Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1883, Image 1

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The Omaha Mayor Scores Another
Heat in the Senatorial
Race ,
The Bourbons Pool Their En-
con on the Porcine Pre
Tha Monopa Still Musing on
the Uncertainties of the
of DnrkllovccB Prniiclng
In tha clhlmrhood ( of the
OomblDAtlon CoaCidato ProbaMo
tn the N ar Futura.
aiccial Di-patch t3\m Mm.
LINCOLN , January 23. The cnpitol
appropriation bill aado its appearance
in the hotiBo to-doy. It providua fcr
uu appropriation of ono mill on the
valuation , aud the building ia to bo
oompleted by 5Dooomber 1 , iJ-fV.
The join't ' convention for the elcc
tion cf Uni'ted States osnator took ono
ballot , and ! , adjourned till to-morrow
at 12 o'ctaokv The vote Btaod aa fol-
lowe :
noirri : JOINT HAIAOT.
Boyd , -32 ; Hrown , nothing ; Connorr
22 ; Cronnae ; Cowln , So ; Mandor
son , 8 ; Millard IU ; Morten , 4 ; Satin
dors , 1 ; Stlokel , 1 ; Thayer , 14 ; Late ,
2 ; Dye , Ij arapo 1 ; Weaver , 1 ;
ey , t , _
txd | ' . 'Cnrre < ipondonce of Tna llin.
L ? CLK.Tunniry i',3. At onson
the joint convention pc ° caeded to ixil-
lot f < r'U. S. senator. The vote
as folio vre
For S- i5.erlJro w : ( of
Ileict , B-lrbower , Golootz r , Draeor ( of
Kivw ) , G nr , Grimo' , 'Hi in-r. Jolmnun ,
Mllior , Palmar ( of Dtcou ) , Uoche , 'Viaat-
For StioVclWorh . 1.
Tor HoVd Hrown ( of Doifflac ) , "Erown
( of GolfaiJ.'CiatiBid , Ocnklmn Jfc&hine ,
J'atterson.'Kitu ; , ' 1'iatlhV libp , Hirtoa ,
Ctcuaby , Citric ( of U iU > ) , DaTeor ort ,
IJanuiac 1 r r t > tr ( if C ) Kra \ " > , 1'ree-
burn , ( > rvfcr , llarrintion Hciniic1' ,
Kolhnin.'Idird , Lulher.Mc Gnock , Ne\-
ilto , Njrth , I'aviie chroeder , Th inns ,
Tc vet , Turtle , Wntte-ii. .
For Oonno Uarltor , Butler , T'ech ,
lye , 'Fiabc' , Kaynn d' , Rich , AraiHa < e ,
Ketkley , Conk ( rf JirjrHOD ) , Dodd , lln-
ven , J mca Palmer of SnuniKjiney ) ,
liti' , Sulnlilr , S , eel well , ' ! an. Tur-
> or Crounna Hati-h , Knnney- .
I'pr Cowm KluchiJ , Norric , Jiabcock ,
Christopherfori , C < iUiu , Da\vBon , Gordon ,
Hall , iiee , Taylor , Wteaanboif } Wolph ,
Colan U.
For Mander IJomgarrin r , Rowers ,
Wollter , Cox. .T n a , llobberts , 'V/alker ,
Humphrey 8.
( For Millard Filfey , Harris , Schcanbelt ,
Aboil , i-rown , Ca tlg. Field , Grov , Mor-
risoD IUuEey , Sav ce , Seasioiif , fUeph-n-
on , buceHetibacb , llioinpaon , V orl 10.
FT Morton Druphy , CiBt , UogefS > ,
Hocbal 3.
ForTbft > er 13rnwn of Cl > y'KarriiinnI
Howd ! , Cole , Conk of NuckullfiMn ! -
( ; er , Grimstcad. ' Howard , MarUu , Nettle-
Con , Rncaell , SpattJKle , Steeie--fiwearin-
ten 14
For Weaver Cltapin 1.
ForDorsoy 'Cliarleaton. Grsnt- ' ! .
ForiLikeMcAllister , Whedon 1 ! .
For'Bye Connor i.
Vor Stvage Clerk of Colfai 1.
Altar one ballot the joint convention
wijournid till to-morrow neon.
Special Dispatch to Tan linn.
LNC I > N , January 21J It ba ina to
lack now aa if thla legislature would
outdo Gregop , where thu late cantoat
foe United SUvtoti oonator did not ter
minate until i tlio night btfora the
lepi laicro olooed ita Bcaslon.
Thoeo vlto predicted that the { republi
cans wocld nominate a man tn ccaucue
are eadly diaappcintcd. Only thirtj-
aoren ropublloan inembera TMKO on
\ \ ' hand , and thsy adjourned in .utter
disgust. ' ( The doraocrats and anti-
moaopolicta alee met andadjoucncd in
their rocpootivo caucuaea wKhout
reaching aay conclneion , and thocom-
bittuta are nowg'uat whore ther-
of the situation IB ( hut all the lenuinp
candidate p'Jll .fciauin chcetfal nnd
confident , v.'kilo the dark horaca are
as nuraocotK aaa awarm of Cjat
around a irolaseoi barrel. Every
hour in iho day and niaht dorolops n
nuw boom lor aomobody , and tkare
is danger tbct ( .pother wing will hare
to be built foi tUio itiRino aiylutn be
fore the lo iolature udjourna. Half * \
dozen candlicrUM who have been { &
vored by a baoiu of one or two voter ,
-and acme who ihavo never hid a voUs ,
-yet , have 1
uoite JTARU .SAD
over the proipeet of being lauded in
the senate , Ic ia amusing how devotedly -
votodly all of thece men zro attached
to the anti-monopoly caiice. There is
not c candidate io the field , not even
excepting Millard , who o sympathies
have not baen thoroui ly arouaed on
bahiH ( t the inonopdiy r.ddcn people
and if they are to bu bchorod cvory
ono of them fala compelled to grnpplo
vith the monop"llei until t-hoy oru al1
iilaugftorcd. TJio protracted * > n'tst
in oitrriid on in gjoa temper. M\'m-
borr are beginning to show
and while mast of them will cintuiu }
outqaito r. numbsr of upublicins ere
quietly cinvaaziug for n on combina
tion that will Uko in all thu uatt-
Such a combination may break the
deadlock , hut it will uko several dije
to organic.
Senutortal Coutr U iiiOther Statew.
footil Oltpatcbit to Tim UIK.
PETHOIT , Jlich. , January 23. The
opening ballot in the loglalaturo for
senator stood Fe/ry 13 , S'out12 , Beat-
, oring 21 for fonttoon dilforont cindi-
TIIKNTOK , N. J , Jaruvry 2l ! The
louse and eona'o voted apparatoly to
day , and Mol'horaon received one
uoro vote than necessary to eecuro
till election
Wu KRUNO , W. Va. , Januaiy 23
John E Kouna , democrat , was elootod
United States senator to day.
Mrxlonn Doodn < f Blood
Spcciit U.sitatchca to Tun UKK
CencAoo , January 23 A Mala-
m-ras ( Mex ; epeclal saye ; A strong
force ot Indiana are murdering and
robbing in the vicinity of llormoslllo.
Four ot the custom guards and twenty
rtnchmon pursued thnn yoatorday.
Th Indmia fortified thomaclvoa be
hind bnmtworka on Ilomcro moiin-
tiun The ranchmen aestul'.cd the
works , killed fivulndiana and wounded
miny othern. Several ranchnuu rrero
wounded , but none killed.
Eleven aoldlera in 0 jadalAJara , yce-
terdar , ciardurod the guard and dc-
A Crnry 'Womtin-
Special Dijiwtch to Tux UKK.
MtiUAUKEB , January 23. A terri-
bio crime was diecovored nt noon to
day. The wife of John Xuaisrick , a
labwer , living on Sixth street , was
ki ! < rd with her thrcu children
ttjo oldest eeven jxrira old ,
the yourg Ht eighteen montha ,
in a most brutal manner , literally
C2ttlni > them to pieces nnd completely
draombowoliug ttttiu Tbo neighbora'
ttontlon waa attracted to the Bcanoby
trho woman's attempt tn bang horaolf
in an outhci re. Tj.ny cut her
down and took hur inaido when
'the horrible cpeetnclu < uiscovered.
Mrs , Ximbrick w.ti &t onuo arrested ,
She took tke urreat < very calm and ,
atatini ; a ho h d roud the sacrllica to .
her children tin the ; oed book. Th
woman doubtleeB ni a HulFering frota I
roligioua incanity.
. , Mo. , llanuary 23. T4 o
jcdiciaty committee of the house whl
soon report a bill lo-oatabliahing tire
death penalty for murder.
Th 31 rcmns 33 11 EZOX tl .
BpocUl Dlaputcn to Tun lixi
TOPKS t , 'Kanaas ' , Jannary 23 T'ho
blizrU which paaaed iver Kansaa
the l.h ! ) and 20 h has entirely nib-
aided , < ho weather having grc.itly
modor&toii throughout the ontiru ttato
The nev > 2if-om the Block distric'o re
port but littlu injury io cittle or'p. TTho frfosmg nf nunjLTCua
small c/uaama threatened a witter 'Sam- '
mo , but the molting anew is provunt-
ug it. The trains uro not fiociv sly
delayed by tha atorm , or the ntocL in
jured in transit.
ITi o ' ? liniQp rH Quarrel ! njj.
bpccW Unfictnli to TH'I IFK.
CIUCAUO , January 23. The .pugi-
lista uro not nil hero yet , but quurrol-
iug h-ia already begun Jos. Elliott
is looking f jr Harry Hill on account
of BOOUO aoino remarks made by the
latter in an interview , reflecting ou
Elliott * courage. Elliott also PX-
proiof-O' ho oplnloa that Richtrd X.
Fox does not propose to match "Clado
againet . Callivau for a square , prlzo
ChionRo Coldncni
Cdii ACO , January 23 The w-sr.thor
as yuc blioHB no eignn of modoccting.
Tha teraperatura at 8 o'clock wca 20
dtgroea below /.aro. The areaoi sold
Booma to have ilacenter over lLako
Miehigac. Ita weeturn edge roata on
the river , and the ncrthorn boundary
is unknown. No lets of lifo 'from
frecaingi.a reported , but great euder-
ing haa been experienced by ) hosu
neooBaarily ozpoaed. The railronC cm
birgo ia vcenerul. Tiains are running
houraiLihind the schedule time.Dis -
pitchoa at-1 o'clock tLis morning ifrom
polnta in the western extremity of the
cold bolt indicate a rising tomporatcro.
P. Train : RoTjbort.
.DUpctUi to TUK UKK.
KA&KUISUO , Jacaary 23 iOf-
ficiala claim the robbora boarded the
train at the station , end while < the
train men -woro absent lot oil i
breaks , theobjec1. belnc to run tLo
train out ofroach of hejp , and then
tab tliii express car , bat being green
hindt lot it.get away frcm them. Thla
theory la sutxtantlatoi .by the fact
that the rotcaina tf tvo me' wane
found who were not pascongers.
Foollslii , mi
LouinviLLK , Xy. , Janucry 23. Th l
Ojurior Joiirncl's I'ino tQill epecUl <
aiye : YTustorday nuin ont iged in rail
road work itttumpted to dry horouloa
powdoreartridfjjs when ( k exploded ,
blovtnu the bttiokemith shop topiocus ,
killun ; Albert lEwves , LouL : Fortnor
and Divid Brown. The bodies wuro
thrown 58 f nt in tha air. Of the
shop , only fou- posts rem&ii o'nnd-
ing. T.IU cartricLgas contained forty
ounces each of nitro
An Ire Carnival
SpoJal Dlsp ii.n to 1il Un *
MONTKEAC , January 23 1 to ice
carnival opened to iay with close and
cold weather , the thermometer being
at xoro The festival commenced with
contractors' drive ncd dinner. Over
SCO sleighs were in liuo of projocdon.
American guests togk part in < ihn
opening ceremonies. The InJlur ol
vititora is very Inr o.
Milan City
bpechl DUpy-tcn to fiu lint.
M/LKS CITV , Mont , .Iznmiy 23.
Tv-nliht the therm jmcUjr la 2 degiocc
holov/ zero , calm and sligl ly cloudy.
A. li"Lt alow is fulling , 'i'ho trains
from the eait have been delayed by
the blockades cant < if Gloritivo , but
the road ia ii ain clear and lia trulna
are all running.
FrniiU Jnnifs' Unio
Sp * . al DujiaXtk to Tuc llur
C/rv , Janury 23. Tile
of murder aflainst Frank Jamca
was withdrawn lulu afternoon , In the
robbery cue bail vras fixed at $3f)00
Tha bond It not yet preaintecl , but
will be donbtlesi ,
Both Housei Settle Down to the
Routine of I aw Making ,
Several Important Questions
Submitted to tbo Supreme
Court by the House.
The Blciininl Capital Ho lit oil the
Treasury Amionri in NC.W FOIIU-
Bnof Outline of the Business rnvni-
Special Corre8K > nikttc ol Tim HKR
LIACOLX , January 23. A rcaolutlon
\vas adopted calling upon the superin
tendent of public buildings to place a
wire division acroia the lobby , so as to
make priviito the eenito cloak room
and the gates.
The senate ) went into committee o !
the whjCo , with Mr. Uiynold ] ( u the
O i motion , it wns roanlvod to take
np the genuiul li o in regu'.tir order
Broiro , of Douglas , uskcd ttiat N ) 1
might not bo taken up in the absence
of Mr. MeShano , who introduced it.
No. 2 waa tht-n taken cp a bill to
amend the code of civil procedure
section 581 to road as folk ) we :
An order affecting a scbatantial right
in an action , whan euch order in effect
Determines the action nd proventn a
udgment , and an erdor aifecting a
substantial right rcado in 5 uptcial
proceeding , or upon R summary appli
cation in an Action after judgment ,
and an order granting or overruling n
motion for a now trial , la a final order
which may bo vacated , modiliid or
reversed as proviCed in this title
Str 2. Section 'tiSl ot the code
civil procadnro aa now existiug
hereby repealed.
The only change ia the Introdactien
of the clause , "And an order granting
or overruling n motion for a now
trlnl. " The committee agreed to ro-
portrecoKtmoiidkig that the bill ifinn. .
N ) . 13 , to authorize ciunty oierks
to admlniati'r ou'ha and take acknnwl-
odginant.D , . < Lc Section 2 makuo < valic
the notion ot ' county clerks and their
deputiis iu i'.tir.iuiistorlni > \llic and
taking acknovflodgmenta in the ip-
Thm aestion wan untagoniznil by
Sohnonhiit atsd Brown , of Uaualua ,
and det ndediy Brown , of Lureaster.
Barker and others. The Bte&iun W.IB
aJoptod end ' Cho passage o ! ( the bll
waa to bo rt Riiimondud.
Mr. McHhsau huvnir | taken 'kin seat
No. 1 wafl taken up. It IB t : bill to
amend the revenue law in respect to
the asaoisnumt and taxation > cf property
orty beflongla to railroade and telegraph
graph companies. A diacceolon arose
on the moaning of the worel "super
atructareCKod * in the bill. ? . ! c6han
said bo euppoaod it meant the ties am
rails spon tbo roadbed. It ras niox oi
that eootloaa 39 and 40 stand approve
with the word ' ' '
'superstructure 'in sec
tlon :19 : cb lton out , but baforo u vote
could bo token Sang moved that th
committeo-ariso and report progress
whica wuc agreed to.
After the report of thrvcomrritto
was adopted the senate ado ; rued.
nClWM MOHNIM ) JBt ) : o > .
LINOOIN , January 211. A. potitlon
in favor -csmpulBory education waa
presentedity Mr. Brown of Douglas ,
and w o referred to the cotEtnitteo ou
The committee on privileges and
olectionc reported on thu contest , Sad-
lor v . Koni ardner , the ct.nrgea that
the vote waa not counted by thu
proper poisons and that trko ballots
wpro neil , properly cared for nor sus
tained byfoetR. They find rcauy "gross
irregularities" in the manner cf hand
ling the returns [ n several erf Iho precincts
cincts , androport back the matter to
the eunato' without rocciueendation.
The coiamitteo on railroads reported
back a bill to prevent discrimination
and unequal charges on the pait r f
railroads , orommendlng that the bill
bs printed for the use of the aauato.
Brown of LLincastor moved that the
report oui > o contested case -of S idler
va. BomgKrdnor be ptintod. ? > Ir. Bat-
ler moved OB an amendment that the
rules bo ocopondod and the report
considered -alienee. Agreed to.
Mr. ButJor moved that e there
was a special order for the present
hour , the consideration of the report
bo postponed till 'i o'clock th s af tor-
j noon. Mr. Ficch asked for tLo road-
iirg < > f the ropoit The report was
Again road.
Oa motion { M r ljh the consid
eration of the -rnpnrt was inudo the
tpoclul order for U.JfO thin afternoon
The committee on claims arid ox
pcndlturea rencrtod bick the house
boll to provide for the expoiaes of thn
present sixiion of Oho loginlature , with
a trecommondaCkiB that it jia's
amended so as to provide for ezamln-
atioo and approval of the itema there
of bf the auditor -and secretary of
A bill waa road for the first tlma to
re dtdro the boundaries of Koox
county so as to tacludo part of the ter
ritory fcdded by Senator Saundors'
bill to tLo northern part of Nebraska ,
thu siiuo not to take ellVct till the
president of the United States had de
clared the Indian title to said land
Mr , Klncaid introdaood n bill do
fining the boundaries cf a now county
to bo called L nip
The senate then adjourned to go
into pint ronvnntlon lor the election
of L'.ilted N/itea senator.
IIGIHK ( > J10 ( KKDl.SfJS
LINCOLN , January 211 Committee
on judiciary reported back H.It H ,
rcccominendiiig tlut it do paKa with
Ooramittoo on citici and townn , i -
pjrtod bick H. Jl. 7 , without reo
ComtnitUio nn federal rotations , re
ported bacV. U. H. Nu. B , rccomniond- that it do peas.
Committee on roads aud bridge * ,
reported back H. U , 20 , rrcimtnond-
in/ that it do pass , lloport adopted.
Committee on finance , ways and
moans , reported back 11. R 20 , with
rocoimiiMuUtion tlut it do pass.
Mr. Wolph made a minority report
of majority. Adopted.
Simo committee reported back H.
H. 2ft , recommondli R that it do not
pa . Report adopted.
Committee on judlciarv reported
baok H. R 67 , 17 , 4C , 20. recom
mending that they do pace as amend
ed. llapirt adopted.
Mr. Ncttlolon introduroi H H
11)0 ) , a bill to provide fora board to
luso'iB railroad and telegraph property
and provide f jr their pay.
SCSMOUP , of Lancaster , otfjr.ul a
toolullon requesting thn secretary of
ho Bonato to Itirnish 150 copies i f the
orate roll by tlut body for the nee of
.ho IIOUBP. Adopted.
On motion of Howard , of Clay , a
resolution was adopted asking that the
ittornoy goncral bo instructed to tnko
; ho neccaenry uteps to c tllcct amonnta
luo from several oouutioa for the pup
p irt of thu intano in the insane bos
On motion of Gray , of Dotiglaa , a
resolution wai adopted for the print
ing of 050 copies of the report of the
fish commit Blotters.
The oipltol appropriation bill wns
introduced by Mr. Field , of Loncaa-
tor. The bill provides f jr the tuaeas-
mont of a tax of ono mil ) OD the dollar
lor the purpoao of erecting the center
lorlioti of the now onpitol. The sped-
ication of W. fl. Wilcox , the archi
tect of the two wings , ia to bo used ,
and the whole to bo completed by Do-
cumVt 1 , 1887.
The assessed valuation of the state
nt Intt asswjsniont w B $38,537,475 11 ,
In 1 uman probabilities the next
valuation will bo muoh larger and the
appropriation of ono mill on the dol-
IK will amount to over $100 00 J a
[ Mar , and aa the work can bo kept
along over a period of five years , the
whole amount appropriated could not
fall short of hnlf a million.
The funny resolution for to-day was
introduced by lrap r of Oaas , and excused
cusod thu federal iWisers from further
attendance upon its joint convention
Yeatordny Mr. llobberta of Butler
county ottered the following resolution ,
which w s untvsimouBly adopted , and
if an nflirtutiltvo auawor m obtained
from the euprowio court it la moro thai :
probable that railroad commission bit !
will bo papsod. The resolution rends ,
< 'CK > niON8 TO COUKT
WunvKAH , The constitutionality o
the railway cuinmiaaion syatcm IRH
been jnostieiiud and there are dif
foronciia of opinion among the tnoux
bern of this legislature un to ; bo run
BtrucUoudf vction 20 of article 1 ol
the etatti of "Nubniska , which provlrlpH
thivt uu othnr executive state ultije
shall bo cou'.inuud or created , 'thoro
fore bo it
Htt-ouvai ) , That tbo niombori : of tin
auptonio court of thla state bnucd un
hortlty Mapootfully requested to an
awt'r tho'following ' quoAtionfi :
First.Would railway cotnmhulonor
bo a talc executive oftioeri or would th
ofi"c3 < of railway cornmieslotor nf tin
atato b a stuto exccntivo dlfico if
created * y the Jc ijlaturot ,
2 , Would auch an cm * 10 if created
by tho4ot'isaturo ! come within the in
hibition tf the state constitution ?
3 Would the IHW regulating the
management of railroads in Xfobraaku
under thu commmnon system bo ob-
novioaa to any provieion or ( provisions
of the constitution of thia ntatt ?
< 'In your opinion cauld nuch a
r ail rob ti cominission lavr bo framed
that would bo capable of enforce
nieuv. ' '
Yon are most n specif ally requested
to aucwer the above and foregoing
quostlonu in full at your otrliost p03
bibln convenlonco
Motion to adopt waa agreed to un
doru suspension of thu ruloc.
A tint ! ou n Gome ?
Spesia''l.ibimtch to TIIK UiK
CIMCATO , January 23. John B.
Lyon & Co , it heavy board of tra > 1o
linn'filed a bill in the circuit court to
day ugainat about u dozen other firms ,
allefdui ; that the defondantooonapired
to corner January corn , by moans of
which conspiracy the price of .corn has
been raised fifteen cents above ita ac
tual velue Tno bill aska thatdofotid-
nntabo eitjoiiied from calling on com-
plainanta tor margins or repurchasing
for tbelr account when the margins
are not put up. The suit ia brought
to teat the statute which provkloa that
all cotitraclfl made with partlea run.
ning acarnor ahull bo vol'l. J.yon it
Co. are abort nearly ' . ' 00,000 bushels
of corn < iold at 10 | < " 5 < ! . / centa. .The
suit CAiiaed inuou t-xcltomont on
change and thn markata art ) dep esaod ,
HpeclalDlapatcbca to Tux 11
Srnixunio/u / , Mann. , January -'it.-Xx-
Member nf Congress C'lmrlm Delano in
Cobnut TUN , O , January LM The Cosh ,
octon ftcil uxlu works hurDt-d this morn
hiR , tbrnwiujr nlchty handrt out of employ
ment. Loa ; ! : > 0)00 ( , In&uranco Slfi.UUO.
MIMV ti kitr , January 21) ) . The hiueat [
on the Newlmll houtu cam CQII meaccd
thin forenoon.
Hoynlty io tha South.
Epsclil Dlmaich toTui lUi.
, S 0. , January 2.'J
Princess Louise leaves Thursday morn
ing for Bermuda. She took a long
drive to-day. The AlarqiU Lome
ntarts for Canada Thursday evening.
lie will stop a day or two at Washing-
Ihefinnk ! DliipaUh to Tint HKR
Uosro.v , January 21 ! Tov/lo , who
ischar 'd with comp'icity In the al-
1'g.d nnssppropnation of funds of
latino bank , has boon arrested , to
t/othur with EiL'or , v ho waa arraigned
in thu L'nltod StBtcg oourf Towlo
WUB held in ? ir , ( ) 0 , and Kiger in
PIO.OCOitil. \ .
tiacfcimx tirmcft dulvo.
The liinr BALVE in the world lot Cutr ,
Hruliw , 8nr < v , Uloe.-s , Ult Ubona , i'e-
ver 8or i , T tt r , Chupnod Hands , Chll
Llalni , Guniii , aart til - < Mn oniptionr , and
po Ulvely curoapllc * . It it Kiuinntcod to
satisfaction r a.\ any refundaJ ,
, 25 osaU p Ct.or kU bjr 0.
ho Republicans in Congress Frit
ting Away Their Lease of
Power ,
Anil Legislating for the Few
to the lujury of the
, hn Pnposol Ucdiuticii of the
TiuilF Turned into n Fnrco-
The Iloueo Labors Ullltjcnt y on the
How Niwy.
prdl" ' . ) lwtch | to Till 11 .
\V m.viroN , January 23 The
> \nd means coiumittoo to dny
tzedn favorabln report on tlio
)111 ) prevent the importation uf
adult rated tea. The committee nleo
, grrrri upon an amendment to the
trill bill advancing thonitu of canulli1 ,
which enters largely into the wood
pulp manufacturing prccoaa , to 0110
oatit per pound.
OONFIUN VIIONH Ousliiviifl Coward ,
3ino.igo , socrutnry of legation to JA
pin ; Alex Deland , rccoivurcf public
nontt ! , Pnucott , Ar/.inn ; Indian
iRonti > : D. M. Rionlun , Arizona , nt
tfavajoo ngoncy , N. M ; A. It. .Jack-
on , Cincinnati , nt Prima ngoncy , Ar-
A circular has beun prepared at the
roasury department in regard to the
.ranait of Ohincno Inborora over the
; etrltory of thn United States in courno
ot their journey to or from other
oountHca. It is addreesod to colleo-
, era of customs and othoiu and rends
as follows : "Tho attorney general , in
an opinion of Djcmnber 2G'.h , 1882 ,
sed to the secretary of ntato ,
tias decided that Ohincso laborers in
transit merely nerosa the terri
tory of the United States in
the course of their journey to
and from other counties , uro neither
emigrants nor Ohinuoo coming to the
United States Ha labororo within th
ai ) of the treaty of November
12 , 1880 , or the net of May 0 , 1882
and further , that it Is not incumbent
upon such pafinongera to produce ccrtl
iicaton of idontlficatio.i proscribed by
itpocitications 4 and t ! of that net ; pro
vidnd that by competent proot thij
may otherwise ontubllali their trunsicn
statua. The department of utato hii
tranemittod ttiu opinion uf the attor
nny tn thin department wit ]
Its approbation. Treaty duciiinn
No . .Bail , dated January 20
1882 , ia thertfjro rovoktd un
the follnwiucE regulation * ur
adopted by thia department t
carry Into ctl\3ct the moro dec en
opinion of the attorney general am
the vion of the department of status
Kint Where a Chinese consul ro
1 nidus at the port of landing or on
; , .ir&nco Into the United States by an
Chinese laborer claiming to bo merely
in tranoit through the territory of thu
United States in the course of jour
neying to or from other countries , the
certificate tf such ChiucHo consul Idrin-
tif/itif ; the bearer by name , height ,
age , etc. , no far as practicable , mill
allowing the place and date ( i" hia ar
rival , the plaoo at which ho ia to leave
the United States , when his jonrnuy
ia to begin , and that it is to bo con-
and direct , shall bo accepted
as pritna rticio evidence ; and such cot
tllicito Btiall bo required in all c.nos
when a Caineeo consul ruaidos at ancl
Second In the abaonco of sucl
certificate and other competent ovi
dencu to show tbo identity ( f the per
aon and port that a bona lido transi
only JH intended may bo received , the
production ot a through ticket across
the whole territory ot the Unitec
Stutoa intended to bj travornud may
bo roceiyud us competent proof uiu
should bo exhibited to the collocto :
and verified by him. Such ticket tint
all other evidence presented should bo
so stamped or marked and dated by
the customs cflicurs as to prevent its
aso a second timo.
Third Tn case of numbers of Chin
0)0 being trunepjrted in a body under
the charge of ugonta or others , the
ttli davits of such sgents or others in
charge , with proof satisfactory to the
collector thnt dnch laborers will bo
convoyed without delay ocrota the
territory of the United States and do
livercd on board ship or Into fonigi
territory , may bo relieved on lion o
tickets required in the foregoing rogu
htiona. Ueicription lists of all such will to prepared and pro
Dented to the collector of customs cub
etanti.illy in the form mentioned litho
the circular cf May I'l , 18 2 , ( s. s.
5231 , ) und showing In addition the
place and date ( f arrival and place o
intended departure ; one copy will bo
retained on the hlua ( f hia cthco uni
ono will bu forwarded by mail to the
collector of customs at the
port of exit , who will take
pains to see thai the pnsaen
gera dnlJcavo | | ! the United States.
Ono list muy bo made to Include al
Chintflo transported at ono tune , nm
each lint should bo properly dated ,
tinned nndl eoalml by the collector or
his deputy , Where a considerably
number of Chlneso intend to travo !
from a port of entrance to a port ol
cult under chargp oi an agent as before -
fore mentioned , it will bo Bullkiint to
have included In the description 1ml
tn bo inaikd to the collider of port
( f exit th number of persona who mete
to go forv/a-d , the name of tlio i' enl
in charge , and the mute by which
they are to travel
8H | .la ) luxit ) | | > li tuTnr UKK.
WAHim > < .rjN , Jnnuaty 23 In the
home , Jiuttorworth , of Ohio , intro
duced a bill providing for the appoint
ment of Bovon commitnlpiuuu , at 10
per day each , to Investigate all the
lUeations relation to the natahlishmont
'ld maintenance of a reasonable and
just inter-state transportation tarifl
for passengers and freights by rail
road or other mod on of transportation.
It was referred to the Pacific railroad
The naval appropriation bill was
taken up.
After rejecting several other amend
ments the committee passed from the
first paragraph of the bill and the
clerk read the second paragraph , pro
viding for sea service and for compul
sory retirement. Immediately half a
dozen mrmbors were on their feet with
polnta ( f order and a lively dubato
onoiiL'd , after which thu chair over
ruled the point on the ground that on
the face there wnn a decrees i of ex
Mr Talbott ( Mo ) appealed from
the dcc'eiiii ' of tno chnir , which , however -
over , wjs uustat icdS3 to ( i I
Mr. IJIoun' raited n point of order
golrst the clnuao mtkii g terviie
pro oquislto of promotion. The chnir
.iGlainud the point and the claims was
ulcd out.
Mr Kobcson tlTciod an atnundmont
the retirement cliiitie , providing
lut it shall bj in clfoot only until thn
mlt of reduction In line whlnh was
xod by the act of August 5,1882 A
nu ditoiifljion followed upon the
oottion of attaohuig grnor.U le lsla
ion to pppropriatinn bills.
Mr. Ourtin ( I'a ) uttered an amotid-
.lent providing that the provloiors of
lie retirement olauso shall not apply
0 olllcers of the navy < vho served in
ho late civil war
Messrs. llobcson'i ] and Curtln'i
mendmonta worn bath adopted , but
lie whole retirement clause wat > , on
lotion of Mr. Calkins ( did ) stricken
rom the bill without division
The ceotion being reached prohibit
ng promotions to any grade until
neb grade stmll bo reduced to thn
lumbers fixed hr provisions of the act
f August 5,1882 , Mr. Calkins olHired
ho following amendment as i substl-
ute , and it waa adopted :
"That horealtcr all vacancies which
hall In the various ( ; radia of
ho line and s ill of the navy shall bo
illcd by promotion , as folluwp ; For
every two vacancien ( hero shall bo ono
iromotion in each i f the lower grades
intil tuch grades nhull bo reduced bo-
1 jw the numbers fixed by provisions of
the act of .Tunuary G. 1H32 "
Mr. Calkins raised a pjint of order
against the provisions f or promotion
by seniority to the grade ot rojr ad
miral. The point was soa'ulm'd , and
the provision atrickon out
Mr. Oiill.iiiB moved to atrike ou
the provision that all promotions to
the grndo < f fear admiral nhill bu
made from the grade of commodore
and captain find to abolish the grade
of cammeduo Lint.
Mr. lvuottKy ( ) , oir. > rodanatnond-
mont providing that promotions ehull
bo made according to sonlotitj.
Mr. Talbot , ' ( Md ) , otttrol on
amendment requesting the proidont
to ni'lcc , Irom the nrmy and navy five
ofilcora to constitute n board for tbo
purpoDo of examining and reporting
to congress which of the navy yards
or arsenals are bant ndiptcd to estab
lish a government foundry for manufacture
facturo of Runs adapted to modern
wurfarn , togoihcr with ostlmixtoa of
thn cost i f < i atoam hammer of 'trength
Hbili : iont to manufacture guns of largo
calibro. Adopted.
Tlio ippropriation of 8100,000 for
thu purchiiso and manufacture uf Mo- !
hilo torpedooB having bunn reached
Mr. IlarriH ( Maus ) oflorod an amendment I.
mont that they should bo of Ameri
can manufacture. Adopted
Mr. Harris moved to strlko out the
clause appropriating $100OCO for the
purchase or manufacture , after cxtml-
nation , of torpedoes the Invent I sna of
ci iriixatf the United Stntre , provided
$ o ( ) ( X)0 ) of th'n sum flhnll be paid to
Asa Weeks vrhmi ho shall execute and
deliver to the United States a release
in writing cf all claims for present or
future use of all hia inventions in tor
pedoes. Adopted. Mr. Ellis ( L . )
tllorod an amendment authorizing the
secretary < f the navy to constitute
and introduce as a part of the equip
ment of the navy the life saving
drrns adopted by the lifo saving ser
vice Adopted. After completing
consideration of fourteen of the other
twenty six pages of the bill the com
mittee rose and the house adjourned.
Promptly after the morning hour
iho tarilf bill w s taken up , the ques
tion be'nj ' } on the om ndrnont putting
iron ore on the free list.
Sjnator Sherman flild principles
which would justify the admission cf
foreign iron ere free nf duty -vould re-
qttlroalso that manufaoturodiron should
o-mo in frco. An undeveloped iron
inluo wan worthless. It could bo
dovolopud only by labir , and it was
for thu protection of thin labor that
tin * du'y wis required.
Senator Vtyo gave notice of amendment -
mont to tha nugar sohednlo , providing
in lieu i f i ho present rates a duty ( ) f
2" > per ad valorem ou molasses ,
naludo , cancontratod moKido , tank
bottoms , syrup of sugar , cauu jalc > ,
0ncetitratiid molaaspH , ai d sugar nor
above No. 13 Dutch standard , and 35
per cent ad vakrotn on all aboyo thin
atandarc , and providing further that
three ratra ahall take ell'ct on the
passage of the bill and shall ba col
lected on all Much goods which may bo
in public stores or bonded warehouses
at that time.
Senator Ouradon moved to nnko the
duty on iron ere 00 cents.
1'oridirg vote on Senator Oamdun'a
amendment the senate hold an oxoou-
lito nemion qiidjioon tftor adjourned.
Mexican Mntlors
Su ] Mill > lMiat ) < h to TIIK UKK
Cnv or MKMCO , January 23 ,
Uispitcliea from Tuinploo eay a terrific
Btorm prevailed t'mre ' Saturday. The
fJcirmin bark Nuta put to sea for
safety. Yontorday the bodies of two
her oroworo wnsliod aohoru. The
vesecl Ja supposed to bo lost.
The J'uobld obtservatory observed a
nowcomot near Jupiter , Sundayovon-
iniatOIO. ! :
The givornmont authori/.jd the Na-
Jonal ODnstruction company to open
: p the public the newly completed
ino from Toluoa to JNIovavodo. The
ength of the now section is ninet
No Sound Save the Requiem oi the
Waves From the Scene of
the Recent Wieck ,
The Damage to the Sultan Par
More Serioua Than Firat
Tha Cnptnin'o Ctnt-mmt Fti-t
by Stvotal Additional Fnot * .
Two of the Sutvlvlnpr Women Hound
tor OumUfi by the Next Stoutmu- .
8HcUlIlM | tcln to TIIK Ilex.
LO.MD.V , J.muiry 23 The proofs
of Hamburg pipora received here
hovr the Cimbria 'in struck
forty fdet from hi r bow. Afcor nn king -
ing a broach the Sultan scraped uloug
the Cimbria and completely rolltd up
her Iron platra. Evidently 'ho blovr
must have bden u ttomyndoua ono.
1'ho papera alai mint a brief toport of
what bus tr.inaou'dd , end of thn ntuto-
mont made by tl > o oiptiin of ihu Sal-
tan before the British consul , given
at that uort , laying the blame on the
Cimbria , in largo lypi1 , with notes of
exclamation. Gnu if the boats res
cind by the Tnota contained thirty
perions , and the other only nii.o.
The latter had boon tosaingaboutnino
hours and was water logged. All the
occupants could do iraa to keep them
selves from being washed away by
grasping the thwarts.
HAMIIUIKI , January 23Tho most
( oarchtng < Hi lial inipection ( f the
steamer Sultan shows the di miiga to
bo far moro sorions than first bttlieved.
According to the testimony of compe
tent seafaring pnoplo , the cnw
of the Su t.\n uiiplayod mi > r-
voloua cloyerncss and rapidIty -
Ity in stopping the leak mid
It is scarcely conceivable how the voa-
ail ever reached Hamburg. Besides
amieihoi ) bow and holoi in both side ? ,
her keel for 12 or 15 feet was onn-
plutely split.
The Hamburger Maohoicbton siyt. ;
The captain of the Sultan , in an of
ficial statement , Buys before thu fog
but in ho had been going 0 knots un
hour and during the fog reduced t'.o
epucd toI knots , the lowest rate of
spaed consistent with keeping troor-
ing way on the vecsel. Ho mithur
heard nor srw aijy kind of Mitrial
. until suddenly , at a distance of little
moro ihan two ship's lengths , the
Oimbila'a green light nppeartd. Ho
immediately , in accord > inoo w > h the
rulcn ot the road , undelivered gtu
w y. Ho thought he fihonld bo able
to got clear when same incorrect &ceu > -
ing occurred aboard the Gttnbrlo , id-
ouddonly ho caw the red light oJ an
other steamer. ( ( t ohnuld bn remarked -
marked hero that probably the Oim-
bna'a red light was displayed by the
alteration of hoc cgursi' . ) Almost
simultaneously with the ftbpdftrflnw 1
the red light ho felt a shook. Daring *
thn time the leak in his vessel was
- being repaired ho Ojnstantly pave eig-
, nala by blue light and blowing of the
- Btoam whistlo. When the ropans had
baen c Hooted ho approached aa near to
the scone of the collision aa ho could
without endangering hia own vessel.
Owing to the dunso fog ho saw noth
ing. Ho waited about until 8 Friday
morning. AB a proof i f the oorreoi lines
of his statement ho pjints to the lati
ness of the time at which ho arrived
at Ooxhavon. It is considered that
the great point on the Ulicial investl-
tiori will bo to p-ovo the accuracy c f
thlH statement. According to the
statements of the persona intimately
no-jualutod with the captain of the
Sultan , both ho and his first ollioor
are thoroughly competent and careful
sailors , and especially noted for main-
talnanco of strict doclplluo.
among the passengers rescued , have
written relatives , in a village near
Berlin , lamontlngthat they lost every
thing , onon to their shoos , but In spite
of their Bufferings , they uaid they
mean to try their luck in the next
vessel , and hope soon to bo able to
send their photographs from Omaha
UAMIIUKO , January 23. Several
persona were killed bv the collision
itself , owing to the Hying about of
splinters and planks. A passenger in
the shrouds begged his neighbor to
push him Into the sea , ho being too
much chilled to move himself. They
refused to do so , when ho lot himooU
fall headlong into the sea. An elderly
woman holding n bible iu her cramped
hands and singing loud funoial hymns
was wnehcd owny from the dock Two
t-lrls belonging to the Suablan singing
truupo having BPournd lifo bitlts swam
about A loiijr tinij frinticitliy crying ,
"Ho'p1 ' hMp ! dttvo u " The people
In thuriguing cried , "come to the rig
ging , wo cui't move " The girls , half
benumbed ai.d no lorgerabol to swim ,
cried ont for the last time , "Oh , wo
ran't come , " and then disappeared.
One of the Indians brandished his
tomahawk before the officer of the
stramcr and had to bo disarmed. The
tumult on board was indescribable.
Ono married couplu cut their own
throata in order that they might die
together. The ahij.'d eurgoon oncour-
agnd thoio in the tigging to hold fast ,
tolling them the sultan would noon
rescue thorn , but oo/oral became deli
rious and let go their hold. The ( sur
geon uubaequontly Icapud into the am ,
saying ho would "mako un end of it. "
Twenty five thousand pounds are
floinando'l na curoty from the stoimor
Sultan. , The n.iuticil court has taken
the case in hand. The Herman press
continue to violently attack the cp-
tain of the Sultan for deserting the
Uosio.s , January 23 The post
master general has ieaufd n noticu
saying that Cfty.olght mail sacks on
board the Cimbria may bo considered
hopelessly lost ,