THE DAILY BEti-OMAHA MON DA r JANUARY 22 DOCKED FORTHEDUNGEOK Th3 Rsvelatiocs ot a Member ol the Irish Assassination Society , Informer Farrell Diecloaea the Bioody Work of His IJreturon. The Mnnliv I' Tit trotivj Field h .Dubltu tfiluutaly J0oti\ll d The Usual Vurlnty of Qouoral Koreis * News IHEOAND. Jtpoclal to JtlK L'KF. JHK INFOUMKll's STOHV. DUIILIX , January 21 At thu hear ing uf the churgua ot conspiracy ir thu pulion court yesterday , as Farrall , the informer , proceeded with his story , smiles wcio ulsarvod on some of the faee ( f ilio prisoners. When ho detailed - tailed a conversation with Brady about the chitf secretary , Brady indignantly called him a liar. F.irrel , who ia described - scribed on the charge oheitt as a vnn man , ia about 28 years tf ago and ol Bandy complexion. Witness continued his testimony as follows : "On three ( successive evenings the came persons wore watching for the chief aocrotary hi Brunswick fitroot , James Our- ley oarao ono evening in a c b drawn by white horsEB , Croy , the town counsellor , remained. Gurley spoke to hltn. Those men were told to go home. Ou the way to the Phoenix Park murders witness met Brady in u public homo in George ntroot with McO.Ul'rirty , of the assassination club , wno received a lot * ter from Muller , instructing them to ba near Morrlan Square on the morn ing of the day the attempt was to bo made toaasaasinateJudgoLiwBon. Delaney - lanoy , who got ton years for that at tempt , was a member of the organi zation. Witness met Djlanoy that day and the latter ntated there would bo something now soon. Ho added ho had hia work before him that even ing. Hanlon was with him. On the Friday before tha murderous attack was mido on the juror , Ftald , witne a was at a secret mooting nt which Joe Muller , director of Dublin , presided. Hanlon told him Jo * Brady , Dinlol DoLiney and Tiui Kelley were in Westmorland street. Joe Brady wont on the out side of the oar to North Frtdorick street. Hanlon walked beside Field and Tim Kelley in front of him. Han Ion put a white handkerchief around hia neck in order that ho would be known to Brady atd Kelly. Brad ] caught hold of Field und Field made a blow at him with an umbrella , Brady knocked Field down anc stabbed him several times whilst h < was on the ground. Theie wen three young men standing on thi road. Ono of them wanted to Interfere fero but the others would not allow him. After Field had been slabbed Brady and Keely jumped on a car , When Kelly got on the car ho lost hi : hat. Mylei Kavanagh , of Townsend ireot , was driver of the car On being cross-examined by Killeen leon , wltnesi said , "No order for thi assassination had ever been recoivec from the Fenian society. " Orderi used to be given from the sssassina tlon society. Joseph Mullet wai the man responsible for this con- splraoy. Ho ( witness ) would novel be here If ho was connected only wltl a Fenian society. From Fonlat Brotherhood this assassination sociot ] was established. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS. Special Dispatches to TilK Unit TUB ACC'UflSEI ) 1'Al'Kll. DUBLIN , .Tinunry JO Placard signed ' "America" are posted in Clon more , denouncing the "Accursed nm abominable journe.l , the Irish World.1 FOU TUB I-KINOE'S SAKE I'AISIS , January 20. Thu ligittmia scare coutinuoa. Tlio Orleans finiilj will hold a council to-day nt the rcai duncu f the Duku D'Aurnalo. Tin members of tlin party of the oxtrenu hfj in the dbpulit-a will insist upui thu OrlowiM prmcua being deprived t their military command. The roynlin p.iptTd Insist the scare la a manoouvn to Htcaro the proscription ot tin princes. THE EMI'IIESS1 MOKALS. BEIILIN , Jauuarv 0. Thopamphle attacking the ex Emprrcs Eugenie o Franco , confiscated by the pollen i immoral. It purports to ba a reciw of incidents'ln the private life of th ex-empress. The Empjror Wllliar intends to appoint the Prlnco u Wales , chief of the Blucher hussar as a mememto of his visit here. FEARFUL OK DEATH. Sr. PETEBSBOKO , January 20.- Ganoral Todlebo , it is feared , will die FREEDOM OF THE PRESS PAIUS , January 20. The cablnc council has adopted drafts nf bill against the pratondera to the throne and modifying the press laws. Th bills will be submitted to the chair bero to-day. A KOVAL TAILOlt. LONDON , January 20. Alfred , tb monarch king tailor , has failed wit liabilities nt 64,000 pounds. The railway strike In coal has be gun and shows a disunion. A con ; promise Is anticipated. UAimNOTON ON IUEIAND. LONDON , January 20 Thoftlarqni of Hartington , secretary of state fc war , in a speech last evening , rclerrin to the condition cf Ireland , e.iid Through miserable hatred and hideou ' complracy hu'had loEt a re'ation ' bi Ijvert by all , his brother , Lord Froi : erick Cavendish. Ho had , ho sail the greatest confidence in Eirl Spsi cor , lord Hontennnt nf Ireland , un Ti'ovelyn , chief secretary , who wer to Ireland at a tlmu whan great ric and irrespor siblo eoiaty existed then and threatening ugiution and widi sprdtd sympathy with crime. Sue socisttea , the mnrquia enid , no doul exUtod in lluaata , Germ my , Franc and America , and whuro they oiiatt extreme measures were alwava noco sary. The evil must bs grappled will the Irish problem could only bo mi by firm determination , Marquis sal he did not think the matter was hop lees. The law must bo struugtl enod to meet the exce ] tlonal condition of the countr ; ho povormnant must show inurdcrors would meet their just rnward. Homo- ule , ho sitid , could ncvi r bo permit- cd in Ireland. It hid baoii sug- jested , ho said , that the goveruinout ihould find funds to establish ] icr.nitit jroptiotory in Ireland , but ho strongly iondcmnod the idea of p ) iny out thu iard earned funds in the Kaglinli exchequer - chequer for sush n purpose , unities it could ba shown that the puopln were capable nml willing to work Al- hough ho could not s. y crime had > con eradicated , theri were clearly ; oed results frm Ilio exceptional ] e elation in regard to IroUud. The n&rquis said ho hud cvrry reason to > eliuvo the distress in Iceland could > n met from local sources without an appeal lor help frcm the imperial ands. Flo believed u little rest was ( or Ireland. ALI,0\VtI > TO SRK 1IEU 11UIIUV- 1'Aitia , January l > 0. The I'rlnccsa tlatholda has b.'en potinlttcd to seu . 'jinco Jerome. She ctuplorco the lubllciitlon of the nnniftnto. A ItUSSIAN TOWN Ill'BNKD. VIENNA , January 20A letter nin OJefca reports the ooourreneo of u lire nt Klioraon , South Htissia , on bo lih ( , wh'ch destroyed a gro t part of the city It is supposed to beef of incendiary origin. ATrACKIKd THE F.V-KSll'UKSS. BERLIN , January 20. The police lave confiscated a pamphlet attacking x-Eojpreas Eugenie , of Franco. The Frlcndn uf Tamperaiioc. poclal Dispatch to TUB lixi. DES&IOINZ.S , la. , January 20. The ollowing c ll was prepared at a late lour last night : o the temperance people of Iowa : "In view of the decision this day ondored declaring invalid , on purely echo leal grounds , the constitutional mondment strongly adopted after a till and thorough discussion by o argo a majoi i y of the people , a onvontion of the f cionds of temper- nee is hereby called to moot nt D.-s lolnes on Wednesday , the 7 > h day of Tubruary next , at 10 o'clock a. in. , for ho purpose of consultation as to the irpper course to b-j pursued in this : rina ia the history of oar beloved State. The friends of the cinse in the evoral count'tea of the State are re- posted to meet in mass or other cdn- ventlon on Saturday , the 3d of Febru ary , at their respective county Beats or uch other time and place as may be lesignated by the local committees for .he purposB c'f appointing delegates to the State convention and takiug euoh other action as may bo deemed neues- arv for strengthening thu cause of irohibltion in thtir respective coun- ios. " Credit Moljlller pwlal D' pat < h to Til ) : UKK. PIIILADKLUIIIA , Pa , , January 20 The motion of Oliver Ames , the re- elver of the Credit Mobllior com- mny , for leave to make a settle- nent with Thos. D. Durant , formerly .ho president of the company , was do- lied in the United States oiraalt court. ) urant held certain lands in Iowa and tfebr-teka which the company claimed > y a declaration filed In the common ) leaa court to day for Alexandei HoEffen , a noted English financier , n the latter's suit against the Phila delphia & Reading railroad company , The plain tl IT claims by means cf hit exertion to have derived an income rom the bonds to the amount of $34 , 300,000. They have been ' negotiated and defendants have 'received $10 , ' 290,000. For this work 'he claimt $313,000. i % i Tbo'llcatben Must Go. ipedal Dispatch to Tun Bit , SAN FBANOISCO , January 21. Shirply after 4 p , m. the city wai ahukon by a heavy explosion. Foui others followed at intervals of foui seconds and a deneo column of smukc rising across the bay was scih'ioni evidence of another added to tin numerous powder works disasters thai iavu occurred in Um vicinity. It ii k'urned that fire Chitmmen WOK killed by the explosion. Two white men who w < ! ru about the buildingi escaped. LATER. The explosion of the Giant Powdci works at Berkley , four miles distant , was distinctly felt 1 1 thin city. Fortj or fifty Ghinanmn were blown ti itoma , The f jreman waa also killed The wrecked buildings took fire one were oonoumcd. nclilno Shops Burneil. ecM Dispatch to Tni ll . LEAVKNWOUTII , January 21. Thi machine shops of the Great Westori manufacturing company burned thii afternoon. The stove work * adjoin ing the machine shops were damagot to the extent or 81,000. Loss on ma chine shops , building and mrohlnery S75.0CO. Insurance * , S25.0CO. A Texas Blizzard. Special Dispatch to TIIK UKK. D ALLAH , Tex. , January 20 A bliz zard from the north has spread nl over Texas. The mercury has fallei from GO to 70 degrees , reaching zer in BOUIO places , aud that stock , pirtlc ularly snoop , has Buffered greatly The weather is colder than haa booi known in that region for n good man ; years , The weather all through Mis nonri , Kunsis , Arkansas und souther ; Illinois has been very cold for the pas thirty-six hours The mercury i some localities falling aa low as 15 dc greos below zsro. A fetramlnd Btenmar. Spccltl Dispatch to Tim Dux. NKW YOBK , January 20. Th steamship Wisconsin , from Liverpool In coming up the bay grounded o the west bank , whera she utlll I stranded , A Zilnonln Flrn. Special Dispatch to Tim tun. LINCOLN , Neb. , January 20. Th residence of J San , n rostauran keeper , is in Ihmon and likely to bur to the ground. A number of girls i the house escaped uninjured , Pai tlculurs vrill bo sent later. 7hn Mlchlgnn Sonntor Special Dispatch to TCK lice. DETUOIT , January 20 Only on billet -was taken for senator to-daj in which there Is no significance , t many of the members have gen home. The democrats and Ferry re publicans evidently paired. The vet stood : Ferry -10 , Ktont 39 , with S votes scattering for thirteen candl dates. They then adjourned unt Tuesday , THE MEEK AND LO-LY. A Sketch of tlio Piuo Rlilgo In dian Agoiioy and Promiuent Characters Tliora , The Subdued Sioux Oriidusllj Becoming Civilized on Gov ernment Grub. A Ptu Porlrnlt of ARout MoQllly. ondily nnd Hli Molhoiln. The liecont Row with Red Cloud nnc His Followord Reviewed. Corre pomlcnco of The tlco 1'i.NKKiiHiKAoE.suY , D. T. , Jaiiuan 5. A BEK correspondent has pro vlously described Valentine , the nov weatorn terminus of the Sioux Olty A \icilia railroad , and Fort Niobrara no of the neatest and most pleasant 1 ; ocatod posts in the west , hence you : orrcspondont will dwell only ot ooucs beyond THE MINNKCADUZA VALLKV. Leaving the sand hills of the Nio brara valley to the loft , the road t < losobud and Pine Uidgo agencies pro ooda up the Minnecaduzi valley for i { stance of about ton miles. Th ( loaobud road then loaves this vallo ) nd goes in a northwesterly direction , while the Pine Iltdgo agency road con inucs to the headwaters of this beau- iful winding stream , thence over a ivido of bills to the south fork cl Vhito river. Tno Minnocaduzi valley s wide and has the advantage of the and hill wash of the south side and tie clay soil hills of the north side , 'he hills of the north aide are qultt > lontifully supplied with rock suitable or building purposes. By the large umber of haystacks observed alonp tie valley , your correspondent is d tie opinion that the soil of thoMlnno aduzA valley must be cf a suporioi qualltj ; aud , in further proof of tlnl piLIOII , ho could but discover thai he valley is settling with tppareutlj ndustrious f Armors , TUK FUI0UE IILACK HILLS UOUTK. Raaching the big crossing of tin auth fork of the White river , the CIMIO changes from a valley of hay tc no of timber , the vallioy containing o.\k , elm and numerous other variotlo of timber , while the hills and ravlnei are studded with Norway plnos , Thii ) i > ing the new road surveyed las pring by the military for the pnrposi f landing moro pilgrims into th ( ilack Hllie , and to ba known as thi bird road from the Missouri rivei rom the month of the Niobrara , thi mile posts of the survey and thu gov eminent telegraph line easily direotec -ho course through the diversity o lill and aalo. The south folk i rossod throe times. Only the twi irat contain timber , while tha othe las but little brush to make one tie he comforts of fire and a warm cuj of strong coffee. The sand hills of th 4 tobrara valley loom up at the soutl all the way , and their white docket > oaks remind your representative witl ! 0 ° below zero that a cheerful COB ire at this time is moro desirable Coming at last to the beautiful llttl stream at Flint Buttes , about 4 miles from Pine Ridge , wo camp th aat night out , Naxt morning wo ar again on the road , crossing Sprlu creek , Wounded Knee creek , the ; Wolf craok. The country ia beoutl ul rolling prairie , the road rm oxcul ent ono , and the distance 120 mile a long and tedious journey in wit : or , but a lovely trip in summer c fall. * PINE ItlDOE AGENCY. On reaching Ptnn Ridgu agency , th : iomo of nearly 8,000 Sioux Indium once .struck wit ho noutiiosa of its surrounding Everything looks cheerful. The An : erican flig waves to tlio brcezd nt tli agency quarters' ' , and over in the dii iuce imothur flag , consldorAbl larger , bends a flag stall out of pr < portion , as if to vie with the we [ jraportioned ugonoy staff nnd Itn rcc white and bluo. Q auctioning a f. gentleman as to whoso flag it was ths "ookcd too largo for the pole , ho n plied that it belonged to lljd Clout Deforo whose two storrusidenco waved. Being in need nf n ahnvo moro tha a dinner , the poatpfliao was Bought ft "general Information , " A sharp-eye man , with a peculiar glance at mo c If to s y , "Well , I wonder who In tl ; hades you are , " directed mo next dee Hero the tonsorlal artist did his wor In good shape , during which time was perusing the various agency o : dcra posted upon the door , among tl number being ono requiring all strat gers to report without delay to tl agency. The last hair being smoothc over my loft eye , I at once proceed t to introduce my r alt to the much talkr of agent of the O allallas Df , V. 1 GilSyonddy. Not boin in just then , was requested to ba seated by the tel graph operator , and I surveyed tl interior. The building , ot which 11 reception office ia a part , contains tl council room room , of ! from which the physician's cilbo joining hln res donco. From this otlioo , which coi tains the telegraph operator , lute preter and { s used as a general but ness room , are thu ogent'H and obi' ' clerk's cflises. Kioh of theaa thn rooms ia neatly furnished and vei pleasant. The nails contain v.irioi group photographs of Indian chlldrc at the Carlisle school , and the Hat < employes deck the ogont's room , will each of the rooms oontfiin the li of employe boll calls. This systc is a great saving of time , b cause no matter nt what an hoi the employe may bo called , or at wh place ho may be , he knows the nun bor of his o ll and answers it. Lool ing out of the window into n lar | court , luck from which is thu ngenl residence , the general appearance very ut tractive. A large water tai furnishes the agency dwellings ai moss houses with water by means water pipes , thus doing away wi the expensive hauling of water 1 wagon , as is the case with most oth agencies. The oommUsary bnildln police headquarters , employe me house , annuity warehouse , agon stables , workshops , etc. , all go m&ko up the best arranged agon Miur correspondent has over wit. Doctor McGlllicuddy soon undo hie ippOAr.incd Midi UK BEG man wiu cordially grouted by n gontlomati uf nodium height , spare in stature , head lightly b.iid , loin ; mustache And ; outcu a It Impcthl , n qilck oyu nnd ) f frco addrcta llu paid a c.-mpll- . nent to Tin : Br.B for the f-i'meun ' liown him and its grnoral position In , ho Indian c.iusi'1 lie proved a viry titerestltig oonvorsitionalijt , v/ho had nelhud and diaclplino down to n fine ogulation , aud at once gave mo the mpresslnn tlut ho was it man nhoBo orco of chirnatcr fitted him for the )03ttion of Indian agent. ran PINK union TROUMLKS The outgrowth of the Pine Ulcl e roubles , which manifested tbrmsclvcs Vuaiist 19 last by old lied Ctotid and Us fillowore attempting ft raid npnn ho ugcncy , in wnr paint and nakod- icsii , bopau n good many yu.ira ago , intil finally "Rpddy" was approached > y ono Tom Gowpill , Ind inn trader and postmaster , assisted byMtious other dlsoonteutod white followers , vlth the wicked advice "Now Is yuur ime to strike 1" The occasion of thin \dvlcn was duo to the fiot thnthen he Sioux City ft Paoitio railroad was completed to Thatcher the Indian ruight came that way instead of the Missouri river , cutting the cost of transportation from $2 00 to $1 SO tor 100 pounds. This Indian freight s hauled oxcka'voly by Indians. The firat outfit of freighters who started out last August for the railroad were iomauded by Had Olond to stop. For a few days there waa a blockade , un- (1 ( finally the agent Issued au order to ho commissary clerk to issue only loans and baking powder en a certain lay. It : > happened that that was ho day on whton Rod Cloud's band irow tholr rations. The blockade was llowcd to break away aud Reddy's land was fed In duo timo. lie was orrlbly offended , however , and the otter signed by many chiefs was sent o the department demanding the re moval of Agent McHillycnddy in sixty aye , or ho should be removed from ho reservation quietly it passible and or ibly If necessary 1 ALMOST A WAR ? THE HEKIOOH , | afterthisdlsturbauco , waa given u detailed account of this ur. McGillyouddy ordered Rod ] ioud to make hia presence known , which hn refused to do until after Vollow llair brought him , when ho was told by the ngont to "go he wanted to hoar nothing from him. " 'his ' was the end. POLLOCK AND MCGILLYCUDDY. Indian Inspector Pollock came after- yard and made a thorough investiga- Ion as far as ho was concerned , but ound nothing good to say for the igont. Whllo ho proved nothing of n criminal character , ho found some rrogularitica that were at once admit- od by the ogont , but were not detrimental mental to tne government. Majoi 'ollock's report was from begtnntnp o end prejudiced agtlnst McGilly ouddy. This was shown In the fact ol not obeying ordora and his beinf snspondod by Secretary Teller. Hi waa determined to see the agent custec f he had to be himself. Thus far t laa resulted to the advantage of Me Glllycuddy. AGENCY ECONOMY. The fact of the matter ia that Pini [ Udgo agency has the beat record c any In the service. The agency i well located ; the buildings unique bu not costly , the management strict each omployo being held rosponiibl for his work ; the police force th most thorough and the economy u hii administration remarkable. Witl the exception of the beef on hoof , h has during his four years' administra tion sr.vod soflbiont , and has that aut plus on hand , to run PinoRulgo agon oy for ono yoar. This ho showj In hi annual report , and ho strongly urge thi ) department to lut up giving Pin Ridge any moro during that time The question now is , Will the depart metit take good advice ? Ho has nine beginning this correspondence boo called to Washington to face lid Cloud and his stories , nnd ho wil make a clean sweep of the whole star to Secrctuy Teller , and dhow up In speotor Pollard in hia true light. 11 DOWN ONjiTlIB WHITES. " As Is usual on the frontier , nud oa pocially on Induu rcsarvations , thur are largo numbora ot man who h\v marrloi Indian women. Samocf th men are good and others bad. Th agent has demanded that they 6b3 lib orders against gambling , bringln whleky on the reservation and break ing laws generally. The dupartmnn has given him certain rules to cnforc nnd ho has dona iho best ho could Your is informed the when ho took charge drunkennest shooting , Sibbath-btoakit g , g.unblln and gotioi-al wlckodnom were all pent orful. But ho has forbidden the It diana to danoa on Sundoya , the store to bo opened on that day , no shootln or carrying arais is allowed wlthot permission , Intoxication is pualshci by imprisonment , and ho ia Ikr. agoii and none of the Indiana , traders employes. Ho knowi everything the is going around , and a man must eve gat permission to go off the rosorv : tlon or forfeit his privilege to returr Such strict rules aj those make hli unpopular with the non-law-abldiiij whites. A HII1EUU IN DAKOTA. The recent troubles will no deut causa the agent to order off the dli turbing element The tigont think it ia going a littlu too far to tear thct mon from the botom tf their familloi and thinks ho will recommend that certain portion or' the renervalion I sot asldo for such mon and their fan Hies , where they will bo exiled at ; forbidden the privilege to rolnrn I the agency under any circumstance Thla doou not meet the full consent < the mon Interested , bnt thn outsit world is large enough , whllo the rusu vatlon la too small for Dr. MoGlll ; cuddy and that class In conclusion THE BKU correapo ! dent , during bu two wuoka etny her hus hsU hb uyoi opened to whntov < crookedness tluiro inlght ba. Tl agent hau 'HIOII ' away a week , r.nd mu tera go on aosordini , ' to hb method Mra. lit drawn her rations regular nnd in sufficient qunntitlea , while M LD ia as ( [ uiet us u lamb Q. QOILBKKHON , The YellowHtuue National 1'nric It provement company liun been organlz under tbe laws of New Joraojr with a cat tal of 31,000,000 , Its corporators I elude Rufuu lUtcb , Hoaooo Oonkllng , Ue James A. Willltmtoo , of lioiton , i Utobard T. Merrlok , ot WASHINGTON SOCIETY , Ilio Calamity Whioli Has Befallen - fallen the lollop Family , The Prouideut Ooachlnfr thi Ohaperona in Hopeu ot Making u Mnab. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , January 11. There Ims boon iho nu-at abominable enow-storm for two days , anil the tl'ii Hikes are s'.ill whirling through thu air on the third morning. The anon Urn a foot deep on the level , and It drilling h'gH on all thocornirs. Noth ing more unwelcome could have boon leviud nt this scuson than thU great snowfall , nnd except for the livury- men it bring * no good to any ono , Trains nro dolaved , travel ia impeded about thu city , nnd the unhappy horsn tljundiir through thu looao , flyiup snor , and pull M hard tit the carriage ! us if drawing thorn through sand. Kx < ci'pt to the piotical , itmuans a montli of sluHh by il y and frt7.311 and slip pery pavements at night , and a general rojoiclng when the last of It h multod and gone , Mu&nwhllo the sleigh bolls tinklt merrily , and the royitors sing and hurrah as they take their rides al night. A carnival fooling pervade ; the air , and no doubt there will bo o merry mask on the avenue soinn after noon while the snow lasts. Every thing that can oiovo on runners it being prepared for the rush that wll ousuo as soon aa the snow stopa fall ing and the streets are a little packed , and the chief sport of a northort winter can bo enjoyed at the rate ol $5 an hour , or about 10 cents a min ute. ute.Tho giddy whirl of society knows no respite for the weather , and in the midst of the driving snow-storm on Tuesday nf.ornoon , and again on Wed nesday , ladies continued on thcii round of call ) , and parlors hold as large companies as if the weather was all balm and suushiuo without. In an ; other city It would hardly bo eontid- 01 od decent for the ordinary afternoon vidtiagtobo kept up against sucli oil It , but the exigencies of ofiiotalcalli demand a constant activity , and pastiv boards fall like SHOTtltkoa on all tin six days of the HP- * . Yesterday Mrs , Teller hold ho ; licut afternoon reception tion this winter , nnd so many avnilcc tliomsulf of this opi > rhmlty that hoi drawing room was during thi calling houra. AB assistants Mrs Teller had Mra. E M. Ashley am Mrs. ( Jan. Fltoh , of Denver , two vor ; handsome and agreeable ladles , win are spending the winter hero. LUtl Mlto Teller , who is yet n schoolgirl did the honors of a dainty tea tabl with a charming grace , and wore 1 not for the cloud of sadness that hanp over the household the compau ; rould have been ono of the most bril _ iant. Mra , Teller's only sister , Mr Bruce , who lives In the adjolnin quaro , has been seriously 111 for tw uontha and more. For the past for ! night her case has boon inot alarming , and the physicians no' despair of prolonging her life fc more than two or throe week * at th moat. Every moment that oonld b iparod from her own family Mrs. Te .or has spent with her sistoi and has not boon at homo to cat era any time during the wintnr. Bi yond the hour that she spent at th white house at the request of th president on Now Year's morcln ) Mia , Teller has not boon seen i eosioty this year. Secretary Tellc wished her to receive on ono Wodnoi day at least , and her sister equal ! urgfld her to open her now house , an in obedience to them she hold her n coption. At the preaunt rate of ontortainmor no ono can tell what the town wi come to by the time Lent nrrivoi The engagatnonts are two and thrc deep for every uvoning , and ono di tinguiabed lady owns to refusing nl dinner parties for onu night this wua in order that she might attend u nei iiuth , nnd afterward toke in a rocoj tlon and a garnntn. Diunora uio the rage at present , nnd , inatoud < walling until Luat , society people ai hard ut work av. their gaatronom amutemonta now. Gen. Grni liaa had a dlnnnr in h Jionor every night this week , an thura would have been thu nan : programme week if ho had notdi cidodly nfasod nil saoh hospltalitit and remained quietly atGim. Bsalo * A moat distinguished party wi gathered at Secretary Frollnghuyaen on Tuaidny night in hia Irtnor , uu thi ) ontertiUnmunt ia spoken of nn or cf the most elegant dinnorn cf tl soaaon , The most superb roses an floral pioooa were sent down froi New York , mid the guests pronounce the table soilings most exquisite i all the details and appointment The President gracad the ocaisioi and Gen. and Mra. Grint , Gon. at Miss Sherman , W. W , Story , tl sculptor , and wife , George Uancrof the historian , Gou. awl Mrs , MoOlu Ian , Wm. M. Kvarts , Sanator ar Mrs , Oameron , Gen. and Mra. Boa and Judge and Mrs. Bancroft Davi togothur with the Secretary's wifa ai two charming daughters , made up company such is is seldom gathen under ono roof. The president h trying to nen himself up to holaiug u public rece tion , and in this rcopcct In dopar from thn old routine of fortnight hand Blinkirt't that mail to dlvoisi the livoi oi niN predecessor * . In tl daya of L'tiuolu , JohriHon and firm : and "for the four years prccodlt President Girftold'a ntlminlstratlon the occupant of the white housu w at uvury unu'w mercy on nltirns Tuesday nights throughout thu wi tor. Primdant Arthur's long porii of tlliMiU mourning njnrod hi that rort of thing until Mai oh la year , and thdii ho hud ono mum jrab imcountur Mith the multitude th that hin ssrvoi him r.a u wa- ing ever sincu. The great inui tudo have not ceased to growl thi disappointment tit not getting a hai jhnko on Now Yonr'a day , nnd slu eimtU oomitloratioii for the fcullngi dccuitoy and rcspont that comp ll thu president to close thu recuptl tfcur thu death ot thu Hawaiian mi later In the whltu house. The oat people who take excuptiona to tl : observance * ru the very ones who outcry would bo the loudi had the president boon so di to every Instinct of delicacy a consideration as to h vo contluu hlo reception and band-playing nftc one of the most distinguished guest hiul boon carried from the honoodcad The ( Into of tlio public roccotlon wll ba either tlio lUth or 2'U of thii month , nnd liniment In bolm ? ordoroc for the White house stores in antlcl pitlon of tint event. During the win ter card receptions will bu given tt the dill'tiront bodies of ( lHlalo , nut the same couno of elegant diuuoi table hospitality will be observed ai last year. A now German clnbhas been organ Ized and holds the first of Itn enter tikinmcuta this evening , Virtual ! ] the association I * the old Army am Navyolub , but fjr Uio second wiutei Hint dashing association dances undo : other colors. Last year the cflicuri were all under thu ban of ollii.y mourning for the president , nnd il never would have done to have pro claimed themselves the Army ami Navy club ; therefore they caou before society as the Tucsdaj Club , and took a few diplomats lute tholr numbers f > r policy's sake. Thle year the enino old organisation Is re vlvcd , and they nro not willing to own up to Army nnd Navy any moro than last year. With n loavoii cf diplo < main and civilians on tholr lists , they call themselves the Thursday's Aniam < blyClub. Onotftho young olllcort bolouging to it was proisod f ir a re a H in the other day , mid finally said , "Well , you know , wo don1 ! think that It is policy to came bnMIy as the Army and Nvy Club ; for If those congressmen got f n idea that wo could have anj kind of n good time together , they'd conclude that wo had too much inonej aud go to cutting down our pay. And then if wo don't invite their wives and daughters nnd country cousins thoj are down on the service , and novel lese n chance to do 101110 of us harm. ' Such nro the pivots upon which socUl events rovolvtt , nnd such the craft nnd logic df the West Point and Annapo lis dancing graduates. GEBHARD CHALLENGED. Ttio Younpr Man Invltod to Hottlot Lima Dnpinnenntness on ttio "Field of Uonnb. " by it St. Louln JournnllHt. ST Louis , January 18 A vorj unpleasant difficulty which occurred nt the Southern hotel yesterday evening ing between Freddie Gobhard , of NOH ork , nnd Col , A. B. Cunningham , n ell known journalist < f this cltytiov .rvlng ns n reporter on the Globo1 'omocrat ' , Is causing great excitement irong tll'orta were undo to supprcs : 10 publication < f the nU'ilr , but oni I the morning papers has published ono-sidod story ol it. Thoficts an lint Ool. Cunningham was sinokin ) cigar In the hotel rotund when Gobhard approached bin ud charged him with cans ng the publication in The Globe ) jinocrat nf what pretended to bo ; ingrnm of the respect ivo apartment n the hotel of himself and Mrs. Lan : ry. Col. Cunningham denied that h ad done so , when Gobhard called hli liar , cur. hound , and scoundrel , am baking his G t in his face , challenge 1m to figbt. Col. Cunningham , wli scfanoldand arlst tcratio souther amily , sold that ho was a souther .onttemMi and that ho was not verso i the science of boxing , but thi Jr. Gtbhard would hoar from him hi ere long. He then withdrew to Th lobe-Democrat office , if hero ho had onsultation with the managing edlto who coucsalod him to sloop over tt matter nnddecido upon his action ne : lay. Ho did so , and this afternoc Form Jennings , Iho dramatic critic < riio Globe-Democrat , carried a oha ongo from him to Gobhard , astir ilm to take a pleasure trip with hi o Indian Territory , whore , with a attendant friend npioce , they cou ! ottlo tholr differences like gontli nen. Gobhard had finished wrltin answer accepting the clmlloiifj when Mm. Lingtry , who had gotto vind cf the nffur , tapped on the doc of the room nud gained ndmlssloi After long entreaty on her pai she gained Gubhnrd'a promise that I would not aceopt the challenge , mi hat if It was nhown him ho hid nctc mstlly the previous evening ho won ! , pologi 3 for his language. Thonp lot n lire-eater , Ojl. Cunningham ; uown as n mn of gruit person courage. IIa entered the ojtvali ) rutioh of the confederate service whi a more boy , nud rose to thu rank captain , gaininir n fine record ni n ga ant aoldior. lie is n dead shot wil pistol und n mun of Iron nurvo , at meeting between the gantlemoi which mutual friends nro trying > revent , could hardly occur wlthoi iloodshed. KRS. OOUQAR. Tno Uoglnnlntf of tbo celebrated GUI at Kinayotto Fnvora tbo De fendant , Her Itinomy. LAI'AVETTK , Ind , , January 18.- Before 0 o'clock thia morning the cl cult court room was thronged wli uwyors and citizens , all on the an iou * buuo'i and desirous to bo in the opening of the Gjugar-Mandl case a eult that has attracted mo attention looilly and abroad than at otlon ever brought in the history Laf yotto. The defense oponi with a broadside ailidavlt allegli belief that Judge Vlnton w blasad , and asking the appointment another judge , I''aiiitiil'alleged ' t : Ineufliotoncy of Uu groundjfor olmiigo of judged , and ubkud that tl allUuvit bo put out of court. T ! liwyoru npjirrud Imik and forth , wht flually JuJgo Vinton ovorrulud t motion to strike out the affidavit , ai gr.intcd Mandloy'nprnynrfnr ' u cliau iti judgu. The plaintiff then auk thai a portion if the defendant's a : davit bn utrickon out , allotting that wan irrelevant. Tlio defense 'rail the point that Judge Vinton , bol sot Hsido by tholr ullidavlt , could ta no fur'her ' judicial action othur th to call a successor. It wni proposed by the court to c iludge Lilluo , of the superior court try thu ciae , but the defense t nouncod that LiHuo was one of th witnciiios. Judge Vinton suggest that thu attorneys agree upon a jnd and ho would call him. The dofoi said they would not likely bi abk agree at ull , aud therefore no conf cnco was hail. After soniQ furlhrr sparring aim the lanyura .ludgu Vinton decided ' on Monday , January 22 , an thu c for the case to begin , and ititlma that ho would cull Judge Chat Gould , of Delphi , if he will ser This the plaintiff will object to. 'I struck jury was o'led ' and ordered report on Moiday i'oxt.3 THE OLD IHHABITANT. He Thinks tlio Present Storm tlio Worst lot. A Property Owner Alakos a Kick. The oldest itihtbltant is non-plussod at the present wcathur. When ho crawled out Saturday alter n forced confinement to the houio for the past wo days and Bought hit accustomed oafing place , lie wai forced to confess that ho Imd never , in all h'a ' early ox- icriancc , seen anything like It. The bystanrlms askotl him if the sold snap in 1871) ) didn't lay over it , > ut ho answered , "No. " "Then , " ho said In an oracular uannor , "tlio weather was pretty cold > ut it was only for a tiny and unac companied by wind. Why Thursday night the wind was fearful and the old as bad as any strip of weather hat the Jcannotto struck on her trip , nd I am betting on it. " "It reminds mo , " ho continued , 'ot a spall of weather wo had in 'CD ' rhioh was very bad you better believe , was frolghtin * then and had seven our mule toims loaded with fbur for Salt Lake. Wo had got to Fort Kear ney all right mid although the weather was pretty o ild , wo had no snow. We tartod out of the fort after resting a ay. Well the next day after wo had oft the ranch , and a good stopping ilaoo It waa too , it commenced tone no < r. The wind raised up also and calculate that In the course cf ono > our it was going past our outfit at ho rate of about a hundred miles an tour and no mistake. We couldn't move any farther so wo packed our rain and tried to keep warm. The now Increased and the wind kept up ho same old gait. By night the wagons were ail covered np ml the boys of the outfit , nd the itock were all covered up too. Well , wo had to dig a hole to the wagons to get out our grnb , and in order to have a tire wo out up tbo wagon boxes. It waa fourteen days icforo wo could move and reach rnlcsbnrqh , and it was the worst ookini ; party that over wont into the ilaco , " 1CIULES. A rather small man , well bundled up , came into TUB BEE editorial rooms Saturday in a busting mat. * nor. nor.'Whore is the city editor , " ho asked of the news editor , aa ho approached preached that person in a business- Ike manner "lie is probably up in the city , " replied the aoizzars mun. "Well , what I want Is this , " said the rather small man. An Item at- pf-ared In THE BER Friday , toih ) that there was a snow drift on St. Mary's avenue fourteen foot high. I want It corrected. I am a property hrldol on that street , and a fourteen 1'jot anew bank would work an injury on that part of the town. " NorvoousnosB , debility and ex hausted vitality cured by using Brown's Iron Blttom Baby'i Petition. Ufa U railed , tUyi re flietloir , Children tilocm.tut die In teething : W tnlo ? Uke , all ( Hindi ind mother ? , Watch th jire-loui glrli and brothen ; Iltkd the homo HJ of Victoria , Children nine , all b&d Caatorlnt No ilecpleu night * by b bj iqualllng , Llkolaiks they lisa In carl ) morning. SLAVEN'S YOSMMITE COLOGNE Made frotr tbo wild flowers of the FAII TAMED YOSEMITE VALLEN It Is the most fragrant ot perfume. Manufactured by H. B. Slnvcn , San Francisco. For Halo In Omaha by W. J. Whltohouso and Konnaio. Bros. < fc Oo. IS A SURE CURE for nil diseases of the Kidneys and LIVER It ban eppclflo action on thl4 most Important organ , onablinR It to throw off torpidity and Inaction , ttlroulatlne th healthy accretion ofUin Dili' , und by kocplnff Uio bowels In ( roc condition , cOboune Ita regular If you nro inflrrlng fnira jna'.arlA.linvoihOLhtlLi , aroblUous , dynpeptlo , or tonstlj.AtO'1 KM' noy.Wort will Biiruly i-j'.levo & eju ! JH j--uro . uvtr ? ono aliould toke o thcroiicn coune or It i-ll SOLD DY DRUOOISTS. SYMPATHIZEWITH THE HOPE Or WOMAN. LYDiA E. PINKHAM'S I1 VE&ETAELB COMPOUND. ! * Ruro Cure for all Fi:3IAX.B1All : - \NJSS18 : ! , Incliiillua Icucorrb rn , Jr- rcsiilur nnd I'nlnfiil JUenslruullon , Innumniullnii nnd lllcernllon of Ilio Womb , I'loodlng , 1'JtO- tJTUKIi Ac. lUrffrct. Itli-ftcrratliolpln rnBnancjixcd r * . puln during labor and at ncular periods. i rtiiisHiiMtiM'.iT iMirnrsiuiiis IT iiirru. /tTTFon / AU. Wr rn3rn of tlic pcncratl > n rmuu cf oUlitr fi'i , It lotcondtoiio nimilytUthaJ rvrt . nnd for nil lUvuwa it th t > vn l.tfoio tlio piit'llci ' Kinsnns it J thu Cnatctt Itemttlv ia lie irurt.t IllXr.V CO.III'r.AINT.S nrr.illirr Sr riniKirrat Itt-llft'lu Jta lc. . riviniAjT-rt ULOIIH i-rmnRH mi v r - Vuilifo ot lluinure Iruiu IV. -V < 3 .raairtoi irj ril.HHl iii thoR.UI' l' > " IU C1'"tnn" * ' " ' 'tri'n , 'th ia . illiii jiliii. . A i an ! lloiul5u uluaslUoCViiijiouna. I tl'noththoCoinp-iandftnd Plooil Pui if'r nro yn - imriMl at ! K1 wul 3 Wtht ra Avtnue , lornn , ! : . llkacifrltlirr.Cl. Six bottles for Jho C'otnpi'iina cnt If mall InlhoformotpIlK crot lonngw.oo rcrlpt of price , Jlrerlwx lor clthi-r. Hn. I'UUliuc w y aiiswi-r ll IctUrtot Imiulry. EiiclowSvvul mp , feni for pamphU-t. Xtntlon Mt l\iftr. . IIVDUM'a TtU cure rnr * rm mE. * tta.ilulou n i iidTorj4aitjr of thu Uw. U ceau.