THE DALLVf BEul-OMAHA TUESDAY JANUARY 23 THE OLD WORLD , A Hjssago of Peace anl Gooi Will From the Pope to the Irish People , The Irritation of Republicans Bull Vifciblo in Franco. Tli Frop H'd Uniilsliiuent of Fra- toittltrs Urots Much Httioti. Special Dispatch to Tim linn. 111K 1'Ct'B TO THE DUBLIN , .Tanuarjr 22 The pope In a lotu r to CirdtU'il MoOabo , of nhiclt copiea lixvo boon aunt * to ( .11 Ii-iah bishopi , contrrrttulatta thorn on tholr zeal iu clnihig the country nnd guid ing thu puoplo. Ho rcgrats evil aocietico have not ceased to trust to deeds of crime , but seek reuiidloi which loud to doatruction. Faithful poopln should ba firmly parauadcd that the n\'ijiittlcauBO : should bo kept distinct from the duuda of these un hallowed associations. IIo auggeats leave to uttucd pnpuhr muotitigs should only bo allowed those of the clergy in whose wisdom bishops have oapoclnl confidence aa able ' .o guide an oxcltod aapombly and defend the moat judicious courses. The clergy thus constituted guardians of publiosccurlty and defenders of thb coming weal , will bo Kroat utility to thd country in its disturbed atato. TUB CJNSriUACY. LONDON , January 22. The Tiraca eays : It la nvident Saturday'a pro ceedings in Dublin unveiled a con spiracy to murdar the executive oQl- cora. Although the aticruta of the proaeoution thus far have .been kept with priilaoworthy discretion , it la not believed the counsel for the crown has begun with the strongest part of the oaso. The inquiry will probably bo protracted several weeks. WILL BE 11LOWN DP. LONDON , January 22 It Is stated that Fojter , recently the chief secre tary for Ireland , has recently received a letter containing a throat to blow up bin residence. NO MBltOY TO HE SHOWN. Di'cu.v ' , .January 22. The Lord Lloutotiimt has replied to the memor ials 111 hohalf of Ho IT and Barrett , un der sentence of death for the murder of a farmer namud Thomas Brown , that the law mint take its coutso. They are to bo hanged on Tuesday. DUIILIN , January 22. At an nd- jourui'd examination of the accused conspirator ; , next Saturday , a Hat of government cfl'ninla , whoso murder had beuu arrauged , will bo produced. FRANCE. A POLITICAL TEMPEST. PAKIH , January 22. Ex-Enprcas Eugenie haa arrived. It is aald that the object of Eu genie's viilt to Patii Is to defy the republic to expel her. It is again rumored tha senate will b constituted a court for the trial of Prince Jerome. According to the latest Intelligence the government will adhere to Its bills against the royaliata. The right , the radical left and extreme left are deter mined to oppose Iho paasage of the measures , while thu republican union favor a compromise. It is believed the government ia only disposed to accept an annndmont depriving princes who may ba expelled of their rank and political rights. In the aonatoVaddington declared the republic was threatened by no body , and had nothing to foir excupt the faults It rnig'it Itself commit. The Pjria stipes that the Elyeoo quarter was patrolled lait night , be cause it waa foarad a legitimist mani festo would ba posted. DonApirtlst members of the chim- bor of deputioi decided that thros of their numbar shall resign their Boats after tha liberation or expulsion of Prinoa Jerome , in order to allow him to canteat a scat. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. Bpoctal DlHiutcbcu toTilH lisa WHEIIK SHE LIES. LONDON , January 22. The Olmbrla lif a in 00 feet of water. Threu boata were launched before the sank. ANOTHEB SHIP GONE DOWN. LISUJN , January 22. The ahip Foowarts haa ounk otf thia place , Eight perfona wore drowned. AN IN8UIUIEOTION. ALEXANDBIA , January 22 There is anxiety at Suakim reepectlnp the position of affairs in Soudan. The Insurgents hnvo burned a depot al Kirekon. They cross the Nile dallj oppoalto Chin.IN IN THE DAIIK. GLAHQOW , January 22. Tholargea gasometer here exploded last night Eight persons were injured , and tin greater portion of South Glasgow ii left in darkness. SUSPECTED LONDON , January 22. A apucla oorpj ot Irish detoctivoa are watchini the movements of auapeotod poraou here , believed in coiiBcquence of tin itfurmaclon obtained at the Investlga tioua at Dablin. A DEAD PKI.NCE. BERLIN , January 22. Prince Fred crick Churloa Alexander , a brother c the emperor of Germany , died to-daj aged 82. HUllT DOWN. LONDON , J.inui ry 22. The Brito Ferry , Wains , iron works have atop poi operations , throwing 1,003 pei Bonaoutcf employment. AMKHICAN CHAUITY. BERLIN , January 22 , Inthoroicl atag the preaident announced 12,00 mnrki received from Di roit an 103,000 mailw from Nanr York to si the aalfirora by the llondj. The ai nouncemunt was roooivod with aj plauao. MAY HIS HOLT , 11EST. PAKIH , Jannary 22. During the ai nual eutviccs for the ropoae of the so of Ljuia XV. an unusually largo bed of police were posted outtiio tl chapel in readiness * to suppress at demonstration , A BALLOON WKKCK. PAKIS , January 22 The b llo < In which Powell , member of tl British parliament , perished In D > camber , 1881 , was found in the mountains of Sierra del Phcdmoa , Spain. AFFAIRS IN ECUADOR. PANAMA , January 22. The revo lutionary party triumphed iu Enn- dor. The port Esmcraldn WAS cap tured. Thu Dictator's troops wuro defeated after eighteen hours lijlit Ing. A triumvirate waa appointed. It ii b.lievcd that a ; aoon an the Ooy- auiarca tmombly names the < ( Hears c f the northern departments Cnili will ovacaato , leaving the governniont to I letiaa ; that diplonistic ropro- aeiitativca , diatrons of peace , have aqroul to rrlto tholr rs pjctivo gov ernments Hint the only hope of secur ing peace ia n joint representation at S uitiogo on thu b.\nia of tbu Odasiou of Tarapacn. [ C'un < i > iur//om ( { / First l\\gc \ ] Uorknm and Kordeng the reply re ceived IB "no further rescues known" at thoau phtco. HAD POENKS. VIENNA , Jinnnry 2- . * There \7oro 72 Auatmnt ud lluugnrlatis on bottrd tha Ounbtl.i. An eye witness of the disaster ttr.tea that on all nldos wore mon , women nnd children wildly imploring help. IN JAIL , FIUNKMUT , January 22 The Frankfurter Jnnraal y < § the cflloers of the itcamur Sultan have baen placed In jail. THE SULTAN bEI/.ED. LONDON , January 22. A dispatch from Hamburg oa > s the nteamor Sul tan haa been aoizad by the police , Her captain asserts ho waited at the scene of the disaster twelve hours after the collision. A TKUUIBLB MOMENT. BERLIN , January 22. Survivors of the Oimbrla dctcclbo the moment of sinking aa a terrible ono. The air was filled with erica of the drowning hun- 1roda , who remained floating a short time until benumbed by the icy water and in a few minutes all was over. There has boon aorao feeling ox- prensed agalnat the ollicra of the Sul tan. A reporter who wont on board complains he could not extract any explanation from tha olliosra or crow , who all observed rigid alienee in reference orenco to the queations'ho put. DISTINGUISHED DEAD. Christian Bohm and Joseph Gnats , Ameiicana , are missing A rising young Grmin writer , L3o Hobor- man , c f Viauna , well known for his excellent description of Russian life , and thu slaters R-minor , professional singer ? , and well known as "Suabian Nightingales , " who had recently been putforming in Boriln , perished. Salt Against Senator GhafToo. pcclal 1) spate ) ! to THK 111 E. NEW YORK , Jannary 22. The suit of Colonel James M. Selovcr against United States Senator Chalice , of Col orado , for § 750,000 for alleged broach of contract , waa on trial to-day. Colonel Selovor claims ho acquired an interest In the Robert E Lae silver mine , of Leadvlllo , conditional upon making a certain payment before the date named ; that for the Interest of throo-Bixtoonths and eitnllar interest for Senator Jones , of Nevada , Senator Ohaifdo agreed to f arnlah the required sum , and that hn failed to do so , there by causing plaintiff to loao his option purchase. Senator Ohaflfjo alleges his failure to keep the agreement made by him was caused by the discovery that it had been obtained from him through misrepresentation. Merchandize Seized. Special Dispatch to Tun D B. JERSEY CITY , N. J. , January 21. The ulovon package cases which were Buized last night at the ship Ghand- berj ; establishment of Haines & Hal- lock by detectives on a search warrant on the complaint of Ferdinand Jolion , attorney for Jay Gould as truateo of the Mutual Union telegraph company , are still in custody of the oilicera at the cflica of the \Voatorn Union tele- craph company in Exchange place The boxoa were taken there as it waa about the only place in the city that they could bo stored. Offing to the lateness of the hour , no doliuito in formation as to thu contents of the boxes has been obtained , although aovoral of them were examined last night. The ctlhers are in charge. The case will como up to-morrow bj. fore Justice Davis. Chicago Notts Special Dispatch to Tux L'KK CHICAGO , January 22 , Boies , Faj & Cjukoy , wholesale grocara , are it the hands of the shorifl on a jndg ment entered agalnat thorn to-day foi ? 95,000. Assets are said to bo $300 , (00 ; liabilities unknown , but roportec greatly to exceed the aeaota. President Jowott , of the Erie road and pirty of oflhiala arrived here thi afternoon from tin inspection trip eve the now Chicago tvnd Atlantic road t Tno special train of the Jowott part ; collided with the Louisville and No > Albany passenger train at Wester : Indiana crossing. The engines am one or two oars were smashed. Th passengers were badly shaken up none seriously hurt. Burning cf n HcHpltal. Special Dispatch to THE Hut. ST. PAUL , January 22. A epoch from Braiuord aays : The Norther Pac.fic hospital aud the Old Colon ; reception hotuo hero burned thi raornlntr , thu fire being discovered a about lOo'cloclr a. in. There were 3 pationta in the building , 10 of whoi were unable to help thomaolves , bt all were safely taken out and distril uted about the town. Two of th patients are in a dying conditiot The weather waa bitter cold , the thoi mometor being -lOdoffruHsbolovr zur < and the aullonng of the pationta wi terriblo. Thu building was a mass i flames within three minutes after tli difcovory of the fire. It la mippoae to hive started from adcfoativuchin ney. _ Out on thu ' Special Diapitcti lo 'IUK Ut . CHEYENNE , January 22. The rccei culdunap of four days'duration n- w < nrl ono of the coldeat in thu history ( territory. The mercury ranged fro bo zaro to 35 degroea below , with aligl wind. The ( all of snow waa light , i that winter cured grass on which 01 tie food waa not covered. Loues wo scarcely Bufliolent to notice. ou ho Bargains In dress gooda at J. e. Brown & Co.'a great cloaltfg sale. A BIG MIKING STEAL , Such is Allo ofl to Have Oc curred in the Great Bab- liiBou Property. b. B. Parker , the Superintendent - ent , Acouaod of aiealinjj Ore on nn Unlimited Scale. UulHDepouoct ivnd OlB I'laco IB Filled by Jumna Davis Indignation of Stockholders. Dent rTil no. DuaenyionB , trouble and bloodshed comprise ono interesting chapter in the history of the Robinson. Alleged systematic rubbery forma auothar. It Is thu last which caused the clmnjjo of yesterday the ousting t f Manager Parker and the substitution of Man ager Davis. The reasons given for the chance show a deplorable condi tion of alfalra in the management of the mine The directors and stock * holders .havo boon hoodwinked and led blindfolded away from thu summit of prosperity , whllo those engaged in the active working of the mine , it ia said , have fattened their purses and Increased their bank accounts by sys * tomatio robbery and cool , calculating knavery. It was unco looked upon as thu moat valuable piooo of mining property iu Colorado. Its slock wont up into double figures , and the men who held the margin wore envied for their fortune. Then there came a crash. It wan announced that the inliio had been wotk.'d out. There was no ere In sight and none in pros pect. Stock went down llko n bunted rocket Yet work on the mine con tinued , at u loss to the stockholders. These on the "inside" confidentially informed the stockholders that nil that was necessary to bring the property up to its former high standard w-w a little tlrao and the expenditure of a little money If there was no paying ere in the tnlno they spoke the truth. If there waa paying ere there some cno has atolen it and the proceeds thereof. The otoekholdors , rf.or ma ture deliberation , Bay the latter is the case. WHAT AN INJUUUI ) HTOCKUOLDim HAYS Yesterday afternoon a reporter for The Tiibano called upon a prominent holder of llobinoon stock and asked him for the reasons which led to the change. The conversation which fol lowed showed that the gentleman wes heartily in ympathy with it "Tho facts ara those , " ho Raid. "For over six weeks past an investi gation haa been progressing secretly , and the affairs of thu ralno have been thoroughly ventilated. Wo found that we wore being robbed and that the mine was being plundered. " "In what way was this bolng done ? " "In various ways. In the first place , no stockholders wore allowed to visit the mlno. All the workings wore carried on secretly , and no one could toll what was balng done , except from Parker's reports , which were f ilse in every instance. Stealing on a large scale would have been Impossi ble had not the order forbidding the admittance of visitors boon enforced. Now as to the thefts : The first thing discovered was that the pay-rolls con tained the names of men who had never worked upon the mino. You can Imagine where the money credited to those names wont , Another favor ite mode of otealing was to make false returns of supplioi bought. These ouppllcs , consisting cf gro ceries , meat , wood , coke , machinery , etc. , amounted to u great sum of money daring a month , and It was very easy to double the figures of the money actually ppent. The money oeaurod by the false bills went to the manager and his assintants. By as sistants I mean the accomplices who were necessary to the successful car rying out of the schomeo. " "But how could small dealings of that kind cripple a mlno like the llablnsonl" UTILIZING ANOTHEll MINE. "Why , bless you , one-half has not boon told. Ho did not stop at that , but actually tried to steal everything that was contained in the mine , ex cept the plant. What I now tell will astonish you. Adjoining the Robinson - son is the Wheel of Fortune. The workings of the two inlnca are con nected. It has been noticed of late in fact for some past the Wheel of Fortune has been making unnsuallj lar o shipments of oro. Wo have proof positive that the greatest part ol the ere was taken from the Robinson run through the levels and up and ou of the Wheel cf Fortune shaft. Parkei paid n royalty for all ere taken ou that way , Then it was shipped ti different smeltora and ho ponkoted tin proceeds. Sjmo of the ere , I ba lievo , came to the Grant smelter ii this city. " "How much ere was taken in thi way ? " "God only knows ; but several ton of thousands of dollars will no mor than cover it. I forgot to montiu that shortly after taking the management mont cf the Robinson , i'tirkor luane the Wheel of Fortune from the own era , making it easier for him to sue C3ed In his aohomoa. " " if nub , ill your opinion , la the pro enl condition of the mine ? " "It ia as good aa it ever waa , an Mr. Divia will make that fact palpi ble. The trouble with the Robinao is that it has boon mismanaged an ' 10 plundered from the lirao George Dal ) . was made its manager. IIo inai rguratod a system of thievery which h : o , baen In vogao ever Blnco. Why , lo < j ait at Parker. Ho went in wlthont ado of hr in the world. I would bo willii 10 to waaer that ho has a bank account i sd 75,000 and that besides the prlnc ly * um ho has nponl , too. Ho h boon manager four months. Oi month of that time was spent in pum ing out the water nnd gutting roat for active work. Oh , ho'n a rustle There's no mistake about that. " ofm AN $18,000 IIAUl. ofht "Why , ho wns running things wl ht such a high hand ono of his mo RO trusted men loft him in disgust , simp because ho thought the stookholde | re ought to got a dollar or two at Intc vals. That man was in a position know everything that was tranrplrin J. I have his word for it that , aside fro the ore run up through the Wheel Fortune , there was shipped from the llbinaon forty-six car lo.uls cf ere which were novcr accounted f ir. Thia ere was worth over $18.010 The man got his information from another who had charge of the transportation cf the ere , and the story is authentic. " "If all these thlinjs bo trui < , what will bo done with Parker ? " "I don't know ; the directors have that matter in hand. " "When did Mr. Davis nc'ivohls appointment I" ' 'Ho was made manager at the hxst meeting of the board Nine days ace ho wont to Now York , ataylmr thuro ono nl ht nnd returning to Djnver with his otlbiixl credentials " The gentleman who made the nbo\o romnrkn la ilaryn owner of 11 iblnson stock , nnd his n.itnocnii bo used if it is found c A SMALL KIUK , CINCINNATI ! , January 21 - A fire at half pant 1 this morning dt < * troyud the fratno residence and stubltu in Avondnlo , ownoil and rciupuul by Sunuol Poguo. The inuihton escaped barely with their lives in their night clothes. The destruction is c.mploto. The loss is $15,000 ; insurance , (0,000. JUSTIOB FOK TUB COUNTY. To The Editor of THR UKS. Believing fair play to bo a jewel , wo would respectfully ask our represent- atlvos in the legislative , or rather the men who represent Douglai county in the present legislature , to provide tor a division of Douglas county into representative districts , for the follow ing reasons : 1 , that the entire body of the delegation are elected from the city of Omaha , by Omaha votes , and the balance of the county is entirely at its mercy ; 2 , the city of Omaha usually poll about 4,000 votes , the balance of the county 2.0CO , and when the city condeiosnds to make nominations iu the counlywhloh ( Is'r.ot often ) they vote , them to death every tlino. This statement is proved by the fact the present delecatipn from thin county nro all from Oma ha , including also the sena tor from S rpy county ; H , that political parties , judging from their actions , think tnat might makua right governed only by law. There fore wo ask that this county be di vided into senatorial and representa tive dhtriots and solemnly protest against longer remaining exposed to the injustica that has been practiced upon the voter ? of this county outside of the city of Omaha , Now , how shall wo resoh this roault. It would be idle to think that any of the present representatives would do suoli a thing unless urged by those interested. Let every v ter who desires the county divided into senatorial and representative districts send immedi ately a pDstal card to ono of the sen ators or representatives auklnc that they provide for a division cf this county into senatorial and representa tive districts , and sign It. This is the most effectual way of petitioning. A VOTEU. How Papa Bald It. From the Dctiolt Pout and Tribune It is a mlstako to ask a precocious child to show off before company. A gentleman who was dining with his family at a friend's table , where a number cf invited guests were present , had a bright little daughter , who as soon as the host had asked grace said ; "That's a pretty grace , but that Isn't the way my papa saya it. " "And how does your papa say it ? " asked the host , expecting to hoar onj of those bright replies for which the child was famous , while the reat of the guests echoed , "Yes , " toll us how your papa says gracfc ? " The unhappy father could not roach her , and oho said , sweetly : "Why , when ho cornea homo to din ner ho looks at mama and then says : Well ! thia is a h 1 of a meal to sot before a white man. H. PHILLIPS , THE LEADING NEW YORK Call nnd look over my now store and HOC my new gooda. 1207 Faniani Street. 1207 Under the manngeninnt ot Mr. Knlloh. Photographer , 1505 Dougla * Street. CexterLTiomas&Uro [ WILL BUY AND SELL. 1 AND ALL TUAN6AOT10N8 CCNNKOTK . TUEHEWITH. Pay Taxes , Rent , Houses , E-c. KOOM8 CUEailTON III/JC : M. EORWICH & CO , , DEAI.EK IN Paper Stock , Woolen Eags , IPO AND METALS , Prloca I'nlil. Shipments from ll country eoIidteiL Komittanocn OMAHA I I'mmpllv mnrle. I tCNi TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Omen or rovmwu.rnoY TiiRCriiRrsci \\a liuton ( ! , DucvmU-r 30 , IhS'J. WnmrAH , Ily Killi-factoi ) evidence prtiont to tha uiidurtlttiicd , it has liccn niadu to np | > < that "Till : KlUSf NA'I lONAh HANK CK GJI HAln Iho clt if Omaha , In thu county Ikm.'la * , anil Ktatu cl Niiliniilck , hai conpll with alt tbo inotiH oiHCf the "Alt ol C'onjr J to cnahle Na'l.uitl Ilonkliu ASHOilatlonx to i tend their corpaiVo < xiitcnco and for othtr r po < o > , " approitd Jill ; 12th , 188a Kow.liiKni-iosi- , I , J lin J , Knox , Comptrol ol the Currency , do lieioljy ctrtlly that " 2 > k First National Ilink of Omnha , " Utj Omaha , In thu count ) of Ioun' u , an 1 itut Xi.hra.ik , 19 authorized to hate IUCCCSKQ | i for of rcriod tpociOid In In lUamcndutl articled of a > 10- rlitlon , naTclj , until Ihu'cloHo of builmiM 10aa Duccmbcr 31 , UIO' ' no IN Tf STIMONV W IICUKOF , wltncm mj h P- i 'ml seal of olll oIliU J > Mi day cf lcccn.brli ; ' - . J'-IIN J. , J HKiL1'- Comptroller of thu Currun > . < - , > Ko 2W Jin th DR , F. SCHERER , I3t Fhysicia'Q and Surgeo CHRONIC IMSKA8K8 A 8PKOIALTT. r lJlclnei lainlahod kt oSIco. to OXoe , N , W corner 18th uid Furnun tire Ig , aver Ilerchint i National B nk , Oraiih , Nel im Offloa Hourt 9tollC : . m. , 1 to Band ' of 9p m Ke Idenc Uliaouth lathitrw. A FATAL EXPLOSION. The Particulars of tlio Powder Explosion in California. Nonrly Fifty Ohmarnen Killed A Providential Inter ference. The Powilor Exploilon , Spfdil DliittUh to Tim Din. SAN FiiANciH-o , ,1 ami try 22. A Dorkuloy dijputrth a ys the mixing hnuao and nix packing houacs of the Giant I'oulur Woiku at point Ciouu'iit , near West Herkolcy , exploded - plodod at ! o'cli ok thia evening. The shocks of seven exclusions wore foltln this town. Ono white man , the fore man , named Conk , and between forty and fifty Chinamen are known tuluwo been blown to atoms. Nearly the entire plant was destroyed by a fire which lit gin immediately after the explosion. The superintendent was thrown a long distnnco but was not hurt. Phyniohuis wont down from Berkeley. The fire Is still raging. A largo tnagnzino containing over 200 tons is Htill safe. About eight touo exploded. The loss cannot bo esti mated. SAN FRANCISCO , January 2'Tho loss by yesterday's explosion roaches $100,000. Between thirty and forty Chinamen and the whlto superinten dent were killed. The first explosion occurred about 4 o'clock in the packing house , In which about 200 pounds of powder was stored. It is not known whether any " > no was killed by the first explosion or not. As soon as tho1 packing house exploded a number of Chinamen employed In the other departments II id for their llvcu and had reached an open opaco , when the mixing house exploded , killing most of them in their tracks. In about a mintito ono of the smaller houses exploded , followed Immediately by a fourth explosion , which doubtless killed the surviving employes. After each explosion the woodwork of the of the building caught fire and burned speedily for novoral houn. The eil'orta to prevent the 11 tines reaching the main magazine , containing an im- moneo quantity of powder , were hnp- pily successful. flu * consequences would have boon in < ii frighttul hud the largo mngazlno ixplodtul , unono of the superintendents aiutud tlmt there Is enough powder ntorntohnvo destroyed every living -lung on the peninsula. The cause of the first explosion < plosion remains a myatory. FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTIPATIOW. No oUicr duK < a > a la ao prevalent in thli country n Conatlpatlon , and no rcinoly haa over rqunllod the celebrated KIDNEY- WOHT M a euro. Whatever the OAiur , however obatlnate the CAao , tlila roraeily will ovorooino it. THIS dUtrerslnir com PILES. plaint la very opt to be complicated wltli constipation. Kidney- Wort atrciiRtliona the weakened purla and H ) qulokly cures all kinds of Tllca even whoa physicians and roedlolnea havobeforefaU ed. ITlfyouhavoeitherofthMotroubloaJS PRICE9I.I USE | PruKRl tB8el IDNEY-WORTl > ? ' ' ' " si ft 5SSfc P S'P' MmwwW/1 / wwuc jf- * ? rtt" _ RS ALE. . t ITho host buelnoBB opportunity In th city. The well known ntoro nnd lol corner Twelfth nnd F-miam atrnoti opptmith Caldwell , Dnmiltonand Go. ' I5nnk , and next to the Nebraska I'd tloinl 15nnk. 13rlok buildlut , ' , fin [ proof , now owned and occupied by K I. D Solomon , Palntu , Oil , and Wli ( low OlttHf , Notlonn , oto. Store rooi 22iit2 : , three atoricahlgh , collsrwho ] length of bulldliiB , olovntur , gius , nn water Iu nil stories , has alx rooina 1 Kin Bcooud story , finished for family um Will nell on lon timoOr will BO gootlaanu store fixture , and ivo fn yoara lonao of atoro. Oaueo foraolllr in intonda to glvo nil hla time to the umi inhe agomontof his Sprint ; Vftlloy Stoe farm adjoining Oinahn. he rn N. I. D. SOLOMON 1204 Farnnm Street , ted MCCARTHY &BUEKE , far IAof Undertakers of led 218 HTII ST. , BET. FAKNAM AN 013 ex- ur- ler : ho yet i of thu MO ALMA ET'KEITH 611 , Wi losilo aLd It till ind SB. . Hn Correct m-d rcli.iMe Wuves u Speclalt ( J WIC1S. 2 Tarn i m St , Uiuulin. Nt olJoit and inoul reliable In Nortb Onuhi Veiy choice Moat , Poultry and Vogotabl b , ALWAYS ON HANI ) . 7 to COOK & STOEHM , Pro rioto A FEW BARGAINS LOTS , Farms , Lands .1 .1HI BY 5th&DouglasSt. HOUSES AUD LOTS , No. Ill Kull otnud now hnunit , (3 ( | rootut , two nu'ow nnd ono tip xt-ilrn. Dlxlit dxit celling Lo'ow anil lut unalKiM' . llrlck IiHiiulatlon , culUr , etc. Ko. 18 Ijir o twontory IIOUKU , 10 rooniH , two largo rallarx. Krod ncllnud cluioin , bain , etc. , on Wi hstor and ffiil ttrtft , < l,0uo. No IT l/t TiOKlM ( ict , new IIOUHO ot two roomH br'ok lotindatlon 1UO linrrul cistern ell ll inlltcu xtrcit nc'ir roorUlnroComcnt S'xK ( ) . No. 1C Houmi mid lot on 17th near Clark 8t house 0 room i etc 4I2UU. No. 15 lloii9o of U room * full tot on 1'lcrcu S near mh * I DUO No. 11.New ! houscof 7 rooim , with corner lot , half mlle w ( t of Turntalilo o ( red etroet cam on Hau ilcrsHt. SlUtO. No. 5 IIOUHO of elutit roonifl , tiarn ttc. lol Vacant Lots. No , 252 THO full lota on lOtli Street ncnr Lake Bt. ( IGUO. No.3M Twenty fl\o lotl In I'arkcru addition jiut north of tlio t > nd nf nutatrvct line f ICO vath cany terms. No. 310 I'onrlotioii Iil.i nru tt. nciir llatm- com l il ( | tl'CO. No. 831 Onolialflot on South a > onuo , near St. Slurj'n alenuo , ( f.'i.'O. Nn.110 iinlitfc'n(18)lotaon2l : ( ) t , 22nil,2ird : and HtiindorHitritt , near ( liaeo , 86CO each , aid en canytcrniH. No , ; ilhlx ( beautiful rfnldenco lots on Gather- tnobtiiet , near IlnrHcoinpark. jl.MO Tui > l > o tiuiutldil nwldcnco lotncti Hitmllton Btrrat , near end of oM etruitcar track ; liltfli anil , Hovunl ai.iu and hill a to comer lolH on Cum \rK \ , Hi" ' and California tlicOn , In LOMU'I ) tea- cud addition and I'ark I'lieo nonr Acujuni ) ill Bacied lleut. LotH in ' ' 1'rotpcct I'laco" on Hamilton nnd duties Btrett , juitwottof thoind of Hed Hircut Cartiock and Convent of thu blstcn of Tour Clare , one and ono half alia from pcttolllco. end tun m'lu ' fiom U. I * . tliciiH , 1M ) 10 SWO ( ueh , only S percent down anil 5 pi r I'int per month l.otnl'i LCHU'I ! addition onuOiilf mllu west of end of Hcd Ktrtxt Car track near Uonvnnt rf Poor CUre HiHtrr * In Hlilnn'j addition , $126 to SJOiJiach , anilnn xcr > v > iy termr. I cU In Ilotlncli'a l t ntd 2nd addition * , NhlnnV , I' rk I'Utc. Louu'a&uUildltlrii ll.wu'i Luke'n , NiUon'H , llanscoin 1'lico , Hodlckaad- dlllonv , etc. , oto. lot In "Cro-Mt Fonder nddltlon" lu ' . ono- nuaitir mlle HOUth8t of I'nlnii ' Paclninndll. „ andll. H. U. depots , JiWtoJI.OOOcacli eryuajy 10 Icrini. Business Lots. ) Three good luminous lota on Io4o ) | near ll'th 1in struct , iSxllfl ( cut each , 41,600 each , or lt.OJloi in all , easy torme. lo Two KOO 1 hutlnena loll on Farnam itrvet , .17)1 CO feet focli , with frame ImllJInus tlieionroiitln idn for aliuut * d(0 ( | , cr jvarnuh , iir'co ' # I"W ) lach ido. rJ foil on Furi.utn near lOfliMlrno , oonai $12 000. o.ill Hplendld Warchouno lot 01 Union V rlIo ( rlRh1 ill o way. north ol track nd ottl cf Nail Woik - lielnu 132fe't ' north 1-ontaiio on Jlimn itiect fO by about 100 ( o t writ Irontu'u on Itlth Bt. 'g ' Karmii a d v.M Ui UH In loiilai | , Harpy n- DKlKiiVaihlnctOn , IluitVano , U anton , uni nk ether k'ooil countici In v 'crn Nubraiiknfnr n k k : lasu < pal I , tents collected , aril money loanoi onlmpro\on city and countty tpro , irty at lo\ rAtoof I n to rot BEMTS1 NKW CITY MAP , FOF1 FKKT WIDE AND SEVEN FKE LONG , WITH EVEIIY ADU1 TION RECORDED OllCONTEM PLATED UP TO DATE. "OFF ! 01AL MAP OF T11E CITY. $5 00 EACH. ru Real 08 , 16th and Douglas St Omaha Neb. WOMAN CAN VT HEALTH OF WOM SYMPATHIZE WITHSHS THE'HOPE 0 WOMAN. -YD1A PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. L finrn Cure for nil I'V.MMAt M1A1C NK.S.HKH , Inrlnillnff I.cucarrhcrn , Ir- rcffiilnr nnd 1'nlnfiil nicnnlruallon , Inllninnintlnii ntnl IJlccrntlon of ll.o Womb , rioodlnu , I'KO- I.Al'SllH UTinili Arc. tirnoiuiAnt lothotiutc , rdlcucloin nd ImnKHlUI * ItMeiTect. UKi\rrfntliclpln rrftniAncy , and r - JTC.I fnia darlnc Ulxir nnd At rrgvlivr ffrtoAn. nnM < ! i.sisr.iTnrnr itRinE IT inrrtT. IVFon iLtWKAitMssiM of thoBfiiprntlToortriui * ( tlthrr HOI , It li twond to no rrnutlyllintliAx rrrr fn l > crum the public t nnd for nil tlUoacn ot th IUNITS It U the Omi/rjf J.Vmrdi/ the Worlil. STKIDNKY COSIPJjAINTS aflMlhcr S * rin.Hiront Ki-Ilcf In ltd UHC. T.VPIA IMMXKIIAM'H 1IWIOII TUUfVlRU 'U rrndlratn < * rrr voKll n nf llntnori from \\trn \ Iciol , at the rnin'o ( line will RTU tnna nnd rlrcnKtll to leujmti'm , AinmrTtllnuiln nwlta a/- the Compound. lynolhtlipComivmndnnd Illooil IMi iflcr nr r"- iirod nt SV nnd XfVi slcrn ATCHUP , I rnn , Vu , rlooof oltlicr , 1. Hlxl > ottlosfort.Tin' Compound wnt hynmll In the form of pHK rr of IoirnKPnon c < Mit | of prlrc , 81 iwr l ix for rlthrr. Mr . Ilnkhara tr\f \ n wrr nil lottcra of lmulry. | Encloiw3cenl Bcn forpnmphUt. ilt ntlon tMi Jtyxr. . . ITJKTUK'H I tvrn T-n-ia cum Cnni tlp - km. imioumipMnnrt Torpidity of thu IJ tr. 21 runUk A3-Hnld by all Ilrun = Utn.(3) AND Delioious Bever. age. "THE CUP THAT CHEERS , " " 1JUT NOT INEBRIATES. " D1NNKU PAKTY has iinUhed the 1a.t bottle of "IIU PUNOn. " Then , my dear , ilou't forgot to remind me to order a fresh supply to-morrow. " "THK HUB PUNCH"la preparednol . ly by Mcnara. 0. II. O HAVES & SON. Boston. It Is made of the best 'Imported brandy and Santa Cruz rum , united with the juice of fresh lemons , and the finest white BUenr , and it really a delicious , pure , end a reliable aitlcle , that has me with the incut cordial appreciation of all who tried it. See that yon cet the eenulne with the facMmllo of "OHESTEll II. GRAVKS & SUNS" on the capsule over the cork of each by , G re corn and .Wine .Meich&nu verywhero , Thu "HUB PUNCH" Is.iold hr all loadln ? fam Trruto BupplloJ at Manufacturer's prlcea by M. A , McNanmra ; famllicH supplied by A. } [ . ( ilndnloDO. Omaha Neb PERFUME. Murray & Lanman's WATER , Best for TOILET , BATH and HANDKERCHIEF. tout aauJ nOn Precldrnl. Viet W. B. n > IFUa'i\ f f > . ted Tr a THE NEBRASKA IMUf ACTURINB CO Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Pluntora Hrrrowa.Farm Boilers tiulUy tiny Haliou , Bucitot Elevating Wlndmllla , c Wo are prapared to do Job work and raannlao urliiK for other parties. AJdrrns cl or leri HKBRAHKA IIANUPACTUBIKO DO PERSONAl4-"l'arlaof the Im-vanbody enlarKcd , ituvulopud and ntre ( ttbotod , " etc. , la an Inturestlni ; al erteonoit Iu R rim In our paper In reply to 1 nu rlcae will cay that there U no e1 1 icnr o 1 1 luuuljui ; all ut file. On the contrary , the admtUrs arir very hlgbly in- dorioil. Intorcs ed pernoiM nay ict a al-d ilr- ari ) , RlUnic all particu lar . 1 > J addrexsiiu Krlo Medical Co. , T. U. Itjit 613 , UtiHilo , N. Y. Toledo Mini. . ; Hoc. fan 11-ty J. R ROM & 00 FL. . Sommers & , Go's CffiLEBRATGE ) BISODITS , OAKES , JUMBLES AND NOVELTIES. Wliolosalo HanufaotnrlnE CONFECTIONERS A.ND DEALKIIS IN Fruits , l uts and Cigars 111 3 14th St. OMHA JACOB KAUFMAN. REMOED TO NO. Gil 1GTH ST DKAiRR IN ALL KINDS OF PURE WINES