THR DAILY HKE- COUNCIL BLUFFS -OWA THURSDAY JANUARY 25 * V The Daily Bee. i COUHCIL BLUFs i Thursday Morning , Jan. 25. BOtrrler , - - - - - 20 contu per week. Bf Mill . . . . . . 110.00 prrYeM. _ O01oe : No. 7 Ponrl Street , Netir -oadwny. MINOR ME 'TION . J , Aluoller's Palace Mutlo Hall , Subscribe for nownpapers and periodi cals at H , K. Seaman's book store. Jacob Sims was yestcrJay morning moving hla law cflico into ShugartV new block. Officers liarhyte nnd Sterling nre now designed to dty duty , the other policemen being on nights , A now floor of a h nnd w.ilnut ia being placed in the O don hun < o billiard pirlor , lix Inches nbove the old ( bor. Tlio trains yesterday uiornlnK from the eatt arrived bhout on time , Quito u change of time for the bettor , There nro meetlngK being hold every evening nt the 15roidwny M , I' , church , with prenching I y the pastor , In connection with the Cathrllo Fair being held in Dnliany'rf hnll , another very cnjoynblo quadril o party was given lu.t evening , which was neil attended , A fine fish gipmlum hns just boon put in Iho Trouiont houna , it having been made by Mathe'w Weave' , n tirother uf Mrr , Danlnger. WenverhaH shonn him- nelf to bo a skillful tlneinilh , There will be n meeting of Ilvi ior No , * 0 , Yardmantcrn' 15cn ( it n tol\tlon , at their rooms in Omahn , Hun lay , Januiry 28 , nt 2 o'clock | . rn , It U a reiiiest | ot the president and secretary that all mem bers be present tills meeting. Uev. Thos. H. Cleland , D. J ) . , will preach in tbo Presbyterian church next Sabbath at tha usual hours. The morning sermon will be followed by a communion eorvice. There will be tlic usual prepare tory services Friday evening next. Slide , the priza thumper , is said to have nt ono time been In the nple butine's in New York , hla real name being Her bert Pmckney. He sold out hli Imninsx there some time ego to Smith & VamUr. beck. Tbo church folks believe in advortle- Ing , Last week the noon-day prayer meeting of the Y , M. C. A , was adver tised by a liberal scattering of dodgers. Yesterday there wore notices nil about town railing nttention to revival meetings At Iho Mr thodtat church. The replevin cano of Mrc. Goldstein ngalntt her husband , S. Qnldsteln , caused some six or eight wltnctses from Omaha tr visit Justice Vaupthan'ri ciurt yesterday , but the case wna continue 1 and hence IK now developments. Mr. nnd Mn. Wood , in the FIr 1 ward , celebrated their weddingnnnivorHirj last evening ID a very enjoyable manner a large number of friends participating Ir the festivities , and hospitality nnd happl ness crowning every detail. Tlity have re ildod.hero many yearn , Mr. liurhorn , tin jeweler , 1s a son-in-law of Mr , Woods , The Nonpareil has been veryjustlj finding fault with the poor manner Ir which the streets are lighted , but It lets It/ enthusiasm get away with Itself when II proceeds , ns It did yesterday morning , tc complain of the streets being left In uttei tlarkneni the night before on nccount o ! poor gas , when the fact wna that it waa i bright moonlight night. K , J , Farrell , of Neoln , on a rccenl visit to this city left his pocket book cent t lining about $200 In Sherraden's photo graph gallery , where it was found n llttli later nnd the ghd news telegraphed biro he having gone home. Fnrrell wni lately married , which perhaps account H for b ! abcent mlndodnem ) , There nro so many wicked ttorics go ing the rounds about the personal reputn tion of ono of the city ollicial ? , that I 8 emi ni If the hero of the romance ) woult either demand nn Investigation , choke th stories down the I hroati of the throata o the originators , or elce the city councl should Investigate. There Is so mud street talk that the public Is wonderlni why the city fathers do not take step either to vouch for the assailed characte or to cause removal , Ch s. Voght whipped the county doc tor o ! FotUwnttomle , nnd on the plea th any one who would thrash n Council lilull man is Insane , was declared non compo mentis. Sheriff Jonej brought blm bacl to Denlton , nnd our commissioners de cl red him of sound mind. Ho waa irdere- to the poor farm , but refused to go , H w s then told to go to the d 1 , nnd b went to see hla girl. Crawford Count Bulletin. The creat clcnring out aaloat Hark nets , Oroutt & Co'a. ollera a rare op portanity to got pocd goods cheap. Crystal Roller Mills Patent Grant latad Flour , Superlative A , the high eat grade of flour inannfacturcd Snowy white , pure , light and aweel Ask your grocer for it and you wi have none other. tf. Children's heavy school hose i Uarknoss , Orcutt & Oo.'s. WOOL LINED. Men's grain wool lined boot a , nnl $2 at Philllpa. j u'J3 Iti Holiday gocda at Harknces , Orcu & CO.'B. Poctpouud. The reception which waa to have o cnrred Thcraday ia postponed ti Tuesday next , the 30th instant , ou a count of the decease of our highly P teemnd neighbor , Mra. Jane Baldwii Mu. AND MKH , TUCK , Ornnnt. Weak mutclea and nerves , alagctie ] nesi of thought and Inactivity , cure by Brown'a Iron BUtera. Ilarknctf , Orcutt & Co. liavo atill few fine silk dolmans. Call and si them. When you feel out of eorta , ha > the blue * , melancholy , etc. , U inn ho indigestion that alia yon. . .Brown /con Bittern curea it. HOPKINS' ' CHOICE WATER WAYS. Tapping the Missouri and Corn- polling its GurroDt to Eun Up Hill , The Brutuo Quo of the Council Bluflj Water Worku. Wo H va Iho Bent "Werim In the Went. There is great causa for conurataliv tion as the near approach of the com' platlou of cur water works indicated r tonnitiation i/f the numerous ilia wi have aulFjrod from in the past , owliij to the very inferior water furnished bj the wells , which , in the central jior tion of our city , have become aa filth ) aatobobrjcdoro tf diphtheria , malaiij fuvor nnd a thousand ills. Surfacn drainngo poieoua almo 1 cry well in U M city , and tbii dilli ully must of courao iticroaao. lint ii n economic wcy tliero la ono featun hat ia worth grjnt deal to our man facturorn , and that ia this : At pros nt no bailer lasts inoro than tw < 'ears owing to the peculiar chnracloi if our well water , and that In all tin ator now obtainable. Hauling waloi rom the river , n distance tf thrci mi'es ' and a htilf , to fill clatornn IB i iominon thing. The ice and rratc ] ironght from the Misoouri ia now heavy taz upon our people , 'ho water rent for a rom'donco wil ! o only about ono f jurth the amounl ; ow paid on the average for filling c > erns , aa daring the Minter monthi oal aoot accutnulatos upon the roc f o ouch a degree that the water from hat Bourco In unfit oven fir wnshlnf imposes. Our Iowa bituminous cou a a wonderful manufacturer of aoot The unprooedontudly rapid growtl f Council Bluffs makca water foi manufioturing nnd iiro dopartmonl urpoica nntoossity nf the moat im loratlvo character. Yesterday jou : cporter rocolvod an invitation to in puot the workn. TUB Rr.ihtaalw y nnlntnlnod that every interest of ou ity should bo closely guarded hilo dealing with thia an with nn ; trier corporation , yut it in nlwajn road ; t > invenli ate out ! award praiao a romptly na conacro , where the formo .a duo. The inspection < f the wotku rcvealci poraiaxnico truly remarkable , for n iplto of the thermometer Ivivinj itfndily indicated nn Arctic tempera uro for fully n week pant , wo foum work progressing in a van1 ; well am n the shops n curpa nf workmen wor buny , while the out stone ii layini around in \ llos and the woodwork fo ho bulldingo in all completed , am ivory thing'Indicated nubatantlal nn < carofnl onpinoorinp , and no material were being uacd that were cheap o ' .rashy. The beat of pressed brick ho Illinois stone , and oak , walnu and hickory were being put ii where the cheaper gradeo inntorlala are ordinarily utilized. Th water maina nro larger than the cor oaponding o.ioa put in by our inuol auntod Omaha workn , and in fie our reporter la compelled to aoknowl idgo general superiority. The facts were BO favorable that th larty proaont were unanimous in thoi iproaalnna of approval. lion Sidney W. Hopklna , the proi dent cf the company , explained over detail with care , and in a fnturo arti ile wo will try and do justice to th lompany by giving all the figaroa , n wo must admit that a vast sum ha boon well expended by thia companj Mr. IlopkliiD has tnado a very favoi iblo improaalou upon our pooplo. Hi quick perception and prompt , vigoroc yet courtly ways , stamp him a a m Mint knows how to do bueinci n a minute , and to the satli 'action cf all concerned. C course a wealthy capitalist froi Now York , like Mr. H , will alwaj find plenty of frionda , but there mm bo something raoro than dollar * 1 commend a man to our pooplo. No\ ortholoss , thu proaldent of our watt works la a tjontlomnn In the mot complete aeiiBO of the word. Mr. Ilarry Birkenblne , the onglnoc n charge , has shown remarkable tki and energy H. P. M. Birkonbim the chief engineer , la now hero , an expresses full and complete aatisfai tion with the entire results. Among the items wo jotted dow are the following : There are ono and n quarter mill of piling under the engine house an the machinery foundations. All th piling ia capped. The siphon well nearly complotod. A largo force < men are now engaged upon it , and Is a largo affair , with massive bollei iron casing , and lined with brick. Proparattona are being puahed f r ward as rapidly aa possible for wor upon tlu-Qoonduir , which la to connc the main stream of the river with tl Blphon well , and wo art ) assured thi as jsoon as the thermometer gets ovi thia spree , a largo force of men on teams will be put to work , and thi the buildirgs will bo finished early I the season , so that the machinery ca at an early day bo put in place an tested. The brick in sight IB the most c : tcnsivo array your reporter hna ov < soon In Council Bluff * . Two of tl plka were about 100x25 , and fully feet high. Then there was still ai other pile about ha'f ' that elzs. Tl brick that lines the east reservoir placed on edge , and over a half a nil lion were used in that work. Tl * est rtsorvoir la not quite complete but the cast ono Is ready for bnsinot The store reservoirs will bo the nu jcct of a future article. , when wo g time to luke it in uml the pressure < our columns will permit. The "visiting statesmen" that Ti BEE reporter to-day honored wilh I company were S. Farnaworth , prc dent of the First National bank ; The Bowman , mayor of the city ; Thom ToatovincllycngineerMoisr ; .Birko binca , onglneuja of the company , a : our -editorial friend , Colonel J. ] Keatley. The president , Mr. Hopkins , to good care of the whole party , a strnnpo to any , that rvm the natural critics had no words but thoao of sur prise and satisfaction with which to uxprt'cs thbir thought. ' . Under thu circumitnncfR , wo four Tin : MKK innrt follow unit and leave ita otingurin the roar , where it may bd of uao on aomu f Jturo occasion , There ia n great clearing out en'.o ht Uarknuro , Orcutt < fc Co.'a. WEIGHED IN THU BALANCE TnoRO Who Wore Introduced to Court icttordfiy nnd ihn Disposition CdBfaH. Yesterday morning Ciiif Field got hla tflhlbloyo upon a yonng Polandet who was wanted for thu ( eduction o ! a 17 year-old girl and who hua kupr out of tight for several days , Thu young man waa brought buforoJuJgu AylcRtiorth nnd ( xplnincd that ho hud in1 ended to marry the girl and had uno to Ott.thi to get a licoimi , wrich accounted for hid abitnco from the city Tno fcirl , learning that lx > dad gone oat of town , becatno fr'g'it- fiied , ho said , and bunco rntorcd thi' snmplaint. A/ihoexprt / < ed n willingness - ness to nitrry the elrl and fi'hcr the- ctJining rcep-nifibility , nn t ll'uer ec- cortud him i tlio court hcumut where * in procured n , licenuo , and then occur ingtlid Ronioo df n prioat , trau dulj .vuddid , whereupon the case vas dropped. J. O'lJriun wn before thn bar yco- tor ny f > r ftf-uluiR two pnir.i of over- shot's finini 'V ' Ijiniluf-y'rt ' alnro , and a cap from Mr. Newman on Washing ton iivonim. li > - had thu propnrty in hla ponseoiiion when orrrottd , and pluunod guilty to tukingtho overnhoea , out donud taking the cup , clHimiup 'hat ho lint ! bought that ut Misjonri V.illoy. Ho wna sontencpd to thirt > dajainjail , hia only excuse for the Ixrceijy being that ho was drunk at the time. Tiiblo linonn , napkina , doylies , tow- nl nnd crsaVn cht-ap at Darkness , Orcutt & Co.'P. Douth or Mrn. Ualdwln. Mrs. Jane Baldwin ditd yesterday noon at her homo in this city. The nimplo announcement Bonds a fooling of bud n DSD to many homes , and callo forth great sympathy throughout the community for thoao upon whom the blow falls directly , for many here feel that the IUS.T is not confined to the fireside where aho was BO loved and respected , but in it they , too , have a sharp. Mr * . Bildwln wan Ihu widow of Judge Caleb Baldwin , to whom she was married in Ottumwa in 1818. Ho died here about six yearn ngo , and was BO widely known in Ihia part of the country that hla name wae titmiliar in almost every honrohold. Shu v ? a born in Ohio in tvbout the joar 1830 , and was in the filU year of hoc ngo nt the time of her death. Thi ) family entiled lu thia city in 1850 , anddurlng the long stretch of years since r.c member of that family won moro or truer frionda hero than did Mm. Baldwin hcwoU. Her many noble qualities of mind nnd heart and hoi true womanlinoBrj are so familiar iu detail to many here that they need not bo rehearsed in public , and her grand character aaa mother una a wifa formi a rich legacy indeed to thnao of the aamo homo , upon whom the shadow reata deepest , while the inomory ol her as a true woman will long be cherished in thia community , where her kindllnnsa nnd helpful influonci has so long boon folt. Mrs. Baldwin waa soon after hoi husband's death made poatiniatnai o the Council Bin lid otlho , a posit i or which she filled for five years witt credit to herself and satisfaction t ( the public , showing good adminlstra tlvo ability lu the management ot thi rapidly Increasing businccn and groa faltl fulness and accuracy in looking after tbolotnila of the < flie. About three months ago she loft fo the cast tovlslt friends and if posslbli to bettor her health , which during tin ptst year had not boon of iho beat While away aho visited her daughter Miss Susie Baldwin , who la toachini in n seminary at Lexington , Ky. , am while there waa taken quito 111 , bn was able to bo removed to her homi in this city , reaching hero about i week ago. It waa hoped that sh would rally from this Illness , but thi complications were cf * uoh n natun that it was hoping against judgment and despite the skillful care and ten der nursing death came about nooi yesterday. She loaves six children living ; Thoa B. Baldwin and John N. Baldwin Mra. W. S. Amenr , nnd Misses Liurn Suslo and Jounlo Baldwin. All nro Ii this city except Miaa Snslo Baldwin and the sad nowa having boon tele . graphed her eho is expected to nrriv : hero to-morrow. Goods going cheap nt the great sal nt Ilarkncst , Orcutt it Co.'a. To Bis Memory. llesolutiona pasted by the Bluff Cit ; Typographical union No. 203 , on th death of Steph J. Julian : WHKUAAS , By the death rf our bn loved nnd worthy brother , Stephen J Julian. Bluff City Typographical nnioi No , 203 , deeply mourns the loss cone ono of ita brightest members nm stnunohoit followers of Its principles and WJIKUEAS , By his death the craf thronghout the entire jurisdiction c the International union , ia deprivci of n life rf restless activity nnd uu faltering onorpj that has over been de voted to its advancements : therefor bait RF.SOI.VKI > , That Bluff City Type graphical Uisioc , while yielding i humble subnotion to tbo will of th Almighty , deeply feel thia utHictloii the tiret In it ? career , in taking froj raidot the youngest atnl most belove of our clrclrj niid bo It further RESOLVED , That through thia ni oshmity the widowed mother , who I not only bowed down with the burdt of grief in her loss of nn affectionat ton , but loses aa well the protection c ma watchful care , has thn deep au heartfelt lympathy of this Union ; ante to his relations wo extend in thi bereavement our condolcncu and syu pathy ; and be it further RESOLVED , That a copy of thoi resolutions bo ipread upon the mlr tea of our Union , nnd n copy of the amtt Lo forwarded to hia mo'.ber and amily. J. S. BROWMIKO , C J BFST , M. AIoWoiiKMAN , Commilto ) ou Resolutions b" ftiid children's wool hoods at Inrknoss , Orcutt it Co ' . A MYSTERIOUS bTR ANGER Purchatlnpt Piles of Qooda from Vari ous Merctnintu. A myaturionn atrangor hna been for day or two selecting gooda nt differ- nt buMnuM houaca hero and hiving icm laid aside , naying ho would call jr them nnd ( hon rottlo in cc.oh. 'In ill way clothing , jewelry , ladies' ' wear and various other arli.-lea have > oen selected , and as yet no instance * re reported of the man gutting anj ; oods or paying any cash. The amount elected ia iti all about $2 003 , nd all for personal use Tcurc uinna much il ffirenco ( f opin- on cs to whether ho ia an cjontrio u > iner who hrs struck it b'j ( ut west or whether ho IB n little t ff in is bond , or whether ho hniBomn H'.t'e ' chtmotf hla own The morchanto who linvu bucnthuBpatronia' > d are ex- hanging eipcricrc ' and conjrcurtn : , nd aeom at n lo s to know whether lioy huvo hookt-f ! on to a wealthy CUB- omur or bee n played as fools. PBKSONAlj. K. J. lllcs , of Mi.wuukco . , ia at the O en , Churloj ! ' . Bate ? , ol St. Louis , is ot th ; 11. II. Teed , ef Marion , waa in the citj eaterday. Isaac Johnson , of Kandoipb , Iowa , if n the city. A. C , Gardner , Chicago , arrived at tin 'acifio yesterday. W. F. S urgis , of Carroll , dined at lh < 'acifio yesttrday. B. Cohen , of New York , arrived at th ( ) # den yesterday. A. N. Kllnofclder , of Joller , spent yes < erday in tbi city. H. M. lloteublatt , of Chicago , is an iden house RUOS * . Alien Fmith nnd child , of Boone , are egiitered at the Ogden. J. D. Halitead , P-ittirsburg , Mo. , wae t the Pacific yesterday. John M. Boyd , of llockford , was visible n the atreotdbere ytsterday. 1C. P. Caldwoll. ono of Logan's best- nown business men , waa in the city yce- erday. .Tno. Mez ) , nf Uivtrton , Iowa , waa in he city yesterdty , with headquarters a ) bo Pncilic. William Xiotlow , of New York , whc cprefenta ono of the larpefrt tibacco pipe Tianufnctoritu in the country , ia in the citj nterviewinc thcee in tint lino. Dan GirroRjr , of Atlantic , who hai manj acquaintances here , was in the city yeatcr doy. lie has lately pur.based a § 10 C0 ( ilock in Atlantic , nnd soeini to lo proe irlnf ; wonderfully In bia finances. Chirlei Officer and bis trUe have ar rived home , and nre the recipients c many worthily bestowed congratulation mil well wishe ; . The latter part of thci rip was not so enjoyable nn it might bav < > een , mow nnd storm causing the train much delay. The many friends of Hev. Dr. Cleland now of Kookuk , but wboae long pattorat of the Presbvterian church here , give Council Blulfs a perpetual claim on him will be glad to know that be is to spcm the nixt few diys with his old friend here , and will occupy the Presbyterla : church pulpit next Sunday morning an evening. Ur. B. V. Gardner , of Bloomsburff , Pa , who has recently been called to Yankto on n case in the family nf his uncle , Cm nutation , arrived bore lact evening o bii way back to hU hi 1119 , and was met c the depot by W. U. Vaughan and Dr. Sej bcrt , the Utter of whom is on old clas , mate nnd the former a relative. Durin his Btay hero the doctor will bo ontertaiot at Mr. Vnughan's homo. Bnoizlm'o Arnica tdaive. The Bear SALVB In the world for On * -ntliM , BorpB , UleoH , bait Rheum , JDV vor Sores , Tetter , Chipped Hands , Chi bIMne , Come , and all okia emptiona , an positive ) ? curesplloa. It U guaranteed * jive satisfankfon rc nejr rofnndev Price , 25 cant * pwr CT.or § U by C COMMERCIAL. COUNCIL iiLurrs JIAUKET. Corrected daily by J. Y. Fuller , mei chandiee broker , buver and shlpt < er ( grain nnd provisiom , H'J Pearl street. WHKAT No. 2 spring , 77c ; No. 3,01 rejected Me ; eno.l demand. CoHN-S2o to feeders and SSa to ehi | pcr . OATS Scarce and In good demand ; 80 ( S2c. S2c.HAT HAT 1 00(20 ( 00 per ton. KYK lOc ; light supply. foiiN MML 1 2fiper 100 ponndc. Woi -Good supply. prices t yard 5W@000. COM , Delivered , hard , 10 50 per toi Foft. B 00 per ton. IJfTTKii Plenty and In fair demam 5n ; Kooa Scarce and in demand ; 0j jx do/cn , IjAim ValrViankV. wholesaling nt 13c , PoiJLTHY Firm ; dealers pft ) Ine ; 13o pi pound for turkey nnd lOo for chickens. VKOKTAHLKS Potatrec , 45c ; onionp , 25. . ca\ibnic \ , SO@iOo per dozen ; apples , 2 i © .I 60 per barrel. FI.OUII Crystal Hnller mill flour r tai ed at ; < 25 for ditrlum winter ; 2 0 for goli en Rheifj 2 00 for lunl tick. Whole sale jirlcea for Hour , 2 40@3 23. DUOOMS 2 00@3 00 i > or dozen. STOCK , CATTLE 3 0033 50 ; calves 6 00@7 50. lloga Abnut f > 00 ho s to day. M rki nctivr , nnd nil offerhi ) ; ] quiclily taken I : looil packerp. ( Jar lot ? : Common , 5 45 ( ' fiO ; irooit mixai ) , 5 UOGTS 80 ; hetvy par ! inir. C70@5 U5 ; choice f uoy packing , tl ( f0 10 L EVERlliCHAP/1 & GO , , Oommission Merchants Chicago and Milwaukee c'nilrnmeats , iS cd and Pro > l.lon . tollclted. S. E. Offlce oror ta < lii l' nk. OOUNOlli BLUFFS , low ] OUHGIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTlaE.-Spccial advertisements , BUC post , Found , To Lotn , For Sato , To Uenl , "ants , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted In till * olumn nt the ow rate ol TEN CKNT8 PEIt INE for the tint Insertion and FIVE CENT& CU LINE ( or each subsequent Inscrtlcn , B Klv crtlscmonti at oar office , No. 7 pnrl iltrfft , Wanta. He aid ( or the return o ( ft ladl goW u > 4 ) uatch and chain , Ukon ( rein try uhow iL p , on Monday , January S'Jnd. Nn iiuatlona | sktU. E. BUKIIOIIN. _ yA 'IED n experienced irlrl to do gener al hou'c nor * Inquire nt olHcc 39 , corner 1' art street mill Hr t4\cnuo 4t I OTKfi WANTB Any ono knowlnj , ' o ( a . ' 1 hotel and furniture tor Kane , can learn ol a oed ti ! aiitb ) adurctslntt , l , UKK olllce , Conn- I Mulls. X AN'TKD 10,0 0 bu'hela of cirn. Inquire at No. 31 1'icri sticct , cr birom factory , UN and fiortli Sixth. MAISK&CU. llf _ _ hvtrvuouv iu Council lma IL VANTfcU TII > I Dm , 0 conti fr wcok , do vorol by carriers. O.'Dco , No 7 Petil Street ear lljomlv/av. For Sale nnd Rent 7Oil KENT 'nio eslrableolllcea lately ou - plertby thoboirdot ira-Je. Apply to Lush- til UrauUett tf CIl8AIi-Ahottlinthla city , all dirt Ishcd , ? do npa l"iliin bus nc 8 , for nln chrnii , by Janl'J-it Oi'tLL , 'v I'M. ' VtOIl UKVT A Ir.uso cf three rooms for uV'ht 1 ollnra h month , located in ar y opposite the school. Airily at No. W Hih ( School uo , tt oilier , mo tadiantaircously fltmted , ofTcrs VN dcs'i room In return for tervlcc * ; jran , fuel , tf. , turn fchid. Addris ) , "Olllcn , " UIB cilice , unc 1 IIlulT.i ) HKiS-ln pacKuRca ot a hundred at 25c 3LI n iiaciia.e at THE UKH olllce. No. 7 1'tarl rt. U MlBcollanoous. N KOIISALK In Oiiitlm , doint-aciKh O liiutiiu H trontSKVO.OU to SHOO Co per mon h xpcncci lliht ; Iho party has other huslno . Ad' o'a On alia Dall ) lieu Omaha Ntb77C19 { [ 710UND A collei'i jcclety pin. Cjmetothc [ ' DHN nfll o , pay for this ad , prove prone ity rd ifft the pli' . d27tl . W. I > . PATi'ON Pdyslclati and Oculist , DK. euro any case of sere eyed. It la onlj matter ol time , and can cure generally IE rom three tc flvo weeks It ir.alics or differ' ' nco how loxg dlaeasid. Will etralghton crow yen , operate and remove rtyrcelnms , etc. , and naert artificial eyes. HpecUl attention to re invclnif tadovtorma apd-tl BLUFFS TABLE. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND AND PAHKIC. Depart. .Arrive. tlantloK\t..5:20pm : I Pacific Ex } . . . . 9:15 : a tr : xaml Mall.n ,5am Ex and Mall * . . 0:55) : ) ) ir ) . llolnca ac.7:15 : a m | Vea Molnc9ac.4:40 : p ir CIIICAQO , BUHLIMOTON AND QUI.VC1. Depart. Arri\o. tlantlc Ex t. . . B:30 : y > ra Pacific Ex.9:20ait { : [ all and Ex.9X0 a in Hall and Ex.7:00p : i ' . V. Kx lUOpra : Neb & Has Ex..8:20 : a it CHICAGO AND : Depart. Arrh o. .tlantlu IXt. . , B:15pm : Pacific Ex.9:15am : [ al Mai andix.Clfiiiri : : ( Sat..5u" > 0 p in Accoin. ( Mon..l:45p ) : u : KASHAS HIT , ST. JOB AND COUNCIL BLCria. Dqiirt. Arrl\u. [ all and Ex. . . . ! ) 5a in I Exprcsa . OlWpii : U:1U : p m I Mall and Ex.M5 ( pn UNION PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive. ) vcrl.ind Kx.lU'iO a. m. OverlandE.x,4:00 : p. m .Incoln l'.x..llw : ; a. m. Denver Ex . . 8.00 a. m ) uncr Ex..7:00p. : in. Loml Ex 0l:0a. : : m E7:2. : . " > a. m. " Ex 9.03 a. m Emigrant..5:20 : p. m. " Ex r-ooa. in WAKAHII , HP. LOU1H AND PACmO Dciart. ) Arrive. lall and Ex. . 9:15 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4:30 : p n Cuunou Ball. . 4r : > 0 p m | Cannon Bail. . 11:05 : a n BIOUX CUT AND l-ACmC. Depart. Arrive. ror Sioux Clty.7:55 a m Frm Sioux C'y.G:50 p n "or Fort Niobrara. Fnn Fort Niobrara , Nob" 7JVi a m Neb * 6:50pn : 'or tit. Paul..7:10 : p m From St. Paul..8:50 : a v CHICAGO. MILWADKKB AND ST. PAUL. Lc.iv o Council BluflH. Arriv cs Council Bluffa. Mall and Ex.fl.-J0 a m I Mall and Ex.'fiM pn Atlantic Ex..83:15 : p m | Atlantic Lx..09:10 : a n CHICAGO , MILWAUKKK AND ST. PAUL. Leaves Omaha. Arrives at Omaha. lall and Ex.7:15 : a m I PaLillc Ex 19:1.1 : a n Atlantic E . . 13:40 : p m | Mall and Ex.7--5 p u Except Sundays , t Except Saturdajs. ( Exccp Monclajs. [ Dally. Council BluQa 6s Omaha Street R. B Leave Council liluffs. Leave Omaha. ) a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a n Ham , 1 m , 2 V m , 3 p 11 am , 1pm , 2pm , 3 ] m , 4 p m , 5 p in , G p m. m , 4 p m , B p m , C p n : Street cars nin half hourly to the Union Poclfl Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips a 9 o clock a. in. , and run rwu'any during the da ; at 9,11 , a 4. ft nnd fi o'clock , and run tocltytimt AND Dr , J , Meagher.zzOculist , Aurist AND SPECIALIST. In Chronic dlfcades , offers his serviced to all a tllctcd with dltianes of tht E.vo , Ear , or Lhronl dlxrneen otuny character.Vnrrnnta a euro I a 1 Rheumatic affections Can bo consulted 1 mail or In rerun at the Metropolitan hotel Council llluf [ < , Iowa. J. G. HOFFMAYR & CO. , CITY ROLLER IILLS IE"1 ILi O TT IE Ground by Porcelain Rolls AND HUNGARIAN PROCESS Exclusively. Warranted Equal to any mode in til United States. m YODR GROCER FOR II ALSO Bran & Shorts jan-l-tf Council Blnfla , la. WIMTHERLICH Arc now riad ) to contract for small i \ rry description In MALLEABLE IUON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OF BRASS Spcrlil attention U called to the f tt that tl metal * arc mo tul in lumuuu whlih ) hot Burning Brands KOU DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACK ERS , OIGAR aud TOBACCO FACTORIES , Etc , , E'c. , Aa well as Cattle Brands AUK NICELY EXECUTKH Worlt : CornerSlithitreetand Kle\enth a\cuu ( COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. D Broadway , and Fourth Street. , Council Bluffs , Iowa mrvr-Z-3m WuuQun ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AliD RETAIL DEALERS IN LACMfiMA , LEHIBH , BLOSSBUSG AND ALL COKMELLSV8LLE COKE , CERflEMT , LI E , PLASTER , ETC , Offlce No , 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Btreot and Eleventh Avenue , Council Blulfg , Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 insr Bluff 8 (1 fillow Sreets , Council Bluffs , GEISE' BOTTLED BEEE , MADR KHOlt ' 1I1E AKTESIAN WF.LL WATEP. . ALSO AGENTS FOB THE Orders Qllod In uny partcf the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to. BATH INSTITUTE , Ilrvant Street , ono Door north ot Dohaoy'a Hall. Thermo-Eltctric , Medicated and Sulphur Bathe. For ladles and gentlemen. These Baths are fully ditto s'd by the Medical Fraternity aa being on Uiifallinsr au > lliayln rec nt Cods , Ubeumailsm , > curalgla , LumtaRO and many other allmcnta [ ) eidc8 , my ite , a comiietent lady , will attend adies. P. M. LOCK WOOD , Propr. STEAM COEEEE MILLS , Wholeaale and Retail Doalera in Fresh Roasted CoiFecr , Teas and Spices. 305 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA. GONRAD GEISE'S ; w MALT Council Bluffs , - Iowa. Beer and malt In any quantlty'to Bultpurchaiers. lieor 18.00 per barrel. Private families sap- piled with Btnill kcgi at tl.CO each , delivered treoof charge to any part of the city. PETERSON & LARSON , Wholesale Dealer la and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company's Celebrated ILWAUEEI BEER , No. 711 Broadway , Conncil Bluffs , Iowa , Orders from the sountry elicited City orders to families and dealers delivered free. DUQUETTE , GUI BERT & CO. , ( Successors to Kill ! & DUQUETTE ) , Dnm ntin nnrl tt l\ \ TO mid 18 Ponrl-st. . Council Bluffs , Ia. J OOIB . No. 529 S Main Street. - - Council Bluffs. Our constantly tncreaBtng trade Is sufficient proof of our fquare dealing and atten tion to customers. Uooj butter always on hand. Prompt delivery of gooda. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F F1GE. cr.vsr. . % > < CBXTE2Rja.aB : o o > . [ /anas and Lots Bought and Sold. HONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. CHWJCIL BLUFFS - - - - - tOWA. S. 31. CUOOKS. 1 N. U. EASTOK , Secy. J. 0. llorrsiAir , Pros. N. 13. MOOKE , UAL IOWA STOGK ! N3UR .CE CO. Flucorpjrated under the Laws of Iowa. ] Insurance at Cost , Incnrlnc LIVE STOCK Against Loss by ACCIDENT , THEFT OR DEATH , Or Any Unknown or Contingent Event Whatever. Experienced agents wanted. Correajundence iollcite'1 from all parts of Ion a , OFFICE' 103 Pearl Street , Conncil Blnlls. I .