Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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" ' "he Omsiha Bee.
Pnbltfhed every morning , except San
dy. The only Monday mnrniug daily.
Ono Year. . . .810 01 1 ThreiMonths. . 3.00
Bti Months. . 5.00 | Uno Mouth. . . . 1.00
VHB WKEKLY KEB , pnbll hod every
One Vear . 82.00 I Thteo Montha. 60
qir Month . LOO I One Month. . . . 20
AMKRICAN Nrwa COMPANY , Solo Agent *
' United States.
fttfoofl relating to News nnd Editorial
.natter * nhould bo addressed to the KIIITOB
or TUB BKK ,
Lcttirn and Itcruittanccfl fhould be rd
itetteA to Tiir HEF PunusniNo COMPANY
OMAHA. Drafts. Chocks and I'oitolhco
Jrdcrn to be made payable to the order of
the Company ,
J. BTBUU.SO Morton has discovered
that ho does not carry the democratic
pirly of Nebraska In hii packet.
Pi.3N-Pi.ON ia atill In jail for Issuing
th t manifesto. The order "Post no
Bills , " Booms to moan BO inn thing in
France. |
ANY civil aorvlca reform which fills
to roach Assistant Pontmastor Gen
eral Halton will never aeoare pablio
oonGdonco ,
CHINA ia about to build ton thipi
of war. Roboion and John Roach
miy shortly ba expected on the Pacitlo
coast , on route to Hong Kong.
Pin IUON KELLEV evidently thjnka
that ho is a bigger man than the Am
erican People. Mr. Kelley la not the
only congroaaman who ia fashioning a
tariff club with which to boat ont bis
o irn political brains.
THE Sun BSJB that Iloratlo Sey
mour ia a great political prophot. Ia
ho , indeed ? Wo should Hko to hear
Mr. Kojinour'a prediction regarding
thu final reanlt of a little aonatorinl
content now in progroea in Nebraska.
NJW Jersey legislature prayed that no
member might have to explain to hia
constituents how ho got rich on a leg
islator's aalaty. The attention of the
chaplains of the Nebraska legislature
& ? a respectfully called to this suggest
ive pointer.
BINCB Governor Oullom's election
< the Illinola papers are making merrj
at the expense of Senator Davlc
DAVIS. David ia no living skolotoi
lint the asiortion that he can't dran
himself to hU fall height without
lying down we believe to be a baieleai
SENATOU HOAB secured his olootloi
throngh a dispatch from Washington
which ordered Cougrtieaman Crapo'i
fritmdo to throw thulr * strength to thi
senator. And now Mr. Orapo denounces
nouncos the telegram as a fjryory. Ii
looki an if Stove French , of Nov
York oonvontioi fame , muat have
boon in Washington on WedncB'daj
night. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CoLoiuno , Minnesota , Nebraska
and Michigan will probably elect aou
atom this woek. It seems now prott ;
well carlaln that the net result will b
that the aonato will bo composed of 3
republicans , 30 democrats , and Mo
hona and Riddlcbergor. This wi !
lea-o thu republicans ono short of
majority , nnd unable to elect a proa :
dent without the uid of at least ono c
the Virginia senators.
A follow by the irnino of Shormu
writcafrom Lincoln to the Plattf
mouth Journal to say that
"Even Mr. Morton felt constratno
to upologlzo for the Ilci aid's course
In a public con for once. "
This follow Sherman is undoubted
ly a liar. Mr. Morton never apolc
Rizas for the IItrail. Ho has no oc
canton to upolofflza for the //era'I '
TIIK Uerald't strongest point ia II
case In apology. It has apoligizs
for every position which It haa take
on public questions ninco it came hit
Its present bauds , both before an
since thu narrow gango controversy
No ouo baa ever any occasion fc
apologizing far Its policy. Its oditc
la curtain to do it for hitnsolf the mi
raont It becomes to hia Interest no I
do. Consistency is not ono of tl
jewels in the lltrald'i casket.
SKCULTAUY TKLLEU has decided th
withdrawals of railroad lands prior
the definite location of thu road a
inopcrativu and that Bottlers on out
lands are protected under the act
July , 18C-1. It ia well known that
has been the custom during the era
land grants to withdraw the lands f
the benefit of the railroads long bufu
the roads have finally eettlcd tin
line , and thu iihtb , ; of cettlemcnt n
der the various homestead , pro-cm
tion , and other acts weru cxclud
from the lands so withdrawn. T
decision of Secretary Teller raven
this and holds that the sottlomei
made by settlers on these wlthdra'
lands are good prior to the dofin
location of the road , A vast auiot
of land was withdrawn In this mam
before settlement claims had bt
made upon It , which , under Secret !
Teller's decision , will be void.
TUB week nt Lincoln has been remarkable -
markablo for the most bitterly con-
tcstod senatorial Tight in the annals
of Nebraska. The failure of all par
ties to unite upon n candidate who
could racolvo the oiitlro voting
strength of the members of the politi
cal organization to which ho belonged
has caused n deadlock which as yet
shows no decided Indication of break
ing. It Is safe to oay that it can only
ba broken by mutual concessions , and
tha * no combination will hold In the
final ballot which has for its object
the election of a man whoso record
is not clear on the vital
lanuo of the day in Nebraska. No
concessions of principle can bo ex
pooled from the antl-monopollstn ,
They have been elected on a platform
nnd are bound by pledges which they
cannot deny. Any motnbar who dares
to betray thu trust committed to him
will bo branded forever as a traitor ,
and burled too deep for political ro-
BUrroctlon. The failure of the repub
licans to comblno is duo to the cer
tainty that the leading candidate of
the party is also tha candidate
of the Union Pacific road.
There are members with
whom Mr. Mlliard is personally
popular , but who dare not record
themselves btfira their constituents
as supporting a man bound hand and
foot by his monopoly connections. So
long as Mr. Millard remains the pre
ferred candidate of the republican
majority , the party strength must bo
frittered away in complimentary votoi
on men who have not and never will
have aay ohanoo of success In the
present contest.
The ono fact which the fruitless
balloting of the past week has madu
clear IB the powerful influence of antimonopoly -
monopoly principles In the legislature.
The lines have boon drawn on
this isauo in bath the republican and
democratic parties. Notwithstanding
the loud mouthed professions of every
candidate that ho ia in full accord with
the sentiment of the people of Ne
braska on this vital Issue , members
bound by pledges to their constituents
or who nro ambitious of further polit
ical honors have shown that they are
determined to take records rather than
professions as guarantees of future
luosday or Wednesday is likely tc
BOO the end of the contest. If proaonl
Indications are to be relied upon the
candidates of railroads will noithoi
thomaelvosBoonrothe coveted honors 01
name the man who will wear the sen
atorial toga for the next BIX years ,
The representatives of tha people will
never break the deadlock to allow the
entry of the monopolies. The ]
can afford to wait until a senator li
made la whom the state can safely
place confidence as an honest and able
spokesman for her citizens , which nc
one believes would be the cue In thi
persons of several cf the aspiranti
who at present are leading In the rici
at L'tnooln.
Tha house of representatives hai
voted by n heavy majority to take nj
nt an early day a bill which proposei
to grant pensions to all surviving
soldlora of the Mexican war. It alai
provides for thu pensioning of al
widows of soldiers of the Moiiau
war who have died nlnco its close
This wholesale pension measure i
pawed will take according to thi
eatlmatca of thu commissioner c
ponBious atriflo over $102,500OCOou
of the treasury. Before all claimi under
dor It are finally adjusted It will in nl
likelihood bo double or treble tha
amount. Pension cotlmatos are In
variably below the mark.
Now what excuse la theru for thi
reckless prodigality in the expend !
turo of the public revenues. Ever ;
Boldier of the Moxlcin war who was ii
any way disabled has been penslonc
long ago. Their widows have nls
boon provided for by the nation. Th
ODnntry claims no gratitude for doin
their duty by the bravo men who snl
forod In its behalf and the widows an
children of thoao who foil fighting 1
its defense. But pension swindlin
has become boldly defiant of publl
opinion. Backed by the politloi
cowardloo of senators and represent
tivos who are Booking to make cuplti
out of the soldier vote , thu doors c
the treasury nro being thrown open I
rob the people of millions for the bet
oQt of claim agents and perjurers.
It la high time to cry halt to th
madness. There nro already 2COOC
pensioners on tiiu roll. The salarii
and expensed of pension agents amoui
to $224,705.20 annually. The regul :
pension roll apart from nrroaragi
foots up thu amazing total of $ CO,000
000 a year. For the next year tl
estimate of moneys required by U
commissioner ot pensions is ono hui
dred mlllious of dollars. Publ
opinion will no longer sustain the
bold-faced raids on the troaaur ,
IV Every disabled veteran ought to I
- and will bu
pid c.\ro c
id The country knows its du
ho and la prepared to do i
es But It Is not prepared to offar at
ita further bonua to fraud and perjur
in A glance nt the statistics will she
[ to the orgauizd swindling of which t !
ut tax payers of the United States ha
or boon made the victims. When co
en gross passed a bill granting pensio
; ry to all survivors cf the war of 1812 ate
to their widows , It wu stated tl
the pensioner * under the zcc nld
not exceed C 000 iu number. T , n re
port of the commission chows that
8 8I8 ! soldiers of the war of 1812 nrn
still berne on the rolls , whllu 20 020
widows are drawing pensions from the
govortmont. No honcot man will M-
scrt'thnt the Hat hns not boon grossly
swelled by systematic fraud nnd
What the additional expense to the
pounion cfliio will ba if the Mexican
war pension scheme ia passed no ono
can fairly estimate , The drain upon
the treasury will scarcely have abitod
from thin cause before other bills pen
sioning nil survivors of the rebellion
will bo introduced by the ring cf olaim
agents and cartificito manufacturers
who swarm around Washington.
Nothing will stop thcso raids on the
people's strong-box but nn emphatic
and f.-arlcss expression of public
opinion. For , alter nil , oflho hunting
politiciana care n good deal more for a
public opinion which controls votes
than they do for the approval t > f their
consciences or for an honest nnd eco
nomical administration of the national
The ropnpllcan national committee
have mot nnd adjourned. There will
bo general dim Uli fiction with tholi
work. Under the plan adopted by iti
members bo no change ia mode in
the basis of representation. Each
Btnto is to bo allowed four delegates at
largo and two delegates from each
congressional district. Two dologatoi
are assigtod to each territory and the
District of Columbia. This will give the
next convention 920delegates , viz. , 152
delegates at largo , 750 district deleqatoe
1C territorial delegates and 2 fiom the
District of Columbia. ' The committee
leaves It optional whether the district
delegated shall bo chosen by separate
conventions or by subdividing State
conventions into district conventions.
The fact cf the matter is that the
very elements which the republican
party haa boon trying to shake out ol
political control , dominated the na
tional committee and Impudently defied >
fiod party aontiment by perpetuating
the rotten borough and boa :
system In the cholco o :
dologatea to the nntiona
convention. The party hai
become thoroughly tired cf bavin ;
democratic states and the torritorlei
and two or three republican state :
under boss rule control its policy nnc
nomlnato its standard bearers. It demanded
mandod In omphatlo terms that thi
states that would be called upon t (
loot the president should havi
the largest voice In selecting him
What justice is there In giviug i
bourbon state like Georgia an equal
power with republican Michigan it
ohoaing a republican candidate ? Wha
reason except that a minority whiol
commands the southern republics ]
vote and which nearly carried the las
national convention by the votes o
shouting dologatea from states vrhlul
gave Hancock his heaviest majoritie
propoao to establish the govornmon
of the majority of the pirty by th
Tbo action of the national committee
too will bo thoroughly resented by th
voting millions of republicans. Th
majority must rule. Ropnbllcanlar
ia already in too perilouo n position t
allow that portion of the party whio !
can not make the fight to plan th
campaign. The great republican state
which will bu depended upon to elec
a successor to President Arthur mm
name the candidate. And the n 2
convention mult dco'aro in languag
too pluln to bo again miaundorstoo
that republican representation In th
fuluro must bo baaed upon the roput
lican vote and not upon democrat !
AN association started in Now Yor
to "protect American Industry"i
chiefly composed of capltallsto whoa
business is % lroady protected by ta :
iff imports of from 40 to 8D per
There la evidently a alight mistake i
the name. The organization shoul
bo called "Tho association to foati
American monopoly , "
LIGHT seems to bo breaking npc
the Phojaix Park mystery and tt
police court of Dublin on Saturday , i
all likelihood , hold thu men who ,
not guilty of the cowardly asstsslnatlc
of Lord Frederick Cavendish , kno
the perpotratora and will reveal the
names , The testimony given ind
catcd the existence cf two nocrot c
gunizatlone , both of which have f
their object the murder of Englii
officials , Ech aoom to bo the logil
mate cutgrowth of O'Donovan Rots-
dynamite society , nud John Dave
who is well known In America BU
nun who has lived for the past fi
yean from the contributions of o
laborers and servant prls , appears
havu had a hand In the busine ;
Every prominent Irishman , either
Ireland or America will join hosrtl
In the wish that the brigade cf sect
nsaasfllun uho hr.yo been plying thi
trade in Ireland for the pist fo
years may bo brought to juttlc
Homo llu'o ' U in sight for the "Ore
Isle , " but every agrarian outra
tends to undo the work of patrlt
rocs like Parnoll , DiviU and Blggar , w
are working through legitimate uica
csd to secure to Ireland the rights
: d which the has boon so cruelly c
at prlvcxL The oommtulon of crii
seldom helps n caute , and Irishmen
generally will fool a genuine oatiafac
tion when the mystery which has tur-
rounded the dreadful trzgody of the
PiusaixPark assassinations is finally
cleared avrny by the punishment of
the culprits ,
TUB majority of leadirg Iowa nows-
papora express dicldcd satisfaction
over thu drclsion of the supreme
court on the prohibitory amendment.
Many boldly naiort that If the ques
tion were to-day ( submitted to thu people
ple , it would bo overwhelmingly de
feated. The fact ia that coercive toe-
totallatn ia bccoinicg more and more
unpopular. Ono year's cxpetionce
satiiliod Kansas that absolute prohi
bition could never bo enforced , Several
states whuro the subject has been
strongly ngltatod nro turning with in
tcrast to the study of the Nebraska
high license system. ' No ono will de
ny that the general efiact of a high
license on liquor Boiling has been ben
eficial , nud that the law has generally
been enforced. Under its provlmou
drunkenness has diminished , the busi
ness has been placed largely in re
sponsible bands , and many of the
worst evils connected with the traffic
have been remedied.
"SOME ono waa careless , " Bald Su-
porintenont Fillmore of the Southern
Pacific railroad in commenting on the
terrible accident c f Saturday evening
by which eighteen passengers wore
bruised and burned to death. "Same
ono waa careless" In the Spuyten
Devil disaster where ton hurran be
ings lost their lives on Mr. Vandor-
bill's road. Some ono was careless in
the Hudson River railroad accident
where n more boy waa expected to dc
twomona" work. Soonerorlaterthulan
will place its hands not on the over
worked and underpaid railway env
ployo but on the managers , whc
throngh a brutal economy compel
their helpless patrons to suffer from
the lapouo of employes expected ic
keep their wits while performing the
labor which should bo done by addi
tional help.
MR MonToN Is said to bo down or
Omaha because the Douglas count ]
delegation are not friendly to his can
didacy. Omaha will try and boar th <
dreadful results of Mr. Morton's dis
pleasure while her representatives , i
they voice her citizens wishes , refnsi
to vote for a railroad lobbyist.
THE elongated pole which is t <
knock down the senatorial peralmmor
has not yet put in its appearance bu
a half dozen fishing rods at Lincoli
are waving In the air In close proxlml
ty to the prize ,
Ix is a bad year for senatoria
boo ma.
The Richest Wardrobe In America
IndUnapoUs Sentinel.
The wardrobe of the Chinese trlnie
ter at Washington is valued at $150 ,
000. Ho never appears at a reception
tion twice in the same dress , and nl
of them are of the richest silks nm
Stromsburg baa been incorporated.
Hubbcll wants to get a creamery in tli
About 200 pupils attend the Milfor
Lincoln is to have a Sunday mornln
society paper.
The young people of Fierce are hai In
weekly dances ,
David City recently had a case of poi ;
cnlm ; by trlcalna.
Haatirga will have a charity masrjuerad
8 ball on February 2d.
Manly U tnlme a town hill to be bull
by a stock con-piny.
Therj Is a ininllpox scare nt Fontencll
and virus U in demand.
The Oakland Independent calls its loci
news ' Oakland Acorn ? . "
llolmeaville , Ion ? Buffering for a butchc
ihop , ti at last to have it.
The new Baptist church at Beatrice :
s'.tinR its finishing touches.
Kx Secretary of state , Alexander is cler
to n committee ot the legislature.
A petition ii bolnR circulated to prever
the sale of 1'quor in Crab Orchard.
Platttmouth wants the nsw Omaha g ;
oimp&ny to make her a proposition.
Springfield had a small fire on the 111
In the residence of J. li. Nicholson.
Oreeley county elects a county judge c
the Gth proximo , to fill the vacancy.
A nu uber of Indianolabudnosamen a
figuring on brick stores next spring.
Arrangements hate been perfected
erect the Kearney creamery In the aprm
Kearney think ] a packing house on
small ecule would undoubtedly pay w <
The Aibland mill has passed Into ne
hands , and the owner will put In the roll
process ,
Lu-nber haa been purchased to Luild
Me'.hodttt church at Westervllle , Oust
The Mason Id fraternity of Hastings ha
about conclude ! to build a temple iu t
K. T. Hodsnn has been appointed jud
tf Uolfix county , vice /antmejer , i
algaed ,
Grading on the Beatrice & Tecumt' '
Ima 1m ucen stopped on account of co
weather ,
Antlctum post No. 131 was recent
wuatered In at llloomlngton with n lar
' The McCook Cornet band , " saya T
Rjporter , triumphantly , "plays tht
pieces a'rcady. ' "
The ttoru and paetnllhe at Inland w
a burned up on the nl ht of the 1-th , wi
Ir M the canteuU ,
S irpy estimates It reid and brUze e
11 I > .n < o at about Si'.OOO , nearly half t
c * . amount of taxes.
n . ' , 11. NUswonder , a Pawnee Citv yon
man , was bound over on the 16th for foi
30 Ing a uoto for $400.
is A number of Johnson county peoj
have the DikoU feter. Nebraska U bell
10 UnnDkoU every way.
as The B. & M. nave offend to extend t
of ( Jcntrd City branch to Fullerton if t
ofe r'ght of way \ * given free.
eae A tlelghlng party from Springfield vli
ae ed 1'apUllon OB Tuesday aad nd a gc
Urn' . Paplllion expects to return the
Thi IlaoUnsj N br * knn tnlnti eich
week utcture of n thoroughbred anlm tl ,
with b d'scriptbn of the nime.
Krnnklln Heifer , of lied Cloml , died on
the 17th from the dfeUi of kick lu the
head hy n hoim u few dajH bof ri * .
A It-joir-'ild roy nxmrd Fr'iik Ptdrick
If 11 elf n lmnJc.\r at P > twuee City LU the
13th MIH ! In uke hii Ifg in three t > Ucer.
Colorado coal U wurlli . 'J.OO n ton lu
Ued Cloud , ncd nniy $7 10 In Lincoln ,
Thu lied Cloud lolkrf can't uudertUuci it.
Theiolnu potti ility dut the HantlnK
operu hou o pr ject will f jil houiuee of tlie
compiuj' * inability to get Iheuccessary
Grain doilera in Btnall st'itiorB nround
Liucnlu lire PU > | IK trom 2 In 10 cents a
hiiehol tuoru tnau dcalerH in the capital
Whltcomb , bhot by Grldley , nt Friend-
vil'e ' , H lew weeks go , ia rtcuveriuj , ' , ul.
thotiKd nt the lima hU wound m\ > consid
ered tuUl ,
Tan O'Neill baby must look out for its
laurels. UUB WHS liorn lu Harvard last
wtfk that welglel 174 1-ounds. AtfldavltH
turnlflhicl on
An ex-c nvict. named Howard luaa le-
ture on "Iwo Ye.irs in the Nebwka Pen-
ileutijry , " wniun he will give to Liu.olu
its HJUU m he cin hirj a hall ,
A traveling man h loported to have
been knocked down and io'bed of $ CO ! ) on
the ro/.d between Blue Spring and Wy-
moro on the nlghtof the 15tii.
Pluttnnouth waa on ita good behavior
lait week. The shell IT , two deputler , chief
of pullco and nl ht wi\tchmun were at
Lincoln , all at the aamo time.
Competition has cut down the rates for
official advertising in Howard county to
one cent per yunr. at which figute the
Free Piess , of St. Paul , gets the job.
P. J. Leonard , of Bloornlogtoti , recently
stepped on a broken bottle which cut the
main aitcry of his foot , and ho nearly bled
to death before any one present thought
to bind the foot nbu > e the cut.
'While evening service waa in progress
in the Methodiat church at i.'olumbui on
the 14tb , n largo chandelier fell and broke ,
setting fare to the cirpet. There WAS no
panic , and the flimes were eauily extin-
The infant cbild of Col. Sam. Savidge ,
of Kearney , swallowed a pin one day last
week and ft number of physicians were ut
once teleohoned for. Hut lie fore any
the chiK'a mother held it up by the heeU
and patted Ita back till the pin shot out ,
The Catholics of Bloornlngton will cele
brate Washington' * birthday at the hall
in that city. The proceeds will bo de
voted to the purchase of a brickyard out
fit , the brickyard to be operated in the In
terest of a C tholc ! house of worship , soon
to be erected In tbo pioneer town of
Franklin county.
Win. Miller , a rrapected citizen of Bry
ant precinct , Fillmore county , recently
lost nil Ufa by devotion to bis children.
Ho waa returning from Davenport in hia
u'JKo.n 8U ( | the children were following in
another. Their team hecime frightened
and ran violently toward ! Miller , who
turned hia wagon and team acroia the reid
in or'er ' to f > t > p the runavnyg. The
flying r nmaia collided with such force ante
to throw Miller upon the frc/en ground
and his skull wn ° i fractured to badly that
he died two days later.
The crenoral agent of construction
of the Oinada Atlantic railway , Jamoe
King , E.q , of Ottawa , says : I wa :
troubled with boils over my whole
body , bnt by the use of two bottles of
St. Jacobs Oil I was cured.
Lumbago , Backache , Headache.Toothacho ,
Bor Throat , 8wclllnzi Hprnln * . Bruliu ,
llurn * . Scald * , rrcwt Illtci ,
Bol4 br Drnciliti KQd Deilrrt ferywh r . - FlftCvntl i
twltlt. DlrMlloniln 11 L > DfUin
VOur.L RiK ) ) B ltlmor , M J , C. I. A
In Hot Weather Mix with Vine Ice.
In Cold Weather Mix with Hot Water.
Add Lemonade ( when Convenient ) t
the Tneto.
The "HUH rUVCUl" la otiuperlor
meets with marked pojiula furor as a health !
jnl palaUblo clrlnfc , .
It in preparul withgreat euro from tlio best m
UrUU. and \vlll buiounl mi tcricntilo additlc
to the cholco tblniM of the table M t ich undonli
bly uila'CDthe plcavuriH ot lllo il enccum :
Kood ( eilonuhtp and good nature If rightly e
Fnmilics , Clubc , Ilotcla , Eicuraioni
Pionica and Yachting Parties Pro
nounce Hub Punch Unrivalled.
Tradt tupplitd at Manitfacturcr't prit
byM. A. McNamara. Omaha , famili
tupplied by A. H , Olailitone , Omaha , Jfeb
In zolng tU T\i.t ih
'iMcago&Mliws '
Ttir * leava Oturu S0 ; o. ru , ad 7:10 :
< ( -t lul. Iclo/matlon tall oc Ii. F. DKVKl t
Ak-fat , Hth anil ftir-ioi tti > . , J. i'.r.U , , U
rtl'.lrty Cfi3L nol JAXir.HT OMr.K , ll
Pauer Stock , Wooleu Rags , Ire :
IB Highlit Prices Paid. Shipment * from tl
country solicited. Itemittanceo
OII.UIA | Promptly made. | Nl
& En lit B U Bay W H D Hi * Kai
Boasters and Grinders of Ooffeee nnd Spices , Manufacturers of
Clark's Double Extracts of
H. 0. CLARK fc CO. , Proprtotoro ,
1403 Dmmltiu Street , Orrtaha ,
jfc * * i a
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.
Druggists ,
The Original and Only Regular SEED HOUSE in Nebraska.
Agricultural N. W. Cor. llth
Vegetable , and :
orcst wcr Dodge Htrcets
Gross , Hedge , , Neb.
We make a rpcclalt } of Onion Seeds , Onlnn Self , Blue Otans , T moth ) , Ilctl AllaKa and Whit
Icner , Os.iL'ean i Hone ) Locust. Dealers and Market Gardener J w 111 ( uemorm by hmlcirofug.
1ST end for C ft'oRue ' , FKEB.
Hellinaii & Co.
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor.
Association ,
Orders from any part of the State or the
Entire West will be promptly shipped.
All Our 60.ids arc Made to thu Standard ol' our
Sole Agent for Omaha and the West.
Office Corner 13th and Harney Streets , Omaha , Neb ,
Window Staflos aufl Curtains ,
Paints , Oils & Brushes.
107 Sonth 114th Street1
Q-.A.TE !
Carpenter's Materials
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window
and Door Frames , Etc.
rirst-claao Incllitlee for the Manufacture of all klndcs of Mouldings , Painting and
matching n Si * > clMty. Ordera from the country will be promptly executed.
vTl potnmunlcntl n to A. MOYKK. Proprleto
D. H. McDANELD & CO. ,
fKTOOX. .AJXfX > Jt' U JbCS ,
04 North 16th St. , Masonic Block. Main Honso , 40 , 48 aad 52 Dow
b rc avenue , Chicago , llefor by pormlialon to Hldo and
Leather National Bank , Chicago ,