Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Saturday Morning , Jan. 20 ,
Weather Report.
( i'h.6 followlnR ohtervattonn are taken
Ibr same moment of tune at all the stall
amed. )
OMAHA. Jan. VJ.1BP3. (1:45 ( p.m
/Rlrtr frotm at Oinnln , fioi n t Yankt
jiiwlsulppl Irozen at Iavinxirt ( Irorcn at
Fiul , frozen at Dihaqof , frozen at IA Croi
frozen at St. Louln.
Kead the ad of Helmrod and Donr
on 5th page.
Sle'ghln ' ? waa not so popular yeitord
as clurinp ; the past few daya ,
The cold Btiap and the i enatorlal iif
at Lincoln cut Ouiaba hotel urrivala dote
to the minimum.
The Htioet can began making their rt ;
early ycHterday The drivers will c
talnlyearn their Kalaiy this weather.
Notice The funeral of Samuel Ifoi
ton will take place to < day at 2 o'clo
tnatoad of 3 o'clock yeiterday.
The ladloj n anaclug the fair for t
Gerraan-Kngltih school mot yaxtonl
at Max Meyer & Broe , to perfect arrnn ;
inents. The fair opens next Monday , a
will be an aifair of fine proportlonn.
N. T. Wagner , s n of the late Sei
tor Wagner , and J. B , Dow , tuperintet
ent of the Wagner sleeping oarr , wrre
the city Thursday , on a trip of Inipcctl
over the 0. & N. W. and other roods
northwest which run tliolr cars.
The days are gradually growing lor
er , and It will Interest tome to know wl ;
the ouhlal hour of aunrot now to. Frt
Jan. lnt to llth it was -1:1.1 : p. w , ; llth
21 t-1:53 : p.m. ; -1st to 31 U , .V03 p.
No deviation from schedule time will
canted by the enowilrlltii.
Bartholomew Dillon , a resident
Ouiaha for the past twenty-four yaa
and who carried a hod for the Wlthn
Bros , , contractor ? , for sixteen yenie , d
yesterday of consumption , aggdfit yea
lie loaves n wife and son ,
Undo Goo. Medicck , the veteran t
ton of Prospect Hill Cemetery , froze
face badly yesterday In coming 'Jo
frzui hia house to the city. The bi
thawed him out with a few buckets
It is reported that a ntrcot car tc
ran away on St. Mary's avenue Thuw
and ran up a lamp post , where one of 1
, horses became entangled , and not bei
able to got down , committedllnvolunti
suicide ,
A. II. Blihop , of Denver , la In the c !
V. L. Sommor , af St. Joe , la at the ft
J. 0. Post , of Colnmbup , Is at the' ft
Fred L. Kent , of Cincinnati , la at '
L. W. Oaborn , of Blair , waa In to
last night.
Hon. K. K. Wurien , of Nebraska Cl
IK in town.
1 ! . Kdwards , of Virginia , Is a guest
the Millard.
J. 0. Mltchelion , of Kansas City , ii
the Millard.
William II. V. Gobi , of Fremont , It
the l' xton.
C. 0. Voorheei , of St. Kdwards , li
the Millard.
it. D. 1'letce , of Louisville , Ky. , Is
the Millard.
Mrs. J. D. Kllpatrlck , of Wahoo , is
the Paxton.
Dr. J. A. Irki , of Shelby , Neb. , U
the Paxton.
Ilev. George W. WalnwrlRht , of BI
ii in the city ,
J. Bllckensderfer registered at the 1'
ton yesUrday.
J. J. McGInnlty , of Denver , Is gv
of the Paxton.
N. P. Langford , of 8t. Paul , reglsU
at the Paxton last night.
II. U. llumiey , wife and child , of 1
oinlmr , are at the Paxton.
George F. Smith , of Springfield , O
was a ftueit of the Mtllard yeiterday ,
Mr. D. II. Clark and child and
Lincoln and child , of Denver , reglati
at the Mtllard lait night.
Fred R. McConnell , general wenl
agent of the Union Pacific at Salt I
City , came In from the west la t night.
An Appeal for Belief.
To The Editor o ! Til Rllii.
I take great pleasure In acknc
edging the receipt of another barrc
fine largo potatoes from the Tl
. waad school. God blesi the 1 !
hands that carry them , and may tl
lives bo brighter and.happior for
little act of charity.
The last barrels have so far t
distributed to nine famllbs , hi
dollar's worth of groceries , whlot
some cases wo give , and a baekol
potatoes and a tack cf crackers do
( ro far to keep the wolf of hnrgerfi
the doer. 'Photo who can give a <
lar and not rnies it can Ilttlo rca
the sufferlnps of the poor in times
this. There is no employment fc
laboring raan. Strong men 1'avo i
to roe , "I am strong and willing
work and support my finilly , bu
cannot get the work to do , I h
walked the street all day , and rutur
to ray hcmo at night penniless , "
Any person dcshous of help
those destitnto ones would rrcuvo
greatest thenks of many by giv
tome floor and meat for diitributi
Sup't Relief Dep't 0. C. M
The Tidal Wave from Man'tol
Its Effect on Railroads , Stn
Oars and People.
The ollicial record at the Uni
States signal station show t
Thursday night was the cold
of the season , the mercury
ho thermometer falling 20 do r
jolow zero , which is thu cold
weather recorded since 1H7I ! , whoi
ell to 22 below , the loweit known
many years.
The wind was not very high ,
gauged by cllicial reports , but blow
[ uents and Ircquontly bccamo qt
iiedgrcoablo. Bnuw sot in at ! t
Thursday morning , and ended on
Mday morning , a part of which ti
ho fall was quilo hojvy , and a p
uoroly drifting , The total fill i
hreo and one-tenth inchot.
Other stations reporting to the t
aha aignal cffho show a similar c
litiou cf weather throughout
west and northwest with u sure t
lency to proceed eastward with
limlniahod severity. 'Jho only
caption appears to bo at St. P.
vhoro the ti mporaturo Friday morn
ndicated twenty- two degrees ab
zzra. On the other hand Bisrnn
oportod thirty degrees below , I'uf
orty below and intervening statt
Attixo'olock Friday morning No
'latto reported 21 ° , Choyounu
5 ° , Wushakio 27 ° , Yankton
8 , Danver 15 ° .
Snow was falling Friday morning
St. 1'aul and D-ivonptort , hut the sti
WAS about over at 'Omaha and o
rhore , clear weather being repot
rom all directions. At this point
hormomutor at noon stood at 1
Icgroca below.
Private thermometers about the c
WPro much lower than at thn slg
flico , Max Meynr'a showing 2G bol
nd others 25 , 'ii and even 28 belt
The storm cQ'dotod all the romero
moro or loss. The Union Pacific sent
now plow out early Friday morni
hero being moro or lean heavy dr
ng reported from the west. 1
morning train from Danvor did ;
omo in at all but was abandoned e
of North Platte and run as second t
Ion of No , 4 , the regular train oc
ng in an hour late and the ex
m hour and twenty inlnu
ato. Tlio yard engines 1
nothing to do Friday , th
being no freight tralua in from
west. No. 10 was reported two i
ono-halt hours lato.
The cnatorn mail trains wore
reported four hours late , and the n
> ound Union Pacific train wai delai
an hour behind its ichidulo tlmt"
caving. Train * were all marked
go out , but their oi/.u wus reduced
noot the emergency.
A aasougor who came in on
jurlington & Mitsiurl morning tr
rom Linoaln , which arrived two ho
ate , says that all trains south of t
lolnt on the Burlington & Mlsc
mvo been temporarily abandon
Fhb north bound train left Line
drawn by two locomotiveo and pus !
by a third. The engineers and f
non were a coating of ley mall <
uches thick.
The storm was unfavorable for
U. Paul ft Omaha road , which altr
lUffors on such occasions. The willed
illod the outs and the train which
his city Friday morning was st
od in thu snow about three o'clock
ho afternoon , on the Indian rosei
Ion near Emerson and about a h
drod miles north of this city , I
visions were supplied to the passers
; ors by the railway company , ab
iant fuel was secured , andallpropi
ions were made for passing the nl
comfortably and making a push to
out of the drifts Friday morning. '
train leaving Sioux City Fii
morning , and duo hero at 5:20 : Fri
evening , was laid up at the Blair 01
night , it bolng doomed inadvisable
try to got through the outs botw
Blair and this city. Snow plows v
sent out on the road Friday morni
Friday night tnoDinvor train on
U. P. waa hold till about half. ]
nine to Await the arrival of tn
from Chicago , the Hook Island , I
lington and Northwestern being 1
Thn thermometer at .Max . Moyc
Bro. , wholesale jowolora , Omi
Neb , from 12 m. Thursday nnti
m. Friday , Indicated the follow
12m. , 10 above ; 2 p. in. , 12 abi
7 p. m. , 4 below ; U p. in , , 7 be !
7 a. m. , 27 below ; 10 a. m. , 12 bcl
12 m. , 8 below ; 2 p. m. 5 bolow.
The can which were stopped al
arly hour Thursday resumed t
regular ] runs Friday , the s
plow being run over the two nortl
lines to clear the track. The only
coption to this ia the Park line , up
Mary's avenue , which has boon al
donod for the present , there b
fourteen foot cf snow in many pin
and It being Impossible to get thro
it at onco. None of the drivers
reported as suffering from frozen in
bora , though they all have to go
mtfllod up.
It is feared the terrible snow st
of last night has blockaded the n
so that no trains will arrive or do
from this pity to-day. The train i
left this city for Omaha ana the
yesterday atternoou was repo
snow bound at Ashland. The t
duo hero from Ojgaha at 9:40
night failed to arme , and It is un
stood she did not leave Omaha.
last train that arrived In Lincoln
tcrday was the ono from Donve
State Journal.
Thcro was no train In on the ]
sourl Pacific last night and n BKK
porter was told by ono of its re
soutntlvos that all trains had 1
abandoned for the proeont.
7ho V/uv l wlira.
Sjcclal Dispatcher to Tin lt ! .
YANKTOK , January I'.i A bliz
and uovcro cold prevailed for the
twenty-four hours ; 22 ° hplow j
The worst vreathur since 1881.
DEMVKU , January 111 , Exti
cold weather prevails huru , the t
momoter registering 13 ° below j
Mountain towns report the cold i
intense. At Georgetown the t
mcmotcr registers 30 ° below , t
coldest over known ,
MIHNKAI-OLIH , January 10 T
worst storm ot iho season prevail
ho last twenty-four hours throughc
Minnesota and ca&tern Dakota. Tn
leraturts varying from 15 * to 30 * 1
ow are reported to-night , with o gc
oral high wind and air full of fi
now or froat that "cuts like hall. "
KT PAUL , Minn. , January 19 Di
ng the greater part of last night a
a portion of to-day the air was fill
with snow and the ground bocoi
ovorod to a depth of several inch
t was the hardest snow storm of t
winter and accompanied by gusts
vlnd. There was considerable dri
ng , The railroads have been bol
crod somewhat but no serious diffici
y has occurred on any of the trn
Inos , although all trains are late. I
ho Minneapolis and St. Louis t
Chicago express arrived two hoi
ate , but all other trulns were abt
donod on account of a blockade bol
Albert Lisa. On the Milwaukee ro
.rains on the Ohio and Mueisslppi ru
divisions iuo running under a sli
disadvantage , but tlio lisftinyc a
Dikota dtvliisn ii blockaded at Glc
coo and neither Iho morning or aft
noon trains attempted to go boyo
.hat point. Thu Northern Paci
.tain duo this morning arrived i
ipurs lato. Th' ) train will go out
night as naucl. Thu Manitoba expti
Ino thin morning did not nrrivo ui
ntoin the afternoon. The delny v
cauaed by n stalled freight tr/ /
uar llftiicook. Tno Brockcnric
train duo luiro nt. 8.20 stuck in n di
lear Morrm. Freights were stepper
or abandoned on the middle a
northern divisions , but trains c <
iuued , though aomowhut impeded
tlio St. Paul end. On the Omn
road the eastern branch ii all fit ; '
and trains were 'running < ]
iweon Chicago and Minnoapc
on timo. On the western brar
ho road was tilling in and iho tn
was running behind time , Ord
were issued to the Minneapolis ctl
not to sell tickets beyond Maakn
and the ipronpeot appeared good :
ho abandonment of the trains w
cf that point. Freighto werogonora
abandoned , but the roadn genera
oxpreis confidence in their ability
; et cleared up to-morrow.
The State Board of Agriculti
Locate the Fair ,
The Requirements and Oblig
tiono of the Driving Park
Aeucciation. .
.lncoln Journal ,
The boird of agriculture held
closing session yesterday moraii
at thu board of trade room a
Thu proposition to locate thofah
) mail a WHS oonsidoud and.adopt
.t was agreed to hold the f.ilr I
coming two years ut Omaha , to g
ho Driving Purk association the p
ccodo from the sain nf tlcko'a to <
amphitheatre for 1882 3 , and in
event the board dcsirus moro am ;
theatre room , that the board will i
oun-half the expense for construct !
The following gentlemen wera
pointed as the bourd of manage
Mestrs. Vurnas , Qrlnnol , Barker r
! ont , nnd Martin Dunham , who i
mode chairman of the board.
An appropriation of $300 or
much thereof as nocotsary was app
jrlntod and placed at the disposal
; ho fish commissioners to make u I
Mr. Hnitman submitted a prnpi
tion from a Mr McDonald , of Chi
{ O , to itttund the state fair and i
iia "chariot" races.
On motion the matter referred
.ho board of managers
Oov. Furn&s moved to remit
Iuo of $100 imposed against Jui
Ivlnnoy's horao "Alarm" and roinst
iiira to the privileges of the tra
After considerable discussion the i
tion was not agreed to.
On motion the treasurer was
dorod to pay the hotel bills of
members of the board.
A Deserted Woman Dloa In the Co
ty House.
The poor farm was Thursday
cone of a funeral , the remains t
consigned to the potter's Gold , be
thosocf Mrs. Jacob ? , wife of a 1
bar who formerly did business iu i
She was , It appears , his second v
and had when married a boy )
grown and about $000 In cash. '
husband is said to have boon a wo
loss follow und spent about ha I
her Ilttlo hoardo In a Hhort timo.
then sent the remaining $300 to
deposited In a bank to her cro
but the boy who took
not knowing the routine of such b
noes , deposited it in the name of
husband Instead. A few days li
Jacobs drew the whole amount
of the bank and "skipped the ton
leaving his wife to take care of 1
self and her boy. Soon after she
a stroke of paralysis , and was obll
to go tothocwunly farm , and fi
thora to the last resting place iu
potter's field.
It Is a sad case , and the cause o
all ought to bo sent up for life c
telegraph polo.
Bnlr'i Petition.
Life Is rctlleu , daji are fljetlnir ,
Children blocinbut dla In teething :
Wamlnc take , a'I trlimls ud mother ? ,
Witch tin protloiu glrliaul brothers ;
Head the home IHcof Vl-toiU ,
Children nine , all had Ciutorlnt
No sleep1 tes night i by bib ) < iuilllu/ ,
Llko Uiki they line In earl morning.
HA , NEl ) .
Tables supplied with the bojt
tnnrkot aHoida. Tha traveling pu
claim they got better accommodati
and moro general satisfaction 1
than at any other honso lu Qm !
Kale , ? 2 per day. nu ltfrc
* lloa ana HUB
Flics , roaches , ants , bod-bugs , r
mlco , gophers , chipmunks , cleared
I "Rough on Hats. " 15c.
Patent Appliances Which Shon
bo Adopted in Omaha ,
An Omaha Architect's Vie
on Their Utility.
When a disastrous fire , accompanl
) y a considerable lots of lif a , occi
ho question of protection is linn
diately dlecnseod. The dilTert
tioans of oscepo are canvassed a
heir merits determined on. T
intent oontrivanaca known cs i
escapes are extensively used in t
argor citiof , both in hotels and pub
mildlrgs. The first invention is
most simple , and at the same til
useful , moans ot etcapo from a bui
ng building. It is known as t
Oarancho fire eaenpa , having be
nvpnted by Ales , ( laratchp , a pror
nontcitlzau of St. Louis , ItonM
> f n rope , an iron ricg and a pair
gloves ( fuced on the palm with eat
lapor. , The iron ring la fattened li
.ho floor near the window t f thu roi
vhicli overlooks thu atreot , The re
s attached to the ring and lo coiled
lear by ready for use. The gloves i
uood to , ctuso additional friction
that in cieo the parson may r
detcoud * to the ground too rapid
f hose simple and incxpoosivo nrtic
nay bo pl.tced in ench room of a heat
at u comparatively trfluig coiit n
may bo used by ladiea , if nuccaaa
as well an by gentlemen.
T&o dthor escape is an iron lad <
running from the rocf to the groti
and is gounorally placed nn the <
.orlor walls oppcaito the hallways
jach floor of the building , which ov
ook the atreot or alley according
the building is situated. Tholadd
invo platforms upon each fl ) or U [
which to step from the window
laor of the building when cnierg
for escape. In addition to this a sti
tlpo attachment runs up ono side
the ladder and has a coupling
every floor for hcsg to bo used by
firemen in their struggle with
[ lames. Thus the appliance unaw
the double purpoeo in aiding people
the building to escape , and by
firemen in getting water on the flat
moro rapidly than if they 1
to carry their hose from
utruet to the place wh
the fire is taging. Thin latter met ]
is usoi ox ton lively in Oniia o n
St. Louis , especially on the six , ei
and ton story building ? , which fc
year or two past have been bull !
both cities. In thn Inter city a mui
Ipal ordinance n quires the owner ,
cuoh buildings to ndopt thiu ojcapo.
A BKR reporter call on an archil
of this city , and in answer to r.n
quiry on the question , the latter E
tnnt ho deemed the iron ladder esc
a good invention.
"Do you think their usu might \
bo ndoptud in Omaha1 uskod the
"Thero is no reason = vhy t !
should not bo , " hci replied , "aiu
think it wonld bo highly advisable
them to bj placed on all buildi
where largo numbers uf people gatl
which are more than tire stories
height. "
"Bow is it that people did not
the fire escapes on the Now !
house ) " questioned the reportor.
Is understood that there vnro ouo
moro on the building "
"Tho trouble was , " answered
architect , "that thoijfcnosts did
know where to find them , My i
is that when the hotels adopt the
escape that they should post prin
notices in each guest room of
house , giving the locality of o
oacapo and caution the guests at
eamo time to vieit the places In 01
that they may know exactly their
nltlon with relation to their rooms
that If in the case of a tire , in the
tending excitement they may not
got where to go. In that o iso the
escapes will accomplish their nae
there will not be any loss of life. "
Cedar Kiplds sends out 150 com me
travelers ,
Independence U tohava a packing hi
to coat $75OCO.
Towa Falls will found a colony In
kota the coming fall.
Dei Motnea' expense for fire protee
Is 940.000 annually.
The Via ton creamery made 165
pounds of butter laat year ,
Koclc llipldi has imported a culoa
New York city street walf .
Plymouth county thinks It is to reo
a Urge Influx oi settlers in the spring.
A Uavenpirt eleotri : lliht company
bean organized. The capital IH $ j,000.
The Mawhalltown Timos-Ho ubl
denounce * Woodbury hall In that city
fire. trap.
The CUpo block fire In Dea Me
canted $143,028 loan , with $01,000 In
anc * .
There are (130 ( oreameriet In the st
The yield of butter is 100,000,000 pot
per annum.
One family In Boone o mnty has mam
t * get Sl.OOu out of the poor fund du
the put year.
The ineak thieves are making It di
edly lively for the Cedar Kapid * i
chanta and citizens generally.
The jail at Marion caught fire ou
lltli. hut vraa extinguished without
matins any of the prisoners.
Much ( peculation Is still rife over
failure nf the Albla bank. An expert
work endeavoring to solve the mystery
Glenwood , Council llluH * , Silver C
Pacific Junction and Tabor an to ba
neote J by a continuous telephone wire.
The discovery of coal of Tatua con
has encouraged the formation or a <
piny at Traer for the purpose o ( nlnkl
The now city directory in Cedar Ka
contains 5,030 na ned , on which It h
counted life to base calculation for a ]
ula'lon of 15,000.
The fears of an overwhelming flood
now pcruieatlJf ; tbo breasts of ralh
mou in Ilia Interior portion of the t
where the mow U deep ,
The Lincoln Guards of Option have
iirocuted $150 worth of new uniform ) ,
It claims to be the only company In
itnte fully equipped.
The pojr farm of Jtaenix Vista coi
cost last year $1 009. and the budding
completed coat 82,500. The pauperi
county cost 33,221 37.
A young man. styling himself "Cou
Johnny No , 2 , " ha come to grief at }
s uquv wltcro he astounded the pe
pie with hli extravagance , He haj I
" * hoilug the queer" on them.
De * Motnes city ha * won the
brought axalnit It by thirteen prop ,
ownen for damagti alleged to have t
caused to property by construction cl
levee. Toe amount Involved wai $15C
Thcro Is a prop ct of a new opera ho
In Marihalltown. The Manons have
matter of converting the percent op
home Into a lodre hall under advlicim
la which er.nt a new theatre will
The Iowa City papers am Meting
ciuie Cedar Uapiila has trtrd to fuigt a
man in destitute circumstances npon t
city. She was placed on a train and
fate oaid.
A ganff of counterfeiters wcro recer
unearthed near Delhi The work was d
In a cave , and one wan arrested with
his tools , and about $200 In dimes i
twenty.fivo cent pieces. His name
Penn and li now in jail in Dubuque.
A Wedding Which Occupied T
Days ,
A Knotty Question as
Which Will be the Wad
ding Anniversary.
THE BKR recently chronicled
wedding of Mr. Ohas. Banco , of 1
o ! C , to Miss Olara Hardy , < f Vv
torsot , Iowa. Charley has been u
tied under circumstances which
raise a knotty question as to when
and his bride shsll celebrate tl
crystal , silver and golden aunlvoi
rioa , an hia wedding occupied a \
tion of two daya , beginning on J
uary llth and closing on Janu
12th , the words "I pronounce ;
m n and wifd" being uttered on
latter'dato. The Winter ei ,
Chronicle of the 17th inat. saye :
That truth la oft-times stranger t
fiction the guests assembled to wlti
the marriage of Miss Clara Hardy
0. T. Bunco , have all roalizid. Tl
bridal morn , January 11 , dawi
bright and fair , a perfect contrasi
the previous stormy days , thus qu
ing the anxiety of friends who tea
a postponement of the ceremony ,
the groom's residence in Omaha
hills of difficulty between.there i
VVinterspt in the shape of enow-dri
seemed impossible for even a kn
heart to surmount. A tologratn fi
him the day he was to re
hero at Menlo , "Can go
further , " but happineoa reigned
preme , Thursday morn , when anot
dispatch oamo stating that ho
rooched Des Moiuea , later that
loayj * for Wintoroot at C p , m. J
the a "ointcd hour gu.'sts nssoml
at Mr. j-.ardv's , where all minor
tails were arranged in u pleusing m
nor. The marriage ball , suspun
from fdstoons cf evergreens , guar
by two whlto doves over too me
gram "B. H. " ; chairs underlie
awaitini ; their hippy occupants ,
thin suggests no thought of ivb :
groom. 1'no first half hour a e
duod expectancy prevailed ; the n <
joy was uareatramed , varied by
Welshor's frequent outlooks , wl
garo a slight impression that the ti
waii delayed , but his continued ; H
ancer , "he is coming , " rovi
our hopes , although various c
flicting rumors reached
as train Uf s Des Moines at K p.
traiu just left Lathrop ; time went
cheered by muslo and happy sayli
11 p. m . reliable , train fast in a deut
out by Newlon's and Graham's ,
imagination we could see the gn
walking rosily back and forth gas
with wistful eyes at the glimmei
lights of Wtuterset , humming so
to himself , "Thou art so near and
so far. " But wo are arontod f ;
revory by sleigh bells , and an cc
rushing for the door where di :
pointmens awa'.ls us ; only
a driver after some of
guests. Soon a rumor , the b
hoard the train whistle , hu id su
coming ; again the clear ring of joj
bells herald the approaching gro
they stop , the door opens , a clap )
of hands as he really appears , wl
ho acknowledges by a bow and the
presslve woidi , " 1'vo arrived. " 'S
the hum ot voices is hushed , and fi
Purlin's skilled fingers send forth
weddiug march , when the puronti
the bride , followed by her brother
his wife , arrange themselves on
left and right of the boll ; then
lovely little bridesmaids , Wilma ]
ker and Daisy Conoran , orrayp <
white , carrying baskets of flow
preceded by Dr. Welshor and 1 <
looked-for bride and groom ,
bride , lovely in au elegant dreti
cream brocaded satin , white flower *
laoe. The groom , fine looking ; gen
verdict , a happier bridal ne'er
seen. The ceremony , solemn and
pressive , married with ring , G
choicest blessings invoked , when
and Mrs. Banco received oongrat
tlons for a happy lif3 in the e
morn cf a new day. Uafr shm
bountiful and good were served , i
plomeuted with delicious fruits , pit
oranges and grapes , i f which all
took in n manner worthy the occa
and the hour , when "good uioruii
were said and good bye to
bride and groom. Daring
hours of waiting and watch
the wedding presents consisting
the beautiful , useful and valuable ,
numerous to mention , were each
mired. Wo hope they will adorn t
happy homo at homo. The china
sot from the young men we ki
will bring pleasant memories. Clt
many friends regret her depart
yet we hope the love of au <
daughter will some day in the fu
induce her husband to make theme
homo la Wintcrset. Oar wish at
said good bye , was that
"Tho snow of'years on their hair n ill
May hope Bull kindle anil glow ;
Mny they be then , as now they art ,
Llght-neartei amid the mow. "
Supreme Court Proceedings ,
D. 0. Patterson and F. M. No
rep , of Wayne comity , wore admi
to practice.
0. & N. N. H. 11. Cor vs. Hod
Motion to quaah bill of except
overruled and cause contini
Opinion by the court.
Where an attorney of record ,
whom a bill of exceptions ii preset
for examination , proposes ami
went thereto , without objection ,
cannot afterwards bo heard to c
plain that it was not presented to , '
within thu statutory time.
The following causes were i
milted :
Xulson vs. Blvins.
A. H , Daily Will ; Continne tl
Carriage Business ,
The Coming Prospectus ot tl
New Proprietor.
How few of our citizens there a
in this city that do not know Mr. .
H. Daily , who hut n few days ago fi
ured as the junior member of the fit
of Moadimbcr & Daily , thu wi
cnown carriage and buggy manofi
tory , corner of Sixteenth and Capll
Aveuuo , whic has been this day d
The junior member , who w
icrctfter continue thu bn
HOBO is a well known median
whoio skill has bon tested by ma :
of the best Nobratkjno , as wo knoi
by because ho has extended t
trade ot the local firm all over t
west ; our city contains many
ino vehicle constructed under the at
management of Mr. Dilly , which
ampin credit to the maaufic'.uro' ,
Wnlle the factory contains many I
cilltii'3 fnr the manufacture of ;
kinds ( f vehicles , it is not i
to the sttmdonl c f Sir. Djkily'n wish ,
competition with the eaat is vei
strong in thiu city. Therefore MI
machinery will at once bo added , 1
which ho will ' 03 enabled to .turn o
fine and superior wotk to the easto
at the 8)tii3 figures , while in the ps
it hi ? been his main object to co
struct but nrat chiea vehicles , and H
the sauio at prices that in every i
stance iofied competition ,
It will interest thu readers
TUB BEK when they ascertain tli
Mr. Duly will atop at tlio old stai
and take personal interest in over
thin ? that comes In. Mr. Dilly w
bo supported by a force ot the v
best mechanics procurable , and wi
no doubt , have the suppoit of eve
citizan that thinks of the advanoeme
ot our city. It is nearly ton yes
since first the factory was opened , a :
by thrift and abli management h
grown at a wondeiful rate , where th
ntood but-a littln nhanty now stand ;
liae fictory , tifixGfi , with nearly
dozen shops , consisting of blacksmil
shops , wheelwrights' shop , paint she
trimmers' shop , varnieh shop , a
lastly iho repository , which ii stock
at all times with line carriages , bi
gies. road wagons c f every deecrlptic
\Vo know our hopes will not bo vj
as the now proprietor haa many wa :
friends who will nlvrajo reward 1
ill and industry , as facts are fao
D.iily < a a aclf-nuite man.
Fair and Febtlval.
No Gonct , No Banners "A Summer Idyl ,
from a Providence Merchant ,
Mr. Over L H , L'.i\is. a irmt dudrr > t
Wotai M'CI '' ' , bears hisgritfdi tistlin
totheuriiuallucl | txcd'ecco tf tin product
ofonsof turmc t ll'ful ' lrj > ! deice I'hin
cis'a. Vr DaiUsa'i , "Ijui tprlr 'I was v
.tly troubled with ec\ ire hilliaiation o ! t
Ktdnpje , and It bccimi no had thai nt tlui
uiloatej blco'l and my suSrlnj ; < were iatei
Jtjfconi'ltln wnsi julr-talllut ( cr .1 uhll
wm\\aibcarocly a1.lo to ta'tenl to bibln
aiJ the seve-c ] ulus w ulj comjio euddosty
tofruly th 11 wool 1 he oblige J to loa\e a cu
mcr whom I ml | ; < > t hippeti to be wrx'tlnj ' Uf
t\CK \ * frt ot the time 1 MM unable tou
nil HCaiccly kaew what to ih cr which wa ;
lookto * rtllct. At thin ( Inn a ( rlenl recomm
deilllunt'e PemoJy. I took two bottles c
inJ It took rljht ho'd otny ( ] dlai-wj ami cu
me very rpcedily , and I 1m uxptrlenccil
trouble lth iny ktdccyi tlucs.
"Furtbermorr , Hunt's rcuudy haa etrin
vned ino very tuu h , nJ elucol betun to u i
I bavo l-een able to attend to liueloi'ss , and
all right row. I hrar My rcoejomcncl It to
\S'hat It baa done for n.u H will do for } ou \
iiroatll.cttd. "
Suffered for Twenty Year .
Hon. Joaluii Tuthlll , ot K\it Sagfnaw , Ulc
iav ; "Count me atnon tto enthuiiiet c Irlui
ot Hunt's Kemedy. It naa proven in my cu-io
> ou claim lor It na\ln ButJcieJ ( > r about t
y yearn 1 h sow re dla OHC ct tha ) Mn
( which ou bcilii sclinsiirjnounced Drlzl
ulaeate. ) 1 mtilo n Journey Knst to consult
rniloett trUi\en : o Himllt > D , New York ,
\\h'Bi l.imo in thlispfdalty t hid hetrtl mu
Dr Hivd'i rwnincd m eiralull/ and flea
tald , " 3onnd net a hittle ol lltiot'H n ia <
anJtakoaccoralnffio dlnctlons" After la\
tri\cltd ro far for tr-ratirent , It a ruck ino
rathrr lunry to bedlructtil to take a medic
which I m'fht bo .Rht wl bin n SIOIU'D throw
my own door ; but I KBH In < ho ooctoi's hat
and ol course. I followed hli tdvlce.and right g
waslthtt I did en , for bdiore I had taken Hui
rcmely half dozen tlojol I found Immense t
efitfrom It , and by R.ntlaulng th u o ol It fi
hnio I recovered Iroln m > trau'jle entlr.Iy , i
am ta-d v , I think , one ot the mc t raegei
luxged MiCali'andera Tne wntld laindebtn
you , lit , for the proroul at'un ol inch a mi
cine , and I hope jou may not K ° "hcutY' '
rcwaid. " TjUl a zj , Tic.
ONKY TO LOAKCall at Law o ic of D
M Then as room 8Crelvhtou Block.
LOAK-On chattel mortcago
MOSKVT A. H. Tutton , No. 1510 Doui
BtrtH't front room up nt.-urn. 435-
. \ TO LOANAt 8 JUT cent. bhrU
MONF.\ nd Lo.iii Axt'noy , oppo
poi-toUlcc. 7b7-
(50Hi ( | nnAlO HUN At 8 per cent
* -CUUUlHMireht TI suimof t..OOO and
w rd , for 8to 6 } earn , on tint tlast city und fi
propirt ) , I ! VH UR\L Hi r ITU and Lois Ann1
15th and Doii''laa hm.
rVArt | tu
\V nt d m le or fenmle. In > \
ACESTS l IhoUrtted hutcs i > \
torlS.IOpardiy enlly rea-'u O.K. ttlr\
* O > . , in luuliy 8lre.t , lotV City.
I IS linofmor.
-An > , I lftit riiftnetr at
I'axtou Hotel at once. ikOS-llt mj
" \\TANJKI ) Al . \ rtea ( fo-d h-nd
W tonui > e hlmirlf mefuUIn lie olliccr ;
OIK , Omaha Kutloiul Funk hulldh y up 8'ftlin
Chambtr maid al o rolore.1 i
WANTED on tablu and ti work nrouiid ho
nonu but UICKO whoarj wlllnit3 wrk no-rt
1 > U at 318 1'ougUa ' M. 7 0- ]
- fir rail ro.dd wrk.
WAXTlfD-Men , llth St. 7h7
\ / AXTKD Etery one to leave orders for I
VV M ' . ' 17 It. llith trec.up-6tolni. tSJ-
PAN'TtU A fe prliatti l o.udepi t 1
W rariiam tlrtit , 800- ' .
To U-ft n for IflPif time , < u t
WASTKO comtiilcni to ! > > Win
MoorcK C' " ami ToutU | < . _
IX Uuturnuhcd "on it rr rent in bncj he
S UI6L'h04goa'ifit. _ _ 75 :
\\rAS > KlA fo * uore inpictaVla Asecl
V cv vt-teiD , will pay xieil i > t < il "en
In tfi a day ntu ue men ( rrm 11,75 to ? 3 , '
AdUrcs lnc experience , Wetttrn AK H > < * S
j Ca K'n < i _ ( > yMo. _ _ _ _ JV- .
WAMltl ) .
\\7 A.STKU To III n i < assl Unt book kn.
\ \ or Mil i' . rU lais.'Uenu il itfero c
security. If reiMircJ | Willing to woil. Add
- Situation I > JT an H litant IKI
WANTKU- | i'it u I IK' b st city n h r > 'nco.
Ann II II toillci. 7V3S1
ANT' I > - linployni'nt by a BON ! mail ptl-
W \at 111 lly or Horo. U. MANNWKILUI ,
CM HtHf-MOUytb nd iMMU
oil HKNT Ihrc rooms atnl cell- , lath and
; ( 'jililcrnli i ns.t. Inquire at tus 1,1th ktroet.
, , iOll ItENT-.S rurrBc.roomimtiti'or tme
Jj I'lfn-nntly I c tad. fa 1 hetnictn 3 and ti p ,
tn , ,117 N. 17th < rect , between lUfetiport a-.d
Un c K i , ci'.t ' side , 801-22
171011 RUST Thnc roonu roomt
1 rll > furniKliHl , but party going outw.l' Ml
luru lur , rnr\i \ ? t , 9tn > ui , riockc'ry , cto , ery
[ b.iionlyfU500nian | > iier. "Ouddcr , t
V and b > ni iit ot bulldlri ) ; Ko.llll tarnam
itmot , Iniulr | next cooreut , tin.
RENT I'.iur room house"tor pr 9th orul
FOR n. Applj at II. F. Haiiunn RW Jack-
OR RKNT- 1 tie fro it tnriilthvd roon < Mo.
F IX J 17th St aud uallf rol . 70S 6.
. . . -RIRENT FurnUned room , hea'ed by ifj-
.J Ifit.r. ltd Idtnce 18th u.reet , wmttlde 11.ut
liousj noi til ol ChlcA . 7S7-19f
. \un R8NTFur. . Ithcd room K , II. ecroerOth
I and Jackson. 7W-WJ
T7IOH RENT l'lr.V4nt front roomi with board ,
1 ; 24U7 f unuuu street , A No di k rcim In nir
utnco. ANDRhW 1IKVIMJ.
772.201 ' tojd'ii Opjift llou - .
" [ 7OH RrNT-On orpin , 41.00 Jxr : m-nth. H
Jj A. HO POS Music Hall 777-lm
IT URviiaUED ROOMS AND iTxAiriT-Moriorn
C co v nioicoi 1810 JodgnSl. ,73-lm
' Nl i-ftontroim with ale vewitl
clnjotfor ( , ' n lemm.l.'il ccrnsr J8ih and
Cam St. 70S 20
UR H NT LWO nlcoy lur
t door ucrOi cf Lcdxo onlS.h. 769-20
RENT 25 house .Still rooino , at J3 to
FOR t > cr month ; 3 and 2 acre ( 'nrdon , wita
hou o , burn , etc. , 01 81J and S'i per
month. 6hrcr's Rent Lureau , opponjtc noHt
. Oil RENT "roinwI hboard , also frwuhl
i b.ordcrsl7l8Djdga . 746-I9J
P.fNT Two nicely fum rooms 8. E.
FOR 20th ajd D.kunpoit wither without
b ard. C50-20J
l.iOH UEKT Socrol f uu 1 housci , 0 roonu
L tuck. DR. C. 11. PAUL.
7 011 RE.vT Four comfortabU basement
I 1 rooms suitable for hoti > cceiilnj ; aUo KOOd
bum. Inquire immodiitcly ol F U. Coopci
noith west corner of 23rd and Ilurt St. 7,10-lm
TOR K'NT One Urjre nlin'y furnlnVed room
wl'h board for two at IMS California St.
707-1 mo.
- * | _ - . - . . _
RE.VT 139 Convtnt ttroot 8t. Marj'soT-
FOR , a one story houoe six rooms acd two
her i i able. Inquire lUrkti liros , Gani olllco.
. _ _ . 63S2W
fEVi o. o double txo stira bul ding
FOR cro ery , stlncn , butcher shop ,
or anr othrr bmlnc4 < . Local d so chit n trend
farmer's trade can borccured. Unq'nrjof Mis.
M. Lun re , c rnir Jickuju and l3Vh etrctt.
' Slap of Omaha , lust oomploted and
ready for delh ery at ? r each. U 4 fcot wide
hy 7 feet lone- Largest anil most complete map
of Omaha e > or published. Ottloial map of tha
city. See coliinm. '
770H hKNl { houses "of 8 rooni In"-
JL' quire 101'J F riilianmtrc t. SU5-lrjj
UAIUIAI Stlcet tf oo rt st ck lutlie
RAUK Crehton , l ( , s. lli-tt Ircatsoii ,
nlth line L tub lih'd tradu Cha"- of hmmew
rt"Mon for nil r\a. \ AddrlM fur tin daj" , Lock
llox 170 , ritmton , lowj. tOJ-'J2
SAIK 1'ccVcts limps of NnSribka SOo
1TIOR . Kor Inria'ii9 ' In u alia City improved
andunnipr Md property ia.l on Win. r , Slirl-
Mr , roil Kitatc Au'ont , opios ! < iioitotllce.
OU SALK- Small hou e on leased lot H. R.
corner 9th nmlJackson Inquire on prem
ises. 717-23J
CTAVOJ Buslntsi for Salo-A
geueril stock of merchandl-e , In & fo-l , on the 11. & M. toad ; doing a good bu l-
newar.d carry well 8'lcctcd stock. Ciiwa for
ffl leg , ticbiniro vus ne s. K-r firther information
mation &ddr s "Mdse , 'II Ofllio. Jmu-at
8AtE-Sfx room cottaue with barn mu
FOIl lot on Chicago street , near Hieh School
Onl > 2,300. JlrCAGUE ,
COO-dea fr7-U _ Opp. I'os oliicc.
BALt A urti cltm iccona band phueton *
J7MJK rnty8t. _ g-tt
Jjjth'iiaiid , Y rd 15th etrctt , two bois ! !
lOUthrf HiUvuoroad
dec 23-3ml _ LORESyX ) DlBnr.E ,
FO AIE niIUt'-C2 mil's w'liTof
HOTEL , lha I nlon 1'adllc rallroud.
llrlck barn , tw ttiry hotel and furniture , thrc
Io' ti1\ii2 : ffooii tt.ind , x'O d hininoBS. UoxJ
ro.usons for Inqulru of mb-crlber.
713-lm-mo Noith Bend , Nrii ,
New Jtnp of Omaha , just completed uic ,
BEJI1S fordelUeryatiocach. Is 4 feet wide
by 7 feet Ion ? . Largest and most complete map
ot Om.-iha over publl bod. OlHcIal map ot the
city. See column. _
' OI ICE The partniTfchlp hiru'ofora existin's
N' b'lwuonthunderlined tui MMxdlmber &
llalley N this d.iy dlsso'\el bv mutual conscnf.
Albert II. IJalley as ninoi all liahillile and In to
collest all debts due tro fl m.
Oinahn Keb. , Jan. 17 , 18S3. S03-19t
01-H5LUTION NOTICE-Thc 'partnerahlp
hiretofore ex'stln ; between y. "c'qu-et It
Chatllu Scu ivn Is thl. Oay dis oluUd by uiutuil
stir cment , Mr Ch- rile t-cwrcn HI con iuuetbe
Imslnesj kttti < old s an1 on IHhit icinein
fbster < iil Ilurt In the CAV of Ornih * tnd It
utho'l/e < l to collect all ucesunta die Bald firm
and u I.I | uy all hli t oj Jott toe > &TIK
utty I8h ! 1EKI 7J7-2UJ
1 OST OR ST JI.KN-A hlack pony left fore-foot
li whit * , and white A ripe on fare , any Infornu-
tion 10 ba left at SOI aoith ICth at. and lilriU
r. iJ paid. _ 701-20J
rTlRV The Hefner 8tarllod Sprlnif manufactnr-
J. warented by V. T. Bcnbow 710Boutl
Oth St. Omaha. B2rf dec lIMwt
TIONALIST , 498 Tenth fetn-it , between Farnam
uid Il&mey. Will , with he aid of guardian
spirit * , obtain for any one a glance of ( he part
mid present , and on certain uondltlonn In H'f fu
ture. Boots and Shoes made to order. Puled
Bitl-fittlon iruaranUed.
Absolutely Pure.
Tlilipowdirneu r rii * . A ivar\cl of purity.
( tixntfttannd w holi soim IHWI. lloro iconomkal
than the orplimrj k ndK , and cannot bu old In
foniHtlllou with the multitude ot low t < t , hort
weUlit , ahioi or ph tphato | > o.ricr. Sold enl ) in
ran * . RovjtL UIKINU I'owiiru Co , Wall-bl. , got
Niw Vctk.