Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 22, 1883, Image 1

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DBBperata Efforts of the Monopo
lists to Seonre a Oanous for
The Party Lash and Bloody
Shirt Waved With Equal
Banker Millard and His Brethren -
ren Ready to Thruat T/ieir
Fortune Into a Oaucuu ,
BelUving That an CvorslmdowliiR
Display Would So euro the
Contested Sent.
Tno Democrats Agree to Uomblno on
Two Mon-Tho Antls Divided.
fjfx : 'a ] DlspUch to TIIK HKH
LINCOLN , January 21. The present
L-gialatnro is made up. for the most
part , cf men who do their own think
ing and voting. They have comedown
down here with the full understanding
that they will be held responsible for
tholr acconnto nnd do not seem dis
posed to yield to outside pressure or
dictation. These who have never
been subjected to the ordeal can
hardly -comprehend what it means for
a man to stand fearlessly by his
honest conviction , from early dawn
until long after nJdnlght. Almost
every member of the legislature is
who make seductive appeals to his
ambition for place and power , and as
sail bin honesty by holding out in
ducements of pecuniary reward.
Where they fail to play upon avarice
or ambition , they appeal to partisan
The crafty corporation managers ,
though their editors and retainers nro
joalonsly swinging the party whip
over the heads ot republicans , and
tolling them that they must abide by
the choice of n republican caucus ,
when they well know that a caucuj ,
through their instrumentality will give
them what they could not. got by the
individual choice of mumbern.
there is no law for buying a man's
vote In n caucus either with promises
of ollhe , lucrative employment ot
money ; in the next place men who
enter the caucus do not feel the same
responsibility and restraint because at
boat their action dote not go upon the
record , and if perouaaco the majority
dosreea that they must nnppoit a man
for sermtor whom they would.not dare
to vote tor If loft - ij holt
own choice , they go out of
thu caucus with the excuse
"Why , wo had to do it because we
were pledged to stand by the CAUCUS
nominee. "
The railroad organ in thin city
makes a frantic appeal to the sovoatj
republicans to rally round one man ,
no matter who ho may bo , nnd clecl
him. As republicans they are in duty
bound to abide by the ruling of kin
swings the red rag in front of the republican
publican bull by assorting th t thi
democracy nnd an ti-monopolists arc
all consolidated. This Is In the fact
of the fjct that neither thi
democrats nor the antl-monopollsti
have as yet been able tc
agree among themBolvcs upor
ono matx ; and even if they were con
solidated could not elect without the
oupport of republicans. There cor'
talnly does not appear to bo the remotest
motest show of electing a democrat
bnt it is inevitable with the proaaurc
that la being brought that a republics
caucus wiil cheese a monopolist. I
it is not foe Millard it will be semi
man who can command theajpport o
the railroads while ho is matqaerad
ing as an anti-monopolist.
by which the scheming railroad attor
noyo are trying to inveigle the anti
monopoly republicans Into a canon
will be no birrlor. Whenever any can
dldato commands thirty.fivo votes il
a caucus thoaa who support the mine
candidates will go over In a body , am
before they realize it will bo bound t
support a man whom they never wonli
have voted for had they been left t
their personal choice.
It will be a very easy matter t <
pool the railroad vote in a caucui
on ono man , bat it wouli
bo no easy matter to elect such a mai
in the open field. Quito a number o
republicans elected on antl-monopol
pledgee have all along professed tha
they propose to vindicate the republican
can party by casting their votes enl
for a man who is sound on the rallvra
issue , but moat of these men
laid for thorn by sham anti-monopc
Hats , and are now voting for cand
dates who are not ono whit sounder o
the main issue than Joe Ml
lard. Had these me i com
to the front at the beginning an
cait their votes for nn avowed 01
and ont antl-monopoliit of republics
antecedents like General Oonnoi
Captain Stickle or oven Orounae , the
would command rcspjct , and ml'.jli
by this time have forcsd an election i
It is not too lite yet , however , unlei
thesa men abandon their individn ;
choiceby tying themselves down , to >
caucus candidate whoever that migl
Thu ultuation summed up b simp !
this ; The five leading republican !
Millard , Thayar , Siundora , Ojwi
and Mandoraon mustered tit membei
la8tSaturdayrangingfrom8 to 10 voti
1 for each. They all feel hopeful yet i
carrying off the prlza. The leadlr
oafs we willing to stake their fortum
tn a caucus , but thb , flay not bo able
to Induce all tholr followers to pledge
support to the canons nominee. GOD-
demon , who only had eight votes Sat
urday , and the candidates who com
mand ono or two votes , are not dis
posed to take such risks , hence the
prospects of a caucus are not promis
after a good deal of wrangling , have
agreed to go into couforoccn
and will probably cut n tolid
vote for ono candidate oa
the next ballot. Their choice will
either bo Senator Charles H. Browner
or Jainea E. Boyd. A majority of
the anti-monopolists will probably
cist their votes for Capt. Stioklo to
morrow. It in polf-ovldout thcra can
banoolocliou before Tuesday or Wed-
nedflay ; possibly tot before Friday or
Saturday. E U.
TCO'.I ! Disputed to Tux HKK.
LINUOLX , January 20. The joint
convention convened at 12 noon , took
ono ballot and then adjourned until
Monday at 12 The houao aho ad
journed to meet nt the same tlmo.
The vnto was an follows : Morton , 5 ;
Millard , 15 ; Mandoraon , 8 ; Conner ,
3 ; Crounae , 2 ; Cowin , 13 ; Brown , 10 ;
Siuuilcra , 13 ; Stiokol , i ) ; Savage , 5 ;
Like , 2 ; Boyd , 5 ; Aahby , 13 ; Thayer ,
10 ; Doraoy , 3 ; Livingston , 4 ; Platte ,
1 ; Vifquin , 1 ; Weaver , 1 ; North , 1 ;
Mnnger , 1 ; Kennedy , 1 ; Ewiog , 1.
Special Correspondence of Tui ! ! .
LISOOLN , Janutry 20. The follow
Ing ia the vote for sena'or on the fifth
joint ballot taken Tuesday :
F < r J. Sterling Morton Senators Case ,
Dunphy. Patterson , Hogera ; Itapreaenta
tiva Cftrmby 5.
For. ) . H. Millard Senators Filley and
Harris , Schoenbelt ; Representative * Abell ,
itritton , i-rowo , Coctle , Field , Gray , Mor
risen , Savage , Sessions , Stcvtnson , Suoa-
senbacli , Thompson 15.
For O. F. Munderaoq Senators Bom-
gardner. Sewers , Wnllcei' ; llepretentatlvos
Cox , Jtosen , Robberts , Walker , Uumph-
For A. H. Ashby Senators Barker ,
Connor , Dye , Decb , Reynold ; Representa
tives Afbby , Bartnn , Palmer , of Saline ,
Ramsey , Hadllek , Stedwell , Turner , Wit-
For Kennedy Senator Brown ( of Doug
las ) ! ,
For Alvin Saunders Senators Brown
( nf Lancaetfr ) , and Heist ; Representatives
Bierbower , Colpetzer , Draper ( of Knox ) ,
( iriine < , Jubneoa , Miller , Palmer ( ot Dix
on ) , llortie , Westcott , Gow , Hoaier. 13
n"orJuha M. Thaycr Senators Hrown
( of Clftj ) , Harriton and Howell ; Rcprc
centativea Cole , Cook ( uf Nncknis ) , hnl1
linger , Grlinitcnd , HowHrd , Martin , Net
tleton , Runaey. Rnajell , Spanogle , Steevcr
tSweuinytn 15.
For Havogc Senators B'own ( if Col
fix ) Coakliug ; Represpntatlvea Uatcb
Clark ( of Oolfax ) , Clark ( of Douglanf ) .
For J. II. Stlckel Senators Butler ,
and Rich , and Repretentatlvca Berkley
Cook ( of JtfferHoi. ) , Haven , Jones , Town
Werhan and Young - 0.
For Joa E. Boyd Senator Cinfiold ant
Representation Franae , Harrington , Me
Gavock and Wntts 5.
For John C. Cnwia Senatora Dolan
don 13
For 0. H. Brown Senator S nc : Rsp-
resentatlvonDavenport , Froeburn , Graver ,
Hcimrion , Uollraan , Laird , North , Tower
and Turtle 10.
For A. H. Conner Senator Fi.her ;
Representatives Arruitiyjo and 'Dodd 3.
For A , J. Weaver Representative Chu-
pin -1.
For ( leirge W ] ' Doraey - Repreienta-
tlvcis Charlston. Grout and Worl 8.
For J'MtteKapriaentativo Denman-1.
For Dr. Livingston Representatives
Urapjr of Caas , Hoebel , Payne , Neville
For Lorerv.o Crounio Representatives
Hatch and Kuonev 2.
For Victor Vifqualc Rerrcsentntlve
Luthy I.
.For George B. liake Representatives
McAllister and Whn.lon-2 ,
For A. Ewing- Representative Rat-
cllrle 1
For North-Scbroeder 1.
For Aluuger Thomas 1.
After one ballot the joint convention
adjourned till Monday at 12 m.
The house also adjourned till the
same hour. w. E.
Special Corrrapondonce o ! Tim Bui.
LINCOLN , January 20. The auditoi
of state in reply to the inquiry of the
senate respecting the non-payment ol
the appropriation to the Lincoln Mon
ument fund , stated that $500 had beet
appropriated , but co warrant so far ai
could bo learned , had over been drawi
for the amount.
Bntlor supplemented the reply o
the auditor by a statement , that a
the tlmo the subject was now in 180'
his recollection was that no ono coulc
bo f jund who was legally entitled t <
receive the money.
The committee on charities reporte <
back thn bill for the protection o
guests cf hotels and lodging house ,
from fire , with a recommendation tba
it paaa.
Bang's resolution of yesterday , t <
supply pipers and pontage stamps tc
the members of the senate oamn n ]
for consideration , and Butler offeree
an amendment to include the chaplaii
nnd officers. After some dlsjuesioi
> Butler offered a substitute inclndini
in members and c Hi sera aud raising thi
n number of papers to bo distributee
1IB from five to ten The substitute wai
IBd accepted by Sang.
d A motion to lay trio matter upor
Jt the table was defeated.
n The question then recurred to thi
r , resolution , aud Brown , of Douglas
V sevoioly criticised the plan to givi
it pipers arid stamps to th. chaplain
, clerka and p > goa. If the object wa
u to take DO much out of il'o treasury
1H 1 lot it bo BO understood.
H A motion wan thoh made to post
It pine consideration cf the subject in
definitely , which was not agreed to.
iy Rowers then moved that a portioi
B.n of the resolution referring to all pir
n sons except acnutora bo omitted
ra Brown , of Clay , seconded thu motion
us A motion to postpone conaideratioi
tf till Monday at three o'clock WAI dc
OB The amendment of Mr , Sowen w&
then agreed to and the ayes and noes
wore called on the resolution cs
amended. Before the vote was taken
Mr. Connor disouaeod the true char *
actor of the resolution and condemned
It as a perquisite , which was prohibited
by the constitution , and as an unnoo
oasary attempt to inform people who
were already possessed of moans ot
information of their own selection in
the newspapers of the day.
Mr. Butler replied In an animated
speech , placing his action on the
ground of kindness and justice.
Before thu vote Senators Brown , of
Douglas , Barker and Reynolds ex
plained thtir opposition to the meas
ure. On the ayes and nays being
taken the roaolution was adopted.
A few minutes befare twelve the
Douuto In a body filed into the hall of
the houtoof reprmtmtatlves , and thu
reading of the journal having boon
dispnueod with , Mr. Tumor , n mem-
bur from Oago , offered thn following
which was declared out cf order by
ho lieutenant governor :
WHKHEAS , The lobbyists present have
tot yet iigrjcd ni to whom the member * of
bis joint convention should or may elect
J. S. tenntor ; aud ,
WHKUKAS , in tlio absence of euch agree
ment no xsnator can or eh auUl be elected ;
and ,
WUKIIEAS , It will be but a waste of
, lma to votu for tonator nt this time , there-
ore bo it
RESOLVED , That the secretary of the
senate anil the clock of the house be , and
; hpy are hereby instructed to enter upon
: heir respective journals each ot the mem
bers nf this joint convention as voting to-
lay thn same aa smb. members voted yen-
.en'ay ' ; and be It further
RESOLVED , That this joint convention
do now adjourn.
After the joint convention both
tiouaea adjourned till 12 m. Monday.
jpoclnl Correspondence ol tha 15 e.
LINCOLN , January 20. The special
railroad committee mot this morning
shortly after 11 o'clock and hold a
short session. Only ono witness ,
Thomas Braunon , was examined.
The following affidavit was offered
in evidence , which speaks for itself :
Richardton County. I '
Thomas Brannon , being first duly
aworn , says : My name ia Thomas
Brannen , my npo is 30 years and my
placoof business FixllsOity , Nebraska.
1 have lived in Falls City for more
than Boven ynara lest past , and am
now , aud I hnvo been for all of said
seven years , engaged in the business
of eclling general merchandise , at
Falls City , Nobrmka. On or about
the 2(5 ( h day of November , 1880 , T.
J. Collins aud mjHelf went into the
buainoes of buying nud shipping grain
from Falls City aud ccntinued until
alter the matter horciu.tftor aot forth
took ptaco. Oa the morning of Jan
uary 20h } , 1881,1 wuat to our depot
office to receive BOino nhelled oorn ,
Mr , Colllnr , my partner , was absent ,
Mr. Qillis , then acting agent at the
depot , promleod mo the day prevlout
two oarj for the 20.h In which to ship
our corn. I called , m thn .morning , ol
the i h nt the fi ? J rfrrrofght oflici
nt Falls City and naked Mr. Gil Us whul
caw I could have. lie naked mo If ]
wanttd to ship to Goodell. I an
vered "Yes , " nnd then aaked him ,
Is there anything wrong with Qood <
ell ? " Ho DL'omod busy with othoi
matters and in nn abstract mannoi
answered "Yue ! " Iu a ohorttlmo&fcei
making the abave anawor ho lofl
ho olliso.and wont into the freight
louBU , as I presumed ho wanted t <
communicate something to mo , I fol
owed him. Ho then said to mo tha
Sir. H. M Smith , the general froigh
agent of this division sat In the ctlici
md that ho would introduce me ti
lira. I answered "all right ; " aftoi
; he introduction Mr. Smith oponei
iho convoraation by say leg , ' 'Mr
Brannon , I understand your contrac
with Mr. Qoodell ia completed. Then
are three regular dealers here wltl
men who own ( elevators ) property 01
the track. This is all the buyers tha
are needed hero aud they must b' '
protected , and you must quit buying. '
I then told him that I expected snellei
corn from the country during the da ;
an mount to load two cars that I fei
perplexed as to what to do witl
It If I could not ship U. H
answered ' 'you can ship t
Atchiaon. " I then told htm that w
had considerable corn under contrac
In the country and asked him whs
would we do with that. Ho answered
"I will allow you to ship that to Chicago
cage at regular tarihV1 [ The tariff o
corn to Chicago , I am told , from thi
station is 30 cents per owt. or 10 8 1
cents per bushels. ] I then asked hir
the question , "Suppose wo build a
elevator , can wo then ship grain ?
He answered , "It will do you no goo
under tha circumstances. " Those ar
the facts and the language used a
nearly as I can remember.
Subscribed in my presence an
sworn to before me this Slat day c
January , 1881. J. D. GILLMAN ,
Notary Public , Richardson Co. , Net
After putting a for question to th
witness relative to the above affidavi
the committee adjourned subject t
the call of the chairman.
Oa aciount of iho senatorial ele <
tlon the committee was compelled t
suspend its work with the above n
suit for the day , much to the rogrc
of a majority , which seems honestl
bent on the work assigned it , an
which BO fir has proved ns fruilfi
of results us the beat frlonds of th
measure cjuld
eiUI l ) ! | nlcli to TIIK HJK
CHICAHO , January 20. A drlvin '
snow atorcn began at o'clock th
morning. The wcathur la very col '
and tempoUuons generally through6r
the nor.hwost. Blockades on the rai
roads in Mlnuoaota
and Manitoba ai
reported ,
1 ho linuhnr Indicted.
SK | > cUI Dupatih to Tim Hex ,
HouKEsTKit , January 'JO. CharJi
C. Upton , the late president cf th
defunct city bank 1ms been Indiotc
by the grand jury for embezzlemot
and fraud
Frightful Accident on One of the
Heavy Grades of the Central
A Passenger Train Breaka from
the Engiue nnd Rushes
Backward to Ruin.
Fiv Cam Torn to Pleom anil Con
Htimtd by FJre-
Twenty-ono PorBona Crushed or
Burned to Death and aovoral
pocUl IKTpfttcli to Tin UK * .
SAN FUANCISCO , January 0.
Shortly after midnight the orocUud
sprcsion thn .Sjuthorn Pacific , \rhich
oft hero at Ks'JO a. ra. yoatordayatop-
pod near Tohacnpl elation to out out
in extra engine taken on nt Sunnier
to ntslat iu pnlliug tip I the Tohacapt
grade. While mukiug the oh&ngo , in
ionic moans unknown the train cot
away and started back northward ,
down a grade ot ono hundred and
twenty foot to the milo. The train
conaiatod c.f two engines , express ,
mail and bnggsgo CAM , two nlcopcrs ,
ono coach and ono amoker. It wont
down the grade at u
riuaniruL SI-KED.
for about four miles , when the hinder *
most aloepor jumped the track and
wont over an embankment about fif
* eon foot high , carrying with it the
other nloopar , mill , biggago , and express -
press cars , which were piled in , shat
tered heaps. These took lire and
vrnro consumed. The coach and
emokor wont on down the grade , and
wore stopped without leaving the
track , about two miles farther on.
All on board these cars were unin
The scone following the wreck was
terrible , and a number of persons
were jammed amid the ruins of the
train and
before the eyes of thoao helpless to
save them. At present It la impossible
to give the loss if lifo accurately , but
it in bolicvod from twelve to fifteen
portions were killed or burned to
The dead nro Mrs. John Oassel ,
wife of the well known mining man ,
burned ; F. W. Fieraon , express raos-
eengjr ; the porter of the sloaporn ,
named Wright , was taken out alivt ) ,
but died Boon after , and Lawrence ,
the porter of the , other Blooper , who
was burnud. It in f oared that the
wife of Er-Gov. Downey , who with
her husband , was on the train , is
among thn dead. At 1050 ; a. rn ,
nevon bodies had been , taken out ,
Bomo burned beyond recognition.
TUB INJUUEl ) . > * 7
The following are roportS&c.tijared :
. , J 1C. ItownlSnM Id *
Brown , Lao Watorhoaao , Mni ? A. S.
Waterhouio and two children , John
T. Cansoll , oi-Govornor Tom Downey ,
maid f Mra. Porter , Jan. Woodall , F.
W Doupherly , MM. P. 0. Hatch , .
Mro. 11. Hutch. It is a rotuarkablo
fact that the wounded are almost with
out exception but slightly injured.
The folloning passengers are un-
intt : Porter Ashe and wife , fl. A.
3 liver , Miss E. Squlora and T. J.
Oliver. Many are miesing and are
supposed to have boon burled in the
wreck nnd consumed. Asho and wif j ,
who la the daughter of the late Judge
E. B. Crocker , were on their wedding
iour. They wera in the sleeper which
5rst left the track and their escapa
uninjured is almoat miraculous. A
special train ha boon sent to the
econe from Los Angeles with physi
cians and undertaker ? . The dead and
wounded are to bo taken to Los An-
gales. Meantime every possible at
tention 'is paid them on the ground.
A wrecking train has arrived from
Further advices from Tehacapl give
as the probable cause of the accident
that when the train stopped the air
brakes wore applied , On detaching
the engine the brakes relaxed and the
hand brakes were either left open 01
wore not strong enough to hold the
train. The movement may have baen
helped by a strong gale blowing. II
is now certain that eighteen paaaongort
and two sleeping oar porters were
killed and ton or twelve badly injured ,
Seventeen bodies have boon removed
from the wreck. One of them is con
sidered certainly to bo Mrs. Downey
Capt. Watorhouso , previously reported
injured , la not expected to survive ,
The following were badly burned ;
Mrs. P. 0. Hatch , Mrs. II L. Hatch ,
Mrs. Oapt , Brown , II 0. Rons , Capt.
T. H. Tnatohor , Stephen Celling , J ,
W. Seaclof , J. D. Woodhnlland F. W.
The wounded will be placed In the
hospital at Los Angeles nt the rail-
road's expense. The remains of uni
dentified dead , if any , will be gath
ered up and buried at Los Angeles ,
Superintendent Flllmore Bays it ia not
0' yet known who was to blame , bul
some one was careless. The mattei
will be thoroughly lnve tigatod. Th <
train carried from this city ono ponob
of registered matter for St.LoulsMo.
and about 100 packages of regiatoroc
lottoin for other points. The mni
wan important and unusually full
containing letters and printed mattei
for Lia Angolon , San Bernardino am
poatolllcea eouth of thoeo points.
Special DUp&tch to Tim Jinn.
Jl. Los ANOKLES , January 21. Horrj
Connors , news atont ; , aloopintj in thi
bmgago car , was awakened by thi
movement of the car and arouset
Jainea Woodhull , bagga o inaator
Just as tha cara made the jump thi
rocf of the car split open , throwinj
both men out severely bruised , Con
nonr , while lying on the ground un
able to render any assistance , saw thi
train enveloped In fhinea , hearc
ahrloks of dying victims and saw them
vainly endeavoring to struggle from
the burning ruins. Porter Mho and
wife occupied alone the drawing room
of one of the sleepers. They awakened
by the crash , and succeedot' In
grttlng out without Injury , but
cf the sixteen other occupants of
the car , not ono is believed to have
escaped. Meantime the occupants of
the conch which kept on down grade
luccocding in stopping it , saving the
lives of some forty occupants of that
and the etnoking car. They imniodi
ately walked back to the scene of the
accident , bnt found only the amoul-
dorini * remain * of the train and a few
who escaped their llvoc , lying bruised
and bleeding in the darknoa % olilvcr-
Ing in the pivrclng cold night air or
rendering asaiaUnco to each other
Relief soon arrived from Tohncapi ,
four mlloa distant , nnd as soon an pos
sible modlcal nttondnnco was unit , from
SumiK- and Bukeraflold , and subse
quent from Loa Auaolos. Soaroh of
the di 1 soon ahowed that
oluvei. 'fortlbjyond nil recognitiononly
hcadlr , i bodies and charred limba being -
ing f md Of tin ) body of Mrs ,
Djirnoy only the head and bust re-
uainor , being rocognfzgd by thu jew-
'ry. All the bodioo and fragments
were fnthorod up and ct IHncd. The
ndwxl were removed to a baggaqo
ar , and on the arrival of the relief
Tain from Los Angeles , sent to that
iity , Of the dead , thu colored porter ,
iVrlght , wnn cruahod ; the express
messenger , Charles Plorson , had his
"icad ehnttored ; five were burned bnt
ocoqirizible , namely : Miss Mamie E.
quires , Mrs. H. O. 01-
vur , Mw. .Downey , M.-Wethcrod ,
nd Mrs. Jaa. Ootsott ; two men nn-
nown , but supposed to bo discharged
oldlera , were found dead but not
nrot Ono other body of a largo
man , badly charred , ia supposed to be
ho remains of Colonel Larrabeo , ox
: ongroesmau of Wisconsin. Governor
Downy oays Larraboo was on the
rain and ho Is missing since the nccl
"ont The remaining eleven are still
nnidonUQod , The list of wounded Is
ot changed from the previous report.
The inquest is in progress , but no
OWB ia yet received from it. No ono
ut the railroad and county cllioials
are admitted.
The utesmer Cambria , from Ilamburs
iir Now York , wnn tunic by a collision in
.bo Goiman uccnu.
lied Cloud , the ludlan chief , arrived In
Now Haven Saturday on n friendly visit
o I'rof. lilurtb , of Ynlu college.
Hocly & Lyou'd linrdwaro store nnd
Frank DlckiiiBon'i ) fnloon. in St. Jou ,
burned Buturday , Ijoen , $10,000.
The Btonmnhli ) Wisconnln , frnm Liver
pool for New York , wl.llo comlnK no thn
bay jfealerdtky , gruunduil oil Woet ,
where eho atlll If.
TheNaw ; York Tiuth nays it la authori
tatively douoi ! ; that the president tiM in-
vlttdtbo Matquli of Lorno ncd.Prlnceie
Tjoulsq to become Ills Clients upon their ro-
turu from the sonth.
The courtfi have ordered distribution ol
the funds of the Sprcgue eetati resultlnj
frutn units to holders of truit notca. Tbi
dlviiteudd will be about ten per cent. Thlt
la l.ia iiist In olftlit yoirs.
Tha Now York Morning Journal , which
was sUrted two months ngo by wen torn
journalidte , ban , much to the u8toEi Liiiou !
of uewapnpor men , nlroadv nttaliitd a cir
culation of noany 34.COO dally.
The Mutual Vrete nrsorLUlon and the
American News Kxchnngo of Olnclmmtl
have been placed on the puatollico frnud
Hut. Money ordorn anil rcqlitoroj Isttcru
will not bo delivered to them.
The Init of the clerical force of the
JoliHt Rtoel company la now la'il oil nnd
the worliH nre ccmp'etely Idle. Accord I up
to the [ iroscut orranceinonts the inlllB will
not bo aturted 11,1 before April lit ,
DBA. Wlnnetnucca ( Nev ) dlupatcli nays the
wouther uloni ; the line of the Centrul 1'a-
cllio in Nuvoda U Intenioly cold. At Klko
Saturday thn tplrit thermometer indicated
fit below ? aro. 1'ondn nnd watorholoa nro
frozen solid , nnd cuttle dependent on thorn
thu ( Munch thirst are ( tillering.
The jireMdent nominated Oeorno D.
Perkins , Unite 1 States mnrslinl for the
mirtbfin illnt Ictot lownj W , U. O'Oon-
lull , United Ktatcrt attorney for thn north
ern district of Iowa : Samuel H. Webster.
postmaHtor at Moutlcollo , Illinois , and
Samuel M. Clark , poatmastcr at Kookuk ,
The 1'oople'M twenty-five cent bank at
13atb , Mo. , stopped payment yesterday U
protect itaolf from a ina on It , caused b )
rumors that the failure of the Pacific Na
tional hank of Huston had embarrassed it ,
Tha bank examiner elates the bank Is sol
vent with a surplus and there la no occonlor
lor alarm.
The OttnwA , III. , grand jury has re
turned four Indictments against the Jack
sons ( throe HODH and father ) , for embezzle
ment aa proprietors of the Seneca bank
whi h recently fulled under ( suspicious cir
uuiustances. Lint night Judgments en
entered up ogalnut them in about eigh' '
suits , for 950.IKX ) .
A Matamora , Mexico , HpccUl sayn newi
has been received there of a desperate hat
tie near Tehnutepcc between the Seveutl
battalion and the Tehautopeo Indians
The Indians lost eighty men killed nnt
many wounded. The troops lost fifty mei
killed , among them their lieutenant col
oneL The Indiana wera routed.
At Newport considerable surprise ba
been manifested at Jamen It. Keeno'u uiort
Koglni ; the whola of his Newport property
A few yo rs ago ho bought what wa
known oa the Nathan Matthew's mansion
a Fine brick house on Itellevne nvenuo
Kteno al o owni another lot onCoggesbal
avenue , where his Htablea are. These tw
piece * of property are now mortgaged
The amount Is $75,003 , payable In tw
itew rlaya ago Alonzn Lynch wax mat
rled near bowling ( Ireen , Caroline county
to Mlsi laola Abbey. The pirtieu were o
good aoclal poiltl'in ' , and the woddlng wn
largely uttendod by the beet people. A
tbo Imppy couple wore about to board tli
northern train in their woildlng tour the
were nrrcitrd ou thn charge of stuilln
81,000 from JarnrH Wright , an undo of th
hrlde. Their f lenda were Indignant a
tl u arrest , pri.nouuclng It nti outrage , tin
theollicern Inslnted they know whitt the
were about. Tha brl lul onu ) Ie wcro tr
lcn to ( he hoUl pailor and the dettctlv
liuUtul < m pHarchlnt , ' them. Thi
wai done , 1'iit ' no moncj wn
found , aad the odicers were nbuut to re
lenee them , wlifn n lady friend preen : !
confident of the lirldo'n Innoci nco , sup
Kcatel earc tlc'illr that thu oil ) er hn
Letter loot : 'n ' her hair. "I bclltwu I will ,
* ald the oflleer. ' Oh don't , O don't
have not got It tlure ! " llerlnlr wail
heavy cotU. t'liy took it down , and neatl
celled In the heavy braids of her Muc
hair were $1IQ ! In greenbacks , Siilnt
queatly the rest of the rnouay wa dli
( uivcred , The lirlda I * 1'J and prett ]
When the uowly married couple lelt tb
house after the csremouy , the undo fror
whom the money wan auhaequentlv toln
threw an old shoe after them for luck ,
Details of the Sinking of tlio
Steamer Oimbria Early Satur
day Morning ,
The Blhok Fog of Borkum
Hurries Five Hundred P. . r-
sons Into the Sea.
Oaly Flftv-nlno ofVhotu nro
to Huvo Boon
A Terribly Ulsaatroua Oolllelon on the
North Son ,
Dlnaitor nt Son *
Special Dlgpatch 10 Tii URI.
LONDON , January 21. The Clm-
bria left Hamburg Thursday with 380
pi\83uiigorn nnd n crow numbering 110.
Shu ran ( ground before leaving thn
K bo , but got clF with the Ibod tide
with the asaiatanco of the steamer
lianaa , without damcgo , and she put
to sea at 2:30 : in the afternoon. Fri
day morning she cnmo into collision
during the thick fg } of the Dorkum ,
with the steamer Sultan. Thn Oim-
brla sank in a short time. When n
boat with 3paBDOUKors ! ) arrived , the
company sent ont the steamer llansa
and four of the largest available
earners at Coxhavon , to search for
ho other boats of the Oimbria. The
Vest Indian steamer Bavaria aluo
i t during the night with a similar
bjoct. The steamer Sultan , which
uu'erod heavy damage In the col-
islon , arrived In the Elbe.
A dispatch from Hamburg gives the
olloirlng unnud nosaongen M among
ho saved : W. Forr-onmn , P. C"-i
oiler , B. Lorizi Geisom , W. A'lon- '
orf , 0. Ilamol , W. Dam iwi ? , 11.
lanomtE , FnuU'iuSoboul , 11 Pcifon-
kopf and wife , L Itaiohor , L Hontt
Bourgonas , Oulin Cohata. The above
names were sent ua received from
Hamburg. Several of them are not
The following named members of
.ho orow wcro saved : Second Olllocr
Spruth , Third Oflicor Hoydtn , Fourth
OHieor Voss , Seoind l" ginoor K ipp-
maun , Assistant Kngiuuors Saverbrey
and Oborhido , First Seward Harden ,
Qimrtormaoton Klatt , Wulafkon ntu !
Linhekcr , Kngol and Franko ( rank
lot stated ) , Betwonn Deck Stownrdr
Thnrow and Anderson , Seamen Vie-
row , Aloxandorsnn , Johannen , Mcgrin ,
Meuchcw and Jentnon , and n bu )
named Itohm.
TO tie AT.
The Oimbtia tustainod such seven
injurlea In ttio collision that it at onci
booamt ) apparent oho must iuk almoe
Immodbkly. The oilioers thcrofon
did all In tholr power to aavo lives
Without a moment's lots of tlmo lift
bolta were distributed among the pis
songora and the order given to lotto
bontn. Thlo however , in consvquenoo o
the vocDols keeling bfcr ou ono ildi
WAS found to bo very dillicult on 0:11
ido and itbaolutoly iinpmsiblo on th * .
other. As the second i ttijur woo slitl
engaged cutting spam loose that then
should be un much drift wood as poi-
aibly for the people to clirg to wfton
the onvitnblc fuundoringBliuuld uoaur ,
the vosaol wont down under his feet.
lid reined H spur , but ns suverul other
persona clung It , ho was obliged to lot
to , und ho mvuni to a Iwat. This
: ioat was aubacaaontly picked iu by
ho Thota. The second oflioor stt'orod
.ho Theta to Coxhavou. Seventeen
other persons huvo been aavud by the
fttoamor Dlnmant , from Wteaer litht (
house , making Gfty six thus far known
to bo rescued.
makes the following statement : The
weather was clear up to 11:05 o'clock ,
but a fog then , sot in which continued
and increased ia density. The engines
of the Clmbria wcro kept at full apoed
until 1:1)0 : ) , then athalf cpcod till 2 , of lei
which they were kept at slow speed ,
About ten mlnutcH past 2 the whistle
of another steamer was heard and the
engines of the Cimbria were stopped
instantly. The's green light
was , owing to the ing , not observed
until she was only ICO feet off from
the Oimbria. The latter struck ab f 1
the bulkhead on the port side.
to starboard and speedily sank. Tin
Theta picked up one of the Clmbria'i
boots at two o clock Saturday after
noon aud arrived at Coxhaven aboul
six. A reporter boarded the Sultan
bat both captain and crow absolute ! }
refused to glvo him any Information
The captain has nmde a statement be
fore the British ooniul , bnt this la in
accessible. Tl.o Sultan has A largt
hole in bur bow seven foot above tin
wacr lino.
A long list of steerauo passengers
mostly foreigners , reported as lout
closes with Hod Jacket , Little Obey-
enno , Crow Foot , Blackbird , Chippc
way and Slnohine. The last nutnoc
six are apparently American Indiana
The first cabin paaiongont nro Tur
nnnnen of Lulptio ; Monltz Trauaa , c
D'Armatadt ; Lee Hobermanu , Vion
us ; Arthur BMo'io , Schoningstead
1'otor Bormploacr , Vienna ; Frc
Yoght , Hnmbnrg ; Paul SVetjerl
Logonan ; lludolph Poll , Brunt
< vlok ; Lorenzo Frankfort un
I'M word Groepins , Berlin ; Alfro
Ilochhualer , Polsmltz ; A. L Phoi :
derf , London ; ICmllio M. Pendert
London ; Lteprltz , Berlin ; Phillipi
burn , Bcrliu ; Helm , Hamburg ; Jc
hanna Schubert , Hamburg ;
Kxnnur , Blbaruche ; August llomnoi
ISibernchc ; Y.ilinka Jtoinncr , Blbot
anhe ; Joaoph Cnrtin or Curti , Flin *
United Slatoa ; Harry NVondt , Hai
ever ; Oscar 10 ido , Now York ,
S.xtcun botwiit'u deck pisjcngui
of the Clmbrin were landed at Bron
merhavun , Their nnmon arn as fo
Irmn. Samllver if Paris , Bck c
Potsdam , Ivirabanm of Murnnbur ;
Polurcky of Fibwaldo , Foseugof Bre
men , Yirglrt cf Siginnw , Qanzsko i
Pozugnow , Schrelbor of Berneai
Bring of Sshaltdorf , Kurtha <
Scakal , Doogy Smoltzy of S&ums ,
L&snm Kaltzol cf Oborammoigo ,
Nickel of Ulm , Schmidt of Altona ,
Bllaka of Tobavj , Joes Hocdbat of
NKW YOIIK , January 21. Knnhardi
& Co , general agents of the Hamburg-
American Packet company , received
the following cable moanago from the
office of the company at Hamburg :
"Clmbria had 23 cabin passengers ,
3G2 stoorsgo aud 02 crew. So for 39
persons have hoenhndedntCoxhitvon
and 1 ? ftt Wreor light-homes. Tl o
names of the latter are not yet ascer-
taiucd. Wo are preparing a list of
these saved nnd thoao mining , which
wo will cable to Associated Piri > s.
Among passenguni p > sltivt ly saved
are Alfred Voigbt , Wm Turnoman
and Peter Compilers.
The Hamburg American company
has boon very prompt to jiffird information
mation regarding the Clmbria disinter. .
Beaidea thirly-nino eurvlvors nt Cox-
haven nnd fcovontoon nt W aer light
huuio , another vcstul landed , but the
nnino of thuso are not yet nsccrtainod.
The number of livoa lost is estimated
at 3CO passungeir , mostly emigrants
from East Russia , among tliem were
aix Amotican Indians , who been
on exhibition in llorlin sometime.
Another Wreck.
BpoctAl Uljpatch to Till llni.
HAVUK , January.21. The general
Trans-Atlantic company's btnaruor
brndor , Captain Servan , which
sailed from New York January 3d ,
arrived hero. Shu brings the crow of
the French steamer Rloardl , which
sank at t > oa laat week The lllcardl ,
Captain Foiticr , sailed from Now
York December 33d. She wan spoken
January 13th and 14th in distress ,
having lost her rudder. The Libra-
dur cnrao up with her before the 13th
and tried to bring her Into port.
After towing her a week , sl.o was
compelled to abandon her , having
previously taken off nil her passen
gers , i Hi jors and crow. The llicardl
soon afterwards sunk.
Bow MaploBon Fleeood Ohtoago.
SpooUl Dispatch to Tin 1 >
Ciuuuii ) , January 21. The Maple-
son opera season has proved very sut-
lifiolory to the management , and very
nuhatlr factory to the public. Exor
bitant prices wcro charged for season
tickets , which were sold B week bi fore
the eeuson opened. The management
cunningly withhold the ovouinjo on
which Patti was to sing , the opor.'it to
bo pfifotmod were announced iu an
indttliritu kind of way , nor was It
known to purchasers own on what ,
particular evening any oporn would
be parforniod , as the nubacriplion embraced - ,
braced six nights , and poopln had a
goniral iinpreasion that Pom would' ' '
sing at luaat throe timos.
Thuy lushed in nud goner
ortfly emptied their -pcikots 'i
JIapleann'fl treasury. When thu ealo
had bcou closed Mr Maplcson an-
nornccd that B\tti wonld' sing bub
once. The operas all duung tbo woelr
have loon produced in n shlpihod
way , with battered aoonury and half
trained chorunses. Singein were an
nounced nn the programme who were
iu Nor/ York on the evening they
wore billed as singing here , and alto
gether Maploson hue dealt very un
fairly with Chicago nnd in return hr.s
h'on roundly denounced by the press.
To conciliate the latter ho ban an
nounced that ho will Hoed some of his
troupe to sing nt the press dinner to
Cola Enough to Freeze the Bark OR"
HH | : 'al Dfopatih to Tint HKK.
Cuit'Aoo , January 21. The cold
wave which has been advancing from
the northwest for the past throe days
reached this city late last night. At
10 o'clock last night the thermometer
marked zero , at midnight It was 4 de
grees below with a keen brocza from
the west. The lowest point reached
was nt 4 o'clock this morning , when
the signal service thermometer regis
tered 15 degrees below , though ther
mometers in moro exposed places
marked from 22 to 20 degrees below ,
At 10 o'clock to-night it was 10 below
and at midnight ! ) . The signal service
people predict fully as low a tempera *
turo aa last night nnd return of a
warm wave to-morrow. Trains In
every direction are delayed. Those
from the cast to-day are one to three
hours behind except on the Baltimore
& Ohio , on which snow drifts caused
a delay rf ten hours. On roads run
ning wtst great damigo Is being in-
Illctod on stock owners who have boas
In transit. The biting wind last night
froze many to death and they
huddled so closely together that
many were smothered to death.
At the stock yards large
number of hogs held f . .r an udvanco
In price suffer the same way tn spite
ot all flFirts to keep them moving.
The loasoa already nave been quite
largo from froezliii , ' and smothering.
Cattle and sheep are also suffering
and losing Ibsh , but none are frozan
to death thus far. There was much
drttuugo throughout the city from
bmsting water pipes imports from
northern I lluoia nnd Indiana and
southern Wiacnnuln show the rantgo
ot from 15 to10 degtuou below zsro.
YVoathur clear ,
Thu Inlur-OcL-un's Hjohoator ( hid. )
epocml Bays ; With thd tomporatura 15
degrees below /.mi , the Ice waa out
5" nud tbrcu converts itnmaraoJ by Il-jd
I. 0. Ddlp , BaptUt minister , to-day.
DUp.itcli to TUR Ilix. *
Onicaot January 21. Harry Hill , ,
W. Harding nnd Illchard K. Fox
arrived this evening from Now York
to meet John L Sullivan , Join Mace
and Slado for the parposo of arrang
ing n prJzo light butwcou Sullivan aud
Slade. The others have not yet ar
rived , It Is understood they have
been delayed' by the western snow
blockade ,