Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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' *
DR. A. J. COOK ,
Diseases of Women and Diseases of the Rectum a Specialty.
The Dr. has been located in
oil Blaffi neatly two years , ai
ng been called professional ! '
that time into the boat fami
and the
surrounding cotr
pleasure in takes
an annonncinr
come to stay. His cons' ' has
In ? practice at home , I .nrltty'inoroas- '
his own people , Is the .n 'tho'midst of
hia skill as a SPEC . < beat ovkloucoof
wishes it nuderatoor1 /la'LTST ' , and ho
his methods of troa' ' , 'onco'for ' all , that
LY Boioutifioj that nontare-STRIOT-
ery aa well amen hw despises quack-
and "Homewpa' iro'Brilloti "Regular"
among travolln c" practitioners ao
Alla.'r Her batlatans and "Oure-
to the study .aetJevotddffiftoon years
OIALTIES jrfu rpractico ot his SPE-
tbn moat t ) ( zftitfras had'the benefit of
colleges at dllftii training in the best
aas no In iii'fiwiitalfl iu the land , and
best res' Mtiitiof/ promising the very
U6 crnr Jlta to bo obtalnad trom scion-
P dicinornd surgery.
It must bo evident to every
observer that no one mind , howavor
gifted , can gr&sp morn than a uwra
smattering of medical soJonoe. ! 'ho
fiald is too larpij and tin natural Kvia-
iotia too numerous for anything more
than a curHory view of the vast obs'.a-
cles to bo encountered by the "gen
eral" practitioner. Wo hayo'tur eminent -
inent surgeons and crar mninoat fjrao-
tltionerKof modicltra , after vrfiic1 ! fol
low thu noted specialists , urnbi/aclng
the Er-e , the Ew , the Throat , the
Lungi , the Kidneys and Bhiddi/r , Din-
iiaaea cf Women , Insanity , &c. , &o.t
any cao of which reqnirw years o
patient study utd prautico to inauro
prcf cioncy and ultimato-ffucoess.
The buny practitioner of 'to-day '
tho"'family" physician cin no more
o-nbraco all these specialties In hia
practice and do jastico to his patients
than ho can "footUp up fiunlight , " yet
how many physicians in the western
"That never require crimping , at Mr . J. J. Oocd'a Bolr Store , at price * never before touched by
ray other hair dealer. Also a lull line of Bwltrbea , etc. at greatly reduced prices. AIM gold ,
1 liver and eolcrad nota. Wtvea made from Itdlce ' own ball. Da not fall to call before purchasing
All goods warranted aa represented. MUS. J. J. GOOD ,
S ) Mam ntreet. Council Bluffs , Iowa.
I Kl x
\ $ %
337 Broadway , Ooanoil Bluffs , Iowa.
The fluent qualltf-a l largest stock wc t cf
Chicago ot Wooden and JJetallc Cows. Calls at-
i tended to > t all hours , tt'edify ctmp tUIn In
qtulllr of good * or price ) . Our llr. Mo'ryn.hiw
Krtedaauudcrt ker > tar forty jcare and thoroughly -
oughly U' drrutaniU hU buslnotw. Wareroonu ,
3 < a and 357 Ilr adwar. UpboUterlnjr In alt IU
brancliru promptly attend w to ; HBO oarpot-Kiy
Ing and lamlrwiulne. Tologrephtc and mail or-
den flllej without diloy.
Justice ot the Peace and
Notary Public.
* 45Broadway , Council BlufVs.
Omaha and Council Binds
Real Collection Agency.
In Odd Follow'o block , ever Savings'1
Bioui DiU A
Rom a a olid Triln Ihronch Ircrr
Ooaiacil Bluftn to St. Pnal
Without Ultxnco Tlm , Onlv 17
Mtwa "rns TWO TEH HOOT *
ro . p/.ui. , uu r/irA'ioija
lUJLlTfll 0&
tnd ill pntnh tn Northurn Iowa , ii ( \c < M.iA ttd
Lhikoie. This lln ? In eqnpv ! < 1 mih tlie Impron
A < r-bfii M ! Klllt
nriv'.uj ooi l > uft. unt' ' tit
A > J coy mar
/on lh/c/a ; b VjrailOf OdAKlit Vfwoon Kafj
i Ckyw.1 tt. fi.ui , vli . .M.anoir > -jat < " <
8loui Cl'.j"
Tr la&i-jvo rJon 1'acUo TIM-I.'JT tt Ccr.a
ell Blurfs , bt 7tO : p m. 'ItU/nt urrlrn Krusfi
CltT | Bt otip'jiml ' fJo-ntil Blr.L' < fruit , | , o.
thrjCiitf. . Arilvluy at i.lonx C.ty UCO : r. a
/iilfct to/e Union I ) pot ftt St. Puci i. H.C
t > w nociv. is invAKos or iiiy wnes
* fK ia ; ul.ta ! UVtajf the Klaci City Ua
joagiit ilntoujh Trtln. Th Kko > lt\
tbe Qarh ! rtllnie oiid a CciclarUbie nidi In U
I'hronzuCtrs bit : flia
COTOCII , itLvvra AKD tr. PAUL.
JKTHtc that yonr ll-.k < la nrvd Tit Iht
CltV mi 1'i.clfr K ii'.il
SaverlnteodiD ) din' fur AVID
lllioiul Villy 1 1.
W , * . DAVIH ctt ) wtfmf < , Dsa
CouirtJ UloOi
E , J , EAEDIHO , M , D , (
Medical Electrician
OradDAte ot Klootropithlc IniitltaUon , Pblta-
delphla , Teona.
Offloo Dor , Broadway & Blami Ave.
The treatment ol nil dleo&Bea and p lnful dll
Ben'.tlea peculiar to { pmalw a specialty.
Attorney and ( Jounsollor at Law ,
Office Broadway , between Ml In and Pea
treetd. VUI practice In Stale and Fade
President. Tloe-Prcs't. Cashier.
Of Council Bluffs.
Oritanlied under the lawi ol the Btate d Iowa
Paid up capital i. . 7C.OOO
Authorl/cd capital 100,000
Interest paid on time doposlta. DriM ( lnuod
on tto principal citlea ot the United Htatoa and
( Special attention irlven to collectloni
> ud correopondence with prompt returua.
J. D. ndmandson , K.L.fihneait , J. T Hart ,
W.IW , W llice , ) . W Kodler , I. A. Miller
A. W. Street. | ? 7Jtl
tao * . OFiriciR. w. ii. w.
Council Bluffs , la ,
Established , - - 1868
Dealers In Foreign | nti | Ucmeatlcl ExchaDje
and hcT
MRS , fi. J , HILTOJH.M.D. ,
22'J Uroudwav. CounolllBlutTi.
country are TRBTBNUINC to do so , to j
t'ae cost swd injury of their patient * , i
UHJiUlNlU i/iioiiAoiJo ,
Tlio Or. does not pretend to euro
ALL chronic dlsoav-jj. Ho clalm.ii ,
however , that yuars of pitiutit study
and "practice " , in tha hjaptta'aand wraa-
where , give him ndvantaxos in tliuir
treatment which no ordinary pcjotl-
tlcnnr cju possibly have ; thathu'OAN
CURE many ciuca now prouonncjd
INCUR VBLE by them , and give re
lief tohund.-eds of others whoio dia-
eaaon corn 13 within the range of hmSPE-
CIALTIE5. Ho ia prapared to give
'tho ' most approved uluctric treutmunt
and modicattd vapor httka , when
noadod. Partfi a rasid ng at c. distance ,
whoso means vill not admit of thuir
taking a regvliar course of troatmatit
hcra , will ba furnished 'h'nnka with
questions , which can ba nuiworod and
ruturnod to the Doctor , who will nuke
i up his diignoRis and give treatment if
dosirori , bat ho much prefers to mtko a
On Juno 27 , in the city of Parif ,
there was another revelation of the
mysteries of French social lifo added
to the long list recorded in the arch
ives of the police prefecture of the
Monsieur Horace 'D'Aubigno ' , a gen
tleman of f jrtnno , middle aged , but
lately retired from the civil service of
the empire , having strong ipassiono , a
penchant for women , a love of intrigue ,
nd by no moans lacking in vanity ,
bacamo enamored of M'llo Borrino ,
then an octrois , attached to < the
Monsieur D'Anbigne , having re.
solved npon the conquest of thlsyoung
woman , very speedily obtained an In
troduotion to her , and from that mo
meut , as he came within the influence
of her smile and was thrilled by the
iflash of her dark Spanish eyes , ho had
but one idea , ono thought that of
potsotuin ? her , cf putting her in the
; ilded osgo of hia protection and rev
ollrjg in the light of h r love.
And M'lle. ' Borrino what ot her ?
Twontv-fivo.yenra of ago , an almost
perfect fjrm , a beautiful face ; the
mask of innocence and goutlonuss
covering the baleful dtfjrmity of a
woman who , from her girlhood of six
teen , had boon au adveniureea. ; who
liad boon driven from Marseilles by
the shameless notoriety she courted
as the Miotreoa of Count Dj Lipiero ,
and whose suicide three montlm after
her disappearance madu public thu
fact that stio had dishonored and 1m-
P'jvorithod him tiho came to ( Paris ,
und it.n world of infamy and social
degradation , ltd great fuld of vlcuund
passion , In which cuch ua aha could
map hbr harvest , lay open to her.
Hurt ) there wonld bo no need of .flight ;
the lovur of to day in this whirlpool
of seething immorality could tomorrow
row bo cast til and his fatu forgotten.
The ( mpirotaa thu thing of to-day. ;
it had no to-morrow ; its self-appointea
tuler an adventurer and hia govern
ment a mush-room. And Paris was
the empire France.
M'llo Borrino was sluowd and cun
ning. As cold , pAMlorilcsa in temper
ament as an icicle , Bullish and cruel ,
she wta simply a beautiful fiend.
Her position as , an irgauuu at the
Oduon was only that ot favor. iShu
had no merit as an actress on the
mimic stage. She waa an uctreas on
the bro.idur and vaster stage cj human
credibility , The manager of the Odu
on paid her no salary. Ho htd bomi
paid by a high state ctliclal a good
round sum to give the woman , wti' BO
greed aid depravity disgusted hita , a
chunco to dmtv into her tolls another
nnd moro complaisant victim than
It wan her own choice , this of utlng
the stniio as u mart wherein BIU !
might find a purchaser. She knew
too well the power of htr beauty and
the method by which it could bo on-
hancidand rnndo ulrnimt irreuiatioloin
the glare of the footlights.
With this beauty for a bait oho an-
glcd in a social pool wtiicn she kuovr
was fi led with jjudgeonu , hungry for
a tnntu of the ducoptivu morsol.
She was viracioni , oould converse
pononal examination and treat all
patients' hero , when possible , thus
avoiding any chance of error in diag
nosis ,
The Doctor troata all forms of ohron
ic disease , without mentioning anyone
ono in particular , and 1m no hoiituicy
in saying thac he CAN and \VILL
give ttio boat treatment known to mud'
iol soienoo , nnd oharga only a reason
able fee for hls'aorvioda ,
This is ono of the SPECIALTIES
to Vrhich the Dr. has dovo'.o 1 tlio best
yoira of his lifo , and hundreds of
women , now livini ; , ara rouly to testi
fy that they found relief nt hia handa
whdii others had failol : to boneti
them. The " " '
"family" p'lyaiciin can
not treat these diseases successfully ,
for many important ro-iaona. , elite !
a nong which is , that ho han not the
t Iran'to dovota to their study , nor tin
patience to do .them justice. Not
harmingly , and assumed all the prot-
y , 'coquettish , whining graces , tbo
oynoBs , demure modesty of mien or
he bDldor and moro aggressive ex-
> ressiona of passion which were by
urns necessary to secure BUCCOBS la
capturing her prey. She bad admir
ers the leungora of the theater and
of > cho 'boulevard. These were too small
iah for her not.
Money , the ambition to live like n
princas , and a notoriety which would
nako her the toast of the clubs and
the chief morsel of gossip for all Par
is was hers. She had hoard of M.
D'Aublauo. When ho obtalnc-d an
Introduction to her she had ascer
tained his wealth , and by inquiry
learned his habits , his nature and his
history. She know , through all this ,
thatsno would bo able to mold him
to her wishes as if ho wore potter's
clay. And she know that of her past
ho was ignorant.
She set upon him with all her arts ,
and within the first month of their
liaaoi ] , this man of strong passions ,
vanity , and a lover of intrigue , be
came infatuated with hia prize. Ho
was her slave. By a thousand devices
she Increased this infatuation to a du
lirum of abject worship.
lid furnished a reaidenco for her
No. 03 line Montfdrmoil us oumptu
ously aa for a quuon. She asked for
nothing she did not recolro. Her ob
ject was not ynt accomplished. The
serpent had uuvdlopod the victim in
itn folds , but the victim was not to bo
devoured on the instant.
Shu lound that ho was the heir to n
lar o osUto in Brittany ; that in Mr < r-
Hoillea , the very city from which nho
years bufoto had boon driven as n peat ,
he owned a magnificent chateau und
grounds , from which ho drew an enor
mous rental , and , hotter than nil , ho
had no living relatives. Ho muut mar
ry her. Thnt would bo her crooning
triumph Once hlo wife hho could
snap her fingers nt faiu , defy the
world , nnd , as Mmu. D'Aubicno ,
abandon all care as the revelations
of her pwt Infamy.
She laid her plans adroitly. Slowly
and Burcly oho led him , blind in his
pataion , otep by atop to the trap she
had made ,
Then aim sprung it.
On the 15th of September , 1804 ,
when ho emored her boudoir to a k
her to accompany him to a jowolcr'rf
for a parturn of diamonds she hud
fancied , she throw her anne about
him and baret Into a flood of tears.
Sobbing convulsively , aho euid :
1 Horace , wo innut jurt. This in
our last mooting , I can no longer
live in thin manner. It will dhuttur
my heart It will bring grief to you ;
butitmuitbu. This will boour farowull
Wild , crazad , Hllhiapaaaloimuroueod
by her apparent terrible KufFerirg , nnd
stimulated to frenzy by the thought , of
losing the woman who had no com
pletely onmtgtiod him , ho b.gci ; < d ,
wept , rivnd and cirfiBid her in .urn ,
urttil , in hifldocpair , ho nt l.nt nttorcd
the woul'i she win waiting to hear
thu wordn which sealed hio doom :
"Henmin ! I/ivowlth mo , not as my
uiUtrcs * , hut no my wife "
Ono month later in October
they wrrti married in the church of
the Midcluino Her triumph was
Was lit Huro hczin the records of
the police dopartinant.
should it bo oipaotod of him , in thr
ibionco , parh pn , ot special triiny. \
Mid oxpuri > e , und in the hurry and
dxcitomuutut general pr.iotioj
Too Dr. is propirjil to treat nil fiv
male disown in n "ki'Hul ' nnd & i jntifi
maninr , havuu iio emil yjirt-
M their study and treatment , both in
' .ho hospital and in no ive practice
Diseases of the Eectuin ,
These ombov-o Uemorrhoida , or
Piles , Fiatulos , Fisiaros , ProUpi , or
falling of the uiuu , tumors , u c , oto ,
and constitute ono of the Doctor's
lonling spocUltiua. All rojtal turuort
tro trc'ato.l by the new method of in
jujtmg ntid nrj thoroughly und spcoi-
ily removed , with butlittljorno pain
0801 of Piles , from ton to twenty
voir standing , have bo MI pomuiiout-
[ y cured by ttm now mothol , many ol
them residing ii and noir the city ut
prasont.EPILEPSY ,
Many caius ot U lilopiy , or Fits
Mad. D'Anblgno , her extravagance ,
dash and the brilliance of her style of
ivtng , the slavish obedience of her
liusband to her whims and ciprloou ,
were for the time the talk of Parts.
She hold her levees in a salon which
rivalled those , in luxury and splen
dor , of the Tollerioa. Men of note
and all that class of the middle strata
of society gathered to do her hoinuga
and feast nt her expense.
There was another sensation yet in
store for the press and gosslpi.
The 27th of Juno , 1865 , at 0 o'clock
in the morning , there was a group < f
people assembled in front of the llotul
D'Aublgno , No. 63 Uuo Montforuioll.
With the exception of the windows on
the second floor , the shutters were all
closed. The little group gathered
about the porto ooohoro , ao'l under Its
shadow had grave and serious fscos.
They spoke in whispers , HS men do
when In the presence of a great
A sergeant do vlllo stood guarding
tbn entrance. There were two other
( llblals on the pave In front of the
The little group was composed of
the coachman , half tt doznn passers-by
and two or three seml-olliolala of the
Upstairs in the hotel , on the second
floor , lying upon the bed in the mad-
Kino's chatnbur , lay Horace D'Aublgno
dead. Hid face was flushed , his
lips drawn apart , the eyes partly npon
nnd staring ylansily upward , and the
flngsrs of the right hand lying upon
the nilkun covurlld , were cramped , j
nnd drawn up like the claw < i of nu ani
In RU rvdjoini'i ? room Mndima
D'Aubicno prostrnto upon n s > fi ,
to nil nppennxncoB frantic with urief ,
hysterically moaning arid nobbiny ,
nnd at intttrvnls wildly crying out the
name of her "beloved Horace. "
Her story waa , that during the night
murdnroiiB shrinks had nrounod her
maid and mouHiour'n valet ; they had
rushed into thu clumber to find Mon-
eiour Ilornoo dead nnd madnmo on
deahabillu , evidently cra/.od with agony.
Shu exclaimed that a few moments
before it waa than 5 o'clock aho had
nriaon , being awakened , as aho thought
by n nolao in the boudoir. Turning
up the light , her lirat glance naturally
rcatod upon her sleeping husband. To
her horror , she saw that ho was dead
coldl She gave the alarm. This was
all that was thus far kuonn.
Madamo's shrieks had attracted the
crowd nt the porte coohoro. Sumo
DUO in his fricht , had ran to the corn-
missionnlro < Ilici and said that n mur
der or something equally horrible
had occurred. This accounted for the
prcncucd i f the ntargennt da villo and
police oflicliil. A Burgeon arrived
thii physician of M'jnmuur Horace.
"h in apiploxyhhabeen threat-
oiiod wHi it for the pist yeur , " said
tie phjalclnn. "I hnvo warnud him
to bo morn carcf'il i his mnruior of
Imi'K , ropuatodiy It li the end T
feared fcirhii wou'd nut hear mo. Ho
ineiiiteil that apoplexy v/r.3 not uf his
fimilv. "
Tin ) | ) hyscluti'i ! vurdlol was no-
copied , the police scrutiny WHS with
drawn ; IhroodujM If.tor the wonping
Widow D'Aubigno followed the re
mains to Pcro In Ohaiso und with
dried oycs and a proper uhow cf grlof
lookud fltlll moro beautiful , The will
oin bo cured if taken in time , and OB
pcciixlly in young subjects , The Dr
dooi not. claim to cure all cases that
come to him for treatment , but can
point to numerous instance ) where a
pormanuut uuro has bjon wrought
within thi ) Uit five years. Modiiinof
will bu uoiit by cxprjss when patients
cannot ooiuo to the city.
Those troublesome parasites can bo
removed in a few luura , with but lit-
tie inconvenience to the pttiont. The
Dr. will send modiciaoa by oxproas ,
with full directions for use , at any
time they may bo ordered. .
The Dr. makes no promwea but
what will bo fulfilled to tlio letter. I'
he examines you and finds your dii
oisn Incurably , ho will tell you so in
plaii words ; if ho flada you can b
bonotittod ho will treat you for a mod
erato fee and give you the bonoGt o
all that modioal solonco can do for yon
oiso. This is nil that any oarofu
of Horace D'Anblgno rnado her his
solo logateo.
The adventuress was worth 3,000-
000 francs. Society rospootod her for
her grief and fortune.
One month later a man clothed ( u
the habiliments of a bourgolso ap-
poarui bi f irn the Prefect and de
manded n prlvato audience It was
"Monsieur lo Prefect , yon know
"I do. You have boon a convict ;
you are now under the surveillance ;
you are Francois Snrjot , hotter known
as lo chat rouge the rod cat. "
"Y.os , monsieur ; but ovnn a buralar
can do nn act of justice. I am a bur
glar. If I should bo cornered in a
job I would kill if it would secure my
escape , but I can't countenance a cold
blooded aisatslnation. It is of that I
came to speak. "
"What do you moan1 ?
"You are aware of the circumstances
attending the death ot Monilour D'Au-
"Yes hlB physician "
"Was mistaken. Ho made only a
casual examination. Listen. I will
bo briot. Mad'imo said she was awak
ened by a noiao in her boudoir her
drostlng-room. She lied. It was
thus. They had returned from the
Theater Francis. It was throe o'clock.
An hour before I had made my way
into the house UDBOOH by the servants.
I crept up stairs to madamo'a boudoir ,
There I knew she kept her jewels. I
hid myself behind the heavy curtains
nnd took my chances of being diacov-
' ured. I had the plan of the houao
weeks before. At length mouali u , and
mtdiMiio returned , lieforo disrobing
I hoard him nay : 'Thu doctor waa nt.
mu again us to my dizzmost ho main's '
that I mint , be oireful. ' Shu f jndlud
him and laughed.
"Asoivtiiit brought in some wino
and a light luncheon \Vhilo ho was
eating she dUmiaiod the sfrvuit , and
I saw her with that Bruiting ficu tuko
from a drawer behind him a small
vial , apparently of perfnmo. She had
already tilled her own glass with wino.
Shu took up hia glats and I saw her
from my hiding place pour n few drops
of the contents of the vhl Into It and
then fill it up with wine. Ho took
the glats from her hand uud , kissing
her , drnuk it empty.
" 'Something for hia dizziness , ' I
thought , as I saw her put away her
diainonda , I wutohed them retire ,
Ho retired first , aho lingering up at
her toilet. Ah , she was a beautiful
fiend. I saw her looking at him.
Presently ho groaned but ho seemed
unable to utter words. She ran to
the bedside and hung ever him. Then
I know tlmro waa murder in tlio air ,
and oven I In my hidhijplaoo tri'ir-
bled with fear. In ten niltiutei ohit
ijuid , in n quiverinjonger tone , 'Ho
is dimd , i > nd hirt millloim arr mine ! '
Shu dreeaed hcreelf , and IJIIHU ' ; g into
an Inner room I heard her ui locking
whut seemed to ba nn cuciltjiro or n
doak. Driwlng usido the nartitin I
took my cliunea c f escape. The Biuk
of Franco could not have tempted inn
to remain in that house. I tried to
keep the secret but I can't. Now ,
Monsieur lo Prefect , shall I toll you
whom I rrcoRiiizi ) that wjinnn to bo ? '
" ( Jo on. '
"Sho WAS the destroyer of Count
Do Luploro , and flail from Marseilles
Boven years ago , She wa * his mis-
ir.tctilianor should priaiiio his pi-
ionts * it is all ha 0\H protnia > a them
nd bo honoit. , '
Parties viii ing the city for the pur-
> oao of onnsulting the Dr. e lould
omo directly to hii otlijo , whfira 'ho
> pst roforonoua ii the city will bi far-
Uhodwhon desired and whor-i
, - pt-
iants will also bo aaaistod in promr-
ng bjnrd and roams at roisonablo
( Ono Block North of Broadway. )
Address all Lotions to
DK A , J , COOK ,
P. 0. Box No. 14G2 ,
CounoW BlufTa Iowa.
tress. I was in Marsnlllon a * the
time , and I know her well. Until th
night ot the duath of Mnrialour
D'Aublgno I had not seen her closely
enough to recognize hor. Mon
sieur , I am a scoundrel , but not a
Tnt night the prefect sent for
Madnrao D'Aublgno nnd confronted
her with the statement of the bur
Appalled , overcome with this u a ex
pected revelation , she sink upon her
knees and grovu led at his fo t wailing
and imploring for mercy. Five days
later she confessed nil , But. before
this D'Anbigno'u body was oihuaicd ,
and the autopsy disclosed the cause of
death ; the poison of nicotine.
The adventuress died upon the
guillotine , November 15 , 18G5.
* Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound ranks first u a curative
agent In all complaints peculiar to
JOB * Kf > LH
I'H.MUUUI tn. ' tut
w a.
Lincoln , Nt > u
Corn Plantern Hrrr.owd.F'urin Rollers
Hultty Bay Rfilioa , tiuotcer. Elm-ntlna
Wludmllla. &c
Wa are praptred to do Job work ani ruoolM
utltif ( or other parttei.
AiMri i al or lets
Llnnnln. N *
iuo.iT KLooi ) UEJHI ; > Y
Write for full particulars to
SWIFT SPEOIFIO 00 , . AtHnta.Oa . ,
81 to 81.75 nar Battle.