Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1883, Image 6

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The Daily Bee.
Wednoaday Morning , Jan. 24
BT 0 rrtet , - - - - - M cent * l > * i week
Bf Mail . . . . . . 110.00 per Y l
Office : No. 7 Pearl Street , Nou
J. MneUer'i 1'alaceIMunlo Hall.
Subscribe ( or newapapora undjperiodl
Mil at II. K , Seaman1 ! book atore.
The city council la to meet a aln Krl
i y night ,
The Ilound TAble inot last evening a
the house of Mrs. Harknem.
There were twenty cnr > of grain loadcc
t the Union elevator yesterday and ehl [
ped over the Chicago ft NorthwcHlern.
List oveiilntr the Catholic fair w.ii
continued by ft quadrille party at Dohinj
hall , which proved an injoyiblo occasion ,
It IB now reported that a ton ol lr
Ballard's haa hten nrroi'.cd for tin
recent robbery by which the dostor lual
leverat hundred dollar ; .
Permits to wed wore lamed ycsterd.ij
to Helea Locke and NotlU Miller , both o
Honey Creek ; Fremont Morris and Snral
Chambers , of Avoca , nnd William H. Tib
belts and Kva M. Carter , of Valley town
The Twlnkler , with full two hundm
names on her carriers' routes , publiabca i
two column ndvertlsem'nt and claim
"tho largest circulation \ this oity. " Oil
giro us a rest ,
A picture of Oarfielcl , surrounded by i
wreath of hair flaweri , li an nnlque am
Tory beautiful gem now ornamenting tin
* how case of Mr. liurhorn , the Jowolor. I
is the work of Mm. 1' . Uuihurn , and ex
hibits perfection In a very rra art.
Steven Julian , who has been em
ployed In The Nonpareil oflice here , died i
few days ago of consumption at his homi
in Cbariton , He has a Irothor , J. G
Julian , who ii In the employ of S. T ,
Walker 4 Co. , on Fearl street.
The trains are all leaving Councl
BlulTs on time , but the arrivals tire not si
fortunate. The Northwestern was an hou
and forty minutes late yesterday , the C.
IS. & Q. an hour and thirty minutes , tin
Hock I eland two hours and forty intn
A runaway team caromed on the cor
ner by the ally building yesterday fore
noon , and beta ? captured by thu pollci
was taken to Waatherby'H barn. Th
owner turned up some tlin i later , am
proved to bo Mr , Swlgnrt , who llvei ncn
this city.
The docket for the Kabruary term o
the circuit court Is now printed in III
usual form , but not In the usual size , I
having n thin , lank , consumptive look
which Indicates that the term will to u
unusually light ouo.
One gentleman with a cub capital u
$2.1,000 Is corresponding with parties her
in reference to locating In this city , am
opening a pork packing establlshmen
here , provided he can make satlsfactor ;
arrangements in regard to the securing c
about four acres of ground. *
J. W. Strobm , representing L. Kv i
ingbam & Co. , of Chicago , has located I
this city and opened A branch ofllco her
In I'eregoy & Mooro'a retail cigar store 01
Broadway , He has arranged to have coir
plfito market reports received hern dull ,
by telegraph , and baa prepared one of th
largest and neatest blackboird bulletins I ;
the country , on which to place the lates
figures as they ( Uah over the wire ; , nnd I
prepared to give all information and tram
act all builness needful to a banker's olTic <
Mr. Strohra IB an experienced , active but
ness man , and representing , as ho doer ,
well-known and nubstantlal bouse , I
seems that be should secure readily a hrg
mount of business here.
Supervisors Clayton and Undorwon
have returned from a trip to Mt. I'leasar
nd Davenport , looking after the Insac
patients sent from this county to tb
Mylnm nt the former place and to Merc
hospital at Davenport. They report thi
they found the patents being well take
care of , and everything In good shapi
They stumbled on one bit of Informatio
which will be of Interest , that one count
In this state baa a contract with Merc
boipltal for caring for patients at the rat
of 112 a month , whereas this county wltl
out a contract is paying $10. This fa :
will probably lead the board to make
regular contract with the hospital. Tl
county now has 33 patients in both plare
and In every case the county pay * for tb
treatment , although some of the patient
have property , or have friends abundant !
able to pay.
Ai an instance of how tlrnld tb
authorities are about tackling any of tt
houses of prostitution , It la utatcd that i
examining into a case before the last jur
witnesses testified that a certain hoiu
was one of 111 fame , and , while the proi
was right there at hand , the grand jur
failed to take any step toward indlctini
U has been a long Units since any mich Ii
dlctment has been found , and the gran
jury did not seem dlapoied to change tl
custom of looking at such matters wit
one eye shut and the other one niulntlni
The grand jury cannot bo scored too ban
however , In view of the fact that thli ell
practically licenses such places at a uu
form price for good , bad or Indllfercnt.
The creat clearim ; out sale at Harl
nets , Orcutt & Oo.'a , cllera a rare o ]
portuui'y ' to got pocd geode cheap.
Crystal Roller Mills Patent Gram
Jatcd FJcur , Superlative A , the htgl
cet grade of flour manufucturn
Snowy white , puru , light nnd owee
Ask your grccur for It and you wi
have none othf r. tf.
Children's heavy school hose i
Harkueea , Orcutt & Oo.'a.
Men'o grain wool lliiud boom , on ]
$2 at Phillip * . ju'J3i- :
Holiday gocda at llarkncss. Orcn
& Oo. ' .
Weak mueclca and nerves , alugpial
msi of thought and Inactivity cure
by Brown's Iron Bitten.
Bnoik IbtovoH are Paying Special At
tention to Unow Cneo' .
With thu advent of the unaausllj
cold weather and the consequent froat-
ing of front window * , sj that s ore-
keep ) cannot poor out upon the streets ,
the otitaldo ehow cixsca provo strong
temptations fir sneak theivca , In
aonio of thoao valuable goods are loft
ozpoaod. At Biuhorn'a jewelry etorc
on Main etroet , the ahovr casu elan cl
ing outaido the door waa burglarized ,
and n gold watch and chain taken val
ued at $125 , with no satisfactory tract
loft behind the thli/ .
Joseph Rolter , the tailor , had aptii
of pantaloons made by him on t
apodal order for a cuototnor , uric
placud then in n show case outnldn ,
bat eoiiio anoak thief got away with
them bo f ere thu customer got arouuc
for thutn.
A totuKram wnti received from QCITOI
the river ycatorday to look out for i
pony atolcn in Omaha early ytatcrdiy
Willum Buah , a olain drunk , wni
ycatordny fined ! ) CO.
Dr. Guhlnppourud in poMco enurl
yeateidiy morning and ccmplained ol
his room mate , L > uia Thompson , fen
assaulting him. The doctor clufin'ti
that Thompson inalatud on coming tc
bud drunk nnd sleeping \vith hin booti
on , and when ho objected Tbompaor
thumped him. .ludgo Aylonwor'li
dismissed the aaaualt case , but divorce
the matciiliuu couple. Thompaui
nromiao * not to insist on stooping rritl :
the doctor any more.
In ttiu cuHd otVtlllnm Enclc
charged by Attorney Tipton with lr
cony , having thrown In the Cro a 3C
note in Tipion'a ' f vor , m which 21
was still duo , a compromise was rench
od yesterday , nnd the afT.Ur aottlod
without any ovldonco being taken ,
The chief of pollco received or
Monday evening a tolegrnm from thi
sheriff of Clay county , Minn. , re-
queuing htm to nrroat and hold twc
mon , Gtrey Stormn nnd Joaoph Skol-
loy , and giving full descriptions ol
thorn. Yesterday the chief and Oiilcoi
Tyaon found the two men
at the tranafnr , about to tuki
the train for S i Franolaco , and
they wi-ro taken in custody , and re
tained f > i eotno time , but as no in.
formation conld bo gained by tola
graphing , aa to what the men wtri
WMitod for , or how locg bihro or
< Iliccr would conio nftor thmn , thi
chief roloascd I horn again , and le !
thorn go on their way. Ono of the
mon explained that the only thing he
conld imagine to have cauaed audi
.roubln was the fact that hin corapnn
ion lud been n partner with nnothoi
man in buiiness there , ntid had aoh'
out his tools nnd nome other proporlj
ind then oanio away with the monny ,
oaving the rest of the ptopcr.'y foi
; ho partner. There aoorasi to bo noth.
ing in this to hold the mon on.
Qoor o Ilumaoy was nrreatod yoator
day , being auapeoted of knowing mor (
than ho would tjll , about a watol
toion at Missouri Vallay.
Ooodo going cheap nt the great euli
at Ilarknosi , Orcutt & Co.'a.
A Temporonco Oonvontion.
In view of the recent decision bj
the euprorao court doolarinu thi
amendment nnoonatltutional , wo , it
accordance with the rcoommondatioi
of the stnto coutral oommittoo , horobj
call a mass convention of the temperance
anco workers of Council Bluff * am
Pottnw&ttamio county to meet at thi
Broadway M. E. church in thia city
nt 2 p. in. Saturday , the 3d day o
February , 1883 , to appoint delegate
to the atuto oonvontion which moot
at D < n Molnoa , February 17th , am
take what other action the wisdom o
the convention shall direct. Lc
there bo a full attondanco.
Gh'mn County Com.
L. W. TULLEYH , Secretary.
Ladles' nnd children's wool hoods a
Darkness , Orcutt & CO.'B.
Charloa W. Caio , of Den Moinoa , la i
the city.
L , M , Holmes , of St. Louis , arrived hei
yeaterday ,
1'aul Meyer , of Chicago , WM in the cit
C. M , Witt , of Neola , wiia in the ell
D , Friedman , ol Muutgomery , AUbatni
la at the Ogden.
Waller N. VnU , of Now York , nrrivt
hero yesterday ,
( ieorgo Deacon , A 1'hiladelphU deacoi
Is at the Ogdeu.
C. U. Dillon , of Noola , Ia. , waa in tl
city yeatonUy ,
i : . M. Wllcox , ot Whitewater , ii a
Ogdcn home Rucat ,
S m > tel.Taylor , of St. Lotils , dined i
the Ogden yeaterday.
M. M. Marahitll , of Omaha , epcnt ye
terilay at the BUilTi.
W. A. K ntz'.e , of Vreeport , arrived a
the Ogden yeaterday ,
tioorga A. HOFB , of Oscalooga , low :
vhltod the JUuITi yesterday ,
U. A. Morrl , of Sheldon , Ind. , w i
the I'ioIQo houio yciteiday.
A. Wllllama , of Xletlow , N. Y. , Ia mal
Ins headnuartera at the IVcitic.
( leorguGrriham and John CorkUt , i
Ogtlen , Utah , arc at the I'aclfi : .
Charlea 1) . Oa > lonl , f Cleveland , 0
arrived at the 0-Jcu , yeaterdny.
Win. U. Suttoti , rf Chlcaro ; , win ro.i
terod i > t tlio O deu jeitordny ,
K. 11. l'lerc ef
, Luutavllle , ivy , wj
among yestordsy'd arrlvjlj at the I'wllic
W. A. Frye , who travil * firthainto
CHta of n Omulm IU.UIP , was In the city yc
terdaj' .
II. A. Shourcrvho w fonneily Hupc
Inteudcnt of the hot tower harp , and wl
haa lately been putting iu aome mining u.i
chlnory In the fur wwt , Ia [ u tin cit
again , and nfter lumajoInK a day with o ]
frlenda hero will proceed to Canada , \\hei
hU family DOW ure.
A now policeman waa added to the fors
yeaterday , hti name bekg Darhyte , ji
He ia extremely young , but haa goo
weight and alte for one of hla ant , aud U :
thera ot the force mlnpltdcongratulat'on '
with imoke at the expeate of OlDcer liar
lyte , on hla being blcined with anothci
uch heir.
There is a great clearing out aalo al
Jarknoan , Oroutt & Co'a ,
UonllzInK on Realty.
The following transfers of real
estate are reported for THK BEK ai
akon from the county records by J.
W , Squire & Co. , abstractors of title H ,
eal oatato nnd loan igonte , Council
BlufTa :
J. 0. Bogno to J. M. Fatten , ni nw
30 , 75 , 39 ; $1 5CO.
G. II. Hopkins to J. Sorensen , lol
4 in 30 , Howard's add ; $200.
L Hammer to M. Woodworth , t )
ot 3 ! n 12 , Grlracn' add ; $ G"0.
0. Thomeon to P. Thompson , v J
ao nnd tu of aw 7 , 77 , 38' , 81.
J. W. Pope , Sr. , to K. U. Hancock ,
wj BW 17 , 70 , 39 ; 81,950.
J. 0. Harnard to Q. B , Larieon , ; |
10 and r i BO and BO nw and no of avi
28 , 75 , 4f ! ; 57,170
B. Barton to E. L. Kolaom.ii BO30 ,
70. 43 ; $1,000.
L. Llammtir to J. Grayaon , w J lol
n bine * 12 , Grimes' addition to city
$4 CO.
County to W. 0. James , lot 4 It
block 2 , Grimes' addition , $55.
E II. Smith to O. O lllco , lota It
Duraut'n addition , S750.
0. , II. I & P. U U. Co. to G. T ,
D-win. w i n o \ 19 70 , 40 , $720.
J. Hammer to Oflloer ifc PonoyIanc
n Washington township , 320 acres
T. Ellom to L E. Brldonsteln , lot 4
n block II , Williams' 1st odditlda ti
city , 8750.
T. Kearney to A. L. MeElvjin , lo
J7 in block 1 , Oaklnnd , $50.
Table Hnona , nnpklnB , doylien , tow
o0 and crashes cheap at Uarknoaa
Orcutt & Co.'a.
* Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vegotnbli
Compound ranks first aa a cnrativi
agent In all complaints peculiar u
The arrivals of hoga continue very Ugh
onlv about 300 hogs In to-day. Marke
njtivo at about Co higher all around.
Corrected dally by J. Y. Fuller , mer
chandiBo broker , buyer and shipper o
grain and provMon' , 39 I'cnrl Btrret ,
WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 77o ; No. 3,05
ejected oOc ; ttooil demand.
COIIN 32o to feeders and 33o to ship
OATH Scarce and in good demand ; 30c (
HAY 4 OOffC 00 per ton.
llTK lOc ; light mipply.
COHN MEAL 1 25por 100 jwinndo.
Wonn-Good auppl ) , prices ot yard ?
G M@0 00.
COAI , Uollverod , bard , 10 50 per ton
soft. 5 00 per ton.
IlCTTKlt Plenty and In fair demand
KOCH Scarce nnd in demand ; SOo pe
dozen ,
LAltn Folrbank'B , wholcBaling at 13c.
POULTIIY Firm ; dealers pity Ing 13o pe
pound for turkoyn and lOc for chicken- ) .
VKOKTAIILKH Potnti cc , 45cj onlonn , 25r
cabbnge , 310o ( ) per dozen ; apples , 2 6
@ : t ( JO per bnrrol.
FlXUH-Cryntul Holler mill flour retailed
od at : i 20 for diadum winter ; 2 80 for cold
on sheaf ; 2 00 for h.ird tuck.
Wholesale prices for flour , -I0@3 25.
BuooMa 2 00@3 00 per dozen.
CATTLB 3 00@3 60 ; calves 5 00@7 60.
Hnrknces , Orcutt & Co. have atlll
few line ailk dolmans. Call and BO
Money for the TTnmnirrlad.
Ono of the moat aolid and aubatan
tial Institutions In this country ia th
Marriage Fund Mutual Trust assoola
tlon of Oedar Aaplds , la. Durin
their first year , ending January 1st
1883tthoy paid over ? 30,000.00 ii
bonohta to their members , and th
grcutoet satitfaotion prevails araon
their certificate holders , They ar
organized under the laws of Iowa , an
their oftioors and directors are amen
the leading and most prominent bus !
HUSH men ot Coder llapida. Every ur
married peraon should have u cortlf
cato In this association.
It la a splendid investment , aa eufi
secure nnd sure ea a govornmorj
bond. Yon can jnst as well have
good sum of money to commence mil
ried life on aa not. Over. 200 mcir
bora have been paid off , recoivin
over 300 per cent , on their Inveal
raeut. Send a postal card for ire
circulars fully detailing the plat
which is the finest known. Goo
agonta can got territory if applied fc
aoon. Write to-day. Do not pea
ponb it. Mention \horo you aa'
thia notice. J4-lm
When you fool out of aorta , ha\
the blues , melancholy , oto. , It mui
bu Indigestion that nlla you. Brown
fron Hitters cnreo it ,
Divert ions on chipboard Door-Hun
Ing at Point 'Borrow.
The whaling bark Abrnhaai Barkei
after leaving San Francitco lant D.
cember , went down on the coaat <
Mexico after humpback whales , as
kind of preparatory drill bofcro n
tacking the larger and moro vnlnabl
bowhrads of the north. From Mej
Ice the bark cruised touth , going
ahort dlotanco boyoud the eqaatoi
thence to Honolulu , picking up a fe' '
sporia whnlea M she went nlonr.
Early in Mny , ntys ono of the voj
agora , writing to the San Frauciac
Bullwtiwo reached the ice in th
Behring aea. The Ice was broken Jut
cako.1 , formed into strips by tlio nc
tton of winds and currents , Thca
strips of Ice wore nouio of couaidernbl
breadth and length. There was clea
water between , through which Ih
ships sailed , but when a body of lo
WA8 in the way the ehipj dh\ \ not heei
Ute to run throuqh it , taking cro nc
to stiiko the vestal too hard
The ioa jirevt-ntod any ecu whatovc
from riling. la HIB latter part c.
May wo reached the Snint Diomed
i lnnd , between East cupc , Ania , nm
Capo Prlnoo ofValec , America. T.i
i traits wore compnrativoly free froi
ioo. OanorM fu.l if imitvoa cnmo t
tha sMp from wcattm Dlomedo an
Eaat capo to neil akin clothing for tc
ba co , mninnnition. and rum ; the lal
tcr Brtlcka they did not get. Wo ha
just taken a boirhoad whale , and , pei
muaion being given , the natives completely
pletoly atrlppod the whale of Ita blac
aklu , which ia about an Inch thick al
OYtrtho body. They devoured th
raw blubber as raveuoualy aa wolvo *
An they receded northlthe ahipa ad
rnnced. Whulea being acarco , viait
tng from onu ship to another waa fro
'i'wo ' ahlps r.uld corao close to
( dther and the captaina would addret
each other :
"Whore are you bound ? "
"Nowhero. Where are you going ! '
' I am following you. "
"Oomo aboard. "
"All rght. "
"I am from Vermont , " aald otto o
the crow of a visiting ahlp to the mar
next to him. "Whern are you fronjf
'Massachusetts. " "How'II ' you trade
ack knives ? " By July 1st wo had pro
; russed aa far north aa Icy capo , thi
ilghest point reached by Chpt. Cook ,
.ho prtnl circumnavigator , who fell al
alakakun bay , Ilawnil.
About fifty milts ( ff thia cnpe Uu
ihip conimoncud killing walruo on th (
oe. A few yeaia ago whalemen bar
} oonod wnlruH from their whaleboata
ow it la difficult to ot within guu
shot of thi m. To kill them they inuai
30 ahot in the neck , nnd if the lira
allot falls , they will all jump off thi
co. Ilowcvcr , ehould they stand fire
tnoro than ha f full overboard and sink
A walrus produces about eovcntnei
gallons of oil and five pounds of ivory
In the latter part of July the shipi
cunio to an anchor at Point Barrow
The northern cost of Alaska ia low
evol , and munhy , without a tree o :
fhrub. Moequlcoes , largo and fierce
darken the air and airig In diama
shorus l'rom Capo Liabournu t (
Point Ba.row. Point Barrow i
a _ long , nnnow ponlnf.ulu , 01
which there Is u conaicl'.rab'o settle
nont , of Esquimaux. The native
tiavo driftwood stuck up on end 01
each side of the peninsula , to direc
the flight < f wild ducks across a givei
point , where they conceul thomaclve
behind a broBBtwor * to either nhout o
kill them with slings aa they fly over
The Esquimaux cut every part of ni
animal or fowl. Even the entrails ar
utilized , and of walrus they oven ea
the hide , which ia often more than in
Inch in thickness. When any garao 1
brought in it IB buried ; If the woatho
ia fine they will cook it , otherwise
they oat it raw. In the winter thea
people live in underground houses , Ii
anmmor they live in tenta made o
walrua hide , but those of Point Bar
row have a plentiiul aupply of canvn
[ torn the sails of shlpa wrecked in tha
vicinity , and all their tents are madi
of thia canvas. They aeom to be wol
auppllod with guns ; in nearly overj
tent there was a breach loading rilli
and flhot-guns of ancient and modori
patterns were scattered nroum
in great profusion. In thi
anmmor time they travel aloni
the coait In their akin canoet ; li
winter they hitch their doijs to aledge
and move over the ice. On the eastern
orn extremity of Pjint Barrow * hi
E qulmaux lay their dead wrapped li
canvas , with their personal pro-pert ;
boatdo them , exposed to the element'
and wild beauts. Theio were about &
many dend as live natives on thi
point , All the E qnimanx boar th
imprint of intersa suffering , thoi
faces being covered with hair ik
wrinkles. Contact with clvllizatioi
has boon moat fatal totbo Esquimaux
Besides supplying them with rnm am
communicating to them foul diseases
the Americans have wantonly do
atroyod the walruf , their main dependence
denco for food. Walrus are now gel
ting scarce and wild , and are practi
oally beyond their reach. Star' ntio
has already made heavy inroads amen
The first week in Auguat the ship
sailed around to the eastward of Pole
Barrow. The northern coast of Alask
was explored by Capt. Beocby , of th
Russian navy , In 1810. Ho name
all the prominent points and islandi
But , like Columbus , ho had not mnq
luck in naming places , aa later e :
plorora gave the places new namoi
Owing to the nearness of the ice to th
ahoro , unsettled weather , and dhallov
ness of the water , moat of the
abandoned this part of the whalin ;
grounds on the 15th of Auguat , an
moved westward to a point northeai
of the Herald island , at the souther
edge of the ico. Hero ia whore moi
of the ships caught their whaloi
cruiaing aa high as thn Ice would pei
mlt , between 72 and 74 degrees nort
latitude. Found a few polar boars o
the ice Ono swam to the ship , a dli
tanco of twenty miles from the ic <
and was shot. Owing to unfavorabl
weather , wo saw the aurora only fiver
or alx times , and onlyoncoin its glorj
That waa on the 5th of Septembei
soon after the nights began to gro
dark. A great bunch of yellow llgl
gathered in the aonthosat. Then , e
if an explosion had taken place , th
light branched out and shot acroaa th
aky in all directions , like so man
rockets. These golden spangles woul
tremble nnd vibrate , twist and turr
vanieh and appear , recoil and shoe
forth again , finalljr gathering Into
golden certain of celestial grandeti
with waves of green and purph
July 23d and 24th were the only tw
aummer-like daya , the tomporatui
reaching 58 degrees The thirty-oil
whaling vessels that went into ih <
Arctic averaged six boghead whale
each. The moat of these veinala wi
diafihargo nt San Frauciico , the othei
will go direct to Panama. Seven c
thu vesaola hail from San Franciscc
the othora belong to Now Bedfort
The Abrnm Barker took twouty-fiv
whales of all "kinds thia seaaon , ugh
humpback , ton rpsrm , and aovei
bowho&da If a ehip gets eight bow
heads , or the iqatvolent of otho
kinda , the ctliccra and crew will re
coivoas much money aa they would i
a year in deep water ahlps.
. O S3L 3C OEI C3
OXct over s.tvloct )
E !
( or nil dioenecs of tno Kidneys and i
Itia3 ! poclfloivc'iononthsmoetlraportant !
orcan , catl .113 u to throw off torpidity and i
traotlcn , t' jt-Uxtlnc the licalUiy eecreUon ;
k r.le. ar.a by keeping Uio bowcU to free
" nmdltlan , cffixlins Ita rAjular diichArno.
Kfljnlnfle IfyouaroBUlltrtiiefrom-
Iwlcllclrlcii tnaUria.U-vvotbochlUi , |
arabllloiu , cty p pUo , or coiutlpated , Ktd.
ney.Wort will iiuvlyraUoTO ft qutakly cure. ,
In thl uwan to cloanbO tlio Cyitcm. every I
one ihouU Uke thorough OOUKO oflt. ( U ) .
NOTICE. BpodM kdvertlMmenti , sue
I/Mt , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent ,
Wants , UoMdlnff , etc. , will be Inserted In thli
column at the ow r to of TEN CENTS PEft
LINE ( or the ttret Inicrtlon ind FIVK CENT3
PKtl LINE ( or each aubse < iuent Inserttan.
tx re kdr ertloemeuU at oar office , No , 7
Pearl Strrft , near Droadway. _
_ ZZ ! Wants.
Q.ifItcnatd ( or the return ot & lad ! n ( jotd
' > . ( . } atch onil chiln , Uken ( rom my how
cane , oil Monday , Jauuarj ! v > nd. No cuesttoua
WAVTED * n experienced stlrl to do gcnor.
1 home wor * Inqulra at otllce 39 , corner
of Pi arl tn et and f Irit A > cnue 41
OTKt , W\NTE l-Any one Ko lnK of a
hotel nnd ( urulturu ( or luai-c , can loitrn of a
good te Mith ) adjrc lnf ( , li , bsn otllce , Coun
WANTKD-10,000 bu.helx of corn. Inquire
at No. 34 1'icrl utrett , cr l r > om factory ,
MUM and North blxth. itiV.NRfcCo.
Kvctyboav in Couacn Ulunt ute
WAKTBU Tna Daa , 20 centa per week , de
Ivered by carriers. Office , No 7 Penil Street
near Ilrnadwav.
For Snlo aud Bent
.h A hotel In thli rlty , all ( urnlnhcd ,
do nj { a pa ) Ing tuslnu B , for nle rheai | , by
Jnnin-ot OUKLL ft D.u.
FOIl HKNT A house nt three rocm for e'pht
collari ) a month , looat d ntar'y nppoHlle the
high srhool. Apply at No. SM lliyh School
Aronue. tf
* N olllco , mo'tad\anta cou ly situated , olTurs
tltfk room in return for 'crvloci ; K < U > , fuel ,
Ur. , ftirn'uhcd. AdartHJ , "Otllcc , " linn ollicv ,
Uounc 1 Illulln.
UKKS-lnpacK gctiot a hundred at 2tc
OLD pacstvo at Tlin Dm olllce , No. 7 1'carl
Btrert. tf
FOKSALK-In Om-ha , dolpjaci h
SALOON B frontjIWO.W to 41200 Co per mon h
oipcnccH light the party hnaother hiiiincAd -
drem Omaha Dally lice Omaha Nch77019 }
POUND A collcui society pin. Came to the
UHR olll c , pay ( or thia ad , prom prnnrtty
and get tlio pin. d27 tl
. W. L. PATrON Ptoyelclan and Ocullal.
DU. cure any casn of aore eyn. H la only
a matter of time , and c&n euro generally In
from three to Ore weeks It makoa nc differ
ence how long dtaeaoud. Will atralghten crose
eyea , operate and remove Ptyreelnma , etc. , and
Ineert artificial eyca. Special attention to re.
inovelne tadeitorma ap6-tl
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Ext..520 p m Padfle Eel.-0:15am :
Ex and MaII'.9SJ5a m Kx ami Mall.G&tpni
D. Molncs ac.7:15 : a m Dt * Molnca ac.4:40 : p trj
Depart. Arrive.
AtlontlcKxt..5:30pm : Padflo Ext..920am
Mall and Ex'.920am Mail and Kx'.7:00prn :
N. Y. Ex 4:00pm : Neb & Kag Ex..8:20 : a m
Depart Arrive.
Atlantic Exf..6:15 p m Paclflc Ext..9:15am
Mall anil Ex,020am Mali and Ex.6:10 : pin
Accom. ( Sat.5fiO : p m Accom. ( Slon. ) . 1 : p ID
Depart. Arrhe.
Mall and Ex..9:56 : a m I Express. ( I'M p m
Exprcsu 0:10 : pm | Mall and Kx..G'43p n :
Depart , Arrive.
Overland Ex. 11:30 a. m. Overland F.I.4:00 p. m ,
Lincoln Ex..11:30 : a. m. DomcrEx . . MJOa.ui ,
Denier Ex..7:00p. : in. Local Ex CUiO a. in ,
Local Ex 7:25 a. m. " Ex n.05ft. m ,
Emigrant..6aMp. m. " Ex r-ooa. m
ar. Louia AKD PACIFIC.
Depart , ArrU e.
Malt and Ex. . 0:15 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4:30ptr :
Cannon Ball. . 4:50 : p m [ Cannon Ball. . 11:05 : an
moux cnr AKD rArvio.
Depart. Arrive.
For Sioux Cty.7:55am ! Frm Sioux 'y.6'J50 p n
For FortNiobrara. Frm Fort Niourara ,
Neb' 7:55am : Neb 'B'Mpn
For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul..8 0 a n
Leave Council Bluffa. Arrh c Council Binds.
Mail and Ex. , 9:20 : a m I Mall and Ex.8:55 : pn
Atlantic Ex. . 15:15 : pm | Atlantic Ex..19:10 : a n
Leave * Omaha. Arrives at Omaha.
Mall and Ex. . < 7:15am : | Pacific Ex | 9:45an :
Atlantic Ei.3:40 | : p in | Mall and Ex.7-25 p n
Except Sundaya. t Except Saturdays. JExccp
Mondujs. | bally.
Council Blufla & Omfthft Street B. B
Lca\o Council lllutTg , Leave Omaha.
B a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , I 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m
11 a m , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p 11 a m , 1pm , 2p m , 3 ]
m , 4 p in , 5 p m , G p m. | m , 4 p in , 5 p m , G p m
Street cars run half hourly to thn Union Paclfli
Depot. On Sunday the cara beirln their trips a
9 o clock a. in , , and run refru'ariy during the da }
at 9.11,2 4. B and G o'clock , and run to city time
Dr , J , Meaglier.ziDculist , Aurist ,
In Chronic dUcasca , offers hla Bcrticca in all al
dieted vrlth illseasca of th i Ejc , Car , cr Cbronli
di'oaacs ol any charctcr. Warrants a euro li
a 1 Hheumallc affections Can bo consulted 1 > :
mall or In Dcr3n at the Metropolitan hotel
Council Illng * . Iowa.
Ground by
Porcelain Rolls
Warranted Equal to any made in thi
United States.
Bran & Shorts ,
jan-t-tt Oonncll BlufTa. Ia.
Arc no ruulj to contract ( or small custintrs c
cifry ilracrlption In
SH.'ciil | attention Urnllinl to tir ) ( it tha' thi
mitaU are me toil in UIH.IULBH whli-h HiMtM
> crj best iMtin ,
Burning Brands
FACTORIES , Etc. , E.c. ,
As wt'll aa
Cattle Brands
Workt : Corner Sixth > tr t and Wcienth avcuue
Broadway , and lonrth Street , ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
( Successors to J. W. Eodefer )
Office No. 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Street and
Eleventh Avenue , Council Bluffs.
Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00
Bluff and fill Sreets , Council Bluffs ,
OrderK fllleil In uny part of the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to.
Rrjant Street , one Door north of Dohany'i Hall.
Th'ermo-El < 2ctric , Medicated and Sulphur Baths.
For ladles and gentlemen. Three Baths are fully cniosrd by the Medlcnl Fraternity ns btlng IB
unfailing auillla y In rec nt Cold > , Khcumailsin , Keuralgln , LMmtago and many other ollmenU
Deaides , my le ( , a competent lady , will attend ladles. P. M. L.OOK.WOOD , Propr.
Wholesale and He tail Doilcrs in Freeh Roaetcd Cofl'oer , Teas and Spices.
305 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , -
Council Bluifs , - Iowa.
Beer and malt In any quan'lty'to ' ' ault purchasers. Ueer 98.00 per barret. Private famliloa aup >
plied with small kega at tl.OO each , fleli\ered Iri-ool charge to any part ol the city.
Wholeaale Dealer in and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph SchliU Brewing
Company's Celebrated
No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffa , lows. Ordera from the sountry elicited
City orders to famlliea and dealers delivered free.
(3ucceesora ( to F.UD & DUQUETTE.
! ! ( " "
tG and IS Pearl-st. , found. Bluffs , la
No. 529 S Main Street Council Bluffs.
Our constantly Increising trade ia sufficing proof of our rquare dealing and atten
tion to customera. ijooj butter always on hand. Prompt delivery of goods.
or. TDsr. * cser ac m la .SB a zj .
Lands and Lots Bought and Sold.
COUNCIL BLUFFS - - - - " 10V/A.
S. M CnOOKS Pron. N. 1) . E'hT. N , Secy.
J. 0. IlorniAK , V-'ci Pr-a. N. II. MuuhP1 , Couni-Llor.
[ I .corf otv'i under the Lawn of Iowa. ]
Insurance at Ac M Cost ,
Insuring LIVE STOCK AuMnit LOTH by
Unknown or Contingent Event Whatever.
Experienced ogents wanted , Correapondenco
loliclted fnm alt pnrta of Iowa.
, OrriuE103 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Ia.