r THE DAILY BBS--OTiABA TDESDAf , JANUAEY 23 i BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will cure dyspcpsla.hcartburn , malaria - ria , kidney disease , liver complaint , and other wasting diseases. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS enriches the blood and purifies the ly&tem ; cures weakness , lack of energy , etc. Try a bottle. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is the only Iron preparation that does not color the teeth , and will not cause headache or constipation , as other Iron preparations will. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Ladies and all sufferers from neu ralgia , hysteria , and kindred com plaints , will find it without an equal. BALL'S ' CORSETS Every Cortot is warranted latti- I&ctory to it * wearer In every way , or the money will bo refunded by the person from whom It was bought. The only Oorwt pronounced by pur leading phyilcUni , 1Injurlou. to th wearer , aiujcndorwxlby ladle * i hi "moitcomfortable ana perfect flltlnnConet erei PBICE8 , by BU1U Potl e Paid I talth Pnttnlag , l.BO. Bflf.AdJu Un . 1.BO AMcmlnat ( ext bMiTT > * * .00. Nur ln , 91.80 lrtMr ln ( B routll ) .00. Piuruol Bklrt-HopporUiK , 1.60. tr ule by Iodine Uttctl Hrclcr * eT rjwhtrc , ciuioAGo coiiaiix co. , cuicuuo , m. SHORT LINE OF TUK llwaukee & St , Paul RAILWAY It now running Ita FAST FJtPRF.33 TUAtNS from OMAHA AND OOONOIL BLUFFS WITH Pullman's ' Mapiflcent Sleepers -AND TIIK Finest Dining Oars in the World IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHIOAOO' MILWAUKEE. Or to any point IxnonJ ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS Take tha 11KST ROUTE , the Chicago , Slilwaukee&St.PanlR1 ] Ticket office located at corner Farnam an Fourteenth BtrecU and at U. I * . Depot and i Mlllard Hotel , Omaha. i2T8ee Time Table In another column. F. A. NASH , General Aireut. O. II. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. B. 8. MEURILL , A. V. II. OAKI'ENTEU , General Manager. OcncrairaM. AKOU J. T. CLAUK. QEO. II. IIKAFFOUU , OeneraiSup't. Aiw't OCH. Pans. Agen HTAllLlbllKU Ib&S. BIDE BPniNO ANAOnilENT-NOT PATE ! ED. A. J. SIMPSON. LEADING CARRIAGE FACTOR 1400 and lill Dodc * Btml , 6 OKIHA , TttNANTEU BY aHOUTS. Mysterious MnnlfoBtntlons tbntDrovo Out nil Who Attotn'pUid to Llvo In a Haunted HOUBO Ita Strongo Story. [ joiilitvlllo Ccuticr-Joiirnal , A house ou York , between Eighth and Ninth streets , hns lately been the subject of mysterious rumors. The goealps freely allege that it Is haunted , nnd there has boon no end cf uhlipor- Ings concerning Ita supposed tenants. Until a few months ago it waa occu pied by a family named Basloy , which ocnslatod of a man , his w fo and six children. Basley was either a SwltiS or n German , his neighbors are not aorUin which , and waa a furniture nukor , employed In a factory on N'lnth , between York r.ntl Lexington streets. lie was a middlo-agod man , of otoEuly , induRtrioua habiU , and aa ho was an excellent workman and a clover neighbor , ho waa quitp popular utuong the few who know him. The family did not , however , court ac quaintance , but maintained rather a roaorvo. Sumo mouths ago it waa noticed that Bailey's ' health botmn to fail , though ho still wont nbout his work aa usual. Ho Boomed to bo troubled about something , and confided to a neighbor tiia belief that ho would die soon. Tno other nndoavorcd to dissuade htm from this Idea , but ho clung atoutly to it , saying that ho felt that his days wore numbered. Ho added that ho was prepared for death , and would moot It with resignation. Sore enough his presentment waa realized , and it was scarcely a month before ho wan laid In the tomb. Ho had boon a so ber ronn and k good worker , in life , and did not leave hla family unpro vided for , and ho had some little tjav- ingB , and in addition a policy on his life for $2,000 , The money waa paid to the widow , and after a short inter val she aold out her household goods and lcftwlth | her children for.MUsoutl. The afrango part cf the story now cornea. The homo which the family had occupied waa quickly rented out to a family named Brown. They did not oooupy it long , however , before they gave it up and moved away , alleging that the place waa haunted They aaid but little about it , though , aa they Boomed afraid of lidlculo , and it waa not long before the house found another tenant. The now comer stupk to It a short time and prc f eased to disbelieve - believe the stories which were told concerning the place , but aa time were on they too becuno alarmed. Myste rious Bounds were hoard at all hours if the night ; doors were opened and shut without human hands , and in spite < f locks and bars. Phosphores cent lights would flash In at the win- down and spiritual wailinga penetrated nvory nookj and cranny of the build ing.THR THR TRAILING OF UNHEEN BODES Wonld bo hoard across the room , at if the dead were passing through the room in their ahroudi ; and it waa oven whispered that' the ghost of the furnl < tuio maker , looking wlord and ghast ly In the faint gleam of light which seemed to emanate from his form , wea aeon on ono or two occaaiona. The family could stand it no longer , and struck with auportltloua awoand dread , they loft the neighborhood and subsequently the city. A reporter oi The Courier-Journal visited the house yeatorday. It la i dreary , unromantlo locality , only i ahort diatanco from a tobacco factory , and the f nrnlturo shop where the mac IJasloy used to work. The houao is ar unpretentious , double frame totio mont , which was just undergoing some repairs and alturatiuna , and had e notice tacked on the fituo that the place waa for sale. Looking at it in the broad light of the day , with the sun shining down upon the puddles ol dirty water in front and a grono ol ragged urchins playing near by , it wnt hard to believe that BO prosaic a place should over have bean the scene ol ghostly manifestations. The reporter knooked at the door ol an adjoining house. It was opened by a frowsy-headed woman with stvoral children clinging around her knees , lu response to his inquiry aa to the honso in question , she started at firs ! and professed entire Ignorance of the subject. .After some farther quoa tionlng , however , she acknowledged people couldn't llvo there because il was haanted , but refused to glvo anj particulars. Subsequently the roportoi mot a man who waa disposed to be more communicative , and from him he succeeded in learning all that hat been narrated. Ho said the mattoi waa not generally known , aa all the tenants who had ever occu pled the place had moved away but seemed to fully bollovo it the ghostly manifestations , for whicl ho declared there could bo no otho : than a supernatural explanation. A ono tlmo ho said that a couple o young men , who worked in the to bacoo factory near by , rcsolrod ti spend a night there and BOO if the tale were really true. They klndk d fire and dotormluod to filt up till morning but they did not remain longer thai midnight , as they were frightened al moat out of tholr wita by the ur earthly volcof , and oven believed the raw moro than ouo spook in the ur earthly habitation. Since then no on lias had the courage to repeat the ! experiment , and the honso has r < malned uiitonantod. MISS LIVINGSTON. The Old of High Podlwroo Who la N < Mow tuo Toaat of the Rou Olubs. ' Oath" say a In ono ( .f his lottc : 'root Now York : The girl whoso cai ban boon before onocf our crimln joutts during the past week in of th Illustrious family of Livingstons i which belonged Robert Livingsta : Mr. JoHdrAon'a minister to Franc and Edward Livingston , Gon. Jnc ! 'a secretary of state. It seer that the girl was born on the Llvin Bton manor , the very npot where Go Montgomery and llobott Fulton ape their tlmo after intermarrying iti the Livingstons. Livingston , to was a framcr of the Declaration of 1 dependence. This girl appear } have a restless mother , wh after becoming n Llvlngsto waa not quito satisfied wl seeing her name lu the paper at t frequent fashionable weddings in N York , where everybody soema to named Livingston , on ouo side or tether t other , but she went off and marrl another man , whoio name , not be ! Llvingiton , eooi. becnmo repi > ( i vole hor. She drifted mound front LoUl tohotol , supposing Hi'itevoryboHy hf ro wanted to many a L vingntoii of scmii kind. The girl WRI introduced in Mirs Livingston at the Kverott house , tlm Springier houao , and varlouo other places ; but such was the corrupt char acter of thin ago that the word Llv- iogiton excited none of these sur prises which it had been wont to raisu among the parvenu families of the metropolis from the earliest times. 80 the mother waa looked upon an A grass widow , notwithstanding she carried the grand natno of Llvingoton upon her ahoulders. She finally went to Hyo out at a place called Toms river , in Now Jer sey , where the Llvlngatono were en tirely unknown. Actora and such people came there and hung unseemly pictures on the walls , showing that they did not know thpy were under the great roof of the Livingstons. Finally Fleming cimo along and wad taken up to his chamber , and flaw the aforesaid pictures ; and it all at once occurred to his mind that here waa a cheap Livingston of the real , blocdod stock , to bo had at a moderate expen diture. It sooma that , according to the testimony , there was a plajful contest in the family between the mother and daughter as to which ahould ylald up the name of Living aton to Mr. Fleming. The daughter was a little in the advance , and on a certain evening Fleming took her tea a hotel oolobratod for morganatic mar- liagea of this kind , called the West Side hotel , and there a true blooded Livingston , without securing a mar- rlogo certificate or a wedding in Grao ) church , foil from grace. Fleming , in a plegmatlo way , paid the bills , though stingily. Reading the ovldonco of thia trial probably has tempted many a poor fellow la to misdeeds , when ho sees for what a small ium of money the young lady with the Revolutionary and pa- troon name gave up her charms and seh-respoct. For about n year Flem ing paid money , and then ho would pay no moro , and would not marry even a Livingston ; so ho was hauled into court , and there the lawyer , named Howe , made Mlta Livingston toll even the number of tlmea oho was ravished. The suppressed testimony in this case la what has put the town on its beam-ends , BO to speak. The young woman says that she did not know what kind of a place she was going Into , and was assaulted there , and the entire Livingston honor taken from her in a ruffianly way. A prominent telographio man waa saying to mo after thla case : "You oueht to BOO the jobs put up by women in New York on rich men who prowl aftei them. Th y como into our of fice and telegraph to three or four men at once that they must have money , or , getting aiok , anticipate the worst , oto , In this way ono female creature will blood three or four men at the sama tlmo , on the theory that each ol thorn ia the father of the child , or IE going to ba accused of it. " The oaao of Fleming against Mist Livingston was xulned by hla lawyer , an English follow of the lower order , who has been employed by dlaroputa- bio parties , and these generally In the wrong. He insulted the girl ac grossly that the jurors in the box began to measure up the dollars they meant presently to assesi upon his client in righteous Indignation During his low trade against an Amor loan girl , said to bo the descendant o the pure and great Chancellor Living ston , ho charged that her wickoc mother had not boon put upon thi stand to bo riddled. The opposing lawyer cot up and told the jury thai the aoduoor'a contemptible counse know that they had already obtained the mother's arrest la Now York on i trumped-up charge to prevent her ap pouring. Thla settled poor Flomiug'i hash. The jury barely got out of tht box , when they gave the daughter o ; Robert Swift Livingston , and heir t ( hia old manor clocks aud Dutch chtm and ? 50,000 in the custody of thii city , the whole damages aha &skce down to'tho ' last cent. It is prcanmoc that clients here will now imitati the example tf higher powon abroad and throw the Tombs lawyer Howe , over the bar. The plalntifTi council , Robert S. Nowcomb , de loribcd Fleming as a hoartlessa shameless rogue who , having the in horltod riches of industry and the ap petite of self-indulgence , though ! nothing of wiooklcg a young glrl'i virtue and then casting her aside. He know she had no- male relative nc father or brother who could chastlst him aa ho deserved. Conscienceless Godless , oreedlcas , heartless , bloodless loss , ho had stolen into a sacred tern plo like a viporand now seeks to crooj away again , perhaps into some otho girl's life to blast aud darken tha also. If Fleming appeals the case unless a jury can be packed , the gli will got double these damages. Sept. 14th , 1880. Hop Bitten Co. , TOUONTO : 1 have boon sick for the piust si years , suffering from dyspepsia an general weakness. I have used thre bottles of Hop Dittora , and they hav done wonders for mo. I am well an able to work , and eat and sleep wel I cannot say too much for Hop Bitten SIMON BOBBINS MRS. TUEODOUE TILTON. Compelled by Poverty to Serve UB Hlroa Nurno. NEW YOIIK , January 13 , It la r ported that Mrs. Theodore Tilton r coutly found It necessary , owing i bur straitened financial circumstance to hlro herself out as a nurso. Th wife of a naval ourRcon , who rosld in Monroe ntrcoc , Brooklyn , waa voi ill at Chriatmaa time , and , in the n aonco of her husband , Aho la present in the West Indies , wna wal od upon night and day by her fathe It became nocoaaary to engage a nun and the family physician agreed got ono. Soon after a veiled lai called and raid aho waa the nurco rt ommendcd by the doctor. She w taken to the nick-room by the fath cf the patlout , and ho at once wit drew. The donr had no aoonor cloe than the nurao advanced to the aldo the lady and modoatly announood tli i ) , aho waa the wife o ! Theodore Tlltc ill and that her circumstances were au 10 aa to render it ncceaaary that a > w ahonld find an occupation in order bo eke out the aum allowed her by B he Tlltou. Mn. Tilton aaid that she h ed arrived at the decision upon tuatt ng ooniideratlon , and Intended to uu these only who were recommended by tier physician. "Well , " responded the v Uont , "if you go homo now I vill consult with fithur and have him write a line to you in the course of an hour or so. " Mrs. Tllton , in accordance with the suggestion , went homo and waited. In the meantime the father had been somewhat curious as to the negotia tions. However , much as ho ex pected in the way of revelation con cerning the "nurse , " ho confessed to complete astonishment when her true name was given. After considering the case the gen tleman aud his daughter , who hud always kad sympathy for Mrs. Tilton during the trial , concluded to engage the lady as nurae. A note was writ ten to Mrs. Tihon saying to her that her proposition had been accepted , and that aho miqht enter upon her du ties at onco. In 'ess than an hour from the receipt of the note Mrs. Tll ton waa in posiosalon of the sick room , and had begun with great deli cacy to administer to the wautn of the patient. She watched by her bedside all nlgl't , and was extremely devoted in her attention. On the following day the ladies be gan to exchange confidences. The pattont was somewhat improved in condition , and had the curiosity of her sex to know why Mrs. Tllton had concluded to become a hired nurse. Mri. Tllton was not in the least re served on the subject. She said that the allowance of $1,030 a year , which was made to her by her hus band , was not sufficient to maintain her family in the style in which oho should live , It then came out by de grees that her eldest daughter , the young lady who had stuck to her dar ing the trial , had been married against the wishes of her parents , and that her husband had boon an inmate of an asylum. The result was that she was oaring for her daughter and a fif- teon-months-old baby , the frnlt of the union. It did not transpire whether Mr. Tilton had been asked for an increase of the allowance , but Mra. Tilton gave the lady to understand that when the daughter married it made a breach be tween herself and her father , which it might take a long time to repair. The subject waa ono which might not bo approached very easily , but the patient had a great curiosity to hear from Mrs. Tilton's own lips an account of her relations to Mr. Boechor. It was alow work getting to it , but she eventually succeeded. She began by confessing that she had been in sym pathy with Mrs. Tilton throughout the trial because of the charges which had been made against hor. She know aa a true woman that there could bo no loundation for them. She also intimated it aa her belief that Mrs. Tilton's confession had been got from her by threats. 1 It waa always , " began Mrs. Tilton , "a matter of prc found surprise to me that my ao-callod confession ahould have met with no strange a recaption at the hands cf the public. " "Of course there was no truth in it , " said the patient. ' 'Yon could not help yourself at the tlmo. " "Every word of it WSB true , " replied Mra. Tilton. "My relations toward Mr. Beecher will never be porhapa un < derstood. He was my spiritual guide and counselor , and my religions belie ! had been formed under his teaching , There seemed to bo nothing wronc In what I did aa 1 viewed It , ' After Mrs. Tilton had been en aged it * her Kow occupation during four daya and nights , there wan a hurried riod ring at the door boll. The aor vant waa informed by a fashionably dressed young lady that she was th < c'aughtcr of Mra. Tilton , and dealree to have an Immediate iuterviow witl her mother. Mrs. Tllton uppearw very much agitated , wont to the reception ception room and had an lutorvlov with the young lady. Whoa she re turned she said that her danghte waa not satisfied that aho should con tlnuo any longer to play the role o nurse. It did not seem to her to b fit or proper , and she had oarnostl requested that there should bo an im medlato termination of the engage ment. * Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vogotabl Compound ranks first aa a cnratlv agent in all complaints peculiar t women. THE BAD AND WORTHLESS Are never imitated or counterfeiteo Thla la especially true of a famil medicine , and it is positive proof tha the remedy imitated is of the hlghoa value. AB noon as it had been toato and proved by the whole world thu Hop Bitters was the purest , bout an most valuable family modlcino o earth , many imitations sprung up an began to steal the notices in whio the press and people of the countr had expressed the merits of H. B , and in every way trying to induce BU foring Invalids to use tholr atutl it stead , expecting to make money o the credit and good name of H. I Many others started nostrums put u in Bimilar style to H. B. , with var ously devised names in which tl " " " naod I word "Hop" or "Hops" wore away to Induce people to believe the were the Barao aa Hop Blttora. A such pretended remedies or cures , r matter what tholr style or name 1 and osplclally thono with the woi "Hop" or "Hops" in their name or i any way connected with them or the name , are imitations or counterfeit Beware of thorn. Touch none them. Dso nothing but gonulno H < Bitters , with a bunch or cluster green Hops on the wlilto label. Tru nothing cW Drupcists and deale are warned against dealing in imlt tlonn or conptnrfoltn. Nebraska Loan & Trust Compai HASTINGS , NEB. Capital Stook , - - $100,001 ' ° JAS. Ii. IIEARTWKM ; . Prffldcnt. > y A. L. CI.AUKK , Vlce-l'rwdJcnt. 0- E. 0. Wi.U3T.KK , Trwuurcr 0ta ta PWKCTOKS. sr id of at 'V : ' First Mortgage Loans a Special : io to Thli Company furnl he a permanent , ho Institution vihero School Uai. land other legi U.ued Munlcliial eccrltl * ' 10 ( Nebraska can b nutotiaUd oo the n ) I avorable Uri Lioani made on Improved f u n all well tet ! ' " ' countlncl UwitaVi , thJOl - HEA T YOUK HOUSES FOMGES IN THE WORLD , MADE HY HIOHARDSOfl.BOYNTON & 00 CHIOAQO , I X3 , Kmbody now 1882 Improvements. Hor. practical foa'uros ' ; Cost lonn to keep In 5idc > ; Uneo fnol will ( ftvo murn heal mil a larger volume ° ' pnro air thau aj Mmiac * mftJn H'jM bv ricrcy and Bradford , Omaha. WE8TEHN 0. SPEOHT , - - Proprietor. Omrha Neb Barney St. - , MANUKACTURKRB OF Galvanized Iron CORNICES , DORMER WINDOWS , F1NIALS Tin. Iron and Slate Hoofing , Spucht'o Patent Metalio Skylight Patent Adjusted Ratchet Bar and Bracket Shelring. I am the general agent for the above line of gooda. IRON FENCING. Drafting * , D lu trde , Ver ndaiOmt | Bank Railing * , Window and Cellar Quftrde : ado OKNKRAIi AOEN $500 REWARD. The above reward will be paid to any person who will produce a Paint that will equal the Pennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint , for preserving Shingles , Tin and Gravel Rools. Warranted to be Fire and Water Proof. All orders promptly attended to. Cheaper and bet- tar than any other paint now In uso. STEWART & STKPIIEN80N. Bole Proprietors , Omaha House , Omaha , Neb. REFERENCES. Officer & Pusey , Dr.IUce , Dr. Ptnney , Fnllt Council Bluffs , Iowa. Dim office , Omaha Noo. FOB CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE , DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And all Poluta EattandOouth-Eait. TUELINECOMPRI8E3 Nearly 4,000 miles. Solid Smooth Steel Track 11 connections nre made In UNION DhPOTS haa a National Reputation as being th4 rest Through Car Line , and la universal ! } needed to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED Rail ad In the world for all clanaos oi travel. Try It and you will flnrf traveling a luxnrj Instead of a discomfort. * Through Tickets via rhis Celebrated Line foi sale at all offices In the West. All Information about Rates o Faro , Bleopln ) Car Accommodations , Time Tables , lie. , will bi cheerfully given by applylnln ? to T. J. POTTER , SJ Vlce-f ros't & den. Mauagor.Chlcago PEROIVAL LOWELL , don. Passenger Agt. Chicago W. J. DAVtNPORT , Qon. Agent , Conncll Bluffs. H. P. DUELL , Ticket | At. [ mnio-ed-ly Send $1 , $2 , $3 , or $5 for a re tail box by Expreoa of the bes Candles in America , put up alogant boxes , and strictly pure Suitable for presents. Ex pros charges light. Refers to all Obi cago. Try It once , O. P. GUNTHER ! Confectioner , Chic i 9-28uin Seams Rewarded , 00 , 2ho Story of tno Sowing Machine A hut ihomt little rMrnphlo ) , blntland to ! IDVI w.a onruoioaj enjrulnfi , wllljbe GIVEN AWAY la ar taoll jwnon calling ( or II , at any brine Ol 3ub-o lci < ot The Singer UtnuUcttmog Con puy , oi will bo ni bjr mill , poll rd ! , I al dlitance from oar office Manataoturing Oo , , Principal Offioe , 34 Union Sqnm NICW Hyaolntiiii Tnlltn. Crocasoi. An J nil other ( or FM1 Planting Large t user meat evtr tbo n ID Chicago- Illustrated Catalogue free. Sand ( or It Hiram Sibley & Co. , SEEDBIEN , 1 ci1orbM. ) . Chi DOCTOR , STEINHAKT'S ESSENCE OF LIFE FOR OLD AND YOU.M ) , MALB AND FKUALK. It U a > ure , prompt and effectual reraeJs ( or I digestion , Deira | | , Intermittent Fes en.Va : ol Ai > | H'tlto , Kcr\ou Debility In all IU Stage Weak Memory , Lou ol Brain rower , I'rontratlo Wvaknou and general Low o ( Tower. It renal ncnous Moate , rejuvenate * the fadixl lntelle < treniihtheni the enfeoblcxl brain and rcetor urprUng fne and tlgor to the exhausted c "y cans. The experience o ( thou&andi prove * It IMS aa ln\aluable remedy , i'rlcc , fl.OOabottl . or ilx ( or 14. for aaleby all drugrl-t * , or MI led secure from observation on receipt ot price 1 CO ] P. O. Box S468 , 8 A romblnaHon of J'ro- toxlde of Jroit , J'crtu'ian Jlark unit JVkuji/ioriiJ < n a jialatable form , J.'or Jteblltttt , Ins * of Apne- Hlcl'roitratlonof tttal 2'oiccrs it if in < llsi > cnaa lie. HEV.A.I. HOBB3 Writes : After ft thorough trial of the , ' , HI. , toke ' says : IRON , TONIO I pleasure , " "I consider It in Btatlni ? that I liavo been / a . . , most excellent remedy for KiottC. ionefltod by Its / ( r a . . debilitated vital forces. use. JUnlstera and Pub- > the Ho Speakers wUl find It of the frreatesPvalno where a Tonto is nocoo- eary. I recommend It aa a reliable remedial agent , possessing un doubted nutritive and rostorattvo Lwtmllt , Xy propertlee , , Oct. 2 , 1882 1 ' ' " rsiAESDB7IHE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO. , SUIT. L'AIHCT. , ST. lOUIO. WILLIAM SNYDER , "l > W > Cfl / 8 TPTJ BUGGrl Firs-Olass Paining and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Dona Harnov. Cor14th , Omaba BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES , BUGGIES enalrintn all BranohB ? 119 8. THIRTEENTH BTBEXX OH AH HA. NKR. n-oo-n-ivr A O. IE1. - DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS , Window and Plate Glass. JOAnjono contemplating building etore.bank. oi any other flni will Bnd It to their < J ant age to conct end with us before parchulng their Plato Glass. O. F. GOODMAN , OMAHA NEB. _ STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and Ail Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of BIGABS AP MANUFACTURED TOBACCO , Agents for BENWOOD RAILS AND LAFLIN ft RAND POWDER CO. -DEALERS IN- HALLS SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar 1020 Farnham Street , PERFECTION HEATIHG'AND ' BAKING la only attained by nslug CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges.9 WITH WIRE GAUZE DYER DOORS , 'For aale by ( MILTOM ROGERS & SONS 1 all-mini The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRY HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as Is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets THE LEADING IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices , A SPLENDID stock oi Steinway Chickering , Enabe , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing1 , MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW CASES. A 'Large Stock always on Hand.