THE JAILY ; BEE-OMAHA JFJRIDAY JANUARY 26 Omaha Bee. Published every morning , except Sim- y. Tlio only JvloniU } tnoinlug dally. TERMS BY MAIL One Veir , . . .810 00 I Three Months. S3 00 BIi Month * . . 5.00 | One Monvh. . . . 1.00 ' 'HE WEEKLY BBK , published every Welnomlny. TERMS POST I'AIU- Ona tfcm . $2 00 I Three Months. K Sir Month . 1 00 | One Month. . . . 20 AxtiucAN NIWB COMPANT , So'o ' Agenl NewiuleMora In the United States. COUUKSPONDBNi'E All CnnimunU ktfons rel itlng to News nnd IMitorlal , natt.ori < fhmild lie addrcxscd to the EDITOB or TIIR BKK. HVSIM > 8 LFTTKIIS-AI1 liasiuc * lieltcrK Mill I < euiittnncffl flwu'il bo ail ireffed to Tlir. ' RE I'unUHIIINO COMPANY JMAHA , Uiafta , Clierk * ( .nil 1'iwtiililco Jnlerit to bj made payable to the onlor of the Company , IhB BEE PUBLISHING CO , .Props . , I. HOSE WATER. Editor. TJIK Nebraska nppliem tu for the senatorial HltunUon are "ulsycra " TIIK democrats c'mlinuo Boyd up with hope , but n jmjority of votes still fall to irutorUliz'j. ISN'T It about tinio sorno uno was potting tired In the joint convention ? Everybody outaido of it Is. IN Ireland , just &t prosonr , thu In former scums to bo getting In more work than the reformer. IF the republican party refuses to reduce tnioo , the taxpayers will surely rodnco the republican party. A riiOMiNF.NT Lincoln saloon kor per Bays thiro has boon a preat full in "corn juico" sinuo the legislative BCS- , lon began , NF.IUUF-KA'S legislature has sot a bad oxawpln to our slitor states of Colorado rado , Michigan and Minnesota. The battle of the ballots still gees on. TUB death of the commission aohomu was n severe blow to the mil- riud managers. A legislature is tar more difibult to control than a board of railroad commissioners. Mu WINDOM is not ns ohueiful ovoi the prospects of his ro-olootlon to UK aouato from Minnesota as ha was n week ago. There are several othoi Rlohmonds in the senatorial fiuld whc refuse to bo killed TUB groonbaskera of Iowa are said to bo opposing Sjnator Allison's ro election. If the senator has DO othoi .opposition ho won't have to Gght verj "hard for hts scat. It will take a micro .scops of great power to materialize tin groonbuck party in either Iowa or No brasku. Hu. BL.VrtOiuuD , df North Carolina , lias drafted n bill to chmgo : the time for the beginning of congr-Bilonal BOB ions. If Mr. li'anobatd ' o n devise f kschcino for getting eomu sutiafuctor } 'work out of conferred vrhcu It has bo \ uu iti stations ho trill incot a lonj felt want. TIIK frrn udvurtlulng Riven to thi apurtli'ig fraternity by thu newspaper * bat started qultu n pugil stlo boom Thtiro is more wind than war lu thi air , however. Quid rather than gen is what the gentlemen of the ring an aft in , and ns long r.s exhibitions wltl the gloves pay as handsomely as the ; do at present the stakes are not likel ; to bo oot very BOTH or the police oilloi upon to soparMo the fightd-a. TUB Republican , whatever mayhnv bdeu Us put , Is an honest noirspspor dependent upon the public for its ox iHtonoo. Republican. The Republican , whatever may hay boon its pait , is as dependent to-da ; upon its job iftloo for Us exiatonoo a It was when Casper E Yost first worked od thp Union Pacific for its patronag in consideration of the Republican' ' nuppart of the railroad policy bud can dldatos. Without the Union Paolfi patronage the Republican could nc live three months. What intlaonco il railroad connections would natural ! have on iti honesty , a discerning put Ho has not boon long In daovorin ! { SKUHKTAUY TELLKU owoi it to th country to see that the National Par privileges are not monopolized by an ouo company cf capitalists. No oyi dicalo ought to bo granted privllogi which are not open to any othi equally reipouslblo body tf America citizens. The control of the park given into the hands if the sccrola : of the interior , and it is his duty control it and grant its privileges uch a in inner that compjtltlou w bo created and prices kept dor and tourists protected from plundor'n and blundering. At the s&mo tir the utmost cue should bo taken th the natu/al beauties of the pa : shall bo protected from vandalu , / advortisemuut of St. Jacob Lydia Plnkham on the basins of t geysers will not bo couro.vs of grat citlon to American pride auy mi than cxtortionnto charqoa for hot and conveyances will ba grateful the tourists' pockets. So long these two matters are carcfu guarded the public will not coiict themselves much about who runs I park eating houses or pays t back drivers from the flla to I geysers , THE BUSINESS SITUATION The past week has given little on- oourngmont to thoiu who have been predicting a revival of bcslntts. Trade throu h'ut the country Is still reported dull , though a flight improvement mont ii noted in ccrtnin industries. All the wholesale market ! report small sales , but encourage thcmaelvca in the hope cf on early spring season , with a larger business on slightly lower mirglna of profit. Money still continues tight , and the Hat of ( all ures is a long one. It is a nutod , however , that the reported Insolvencies ore for the tarsi jurt of small firms involving nmountn varying from a few hundred up to ilvo thousand dollars. Thu usual buolnean guagca remain un changed. Clearing huutm aggregates nro email , prices continue low on all commodities but food , cxcharga re inalna below the shipping pointu , atocks accumulate and profits decay , capital is rolling up at the great finan cial centres , nnd the fust month < f the Now \oar ! to nearly gene wlt'i no change In the profound uncertainly wi h which 1883 opened. lu our own a la to merchant ! ! report cDUnctiona M blow and the whole-Bale houses are obliged to carry their country customer's to an unueujl degree. The action of the firmcra ia holding their corn for a riuo inakoo money ucareo and the small banka nro loaning all tliolr avail able capital to moil whoso bjrns and cribs nro filled to overflowing with marketable provisions. Of course the elftict is felt lu all lluoa of trade and little rolkf can bo expected until pro- titiona bjgln to move eastward. In general the industrial tituatlou continues quiet , with little material change in its general features. Thcro is renewed activity in the iron trade and furnaces and mills are Bald to bo busily employed. Uncer tainty ao to tariff legislation causes caution in all lines of industry , and there is a dcslro to keep Blocks down to present cuiHumptivo requirement ) ) . The slight activity in the grain mar- kola and the consequent advance in prices la due to a fooling amoug specu lation ) that the foreign demand must Boon bo largely Increased , owing to the European innuditiona and the consequent quent nhorl crops. Moro than the entire otock of corn in elevators at aoveral uautorn ports is already under contract for ahipmont to Europe this month , while the vluiblo supply at interior points has not iiioreaaod undid HCirculy moro than half what It waj a year ago. The general fooling oil cjrn ia bullish. The condition of that now in the crib In Iowa , Illinois and Indiana is hot isatiafaotory , while the principal surplus growing states nol only have their crops in bad condition but llghtor In quantity than was orig Inally estimated. It is also notoc that they are nalng muoh moro foi homo consumption than lu other yean when a largo part of the old crop re < malnod to draw on. Under these clroumstimcoa there are good roasont to anticipate a sharp advance in corn within the next month , unless epocu liitlveiiiilioncoa aucouxl in overturn' ing the natural laws of trudo. The general outlook for trade is nol flittering , but on thii very account i gradual contraction of credits ia it progress which cannot but provo beno fic'ml to the business Interests of tin country. Extravagant personal am national expenditure and cxorbitani taxation have done much to briny about the proauut unfavorable out look. Economy und tux roductiot . , will bo equally potent f ictors lu ro j moving it , NAVAL REFORMS. The debate on the naval approprla tiou bill brought out noino ficts ro gardlng this branch ot service whlol aiTord interesting Information t the majority of American taxpayers If reform in the army Is needed , re farm in the navy is Imperative , j dozen different bureaus which sect to ruvo boon organized chictly to glv shore duty to superannuated mombar of the ooft servicubrigaJo , are at cor slant loggorhonds and united only o ono policy , that of protligato extravf gnnco and unmitigated alnpldtty. OD navy is'tho laughing stock of the worli in splto of the fact that wo hava spot : moro on our naval establishment i : I ha last two years than any otht civilized nation , with but two 03 cepllons. Under Roboson'a inanagi mont enough money was appropriate IS by congress to place our naval arm : srn mcnt on n par with that of oithi n Franco or Italy. The money wi ity eaten up by the various bureau y divided with contractors or wasted I to useless experiments. The shij In which It ought to have built caum ill ba found , 'U ' Mr. Calkins is doubtless right win ' 8 ho clalnn that the organization at ao management of the navy needa at thorough overhauling , The e ganizitlou la bulky , top-hea' .nor and cumberouj , the uuuag erne haa boon meut char&otoris ho principally by utter Imbecility. Wh ' " ' the country needs is moro ships a no fewer ohonldor straps , larger guns oh the tea and smaller boron warm ! to chairs on the shore. It will not i aa plaud Mr. Robcaou'd eohomo of a g < lly oral outtlug down of salaries and st ( rn ping of promotions , first , because a of Secor Roboaon'a natal i k ° to the of cither are opou suspicion jc k ° tery or mallco ; aud secondly , bocat the general ran cf salaries In the na is not excessvi ! . The clcairg i p f n number ' f tiiwy yurdi which KIU tnoln- titiiud fo" thu born fit cf a ii umber of political fxt'oriife , the construction if eevural n'col ' cruisers that can at lisst run awny from the enemy if they hap pen to get in a tight place , and a gen eral stirring up of the dry bones in the various Impotent bureaus are the greatest wanls of our naval depart ment at present. Fir/it / let ua have u navy. How to mansgo it Is n eub- ject to bo discussed afterwards. At prenont wo have no navy and Innum crablo naval bureaus and innumerable nuvul dignitaries. THE BUOUN BILL. The bill introduced by Senator E. E. Brown , prohibiting the acceptance of patoca by public officials in the a'ato of Nebraska , and which has been read twice , sent to the judiciary com mittee aud reported to pass , reads ati folio WE : Bo it or acted by the logialaturo cf the S'ato of Nobrcskp ; SKOFION 1. That it shall bo unlnw- ful for any person holding any eflbe , appointment , or position under the Uwa of this state , or under the lawe of the * United State ? , and doing buii- ncfli in this state , including puraote chosen or drawn as jurors , arid for delegates to any convention called for the purposeof placlcg in nomination pevjona to bo voted tor at any olec < tlon , to accept or travel upon any pace , or resort to , or participate in any echomo or device whoruby ho isoi may bo transported over any railroad , or any part thereof , cither free or at rates of faro reduced below these ftivc.- to the general public. Any pcrsom violating the provisions of this aol shall bo guilty of a uiisdomuanor , ano on conviction thereof shall bo finec for the first cffjiifio not less that twenty five dollars nor moro than ont hundred dollars , and for the second ofionao ho ( hull bo fined not less thar fifty nor moro than five hundred del lara , aud ahull bo forever disqualified from holding any office , appointment or position , uithor of trust or profii under the laws cf thin ntato. SHU. 2. That it shall bo unlawfn f jr any railroad company or corpora lion , operating the whole or any per tlon of a line of railroad within thii atato , to give or otTer lo any persor holding any office , appointment orpo sition , cither of trust or profit , undei the laws of this otatu , or under tin lawn of the United Stiles , nnd doing builness within this state , including parsons chosen or drawn na jurors und delegates to any convontior called for the purpose of placing Ir nomitution persona to bo voted for a any election , or by any schema or do vloo whatever to transport over tin line of railroad it is operating , or nn ; part thrroof , free or at rules cf fun reduced balow thono given to the general oral | ublio. Any railroad compan ] or corporation violating any of thi provisions of this act shall forfei and pay to the state for the use anc benefit of the school fund the sum c two hundred dollars for each offense to bo collected by action against sail company or corporation by any citizei of fiis atato. THE BKE is heartily in favor of thi measure , aud its passage will ba generally orally Indorsed by the people of th slulu. A pus Is always given oitho for Borvioaa rendered or with a live ! uxpoctancy of favors to oomo. Passe ropruiout valur , and corporations d not donate money or its equivalon without expecting a full return in th near future. Every member of th legislature knows that a pm give him by a railroad corporation ia not moro courtoay. How many of th farmer ] , lawyers aud merchants wh compose our present legislature wer offered these courtesies before the ! election to n soit in the capital i Lincoln ] And how many of thee who fall to obtain elootlous to the nei logialaturo will bi > favored with a .sin : liar exhibition of the gentlemanl ftlendbhip of the corporations ? The fact cannot be concealed tin every paa offered to a public official in the nature of a bribo. It is give "to conciliate the granger vole , " nn to dispose favorably the minds i legislators towardo tin ) corporation No man eau with any self respect i n law rnakor accept tfrCsa favoru nr carry out his bworu duty under U cous.itutlou They are u constiv olcg on effort , and a drawback onorgotlo work where the Intercuts the people clash with these of tl monopolies , and on this account tin ought to be prohibited by the legiel turo. TIIK political Yunnor who will pr diet the stile of the weather in t ] Nebraska legislature during the i rnalndor cf the week ctn rake in pocket fal of ducats by traveling wl storm speed to Lincoln. ir IS THKUK will bo Cft ) contested sot lu the next congress. lu paying ( ' expenses of contestants , congress pn a heavy premium on contests. The ought at least to be a limit to the dra of rival claimants upon the pub treasury. in id Kanmia Improvements. Detroit Krte I'rta. Kansas has In the last iivo yet planned about 4,030,000 cottonwo 'J' trees , aud thcro need bo no foir tl vigilance commit tuts will have to t < ad a prisoner over two or three caunti a before finding n place to hang him , Statoeiuon Riding on n Rail , 3U Wellington 1'oit ( U.ui. ) } 3IseotIon from exoeeaivo straddli P- threatonn the statesmen who are t Ing to bi ) on bath aided of the ta question , ip- uy Economical Governors. Ilaltliiotn Amirlcwi. ib- Tnls U the day cf economical gi ornnra. Duller stopa the nowtpape ISO and laves thu utato $100 per ye I Qo3inor Pattison declines an esc and walks to the < xecntivo mansion from the drpot tiirouah the snow ; Governor Cleveland ovrn declines to lot the New York Sim shine upon him , for faar the dazz'.o might cost oomuthing. ASotmonoftuo Day. Ecqiltcr. Always pray before retiring , particu larly in a tio'i-1. . OurHpoclul Florida Timci. \Vo haven't any array to speak cf , bat wo can boat the world ou a per.- aion list. Wbut Ho la. Pbl'ndelDhlt Priej EvangoliBt Barnes tajs ho IB n JCSUB path , but ha isn'c. IIo is a gOOEO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rcvlaod and corrected Truth. D Bkcnlhri d. Such a hodgo-podgo na the republic ans are making of "tariff ruvioio . " was tiovur aeen bcforo in a kgialati\o body whore there is a proteiiBQ of party government. An UncoLllrmea itumor. lonc Cjunty Argus. It is reported that Capt. Lovcjoj8 late receiver at the land e files at Nk- brara has skipped , leaving lua accou t with Unolo Sam , ehcrt to the amount of $30,803. But Tney Cau't Do It. PhllcdelpbUTImo } . If Mrs. Langtry could persuade Mr. Ooblnrdt not to bo a fool , and Mrs , Lirgtry could persuade Mr. Qobhardt not to bo a fool , they would do a great deal better for oaoh ether than they are now doing. Not That Kind ot Prohibition. PhllaJcIphU U.corJ , Ind. The prohibitory amendment to the constitution of Arkansas U to ba sub pitted to the people of that state , but ita obj sot is to prohibit the payment of railroad , levee , and ether bonds issued soon after the war. The other kind of prohibition has not trot to the submission point yet. A New Game Wanted. Oc an. The notross who has never been robbed of diamonds , or bulged by a lunatic , or divorced from two or throe husbands , or followed around the country by a "masher , " doesn't amount to much nowadays ; bat the gatuo in getting to b3 understood , and u now ono is needed. Tbo Objector Ic. Now York Tribune. The Nebraska sona'o has adopted a resolution disapproving of the accept ance of railroid pasaoa by members of the legislature something the Illinois Bonatu is not likely to dn. With thirty man contenting for Mr. Saun- ders' seat in the United S ates senate it wan thought necessary doubtless to do something to diacouraj/o thogrowtb of rising young statesmen. The Od Scory. Riling Independent. The Oaaha Republican chargei Rosewater , editor i-f - TUB BKB , ovei and over again , with having black mailed Jay Goald ont tf $1 030 , whlol is as strongly denied by Rosewater At The Ropublloiu'a own way of pat ting it thcro is evidently some needo n formation In the railroad system It ahowa that there ia "something rotten ton In Danmttrk. " Owned body anc acul by the corporations , the chargi does not injure Mr. Rcs3wator witl the people , but it ahowa ap the cor poratiou ayHtom mn > t conclusively. They Owe Tnem Thanks. Ulobe-Dojiocrftt. Every man nnd woman in the Unitci States owes the nowepipera a debt o kbanks for having brought about a reduction duction of the lo'tcr postage to 2 cents Chls reform is now practically accom plishcd. Both branches of congres have authorized it the senate 01 Saturday , 40 to 15 and it only re mains to fix a da'o on whloh the nov rate shall take effect. The houou pro posed January 1 , next , while a aormt amendment suggests July 1. Th latter day , being the first cf a not fiscal year , would seam to bo the mor appropriate. The only ground 01 which further poatponument is urge is the Importance of allotting the dc psrtment ample time In which to wor off ita stock of 3 cent stamps an stamped onvolnpna. Exp anuUonb in Order Icarfo Tribune. It is a puzzle to the farmers of th trooleas states of Illinois , Iowa , Ni hraaka and Colorado to account fc the votes f Senators Logan , Djvli Saundera , Hill and Chilcott again ! placing pine lumber on t ho free I b nnd why they voted to retain Mi present wicked premium on the quic dojtruolion of what is kf t of the fo ea'.s of Michigan , Wisconsin and Mil nesota. Each of those senators knot that his constituents know that the $ pjr foot tax Is n sheer rol bary cf several millions a yoi of the people of the tn Idts western states ; that each a tax i not protective of the remnants of the : forests not yet hewn down , but is pnmiinin on their rapid annihilation this They well know that the tax la in needed for any useful purpose , at han no jastifioation beyond feeding tl insatiable avarici of a few lumber m isIs uopoliata who have secured all the p t forests that nro left , and nro In a ha Is ry to cut them down and turn the Into wealth regardless of the miichi ro such short-lighted selfishness will i ; tb Qtct on pnople of the treclesa woetoi lie states. These senators cast bad vote and they should take the back trie ou sober rellctinn. Tbo Hinted , Brewer * its SpccUl Dlipatch to Tui liii. od ST. Louis , January 25. Conrad ; at Co. hnvo made nn annlgnroont of t > tt > entire property of the firm In fiver 03 Charloi 0. ROIBD , Iho inf.uagnr of t Anhtuser-Bnsch Brewing asaociitio Charles W. Conrad , tbo solo nitiinl of the firm , filed nn affidavit that t nominal valun i f the property i ilgned la $107 703 87 , but that $161 000 Is fully thn aotuil valno thereof. riff "An enforced roaldonca o ? t years in California , " writes Co mauder J. D , Ooghlan , U , S. N , fn Mf\ro Island , Cal , "made mo the n ) cct of moat painful attacks of rhi V"i m&tlam. Dr. Eloyle recommended I ar "i ; Jacobs Oil , which completely cm urt t INDUSTRIAL NOTB3 , The now furnio1' of the Cleveland rollIng - Ing mill company Is turning out ICO tons per day , The Fargo iron worts ( D koti > ) o'nlm ' to hftye HIIUH a business ol $ . ' ,500,00 fur the year lb8A The Krie cur works have 10.000.COO feet of Diiiu lumber in their yurdd to be made up Into can , The Hnldwtn locurnotlre works are buildIng - Ing enulnes on old cuntracH atj the rate ef tl veu ii week , The Nlles tool works * t irsmllton , 0 , h\ve recently built a larga pattern house for their workp. The Hints preferring company of Ch C.IKO W/IR recently Incorporated with n citpltal of J 200,000. There Is nb fcwln ? michlno faalory In the nouth und there h BOIIIO talk ( if erect- log < m > j ut Atlanta , Ga. The printing prr mnnufactnrv of C. 15. ottroll A Co. , ( f WeUerly , H I , Hblptied uliiftten lur u IIHSJCH During October , The Cleveland nmlcnblo iron company now employ over 4 0 men. A branch hmije 1ms Utely been ttarted at Indianap- ol ! ? . 'Ilia 4roOCO spindles of Lewis'.on , Maine , are rtinuln ? on full time , tlio severe drought not hivln ? atlected tha water sup ply Ono hundted and sixty tlionnind dollars hive b ea luhvrlbed at Chattanooga , Tenn- , fur building a 100 tuas furnuce tbi'ro. The Like Erie oml Western rnilroidhnn justcontr cted fur COO now freight caranrd ten laige engines ot the BrjukH nmnufac- tnreTho The Oregon Iron and steel company , with a capital of $3,000,0(0. ( bag been organized for the purpose if building n rol lug c.111 in Oregon. Denver ia feeing the influence of I'D late exposition. The Pennsylvania tube ci m- p my will ostabllnh a branch Ifictory ut Denver Imn ediately. The K kit Tennessee vallnV zinc company hvi been organ'z ' > d with § 300,000 capitnl. Tbe contracts have been let fur the erec tion of I Hidings at Kaoxville , The new works of the American wire company , Cleveland , will be in operation in March. If the entcrprue proves sue- cetuful a red mill will bo a ided. The contract has been let for the great bride at Toledo. One span , thn 1 irgest in the State , will be 310 feet in length and nine other spans will be 180 feet etch. A nail woiki la to le established at Brlnrfield , Alabama. The opacity will | ; B COO kegs n d y. The * ame c mpany arj bulldlog an Immense coke lurnace. N 'hvi le , T nneeses , with n population of 70,000 linn G80 hrnu en.aged in me- cliuiilcal and manufacturing incluetrioj which employ from two up to 400 men endi. endi.Tho The MathewB cotton mill at Ss'ma ' , Ala. , has mcre.ifed itu rnritnl to SiOO.030 Tlio rnanagerd will build another mill to hat u greater variety of goods may be made. Tbe TTattford engineering company of Harlf > rd , ( Jonn , have received an order fur dftv eteum vngicet of from twenty to thirty IIOMO power. The engines wlU be exported. A new woolen mill la being built at Pal- raer , Mar. , The main mM will be cf brick , four utoriea high , and 100x42 feet cm thenran' . Diound engine houses will aldu be kullt , Alle.'hfnv county , Pa. , last year pro duced 505,182 net .tmn of rolled iron and n il ? , and 308.C01 net steel. During the same tium tha county produced 385,453 tons of pig iron. The new works of the War 1 axle , brke nnd c upling company at Mouontrahela City , PA , , cove 120.000 tquara feet of ground. The works are fitted with entire ly now machinery. In Benton county , Arkansis , 2,000,000 bmheli of applet were picked1 last fall. Drying kilns have been started on maLy forms nnd u New Yoik firm are drying u 1,000 bushels a day. The new works of the Baltimore car whtel company , now being built at Balti more , will ewer nearly 10 acres of land and the establishment will have a capacity of 100 wheels a d.y. The Union foundry and Pullman car wheel workp , near Pullman , are no ln o eratiop , and give employment to 1,000 men. The force will be iucreaseJ to j,200 when Ihj works are done. The Syracuse irnn and tube company have jmt RtRrted their w < rks In Kit Syr acuse , whern thcv hvonbluck of buildings 500x3CO feet. Tno woika and the only boiler makeri in the State. The PennsylvaniaBteel company employ 2,000 liftuOb In their works uear llurrln- burg and pay 350,030 n month in wa < ij . Tne prcsdit capicity i * 100,000 rails which will be Increased one-third. The Kconnmlc Plan company In the mine of a now industrial c > ncern at South Unud , Indiana. The capital stock it $251)- ) COO , und the company will make all kintU of plows of the latest pattern ? . The sugar plantation * of Louisiana nre doing more buslneeH than ever betore. The milli ou one plantation , near Iberyllle , turnfd out In a fteady tun of 17 tiey , 47. " > ,000 pounds of tugar from 4,300 tons ol c. ne. ne.The The now Chattanooga scale factory fi nearly ready to commence operation * , tbe nuchluery being mostly put up. This will lib a leading iuduttry ttiero and Is the only eatablluhuient ot the kind In thf south. There are 455 manufacturing eatabllrh inentH lu Re ding , IV The capital in vcMted , Including real eitate la 310,412 , 403. hand * employed , 11,798 ; wanes pal ) during 1831 , 84,18 , f > l\ \ ; value of producti during tbe year , $1G G0 > ,313. The Rureka Cast Steel company o Philadelphia waiters of steel , railroad anc machine castings tecontly lost their pnt t'rn room by tire. They ate now bu'ldlni ' a fire proof p ttern hiusa whlih la ex pected from the other building' . The corn plantf r worka of R. H. & C M.Av ry was movtd from Galeahurg ti I'eana , wh > re entlrelj new works of bricl hva been bui't. ' Orer 953,00 } worth o alilitiunul machinery was | ut in nnd thi works ti\o employuient to 200 men , John Ho.vch it Son , shipbuilders Chester I'a. , ba\o closed a contract fur ( uiU'in ) fire iron sailfne shic for nn Atcerlcai cotponttlnn The vebtela are to be froti 1,2.0 to 1,600 tons capacity , aud are to b ship rigged with tbiea masts each. The Georgia land and lumber Compatr ive an Iiumeme ml 1 on St. Simon' UUnd near Urucswick , Ua , They empl ; 150 nantls in the mill , which has a cuttin ] capiclty of 525,1X0 feet ptr day. Thi capacity will noon be increased to 1,000.00 feet per day. Atlanta , Gt. , ia one of tbe mot Impor tant manufacturing cities of ilia couth The Fulton county cotton mills and th exHi | Itlon employ 40U opention each. A plow works employs 700 hi\nd an I many oth T octnb'.hhuisnts have larg nurubem of The Marseilles ( ID ) Paper company ar erecting veiy extuiulve and complete nei inpcr tullU. The heater room will b 60x134 feet , twi etorlen ; the bleichln . room nil ) he G3xlOO feet , thice btorie ; tli 01 inncbinu room , 5tixlCO feet , ouo ttnry nil baieu.tut , uud the boiler room 5Cx55 ( et " ' The LlcVIrg rolling milla situated o or IJcliin/ liver at CoxingUu , Ky. , wet lie In 1645 The works now en 11- ploy 375 brnd , the covering about ri/1 wet , with 1000 of river front. The manufacture merchant bar , angler , Ue boiler plate , link Iron , etc. The new zinc smelting woika at RIc nro Hilt , Mi ouri , will rooa be completti mm Trier will cover over 11- acres of roue > m and will comprise tbe following bulldl UK ib- An engine home , cruihlng > nd pottei ibu - ruoinr , the calclminlne house , the o : 31. house , the gas houie , the furnace hou 31.ed tbe kiln for baking retorta. Tbe phi ed includes an 60 hone power CorlUi engln The present force la 60 men , OHVLA-IEI-A. COFFEE AID SPiOE i'ViILL Boasters and Grinders of Coffees nnd Spices , Manufacturers of IMPERIAL BAKING POWDER Clark's Double Extracts of BLUEING , INKS , ETC H. O. CLARK & CO , Pioprietora , 1403 Dii'ilis Stroot. Omaha , POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , 4IMZHO MACrtlNEJ'.7 , BKI.TTnO. AH7J ITOJ ? ni7IV03 FAO'HIJG , A7 ' AUD Cor. Far ain and lOfch Streets Omaha , Neb. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Ground Oil Cake. It is the best find cheapest food for stock of any kind , Ono pound Is equal to three pounds of corn. Stcck fed with Ground Oil Cake in the fall and winter - tor , Instead of running down , will Increase in weight and bo in good market able condition in the spring. Dairymen as well as others who ueo it can tes tify to its merits. Try it and judge for yourselves , Price $25,00 per ton ; no charge for Backs. Address WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob. The Original and Only Regular SEED HOUSE in Nebraska. 0. WHOLESALE AND IIETA1L DttALERS IN At'r'cnltural . . . N. W. Cor. 14th Vcgetab'c ' , and : oreat M wor , Dodge Streets , Gnus , Hedge , Onmha , hcb. We m ke a fpeclalty of Onion Srcds , Onl'n Set * , Hire Owi , T mothv , UedIfalfa and Whit Clo\cr , Osagoan Honi } Locust Lialer.aad llarktt Gankntrj will tavonioiuj by l > m it ir of us. S3T end for Ca a o 'iie. FUUE Heiiman WHOLESALE 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Oor. OMAHA , NEB. ANHEUSER-BUSCH Brewing Association , OELEBEATED KEG & BOTTLED BEER , THIS EXOSLLEHT BEER SPEAKS T FOR ITSELF , Orders from any part of the State or the Entire West will be promptly shipped. All Our Goods arc Made to the Standard of our Guarantee. GEORGE HENNING , Sole Agent for Omaha and the West. Office Porner 13th and Barney Streets , Omaha , Neb. PLA MILLS. MANUFACTURERS OP Carpenter's Materials ALSO SASH , DOORS , BUJD8 ? , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Bausters ! , Windovt and Door Frames , Etc. Ffnt-elasi fncllltlee for the Manufacture of all Icindoa of Mouldings , Painting and matching a Specialty. Ordera from the country will be promptly executed. ' " ' H"nnto A MOYKR. PrnnrlBto u ESTABLISHED 1 [ R 1HOH. D. H. McDANELD & CO. , TALLOW GREASE PELTS r , , , 04 North ICth St. , Masonic Block. Main Ilouao , 46 , " 48 and 52 Do - bin ? avenue. Chicago. Refer by permission to flldo and ' Nntlonnl Ranlf. Chicago A. M. GLARK , Painter&PaperHanger SIGH WfiHEll& DECORATOR , WHOLESA.LK ite RETAIL WALL PAPER ! WiDflow SMea and Curtains , CORNICES CURTAIN POLKS AND FIXTURES. > Paints , Oils & Brushes" 107 SontklUtk Htr * t OM HA , . NEBRASKA.