JL > JU U I .DJCjJCT"-UiH AHA 111 UJtlbJLJAl , JAIN UAHJC , ' BITTERS will cure dyspcpsiahcartburn , mala ria , kidney disease , liver complaint , and other wasting diseases. BROWN'S enriches the blood and purifies the system ; cures weakness , lack of energy , etc. Try a bottle. r BROWN'S IRON fi BITTERS is the only Iron preparation that does not coforthc teeth , nnd will not cause headache or constipation , u other Iron preparations will. BROWN'S ' -I IRON BITTERS Ladies and all sufferers from neuralgia and kindred complaints ralgia , hy-teria , plaints , will find it without an equal. Every Corset U warranted Biitls- factory to Its wonror In evury yay , or tbo money vrlll lo rntundod liy the person from whom It wus bought. niBonlyCowtpronounowl by nur Imlliiir pliyijo nil Inlnrlnu * tn Win woan-r , anilrnJorpnlliy IIM I | | * 'inoitcomfortublo ami pcrreet Uttliie Const ei ' "Vl * ' " riUOEH , by Wall , Pontage Fold I O aUll rn.crtlm , # 1.60. Hflr.A < lJ tln , 1. & 4omln > l ( extra hoary ) tt. 0. Nur lnr , 1. Xaltb I'rmrrrliiB ( flnc ruutll ) 8. < > . I'aruu Hklrt-MupportliiB , * ' > nu- 'Tf le by lcBdln Itctull llulrr every whn qinoAut ) cuuaiix.cu. , cuicut-o. ui ALL TRUE f SLLDW Worthily point to the "HUB PUNCH" Al an article ol such rare an4 ciccollnft merit tlMerve a place on every elJoboanl , ASorial Ol cm > J 1 vl ; Ft i < li f mo t wclcoino aocinmory ot frlomlly Intcrroui poculltrly acc | > table at partlwi. Uncork , i tU ready. PuncliM Irowwl at rwiic | > t are behind It In ( Utor , Olftwl orator * ncr dlt lose The ro.il nour uhonco their eloquence flown. Iklluve me , It iwiiim , after dinner or lunch , ] , From a HiwtiiK Iwwl ol OUAVE8' HUM l'UN ( The nimo anJ tltleUn PUNCH" | g ad todaiatr ilo mark. All un&uthorlfcd me thU * r At mark will be promptly prtxocutoj. O , II. OiUVKHiSOMJ , BOSTON , UAS Trade lupplttd at Munufacturtr't ur byAI. A. .1/cA'anuira Oinaha , J-'ami Ay A JI , aladitone , Omaha , JV Send 81 , $2 , ? 3 , or 55 for a Ull box by Kxpreai dl the 1 Uandtru ( n Amerlaj , put u | 4eb'antbqitn | , iui'1 ' itrictly p Stiltablo for prenci > ta. Kxy i-h-irRea light , llefum - to all i e ( { o , Try It nnce. OQ O. P1 aUNTUEUJ Canftictlauur , Chi itur i. oOJ.il. VUe fn , D. J > aiac ii. Ett. APd Tftu. Lincoln , Hob MANUFAOTOR15RS OF Corn Plnntora Jlrrrowa.i'ftrm Rol Ualtcy Hay Hnkoa , flucuot Kloya . We are pre | > tr d to do Job work and man nr Ing lor other partlee. orleriUANUrACTUJUSO 00 PRESSES FROil MANY LANDS , The Gathering and Preparation of Human Hair for Maiket. Traveling Hnlr-nuttora A Pursuaslvo ( JluBH With n Pccullur LfinguuHo. Ktw V ik Telegram. The production < f human hair for thu American and European nmrkots * the proccaaeaof Its manufacture into thu btalds , switches , waves , curie , linglotp , ocquetlca , toupees and wi/u of thu preeont d < iy , glvo employment to a vast uutnbdr of psraons , male and female , and that portion of it omtng to this mat kot airla in consld- ur. bly increasing the government rev- unuo. There IB probably no subject In which thu woman of the present day is inoro interested and about which so little is generally known. Jn MundredH < ( store wli.dowa in thlD city thu most attractive productions in half aru displayed to tempt the femi nine eye , hut few of thu patrons of thcso establishment oven though they mt > y consider thomsplvoa good judges ot what la desirable in hair , can On sure nf what they are purchbnitig , t-i < her in quality or thu eourcecf its production , In years gene by , when the faahiou ( f wearing what la com monly called faUu hair waa uot so common as it is now , the purchaser was most certain of securing nature's own production ; but aa thu dimand increased , nnd after gradually con Burning the yearly supply , passed bo- ypnd it , science hsa been called in to aid in making up any deficiency there may be with the valuable aid of what mny properly bo called trioka of the trade HAin-CUTTEBS. In order to learn something of the manner of procuring the lar o quanti ties of hair necessary to supply the markets , Its preparation and finishing , a Telegram reporter called on a promi nent dealer in hirsute adornments , and succeeded in gaining the following facts : The Batch in Holland were the first to gather human hair , and many of them are now eminent among the hair merchants of America aud Europe. Thu firms In Holland em ploy largo numbers of men knuwn us cutters , uach firm having eight or ten and fiomotimcB fifteen. Thu businoae ( f the cutter it to travel through the rural districts of European countries , and make what purchases of hair the > can from the girls and women cf alleges egos they meet with. They trave principally through Denmark , Norwaj and Sweden , bulsomulimpii , wbun oc oaaion demands , or thuru is a prosper of a good trade , they cxlond tin 1 routes Into Russia. Each cutter ha a route laid out for him before h starts , and each carries with him i largo aupply of cheap fancy oilk am lace handurchiofa , calicoes , chea jewelry , etc , fjr which they temp the country maids and mair < .ni t barter their tresses entire or u portio : of thorn. LOOKING FOIl CHOICK TKKHHEH. Thu buahiOBB of a cutter is a vor arduous ono , aud in order to bo su < careful persuasive powers of no mea order tire necessary. On entering village they go from house to house i neaioh of persons wllliug o part wit their hair. In some places the visit c the cutter Is anticipated , and ho run find some ready ones anxious to drlv a bargain with htm for the choicei articles in hia stock. If ho meets woman with good long trorses h immediately approaches her with question as to whether flho IB desirct of disposing if her hair. If ho r < cuivm u blunt ' 'no" ho. proposes I purchase utie-hiilf cher / supo abundance , and , being still ropulsec renews hlu attack inoro uiirucatly fi the purchnsu of ono-thlrd of hi treason , and finally succeedo iu socu iuga switch , after persuading her th ; the hair will bo BO cut that Its Ices ca J n't poauibly bu noticed. In the mo ; ) suc''CL'Hful ' trlpa , howovur , cutters ha\ tobu over on thu iil t , as they ai always in danger the husband , brothers , cousin ? , nwoothuarlB in t ! village being thuir avowed unumlei Thu visits of the outtors are , ther fore , gunorally mudu in the absence < the inulo portion of tha family. ' . by any niinchanoo ho ahould bo cat'gl ia a house by a big brother , cousin < sweetheart - \ ncvoro thrashing in BUI to bu hia portion , accompanied Hum tlmcD by a ooiifiasntion of hU paol Only the most tr.flinc auma urunllotvt fur the hair thus procured in U rongh. For a good growth cf lial weighing from four to livu ouncon at : twenty it.obis long , a handkorohi worth about 25 cent * or eomo othi article of a llko lets value is give For hair weighing fix ounces , at twenty four inches long , about I cento in money or merchandise allovru'1 , hut the latter ia general preferred. If the hair Is of a ra color inoro may bo given , but nov mon > than $1 , unluu it ia white grayish whltu. A I'CCULI All lANOtUQK. Ciittori havfl a peculiar language their own , which none outsldu of t business can understand , and wh they mcot on thuir travth they alwn converse in thiu etrungo tongao u oompnru notes , oven In the prosur of othnn , without danger ot uxposi any sorola. In the sime manner the tranip , by his nystum of signs marka on fences , trees or stones , oc voya to hit brother tramps who in in cotno of tur him thb Information as what kind of a reception ho will : colvu In cortnln houses or villages a rr. what place * it h beet to avoid , the c ett tor in his peculiar jargon informs i brother cutters rf tils SUCCORS in t' ' and that plivco , where ho failed a tit ho ollcred for certain heads iuir to ba found In certain hotuoho ! BO that another cutter may call and lal 'jlloring soinothing of a little groa value , take the hr.ir , or by refusing give inoro than had been already for-d , aocuro the prizp fjr thu Ii cutr-r when ho again visits thu pla At oortaln pomta on the routes , wh are for years thu came , the hair p cared by the cut tort is baled and nil pod by them to their ruepectivu fin nnd at theuo stations they roplen ! 0 thuir fitock of muchnntliso , The jo noya of cutters aru m&du mainly in npring and fall. Immediately tcr a Bovoru winter , when muney i pre food nto ecarco , the cuttera re lea a rich harvest , but In uras of plenty the oupply of hair IB 001 pondingly small. The popular bo that a largo percentage of the 1 Bold in the market is taken from i antiR sick in honpiuls i id the Oc a ii not supported by f < c n Thu q i mtiiy < hun ( .btblncd , it is f dvcu i not IH 5 per csnt of thu whole The linir uktn frrmdcikd pornonacuibdioirlily rcco nlzud r y a cloio obaervur. It hns not thu natnu si fi fueling of hair taken from a llviig person , the gt ita arid mulluio absent , and it fools moro liku hsy.In In Francn Inlr-cuUing In carried on to a cmiftlderablu extent and exclu sively by French cutters. The FIol land meichantB purchase French hair , however , in largo quantities , as they nocd it on account of Ita beau'iful ' dark c > lora and wii/incss. The IIIUIIIR used fjr sccuriri ; thu hair are much the Katno as those used in other coun- tricH , uxcoptli g that the culling ia dona principally at country fairc , when ) thu cutter displays his warts and loudly calls upon thu mni Jens and women Jof all i > oa to ntup up and mnku their bargains. Hero , also , the cutter is In dm g'ir of bodily harm at the hand * ot thu iralo mala relatives of their patrons , and ho ktt-ps his traps so arrang'd that ho ctn readily p.ick up and depart at a moment's no ticu. DIFEF.UKNT OKA III : ! ) i P HAtlt The principal tnsrkota fcr raw hair are Hamburg , J'ruzur , Frankfort and Paris , and to the wholua.ilo merahatitn in thuhO places the Ilollanderu pell their supplies. The very best hair in cut in Bohemia and sumo ptita of Austria , and is known as "Marish' ' hair. This coram.indi the highest price on account of ita softness , fine nets and excellence of colors. The next in value IB the Swedish hair , which ia of a peculiar drab , blondn color , very much sought after in thie country , aa fully two-thirds of the blonde hair of American ladiba shadee on the drab. French hair cornea next in value , and ia admitted for Ita pecul iar glosa and wavincss. The most costly hair is natural white hair. An ounce ( f this hair thirty inches long is at proaont worth $75 at wholesale. There are comparatively few pur chasers of this , aa a switch for which four ounces costing $300 , is required , would bo considered expensive. Whlto hair twenty-four Inches long ia worth $50 an ounce , tliir of a milky whitenots , which ia very rare , is worth $160 an ounco. After those shades come the light steel gray , the drab blendes , ashy colors , and lastly , auburn. Rud and golden blondu were former ! } called in the tradu "extra colors , " but they are now produced by churuisals , and are but a trill i higher than the ordinary light browns , brown ant darker oolorn. Within the last si ] yiura science has produced a means o bleaching human hair from a goldct blondu to a pure whltu , with a mixtun of poroxidu of hydrogen and am moriia , and the hair eo treated i known in the trade a ? blenched hair Different shades of gray artunado will this hair by the addition of a corUii amount of dark colors. A very nio dark gray can bo made with an ounc of brown and ono-oighth of an ounc of whlto , and by an in creaao In cither the shad ia changed. The hair dealer mixe hla hair to procure certain shadea o color , jast as the painter mixes hi paints , and secures them juntas surely In some cues , wheroa person's hair I of a very peculiar shade , hair of thro or four different colors may bo use to produce a match for It. OATOHINQ A SHARK. How a l.OOO-Poundor Was Landed- Following the Ship for Nearly a Week. American Angler. . , % n . In tlu summer of 1652 , bcjng the 28 years of Dgj , strong , healthy , an full of hope , I found inyiolf , in can : pany with 183 othur adventurou u passeupnr on the good shi . Oapt Sith Crowell , rf Cap Ocd , master from Now York bound fe Australia. Our pausongcrs were a splendid Ic of follows , hailing mostly from Uppc Canada , Quebec , and Nova Sontla with souio four or five from Now Yor city , and Brooklyn. With the cxcnr tion of two benedicts , who had thol families with them , every man of u was under 30 yearn of ago. Even on captain , ns line a specimen of a America' ! Bailer ai over trod a decl had not reached his third decade. We sailed oait around the cape c Quod Hope ; and when I say that ou passage extended to tun days withov a sight of land , uxcopt the island c St. Paul , aeon at a dUtanco , you ma form some Idea of the shifts and 01 j pedlonta wo were put to In order t pass the tlmo , and of tbo "fun , do\ iltry and diversion" thence arUlnj Wo exhausted every kill-timu devic known to weary aud impatient mi riners. 1IEUALMED ON THE OCEAN. Ono day wo found ourselves b calmed in the Indian 0oan , soul latitude 23 degrees'oast longitude i ir degrees , within the trop'o ' of Oapr corn , between the Island of Mtulup-i car and thu Australian coast. F < nearly a wuok a monstrous shark , wi hia two attendant pilot Ihh , had bet following ns , much to the annoyan of the o d salts , whoso superatitlo fearu pointed to some 111 coming. \Vhilothu ship ono day lay languid heaving upon thu slight swell oft ! calm but over-restless coat ) , the o nnn-oator dlaplf.yed his huge bu cloao to the port side , and there r mained , evidently waiting for t ! imml contents of thu cook's gurbsr bucknt. We had never yet caught ahark , nnd I asked the captain's pe , misilon to take this follow , It w , readily granted , and wo proceeded i once to business. Borrowing u shark hook , bent upi nbout two feet of chain , from the 111 mate , wo tied a strong line to t chain , put upon the hook a chunk park , and throw it overboard. Afl a moment's Inspection the monsl skw : d lazily over on his sldu nnd to line , and by a strong jerk wo fasten linn saiuroly. Thou wo got n vln IntpToa und drove it well into I shoulder. Next wo took a stout ro ] made a running bowline at ono ot passed a loop over nnd around t hook nnd harpoon linoi , pulled 1 ithark'a head a little out of water , a j immod the bowline firmly about h behind thu first tin. Then wo ran < rope throucrh n block at the mi yard ; fifty willing hands seized it u ran aft , and his tinaikship was speed on board. TUB MISCU1EP 10 PAY. All this time , to the ntter coufas f my preconceived ideas , the fhh nado no resistance whatever , but ec eon an he roachitd the deck there was ho mischief to pay. Ho fl > pped and amped aud plunged about in a terrific nannor , opining and closing his fear- uljiwa In a vicious and highly sug- ( ouivo s'ylu ' There was on biard th" hip a ppinial dog , which , upon teeing ho aniittial commotion , ran up to thu > nze , bukingfuriously. He was juit n tlmo to receive a violent blow from ho ( all of thu fish , which ernt hint IOBH over head clean across the < * eck , where he brought up howling aga nit ha bu'warks. The owner of thu dug , , i li'tlu French Oitiadlan , row seized u handrptku and dealt thu suvpgi mentor tor etvrr.il heavy blowa near the tall , and afterward chupprd that powetf il nombtr oil. This put a stop to hie acrobatic featr , and ho lay as quiet at a log. It was a largo specimen of the great 'no or while Bhatk. lie measured u tnlld ovnr 14 feet in lenpthj greatest girth. 7J leotj supposed wo'ght , 1,5CC o 1,000 pounds. Great curiosity wa iv\ii\t.B'fd \ ( by all hands aa to thu con- tuts of his etMinch , and upon ppon < "ng this wn found oh , horrors thf ig i f a siilnr 's overalls , and not a thing beside. I got , os my own ohare , the dressed sukbono of thu creatnro , which Ineod a walking stick , and afterward sold to a eqtiitttur in thu interior for 2 , We fiUf d the strong musty smell si fhnslvu that wu speedily throw the carcass oveiboard , when it was quite pitiful to see the bereaved pilottisl awimmiugaboutitlnadazed and won derful atato. These looked very muct ike striped bass , and termed to be about six or eight pounds ia weight. . Tncy f jllowed the remains of their dc cuHsed pttron down into the depths , aud fiuMlIy disappeared. Horiford'n Acid Phoipbato removes the uncomfortable focllcj sometimes experienced after excessivi Jioklug or chewing. VISIONARY SOHBME3. Startling Inventions tnat Were Neve : Patented Others Which Were. Cleveland Herald. Thoiflii3 of a patent attorney i the crank's p radluo , In conversattoi yesterday a well known solicitor o pathnts caid ; You should see the cranks tha bring thuir imagined inventiona her for ns to auctiro a patent upon. 117.1 awakened ouo Sui.c'ay ' night at 1 o'clock by ono who assorted in loui tones that ho had an immense achem for abolishing the pub io debt. Th device was a backgammon or checkoi board , ' which could bo carric In a valise , and was intended espe olally for travelers. Ilia achomo wa to patent its manufacture and the have the Government erect a mauufac ry at Washington at its expense , an ho would sell it thn right to make th checker-board for 1)0 ) per cent , of th grata prpCta. By this plan ho ha tignrod out that ho waa to bo wort something like nlno or ton times pu present national debt at the iuepiri tlon of ten years , and that the Goi ornmunt would have reaped a reveuu sufficient not only to cover the e : penso cf the manufacture of the art ole , but would have totally obliterate ita debts. Not long ago another crank drov up in front of our nflica with an e : press wagon completely loaded dow with models fjr patents , all mam faolured of tin. Among them , hov over , waa a tin telephone , or as 1 tanned it a hydrophodu. His id < .wat that as water is incompressible cHikl consequently act aa a.trautml er. Ho oxtiiblted a long tin pl [ omplotoly tilled with water , and wit bulb at each ond. By npeaklr ijklnat ono end of the pipe ho thougt 10 watur would conduct the tonoa I 10 other. In this way ho propose uatoning a bulb on to the hydrant i honao and a corresponding bulb c 10 hydrant cf another. Oonvorsi on would bo carried on by opcaklrj gainst ono of thosu bulks and llstoi rg nt the other. This samu crank produced anothi nvantion by which hu believed map jgar could bo manufactured Tfithoi 10 attoudancu of help. A tin trouj aiidactod the sap from the tree to t vaporator , while aByattmi of machii ry , run by a hugo automatic tin wic till , atlrrod the sugar and packed way In barrels. IIo also product tin fiddle upon which ho desired atout. But the greatest crank that ev ialtcd us was u chap who had disco rod thn grand science of schema oing away entirely with thu posi ility of accidents by traveling , was a prodigious echcme , and 1 > rought a model of it into the t til with him The system waa not omplicatpd ouo. Ho proposed ualleo railroad tracks only for loc notivoa , The cars were to bu si ponded in the air by a collection mall balloons , the engines timri juiding them across the country. ' . case of an accident the enginu wou slnip'y ho wrecked , while thu cable i tachud to thu car mig'it snap and t nsacugnrs go sailing away unlnjure Ho had aho provided for the engine , nd a small balloon waa to bo stow away In the looomotlva , which cot 30 inflated at a moment's notion , a u ciso c f a wreck the engineer wet 3d lifted away from the debris , case of ships , the vessel proper fl only utilized to steer thocar acrosi t water , aud In case of a wreck the vi sol only would ba destroyed , wh the passengers would ba suspended mid air. Thu most numerous cranks , ho over , are the ones who buy patoti A man who would take two or thi dsys In which to look over a 81 if horse before buying it , will jump the ohanco of paying ? 0.000 or $8 , ( f ir u patent , no matter how worthl k it la. * Lydla E. I'iukham'a Vugota Compound ranks first as n curat agent In all complaints peculiar women. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A Vexed Ulorcyinan. m KVCH the patience of Job would bee < exhausted were ha a preacher and eudf orlug to interest hia audience while t were kceplug up on incres-innt conptu making It Impossible for him to he he ; Yet , how very easy can all this be avol by simply using Dr. King' * New Dinci ry for Consumption , Coughs and Co Trial Bottle * given w y at O. F. Ui niua's drug store THE BAD AND WORTHLESS Are never imitated or counterftittd. Thin IB especially true of a family tnodlclno , arid It io positive proof thnt the remedy imitated is of the highest valuo. An noon aa it had bocn tested and proved by the whole world thut Unp Bittera waa the purest , hent and most valuable family nicdicino on earth , many imitations sprung up and began to otcol the notices in which the press and p"uoplu of the country had expressed the merits of II. B. , and in every way trying to induce suf fering invalids ; o nau their stuff in- B't'tid ' , expecting to make money on the credit and good name of 11. B. Jinny others started nostrums put up in aimilar style to 11. B. , with vari ously doviaod names in which the word "Hop" or "Hops" were uaod in away to induce people to believe they were the same as Hop Bitters. All such pretended remedies or euros , no matter what their style or name IB. and espiclally those with the word "Hop" or "ilopu" in their name or in any way connected with them or their name , are imitations or counterfeits. Buwaro of thorn. Touch none of them. ( Jso nothing but genuine Ilop Bitters , with a bunch or cluster of green Hops on the white labgl. Trust nothing else. Druggists and dealers are warned against dealing in Imita tions or coui'torftilta To strengthen and build up the syti torn , a trial will convince you that Brown's Iron Bitters is the best mod- iolnn nwdn THE SHORT LINE OK TUB Milwaukee & St , Paul RAILWAY Ii now running Its FAST EXPRESS TRAINS from OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS WITH Pullman's ' Mapificent Sleeper ! -AND THE Finest Dining Cars in the World IF YOU ARE GOING EAS1 TO CHICAGO' MILWAUKEE , Or to anv point beyond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS Take the BEST ROUTE , the Chicago , Milwaukee&St.PaulE'i Ticket office located at corner Farnam an Fourteenth strceta and at U. P. Depot and I Mlllaid Hotel , Omaha. < arSoe Time Table in another column. F. A. NASH , General AtrOnt. O. H. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. 8. 8. MEItlULL , A. V. II. CARPENTER , General Manager. General Pom. Agon J. T. CLAIIK. GEO. H. HEAFFOHD , General Sup't. Ass't Gen. Pass. Agon FOR CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON And all Polutt Eaat nd ° 3outh-Eait. THELINKCOMPRI8K8 Nearly 4.0CO inllca. Solid Smooth Steel Trac 11 connections are made In UNION DhPOTI has a National Hopntatlon aa belnij tt reat Through Oar Line , and la universal needed to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED Ra ! ad In the world ( or all classes ol travel. ' Try It and you will On * trayellurf a Inxn Instead ol a discomfort. Through Tickets via rim Celebrated Line I lalo at all ofllcca In the West. All Information about lutes o Fare , Sloepli Cir Accommodations , Tlmo Tabks , Ac. , will cheerfully flten by apulylntnz to T. J. POTTER. 3d VUe-l'rcs't & Oen. UanagerChlca ( PERCIVAL LOWELL , Gen. I'ajueutfer Agi. Chlcag W. J. DAVtNPqilT , ' Uen. Agent , Conncll Dlufle. d' Ii. r. DUKLL , Ticket jARt. o Iv 8wuz City & fasifi THE ! SIOUX OITZ ROUT llr.oi a B )1M Train lhicutiron > Council BInfis to Dt , Paul V/llhut Ohini ; Time. Only 17 Hour : IV ID 2.OO K-H3 THS aUCZlXI KOCI OOUNOlLi BLUFFS 50 TO K , FiUI , at DOLUTU OS. end all jolcij In Sri them lowi , IIsaro ! , u i DO Dthota. Tttli llae It CvUvi"l ! W.to the Irnpra ES VTof.MLChonii' ) Ar.tcini.t1r Alr-btuVa a.H UI npl.rinj TnT rs and lot BPUJW. ) A."trrjr tLSTi coutomt iriuA'X rti'lmto Pf.luo tilctplnj 0 rue tlujcph v/iTHOJT OKANaC b twccj K ile B City and tt. fid , rla CXancl , ' . City. vote a Inbn r lia Tn f t el Co ell HluSg , at 7.M i. m , d u ; on trilval Ban to C14y,3t Jutpliasi COUP. 11 niuCg trnlo Ii ( hil3ovi'b. Arililnji' obnxCUy 11:10 : i\ ku < 3 at U JUw Union U ; ot it lit. ftil a. 11 oou int HODBB IK ADTAVC/t / 07 AKT10TU HODTK. /U-lUutratfi la tthlat ; the Uoar. City Ko you et a Thronxh Triln. Th * SbciUtt the QulckMiUmj anJ a ComlirUble Bldi In icy COUNCIL IJLUKffS AND ST. PAUL. a. OT&io thtt year TlcVeli rovl rla the " 8li led Oily nd Puino RalbcaJ ' J. H. WATILKa , J. 11. IIOCllA''iN laperUitendtBl Ota1 Fan.AiD tllnonrl Valley It. W , K. DAVI3 clbweittrn FaMengti Oouudl niuDi * A combination of J'ro toflilaof Jrun , Ji'iritrlan Jlarlt undJ.'husiliontKn n jxilatablo form , J'or J ) < t > HHn , Jx > .n of Aimc- Utc , Ji'roKtrulton of I ttal 1'ou-cra it iaiiultauensa * bio. 3USV.A.I.1IOBIJ3 Writes : i = y KEV.J.L.TOWNER , AUor n thorough trial of the H U r > JT ll * & Industry,1 ru. , says : IRON TONIO , I take plcasuro < : I consider It In otatlnif that I have been .cnaQtod by its a most oxcollcnt remedy for USD. KIOOVV Ministers nnd Pub the debilitated vital forces. lic Speakers will llnd It of the preatost value wheroa Tonlols neces sary. I recommend it ns n rollablo remedial nprent , posaosslni ? un doubted nutritive and restorative . Lovtttillt , Ky. propertlos. ) Oct. 2 , 153. ! . TSITASSD E7 SES DR. HARTCR MEDICINE CO. , 113 it. VUKT CT. , CT. LOU13. o. ff * f 'Ct t * f7 J f & jtf * * ? T" * T * rt * fl P AI JS TS , OILS , Window and Plate Q'ass. ' < nTAnyooo contemplating bullilln ? store , bani , or any other One will Hncllt to their a 1 anta o to csrree end with ug before purchnlng their Plate Glass. O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - - MEB. J , "I AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , .Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of Affl MABDFAOTDfflD TOBACCO. iuonts for BBNWOOD NAILS AHD LAFLIN & BAND POWDER CO. DEALERS IN ft 5 Si Fire and Burglar Pr > > Q O 3E2Z O , O 1020 Farnham Street , JtS PERFECTION HEATING'AND ' BAKING la only attained by using CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges.3 WITH WIRE GAUZB OVKR DOORS , 'For sale by , ROGERS & SONS OTWC-SN.23E.i25. . . . WILLIAM SNYDER. MANUrACTUBlSIl OIS firs-Class Paining anfl Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done 1319 Hnrnnv , Cor14th. . Omaha BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES , BUGGIES In all Brmclinp The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JBWELBY HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARS. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Prices with ces as is compatible honorable dealers. Call cu and see our Elegant New n. Store , Tower Building , II comer llth and Famhaai Streets TTJK LEADING it IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer , ' and Dealer. ' Pianos and Organs sold \ for cash or installments at . y Bottom Prices. | A SPLENDID stock ot 5 Steinway Chickering , t Enafoe , Vose & Son's Pi Vj anos , and other makes. ft Also Glough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith A" American Organs , &c. Do / / not fail to see us before pur- / chasing. i u MAX MEYER BRO. , ini MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES. A Large Stock always on Hand. rj