THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TWELFTH YEAH OMAHA NEB TUESDAY JMORNITO : JANUARY fc3 1883 184 \ THE STATE CAPITAL , TUB Sevontli and Eighth Ballots For Senator in Detail. Mayor Boyd Bectrea n Larpc Majority of the Bour bons. The Senate Still' Wranpclinp About Postage Stamps and Newapapars. GororalDota&s of the 3Jtli'lntui1 ( Spccliil Dispatch to Tux llxn. LINCOLN , Nab. , January 22. Tin joint convention ataamblod at li o'clock to-day and proceeded t < take two ballots , which reaultci as follows : First ballot , Stickle 22 Saundcra 12 , Savage. 4 ; Milltud ID Mondorson 7 , M orton B , Boyd U Brown 9 , Crounio 2 , Conner 4 , Thay ur 15 , Livingston 2 , Dorscy 2 , ' .Voavei 1 , Doano 1 , Mucger 3 , Cowin 13. THE SECOND 1IALLOT. Stlokel 10 , Saundcrs 13 , Snvago 2 Millard 1C , Morrison 8 , Morton 4 Boyd 19 , Brown 5 , Crouao 2 , 0jnnor 3 Thayer 1C , lake 2 , Doisay 2 , Weave : 1 , Monger 1 , Cowin 12 , Barker 3 Diaper 3 , Holman 1 , Michael 1. The committee then adjourned nn til to-morrow at 12 o'clock. THE VOTE IN DETAIL. Fpeclal Correspondence of Tnc liu. LINCOLN , January 22 , The join convention for the election of Unite ! States senator met at noon and aftei the reading of the journal of Satur day took a ballot with the followinj result : For Mand"rsin BomgaHnT , Walker Sewers , Ccx , Kobberts , Walker , Hum phrey 7. ForMtllard-Fllley , Harris , Sjhoenhelt Abe ! , Britton , Brown , Castle , Field Gray , Morrison , Savage. Seeelona , Steph ensoii , Suasenbach , Thompson For Morton -Cabs , Tower , I'jtterson Hoebel , JljKen 5. For Sttokel barker , Butler , Conner Dech , DSO , lleynoldn , llioh , Armitoge Berkley , t'ojk of Jefferson , Dodd , Hiven .Tones , Palmer nf Silinc , lUnney , Sadilek Stedwell , Town , Turner , VVerhan , Whit zel , YouiiR-22. For Thnyer Brown of CUy , Harrison Howell , C. le , Cook nf Nnckolls , Fab linger , Grineteail , Howard , Martin Nettleton , Ilnnncv , Umseil , Sp.nogle SwenrlnReD , Steover 15. ForCowin Dolan.Kincaid JCotris , I5al iok , CbrUtopberrou , Colline , l ) wsoii Oordon , HnllLee , Taylor , Wissenberg am Wolph-13. For Crounaa ir tcb , Kounoy 2. For Connor Ashby , Barton , Fishei Ratcliffe . For SsundersBrown ( of Linc&ster ] lleist. Btlrbower , Crcyelz'r , Draper ( c Knoz ) , Gow , Grlme , Hcrar , Johniot Miller , Pnltner ( of Dlzoc ) , itocha , We l cott 18. For Savage B own ( nf Colhx ) , Conl ling , Clark ( of Colfax ) , Clark ( of Douj lans ) For Bojd Caufield , McSbano , Frautc llarrinijton , McGavock , North , Schroc der. Watts , Denraan- For Brown I cg , Thstcb , Carnabj Davenport , Frooburn , Graver , llollmar Luthy and Turtle ! ) . For Doane--Brown ( of Douglas ) 1 , For Wea el CJmpm1. . For Livingston Draper ( of Cies1. ) . ForJUoraey Grout and Worl 2. For Munger HeimriLb , Laird , lliouir 3. For liake-McAlllster and WbeJon-i A second ballot waa taken , whic resulted aa follows : For J. H. Stickcl Barker , Butler , Corner nor , Decb , Dye , Jtich'Reynold * , Arm tage , Berkley , Cook ( of Jefferson ) , Uodi Iln\on , Jones , Stedwell , Town , Turnei Werhnn.Whltzel nnd Young-1'J. For J. H. Millnrd-Filloy , Harrli Schoenheit , Abell , Btittoo , l.'rown , Contli Field , Cray , Morrison , Savage , Sn'sioni Stevtnaou , fiucssenbacb , Taylor , Tliomj son 1C. For Hollman Brown ( of Dougla" ) 1. For Alvin Sauodera Brown ( of Lancai ter ) , Heist , Bierbower , Colpetzer , Drapi ( of Knox ) , Gow , Grime * , Homer , .Toht sea , Miller. Palmer ( of Dlxon ) , Itochi Weatcott 13. For JM. K. Boyd-C nfield , Cise , Mi Shane. Patterson , Sang , Tnatsb , Clark ( < Colfax ) , Draper ( nf Case ) , Franne , Frei burn , Graver , Harrington , Heinricl Laird , McGavock , North , Bchroede Watts-18. For Mandenon Bomgardner , Sewer Walker , Cox. Jensen , Uubberts , Walko Humphrey 8. I For Cowin Dolan , ICIncaM , Norri Babcock , Collinn , Chrlstopbereon , Dav son , Giw , Hall , Lee , VYtssenberi Wo'ph-12. Kor Savage Conkling , Clark of Daup Ia 'J. FT M orton Dunphy , Kogers , faym Hoebel 1. For Tniver Fiiher , Browr. of Clai Harrison , Unwell , Cole , Cook of Nuckoll 'XV- . . , Kabllngor , Orinstead ! , Howard , Marti. Nettleton , lUnuey , Kussell , Spanogl Stoever , Sweiiringfn 10. For Connor Athby , Barton , Katdifli For Weaver Chapln1. . For brown Davenport , Hollmtu , Tu tie , Luthy , Cnrnnby 5. For Mich&el Denman 1. For DorseyGrant , Worl 2. For Cronnse Hatch , Kuoney 2. For LakeMcAllister. . Whedon 2 , For Draper Neville , Tower-2 For Barker--Paliner of Saline , Kinne Siulellk-3. For MungerThomas - 1. Abaont , Charlaton on laet ballot. The joint convention then adjourm till Tnesduy at noon. THE LEGISLATURE | M\ml Correnpondenco of Tur. titn. ' HENATE MOKNINO HUSSION. LINCOLN , January 22. After tl journal waa rend Butler asked if t ! railroad committee waa ready to r port on bill No. H. McShano aaid 1 understood the bill waa before tl senate , aa ho did not fiad It with tl bil'a ' still in the handa of the cuinml tee. Barker explained that ho had givi it to the clerk ior the purpose of ha ing it printed. The clerk acknowledged roccivii the bill on the IDth and Bonding it iho printer on the evening of that da ButJoi- claimed that U ought to ha been on the desks cf the Bontn t > j- fore no. Then commenced a aeries of comments upon the trouble and delay connected with the printing during tnotoaaion. The committee on judiciary reported back a number cf billa with various recommendations , evincing industry on the part of the committee. Those bills will bo described at lei gth when they como up for tholr third reading. The president appointed Dech , DJ- Ian and OauQold a committee to in- vcstlgato the complaints made by the people of Saunders county against the railroad bridges crossing the Pltittc river In that county. Butler rose to a question of prlvil- rgo , and referred to an article in Tnc democrat , charein him with wishing to throw the printing into the hando of The Journnl company. Bullet s'l.Vud that he had complained of thu dulay iu printing on various occasions , but did not know at that time but what it was bolug done ns in times pant by Tno Journal company. On Saturday Hathaway , of The Journal company had called him ( But ler ) to the bar und bad udviood lam to be patient , aincc if the present con * tractors failed to do the wtuk , ho did not know if any other -party in the city who would take it at the pricce paid. Cirtainly The SUto Journal could not and would not do so. Bat lor abiumcd thtt this explanation would lead to a correction on the parl of The Democrat , aa the proprietor ! were regarded aa honorable men. A bill to authorise the building ol a railway bridge across the Miaaonr river at Brownsville , Nob. , was referred ferred to the committee on highway and bridges , The bill by Brown , of Luioaator , tc dedicate lot G. ia city of Lincoln , tc the Mount Xun * cnlorod Baptlsl church , and to deed the same pro vldod the church availed itoelf of tin advantage within twelve months , wai road a second timo. Ssnato file No. 23'a bill to defini the liability ot railroads for accident ) and injuries to their employes , wai rood r. third time and agreed to. Ayti ! G , nays 3. The throe nays were Can ield , Oaso and Harris. A reaolution was adopted that a Ha of members not wishing to take thi > apera , voted to each member by thi icnate should bo furnished the secro ary of atato in order that propci settlement might ba made by hia with the newspaper men. A diacnsaioi arose on the old quoa'ion o m ; ; tlio above privileges extondoc to oflicsra jf the Benn'.o , euah aa clerks ifl , etc. . The matter wan votcc down. Ayes 14 , nays 17. Ohio fVnnthnr. Special llispitcli to Tux 1I.IK. OLKVKIANU , January 22 The thor momuter fell fifty-iivo degrees Ii hlrty-ois hourn. This morning i stood thrao below zaro , and promloiiif .o fall still lowor. A furious gale prevailed vailed laat night. Not Very Cold. Special Dispatch to TUB liu. CINCINNATI , January 22. The col weather ia not BO intense na was ex pectod. The thermometer la now 1 above zero. Wisconsin Weather. Special Dispatch to Tun IKK. ! MILWAUKEE , January 21. A ano > storm waa prevailing all day yeatorda ; and changes to a regular blizzard to day. This morning the tnormomoto waa 24 degrees below zero , mcderatini to 11 bnlovr during the day and stand ing at 10 to-night. Tno advices fron the state are to the effect that a terri bio cold prevails all through th northern and western region , the thermometer momotor being 39 bnlow zaro thi evening at Wausau , SO at Appleton " 8 at Stovena' Point , 35 at Poowaukce 24 at Portage , 22 at Stilea , 23 o Green Bay , 25 Cddarburg. TrelK ] on the Milwaukee , Lik < Shore and Western central and th St. Paul northern and western dlvi slons Is suspended on account of Rnoi drifts. The Lake Shore and North western work four snow plows wit ! little avail. A lire yesterday destroyed thi Green Bay , Wlnona and St. Paul dc pot at Grand Rapids , burning all th books and papers and a small amoun of freight. The loaa ia $10 000. A fire is raging at Fou Du Lac thi evening. It broke out in Cooper i Son's boot and shoe store. The ontir block will bo destroyed , The Senti Lei's special aays : The damngo t Cooper & Son's stock at Fen Du Ls amounted to $4,000 ; inauranco , $2 , 500. The building Is damaged to th extent of $2,500. Other losses $20C Int jisel-Iut mo Woat In r. Special Dl pntih to Tur I ! K. CHICAGO , Jannaiy 22 The intone cold which linn prevailed eiuco Satni day morning BtjVl continues. At o'clock this mornine the thormometc waa 23 bfl'w zero. The only poraon on the streets are those who ro con pelled to be , and umong these ai many c.iaos of everu frost bitoi frozen ears , noses , etc. The wind hs packed the anew in solid drifts , whic Impede the railroads. Trains on mo : of the roads como in behind time , an ' two locomotioes 'being necessary t each. The cold wave seems to t moving oaat , and the temperature riaing at points where it haa passed. 'Ihe Cold In Kansas KANSAS CITY , January 22. Tl ; force ot the cold has pasacd and th temperature to-day has moderate very materially , being 10 above /.ji hero at 1 p. m. Dispatches from EOI oral points In Kansas state tt weather clear aud warmer. The lowoi tomper.ituro reported la from Salini 10 below zero. Folk's Bond Special Dispatch to Tin IKK ! NASHVILLE , Tcnn. , January 22.- Jud'e Qu&rlcn , of the criminal cour haa tixed cx-Tror , urer Polk's appua nnco band at § 100,0 0 ThnContixt inColoruilo. Special Dlnpatch to Till On. DENVEII , January 22. The senti rial contest is atill undocldcd. llov ever , it is the gonpral imprcwiion tli ; Bowen will receive the nomination The following la the laat ballotPi kin , 17 ; Tabor , 1C ; llammll , H Bowen , 20. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL , Oreat Objector" Directs a Pointed Conundrum to Sec retary Teller , The Superabundance of Legal Decisions ia Laud Oases Icquired Into. The Results of the Money Mak ing Machinery of the Gov ernment in 30 Years. Work of Tnriff Re vision in 1ho Sonnto. White Begins Actlvo Work on the Now Navy. CAPETAI , NOTES Special DUtpatch to TUB flsn. HIE GOUHT 01' CLAIM.- ! . WAsiiiNotoN , January 22 The court of claijis to day rendered a do- ciaion in the cjto of Oommandor Jus D. Graham , of the navy , to the effect that naval tfliera , while traveling in foreign countries under/orders / , ore entitled to mileage the same us when traveling under order * in the United States. Judgment given for $15 IMC in favor of claimant. The oourt over ruled the motion of the gov < eminent for a now trial ol the caao of Timothy Ford & Oo , HOLLKUN'H RESOLUTION In the house to-day calls upon the sea- rotary of the interior to inform tin tionso how much land haa boon pat ented by railway companies under the opinion of the attorney general , ir conflict with the decisions of thu an- promo court concerning the ao-oallod indemnity grunls , and cilia on the aecrotary to inform the house which It is ho is now acting under the do * clsions cf the supreme court or tin decisions of the attorney general. THK AGITATION OF THE TARIFF QUESTI01 > n congress is bringing many petition ! [ rom manufacturers and laborers pro < testing against a reduction of dntio- nnd asking an Increase of tariff on specific articles. NARIKO MONEY. The coinage of subsidiary ellvoi coin since 1853 , and the amount out standing Dacember til , 1882 , ia ni follows : From 1853 to NivemberSO 1832 , colnnd , $107,825,2 ! ) ? ; in troaa ury , $26,544.544 ; outstanding , § 81 , 280,753 , Smco the pataago of thi coinage act. in 1873 there were ooino ( 847,808,727 ; inthetrenanry , 820,541 , 544 ; outstanding $21,264,183 Sluci the passage of the resumption not it 1875 there hui been in the treasury $26,544,541 ; outstanding , 610,454 , 857 ; slnco the paasngo of the join reaolution in 1870 thcro has beci coined $27,030,521 ' : in tbo trenanry $20.544 544 ; ontata'ndinpr , Sfl.i1 ? ? . The National Uupublicau will con tain an interview with General Grant on the subject of the rociprocitj treaty between the United States an < Mexico , and political and commorcia relation * cf the two countries. Thi treaty proponnn free entry into Merlci of articles of 73 heads. Ho laid spccia stress oil the articles of mashinory agricultural implements , railwa ; materials and vehicles , tbo manufacture facturo of which in this country fo neo in Mexico would give omploymon to thoimnds cf people and open u ; to enterprising Americans thoao mine of untold wealth and plantations o vaat ovont. CONGHE35IONAL. Special Dispatch to TIIK DKB. SENATK rnoOEEDINOH. WASHINGTON , January 22. In tin senate Bayard presented a petition fen n law to prevent railway dmorimina tiona. Oameron , of Pennsylvania , present cd a largo number of potitlona fror iron workers in different places i Pennsylvania against the reduction o the duties on any foreign raannfac tared goods below the rates recommended mended by the tariff commission , Login , from the judiciary committee toe , reported fworably on a bill fo the regulation of telegraph and cabl companies. Senator Platte introduced a bi' ' authorizing the extension of the fro delivery systnm. Senator Plumb , from tha publl lands , reported the original bill t prevent the unlawful occupation c public lands. Senator Merrill called up his rest lution providing for night eoasioni beginning Una evening. His objoi being to ascertain whether an carnoi effort was to bo made to paaa th tariff bill this seaaion. A debate aroao which continued ti the expiration of the morning houi when the regular order waa called fo and the tariff bill taken up. The pending question was n me tion by Senator Van Wyck to put a articles in the wood and woodonwai schedule on the free list , which h modifies so as to leave a duty of 30 pc cent on houao or cabinet f urnlturo. Senator Conger continued hia n marks in opposition to the motior and expressed the opinion that th lumber supply of the United S'att waa largo enough to lust fifty yoara. Senator Kellogg offered an Hinonc merit to the eogar tariff ( rrliiah wus 01 dared printed ) making the duty o all sugars 2 25-100 cents per poum on molu.iscD toatlng not above 50' by the polarinopo 5 conta per galloi and on molacaes teating above DO c 10 cents per gallon. Ho offered th now , 01 ho aid , for the informatlo of the aonato and of the committee o fintmco , aud to wjrn the south agalm the influence and arguments of refit cru This atnendnont was in the ii turoit of free agricultural labor , and would , of course , excite the oppositii of the largo and active lobby in th interest of rcfinera. After discussion on A number i resolutions bearing on the reductic of the tariff on lumber , Senator OooV roll offered roaolntlon providing foi taking up the tarlfl bill ouch day aftei the regular morning buainoe * , and considering It until as Into as 6 o'clock , The resolution was laid over until to < morrow. Senator Morrcll sUted the mitnl- Bchedulo would probably bo consider ed to-morrow. Adjourned. I10I1HR rUOCRBDIKOH. WASIIINUTON , January 21. In the liouao , itnmediatoly after reading cf the jouroal , Hiscock called for the re gular order and rcfuaod to ioU to aoveral republlcAn members who desired to ask the unanimoua conaunt romlndlnc them thni thcro had baon n caucus Friday afternoon. Under the call of Btatea n number cf bllla wjro introduced and referred. Among them ono by lloBocran'e em powering journalistic ) writers , to pro cure copyrights and receive protection after their articles had boon published. By Wlletta ( Mioh.-Forlhefutthot ) supprcsalon of bigamy and polygamy. A joint resolution waa passed ap propriating S2CO.OOO to continue ihe work of the census bureau , The bill waa paaaod to repeal tha license tux on commercial travolci-i in the District cf Columbia. The homo then wont into a coiiAilt' too of the whole on the naval Appro priation bill. Mr. Biount , of ( Go. ) , in ft spo'-ch , oppoeod the clause for selection of of ficers to bo promoted to the grade cl rear admiral by the board itself eel- octed by the decretory of the ntvy. Ho had seen the electoral commitjion divided by party lines ; ho had teen the firat aoaiatant poatmaator gonsral choostiif not the best men , but rapub licans , to Gil positions ; ho had aeon the president permitting the extor tion of contributions from the hard earnings of poor clerks for cotrnpt purposes ; and the secretary of the navy might ba influenced iu the pro motion by the political complexion ol the applicants This provision would drag down the poraonoll of the navy into wire politics , and ho waa In favoi of placing officers of the army anri navy beyond the reach of any pol'tlcal influence. The bill waa read by Boolionu foi amendments. Mr. Knott offered , an amendment changing the title cf the grade nf midshipman to that of ensign , and providing that midshipmen npn in the list shall conetltato the junioi grade of onaipna. Adopted. Abe an amendment changing the title of tlu grade of mister to that of lieutenant and providing that musters noir or the list a hull conatituo the junior ol lieutenants. Adopted. Mr. Thomas ( III ) offered an amendment mont providing that chiefs of buio&ui shall rccoivn no additional rank 01 pay nbovo thrir regular rank orola tlvorank in line or staff of the navy. . Agreed to ayes 80 , nays 42. Pording further discussion one without completing the coneiderntloi of the firat paragraph of the bill , thi committee rose nnd houoo adjoirnod Tha Bpodil Dliptch to Tni V/AsniNCTON , Jantrey 22. rfaie Ff JJfown and " f .ty , .4 > Jm gen , testified in the star route trio relative to the route from Canon Oit ; to Fort McDermont , Oregon. Darin Oarov's examination , a letter fron Miner to witness waa read , whoreli lie is directed to purchase the sllonc of persons in Oregon , who Ind boot Bonding to the department protest against the contlnuanca of the in c -eased ( service. Reviling th Statute * Spoulal D.fpatcli to TIIK HKK WASHINGTON , January 22. TJi president has approved the agriculture appropriation bill , thn act nmendlnj occtioiis 1,026 aud 1,927 of the rcvlaoi atatntea , ao as to extend the limits o the jurisdiction of juatlcoa cf thi pcaco iu territories of Washington Idaho and Montana. THE TELEC.UAril MONOPOLY. The Logan's bill reported to th senate with a favorable recommends tion to day requires telegraph compa nies to receive dltpatchos from an person or from any line and transmi the same without favor cr prejudice THE NEWHALL CALAMITY. A Few Moro Fragments Prom th Hums. Special Dispatch to Tua liu. MILWAUKF.K , January 22 The ac tion of Gen. Sharpe , governor of th Soldiers' Homo , for not complyin with the request for aid at the NJTV hall house diaaater , in refusing to son a steamer , in to bo made a matter c cfliolal investigation. Congrosama Douster took the necessary ateps an is assisted by Senator Logan Mrs. Sylvester Bleoker , wife of th manager of the Tom Thumb compaii ) died from injuries sustained in th Nowhall dlauatcr. She had tried t escape on a rope from elf th bed clothing , but loot her holt dislocating her left ehoulders , break ing her loft arm , dislocating her hi hip and fracturing her riijht leg an Bustalnlng ncrious cats all over th body. She was 56 yoara of ago an nurricd in 1812. The remains will b taken to Brooklyn to-morrow. Job Gilbert , the actor , is improving elowlj Ho is able to alt in bed , bnt his min haa not yet recovered , and ho asl continually how ho came to bo brulsoc Ho it under the impress ionjhla wil is in Louisville visiting hur sister. Ihn Chinese RcRii1atiou > Special Dispatcli toTilK HXK. WAHHIXOTON , January 21. Tii now Ohinoao regulation will bo prc mulgatod in a circular from tbo trom ury in a day or two The Train mm tu lllniao. Special Dispatch to Tim Una. TKUACHKI-AD , Col. , Jonmry 22.- The coronor'a jury found a verdict i the train dUuutiT ca3P , that the vii tims came to their death by the no ; luct of Conductor Head and Brakomn Potter. Thoyordictls not yet approve by the coroner. Two bodies are Idoi lifted as those of Thomas Keogan an Ferdinand G rom fort , diachargod so dlcrs of company H , Sixth cavalry. THE CRUSHED STEAMER , Additional Details of tlio Ool- lision and Sinking of tlio Oimbria , The Terrible Struggles of the Drowning Hundreds Do * ecribed by Burvivora. The Ofllcera and Grow of the Sultau Arrested and Jailed. 'ho Stonmer bclrod hy tlio Govern- iiKutandnn Investigation Ordered. poclal .spatch to Tin llxi. LOHT ON TUB HTEAMKll , Ni. v YORK , January 22. Daring bo Urt many people called nt thu ofli- caol vlio Hamburg-American stuam. hip line in this city , making Inquiries : ouct ruing these on boArd of tlio 111- .Ucd btcauiur Oimbria. All the dla- patohwi but one came through the An- polultd press. It was learned in this ity tlut among the lost paoaongere were tliroo singers , two brothura and nUtiT nniucd Schubert h , who wore mdor eng gmout with Koator and Uiolo. Tim CONDUCT OF THK SULTAN. J F. Meyer , agent of the Hamburg- Imoncan line , says ho could not un < doratand why the Sultan did not ) iok up some of the boats of the Gitn- iria. Bo thought It very straugo con- luot on her part to leave thorn lo per- nil. Ho feared a great many hvc wcroloat , for after being struck as she raa the vessel would not have floated norothan fifteen or twenty minutes , L'ho central compartuonU of the vos ol , where the engines and coat buukort are situated , are very largo and arc luceesarily connected by passage ways. In the event of such an acci dent oa a collision thcro would bo IK imo to close the compartments , am the weight of wntor would tinlc thi voaool nt once , Meyer said It wai irobably fear of the paaiuugoro , win vero Americana and returning tour ats , who generally ship at liavro Hoyer eaid last evening that later did mlchoa from Hamburg inado him foe , hat no more porsnns wore saved thai huso already hoard from. He though t probable , from the , tha lot moro than two boats got awn ; rom the Oimbria. The large proportion tion of Bailers who were aavod , h bought was duo to their be tie xiiowledgo of swimming and holdin oh to auy floating piece of wreckage Ho waa confident that many mor liyoa would havoboou saved if the vet tel had remained on an oven kcol The Sal tan roportoa when she arrive that she had been in collision with steamnr , probably the Oimbria. "If , ho said , "tho captain of the Snlta aUBpactod ho had bocn in colliaio r ith the Oimbria ho must have know that hundreds ol lives were In pail Ho knew she was an emigrant vcssi and why did ho not stop and sou ho badly Bho was injured1 ? Oat of 23 cabin passengers 7 wei aavod. They were only a flight c stairs from the deck and had a bottc chance of escape than the stoorag paiwongora , who were two fllghto dowt Three women were saved , Mlas Atter dorf of the cabin and Mrs. Pfreifi Ropf and Alias Sprout of the steerage George , August and Katonka llommc who were in the nrcoud cabin and at among the mUslng , were well knew through Germany as the "Suabla Nightingales" They Bang South Goi man HOURS. They were billed to ar pear at lilala and Itoator next wood Kcator engaged them tliroo weeks age Ho showed their photographs to man sympathizing friends last ovonhu' , an George Rammer was 25 yonra of ngi Ho and his aiatora were in Blbcraoh ( Wurtemborg. Katonka , who w 10 years of ago and very prol ty , sang before the emperors c Germany and Austria when she wt novon years of ago. Augusta was 21 Her brother played a zither accou panimout to his sister's singing. The cargo of the Oimbria consiato of miscellaneous foreign morohandisi and nas very valuable. The vesai was insured partly by thu Insurant f and line and partly In the inauranc companies. Inquiries were made i the docks in Hoboken by people wh oxpectad friends on the Oimbria. 'I'll Ilugla , of tha line , was ] at the doc preparing to Ball next Thursday. Or of her oflisera aaid there was a slron poesibillty that some of the boats < the Otmbria had boon picked up b sailing vessels and taken to charm ports , whore they will teen bo hoar from. The place of collision was I the oco&n highway and much fn quontod by all kinds of vessels. T } chief ollicor of the Oimbria , F. Ku lena , ho Bald , waa a slnglo man. He waa glad to learn the secoiu third and fourth ollicors had hoc aavod. A sailor of the Ilugla Oimbria had been one of the stanncl oat vessels on the line. She had foi quartermasters Plat , Wulfon , Ln hoiaor and Henry Hornstolri , ot whoi all but Bernstein were reported aavui Ho waa a native of Prussia and haa family. The Oimbria had eight boat four largo onus and four smaller ono Thc&o ci uld not possible uocommoda ! 477 people aboard oven if they had ha ample titno to embark. The larj bout had bcori known on a pinch I hold furty men , and the small boal perhaps twenty or thirty men , HO tin at most only 280 persona could hni got into the boatH. Thcro wait r time to rig ruftH or other ounvcnienci or to got half of the boats afloat. Tl bunts always contained n Hupply i ( loth water , and barrels of broad ni kupt ready in caao of emcrgcnc ; The oovr are drilled for action In tine o [ accident and goto their fixed plai when the nccotaity occurs. Each bo ; has a matt and sot of sails BO that it crow would not bj entirely dopundoi on the oare , The boats are strong made and could stand a great deal rough weather. The passengers ml ing are 30.1 , passengers known to b < avcd are 32. The crow miaalnff are 71 ; crow cnown to bo safe are 21. The mlaa < ng all told are 434. So far as ia tnown D3 are safa. This Is as far aa ho Hats go and makes the whole umber on board 487 instead of 477. 'ho alight discrepancy with the fig- ires given in the proia diipatohoa jada to the hope that moro names of bo aavod may yet bo received. THE HINGKllH HUNK NKW YORK , January 22. The gents of the ntcamor Oimbria has ro ctvod the following dispatch this nornliif' from Hamburg agents ; HAMIIUUU , January 22. Our teauier Hiiusjr has returned from lor dulse , ilo eald the wreck of the ) lmlirla wna live miles northeast of ho Borkum li ht , and thu ship's ' head 0 thu northm.'Ot , and topmast yards bovo witter. Ilo naw no trace of sur- vlvom or bodies , although the wcath- r was clear. Ilo inquired at the iotkum li ht ship where nothing wns cnown about any boats or ponons nyed. Agnes , Emma and Otto Hub- bin , Carl Sarcandor and daughter , md Mlaa Honniiig wi > ro on board , > ut not aavud , FIPZ F. Larkowsky was not on the Oimbria , The Captain' * Statement pecUl DUpatcho to Tun Dm. LONDON , January 22. The captain > f the steamer Sultan makes the f ol- owing ntntumout : The Sultan had nado unsually rapid pnasagn and ightod the Borkum light between and 2 o'clock Saturday morning. ? ho weather was hazy and soon after joonrno very foggy. The engines were iftsod to R dead slow and steam was cept sounding ovrry few seconds. The laptaln and olilot c fiber were on the > ndgo and twonty-threo hands were ooklng out forward. Suddenly green nd masthead lights cf a stonmor op- icarod two points oft the starboard , md the captain of the Sultan thought ho approaching ntonmor would cncp her enured und go clear , t was noticed , however , that she uddouly portud and came nrouud apidly , It was too late to do uny- hinc but atop and ravrso , which was done. By the time the engines had revolved OHCB , the captain noticed other atoamot'd port light c ( miiig rap- dly towards the Sultan's. The next aslant , with the great headway she md on she caught the SulUn'o bow < iprit on her port fororigglng , taking icr right around. Thuro waa i ; roat conslcrnatlon on board tin iultau , OB it wna foaiod BI iiicch larger vocaol would eitil liur. The Sultan's crow hailed tin Oimbria to stand by , but no reply wai received. The vaanolti parted in tin fog und u few Booonda later the mat 01 the Sultan naw the Oimbria oomiiij up on the otlior side. Ho called t < the Gorman master to go full spool attorn , This was done , and the Oim brio again oroeaed the Sultan's bow and the disappeared. An cxamiua tlon of the Sultan's damage showed th upper part of her hawoo plpa and uverj thing forward had bcon driven throng the collision bulkhead into the foru castle where the crow had a iiarroi escape. The Sultan remained on th aocno five hours aud the captain heari no Bound during the whole tiaio am was severely blaming the Gonna captniii of the Oimbria for Inavin without having answered the Kultan Ho had no idea the Oimbria foutidoroi until ho artivod at Hamburg. Bofor the collision occurred ho hoard n sound from the Oimbria'a whistle When ho first naw her the Oiiubri waa going at full spued. Ho suppose the Sultan's beanm ripped open tin Oimbrla's platen. H1XTEI1N MOIti : KoUNl ) . UAUIIUUU , January 22. The Dla matt , ono of the steamers bout it searcli of the missing pnaaongcrs am crow ( if the Oimbria , arrived thin af teruoon with sixteen passengers am the Greman of the ill-fated ship. Tin rcBcucd t > 3BBcngurn atato that afto having left the Oimbria sinking thoi boat capsized. They nought refuge li some ilguingof the Oimbrln still abov water. They remained in this pool tiou ten hours , freezing from cold an expecting every minnto to bo the ! last , until they were rescued by a boa frcm the Dlamatt. Many of thos who were in the boat when it Icfc th Oimbria were drowned on capsir.lnf others after reaching the rlggln were oblit'od to rolcasp their hoi and were drowned ; survivors doscrib the scenes as horrible and hoartrom ing. All of thorn praise in the hlghee teraia the conduct of the ciptain an crow of the Oimbria , who novc moved from their posts , und did ovary thing in tlio power of man tosavo lift until they were engulfed In tii wave * . The roaocucd pa ongurd i : ( inn , while they were in the rlgglnp the llghla of the Sultan were ck'url seen , und that their erica for hoi must huva bcon hoard on board th Sultan , vhich , instead of coming t their rescue , steamed away. Mobt c the survivors present a niitcrublo a ( pearauco , having lost ovtryihlug. KOAUDINd TI1K IIOATS. BKKLIN , January 22. According t recounts published horc , the wonm and children on board the Olmbrl wore placed firat in the boats. Boat No. 1 and 7 got off clear , but No. I waa so overcrowed that it capslzjc The first e Hi : or hold burning torch ; while the passengers were entering th boats. Ho was drownod. The thir and fourth c llbcra and second engine ! were saved , TUB WOMBN. Of the women on board the Cimbr only thrwo were saved. Ono was a young IVlinh g.r ) , who was on hi way to join her purcntu In Amuric Tlth hur iiunt , who waa drowned b fore her eyuH. Another girl tavc horaolf l < y hulding fast to the cdgo i the boat. She could only bo druggc into it after an hour and a halt's in morclon. Up to the Inat moment U nurvlvoru eudeavorod to roecuo all the could , bnt as aiknico came on tin found no moro ulivo , but only mot o cosionally with the bodies of tl drowned. Of the eight boats of U Oimbria only four could bo loworo lit answer to telegraphed Inquiries oujifth A FAMIHE-OUR8ED OOU1TRT , Deplorable State of Allaire Throughout North end l Wtat Ireland. , 1 . i Indian Menl nnd Han 'Weed the , ' ) Prinolpal Diet of the , fi Pooplo. "i Ltkborors DlgRlnft IJltchoa For n Kbll- ling a Dny to Kurn Money to Save Thomsolvoa from Starvation. UOSTON , Mass , January 1 ! ) . The Herald haa the following oablo ds- ! patches : DUBLIN , J.innary . 1 ! ) I , have juat returned I rom thu famine districts of County Donegal , where mete than Il.OCO people are In a starving a > ndi- tlon , existing from day to dny en the meager relief afforded by sectoring charity. The whole north of Ireland ia in a moat wrotchnd condition. The name nature of things exist to a largo extent in the weat , but the destitution ia not , as a rule , so complete as U in iu the place n where I Imvo juat came from. In many otblnx I m'ercd during the past iivo dayo , tbo solo articles of consumption were limited to a quantity of Indian meal aud a Might portion of sea-wood. In moat villages whole families exist in that niiimnr. On the north and woat coasts where the soil is either mostly com- posnd of rocks or mud , especial desti tution prevails this season owing to the complete destruction of the grain cropa in September by a terrible tornado , and the ro'.ting of tho'ontiro potato crops owlbg to the constant rain , TIIK WOK8T UAHE8 OF FAMINE 1 taw are in the par talus cf II .yboca und Glen Columkill. In the latter parish Father G illahor ; ; was working with Huporhuman energy to save the people from death I found him in a driving rain , in mud up to his ankles , superintending n gang of men who were digging drains , to bo paid for from the funds scut In charity. The inhabitants uro strongly opposed to re ceiving money aa n gitr , but the average applications received by llov. Father GiUluuhor for work are between 200 and 300 daily. About 400 men are low employed at 1 shilling per day , or which many walk tun miles before daybreak and work with feverish en- , ryy till dark before returning home. L'ho women and girls are employed n knitting and other work for sloudor compensation , Many spectacles I observed iu hovels if famtllta of the most revolting und : > athotio character. In a place vhirty [ rlali milis beyond the rallwny , each general destitution pro vail u tint 4wenty tons of Indian meal pur week ire required to keep the people barely alive. All the farm ? are email r nd wretched In quality , aud the people tiouoat , sober and industrious. Tliit place was visited by Trovellyn one tveek ago. His party munifioiontly \ , j lolt ton shillings among the starving / $ - . . - _ > families , but would not - „ rnoMisn ANY OFFICIAL RKLIKF In the Kelloybegs district the fam ine , thonuh not BO extensive , iscqnal- y painful. The condition cf the poole - ) le Is hopoloBS. Both the priest and L'roteatant clergy ore very old and in capable of brotherly care for the suf- "orors. While hero I saw a sick man ' whoso three children were absolutely mkcd , shivering ever a fire of damp f , lay , almost asleep under n pile of lilthy raga , the rain dripping through the roof. Relief la coming very ilowly and despair la staring every- x > dy in the face , ATTACKING A TRAIN- The Rum of Highwaymen on n Cen tral Poclflo Train. Special DUpatch to Tim HKK. SAN FitANCisco , January 22. About 1 o'clock this morning from eight to twelve mounted and masked men rode up to Mont olio station on the Oontral Pacific , 16C miles west of Ogdun , seized two white and half a dozen Ohlncso section men , robbed them of what valuables they had on their persons and locked them up in a tank house. They then awaited the arrival of the cant bound express train which cnmo in soon of tor. Two of of the highwaymen jumpul on the engine , overawed the engineer and fireman and sidetracked the engine. The remainder of the gang first seized ' ' tha train mem , robbed them i f what valuables they possoaaod and confined them aha in the tank house ; they then attacked , the oxpreaa car Hero they worn met by a rapid fusillade from D. Y. Ross , oxp'ross ruoosei.gjr. The fire waa returned briskly and Bomo thirty shota wore exchanged , j when the robbers finding resistance more spirited than thny hud ox- poatud and probably fearing a demon stration on tlio part of the paaaongors , decamped No ono is known to have btfou killed or wounded. The pass- ongora were not molested. A Schooner Wraoknd. Hpi-clal Dispatch to TUB Dun , HALIFAX , January 22. The Ulou- cer.trr fishing schooner James A. Garfield - field , BIX man , W4B lost in a storm _ which came up while the men were X hauling trawlea. " Gouu Up the Fjliim-J- > > Srcclal DltpaUti to Tur. Uiti. : ' ' Sr. Louis , Jutiuiry 22. M. Eson- statt it Oo. , wholesale jowolora at 70 i. aud 705 North Fourth atroot , have , made un asslijnmont f jr the boiiefit of . v creditors. The llubilitk'i uro said to bo S110.C03 ; aaacta $80,000. , A Fatal Explosion. 8K'clal | Dispatch to THK Un - ELKTON , Md. , January 22. This ' morning the boiler at the Lodger paper milla exploded with terrific force , wrecking ore-half cf the immouao building , Patrick McOormlok waa killed and John Garrett la miaslng. Eight othora wore injured , one of whom will probably die. " , j L