THE DAILY BEE-FBI DAT. JANCJARY Z OIE1 DR. A. J. COOK , tCHRONie DISEASES ! Diseases of Women and Diseases of the Rectum a Specialty. 1 / The Dr. has boon located in Ooun- - oil Bluffs neatly two years , and hav- ng been called professionally during that tlmo into the best families in the city and surrounding country , takes pleasure in an announcing that ho has como to stay. His constantly Increas ing practice at home , in the midst of his own people , is the bnat evidence of his oklll as a SPECIALIST , and ho wishco it understood , once for all , that his methods of treatment ore STRICT LY ( scientific ; that ho despises quack ery as well among no-called "Usgular" and "Homeopathic" practitioners as amonj ? traveling charlatans and "Cure- Alls. " Ho has devoted fifteen years to the study and practice ot his SPE CIALTIES and has had the benefit of the moat skillful training in the bosi colleges and hospitals in the laud , and has no hesitancy in promising the very beat roaults to be obtained from loleu- tlfi cmodloluo and surgery. SPECIALTIES , It must bo evident to every close observer that no ouo tnlud , koworor gifted , can grasp raoro than a moro pinattoring of moclical Boionao. The Hold la too largo and the natural divis ions too namuroas for anything moro than n cursory vi-JW of the vast obsta cles bo encountered the " to by "gen eral" practitioner. Wo uayo our em inent Burgeons nnd our eminent pric- tltiouora of medicine , after which fol low the noted pneclalisu , embracing the Eye , the Ear , the Throat , the Luuga , the Kidneys nnd Bladder , Dis eases of Women , Insanity , &o , &j , , any ono of which requires years of patient study and praatlco to insure proficiency and ultimate success. The busy practitioner of to-day the "family" physician can no moro embrace all those apoolaltiea in his prjLotioa and do jaotioo to his patients than ho can "bottlo up sunlight , " yet how jmany physicians in the western WATER WAVES . That never require orlmplnr , at Mrs. J. J. OuoiJ'a Hair Store , at priced noier befere laached by ny other hair dealer. Also a ( all line at swltohal , oto. at greatly reduced prices. Also gold , liver and colored Dels. Warea made tram ladles' OWB hair. Da Dot ( til to call before purchasing tltenheze. AU good ) wurantod aa teuresontod. UH3. J. J. GOOD , _ M MtlnetroBi , Council lllugji , Iowa. 90IBS IBS LHADINQ DHALBR IN 837 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa. HOEBAI , OUiSfi & C9. , ThJ llnMl quality fd larreit sttck WMt Ot OhicAffo u ( * odta aid y uflc Oaeos. Calll at tended to t all hian. Wed.fy omjwUMsn ID quality o ( goods or pri-oi. Oar Mr. Merman has eorroJ M uitlerkaker far tort ; years and thor oughly ludeiBtands ill bualnoM. Warcrms , 840 anil 357 Rr.adway. Upb-.lslorlax l all It * t > uchc4 promptly atUadeil to ; a so carpet-lay- \3g \ ai l Utubrequlu. Telegraphic uil mall or- ten 1111 4 wlUoul delay. , T EDWIN J. AB88TT. Jnstiee of the Peace and Motary Public. 4 IfiUroadway , Council Bluffs. W , R. VAUGHAN. JUSTICE 6F THE PEACE. Oraaha and Council I ! lulls Real Estate & Oollootlou Agency. In Odd Fellow's block , over Savings' Bank. iau8-tj 'I THE EIOUX OITY ROUTE Rnn a Sclli' ' T ! u Ifcroujfc free Council Blnfla to St , Paul Without Ohnci Time , Only 17 Hcurs COUNG.O.1 BLUFFS so 07 , iur iuur c.vous tiJd.trra on r2v ! I CA tr.dMI jotnto 'o 17iisi > iorn low iJ'i > naf .la tnii rKfeclt. Vj'jcj lo f nlpjvil uh : ! l > u liur-ro/fj T."esli ih-5t Auto.Tn'.lo Ui-ort-i mJ llll'i ' PU.toiu in ) Tuftcr : v\\ < > i 2lPEi * ( } SL * V' 'f' A VTt r * s w ll urwrpi'jjd. Piil'jrj-i I'Mi-e KleiV'ttf ' CM s Oltytnd El. , ila Cccs'c' . L.ciTi' Bii etouz Oliy. Tiiriltr ! 7.iloa FMltto Tianefer ul Orau di UlnSi ) , at 7 E ( . ; ; . in. ' 'nUy o > ) trilval Ksi.r ; , Clly , Bt Jojithj--d CcuaaLl DlnL'j train l/su theQcnth. AnUlac l Hicut CltF 11-10 iy acdt ttiiKcir Caicu Depot si 2J. Taul J. Ult : DCCD IKJ : Hoorw IK ADVAKOS of AmrjoTHsn noun : MjI'iccinbi lo ttklcg the Jtojx C'ty Ria youztt aTirnajh Train. Tha St''tcil the 4\liort Tlrao tad B OomfoiUUo Rd lo U Turonzh Cart lio.ncen COUKCIL BLUFfS AHD ST. PAUF , . Cf3eothit yourTlcicie rttd Tit ihs acd racing Rallroai / . S. WATTLEa. J. R , BDO'J \ . AN laperlntcndrct. Orn1 PawAtn _ Uinoa-t Villty It. W. E. DAVIS DthiTMlern FaweDKir Oatudl BlnOi mis , , j , mum- D , . Medical Electrician AKT > QYQJMEOOLOGrrlST. Oiadcate ol KlectropatMc lostltntton , Phlla. delphit , Forma. Offlco Dor , Broadway & Olonn Ave. OOUNOIL DLUFFB , IOWA. The treatment ot nil dljctsos and rMntul cllt Ocaltlea pecullnr to ( ruialcu a epccltlty. JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Oonnsollor at Law , COUNOII. LLUFF3 , IOWA. OHlco Broadway , between Mi la and Pea troeta. Will yi.ctlca to Btale and Kede urtt I.D , IDUUKDttON , 1. L.HIICOAET , i. W. UTUIItl. Proaldout. Vlco-Piei't. Cashier. GIT1ZENSBANK Of OonnoU Bluff * . Or anltod under the laws ol the State ot Iowa Paid up capital | 76,000 Authorized capital 200,000 Interest paid on time JcposlU. Draft ) lamied on the principal cltlej ol the United States and Europe. BpocUl ftttuntion tilt on to colloctloni and coireapondecro with prompt retains , EIRKCTOBI ) . J. P. Kdmandeon. K. L. Bhiirt. J. T Hail , W.iW.lWtllaco , J. W Holltr , I. A Miller A. W. Htrett. Iv7dtt tnos. orriciK w. u. a. rcair. omcsft & PUSSY Council Bluffs , la , Established , - - 1856 Dealers In Foreign | indl Domeitlcl Eichangi and home tcurltle . _ MBS. fi. J. HILTON , M. D , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 282 Broadwa * . CounolllBluJT. . conutry ere riir.TKNin.vo to do oo , to the cost und injury of their jiatlonti. OHRONIO DISEASES , Thu Dr. duuj not pretimit to euro ALL chronic diaoaoos. Ho claims , however , Uiat yo ra of patiout study and prdotise , in the hospitals aud olaa- whore , give him advintme3 ; in thulr treatment n'hbh no ordinary priotl tionor can possibly have ; that ho OAN OL'RE many cases , now urotiouuc d INOOilcVBLE by them , and give ro lluf to hundreds of others whoio dia tHsos oouio wtthintho range of his SPE CIALTIES. Uo is prjparod to glvo the moat approved oldctric trcatiuunt and inodicu'od vapor b.Uha , whou no dod. PartJoa rcn d ng at n distance , whoeo uicana will not admit of their taking a regular courao of troatinant hora , will bo furoiohod blanks with queitioiui , which can bo answered and returned to the Doator , who will make up hlo dugnnsU and give treatment if desired , bnt bo much prefers to tnako a IOWA ITHMS. Cudar lUpIda ii lafeMed with clothai Inu mo.ikjs. Aurolla { armeri Bold § 6,400 worth of log * on * day lat week , Ti JMtioM1 offidtt la Blbloy ara oeah worth 91,003 p r yetr. A M thodiit clinroh to co.t $2,500 will > built at Keilvlck , Kookuk cotintr. The Olyd * oal ccmptny hM now two oQioai , one at Uooae Bad coo at SL Paul , Minn. The Tl ol mlttv to'-ttinM struck at OhstWraolil to etlu thoufht to ba mac- taei * . Tka Cedar Rapid * picking homo em. > bj VM e kad cuUjj up 3,001 rjoxkurt par day. Utlled Breiirfln thorch In Iow uu ( l viUUaf ciferucu and about , 'i.UW Q.a b n. prf Ui { Cinton onlflbratsd Bam. VruklU'i blrUiJay with a ba&qoat o th ITS * . UmiUeia MB ot Wool * hare orRam- teed n nlok oinputj U build a httel. Tbi Goocrrte AM V lai ulrtn In xevoral tawcg I a fcr U b fli of the a Cram * * tvoda. The iap [ % of coal at Cberoluo in sliort , aat rt U > one carload nrrivoil ihorfl U MTtrtl dftyi. A BiriiagtoB a n IM br aht a dam. gait < rai rt otket for 4lOCO for iiiitits nU wlfe'i tff tlomi. The liatat fujlumi nr smiling the In * nrablci b ek to the coiinUta t'eoj oimo from to mnka room for other pitt'onti. low * Falls neoma to II TO the ioilda U ctc en toourlng the cosKioidonal acati. any. Vive thousand dullard la to lx > raUod , A large mosul engine partially ruined the OHlo e i UurUogtonnnd Qalnoy round lionna oa day last week by becoming nn- miUAgoabl * . A married wornim In ( Jrumly can pick from 60 to 75 buiheU of cnrn per dny and hai d ne , Her husband thinkj a good deal of her. Thirty eltlrmi of Ortnnell , each of whom l otor CO yoara old , will celohrato the birthday of Washington on Uio 22d of next monta. It la very evident that glucose factories ol thli ntnta have proven fllgnal falluren , Iowa Cltr works are closed , aa likewise the Doa Llolncn. The church extension society of the Methodist church of the Nnrthwnntom Iowa conference have distributed $2,500 to the different towns. Several licer manufacturers who inived from Davenport to Kock Il.\Ul , have moved back rince the nmenduient wan do- clarcti unconBtltutlonnl , The second examination for fitato teach * eru' ccrtifi6at.8 will ho held at Doa Moinea and ISurllngtoti Himnltaneounly on the third Wednesday In March. The ppoplo of Corning do not think that W. A. Oline hivl anything to do with the murder of Mayor Stub * , a , of Polk City , and have subscribed money for Ills do * feni" . The Dea MoInnB water company rofuseH tot.ko C28.COO olfered It by the oily coun cil , and threaten to put out thn ( iron am1 shut down the water aupply If the ful ! amount cUlmo.l U not paid It. 'ihe liurlln Um city council were con vened by the mayor to act on the petition of the tchool children for cowling prlvl- li-Keo. ' 1 he mayor was irntructo.l to eelect u number of H tree In , which he did. The part of Audubon county watore : I y ' 1 roubleeome creek , utlie st of Oak. field , In infented by a ( jaD ( { ot young rulfi BUH , who terrify preacheri at Itho church meetlngt and burn hayritackv at will , Tnlnpnoneaior Farmers. American Tinivtt. To make a peed and serviceable clephone , good from ono farm houuo personal oxamlnatiou and treat all patients hero , when possible , thus avoiding nny chance of error in diag nosis , The Doctor treats all forms of chron ic disoiso , without mentioning anyone ono in particular , and has no hositanoy in Baying that ho OAN and WILL give the b3st treatment known tomod < icil science , and charge only a reaaou able fee for hla aerviacs. DISEASES OF WOMEN This is ono of the SPECIALTIES to Yrhloh the Dr. has devoted the boat years of Ida life , and hundreds of women , now living , are roidy to testify fy that they found relief at his handi whan othera had failed to bonoQ them. The "family" phyaioiau can not treat theio diaeaaos successfully , for maay imporiaot toasous. , chief among which I ) , that ha has not th time to devote to their ttudy , nor the patlonoo to do 'them jaatioo. No o another , only requires enough flue and two cigar boxes. First , BO- oot yonr boxea and make a hole about half an Inch In diameter in the center of the bottom of each , and then ? Uoe one In each of the houses yon irtflh to connect ; then get fiva pounds of tommon Iron etovo plpo wire , make make a loop In ono end and put It ihioagh the hole In your cigar box and fasten It wlUi a nail : then draw it tight to the other box , supporting it , ffhon Dtacuftry , with a itoot cord. Yom can euully ran your line inta the lease by boring a hole through the jlaai. Sapport yo r boxca with slata lalled koroaa the window , aaA your ; elopkoni U complete ) . TUB writer lui on * tkat ta 2oO yards long and est B tcmU , that will carry music whoa tke orgaa hi played 30 feet BW y In another room. * Ly Ua B. Plnkham's Vop.etablo Compound rank * first aa a curative agent la all complain La peculiar teA A OaorrtoCEaitor on Early Marrlagoa. Hln.l ntka of iha unhappy mtr * rlaf M M * tht roaalk of graen human wdTM belag Jlow d to rmn at largo In ti aodety putatM wltkout any yoku on tbaat. Th y Marry and lure ohll- dran before thedo mnataoliM ; they a fatktri of twUs bsfore thy r proprietor ! of two psira of pants , and th little glr ! they marry nr old women befora they are twenty years old. Ooaitlonally ono of thwe go- line ; marriages turns ont all right , bnt It Is clear ease of luck. If thuro wai n law against young galooU iparking and manying bsforo they have all ont their teeth , we suppose the llt'tln cniios would ornde it in some way , bnt there ought to bo a sentiment against it. It in tlmo enough for thceo bantnms to think of finding a pullet when they have raised money enough to bny a bundle of laths to build a hon-honao. Bnt they Bee a girl who looks cunning , and they are afraid there Is not going to bo girls enough to go around , and then they begin to get in their work raal spry ; and before they are aware of the eano- tlty of the marrisgo relation they ( ire hitched for life , und before they own r. eook-stovo or a bodatoad they have to get np in the night and go after the doctor , so frightened that they run themselves out of breath nnd abuse the doctor because ho looan't run too , nnd when the doctor gets there there is not enough linen in the house to wrap np a doll-baby. Nenoa , brain , aud muscles gain etrcngth and the power uf endurance by rising Brown's Iron JJittorj. IrTonoy for the Uniau'/rlod Quo of the moat oolld and substan tial institutions in this country in the Marriugn Fund Mutual Trust associa tion of Cedar lliplds , In. During their first year , ending January lat , 1883 , they paid over $30.000.00 in benefits to their members , and the greatest satisfaction prevails among their cortlficcto holders. They uro organizad under the laws of Iowa , and their officers and directors are among the loading and most prominent butt- ness men ot Cedar lUpidn. Every un married person should have a certifi cate in this association. It ii a splendid Investment , u safe' should it bo oxpootod of him , in the absence , porhapn , o' special training and experience , und in the hurry and jxcitumont of gauural praotico TUe Dr. is propirod to treat all fo nt ale disoMo.1 In a "Vi'U'U ' nnd BI i-jntilic uiaunor , having du.u.jj duvcral yonre Ui their study nud treatment , both in chti hospital and in ao'ivo practlco Diseases of the Rectum. Thuso embrace llomorrhuida , or Piles , Fistulea , Fissnroa , 1'rolupa , or falling of the anna , tumors , oto , oto , , and constitute ouo of the Doctor's leading specialties. All rectal tauion tro treated by the now inuthod of In- jootiug and uro thoroughly mid speed ily removed , with butlittlooruo pain. OASOI of Piloa , from ten to twenty yosrs stindlug , have boon permAnently - ly cured by this now method , many of them residing ia and uoir the city at present. present.EPILEPSY. . Many OMQB ot E .Uopjy , or Fits , icouro and inro as a government bond. You can just as well Lave a good sum of money to commence mar clod Hfo on as not. Over 200 mem bers have boon paid off , receiving ever 800 per cent , on their investment ment- Bond a postal card for tree circulars fully detailing the plan , which la the Quest known. Good Kgonts cnn get territory if applied for coon. Write to-day. Do not post pone it. Mention where you saw this notice. J4-lm To strengthen and build up the eye tern , a trial will convince you that Brown's Iron Blttoro is the best med icine mado. Looked Squally. In the early dtyi of Michigan the plonoex respseUft the Sabbath , bo- oauao it wiu tk day to go hunting and pay TUlt * . Onurohon were few and fax apart1 ntaJde of the towns , and tbo preseut * of a circuit rider created ax sauuh excitement as a bo r aunt. Oao day a Mttler earned Tlobortu , then living in > ho woods of Clinton oonuty , hupp ned to be at the county seat on bualntm , and baforo leaving he called on a minister and had a talk. talk."Is It wrong to hunt on Sunday ) " ho aked. "Very wrong , " was the reply. "How about playing card. ? " "That Ii wicked. " "Oin't vfo a shootlng-mivtohl" "Not on the Sabbath not if you want to bo good. " "Can't wo sot log heaps r.firo , dig out foien , tap sugar trees , look nf.or boar traps rr go fishing on Batiaaj ? ' "Not ai a Chrhtlan mm , Lot mo road yon a few lines from thu good Book. " When Ilobarts started f ) r homo ho walked very fait , and about U o'clock ut night ho arrived at the housoof the nearest neighbor and walked In on the family arid cnllud out : "S y , Bostwiok , do you want to go to Heavonl" "Why , yes , I stipposo so , " replied the other. "Thon b3 at my house at daybreak to-morrow morning with your ax I'm going to | > ivotho land to build a moot- inp housj on , aud you'vo got to help out the logs. " "Any hurry about IU" "Hurry ? Wull , 1 should ray no. We've got to boim ; onrly nnd work bto nnd put in onr ' .v.nt llckn , or our ever goUirj ; within forty inileo of Huavon will bn v'eh ft t'K'lt ' ' "loi'zj . ' to rub the hide oif BoatwloK , wo'ro nlnnars of the doopoat dye , and I tell you wo'\o got tu git up and hump , and hand ever enough mnplo su rtr to pay for at least four noriiDnii n jd nome powerful loud Bloging , or wo'il bo out do A u like n flower. " Our Citizens dctlro no notoriety , but are al ways ready to proclaim the truth. itrt. ( Joj. iJawlcy oITU KnUlit Ktrtct l'ro\l- dcnco , 11. I. , relates to our rqnrtcr l < cru > | xr- ! Ivncowlth tba wonileilul curatlxo | iroK > rtloi ol wh tli dcatlnoil icon to be tto B'jinaanl sni luidliiK Bptclflu ol the whole wldeworlJ , ( or kM- ncy ml liver tllioaiB , itc , Mm I ) , naa : ' Rally l t iir'UK ' I wn fevuuly fcllllcol ; ullh torpidity cl thu kidney * and enlartruutnt ottb * liver , and the kl jnejr illieaeo ramo upoa me 10 fa < t and suddenly thit before I ai lourcely awartol lheo ui ol toy trouble I btcams bad- onn bo cured if taken in tlmo , and cs pccially in young oubjoota. The Dr. dooa not claim to euro all oases that oouit ) to him for tre.ttment , but oan point to numurous iustaucoi where a permanent euro has boon wrought within the lait live years. Modi-.inon will bo Bout by cxproas when patients cannot come to tbo city. TAPE WOEMS. Thoao troublesome paraaltus oan bo removed in u few hours , with but lit tle inconvenience to the pitiuut. The Dr. will send juudichiea by express , with full direction ! ) for use , ut any tlmo they may bo ordered. . The Dr. makes no prombcn bnt what will be fulfilled to the letter. If ho oxAUilnos you aud fituln your disease - ease iucurablv , ho will toll you so in plain words ; if ho iiads you oan bo benefittcyl ho will treat you for a mod erate foe and give you the benefit of all that medical solouoo can do for youi asso. This is all that any oarofu ] y bloated , anl my body and llraha virytnuch iTvolloD , sothat Ittm with | ri at dlffculty and lercro pain that I wag able to walk any. I became - came diaadlully troubled by lioliir. abort breathed a that oven a d'ghl ' exertion or a little exorclie would tire mi almost to oihaiutloo , and I wise o dUtrcsaed when I retired nlg-htu tliatl ooutdnt llccp , and wa < very restlcii Uno ol uir llmbi tipoclljr had a Try lovrra nervous pulu , which always itemed to ha mete tctero at night than iauy other tlmp.tnd would livuciitl [ } ' cto no iharply as to arcuie mo from ilwp. I wag Tory ucrvoua aud unoomtorla'jloall tbo time , and was itlnir Jotoioil , aad taking all kinds of medicine or this complaints and that aud the other , but al to notfood purpoie , until at about tbo lima wbta 1 was tlrod out and somewhat dlignatod and aluicit dbao irnccd with uiodklnti and doc- mi , rcUtlie aud highly estucmud friend pur- lUAikd metotrHunk's Riunedj. I began to lake It a few davi agt , ted am ksappy Uluppolu- tcd by Hie tjjull , for before I had used a bo.Uo of U I lojau to full rdlevik ] , anil § osn comiucn- ocd to ilcRip ipl adldly ; tbo severe neivons p ! us ,11 my llmo whlcA I kad so kanille loUndtrly do oot aptear any m rp , my hradacho and backache lave dluppcarcxl , t fvel boiler evorj way , and root nell all night. Tae swelUn ; has dluppear- ed from try body and llmbi , I am uotv able to do my hciue-work Mmfortuble ami easily , lluuk's ll A ly bail certainj ! done wonders for me MKJr OKO. DAWLEV. " * r and Rellnbl * . A. W , Drown , tl. Iof , Truvldence , R. I. , layit : "I have mod Ilant'n Hojiody IB my prtctlo for tboi > aBt sUtvcn yiarr , and cheerfully roccuoud It an beliiK a SAfe aid reliab'o rciuudy. " Hunt's Him cdy Is piue'y a VCKOU blocoiripound , s lentlQ ally prcpwed bj a flnt-clxs rcRlntcrod 1'harmiclBt , and nil ) Mirely euro all dt-tiocs of the kUbeyi tUJdor , liter and urinary organs. Cor. SPECIFIC iwirrs OUIIES SCROFULA. ' SPECIFIC SWIFT'S CURES DLOKRS. ' SPECIFIC SWIFT'S CURES CATARRH. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC Q OUUKS SOREQ SWIFT'S SPECIFIC O CURES BOILU SWIFT'S SPECIFIC ffj CURES ERUPTIONU ftWIFT'SSI'KOIK O O CUKES ECXEMA , WIFT'S SPECIFIC OURKd RHEUMATISM. UKMOVJ.S ALL TAINT. SWIFT'S SPEBIFIC IS THE CHEAT ULOOD ItUHEDY OF TI1K AIE. \Yrlto for full particulars to SWIFT SPEOIFIOOa.Atlauta.Ba . , SOLD BY ALL DUUGOISTS. Ito 11.76 mr Bottle. irnctitionur nhould nrouiho hia pa- louta * it is nil Lo CAN promlao thorn sjid bo houiut. Partlea viii-iup ; the city for the pur pose of oousultliK ; the Dr. should omo dircotJy to hia oflho , where the mat rofurouoca in the city will ba fur- uiehoilwhou d alrod , nnd whera pa- ionta will nlao bo nsaiatod in prosur- ng board and roouia at reasonable rnlos. OFFICE : NO36 NORTH MAIN ST. ( Ono Block North of Broadway. ) Addrass all Letters to m , A , j , COOK , P. 0. Bor No. 14G2 , CounoW BlufTa , Iowa. Hop BJttortu Hop B f > oir > . If TO i M.T .ju-rftluit or lion i If j/mi am mai * rlixl .r flN-l * . old orlUHTii ou rUj oc H Utter * . aitt yon BIT jou " trj-Jl- from tuic.e your Jcl rurmof Klono c-l uirlnK. ton * " ol lira tlinnir moot HcpS.Unnr WSSKXKf. Dnl. O iuxS irrtilrt * . bio curt for 2on will titi turullfjnauec Hop nittors w r lr la , .f.U in it may u vi your IKr , II hau DOCTOR BTEIimAIlTS SUPPOSITORY ! The Great Popular Kerowly ( or rili-i. SuroeuroforBlInd , Blooding * 1 tilling I'lles And all fonni o ( Hemorrholdal Tumor * . Thee HnrmtuTOtiin act directly upon the onatHof thu lloodVoH ) i'lii.arid by their iwrinifoni ffloct * K't'ntly lorm the mood ( rom the mullen ttimorn , uiidliy making the coats ol tlio vulni BtroiiK , prevent tho'r ' reflllliiK , and hcnco a radi cal euro In sura to fulhw their unit. 1'rlce , 75 cunU a l > ox. For nulo > > y all jru lxtx , or sent by null orirca-lptol jirlro.liy Ell llihMncHcal Instltuto , 718 Olive StSt Ixinln M DOCTOR STEINHART'S ESSENCE OF LIFE. FOB OLD AND YOUNO , MALI ADD FICMALH. It ID a imro , prompt anil cfJoctual rcinmla ( or In- illifcstlon , Ij ) | nii-U , Inturiulttcnt F \ crs. Want of Al'ix'tlto ' , Kurvous Doblllty lu all 1U Stages , Wcnk Memory , lx of Drain I'nvtvr , 1'rOHtraUon , nd tcfiiornl Lena o ( l'o er. It ruimlra ncr\oui wahtu , reJmi'tiaicH tlie tailed Intellect ! utrciiKhthcuii thu uneublcd bralii and runtorea Hur | > riii UK t mo and vltor lo the exhausted or- eaiiK. Thu experience ot thoiuiaiidit proves It to 1m an Invaluublo remedy. Prlvo , $ l.UU a bottle , or nil or W. Kor Kaloby all clnwiltts , or Bint Buciiru ( roinolMcnutlon on reatlpt ot price by nr.Stol.ihav IP. O. Box 24 GO , St. Loula Mu- BERFUM Murray &'s FL6RI Besl for TOILET , BATH srcl { FAST TIMS I ID [ fling -fail itk * ths Chicago era Trilni leave Omana DUO p , m. and T:40 lor fallIn'orinatlon call on ft. P. DEUKLT Aent , H'h nd rarnaru Bte. , J. 11KLL , Hallway Depot oral JAWKST. CLARK , Q