Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1883, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Friday Morning , Jnn. 20.
By Otrrlti , - - - . . la cents pit wetk.
DrHMM . . . . . . 110.00 p.i T. r.
: No. 7 Fowl Street , Near
-J. Mnolhr'i PalacoJMuslo Hall.
The city coanoil It to moot again this
Subscribe ( or newspapers andfperiodl-
call at II. K. Seaman's book store.
Tha telephone ofEoo Is being moved
Into Kodefer'n Mock , on 1'enrl ttrcct ,
Thora are several warrants out ( or
men skipping board bills , and one woman
The Madhon Square company ployed
Himcrnlda hero la t evening , and nlopped
at the Ogilen over night.
See St. Jacob 0. Morgan1 ! two
column nilvottlncmont of tlio twinklor , and
yon will have the latent efforts of the boss
Annanins ,
Mr. Williams , of tlio Orvln packing
company , ehlpped the other day 500
pounds of buffalo hams to Poltsvllle ,
1'ennsylvanla ,
IraOlfTord and i'etor I'hllllps wore
arrested yesterday on suspicion ( having
stolen a valise , ( ull of clothei , which they
ted ! ( or $1 , but the owner ( or which was
not ( ound ,
As will be wen by the change in tlio
professional card r ( Jacob Blms , ho ban
now his law office In Shnjnrt' * new bloo ,
whore he has located hlmceH In very com *
( ortablo and attractive quartern.
The burning of a chimney at Hobert
Willy's hciiBO on Glen ayenuo yesterday
afternoon caused A still alarm to bo Riven ,
and the boys suppressed the burning soot
without the aid of the engines.
Dr. J. F. White ha * removed both
office and residence , and now'hls thlnglo
wings to the breeze from over the corner
of Main and Fifth street * , whllo the roil-
denco It changed to No. 003 Willow
All of yesterday in Justice Abbott'n
sourt was taken np with tha examinational
of Oharles Wilson , known an "Hilly the
Kid , " who stands charged whh fovgory ,
hnvlnif.ral.'o J an $8 oh. te bt A. "W. Wy-
prfn'n to (18. The prisoncr'a defense \TM
/ ' that ho told the cheek , and that It mutt
' bavo been altered after it panned from hli
hand * . The examination wnn continued
until this morning to nocuro the presence-
of one moro witness ( or the prosecution ,
the other evldenoo being nil in.
Bam TIM , who ii troll known here ,
is reported an having ttrnok it big. and
missed It big at the name time , in a mining
speculation In Arizona. It U Raid that ho
gold Us Interest in a mine there for tl.tJGO ,
the purchuer paying ? 1COO down. Be *
( ore he paid the other 81,000 Sam was
otic red 14,601 by another party , and was
then In h pe that the first man would not
complete bU pntthue , but to bis disap
pointment the fellow come to lima with
the other ll.OsW and settled the rutter.
Two week * latar the intao in which Sam
had iold bU tntetoii waa sold for 12,000-
030 , 10 that If b * bad held hta own h
would hae lad a slioa of $200,000 or
more. II * now repents , bat too late.
Such ( a the story told by eorrenpondenta
from there.
Olty Olerk Savacool iiayi m regard to
the stories afloat concerning his personal
character , that they axe false and mali
cious , and that they emanate from parties
who desire to eoe him ousted from his posi
tion , either because they dislike him or
want the place themselves ) . lie claims
that knowing that they oould not attack
hii official record , they have chosen to
assail his character. The Btatomenti are
10 currently made , and involve such seri
ous charge ] , that stops should be taken , In
Justice to himself and to the council , to
sift out the true ( rom the false. Mr. Suva-
cool should himself take Bomoatcpn toward
having an investigation , and If not the
city council should mcnt certainly satisfy
themselves , and K mUslicd shall 10 express
An Attempt Made to Break Up the
Habit of Stealing Goal From
thu Railway lords.
Yesterday a qoartot of oblo-bodlod
worklngmon were brought before
Jndgo Aylosworth charged with steal
ing coal from the yard of the Chicago
and Hock Island railway company.
They gavn their names aa Mike Benry ,
Chris IlauBOD , John West and liana
Marion. They all pleaded guilty and
gave M a gocornl oxcuoo that they
were ao deotltuto of means that It be
came almost a matter of necessity , and
in order to kcop their families warm
they had helped themselves to a little
coal. Olio of thntn was in the omplny
of the 0. , B. & Q , and receiving $10
a mouth , but had a family of six to
provide for and could not make the
ends moot. Another was discharged
by the K. 0. railway the firat of the
year and had a wife and Gvo children
on his hands. Anothtr ono had a wife
and two children and worked last aum-
mor on the railway for § 1 25 a day ,
bat had been able to eave llttlo money
and even that llttlo was now gone.
The fourth ono had only t. wife and
ono child , but was out of money and
out of work. Ho had a little laved
up , but had been hurt and disabled si
that his eavinga had been spout ,
On their pleu of yallty , Mid In viov.
of the atiktemente , the judge liutd
each $5 and cssta , bat eta ) od Hit
judgment until they could got fforl
and secure money to pay up.
There has been BO much pilfering o
coal at the several yards that the llscl
Island has taken stops to atop It i
potiaibio , and thcio irrcntn wcio ii
accordance with this policy. Ono ao
crot agent cf the rotid , J. II , Koeley ,
ia hero now. Bo Ween Den Moicoi
and this place ho has canted this montl
the arrest and conviction of ttroufy
four men.
Weak muscles and nervca , ulnggUh
ness of thought and Inactivity , curec
by Brown's Iron Bitten.
Items moaned From a Brief
Visit to the Bloomer
School ,
3omo of the Peculiarities of the
Methods of Teaching.
How Study ia Mad Jurt Fan Far
the Little One * .
The public echcols of the city ro-
colvo llttlo attention from a largo claes
of people , who neither visit tlio rooms
in ponon nor do they make any epo
cinl effort to learn what la going on
therein Many , even of thc4a who
Imvo children to educate , nccm to bo
thus listless about ao Important a feature
uro of society , and if their notions are
allowed to apeak louder than their
words ono would conclude that they
look upon the public school ns a sort
of convenience only , a p'nco ' to keep
the children during the day ao no to
have honn quiet and allow housewives
and mothoro to kcop their rooms in
irdcr without the annoyance of muddy
foot and noisy voloos.
There are others , however , who
toke moro interest In educational mat-
tetH , but the prcns of other dutlca and
the weight of other cares cauBO them
to postpone visiting the nohoolo , and
t ) cut short their Inquiries concerning
the progroes boiug made.
There Is no ploco , however , which
affords more Interesting points to the
visitor than the schools of the city.
Yesterday , by Invitation of Judge
Aylosworth , who la ono of the board
of education , Tun BEH , through ono
of its representative * , pooped In upon
teachers and scholars In the Bloomer
building. The short apace of an honr
was altogether irunifliclont to virlt
many cf the rooma or got any very
adequate Idcn.of the general wcrll , yet
it was all-ffufiiclont , to got ft sample of
the progress being made , and to nag'
gott , Bema t the peculiarities of the
work tt-Cid indicate oorno of the advan-
/ Probably the moat lutoroating room
n the building to an ordinary visitor
a the kindergarten , over whtoh Mlai
Eddy presides. She la thoroughly ox-
porlonood In this peculiar work , and
uddod to oxporlonou ia a natural apt
noB3 and tact. Ilero wore fonnd
about forty llttlo onoei , avcrjifilng
; iot orer five years of ago. Th
old wo&thor Ima oat down the
attendance nbont one-third. Thoao
Ittln ono Rouuiod as hppy and Ihtur-
oatad as a play hors . Tbcy rroro eont-
od In llttlo chain around lorr tablea ,
upon which wore blooha , pretty color
ed papers Mid varlom llttlt toys oud
appllauoea. Tko ohlof aim ia the In-
titntlon soc i * to b < to davelopi the
doM ol form , oolor , dlatnuso , etc. ,
end to roudci kh fiira MUAM mot *
aauto , and tliolr mo xiora ready. Atone
ono Ubla wort ) aoated eoino of tha
ohildroi ) , pUylng with litUa oaboa of
wood , whllo tlio tablw were uiitkwd
off Into aqaaroa f equal slioa. The
llkttla folk * arrtuiKOd theaa blocks In
variooi fomu. BOUM qolto Ingouloae.
At auother tabla tha little folk had
plocw of papar , of varloua colon ,
which ttioy wore catting Into triangles
and aquarc * , and attoxwarda pasUnif
oxothor in dlfferout foona and do-
guj. At still anothur table the llttlo
nai bad ahooti of pipar ruled Into
aqnaron , and which tht'y voro puno-
lUrinf with a ueodlo-lika awl , follow-
ng a particular dcelgn. The general
xorolios at tha iloso of the
lour were partlonlorly lutoroating.
The children were formud in a circle
about the room , whllo ono otood in
ho center blindfolded and a wand In
bU hand. To the aooompatnmont cf
a piano the children Bang and moved
about In a circle , until the close of
hu aong , when the blindfolded child
In the oontor pointed with his wand ,
the child thns selected retired to an
adjacent warbrodo , the door of which
stood ajar. The blindfold being taken
off , the child looked about the circle
to BCO if ho could toll who was the
missing ono. If not able to thus de
termine , ho was allowed to call out
three timed "Who are you ? " In re-
Bponso to which each time would come
the answer , "Quees who I am. " Then
ho tried to recognize the voice , thus
developing the memory and tralninq
the oar. Another closing exercise 01
paatimo was "tho bird's neat , " the
children forming a circle supposed tc
bo the neat , whllo other children in-
aide the circle were the blrda. All
squatted cloio to the floor , and whllo
singing the blrda would hop along out
of thu neat and in again , making
much merriment and giving
considerable muscular oxorclso as well.
Such are but imperfect glimpses o (
the work being done by the kinder-
gtrtons of this city. They certainly
combine * the play room with the
school room admirably and tuako the
development of fundamental Ideas
rapid , yet tireless.
Stepping across the hall ono finds
ho primary room , over which Mrs.
Cooper presides. Iloro was found n
reading oxotciso. It was peculiarly
Interesting from the fact that all
seemed to road as they would talk ,
without of that Iron-clad
any - jurrot-
style mannerism , or nasal twang
which characterized old-fashioned
school , and many of tha now. When
reading about uomo rabbits , the llttlo
onea road aa thongh they wcro really
tolling you about them , with intona-
tlona perfectly natural , and ono llttlo
girl reading about a robin , Imitated
"cheer up" of the bird , aa though she
had n bird's voice. Even in thin grcd 3
there was a inlncling of Instruction In
language , such as wns formerly callrd
grammar , suggestions being made
and qucalions atkod abtnt the
correctness of the ueo of words , anil
their relations tlmt the
, HO llttlo onm
are taught to uta language correotlv
without first looming by note sunn
long , and to them , moauinplm ruin
about person , voioo , teneo and nuuv
In Miss Kilbourn'a
room , and als (
In Miss Wrijjht'a room , were fouci
classes of geography , Mies Kilbourn'i
pupils were reading what they hac
written on their elates concerning
Russia and its cities. They evident ! ;
had learned something beyond tin
hard dry fails stated briefly in thel
text books , tome garo quite a length ;
and very interesting account of Bt ,
Petersburg ; whereas their geographies
had bnt two or three llnoa , moioly
stating where and what the city ID.
The pupils eceined to have gained
either from oatsldo booka , or from
their teacher , or both , many Interest
ing dtUtla about the city , which not
only enable them to long remember
the place and its location , but which
maVo geographyanythtng bnt a dreary
tank of memorizing.
Miss Wright was In a like method
taking her class on a trip along the
St. Liwrenco. She Imd them visit
with her Qaobco and Montreal , and
the pupils seemed to have a very vivid
conception of how thcsn cities looked ,
as well as knowing much about their
A pleasant chat was hadabont | ( the
Thousand Islands , the raplda and
other places tf Ititoront , and the At
tention of all Doomed hold closely ,
whllo their minds doomed actively at
work , without the old-tlmo todlouj-
new end "whip driving" proccaa.
Bach a hurried glimpse at these and
other rooma Impresses the visitor
with another peculiarity. There la
the aboonco of that strict military dis
cipline ao common in what ia known
as the model modern gchool. There
are no "one , two , throo" sort of move-
monts. If a child seems to nit
c&aler with his legs croa&cd , crossed
they aro. If ho gets a llttlo out of
plumb , or varies a degree from nittltig
at right angles to thu desk ho la nut
eont up for llfo. To anyone uaod
to see children march and counter
march , alt with folded arms , and have
every tmvumont , even to wiping a
state , regulated by the announcement-
of a numbar , the school rooms Sdcm
r.t first glance to bo In n ( ' ' orderly
condition , but still tliCtO seems no
mischief brewing nnd no real trouble ,
That there Is ml'ohtof nt tlmcn , and
casoa of direct dhobodlonc ? , la doubt-
leas true , as of Ml aohoola , oven under
military discipline , bnt the children BO Interested In their work ,
that while they forgot just whore &nu
how tholr arms and logs , yet they
seemed to forgot all about mtsobtof
making also ,
Oortaln It Is that the children are
losrning with wonderful rapidity , and
on a broader acopo th n that of the
ext booka. Yesterday In the primary
oem one llttlo girl read very glibly
, nd Intelligently , Mid yet aho had
ommoncsd school only last Saptom-
or , following the word method
idoptcd hero , by which the children
natead of learning thulr letters tint ,
cam to read by words.
Table llnotio , napkins , doylloa , tows -
s and ornahca ohonp at HarknetB ,
Orontt & Oo.'g.
Holler Mills Patent Qranu-
died Flour , Snporlatlvo A , the high-
'fit ' grade of flour manufactured.
Bnowj whlto , pure , light and awoot.
A k yonr jprrxjor for It and yon will
hava uono other. tf.
Tha Myat-orloua Utrannar Ia BUil
Enigma To
Tun Ban yo Urd > y made mantlon
I a inystovlotu attnngor , trbo hu
lately boon making ho&f y purchmtM
if goods bore , foe kla own use , bat
BA , aa fr ea bo&rd from , bad no
goods dbllvorod audpuld no money for
them. Ho arrrlred hero without bag-
gngo , and with no outnard ligni of
nanoiol prosperity , but loomed a
oeu , well poattd man. After atop-
Ing a night or two at the hotel tha
audlord , getting suspicious , ukod for
aymont of Lla bill. H wo late In
.ho evening , and ho would pay the
next day , This would not do. Be
mask stop oat and got It then. Ao
cordlngly ftor a few moment * ab-
lonco ho appeared vrlth two 95 bills ,
md lofk in high dudgoon. Daring
ha two preceding daya ho had selected
dl&monds and iewolry to the extent
of Bovoral huudrod dollars , had ao-
looted a J1CO dolman and other rich
goods for his wife , had picked out at
another piaco $40 worth of lace and
linury for his wife , had ordered clothes
made for himself , and in faot had so-
ootod over $3 OGO worth cf goods foi
hla personal nnd family. Ho clalmc
to bo a big cattle man from
the went , but bought quit ?
closely and shrewdly in every
case having the goods laid outside to
bo called for afterwards , and in some
Instances having goods specially ordered
dorod from Ohlcigo for him , The
merchants thus patronized are still in
doubt , owing to his failure to appear ,
whether ho is an eccentric fellow ,
bound to create talk , or whether he
had aomo scheme on foot. No ln <
stances are reported of his having gel
anything wrongfully or by false pro'
tenses , thu suspicions arising from the
circumstances being so unusual , hie
appearance not In keeping with hli
purchases , and his failure to call foi
the goods.
The great clearing out sale at nark
noea , Oroutt & OO.'B , offers n rare op
portunity to got pord gooda cheap.
When you foul out of sotts , have
the blues , melancholy . , It mnal
bo Indigestion thnt alls yo
fron Bitters cures it.
Doofl U Pay ?
Dr. A , J. Coot , vrhoBO advertise
mout of half n page In THE BEE bai
had juat two insertions , informs ni
that hd has already booked over i
hundred dollars in cases brought tc
his oflho through his advertisement jr
THE BEB. That half page will con
tinuo to liavo its oH'oot through tlu
year ) to come , but in ouo wnok frotr
itn insertion the money invested comoi
back nearly tenfold
Ooodo | ; oing cheap at thu great sail
a * . Hnrknoaa , Oroutt k Co.'o.
Thuro is P. great clo.Ariiij ; cut sale a' '
Hnrknocs , Oroutt > fc Co.'u.
Men's f-rnlu wool lined boots , onl\
$2 at Phillips _ jani'3 ! I ,
A Vexed Ulercyraan.
Kvcn the patlonco cf , lob \voulii becomi
cxhatutod were he a preacher nnd emlenv
oring to interest Ids audience while the ;
were keeping up nn Incrcsinut cotiRtilnfr
maklni ; it imixigslble for him to lie heard
Yet , how > ery en y can nil this bo nvoldet
by ( Imply uafuR Dr. Klnn'a New DUcove
ry for Consumption , Coughs and Colds
Trial Dottle * gnen away at O , F , Good
" " - ' -
dniK store
Danes nnd Oenaans Have a Little
War of Tbolr Own In Omwforcl
County Baveral Wound
ed , Put No One
From Tlio Bulletin MO learned the
details of a lively foreign war which
jroko out In Crawford county , In which
omo blood wai shod , bnt fortunately
no ono killed :
The Thompson brothers , two Dines ,
eutdlnij In Uhartor Oak township , en
gaged in a 6ght with eovoral Germans
t the Throo-Mllo houno , and wore
ladly used. Denmark fought dospor-
ii > ly but Germany was a half a dc2 n
on nuuicrona for It , and ono brother
'otlrcd with an oyot'unt reertmblod the
omb of an ancient king drossnd In
mourning , whllo the other brothoi'a
calp lock was whittled into HOC lone ,
, nd his now overcoat nnd cip ellcra
p like green chooao. About four
Gcrm , ns ( moro or leaf )
wore plhd up by the Danes , who , It
said , were ivrmrd with shot bag ? ,
lung shots , Krnpp guna , apoars , kant
looko , and all the other paraphernalia
modern wsrfato. The Germaza
were armed with a Inmbnr yard iiud
led etukca. It is also supposed that
ho air nas darkened with millions ol
oor kegs fired at the unhappy Dice .
This ia nn npproxinmtely trnthful
tatrmom , gleaned from the claims of
both sides. A3 the otatcments srt
Inmotrlcally oppoBito. wo have taken
ioth report n nnd dr\wn a medium ,
living ecch the proper credit : for
bravery ( ? ) nnd blood. The origin ol
ho qnawel la charged by the ono aide
upon the other The Danes claim the
attack was wholly nnprovokod , while
ho Gormnta insist that the vlloat opl
hota were thrown at thorn , and when
hey de minded nn explanation
hey were thumped on the
head by the Thompsoniann in
i manner euggcstlvo < f a Crat
lass revolution on the Rhiuo. Tlu
Danes claim that their wagon was flnr
ounded by at least -fifteen Gnrmanc
hirstlng for tholr blcod , whllo the
Gctnuna inelat that no fighting wee
done until three of tholr number had
been laid out in the cold embrace cf
a mow bank. The only thing post
rely known relative to the tighi
corns to bo the fnot that the Drnrs
were nearly killed , irrospoctlvn of thu
sanaea of the quarrel or the parties ro
apoMlble for the fight. While tb
Danes are nald to bo very quarrelsome
and have figured In our poUco court ,
, bat faot In no nocso jintlC d the
brital treatment they reodvod at the
hands of perhaps a dc En men Thou
la llttlo room to doabt tliat both oldw
vrsrn jolntlj r 6pon lbo ! fir thu dU
otfal afftlr. Flro GoiMftnji hav *
been arru tfd e V-ntlf of the atato
BUBSIA SAV ! Is anrivallod for ita iptody
* lintf qualitle * . Aik your drug bt * for
U. 2jct .
Wm. K. OraU , of Now York , 1 * at the
JaiBH A. Swobo , / QI en wood , la in the
A. SUlnGeld. of OhUnso , it nt th TA-
II. A. Crane , of Ohioago , arrived at the
AclGf jeatcrday.
Will Y. & itb , of Ottmaaw. , wau in the
city yesUrd y.
Fraak 0. SthHae , of St. Loots , arrived
at the Ogden yesterday.
W , J , Davenport was IB tbo city yestar
day , greeting old friendr.
A. T. Faisttt , of Blantkard , ( bopped al
the Pacific ytstorday.
0. K. Ued&eld , of Harlan , wag roglatarcc
at the Pacific iut rday.
0. K. IClaney , of Btraho , Iowa , wai
among yesterday's Pacific honte guests.
eorfia V. Lee , of K. K. K , which telnf
interpreted moans Keokuk , Is at the Og
George D. Perkins , of Sloni City , wai
shaking hands with Council Bluffa friendj
Will Howe , n ho has been ill for iomi
time , was reported yesterday as belnj
mnch worse , and fours are entertained con
cernlng his recovery.
Dr. 13. F. Gardner spent yesterday Ii
driving about tha city in company witl
friends here , and left Inet evening for hi
home in Pennsylvania.
.WfFeathorB , ribbons , velvet cai
all bo colored to match that now hal
hy using the Diamond Dye. Tor
cent a for any color
Corrected dally by J. Y. tfnller , mer
ehandite broker , buyer nnd shipper o
grain and provision ) , SO i'earl street.
WHKAT No. 3 uprlnfr , 77oj No. 3,05
rejected 50o ; KOO < ! demand ,
CoiiN-S3o to feeders and S.ta to ship
pern.OATS Scarce and in good demand ; 30(5 (
HAT I OOfflC 00 per ton.
UYK lOcj light supply.
Couu MFAL 1 25per 100 ponnda.
Wonn Good supply , prices at yards
5 XgOOO.
CO\L Delivered , hard , 1050 per ton
loft. f > 00 per ton ,
UUTTKII Plenty and in fair demand
Koos Scarce and in demand ; 30c i > e
LAlU-Falrriank' , wholesaling nt 18c.
POUITKV Finn ; dealers payin ? 13o pc
potmil for tttrkeyn nnd lOc for chickens.
VKOKTAIILIW Potatoef , 45c ; onlonc , 25c
cnbbagoD , 30@40o per dozen ; apples , 1 ! 61
@ 3 60 per burrel.
FLOUK Crystal lloller mill flour r tall
ed at 3 zr > for diadum winter ; 2 60 for gold
en ehest ; 2 00 for hanl tsck.
\Vhole ale price * for Hour , 2 40@3 25.
Buoojia 2 00@3 00 per dozen ,
CATTLK-S 0003 50 ; wives 5 00@7 60.
HoggAbout r > 00 IIOXH to dny. Jilirke
active , and all ottering * quickly taken t > ;
loctl packets. ( Jar lots : Common , 5-15
5 60 ; coo.l mixed , 5 tiO(25 ( 80 ; heavy pn k' '
Ine , 570@f ) J3 ; choice f icoy packing , liO !
feU 10
Merchants ,
Chicago and Milwaukee cf n-Kuracntt o
fl'U'ii h uliand I'ratl'loni , lollilUil.
S. E.
a ? zi < asc1 ,
OlCc * orer wvlcii bank.
NOTICE. SpecUl adrartltomtntt , luc
mt , Found , To Loan , For 3i1e , To Rent ,
VTinH , Dcardtn ; , ( : . , will bo Inserted Ii Ihli
column al th * ow rats ol TUN COTS FXll
LLNH for ths aril Inicrtlon and ITTB CEKTt
PKlt LIMB ( or each inbsoqaent Insertion.
LOTS nlv ertlitmenti at oat office , Ko. T
Pfftrl Btfcet , nciNf Uroailwar.
K. Reward for tha return of a ladl s told
O watch nJ cluln , UVen from my now
ate , on llondaj , J * u rj 12 d. ' Ro qurrtlons
atkcd E. Bc uo > . _
WA TTDn eiperlenced jlrl to do rener-
al hou'e won ( nqulri al office at , corner
f r arl ntrcet and Flri > t' Trnne 41
HOTEt. WNTEAny one kiawlnc of
hotel find fun Iture for ttue , can learn of a
rood to ant by adJresiln ? , I ) , lies oftlce. Conn-
II lilufls. [ O
\"ITANTnn-10OPO bmheli of corn. Inquire
> y fit No. 3H'cri Btreet , or birom factor ; ,
ills dnd North Sixth. MATXB & Co.
dtfWANTJCD B\erynoa > la Coanoii lH.i ! ; it
WANTJCD Tni Dsn , 10 cents per week , do
'Irered ' by carriers. Office , No 7 Purl Street
For Bale and Rent
- hava lei tiN ( he tlall'.on ,
ROnSSHBN-1 , T jears old , bright buy ,
ittindii 1C ) hands high , he l < w 11 htiki , a seed
taprtir , nd un bo seen at C mpton' harn , ni
Madleon street. F 4 greoglrca en pp I Mloa.
" 'rice 109. F. J. DAT. Owvur
OH HKNT Trie t'Mlrablo offices lately oc < -
F plea by the bond ef trade. Apply to Uu ii-
mil h llratketl. U _
LE-A hotel In this city , all fnrelshfd ,
Fril9 ng a pa } Ing s , for alt cheap , by
UEN ? A hiufie ef three rooms for
POK M a month , . ( Hat d n ar y orK' ' itc the
lilsh echool. Apply at No. D6 Ill h School
Arei uc. tf
A N oincr , mo tndiantaffeotuly ultuatctl , often
tdeak room In return lor ertlcet ; KM , fuel ,
etc , furn'nhcd. AddriM , "Ofllcti , " llis ofllce ,
O-iunc 1 Illuffn
roil SAIE-In On ha , doln amnh
SALOON s frout$1000.00to * iaOOOOper mon h
xpellees Hxht > he party h9n other hualne s. Ad
maha Dally Bee Omaha Neb7C101
. n. L. PATTOK Fhyslclaa * nd Oculist.
DK. cure any cajo of tore oyes. It Is only
t matter of time , and can euro generally In
rom three tc Ore weeks It makes no difference -
once how lonR diseased. Will straighten croso
eyes , operate and remore Ptyreglctnti , etc. , and
nocrl artificial eyes , Bpeclal attention to re-
Yclntr tulewormi apS-U
cniciso , BOCK istiKD IIP ricmo.
Itr r . Arrlrs.
Atlantic Eit..53 pm I Taclflc St..0:13 : m
Ex ami Mull'.3:2.1 : a m Ex and M M'.6:5,1 : p m
D. JJotnffl c.7:13 : a m | Dc Uolne AC".H ; < 0 p m
Depart. Arrtre.
Atlantic Ext..B:3 : < P ml raclflo Kit..9:2 : * am
Mall and Ex.9.28 am Utll and Ex * . 7.00pru
" . T. Ex 4 ) pm | Neb A KM F.r..S:20 : m
rnicAao ABB woirawHTsai.
Depart. ArrlT * .
Atlantic : PaclHc Bx ) . . 0:15am :
Unl' n < Ex.BMam Mil and Ex.6:16pm :
Accom. ( Sal. ) . 5.50 p m Accom. ( Hon. ) . 1:45 : p m
Dcput. Arrir * .
Mall and Ii..6.M m I KrprMS C'Mpm
Expreas 8lpm : lUfclland Ex. .
Depart. Arrlv * .
OrerUad Ex.11 0 a. m. Overlie J Ex,4 00 p. m.
Lincoln Ex. . 11:39a. : in. Denver Ex..8 We , m ,
Denver Kx..7.00p. in. Local Kx U:30 : a. ia
Local Kx 7:29 : a.m. " Ex 90Co. m.
a.m.m. .
WAIASII , ir. Louta A * FACUIO.
Depart. Arrlre.
UaUaid Kx. . 9:45 : am I Uallaad Kx. . 4:30pm :
Canoaa Ball. . 4'M p m | Canucn BaU..llW : a m
sioci CTIT uta rAcuic.
Depart. Arrlro.
For Sioux Clty.7 f a u Ftm Sioux O'r.e:5 : p m
for Fort Nlebrara. Frui Vort Mlourara ,
Neb * 7Mam : h'ub 'Slap
Fet 81. Paui..7 : pm Frou St. Faul..8 0 a :
omoito. uavAVKii AX > ST. rAci > .
MTS Couicll BluOi. Arrlrw Council Bluffs.
llAll and Ex.92 a m I'Uall and Ix6'B6 pm
Atlantic Ex.0:15pr | : | Atlantic Cx..19:19 : a m
ouoieo , Ma ADua ASD i. nvu.
Learcs Omaha. ArrlreJ at Omaha.
Uilland Ki.'Il5am : I Pacific Ex.I9 : am
Atlantic lli.3:4s | : p m 1 Uall and rii.7-M p m
Except Sundays. tKxCM Balnriayi. { Kxetpl
llondajs. | Dally.
Council Dlutta Si Omaha Stroat B.
Lo te Couacll Ulafls. Leare Omaha.
8 a m , 9 a m , It a m , 8 a m , 9 a m , 1 a m
11 am , 1 m , a p m , 3 p It am , 1pm , 2pm , 3p
m , 4 p m , C p m , 6 p m. m , 4 p m , 0 p m , G p m ,
9tre t can run half hourly to th Union Paclfl
Depot. On Sunday the cats begin their trips al
0 o clock a. m. , and run roirulaily during the day
at 9. 11 , 24. 5 and 6 o'clock , and run to city time
DP , J , MeagliBiMrOctiliBt , lurist
In Chronic dlfeates , oflcrs his services W all at
dieted with diseases of th i Eye , Ear , ci Cnrcnls
dl"c pe3 of any chiracter. Warrants a cure lu
a 1 llueumatlc aOoctUns Can bo consulted I y
mall or In peroon at tha Metropolitan hotel ,
Council llltifls , Iowa.
IE13L O O IE ? ,
Ground by
Porcelain Rolls
Warranted Equal to nny made in the
United States.
Bran & Shorts.
jan4-tf Oonncll Blufla , la.
Are noti ri'ad ) to contract for small casting cf
every dcecrlptlon in
ORAY 1110N ,
Special attention U called to the t > U that the
mi taU are me ted In UIIAJI.LK.I whali gl\va tto
\ cry beat cantingo ,
Burning Brands
FACTORIES , Eto , Etc. ,
As well as
Cattle Brands
Works : Corner BUth street and Eletenth atcuue ,
Broadway , and Fourth Stoat ,
Gonucil Bluffs , Iowa
( Successors to J. W. Rodefer )
Office No , 34 Pearl Street , Yavdu Oor. Eighth Street and
Eleventh Avoiiuo , Oonnoil Blullo.
Guarantees the Best $1,50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff ami fillow Sreets , Comcil Bints.
Orderi flllod In any pait 9l Itie city. Ordtia by Ulephono promptly attended to.
Bjjamt lUMt , Don Mtlh of D * y's BaU.
Therm o-Bleotric , Lfadloatcd and Sulphur Batha.
For ladle * and gentlemen. ThtM Balk * are tolly adom J br ik Ifedlcal Fraternity as beine u
onfoJIliig auillla'y In rc ot Ooid , IlbenniatUn , fituralgla , LnmbMr * and many other all menu
13 < ! do < , my l/e , a uompeteot lady , will attead ! * djc . F. M. LiOOSWOOD , Propr.
and E taQ D tJ ri in 7rah RoMtod Ooffoer , Tcu and Bpioea ,
305 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , -
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Beer and mall In any quantity to salt purchaser * Ileer $8.00 per barrel. Private families inp-
piled with small keg * at (1.00 each , delivered fieoot charge to any part ot the city.
Wholesale Dealer In nnd SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Bihlitz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the country ollcitod
City orders to families and dealers delivered free.
( Successor * to Kit I ) & DUQUETTE ) ,
t6 nnd 18 Pearl-st. . Council Bluffs , la.
No. 529 S Main Street. - - Council Bluffs.
Our constantly Increasing trade is sufficient proof of our tqnare dealing and atten
tion to customer * , Good butter nlways on hand. Prompt delivery of goods.
jr. 'OTT. a ca TCT oc EC aa .an o < o.
Lands and Lots Bought and Sold.
S. JI. CROOKS Pr. B. N. B. EASTON , Seoy.
J. 0. HUFFMAN , Y.cs Pros , N. B. MOOIIK , Counsolor.
under the Laws of Iowa. ]
Insurance at Actual Cost ,
Insnriue LIVE STOCK Against Loss by
Unknown or Contingent Evout WhaUvor.
Experienced agents wanted. Correspondence
solicited from nil parts of Iowa.
OFFICE' 103 Pearl Street. Council Bluffs. Ia ,