Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 27, 1883, Image 1

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The Grist of Embryo laws
Ground Out by the Legis
The Senatorial Deadlock Con-
tinues , Noth withstanding
the CU.UCUB.
Butler'a Railroad Oommteeion
Bill Debated in the Senate.
The Scorattry i f Stntr , Tronnnrcr
ll and AmlttDr Constituted
> ]
tlio Board
A Vast Variety of Other Matters
Special Hi-patch to TIIH Bin ,
LINCOLN , January27 la. in. The
deadlock continues. Thu republican
candidates made an effort to settle the
senatorial light in caucus , and their
appeals brought together 70 members ,
who agreed upon a secret ballotwith
two-thirds ncceatary for choice. By
midnight twelve ballots were taken ,
withont material change from the bal
lot in open session. O.i the last bal
lot Millard had 1'J , Cow in 15 aud
Saundera 15. Thuyor fell off 3. The
caucus adjourned to Monday night.
The prospect of r.n election to-morrow
Is not much better than a week ago
The democratic and
list caucuses adjouruod without any
Special Dlapatcbea to TUB UKS. |
LINCOLN , January 20. - Only one
ballot for the election of a United
States ponator was taken this morning
with the f jllowing roauult :
Bojd S3 , Millard 19 , Thayer 15 ,
Saundera 14 , Snckol 14 , Cowin 14 ,
Connor 0 , Mandoraon 0 , Morton U ,
Lake 2 , Dye 2 , Crounao 2. The joint
convention then adjourned to 12
o'clock 110011 on Saturday.
Spicltl Correspondence of The Il o
. LINCOLN , January 20. At noon the
houses met in joint convention to bal
lot for th.H election of a U. S. cenator.
The first ballot showed the fol
lowing result :
For Stickol Birker , Decl' , Dye , J'.ey-
noldB , K'cb , Berkley , Cook ( if Jefferson ) ,
Dodd , Junes , Town , Tutnar , Wurhau ,
Whilzal , Young-14.
For Alandereon Bomparrlner. Sewers ,
Walker , Cox , Jensen , llibberts 7.
Fur Botd Brown ( of Do.iglat ) . Browa
( of ColUi ) , Canfield. GA O. Conkiing Me-
Shane , Patterson , Sans. Tbatsb , Aehby ,
Barton , Carnaby , Clark ( of DonglaO ,
Clark ( of Coif ax ) . Davenport , Deiimni : ,
Draper ( of Case ) , Franso , Freeburn. Gra
ver , Hairlncton.ilelnrlcb.Hollmav ] , Laird ,
Luthey , McGavock , Ntvlllo , Nirth ,
Pnvne.Schroeder , Thomas , Turtle , Watts
Frr Sannderj Brown ( of Lancaster ) ,
Heist , B'irbowerColnctzT , Gow , Grlmer ,
Hiiwr , Johnaon , Miller , Palmer ( of Dix-
or ) , Ilalnoy , Uoche , Weatsotr , Draper ( of
Knoz ) 11.
For Thayer Brown cf Clay , FiEher ,
Cole , Oriinatencl , Howard , Martin , Nettle-
ton , Ilincey , IluEuell , vSnaaogle , Stcevnr ,
Swe-rinijm , Ilarrhon , Howell , Cook ( of
Nuckolls 15.
Fur Tonnor Butler , ArmitaRC , Haven ,
Uitcllffe , Sadelek , Stedwell 0.
For Die-Cinnor , I1 timer ( f 8allrje-2. )
For On win Do'ari , Kincaid , Norrij , iiab-
cock , Chr'stophcrM-n , Cul ing , Dawson ,
Gordon , H lixe ! , , Taj lor , Wuaenberg and
Wolpb. 11.
Fur Morton Dunphy , KogerB , and
For Millard Filley , Harrip , Schoenheit ,
Abell. hrlttno , Cuf > tlg. Charloton , Fablin-
ger , FielH , Cirout , Blorrlon , Savage , Se -
aioup , Tliumpaon , Walker , Humphrey ,
Stephenson , t3uosenbach. . Worl. 19.
For Orounee Hatch , Kuonoy 2.
For Like McAllister , Whedon 2.
StMifiod with one ballot the joint
convention adjourned to meet on Sat
urday at noon.
SpecUl Correspondence of Tim BUR.
LINCOLN , January 20. The first
occurrence after the reading and ap
proval of the journal was the signing
by the president of billo , homo rol
No. 01 and No. 91 , to provide for thi
expense of the present Botelon.
Somu of the cltizjns of Johnsoi
county dijtlngulehod themselves by
Bonding up n petition nskint ; that al
appropriations in favor of educations
iuatitutlons above the grade cf com'
mon ichnoh should bo withheld. Ii
was referred to the committee on edu <
The transfer cf lot No. 0 , In the city
of'L'ncoln ' , to the Colored Haptis
churcb , was repotted favorably.
A rpiolutlon citlling on the aelcc
railroad committco of the donate to go
on with their work , Independently of
the committco cf the house , was
objected toby Drown , of Clay ,
Mr. Brown resented very warmly
what ho regarded EH a discourtesy ,
since , as n member cf that c imralttee ,
ho had not boon consulted respecting
the resolution ,
Mr. Ibynolda denied any intention
to ba discourteous , nd if any apology
on his part tfsa cccctsary ho rro-
pared , mike it.
Mr. Brown , of Lincwtor , crill-
ciaed the resolution , aud a long dig-
cuaion ontucd between him and Mr.
Iloynolda aa to the proper course to
be taken to ercuro the co-operation if
the house committee.
A motion to ruspcnd the rules and
pussiho resolution was made.
Mr. Connor criticised the reso
lution as an act of dlscDnrtesy and
Injaarieo to the committees of the
The motion to ; anspond waa lost ,
two thirds not voting tn .ho Dllirma-
Mr. Butler put on his resolution on
papers aud stamps , and placed the
number at six each. By a vote cf
24 to 9 the resolution was laid on the
A propoecd amendment to the con
stitution relating to railroads was road
St thn first time.
Several bills , to amend existing
statutes , woto read , to which more
apace will bo devoted when they coinc
up for consideration.
On returning from the joint con
vention a ( liscuction aroeo on the
qnpstiou of ad j nirntiumt. Somu were
in f. vorof adjourning until Monday
in spite of tlu < resolution to meet in
joint convention. Brown , of Ltnca.-
tor , reflated adjournment on the
ground that whatever their opuon ! | on
the law , it is safer to obey the com
mon interpretation , and give no cauio
to call In question the validity < C their
A motion was madn yesterday to
adjourn till Monday , and was ruled
out of order and the chair waa sus
tained. To-day the motion was re
peated , and a long and warm dispute
arose as to the right of the
chair to rule such a motion
out of order. What motive
loads to these vexations mottono ia net
apparent , but it gave Senators Brown
aud Kincaid a good opportunity to
sustaiu the law of congress , the ordi
nary lavfB of public bodies and the
rules of order which govern thu sen
ate. Mr. Kincaid made a good point ,
that whatever importance members
might attach to the rules of order of
tlio senate , they worn but temporary
and subsidiary the law of the atalo ,
and the lair of congress was eupromu
and enduring and controlled their ac
tion absolutely in this respect Tno
decision of the chair WAS sustained by a
votoff 22 to 11 , and the senatead -
journud to meet at 3 o'clock.
LINCCLV , January 25. On motion
of Mr. McShauo , sonata bill No , 1
was taken up and road n third time
nd passed.
The joint resolution and memorial
o the legislatures if the atatca of
Ciusas and Colorado aud to the con-
resu of the United States , in favor of
ailroad legislation , being NOD. 3 , 4
nd 7 of the senate file , were read a
liird time nnd passed.
On motion the eonato went into
ommittee of the whole , with Brown ,
f Lancaster , in the chair.
Senate lilu No. 8 was thontaken np ,
onmiencing with section 8
Brown , of Douglas , moved that sec-
ion 8 providing fjr u commission , ba
trlcketi out.
Mr. Doch moved that when the
Committee arise , the indefinite post
ponemout of the bill should bo rcc
Brown , of Douglas , sustained his
motion , by a nfjronco to the fict
hat an opinion had been obtained
rjm the cuprorne court of this state ,
hat the creation of such a commission
aa is contemplated by the bill , la un-
Mr. Butler hoped neither motion
would prevail. Ho denied the charge
hat It waa a railroad bill. No rail
road man had ever aeon it before its
irosontatlon to tha oenato. As to the
pinion cf the supreme court , ho did
lot euro for it more than for tlio opin
oncf a juatico of the peace In the ro
noteat part of the state. Ho had
> eon attacked by. an anti-monopoly
> aper , but ho did not Intend to upend
any more time in noticing such per
ona. Ho had framed his bill on the
'llinoia plan , and had prepared aomo
amendments in view of the recent de
cislon cf the cupromo court.
Mr. Schocnhiit thongh't if they hade
o dispense with the crmiiiasloner
iVatom , all their legislation on rail
roads would provo a farce. Ho though !
ho action of the houao in aaking for
an opinion on this subject , without
, he action of the senate , very irregu
r , to Bay the least of it. Ho could
see nothing unconstitutional in such a
commission , for hla pirt. A flippant
dismissal of the matter , in his opinion ,
would bo wrong.
Brown of LiLcister invited Brown
of Clay to the chair , while he gave hla
views upon the question before the
lonato. Ho thought before postpon
ing thU matter , or referring the bil
back to the committee , it waa proper
to know the ctneudraontu prepared bj
Iho author in order to moot the opin
ion of the supreme court. As to thu
constitutionality of a commission , ho
liad not had time to look into the
question , but ho had high respect for
the gentlemen composing that court
aud their opinion , They had been
selected by the people to fill the
places they held , so it was of no use
to talk of treating their decision OB of
no account.
Mr. Harrison was In favor of hav
ing the decision of the court before the
conato , Instead of trusting to otrect
ruinora :
Mr. Connor was opposed to the re
commitment of the bill. It must
finally como to the senate , and it waa
now hero and might bo disposed of.
Mr , Sowota thought it would bo
right , at any rate , to listen to the
amendments prepared by the author
in view of the recant action of the
Brown , of Dou-jlai , then withdrew
his motion , in order that the amend
ments might ba rjad. The first
amendment makes it the duly of tbo
secretory cf Btnte , state treasurer and
attorney general to act UB cominiecion-
era. The amendment was approved.
An amundmunt to r.octlon 10 wai then
offdrod by Mr. Bailer for the appoint
ment cf < \ EI Tntary of the board at a
aalary if 8.000per nnncm.
Mr. MtStiaue wanted the appoint
ment of a necratsry to be the concur
rent action of the am > ate and houao in
jnint convention. ThU propooal met
the vidws of inemburn penorally and
the aiaondmont waa BO amended und
The motion to loaimmit the bill t
the committee on railroads was the
moved und curried , and when th
committee losn the rcconiineridatlo
wr.a made and adopted.
The committee on .mrollmont am
engrossed bills reported back hens
roll No. DO , 43 , 40 aud 44 correctly
( jjiiimittoo on Deaf and Dumb and
In ano nrylum reported back house
roll No. 37 , rocotumondingitBpaBiage.
Committco on ngticulturo reported
back house roll No. 14 recommending
its passage , also No. 45 , recommend *
ing that it do not pass On mot Inn
the bill was recommitted ; also No. 4l > ,
recommending that it do not pas ; .
Report adopted , Also No. 02 , recom
mending that it do not pas ? , bill recommitted -
committed ; also No. 7 ! ' , recommend
ing Unit it do not pnst ; also No. OJ ,
recommending that It do imt pins , re
port adopted ; also No. 100 , reccm
mending that it do nut pane , repjrt
Ccmmlltc.0 on railroads reported
back house roll No. 15 * , creating a
railroad commission ; report adopted ,
Houao roll Ni < o. 01 and 01 w re
aignod by the speaker. These bills np
propriatcs money for expanses of thu
Homo roll [ No. 21' ) , appropriating
$1 ! ) 380 for tno purpose cf buying
ground and improving the buildings
cctipiod as the deaf and dumb asylum
tit Oaiaha , was introduced this morn-
ire by Mr. Colpetzor.
The homo in the committee of the
rholo had a lively ditcusslon over
house roll No. C a bill to ropoila con
tract j T 1' . Kennard has with the
state of Nebraska relative tn the col
lection of certain money from the
general government , for which service.
Governor Fnrnas agreed to give the
said Konnard fifty per cent of all
money collected. Messrs. Field aid
\VJjodon defended the contract and
N ttHonnnd Howard of Clay , and
[ all aud Wolfih of Cass and others ,
ere opposed to the contract and in
ivor of a law which should repeal it.
ho bill waa recommended for passage
nd placed in ceneral file.
House roll No. 29 also cauio before
10 committee of the whole and o-n
unmd considcrable-timo. Robborts and
onsen , of Butler county , opposed
t on the ground that It would loyalist )
undrods of thousands of dollars o'
orthless bonds iaMisd by Butler ni d
'her counties of the atatc. Mr
Volph , of 0,181 , also took a hand aud
ochred that if this bill should became
law , hundreds of thousands of dol'ara '
f worthless paper , which ha been
.clered good for nothing by theourt
ears ago , would bo roeurrooted , and
lie children ( f honest tax payers in
many counties would have to go bare
ooted. Mr. Haven , of Bult'ilo , op
osed the bill In nounmoDouredtorins.
lo oaid hla county had $30,000 in
worthiest ! bridge bonds hangii g over
I , and ho felt oatUficd that tuo bill
would compel their pajmJut , when
hey could bo collected in uo olhr
Mr. Savage , cf Ouster , also oppoaei
ho bill , on the gtound thaf- ono of the
counties of his district ( Sherman ) had
large amount cf the aamo data in the
lands of sharks.
Mr. Robbrts moved that when the
committee arise U report the bill back
'ooommending ' that the enacting clause
bo stricken out. This motion was
agreed to <
The following is the section of thi
> ill which created the trouble :
SEC. 4. All bouda heretofore voted am.
a u d by any precinct , townthlp or town
! e s than a city of the second clac ) to t lr
a the construction of any of the wotka o
nterntl Improvement enumerated In sec
Ion I of this act , ftre hereby declared t
10 legal and valid , and n leiu upon all the
.axftblo property in such preclcc * , town
ihip or town , notwithstanding any defec
> r irregularity in the submission of th
[ uortlonto a vote of the pan pie , or In th <
akinp of the vote , or.ln tha execution of
: uch Lond. , and notwithstanding the nine
nay not have been voted upon , executed
or issued In conformity to law , all nuch
ids chill Inye tha eatce validity and
iling f jrc3 ta if they had been legally
authorized , voted upon Aha executed.
When the committee arose the ro-
jort was concurred in by the houao ,
and the bill is dend
House roll No. 220 was introduced
; hia morning. This bill provides frr
an appropriation of , $1,048.20 for the
relief of Patrick O. Uawea , for col-
ecting claims against the general gov
House Roll No 221 just introduced ,
appropriates $0 828 14 to pay f , ) r old
ilalms in the J. P , Oliivor case , and
No. 222 propoaea to give J. W , Pear-
man $300.
Thus the proposed appropriations
pile np thousands upon thousands.
The house mot at 3 o'clock and
proceeded on a special order of buai-
noes , which was the pass go of the
appropriation bill for tbo payment of
members add for the cipensec of the
legislature of this uession , and Imme
diate adjourned for committee work ,
All the important committees had
meetings this afternoon , and were
busy at work on bills.
I omitted to atato in a former letter
that McGavock , of Douglas county ,
by a vote of the house , waa allowed
to retain his seat
ThoTlmis ontlioSaiiclwlob. IilantU
Special Dispatch to Tim Hen.
CHIOAGO , January 20.---Tho Chicago
Times toys ; Looking at the matter on
all aidca it id diflicult to avoid the con
clusion that it is the inevitable Destiny
of the Hawaiian Island to beo'oino at
no very distant time , either an attach
ment of China or a , coluiilul dueiidon / > -
oy cf nome ciiergollo western power.
The latter is the more probable and
the probability Is that the power to
which that sugar kindom will ba an
nexed if not America , will bo Eng
land. So great ia the probabi'ity ' of
this that it ratty bo regarded
aa an alternative for American statesmen -
men to consider in nil Huriouene'a ;
Shall the Hawaiian kingdom b nn
American or an Ei.gliah ooluiij 1 S jmo
uay , ehon'd ' the rcco of protcctlvo
tariff dem-gogiies not atretch out to
the cruel : of doom , wo may hope to
present nomrj fifgaroof respactablllty as
rivitln of our En lieh comlis fir the
rich commutco of the Pacido. If we
fill to realize- the linportancu of our
present opportunitica , waahill have
only ouwalves to , If wo then lament
that the Hawaiian archnpfla o IB not
an American but an Eujlish colony ,
Oho SIueirr in New Yorlf.
SjicdAl Mspatx-h taTiulIm ,
NKW YOUK , January 26. Jem Mace
and Slado arrived herj this ropmlng.
Both Houses of Congress Talk
Loudly on Tariff audTaxos ,
Th Pensions Committee Split
Up in Pieoeu on the Proposed -
posed Ioreaso. .
Thn Ezpnditlon to tlio Lend Delia
Hiard Frout.
pedal Dispatch to Tim lint.
oTnjf , January 20. The
grand jury thu afternoon rotnrnrjd a
irotontmunt against Win. Dickson fur
orruptly endeavoring to influence the
vote of follow jucors in thb latt atat
route ttial.
The president to-day nominated
Samuel 0. Wiog rd for associate j is
ioo ( f the supreme court of Washing-
on territory ,
The BtcroUry of tlio navy has
received the following cablegram from
Minister Hunt nt St. Potoruburp ;
"Emign Barry Hunt telegraphs
'rotn Irkutsk as follows :
" 'l'ioA o infivm th department thftt I
iivo nrtlind here with a party en rniitu
to the United Stnlpp. Thomi n , thn in.
erpreter , Hccomp nlpn us to Orem urp. I
would red ) nmcncl that he return , with
caskets. Will await nmwcr. ' "
"I have direc-d ThormanV rolurn
suggested hy K uiqn Huiit. " *
The socrotury of the navy will rcc-
otnmond the pn-mo e < f a bill to com
pensate the oflieori ) and crow ot Iho
ate steamer H > dRorn for thu loin f
personal effeo'fl whrn the ves ol vra-
li'utroyed ; > o allow the molhor cf
Master Putnam , of that vtntof ) one
tr'rt pay , aud to toward the nativuo
8t lj wrenoo bay for hospitality
extended to the shipwrcokoJ cro > T.
The Eontito ponBiorm commlttoonplit
into Ihroo pnttion on the proposed
mowure to Increase the ponaldm cf
ildiora Rnd nailora who lost an armor
leg in the government , service during
the war of the roballion. The moj u-
tty , represented by Slater , are ngiioat
the propr.Bitlon ; the minority ,
and Mltoholl ( iShalrmin ) , in favor of
the measure ncd cf enlarging ita eoopo
ao na to iucroaeo ponsioua alioof thcao
vfhrsa eyca'glit or hcarlrg has been
IniDaircu by reason of ectvico inclther
aim cf the service , Plait is unable to
agree with either m j irlty or minor
Ity , nud proposes to otifer a bill of hi * .
Secretary Folfjer has addressed a
letter to Speaker Kit far relative to
the nraount of eilvcr coin on hand
and the facilities for its eato-kenping
in the Eub treasury cflico , chawing
the urgent noce ity for providlujj nd >
dltional vault room at once for .star
ing nlver or for diacontlnui' , { the
coinage of standard silver
Hoeay : "Bat the moat aet
calty will bo experienced in iff jrding
relief to the Sin Francisco tub-treas
ury. The amount reported on hiud
January 1 , 1883 , was ; Of standard
silver dollar * , 814,41-1000 ; fractional
Bilver,87,374 COG ; total$21 788 000 or
nbont 028 tons. Both now vauitn built
for the purpose are now about fall
and the assistant treasurer roportn
there iino further Kpaso available in
his cllico for building another vault.
The only relief , therefore , that can bo
given ia to transfer to aoma sub tress
nry In tha imt at a coat cf $10,000 for
traDBportation of each million trans
forrcd. There ia not a Bblll : lent np
proprlation for piymont of trjr.spoi
tatian of icquired tobi _
traiuferred in order to properly relieve
lievo that i ill ) c , nor nro eub-Uomury
( fires in thu cast in a condition to re *
colvo that amount aa ihotrn by the : ic-
cirnpanyln reports f the aovural
ofliceD. The amount in the trcaa
nry January 1 , 1883 of atandard
silver dollar * , 804,010 , 812 ; frotlonAl
onrrcncv , S20 n-'l,092 ; tntnl ollvor ,
8120,538,034 , or absut 3.BOO toua. In
view of the fuoU utatod iibuvo and ro
portn herewith , it ia iippnront this con *
grcta ahould eltlior ditcontiiiuo the
coinage of silver dcll > kra or maka a
suitable appropriation for building ad
ditional vaults in the niot , and for
trtinBportation from San Francitno.
Thn preaident has nomiuatcd Lieu' .
Col. Joooph 0. Duiiuo corpi of ongiu-
oers , to bo colonel , nnd Muj. Ilonry
M. Itobort , corpn of onginoeri , to bo
lieutenant colour ) .
The British miuUtPr gave a nanjuol
to-night In honor of Mmquia of L-jcno.
Between 4GO and COO guoata were
Senator Blillor , cf G. lifonla , enter.
ta'.ncd the prciiient ut a dinner this
evening. Among thee invittd to
meat him wore Justices Fielda , Mlllor
and Mutthowo , Attorney Quncra
Browater , Sunntor Lojii ; : and Mr.
Sindoreon , of Cal.f
Thr Pctuvian minister nays the BUI-
gottlou of peace "without Bolivia'
will not moot with any sympathy fron
the logitlmato government of Pijru or
the people of that unfortunate ropub
lie ; that the euja'cction ta a Ciiillan
not Potuvian. Minister
Ulmoro has notl-i ) to aay of the ox-
pictod recall of Minittor Logan , bu
adds : "Tho publio would eoon bo
m pjasceaion of int-wating
Ono of the counanl for Iho clofcnto
in the star route tftioa uUteo ( ho
pensoi of Brady , Dorsny nnd Vail
in tin recant and f imd'.ng trialn will
bo fully 8200,000 , of which Brady
and Dnreey are reported to Jiuvo
spent 75,000 each.
Special DldpaUhto Tun DM.
WA'iUNtiTo.v , January 20 In the
agnate Mr. St.itfr , froca thu ponsiona ,
report id advuni.'ly ou the huuco bill
increasing the pensions of ono-anued
and ono-lepgrd soldiers. Mr. Blair
prosoutod the views of Iho minority ,
Including the chairman , recommend ,
ing the passapo of a substitute cover-
lug more ground than the original
bill , which , ho nald , designed to deal
justly with all clascn of panslonors.
Platt , who luvs been unable to con-
sur with cither the majority or minor
ity , introduced a bill raiting the pen-
dims of thosi ) now recalvintr them to
$24 , and these reocivii g 321 to § 30.
At the close of this morning's business
thoHMwto resumed the consideration
the tariff. Mori ill , in view of the
brlof time of the acin'ton , asked the
nuammoun conaont to limit the do-
bite to livomiimten for each member.
The Bonato then teak up the iron par
Senator Brown offered an amend
ment reducing the rate on bar iron
'rr-'m ' S ) 10 of a cent per pound ,
| lf > 00 par tot ) as in bill , to 918 per
ion. Agrcbd to ayes 30 , nr-os 27.
Many other amendments were offered
to reduoo the duty * below the recom
mendations cf thu bill on round ,
[ uru , flit , boiler imi otlior Iron.
aaiihtor I'tigh addressed the senate
on "Tho'great economic qucation of
tariff reform. "
Senator Maxoy moved to make the
duty on iron and stool rails not over
25 pounds to the yard 8 10 cent per
pound , Agrjod to.
Senator Sherman moved that the
duty on tin and tinplates bo increased
to 8 onntn n pcttnd.
Souator Gjnimu moved an amend
ment making the duty 1 ceut u pound.
Thu amendment was agreed to.
.lust b.fjro . 0 ( t clock a motion to
adjourn w lost.
Senator Van \Vjck presented a ml-
irrity report from the committee on
petitions in relation tn the bill to in
crease the petitions cf ono-armod and
Sjnator C ickrull complained of an
attumpt to force n iiii ht teasion with-
i * provioin warning.
S.'iiitor Morrlll cU < ntod any OIUODS
hud oirootcd him to force a night sen-
clou : tii charged by Senator Buc > t.
Sonalcr Morrlll thosi moved to ad
journ and il waa ail plod.
In the house Mr. Stinnuor reported
a joi'.t restilu'ion providing for ptint-
itti ; nt the public priming oflioo the
rjport uf tlui tanlV oommimlon at 'tho
uutnuce of any parioti on paymgiy. of
S lor'.iy b fore 11 o'cko * , . , Qo "house
into L"jiutuittt.o of tlio whole on
the Ur IF bill.
Mr. K'3lly , ot Pomisylvarih , took
the flier in vindication of the bill and
in support uhia acscrtion that it Is
the beat bill over submitted ( Q an
AmoiioAii congrc's.
K-illy said hy would not go into any
dotnl'g ' , but wauld ho 11 himself in
is &nd answer nny qnoatlons.
A number of members then procoodoc
o take advantage of the offer , and a
pfritod dubsto ensued.
At the conclusion of the discussion
klr. lv lloy moved to limit general do
uio to D o'clock to-Jay , but accoptec
ho uuiendmciit of Mr. Randall ox
lending the tlmo until to-morrow at 6
Mr MoLano moved to make i
foroday at noon. The motion WBI
ist yeas 78 , nays 143 ' , and Kelly'
motion at amended'by Rind-ill was
agreed to ; BO fiunenil dobtto will close
o morrow at 5 o'clock. House then
again went into commlttoo of the
The day was spent in general do-
ta on the tar.If bill. Mr. Randolph
[ "ticker , of the way ? and means com-
nittop , savagely attacked tha bill and
charged the committoH with being In-
iJequnto to the task of framing a
) roper bill , denounced the tariff com-
u'dsion ' , ctiticised the sugar schedule ,
Intiuy the reduction of duties on ru
ining sugars w\3 at least 40 pur cent ,
int. the duty on all Bugara that wont
u upticn waa positively pro
hibitory. Ilo ohmstonzed a joh legis
lation HI v'cloujnud ' unjaot , as it laid I
the whole agticultnro Interests under
oontiibution to u f < jv manufaoturars.
Mr. K'\i3on delivered a strong ;
speech In ( AVOT cf a tpaody pausago of
the preapnt protco'ivo ' bill.
B. McLino , Kelly , Sprinfjor
and MilU ( Coxa : ) spoke on the bill.
Mr. Milh denied the power ot con-
to levy tariff for rovonue.
Mr Springer Inquired whether the
committee on waya and moana had dl-
miniahect the rate of decrease as com
pared vruh the present tariff and that
[ irupospd by the tariff commioaion. itd
Mr. McKlnloy replied there had
been a decrease from the recommen
dation ! ) < if the commission.
Mr. Morrison etuUd- the decrease
amounted to mme 88,0 0030 under
K-r and $1 000OCO under tin plato.
Mr. Kelly caiimiu.'tl the reduction
at ton per cent upon the revenue as
the effect of the proposition to abolish
charges. After continued dubate the
committee ro o and the houtu ad
Colorado's H , w Honntor.
Special Dl | > atcli to Tin : HIK.
DKNVKK , .January 20. On the third
ballot the ro [ > ubliciu senatorial cau
cus to-night nomlnn'tid Hon. T. M.
liowcn , of Hio Grarido , for United
States senator for the long turin. No
nomination was undo for the short
Ii bis transpired that all couthorn
mciti jora of tin IvKlalaturn huld ; B3-
crbt caucus to-day and pludgud them-
nvlvca to unite on Bjvron in the cnu-
cas to night. Thocaina arrangement
waa outnrcd Into Wodnctxlay lnut , but
mlncarried. Bat thrco ballots were
had ; the Hccor.d wan d olarod voidand
the third bullet ttod : I'itkiu , r > ; Tab -
b < ; r , 1'J ; Hi.ninll , 8 ; Tboman M BJ-
won , ot \ < . \ > Orando , 27 15)wen was
< ! : 'clacd tno iicmlnio of the caucus.
Ilo will bo oloctcd tiiintrj * ? . The
aunniiiiiamunt was received vtith great
until f ACti-iH. The opinion IN f rft-ly ox-
preauod that Juc'g , Bowcn willturvo
the utato with honor.
A Pniiloky City.
Epoclul Dispatch to Tim UHU
MIMVAUKKE , January 30. At the
inijuabt ot thti N't'.rh'Ul house disaitor
to-day Llnoha'n , engineer , niid there
wu an nhrmball in the hotel but it
rras never used. Landlord Antisde !
reiterated the ttatoment that Soholloi
was drunk the afternoon and ulghl
before the firo. Ilunhes , a poridr ,
contiruiod the st temeiit of having
found the gas open in the bar-room
two wcoka before the firo.
The burning of the maltrass fac
tory cf Stillman it McNeil to-night
CAurcd a panic In the city on account
of the dangoroui locality The c-ntlro
Hro department was out. LOBS small.
Ono fireman was killed and three
badly injured.
And tuo Ulahway of Nntlona-Suall
Wo Bwivllow tUo HUHUT Plum f
Hroclnl Dljjmtchcit to TlIK lln.
Gnu-Ado 20 A
, January Washing
ton ppucinl says tlio luiprcntion is go
Ing abroad that Claus Sprockets , the
S m Frnncieoo sugur king , If ho can
not prevent the abrogation of the Ha
waiian treaty , intends tn make the ef
fort to huvu the H.itralian islands un
mixed to the United States , In 1875 ,
when the Hawaiian treaty was nego
tiated , this project wns urged with a
great deal ot forco. Sprockets , if ob
jections are urged on the part of Hawaiians -
waiians , has means in his power to remove -
move thu objections. He ojuld with
advantage to his own interest , pnalon
the royal inmily. His reaooroes are
such that ho could readily aflord to
pay the king far more than the reve
nues of the Islands yield him. Quito
a number t f senators were askeil to
day what their individual viowa were
with rrgird to the annexation scheme ,
and what kind of reception such a
Bohomo would meet at thu hands of the
American people.
Senator Ingalla anld that ho was In
favor of annexation , but not in that
direction. Ho thought the United
States ought to extend from the north
polo to the point where the canal ,
which ia to utiito the two oceans , ia to
bo. lie did not believe , however , lu
reaching out after colonies In the At
lantic or Pacific ocean. In fact ho
did not want any colonies.
Sonktor Kollccg did not ballovo
there was much In the olauao < > (
Sprockets' talk about annexation. Ho
did not think Hawaii would bo any
bonetU to the United States in any
Senator Jonaawas to
-was opposed an
nexation for tha ronaou that it would
interfere with our angar industry in
Louisiana The aamo argument , hii
said , waa uocd to bring about the ab
rogation of the Louisiana treaty , tha.t
was annexation.
Senator Logan aald ho did not favor
it , nnd did not boIlovQ ttlO
Mr , Mjjxey baid that , Independently
ot commercial reasons , the Hawailui
Islands would bo a valuable acqulsl
tlon from a political standpoint. The ;
are , ho nald , on the shortest route bu
twoon this country and China and Ja
pan , and on the shortos route by
of the Suez canal between Eiuopaam
east and the Pacific ooant. In CUBO o
war , the inlands would bo Invaluabl
as a naval elation. Ilo Bald , while hi
did not believe in acquiring territory
BO far from the mainland , ho woul <
probably favor the annexation echomo
tf the opportunity presented itself.
Mr. Udorgo declared ho wailnfavo
of getting control of all the territory
within our reach. Ho believed in on
nnxlng Cuba nnd Hay tf ; in fact , all th
West Indies , and all the territory
eoutli cf the United States as far a
iho isthmus. Ho wautod ua gulf to
bo regarded D.I the great American
lake. Ho would , if ho had his
about It , get possession of the rial
Central American atatos and colonizi
the ncgrcoa of the South thero. Hi
thought the climate would exactly out
them , and ho wns euro that the while
and negroew would never form on ho
mogoncous population in this country
Quito a number of other nonrttoi
were epokon to on the aubioct , and
while a variety of opintono were
pressed , Iho prevailing aontimoni. WAI
that annexation of the -Hawaiian
idlando would not bu a bad thing ,
An Air Line from Cincinnati to the
Motropolaof ttio Wltbourl The
Road is iot In Air.
Bpeclnl Dlipatch to Tim Him.
SruiNOFiKLi ) , III. , January 20.
The aecrot lover behind the Illinois ,
Iowa it Nebraska railroad , Incur
poratod yesterday , with power to build
a line from Poem to Quinoy , ia said
to bo none other than Jay Gould and
hla ftyndlcato. It Inn been whispered
to-day that thin In but a urn all part of
the great line that is to bu built from
Cincinnati to Onialm in the Gould in
The alleged line will pass through
Peoria and crosa-tho river at Keckuk
or Burlington , with a branch from
Peoria to Qainoy. Whatever may bo
the plan , there is a grout air of im
portant mystery about the move
ments and talk of John t ! Fonda ,
of Qulnoy , who filed Iho Incorpora
tion papura ycntord y In this city , Ilo
and Fred W. Menke , of Qtiincy , are
the iucorporators , and the ether
namrs on the paporaaro William Hill
and John Finloy , of Warsaw ; Henry
A Oiborn , of Chicago ; David M.
Kelly , Grjon Boy , Wls. ; William II.
M. SinUra , Walter Sjranton and Sam-
mi ! Marsh , N.irr York , and Ilonry
Kctchurn , Now London , Wia , The
capital Block is $13,700,000.
Kaunas nml thn Union Pacific.
Spec al umpaUli ta TIIK HKK
ST. Louis , J umiry 20. The lower
houio f f thi ) Kiximii legislature this
afternoon pasaod a concurrent resolu
tion totting forth tint the consolida
tion of thu Union Pacific and Idtnaau
I'rtc fie companion won in violation of
ilia laws of Kansun , and with a view
of dcfialtoly determining the matter ,
thn uttornoy general in directed to in
stitute procaedings in the nature cf
quo warrai'to In the supreme court ol
thu titato and proaocuto it opoodily to
final judgment.
" " " "
New York Weather.
Spcual Dupatrli toTilK nrn.
UTICI , N. V. , January 20 Thr
thermometer in the northern part o
the State this morning Is 14 ° to 38 °
blow zero ,
Iho Stock Watering Millionaire
Will Take an Excursion to
the Coast ,
A Palace Train Filled With Pair
Wornon and Bravo MOD.
Thn VnntUrlilltsou tuo Rail-
Hprclal Dlipntch to Till Hun.
NKW YOHK , January 20. The
larguat , swcllcstand most notable rnll-
w y excursion over taken in this
world , will atart at high noon next
Wednesday from iho Grand Central
depot , and will bo from Now York
to California and return without
change of cars. The Vandorbilts , blcj
and little , will take a quiet pleasure
trip across the continent. Four su
perb coachca will make the fistal
train. There will bo Mr. William H.
Vanderbllt'a prlvato dining car and
the luxurious Wagner sleepers "Gar-
field" and "Lincoln. " Then there
follows an attendant's car filled with
bunks for the servants nnd trainmen ,
for the party will take cooks , ralots ,
engineers and electrician * . ,
The track a will bo cleared of all
ithor travel , and no stops will bo
nade between thla city and St. Louis
xcept for a ohango of engine ? , on-
lineorn and firemen at Albany , Syra
cuse , Buffalo , Cleveland and thereat-
erat Intervals of about 150. The
ichodulo tlmo during the trip will bo
10 miles an hour. At St. Louis fi
atop of four hours will occur , whence
ho train will proceed to San Francisco -
co via the Atchison , Topeka & Santa
( 'o and Southern Pacific railways.
1'ho return trip will bo made via the
Jnion and Central Pacific roads
o Chicago. After leaving St.
[ jouls they will Btop ono
day at Pueblo , two days each
at Lee Angolce and Santa Barbara
and a woik in San Franciaoo , during
which tlmo the entire company will
jay a visit to Governor Stanford's
ranch. In the palace car nUto rooms
all the furniture has been refurnished
with now uphwlMory , drapery , etc. ,
and magnificent folding bode. In the
oir Dr. and Mrs. Sjward Webb will
receive their guests. In the aleopora ,
ono of which ia intended for lallos
and the other for genUornon , in\llar
altorationa have beau effected , ono of
the atato room.a Using reserved foe
Mr. YniidotbiU. In the riin'/og oftP |
\vliloli is 72 feet in length and certainly
larger than half of the dining rooms
in Fifth avenue , a table has boon placed
lengthwise , which will eoit the whole
party. The regular bill ot faro will
bo served daily after the menus of the
best hotels in Now York , the steward
having uccurod bills of faro trom ovary
prominent caterer in the city. Largo
stores of the most expensive wlnos and
confections have bcon laid in , and
nothing has bcon omitted In the way
of luxury that could cater to the tastes
of moat fastldlona gourmand. In the
baggage cai has boon built a mammoth
lee box for game , which the party ex
pect to bag en routo.
Tha Thumper *
SpocUl Plnp&tch to Tui U .
NKW YORK , January 20. During
the courao of Mace and S lade's tour
to-night , they entered the saloon of
"Red" Ljary , Twenty-third atroet.
Hero they mot Mike Cloary , of Phil
adelphia , A discussion of Sullivan's
merits arose when Oleary , after a
warm dtfenao cf Sullivan , challenged
Slado and made a rush for him.
Frlonda interfered and * the matter
was nettled. When the party ar-
ired at Harry Hill's , Hill announced
that Richard K , Foi had authorized
him to atfUo ho would back Slado to
t any man In tha world for ? 5-
00 a tide.
Financial Anxiety.
feclal Dispatch W Till nxa.
NKW YOIIK , January 20 The tele-
( { rams are exciting intenao Interest
uid come anxiety hero/ Bankers and
norohanta having bualnesa relation *
with Franco nay aa things stand newt
t la impossible to toll what a day may
> rlng forth and aomo of the French
Inanclal houses are said to bo acting
with extreme caution. The Germans
predict another revolution in Paris
within thirty days. There are a foir
observing Americans , however , who
hink that things will take that shape ,
hough they admit that the situation
laa a sinister aspect Prlvato dls-
) atchoa to financial houses from Ber-
In and Frankfort say Uiuro IB alao
tome utfqaslncai thoro..v *
A Disappointed Crowd-
Hpechl Dispatch to JUB linn.
NEW YOJIJ : , January 20. The an-
louncoment that Mace and Slado
would bo present attracted a largo
crowd to-day at Harry Hill's. Mace
and Slado did not arrive. They Bent
a tolofjrara Baying they would bo hereto
to morrow.
Money for thn Unmarried-
Ono of the most solid and substan
tial Institutions in this country ia thoM
M < irriago Fund Mutual Trust associa
tion of Cedar Iliplda , Ia. During
their first year , ending January 1st ,
1883 , they paid over 30,000.00 in
benefits to their members , and the
greatest satitfaction prevails among
their certificate holders. . They are
organized under the laws of Iowa , and
th ir officers and directors are among
thu loading and most prominent butl-
ne. s men ot Cedar Ilapids. Every un
married person should have a cartifi-
cato in this association.
It in u splendid invoatmont , as eafo ]
si-euro and sure na a government
bond. You can just as well have a
good sum of money to commence mar
ricd llfo on M not. 0/er 200 mem-
bora have boon paid off , receiving
over 300 per cent , on their investment
ment- Bend a poital cud for free
circulars fully dutalllug the plan ,
which U the finest known , Good
cgtmts cnn got territory if applied for
BOOH , Writn to-duy , Da not post
pone it. Mention whore yon saw
this notice J4-lm
Vigor , strength and health all found
in ono bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters.