it , N. Y. , , ' rcRiHerc-il nt tbd I'ftxtnn. \Vfttnon J. Kerry nml family , ol Hojton , nro g'leitn nl the MUUrJ. lion , JnmcH U. Kynor ruturneil Iron ibu mniint.viMH Inat nlubt. A. Coniatock am ! J A. KV.IIIH , of Din rcr , nro nt tbo Mlllnnl. rbil. Oaiu nnd Kil. Hurlbnl , of Colnm if , nto nt the Millard. Mnrnh Svvllle , of Krarnay , roijiUerod u the Milhrd yoat rdny , ( leneral 1'ninenger Agent Mnr o , of tin U. ] ' , , lu.n nno cant. Supt. I' . .7. Nichols returned from tb wuit yesterday. Hon. Low May , nl Fremont , WAH in thi city hut night. Dr. Mid Mr < > . ( jrosamnn have icturnoi from California. T on. W. Auttin , of D llii , Texai , In i the I'mtun. J. Lea ' ' 'ottnn , of San Pranciioj , i a tbo Pax ton. C. 1C. Squlreti nnd Indy loft for St. Loul Ht niibt. ; Clmrli-H II. Tnylor , of S' . 1'nul. ia f.t th Millard. C. N. CntndMl , of I.iacoln , U nt th C. L. Whitney , of Oakland , Col , , li Ii town. Dave Liuiluit , u ( Oeuoi , h nt the Mil lar.l. Luke Vautncoi , of Cheyenne , IH In tb city. .1. W. Hichnrdx , of Oanvur , In ! tb city. city.F. F. 15. Heujple , of len\er , la nt the l'a ton. ton.U. U. 1 , . Wlllaon , oJ St. Joe , ia ut tnn Von ton , Boclety NOWB. An early lent is forcing social oven and the fashionable world BCOUI determined terminod to have something to bo pen ( tout about in the way of shaniolot fllrtatluiie and late hour * before As ! \VoJncaday casts its pall over society What with an unusual amount o aloighing the numerous club reception and several private parties , Omah has been buna enough ainco Chrlstnu time. The Wednesday afternoon hop at Fort Omaha are always onjoyabl and the visiting gnosts from the clt ; tpoak loudly in praise of tint uxcellon managomoat ana charming hospltalit ; which prevails at the garrison. Wednesday evening thu Saiu Gere monio held one of tholr delightful rt' ' ceptlons at the Millard , which , not withstanding the cold weather , wa largely attended. On Tbnrxday evening a sloighin party to Happy Hollow , under Mr. A S Patrick's auspices , loft Omaho Among the participants wore th MlsaoB Boyd , Lyou , Lshmor. Oon ; don , Balcombe , Shears and Dunlnr and Messrs. McMillan , Rnlf , Berlir Orary , Sharp , McUormick and Wj until. until.The I'axtoninns gave another < their rcruptions on Tuoaday ovenitif at whiih iiuito a largo nnmber t frlnnds from the rity wc > ro proaont luvitntlonn are out for n rocapil.i on Tucndav e\xu'ng next by th Misses iijyd uv the reaidoucu c Mayor Boyd , o i D ve'iport utroa1 Also presenting tlio complimontfl < Mr. and MM. Ktn Millnrd forThur , day evening , February 1 , at the Ml lurd hotol. K < 1KU | Dl < ] Ult < ll tO THE IlKK. riio\iDi.Nri : : , January SJH. Challe states the firat dividend of ton pi cent on the liquidation of the Spragt mortgage notci will bo paid Kcbruai Cth. THE UNCROWNED KINO. aucns Rales the Hour at Lin coln , bnt His Tenure is Mighty Brief , The Rnilrond Gr nna Jubi ant Over a Temporary Victory. 'he Secret Ballot and the Baf'l Go Hind la Hand for MiUurd , But Kmnl Succ aa la Far Ro- uioved Proui a Dead Oarfcutr.ty. Tin Duion of Dnniuornioanil AniU UilL' Hri\v Atiorao ] R THE TRAP OK THICKS TEaS. prd l Dispatch to UK HICK. LJLCOLN , J.muiitv 28Vh n the 'gUlaturo convuuoil ( | uito uumber it U'publicauR , who had been tluctcd n anii monopoly p'atfftcv , declared oaitivoly that they never woulu untcr \ totiiituriul CAUCUS , because they did not propose to ( surrender thbir iudl- idunl hburty to the dictates uf the nnjurity which might nominate a renounced monopolist. Inter in the ay there were f ally thirty members who declared most emphatically that hey would not enter a caucus as long 3 Millard wan liable to bo ita nom- nee. Up to within three diiyu it very arge majority were outspoken against eucret vote by ballot , but TUG LAH1I 01' THE 1'AUTV LIUIlEUsJ nd the pressure of candidates aud heir backers liu * finally driven every opublican into the caucus , and to-day hn railroad organ in this city declared hat king caucus la supremo. From a republican Btandpoiut there will bo nu acrloua objection to a caucus , because t , ntl'mts the only chance of excluding from the choice all these who are not etrlctly members cf the party. Fiotn the out not , however , it waa well un derstood the caucus waa to I'o the moans of whipping into c f ob noxious candidates ; that olaon ot re- publlcana who had u conscioucj and were not to bo bought with m > my or promises of patronage. IIid the re publicans enforced arcojrd-d vote , ro that no man who n"ld on' , on Id go biok to IIB ( uonsLltueii'Et without TIIK UKANII of VKKtHOX upon him the procewling might have tucoived the Biinction fr im the repub licans , but now the jobboro and trick ster can hf.vo it nil their onn way. They can inunl n n'o men wih no-1 rijk oi being fouvl'oui or puniunoi/ bjijaUBO it IB no crlino to buy votes in n ctiictH , and the ucouudrol w o tells hiinaulf eboipei t'o'otiou when the wnik it done , while those who are honetit vrillb im ii iblo lethe j of bribery ni ho. The u who believe that Millard ban nhowu hid whole rtrunitli , ure very much mistakan. Up to Friday ni ht hn'ha < l nu chu cu , bucauso only twenty two inou huvj been willing to put thoiinulvos on record ai bin supporters , bnt now the way is opou for th "is vlio sneak be hind the Bocrot bill to ( IET WHATT1IK > lll\E LONOEI ) KOll Once the work lo done and nomina tion * made there are few men cour ageous enough to boh king onucnn arid oven if twenty republicans should bolt Millard'a manaeora booat they can fill their places with democrats. In tha absence of a lurgo majority of the members the city has been comparatively quiet daring the day and the U. I' , train to-night brought only the loading candidates who had gone to Omaha for a breathing spell. While everything ia comparatively quiet there is an under current of activity that will break out purhapu-la a now qrartor. It IB not at all celrtaln yet that king caucus will rule. Many of these who have boon Ukon in ub- dor heavy pressure , Friday , nights are now IIKST1VK AND UNEASY bocanao they ice they have been on- trapped. The prospect of a union between the anti-monopolists and democrats ia not very promising. The democrats have all along insisted either npon a straight democrat or upon a nnn who Ini beuu a democrat. It la now clearly uiaiiifoet that no democrat onn get the entire un'i monopoly vet , mid u is leas thnt antimonopoly oven probably an - opoly republican could got more than ball nf the democratic voto. There was a time lost week when a union of these forces conld have bson effected with comparative safety , had the democratic candidates not been too Banpuino for carrying the day for thomnalvcB. at the special raihoud committee ib liable to bring up tl.o piirtiuont ques tion whether ovtry uilizan m Nebras ka has a right to Jnturposu objections to the in\YHtiuAtiim and browbeat wit- nnflieH who nro uimply called to give Information ouncerniiiK the manage ment cf the railway * and their relation - tion to the public If cltlzan Manon in retained n an r.ttornoy of the rail roads ho could got a hearing at the proper tlmo in tl-oir bahalf but when he enoaka behind the cloak of a citi zen ho assumes a role that hu cannot Huotaln. A tiuo friend to the wo k and con * . valoscont is Brown's Iron Ulttore , lt illKas. HUBS ! * Salta nan pniveit iti > efficiency by a te > it of 76 yi-ara1 constant. u ft Try it.