THE DAILY BEE-OMAEA , SATURDAY JANUARY 27 1882 ho Nebraska National Bank , Of Omahv Vob Paid ap OApltal , - $300,000 Op is ID tor baxlntM April 27 , 1882 , with tb DIIIKCIORS : JOHNSON , PrcslJent.ol Steele , Johnson & TOUZALIN , Vice Prcslilonl , ol 0. , B & Q R. IL , Boston. W. V. MORSE , ol W. V. More * ft Co. JOHN S. COLLINS , ol Q. U. 6 J. S. Oollloi. J. M. WOOLWOUTH , OoutueUor nd Attornef- tt-Luw , L. S. 11KKD , of Djron Rccd A Oo. n. W. YATKS , Cashier , late Cashier ol the Flnt National Ilank ol Omaha , connected with the active management ol that Eank since Its crcatiliMlon In 1W.1 COU.BCTIOSS rccuho npoclal attention and char JM lonctt obulnable here or elsuwhero. rmHRMT allow cJ on time deposits ujx > n ( a\or- able terms and upon acodunta ol banki and bank. n. n.Fonnion EiciiAitoi , OovornmcntDonJs , and County and City Securities bought and Bold. It i < preparMI < ( general banking business eitn ta detail ) , an ! In the treatment ol custom all w'llpursno ' th9 most liberal policy conalntent with ale banklne FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. Special Dispatch to Tin Unit. NEW YOIIK. Jsnaary 2i > . Money 3 ® 1 per tent. Prime Mercantile Paper 5 } ® * ? per cent. Sterling Exchange Sternly ; bankers' bills nt $4 82 } ; demand , $1 8C Dry Roads imports for the week , 83,8C7 , 000. Governments were irregular. ' Dullness and weakness may bo stated as characteristics of to-day's stock market. The not result of business , however , has been a decline nf only a fraction on the general Hat M compared with last night , except in the case of Union Pacific , but the general market closed weak ut about tha lowest prices of the day. The mott active stocks in final dealings were Union Pacific , St. Paul nnd Northwestern. The Post eft/a Uulou Pacific has been the leading cause of the general uniettle- ( mint and decline of tha market. GOVERNMENTS. ' Yesterday. To d y. S'a 1C4J 101J B'a 103 $ 101 4Va Coupons 113i 1121 48 * HO ] 11 ! ) Pacifi : 3'aof 1895 128 113 HONDH. Central PociSo firsts 113 } * U3i' Erie seconds Jf i 9og Lehigh & Wilkesbarre 101 10 if LouirtiauH couat'U 13 74 Midfouri G'a Ill UOj Bt. Josnph lU'Ji U'Ji St , Paul & Sioux City firsts. 113 113 Tonne-wee G'a 42 43 } do new 43 43J Texan & Paeifio land gr.intH. . UU bJ ( do K. G. div. . . . 8 I 853 Unlou Pacific 1st mortgage. 113 HHjf do land grants. . 111 $ UOj do sinking fund.118 } JU'JJ Virginia G's 35 35 do consols 6's 6 J 53 do deferred 13 12 } BTOUEM. Adams Express 13 ! 134 Allegheny Central 113 113 Alton & Terre Haute 58 } i > 0. | do pfd. . . . 'JljJ S-'J American Express 911 } DO Bull. , Cedar lUpids & North. 3 811 GaniiU Southern G'Jj 09 } Col. , Cln. it Ind. Central. . . . 101 101 Central Pacific Sag S2 | Chesapeake & Ohio 2dj 26 do 1st pfd. . . 33) 33 do 2d pfd. . . 2Gj 25 } Chicago & Alton 13G ISO do pfd 140 140 Chi. , Burl. * Quincy 123 } 12 ? ' Chi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 78 78 Cln. , S ind. & Cleveland 41) ) 41 > Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 78 77) ) Dolnwnro & Hudson caunl. . . . 108 108 Del. , Lack. & Western 12Gg 125 : Denver & UIo Grande 45 ? 45 Eriu S'Ji 36J do pfd 81 81 Eftst Tennoiisoo ! ) | 0 , do preferred 17 If ) , Fort Wayne & Chicago 135 138 Hannibal & Bt. Joseph 42 } 42 } do pfd. . . 81i 83 Harlem 100 1UG Houston & Texas Central. . . . 73 73 Illinois Central 145V 145 } Ind. , Bloom. & Western K'J $ 32 Knna.w & Texas 33 821 , Lf-ke 13rie & Western 30J 2'J Lake Shore & Michigan So..llo | UOj Louisville & Nashville f54 55g Louiev. , New Alb. & Chicago G5 65 Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd 10 10 f.tdo do 2dpfd 5 } 5J Moiiipliis & Charleston 47 47 Michigan Central 078 ' - > i Minneapolis & St , Louis. . . . 28 2ah do pfd. G3 G3 | Missouri Pacifio 103 102i Mobile& Ohio 118 117 , Manhattan Beach 12 122 } Morrii ) k Essex Gl COJ New tFersey Central 72 71 ? Nashville & Chattanooga 48J 48j Northern-Pacifio 4'J 48 ' do pfd 812 8)A Northwestern 13 132 } do pfd 146J 14G Now York Central 127i 12Gs ) Ohio Central 12J 12 ? Ohio & Mississippi 32 * 814 do pfd 90 30 Ontario & Western 2G 2G1 Oregon Transcontinental 85 } 8.4 Pacific Mail 39j ayj Panama. 107 ] G7 Peorin , Decatnr & Evansv. . . 20 25J PittKhurg 4 Cleveland 140 14U Pullman Palace Oar 124 \ 124 Reading 5rjX 554 Rook Island 123 * 1233 Bt. Louis & San Fran 32 31 Jo pfd. . . . 511 Gl do 1st pfd 91 91 Bt. Paul & Milwaukee 10GJ 10GJ do pfd..120 1JO St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. 143 142J Bt. Paul & Omaha 52 50 ? d. < pfd 110 109 ? Teia.i & Pacifio 40i 39 ? Union Pacific 101J 98 } United States Express 03 G3 Wabai-h , St. L. a Pacific. . . . 331 3 , " ilo pfd. f > 4t 53 Well' , Fargo & Co. Express.12ln 121 Western Union Telegraph. . . 81 j 81 Carlbo ] i Central ArUoua $ Excelsior i i Homeatake , 18 18 Llttlo Pittsburg 1 1 Ontario 33 31 Quicknilver H 8 Jo pfd 37 } i Iiob.uaou i i BilverClill J j South Pacific 9 OMerod , fEx. Interest. tAeked. IIKr. Dividend. w FINANCE Hrechl Ulipatch to Tin il . LONDON. LONDON , January 20.-5p. m.-0onscl 102 3-10. United .States Bonds1V , 117 } . Vf < Unite i States Railroad Becuritle - Illinois Central , 150 ; Pennsylvania Coc- tral , 62 } ; New York CcLtril , 13H ; ] Me 4nii Ueidlng , S8J , Amount of bullion gone in , t'7,000 , PRODUOW & PaOVIBIONS , 3pd l DUpatelie * to Till lln CHICAQO. CHICAQO , January iC. Flour Firm ; sprinp , 3 5 < ) @ 4 75 ; winter , 3 75@ * TSjpat- onU. 5 60@i ) 2.i. \Vlieftt Unsettled , Irat generally lower ; reguhr , 1 OU'@l 02 for.I nt ry ; 1 02 for Feoiuary ; 1 u3ji tor March ; I Ol@l OIJ for April ; 1 C8J'cl ' CH ) for May ; No V aprlnc , I 01J ( l OJ ; No. 3 C'lii ca < > 8rhu ' , , 8Jc ; Jsi > . 2 roil winter , 1 03. Corn Unsettled and ir regular ; , _ . . . fnr each nnd .1 ununry ; 6Sj | i for Fe > ru ary ; 67@ * i3 for Marcr. ; Mgi&SJio for May. Oils -l''nmet ; 37 } ? fur c h hiul Jnuu * nrvj 371 for Fobiiwv ! 8 is ! for M.ircb ; Hyi@3'3 ' < for Mai : Itfja for June , Kyo Firtuei ; C2\o liuley Marktit dull ; S3@8c. ( Flax Seed - Finn ; 1 32 on track. Droned Hog-Steady ; light , 7 15@7 23 ; heavy , 7 25@7 35 1'iirk Stixd * ; 17 2. > ( S117 30 for cadi nnd Jnctmy ; 17 I0@17 4' ! } for Fubniarj ; 17 C0@17 G2H for March ? 17 80@17 82 } for Apiil ; 117 U"i@180) for Maj ; 1810 ® 1812 } for June Lard Stoadr ; (0 ( 70 10 72 } for cash and Jamury ; 10 75 $ 0 77 } for February ; in 'JO ® 10 92 } for Mnicii ? 11 02 } for April ; 1112@U } 16 for Mn > ; 11 171110 for June. "ulk Moats -Tn fair demand ; nhonlderp , 6 75 ; short rlli , 8 95 ; snort clear , 9 0. Butter Market dull ; lair to fancy creameries , 25g3Gc ; good to fancy dairies , 22(2 ( SOo. Eggs Firm ; 2G@27o. WhUky-Steadi ; 110. CALL BOAIID. wheat Declined Jo for January and advanced Jo for other fu ture' . Corn -Advanced } c fur January and de * clrned i ( c for other month ? . Oils Steady and unchanged. Pork Kuler , hut not qnotably lower. Lard SteaJy and unchanged. NBW YORK. N W YOBK. January 2G. < Flour Dull ; superfine stats and western. 3 40@3 90 ; common to good extra , 3 l > 0@4 60 ; good to choice , 4 G0@7 00 ; white wheat , extra , G 25@7 af > ; extra Ohio , 303 7 00 ; St. Louis , 3 95@7 25 ; Mirnesbta patent pro- col's , fi G0@8 00. Wheat Cish stronger ; options opened Jcbetter , but subsequently lojtthenavauce and declinedjf3Jjc ? , cloaiut ; steady , with n slight reaction ; No. 2 epriiiir , nominal ; un graded rod , l01c@Lli > ; No 3 red , 113 ; Bteaur > r No. 2 red , 113@l } 13J ; No. 2 red , 1 15i@l 17 ; No. 1 rod , 1 19 } ; ungraded while , 1 07@1 20J ; steamer white , 9s ; No. 2 white , 1 OI1 06 } ; No. 1 wuite. 2000 Imthsls so d nt 1 111 HI ; No. 2 rod for Jnnuaty , 32 COO titmhtli aild st 114 (3)1 ( ) Ifi , closing at 1 14do ; for Fobru- ory , 449,000 bu huls cold ut 114Jol ) 15 ( , clos ng at 1 15 ; do for Murch , 501,000 bushels sold at 1 17 ; do. for April , 32- 000 bushels Bold nt 1191,131 111 J , closing ut 1 19A ; do. f > r Mnv , 48iCOO litiihels sold at 119J@l 20J , closing at 1 20 Corn Cash , very strung ! options opened i@tl better , but nft iw < < id < became weak er und declined jj ic , cloning steady ; uu- ( trader ! , G3a ( G9c ; No. 3 , Gli@G''l : ; steamir , GS@08ia : No 2 , G8Jc in olev tor ; old No. 2 , 70js7 ( > c ; ftennier white , G5c ; No 2 for Jamury , t82@G8jo , closing at G8jje ; do. for Februvj , ( SifaGy. closing at Gffj ; o. for Mirth , 083@liSJ8 , closing at GSjo ; o. for April , ( iSiuGS c. closing nt GSjjc ; o. for M v , G7ssu78o ( , closiDg at G7ic ; do. > r June , GSlfetil ! ; . Oils "ipaned 4@3 lower ; rnixpd west- n , 47dH'Jc ' ; white westflrn , 48@53s. Hay Quiet but firm ; G3c Fresh western , quiet but steady ; Pork Steady ; new mesa , 18 Gl'18 73. Beef-Qiiet but steady ; 18 tO@18 25 Cut M ati Dull and wuak ; lung clear iiiddlei , y.Sli Lard -Firm ; prime steam , 11 00. Butter Quist , but steady ; 1G@3S3. Chemf Demand f > lr and market firm ; weitern ( Ut , 7@l3c. ST. LODIS ST. LoniB , January 2fi Flnur Quiet ; amllv , 4 104 95 ; choice , 1 G0@l 70 ; fan : y. 4 8 @ 5 10. Who * t Opened bettor , but declined : o. 2 red fall , 1 Oll@l C4 } for cash ; 1 04J lOSif'H-'Tanuary ; 1 011(81 ( 04J f or FP ! > - unrv ; 1 OG1@1 Ol f ir Marcb ; 1 07J ® . 08J for April ; 1 U91 10 for May , losing at thd inside figureNo. ; . 3 red fall , > 5@95e. Corn -C isb higher and options lower 9J@49Ji for c h ; 492@50ic for Jan uary ; 50j@50Jo for Fenruary ; 50iffl51Jo 'or March ; 51515o for April ; 52 } $ " 2Jo for May , closing at the intide figure ; . Oats Cash higher sud ootions lower I7fi@37o for canbj S7g@3 go for , Tanu : fy 37f@38o for February ; 38J@39io for Rye-Higher ; 58(3ll9a. ( Barley Steady ; G @ 85 ; . Corn Meal -Finn ; 2 40. BuUer Steady ; ' dairy , 25@32c ; cream erv. 34@38s. Kss-Stendy ; 21c. Whisky-Steadj ; 114. Pork-MarkRi dull ; 17 25 'for cash 17 20 bid for February ; 1737 } bid for March. Bulk Meats Dull anil lower ; Bhort.rib , > 75 ; shore clear , 9 25. Bacon Market dull ; short rib , 10 00 ; ihort clear. 10 25. Lird Market dull ; small lots told at 1040 AFTERNOON BOARD Wheat Lower ; Olg for J.muary ; 101 bid for Febru ary ; 1 052W1 06 for March ; 1 078 for April ; 109l@U9 } for May. Corn Ljwer ; 49o for January ; 49)fo ) for February ; fiOJo Did for March ; 52&s fur May. O tn E sier ; 37Ji bid for January ; 37Ic : or February ; 38 o for May. KANHAH 01TT. KANSAS CITY , Jamury 20. Wheat Hluhcr and firm ; Nu. 2 red , 883 for cash ; 87 } o bid fur February ; 89c for March. Corn-Higher ; 4iatg4IJifor cash : 41c Ijid forFebruaty ; 42/u / for iMarch ; 41o for May. Oats Firmer ; 331c bid for cash and February. Butter Dull ; Kansis dairy , 23@2 c ; creamery , 30@33a. Eggs atoady ; 24c. LIVH STOOK Kpcclil Elojitchca to Tin Bis. CHICAGO. CHICAGO , January IG. Th Drovera1 Journal rcji-rts aj follows : Hogs Steady ; opened stronger , but closed weaker jtenerally ; ho vy , G 15@ G f 0 ; light , 5 75@G 35 ; skips , 4 10@.5 40. Cattle Fair , very uneven nnd 10@15o Jower on the avera n ; prime , G 00G 30 ; good to choice shipping , 5 20@5 90 ; com mon to fair , 4 15@5 10 , closed we k with a large number unsold ; butcher * ' , 22J@ 4 25 ; stockers and trejers , 3 15 ® 1 f,0. Sheep Oven-upnlle'l and l' 25s lower ; common ( o fair , 3 V5 ) l 50 ; medium to Rood , 1 75@5 05 ; choice to extra , 5 15 ® 5 GO. Mew \OHK. Nitw YORK , January iC. The Drovew' Journal Bureau report * ; Beeves Opened In fair demand , but closed weak and 25o lower ; clearanua not made ; common general faK 5 CO@G 30. Sheep Dull and unsettled : noproapecti of clearancn ; fhfop , 4 2'ifeG 50 p r cwt ; lamln , 6 Ollrt : 7 GO ; irnncral tales , G 75@7 25 for lambs ; 5 Jri@i ( 2.5 for sheep. Swioo NIIIJ tUsrurl alive ; nominally caeicr for live hogs at G 40(0,6 ( t > 0 , ST. IOCM , . Louis. , Ianu y 26. Cattle Trade slower ami prlcsi vmler , ln\ \ > . fair tranaai. . tloiia were made itt jirevlnui rangfi t quotatloin ; exportH. 1 " 'ifeGOO ; vooj tn chnici chipping , 5 10'g,5G * > ; H-ht do , 1 10 O' CO ; Loinmou to f.iir butchers' tock , 3 25 (5,3 ( 75 ; gDod to choice ditto , I OOfel G3 ; htooker and ffedrrs , 3 fiOCa I 50. Sbfep Gnod demand and firm ; common to medium , 3 2. " 100 ; fair to i-ood , 123 © 0 00 ; tiriniB to fancy , 5 2.S6 ( ro. Hf'Ka Doll ; Yorkern , ( J lOfeG 30 ; butcher - er ' , G 30@G GO ; packing , G 15 ( 6 30. KANHA8 CITY , AB Cur , , Tanti y 26-The Live udlcfctor re | > oiU : Cattle Lower and weak ; native iteen of 1.2CO to 1,500 lh < -I I Ht 4 80@.1 ? fl rtnckm and fotdetf , 3 7o4 CO ; cow > , 2 7 ( tfsra. HuKt Higher and firm , rftnglrg 590 ® G 45 , with the hulk of nalenatli 15 ( G 30. Sheen Qiiet ; nativei of 80 Ib * fcvcrago old at 3 7 > _ TRAFFIC. 8l > < dil Duitcbn | ; to Tin Ilia FLOUH AND OtlAINR , ClIIOAOO , Jnnuiry 2G Hocolpta and shinuionU of Hour and grain for the piMt 24 uoura ha\o been as follows : Rccrii'U. Bhip'U Flonr bbls . 8 MX ) 2.700 Wheat biwhel . Hi 001) ) G,000 Corn " . 145,000 3 ,000 OaU " . 3JOOO I.2CO Uye " . 5.5U ) 3 OOJ Barley " . 27,000 7,000 NEW YORK. January 26. Receipts and shipments of Hour and grain for the past 24 hours have bcon IIH follow n : Rcci < ltitn Shp'tii. Flour-bbl . 188W 431 Wheat bushel . 47,500 9G4tO Com- " . 55000 101,000 Oats " . 47,000 ST. Loots , January -Receipts and nhipmonts nf Hour and gram for the post 24 hours have been as follows : Receipt * . Shlp'tn. Flour bbls . . . . \ . 6X)0 ( ) 9,000 Whoat-bushbl . 27.0CO 5,000 Com " . 74.000 12J.OOO Data- " . 12,000 Rye " . 1,100 Harley " . 8,100 KANSAS CITY , January 26 Receipts jtni shipments of grain foi the past 24 noura hate been as follows : Rco'ts. Ship'ts. Wheat , bushels . 8,000 7,000 Corn " . 35,000 3KO LIVE STOCK , CniCAOO , January 26. Receipts and shipment * of live stock for thu past 21 hours have been as follows : Rco'tn. Shiprn'tJ- . ( Togs . 27 ( XX ) 3,900 Cattle . 9,500 3lOi ( dheop . 6OtO 2,200 NEW YOHK , January 26. Receipts and shipments of live stock for the post 24 hours have been as follows : Rec'U. Ship'ts Hogs . 3.GOO . . . . Cattle . 1,00 Sheep . 5,530 . . . Benf , qrs . . . . . Mutton , carcarses . . . . . ST. Louis , January 26 Receipts and fthipmeutfl of live stock foi the past 21 boura have been na follows : Reo'U. Shlpm'ta. Hoga . 4,900 3,000 Cattle . 1400 700 Sheep . 1,801 300 KANSAB CITY , January 25 , Receipts and shipment * of live stock for the patt 21 hours have been as follows : JWU. Shlpm'to. Hogs . 18,200 Cattle . 900 Sheep . 250 . . . . Special IMepatchca to Tim linn. NEW TO11K. NKW YORK , January 25. ColTue \Vnak , but ttuudy ; nijcargocd quote Jat G } Sugar Market dull ind weak ; fair to good refining nuutod at Gat7c. ( Molnssec Quiet , but uteidy : Now Orleans - loans , lOCaGlc ; Porto Rico , 10@53c ; Kng- liah islancls,40@43c. Rico Demau t fair and market firm ; domestic , BJ@7 ; Rangoon , fij@51i. Petroleum Firmer ; 0"nUea , 1 Ojijcrude , "TJo ; refined , 72f 8j. Tallow-Firm ; 8 7-lC@8e , Ro n Msrket buoyant , but unsettled ; Turpentine Firm ; 53c. Lsail Steady ; common , 4 75 ; refined , J75@480. LONDON. LONDON , January 20. Refined Petro leum , Gs7d ( ; spirits turpeutlno 39 , . WOOL. pocl&l DlepntcU 1 : Tin 11 n. I1OSTON. BOSTON , January 26. The deintnd for wool has been quite active , and a much better feclin < prevails. Prices are no higher , but the tendency is upward for all doairablo grades. OMAHA MAKK.fll'8. Wholocalo Frlaoi. OFJTIOB or THK OMAHA BB , I Friday Evening , January 6 J The only changes reported in the market to-day nro as follows : Dressed Chickens advanced 3@4s per pound. Local Grain Dealing . WHEAT.- Cash No. 2 , 85c ; caoh No. 3 , G8c ; rejected , 48c. UARLE Y.-Canh No. 2 , 72c ; No. 3 , 42c. 42c.RYKCoBb RYK-CoBb , 48o. NKW MIXED CORN-34c. OATS-35c. SKEDS-Flax sool SGo per bu. Produce and Provltloni POTATOES 50@55o per bushel. ONIONS 30@55o per bnohel. BUTTEKJholce country , 2025o , KGGS-2S@2Gc. HONBY-Oallforaia. porlb , 21. APPLES Per barrel , 2 75@3 25. OYSTERS-Booth's and Plait's select oysterB , 40oi Standard , 30 ; mediums , 25. FLORIDA ORANOE3-35 60. LEMONS-84 25@4 50 per box. BEANS Navy per bushel , 2 75@3 00. OHIOKENS-140 per Ib. TURKE YS-15@16c per pound. Grocers bl t CANNED UOODS-Oystera , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , C 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Flald'a ) , par case , 2 7f"f do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , 210 ; strawberrieM , 2 Ib , per case , 240 , rr-apberrios , 2 Ib , per , 3 30. Dam- sous , 2 tt , per case , 2 45 , Bortlett pears per c-we , 243. Whortloborrloa per caop,275. Ejfg plumi,2 To ixrcwio,2 90 ; Green gagcs,2 Ib per ones , 2 00 ; do choice , , Ib par case i CO. Pine Applas , 2 Ib , per case 4 00@5 75. Pe/whtB , 2 Hi per caee , 3 00 ; do 3 Ib , ca e , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 8 Ib , per c&Be,230 : dopio , 6 Ib , per dozen. 'J 30. FLOUR Jobbing pricei , Jack Frost St. Louis winlor ) 83.90 per 100 ibs. ; To- pokft Patent Kanr-as , 83.85 : MInnehaha. Minnesota Patent. 83.70 ; Shawnee Fancy winter , 83.10 ; Eagle , XXXX winter , 83.00 ; Triumph spring , best , JJ2.80 ; Chris tian's superlative. 3.50 ; bran , per ton , JS14.00 ; chopped feed 828.00 ; Queen Bee Hour , per sack , 3 25 ; Nellia Blyu , per sack 2 9oHGGARS HGGARS Powdpred , lOic ; Cut loaf , lOic ; Grauulattd , 9 c ; < Cou octionerb' A. 9c ; Standard Kitra O. 8 ; Extra C , 8c ; njedluni yellow , 7c ; d rk yellow , 71c.MEATSHamn MEATS-Hamn per Ib. , 12c ; B Bacou per Ib. , 13s ; clear side bacon per Ib , , lie ; dry atlt tides per Ib. , 9Jc ; dry salt shoul- dei | ) rlb .Osjbacm uhaulders per Ib. , Ko ; ticrco lard per Ib , , lie. 21 , All-nlac , 18 < ; , 8J 00 ; 00. i , i , ' . . n.iard Com. , 33c , bbls. Standard do } Kniion kcSB. 51 70 ; Stani dard do , 1 gallon kops , $1 f.5. , : _ ltio , Iw , 10 } 3 , KIo. 001 ! " , i'J ! ' ifov'l 'ij ( ) } c,2 Moclm , XSJc ; Arhnokle'i . LYE Anerlran , 8 31 ; Oreflnwlch. 3 40 WDstcrn , 25 ; North Star , 2 00 , Lewis lye. 4 GO ; Jo\vell lye , 2 76. FKlJD-Jtbbing pricei , Chop foej 81.60 per 100 Ibs.j chop corn , 81.40 ; bran , 70u | xr : 100 llu. HOM Y New , W 2 per bbL SODA In Ib paporii , 83 ptr ciwo ; keg odn , ale. NEW PIOKLKS Medium , la b rreli 8700 ; do in half bbli , 4 00 ; mall , In bbli 900 do , In half bbls , 500 ; gherkins , In bblx. 11 00 : do , In hal/ bbl , 0 00. STARCH. Pearl , 4jc ; Sllvp Sjc ; Corn Stai-ch , KJc | Excalslortllusn , 7o : Cora , 7Jc > TKAS .Uunpowdcr , good , 4i@BCj ( Choice , 6075cj Imperial , Rood , 10Vr4Sc ( | U'j ' ice , W75 ) < : ; Young Hynon , ( iood , ? GJ ( } We ; choice , Ofic@81 00 ; Japnu N t Jjnaf , S5o ; Japan , cholw , 60@76o ; Oolnnp , 55(240 ( ; Oolong , cho.uo , 40WB5) ) Honc ? ood. ! C > IOc ; ohoico. 86 < d < f' j. KOPK SUid , i Inch nnd Urjrcr , Rluch , Hi ; liucli , llic. WOODKNWAllK Two hoop , 1 7-1 : thrto hoop palU , U 00. Tubs No , 1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer w.vihlojvrdu , 1 Sti Uonblo Cr < wn200j'ellbneketn , 3 DO , LK.VD Bar , 81 HS. VINEGAR Pure /pplo citro , Ifio- pnrn apple , 13c ; Pruralnff uuro nunlo , Ifio , SAljT. DrM' Icudn , per bbl , 1 W ; Aeh- ton , In uno ks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy < W , 5t , 8 50 8AP3--KlrV' ( SoMm Imperial , 4" > ; Kirk H nalluAt , 3 GOKIik'a ; standard , 3 75 ; Klrk'g white Rumdon , 5 25j Kirk's Kutocs , S15 Kirk's Pralrlo Queou , (100 ( rnkoO , 40 ; Klrk'fl magnolia do/ . , POTASH Ponm > lvaul cans , 4 ciwe , In CA O , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. lu cane , I 90 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz In ewe 1 60. PEANUTS Rotwtiil , oholet ! , rod Ten- nsiwcc , lOcixir Ib ; fancy whltf , lOJc p rlb ; rasr white VlrRiuii * raw , I0o ; rostUd , OANDLE3 BOTW , 40 lbflK , lijjc ; So , jje : b ( xi-s 40 Ibs. , 16 oz , , ' ! u , Jfiji ) . MATCHES I'er cuculie , Uno ; icna-f , cases , J)110 ) ; miuare , oases. c 40 , Orv Qootu. BUOWN COTTONS Atlantic A. jfy ; ; Apploion XX , 7e ; Atlanta A , 8e ; Jioott FK , Sic ; Buckeye LL , t-4 , 7o ; Cabot W , 7io , Chittenaniro A. lijc ; Urcnt Falls E , Sjc ; Hocsier , Gin ; lloniut Width , R.c. } In- ctfnn Head A , 8lc ; Indian Standard A , "V ; Indian Orchard d , w. , 8 0 ; Lawrence uL , 7c ; Mystic River , 7io ; Poquot A , 8Jc ; Shawnmt LL , 7o ; Utioa C , file ; Wachun- ott B , 74c ; do A , 84o ; do E 48. 12c ; Wnl- cott BB. S\o. VINK BROWN COTTONS Allenrtale Mi 74o ; Allignlor W , 3c ; Argyle 4 ) , 7Jo ; Atlantic LL , Go ; Badger Statf X 4-1 , 7c ; Bennlngton O 4-i , OJo ; BccUoyo S. 4.4 , Ofcco Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8ic ; LaconlaO 39 , fUc ; LehU'h 15 4-1 , 9c ; 1-onmhle 4-4. lOc ; Pcpnerell N 80 , 7o ; ( fo O 32 , 7c ; do K 86 , 7ic ; do E 39 , E1'ocaiuot ; 0 4-4 , 7iV ; * BLEACH ED COTTONS Andruw K pin L cBlnckttonoAA > ! ) ; in pedal filci do do half bleached 4-4Sc ; Cabot M,8 > Fidelity4-4 , 9cVruit ; of thoLooiu. ! ) \ ; ri < c3H.bricl.4,12icdo\VatorTw5st,10 ; > .u ; . ; rc t FallHQ , 9c } ; Indian Hend Hliiunk 4-4 , 12ct Lonwiaie. lOc : do cambric ) 37 , ! * ; New York Mills , 12jc ; Pequot A.lOs ; Poppnicl N G Twills , 12o ; Pocahontas 4-4 , 9Jt ; Pocnsrct 4-4 , 80 ; Utlca , litWiaaaull.i ; O X X. I''lc. UO/K5 Colored ) Albany K brown. Uc ; d'i C , drat. llK do X.a. ntripcs anj plaids , ICJc ; do XXX brown anil drab , stripOH ncd plnids , 12c ; Arlingtoi : fancy , 19o ; Brunswick brown , 8cs Chariot fnrcy 12c ; do extra heavy , 2Go ; Fall Hlur brown , extra heavy , lljsj Indiana A btow1K < " Nfir.onoet A brown. 15u TlUltlJNWB AJiioakouij A U A Sit l .ic ; do XX Una 32 , 18c ; , 9 > o ; Claremout B B , Ifi c ; CoiioBtoga ex trn , I7c ; Hamilton D , 110 Lawinton A 80 , 15o ; Miuuohnha 4-'J , 20c ; Omcf-a aupor extra 4-4t 28a ; Pearl Kivor S2. IGjc ; Put nam XX blue atritw , 12c ; illmturket S 104c ; do S3 12c ; Yeomun'n blun 2'J , Od DENIMS. Atuoulcenk , blnuaudbronn 16c ; Andover DD blue , lfie ; ArllngX blue Scotch , 18c ; Concord OOO , blue nw brovrn. 12cdo AAA , do do 13 } ; doXXto do do l4o Haymaker's blue nnd brown. 9c ; Mystic River DD otripe , lO o ; Pearl River , blue and bruwu , IGoj Uncaavlllo , blue and brown. 14Jr. CAMBRICS Baruurd , IJc ; Eddystonu lining. 24 inch double face , 8o ; Garner A glazed , .r'c ; Manhattan glove fiuinb , Ne vjiort do Go ; do glared , 51Jc | I'eqnot 5c : Ijockwood kid finish Cc , COKSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndres : coggln nattocn 8Jc ; Clarendca , GfcCoiioa : ; oSga Rattoouu , 7ic ; Hallowol , Sc ; hiidl Orchurd 7o ; NarrARansottimprovpdo Pnpperill satUon 94o ; Rookport , 7Jo , PRINTS - Alloni , 6o ; Amei'can , 6tc ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4jc ; Cocbeco , 7c ; Conostoga. Gc ; Dunkirk , J Dunnel ) , GJ@7c ; Eddyiitone. 7c ; Gloucester , 6c ; Harmony , Cc ; Knickerbocker , 0c ; Mor ri ao D. 7c ; Mystic , Rio ; SprasTioj. Go ; Southbrldgo , Uc ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marl boro. CJc ; Oriental Gic , GINGHAMS Am"oko g. 13c ; Amos- keng drees 9 } ) Argyle , lOic ; Atlantic , 9cj Cumberland , 7c ; Uighlnaci , 7c ; Konilwortb , 8c ; Flun Icatt , lOJid Buu 8ni , So COTTONADE8 Abberrllle 13u AyutoJQo ; American , lie ; Artislan , 20o ; Cairo D and T , 18c ; Clarion D and T , 17io ; Deccan Co.etripesDandT , 16o ; Key- atone , 13c ; Nantuckct , 19o ; Nonpareil , ICc ; Ocean D and T , 13c ; Royal , 1G } ) SUMOX , 12c ; Tioga. 13jc ; Wachucatt fhirt- lo < f jliecicB. 12'.c ' ; do , Nankin , 12c ; York , plalb Nankin. 12c ; do , checlre , otripeo and fancy , 12ta ; do , 8 oz 20c , SllEETINJS-AiidroBC02RinlO-4,274o ( ! do 9.4 , 23cdo ; 8-1 , 22c ; Continental C 42 , lie. Frnlt of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New York mills98 , 35c ; do 78 , SOc ; do 68. 22c , PembrjkolO-4 , , 25c ; lVquotlC-4 , 28ic , do 74 , 19o do 19 , IGc ; Pepperoll J9G , 29c ; do C7 , 21cdo ; 67 , 18c ; Uf.'ca OG , SOc ; do 53 , 22jo ; do 43.17c , Palnti Oil * and V rnlihM OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , 12o ; 150 * licr.dlight , per gillon , 14c : 175' bendlinht , per gallon , 19 ; ; 160 * Water White , 18c ; llnsped , raw , per gallon , f. ; limieed , bollnH , per gallon , TG : ; lard , winter'd , per gal , Ion , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 8."c ; No. 2 , 75c ; castor , XXX. per gallon , 1 20 ; No. 8 , 1 21 ; sweet , per gallon , 85c : aperm , W , B. , per gallon- 1 76 ; fish , W. B. , pnr gallon , GOo ; nwtsfout , extra , per gallon , 7tc ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri cating , zero , per pullo/j , 30o ; summer , Ific , golden machine , No , 1 , per gallon , H5c ; No , 2 , SO : Bporro , signal , par gallon , 80c ; turpentine - pentino , per gallon , G5cj nnpthn , 74 , pit gallon , 18c ; 61 * . 17c PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omahn P. P. . CJoj white lead , St. Louis , pure , F i < : Morsollles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c French zino , gicon eal. 12c ; French tine , rod seal , He ; French zinc , In vaniixb r.nst , 20c : French zincc , in oil exHl 15c ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 tb cans 12o : raw and burnt Sienna. 13oi Vandyke brown , refined lampblack , 12c ; ooncb blauk and l"ory black , IGo ; drop blaik , 16c ; Prusniar blue , SOo ; ultramarine bice , 18c ; clirv-ui ( green , L. M. & 1) . , lcbliud ! ; and shutter green , L. M. & D. , lie ; Purls green , 18c ; Indian rod , lf > r ; Venetian red. 9c ; TUB cut drt , 22c ; American VerrniHod , I.&P. , 18c chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D 0 , , 18o yellow ochre , ! ) o ; guldou cchre , 11 ; patanl iJryor , Fr ; graining colom : Hftht oak , dmi oac. walunt , "bestiiut bud aul15u , Dry "xlnt * Wlilte Jead , 74c ; Krunrb ino. lOci Pnr whituing 2ic ; whiting gilders , l c vhitiiig com'l , lie ; lampblack German town , 14c ; Innpblack , ordmary , lOc ; Pru air.c blue , 55o ; ultrnraarine , IHc ; Vandyke Ivown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4 ; ; umber , raw 4usiennn ; , burn t , 4c ; nipuun , raw , 4c 1'iirin gr&ou genuine , 2.7'nrlii ; greouuom1 20oj cnron.o greoti , f. V. ' V0o ; chrom ( 'rcen K , , 12c ; verndU < on , } 'og , , 70c ; vei million , Aineilen , l o ; Iiidluu ro-1 , 10 < roie pink , 14r ; veuetii.ti rtuil , Ci/katunc / Sjjoi veiietirji r-d An. . , J3c ; roi low ) , 7 o ohromeyello/ , ( .et-aine , 5Xto hromo yellow low , K. , j'ij ; < A.nto , vmhelle 3c ; ocnrt French , Tic ; ochrs , American , io Wintor'f mlnoril. 2r ; Inblrjtj brown. 2c , i'iti 1'nncfc'n riiinorsl Sc VAlt 1SHES Birrtia per rjlloii Kurnltur , oxtifi , ! )1 10 ; turn Hum , No , 1 court , oittii. < ? 1 10 ; oacli , No , 1 S51 L'O ; J/s-nw , cxtr , 81 75 | npan , 70cr.B ; phaltum , e trn , 8io ; ahollu 38 CO I hart oil nninh. 31 SO H vy Knrdwarc Uit , Iron , raVw , $ J 10 ; plow steel , cnit , 7c ; cruciLla.ric ; npocial urGormuuCo cant ttKj ] do , 1M20 wagon spokes , set 2 253 00 ; hubs , i > crBet , 1 25 ; felloeo , sawe < dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each1 , 70 < @ 85o ) axlei each , 76o ; Kjuuro nuts , per d , 7@llc wajihem. txsr Ib. 818cj rlrote , per Ib , lie ) cell chain , per Ib , 612c ; mkllomblo , flo ) Iron wcdrt * , Co ; orowbwni , 60 ; harrow teeth , 4cj bonediOM , tier keg , 6 00 | iprlng 8tc l. 7 ® c ; Burtien s homcshoca , 550 ; Bunion's mnlonhoes , 6 50 SHOT.-Shot , Jl.SBj Buck ehot , $2.10. Oriental Powiler , kegs , | G.40 | do. , hal kogs. 83.48 ; do. , quarter kniiB , t.R8 | BUtt log , kivs , $ aS5 : Fune , per 100 foot 60o. BAItBED WIRE-ln car lots , 825 © 02' . per 100 ; In loss than car lota , 87 ( @ V 7S uor 100. NAILS RMO . 10 to cot' , 425. Hldtt rut * . Me. H1DKS Urecu butchor's hide , 6O74c rure.1 7i@So | hldon , green salt , p rt cured 7'ciickts74cdry ; ! ; Hint , sound , llko)14c ) ; dry call oud kip , 12(01-lc ( ; Ary cult bde , , Bonnd , lOiJJllc ; cH-on c H. wt. 8 tolBJos. . ll@12o ; green c lf , wt , iiud r 8 Ibs , per ikln , 60c | iven iHlt , Mgf ( 1 25 ; urosn Intnb nklru > , 1 25fl ( ) 00 : diir < ; cd hliiVn , two-third r t , cut ucorou and ona grub , olwwod two. tUrdn rate , ) bratulod hldofl 10 per eont. ctl Coon nkliiB , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 80o ; No , 1 20. ; No 4 , lOo. Mink , Nc. 1 , 33c ; No. 2 lot ; iNo. 3 , 16o ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , , t | No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b'ZSci B5c ; fhort strlt > , 40oj narrow utrlpro brohd ttrlpo. lOo , Tallow 7o , Leatnor Oak solo , SKo to 42o : hemlock ROO , S8c to 8T > c ; hemlock kip. SOo to 100 ; runner , 6.x ) to SOo ; hemlock calf , 85o to 120 ; bom- lock upper , 23o to 2fio ; oak upper , 24o ; Alligator. 4 00 to B 50 ; calf kid , 32@3fio ; Grcistm kid , 2 M to 2 75 ; onk kip , SOo to 1 00 ; oalt calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , 1 10 to I 5f. ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus- fotta. 5 50 to 7 50 ; HniiiKs , 6 00 to 10 50 ; topl.tngs , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo to : ir > c ; pebble O. D. Morocco , 85o ; ilmon ; ' Hortei und Mulct. The market IB brisk nud all cradoa are cclltiif ; w oil at i tllpht ndvnnoo In pilcos. The demand for good honoa exceeds the ' apply considerably. Prices range a foi. lows : ' Flue single driven , 8150. to 300. ) Uxtrn draft hones , $176. to 225. ; Common draft torses , ? 10U. to 150. ; Extra farm horses , 31)0. to 125. ; Common io goad farm horsei * IK ) . tn 8100. ; Kxtra plugc , 960. to 70. ) Jomuion ulii 'H , S''O. to 5MO. MULKH. Ifi to 15 } hands ( extra ) , to 150. : 11 } to 15 hands , 8100. to 140.1 11 to 144 bandei , 875. to 1GO. | 184 to It hands , f CO. to 76. Lumhor. WltOI.KS.\t. . Wn qaov lumber , bin nud shingloi on ! cars atOmiihu at the following priced ; JOIST AND SCANTLINO-IO ft. and undtr , S22 IH ) ; 1 ft. , gl'J 50. TIMBKRh 16 ft. and under , 822 00. TIMBER AND JOIiiT-lS ft. , 823 50 ; iC ft , 82S 5C. 22 ft. , 86 .10 ; 24 ft. 826 50. UKNOINU-- . 1 , 4 and 0 In. , 521 00 ; Nu. ? . 822 00 311KETINU No. 1 (2nd ( ocmtnon b. * rd320 ) 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00. LIMJi 1'cr barrel , 1 : tri ; bulk per ons- 40 { ; Oumpnt , bbl , f2 Hfi Iowa plaster , bhl , Pa 50. Hnlr ptr bn. 40c. Tarred fall 100 Ibfi , f ? Ml. Slrnw board. * 3 60. OOAlx ( "uuibcrlftuo bl inkumltn , f 12 ; Morris Kuti lllotsburf ; , 812 , Wbltobreant lump , f 5 rO ; Whitobravst nut. 8S 50 ; lown lump , < < 5 50 : Iowa nut M M ; Kook Spring . /SBtlii lto. 810 5f@llCO ; Colorado , 800 I > RTCf AXD CHEMJOAUS.- ! , Carbolic , 60o ; Acid , Tsrthric , 5To ; Bab nui Copnbln , titr Ih , < 0i : ; Bntk. BumolruN , per Ib , 14i | Otlruicl , par Ib , 7fic ; CiuchonMih , per oz , # 1 15 ; Chloroform , per Ib , 1 00 ; Dovor'a pnwdprs , per Ib , 81 40 ; Epnorr Saltn , pur Ib , 3c ; Olycnrlne , pure , pe 11 , 31c ; Lead , Aoulnlp , per Ib , 2'c Oil , CftRtor , No. 1 , per gal , 1 25 ; Oil , Cantor , No. 'i. per gal , 8115 , Oil , Olivd , per ral. 31 'iO ; Oil , Origanum , 50 ; Opium , 14 7 i : Quinine P. & W. & R. & 8. , per or , J"18j " ; Potassium , Iodide , per 11 111 75 ; Hainan , per or. 40a ; Sulphntu o Morphine , iiorjr , 48 t5 ; Sulpnur Hour per Ib , 4c ; Stivuhulno. cer oz. 81 Liquors. ALCOHOL U8 proof. 3 25 per wine gnllou ; extra California spirits , 187 proof , 1 " , " > per proof Kallon ; triple rohned spirits 1W proof , 1 < 3 per proof qMlon ; ro-dlstilloc wtlnVIca , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 50 ® 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 2007 00 ; Ken tucky and Pennsylvania rye , 2 00@7 00. BRANDIES-Imported , 88 001600 domratlc 1 404 00. O1NS Ircportod , 4 C00 00 ] domoetio , 1 40c)8 ( ) 00. URUMS Iroportod , 4 60 ® fl 00 ; New Knplninl 2 00 ( 4 00 ; doranntir , 1 10 ( 3 50 PEACH AND APPLH BRANDY 1 75 ® 1 00. CHAMPAGNES Imrortod per ease ZRfXXg'U ' 0)AmrtU ) i , rano , 1200(8 ( 16 00 , CLARETS- Cfiso , 4 BC@in 00 WINES Rh no wine , per oaoo , 0 00 ® 2 00 ; OatavHa , per cano , 4 007 00 , Ulnar * and Too coo . FINE OUT lu pails. Hard to Boat ! 75o ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , 80o , Favorite , 65c ; Rocky Mountain , GOc : Fanny , B5c ; Daisy , 60c. In tin foil Catlltm O , S. , 5 Ib bozos , per Ib 63c ; LOT- ! illard'a Tk'or , GOc ; Dlaironil Crown , 6Go , BMOXING All graden Common , 25 to SBc. Grrnnlatod lUackwolla Durham , 16 oz file ; Dukes Durham , 1C oz , 46o ; Seal of Noith CaroUua. 10 oz , 16 ; Seal of Nebras ka , 10 cz , ! > 8o ; Iiono Jack , 4 cz , linen bugs nor Ib , 81.33 ; MarburgR * Pnck 2 oz , tin 011,653 ; Do ) { Toll G5c. Woct. Morluo USWAS od , light , 143 > lGct bonvj.o , medium uuwannsd , light , 18@20 , 'vathod , oboico , 2o ; fair , 30c ; tnb-dliie ; and w. , 2Sc | burry , blr.ckand aottod wool 5M iV ' > " ' INCREASE fljFQ TO JB CAPITAJJ , Those doilrlnK to make money G1J1 small and medium InvectmeulB I O jJU Krll"i l < ro > Ulong and stock ipecula tlonn , cm dn no l > y oporatlnp on oat plan. From M y 1,1881 , to the pie WHEAT sent date , on InvontmiiM'.s of flO,0 ( to 81,000 , cub profltM have lieot mil I to J and paid to Inronlori ffir-f. anioun Ing to fovor.l tlmoa the orlg tbull 'n& ' < > Invratinont. rroHta paid 1st o 01 ory nuntli , still ln vln ; Ih , original Investment makliiK moce ) KTODK8 or piyalilo on demand KipUnato ry circulars and ot&Uiinenta o ( luuc Wnofitfrou Wo want re ponslbli ( TMfiH acuti who wllr'port uncropi .at UIUU liit'Odiice the phn Liberal cota- A < ! dr < "S KI.UM.Mlnd ft UKilUIAU , Crm- mljnlon iorclianti , M ] nr Block , DOCTOR STJEIWHARTS SUPPOSITORIES ! Thu Great I'opulir Ilcmuly for I'llis. Surecuro for Blind , Blocdlng&I'chlngPIIer And all terms ol Homorrholdil Tumors. These BuiTOHiTniiiiw act directly upon tht coata ol the Illool ViweN.aiiil li ) thul cffocU j'cntl > form the blood from the swollen tumorn , and by making the coalH of the vclni Btroiu , protunt the r rifllllii , , ' , and lionco a radl cal curt' U suru to foil /w tlitlr UNO. 1'rlco , 75 cofili a IKJX. For silo hall Inifi-UU , or aont b } uil on ru < i iptol prlio.ii ) E llshMndlon ) JtHtltuto , 718 Ollvo St St Ion < DOCTOR STEINHAR1-S * \ ry * B H f E\ ) IIFfc Ul > UIIi H Is a Hiiru , proinpt a < < l iffu4ual rtmixln for In Wtakntmiaiiil Kvm-rnllxMiof l.'o tr It ruialr lurvout uuite , rujmcnattH the faloil Intulltct , litliLMii tht tnltLlilfd liralu und rcwtorix n , ' t in und Mn' r to thu ikhautUxlor . Thu ux | > trltiit | of tli'"i ; unU provualtto bean ImaluaMu rimed ) . I'nio , SI UU hottle , or nix orj.'i. For iuli ) by all dnuirt ti , or u.'iit HLciiro from olMtrtatlnn on rtcilpt nl prlco 'jj Pr.StcJulia. " < V. O. Box 210O , St 1.0 til K Mo EUROPEAN HOTEL , Tbeu.oitcenlrallr Iccated hctnl In the city I1 om J5c l.(0 , il W nd JCOperday. Kir C' Ucilauinut couiiected wit lh ( hota HTJHST. - - Prop. . rourlh and .r-cv BtrecU. x-otrxc * HAS THE BEST STOCK IN OMAH4.AHD MAKES THE LOWftBT PEIOES IMPORTANTTMPRbVEWENTS Have now been finished in our store , mak ing it the largest and most complete FURNITURE HOUSt In the West. An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected : with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , Ono Exclusively for the inn of Passengers These immense warerooms - roomsthroe stores , are 6fi loet wide are filled with the Grand est display of all kinds of .household and Office Furniture ever shown. shown.All All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first floor and go through the building and inspect the stock- GHAS. SHIVERICK , 1206 , 1208 8and 1210 Farnam Street , OmRha , IE1. C. IMIOIRGrIfcT , WHOLESALE GROCER 1213 Farnam St. . Omaha. N h J. A. WAKEFIELD , WUOLl'JALK AND HCTA1L DEALKtl Lath , Shingles , Pickets , , DOORS , BLINDS , FOLDINGS , LIME , GEMEN JV8TATK AQENt FOU MIIAVACKKK CKilENT COMPANY Near Union Pacific Douot , OMAHA KB HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND IWD0W SHADES 'EASTERN ' PRICES DUPLICATED. 118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA Sinple Breeoh Loading Shot Guns , from $5 to $18 , Double Brooch Loading Shot Guns , from $18 to $75 , Muzzle Loading Shot Buns , From $0 $ to $25 , Fishing Taokoi , Base Balls and all kinds of Fanoy Qoods , Full Stock of tShow Gases Always on hand , Imported and Key West Cigars a large line of Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and everything re quired in a first class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store , Cigars from $15 per 1,000 upwards , Send ' Price List and Samples , DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTER N HOTEL HOTELS , PROPRIETORS TOWKP ARLINQTON , J. 0. MclNTIRE , Llntain , Neb , WEATHERLY HOUSE , A. Q. WEATHERLY , Manrlng , low * . | REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. O. REYNOLDS , Ooon Rapldt , owi. ] SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. QTELLINIU8 Mllford , N b. MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE N k COMMERCIAL HOTCLf JOHN HANNAN Btromiburg N HALL HOUSE , A. W.HALL ( Loultvllla j OITY HOTEL , OHENEY &EOLARK , Blair , Na . ) COMMERCIAL KOTE _ J. Q. MEAD , ! Nellgh , Neb. GRANn CENTRAL C.13EYMOUR , N bratkaoitrtN0b ; MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , K L. THORP , Weeping Water.N COMMERCIAL HOUSE' A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Nab. QREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb ) COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. OTOREY. Olarlnda , Iowa ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L , CNO , Cremont , K b' EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. D. HACKNEY , Aihland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atkinson , Neb MORCAN HOUSE , E. L. QRUBD , Quldo Recd , N . SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BECKER Oreiton , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO. CALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O.M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKEP , Audubon , la. OOMMEROIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neola , la ] CITY HOTEL , 01 A. LLIAMB , Harlan la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQO , Oornlnn , In. NEBRASKA HOTEL , J.CL. AVERY , Otanton , MERCHANTS HOI EL Q. W , DURK. Burlington Jun tlOf , I COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Biinchard , la. PARK8 HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Ohenandomh la , COMMEFIO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb DAQNELL HOUSt , OHA8. BACNELL , College Springs , la ; OOMMCROIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKIH8HOUOE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida COMMERCIAL HOUOE B , F.BTEARN8 , Odebolt la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKCFIT , Oiceola , Neb , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarks , Neb. ntDFonn HOUSE J. T. GBEEN. Bedford la. AKLINQTON HOUSG , J M.BLACK & SON , Marysvllle Mo NORFOLK JUNOTIONHOUSE A. T. POTTP.H , NorfolkJuncllonNib WIN8LOW HOUSE O. McOAHTY , Howard , Neb. AUKURA HOUSE M. D. JONEil. Auroar Neb. cRozmn HOUSE O. R. OHO/'ER , Sidney , Neb. AVOQA f.ATINQ HOUQE D. W. ROCKHOLD. Avoca In. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oak FOSTER HOUSE O.ti > t. JOHN FOSTER , Lewis , la. WHITNEY HOUSE ! E. HAYMAKER , Grlswold , la. DEPOT HOTEL , O L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap , la LUSK HOUSE. J A. LUSK , Logan , la. DOW CIIY HOUSE , W.H.MORTON , DowOltai AQQER HOUSE. JAQQRR& BON , Denlion , la , ( IA.11MON 11OUSK , OITY , IA. , Harmon it Kealen , 1'rop , WILLIAM SNYDER , MANUKACTUBKU OFi S , BUGGIES , Flrs-OlasB Paining and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done HarnoTiOop. 14th , Omab *