Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 26, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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Ai Afteraoon's Sport In Sontoroj
Torturing & Ball for the
of the
And Killing Him at the Bad of
th Pwrformancw How It
It Dace in Uaxloo.
tpec'tl C r. * t the r ll > d ! pila ! ! < * ,
MoHrr.uiT , Mines , January 1.
The "pUii * do tore * " or boll ring of
Monhiroy f not an Imposing specimen
c ( ita clan. Seen from the streets , it
presents the appearance of an cnoJcm.
tire nf roods 10010 eighteen foot hl h.
In reality those roodi ere faitcnul to
ARtrcfig iMffoldlng of poles , which
upport the ct8 on the inuldo and
eorvo aa a iholtor from the ran and
from the eold winds will all eomotlmea
blow In wUtot tlmo. In the low
tone wall that Hopantwi thu plan
from the it root are two oponlgs load
ing to the two rrpposlto lorlus of no l
in the nmphlthoAter , kmlwn rcspoo-
tlrelT M "Sol" and "B mbr " "Sol"
moans the tun , and If yon choo a to
put np with the dlroomfott of ilttlup
in the fill rfwrnoon bkm of that
lamlnuj while the performance Ian ! *
yea oa wttntu Ik for the earn of two
roali aboik twenty fiv oonta. Bo-
pootabln folk * generally prefer , how
ever , to ptf a real extra and rit in the
" ombra , " or rftodo , where tholr baks
are ih ltnred from the § un by the
-mentiond vwfcand tbaii head *
by a eaoraM awning
nr nn BCU ncra.
Pairing thMigh the frat of the
"lombra them and tkroogh a nqnaro
oporJng cvt in the roda of the odlfieo ,
ono finds bitaMlf la the hollow spoco
nd r the tleea of Mate. Up a Udder
to the riflfct aai a Unda on a jdat-
form it board * BOKO eight 01 * nlno feet
vide , ranolag emUaely round the am *
phll&tatar , at keifht ol twdra footer
or BO from tita ground. On this plat
form ar tbev * of fun rows of * ovgh ,
wooden beookM. Trota tha inner
edge of it , and xeaekiag to tie ground ,
are lorortl descending tlo * of rough
bat strong stops or soats. Botwcon
iho lowMt oi thoaa scats and the ring
proper , or "arena , " is a apaoo of five
foot. The ring itself Is formed of
tout poits sot in the ground about
ton foul apart , with equally stout polc/H
fastened to thorn horizontally , to a
hrtght of about o/ght toot , a space of
BOino hnlf foot bolng loft botwocn each
polo. The arena Is about 130 foot In
diameter. At ono sldo cf it are largo
wooden folding gatoe , through which
the ball fighters enter and through
which the bull mskca his oxtt , dead or
allvo. At the dido of the big gates la
a narrow gate , cloalng the entraaoo tea
a narrow pun jnat wide enough to ad
mit a ball. Into this the bull h
d rap pud , preparatory to making hi *
entrance Into the nreno , by a rouo 01
lasso thrown over hla horns. Before
turning him over to the fighters the
tips of hi * horns are sawn off , nature
huvlng gunwally raado thorns tmowhal
aharpor than hi * tormentors conaldoi
altogether d pair able. On the platforn
and under a real oartaln'whloh is fua
toonod ever his aoat sits the "jew" 01
jadgo , with kts soorotary by his stdi
and a trumpeter behind him. Bolov
him bit the mniloians , who disooursi
Tory toltirablo inutio appropriate to tin
" "
Whnn tiytirythlug is reedy and thi
hour for coiuincncirig ( generally 4:3 : <
p. tn ) hwi Htnio' ' < , the judgo'a trump
otur iudalgoa in must ditoordnn
blast , Mid thu prr/Jimm enter. Pira
two ' 'tfhuloa" or"nallacoe "
main , nox
fjurnr live "tororoa" in sluglo file
and lastly thu tuonntod "picador" o
"topd r , " ivi thny o ll him In Alon
Corey. The "ohnlco" in this part r *
thu osnitry an gnnorally droosed t <
r < tpm at "pullnocw , " or clowns , it
rod drtMOs , and with thulc foou
whitMe4 and oantehcd with black
ThnJr < UVy bUhaud the "bandotlllsa1
to oo betid aril lorn , to pick up th
broken frtguiontii of the former , am
to mttkn thomiulvDS generally usofal
The dtnwi of the "torcroa" or bull
i htnri , to a rftowy ono. Short jaok
ta ol birl fet-eolorcd silk , richly oun
broidered trout nud back , eomotime
witk sllvor , Bomottuios with coloro
brnid ; waUtootU alto of ullk and en
broldoroJ ; kno * brooches of tllk , t
matoh the jaokctsjlwnita atooklnp
and piKip * oomWno , to act off thci
sturdy'iho boat advantagt
Ou theti heftd they wear a o p c
bonnet of ao "dAik , soft , rough nu
torlal , with > piojeotlou on either aid
having aomorrhat tlio nppoafanoo c
hanging dog's oan ; at Uio aok of tl
head le a olrcukr bow or knot (
b'aok ailk iMtoncd on by n strln
round the forehead , and looklu
rattier llko woman's blaok hall
Eioh torero c&rrlos ever his arm
light "c.tpa , " or cloak , of pnrplo otul
about three feet square , and naucrall
rather faded. The "topador"
plainly druosod In an ordinary gra
foil "sombrero , " round black jickn
and clotli trouaors. Tlo la mountc
on a sorry-lookiog horse , and carries
atout latioo , about nlno foot long , I
"topar , " or stop the bull whou 1
chur na. The point is prevented fro
4 > onotr tiug deeply into the animal I
a knot or ball placed oloso to the et
of it , leaving only about and inch
ate il blade eipoflud. Over the rlgl
eye of the hoMo is a bandage. ( .
the right ildo of the "topador" at
f istoncxi to his saddle horn hnugu
broad shoot of lunthor , which cave
the ontlro shoulders of the horse ai
the rldar's leg , and roaohus below t
hono's bolly. The log of the rldor
further protected by u howy : , ati
leather boot , rwohiux to his knee ,
THE snow
The bull fighters having thus c
tared In single file , preoodud by t
"pallaoos , " aud followed by the "ti
ador , " then coutluuo to ndvanco Jt
the arena until oppoalto the judjr
aoat , where they form In line , wi
. the topador behind them , and Euh
by raising their caps. They then sc
tor themselves over the arena ; to ]
dor takei his position closa beside t
door of the narrow pen , BO as to bo t
of the way of the first rash of the bt
n trumpet sound ; the pen door
thrown b&ok and the bull , whoto fo
ings have boon considerably hart
the process of prodding him will
lanoe and inserting Into hla bed ;
paper rosette , with a barbed point
tached to it , rushes bellowing out a
promptly make * for the near
"torero" The torero , aoitlnp ; hfi
cloak In both hands by the comers and
holding It oat to ononidoof him , w it
for the bull and loUbim dive his hood
Into the oloak , tneder the impression
that he is thereby hurting somebody ,
keeping his own body nt the tame time
oarof ally out of roach of the horns and
jumping out of the way as noon ai the
trail has made hti ohargo. The topa
dor meanwhile has started towards the
ball , keeping his leather.shielded sldo
tarofully towards him. If the ball Is
a good bmll he roes for the topador at
soon a * he ww aba. The toptdoi re-
oolrof hint on the point of his laneo ,
and , after the bvll has batted thehorso
furiously In the ribs and belly three or
four tlraw ( most of the blown bolna
rAootrod on the toother , and thereby
rendered compirntlvuly hannlosi ) , ho
generally rotir < 0 , not reliihlng the f ol
of the lanoo point , whkjh the topador
has all the time boon Industriously dig
ging into him. Sometimes , however ,
the ball poroororaa until the horse ,
generally a feeble specimen of Ms
kind , fills orer , and hla rldor , of
oonms , with htm. The toreros im
mediately rnak forward and endeavor
to divert the attention of tha ball from
the fallen pair , bolng generally lino-
eostful in so doing.
After the topador has ruined and
reptdood three or four ohargoa of the
bull , the bandorflla boidnrM bedns.
The "bandoJtllU" is n short stick or
rood , about a foot and a half lonn.
profoaoly doooiatod with tinsel and
colored p p r , and armed with a
sharp-barMd point. Ono of the pal-
laoo fotohe * two of thooo darts from
the side of the arena and hands them
to the Urrro , who Is about to act as
"bandorilleco , " Th kttar drops Ids
oloak , takM a dart in eaah kaod and
plaoea hlmsalf in posihion. Taa ether
torecoabjr j dlolooB HM of llialr l * kj ,
draw the ball towards tha "baudo *
rilltro , " who by atampuia , leaping iuko
tha air , nttoxiog short , slurp orios and
reflations on t s ball s per < ooal okai-
Mtaa and Uut of hla nearer lalativaa ,
ovdeavoM to attract his attention and
goad hkn into Mtlon. Tha bull
laally puta down his head and goes
for too bandariUoro. The latter , as
saoa M the ball starts for him , sUrto
also foi the bull , rtumlog aomawhatln
a curved dlrootion , and , croaalug joat
in front of the animal's nose , retichos
welt ever , nud , at the moment when
the bull alma a blow at him with his
horns , phuita the two dnrta , ono ou
each sldo of his back , j oat above the
shouldor. When one conaidora that
all this takca place while the two
parties are going at fall spued , and
that the torero has not only to dodge
the thrust of th ? ball's horns by
twisting his body out of the way , bui
also has to plant the darts neatly ucd
firmly In tholr proper place , it will bo
soon that to do the thing saocossfull )
raqalros no nuiall nerve and dexterity
The bull , on receiving the darts , kloki
bellows , throws his hold from aide tc
sldo and czproasoa by nil posslbli
moans his indignation and astonish
uiont at the treatment to which ho I
bolng subjected. The bandorilloro
moimwhile , boa received two frosl
bindorlUorni from the pallaco , th
other tororoa bring the ball into post
tlon as before and the poor mlsgoldoi
animals ohargoa and ots bindorllLad
a sooond time. And BO on until thro
or four pairs are successively put inb
If , when the bandorllla buslnosa 1
ever , it is decided to kill the ball ,
pallaoo goca to the sldo of the arena
draws from ita sheath a slim , sharp
pointed STOK ! three foot long , take
by the hand the tcrero , who is to d
the killing and loadc him In front c
> the judgti's scat. Both thtao nnoovc
aud the torero waves hia h nd with a
intorrcgutlvo air towards the sir or
which the pallaao hoklj up In front
him , The judge bowrf assent , th
torero graaps the rword in his righ
hand and propiroa for basilicas. II
takoa a stout stick about two fee
long and spreads ever It his parpl
oloak , inaldng a sort of flag oat of it
and holding ono end of the stick i
his kit hand and the sword tn hi
right tnkeo his stoU in th
nrona. Tlio other tororoo the :
\ ilog the bull into p'mlUon , and k
I charges the "matador" or "killer.
The latter receives tha ohargu In U
oloak , the bull karun and , rupuatn h
ohargo again and again. At the tMr
or fourth charge the matador , hole
ing bin sword hand on n lorul wit
and oloco to his right shoulder , thrail
forward and downward just an the bu
la about diving hlakcftd into tha clo l
Thu aword onterc the bnfl just in troi
of the ahouldor , ponotratea a foot (
so nnd ia Immediately wtthdrawr
having pierced the heart oi lungs <
souio ether important portion of tt
ball's Internal economy. The thli
is done BO qalokly that It ia almoat it
possible to follow it with the oyo.
the throat has boon effectual the bt
staggers wildly for a few stops , f il
over ntid dlea , the matador raoantiu
awaggorlng off to the sldo of the arou
wiping his bloody aword on his oloi
and receiving with n complacent am !
the cpplaugo ot thu aproUtora.
A New Industry.
, Mew York World.
d A reporter picked up a braas butti
on the sidewalk in ISiat Fourteen
utroot , Ivat night , on which waa o
graved "Cincinnati pollco forco. "
aeody looking individual approach
and addressed the gatherer of no
thus : "That's my button , young fi
low , and I have boon looking for it i
half nu hour. I am hungry , bul
wouldn't take ( D for it. I waa on t
Cincinnati police for1 six yunrs , a
was brokoa the force ou account
polltici. That button saved me frc
being killed by n thh-f. See where
ia flUtoncd. I arrived hero Thu
day , and have boon roaming the oi
looking for n job. Yes , olr ; 11
hungry , but I wouldn't take 5 I
Ihut button. " The reporter hand
the man the button and winked nt hi
1110 "Too Op , oh ? " ejaculated the tran ;
10 as ho hobbled awny.
Pto The button was eocm ohlning In t
to ahro of the big lights In front of I
) 'fl Union Snuare Theatre , and Its owt
th was watching it ( torn standing roi
to against the bill-board , "Do you cal
it- many at that gama ) " ankod the rep
ia- tor as ho suddenly tappad the trai
tie on the shoulder. The individual st
at pod back , but recovering hlmeolf s
i good naluredly : "It all depends
; who picks up the batton. The b
il. biters are the fellows who are walk along with girls on their arms. 'J
i a women generally BOO it first and go
aa it. Then I comes up aud gets oil
itid arm. Ton to ono I got a nickel , "
id "Did you ever catch a policoma
"Did II Well , yea can just be
hare. I hava dmrrn the s
rfjht out of many How Yk 'cop , '
and t1' y ray that h a hard thing to ,
di. T'o ether nl < hl , a pol/comnn of
the Eighteenth precinct picked it op
l.i Thffd avetiUB , and wh n I apoko o
klm ho arrested me. 'Too pbyed fl
on mo f JT 15 c nta night before last , '
raid be , 'and I've a great mind to
' /ank' yea In ; but , ' said he , 'If yea
give H to the man on Nineteenth strooi
beat I'll lot yoi ge and give yea a
qcirtrr ' So I landed ( t opposite a
gU lamp jest before the ( allow tame
long twinging his olnb. Ha
did not see It , and I hid to
plant It In front of eight lamps hi/ore
he jumped for It. Gaoss ho thought
it wai A $10 g'.ld ploco. Ho only
panned out ten cents and a 'oliaw * of
tobacco , I believe they now otll him
'Battens' In the Eiit Twenty-second
street station. "
"Have TOU ever taken in any big
'Te * ; 'Hhed Shook , ' who steeped
for it In front of the Morton houio ,
R TO ran a qaartor. Hi-Jodgo Doffy ,
who f llod to reooznlei ma , ohlpped
in a few ponnles at tUo same tlmo , and
I have worked the lUowsUts in front
of Iho Blosiom clab , Tammany hoi ) ,
and ether roaorti for polltisitus , for
all they are wortk. "
Do Mot B Do4ioiTed
In theM timM ot qoaok medlelna advor *
Ueraontii ererrwliero , It It truly gratify.
m to find one remedy that In worthy of
prahcs and whlih really dooa at rocom *
mended. Kllotrlo lUttari we can vouch
for M being a true and reliable remedy ,
end one that wQl do as rrcummendeu.
They Invariably oure Stomach and Lirer
C mplalnt , DIMBIM of the Kidneys and
Diln ry dlilioultU * . We know WDOIBO !
we ipeak. and oa t adUy lay , ttlve thet *
atrlU. Hold at fifty eents a b tts by
Q. V (3aad > *
An Baooatrlo Ootoa na.r1an ana Hla
Automatic QM Cat-Off.
Aathoc Sahofleld , who had lived In
the Hotel St. Stephen , in West
llovcnth street , for. the last five
years , wu found dead In his room
Thursday night. The gas wu escap
ing from the bornar and had filhd
the room. Mr. Sohofitld waa 83
yean old and auffarod much from
catairh. Ho had no bed in his room ,
preferring to sloop ou a mattroaa
propped in a reclining position.
Some ilmo ago ho Invented an auto
matic contrivance by which ho could
lower and ratio the gas jot without
leaving his mattro&s. A lever thr.t
turned the gaa nearly off waa hold
shot by a spring. A string palling
against the oprlng ran to the old gen
tleman's bedildo. When ho was about
to lie down for the night ho used tc
wind the guird of hi * watch about hit
right wrist , so that the watch Uy litho
the pilsa cf his hand. If ho woki
aud wished to know the tlmo , ho pull
ei the ctrlng , and thus throw the levoi
open , letting the gaa on full. Whet
ho roloxud his pail the spring oloacc
the lovur again and lower the gas. Ht
roaortod to the appliance also when hi
waa wakeful and wished to road , as hi
of ton did at night.
Ooronor Kennedy was Informoc
eater day that the spring on the levo
had boon broken , bat whether Mr
Schofiold had been using his dovlco 01
Thandsy night , or had discontinue !
ita one on account of the breaking o
the eprlng , is not aecortalnod. H
was partly droeiod when found in th
morning , and hold his watch In hi
right hand. It la possible that h
died suddenly of natural causes. Mi
Ryder , the proprietor of the hotel
s ya that Mr. Sohofijld waa very cart
ful about the gu , and ctnjooture
that ho turned It too low , so that I
blow out.
Mr. 8 ahofioldl was born In PInckntr
ntn-ot , Boston , 1800. He never mat
riod. Ho loWited or no railat
in business a forluno variously wtl
Bated at horn a quicker to a half mil
Hon. Fifty y n ago ho retired froti
biduoas aud o mo to thfa olty. H
oooupiod room * la tka okl Olty Hal
on lowur Broidway , and oftorwards fi
the Unlom Palio * ktUkl , thu Spk-gle
houon , and olbj koULi. At the h t <
St. iiophwi k * made * few a q ahil
anooa. Ho always wor * good lothw
but put thorn om to suit liimsolf. H
was f rcxiuontly soon fn a frock co :
worn over a long ovortoat , and wa
oocontrio in other rofnact * . Ho wui
member of the N w York Soolaty L
bracjr and for the last twonty-fivoyoji
had vlsltod the library dally.
"Ho came oirlf in the morning ,
Mr. Win. S. Butler , the llbrarltti
said , yesterday , "and remained ant
noon , when ho would go out to dli
nor. Ho Invariably rpttirnfd In tl
afternoon and remained until ovm
ing. Ho read historical and cclantil
works principally , and was well vorsi
In such subjects. "
Mr. Boiler and others who kno
Mr. Hoholiold say that lie hnd ittoo' '
and bonds to the amount of $250,00
betides other property of value. I
never spoke ot hla helra or of b
qnostri , and It Ia not known whether
or not ho had made a will.
Ho had relativoa living in Bosto
who were notified of hla death , ai
hla body will bo taken to Boston f
Are never imitated or connter/Mt
This Is especially true of a farni
medicine , and it b positive proof th
I the remedy imituferf is of the 'hlghc
10 value. As soon as it had boon test
id and proved by the whole world th
ofm Hop Bitters was the purest , boat a :
m moat valuable family modiclno <
it earth , many imitations sprung up a :
began to steal , the notices invhi
the press and people of the count
m had oxpreased the merits of H. 1
or and in every way trying to Induce si
furing Invalids to UBO their stuff i
stead , expecting to muko money
the credit and good name of 11.
Many others started nostrums put
lie In nlmilar style to U. B. , with va
hoer ously dovieod names In which t
or word "Hop" or "ilopn" were ujud
i in away to Induce people to boliuvo th
eh were the same us Hop Bitten , j
> r- such prutondcd remedies or curca ,
rnp matter what their otylo or name
> \ > - und ospiolally thosu with the we
ild "Hop" or "llopa" in their name or
on any way connected with them or th
? t name , are imitations or counterfoi
tg Beware of them , Touch none
'ho ' them. Dso nothing but genuine E
Ferny Bitters , with a bunch or cluster
ny green Hops on the wtilto label. Tr
nothing else. Drngsrista and deal
are warned against dealing in ird
tloni or counterfeits.
Tha Kertfiora Pdfi h bein tzttoded1
weit from MerrilL M UB , a dlrttnea (
Ti tornlnn ef th W b th for the flnt
wek of DeiMMber , IMS , wrre J21ttJ , a
decre o ( $1,609.
. Ten Roa n eneliei kar bMn'pnrahtivl
by the MUlcfcrrf Yallty rald iwd
Tb Ohl a nnd AttcvM * , whleh formr
thmteB ( e nltbelrit irvUni , will b
ootapletotl t Ohlc ( ( < vnr IUJB.
The ( rem hu beta rMilrot ! for iki ex.
t Bile f tbe trek f MM S'lorlda tiMult
ocmptvy eltrea Mil * * to Le * b rc.
The HonntrVrt sad BbMaodoah fill-
read , ballt Jatatlyby thu W h ch c m-
p y and th * 0. , B. aid Q U complatcd
TbeBaltI knt rfoa of the Dearer
and Rio Gr nd wfll probably bo com
pleted thli month , Omly a ikort cap re
A niw rauread hat b licorporkted by
OhlotRo c pUllta ! with II 000,000 ipitt )
to run from OhlcMco t pot t la Flka
ou iy , oppoilt * B ialbl , Mo.
Aa all rail not * w ra d by th com-
pletloa of the N Ubtr Jackwn and
OelnMbtu road to Jwluon , from that point
to If err Orleuii.
Tha Pittaboff aw ) Wntern ratltoarl WM
lately thAnged from a ruMcow to ititodard
goMro , Toe toad U MI Important Uok la
th Wabath syiUm.
Tha Kottktra Fcli * hu mt o a line
of resrlg rater c r for MrryW fralt * and
other p rlohable good to tha weit and
hauling back dreued boaf.
On the bett authority It U ntitotl that
the 0n dln Paolfi * sompiny b vo ex.
P nded OB tUe read propar over 8JLi,000-
000 In the pait elgbUen monthj.
The ttack of the Northwutein dlvliion
of the St. Paul , Vlla poU tnd Omaha
Una has Urmod a loaitlon with tha North.
era Catlfio , two milts from Siperkur Olty.
Oa the OhUaco ad AtUnt ! road tr ok'
U all laid froa iUricw , Ohio , to the Juno-
Uoo with MM Oklcage and Western !
di Ha amndt a dlttaao * ol 249
Iaylac on tb Uitaphk oxtmlon
of tb KaaiM City , Fort Soott and QoW li
pronculai rMlr. tha rails new botng
laid U a pokt 1M miles sautkwett ot
Tiw Fort Wertk aU D vw road U BOW
eomplete4 U Wltehlta Vail * , a dMuo * of
1M utUt , and Ike road in op r ttoa.
WlUUt * Vails kas tb biU waUt power
The WbooosU Ooatral eompxjr ate
butldUg a road iV < m Ohtlan , a station on
ths tn F line to Rib LUa , o lumberlaft
cavp itxteea mllte to the norlhaut. The
wore will coit 84)0,000. )
There U aiovaaeat to balld a rallrrwd
tJoog the PalUade * ef tha Hu Jam. Tb
road U | projected from tbo Now Jomy
stata lloo to either Weehtwkon or Hobo-
keo. It will b about twenty miles Ion ? .
Work on the K nia City , Sprln 6old
and Memphis railroad li being proBOcutad.
Tr ck Uyrng hat be acomplot dtuOab ol
eighty rnilo dlitant from Hprluxfield. The
roaa'a bualnoaa is ah-aady good.
Articles of Incorporation h ve been Clod
at Jeflariion City , Mo. , fut the Sedalu and
NorUiern railroad. It will run north from
StdOU throu/h the couutiea of Fettle nnd
Saline to Marshall , a dbtaneo of 35 rnUeo ,
A chuter hai been Uiuel to the Getty *
bur ? and EmmltUburg railroad comptny ,
the line of which will connect the llouoc
Top railroad In Adam * county , Penn. ,
with any rued to be looorporatod In Hary
The brldtro over the Alehafalaga rlvf r oi
tha New Orleans and P olCo hu beci
complet'd. Thetenaleos of the road a1
Oonldiboro will be Improved aa contract
have be a let for additional Irnoka.
Then are 1.6M insi , 550 teams an <
three iteam dillls at work en the Ontarli
nd Quebec railway , bttwein Tiroalo uni
Perth and the force li beiox i cieaaed a
men may be found
Articles of Ineorporatloo of the Oolnm
bns , Fort Wayne and Northweitorm rail
road ruTO been filed. The road will rui
from Van Wert , O. , to Fort W yn , a dl
tance ot forty-five mile * .
A charter has been crtntad hy the Ilex
lean government of the United States fo
the eomitrnctloB of the National rallwa
aorow the Uthmos ef Tehutepe . Ki
Ktnten have surveyed the Note.
r llro > d of low * li n
t ported ft * have itoured eontrol cf tb
Chlw o , Borllcgton 4 P ctf c , and to hav
bongbt the r * d ruaoUf from Keiibjbnr
to Ptorfa in IllUoU , too * 4oriK am o l
The Baltimore aid PbthMlMphJa ndroa
WM lately ekwtertd. It will rua frarn
pola4 OB the rxmadary UM betwoa Deli
ware aad P BMtylTaaU. la Dolawu
u 7 , P na 7lT ml to
The Reebwtor KeaiMlMc aad St. Lea ]
rallrotd kae b iaeorporat * ! with
capital of | 15 , 00M . Tae reid will rm
from Ilocksitei , Ind. , to ailomm. III
wk re It will tomiMt with the Ullao
Tfc OkUwo , Mllwmuioo * nd EU. Pw
tha Oalppew * YiUey xjui Si
ptrlot road , and wIU k w 1.073OM 1
bead * fr ) pity lor It. Tau rouli oiic t
from Ita ClUra C TTieki. !
Tie Wbcousim Oeatrivl' * MUwnuVoo v.
toniion wig ooinplettd Docouibur lira. . '
h.alxty-fivo mll lo g asd tuna faoa No
nib , vflc. , icntU thro gh < - / lik.oati AI
Ifrad da L i to SchUjWaoravtUfs who :
K corueete with the Oatiro , HUwuaki
u acd St. Paul for Milwaukee.
I- Coutrn < rtlo 01 ths new Michigan , I
dlana mt St. IiouJs road will eoon I
commenced. It will be 100 miles i
i10 IcnRiih aad rua from Strug ! ? , Miot , I
10d DiirUle , HI , wh re H will oounoat wll
d tha D iivlllo and Bast St. Looia road.
The ViuuUlla Iluakai inado an arrant
nr mont with thf C.'nefontli , llsmllton at
Dayton , whereby V\o Olnolnuatl trnlua
\ the former wilPnso the Jatter'a track i
' ntend of tbo Ciiclnouti , Inihuunpolii , i
10 l.ouli and CMo'go as heret foro.
! r The wonders of modern ohomiati
are apparent in the bo&ntiful Dlamoi
Dyoi. All kinde nnd colors of Ink c :
ba made from thorn.
Hcrsfjrd'i Acid Fhoip'hnto
rsmovos the uncomfortr.blo foelh
somotlmcs oxperionood after cxccssi' '
Jioklng or chewing.
. * * * "Ho who Is ready to bay uy li
enomlra will never want a dupply
them. " It li cheaper'to buy a tn
friend In Kldney-Wort who will drl
away thoao mlsorablo ouemios , a tori )
llvor , conatipatlon , dlabott s , piles , a !
cojoil kidnoya and bowels. Thh rci
ody la now prepared in liquid as wi
aa In dry form.
: : _ . DISEASES.
Bout i lama boo'c or * disordered urine
Indicate .hat you are atlotitn ? TItnNDO
? onoo dlru BlJtJ roooninioniJ it ) wad It will
< cdly ivtroomo tha dlcoiuo and roetor *
in u healthy action to all Uioorfans.
Voroou > pUlnt r * < mlUr
or toyourtcx.Bucliaspain
111 and wmkncuea , KIDNHY.WOB.T U UMUT-
t > au < xlultwiu aot promptly and uToly.
no Klther Ocx. Incontinence. rcMntlon ol
urluo , brick duit or ropydepoalt * . * ° d dull
I'd i t atlvo'powcr. ( 8) )
111 L LnBYALI.EIlTjaaiflTS. rloflir
ist of Undertaker :
ta- 318 14TH ST. , BET. FARNAM AI
wfllcnro Jiptp Ulie rtb r , ! -
rit , klday diisatt , llrtr eomyLuat ,
axl otkw wattinr dUtMM.
vrichM the blo4 uid pmrifit the
gjittra ; cure * wecknett , Uk of
a rjy * U < Try a b Ul .
fa tie ealy ITOB preparation that
tlo s mot ealorthe Ueth , and will uot
auae headaclie r conttiipatioa , M
iker lieu pi prtOioo wUL
Ladies and all sufferer * from mea-
ralgia , hysteria , and kindred coin-
plainU. will find it without an oquxL.
Milwaukee & St. Paul
( ram
Pullman's Magniflcout Sleepers
Finest Dining Oara in the World.
Or to anr point baraml ; or
Take rfaa IIUST UOUTfl , Ute
QMcago , Sllw&ukee& St , Paulfi'j
Ticket oftlM locaUd at tonwt 7anuuu ark
Fourto nUi itrctii and at U. f. l ) no and a !
lillUid Hot * ) , Omama.
< 3ra * XUa * Tali ! * la aaeUtr telmm * .
W. A. M ASH , 0 .ral Artat.
8. H. tOVlS , Titk.k Altai , OMaka.
I. 9. MKUIUI.L , A. T. U. OAJLPEilTEIt ,
Ovaeral Uanqror. Ocneral fua. AtM > t
' Aw'tQaa. PLM. A o
And all Poluti Ent andWoulh-Eatt.
Ifaarly I.OOQ ml lea Solid Smooth Qt ol Tr c :
11 oonaectlorm are m > Jo In UNION DhPOTI
haj a Natloual UopnUtlon M 1'oltiR ' th
raat Through Car Line , and It unlverial !
a ncodod to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED Ral
c ad In tbu orld ( or nil clxaxs ol travel.
8' ' Tr rlt and you will fin4 trayellnj : a Inxui
8'a of a discomfort.
8'a ItckotuU rhi9 Celebrated Line 1 ;
o 4J > ! fi at ull cUlcco tu tlio West.
a c All loformitlcn about lUtcs n Fare , SleopI :
C r Acocuiuiodatlonf , Time Tablet , ic. , will 1
cUnorfully t'lrcn by tiiplylnlui , ta
SJ Vlcc-1'roi't Si Oon lUnsjjor.Chlcig
Oou. Paesenfer Agt. Chlcij
U D ARent.Conncll BlnBi.
II. f. UUKLL , Ticket iAgt.
ainio-td lv
CT.3QO .
Silver Plated
DoorPlat * * ner Ted to Order-
Mo. 609 M. 7th Bt. 81. Louli , 1
Window and Plate Glass.
MTAayei * Milmplittir bnlldlnf ( tort , balk , er r elin 8ae will Bad II to thttr ad
taUf t to tirm e < wIU mi kiftre oratuilBf thdr Plait Uw.
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Ooods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Beat Brands of
Fire and Burglar Proo
Farnham Street ,
la only attained hy using
Stoves and Eanges.8
For oalo by ,
a. TniRTBcrrn RTBEU
epatrln In all taoliaa
Flrs-OlaBS Paining and Trimming , Repairing Pronptly Deuo
The Oldesfe olaziale and
in Omaha. Visitors can here
flnd all novelties in SIL
Rich and Stylish Jewelry ,
iko Latest , Most Artistic ,
and Choicest Selections in
all descriptions of FINE
WATCHES at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see onr Elegant New
Store , Tower Bnilding ,
corner llth and Farnham
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low aa
any Eastern Manufacturer
and Dealer.
Pianos and Organs sold
for cash or instalments ai
Bottom Prices.
A SPLENDID stock of
Steinway Chickering ,
Knabe , Voae & Son's Pi
anos , and other makes.
Also Clough & Warren ,
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us before pur
A Large Stock always on Hand.
JT. O.
315 FiftonnthRtroot. hutwpon TTarnov nnd Farnam.
Corner Sixteenth and Webster Stroota.
Fresh Vienna Milk Bread
\ Oakes of all kinds , fancy and plain. An oftho above can bo ordered from
driver. Prompt attention given to all or dors. .
dee 4-lm