Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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\ OIF1
DR. A. J. COOK ,
r. 'I
i Diseases of Women and Diseases of the Rectum a Specialty.
The Dr. has been located in Ooun-
cil Blnffd neatly two years , and hav-
ng boon called professionally during
that time into the boat families in the
city and surrounding country , takes
pleasure in an announcing that ho has
como to stay. His constantly increas
ing practice at homo , In the midst of
his own people , is the best ovidoncoof
his skill aa a SPECIALIST , and ho
wishes it understood , once for all , that
his methods of treatment are STRICT
LY scientific ; that ho despises quack
ery as well among so-called "Regular"
and "Homeopathic" practitioners as
among traveling charlatans and "Cure-
Alla. " Ho haa devoted fifteen yoara
to the study and practice ot his SPE
CIALTIES and has had the bonolit of
the moat skillful training in the boal
colleges and hospitals In the land , and
has no hesitancy In promising the very
best results to bo obtained irom scion-
tificmodicine and surgery.
It must bo evident to every close
observer that no one mlud , however
gifted , can grasp raoro than a mere
smattering of mod leal science. The
field la too largo and the natural dlvis-
lena too numerous for anything more
than a cursory view of the vast obsta
cles to bo encountered by the "gen-
oral" practitioner. Wo have our em
inent surgeons and our eminent prac
titioners of medicine , after which fol
low the noted specialists , embracing
the Eye , the E r , the Throat , the
Lungs , the Kidneys and Bladder , Dis
eases of Women , Insanity , &c , &o. ,
any one of which requires years of
patient study and practice to insure
proficiency and ultimate success.
The busy practitioner of to-day
the "family" physician can no more
o-abraoe all these specialties In his
practice and do justice to his patients
than ho can "bottle up sunlight , " yet
how many physicians in the western
B * , \t \
That never require crimping ; , at lire. J. J. Ocod'a Ualr Store , at prices never befere touched by
ny other hair dealer. Also a full line of switches , etc. t greatly reduced prices. Also gold ,
Uvet and colored neta. Wavea made from ladlct' own hair. Do not Ull to call before purchulng
All gooda warranted as represented. MRS. J. J. 0001) ,
23 Main etroer. Council niuffa , Iowa.
_ % ? 33 H V C3 ( ' J % * * it ' & n a jp f !
Lands and Lots Bought and Sold.
. . 2BE.
( Successors to J. W. Rodefer )
Office No , 34 Pearl Street , Yards Oor. Eighth Btreet and
Eleventh Avenue , Council Bluffe.
r net , ec *
337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa.
Attorney and Connsollor at Law ,
Offlce Broadway , between 11 tin and Pea
treett. Will practice ID State ami Vede
I. D. IDMUKDSOt , I. L. BUUOlttT. 1. W. BTttllt ,
I'reatdent. Vlce-Preat. Cuhlcr.
Of ConnoU BlnJTii.
Oripinlzed under tlie laws ot tie State ol Iowa
Paid up capital t 76,000
Authorlrod cipltaU 200,000
Interest paid on tlina dopocltr , Ir lt UsuoO
on the principal iltleu ol the United Staten and
Europe. BpocUl attention given to collection !
and ccrroap'jndcuco with prompt retuini.
J. D.RJmcndson , E L. Hhugirt , J T Jltit ,
W.IW.tWallact , J.V. . Rrxllar , I. A. Miller
AW. Struct IvTJtl
tuos. omcsa W. II SI. rUBIT.
Comcil Bluffs la.
Established , - - 1868
D alert In | ind | Domeetlol Eichaoii
, E , J , HARDING , M , D , .
Medical Electrician
OradoAte ot Eluctropcthlc Institution , PLIli
dtlphln , Penna.
Office Dor , Broadway & Qlonn Avo.
The treatment of all dlieieoi and p ! ntul dlf
flcultlea peculiar to ffrnaloa a
8. E.
C ' 37 ? * 1 < d
Office orer tarlofi bank.
00 UNOIlj BLUFFS , lowm.
country nro riiKTENDiNa to do so , to
the cost and Injury of their patient ) .
Thu Dr. does not prutuud to cure
ALL ohronio dlseaaos. Ho claims ,
however , that yours of patient study
and Draotloo , in the hospitals and "Iss-
where , giro him advdtitacoa ; in their
trCattnout whloh no ordinary practi
tioner can possibly have ; that he CAN
OUHE many cases now pronounced
INCURABLE by thorn , and give re-
Ho ! to hundreds of others wlioao dia-
otaea como within the range of his SPE
CIALTIES. Ho is prepared to ylvo
the most approved electric treatment
and medicated vapor baths , when
needed. Parties roald ng at a distance ,
whoso moans will not admit of their
taking a regular course of treatment
here , will bo furnished blank * with
questions , which can ba amworod and
returned to the Doctor , who will make
up his diagnosis and give treatment if
desired , bat ho much prefers to make a
I was fortunate in my nncle. So
everybody thought , for Uncle Bralth-
walto was as' wealthy and thriving a
manufacturer aa any la Lambeth , and
I , his dead sliter'a son , Cyril Vaughan
> y name , was not merely drawing a
fair salary with the prospect of a part
nership , but was actually engaged to
)0 married to my second cousin , re-
ratud n great heiress dear , sweat
jncy Br ithwaltn the old man's only
child. Ho had won his own way in
ifo by rigid self-denial and unwoary-
ng industry during a joyless youth ,
and I doubt 1C ho ever thoroughly enjoyed -
joyed the fruits of his woll-oarnod
srosperlty. It was only when his eye
rested on his daughter's pretty
' co that his stern look relaxed. Lucy
reminded him , doubtless , of her gentle
mother. But ho was a good master
; o a good servant , notably where ho ,
who woa by nature and habit suspi
cions , could repose fu'l ' trust. He did
oo In his confidential clerk , Jacob
Jenkins. That head clerk was ono of
a thousand. "Reapoctablo Jenkins"
was the nickname by which Irrever
ent youngsters in the counting house
spoke , with bated breath , of that
pearl of clerks ; but even those port
oftice lads had a belief in the man ho
wan so respectable , with his loan ,
well shaven face , his neatly-brunhod
suit of formal black , and hla square-
toed boots. Never , as I have hoard ,
in the twenty-nine yoara of hia toll
had honest Jenkins boon known to
ask for a holiday , to shirk extra work ,
o. ' . to make a blunder as to taro and
trot , a thing of moment with a firm
llko ours , largo exporters as wo were.
As for myself , I am afraid that my
poor merits , if I had any , wore quito
eclipsed by those of that commercial
comet , Jenkins. Indeed , I know of
no reaaon , except ray blood relation
ship to our principal , head of the
house of Bralthwaito , Perry & Co. ,
for any comparison between that veteran -
oran of the desk and my Inexperienced
self But my uncle often said in his
gruff wuy :
"Tsko Jenkins for your model ! " or
"Cyril , lad , it will bo ono whllobefore
you fill Jenkins' shoes ? See how
neatly ho Buttled that businoHa with
Chauvin ot Fils , of Bordeaux , and
how cleverly ho avoided the hravy
loaa of that lust shipment when Kra
kow t Kindergarten , [ of Hamburg ,
wore going to smash. "
Yet I stuck to my work , young 03 I
was , and did my bout not to bo undeserving -
serving of the prospective partnership ,
and somehow I got a vague impression
in my head that , instead of my beiug
jealous of Jenkins , Joukln * was jeal
ous of mo ,
Ono day there wan a big chock to bo
changed nearer to three thousand
pounds than two and it was my task ,
uo unusual ono , to present thd draft
at Pcabody it Sona1. In a house Hko
ours , where the furnaces were always
aglow , and tall chimneys always
smoking , the outgoing for wages ,
hurso keep , fuel uud wages were , I
need hardly Bay , very largo.
On that day how well I remember
personal examination and treat all
patients here , when possible , thus
avoiding any chance of error in diag
nosis ,
The Doctor treats all forms of ohron
ic disease , without mentioning anyone
ono in particular , and has no hesitancy
in Baying that ho CAN and WILL
give the best treatment known to mod-
icil scienoo , and charge only a reason
able foe for his services.
This is ono of the SPECIALTIES
to vhloh the Dr. has devoted the best
years of his life , and hundreds of
women , now living , are ready to testi'
fy that they found relief at his hands
when others had failed to benefit
them. The "family" physician can
not treat these diseases successfully ,
for many important reasons. , chief
among which Is , that ho has not the
time to devote to their study , nor the
patience to do .them justice. No-
It ! I was in exceptionally high
spirits. I had been talking with dear
Lucy , and though her father , who
said that wo children need not be In a
hurry , would never consent to name
oven an approximate day for oar wed
ding , still there was a vague prospect
of connubial bliss next oprlng , It
was fine , bright weather , and on Tues
day there was to bo a garden party at
same Richmond villa , to which wo
wore all to go. Altogether I was in
excellent spirits , and as far as any man
could bo from dreaming of the ovll
that was to como.
'How will you take It ? " oakod the
bank cashier.
"Short ! " I answered , with a sort of
boyish pride in my newly acquired
familiarity with business phrasua , and
with my gold and notes I loft the
As I did so , a man staggered toward
mo , jostled mo , then reeled away ,
muttering "Uog pardon , " and would
have fallen but for the support of my
arm. I saw in a moment that the man
was sober , but ho looked 111 , very ill ,
haggard , and hollow-oyod , though
still young , and ho was decently olud
In a well-worn volvotcon suit , with
largo bronra buttons. There was a
smack of the country about him , waif
as ho was in the midst of London , and
his accent , BO far as I could judge ,
was that of Yorkshire or Northumber
"You are 111 , I fear , " I Inquired ,
"and perhaps a stranger to London. "
"Nigh clemmed in this blesnod Lon
don of yours , paved wl'goldon guinea !
as our crones say up in Craven , " mut
tered the countrymen in the eamo thin ,
reedy voice ; "pavod wl1 traps , say I ,
and causa for it , sinoo all that gran-
foythor stored up , whether for BBHS
and Bell or for mo " and then ho
would have fallen but for my assist
Clearly the man was fainting , and
from starvation. Wo had walked some
distance In tempting proximity , at
the corner of a aide street , waa a
house , ever the door of which , in great
gold letters , gleamed the words ,
"Luncheon B&r. " Into thla , quite
instinctively , I half dragged , half
hustled the man.
It was the middle of the day , lun
cheon time , a brink hour for businoto
in the city , in the rating and drinking
line at leant , and the plaoo I had
entered was full of customers , young
men mostly , nolaly chatting ever their
sandwiches. As I flang open the
swinging door I felt sure that I caught
a glimpse of my unclo'n confidential
clerk on the pavement outside.
"Mr. Jenkins ! " I called out , but bo
oridently did not hoar mo , but passed
on.Thoro waa a rush of oxcltod young
fellowo toward cw "Bet you bo's
drunk ! " "Four to five ho'a dead ! "
"Run ovot ? " and BO forth and it
waa not Immadiatoly that I couli got
iomo reatorctivo. Hut the poor coun
tryman's fico was livid , bin oyce
i cloned , lib tooth f.wt shut , and ho
could nwallow nothing. Then a doc
tor was oont for , and the doctor wne
alow in coming , and I had uxphna <
tion after explanation to give , first to
the dull-witted landlord who came
blinking out of a back parlor , then tc
inquisitive customers ; and when al
last a broathloas aurge'on , hastily sum
moned , oamo panting In at the hoavj
swing door , amid the surging crowd ,
should it bo oxpootod of him , in the
ibsonco , porhipi , of special training
and oxporionu , u ut in the hurry and
excitement of general practice
The Dr. is to trout all f < v
male disoasoi in n nkfllful and scientific
mainnr , having do. > oil several years
to their study and treatment , both in
thn hospital and in ao ivo practice
Diseases of the Kectiim ,
The30 ombraoo Uomorrnoids , or
Piles , Fistules , Fissures , Prolaps , or
falling of the anui , tumors , ate , eta ,
and constitute ono of the Doctor's
loading specialties. All rectal t imors
Are treated'by the now method of in
joottng and are thoroughly and speed
tly removed , with buthttliorno pain.
Casoi of Piles , from ton to twenty
years standing ; , have bean permanent
ly cured by triii now method , many ol
thorn residing ia and near the city at
present.EPILEPSY. .
Many cases ot Ejilopsy , or Fits ,
there was a necessary word BO with
"Bat whore is my patient ? " asked
the bewildered man of science ; and ,
indeed , the "poor follow" who was the
object of all this stir had disappeared
In the midst ot the hubbub , and with
him had vanished the heavy , stool-
clasped , black morrocoo pookotbook
which 1 remembered too late to have
Incautiously laid on a table in the ( lur
ry and confusion of our sudden and
awkward entry , and which was gone ,
pitilessly gone.
"Cyril Vanphan , I always deemed
you to bo a simpleton a soft , as wo
Yorkshire chaps any but now I know
yon to bo u knave ! " thundered out
my irate undo , the north country uo-
oont in his wrathful volco becoming
unusually prodomlnent , "Had you
not boon my relative , had not my girl
who nlwll never bu the wife of nuch
a scoundrel bogged you oil' , I would
have prosecuted you ua I would any
other rogue , and nont you to quarry
stone among convicts at Dartmoor or
Portland. As it ia , I won't hoar an
other word of your HUB or your ox-
cusoa. Oo , t-o ! or I ahull forget
Lucy's nlimdiiigs , and act aa a citlzun ,
and not ni a father. Thu confidence
trick , ohl The countryman--tho
I am not your dupe , lad ! Qo and got
yourself hanged ulsowhorp ! You won't '
starve on the sum of which you hare
robbnd mo. "
Then came a terrible three months
it waa that or moro ft time of de
pression of crushed spirltu , a half
broken heart for mo. That I was
wrongfully suspected gave mo but
cold oint'ort. I waa innocent , but
Lucy was lost to mo ; my prospects
wore blighted , no ono would give
work to mo , and I was poor , and Kink
ing fist into the dirnst depths of want.
I remember how pale and thin and
elnbby I had become1 , when I received
R visit from my ancle's lawyer , Mr ,
"Mr. Vaughan , you wonder to BOO
mo , " said the shrewd solicitor , aa ho
touk the broken chair I olfjrod him
my wretched room in suburban lodg
ing house contained but ono "but I
como now nn r. mosKongor of good
tidlngii Dn you remember a serving
man , Enoch Clint by nomu , whom
your uncle , my client Mr. Bralth-
walte , ongoxod some weeks bef ere the
unlucky uifilr of the stolen money ?
Ho was a smart young follow with ex
cellent testimonials-nil forged by the
by and made hinmolf UHcful both in
tbo house and in the ot.ihlo-yiird , and
wai vastly popular vith his f jllow-
eorvunta on account of his power of
mimicry and the juggling tricks which
ho could perform , " !
I had nn Indlatmci recjllrction of
tuving neon and heard of nuah a per
son in my imolp'a homohold , Riiti I
iuul HO , wandering how tlioro could
bu anything in Cuouh Clint to concern -
corn mo.
"Tlila Kaojh Oliut , " mild Mr. Mor
daunt slowly , " . a north country-
man. " i stand nt him sorely puzzled ,
"tlownsyuur countrjinan , " drawled
out the nhrowd lawyer , and then a
light broke upon mo , : iud 1 gra * sick
mid dizzy , and could hardly hoar Mr ,
Morduunt's friendly voice as lie said ,
clinking my passive hand the while ,
"You have boon noroly wronged , Mr.
Yanghan , I for ono believed you
Kuflty , for which I heartily bog youi
pardon , Now , listen to mo. This
can bo cured if taken in time , and es
pecially in young subjects. The Dr.
does not claim to euro all cases that
come to him for treatment , but can
point to numerous instances where a
permanent euro has boon wrought
within the last live years. Modicinof
will bo Bant by express when patients
cannot como to the city.
Those troublesome parasites can bo
removed in a few hours , with but lit-
tiu inconvenience to the pttiont. The
Dr. will Bond ( medicines by express ,
with full directions for use , at any
tiuio they may bo ordered. .
The Dr. makes no promises but
what wiil bo fulfilled to the letter. II
ho examines you and finds your dia
ease incurable , ho will toll you BO it
plain words ; if ho finds you can bi
bonofittod ho will treat you for a moderate
orate fee and give you the benefit ol
all that medical aclonoo can do for youi
oiao , This is all that any carofu
poor wretch , Enoch Clint , was two
days slnco run ever by a heavily-laden
van , not fifty yards from hla mastur'a
door , and carried back to the houao ,
the crushed and blood-stained wreck
of a man. Ho asked for his
master , and Mr. Brathwaito being -
ing absent , ho prayed to BOO
Mies Lucy. To her , in the doctor'a
presence , the dying man gasped out
aomo inarticulate coufuoslon , clearing
you from all blame bat that cf a cred
ulity , pnrdunablo at your ngo , and im
plicating most aorloualy another per
tion. At his own desire hla broken
statement waa , by the doctor'a help ,
taken down in writing , but ho died
before the narrative was complete.
MUu Lacy had an interview with her
father. I need scarcely say , on hla
return homo , an a ucqucl to which Mr.
Bcaithvraito , more agitated than I had
ever known him to bo , called on mo
uud laid the matter before mo. We ,
too , had n long talk , and the result of
It WAS , Mr. Cyril , that on the follow
ing morning I received a visit from
have you gucsaod it ? the confidential
chirk , Mr. Jonkluu. "
"Our Mr. Jenkins ? " I resumed , per
plexed by the half-comic expression of
the Holicltor's faca.
"Your Mr. Jenkins , If you will cling
to the unclnnt formula , " assented the
lawyer , with twinkling oyoa. "That
commercial luminary came to mo
blandly , unsuspecting for , as it
turned out , ho had not oven hoard of
the death of his accomplice. My first
act , whim ho had made hia bow and
seated himself in the client's chair ,
waa to abut the door and look it.
Whoii ho heard the click of the look ,
lie started and turned us pale as hia
shirt collar.
" 'Now , my friend , ' I said to hlmln
a frank , pleasant way , 'my advlco to
you Is , for your own good , to make a
clean breast of it at once. '
'Thou you should have soon the in
genious wonder of hia interesting
' "Etonso mo , Mr. Mordaunt , but I
annot have hoard you aright , ' " ho
aaid , after a pause.
' "Oh have " ' said I shaK-
, yen , you , , -
K linger ut n'ra < ' "Como , come ,
Mr. Jenkins , it is time for you to
droj. the aneop'a clothing ntid stand
Forth au the wolf you are ; only thla I
promise in Mr , Britlthwnlto'a name
thut if your revelations bo fall and
ample , yea shall have gentler and
moro generous treatment than jou de
' "
"A stormy colloquy ensued , Once I
thought the nun meant to strike mo ,
but there was nomothing in my eye
that restrained him , I suppcso , for
no it ho began to sob , and then whine beaten hound , aa , Fitting on the
the cdgo of my writing dcnk mid glar
ing ut the carpeho stammered out u
confention , which I reduced to writing
and to which ho preountly nllixtd hi ;
rcluotnnt signature.
"Tho revelation , when this slippery
witness waa at length brought to make
it ho did not know , you see , Mr.
Cyril , how much hu colleague hat
oonfcjoort waa a tolerable comploti
one. Ho had , it Boomed , an tispocla !
malice agulnat yourself , na the kina-
man and futuru patner and heir ol
the employer , whom it had been the
bnsini-Bd of hla lifo to dupe by a show
of teal and display of mock honesty
I a y meek because , probably , when
the booki come to bo overhauled , it
practitioner should promise hia pa-
iontsv it is all he CAN promise them
tnd bo honoit.
Parties visi'iug the city for the purpose -
pose of consulting the Dr. should
omo directly to hii ollbo , where the
> est roforonccs in the city will bo fur
nished when deairod , and whore pa-
ionts will also bo assisted in procur-
ng board and rooms at reasonable
( Ono Block North of Broadway. )
Address all Letters to
DR. A. J. OOOK ,
P. 0. Box No. 14G2 ,
Council Bluffr , IUHA.
will bo found that this was not the
first time of a betrayal of trust. And
Mr Jenkins , thought , too , that young
as you were , yea did not share Mr.
Bralthwalte'a high opinion of him ,
and might ono day ask troabkioma
"Wherefore , by the help of a for
eign character , ho got thla fellow
3liut into your uncle's service , put
ilm np to the trick which ho had
> layod on you Clint had been a low
tomodian , mountebank , and thlmblo-
rlugor in his tlmo and received from
Oliut himself , at the door of the city
lubllo house , the morocco pocketbook
lontainlng the gold and notes which
rou In the hurry and excitement cC
, ho moment had Why , Mr. Vanghan ,
are yon 1111
But if ho said moro I hoard it not ,
'or ' I wan weak with long privation
and sleeplessness , and the blood
aurgod up to my temples , and there
was n roar as of wavea in my eara ,
and I sonkfalntinit on the fbor.
I have not much raoro to tnll. How-
cordial , and oviii aolf-tfpnM h'nl , was
ho reception which tut u . ( .In , Mr.
3raithwitito , extended to m < , i r with
what toaifjl joy my * Luc , ' > > ui mot
mine , are easy to imagtuu but (1 llisult
; o doscribo.
"I wronged you , my boy , bat I
hank hoavoa that I was wrong in
what I thought , " said the old man ,
with n sob in his Imporlom voice ;
Lucy , hero , know yea beat. "
Hcmost and Iiibaral.
When the Hops in each bottle of
[ lop Bitters ( at the present price ,
1.25 per Ib. ) cost moro than a bottle
a sold for , bosldoa the other costly
medicines , and the quality and prlco
ire kept the same , wo think it la
lionont and liberal in the propolotora ,
nnd'no one should complain , or bayer
or nso worthless stuff , or cheating
bogus Imitations because the price la
* * * "Keep to your pluoo and your
place will keep you , " But you can
not expect to keep your place wlthont
health , the foundation of all success.
For Instance , a railroad engineer in
the employ of the Chicago , Milwaukee
it St. Paul railroad had boon griev
ously uffocted with diabetes for tic
yoara. Ho took four boxes , of Kid
ney-Wort and now writes that ho
is entirely cured and working regu
Nebraska Loan & Trust Company
Capital Stook , - - $100,000.
JA8.B. HKAimVKLL. I'rwildtmt.
A. I. . CliAHKK , VIco-l'riMlJent.
E. 0. WUIiHTKlt , Treasurer
Samuel Alexander , Oswald Ollvtr ,
A. L. Clarke , K. 0. Webster ,
Quo. 11. 1'ratt , Jos. 11. Hcartwell ,
D. M.MoEllllnucy.
First Mortgage Loans ft Specialty
Thu Company lurnUhca a permanent , homo
Institution where School Ilai land other legally
Issued Municipal eecurlll" > o iScbraaka can bu
be negotiated on the m i avoratU tcrmi.
Loans made on lmpro\ I n n all ell settled
counlU'no ! thestato , this i I
"HLACrx-UKAUGHT" cures flj