j.fp - " " M THE DALLf BBiil-OMAHA WEDNESDAY" JANUARY 24 THE IMPERIAL AGITATION The Royalists o ? Frauco ously Working for Power anl Prestige , Ex-Brupre. a Bu\eaio Suddenly Appears 11 Bco3t Jvr.-ino Napoleon. i Prep * od Ixoulnion cf Prlucsu ijiabla to Precipi tate a R ; illcul iul Ubiiurvittlvt 11 on 11 * at Q -.nernl Vrtrloty of Ko elifti Now * . Bpedal Dlsrpatctcs to Tim lien A uu > srA.ru or AFKAIIIH [ * KH , Jituutty 251 Taero was a kiiidif H p.itiie nn tlio bourse yta't-r- ' day. Tfnt events following the Priiico N.ip'ileon'e manifis'o , tlio rcstlosiuces in the dtputisa , the un certainty of tlui fate ot the govern ment , billa nnd nnwepnpsr public mind has created a disquietude. Among the propcrt'03 ' clasi the hold ers of rents and othtr securities have thrown them on the market for fear that rnvolutionary moaaurcH may du prociato them. President Grevy Booms to have been cIFictod by the recent cent scare. UILITAHY rUEOAUTI NS. PAULS , January 23. A guard has been stationed at the garden entrance cf the Elyseea with muekets loaded with ball cartridges. A subscription has been opened < u boha.f of the fain * ilies of the condemned anarchists. A FAMOUS FRENCHMAN DKAD. PAUIS , January 23. Gastavo Doro , the t.unoua pointer , is dead. THE F-X-EMP11ES3 IN 1'ARIS. PAKIS , January 23 Et Empress Eugene announces aho ignprea the ro publij and comes to Paris to display her uympathy with Prince Jerome. Her propone j is a toplo almost r.a ex citing as thu atroat of the prince. It ia said Eug no waa cognizant of the manifesto. Her adherents claim her presence raoanaadomonitration In behalf - half ot the name of thu family of Ni- poleon. This , it Is observed , is con sidered rather doubtful , owing to the well known oolnoss between the ox- empress and prince. TIIK RESULT OF THE ELECTIONS in the bureau ( f the chamber of depu ties for members of the commlttteo on bills dealing with pretenders to the throne , is found In favor of the gov- ornniout bills , with certain restric tions. Six are in favor of Floquet'a bill , and ono in favor cf Balluo's. Eighty votes were given for meinbjrs favoring the government bills , and ,120 for those f jvoring the billa of Flcquot. The report , of a ministerial crlsiu is not confirmed. The ministers decided at a council to-day that at to-morrow's titling of the committee elected to-day they would explain their policy in re gard to pretenders. THE DIFFERENCE ! IN THE CABINET have arisen from the discussion of the third clanee in the government bill to place the Orleans princes , now in active service , on the retired list. It is understood that the minister of w.ir refuses the ndheslon , while it is aflirinod that the other members of the cabinet favor Balluo's more stringent - gent amendment decreeing immsdlute cashiurlng of the prince * . The 1 tit- tor's hacah enactment is the stumbling block over which ths ministry prom iaea to break up btfuro lone. A DANOKROCJ.H CHI-IS. LONDON , January 2-1. It in hardly poaaiblo to overrate the dangerous character the mmistcrhl orlsia hna av sum id. Throe cabinet council. ) worn held Tuesday when tlio now epjc committee showed a majority aguiunt the government. The minister of war and imrino reigned but President Groy rjed , them not to resign. Ho said , "You are a soldier and you are a sailor. I am qai o ouri you would never desert your posts under fire , but if you retire noiv and lo.ivo me with out a cabinet that v/ould bo desertion. " It ia certain a ministerial crisis is Imminout. The idea of having P/inco Jetomo tried by the senate appears to have been abandoned. Prlnco Jerome wanted to see n whole troop of friends under the pretext that they were hia counsel. The judge d1 instructions al lowed Jolliboia , bonapmist deputy , to act us hia counsel , also making three advocatoa , but has intimated this will bo the last. The police make a search m the oflioo of The Petit Oor poral for the manuscript of the arti cle which appeared in that paper , urg ing imperialists to bo notivo and press ing in proiliiming Prlnco Victor em peror of Franco. THE EX-EMPJtms la etaying at the hotel Dutbin. in the very apartment occupied by Napoleon before hia election UD president. To the Interviewer uho eaid , "I have como to Fi-anco , using my right , to to.Uify to Napoleon , prisoner , my sympathy and forgotfulncta of all past dlecordo. I uln. ) como to comfort Princess Ma thi ! le. Wl'at I am doing ia only a family affair. I will m.nko no political inatifeaialion in the presence cf agnv- ernruunt of which I know nothing " The rooms in the hotel nro taken fo ; n week in the name of Cjuntesi Piorretord. Alary noted bonapartiau ilock to hotel Darbin. It h stated that both Kugenio and IMnccta Mathildo hnvj rectivod polite hinti that they would do well to bu'.ukt thdiiistilvcs out of the country. Aiv otlior authority Bays : ' Et-Kmnrou Eigumo wished it dntinotiy under Btocd that her prcconco in Franco a1 the proaoni juno'uro muit not bo in turpruted em having ary polit'c l aig cifijince.1 DiCwagnao , writing in The Paris DJJB : "Tho empress , wl.h chiv lroui gpneronity , h&n forgotten 1'rinci Jironui'a p it , hia revolt , intrlguei nnd auibltio-ua , and merelj uonuiricrui her place where the nam-a Napolno ; was being persecuted. Tula atop b ; that admirnblo , noblu wonria ia pur footly natural and logtcnl. " PRiCTJOALLY DKFU.NCT. At the third cabinet council , at ! o'clock last evening , matters were Uf practically unsettled , Tao cabiuo will rnnch n decision this mornitig , Late Tuosdny evening it was nn- uonncdd that nil ministers except D > i- dote , Billet and Jaurrtquibtiry hud ruslnni'd. la cise the present cabinet i * definitely overturned , the F.-ey- cinct-Fkiqtiot ministry is spoken of. The Standard's special ciys the Duclora cabinet is virtually defunct. The political panic in nnnbatud , and landholders Rro throwing their stocks on the mar- lol. The want of n guidinc etur is universally felt The praslbility rf a military pronuncinmciito is freely t.tlkod About throughout Bnnjloipo clnesca. Tboro is a rtmeli'm ' ugi'int the ro imo of dollars ntid j ) urnnliA a , nud a joining for thu caving atvnrd It is certain the chamber * will adopt FJon ( ] i' propoail G .mbptta'adoith Inn throH'ii the whole workingmachino of Franc j out of go.ir. Itr.TURXS OF TIIK FUKNCII VISTAOK for 18SL' show n chore t > n of three und quarter milijn h > ctlitrot ns ormipared wi'h 1881 , aid 1U03UOO ) hoctlitrea M cnniparud with 'he ' nvtr- ao the last ten yoais The ix t'inptesit reo ivcd n number of fiHiidft to dfy ni'd eutuitaintd Princess Mathildn GENERAL rOKEION NEWS. THE JBWH IN HU.V1AKT , PETH , January 23 In the lower house to-day Jokay energetically ad vocated placing Jowa on complete equality with adherents of other creeds , IIh remarks were greeted with cheers Tuzi , president of the council , said the prejudice against the Jewish racn would expire throuzh so cial influences only. If society show ed itself unequal to the task , then would exceptional legislation become noceasary. THE COST OF UECOININO. BERLIN , January 23. It Is stated the cost rf realizing the proposal of blmotalalhts to recoin silver of Gor ] many ia estimated at 20 000 OOD marks A ROYAL MATCH MADRID , January 23 At the court reception to-day , King Alfonso an nounced that ho had received from Prlnco Louis Ferdinand , of Bavaria , a formal demand for the hand of In fanta Marie Djlla Paz. THKATER BURNED. ST. PETERSBURG , January 23. The theater in Milan burned. There was no performance at the time , and no lota of lifo. DEATH IIY STARVATION. LONDON , January 23 , Reports have reached Sligo of deaths by star vation on the Island of Inuhmurray. THE LIGHTS WERE 1IURNINO. HAMUURO , January 23 , According to n statement the steamship Oirabrla nt 2 o'clock Friday morning Captain Hanaen received n report that the Otmbriu's lights were all burning pro perly. The breach made by the colll- bion was so great that the Cimbria im mediately lay right over with a posi tion with her deik under water. The 30 persons brought into Coax Haven had been the occupants of two boats. The other 17 persons saved were brought in by the Thola. MO MORE FOUND. No more persons have landed from the Oimbria. A sai'ing ' vorsel pass ing westward may have picked up some of the persons. The four steam ers have not yet returned. OBASPINQ MONOPOLIES. Valuable Franchises for No thing : . NEW YORK , January 18 The down town streets of this city wore torn up all last summer to enable stoair sup ply ire ; companieo to lay their pipes. The privilege of keeping the streets in an impassable condition and of putting thu public to great inconvenience co.it the companion not u cent , except what tiny paid to have their schemes log rolled through the city council. Now that the pipes are laid , the companies and their property nro a greater nuis ance than ever. The pipes are of a poor quality , and two or three little explosions have occurred , fortunately without serious consequences. In sev eral places , too , the steam escapes to the surface , nnd comes biasing up through the cracks in the pavement. The appearance of Eichango place , where a dozen little volcanoes seem to be in a state of violent agitation , is enough to turn the thoughto of the prudent to the value of insuring their livoa for the benefit of their families. The escaping steam ia a source cf consternation to horaee , and the sltua tiou gives pleasure to no man or boast , except the email boy who plugs up tbo holes to produce n small-sized expk sion. The business houses along the street denounce the whole thing as an 'outrage , and it would not bo surprls ing if application wore made to the courts to compel the companies either to put down eafa p'pes ' or to koej : steam out of them , It is thought hero that Chicago vonld not bo likely to tolerate the impositions cf all sorti that are shouldered upon the tcircely complaining New York public. The most valuable public franchise are given away for no consideration nt least for none that benefits the public. Elevated roads tuko from the public Battery park , the only fresh air-breathing spot south of Centra" park in the city , and don't pay a fo ; it , Their roads damage a good doa of buolneas nnd residence property from 25 to 50 per cent , but they paj no damages , A citizen cots a verdlc agniiiat them of $30,000 damage ; , but the roads have friend * at court nnd prncaro an injunction rcslr&ia- ing themselves from paying anything At a little town bomo twenty miles up the rivnr the citizens raised money to build a pier. Vandurbilt jjuta n bill throush the legislature allowing the New York Gen'ral rottd to buy any or all property lying between the tracks and the cast bank of the - Hudson river. Vaudorbilt eciops in the pitr and lofugon to lt > t stmmboati cnmo up to it , which id a good thing for the butT.ocB of the railroad Turounh sortie hocue-pnom that will make very iutorcatintr risciin. ; wpi n all the fasti RIO pubimtiel A few capitalists gobbled IK ! whole cf U mcy uund wht'ii it wa u barren -.ranto , It was public property , and they gat hold of it only by legislative nasiiit- anco Millions of dullard should have been p.ud fur the pimloyo of thin niDgnificont ocean front ; thu capital- ht ) , Inwovcr , got it t jr a song. A dozin men , In a word , have monopo lized fjr their own aggrandizement natural advantages which by tortuous moans they have secured practically for nothing , A DYING CONFESSION , Mrs , Stillwoll Admits That Slio Assisted in Four Fonl Murders , Details of the Moat Startling Critnou 1 vdr Forpotruted in Modern Tiniey , Wrlttou by tbo Oao to Whom the \Voniiiu Told Uor Tniwlc Story. 8)cr'al ) to 1l alelpbla "reni. FiiBiibKtfKT.w.v , O , January 17. MM E jiiim ( Stimuli , tlio woman who dicand ! Unit shu Ii.id committed f mr foul murders , died l.iat night. A few minuU'a buforo who broattitd her litai she positively inuintuinod that the confession oho luui previously nude waa trtio in every particular. Uor dying agoniea wore painful in tlio ex- trouiu , nnd within a few minutca uf hur decease thu hornliad all present by her profjmity aud hardened dtcl.ir- tio'n A P/oib > toiinn clergyman , of Wixtorford , was entreated by the woman's father in law to visit thu un happy wretch coveral weeks before her death. To this gonth in in and to hur father in-law shu made the elate- uiont which follows , and which w.ii written by the clotty man to whom eho rotated the details ot her crimes. "A few daja aqo 1 vlsitod the homo of Mr. Marion Stillwoll , n gentlnman who resides near Waterford , Knox county , 0 , as a minister to BOO and couvotsa with Mrs. Emma Stillwoll , his daughter-in-law , who was lying here in what was evidently the last stages of an incurable consumption. She and her husband wont to their father's in November last , from Ot- turn it R , la , and tinco that time she had been sinking rapidly under the power of the dieoaeo. About ton days ago her phyeicians candidly informed her that there was no Imno of her ro co very from the fatal tfll otion. This statement greatly distrcaood hor. "In nuothor bed in the aamo room there slept another woman , ono hun dred und ono yotira of age , Buffering the physical mloery incident to auch oxtiomo vgo. And in n cradle near the hoarttt wiia tlio sick and dying child ( nluo months old ) if the aavupo mother , who has confeised to a series of cclmea uup < trnllulod in the annal.s of modern citi izitlon for thair number , tholr nature * , and their cold-blooded atrocity. Thu innocent and unsuspecting husband of this unfeeling wife w.ia that nicht groaning under the amart of a terrible oncer which had that day baon cut from hia awollnn faco. In the mldat rf thean pail f il surroundings , MM. Emma Stillwoll turned to her father- in-law , Marlon Stillwcll , and aald : MUllDKKINO A HUSBAND. I was born in St. Joe county , Ind in 1851. When only sixteen years c f age I WSB married to Benjamin Swig- ard , a German mechanic , in Marys- vlllo , Mo. Ho waa a man of Indus trious , though at times intemperate habits. With him I lived nine years , becoming the mother of throe chil dren My maiden name was Emma Hoard. I cm apeak the French , Gor man and Latin languages as well aa ho English. My mother'a name waa usan Hoard. I have a brother In lisaourl | naraod Cheater. In 1870 my rr other aud brother , aided mo in murdering my husband for hia money , > no evening he caino homo drunk hey throw him down on the fljor , nd I ntrnck him on the back of the oad with the polo cf an axe , end ho eon expired. Aa aoon aa wo naw ho was really nad wo laid him upon a bed on hia ace , when mother and brother loft or their own homo in another prtrt of : i3 town. I took the children nnd ent to a noighbor'n. Here asked for lodging und rotoction from Ben , my husband , 'ho , I said , had como homo terribly itaxicitod , aud I craved their aym- athy and shelter till such time aa so- rioty nnd reason might return to this nan whom they knew to bo a faithful unhand and kind father when not rozad with liquor. All the f tvora I ou ht were readily granted. I spent alcoplcHS night. Its hours were orlodi of gtlof , intervening with ro- inorao. It alng early and leaving the hildron , I repaired at day's dawn to ur ead and bloody homo , I noon ave the alarm that Bon was dead nurderod daring the night fjr his money. Thin view ueotned for n time o pans aa true , but afterwards the hree mother , brother and I were u-ieatod , but acquitted for want of adequate ovldonce. "Wo got Swig- ard'a money , about $1 000 , and deeds o Borne lota in the town rfhcro wo .hen . lived. 8MOTIIKKINO A QUEST. Af torlhla wo kept a lunch und lodg- ng house in Mnryavillo , Mo. A atrtngor stopped ouo evening fir eup- > er and lodging. That night we three ook hia life in order to get his money. Af tor smothering him with n feather jed wo struck him on the head with n itinnner. Wo concealed his body in \ piio of rnbblah in the suburbs of the town. These remains were not dis covered for weeks , and when found were so much changed by natural decay - cay aa to have been unroocKniziblo by : ho man's moat intimate friend ; hia nwrno or homo wo never learned. In 1878 , I first mot your son , I. V. itlllvrell. After n Hhort acqnalntanct wo were married , At Barliogtjn Junction , Mo , I first made hia nC' quaintuco , but wo were not nnriicil till wo moved rn H jckpott , Atchlnson county , 3Io. Not long after we went to llulo , Ndb. , where my first child , by Stillwoll , was born. Wo named 11 Gortio , but its father 'H J not know till wo had boon marred n year and i la'f , that I had ever boon married before fore , or waa the mother of three chll driia , Lmruint ; thia hn was donplj gricvod , and profoundly indignant , o < mnch BU that lie left mo and went ti D > nvor , Gil. S3'ii after I followoc him , liy confotHiug sorrow for m ; deception , and miking many goo ! promises for the futurn , I ww ag in tukun itito his f vor. Husband doarl ; lnvod Gortiu , nnd cho thus bscinio ni active and < iliiijnt function of our ro union. Agtn wo lived lovlngl together. Leaving Djnver in a foi months , wo returned atjain to Rule where my husband bacatna a rail roador. CHOKINO A DAUOIITEK , I never really loved Gertlo. 8h WAO from birth puny , fretful nnd mi- prepoajcasing. And my brother Ohes ter , my mother , my aunt Hotny Sum otino and niyfe'f murdered the chiM among ui. Wo undo n a'rong deu"c tiou of peach-leaf ten , nnd wo poured It down the girl'a throat , holding her nose till nho ceased In breathe. My aunt made the to3 , Cheater poured it in the child's mouth- mother held ila nose and I kept it on my knee till I felt the last quiver tf life die nany. My brother wus about to strike tin- child on the hi'rtd nitli the Rhoe ham mer , but wo told him that the uurk would show. As soon as wo saw tint Gertie wno dond wo w shi > dwr \ and drcotod her in Mineral garb , laid her uin and awaited \vith oomo ili'groo of niixiuty the return < f her fnthor thut nig it from the railrui\l Wo told him time ttio child had taken n Bt * m , to nliloh , nt tunoi , it was prfcttspo od , ind to our amazoinout nnd griel hud died in our handi. Ho uti3jcctvd ( nothing. KILLINO A MOTIIEK After Oortitj'a burl. l 1 feared to live any longer in that place. Wo BOOH re moved to Ottumwa , la. , whoru wn rem - m tined till last November , when I got no sick that vro thought best to como homo to Ohio , where I nm now d > it g. Out let mo tell yon that when in tlio weal brother and I attempted twice , af or Gertlo'a death , to murder her father. Wo fixed upon n niijht for the deed. Twlco Chester and I went into his room when wo thought him asleep , designing to take his lifo. Both tlnu-n ho was nwako , nnd excitingly inquired what wo were after. Wooxouaeit ourselves solves by saying that wo were huuting a rat , or clucking the noise of a rat tling window , thus fully allnylng all suspicion. At last , wo agreed to ocnd for mother to aid ua in Stlllwo'l'a murder. On the journey mother mot with n railroad accident which so dis abled her that uho lay a holplots inva lid at our house for six month : . Duringall thin time my innocent , kind , unauspoctitiR husband treated her in a manner truly humane. Ho paid all her surgical and medical bills , and , when she died , nil funeral exponoos oven planting a plain stone to her her grave. Must I Bay it ! Mother died by my own hand , nnd by mine alone ! She hid murdered my father ; alao an ille- gitinuto child sent to her to put out of the nr.y She is said to h ; ve done thia deed for p y ft few doll jrs She had aided in the deeds I have just told yon. Wo had sued the railroad of- ticora for the injury done her ; BO I de'p tohod her ono night with the hummer which was used in the death of others. This confession the dying woman made to the writer nnd to Stillwoll , her father in-law , and when the substance - stance of thia terrible recital was rend to her oho assented to Its truthfulness. w. M F. TUB MI83ISSIfPI VALLEY. Its Products ana Necessities Whi ttle River Must Be Improved. Wuhlngtin American Register. While the cotton crop of the United States was , in 1860 , 3 200,000 bales , Now Orleans received 2 200,000 ; now when the crop is 6.000,000 bales , New Orleans handles only 1,400,000 bales. In 1860 New Orleans received 78.000 hogsheads of tobacco ; now the tobao oo crop Is doubled , aud Now Orleans does not soli or export 10,000 hogs heads. In 18UO New Orleans received 22 per cent of the Imports of the United States ; now Now Orleans does tint import 2 per cent of the whole. In 18CO Now Orleans sent to South America 35,030 barrolH of flour ; now not a barrel. Of 200,003,000 pounds of cofToo imported annually , 70 par cent coming from Ilia Janeiro , only 20.000.COO pounds enter New Orleans , and yet the valley of the MiesiBaippf ooflEumoa 165,000,003 pounds. A ahip catkin will give a bill cf lading at llto , requiring him to deliver n cargo of coffee In Chicago or St Louis via Now York Oity , using a ship of 5,000 tons burden , for loss money than it coats him to deliver it in Now Orloani in a ship of 2fiOi , ) tons. The secret which is no secret , connlotain the fac that Vsw Orleans is luacceualblo by the largest ships from the ica , and great railroads from the west employ Eada and the river commission to prevent vent the incoming of great vessels capable of carrying "grain in bulk' nt New York rates from Now Orleans to the world's markets. While the congress of the United Statoa deliberately liborately invests hired agents of thi railroads with supreme power over th fortunes cf the pijoplo of the valley pf the Mississippi , they will bo rnbbid annually of not loss tlnn5200OCOOCO or the sum they w > ud ! auvp by resort ing to water inatettd of railway trans portation ; while the government ex pends countlees millions at Hell Uato and other points about Now York that ships drawing forty foot may hnvo ao- coaa to that city , this railway-ruled government is content while thoee railways subject western farmers to an annual Iocs of $200,030 , because the Mississippi , at the behests of rail way owners or their agents , the river commission , must remain forever n "mnro clauanm. " There Is no plainer duty imposed upon that body , which should promolo universal commercial and agricultural prosperity , than this involving the opening of as perfect a waterway from the son to Now Orleans as from the Atlantic to the wharvou of Now York Oily. If Hell Gate must bo blown out in the ono oiso , a amp channel must bo oirvod out ia tha other. Inulca'l of thin the valley of the Mississippi ii { ivnn over by conjjre.Tj to the tcudur mercies of u lival commission , to I which the people of the west never dreamed cf bemtjsubjected when thi.y elected congressmen whoso duty it waa to open a sea g''lrg ' route for farmers of the great valley to the Oulf of Mexico. Ojiitroart ; had no right to delegate Itn authority , and , lonit oi till , to members ot n cninmifiainn IT he micht ; bo facile nxoi.tR of great or [ joratlons ( won if v ) > uy were nut ( > lucted by Mr. Jltyif ) . nitnply bcciuni ihoy were knuwn to bo propnr roprn- auntativoi of tlio omniputont railways , If the policy of c > ii''tos8 , l > i revnreet and the liver commission abolished iym tlist the wmt may have nn open wntei m routn to cuiitumura of western pro - ducts , not only will west era farmer Diy iy bo enabled to eell all they now pro IW duce , but production will bo Rttmu latod to such an extent that raihvuj will gain in other business und aug mcntod quantity t > f freight tranoportei all that Is lost in prices now paid fo this service , The district now mi in habited and uncultivated , fifty miles wide nt.d GOO in leiipih , from Cairn to the gulf , la the riclii-flt nil tlio globe , and , tlth mtlo'fl nnd Kijp'hu ' inntc.id of levee buildingmothodi of irriyu'lon and drtiimi e , iis fucundi'y ' will never lie fmpilrod. It would qiuntuplu the cotton niid stigsr crop of the south , nnd tlui iuvinblo ) ; river with n ship cunul to the aea , adding 10 cents to tht ) v.ilno of every buo'ul of gnxtn fur the producer nnd 10 ecu's for the CJti- aiiruvt , bictuan of chcnp ! ied trunspor- tntion , thu coLiniiy's wuxlth would bo Ha illimitable a f\rma i f the Misiis- slppi valley iuliintoly exuhi'Mtit. If reprusiMitntivoa of ntntcn nnd citiot of the Viilloy of tlui Mtrsiatii \ v/ould pcifect the hiallhfultio's of great oonHtl'uuncicn ; if they wi'tilil ugurat.d'/.i the uitnx r.i.d tltt'p , if they would nnko Non1 O.'ltnna tht > di pnsitnry i f wlie'vt uiul cuiion f > r nil tmiiot s , to bo delivered in Liverpool and L nid ui nt puces du'ying compu tition uith ttioso fixed bv rr ipa of lltistia nnd K/ypti nnd Indin ; if stfttcMiiin would roatnro thi ) proupcn- ty tf Nuw Orleans nud aH-1 tnfi.i.ely to the wotlth of the whole country , they need only to divert tlui nupjr- abundant lljadaof thnMuslnnippi into the G'i f and maku New O.-loiiis co- coiiible to nto.imuta such nn muut pass Mirough Urll Gto In fict , if the Misai'BJppi debouched into Mnssachu- sottfl Bay , federal legislation loim ago would have cniblcd the Great East ern to cast anchor nt St. Louis. Viper , stronuth nnd hoilthall found in ono bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters. CURES Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbtgo , Dackacho , Headache , Toothache , Her TlirnnU Nirrlllnc * . Hprttlno. HrilUc * , Hum * . Hculd . KriiKt Illlri , iin ! ALL OTIIKIl IIOUIM filMI AMI Sold br Drulrliu ftnd Dfftlrri rrfrywhrr * Flnj C'tnU k Imllla , Illrv lloiti In M l.nniutfM TIIK rilAHI.KM A. V < in rij . IUI i ir * , J1J. , C. . A- H. PHILLIPS , THE LE VDING NEW YORK G.tll nnd look over my mm' ntoru and BUU iny now KooJs , 1207 Fnrnam Strert. 12U7. ! Under the mannicnieiit of Mr , Kullnli. CexterL.Tlionias&lJro , WILL BUY AND BULL. AND ALL TBAN&AOTIONH OCNNKOTKD TUKHEWITH. Pay Taxes , Rent , Houses , Eto , ROOM 8 . OUEOIITON BLOCK M. HORWICH & CO. . DEAUIQ IN Paper Stock , Woolen Rags , Iron AND METALS , Hlgliwt Prices Pnlil. Shtpincnta from th country solicited. Itotnittnnceo OMAHA I I'mmptly tmtde I NEB TREASUBY I1EPARTMENT. Gwcx or roMmioLLKR OK TUB CranrjiCT Waslili Rtort , Uocemlier 30 , IhtU. ) AVlimiKAH , Ily iialiefactory c\M.nco jircBontoi to the undorclKiioil , It IIOH been made to * p | < rnr that "Till' KlllSr NATIONAL llAhK OK ( .MA HA , " In thu cltit Omaha , In the county o Douila' , and Htato c ( NubrnHko , IIOD co pllot ! llh alt the t > ro\lHotncJ the "Act ot Coii'ri's ( to ciablo Na loiml llanl.ln ; AMOclatloim to tx tend their corpoia'c axUttnra nnd lor other pur poio , " apnrol l July 12th , WZ Now.lilKimraRH , I , Jcli.1 J. Kooic , Comptroller ol ( he Currfncv , ill luioby cfrtlly lint "Tho Klrat National Han't of Omaha , " In tha cltyo Omaha , In the count ) ot Dougn' , and itat. o : Nebrohk , la autliorlzul to tmo HiicccKbloi forth 1'iirnxl xpocllliil In In ItHnmindiol nrllclin of BHHO clallon.naiily , until Ilio clcwj of huilmiM en December 31,11I01' . IN TESTIMONY WIIKKEOr * , wltnttn my him ! end euil uf olliouthU 30th day of I > ocunlurl&82 , , / - , J IINJ. KSOX , j HKIL ' [ CnniptroIIer of tliu Currency. I ' No. LtW. J n < im DR. F. SGHERER , Physician and Surgeon. CHRONIC PISKAbKO A BPKClAL'fV. Hrdlrlneo larnlihenl t olflca , OTicn N W. oorcrr 18th and Fnrnam etreetl , over Merchant H National Bank , Onuhi , Neb Offee Hourn 9 to ll0a. : in , , 1 to Bond 7 to Op m lie > Mcncu 11Usouth 13th F'MO. ' Matter of Application of A. I ! . Snowden lor l.iiiunr Llceune. NOTION. Notice is hereh ) fcn \ that A II. Ircmiloi ellil upon thu IBth ilav of Jan. A. I ) . 1KH2 , file hU tip- plication to thu Ma ) or unit ( Jit ) L'niini II of Dm.ilia for license to Hell Malt , Splrltoiu ami Vlnoiu liquor * at No. ; i2 | H mill IStrmtKet , Thlnl winl , Omaha , Nth. , from thu In' ilaj uf rebniury , I8S3 , to the llth iluy of April IriB.I If there liu no ohjeetion , rcinoimtraneo or pro- tent flleil Hlthin t o uiekH Irniii Jan. 19 , A. I ) . , 182 , thu alil lirinso will ho nr.uitixl A. II. B-iOWD N , The Omih.i Hie iu hapi ) r ill ( iiihlliili the > lie > e notieo lieu eiich ul. . for two weeks ftt the eixpcnio of the iippllisint. Tliu ilt.ol . Din ilia In not to ' u elur ul therewith. j,5 it : J. J. I , . C. Jitwm , Cit ) Clerk. Mutter of Apiilliutinii uf Mr * . .lo'ei fur liiiiunr Lieu UHP. NOTICE. Notice l hiro'.y K\\m \ that MM J. Kftiifman did up .n th'J li'.li "iy ( .f Jtn. A. li 1H8 > , Illii her i iiii'icat n tJ the Jlnjorand I' t ) Oiuiiill ol t'nalu , tor licviifo t ) H 11 Mft't , S.i.'til | ' < m < m1" ! Vinoiu I.li'iOM ' , < t J.o 8i ! | N. ILth Hlrwt. Mi jril , Hiniln , Nuh , , from Dm Zilil il-n ol Juinury , lb:3 , to tin llth > l\ ) of April , 1 Hi. If tlrri bo mrbjictlon , roaion 'r mMor pro. li'iV Illnl vilililntwo week fiom J.f > . li'li A. H. 1H > , the nlil lici.niu w II iMgrMitt'l. Mra , Ju > uphlnu K.uiinnn , /spittle it. TIIK OntiiA | I < H neMspipir w.ll pu' 11 h lh < alov < n ll uoiicu o.rh wouu fur two wuekH ul thu oxi'U ' ito ' I iliu | iilioiiit. | lhoc.t > of Una ha li nuttJ bu clur td tli. ruwlHi. J J. L. U. J KM HIT. HIT..llcrk. . ALMA E. KEITH , \Vr lu-itlu nd IUt.ll Correct and rellublo Waveo a Specialty. MASQUEIIADINO WIGS. I 2Fcivniiu EtOninlia , Neb A FJEW BARGAINS LOTS , Farms , Lands- [ BY ! 5th&DouglasSt. HOUSES AHD LOTS , No. I ! ) Full otntid no houne , fftltrooinii , two io'ow anil ono up-RUln. Illlit toot celling bo'ow , n < l'V\enabm . llrlck fouiulailon , oullar , etc , A bargain , $000 No , IR IJHKO twOHtory houxo , 10 roomn , t o nrgo ruUarx. g < cxl uclinnilcUlcrn , bain , ttc. , i : iV , iwttr ami UlM rtrwt , fO.OOU. No 17 Lot DOxIM foot , now heiuo ot two oonin br'ck ' foundation lot ) barrel clutvrn on lumllton Ktrt'tt noir [ "uor UlnreCocvent 3UX ) , No , 16 lloitie nud lot on 17th near ClarK Bt loiiso 6 room. etc 9 " 00. No. 11V llouso ol 3 rooum full lot on Plcrco St. iuar IBlhJItOO No. 21- Now houseof 7 roouui , with corner lot , mil uUlo wist ol Turnlable o ( red Bttoct cars 01 : .in . ileroHt. $10.0 No. 6 HOUMO ol tight rooms , barn etc. lo MUGS tcH WICK ) . Vacant Lots. No. 252 Two full lets on 19th Btrtf t near Uk * Bt. tlGUO. No.3'1 ' Twenty flveloti In B'Rrkum addition iwt north of the unlol red iitrvtt rar llnu HIUO ouch voHy ternii * . No.3o Fourlotnon Dcla arafct. near Hang coat paik , tttLO. No. 1)31 ) One lull lot on South avenue , near St. Mary'Ha\onuo , * 6 0 No. 310 KlK'htu'ii ( ID ) lot * on 2M , 2nd , 23rd anil Siunderaitrect , uuir O.ac , fXO each , and n caHytcrniH. No , jllfl Hlx beautiful re Id ncoloU on Gather ino Btreet , near IlarHcnmpark , ? lMO Twulvo buiullful riihlenco loU en llaaillton , near end of old utreotcar track ; lil 'h and 30to $70 } . aciu and half arre corror lots on Cum . , Hurt atjil Callfornli BlieeU , In Lowu'aicc and addition and 1'ark t'licu ncor Acwlouiy ol fjacieil Iloitt. Lots n ' I'r.Tpcct 1'Uce" on Hamilton ami Charloj ttruit. ju t wi-ct of the end of Itod H uct Cartiack and UoiiMint of tlio hi tcr < of 1'oor Clare , ono and ouo halt icllo f'oni ) > chtilllio nnil ui in lo from II. I * . hhciiH , SIM to ( OOO inch only fi percent down and & per tent ptr month Lits11 Iicwo'd addition one-half inllo went of rnd of Kcd Hlru t Car track nor Convent of J'oor CUre H stcri In Hhlnn'ti addition , JI20 to K ) tach , anil i nery uify tirnic. loti In Hoihidi'B l t and 12nd addltlona , HlilnnV , I'jrk riactt , Lowo'e nduddltlrn ll./i'i1- Ltko'H , NoUon'u , lUniicom Claco , UuJIck'u ail dliloiia etc , u'o LitH In "c'ro It Foniltr addition" Just one qiuitir mlle muth-entt of Union I'lielllj and II , nn 111. It , U.depoUJ60tolfiOUeaci\eryeaiiy ) turnm. Business Lots. TnrooROnd bu lro lot * on Hoc e nrar 12th tieot , U 1x120 In teach , $1,500 each , orSI.MJIor al'eu ' > y tcrme. Two Kooil bii'Ineis loti on Karnam Btreit , 31i 60 fuel eAch , willi fraino bulldlnira thoron.renting forabrii' ? it(0 ( | cr jcarcudi ; iir'ee ' $1,250 each. 11x132 futt on r'urnam near lOihutinui , corner t2 OOU HplvnilMVarchouio lot 01 Union 1'irlfTc llk'ht ol way , noith ol truk aud uastcf .fill Woilvi licliiK 13i foi t iionh I ont'i/u on iti on etiutt , by about 100 fo t we t frontu'c on llllti et. .umH u il wld landit In UcuKlai , Harp" , dit'i Wonlilnpton llu't , Waini. H anton , unJ other ( rooil coiinuoi In oMiurn Nubrjakafir MIU. ln in | IKJ , ruutii collie * o.l , ar J money loatod on | in | > roturi city and country i\a < n crty at low rates of Intermit BKMTS' NEW OITY MAT' , FOUR FEET WtDE AND SEVEN VEEL1 LONO , NVll'Il EVERY ADUI- TION RECORDED OR CONTEMPLATED - PLATED UP TO 3D.VTE. "OFFI- OHL MAP Otf THE OlIY. " $5.UO IJAOil. 15th and Douglas St , Omaha Neb. LYDiA E. PliMKHAM'S v VEGETABLE COMPOUND. A Hnro Cure for nil FH.MAT.K \NKSHIiS , Inrliiilllift I < riicorrhirnt Ir- rcRiilnr nnil 1'nlnftil aicanlruntlnn , Inniiinninlloti nnil llfccrnllon of the W < imtii riooillnc , IMCO- I.AI'HIIS UTiiU , &c. t7rnonmnttotliota. < tiM > ltlr rlon9 n.t Imm lliU ltit > ir < < cU Ithndn-'ntliclpln rn-pniuicr. nnd r- T I iwln durln ? laliar anil nt rrRUlar pcrlodn. i rmsirmqihr.17 AMirRisiiur.K IT mtiiT. ( tTTon AUWE rNi3ia ot thoptn n\tlro nnriui * Trltlirr ri , It l. Mcoml lone reinedjtlmt lion ornr t-on brforu tlio | > ul > llC | anil for nil Ulwiurn of th KIPNCTS It II the Orntitt Remain in Ha World. CITKIUNKY CO3IPT.A1NTS ofritlicr He * rimUircnt Itrllrfliilm line. n. riNKii.wt iiuuin rcurnr.w ir'J irmllrnlo eicnr T IIIKII of llutnoi * Irom tfc Ui > n < 1nt the wumi time will Rlrotnno nnd itnnpth to Uitf0ytftim. An intirTelluuiIn raralta OA Uio CuiujKiuuiL IT Iloth tlio Compound anil Dlood I'm ifcr nm pt - p ivil nt SM nnil M Western ATenuo , Lynn , iliuifc Prlroof > ltlirrl. SIxhottlMrortV The Comriounil rnt If mall In the form of | illl < . or of loicncen , oa fcrlit | of price , SI Kr hot for rltber. Hn. PlnUhnim TV\J \ Kniwcni nil let tern of InaulrjKnclcm < 3ern * Wx Bcni for pamphlet. Xrntlon thti Puffr. Ifl.Ton E. nsinA ' I rrrn rni8 cnin Cnnrtlro- tlon , UUlouimcM nnil Torplillty ot the IJn r. K > ctnw. lit Ii7 nil lrnr I"tffO ( i ) PERSONAL "I'nrlsot the hiiTu cnlirKril , ilc oloicil anI ntrtiDKttioi ml , " rle , , l nn Intercstli'fr ail irtmumont lu'K run In our | uior III reply to I qu rlcs o will fay that there U no c\l tcn'n c f humbu ali u' Mr. On the contrnr } , Hia ntltertl * m arer highly in dorsed Inttires ol pcmoim u ay Kit H al it > ir- nirarn Ki > litr nH lunlcu.iri ! , Khliiir n" partlcu- 1nr < . h > addrcHHUK Krlu MulUtU Co. , I * . O. llox- 013 , lliitljlo , N V. Tolevlo tvctiliK Hoc. ( anll-lv HEAT YOUR HOUSES 111 FURNACES IN THE WORLD. UAUK IIY EIOHAEDSODJ.BOTNTON dcOO [ CHICAGO , . llJLS , Kmbody netr 1882 Improvement * , lloi. praotioal ( oa'urca ; Cost leti to k p la Jider ; UN low faol will Tvo mare > > nd larger volume ol pare air than anj larnacfl made. Bold by Plercy and.IlratKonl , Omaha. BTAUUM1IKU 1868. 3IDKSl'UINa ATTACHMENT Kl ) . A , J. SIMPSON. LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY ItOO and 1411 Dodge Street , 7-mo Ora O rA.ITA. Nebraska Loan & Trubt HASTINGS , NEB. Oapital Stook , - - $ LOQjOOQ. . JAfl. II. IUU.K7WKI.L , PrraliVinU A. I , . CLAatKE , Vliii I'rtwident. K. 0. WtlW-7 : il , Triuwurtr Gftinuet AJoxoaJvr , CrtMftUl Oliver , A. L. CiarJ < p. K. 0. VMwtor Quo. II 1'raW , JM. U. Huutwell , . D. M.McKl lllnruy. First Mortgage Loai a Specialty This Ocinpany furnlshcH cv permanent * home Inntltutlau uboroHchool lli. land othci Ugallf laouixl Muulclixd hcci'rllln " ) . iSubrask * coil be bo ne < ttiaU > J on thu m > I avorabh Urma. Loana mulu on luipro > e < l 1 k n n all w l' ' aottled counllmol thobtato , thi i I i wpomible Jocol corrtxpondenU ) . Sioux Oiia ) ] / Paciflc THE BIOU2t OITY ROUTB Uuti a hollil 7j la Ibrongh l/ou > Oouucil Elufla to Bt , Paul Without CKisr.ao Tlma , Only 17 Hoari 8E02TKS KODIB OOUKOIti BLUFF3 10 BT. PAUi , MC JKAVOLIB DULUTI ] OB SIBUAP.CK ami til | K > Iut in Northern lown , UlunsfvU aud Uabctk. Th'i ' llnr Is oqrJr J with the Improved V/ojtUilnu ( ; < vs Actoinclle Alr-tr k inj Ullli PUiform Oo-.ipl * ud BuSci : aad for iruKU , BArtrr AN covirom IB Dunvri.ifs-rt. fulman Palace Kitty eg Oti run through WITHOUV OUASOE bcfun Kim l Ult/aud &k. Teal , v ! < Cosucl. i.luH > d Uoax City. Trains lowrstnton Fi 'So Trtnsi ! at Ooan ell Illa3n. at T.30 p. a. d1 1 > or a jrlval Ktnm CHj. Bl Jc.erh cud Cor. .ct ! Hla uln fioa ttttScntb.KrUlrKitaionxCIt ) Il-iO [ > . as. , tnj a * Hit NtH Unhn Dopol at 5 . r i.1 a. ! ! ; ( } wi < noima is ADVAHOJS o ? INT.OTMB UOUl'K. Mrn aimb c fa tti n , me HlcaiClty Baa youee f Diwub Ti l' . Shu HhorjMt the QuckecU1r ! c Mid fc CamforUbio ntJ * In Ib Thiau/b Oars batw.'tn OOUKC1I , JlLUi-Jr-S AWD ST , TAUt. iU'.S&i Oat joni TtcHeU r < i'l U the Gltv and PacIO : lullicad J. B. WAWLIM , J. K. BOCif A.J4H Rnntrlntendrct U > i' > n ifn IKJI Ii. Oaaocll Ilo8 ! BLACK-DRAUGHT" curea i'j ipry i lMiiuH uixd I J