Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1883, Image 8

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. The Daily Bee.
Tuesday Morning , Jan. S3
Weather Report.
( The following observation * Are taken a
the same moment of tlmo nt all the station
Mined , )
riot. OMAHA. Jan. 2'.U883. (1:45 ( p.m. I
Jllisotirl and lll il slppl rlrors troun M nl
pint4 nirth of .S : . LotiN.
There will bo ft regular meeting of tli
city council to-night.
The sleighing grown better with end
Miccecdlng touch of the Manitoba wave ,
The weather moderated conaldcrabl ;
last night and there was ft'llnht fall c
enow early in the eveuing with prospect
of plenty moro within twenty-four Iimm
To watchmaker * : llavln ? cerved thre
yearn In the jewelry biialncfH , would Ilk
to Guish my trade. Will work for emal
wiges. Anyone wishing a man of sue
experience address lock box -195.
Invitations are out for Die marrlag
of Miss Flora Koscntlul , lister of Mn
Chat. Schhnk , to Mr. Sol. Prince , of th
firm of Schlank & Trlnco , which will tak
place February G , 1673 , at the residence
1311 Davenport street. A reception wil
bo given at Central lull in the evening ,
On Sunday morning there wan a curi
OUB explosion in the kitchen of Mr. A
Daumann , 1'JIIJ Farnain street , the oul
person about , the servant girl , having
narrow escape from severe personal Injt
ties. It appears that the water pipes b <
tweon the tank and wuterback hod becom
frozen from the oxccsulvo co'd , and too
after the lire was started np smd before I
bad a fair start , exploded , blowing the to
of the stove tT ( and nearly to the cclllni
scattering the plecoi far and wide. Hwr
a great wonder that the fclrl w. s not bndl
An accident occurred 5 cater Jay (
the Sioux City and 1'acifiu road , abe
three miles from BUIr , which cauiol tl
train to jump the track nt that point , ai
nariowlv mcapo a terrible iliaintor. Tl
train ran over a piece of trcstlo work b
fore it stopped.
On Thursday evening last , Mr. B. 1
Calklcs , who has been breaking on t
Union Pacific rend for a yenrormnro
Conductor Bharploas' crew , left this cl
" " fo North riatto. ITo was feeling bad
when ho left this city , and finally turn
about and worked his way back toward tl :
' city. Oa reaching Fremont ha w
so sick as to require Inimedh
medical attendance wlilch waa prompt
secured , All was In vain , however , an '
expired at 10:30 Saturday night. T
dece&nad was about thirty-five years of a
and his folks , who live in Galoabnrg , Illi
re In moderate circumstances , so that 1
will ho buried at Fremont. He was
large , healthy man and had every Indlc
tlon of proving a useful and Industrie
citizen for many yearn to come.
The horse recently stolen from Bit
had an owner and the owner has got 1
horse again , Sherlll firrgg is entitled
the $25 reward ottered for the recovery
the animal and fifty moro for the captu
and conviction of the thief , who is c
Bcrlbcd as about 22 years of age , light coi
plexion , slim features , n little cross-eye
about 5 feet 8 Inches tall. Had near und
left eye and ono foot badly fro/an.
The German fair at Masonlo b
opened last night , nad the Indies have de <
rated the hall in handtouio stylo.
All lovers of fine mmlo xhould be
the Koyal Hand Bell lUngers at the ope
this evening.
There will be a manager's meeting
the Social Art club at their rooms t !
afternoon at 2:15 : ,
Born At 1'ark avenue bn Janut
21 , to the wife of U. B. Train , a son. ' 1
child was an eleven pounder , healthy t
hearty , and mother and non are both do
The boarJ of Managers of the st
board of agriculture will meet with
officers at the 1'axtou on thn L"Jth in
Monday next ,
In case of an alarm oi fire , In send
It to the telephone olllce , do not stop
ctUauy particular operator , but ijlvo y
'message to any operator Intheolliro t
\ it will avoid delay in transmission.
The county court will convene on
first Monday In February. The Janu
buslne.ii has been * n light that < Tu
Chidwick will have but little to du r
corpus case iu Ju
Chadwick'd court. In which the b
Jay Whitman is the bone of content
h s been continued one week , IB the c
Ii sick and unable to appear In court.
Manager Boyd wa > put to the pat
necessity of administering reproof
young man at th ? matinee Saturday , i
occurrence ! are rare , and for the credl
the B. & M. we trust that a like caee
not huppen again.
J. S , Shropshire will deliver n lei
under the auspice * of Nebraska lodge
1 , K. of 1' , t Centrolthsll , February 1
the subeot | , "Tho Icllucnce of CIr
nUnces on Character. " Mr. Shropthl
an entertaining lecturer , anil the c
. will no doubt be marked by rn exec
A clrjular from [ the principal ol
Academy at Ulbboa , mldremcl to
boaidof mausgem , says : "Our iciiil
prosper * . We have enrolled KiO stui
thli year. Ten cf tlieie bivo been
vertu , and will soon le baptized. V
we train the Intellect we try to have
oul converted , and tliu Ufa oouaecraU
ChrUt. Thus we are doing an luipoi
mliifonaryworkiatbeicbool , Bixteacl
Janitor , fn l and repair * , rc > | ulr i
means than our Income offordi. While
we ore bearing hea > y btirdens we ask you
to take a collection at an early day and
forward to the principal. The brethren
pledged to pay the tuition of six children
of mlnlitern. Let the collection be M
early n posjlble. It Is your child. Will
you help feed It ? '
The Mont ElciKont nnd DollKhtful
Musical Entertainment of tbo
Those who failed to too and hoar
the London boll ringers ot the opera
house last evening missed a "mighty
good thing. "
The company is without doubt the
best group of bell ringers in the world ,
and their music ia "simply dollcioua. "
Solectiono from national and popu
lar aira , parta of operas , imitations of
various Idndu and every apeclua , of
entrancing muaio wore performed
moat exquisitely , eliciting round after
round of the moat hearty applaueo over
heard in the opera hou o. The
rendering of the "Turkish Patrlcl"
and the "Dinfj Dong" chorus from the
Chimes of Normandy , which are to be
repeated this evening , brought down
the house , whllo a tlc/.sn other selec
tions , among which were "Lswb Rose
" " O'Moro " "Blue
of Summer , "llory ,
Bella of Scotland , " "llobln Adair , "
etc. , were hardly leas enjoyable.
The members of the company arc
every ono artists in their line , and the
director , Mr. Miller quite a wag in hie
way , amusing the audience with hia
odd English ways and quaint saying.
Wo noticed among thu audience
which was a very appreciative ono ,
mostly all of the leading clergy of thti
city , M well an several c f our moat
prominent citizens which proven that
a strictly first class entertainment will
alwayo draw the first class people in
It IB BucceHsfully Utarted In Omarm
Last evening Mr. A. L. S trail f
started no his now engine , 120 horn
power , of the Portor' & Co. make , nnc
tested the power of the two dynamc
Twenty llghtu were burned at onci
in the spacious atoro room and glittered
od like so many stars , whllo the cheer
ful hum of machinery made it aouni
like buiineaa all along the block.
The lights will soon bo pat in pine
and got to work and this novel in
duatry bo cot in motion to introduce
now light in our midst.
.Tho Burna Banquet.
The Burns club of Omuha glv
their seventeenth annual banquet i :
honor of the 12'l'h birthday annivoi
siry of the Scotch bard , on Thurada
evening , ot .Central hall. The prc
gramme 1ms boon arranged as follows
Welcome by the picuident , John C
Toast of the evening , "Tho Memory c
Burnt. "
Band "Thero wan a Lad was Born I
Kyle. "
Hcsponfo , Mr. A. C. Troup.
Song , Mis * Ida Gibson.
Band "Hey the Bonnie Breast-Knots ,
Song , Mr. Walter Wllkini.
Song , Mtssl'ennell.
Tout "Scotland-Amerlca. "
Band "God Save the Queen Sta
Spangled Banner , "
Response , Kov. James Paterson ,
Song , Mr. J. Northrup.
Band Should Auld Acquaintance. "
Song , Mr , IVnnell.
Song , Mrs. Thomas Falconer.
Toatt "Omaha "
Band-"A Man's a Man for a'That-
Old Log Cabin. "
Response , Mayor Boyd.
Song , Mr. J. W. Wllklns.
Bind -"Vo Banks nn'l Bracp , " etc.
Song , Mr . Charloa Oheeney.
Toast -"Tho Press "
"Band"RayV Wile -Swanee lllver
Ilesponse , Mr. Fred Nye ,
Song , Mr. James Falconer.
Toast-"Tho Lasses , "
Band and Chorm "Ureen Grow tl
Hushes , O. "
Police Court.
Judge Bonoko had a fair Monda
morning docket , though hardly up I
last month's standard.
Frank Caasidy , arrested for stoalir
a pair of pants from A. Polack aboi
the first of January , had his cane coi
tlnuod ono day.
. There were four oases of Intoilc
| tion. Ono of the victims paid $10 ar
18 costs , ono was discharged and two soi
up for three duys each at the conn
Ono individual was arrested for dl
turbing the peace ; case continued.
A vagrant waa run in Sunday rvi
fired out of town on Monday. I
te will probably "bob up serenely" :
the Council Blnifc calaboose to-nlph
A complaint haa been filed again
Anderson , the Tenth street auloi
kflopor , for allowing minoiH to pi
billiards at hit place ,
A correoton.The Republican
Sunday morning glvea nn account
a sorioua ail'ray that occurred on Site
ho urday evening on Gaming street. T
published statement lays the scene
the if ray iu Pete Smith's Baloe
: \t which ia incorrect. It occurred
George A. Hill's saloon , the wound
lgo man being taken to Smith'a place ,
no care waa taken of him nt Hill
After being brought into Smith's t
lid police and a doctor v ere tolophon
for and everything done that waa p
siblo for the wounded man.
fill A N. KKAK ,
> a
Don'tOlo in the Douse.
felt "Rough Rats. " Oloara
of on put n
mice , roaches bed bugs lliea
vlll , , , ar
moles chipmunks , gophers. 15o.
No. HA , NEB.
, nn Tftbloa supplied with the best
urn- market atlords. The traveling pnl
eli olalin they got better accoinmodati
ent and moro general Kitisfootlon h
lent than at any othi't houcu In Omn
Rate , { 2 pnr day. ann21tfm
the DIED.
the TUUNUULL-Jane , at Cistellsr
ry Tenth streets , ou the ' 'lit.
: nt She h deeply lamented by her hu b
: on- and family of little children. Funora
bile 2o'clock sharp to-day , .the * ; i3d ! ,
the Prospect hill.
kn are excellent for the relief of Hoartei
Mi or Sore Throat. They are eiceedlnglj
ore fectlve. I'hrttdan JTorW , London , 1
They Are Not so Heavy as They
Might Be ,
A Small but Appreciative Au
dience Greet the Far
Famed Sluggers.
Contrary to the expectation of a
majority of the Omaha sports , the
celebrated sluggers , Mace and Slado ,
came in over the Union Pacific yester
day afternoon and wont immediately
to the Paxton. Of eonrso every one
knows that Mace is an old rounder ,
ho having been the "world's cham
pion" Bomo ten or twelve years ago ,
Ho went to Australia about eight
years ago , since which time hia name
has bnoti comparatively unknown in
pugilistic circles in this country.
The reoont enconntor between Snl
llvan and Paddy Ryan has given an
opportunity for all the ox-charapiont
cf the world tocomoout of their hold
and contest cither by word of mouth
or by hlppodromatio subterfuges the
world-widu ruputation of the now
world-known Sullivan.
The citizens of Omaha were ap >
pr'ssd of the coming of thcao much
heralded el ditora yratorday by Prof.
Yayer'a bant ) , which paraded thi
streets in a wogon drawn by eight
The public , or at lcnt that portion
of it which ventured upon the atroot ,
were thua apprised that the slugger ; ,
after a tedious and weary delay ol
watching and willing by the peoploj
were in our midst.
The performance drew n largo and
enthusiastic audience to the Acadcraj
of Music and rather early iu the evening
ing a curious as well as intorcntoi
assemblage wan gathered together.
Shortly after ! ) o'clock a nowspapoi
man waa Been entering the ailoor
under the Academy with a rathoi
heavy and largo man , "That's Blade , '
said a by-stander , and upon Inquirj
it waa found tint It tua he. The re
porter followed him up the otaira intt
tbo show room. "I cun't nndcratam
this bloody country , " oaid Mr. Slado
with a atrong cockney accent , aa hi
ascended the atairway ; "it acorns t <
mo that everything is turned about. '
The variety show which precedet
the Hparring exhibition waa of tin
usual kind. A young lady well pow
dorcd up and with an artificially da
volopcd form came out and aan |
"When ohe H laid in the cold , colt
t rave , " ; \nd annwerod a heavy on cor
by singing uomo similar ballad. Dor
ing ttna entertaining performance th
reporter eought n private box whori
Mr. Mnco was found comfortably on
scntiBed bntwocn novoral of the per
formers , and other ladiea who ha <
added lustra to the occasion. MHO
la rather heavily built , about iivo fee
eleven inches tall , and weighing abou
200 p und ] . Ho ia 51 years old , am
until ho went out of the arena , stun
eight years ago , waa considered th
most scientific boxer , and the hardea
hlttor , in tht < United States or in th
world. Ho had Buvorul battles in thi
country and England , and came ou
victorious iu every ono of them , an
earned the championship of the worlc
Ho is bald on top of his head , and
heavy mnstaoha which shadows hi
upper lip is colored a sombre blaol
which gives MACO the usual appeal
anco of people of his class.
Herbert Slade , the alleged Auatn
Han , and really in all probabilit
"cocknoy" Englishman , imported fc
the purpose of putting money in hi
own and Maco'o pocket , la u wol
built man between 30 and 35 years <
ago. Ho stands about two inches ovc
BIX foot and weighs nearly 225 pound
Ho came in the box where Mace wi
and immediately entered into an an
mated conversation with ono of tt
female occupants of the box.
"How is it. Mr. Mace , that yc
have boon BO long on your way b
tweon San Fruiclaco and Ohicag
where yon were to moot yonr friom
Richard K Fox , and Sullivan ,
arrange for the fight between Slac
and hlmt" asked the reporter.
"I have boon delayed on the wi
by my frlunds , you know , " ho aa
"Weren't you to moot Fox ar
Sullivan In Chicago yeaterday by a
Well , no , I think not , " ho r
piled , "If 1 remember rightly It w
to-day. "
"Well , BB you are not there to-da
when do you expect to got there ? "
"Day after tomorrow at the d
thest. I shall not atop at any mo
placaa on the way. "
The reporter asked Mace about tl
encounter himself and Slado had h
in San Francisco and other place
During their itay in San Francis
they were thu guests of the Olynij
club , which ia uampouid of the pri
cipal sporting men of that city. Gt
M. Robinson , a local sparror u
Slade , and it waa aaid that the fc
mor was much too heavy for the i
ported fighter.
Mace said that ho thought Sla
waa much moro than a match for Rt
Insou , and he wes atitlsficd that to
impartial observer the fight , or ratl
the encounter , showed the forme
"Did you hoar that Tom Chandl
an ox-prizo tighter , said that SU
waa no good and never could be
match for Sullivan in a prize figb
asked the reporter.
Mace said ho had , but had placed
credit to the report.
Shortly before 12 o'clock an
tttcho of the ahow walked upon '
stage and aald : "Gentlemen , I hi
A. the pleasure of introducing to you I
Join Mace , who for 40 yearn has b
A.ho the chief tighter of the world ,
ho wears the champion gold belt of
lie world , " and hero the follow dangle
ins bell in his handa as if in corroborat
ire of what ho aaid , "and aho anot
m. worth 100. "
The two thumpers walked dainl
on the atago nnd after n fjw scionl
subterfuges commenced to pasta c
other about the head aud breasl
md royal stylo. Slado reached for M
first and got in a sounder on the
ter'a This seemed to
mug amuse
latter and ho plugged the Austral
with u solid ono in the loft bro
KS From all appearances Maoo got
wont of the fust rouud and time
ft- called.
The SLCond round developed c
Biddable moro ability on the part of
both aa adepts in the manly art and
they both sent in the blows hot and
fast. Time was again called and Mace
trotted back to hia seat and Slado
smiled as if ho kuuw ho had the better
of the conflict. The third and last
round was a repetition of the fust
and second although in the wind up
Slado put in some rib ticklers which
evidently were not relished by the
champion. After a akirmi h of two
or three minutes the Utter called ont ,
"I have got enough , " and it was all
ovor.Tho men will loavp to-day for
Chicago where they will meet Fox ,
Sullivan and the other men to
arrange the fight between Slado aud
the now champion of the country.
It will bo remembered that on bia
roc ! nt visit to Omaha , Paddy Rjan
secured the services of "Baby"
Barnes , u well known Omaha boy , to
travel with him in the east , and that
ho is making a aUr slugger of him
will bo soon from the following special
dispatch to The Chicago Tribune.
"MANKATO , Minn. Arrive in Chicago
cage Saturday night. Have the com
ing man , Nebraska Giant. In my
opinion can down Sullivan , Slade , 01
anybody. Will match him against
the world. Weight , 2C5. He IB supple -
plo and clever ai anybody , nix fcut
four inches , ego 2-1. Look fir me.
If "Babe" follows in the footntope
of Whistler , ho will add additional
laurels to Omaha's ' record for furnlsu <
ing first clasa athlpton and ortitita.
The Benefit to Miss Ahl-Jfuts nt th <
Stoat Thoatrn
At the regular Sunday evening performance
formanco at the Stact theater , las
night , the head usher , Mr. Fore
Sohrocder , distributed about 300 pho
tographa of the charming soubrette
Miss Ahl Pula. Tto photos wort
cabinet size , and from fine negative :
taken in different costumes by Mr
Hoyn , the Douglas street photogra
On the reverse side was the pro
gramme cf the benefit tendered Misi
Ahl Pals , which will take place at thi
Stadt theatre , on Sunday evening
next , and the card waa a very prott ;
souvenir for thoee who received it.
Our German friends are to bo con
gratulatcd on having the loading sta
t f this country here , and may well b (
proud of Mien Ahl Pals' talent am
popularity. Her engigomont ha
boon ono of the most nuccoaaful one
over made by the manager of the Gei
man theatre in tlilt. city.
.7. U. High , of Kearney , U in the citj
II , C. Stuart , of Liucolu , U J.t the Pa :
W. J. rerelngcr , of Central City , is i
T C. Blayney , of Chicago , ! H ut tl
Pnxton. ,
J. K. Murjger , of Columbiif U , at tt
R. K. Adams , of Toledo , 0. , iu at tl
S , Babson , of Seward , la at the Metr
George W. Hale , of Qnincy , in at tl
II. K. Cooper , of St. Joe , ia at tl
II. D. Keleg , of Nemaha , Is at the Me
J. F. Adams , of Lincoln , is nt the Me
W. P. . WhltbanV , of Toledo , 0. , is
the 1'axtou.
Uon. F. M. Sackett , of Albion , IB
the Paxton.
II. F1 Wright , of Salt Lake City , is
tbo Millard.
Mrs. L. Davis , of Irwin , Colorado , Is
the Millard.
Jamed Britton , , of Wayne , Neb , , is
the Millard.
Arthur S , Patton , of Nebraska City ,
at the Puxton.
.T. B. Cioudas , cf Sioux Falls , D. T. ,
at the Paxton.
W. R. White , of Boise City , Idaho ,
at the Millard.
K , A , Bondeo , of Chicago , Is a guest
of the Metropolitan.
0 , S. Newton , of Denver , is register
at the Metropolitan.
K. A. Carter , of Kokomo , Indiana ,
at the Metropolitan ,
Mrs. Johnson and sou , of U den , i
guests of the Millard.
Thos. Oliver , P. Martin and Win | & :
ner , of Kills , are nt the Millard.
0. A. Davis , of Dead wood , is in 1
city and goes to Sioux City to-day.
Jem Mace and wife , and H. A. Sla
of Australia , are guests of the Faxton.
George W. Davis , Scratford and II.
Uncles , of Denver , are at the Mlllnrd.
J. Bussard and R. K , Lewis , of Ii
gene , Iowa , ate guests nt the Metrop
11. W. Klelbackcr , business agent
Only a Farmer's Diughter combination
In the city *
S. H. Babbitt , W. F. Hannah i
Augustus Kttlind , of Strahn , Iowa , are
the Metropolitan.
Major Ii. II. Wheeler , secretary of
10 Nebraska state board of agriculture , c
In from IHattsmouth yesterday.
Hon. T. M. Marquett , of Lincoln , I
ll < > the city.
D. 0. Thompson , of Lincoln , came
' on the B. & M. train yesterday.
J0 Gen. S. S. Livingstone , of PlatUmoi
| lu was in the city yesterday.
J. It , Moore , of Ft. Fettennan , Is at
an Paxtou.
ier M. A. O'Neill , of Ogden , h a RUCS
he Mndo frorr tbo wild flowoia of
st. it it thu most fragrant ot pcrfui
ho Manufactured by II. B. Slavon , !
ra Francisco. For sale in Omaha by
J. Whltohouso aud Konnata Bi
& 0o ,
The Omaha Roads Orauuallj
Eocovering StraDgth.
Polar Waves In Other Dayi
and Other Lands.
Rullroaa Notes In General.
The Nebraska division of the Chi
cego , St Paul , Minneapolis ant
Omaha line has ita tracks nnobstruct
ed to-day , excepting on the Norfol )
branch. Superintendent Morforc
went ont on the snow plow yesterday
day to personally investigate thoontin
line , and speaks confidently of havlnj
all his trains in good running orde ;
to-day. The Ponca branch hai
boon making ita regular trips uninter
The Misaonrl Pacifio sent out iti
regular south bound train yesterday
day , and Ticket Agent Footo inform :
B that the line la now clear , and thai
rains will run regularly. The ro
noval of the dead engine and trait
"InnrJay , which came into thta ci'j
bout 4 o'clock took away the last r < 3
malning obstac'o on the lino.
The U. P. train No. 3 , loft ot
imp , the only train in from the CM
n Monday , the Northwestern , no
leing expected in until G p. m. , o
ibnut 8 hours behind tlmo. Thi
) enver train came iu nearly on time
and all other trains are making ached
nlo tlmo. The weather moderate !
omo yesterday , and being clear am
, ilm , the tracks can all bo opened nj
, t onco.
The following statistics cf the gooi
old European winters are curious , am
; o to ahow that the cold ( map her
waa as nothing to some that have beci
xperlencoi heretofore in other lands
in 408 the Black &oa waa ontirol
'rozon over. In 701 not only th
Slack aea , but the n trait a of the Dit
danollea were frozen over ; the eno\
n Homo places roao fifsy foot high. Ii
$22 $ the great rivers if Europe th
Danube and Elbe , etc. were ao bar
'rozon aa to boar heavy wagons for
month. In SCO the Adriatic wa
'rozon. In 992 every thing waa fro zer
the cropa totally failed , and f itiiin
and pestilence closed the year. I
LOG ? most cf the travelers were froze
; o death on the roada In 11J3 th
Po vsaa frozen from Cremona to th
sea ; the wino casks were burst , an
even the trees split by the action c
the frost with immense noise.
In 123G the Danube was frozen t
the bottom , and remained long in thi
state. In 1310 the crops wholly failc
In Germany ; wheat , which some ycai
before sold in England at ( ! ) the qua ;
Lor , roHO to i'2. In 13311 the croy.
fallnd in Scotland , and anch a ftunln
ensued that the poor were reduced t
f Bed on grass , and many perished ml :
orably in the fields. The aucceseiv
winters of 1432-33-34 ' were uncon
monly aovere. It once mowed fort
days without interruption. In 14 (
the wino distributed to the soldiers j
Flanders waa cut with hatchota.
In 1804 the winter wan excessive
cold. Moat of the hollies were killoi
Coaches drove along the Thames , tl
ice of which was eleven inches thic'
Ia 1700 occurred the cold winter. Tl
frosts nonotratod tluoD yards into tl
ground. In 1715 bootha were erect <
and fairs hold on the Thames. In 17 *
and 1845 the strongest ale in Euglan
exposed to the frcsa air an eighth of i
inch thick. In 1807 , and again
1812 , the winters were remarkab
cold. In 1814 there was a fair on tl
frozen Thames.
George W. Gushing , Buporlntondo :
of the Northern Pacific railroad , n
rived in Chicago recently , and stati
that only three hundred miles i
mined to bo laid to complete t !
lain line of that road. At prose
lirteon thousand men were nt wo
n the road , of which number olq
louaand were Chinamen employed i
10 western dlviaiona. The Yollo
tone Paik branch , from Livingst
outh , will be > completed early in Jnr
Djtober 1 , 1883 , was the date fixer
or the road to bo completed a :
ralna running from St. Paul to Po :
The Boet'on Transcript comb :
igoronsly the report that the 0
ago , Burlington & Qaincy railro
iaa an idea of purcheaiog the Dam
t Rio Grande , and aaya any com pa
mylng the Denver to control ita earn
rn trellis would find it a worse th
worthless road before it could got
Iced to the property , f .r the Atchie
would quickly put a broad gauge 1 :
hrough the Grand canyon of the i
cansaa to Leadvlllo , and would a
iavo a broad gauge line into Danv
J. R. Buchanan , passon ;
a ent of the Sinux City and Paul
announces that Jamoa Glbjon has bi
tppolnted oaatern pisaongor agent
I , , that company , with headquarters
[ loohoater , N. Y. , and will ropros
the Elkhorn Valley route via the C
cage and Northwestern and Sic
Jity and Pacific railroads to North' '
Nebraska. Ilia territory will compi
or the states east of Chicago and no
Is of the Ohio river aud Canada.
J. T. Ball lias been appointed g
oral agent of the Milwaukee and
3d . Paul at Dinver.
: S-FoathorB , ribbons , velvet
all bo colored to match that now
iiy using the Diamond Dye. '
cenlfl for any color
A Nonro Who Can Ignite Combust !
Material by Simply breath
ing Upon It.
Chicago llcruM.
An Investigation of a most extri
dinary ireik ot iiaturo , or what
ponrs to bo such , will take place
uvoniu < j ! at the Hash Medical cell
Some tlmo nqo u mulatto natned _
dcrvrood arrived hero from Michif
and it BOOH became known that
IE claimed to bo able to produce fUmi
h breathing upon combustible art !
This power , It was said , he had alv
possessed , and that the fact was
known to lib associates. A
Cromley , residing at 242 West
Bnren street , became interested
the man , and after satisfying bin
that ho could , to all seeming ,
do what was claimed , had
him examined by medical men
with the object of ascertaining whether
the 11 imo was , as Ondorwood himself
insisted , produced by the breath or
by artificial and cunningly coucnalod
means. So far as the teats nave ponu
they have failed to domocstrato that
any fraud Is practised. Although
carefully watched , and BO situated
that deception would appear Impassi
ble , Underwood produces fiaruo at
will , llow it is done , or toi what peculiar
culiar condition of his organization hia
extraordinary power is duo , has not
boon explained. The test that will
take pinto this evening is designed
to bo more elaborate than any that
have preceded It. Underwood will
bo prepared for It by the phyeicians ,
who will adopt measures to effectually
neutralize the til'jot of any artifice before
fore allowing him to produce the
On Friday evening last Mr. Oaom-
ley took Underwood to the residence
of Mr. Eageuo IIowo , at 1149 Woat
Taylor street , where ho exhibited hie
strange faculty In the presence of a
few of the friends of the last named
gentleman. This fact balug made
clnown to The Herald , a roportoi
called on Mr. Howe last evening tc
learn what transacted.
"Mr. Coomloy is my uncle , " said
Mr. Howe to the reporter , "and he
brought the nian hero in order that
ho might exhibit htn powers. "
"What is your opinion of the thing'
Is there any trick ? "
"No , I don't think there can be. '
"What does he do ? Doea he produce -
duce an cctual Ihmo or is it a slon
combintion of the article ho sets or
fire ? '
"It is a real flimo a blaza. "
Mrs. Howe wan present , and at thli
stage she loft the parlcr , returning
a moment liter with part of a hand
kerchief , in which there were twc
holes that could have been producoc
by nothing but ihtno. The edges ol
these holes were surrounded will
black , charred linen , while furthei
away the fabric was scorched browr
as tf by the heat of the burning part
"Will you explain how Underwood
did this ? "
"Certainly. When our friends a *
rived ho took the handkerchit f am
hold it to his mouth for a while , ant
then the flame appeared. "
"Was its appearance instantaneous ,
or did it require uomo time to prcduci
the effect ? "
"Ho hold the handkerchief to hii
month for ono minute and twenty sec
ondo before it canght fire. "
"Did it seem to yon that any tffjrt
was necceesary ! "
"Yes , something of the kind. H
vras very much exhausted when h
got through. Ho says that ho neve
does it mote than once or twice in an ;
ono day , because it exhausts him a
much. "
"D'eu ho aay anything of auy otho
cff c ? "
"Ho complainn of n , pain in th
chrnt hero , " ( putting hfo lund on th
lower part of the cheat.
"Ho has always been able to d
th'a ' ! "
' YfB. But nobody thought it wa
anything but a trick. As he najf
people used to s y , 'it was a prett
clover trick for a darkey to do. ' H
is oaunxiona as anyone to know who
causer the phenomenon. "
"la ho a largo , muscular man ? "
"No , ho in not. Ho is not punj
but ulendor "
Mrs. Howe explained to the reporl
cr that the handkerchief was folde
eoveral times , so that there were fo\
oral thicknesses burned through. Th
greater part of it was torn up aud dii
tribnted among persons who wer
present at the teat. It was also stal
ed that Underwood's pnlso wan time
before the test and found to bobealln
at the rate of eighty pulsations to th
t minute. After the test It was sovont
to the minute , or ton boats slowo :
Mr. Howe added , however , that tl :
pulsations were counted immediate !
after the test , perhaps a minute olap
ing before it was dono.
Beat choice roll butter. 25o
pound , at J. I. Nlchol'a. jl7eod3t
If yonr watch or clock needs cleat
ing or repairing , toke it to Edholm
Erickson's opposite the poatollic
They employ none but the best worl
men. All work guaranteed.
for nil diseases of the Kldneyn and
r ItluuiBpcoUloMtlononthltmMtimporUnt
I organ , enabling H to throw off torpidity and
Inaction , Btimulatine the healthy secretion
! ofthelllle.andbykceplngthebowelilnfrol.
I coadiUon , cffeotinc 1U regular di charR .
" Ifyou are BuOerlne from
malariahavethocMlla ,
are bilious , dyBpeptio , or constipated , Kid-
ucy-Wort wiUsurolyreUevo&qulcklycuro.
a In tlii Boason to cleamia the Eyitom , everyone
ono should take a thorough course of it. ( tl )
10 LOftM MOMr-Y
ONEY TO LOAN Call at IAVT otllcoof D.
IX M ThoTn-s room 8Crclibton Block.
rn rOSKY T ) LOAN On chattel
J\i \ curlty. A. n. Tutton , No. 1310 'Ioua
. Btrcctfront room up stairs. 435-1
OSEY TO LOAN At 8 recent. llulM
Hnl Ettito and I/ n Agency , i nx >
n- j > 08totllcc. _ _ 7071
' ' ' OORil rtAATO LOAN At 8 per cent
O UUUUl/tere8tin Bums otS'.OOO and
wards , tor 8to 5 years , on tint class citj and d
prOIKrt > . liEMH ItRAb EUTATK llll LOAN AUK )
an IBth and Douglas Sin.
ncur WAXitu
- A ( rood girl. Imiulre ' 241.V 1
WASTED- j' ' i
Chamber iimUl l o colore.1 i
to wait on table and to work around ho
nonolmt those who art wiling to trk no U
pi ) atiil&DouglnU. "kM
ilo K * cry ono to ca\oordcra lor I
WANTED _ . Btree ; , mv talw. _ L 32
Dlnlnc rcon > ( till ftt tin Can
WASTKD < S > - '
Cold O rune girl 'or ten
WASTED cilv < ! itrtct , 2J 'locr ror'l
I'.niim , 'lisj
- ' MictULA hCTt > > ot To
4 QE TS W nted nialonr Tcirala In n
Fn- A i j ami ticn in the UrlteJ Stiles f I
- ti > 13.tu rar > l * > ° oiklly ma o O. E. tiluht
iu , b C > , 10 lUrcl.y Btrect , > ew York City ,
he J IS IIHJ iaor
by A \ \ tfutnltlitd \ \ room i
lo. WANTED itc\D > . < n a brltk houir ,
lnt l blo.k ( troii 10th nd Farcam tn
VJB 1'rlce i ot 'much aiobjtc' M c uv , nlccco
Oil gooo a , end > i < reudieir , tatliiC | teinii
tr. FocatLn , 'A Jl. " Bee Ortlco.
' n \X7ANTED-To rent , by a B'ntleunn and
V T two furuUhid rocm . or furuUoed bo
tu Ii L'loJ loratloi , near hu i'e i ccntie ; but
elf crcnciAtWrtu'C. . Ii , ' H i-ortlce. * ti
WANTED Two KOoi can\Alwr > , w th ( rood
city tftintcci. Stradf employment. Uojd
pay. Call 421 sou h 10th U et. BU2M
WANTED A tew private boarders t 1911
t'arnam street. 800-21
WANTKI TJ Ica'o for longtime , fo to 40
acttsl nd rumcnttnt to illy. Win. L.
iloutce O' " al'd "oiinU < . 771.2 ; }
WANTED By ayoungtranlrdtnin.a clerk-
> hlp in a dry goodi or gr jccry Btcrj Hu
xrc'l nee tnd cm gi\e rofcroLcaa. Addriii
'J. H , 1 > . " B-i oince. 811.S3I
D S tuatkn by an assistant l ok-
keeper can gitotnab ( tclty itfcrciiue. Ad-
I. Becotllco. 723-22t
flOlt KENT House of 5 noms. AppH Mr.
1 Thos. Swift , IKth ' , U Chlcafrj 821 U
FOK hENT Ono ot two houtea tttuatcdat
23d a'd Lcavonwotth streets. Ono with S
rooms and the other cf to rooms. Apply on
thepremlio' . 81li-23t
171011UEST Hou e , o.rutr lUrney anil 22nd
'street , ( S per month. Inquire text door.
Foil i KNT Nice furolshed loon with Imrd.
n th room and gaa. and tibia board , 1718
Do'KoSlreet. -2
EOK HENT-HoUBO , 1th bun.ll miles wr t of
1' . O. Itqulre at 1012 Davenport Street.
FOHKKNT Thro rosins nd cellar , 13th and
Call'ornla s'.rect. Inquire at COS I3th street.
- " > on IlUNT-3 furnished roonn In suite or nlngle
Pleasantly locitnl. ya 1 lietwocn 3 and t ) p.
rn , 317 N. 17th i roil , between lUtoniort aud
CD c K3 , cnt sldo. BU1-22
TjlOR BENT Three looms room ? are now co-
L zily furnishel , but party KollK | out will fell
lurnltur'cirpe'c'stOTO' , ciocker ) , etc. , very
chcoiOiilylK5.00ncnrJ-noy. "Quddar , th sollice.
T71011 HUNT K.iur room house corner Oth and
Jj Jacks-.n. Apply nt II. F. Hamann 803 .lack-
1. 782-221
nod btaomcnt of bulldliu No.llll tnrimm
mrect. Inquire next dooreas . lini
10H KENT A hrce Iroit fnrnlBhcd room No.
1 GC5) ) 17th StanJ Daht mil. 70S St
[ 70ft Il Nr Ono organ , SJ.CO per tnrnth , at
[ ? A. Hospa'tf .Music Hall. 777-ltn
Jj coavonlctccs 1810 Uodge St. 173-lm
KENT Nl c front tom with alciva and
iloietlor Bentlomiiin21 corner 18th find
7C5 20
l.ioll UsNT Iwo nicoylunl < bt Ifion > roims
D I door north ot DccUe on 18ih , 759-20
FOR RENT 25 houso' , 2 to Ii ) roomi , at M to
$ ' 5 per month ; 8 anil 2 acre garden , with
house , burn , etc. , 01 $15 and $ ' 2 per
month. Shrier's llent Bureau , opposite uo < it-
otllc ? . 7C8-tl
"ITIOU HFNT Two nicely furn'.chcd ' rooms S. E.
L corner 20th and Davenport nithor nlthout
board. C50 20t
IjiOU KENT Several email hoinn , n rooms
I1 cack. DR. ( J. H. PAUL.
' 39-lm
KKNT Four comtortahU basement
rooms suitable for hotisoceplng also good
barn. Inquire immediately ot F } ) . Cooper
north west corner of 23rd and Hurt St. 730-lm
NT On Urge ol'n'y furnln' " ) . ! room
FORK hoard f jr two a : 1808 California St.
JTIOU KENT la'JCoin ntitrcct St. Jlary'sav-
X ; etiuc. a one story homo six rooms urd two
horsss'able , Inculro [ lUrkei Jlroa.Oaks olllco.
"I3EJIIS" New Map of Omaha , lust completed and
JD ready for dcllx cry at 85 each. Is4teet wide
by 7 feet long. Largest and most complete map
of Omaha c\cr published . OtDclal map of the
city. Sue column. _ _ _
T71OK KEN I a houses of 8 "rooirm eTch. IrT-
JD nulro 1019 Ftirnham stro t. Oii.Vlrut
FO AI.E CHEAP-IB mll-s west of
Omaha , the Union Pacific railroad.
Brick barn , tw BtJry hole' and furniture , three
lots 09x132 , good stand , god business. Uo.d
reasons for selling. Inquire ot subscriber.
713-lm-mo Noitb Hcnd , Neb ,
TJTOR SALE OK BENT Uv rejldenc' , oorrer
JL lOih and Izard , contalclnir 8 roomn , both
loom , closets , etc. Will lentlurnl-hcdcr Includ
ing a flrst-claa piano or unfurnished , to amill
family. Good ptatton , with boggv top and
side < runners , for sile cheap. Call tt oner.
8/5-231 K. N. W.TilNEI.L.
A J urado , 7 jtarold Jcrssy cow
one month Iiom froli , Fleming 1 It . and
Doiul.a. H12-lw
rt AllE BAUOAISelect g oi'jrv st i-k in the
J \j lUodtyot Crthton , loua. Iktt I cation ,
with tine estab'ish-d trade Cbanu ( of Imslnrsn
reason for selling ; . AdJrlas for ten Ja\-i , Ixick
Box 179 , Crestcn , low * . 8U2 22
1T10R SALE-IVctcts maps of Nebraska SOc
J } each. For birgalns in i aha City lmpro\ed
and ununnrived property , call on Win. * , Sliri-
> cr , neil Katatogcnt , oupos tc po > totlicu.
TJ OK SALE-Sraall house on leased lot S. E.
K corner 9th mid Jackson Icnulro on prem-
" 17-23J
SALE Six room cottazn with barn end
FOH lot on Chicago struct , near Hiirh School
only2,300. JlcCAOUE ,
COO-dea 27-tf Opp. I'oa.ollice.
i : A am cl HH tecond band ph&etoa-
F Call at 1319 Uarney St. 397-U
.Cl ihni'and , Yard 15th street , two blocks
touth cf BeMenie road
deo23-3ml LORENZO DIBBLE ,
T ) KS11S New Map of Omaha , Just completed an .
fj ready for deliver } ' at $5 each. Is 4 feet wide
by 7 feet long. Largest and most complete map
of Omaha ever published. Olllcial map ol thi
city. Sea column.
Lad e ' Satchfl on Dodge stree' .
FOUND can set It by dcs.rlblng It , on arpli-
tlon at 142U Dodge ttrvct. 8 7-3t
T CST ( ! old Tangle Dracelet'wlth small xrcon
LJ Rfli liaen trp , em 1 diamond In centre of
lly leaf. L beral rewtra paid. Enquire "Bee
ortlce. " 819-2B
TIONALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam
and Harncy. Will , with ho aid r > ! guardian
suirlts , obtain for any ono a Blanco of the past
and present , and on certain conditions In the fu
ture. Itooti and Shoes made to order. I'utect
satUfactlou euaranteed.
Absolutely Pure
nd ThU powder necr&rie * . A marvtl of purity.
( treiiKtn and wltok-somcni'is. More fonomical
than the orplnary k lulu , and cannot bv nold In \ ,
Ifu couiH.tliioM | with the iniiltiH\Jj of low tot , bhort
w Uht , alum or ph uphite pow Jer. hell onlv In
cans. RoTAU BAkl.\o I'o tEB Ca , Wall fat. , 'Ml
Nuw York.