Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1883, Page 7, Image 7
THE DAILY BEE-TCh SDAY. JANUARY 2 o WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ALL LINDS OF Nebraska and Western Iowa. N , C. Thompson Hay Rake. N , C. Thompson Btal 1 Cutter. WEMAKE A SPECIALTY OF N. C. ' Full Line of and . . Thompson's Implements Machinery. Will do well by Corresponding with. Us. v < 3pa t-/iA4"alMW 4w/ ! * i % \ % OTJIR For receiving and transferring goods for Manuf acturersareof the best. The Ketchum Wagon , N. C. Thompson's Walking Cultivator. if OO. , WATER WAVES. That never require crimping , at Mrs. J. J. Good's Hair Store , at prices never befere touched by ny other hair dealer. Also a full line of switches , etc. at sroatiy reduced prices. Also gold , Uver and colored nets. Waves made from ladles' own hair. Do not fall to call before purchasing ; leevrherj. All goods warranted as represented. MRS. J. J. GOOD , 29 Main etrcoc. Council Bluffs , Iowa. Iwn Bnt JU5C THE LEADING DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , MORGAN , KELLER & 00. , 2FC , S Tlie fineit ijuality a'd largest stock , west of Chicago of N ooikn and Mctalir Cfucs. Call a at tended to at all hours.Ve dtfy u mpotllbn in quallt ) of goods or prices. Our Mr. Morgan has aervuil ivs iiudtrtakcr for forty ycara nnd thor ough ! ) understands his business , \\arerooms , 34Band357 lir.nrtway. Upholstering in all Its bnuiclu-s prompt ! ) attcndwi to , n so enrpct-l.i ) Ing and lambrequins. Telegraphic and mail or ders filled without delay. EDWIN J. ABBOTT , Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. 4IB8roadwav , Council Bluffs. W. R. VAUGHAN. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Omaha and Council Bluffs Real Estate & Collection Agency. In Odd Fellow's block , over Savings' Bank. jaii8-t } NERVOUS DEBILITY , Dr. t. 0. Wess Nerve and Brain Trotimeat A specific for Hysteria , Dlzilnofls , Convnlaloot Nervous tUadacha , Mental Depression , Lost I UemoryBpennatorrhaaaImpotencylaralQDta T Kmledlon ) , Premature Old Age , caused by overexertion - exertion , Mlf-abuoo , or over-indulgence , whli leads to mliary , decay and deAth. Onoboiwl curs recent cases. Each box contains one month treatment. Ona dollar a box , or alxboxoiloi flvo dcllira ) inl by mall prepaid en receipt ol price. We puirautee six hose * to ure any cut With each order received by u fcr six born , ae comptnlett with flre dollars , will tend tha pni chiaer our written guarantee to return thi money If the treatment dcf i not elJcct a curt 0. T. Goodman , JrufpH , Bah , V7bolpbtleti gul ceQ-aaba , W b , Oid'ti by mail ! > lull ' l t iv OB ATEFUL-COMFORTinO. "llj-1 thorough knowledge of the natural Um hlch govern the operations of dlgetloa aad nutrition , and by a careful application of thi One iropcrtlca of well sIcotid'ocot , Mr. Kpps bM provided our breaUuit tables with i dellcaUly flavored beteraga which may a vu u many heavy doctors' tills U I * by the Judloluoj rue of auch articles of diet that a oonttltutloi may be gradually built up until atranz enough to renlat evrry tcndenc ) to dl a 3. IlunJrodi of subtle maladies are floating around us rctdj to attack wherever there Is a weak point. We may t-aoape many a fatal shaft by keeping our B lv awell fortified with pure blood and a prop erly nourished frame. " C'hII Service Oazotta llade simply with boiling witer or milk fiol U tins only ( J-lb and Ib ) , labeled JAMES KPP3 it CO. , Homoaopatnlo Ohemlata ly London , MBS , E , J , HARDING , M , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOQIST ; Oradoate of Eletropathlo Institution , PblU- delphla , Penna. Office Our , Broadway & Qlenn Avo. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all diseases and painful dlf Bcnltlea peculiar to females a specialty. JACOB SIMS , Attorney and Oounsollor at Law , COUNCIL LfiTJBTS , IOWA , r Office Crcodtray , bctweon Jlrln and Pea troeta. 'VU1 practice In State and Fede urtu 1. 0. 1DMCNDSOH , I. L. SUCOiRT. 4. W. 8TBIIT , President. Vlce-Pree't. Cashier. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Bluffs. OrKanUod under tha lavts of the State of Iowa Paid up capital . . . . . .I 76,000 Authorlied capital . 500,000 Interest paid on time dopoalts. Drafts Issued on the principal cities of the United States anil Europe. Special attention itlven to collection ! and correspondence with prompt returns. DIRECTORS , J. D. Rdmundton , R L. Bhutan , J. T. Ilirt , W.W.JWall | cc , J. W. Kodter , I. A. Miller _ _ * _ W Struct _ | v7dt > 11108. orricxR v. it. u. rcair. Coecil Bluffs , la , Established , - - 1856 Dealera In Foreign | mdl Domestic ! Excbancs anil home nocurltleO _ MRS , fi. J. HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 222 Droadwav. OonaolllBluffi ABbE TO DRINK A KEQ. Boor Experts on the Intoxicating Properties of Lager. N w York Herald. Theodore Schmagor , of No. 105 Allen street , cnahler of the Atlantic Garden , Bowery , in patt 2 of the court of general aessions yesterday , was tried on a charge of violating the oxciio lair. The complainant was Policeman Judaon Uoldcn , of the Elizabeth atrooot atatlon. He deposed that on Sunday night , the Slit cf last May , several persona were in the Atlantic Garden drinking boor ; ho heard several persona call for beer , re ceive it and pay for it. Asked by Mr. Klntzing , counsel for the defonco , if ho ( Gofdon ) know of his own knowl edge that the beverage ho saw drank on the premises vraa lager boor , the policeman said that hu know it wan lager from its peculiar color ; ho did not tnsto or drink it ; ho know the dif ference between lagbr boor and woiea beer. beer.Matthew Matthew Fischer , of No. CO For- syth street , a tapper of boor in the Atlantis Garden ; Victor Hceloy , the inanagar , and a Mr. BIy , who supplies the beer from the brewery , testified for the defense. They said that no lager beer was nerved on the ni ht in question. While the customers called for later ; boor nothing but wuiss boor was served ; it was drawn from the collar and ordinary lager beer ( { lassos were used in distributing It. None of them could tell much about the man ner in which lager or wolss buor was manufactured or the ingredients of which they are composed. Mr. Bly said that wolaa beer was not intoxicat ing , that it was taken by parties after a debauch to sober up on ; ho had never tried to got intoxicated on welss beer. Questioned by the re corder , ho said that welas boor waa made from hops and malt and mostly water ; woiaa boor contained fully 88 per cent of water ; lager beer was com posed of pretty much the name ingre dients. To Assistant District Attorney noy Ilequlor the witness said ho had never drunk much Weiss boor , because he didn't llko it. Recorder Smyth I once heard a Gorman swear he had drank a It ( if ; and a half of lager and was not intoxi cated. What do you say to that ? "I can drink a keg of lager boor myself and then attend to my busi ness. " AH INgUiniNO I'OLICKMAN. Policeman Golden was recalled. By the recorder : "What is welan beer made of ? " "It is nothing more , sir , than ulo largely diluted with water ; the com ponent parts of It aru malt , hops and alcohoilo properties. " "Horr do you know that ? " "I have Investigated the nnuject. "Tho rrsult of your Investigation is that both boveraubu are inado of what ? " "Welai beer , as J have said , ia ale largely diluted with water. The percentage - contago of alcohol contained in weios beer is just H pur cent ; in lager berr the percentage is 6 per cent , and In figures 40 pir cent. " By Mr. Klntzlng : "Have you over studied chemistry ? " "Yes , lr. " "And to the results of your investi gations you have added the results of pour studies ? " "Yes , sir ; I have road considerable on the subject , and I have boon an export on those matters. " By the recorder : "Do you consider wolas beer intoxicating ? " "Not unless taken in very largo quantities. " "Do you think it would intoxicate Mr. Bl > I" "I don't think it would. " The jury returned a verdict of not guilty. * # * "Keep to your place nnd your plnco will keep yon. " But you can not expect to keep your place without health , the foundation of all success , For Instance , a railroad engineer in the employ of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad had boon grioy- QUBly aiTontud with diabetes for ( ix yearn. Ho tnok four boxes of Kid ney-Wort and now writes that ho Is entirely cured and working roau- larly. Three Tame Flloa. Naw York Sun. "What are you doing ? " asked the reporter a few days ago a friend in Tromont , who was looking intently at the back of his hand , where ho had de posited some sugar "Don't come any nearer , " Raid the gentleman. "I am feeding my pots. They don't know you , and you might frighten them. " Llis pots were throe small flies , and they worn all entire the sugar oir the back of hit hand. They looked a little attenuated , as though the cold wouthor had affected them , but they seemed to have good appetites , "Oh , they will soon grow fitter , " said their master. "At this period of the cold weather they are always thin , but they begin to pick up in February. I take care of a few every year , and generally inanaga to get them through the winter. List year I had eight , but two died , aol am-try. Ing only throe this time. There are people who think that a lly has no in- tolllgonco. I could teach them bettor than that. Before the winter is half over they know mo perfectly. The moment I outer the room they all tly to mo , | bnt if any one olnu gooa in they won't go near him. I always keep them in the small rooinl One of these escaped yesterday , and went up stairs , and I had two hours' work to Imd him. Oi coursn all tint files that I do not take care cf dlo off , BO that as only thenu three aru now in the house there 11 no chanoo of my confusing them with any others ; but in a month's tinio from to-day I could toll thorn among a thousand , or , rather they would identify themselves by coining to mo. A fly is a playful Insect , too , though you would hardly think it. Some of thoou I bad last year used to play trlcka upon me. Oi o would porch himself on thu lobe of my right car and move his fcot no an to tioklo mo. When I brushed him (11 ho would cir cle around the back of my head and thn same position on the lobo cf thu lefc oar , and so on ad flnlnltum , or at least until he understood in uotno way that I was becoming annoyed , when ho would fly away. "How do I begin to tame thorn ? Oh , easily enough , 1 carefully drive out all the flies ox- ceptlog thosu that I want to keep. Then 1 remove all food , except such as I glvo them , from the room. I lot them have nothing but sugar , and once n day a little broad slightly moistened. As soon aa I think they have eaten enough I swoop all the food away. I allow no snacks be tween meals , for I believe overfeeding ing kills them. The room , as you see , is warm , These three are still a little wild , but if you will visit mo in a month you will find them qulto tamo. " If you are a frequenter or a resident of a miasmatic district , barricade your system against thu scourge of all now countries ague , billions and inter mittent fuvors by the uao of Hop Bitters. LUWNOTON , Mich. , Fob. 2 , 1880. I have sold Hop Bitters for tour years and there is no medicine that surpasses them for bilious attacks , kidney complainix and many diseases Incident to this malarial climate. U. T. ALEXANDER. That fooling of languor and debility that follows physical exertion , re moved by using Brown's Iron Bit tern. A Moueo nnd a Flngor-Ulng. Iloiton Journal. tSjvaral months ago a lady residing on Beacon street tcok off a number ot rings from her fiagora and laid them upon her dressing-table. After wash ing her hands she returned to the room to replace her rlnj/s , when to her astonishment one of them , a diamond ring , was missing. Shu was certain that she took the ring from her finger , and equally certain that no one conld have entered the room with out her knowledge during the flvo minutes she had boon in the bath room. A most rigid search was Instituted , but the missing ring , valued at $200 , was not found , A few weeks slnso the lady was much an noyed by mico. Almost nightly they hold their rovols. They not only destroyed her sleep , but choice Ucus were mutilated. The lady procured a trap , one of the old fashioned kind , and , having baited It with a tempting bit of chcoio , plac ° d it near the scene of doprcdatlona On thu fallowing morning she had three line allky micu of various sizes. One of thorn wan so peculiarly constructed that it attrnuttid her attention , ui It &p paarod to have a airing Hod around Its body , The servant u'irl WAS instructed to drown the captive and mot the trap , and she wno about throwing the dead mice into thu dirt barrel when her cyou was attracted by u upaiklo from what proved to bo thu lost diamond ring , which wui not per ceptible when thn mouse was alive , but which CBino to light after the povuru noaking which the mouco recdvcd. It is supposed , in his hnatu t > tot ; uvvuy , that hu run his hcnd through the rii.y , nnd aabnixnu nt struggles only fnroi it il o\tir his torolegs , where it remained. Our Citizens dcjlro no notoriety , but are al ways ready to proclaim tno truth. Mr * . Otn. liawky oITU Knl/ht Mtreit 1'rovl- dtneo , It. I. , relates to our reporter hcrcxiur. | Itiico lih the wcnJcilul curative proportlot ol uhitli dvttlncd teen to be tl.o standard mid luidliiK apcclBo ol the whole wuloworlJ , lor kid ney iiu llvvr dliea * < , Ac. ilra U , aaya ; "Eailj luttpring I waa merely alttlc'ixl ' lth torpidity cl tlio ktdncya and enlargement ol the liver , and ibe kidney disoiao came upon me BO fait and auddcnly tint before I wai acircoly awuroot thocauro ol my trouble I became bad ly bloated , an ! my bcily nnd llmba very much awollon , so that It wm with gloat illTcuKy and aotcre p ln that I waa nbo ! to walk any , I be came dtdd'ully troubled by boln i abort breathed HO that oven aillght exertion or a little eiorclno would tire me almost to eihauitloo , and I um aodlatrcascd when I retirednlghtalliatl couldn't elcvp , nnd natry rcatlena. Onool in ) llmba cspoclly bad aoiy acvaro ncnous pain , which alvMia cumod to bo moio euvvro at night than at any ether timeend would fruquuntly acto eo clurply as to muse mo { ram tlocp , I MOD very nonouiaml uncomforlatloall Ihu tlmo , and wai being < loloro J , and Inking a I klaila ol rnodlcino lor ttl vomplilnta nnil Hint and the other , but alltonogaod purpcau , until at about the time wboi I waa tired out and Hcmowlml illaeuatod and almcst illjcourattd with mudlilnra and doc * tor * , a rolatHc and highly esteemed friend per- auailtd me to try llunt'a Itemed } ' . I began lo taku It a lew daya ego , onrt am rnppy illaippoln- tcd by the rjiult , for before I hud uaad a bottle ol It 1 bcuMi ti foul rclle\oil , and BOOM.commen ced to ( loop vplcmlldl ; ; the evero iienoun pi'nn In my limn which I bad to handle no tenderly do not apccar any in < ro , my hcailnthe and backache have dlnappcued , I feel better every way , ami rout well > l night. Tuouwolllng hai cd from ny ! dy and Hindu , I am now able to do my hr.uxu-work comfortable and easily , Ilunt'a llucody ha i certainly done wcmliri fcr mu , Jill r ar.O. 1UWLKV. " Safe and Reliable. A. W , Drown , M. Iof ProvMuico , II. I. , s.i ) : "I have uicJ Hunt's Itomedy In my pr ctlJ lor the put Hlxtecn yearn , and cheerfully roctmoml It an being n ifo aad reliable romoJy. " llunt'a HcD.aly la pmoly a \ cgetibloconipound , n lentlfl'ftlly prvpiiud by a flrat-claturrglntered 1'hariiiicUt , and will nurely cure all dlaeatea of thu kldnrya bladder , liver and urinary organa. Cor. Ncn cs , brain , and musolen gain strength and thu power af endurance by using ISrown'a Iron Hitters. ( or ttl0 Drvm'r ' JOSSO JaiUBB. ? ? .iv.ii.swK. . . , . : . . hu oil ) lifo aiithorlml b ) l-cr nnd which will not bo R ' llloud ami 'I bunder" story , mich on hai bcoi and will be publltihi'il , but n tun life by the only purnoii who U In poieiwton cf the facta n fal h'ul ' and clfn.itod wlfu. Truth Ix mnro Inter- tHtlngthnn Iktlon. jMentn should npp'y for ter ritory at once Bend 76 cU for Sample book , J M UhnmliorH & Oc. , mo-coil , Vw-o ht JLoalu Ale ARTIFICIAL UMBS. Soinothlng MEW KOH OMAHA , Ir- Craw ford , of Cle\e- I.NCJ , o , thu old. poiilar ] and tuillful intnuULturer Artificial Limb ? . Cf Ihu latent imprntoil plan , hvj oprnoil n hrivnuh nu'iliinU tl aurgtry Ir.siltulo at ifji N. Ifith ttnxt , Ouiulm , uhiru he In pruared to fur- nUH'liiihiol ' over , il verlptlua , aoolttona mid Mipporti'M for raml'ied and ilodrmul limb * , trilled U'id xhould > ir bra oi and mipporten for female Henknvmi , eio Tin Doctor hax had 24 jcara expurlenco In wcirlngaml mllnatlrg. J. H. CnAWKOHl ) , J l-duoJ-w-lm 2 ! ortll Ibth Street OOL. L. T. FOSTER , lYoungitown , Ohio , May 10,1880. r Di. D. J. KINDILL Co. I had kaTei ? valun- bio Hamblotonlan colt that I prlinil Tory highly , ho bad a larg. bone p vln on one Joint and mall on * on the other which mad. him rery lame ; I had him under the charge of two reter- Inary inrgooni which failed to cure him. I wtl one day reading the ndvertUcment ol Kendall'l Bpavln Cure In the Chicago KxproaaI determined at once to try It and got our Crugglita her * la lend ( or It , anil they ordered throe bottles ; I took Ml and I thought I would give It a thorough trial. I ugod It according to directions and tht fourth day the colt ceaaed to be lame and tha lumps have disappeared. I used but one bottle and the colt's llmna are as Iroe ol lurapa and ai mooth as any horse In the state lie laentlra. ly cured. The cure wan so remarkable tha hive lottwo ol my neighbors Imve the remala. Ing two bottlce who no now lulnzlt Very respectfully , L. T. FOSTER Rend for Illnttrated circular giving poalllTO proof. Prlcoll. All Druirglsta have It or ca got It lor you. Ir. B. J. Kendall it OoJ , Pro prietors. Knosbargh Fulls , Vt. 8OLb BY ALL DRUGGISTS l.wlr DR. WHITTIER. 017 St. Obarlni St. ST. LOUIS IKo. A 11KOULAU UHADUATK of two medical coll"K08.lmibcen ! longer engaged la the treat * niont of C'lIUOWC , NEHVOUS. SKIM AND U 1,001) Ulwascs than any other ph ( iiulan In 81. Lould as city papcra how > nd MI ni "wMcnla know. Consultation ( roe and Ini IIM 'Vhi > n II Is Inconvenient to via t thu clt > ' uutnient , modlclnM can be sent by mall or o ( f i every- where. Curable cases guaranteed , nrudoull exlititlt Is frauMy stated. Call til i-ri Nervous prostration , Debility. .Mental ninl I'liyglonl Weakness , Mercurial and other affection * of Thront. Skin r.nJ Honon , Blood Impurities and lilood 1 Hkln Affections , Olil Horoa and Ulccra , Impedimenta to Marriage , Rheumatism , 1'ilos. Special attention ti ) caeca from over.worked brain. SURGICAL OASES reoelve special attontlou. Dlaeaaea arising Irom Impru'lence , Eioeaitea , Indulgence * WO pages the whol * MABRIAGEs well told , llany recelptawho ; may marry - ry > wll ° may notwhr causes , conaequencai and euro. Scaled for 25c postage or atampa. 23&v i in uji Hup B i from u.r ' Hunt 1C yuunn nu" - < ounirlUiTi'iir.n nu Hey If * v ) ft tlm \ , * \ W A k Mil ! ' If | t niny 1JOCTOR STEIWHAKT'S SUPPOSiTGHlES ! Thu Clruat Popular Itvmcuy for Piled. SiirecurofnrHIIoil.Iilfedlu &IfchlngFllea And all forma ot Hcmorrholdal Tumorj. Thcuo Sui'itMiroRiKK ait directly iiXQ th * coats of the Illood Vuutla. and by their astringent ellcctd gcntl ) force the blood from the swollen tiiiiian , andl > y making the coaU of the > elni ktronir , prent their refilling , and hciico a null- cul cure Is uuru to lulliw their u e , I'rtce , 79 ci'Hts a tiox. For sale by alldnurtrUtji , or aeut by mall on receipt ol prico. by En lisli Mndioal IiiKtltuto , 718 Ollvo St , St