TELE DAILY BElii-OMAHA THUESDAr JANUARY 25 THE FALL OF FRANCE Predicted by the London Times Unless a Ohango Takes Flaco 'Soon ' ! TlieJ Ex-Empreaa JDuffooie Iti vited to Leave Paris by t Qrovy. Hi r Visit 1 h URbh la Have Political tSiin flouncB. TOANOK. Bpl'lil IHpnatchci to filK linn TUB rx iMPiir.sHt.s O\MK , pAi-.H , J.M.mry 24 The departure of K imiiiio ivMr.utid u l.irgo crond who ovincrd thti wartncet njnip'hy. Th ( i-aud Dnko Couslantinu carried to Iniv rivao inea'nuij from Prasl- dt > i.L Geuvy ih t hur presence in I'IVIH wu undo'isrHblo. TJio dillljiilty whrthtr her depirturn is duo to thu nr 031140 or the persttntiin of ) ter fii 'idE.11 , of whom worti griuvfd hy her unpiudunt tction. Thure > MU no deep laid cchcuie in her coining , but on h ( > .irltiir ( f the arrett of Prince Nupoioon she tclegraphod llcupero that hhe was coming with attendants and akcd to hive the raino rooms which wore osciioii'd by her hnnb.irid in 1318 Thii Wrt3 the only point of political slynirloanco in tie whole atF.iir. The c\blnnt can cer tainly only continue in ollieo two or three days longer. During the excite ment concerning the expulsion of pro- touderp , Prince Napoleon aenss to bo entirely lost siuht of , One would thiiik that the Orleans princi > a wcro the only portions ; > ifctud by the serious proposals of the government. MKKTINOH ANl ) KXPLANATIONB. PAULS , January 24. The ciblnet cnnnoll have held meetings at Elyecu. The ministry has not nnlgned. They will Kive some explanations before the committee of the chamber of deputies this if , urnoon WJLI.OO TO ENOHNl ) . PAIUS , January 24. Tno ox-Em- presu Eugenie will start for England to-day. ENGLAND ON F1UNCB. LONDON , January 24. The Timrs , innk-adinu' editorial on the recant oventH in Fr.uico , Bays , "Tnero can belittle little doubt , i' Btntenmen continue to bo K anting , that the republic will go headlong to ruin. That the French peopln are aware cf this n an explana tion cf thn punioi caused by the difli cnltipB of the minister eo little re sembling the indit'pensablo ' gauiua uf DuOiero. DISTURBS THE BPECUL TOP.S. BEHLIN , January 24. The crisis in Franco greatly disturbs the Berlin bourse. PARTIAL HARMONY. PARIS , January 24. Members of the cabinet unanimously resolved to oppose Floquwt'a motion , but a com plete agreement does not exist among them in regard to the provisions of the government bill. The ministers moat again to-morrow to decide finally in relation t.o the questions at issue , Hopes of an agreement between the ministers and the majority of the chamber of deputies have not been abandoned in parliamentary circles. / Tno Tempi claims the dicquiatude existing throughout the country does not tirlse from an abandonment of the policy of reserve hitherto observed by prinoB of former dynasties , but from the fear revived by recent incidents that the republican regime is incom patible with stability of any kind , The Tempa ohorgaa tha government with want of coolness and dircc.uig powur , and expresses ihe liopn that reason will BJOU rugniu the upper hand. A C 'NITBBEIsCB Daolorc , F.illirrM , DOVCH and Billet held ti cjnf crence this afternoon wi'h the O'imrnittoo on blllti relative to thu quoatiun of expnhinn of the Orleans prii.Ci3. Duclrrc stated ho considered Fl.iquot's motion too extreme and of fensive to thu ministry , considering the rigorous moaturca adopted to ward u Pii ice Jerome , liillot laid strernupon tlu b.\d eireot of the adoption < f luun' motion providing for of tno Ofloam princjs ini ht upoi the army. Iloconaidornd invio lability of rank was a consorvativv principle in the army. The minister , ; will confer with the committee again to-morrow. THE DEPARTURE OK THE EMPKES3. PARH , January 24 The imperial lets declare the ex empress was not rcqursied to quit France , but loft onlj because aho f jared the marks of BJIU patliy she received might develop intt a political demonstration and thorob ) cTinpromise her friends. Among hoi visitors were Marshals Mollahon and Ojnrobert. THE MISSION A FAILURE. LONDON , January 24 A Parli sprou ! snyt : Ex-Empress Eugoniowai roiujtd permission to visit Prince Jotonio. Nobody supposed nho roall ] vrantod to see him. Her miijalon wlnttvor It wai , failed in its oljao' . The Standard correspondent hni infornntlon that the ex cmprcHs ux pressed to Priu-u Napoleon her genera approbation tif the terms of the princa'i manifesto , but added thereto tin rcoammendition that he should form ally renounce his clalnnas the heir o : the JJonapartes in favor of Priuco Vie tor und no seal tlio union of the imps riilist party and confirm the testa maut of the prince impa rial. Just before the cx-emproei depirtad , a yountr priest pushed hi way through the crowd of fritnda7ln BUI rounded the ci-erniiriHj' carriage After kiacln her hand ro p5Ctfully Ii whimpered to hr u few momonts. H then withdrew aad joined inotho pri at , with whom ho left the station Tl.i incident o tumid some Honuitioi : ] as nn ono sjoiucd to know v/ho til young priest was. OEI/ERAI , rOIlEIGW NEWJ1. TUi ; ARCTIC PA1UV. LONDON , January 24 Some SI Petersburg nonrspipd'O utate that th ; bodiBfi of tno inoinbori of Licutenan Ohipp'ii pirty Imvo been found n Chatun bay , ind trill pasi through 3) ) t Petersburg in Fabrusry on the way t Ne r York. Probably the report ha the same origin aa the statement c the finding of two corpses of the men bora of the same party , which wi \ published in Now York on tlio 6th lust , , and nltorvtp.rd dlrcroditcd , , JAIL uit nm DUULIN , Jin. 24 At the qiieyn's bench division todiy Dtvitt , lli > aly : uid Qulnii , charged with i icitlng to lawlessnots , wtae ordered to Had BO- onrities for their good behavior or 1:0 to prison for six inunths. A week's ttmo nai allowed them to inaku the aliolco. W ILL IHSUK NEW STOCK. TORONTO , Jnuaiy2l ThoOlobo'ii cjiblo Bays : Although no otliclal an- nouncament Is yet in a do It is stated on thu highest authority tha' the U.uuuUi Picilio railway company hivu sucioas- tully completed the " > 'n < tti itloiia to iietui i u IIPW slock in Now York und Anistorrlimi. A FLVNNKL KAIU'UK. LONDON. Janunty 24. SiuuioiTor ] \ - ijau , Jr , Ihnnol mtniitucturornt Now- tun , AluntKoineryshirnVnloH , h.u titled. Labilitl-h JL'l3t OJ ( ) . FU.NK1IAT , OF PK1NCE OIUKLES Btiin.v , January 21 T.o fim ral aervici'B of I'ru.Qo Clurlca ar ilia crho- dral taok p ! cj ut 2 o'oli ck thm after- uoon. The ' .inporor MI d in pri ss and o'hur innibfi4 ( f the lojul fainily , Ur.itid DukuNiolioUis of llutsui , Arcli rliiko OhAtlu'4 , Dnko and Duchtss of Edinburx iind vnriius princis und diplcnutic reprpjantativcB were pros cut. Thn botvicEa were Imputing , amid the iiiing of a salute of 3U guns and three rulvocs fiotn thrco bat- Ulions The emperor was much affected. NOTICE TO IIIIITAIN. SOFIA , Jitiuury 24 Bulgaria 1ms given notice to the Uritkh diplt nutic agent demanding admission to the Ljndpn coi.fjrenco on the Danubian question. fefANISH POLITICS. MADRID , Januiry 24 Members of the dynastic left party in the corteu have ieauod a circular ordering the for- mition of commlUoos In towns and villnges , and delarlng that the libsrals desire the constitution of two great parties , llborah nnd consurvativon , wliioh shall promote the interests of Spain , assnro prosperity , and close the era of revolution ) . THE WRECKED STEAMER. Additional Facts Concerning the Sinking of tlio Minima , The Captain of the Sultan Ex onerated. Special Dispatches to Inn Unit. 1.0T TUB OA1TAIN. LONDON , January 24. The rumor that Captain Yansen , cf the Cimbrin , has been saved and brought "u ro by a passing steamer , is discredited and not confirmed. A FRUITLESS SKAKCII. BAMIIDUU , January 24. Four tngs have returned from a fruitless search for passenger ? of the Oimbria this morning. INCIDENTS OF TUB WRECK. HAMBURG , January 24. The inci dents on board the Oimbria , of the Indian who Iiad to ba disarmed of his tomahawk , of the surgeon who leaped into the sea , and the ecoues among passengers clinging to the rigging , wore related by ono Wcgert , a cabin passengnr , who , on the advice cf the chief cflher , climbed into the rigging. Those in the rigging say they saw u boat lowered from the stoamar Sultan , probably to repair her own damage. A Victim of the "Wi-colc. Special DUpatch to Tint HKK. Ci-bVtiANO , January 24. It is now knotvn here that among the pasaen- geM 1-jfft on the Hte.unship Oimbria wan Miss D.r.Honningoa , known to the lyric Etago as M'llo Djrani , who was ruturning to her homo in Cleveland - land from nearly a year's onurso of rnuaical studies in Europe. Mupk'son fonnd her at the Cincinnati college of uinaic and engaged her for his cjm- pany last season. She made a highly successful debut as prlmii donna In the opera of "Fidelo" at Chicago , and after the close of thu ungagumunt went abroad to study with famous teachers. Her career promised to bo a brilliant ono. Amthnr Statement. Spectil Dbpaich to Tn.i llu HAMiiDiia , January 24 Capt. Out- til of thd Sultan sty a : "I had twelve pauougera on board , and my first duty wna to look after the erudition of my own ship. An hour was occupied in choving up the collision bulkhead , and stopping holes in the ship's bow witb buds , etc. Then I sut about look ! i for the other vessel. I burned bliu , lights and souudt > d the steam vrlmtlc for two honra after the accilnut. ] remained in the vicinity until 8 in the morning , wlitn , Boeing nothing , anc the f > s being bc'ing otill deriee , I lefi for Hamburg. " In answer to the in s q 'iry whutLer ho sent off boati s h ? said the fog was eo dense lit 3 dotnied it imprudent to send boati out. In reply to u question how h ( accounted for thu accident , the cap thin said"The Cimbria should hav < kept un her cnurue , seeing the Sul tun's green light. " IIi3 other state munts all tend to exonerate him , ai his lights wore in a proper position the rule bsiug when the green light o ; ono vcasol faces the green light o auotkor vessel f ir each vessel to luo | her canno uhoacl , which thu Olmbrii did not do , Cnrvfrnnd Bocnrdus. Special Dispatch to TIIK linn , CUIOAOO , January 24. The American can P'ield will pub.ish a reply frou Dr. W. F. Carver to A. II. Bjgardu In relation to the latter's proposttioi far pigeon mitchos for the world' wing championrhlp. Oirvor decline IJosardni' propo&itinn , c'aimlng ' tha ho ( Carvel ) u thu wing th > < t ohamploi and the ouly tliir for H. fai-dns to di 13 to shoot for thu champion cup. Ii tnrn ho prop .sos to th > ' . 15 grdus i match oi 101 birds for JIO,0 ( 0 or Ite at Louisville on February 14 nr on ; later duvo to suit. Thu anlcloa o t.o agrcomeut are in the hands of Di o editor of The Field it _ _ _ _ _ it Tli Jaiiniiry Com Corntr- , Special Dispatch to TIIK DIE. CHIO OD , January 24. John Olvci is dcolliioi the appointment of oammis sloner of the southwestern paisenge pool.As As stated yesterday , a number c members of the Hoard of Trade called un the board c f uiri'Utora , under the recently onacttid mlo impowetl' g them to fix thi } price in oaau of un- tiers ubovn which the buyer cannot bo called on f > r margins , thu cluim in this ciee being thu corner on January corn. Tno dicifion vrai u decided victory for the bout * , the ninrginal ptic ) bcitiu Riitat 1 ! ' } below Ihocloslni ; pncu on 'clmnun to-cuy. The board pin'O'l th'i fnllowii g : UESI LVID : , Tlmt tnu board conatruo thu object i.f the rule under which tliMO prococdiigi were had , was in t-i dad to s'ciifu fu 1 prott'o'ion to b > t-\ buyer m d nellur ratlur than un dertake to riuturminu thu njtuil valiui for lioiil suttiemt-nt ; with this vluw and not d-tifing to bo nr'sundorHtood , tlu bonrd < Ucidt > 8 nuiubcn of the bjard of irulj under thu rule ohall h ivo th > - r u'it to call margins on cnn- tracti f , > r No. 2 cjrn for delivery for Inmmry nn thu huaisof 55 conti as thu va'uo ' of No. 1 ! corn for marginal pur- pusca only. TELEGKAPH NOTES "pedal Dlxpittclia ] to Tun IlKX. roLl'iiDl'ti , ( ) . , .Iiunury 21. Grnnil- father U n- -iiey , wlm f 114 t muter Jtpim- n.uti HtVnt rji'O , died lust nlk-'it at hia .mlu Fnii field oniniy , n od 113. NEW PHILADELPHIA 0 , .Tammy ! M lion , -hun H L'.tukk , thooKUst Jiututllnt in Gilo , died yeitcnl.ty at hU h HUB lime , e91yenra. 1'atrlck f unde < l Tliu Tiu- rnWdH Chronicle In 181'J. Ho was the luther-lii IHW of Jo cpli Meillll , bf The Chiiuao Tritmue. Duni.iN , .TunuarySl CarHnal McCablo Is lad nM > rtd , OAIHO , Jaduiry 2l.--Tlie khndlvo nlpneil the iKcree iumil' < rtniK Sir Aukl.tod O l- vert , formerly KuKlinh controller cererHJ , tiii.inclal advl.'or oi tha Kcypti .u govein. uicnt. of n Uino. Spcc'al Dispatch to TIIK Unit WiLKbHnAiiiiK , Pa , January 24 The entlru extunt of thu cavu in at the Delaware and Hudson mines this atrcrnoou appears to caver a space of nearly forty acres , moat of which is covtroil with dwellings and other buildups. The disaster Is accounted for upju thu theory that thu props put in tlio mine some years ago Invo rotted iiud given away. The gonural apprehensions aru that the preeont Is only the beginning of moro serious trcuble. Miners say the accident is thu roau't of pillar robbing. A F..llini City. Special DNpatUi to ' ! IIK I XK \N iLKhhiiAiiitK , January 24. An ex teiiiivu cavlntr ia took ] > lace this morning in thu Djlawaro aud lludion muio in this city. On the surface the crucka are vinblo i > r acres in either direction. A number of homes have anttlod from ivx inches to two feet , alarming thu Ihimtoa , who have tied. Thp cave in has taken placa under the Burfncp , and no leas than 0 acres have gene down. Aid f r Flood BpecHl DUpatch to Tun lin CiiiCAa-i , January 24. Ojllections f IT thu eullorors by the German Ibads to date arniunt to over $20,000 (80- ( 000mark- ) already cabled to Friederich Knapp , Berlin. The matlneq porformanops given to > day by J. L. Stoddurd at Central Music hall and Mies Gallmoyer at the Grand Opera house , for tha benefit of the sufferers , netted over $0,000. Appointment cf Catholic Bishop * . Special Dlatmtch to Till Un. YORK , January 24 A special cablegram from Homo announces that Fopo Lee XIII appointed to the va cant BOO of Onarleoton , S 0. , in imo- coition of Bishop Lynch , Mgr. Nor throp , and to the new sea of Grand Ripida , Mich. , as Its first bishop , Mgr. Ilichter. W.tJ Miclr. Special D'spatch to TIIK HBK. NKW YORK , January 24. The ex ecutive committee of the Wentern Union telegraph company adopted the followh g resolution : RESOLVED , That the books for the transfer of stock cf this company be and rot .ain cloaod until Fobruory 1st prox , iu'd bo reopened the morning ol that duy. A Suit ou Scrip. Special Ipa'.cli to Tin llu. PiiiLtDCLPiiiA , January 24 Pro > coecling-ilii equity wore begun by the United States against the Philadelphia & Reading railroad company for the recovery of $503 030 , which the Unl ted States claims la due thu govern ment ns a tax on scrip issued by the company. Tlit Students Bonnoeil. Special Uinpatch to Tim Ilns BKUNKHICK Me. , January21 Fivi members of the sophomore clais c Bowdoun collnqo have been indefinite ly euapcndod f jr huzlng. Fooling Tr.soa. Special Dispatch to Tim HKK. DKNVKH , January 24 The Trihum myu : llico'o Surprise Parly ii fillui | its ongaQomont on the PotiSo coas without Kate Oaatlotou , who ia lyiiij ill in Denver , but that some ouo ela is personating her and "fooling 'Frla CO. " No Choioo In Mluncnotn. Special Ulapatch to Tin llu ST. PAUL. January 24. Throe nd ditionul billets wore taken wlthou material chin o. J1 Povon Dniiatlnn , Spoclal Di ( patch to THE UIK. BOSTON , January 24. The Ampri cm PCHCI ) anciuly came Into poasosbioi of S10,000 , bcqjeathod by Hov. Goo 0. Beckwith. * # * "IIo who is ready to buy ny hi enemies will never want a supply o them. " It le cheaper to buy a tru frlond In kidney-Wort who will dnv away thoto mlsornblo enemies , n torpl liver , cjiiotij.iition , dhbotra , piles , die cased kidnuy * nnd bowolfl. This rome o y ia now pro ucd in liquid aa we ! iw In dry f < irm HAS BEEN PROVED * ru t'JHCSl CUKE for NGY DISEASES. Boo i i lame back or n disordered urine Indicate .hut you OK , a vlotlmp THEM DO NOTHEfllTATKi uao KIUNUY-VVOIlTat t p once ( druftrlita recommend It ) and It will ' 'speedily ' ovoroomo U o disease and restore a luaiUiy action to all thoorcana , t I ft\ilc i'oroompUUnt p ull r c CJ JIV CI toyouriex.tuahaipaUi and weoknc e . KIDNEY. WOUTUiuuur. t poaicd.aaitwtn flt promptly aud safely. " ' Bex. Inoonttnenco , rcMntlon of urine , brick dtut or ropy deponlu. and dull dracBluR paln . BU spootUly yield to Hi cur- 1 atlvo power. ( in 1 aLn 1IY ALLPECOQtBTa. Priooll. IDNEY-WORT OVER THE FALLS , An Old Pliilailolpliia Merchant Jumps Into Niagira Rapida , And FlndB Btornity In That Dreucful Cataract. Partlcn'.am ef n S.m ntlcitt l Sul- oltlo PmLAiir.LAiiu , jAiinary 22 Thou. Ililion , who committed BtiicuU ) ut NUgiUti Falls this morning by j imp ing into the rapids itbovo th lul.e , wss ( ! 5) earn of ngo. llo woo oni'M ud i htmni'ta PS u wool brok.ratNo. I'M ClH'stnut Htreot , und has been a resi dent of this city for thlrly jo ra pmt. lie was n Gorman by birth , mid wus exceptionally u ell educated. Ho was n linguist , being ublo to oonvorno freely in French , Crock , German , Sptuish and Itnllan. lie went into the wool biicincsa about tnoiitj-tlirru years ngo , and provioua to tl o wur car ried on a prosperous trade , llo formed partnership with George W. Bjnd , of lioaton , the nanio of the lunnn in the latter city being Guoiga W. Bond it 0 > , und in Philadelphia as Thomas llllseu & Oo. K'gut or ton years ago the linn had some financial trouble * , which llilaon clstmod was duo to thu speculative inclinations of some of the junior partners , but at all ovonta Ilil son loft the city with all the available o sh ho could secure , und the an nouncement was raado that I1B HAD UECAMPKn with ยง 40,000 or $50,030 cf the linn's funds The older Mr Bond happened ID be in Europe nt the time , and ro- coiviug tolegrnphlo Information of Htlsen'a flight , caused his arrest on the arrival of the utoiuushlp in which ho had taken paisngo. M. Bond , it is nald , clainie 1 that ho had frlglih nod .50Q out of the fugitive , bjt Uilsen told his intinnttt frit iuh upon his re turn that ho had v ilu-itnnly handed ever the amount named to hia pirtnor aud that the latter linti paid that amount over and nothing moro t > the firm's creditors , being abiut CO pur cant of the obligations , This ia the ntory ns told by 0113 of Illleon's friends , but the exciting story of the suicide's career included also a crimi- n nl prosecution , which waa brought by Gregg Brothers , thu well known wool merchants , who charged him with the einbpyzlenH'nt of $ G 000 Thia was in 1870 , and Hilaon , haying como hereto to witness the ecu ennial exhibition , was arrested nnd tried. The jury disagreed - agreed and it is stated that tlio Oise was subsequently compromised. Among the most intimate of MIL HILSKN'H FUIKNUS in this city were E. A. Groou , of the firm of E. A. Green & Co. , wool mer chant in Lotltia street below Market , aud Kedmrd & Thorpe , dyers. The latter gentlemen occupied the oflico No. 138 Oheatnnt street , with Mr. Hllson and the tUmden Thread com pany , manufacturers of spool cotton. The firm oi Konnard & Thorpe ro- oalved the following letter this mornIng - Ing : ' 'I found of late that I cannot make a living , and , therefore , resolved to die. 1 don't wish to wrong you , but I am compelled to pay you in merchandise , instead bf money , by transferring to you all my property at auction prlco valuation , amounting to $100. I wish to pay ono mouth's rent , having no doubt that yon nil ! havouu difliculty in disposing of the place I occnpipd. The way our account would stand is ns follows : I owe you $118 80 rent ; 1 owe yon one month , 817 07j total $135.87 ; off inclosed bill of pale , 8100 ; balance $35 87 , for which I in close chock of Koniiurd & Thprpo. 1 hope you will forgive a little inoonvo' ntqnco I had put you to in order tc fill some small but Baarod obligations. Youra , oto. , ( Signed ) TIIOC. UIL F.N " Mr. Green also received by thli I raorniug'a mail TIIK FOLLOWING : LKTTKH , which waa dated January 15 and post' marked January 20 : "When I loft the little koepnak ( with you I had inidu up my jilnd tc give up lif j , not that I am tired of it On the oontivaty , I quit with regro this pleasant hnhlt of cxlstenoo. J found I never aulTjrod from slcknost , and the oqutuimity of my mind fol' lowed mo through thick and thin , But since I opened njy little shop which would have prosparcd if otliuri hud treated me aa liivjrnlly as yon did I found myaolf on nn inclined piano being unable to in ike expenses , ' might have gonn tn board for $5 CO i week and Itckud myaolf in my room but I came to the conclusion that ' would not die piccomoal and live no extravagantly , but like a gontloniat na long as I had something ti fill back on. This something go omaller und smaller , and now is oatui up. To gut along farther I wonlt have to run into debt and do all sort ; of little dirty thuiti. ! I won't. Then ) fjro , good byo. 1 am going to g over thu fall * . I writu to you hooaum iron have always been kind to im am I explain my stop so that you may ttl people thu truth The kindest wistie for your happiness and prosperity From gratefully youri , TlIOS. IIlLSKN. " "Ploaso give my Itttlo El the in closed $5 , and tell him to keep my eli clothes in the wardrobe and change r the drawer. " There vras no doubt in the mind i either Mr. Gretion or hia other corrcs pondonts that thu dead merchant ha trjino time ngo formed A DKLIIIKHVTK I'UHI'OHB to take his lifo. "Ho probibly tnndn , sild Mr. Green , "SAGOO or 83 000 year , but ho spunt ? j,000 or 0 Q" ( and being entirely without rolighu fcrnplos , i\nd boliaving that thu on cf all came whonho died by IIH ! ow hand ho ovidcnt'y concluded that h would rather die tliS'i lead n bardoi. aorao Jifo I ftlwiya found him th vary c.oul of honor , and ho wan on < > r. thu first to lend mo a helping Imiu I had a gnnt many trainuctiona wit ! him , and they wore all , on 1m parl those of an honest business man " The suicide was mid by sumo to I ) a widower , and by others to hnvo wife in Europe , who Irft him a dozi years or moro ago. It is also i talc i that ho has a son living in Ohioag < There is no doubt In the minds ( those who know Mr. Ililsen that h inability to live within hU inoomo wi the solo Cititu of liii suicidal purposo. List \Voilncsday his oolortd illlsoboy , I'Mnarcl llullor , received a postal card frun lii umplojur , saylnihu would bo home Sunduy if ho "WAS in tuu land of thu living. " UIS PA OOE3 BKA.TINO HatU OoVia Oolun to Spread Ulmaolf nnil llo Did. I'.cl'eflan , " \Vht broke your pa up at the roller skakitig rinU" askud the gro cery man. 1 Oh , I'vorylhing broke him up , " the buj bjy , "llu is spiit up HO mt buttons thu top of his p < ttits to hit i ) illar button , liki ) a bicycle ridur. \Vuil , 1 o had no buaiiiuas to have told mo mid my chum that hu nni d to bo the b at skater in North Aint < r < ct , when hu was a b y , llu eiucl hu skated once from Albany to Kuw Yik in an hour and eighty ininn us. Mu und my chum tlu ught If \ } \ was such a turror on pk.itts we would get him to put mi n pUr of roller ikatca and enter him as thu 'groat unknown' and clean out the wholu gtug. Wo told pa that hu imtut remcmbtr that rolkr skates were dilTcruut from ice bkUtr , and that maybe he couldn't skate on tln'in ; but hu said it didn't make any d > irjrt > nco nhattlu'y wcru so long as they were skates , and he would just piui\ljzj thu whole crowd. So we gjt u pair of big roller skates .or him , and , while wo were strappit g them on , pa ho lookud at thu skaters plidu around on the emootli waxed ( bor just as though I hey wuru greased , riion pa looked at the skates on hit feet , after they wuru fastened sort of fjrlurn like , the way a horse thlif does when they put shackles on his legs , and I told htm if hu was a'raid hu couldn't xkato with them wo would take them oil ; but ho said he would boat anybody tlu-ro was there , or bust a suspondf r. Tnon wo ttraightonod pa up and pointed him toward the middle of the room , and ho said 'kgtgo , ' and wo just give him a little push to htart him , and ho began to go. NVell , by gosh , you'd a died to have seen pa trying to stop. You see , you can't stick in your huul and stop , liku you can on ice skatec , and pa soon found that out , and hu begin to turn siduways , and then hu throw his arms and walked on his heels , and ho lest hia hat , and his oyoi boqan to stick out , cause ho was g ! t > right agaumt an iron p st. Ono ami caught the post and ho c'uc ed around it a fuw tinuiB , and then ho I" * no n < t 1 began to fill , und , sir , ho kv filing all aros3 the room , and everybody got oat of the way cxc pt a girl , and pa grabbed her by thu poloimlto like a drowning man grub ) at H straw , though tin ro wasn't any straws in her polo- uuisa as I knows < f , but pa just pulled her along as though HJIO was done up in a shawl-strap , end his foot wont out from under him , and hu struck on his shoulders and kupt agolni ; , with the girl dragging along like a bundle rf clothes. If pa had had another pair of roller skates on his shoulders , and castors on his ears , ho couldn't have slid along any bettor. Pa Is a short , thick man , and as he was rolling along on his back , ho looked like a sofa with castors on being push ed across the room by a girl. Finally pa came to the wall and had to stop , and the girl fell right across him , with her roller skates in his neck and she called him an old brute , and told him if ho didn't lot go of hei polonaise she would murder him. . Just then my chum and mo got there and wo amputated pa from the girl and lifted him up , and I told him foi heaven's sake to lot us take oil the the skates , cansu ho couldn't okaloanj moro than a coir , and pa was mad and fiiiid for U ) to let him alone , and he could skate all right , and we let gc and ho struck out again. Well , nlr , J was ashamed. An old man likn pn ought to kuow bettor than to try to be n boy. This last time pa said he wan going to spread himself , and if I an any judge of a b'g spread , ho dit spread hlmaolt. Humehow the skalci had got turned aruuud eiduwayu oi his feet , and hia feet got going in dif f rent directions , and pa'rt fjot wore getting BO far apart , that I was nfralu I would have two pa's , half the size , with one leg apltcu. I tried to gel him to take up u collection of his legs and gut thorn in the tame ward , but hii arms flaw around and one of them hit HID on thu noio , and I thought I : hu wanted to strike the best friuml he had ho could run hia old Ings his-uoif Whun ho began to ruparatu I couli hear the bonus crack ; but maybe i was hia pants , but uiiyway ho oinu down on the ( bor like one of those fellows in a circus who spreads himsel and he kept going , und liimlly ho stir rounded an iron post with hia Jugs and stopped , and ho looked pfile and thu proprietor of thn rink told p if ho wanted to give a flyini ; traptz performance ho would have to go t the gymnasium , and he cju'dn't ' iktt < on his shoulders any more , ouso oche skaters were afratd of him. Then p said ho would kick the llvorout of th proprietor r f thu rink , and ho got n : and steadied himself , and then h tried to kick the mtu. bat he heel wont up to wonct , nnd pa turned i bick numonot and ntruck right on hi vest in front. 1 guos it knocked th breath out of him , for ho didn't for n few minutes , and then hu vrantc to go homo , nnd wo put him on th atryot car and ho lnH lown on thu hit ; aud rode homo. O tju nork wo hate to got pit'n clothun oil" . Ho had oriok In Inn back , nnd uvorywhero , and m WAJ uway to ono of the nolg'abari ! , t 1 iok at the presents , nnd 1 had t put liniment on pa , and I made a mi- ul > mil got n botrlo of furnitur polish , nnd put It un pa nnd rtibbad I in , and w'lun ma came homo pii Hmulle like a c ill'n ut a charity funt ral , n < i ma BHi'i tlioro wna no way of potti" that vrtn.lsh elf p till it wore oil' P. says holidttH urn H conilomnul nn nanuo anyway. II. ) will liivo to ata in the honuo nil this woek. * ] f you nro n woman mid would cor tribnto your tui'ucnco ' to rodoci humanity from ila iHimborloja ill ; muko all ihii.a ( else unbordinato t huultli. If you poaieiB tliU Icestimi bio troanurj you juay tr-timinit tli narno npd jour ilFipring may rise u )0 and call you blessed. To eccuro th it will bo well to took the mother ! countenance of Mra. 1'inkhain , Lyni Maaa. Vigor , slrungth and health all foun in one bottle of Brown's Iron Ulttor A FEW BARGAINS LOTS , Farms , Lands- BY ISth&DouglasSt HOUSES AND LOTS , No. 19 Full otnml now liomo , 131'roomn , two bu on an I ono up nU1rx. lU.lit font cut line bo ow niul o\unnboiu. llrick fuiiiuUi.loii , cellar , etc. A InrKiiln , JiHW No. 18-Utr o tuo ntnry IIOIIHU , 10 rooms , two lirK > < collar * . K ml wtl and clitcrr , bain , ttc. , an W. Iwter anil rJ.I ftrcct , ? 4l,000. No 17 Ix > t MxKt fuel , ii"w liouio o ( two rooms br ck ( oiinilatlon lix ) barrel cintern on II nnUtrii utrnt noir Poor UlatoL'oi : > cnt JiOO. No. 10 Homo ami lot on ITtli near Clanc Bt. hoiiHii 6 room etc S WO. No. IIS Homo of ; i roonui full lot on Pierce St. l thUuil No. 21 New toitHoof T rooms , with corner lot , half mlle w lit of Turmablo ol rctl utrott cart on HJU den St. 910 0 No. 6 llonto of tight rconm , barn etc. lot couci tt t Vacant Lots. No. 2A2-TKO full lots on 10th Street near Uk < St. f ICUO. No.i : I Twenty flro lot ) In Parker * addition Ju t north of the tndof rcdttroet car line | f4jO each eatty terms. No. au-I-'our lotion Delaware Et. mar Ilnna com | a k , IGIQ. No. 831 One halflot on South avenue , near St. Mruy'n a\o mo , ( ( .I 0 No. -KIttiteenlglot ) ( ) onSl > t , atnl SMinilerdtlreet , Lo r ( l.ucc , JjW ) each , aud en ( .anytirniK. N > . Hill- Six beautiful trfldenrn lots on Cather ine xtrcut , iii'or Hut cim park , $ l DCO TwchoLe utiful rifeidtucu lotH en Hamilton t , mm end nl old streetcar Uiuk ; lilK'li unJ t\fh \ ly , JJfOio $ 0' . hovuul fttinnid half acre corner loin on Cum- IrK , Unit acil California Hictti , In Liwo'd tic- oiid idclltlon and l' rk 1'Uco near Acalemyol tiucied Hunt. in ' Prospect Place" on Hamilton and Clurloi ftret. Jn t wett nf theind of Hed H ict Curt. nek and Convent of tlio histtri of Poet Clare , ono and onu lull IT llo f > nm | > : tillko tnd in In fioin U. P bliriiH , tlM ) to ' > 00 inch , only fi pertunt doun mmfip"r ant rnnntb Litll I Ijcwo'ii ft Idillpn tnu-liilf nillu west cf mil ol Hod Hire t < nr track nuir Convent Pcor CKro H ultra In Hhlnn'n addition , 91' ! 5 to $ . ,00iach , and nn Muy u y tcrim > . 1 cti III lloihtch'H 1st and 2nd acMltloni. HlilnnV , P rk I'lacu ' , Lowe'k'JiiduiUlltlrn K a-iS U > ke'H , Ni'lwn'H , lUimooui Placu , lledlck'H ad dlilona , uln , o u Intn In "ciro It Fonder nddillori" Jiwt one ( juntcr m lo of I'nlnn Paclll ) and 11. kiidll. U. K. dti > ot , $ Oto81DOOeacli , voryeas ) terms. I Business Lots. Tnroo Rood lnixlro'8 lot * on DoJ o near 1211 strnut , 2.'kl2J ftiteach , $1,101) ) each , orSI.Wjfo al1 , omy lir/iK. : Two ifJO'l bti'lri'if loti on K.uriani direct , 37) ( Id fo > t iiarh , wllh frau ebulldlnKHtheroi.reiitli > i for ub u < fu > 0 | er ) < nil'i ' in co $1,25(1 ( each llvl.TJ foil on Karaam uiur 10.1iMlr"i ) . , cornd } 12 OJU. Siileudld Warrhonon Inton Union I'xlflo il | > h n' way , I oitli ol traik nnd eabt cf Nil ) Woikt- li InK li ! < fo < t ijorih I ontitu on SUmn htoct by iliout 100 lo t went fiont ifo on 1 ith et. Karnm ft d old lmdn In llou 'a' ' , Harpy I ) V'K ' , Wuklimi. ton Hut , W vne , M'anton ' , uni othi-r K'ioJ toiint'ui In 1'Wern N lr.nkal'r u < tk IDXUH p U n.ita cnluc'eil , anl money luanai on Improve city aud country jpro , trty at lo\ Inttrcfii UKMTS' NKW CITY MAP , FOUI FKKT W1DK AND HKVEN FKKI LONO , Wll'lf EVKHY ADUI Q ION HKCOUUKIJ Oil CONTEM J'LATED UP TO D.V ! K. "OFFI GlAL MAP Of TUE OIIY. $5.00 EAUH. d Estate Agency 15th and Douglas St Om&ha ' Nob. Nona ) ntrr urrrnnn WOSIAM. [ Vroin Uio Doiiton Glob . ] fnm , fritter * r Tlio nboTo Is Rood llkcnm of Hm. I.yitln E. Pink. tni , of I.ynn , Ma/s. , Khoaborenllnllicr Ininwn Lclnft laylx ) truthfullycallxlUio"IX' rrrkmlofWomiui , " if ome of her corrvuponilonti lorotncnlt licr. Shi I -iUou lr ilerotttl to htr work , which I * the outcome f n llfo-itmly , ftnd Ii obliged la kcrp > li lady > l fAnH , to help nninrrthe UrRf > correcpon Jf nc lluch dull ; | xiun In upon her , raoh britrlnf ; III ipocIO imlen of rulTcrln ? , or Joy ttt relcmefrom It. II r VRctnbleComHiumllin | niedlclno for Rooil und not til pur | < oim. I harn iicreonally Inrtxtlgatcd It and pi Nittiflnl of the truth of thin. On account of It * prnrcii nn rlt .lt h recommended ml prmcrllxvl by thohcHphjslcUni In the country. tie says I "It orlcs like n charm nnd larrs much * ln. It will euro entirely the worst form of f llln < r t the ul < nl , Lononrrlicra , Irrrcular and painful ! cnjtru tlonallOTarlanTrou'iIc , Inflammation and pccrntlon , Hooding' , nil Displacement' Midthecon- Muent spinal nrokncnJ , and U especially adapted to fco ClmiiRO of IJfe. " It iwrmcatcn orery portion of th y tcm , andirlte * pw life and tlifor. It rcmoTci folntuwm , flatulencr , t tn < yi all craIng for illuiulants , and relieves weak. fvi of H cum niontlnjf , IIcAdachri. ( rroui lYixtr.itlon , Ooneral Debility , Sl.rplcMne.M. frpmilonandlnillecdlon. That fcetlne of bearlnir tmn , causing p ln , weight and liackacho. Is alwayi f rmanently curtxl by Its uio. It will at all time * , and nd-r all clminutance * , net In harmony with the lair pat Rnvcmfl the fenmlo ryutrm. It cocts only Jl. per bottle or * 1 > for ti , and Is sold br iiggUt-t. Any ndvlco required as to iin lal cnnes , am henamciof many who ha oln'en restored to perfeofj pnlth by the use of the VcKOtatlo Compound , can b btalncd byuddntnlncilrs. ! ' . , wllh stamp for reply. i her home In Lynn , Moss. For Kldnry Complaint of HHitr nei thti compound IM n > urpaawd as abundant testimonial * show. "Mr * I'lnkham's IJvcr 1111V ys ono writer , " * r } e brit in the imrM for the cure of Constipation. lllouinrM nnd Tortildlty of the llrer. Ilrr Blood urlflcr works womlnra In Its spoc'jvl line and bids full > e < iual the Compound In Its popularity. All muit n Kix-ct her as an Ansel of llercy whom ( iol nbltlonlstodOEoodtoothen. VhlUdclphln. Pa , (3) ( lira. A. M. D. PERSON A Ii "Paris of the Im-nnboily nhuKul , < \ulnHkl l and fctre''Rtno iil"cto.l nn liiteri'stliii ; nl memo t lo K run In our paper In ri'plr to I qii rk'H uo will fay that there In no nl len-o f huiubiinb | u' thin , ( ill the contrary , I h aiUertl r ar vi'rv hl rlj In- tlonvd. Intuten cd periniiH n ay k'tt H al d > Ir- iulnrKMnKttll partieiilnrn , K\\l \ g nil ptrtlcu- lar > . by nddr PMIU Krlu .M illtiil Co. , P. U. IlJJC fil3. llull.lo , N. Y. To.edo r.Miil g llec. Gfenins Rewarded , OB , 5EhB Story of tlio Sowing MaoWnik \ A hanlsime llltls rcplilol , blccfi nd OT * with namtrouj Dr 'UK3 trllljt AY/AY la or kaati ptnon rlllnfr tor II , utanir bran til or inb-o Ace of The B'.i or U tindctniinic Com pany , oi will be eect bmill , poll p IJ , la nv ptnon llvlagr t illotsuee Iicm oar officci f ho Siugar Maunfantnrlng Do , , Pflnolptl OOico , 34 Union 8qnii /ORK WESTERN GORNICE iV/ORKS / ! 0. SPKOUT , - - Proprietor. Harnoy 8t. - Omrlia , Heb UANUFACTUHEna OF CORNICES , DORMER WINDOWS , F1NIALS Tin , Iron and Slate Hoofing , Spuoht's Patent Motnllo Skylight Patent Adjusted Ratchet Bar and Bracket Shelving. I am the gouernl agent for the above line of goods , IKON KKNOING. Orattlnzt , U luetr dfnVcr nd tOrn | Dtnk RallluKt , Window and O ll r uuardi ; lie OKWKltAt. AJKN $500 REWARD. The above reward will bn paid to any person who will produce a Paint that will oqunl the Pennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint , for prracrrlni ; Shlnplra , Tin anil Ornvel Roofs. Warrantol to bo Fire anil Water Proof. AH orilcru ] ironiitly | atteiultxl to. Cheaper anil bel ter tlmn an ) othir imlnt now In um. BTKWAHT& hTCI'IIKNR'IN Bole VrODrlctoru , Omaliu lloubO , iiin li , w't > . BEFHRKlNOKa Olllccr k PtiBcy , Dr.lllco , Dr. Plane ) . mla Ooniicll lllulTa , Iowa. HKII olllca , Omaha Nno Nebraska Loan & Trust Company H * 8TINGH. NKD. Capital Stook , - - $100,000. JAR. D. IIKAHTWKLU President. A. Ii. CLAHKK , Vice Prcalilcnt. K. 0. WfcUaTKR , Treasurer miuxrroiis. Samuel Alcxunilt'r , Onualil Ollvrr , A. U. 0 arlo , E. 0. Walratcr Oeo. U Pratt , Jan. 11. lleartwoll , D. M.lIcElHIiincy. First Mortgage Loans a Specialty This Company furnluhoa a permanent , homo Inntilutlon w hero School 1131 faml otber legally Itmued .Municipal stct'rl 1" o 'S'cbraska can be bu negotiated on tlio r.l ) i a\orablo terma Loaim luaUuon linpra e'l ' f i u nail el settled unimk'n of tlioBtaio , tbot t i XK > nslblolocal _ correnpoiulcntM. Gl /MPERiSHABLE / PERFUME , Murray & Lanman's Best for TOILET. BATH and | AHDKERCHIEF. FA8T Ti'ittJS I In J'jlnj Ki > ttl * III' BMcago Mnrttorasfr Tralni l vo Oman * BMO p. m. nJ T:40 : For full lnotm ( tlna cull on H.P. DKCKUT Aifont , Uth and F rn m U. , J. DEMl < ll ar Depot or JAUKaT.OLARK.Oi tttuk.