1 THE DAILY BEE OMAHA SA.rUKDA , JANUARY 27 POEl'RY OP THE TIMES , Langtryonloe. She did , She nlld , Ancn she gild , And sideways gave a whirl , A Ruldo She Rods , Acd then * ho Rlode , This br ve , but foolish girll Hnrrahl ) < oop-hl Who ever saw A girl that could do bettet ! A dash.1 A crash , Twas awful rath , . Bit the toller-skntes unet her. Sain Smyth In 1'blln. Timer , The American dlrl. Through English eyes more calmly iioft Lo.ikB from gray dcopg the appealing charm : Jteddenson Knglloh cheek * mnro oft The roio rf innocent alarm ; Our old-world heart more gravely feel * , llaalornt more force , moro self-con. trol ; For us through uterner music peals The lull accord of toul and BOU ! . Jlut , ah I the life , the emlle untaught , The floating presence , feathery fair ; The etR and aspect that have caught The brilliance of Columbian ulrl No oriole throuxh the forest flits Moie sheeny-plumed , more gay and free ; On no nymph's marble forehead situ I'roudller gl d virginity. F. W. II. Myew { Briton ) . Are You' Commonplace ? " A commonplace life , we my , and wo sl h ; But why should we ilfih M wo lay ! The commonplace lun In the commonplace . \ Makei up ( or the commonplace day The moon and the stars are oommonplaoe thlogf. The flower that blooms and the bird that sings ; lint tad were the world , nnd dark our lot , If flowers failed and the run shone not. And God , who tees each ceparate soul , Oat of commonplace lives makes vhU beautiful whole. Bcuan Coolldge. A anopplncr. I IOTA to go a shopping. With a dolUr , But buy a pair of stocking * , Or a collar ; I imlle BO iwrotly on the elrrk , I make him "hump himself" andwoek For my dollar. I stav an hour or over With iny dollarl When shopping I'm in clover , You can holler ; When I'm tlrtd , I Jcwt walk out. And the clerk Bits down to pout For uiy dollar. Bat I make my rounds at last With my dollar. And I go home to fast , Wlih my collar ; And that llitloevening's walk Keeps mo juit a week in talk About my dollar. It's nice to go a shopping With a dollar , To buy a pnlr t f stockings Or n collar ; Now , husband , do not judge me , Poor hubby , don't begrudge ma 'Nother dollar. Tbe Ballet Girl With cnmploxton like the rase 'Mid the snowH Due to pow'dtr on her nose , Isuppoia She twirls upon her toes In abbreviated clothes , And exhibits spangled dose To her beaux. i When cruel time bentows Adipose , Fairy parts and all those She outgrows , And murmurlngly goes To the very hlnnmoat rows , To plrounette and nose With the "crows. " , When life frayed and faded grow * , Like her bow , She In garret * slta and sews Furbelows , Till her weary eyelids close In the peace of death's repose , Is she reaping what she sows ! Heaven knowil Llppincott's Magazine. 7 HONEY FOB THS LADIES 7il Heavy repped ottoman velvet ribboni re much in use. livening diesnea are at preient more demand than walking or In-door suits. Silk stockinette In pale evening shades i much used fcr cuirass bodices to toilets silk , satin , and velvet. Fawn-colored silk stocking * , worn will slippers of dark red kid or velvet , are tb affectation of the moment. Itound hats have velvet crowns and kl brlmi. The most favored shades for trim > mlng are strawberry and "mandarine. " The "Jersey" glovei are still the favoi lies both for evening and day wear , an the dull tan shades are the ones preform Printed mult of the gayest colon is mad op in Dolly Yarden caps with laceborden and worn by young matrons In the earl , bait of the day , Ladies are like watchei-pretty enong to look at ; sweet faces and delicate hand bnt somewhat difficult " " to "regulate" afti they are set a gotutc. Basques o ( plain materials are worn wit skirts of f ncy wool plaid of the dullc colors call d Madras plaidi Instead ol tl too gay Scotch tartans. Imported evening toilettes hayo tralr either miuaro or pSiutaJj but thnse greall Inteifere with dancing , and demi-train * i a preferred by young ladle i. Lilies are out of favor , Vhoy are longer In demand tor the coraage , nnd a only uied in large set pieces , especially dered for entertatrmunts. The eleg\nt simplicity of street costum becomes more noticeable each day , elal rations In dreis garnitures being left home weir and full-lire i occasions. Bright ribbons an Inih wide trim t dancing dritnenot uan ladles , Hews silk pompom are used ai a border arou the edge of handsome tilk evening dress Round corsages acd pointed waists we by yomog ladlui for full drois have neck cut very lo either In V thapeoi 1'ompadour djusre and filled In with U Irrdla tnull and nun's veiling jliavo 1 favor for ball dressea , Broche pa'izs , tu nd Ottoman silk with lace lljuncea worn by debuUntcs ; white and pink the chosen color * . They tell about a girl In the West Addition to San Francisco who Is no i t that when her beau tiles to bug her he to wrap a towel around her 89 as to h something to tnueere acalnst. Embossed velvets , plain velvets , pluil heavy brocades , matola8ie > , and mo are all uuad for jackets worn over skirt India silk , inuilln , gauze tulle , Uco. i other lirbt evening drcus tissue * . When jewelled ornaments are won the hair they should bo IrreKuUtly pla < one being on the right of front , ind I other low at tbo left tide of the head , . back of the ear , resting closely against small knot of hair. I'olonattes have Incroaied in i > onular and are made of the rlcheit fabric * , v but liitl drapery. Some of the new signs have vests shaped on them , and ap drapery with bnulfant hackthe'egnrm ; < must be c'.ote-titting ' to be stylish. There Is quite a fathionable furore velveteen this winter cf course only b st qualities being employed , thoie o Ing quite a * much as the materials km M llncn-b ck velvet * with silk face , velveteen wearing much longer and belnt ? warrasted fast colon , The west fashionable cloths for woolen ooilnmes are not shaggy , but smooth-fin * Ished , and very hannsotnet In short , a lady's broadcloth. They are made In coat snlu , with real or simulated vest ; and also In clef ely trimmed iklrU and bstquts , some double-breasted , same with and some without .restc. A bevy of girls were on their way home from a "folia excursion" when one of them exclaimed : "Oh.dtarl I wish I were an autumn leat. " "Why , what a illly Ideal" said her companion. "Suppoie your wlih were gMtlfiooT "Well , thea I would know what It was to be suppressed , blnnhlngly replied the be ule s beauty. "A'womin's tongue l < i her sword , ard nhe docs not lot It in.t , " n id the proverb. "A woman's tongue Is her sword , nsd ' be does not let It rent , " sot up the type-setter There are some type-setters who have been married so low th it they don't care how inelegant ! v a domestic proverb may be sh t > ed , - Louisville Coniler-Jour l. OO NUBIALITIHB. OJeorge Lorlllard , of New York , an Mis * La Frge wore married at St Auguntine , 'Florida ' , this week A I'atsi In "Philadelphia publishes marritga notice with thl MJJItlon : "Ni fee for tbo minister , Kmi-ty envelope Recently , In New Orleavr , the Ilev , J K. Gutheln , n Jewiih rrbbl , united ir marilage hla nrice and John Armstrong * a Protestant ChrUtUu. The marrlagn of Miss Alice Blalne , daughter of ex-Secretary > tllalne , to Mr , Oopplngor , U fixed ft * February 6th. He residence will be In Kantao. The 'marriage ' of Miss Mabel Bayard daughter of Senator 13yAtd , of Delaware to Mr. Warren , nf Boston , Is annonnooi to take place in Washington on the 25 1 lost. Admlrtl Seymour , now made a peei will , It is said , certainly tcatry Mr QerardiL'Iab , the wo Uby widow who-on tertains at Lutnn Hoe , r.n/1 owns a fsmou yacht. Mrp. Ijelgh Is taid to have I GO , 000 sterling a year. A Georgia couple waited over four 791 : for n good opportunity to elope , and j u aa It came the girl's father took the young man by the hand arftl < aald : "Speak up to her , ThomaM 'I know she lovea . 'yon and I'd be tickled to death to have you tfor son-tn-lawl ' - - Lieut. Alexander ( Ctodgors , of Its 8th Oavalry , and son of cAdinlral Raymond Itodyera , af the navr , was married at Waohlrgton last week to Mliu > Virflnla Kolette Cameron , second daughter of Sen ator J. D. Csraeron , oM'ennsylvanfav. A marriage ceremony came to an ab rupt and ludlcrom termination the other dayin Atlanta , Ua , A prominent clergy. man of that city , having consented unite a colored con pic , had juut nuked the soltmn- ( inflation : "Wilt tliou take this wo mnn , eto , " when nn old II uno of the bridegroom groom poked her heid into tbo rocun and s ! d : "Henry. I dar you to nay yet. 'Henry sank into the nearoit chair without a word , and the company thoufliilfullj withdrew. Miss Mary Clmrtcr ? , only daughter in. Chartera , of Stoke I'ark , Ipuwlch , wai married -Ipswich , Knglnnd , recently , Oouat'CarlKtterhazy , of I'ressburg , Hun gary , Lact summer Mr. nod Mra. Cbar tcrs , with their daughter , were crulrlng the river Nile when their boat wai upiet C'ountiKiterhazy ws pasami' in hta vach : attlio time and r scuo < l thu party. This th usual programme ; and yet girl should be carefubhow they rook tbeb boatn In ' .deep water Ji when a )13uko ) around. MH78IOAL ANQ DBA.MA.TIO JobuA. Stevens ha * caught on witl "Passion's Blare. " Lawionco Barrett played to ovorfZ.OOC week bcforo last In Cleveland. Mary Andrrson continues three .week longer at the Fifth Avenue Theatre , Nei York. Louis .fames and Maria Walnripht a company Lawrence liaerett to lEutap neitsummtr. Man Btrakocch sa.ys that 1'atll has liee perfurmlnR thlrty.two yoow and In eperi twenty-five years. Paulina Markham fsuowftlrs. Itandolp Murray. Tbo Wyndham comedy .oor pany are in lialtimoro. John McCullontih enters upon tl second week of his engagement at tt Boston Theatre Mocday night. Mr.'Edwin Ilooth has been compelled . the sickness of his daughter.tocancel man of his professional engagement * ) In Qei many. Nllunn denies emphatically that she hi any encouragement with Mr. Gye , Tt In latter says the contract with him w signed May 10 , 18H , ' . is I Planquatte has refused an offer of fGOX ( of for th score of "Kip Van Winkle , " b catise he hopes to make double that su Ith out of his operetta. the Kmma Abbott sang In lloohester la Wednesday night , and two dajs before h kid appearance every available cat in tl opera hocHo was sold. m- Out of tighty.sevcn manuscript pla received at the Madison Square Thvat or- ind for consideration within the last sir mont cd. only two were retained f-ir sotious cnnsi , craion. ode The "Mascotte , " juit withdrawn at rly , Boulf s I'uraslrnneF , has just been w nested by COO 000 persons , and has yield receipts of SU' 3,000 fromCS2porformanc , Said the veteran playwright , Chnr i tier Gaylor , to o representative of the lit ( I Courier yesterday : "I have seen all croat Juliets since tbo day * of Kan rlth Keniblr , and I regard Margaret Mather lest the beet Juliet I hare Been , " the Mrs.W.J. Florence s-ws that the ch acter of "Mr * . General Gllfbry , " the lo tins ami vutg.ir American women nbroud. ktly the play of Toe Mighty UolUr , " Is cop are fnmi a living- model a touiht whom actress met in I'arls. Her husband v no i nessed the lint performance nnd InsUu are rco gnlzMi the likeness , or- Miss Mary Anderson has accepted A Abbey' * proportion to exchange mot American engagement for Mr. Irving abo- : Kurope , nextuututnu. In accordance w tfor f the agreement Miss .riutlercou will opor ilia hycuim theatre , London , next fj tembor , and Mr Irving will irulo bid \ pearance Iu New York at the fame tit Henry K. Abbey is making arrnti meuta to give German grant ) opera u season at the LCW opera bouse in I t York. Ho | > rep > ne < ui > thlnK less than bring over horn Mine. Maternn , II Winkolmann nnd 11 err Scarla , ol limtti mer'j "l'rsif l" cast. He will also eng Mr. Theodore Thomas , with the lu'l ' I1 ! harmonic Orchestra , for tlili series of C i man operas , that will bring out man' > vVaguer'n works , stern The New York World says of John thin lUrmond' * new plai , "In i'aradlto : " has llaymond has fnucd the best nnd n have suitable character In his exporier Though not quite so funny as ' 'Colt Bellem" It Is tar less extravagant ; In f illicit , it is nlmoU absolutely true to an atnin lolres and admirable typn of the south thi rUof rapidly j-ssilng hwjy. Utilities this and i the mitt important tieuru of a cle delinod aud ruther IntervstlDg plot. laced In The thnterH of Kuropo are now IJrj the , number , uutl Italy himda the list of f HOIIK In point of th Urgent nhuie. jiut the has 318 M frnlnst : 57 In France , 1'Jl Uermnny , lUOInSiiilu ir > OIii Great J aln. Kit In AtiUila and Hungary-I arity , ItuMia , 84 in Uelgiutn , Hi' | tt „ „ „ , ml with In bwltznrUud , 18 in Sweden and Nor de § 10 In I'ortitKsl , 10 iu Danuurk 4 -I iprvn Turkey , aud 1 In Greece. neuts Three won.eu are making- more mi this season on the Ameilcnn ttage I fir ten men. It Is ImpoFslble to get at ! the precise figures , as the pay of performc cost , so exaggeratedbut It is nsiiertoil that t 1 nown receive ! 81OCO a night. As she Is to the thirty times during Lcr tout througt ttaUs she will thtrefore receive $120,000 , Nllson will t about $100,000 for fifty concerts. Kirs Ltnstry is said to receive I one-third of the gross receipts , and will get i about $76.000. j RELIGIOUS. The scriptures are published In 250 Ian- guiges or dialects. I During the pa t fifteen years 8,6001 , churches were built In this country. ' I Chinese pay $151,752,000 annually to qalet the spirits of their ancestor * . I The Southern Methodists estimate that I during the p t year they have gained 6211 per cent , J Only two of the forty.two Methodlit churches 5n Baltimore have rented p ws. I Tbe others are free. I . The corner-stone of the first new Luth eran ckurch built In Leipulo during the last 300 yean wan recently laid. The total receipt * nf the American Bible society for tbo month -of December were 873.BJC4D. The lumen were 100,038 vol. It Is estimated that ( over 5100,000.000 were given for benevolent and religious purposed by the different denominations in tfclg country la t je r. Three thousand "flve hundred churehtw tnilt In fifteen years in this country , and more than one for every day during last tfear , Is a record zst to be despised. The sums contributed by tbe vatfons Protestant chmrfh havn Increased in eighty Years from $240,000 to ? 8,3'0COO , and yet It eald that tulwilons are dying out. out.Thn Thn American Baptist Missionary Unlrn hni 181 mlssionariea In Its Asiatic tieldr , (563 ( native preaherii , 687 churches nod 4G- , 017 members. The tirst Karen convert baptized by Dr. JnHson led Qisla h Chrltt , and IQmla baptized moro than' 2,000 conveitn in lesn than three years , The fnllomotf are the principal statistic * of tbe Protestant Kpleoopal church In'In- ' dlana for the year jnst closed : Value of property , Wl,64fl ; baptism admits , 103 Infant * , 334. ; confirmations , 281 ; oommu- nlcanti , 3.8SO ; Sunday school teachenisind fcholarc. Jf < ! JI ; total ifTerings , debts , $30 > C22. IMPlJflTIBa a "Freeond easy laored coooortp ) " an son.ethlng now in New York. By and h by wo shall have n religious cocking main. d A RuM&m proverb say : "fiefore olog to war , cray once ; bif > re going t-ta sea kta. cr y twloc ; lieforu getting married , ? ray a. three times. " A preacher asked nil Sunday noho I chll- b- ' dreu to stand up who intended to vltrt tbo ber wicked , doul dentruying clrens. All hut . lame , jtrl stood up , to , 'I'm not n homeopath or an allapath lie n rydropath , I'm n Jotmp th , nnd 'o- wouldn't givfl mv dflclor for a'iuurtred lead others , " < iald Kynngelmt Barnes laf\t \ Sun ad day , in a disgusting harangue. " A religious paoer Rays that for the last ut fifty years the Btptlnto have estublUhed lly eight churches per week the ynnr rlvbt through , making oter 421 per year. Tne ofas prcmotlon of swimming IscerUiqlya viry as noble wnk. to There is a town In Iowa which has in- population of 1,300 and twelve distinct iron ami separate church organ it Uloue. It ot undetatood that will { they join n renting etht an oyster for ueo curing the prevent toison ht of church suppers. . ils I rls Kev. Kr. Talrange thinks it a crent boon air to die younr , and wonders that mien c airis I dread to "luavu a shanty for the Al hambra. " And yet , when Mr. Toltnagol' ilsk , we dare ray he rushes to the tele' phone and hnlloos for his doctor. 0. , At a meeting of the woman's 'board missions In Beaten Wednesday tie treai ith urer rtatad that tbo recelpti doting 188 were ? mjOOO At this rate heathenism 00 will soon become one of our most profitable ble industries sks The president of Tufts college was re 'ew cently made a happy father , and thu reol. lowlntt morning at prayer in the chapel Introduced this rather ambiguous sen < tence : "And we thank Thee , O Lord , fo the succor Thou bait given in , " wblcl canted a goaoral itulle to creep over thi ; faces of the class. The Kev. < George A. Gordon , of 'Green wUh , Cone. , who tins received a call the pulpit of the Old South chcrcb , Boaton1 at a Biliary of $12,000 p r annum declines to leave his little charge ln-.Cr wich until he can rind n satisfactory sue cenor to continue his work. Tbo NewYorl doctor who recently testified that roost b the lunatics In this country were oct < ld of the asylums evidently knew rwhat was talking about. , The new French rifle will carry overtw miles and the bullet will travel nearly 000 fast as a scandal. be- By the way , another of the IBalaklav mm : "ill hundred" has jutt 'died. Thia n ducea the ranks to about nine hundred.- latt Hartford Post. her Handiome tides are placeJ on satti covered sofas , not 10 tnncn as a guaranti of good faith at to cover up the spot tbi lays is worn through , atre M. T. are the Initials of Mr. Folk , ntns isid. Tennessee's defaulting treasurer. M. also represent ! the condition of tbo trei ury ot that unfortunate state. the "Chwychl ach ochl ocbe ach&u o chowc wit- Ided - Acb uwch achychan Ischewch tlch och ewch Ich lacbau icea. lachwychach ewch o'ch achau. " rlcs ir.io A I'hlladelphU paper observes thi Ithe t Clark Mills succeeded iu pasjlnp hlnut i oif on congresH oa n sculptor , You co nny pass most anything on congress when the aa Is a chance to chisel out a job , liar- P. 1. lUrnuai presented a letter carrl - with his book "Hmv Get " loud on to Kich" i < a Christman present. The cirrter know ho in be fare. It was to earn JBOO per year ai ipicd the I save half his salary for 200 veart. lt- Hero is n Welsh song. The Atnorlc mtly who would slog it must first tuko emetic , n pinch uf ciyenno pepper in i noeo an I ImeAthe the sulphur fumes of Mr. few miktohee. Then it comes uatui her 1 with "I never rnew a lady who tart ; wl at mnro tatte aud feelicg than Mfa - Scp- said HID Ith to Jonett one day. "Nor K\t. \ H | . | . ( onea to Smith ; "particularly ai i time , an feeling Is joucerued. Why , glie'a it tutn"I for the next note all the time1 ! auge- A poem entitled "Tho Death of Oli next Cromwell" is going the ruumln of New > preix. Oliver's many friends iu thin to1 to will bo pained to heir of bin tlenth-a Herr their grief will bo Intensified when we tutn them that the poem Is nearly half a c Umnl ° DK' 1-hll. Ger. A South Knd woman received a t ny cf gram , nnd her face blanched nnd her Iu trembled as she held the unopened velope before her. Glvlnu it to bnT. daughter ( ha said , "Kead it. " The Mr. obeyed , "Papa lm broken bin leg i moit gc ti ? to tbe hnepltil , " she said , The mo ence. er'tf face brightened , "Thank heaven I ilouel no worse , " ho said , "I feared he might fact , going to bring somebody to dinner ! ' hnt In Down in the railroad yard ono hoar ItU mynUrioui eort rf talk from tbe mvit learly men. "Kick u Hit and H linu bux 1 l/ewla. " "Kick two transfers over Nauyy , acd three 'fulU' out of the tmr 7In "Two IUt aud box ; kick "eai iuto us. home , nnd haul n pig Iron nn tbo sea Hhe then kick cut an empty bx from In butchers. " It ihnuld I u explained t . llrlt. railroad man invariably call switching n the tcun "kicking. " , 110 orway In iuioklm'tj .arnica dulve. The liitsT BALVQ In tha world for C money Ilmlte * , Horos , U.are ! , bait Hheuia , than vcr SOWN , Tettir , CbipmU Hands , C the blalns , ( 'urr.i , ana nil skin eruption * , nors Is positively curns llcv , It U pwrMitcci Pattl vivo saticfucUon i nxoey refunc ilng Price. 25 centi psr ctoi alia by ghtholv Qo-jdoun EDUCATIONAL NOTES , The superintendent of public Instruc tion for Indiana repoHs that during the p at year there were 302 school buildings erected , and th t tbe total number now retches 0 COS , the cot of which aggregate ! $305,450. State School Commissioner Da Wolf , of Ohio , nay * that the icfaool system of that the school system of that ( Utelsmore , ex- penitve th n that of Indiana , Pennsyl vania , or Wisconitn. lie gives as the rea son the general looseness and wasteiulness of the tab-district system. In Ohio the qaeitlon of equalizing the axatlon for common school purpose ) ! Is t > elng generally agitated. As the law , tanas now some counties are obliged to f > ay moro t4an they receive , whila other j > ooror cfluaths draw more than pay. Acoordfag to The Inter-Ocean , the ap- xjlntmem of woman us tchool superin- iendrntc'ln ' IlltooU has been notably BUO- I cesnful. They bring n painstaking earn and thoroughness to their work not ol- wayi shown by their maecular colleagues The university of Little llock , A k , found * ! under the auspice * of the edua tlonal-aoclcty of the Methodist Kplseop * churcri ! , in ubout to open Iti doarn. Th governor , mayor and other leading cltl zen * cf both tartiei have contribute ) towavd Its establishment. The annual report of tbo tuperintenden of the common schools of Maine ohow tb& education Is advancing rapidly in tha edtcoAtlon Is advancing rapidly in tha ( state. Tli9 past two years have been year of new departure In some respect ? , nn < tkese have In each case brought grntifjiu Tha Boiton Post would like lo see evening tchools established in all the ; owns and rillapna of the state. "We know young men , " it sav , "growing up in , ' ignorance In country Alices , not because , thny prefer It , but became they cannot aflord working time for instruction , and | there are no opportunities to usa any. other. To thli class and It coarisU of thousands the evening school would bean ; an inestimable boon. " - Mine hundred teachers are required on * naallr to supply the schools of Colorado , and these , a a rule , r teacbera of ability and ezperiencr. Wages In ungraded schools range from $30 to $00 per month , and in graded schools from $50 to1 > 5C p r month. The supply of teachers larj Jy exceeds the demand. Following la statement of the ir/creone 4n the dlffcren1 educational departments 'dnrlnc ; the pas' ' . year : Increase in sobaol population 98,404 ; ( ncresse l scboil 'districts , T > 7 ; In ; increace in school homes , EC ; 'increase in teacbera employed , 9A ; IrKrease In enroll ment , ( V,738ncMAie ; ! in nverage deity nt- - tecdancu , 3SXt. 1H Dr. Clinton Ccdblug recently lectured a 0. San FraniIsco ; as the edccatiou of women Among other 'tAtings ho said Uhet th scoooii of tb bo blninod or cirantryare to fo 3rI the ill-health oi many women. Children id ahoa'd ' not be rostrane3their ! ; hnimcl ppir idn its sliould bavefall vent. Girls are ua turftUy marefltudious than boys'tU ; y ot st tend more closily to their hooky A girl 3d will do inoro tn please n teacher or a paroc lit than a boy. TJfi to the oio of twelve , boj nud girls urc reiuarkiibly alike. Aboi 16 that time there ia a change. The nervo1 rr organic < tiou ( C tbo girl then begins to t rrn anrt Itself Nothing nLould bo tlono n ch ik its devolnpment. From about t ct ago of ten or twelve , 'for tbo next six in seven years , the change from vrjltthood UK' womanhood occurs , tit : thia period Ech < K books and caccs should not crrab t health nf the uJ. She should -nnt be in lowed to attcud tchunl moro 'ithan ' i tn months in the year , tin the other i tnJ. months he shoalrl have plenty of Bundii ' and outdeor life , aud be inatructod in t ' important myetories df bread-malnng a houtele pin , Tbo utrugges tf the t ) ra cl tome of exaiulnntion and promotion ehou bo dlseountenaneed. 1- 182 im Free of Obarge. All persona ouifering'f rom Cough ? , Colt Asthma , Bronchitis , \Lotu \ of'Voied orn ; re- allection of the Throat and Lungs , are i ol.he quested to call at C. K. Goodman's dr hem store and got a Trial Eattio of 'Dr. ' Kin | m- New Discovery for Consumption , free lor : charge , which will convince them of i Ich wondecful merits and show what act eguli he butt In will Hn. Call into THE BAD AND WORTflLKS to < of Are never imitated or coutitoJC ittd , Thia is oapocially true of a fa mily en modlctno , and it is poaittvo proof thai ucrk the remedy imitated in of the 'big bos' of valuo. Aa eoon aa it hnd boon ta tUx Ide and proved by thu whole world t ha be Hop Bitters waa the parent , bout i , ni moat valuable family medicine 01 earth , many imitations sprang np a a began to steal the notices in wfai the prosa and people of the count had expressed the merits of H. B and in every way trying to ludnce ad fering Invalids to UBO their stuff it va toad , expecting to moke money 01 ro- the credit and good name , of H. B - Many others started nostrums pat af in similar style to H. B , , with vari tin- ously devised name * in which tbe itee bat word "Hop" or "Hopa" were used In away to induce people to believe they nf were the name as Hop Bitten. All nfT. such pretended remedies or euros , no matter what their style or name U and espldally those with the word vch "Hop" or "Hops" in their name or in any way connected with them or theii name , are imitations or counterfeits. hat Beware of them. Touch none oi lf -them. Use nothing but genuine Hop can Bitters , with a bunob or clnotor ol aero green Honn on the white label , Trusl nothing olso. Drnguista and doalon rior are waraod against dealing In a tiono or ooup'torfnlU. bow aud lean an i hia 1 HAS BEEN PROVED a Vhf &URES1 CURB for urul KIDNEY DISEASES. Doe 1 1 lame back or dleorderedurlnc Indicate .hat you ore vlctlmP THEN DO with NOTlimTATKl "JO KIDNEY-WOUTal once ( druTciata recommend It ) anrt ttwilj ' tw Uly overcome UiodlMaadandrcaton htaltbyactlontoallthoorcans. far I Foroomplalntsjwcullar feel- . ana wtiiknrun. KIDNEV-WOaT U uniur- po a la ltwtn act promptly and ulely liver < Either Box. Incontinence. rcUntlon of tbe I urine , brick dnst or ropy depo lt , nd dull town dracsrlng pains , all speedily yield tots , cur- -and tell < col. tele. HEAT YOUR HOUSES lund tu ber ' tglrl | and noth- it IB be a ritch- into to Mil. " the c.Vo , the th t ugby FURHACESJNJYHE V/ORU / RIOHARDSON30TNTON & 0 Chil CiriCAGO , &nboJy rtw IBSa lmi.rovcm Dts. Uo pxnotlonl leaiuru. ; Cost lc ° k it J ; Cue lcs fitol > S .mof" ndalsrsf r volume0' porn nlr > " 0 , Jurosc wale. . . . Sold br lltrcy anJ Dr aforJOt h . BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will cure dyspepsiaheirtbum , mala ria , kidney disease , liver complaint * and other wasting diseases. ' BROWN'S BITTERS enriches the blood and ptfrifvw the system ; cures weakness , lade of encrjy , etc. Try a bU e. BROWfi'S IRiN BITTERS b the only 1 n preparation Ihat d oes not ooloKthe teeth , and will not couse headache or constipation , as other Iron puparagons will. BiOWN'S IRON BITTERS Ladies and all sufferers from neu ralgia , hysteri a , and kindred com plaints , will fi 1 it without an equal. Jt THE la it SHORT LINE to he OF T1IE or tool ol > 1 be rix lix tl- Milwaukee & St , Pan nc head RAILWAYs ad s MW runmlng Ita FAST EXPRESS TIUU raid ( rom OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFF WITH Pullman's Mapiflcent Sleepei AND THB Finest Dining Cars in tbe WorL IF YOU ARE GOING EAS d. TO d.iy iyAt CHICAGO' MILWAUKEE. At Att ' Or to any point beyond ; or od IF YOU ARE GOING NORT nd To ST. PAUL OR MINNEA.FOI.I ai ' Take the BEST ROUTE , the 3' : . Chicago , Milwaukee&St , Paul R Ticket offloB looted at comer Famam Fourteenth streets and at U. V. Depot and Ulllaid Ilotel , Omaha. < ySoo Time Table In another column. F. A. NASH , General Arat. 0. n. FOOTK , Ticket Agent , Omsha. 8. S. MERRILL , A. V. U. CARPENTER , General Manager. Gtonerat Pass. Age J. T. CLARK. QEO. H. HEJIFFORD , OenermlSup't. AsBtOeE.Pasa. Age , . ' FOR CHilCAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , "MILWAUKEE DIKBOIT , KIAOAEA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTOh An lll Poluts Eact nd ° 5outh-East. TIIKLINKCOMI'KIHKS Nearly AJXO uillM Solid Smooth Hteitl Trai 11 connictlor.s are made In UNION DbPOl h j n national Ivopntatlan M being t reat Thrcugh Cor Line , and Is nulvem needed to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED K * a.l In the Arld lor all claions of travel , Try It and you will llni1 traveling a Inxc Instead ot Jwcon'.fort , TLroupl Tlck.te vU thi Celebrated Llna ulu at all cfacw. In tic Wif t All Information about Rites u faro , alecpl Car AcocumoJat'onh , 'Iliuo Vkbles , ac. , will obcerlully elf n b > apulylnliiK to T. l. POTTuK , U VIce-l'iM't X Gen. MansierChlci PCROIVAL LOV.'CLL , Uio. r tv fr Ait. Cklui H. ) . PAVr-NPOUT , Uct. Atfent , Cinncll liluCt. U. P. DUKLL , lie Let , .V < t. on > BAfJUfACTURER OF Silver Plated WINDOW SASh Door Plntn EnuraTod to Order * Ka , GOON. TtfcEt. St , LouU , ) O. IB1. Window and Plate G'ass. ' bdorMmrchailnir tnslr Plate OUw. corrtt end with us belor purchasing- O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA HEB" . STEEIE , ; JHNSON & GO. AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of AUD IAMACTURED TOBAC00 , igents for BENWOOD SAILS AKD LAPLIN & RAND POWDER CO. * JO „ DBALERS HALLS SAFE AND Fire and Burglar ( 1 1020 Farnham Street , PERFECTION . t.x HEATINQ AND Iji only attained by nulng Stoves and Ranges. wren WISE QAUZS OVER BOORS' ' , . N 'For sn'e ' by MILTON ROGERS & SQHS , lull WBSTKKJS CORHICE , WORIS ! -8PEOHT , Proprietor. Omrha Neb . - , IT CORNICES , DORKER WINDOWS , F1NIAL3 IS , Iron and Slate Eoofing , Spooht'a Patent Metalia Skylight Parttut Adjastod Ratchet Bar ver > d Bracket Shelving. I am the'genersJ agent for the above line of goods , IRON FENCING. and" Or 4'sns , Balustrades , VeranduOrn | ( dak * .nk Railings , Window and O IUr Guards ; also OKNWKAT. AflRN $500 REWARD. Tlitt.bove reward will be paid to any person who > w7ili produce a Feint that will equal the ent. Pennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint , ( or unnerving Bhlodoa , Tin and Gravel Boots. Warroslod to be Fire and Wnter Proof. AU order % promptly atteodetl to. Cheaper and bet ter Una any other piiit now In use. STKWAKT& 8TKPHENSON. Bo'rfl Proprietors , Omaha HOUM > , Omaha , Ksb. REFERENCES. Offlctr & Pusey , Dr.Kico , Dr. Pinney , Kulle < OouodlOluff8 , Iowa. Bas eico , Omaha , K n. Loan & Trust Company HASTINGS , JJEB. Capital Stook , - - $100,000- JAO/2L. HEAHTWELIPrcalJcnt. . A. L.-CIiAllKK , Vlco-l'rc ldciit. K. 0. WtBSTKIl , Treasurer DIUECTOUS. Stnuiel Alnaiider Oewalil Ollvr , A. L. C.aiU . ) , E. C. Webster OOO.H 1'jiit , Jas. II. Ilcartuell , D. U. McKl Hlnncy. .lET First Mortgage Loans a Specialty This Company ( urnlahm a permanent , home Institution wbaifltSchool Us i iand other legally Issued Municipal securltl" " ) A'ubraska can b bo negotlatui on thu nn i a > orable terms Loans made on linpraic < lfi n i all well settloa counties of theeu.te , Ihro . r iMponslble local oorrtMpondents. 8enms Married , Irf , fhfl Story of t-ua Sawing * ! M or ? iisjil'rruo llitlJ tawpMtl. jlctfaf.cj ton * fUb numerous cnjM ; Id I T A'WAY la ay / al ivnon cdllnj ; lor It , tc ; trKiih or iu&-oKro ul 'Jlio Slnroi WfrolaclL-rlDf Ccti- ? iny , oiIU bf a nl by mill , roi paid , lo | tnv pcrwu Itvlutr At ilplinco f/oroC3r r.foctt IKO T'liB llingflr MannfsotUMq ; Go , , Prbetpel Otfiw ; , 34 Union " KBW 4 le hunranbody , de\elc | xt and ttreCKthnul , " ctc.l n liitcrcntlnK alvert tetient Iu K run In our paper. In n-plr to I < | ti rlcs wowllliaj that hero It no e i lento < ( humbuj ? ab ut thlr. On .liecoiitrarj , th a < lmtl .rs sr very hlgbly In- doried , Intcre.id pcr ons n ay pit s altd clr- rulars giving all particulars , Rlvlni ; all partlcu- ari , by addrcsiin/Crio JI.-dk-al Co. , I * . O. llox 613 , llull.lo , N. Y.-loli-do tunlDK ! ! - . XIo anll-ly . NOTED BUT TTNTITXJBD WOMAM. ( From the Dwtoa OWx. ] Urs.trdlaE.Ptns > m , fLynaJUM.who i > eve Uothcr human b lng UT k truttfnlly allied the "Dw Friend of Woman , ' " iom of fcsr corre pc > clenj loratocAU her. Eb liotlotulr&TOtod to her York , which Is theoat om f > Ufe ludr , and It obliged to keep six l d riiUnta , to help her n wer th * Urge correipondenc * ihleh dallr pour * In upon her , aeh booing It * ipoda ] urden of KSTertng- joy at releue from It. B r loccUbt * Compound 1 * a madlclna for rood and not rll parpoKC I hare personally tarestl at d It tad m satisfied ot the truth of thu On aeoount of 1U prorcn merits. It lj recommended nd prescribed by thebcitplijilclans In the country , pa says i "It workj Ilka a charm and sares much aln. It will cure entirely the worst form of falling f the uterus , Leucorrhcen , Irregular and painful Icnstruatlon.allOTarUn Troubles , Inflammation and fleeratlon. Flooding , oil Dljplacements andthecon- iquent tplnal weakness , and Is especially adapted to e Change of life. " ft permeates every portion of the system , and elves grille and vigor. It rwnovej faintnros , flatulency , | treys all cruvlnu for stimulants , and relieves wvok. < ai of the ttomach. It cures Bloatln , ? . Ilc/uloclica , Jetvous IVostrntlon , General Peblllty , Sl plp sness , ( oprceslon and IndlgcBtlon. Tliat fwjllng of bearing bnu , causing pain , welnht and backnclie , Is always naancntly cunxl by Its use. It will at all tlrocn , and Dilv all circumstance' , net In harmony with the law hat governs the female oystcri. It ccwts only f I. jr u > tto ! or tit for fl , and Is sold br JniCffWi. Any advlro requiredoa to sjietlal cnws , an 9e names of many who have been restored to perfect raltli l > y the cse of the Vegetable Compound , can b plained byuildrcsilng Jlra. 1' . , with ttunpfor reply , t her homo In Lynn , JIass , Kidney Complaint of tithtr ecx thla f omponndli nsurjias.s..l o.s abundant testimonial * thow. "Mrs. llnl.lmm' ' IJvcrI'm ' 1F' " , ' > ysonowriter , "ar tt bnt ( n the world for the euro uf Constipation , Illousnesj and Torpidity of the liver. Her Blood urlflcrworkswondnraln Its special line and blda fab > equal the Compound In Its popularity. All must renptvt her as an Angel of Mercy wbiw * auls nbltlon b to Jo good to others. Philadelphia , I'a. ( J ) Mr . A. M. a Hyacinths T niles , Croonsea- And all other hi Fill Planting. Uirge t M' mont ever shown In Chlcoco- on IJlustratrd CaUKirue freo. end lor It. Hiram Sibley & C HEEBMEN , fn 5f > nrrtcl | hft. . . . Chic- ATTAC1IV " 1'ATEM .ENT-NOT A. J. Si LEA MPSON. - DING , 1409 and 1 i FACTORSL- ang 7-me Cm * tu Do 0 stie ' OMAUI , NKB.