Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 23, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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he Omaha Bee
Publlubcd every morning , except Sut
f. The only Monday morning dally.
Ono Year. . . . $10 OD 1 Three Months. ? 3.G
Biz Months. . 5.00 | One Month. . . . 1.0
CIIK WEEKLY BEE , publlihed ever
One Vcar . $2.00 I Three Months. T
qix Months. . , . 1,00 I Ono Month. . . . i
AMinioAN NKWS COMPANY , Solo Agenl
.Newsdealers In the United States ,
atfoiis relating to News oud Edltnrli
.natters fhould bo addressed to the hnrro
or THE BKK ,
Lettcra and KcmlUnnecM nhould ho "
iroiwcd to TUB HEE 1'cm.iBiiiNO COMPA.V
JMAIIA. Drafts , Checks and Postollic
Jrdora to hi made payable to the order t
the Company.
The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props
TUB Mlllard tow line can't stan
the strain
FOKOEKY nowadays aeoma to hoi
the winning hand in politics.
THEIIK are soToral senatorial cand
dates who do not know the dlfforonc
between parsistonoy and consistency
wlltrattlo aronn
In David Davis' chair In the sonati
but ho will bo a long ways off froi
filling the seat.
EVERY monopoly attorney at Lli
coin has prepared a bill regulating tl
railroads which ho will take good cai
to BOO does not go upon its fin :
passage. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A NKAT story going the rounc
about Pattl bolntf bitten by a mouao
given a very prosaic turn by the Phi
adolphia JVcuu , which says : "Porhaj
It was not a mouse , Pattl. Try rut
blng thn wood-work of your couc
with korosono. "
THE Important but tronbloaom
duty of electing a United States sent
tor once concluded , the legislator
may bo oxpooted to got down to bus !
nons. So far the introduction and referring
forring of bills Ima occupied the groate
portion of the time , and half the eec
sion is already over.
Mu. WALTON , of New York , is a )
tempting to oat two quails a day fo
thirty consecutive days on a bet c
$1,000. There is nothing particulai
ly remarkable in this. The demc
oratio party has eaten crow for thirl
consecutive years , and still lives wit
unimpaired apputito.
AN astonishing buslnoaa card ha
boon issued by the "Frazzled Proprle
tors , " as they call thomtolvos , of th
KnobNostor\Io ) Gem They rtfc
to their journal as "tho riprowlngesl
wildest , most sensational , reoklcsi
truthful , upright and reliable count
paper in the went. " Now acoma t
bo about the time f jr thu neighbors t
form a club.
QOLLIDAY'B little claim con
tlnues to put in an appear nee in congress
gross , b\H it always "goes over undc
the rule. " If reports MO true Roll
day has apont muro for oysters an
champagne since his arrival in WasI
ington than the entire amount of hi
claim for horses and wagons dostroye
by Indians during his contracts fc
convoying the overland nail ,
YESTEIUUY'K balloting at Llnool
was rgiln barren of reanlta. The on )
changes of aignificanco were the a ]
pironttondenoyof thoanti moiiop ills !
to concentrate their , strength on Gi ]
tain Stickle , and the incroassd dinu
cratio vote of Mayor Boyd. The n
publican vote was still very general !
scattered among ha'f ' n score of cand
dates. To-day's balloting is oxpcott
to bring soinothini ; decisive in tl
way of breaking the dead look.
CAITAIN JIM Buianm , U. S. A
writes to protest against the grantii
of any rights to Rufus Hatch & 0
for the itaprovoraent of the Yolloi
Htono park. IIo claims that it v
rob him cf ogood deal of workalreai
\ done In Hut direction and of whii
ho ought to reap the benefit. Brl
bin's wotk ns muni haa been doi
chiefly with his mouth. As a spe <
man of a brass buttoned blathorski
Le ntands at the head of the list ai
m.fprtnnatoly for the army not t !
retired Hit
tendency in all cities whc
oxterslvo paving operations are
progress is towards gfaiilto n
ahuot asphalt pavemonls. Chlca
apoht $1,000,000 last year
olroot improvements. A port !
ofthn \ money wa expend
In paving Monroe etreot with grant
The road-bed was first rolled will
elitccm ton otuatu roller , then cove :
with four inches
of nuuailara e
again rolled. A layer of two inches
gravel \followod \ , in which the grac
was imbedded. Dry lakcdioro pra )
ml red with aaphalt cement , vias pa
ed closely between the blocks. 1
Sanitary Jfcivi Bays thla pavom
cost 81 per square yard , and la
lieved to bo "imporiahablo. " Orai
block with concrete or raacac
foundation it the cheapest pavom
la the end for Ml streets where tn
IB heavy ,
The first month of the year has boei
remarkable for the number of accl
dents accompanied by loss of life
The Milwaukee horror , quickly fol
lowed by the Polish holocaust and th
fire at the Planter's in St. Louis , enl ;
preceded by n wrok the accident 01
the Southern Pacific and the frightfu
matino di a lor of Saturday off th
English coast. Within two weeks a to
tal of 803 HVCB have boon reported a
lost In five accidents. The record I
almost without precedent. Ores
carelessness fa given as the ciuso o
three of thoao horrors. The burnini
of the Nowhall JJouso is general ! ;
hollovod to have t case of incondlai
lain whllo the reports are coDtliotini
as to the responsibility for the foun
derlng of the Oimbrla , The colllaioi
took plcco in a fog nnd the ovidenc
nhowa that the engines of the ateatne
were running at less than half epue
when the fatal crash camo. 0 trlng t
thn compartments being open at th
spot whcro the bow of the Sultan or
torod the oldo of the ill-fated steamei
the vcsiol filled before the ha !
dressed passengers realized the aitut
tlon and within twenty minutes wen
down carrying with her nearly fou
hundred and fifty aonla. Since th
loss of the Villo dn Ilavro of th
French line nlno years ago no atcan
ship disaster of equal magnitude h :
boon chronicled.
The loss of the Olmbtia will donb
loss induce renewed discussion of th
safety which the compartment ayatoi
is supposed to glvo to aoagoing vet
sols. The Oily of Brnaaolls whic
same wooka ago sank oif the Morsoj
happily with no tuoh dontrnotion c
Ufa oa that which attended the loss <
the Oimbrla , foundered under ncarl
similar conditions. The water tigt
bulkheads at the very moment who
most needed were found to bo opor
just as they were In the Hamburg
line steamer on last Saturday inor :
ing. '
Theoretically , the division of a vci
sol's hull into a aeries of separat
rooms each hermetically scaled an
capable of sustaining whatever woigl :
of water may bo poured into then :
provides a certain tafety from ace
don's of leak springing or colliaior
The necessities of freight storage
however , have induced stoamshl
builders to depart from the origin :
plan , by cutting communicating dooi
Into the compartments which are auj
posed to bo sealed when the cargo I
finally ate < rod. Several yeon ago i
the CBBO of the Guion steamer Mor
tana , which sprang a heavy leak in
storm , the vessel waa only save
through her watertight bulkhoadi
but auch instances are rare. la nearl
every reported oaao of collision o :
the BOB , the doors Into the compail
monta have been found open , and th
valno of the bulkhead system has boo
entirely doatroyod.
It la natural to look the stable doc
alter the horse haa been atolon. Th
country in now busily engaged in dii
cu&aing improved tire escapes , an
congrus will probably bo Importune
to pass a law throwing greater oafc
guards around our traus-atlantl
stpamors. An inspection cf compar
monta before the Bailing of VOSBO
might possibly rojult in BOIUO fioot
but no law can prohibit oflioora froi
opening them on the high soaa , or ci
force upon other countries the paenaf
of a similar regulation. Possibly tl
UBO of the oleitrla light In fogs has ni
yet boon thoroughly tested , an
a ( law compelling its adoption t
steamers might bo attended with goc
results. But after all , as in the cai
of fire protection in buildings , solid !
of construction and constant watchfc
ncas are the boat safeguards of hnmi
life , and the last can never bo obtai
ed by statutory regulation.
haa finally entered up <
the discussion of the tariff , The or
look is not promising for any aubsta
tial reform. It may as well bo fran
ly stated that a great many congroi
men and senators euro moro for t
Interest of their pockets than they >
for the approval of their oonatltuonl
This la especially the case with the
mamborawho were elected to atay
homo at the last election , and w
propose to make hay while the ami
their congressional term is Htlll shl
Ing. The lobby of the monopolists
packing the corridors of the capit
It ha accomplished Its work in t
commlttoo room , and the tai
commissioners must laugh heat
ly at the shape in whl
their report finally roaches the hou
It never was much cf a reform me
uro but the schedules were BO artfu
doctored that the reductions aecm
larger than , they really woro. I
Mr. Kolloy'a committee have still f i
iher rovleoil its revisions , and t
roauit is said to bo highly aatisfactc
to the largo mtnnfaclurorc. The pr
pects aru that the bill will bo still f
ther rovioed In the house , and final
U it readies the senate , thrown out
that body , in which lobby inlluon
have been pirtlcnlarly strong duri
the present session.
THE republican party is niakinj
dangerous mistake. The people
the United Statea ate not dlspo ,
any longer to submit to robbery
law any moro than to burglary in
Banco of the Btatuto. Iho demi
for a sweoplnc tariff reform la i
vorsal. Disgust over the present \
ley of taxation U becoming every i
jinoro and moro pronounofl , u > U > lli-
goit and dotormlno j. Thu imn ftc-
turlng intorcsta ninnot c tty the
pirty through on itach'uldura at i lit
next election. Intelligent voters wil !
docldo the result at the polls two yean
lionco. I ( the republican leaden
blindly refuse to reduce toii'lon , lu
telligontly , eubstantlally and hone t
ly , the duty will bo given into othei
hands. The lobby may rule congress
It cannot control the party.
The Floquet resolution exiling thi
French imperialists and legitimist
will probably gain additional auppor
to-day in the chamber of dopulici
owing to the real or alleged revelation :
regarding the uprising planned bj
the Oomto do Ohambord In aid cf hii
pretensions as the successor of Loai
XVI to the throne of Franco. Parii
on Saturday wen thrown into a fevc :
cf excitement by the news that West
ern Fr uco was virtually under arms
that thirty-two legiona of 1,000 met
each were mustering in aid of thi
Bourbon pretender and thatLaVcndoi
the homo of insurrection aad o
Catholic loyalty was rising in dofons
of the claims of his Christian majoat ;
Henry V , King of Franco.
Conservative opinion in Paria i
inclined to discredit the rumor. Th
London proas without exception ac
count for the report as a well plannoi
attempt to raise a acaro at the expons
of the legitimists to push Floquet1
proposal through the chamber of dope
ties and to compel the resignation c
the Orloanlst princes from the arm )
where they have always been element
< f discontent. It cannot bo donio
that the Count do Ohambord haa neve
yet relinquished his hopes of anccet
lion to the throne as the chief of th
older branch pf the Bourbon and th
rightful heir of Charles X. Once bs
fore , In Vendee was called upon t
assist him in his pretentious to th
throno. In 1832 his mother , th
Countess do Berri , landed at JVIsi
sollles , returning from the exile Int
which aha waa forced at the abdicatio
of Charles X. , and mailing her way t
LiVondoo rallying a foi
Catholic adherents In support of ho
son's clnlui upon the crown. The in
surroctlon was promptly subdued b ;
Louis Phililppo and the countess ai
rested and imprisoned and a yea
later released. Since his majorlt
the Count do Ohambord haa content o
hltnaolf with the silent homage of hi
immediate friends without active !
asserting hla claims to the thron
through an appeal to arms. There ar
grounds for the belief that the legit :
mists have been greatly encourage
by the temporary panic into whio
the republic was thrown by the deat
of Qambotta , and that outside prei
sure may hare forced their head t
assort hia personality , but the poi
elbiiity of a general rising with a fore
cf man armed , and equipped an
ready to oppouo the Immense standin
army of the republic is scarcely crod
bio. However , the canard , if it bo
canard will furnish additional nrgt
monta for the republican Loft to fore
through ther bill against dynast :
INVESTIGATION of the railroad Ian
grant frauds by congress , of whic
there was some hope at the boginnln
of the soailon , scorns ( o have died on
There is L.O doubt that at least a hui
drod million acres of land , worth fro :
$300,000.000 to § 400,000,000 , hai
been forfeited by the laud grant rai
road companies through failure to eai
the grants. And this is exclusive
the millions of acres out of which N
braska has bee * robbed by the Unit
Pacific company. Thointorlordopai
mont for two years past haa been
the mercy of the railroad land gra
bora , and the department of justd
has failed to do its > dul
to a degree that Is innro than BUSJ
clous. There la pressing need of
searching investigation into the mi
tor. The public domain of good ugi
cultural lands is yearly growii
smaller under the operation of tl
homestead and pre-emption acts.
U the duty of congress to see that n
a oinglo acre of the public domain
illegally isiued to corporations , ai
to take steps tn prevent the confirm
tion of grants by the land ciliao , r/hi
the final settlement of the question
pending. !
THIS Crete Standard claims that
coal ring company has boon formed '
the B. & M. road. It aaya that hei
toforu along the B. & Jr. road Ooh
ado coil was shipped by the dlfforo
mines of Colorado at $3.50 per ton
Crete. On the 10v.h of this mon
what is known as the Colorado Fi
company , made up principally
rail say cflhiaU , became a rnonopc
of the whole field along the Hue of t
B. & M. The rate waa raised up
former shippers to $5 per ton. AB
muU they were compelled to wil
drair , and the Colorado Fuel oampa
have ndvancsd the price cf coal at t
inlnca , and are ready to climb the pr
at pleasure.
A Modern 8 am don.
8. 8. llsynolds has introduced
bill fixing freight and passorger rat
Mr. U. is constantly on the alert , a
Is a true blue antl-mononolUt , w
will ever be found battling ngali
railroad supremacy. Ho la the Sa
on of the senate.
Harper's Magazine for Fobruar ;
opens with a frontispiece engravlni
from Oaorgo II. Boughton's "Th
Frozen Fountain. " Mr.VirtSikca
consul at Cardiff , describes the "Will
Welsh Coast , " which Is profusely am
very effectively illustrated by llarr ;
Font ) , George H. Boughton'a "Artla
Strolls in Holland , " ia full of quain
and interesting plcturoi of Dutch lif
and mannerc. The illustration b
Boughton and Abbty are delightful ! ;
plcturetqno. Under the title o
"Gbriinu Political Leaders" Profts o
Uorbeit Tuttle contributes a vnlua
bio arttolo on the Gorman parliamon
the reiclifltog , or Imperial Lict
The article Is nicely iHuatratcd
George M White coutributoa u :
illustrated article on "Tho Aeaocic
tioiiB of Wlttor'a Pooms. " The tw
serial novels Black's ' Sliando
Bolls" and M sj Woolson's "For th
Major" are continued. Ernest Ingei
soil contribute a abort storj
"Euganio's Fete-Day" ia a brigt
little sketch by a "Working Girl.
Phil. Robinson compares the troal
merit of Nature especially of birda-
by American and English pooti
Poems are contributed by Etiztbot
Stuart Phelps and Julia U R Dor ;
The literary departments are f all , i
usual of timely and interesting ma
ter. The table of contents looV
tromlslng , but wo find it rather a ale
umber for Harper's.
The Popular Science Monthly ft
February is fully up to the usual stai
ard. The first article , by Profusai
Gllliam , on "Tho Africanin the Unite
States , " is an able and riispasalona1
tudy of the negro question. Profe
orBiln'aaddrossasrectorof the Injti
Ion with which ho has long boonaaa
lated in Aberdeen , on "The Unive :
Ity Ideal , " is hero first pnblishoi
'Natural Religion , a Study in it
Growth cf Scientific Morality , " by I
rV. Boodle , is a sketch cf the progro
f BcientiGo and liberal thought on tl
ellglons side since 1850. "Methot
n Modern Physical Astronomy , " I :
'rofcssor Jansaen , ia the president !
before the French aatociatic
or the advancement of science , and
a paper of remarkable brilliauo ;
'Social Forces in American Life , " I
Icrburb Spencer , will bo read wil
xtreme interest. It was written i
kind of sequel to his speech at tl
few York dinner. "Curiosities i
Superstition , " by Dr. Oswald , is
triking continuation cf hia form *
taper. "A Prehistoric Cemetery. .
ly Joseph F. James ; "Tho Schools <
ledicine , " by Dr R. 0. Board ; at
'Tho Formation of Lunar Craters
re also excellent. There is a full 1 :
graphy of the celebrated natnralie
ililne-Edwarda , with a portrait , at
long letter on the bicycle question
itock bridge. The leading editor !
s on the subject of "Machine Ednc
ation. " The miscellany ia very ful
rtsh and inatructive.
Thu North American Review f
"obruary opens with a symposium
which BIX prominent theologians re
esentlng aa many religious denomln
Ions , give expression to thair vloi
upon the question of the "Rovlssii
f Creeds. " Prof. Alexander Wl
hell , In an article entitled "Tho E
lorlmout of UnUeraal Suffrage , " i
tltutea a profound enquiry into tl
Bsential conditions of stable popnl
[ ovornmont. Bishop McQaado writ
f "The Decay of Protestantism
'The Political Situation" is i
olnt title of two articles , the ono '
loratlo Seymour , the other by Ge
S. Bontwell , who offer their reaped !
lews upon the causes of the rcce
overthrow of the republican part
An article by Dr. D. A. Sargent <
'Physical Education in Oollogce
roata a subject of prime importan
o the welfare of the youths In o
ilghor educational institutiot
finally , there are two articles
'Tho Standard Oil Company , " Sot
or Oamdon of West Virginia defen
ng that corporation against its i
sailanta , and John C. Welch sottl
orth the reasons for condemning it
a dangerous monopoly.
Hardly had The Saturday Rovii
sent oat its much quoted commci
on the "American Sphinx , " wh
another English authority appeared
The Continent , aa the avenger
"Daisy Miller" and her ( listers. M
Hhoda Bronghton is undoubtedly Ei
ish , and undoubtedly an oxceediii |
popular author , and wo suppose Is
mlliar with the English lady of t
period in her various phases of dev
ipmont. The opening chapters
her now story , "Bolinda , " are n
running in the periodical named , a
[ oar English ladles , evidently
the higher social orders , are n
among ita loading character ? .
The name "Caste" was first gh
to Mr. Howell'a now atory which v
bo begun in the February Century ,
was later altered to "A Sea Chang
and finally , to "A Woman's Roaeo
The February number of The M
ern Age liea before us , and is fully
to the standard created by the
number. The magazine has anappe
ance of stability about it , and lot
ns though it were destined to live ,
it combines all the oluinonUi of po
larlty , viz : brilliancy , attractvon !
and ohoapnfas.
What Ia ItT
Lincoln Democrat.
The Omaha Republican ia anxt
concerning the editorial departm
of this paper. Now for the bantfil
that sheet wo will my that wo h
no editor of the U. P. payroll ,
correspondent or editor on the pay ;
at the Nebraska c.ipitol and no odl
who receives pay aa clerk of the ci
mlttoo on agrionlluro In Washing
at the rate of $0 per day. And , f
thorrnoro , The Democrat has no i
connected with the establishment i
is shaking In hla boots fur fear ho '
bo called upon to answer to the cha
of forgery. DJ you understand ?
A Destructive Curpontor
Olumbus J.urrik' .
The platform carpenter of the I
ooln Journal now rpeaka of the po
lar demand for railroad legislation
"a fictitious conflict between mate
Interests that has demoralized p
tics" ; and "a useless and Injuri
agitation. " So , si. This sarao <
pantor did more to demoralize the
publican party when bo sniothe
those resolutions at the state conv
tlon , thin the legislature is oapabli
doing DOW. Is it much wonder , lo
Inn at the results , that Gere usca
word "demoralised ! "
Kt-Oovcrnor HcnJilcks now walki
about bin room without n cane.
Signer Salvln ! la putting lih earning
into an cutato ntSiii llenno , Italy.
Kx-Senitir Dor oy rolnlns a 8120,000 In-
tcreit In a New Mexican cattle ranch.
J. W. Uoitler , who bought ex-Sfnr.toi
Dor cy' Now Mexican tanchc , h s SI.LOC
Senator Shermnn lias made anothci
tpeech on the tatllT hill. Mr. Sburumii
suems to laver a InrlH for talk only.
Kmlly ralthlnl'8 friends admit that elic
Is the hotntlleot woman ia thu world , but
nay thst she h inlKhty gco.l end always
w ntB a vtil on the street * .
Senator iJcn Wedo used to eny that reli
gion without hell waa pork without salt.
A yrent many people , however , can get
along nicely without salt pork.
Mrs. Senator Logan ban ennwwhite
hnlr , and her admirereay that hp. with
Jur brilliant black eyes , wns never before
HO Intoro-tbg and ber.utlful 01 ehe Ij uow.
State Treasurer 1'olk , who stole SWO , .
001 , has been returned to Tennessee. Tin
newa that h 8 guard * li.ivo had their pack
ets picked IB nwalted with coufic'ne. .
Gcu. Hazen , , f the signal service , re
cently told a Wnahlngtou reporter that he
did not thluk Capt. Howgatc , who utoli
3110,000 , wou'd return for trial. Some
men are natural detectives.
Queen Victoria ia n large real estate
owner in New York. An advance la ronti
by her agents have changed the tenants Ir
u large block ou Broadway near Kighteentl
Gov. Ben. Butler haa accepted an invl
tatlon to attend a skntlng carnival at Alon
treal next month. If the governor agree
not to smile it U believed the people 01
the ice will be safe.
It ia said that Gov Blackburn , of Ken
tucky , has pardoned more than § 1,50' '
criminal * , remitted finea of innro thai
83,000,000 , and granted retptUH to otbe
fines to the amount of Home $1,000,000.
Gen. Gordon , of Georgia , says Gam
hetto , of whom he BBW much while h
1'arla recently , looke 1 v ry much aa Wad
Hampton would look if ho were too inche
shorter and were a full beard.
Herr Krupp , the great gun-miker o
KJBOD , whose tmiuesa it h to keep th
peace of Knrnrie , runs tHcnty-ono rollln )
mills and 45G atoam engines bo-lde
eighty-nine ateim hammers and 1,560 fur
A French paper says that Pasteur , th
eminent scientist , IB "spare , angular , nni
weather-beaten. " Pasteur
- should elthe
come homo earlier la the evening or ar
r.inge with hla wife to leave the front dee
Of forty-two principal rulers In tb
world , King William , of Germany , ia tb
oldest , tighty-Blx. and Alfonso , of Spain
the youngest , twenty-five. The pope 1
Bevcnly.three , Alexander , of Kuasin
thirty-oue , and Victoria eixty-three.
The NHW YorkTribune aayathnt "Maj
Charles L Hanagon. a PhilodelptiU joui
naliat , bus fallen heir to $210,000 in ca : '
and several hundreds of thousands in ocea ;
steamship property. " When an enster
newprvpur man gets hold of from $7 Uf
wards he at once becomes n journalist.
One of the Dulce of Argyll'a daughters i
engaged to be married to Mr. Bailli
Hamilton , who haa invented a musical in
ktruuent which the L mdon Times df
Bcribea as "something between a haimor
ium and mouthorgan. " There ia llttl
doubt that blue blocd makes people brave
The dranntlc critic of a Louisville pape
aaya that Mary Anderson's Galatea U "Ilk
a babe that opens ita wide eyes for on
moment on the world and then leares u
with a sigh ; like a flower that breathea it
fragrance tor a day upon the earth of whic
it ia not ; like a grand strain of music tbu
floats and throbs at twilight , and sink
away into the dim reaches of which w
dream but ia which we cannot walk ; to
pure for the world , and yet leaving be bin
a meuiory , a peifume. a harmony , tonde ;
er , sweeter , more exalting. " The name c
the new Kentucky brand of whisky haa m
yet reached Chicago.
No Burvey Wanted.
A.tlon New n.
It is now proposed to vote $10,00
for a goolrr loal survey cf the atat (
It is olalmod this survey would be
f-reat benelit to the firmer , in ahoivin
what land ol n soil we have. Boat
It would not benefit the farmera c
this or any other atato ono cent'
worth ; and as for showing the fai
rnoru what kind of eoil we have in Nt
braska , the Idea is unworthy th
brain of a first claua fool. The moi
idlotio farmer in Boone county ca
take a spade and toll moro of the vale
of u quarter of section of laud fc
agricultural purposes lu an hour tha
Prof. Aughoy or any other old frau
could in ix weeks. It ia claimed thi
it would bo but a light tax. Just si
And probably there are forty othi
projects , each one of which would t
but a light tax , but taken altogetlu
they would amount to something.
A Glaring Outrage.
D&vlil City Ilcpubllflvn.
When Hon. Thomas Jensen coi
sentod to become the candidate fi
the anti-monopoly republicans and tl
antl-monoyoliata generally , forapoaki
of the house , ho did so with the ui
doratandint ; that not ono whit of h
true republicanism was forfeited. TJ
result was very complimentary to M
Jensen , aa it forced Humphreys
pledge himself to anti-monopoly prl
clples , his railroad supporters oven t
lowing him to be branded as the an
monopoly republican roprcsentativ
No sooner waa ho elected thun tl
treachery cropped out in nil hia ad
Had he even observed the fundame
tnl rules of parliamentary law ai
common courtesy in hia holdings ai
precedents , the outrage would not a
pear BO glaring.
lo the Ealtor of Till UKK.
Now that wo have the corn neat
all gathered , we have a little leisure
look quietly over the political fiol
and wd can plainly see there are BOI
weeds that most assuredly needs ton
ing to.
Although this county ia but a you :
olio it has had quite an experience
booUmand ring business , but to t
oredit of the antl-monops let it
, n said the old ring was broken and t
boescs civou a back neat and the thli
Inp : net tamed out , but were not se
to Lincoln as aoroe of them richly c
served. Anil now I understand th
ono of those who barely escaped t
iron grating Is anxiously expecting t
chair of Mr. Swltajr , ot Bloomlngtc
Now , sir , If this fraud should bo t
pointed to the cilice cf register
1 > Blooniirgtou , then will be uiuslo
, . the air.
is WEBHTER COUNTY , January 10
I- A Novel htyle of Ovrroont.
Ir If any one wants to continue savii
r- the expense of an overcoat , and at t
rB - Bame tlmo escape rheumatism , an
Bid weather as this , ho must invott 1H
> cents in a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil ai
3f lather himself with it right woll.
Iie Vigor , atrougth and health all foni
In one bottle of Brown's Iron Blttei
Roasters and Grinders of Coffees and Spices , Manufacturers of
Clark's Double Extracts of
E. G. OLAIIK & CO. , Proprietors ,
. _ 1403 Doimlaa Street , Omaha ,
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Ground Oil Oake.
It la the beat and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound la equal
to three poun-'s of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cftko in the fall and winter -
tor , instead of running down , will increase in weight and bo in good market
able condition in the spring. Dairymen as well aa others who use it can tes
tify to its merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 porton ; no
charge for sacks. Address
o4-ood-me WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Neb.
The Original and Only Regular SEED HOUSE in Nebraska.
' '
u. ZEl'V'.AJtsrS ,
Agricultural * 7 N. W. Cor. 14th
Vegetable , _ " and !
orcst , H wcr , " ' ' ' DodKo Strcete ,
Grass , Kj * Omaha , Neb.
Wo m ko a rpeclaltyot Onion Seeds , Onion Seta , Blue Oias , Tmothr , Hcd Alfalfa and Whit
Closer , Osagcant Honey Locust. Dealers acd Market Gardener in ill cate money by bujlucof lu.
S3- end for Ca a'offue. KKEE.
* Hellman & Co
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor.
Association ,
Orders from any part of the State or theX
Entire West will be promptly shipped.
AH Our o.i . < is arc Made to the Standard or our
Bole Agent for Omaha and the West.
Office Corner 13th and Barney Streets , Omaha , Neb ,
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window (
and Door Frames , Etc. i
First-data facilities for the Manufacture of all klndes of Mouldings , Painting atTd
matching a Specialty. Orders from the country will be promptly executed.
nrtdre ill , < > ninmnnlcatl''nito A. MOYEU , Proprloto
Window Shades aufl Ourtains ,
Pnluts , Oils & Brushes.
Jim BontUU 4th Htrcot !
D. H. McDANELD & CO. ,
201 North 16th St. , Masonic Block. Main House , 46 , 48 and 62 Deaf
born avenue , Chicago. Refer by permission to Hide and .
Leather National Bank , Chicago.