THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUJFJFS IOWA SATURDA ? JANUARY 27 The Daily Bee. GOUNCiL BLUFFS. Saturday Morning , Jan. 27. SUBSUKIPTIOM BATKS ! Dj Carrier , . . . . . JO cents per week. . . . . . . BrUMl tlo.OO per Ye r. .OflBce : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Oooa It Pay ? Dr. A. J. Cook , whoso advertise ment of half a page In THK BEE baa had just two insertions , informs us that h < 9 has already booked over a hundred dollars in cases brought to his ( fiijo through his advertisement In TUB BEE. That half psgu will continuo - tinuo to have its effect through the yean to eomo , but in ono week from Its insertion the money Invested comes back nearly tonfold. MCNOR MENTIONS. ,1. Mueller's I'alace Mnslo Hall. Subscribe for newspapers and perlodl- lain Ht H , E. Seaman's book store , Tha circuit court Is to open on Mon day next. Tbo ladles' sowing circle mot yester day afternoon to sew again for the needy of the city. Tne funeral services of tbo late Mrs. Tann linldwln are to be held at the family * Uence on Willow avenue thli afternoon * * -10 o'clock. 'though ' the new building of David A. & Co. is not completed , there has UnMij , eu gtorei ; tneta { 10.000 worth of alr dy b lnery. farm < wed was ycatcrday given to i1\ ot York townthlp nnd Anna Phiil | ) HlnUIlnden , also to John Wulff Schrenper , of i lott , both of Vork. and K ae M. Ki nroj o ( pIeMUrfl to many , It will be a so .v. Dr. Clalund preach to ba able to hear 1 * the Presbyterian again in his old pulp , * i > -Cupy to-morrow church , which he Is U > o * morniug and evenin , ? . . went over Several porionn 'Iron- , i.tro' , | n , , , f to O-nah yoiterday to co ita r. n\e. \ the fire. AmonK th.err.t w/w Chk ( Ten. . too , uf the fir a dopar tmonlwho Is oapeci nlly Interested in bit zer. -C-witlng on tha Willovritrw t bill ! ellll popular , both for sraill and Jorge. Bum ? bf the elongated sleds hold < h'tcn and twenty jolly souls , v ho go Ujiplng down at a lively speed , some of tbo coast ers going BO far as Pearl street. Tabor college had a n&rrow osoapo from fire on ono of the recent cold doya. A detective flue and a too hot stove -wnro the cause ? , but bv activity the flamei , were suppressed after doing about $50 worth of 12. M. Gray , conductor on the K. 0. , received unite a pjlnful wound by the ac cidental dlt charge of a revolver. The bnl- let entsred the foot between tlio inetatarnal bom-H. lr. ) Baratow , attending the wound ed nun , reports that be will be all right and ready for du'y again In a couple of wooltp. The tudden denth of John Joner , a proHpornns Wolsxj farmer of Ca county , is reported as having occurred a few days ag < , Mr. Jone. having dropped down with heart cllsoaao while feeding his stock , and bis body being found some tlmo after by members of his family , who had booomo aUrmcd t hh unn'usl absence. The planting of tha big pales nficoa- eaiy tachtngothe wires lu moving the telei hone office , is no small task with the present frozen condition of the streets , and the work of digging and tugging was watched by many curious ones yesterday , who seemed to be half disappointed be cause some < jl the big poles did not slip and crush ( some of the laborer * , or create some other sort of a sensation. AH excellent oppportunlty to buy SILKH , OtoAKiNcia , VELVETS , DHESS GOODS , PLUHIIKH , TABLB-LINKNS , FLANNELS , NAPKINS , at HarknoBB , Orontt & OO'B. Mornly Mated. List Wednesday hf tarnoon there wa * happy wedding at the residence of Mr. Frank Anshutz , at Glonwood , the contracting parlies bcing.Mr. LoalsL. Shnttnok and Miss Alary V. Keatloy. The ceremony was performed by llov. M. W. Thompson , tu the presence of quite a company of friends , who vroro gathered as for a merely social occa sion , so that the weddlnn feature was a c mploto and happy surpriso. Mr. Shtttuck was formerly lu the employ of P. 0. DoVal , < f this city , while the biido Is a daughter of Col. J. II Keatloy , also a well known resident hurt ) . The happy pair returned to this city on Thurtday mid are the rcoipl < ontR of many congratulation * and well wishes. Attend the great Bale at HAHKNESS , OUCUTT & CO'B. Weuk mutclca aud norvevringglsh mm of thought and Inactivity , caret by Brown's Iron Bitters. Mtuquorude Ball. A grand Maequcrado Hall will b given undur the auspices of the Goi roMi Turner Sjdoty of thi oily , o Satutday niuht , at I'U'.lnir's llal Admission , 50 cents. T bJo linens , napkins , doylies , to elf utrd ore sties cheap at Hurkncc Orutt & Co.'s. WOOL LIKED. Men's grain wool llnod boots , on 82 jt PI illlps. ji > ] 23 Us Ilosicry mid Underwear , D > > lm i Cloaks , Shawls , OftipotB and Uph BtorijigGoode , Curtains nnd Ourti Manual , Rugs , Mate , TLurPckr , & Bt HAKKNBiH , OllCUTT & Co d , O-FeatheiB , ribbons , velvet < fell ba colored to match that now 1 hy using the Diamond D e. J cents for any color There is B ureat clearing out sale Uttkcos , Ofoutt & Oo/a. N\ hen you fool out of tort * , h the blnea , melancholy , etc. , It m bo Indigestion that alls you.tgBrovi f ton Blttors cures it. CITY COUNCIL An Important Meeting Last Evening , Ltcenae and Paving Discussed. A special mooting of the city coun cil was hold last evening , Mayor Bow man in the chair. Aldermen ShuRnrt , Eichcr , Wood and Siodentopf Jro- spoudcd to roll call. The city engineer was instructed to advertise for bids for paving Broad- wny from the Methodist church to Union avenue , nnd Main street from Broad wny to tho. Kock Island depot. Four kinds uf paving material were upocifiod , viz : granite block , grnnito macadam , rod cedar block nnd sheet asphaltnm. An ordinance was introduced to grant licsnaos for the snlo of beer and with , with Biz neighbora as petitioners and at least three bondsmen to glvo ? 3.C03 bonds , and to justify in double that amount , Slodentopf moved to moko the lloonso $200 a year , but received no second lie then moved to make it 8300 , and the vote resulted in a tlo. Shugart moved to fix it at $ COD , and this also was defeated by a tie vote. Eiohor moved for $400 , with a tioas the result. Wood moved for $500 , and the mo tion mot with the same fate as ita predecessor. It was then gjod naturedly agreed to let the mattur go over to the noit mooting , which was no I for Monday night. It is understood that $500 Is the sum for wh'ch ' the two absent nl- dornion will vote , and that aura will carry eventually , The paving question wan ditcusaou in animated period by cutsidera , in siders and members with a predollc- tlon in favor of granite , but nsphaltutn was evidently gaining ground and will probably bo the favorite. Some minor nuttcrj were discussed , nnd Muyno & Oo. received pormlBsion ti put up a pair of acjlcB. Nar/ow mindedness and prejudice was shown in the advertising matter ; that is to bo expected. Tno city clerk , Mr. II. 0. Savnonol , Utod that ecnndalous charges had a brought iigniMrt him , ana nskod ix. Mio city council appoint n com- mt 'o investigate them. IIo do- ilttco v hnvo eutoific charges pro- rod to a thorough examination irred , nn o. nvcry nllogatlon. The iado upt n . j to llo ] poico | com- latter wftjir * i ' , tion ( > to ft ftt litteo will V * * , that closed ono 10 next mw 't ' ng , " mooting ! the I the most itupoi * n * * thf . past ity council h. held 'lnrlne oar. -r _ , _ Oryntal Rolltn ' Mills Pater/t Qranu , itod Flour , Soy. 'urJntivo A , th,1 "igh- st grade of fl * ' r manufaetu' d , Inowy while , pnro , Hgbt and swo 1- l k your grocer fet it and you will ave none othor. _ tf , The aroat clearing ot't aaloat Ilork- OBB , Orcutt & OO.'B. oh'ra a rare op. ortunily to got gocd ( joe ds cheap , PKR80NA1.V J. M. Wolf , of Chicago , Is lu tiio city. A. Iltnttlcli , of St. Louir , Is a . ' .he Og- en , O. W. Uoiford , of Chicago , Is at Jthe ) gdon W , P K'lnhard , of S . LnulIs at the" 'aciiio. K. A. Morris , Sheldon , Ind. , is at the 'ftclfic. Mrs. Hoflmeyer Is reported ai Lolng lulte 111. W. 8. Ives , of Direnport , Is a guest of ihe Pacific. I , . Tinkel , of Ida , Iowa , was In the city yesterday. A. F. 1'amett , of Ulanohard , was in the city yesterday. W. A. Carleton , o ! Milwaukee , ii a 1'n clflo house pueot , W , A , Woodworth , of Coin , Iowa , was In the city yesterday. II. 1) . Gary , ot Sioux City , spent a ( ew hours hero yesterday. S. B. Secrist , of Belnlt , Wls. , was at tbo OK Jen yentortlay. F. Goodrich , of Connecticut , arrived at the Ogilen yesterday. J. W. Shepherd , of Warsaw , Ind. , Ii registered at the Pacific. Oh&rlei 11. llannau , of Qulncy , Mich. , was yesterday at the Ogduu. 11. B. 1'lerco , of Loulivlllo , arrived at the Pacific yesterday , Will 0. Hldor , of Medicine Bow , Neb. was In the city yesterday. W. Wntteruun , of Mtmourl Valley was In the Bluff * yctterdity , 0. , A. Smith nnd II. P. Butler , o Cedar Hapldi , wore In the city yesterday George L. Halting' uf Troy , N. Y. was among yesterday's arrivals at the Oj den. lion W , F. Sapp returned ye tcrd from 'Wanhington , having been abler 1 1 about throe weeks. J. H. Jeuks aid II. 0. Seia r , < Avoca , called on Council Uluifi 0 1 quMnces yesterday , John T. Stewart has returned from tl enstvhere ha went with hit BOH , tbo lat having Ktartcd for the old country , Mrs. WheuUr Bowen , wlfa o ( the ( known Yunkton editor , spout yettenUy the city on her return home from a vl : to Wlscouiln ftlentla , Mini Irgoldiby , the operator at the t ephono excboiiRe , will hereafter wear t nnet lovtly of bonnets , of which fhe I oiuie the forluiiftto winner at the Cttho is , I f Air. _ goir g cheep nt the great fl ut Uarkncsi , Orcutt & Co.'e. * Jf you uro a woman nndwould o < JiriLuto your ailuunca to rode ,1U I Immunity from Us .numborlois I 'en nmkc all thin B elaq onbordinati hemth. If you pcascts this icoatii nt Wo treasure you may transmit esmo Knd jour cl pring may rlao and ca'l you blessed , To secure ' nt It will bo wull to seek the mothi n's cuuiitonanco of Mrs , Pinkham , Ly MtH. JUGGED AND JUDGED. Diliy tno Kid Releoood From tbo CharKO of Ralaing a Chock Other Caeea Which Have Como to tbo Front. The examination of Chnrlca Wilson , for raising a check , was concluded bo- f jro Judge Abbott yesterday , nnd re sulted in the discharge of the prisoner. Wilson , who has been called "Billy , the Kid , " though why , does not seem clear , is a boy who has worked for A. W. Wyman , a well-to-do farmer living a abort dietance from tbo city. Wy- man paid him off aomo tlmo ego , giv ing him a check for $8. This check was raised , in a very bungling man ner , to $13 , and yet was paid by the bank on which it was drawn. Young Wilson was consequently arrested. Liu denied having made or even known abous the altera tions lu tbo check , and Ins'utod that he disposed ( f the chock to a party in Mineoh , it passing out of his hands in juat the same form ao ho re ceived it , and any alterations made must have been afterwards and by aomo ono else. It was shown that the b > y had only thirty-five cents when ho rtc jived the check , and it was eight days after that when the check was cashed at the bank. Hence it was urged that the boy must have dis posed of the chock soon after Retting It , In order to got means to subsist on , and that some ono else must have pre sented it at the bank. An attempt was made to break down bis character , but it was only proved that ho was given to spinning big yarns , but more for the sake of mitchief than with any apparent malicious intent , or dealro tu defraud. COMK BiCK HAUAH , Yesterday the requisition arrived hero from Dee Molneu , for the arrest of Sarah Paine , n colored woman liv ing Missouri , and Mirshal Jackson h.8 started thcro for her. She is a sister to the Washington , now lylcg in jiil hereto await trial for the mur der of her now born babe , found frozen to death in the basement of an empty building on Broadway. It is claimed that the inter , Sarah Paine , was hero with tbo Washington girl at the tlmo of the affair , and thai she was the ono who carried the child from the hounu to the vacant building and loft it thoro. She will doubtless bo brought back to this icity within a dny cr two. ailABIUXO A GIUP. A stranger in the city , a colored man , sat down his g ipaaco in a Broadway saloon , nnd during hio ab sence another fellow came in and picki'd it up and walked off with It. OHicor Sterling , scmo time after , got on the track of two fellows who had offered a valise nnd contents for sale in n suloon tor CO cents , and on being rsfuscd bnd gene to t , second-hand stre acd there sold the property for $1. Ho arrested them and booked them u " * ra G'ff"rd ' "no" Peter Phil lips , x'estorday tyoy were brought into court k."n ( * lJh''PD W8S discharged tl 'ore being * ' "c' ' < ° * evidence against him , , bat G ffrvVa CMO WM continued ( . wnnlr ffir wn8 rooognizsd as be- lUJt U nrOUlLi J-AU - f It 1 L 1 sefvodVtoTm fo * ' [ an overooat bolonulng to Mr. Deb ft.v < CHEK- I'LUNCEUINO MJOM A k - While Rev. Mr. Anm v."on8 was preaching good honeat dottKHKn ° tno congregation assembled in Ihe' X otno' dist church , Thursday evoKhift K imo sneak who had not iho fear ol Gfoi V * * . " fore his eyes stole I'fiv minister's91 Isp robu from lu's cutter standing oa the street outside. T1IE WBAKHBHH CT FLESH. The coses of the man Straub and Mm. Peter Johnson charged with adultery , were before Jnotioo Schnri Dgaiti yesterday , but by agreement of all parties worn continued for cn $ week. ON VALSB PUETKKHIW. The case of the Stain vs. Stringer , which has been banging fire fur some time , was disposed of yesterday. Stringer was charged with having got credit for moats at Ticknor & Drake' * market , under false pretenses , run [ ning up a bill of nearly $10. The cue was taken from Justice Abbott's to Justice Vaughan's on a change of van no , and at tha latter court evidence for the prosecution was presented , and then a motion to dis miss was entered , on the ground that the prosecution had not tlumn that tha representations mudo In scouring the credit were really false. The mo tion was sustained and the accused dii charged. Very low pricas , many articles at loss thnn oust. Call early and aocuro the best bargains ivt" UAUKNKTU , ORUUIT it CO'B. The wonders of modern chemistry are apparent in the beautiful Diamond Ojos. All kinds and colors of Ink can ba made from them , Cur New Loan and Improvement ( Jo Investigation into the matter cou vincoa us that ono of tbo moat cquita bio , reasonable and feasible plans o building houses it that proposed anc in operation by the Mercantile Loan Trust and Improvement company o ibis city. By investing lu shares It this institution , which is backed b ] aomo of our best and inott reliabl bua.ta'ta men , it becomes possible nui comparatively easy for a man of mod orafo means tu accnro a comfnrtubl homo for himself and family. lu tal ing a certain number of shares , , ut certain monthly payment , In u fo yoaia n man , can onu a lieu ; of bis own for nbout the sains i bo pays monthly for ront. W believe thu Mercantile Loan and Tru company , by organizing and oponin ' up for biultKBF , having lillml a lot no felt want In Council Bluffi. Thee > o- plans and a > stou of loano mbii ] \ lie the most careful ncrut'ny ' nnd exar ination , and wo hnvo no hesitancy pronouncing them ronsonablo ut equitable , und backed by gentlctm of hiiuor aud integrity. As the eoi ptvuy exists it becomes at once un i utltution of value and credit to u am city nnd these who dcalro homi Their president in T. A. Kirkloi i to vlco president , Judge Peako ; B rctary , I. 11 Beery ; treasurer , C nn- Beebe , and their ollho is in tbo ba the mtmt ol Shugnrt'n and McMaho up now block , corner Ftrat avenue n .hia Pearl Btront. jan2 Neri os , brain , nnd muscles p : nn , etrenith nnd the power af cndurai by using Brown's Iron Blttors. AONIS' ADMIRER. He IB Uald to be Trying tbe Proddlo Qobbardt Aot. Miss Agnes Herndon , who Is to make her appearance hero next week as the star of a theatrical ccmpiny , is said to have an admirer who is follow ing herab-ut from place to place , much after the manner of Mrs. Lang- try's Freddie. Whether the story was framed originally as a cheap wny of securing needed advertising , in duced by the success of the Lirjg'ry sensation is not known , but the state ment is given for what it is worth. The shadow which i-ursnca Miss Herndon Is Bnid to bo nn urmy ofllcer , who first appeared at Oolombr.i , Ohio , nnd has since followed the company from pluco lo place , and Is apparently on friendly turms with the fiir actress. IIo is pictured by the Qlobo man nt Atchl- son , Kansas , where the company ht ly stopped , no "n tall , elegant , sol dierly looking gentleman , all smiles , J 'l ' t llantry , nnd all nttention. " Bo in Raid to have "a musket walk , " nud to be a man of wealth and high posi tion In the army. IIo is , in fact , just given enough ot a romantic tinge , and the whole affair is given a stifliclontly mysterious ntmosphoro tocanio gossips to bo attracted , nnd to learn just enough to make them want to know moro. It aocms as if the day is not far distant when "alar" no c n got profitable ongsgemcnta or draw paying crowds unless eho has a shadowing , mysterious admirer to keep the tongno of the public wagging. * * "Ho who is to # ready buy uy his enemies will never want a supply of thorn. " It Is cheaper to buy n true friend in kidney-Wort who will drlvo away those miserable enemies , a torpid livnr , constipation , diabetes , piles , dis eased kidneys and bowels. This rem edy is now prepared in liquid as well OB in dry form. COMMERCIAL. COUNCIL J1LW18 MARKET. Corrected dally by J. Y. duller , mer chandise broker , buyer nnrt shipper of groin nnd provision ? , 30 t'o.irl street. WHKAT No. 2 cprinjr , 77c ; No. 3,05 ; rejected 60e ; ( rood dematd. Co N-32o to feeders and 34 a to ship- peri. peri.OATS Scarce nnd In good demand ; 30 © S2c. S2c.HAY HAY 4 00(3 ( ? GOO per ton. UYK iOc ; light Riipply. COHN MEAL 1 25psr 100 ponndg. Wofn Good supply , prices at yards , fi P0@fl 00. COAL Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton ; soft. & no per ton. BUTTKII Plenty nnd in fair demand ; 25n. 25n.Eaos Eaos Scarce and In demand ; SOo per dozen , LAUD Falrhnnk's. wholesaling at 13c. I'oULTUY Firm ; dealers prnintj 13o per ponnd for turkoyn and IOc for chickens. VKaKTABLES Potatoes , -J5o ; onlonc , 25o : cubbage * , 30@40c per dozen ; apples , 2 60 @ 3 CO per btrrel. FI.ODII Crystal Roller mill flour retailed - ed at H 25 for clindum winter ; 2 80 for gold en Rbo f ; 2 00 for bird tack. Wholesale prices for flour , 2 40@3 25. BliOOMS 2 00(23 ( 00 per dozen. BTOOK. CATTLB 3 00@3 50 ; calves 5 00@7 50. Hogs About 350 hogs to dny. Market active , and all offerings quickly taken by lee l packers. ( Jar lots : Common , 5 45@ 5 50 ; good mixed , 5 C > 0@)5 ) 80 ; heavy pack ing , 5 70@D 95 ; choice f tnoy packing , G 05 @ ( ! 10. L. EVERINCHAM & CO , , Commission Merchants. ago and Milwaukee consignments of K.cJsnnd l'fO > | jlonj , aollclted. AND Lr , J , Maglior.nOciilist , Aurist , .4ND SFtOJAilST. In Chroal dl e st * , ofleti hi * sorvlc to all af flletod with dlsiasok of the Kye , bir , or Chronic dlneaaea c < any character. Warrants cure In. a < l Uheumatlc Hecthjns Can bo cpnsaltiKl by mall or hi person ad the Mttropolltca hotel , Council llbtfa. Iowa. _ S. E. MMQN , nr. Offlc * over saving ! bimk. OOUWOIIj BW3FFS , Icrr * . jMPEmSHABLE PERFUME. Murray & Lanman's WATER , Best for TOILET , BATH and 1 AIDKERCHTEF. FAST TIMS I IB lilttil.tr7 11 it niny .rt v y . t > . Iimm mm- COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTIOfL 8 ocl l J ortueoivutti , nt I/ott , Kniij , To fxtun. Fur S le , To Wanti , iV ; rdlufc , ir , will h luxrted HI u. column at tha ow rat ol TKN CENTS PKK LINK for the nnt Iniortlon and FIVE CENTS PEIl LINE for each subsequent Insertion. Leave adr ertls mcnt at our office , Mo. 7 I'carl Stroot. near llrovlway. Wants. K'r Ilcnnnl for the return ol a ladl ft irolil * . J watch and chain , taken from irr * ho ciwo , on JlotiJar , Jauuary S2ml. No imestloni Mkc < . _ . . _ _ K.JJUHIIORS. _ WANTKD-A K-o.1 German lh t . . nu lcB l.kl tds o' > tn < > Kei pnftrrfd. .1. Addre U. I'tthybildKC , 827 Itroadw , Coun cil Uli-ttt. jt WA ThD n experienced airl to ill i-ener- M house wor * Inquire at olllcc 39. corner ef IVnrl street ami Flrct Avenue 4t HOTEtW\NTK Any ono knoolng of a hotel and furniture for lease , can learn of a Stood te ant by ndJrcflbln ; ; , u , UEK olllcc. Conn- ( .11 UluOs. 41 WANTED 10KiO ( bu htln of corn. Inquire at No. ai I'.erl atreet , cr bloom factory , Mills anil North falith. MAT.IN&UO. dtf WANTn.u--ik ern jaIti oouni.ii uiuUo iv to take Tin 13 is , 20 cents per week , de HveroJ by carriers. Office , No 7 Pearl Street near tlrcuulwav For Sale aod Rent - havd for iuli the stallion , HOIISSMEN-l Y.unit V ' ltao , 7 years old , bright boy , BtMida 16 } IIM ds hlk'h , ho l w 11 broki , a KCOil lepper , nd ao bo seen at Campion's barn , on Madison street. 1'ed grco given on 'ppl'&lloa. I'nco WW. K J. DAT , Owner. fmw-2w FOUlin.VT Iho'-cslrablsolIIcc' ) lately OCC > plenliy theboirdof irodo. Apply to Hush- nellA Uracett. tf F C It \LE-Aliotcl In < hln city , all furnished , do UK a pajlng Lun ne 8 , for ale cheup , by Janl9-t ( ODKLL 4 DAT. TjVMlHEVt-Alrmserfthrcorocms for e'xht Jj rolIarB n month , loiatid niar'y opposite the high school. Apply at No. SM High School ATOMIC. tf OLD DEKS-ln pacK > Kesoi a hundred at 2 o- a paoi ru at THR BKK cilice , No. 7 1'earL stroot. tf A N olHcc , mo tad antaKcou3ty flttiated , oilers TV. desk room in return for en Ice * ; as , fuel , etn. , fiirn'shed. Adjrcsj , "Olllce , " HUB otllc , Uotinc 1 MlBcollonoouB. SALOON KOUSALE-In Om ha , dolrgacieh tiuiinu 8 frontIUOO.OO to 31200 CO per men h expcnces light the party IIM other huuino'R. Address - dress Omaha Dally lice Omaha Nib770191 . W. L. PATTON FJiyslclan and Ocullnt. DK. cure any caon of soru ey . II Is only a matter of time , and can cure generally In from three tc five weeks It malic * nr difference - enco how long dlsraoid. Will atulghten cross eyes , operate and remove Ftyretrtnc.s , etc. , and Insert artlllclal eyes. Special attenfion to re movctncr tftdewornns COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. CHICAGO , BOCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC. Depart. Arrlvo. Atlantic kit. . . 5:20 : pm Pacific Ext..9:15 : vn Ex and Mall.9:2nam : Ex and Mall.6:63 : pm D. Molnea ac'.7:15 : a m Dot MoineHnc.4:40 : p o CIIIOAOO , BDRLLIOTOIt AND QUI.NC1. Depart. Arrlvo. Atlantic Rvi..R-jmnm . . . Paclflc Ext..9:20 : a m1 Mall and Ex'.y.-J0a m Mall nnd Ex".7:00pm : N. Y. Ex Neb & Kas Ex..8:2U : a m CHICAGO AND XORTHWKSTItlUf. Depart. Arrhe. Atlantic Exf..5:15pm : Pacific Ext..9:15am : Stall and Ex.9:2Dam : Mai and Ux.6:15pm : Accom. ( Sat..5-Wp ) m Accom. ( Mon..l:45pm ) : KANSAS CUT , HT. 10X AMD COUNCIL BLUFKS. Depart. Arrive. Mall and Ex..9 5&sn I Express 6:50 : pm Exprc&i 9:10p : ra | Slall and Ex..6'45pm CMON rAcinc. Depart Arrive. Overland Ex. 1130 a. m. 1 Overland Kx.,4:00 : p. m. Lincoln Ex. . 11 : aO a. in. f D m er Ex. . . . 8:00 : a. m , Denver Ex..7:00 : p. in , f local Ex 6:30 a. in. LocalEx 7:25a.ra. : " Ex 9:05a. : m. Emigrant..020p. m. I " Kx f00a.m. ; WABASU , gr. Loura ADD PACIFIO. Depart. Arrive. Mall and Ex. . 9:45 : a m IMnll and Ex. . 430 p m Cannon Bill. . 4:50pm : | Cinrton Bill..11X15 a m siocx crtT i Depart. Arrive. For Sioux Clty.7a5am FTTU Slcnn C'y.B-IO p m For KortNlobraru. Hrm Fort ITfobrani , Neh' 7:55am : Hob * 650pm For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. nvul..HSO a m CntOAOO , MILWAUK81I AND HT. TAUL. Leave Council muffs. Atrives Oomtil Blufls. Mall and Ex.9:20 : a in I l ! ll and Ex.6:6S : pm Atlantic Ex..I5:15pm : | Atftntic tx..I :10a : in CIIICAOO , MILWAtlKKS' AJD 7. MlXL. Leaves Omaha. Arrl ea at Onuha. MailandKr. . > 7l5am : | Po flo Ex J9tl5am Atlantic Ex. . | 3:40 : p m | Miil1and Ex. . ' 7-25 p m Except Sundays. tExccpiOaturdnys. JExcept Mondays. ( Daily. Council BluBs Ss Omaha Street B. R. Lea\ Council IJluffa. Iwara Owtba. 8 r. in , D a m , 10 a m , I 8 a. a , 9 a re 10 a m , II am , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p 11 ca , 1pm , 2pm,3p m , 4 p m , B p ra , G p m. | m , 4p m , 5 p iir , 6 p m. 3tre t cars run half hourly to tha Union Paclflo Dsiwt. On Sunday the car bofiln there trips at 9 o clock a. in. , and run regiiariy during the day at 9 , 11,2 4 , 5 and G o'clock , ami run to city tlmo. J. C. HOFFMAYR & GO , C1TTEOLLEEIILLS , Ground' by Porcelain Rolls .VND HUNC ARIAS PROCESS Exdnslvoly. Warranted Eqcal to any raodo In the TJu'fied ASK YODR GUOOES , FOR IT , ALSO Bran & Shorts , jsn4-tf Onocall IJluffs , la. I FOU _ WINTIttRLICrl BIOS. , Are now * ead ) to cc itnu.t fo small e\try Jescilixion In MALLEABLE , IRON , C.UAY 1UON , And uny ALLOY OF RUASS Sdal | altentlwi U callnl to the f'rt that tt ni-taU ure me t.J. in CKXCIBLM uhlch gl > u lt vi.iy l'e ' t ciUii s , Burning Brands r < \u DISTILLE11S , nUEWEUS , PACK ERS , 010A11 and TOBACCO FAOTOHIES , Etc. , Etc. , A a well aa Cattle Brands AKE NICELY EXECUTED. \Vorki : Corner Sixth itreftaml KJc\enthtt eu\ COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , Great Closing- Sale AT HARKNESS , OROUTT & GO'S. Everything Very Cheap. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AfcD RETAIL DEALERS IN LAOK1IAWNA , LEHIGH , BLOSSBUB& AND ALL COMHELLSVILLE COKESEMEMT , LIWE , PLASTER , ETC , Office No , 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street and Eleventh Avenue , Council Bluffa. Bluffa.rol KL l ) i A mJ Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 XBQT Blnff aid fUlow Sreets , Council Bluffs. j GEISE' BOTTLED BEER , \ . 1JADE FROM 1IIE ARTESI.VN WELL 17ATEK. ALSO AOENTS'FOR THE filled In aDj ; rtcf tin city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to. BATH INSTITUTE , D tint Swrt , ono Door north > of Pohtny's Hall. Thermo-Electric , Medicated and Sulphur Baths. . For taiKcs and gontleir ni Thew > Baths are fully pwlo-Btd by the Medical Frttornlty n .baini ; aa - . ' rfr-nt'Co'ds.XrHumallam , , Lcmba and other riltnenta unfalllnjnilllaiy In ' ixjilp a o nany ' wife , a comrw&uit lady , will attend ladles. P. M. L.OOKWOOD , Propr. STEAM COFFEE MILLS ; . and RetailIDoftlcM In Fresh rsbantstl Coffees , TSoa and 3plcea. 3CS Broadway , . COUNCIL FLUFFS. - iOWA. CONRAD GElSE'a BREWERY ck MALT iS Bluffs , - Iowa. Beer and maltln any qua ilky'to B = ilt purchasers. Uter t8ud ) p r barrel. Privatelatollles rap * piled with s n ll kegs at Jl.JOitaoh , aelvered freeof dmrga fc any part of tjta city. PETERSON & LARSON , Wruiesale Dealoyin nnJ SOLE AGIEOT Pflfc Joseph Scblitz Dwywing Company's Olebratvd MILWAUKEE BEER , No. 7J1 Broad way Oouncj ) ZSluHs , Town. Orders from the country elicited CUv orricw to fainiUea and denTera ( lellvcrPiV free. DUQUETTE , GWIBERT & CO. , ( Sazceeeoru to Eit Ot DUQUETTE ) , and 1 Pearl-st. , Coimcil Bluifs , la. 529 SMTaln Stroot. - - Council BSuffa. 1 i Our constantly inarming trsilo Is sulfieUnt proof of orarqunre dealing and atten- lion to customers , ( iood butter lw y uu hand. Prompt delivery of goo-M , TITLE B 8JJ jyj T JJ0FF 3 8 E. Lands and'Lots Bought and Sold. TIIONEY TO LOAN AT LOVV RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS - - - - - - IOWA. S. M. CROOKS. 1'rvB. N. B. EAKTON , Sooy. J. 0. HOFFMAN , Vice Pres. N. B. Mooiu , Counaelor. MUTUAL IOWA STOCK INSURANCE GO. [ Incorporf.tod utdor the Laws of Town. ] Insurance at lcoal Gost , TnsnriuK LIVE STOCK AgMnst Loss by ACCIDENT , THEFT OR DEATH , Or Any Unknown or Contingent Event Whatever. Kxperlenced ngeots wnntoi ? . solicited fratn nil parts of * Omce1 103 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , la , OtcS-dtt