THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUI S IOWA SATURDAY JANUARY 20 JThe Daily Bee. "GOOHCIL BLUFFS. Saturday Morning , Jnn , 20. SUBSCRIPTION BATK8 : BY C rrl r , - - - - - 0 ceu i per woe' ' . . . . . . 110.00 p rVf * Office : No. 7 Pearl Btroot , Nee roadway. MINOR MENTIONS : J. Maeller'i Palace ) Music Hall. Subscribe for newspapers andfperiod als nt II. K. Seaman's book store. CHRAP KAILBOAD TICKET * . Buy tliei from D. W. Dushncll , 5 doors north < pot to ft ce , To-morrow morning Kov. Mr. Iitmei pastor of the Baptist church , preacbeH h annual Rcrmon. Permit to wed was yesterday Riven t Chirlos 1 > , Altwoln and Margaret ! Hrahne. both of this city. Society folks are la oipectancy over jnarrltgo In high life piomlsed to tak place hero next week. J. D , Stringer , arrested for obtalnln goods under false pretences , was bcfoi Justice Abbott yesterday nnd had his cas continued for one week. TJ , C. Baldwin k Son have rolled inl their new office In Shugart'n block an el gant now safe , weighing nearly two ton The trains were all Into arriving he : yentetday , owing to the severe ntorm. The were from ono hour to four and five hou behind , demoralizing trarel badly. John Hammer yesterday disposed i his fmo farm , which ho has owned f < years and Ii located near this city. Tha history of this county , on whle Colonel Kaatloy ha * been at work It some time past , is expected to appear in few days. There was an Incipient blaze in D White's houto yciterday , catching from grate , but It was speedily squelched will out nerious damage. Juitlce Bchurz yesterday continue for one weak the adultery caio of Strain and Mrs. Johnson , the attorneys on hot sides agreeing to this arrangement. The thermometer touched below " 0' ' here yesterday mornlntr , and as much lowe as the consciences of the narrators woul allow of their tolling. During the da ; mercury touched about 10 * below. The driving of piles on the west std of upper Broadway to remedy the damag by la t spring's washouts , and to piemen further damage , was commenced thl week , but the cold has now caused a ton porary mnponelou. The ladles sewing circle have arrange ! to have a fair and festival fnr the bonofi of the poor on the 1st and 2 < 1 of February at Dohany's hall , it being intended as th last and crowning appeal of the reason , In one of the school bulUHnzs yestoi day the janitor did not uncccd in gottln up a very high dcgreo of heat , the thei mometer at the time of opening scboi standing in ono room only 30 degiees abov and in another ai low as twodogreen belo' zero. The children sought warmer quai t rs. There was an alarm of fira ycsterda mornlog turned in from box 13 , but befoi the department had got fairly out , wor was brought that the blaze was out. ] proved to be an Incipient ono at St. Frai ds academy and did no damage. The cold weather , no severe for.tbo pat day or two , boa caused a great increase ! the number of applicants at the Baptli chapel for aid , The woolen clothing stockings , etc. , have given out awl ther isneed of further supplier. Those wh are able to bring or send contributions wil have the same called for if notice is sent b ; postal card. One kcno room in this city nlghtl draws a crowd of from fifty totteventy-fiv men and boys. Mast of them can ill effor the money they lose , nnd many are le into the game whoso tmall stakes at needed for the support of those deuendet upon them. It la tlmo that the outhoritii stiffened up their bdckr , and at least ratV an attempt to regulate the gambling ( the city , If they have not the nerve to al tempt its suppression. In view of the many disastrous fin elsewhere , many citizens here are callln for a more systematic and thorough inspei tlen of buildings here , especially publl buildings. It Is not enough that flues an beating apparatus bo examined , but ther should be a measurement of stairwayi an Investigation as to modes of Ingress in egrets to public balls and places of amu < ment , and the hotels should by no mean be left out. An official report on thei matters would serve to calm the nervi about tome place * and warn the publl about others. The " of London" "Lights was beln presented at Milwaukee Thursday evei ing when the explosion of a calcium llgl caused a panic , the audience thinking tb theater was on fire. Five persons were ii jurod , some faUUy , This same compan was lately booted for here , but on the w to this city met with a railway acciden and the delay caused thereby led them I cancel the engsgement here , "II" is great problem , but If the panio had bee caused here Instead of Milwaukee , wou there have been more or leu than five vl tlouj Are the chinces for exits of tl public buildings here sufficient ? In son the answer Is evident. There is a healthfulness In havli juit rivalry among the members of tl police force as to who can do the most ai bett detective work , but thit teems to I carried to such an extent heie that BOOJO casei criminals are allowed to encap It It growing to be more and more uf caitom here for each man to keep to hit telf any information he may Ruin , ai leave tlio others In tbe dirk. For tever days pRt n nun has been here , who wanted In Onnba , but only one or tco tbe police force knew anything about I and they did not Inform the othtri. Tl man was up aud down the streets her and was probably piseed and repatsed I officers who did not know that bo wi wanted , and who could readily hfcve picut him up on dewrlptlon. It seems that changu should be wrought by which a mi Is not allowed to escape through the lac of Infor'natlon given to some officer * * i Jtept from others , ROYAL REPAST. The Pioneer Council R , A , ofOma ha Visit Their Brethren Hero , They are Heartily Welcome and Happily Entertained. Detail * of the Dolnas. The Fidelity Council No. ICO , Iloyi Arcanum , of this city , lately paid visit to Omaha , and worn cutortalno by tholr brethren there in a moat hoi pliable and happy manner. Last over ing the Council Bluflj folks had chance to reciprocate and they in proved the chance most nucccaafallj making tholr gnostn evidently happj The Omaha visitors were entertain u at the 1'acifio house , where nil wan ! and wishes were fully supplied , The visitors , on arriving at tl ; hotel , found awaiting tholr algnatnr < a now register , the opening pagan < which hnd boon got apart for Ult imo and moat beautifully decorated b the skillful pen of J , A. Rotf , of tb Rock Inland road , who la really o artist in that line , The early part of the evening wi spent in the hall of tli Fidelity council , which IB ono of th most attractive and most finely fui nishod in this part of the land. Th regular order tf business wan the transacted and auroral were Initlatoc At the cloao of the council nil ropairc to the Pacitio houm , whore a aurn { tuona banquet was provided. Th menu nnd programmo was printed i n very pleasing manner , with a beaut fal frontispiece In colors , making charming aonvonlr for the gncata t toke back with them , and preserve o a happy reminder ol a happy ocoanlon The menu wan a f illows ; MKNU. OTHTKIIH. Raw , Tried , Stewed. Boiled II'in , Toniruo , Oorned Becl Cold Turkey , Klk. Chicken. Venison with Jelly. Chicken Salad. Spiced Tongue. Cold Slaw , Mixed Pickle * , Tomato Boy Hoi so lladlsh. Jelly Cake , I'.mnd Cnko , White Cake Lady Xlngem , Chicolato Oake. Cracker * , Cheeso. Gre n Tea , Cotfee. The tnblea were elegantly arrange ! and decorated , and the Bavarian bain discoursed sweet muslo during th 'oaat. 'oaat.A A merry season of tooat making fol owed , Miljor Joseph Lvnian eorviti is muster of ceremonies , the followin aolng the regular program03o at ranged : Munis-Toast , "Our Guestn , " Jn-oph II Arthur , regent Fidelity council 1150. H < Hponso bv S. C. Urldley , reRcnt I'ioneo council 118 Musio-Toast , "Our Order , " A. 1 Fllokeiiger , past regent , i'ldolily counci 160 Hciponso by Dr. Joseph Neville sitting past regent , Pioneer council 118. Music-Toast , "Our Orator , " M. A Union , vice regent Fidelity council lfiG. Music Toast , "Tho Twin Sister ? , Omaha and Council Uluffi. Kenponae b ; Thomas Bowman , mayor of Counci BlulU , Muslo Toast , "I.E. Gavin , " "Oar Bui lne s Man , llenponse by Marshall Key , Muslo General experience meetiup en livened with sontrs by the Ijloyol Arcanuc Glee club and volunteer tooMs. This programmo was followed ou with few changes , Rev. Mr. Doherty of Omaha , serving happily aa a ant atituto for Mr. Neville. There waa ploiaing surprise , nt the oloso o which T. E , Cavln waa the victim FIls brothers of Fidelity Council , ii recognition of hia services on this am other occasions , presented him wit ! an elegant gold-headed cane , Marsha Key Borving aa spokesman. The fol lowing were UUEHT3 FROM OMAUA , all of whom remained for the night Thoraan Q. Magrono , F. P. Gridloy W. J. Kennedy , 0. L. Hawktnaon , A J. Simpson , J. N. Gridley , A. D 8 nder , A. 0. Powell , .Robert Dohor y , 0. L. Frltohor , Fred Mack , J. D Butler , Herman Roaenwolg. Of Fi delity Council there were about fift preacnt. A grand concert will be glvon ever Sunday in Bock'a beer hall. In th evening a ball , with muaio both da and evening by the "Little Germa Band. " All friends invited , by Bol empor Bros. Fri & Sat tf Table llnona , napkina , doylies , tovi oil and crashes cheap at Qarknost Orcntt & Co.'a. Vigor , atrongth and health all foun In ono bottle of Brown'a Iron Bitten About Our Seventh Pago. The very attractive advertisement ( Dr. A. J. Cook , whioh occupies th upper half of our seventh page , is no aa aomo may suppose , the display of commom quack. The name of A i Cook , M. D , , la perfectly familiar i our people In a professional way , an also in conneotlon with varioi moneyed interests with which tli Doctor la conspicuously associated. Aa a graduate of the old school , b has acted with the "regulars" until 1 : tired of the impossibility of tryimr t acquire fame by being a "Jack" doc tor of ALL diseases , and hence , In tli branches where he baa been moi conspicuously successful , and fc which ho has taken a special line < study , ho proposes to devote hia skll energy and experience. Specialists must advertise , and D , Cook , being n man of indepondeiici has determined to advertise accordlc to hia own notions , and not in ob < dienco to the dictates of those who ai his competitors. A Grand Concert will bo give "very Sunday in Bock'a Beer Hal In thi ) evening a bull , with nuu birth day and owning , by "Tho Lltt Gorman Hand. " All frlenda invited by Bokompi Bros. & jan20-frl&nat-tf Crystal Holler Mills Patent Gram latod Flour , Superlative A , the hij-1 eat grade of Hour manufacturei Snowy white , pure , light and swot ) Ask your grocer for it and you wj bavo none other. tf. Children's heavy school hoio Harknew , Orcntt & Co.'a. BUYING BEEF. A Honvy Cnttlo Transaction , Invoh Ing a Biff Wyoming Ranch. There liavo been for two or thrc days paat reports of a largo sale c stock being la progress , and now th negotiations have been completed The transaction is , in brief , the pni chaao by L 0. Baldwin , cf all th other interests in a largo cattle rand at Pine Bluflfl , Wyoming , thus mak Ing him the aolo owner tf the whole Thli branch is known aa the "Cjc Spring" ranch , its name being very appropriately propriatoly given on account of severs over flowing , and never froizlni springs if clear water , which servo t < furnish an abundance for the rancl purposes. The ranch is located rlgh nt Pine Bluffs station , there bem | large tracts of land on both sides o thu railway truck , nnd several largi pmturnKcc , all fenced , Them nro not aboat 0,000 head of cuttlo there , besides sides KO tiorser , 203 or 400 totis o hay , etc. , etc , , and the whole rcacho a value not fnr from $200,000 , it Uk ing rank umoug the largu ones of tin great west. Mr , Baldwin , beside buying out the Interests of other in thin ranch , retains bin brcoxl itig farm at Ferula , wheri he keopa hin fine blooded short horn and UKCB this ua n f > aiidation for bet terlng the stock on thn ranch , Male from this brotding farm are dent t the ranch , and placed with the best o the clock in the pastures , and the bos limits of tin BO herds nro in tun plwcod with thu other ttcck. By thi syHtcm the quality BO wall aa th quantity ia bumg steadily increased und a double advantage thus taken The purchase is among the heavies transactions of the kind of any whicl have boon inado by parties in this BCD tion cf the country. Ladles' and children's wool hooda a Darkness , Orcutt & Co.'o. CITY CODHCIL. The Paving Question DlecuBsed. An adjourned mooting of the clt ; council was held last evening , Alder men Wood , E ohor , Newell and Sbn gart proaont. The resignation of Col Koatloy as trustee of the public librarj was accepted and J. P. Gasady olootoc to till the vacancy. Special order o auslnoBR , the consideration cf thi question of pa lng Broadway niu Main atrcots , was taken up. Aid Nuwoll reported aa the result of hii investigation In Chicago , ilo was h favor of cedar blocks for city thi si/o of Council BlafTd , as it would laal lor If 0 or moro years and cost onlj about half of what granite would. Ut llieved that block was the only povo mont which could bo put down hen without confiscating property. Mayor Bowmau reported that bj visiting Portland , Boston , Now York aud Philadelphia- became con vlncod that granite was the enl ] ihlng , though costly. Ho recom mended macadamizing with a view t afterwards Isylt u a paving on top. Alderman E chcr had vislte'l Pitta burg. There Belgian block wua belnj used entirely. From inquiries a Chicago he thought thst ho coufi pave twice with cedar at tbe mmi coat aa for ono with granite. Con sidorlug the value of property hen and the amount of near and tea : cedsr was the best. Alderman Shugart had boon cor responding with other oltles , and hi ; * vored block pavement. Chicagi recommended block for thla city ; Kan sa City recommended block ou con crete ; Detroit was using Medina ston tid favored it , nnd City Enginoe Toatovin suggested that a trial b mode tf a macadam of Sioux Fall granite. Ho thought it could bo Iai < down hero at $2.20 per yard. Further consideration was post poned until Monday evening. Th The question of licensing saloons wn referred to the police committee , wit Instruction to report an ordinance c the next meeting. A resolution was adopted that t the next city election two nseeseoi bo chosen and the city divided tnt two districts , ono including the Fire and Second wurds , the other the Thlr and Fourth. Adjourned until Monday night. Holiday gocda at Harkness , Orout & Co.'a. Weak muscles and nerves , slugalsli ness of thought and Inactivity , cnrei by Brown's Iron Bitters. A gang of boys were arrtbted lai night for stealing clothing and minor art clea. Two were colored , named Kd Hei ry and John Brewer ; other two , wbll boy * , Kd Inman and Will Johnson. Som of the property waa recovered. COMMERCIAL. Dealers are paying 30o for corn hero ti dsy ; cost and freightto Chicago lOc Chicago market for new mixed corn , 40 ( c. COUNCIL iiLurrs UAIIKET. Corrected dally by J. Y. i-uller , mei chandlso broker , buyer and shlpter < grain and provisions 3'J Pearl strret. WHEAT No. 2 spring , 77c ; No. 3G , ! rejected 50o ; irood demand. COIIN S2o to feedeis and S2a to shli pers. pers.OATBScarco and In good demand ; 30 ( 33c. 33c.HAT HAT < ( XX8G 00 per ton. llYK-40o ; light supply. Cons MEAL 1 25p r 100 ponuds. Wooiv-Good aupplj ; prices at yard COAL Ueltvered , hard , 10 50 per toi soft. 5 00 per ton. llurriCK Plenty and In fair demam 2r > o. o.Kofi8 Scarce and in demand ; 0j ix dozen. LAUD Fairbanks , wholesaling at 13c. 1'OULTIIY Finn ; dealers ua luir l o pi pound for turkeys ami lOo for'chicktin AfKaETAiii.KS 1' , ; oniony 2'n cabliSKe * , SOQlOo per dozen ; applet ) . 2 t < gi : 60 per barrol. l-'LOOK-Oryytal Uollcr mill Hour ntai ed at 3 25 for dlvtum winter ; 2 80 for coli c heaf ; 2 CO for hard Uck. Wholesale price * for Hour , 2 40@3 25. 2 G0@3 00 per dozen. STOCK , PATTLK-S 0V33 ( 50 ; calves 5 00@7 50. Iloos There Is a big demand for hoc and all oUorinRB are quickly taken at tt followlnir iirlcei : For c r loU commoi 5 45@5 r,0j s-omi mixed , 5 00@ 80 ; heav packinK , 6 70@5 03 ; fancy picking , C 05 ( ( 10 ; butchers and shippers paying f < wagon lots , C 25@5 60. PROHIBJ1IOW OR LICENSE- The Oily Ooundl Wi 1 Now Wroetl ' With ttio Quoatlon The news of the decision cf the nt promti court that the prohlbltor amendment is null and void ha caused the aldermen of this city t put on their thinking caps aud to cor aider the advisability of making change in regard to the saloon but ! ness horo. When the amendment was adopto the council passed a strictly prohibi tory ordinance , which Is still in forcr providing a penalty of $25 for ever vluhtion. Under this ordinance th saloon men have boon complained o regularly once a month nnd have dt posited $25 every time for their & | puarannp , which depoelt has been al ways forfeited , thus going into th city treasury aa a real licousa of § 25 month , under the disguise of a penalty This mode of procednro haa brough no credit to the authorities that be nnd has tended to lesson at least th dignity of the low. Now that the amendment is dc olarod null , the city council ia a liberty to license wine and beer ns rood oed , but not whiaky. Some seem i favor now of passing a regular licons ordinance , but raisirg the amoun from § 3CO , what it Ii practically now to $ GOO pur year. It ia claimed tnt if the council means license , It shout so say , out and out , irs'.cad of givin license under the mask of prohibitioii It is also claimed that the raise fret $300 to S5CO will increase the revenue nnd weed out some of the mor objectionable naloons , and got th business into the hauda of moro n tponsiblo poraona. When the liconn was 8100 per year there were nbon 75 saloons hero. Now that it is $30 there are abnnt Co saloons , so that th raise of $200 hon only caused slight falling til in nnmben nnd the revenue has been nearly trif led. It is nrgod that a still furthe ralao of $200 will increase the rovenu still greater. The old diffiaalty in the license sya torn still exists , the council not bein able to license whisky at all that bt ing still prohibited by state law. Thi difficulty some think to avoid by piss ing an ordinance licensing saloons , an HO defining a saloon as to cover who is desired. Others suggest that there bo a lei license fixed for the tale of beer an wino. and a heavy penalty for sellln whisky , so that the two together woul make quite a sum for the regular saloonkeeper loon-keopor to pay for keeping bet : on sale. Most of the aldermen seem In favo tf a still higher license , howovei though differing ns to how it hUl b taxed , whether r.i straieht license , o a mixed licetsa and penalty.or atralgh penalty. Harknoss , Orcutt & Co. hava still few fine silk dolmans. Call and se them. When you fool out of sorts , hav the blues , melancholy , etc. , it mui bo indigestion that ails yon. Brown iron Bittern cures it. " , " 'loB.reat distinguishing feature i Heading K llussU Sal.e is its power to r mr o Inflar-mation PERSONAL. J. P. Howler , of Chicago , is in the cit ; J. L. Platt , Jr. , of Fort Dodge , is the city. S. W. Stryker , of Philadelphia , is at tl Ogden. Charles H. Newbold , cf St. Louis , la > the PaclGc. 0. O. Kedfield , of HarUn , Iowa , was ; the city yesterday. T. K. Howe , of Dea Moines , arrived the Ogden yesterday. A. N. Grojcy , of Lancaster , is amoi the Pacific house arrivals. G. M. Baldwin , of Chicago , arrived the Pacific yesterday , Dr. Porter and wife , of Le Mars , low were in the city yesterday. Conrad Geiso is confined to his hon with rheumatism and is quite ill. n. Newman , of Creston , brother i Ben , was in the city yesterday. Mm. Stewart , of Webb City , Mo. , is the city visiting her brother , Mr. S. ] Street. Mrs. Jane Baldwin has been very i riously ill , but Is reported aa somewh better now. Judge J. G. Day , of Sidney , arrived the city yesterday , and ia quartered at tl Ogden. Mrs. Davenport , the ( ificlent guardii of the public library , is at tbe rooms di and night now , being unable to go out i account of the injuries received lately I a fall. The Avoca Herald chronicles the fa that M.A. . CojjTman , who Is also we known lure , met with an accident tl other day by slipping and falling on tl walk , breaking her wrist. 8.W. Hopkinsol New York , preside ! of the water works , together with Char ] Blrkinhlne , Sr. , the engineer , ire in tl city , and despite the cold yesterday dro1 down to the river to view the reservoii Biohfi * In Hop Farming. At the present prices , ten acrea I Hops will bring moro money tha nvo hundred acres in any other farn ing ; aud , if there is a consumer < dealer who thinks the price of He Bitters high , remember that Hops 01 $1.25 per lb. , and tbe quantity an quality cf Hops in Hop Bitters , an the price remains the same aa forme ly. Don't buy or uaa worthlets stu or imltationa bocnu&a the price ia' lea EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice oi the Peace am Notary Public. < llfiBroadwav. Council Bluffs W. R. VAUGHAN. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Omaha and Council 13 hi IT a Real Estate & Collection Agonoy. In Odd Fellow's block , over Baying Bank. Jan 8- COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. SpecUl adverttamtntt , cue Lost , round , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent Wants , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted In thti column kt tbs ow t koo ( TEN CENTS PCR LINE for the Brit Insertion and FIVE CENTS PEH LINE lor each subsequent tnfortlon , Loavc adv eitliemenU at our offlco , No. 7 1'rarl Street , near llfoadway. Wanta. WANTKD-10,000 bu hcl of earn. Inquire at No.34 ! ' cri ntfcet , cr biftom factorr , MUM and North Sixth. HATJIS &Co. dtf ANTKl * nvtrvooat in UOUIK.II niunn , to Uke Tin Bss , 20 cents per week , de llrored by carriers. Office , No 7 Pearl Street For Sftlo nnd Rent [ . .IKB I.K A hotel In ihl city , all furnished' JU < lo ng ft paying luslno f , [ or nln chnap , \ > j Junto it OuitLk .V DAI. T710H KKN7 A hruso nf tlirco rooiru ( or t'jrht P'ollan a month , loiatid niivr'y oppoil'e thu hlirh fichool. Apply at No. 32(1 ( High Hihool Arenuc. tf A N olllcc , mo'tadtantairi'ously pltuatcd , offers t\ , ilffk room In return for crtlrcii ; KSIK , fuel , ctr. , furnfahul. AdJrcm , "Olllcc , " UBB olllce , l/'ounc.l ItluflN , IIKKS In pacmgoa ol a hundred at 25o OIiO pacxa.o at Tim Unit olllcc , No. 7 I'tarl atruft. tf Miscellaneous. FOHSALK In OmOia , doing acish SALOON ' front$1000.00 to $1200 CO per mnn h expcncca ll ht the party has other huslnu H. Ad- dre-s Omaha Dally lieo Omaha Neh77019 } TJ HMOVAI Oeo. K. Heard , dealer In nail IX paper and window nh do , will move Janu ary 15. Irom No 11 , Pearl street , to iitw Me diation Mock , 32 Main , and 33 1'iarl UTC-IB , next door to poitnlllco jinj-tf OUND A colloiri society pin. Conic to the JJ linn nin o , pay for thta ad , prove prntx > ity i > id net the pin. > 127 tt . W. L. PAriON PbjMclan and Ocullrt. DK. euro any ca o of sore cyen. It la only a matter of time , and can cure generally In from tlirco tc Qve wcoks It makes nr differ' enco how long dlteaevd. Will atralghten croea eyes , operate and remove Ptyrrclntna , etc. , and Insert artificial eyes. Bpoclnl attention to re- movelnic tadenorms apB-tf . . . . . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. CTJICAOO , BOCK ISLAND AKD rAOflO. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext..B20 p m Ptdflc Ext..9:15am : Ex and Mall > . .0.-2Sam Kx and Mall.6 5 pro D. Molnce oo'.7:15 : a m Dea Molnc ac.4:40 : p m CIIICAOO , BURLINGTON AUD Ql'INCl. Depart. Arrive. Allan tic Ext..030pm Pacific Ext..9 oam Mall and Ex'.9:20 a in Mall and Kx'.7:00pm N. Y. Ex Neb & Has Kx.,8:2o : a m CHICAGO A.1D HORTIlWRSmR.t. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ex . . .6:15 : pm Pacific Ex.9:15am : Mal < and Ex.9:20am : Mall and Ux.6:15pin : Accom. ( Sat..5:50 : p m Accom. ( Mon..l:45pm ) : KANSAS CnT , 8T. JOB AND COUNCIL BLUFFS. Depart. Arrive. Holland Ex..95am I Expreea 6:50pm : Exprcaa 9:10 : p m | Mall and Ex. . . 0'45 p m CMON PACIFIC. , Depart. Arrive. > Overland Ex. 11:30 : a , m. Overland Kx.4:00 : p. m. Mncoln Ex..11:30a. m. DuincrEx. . 8:00 n. in , Denver Ex..7:00p. : in. Local ICx 0 : : > 0.i. in. Local Ex 7:25 : a. m. " Kx U:05a. : m. m.m. . " Ex r-OQa-in. WABAHII , SY. IOCIB AKD PAnKIO. Depart. Arrive. Mall and Kx. . 9:45 : a m I Mall and Kx. . 4:30 : p m Cannon Ball. . 4M > p m | Cannon Hall..11:00 a m KIOUI cnt XD FArtrio. Depart. Arrive. For Sioux Clty.7S5am Frm Sioux C'y-CSO p m For Fort Nlobrara. Frm Fort Nlobrara , Neb * 7:5.5am : ' Neb * G:50p : n For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul..8ao a m CHICAGO , MILWAUKRX AND ST. PAUL. Leave Council Binds. Arrives Council Dluffa. Hall and IX.9r.0am ! I Mall and Kx.6Mpir Atlantic Ex.5:10pm | : | Atlantic Ex. . . 19:10a : an CIIICAUO , UILWACKXI AND ST. PAUL. Leaves Omaha. Arrives at Omaha. Moll and Kn.7:15 : a m I PacincEx t9:45an Atlantic Ex. . 13:40pin I Mall and Ex.7-25pn Except Sundays. ( Except Saturdays. ( Excepl Mondays. 1 Dally. Council Blufis & Omaha Street B. B Leave Council liluffs. Leave Omaha. 8 a m , 0 a m , 10 n m , B a m , 9 a m , 10 a m llam , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p llam , 1pm , 2pm , 31 m , 4 p m , 5 p m , G p m. m , 4 p m , B p m , G p m Street cars run half hourly to the Union Paclflc Depot. On Sunday the care begin their trips al 0 o clock a. m. , and run regularly during the day at 9,11 , 2 4 , 5 and G o'clock , and run to city time AND Dr , J , Meaglier.zzOoulist , Aurist , AND SPECIALIST. In Chronic dUeaoci ) , oilers hlj services to all al dieted with dlMancD of th i Eye , Ear , or Chronli diseases of any ctnractcr. Warrants a euro h a 1 Kbruuialic nUcctlons Can bo consulted 1 > J mall or In person at the Metropolitan hotel , Council iilufla , Iowa. J. C. HOFFMAYR & CO. , OITT ROLLER MILLS , IFHiOTJIR Ground by Porcelain Rolls AMD HUNGARIAN PROCESS Exclusively. Warranted Equal to any made In the United tatce. ASK YODE BROOER FOR IT , ALSO Bran & Shorts. : Oouncll Blnfla , Ia. FOUNDRY. WINTHERLICH BROS. , Are now ready to contract for email castings ol every description In MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OF BRASS. Special Attention Id railed to tlio f < ct that tlio metals are mo toil In IRK.IUI.IUI lilch gives tt c \cry Burning Brands DISTILLERS , UREWEUS , PAOK- BUS , OIGAR and TOBACCO FACTORIES , Etc. , E-C. , As well as Cattle Brands AUE NICELY EXKC'UTKU , Works : Corner Sixth ttr ct and UleNcntli a\cuue , ICOUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. MRS , fi , J. HILTON , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 822 Broadw . ConnolllBltUr * HARKHESS , ORGUTT & GO , Broadway , and Fourth Street. Council Blufis , Iowa mnr-S-flin Whoop lal Get along ! Qol CLEAR THE TRACK. 2,13 , aM you may know We're ' en route for the Boston Store , Nothing like it since old "Hoar , " Heaved his anchor and left the Shore < BOSTON TEA 16 Main Street. F. FORD Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 XKT * 33BZX1 Blnff and Willow Sreets , Council Bluffs , GEISE' BOTTLED BEEK , MADE FKOU ' 1I1E AUTESIAN WELL WATER. ALSO AGENTS FOIl THE Orders ElKnl In auy partcf the city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to. BATH INSTITUTE , Bryant Street , ono D or north of Dohtny's Hall. Thermo-Electric , Medicated and Sulphur Baths. For lidlcB and gentlemen. These Baths are fully en"o ( srd by tte Medical Fraternity as being an unfallln ) ; i.u > llra'y In rcc ntCo'de , Hbcumatlsni , Neuralgia , Lumbago and mtny other ailments Boaideti , my vlfo , a competent lady , will attend ladles. F. M , LOOK WOOD , Propr. STEAM COFFEE MILLS , Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Fieah Roasted Coll'ocf , Teas and Spices. 3Q5 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOW& . MORGAN , KELLER & GO , The finest quality and largest stock west of Chicago of wooden and rnetalic cases , Callo attended to at all hours. Wo defy competition in quality of goods or prices , Our Mr. Morgan baa served aa undertaker for forty yeara and thoroughly understands his business. WAREKOOMS , &JG AND 357 BROADWAY. Upholstering In Ml its branched promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequins , Telegraphic - graphic and mall orders tilled without delay. CONRAD GEISE'S BREWERY & MALT Council Bluffs , - Iowa. Beer and malt In any quan'lty'io ' ' suit purchasers. Ueer (3.00 per barret Private families sap- piled with imall keg * at 91.00 each , delivered Ireo of charge to any part of the city , PETERSON & LARSON , Wholesale Dealer In and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlltz Brewing Company's Celebrated MILWAUKEE BEER , No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the aonntry elicited City ordera to families and dealers delivered free. DUQUETTE , GUI BERT & CO. , ( Successors to EP.D & DUQUETTE ) , lesale F. 16 and 18 Pearl-st. , Council Bluffs , Ia. No. 529 S Main Street. Council Bluffs. Our conntantly Increasing trade U sufficient proof of our rquare dealing and atten tion to customers. Wood butter always on hand. Prompt delivery of goods. S. M. OUOOKS Pros. N. B. EASTON , Secy. J , 0. HOFFMAN , Pn-a. N. B. MOOUE , Oouncolor. MUTUAL IOWA STOCK IMSURftKCE GJ. ( [ Incorporated under the Laws of Iowa. ] Insurance at Actual Dost , Inenrinu LIVE RTOCIv Against Loea by ACCIDENT , THEFT OR DEATH , Or Any Unknown or Contingent Event Whatever. Kxporieuced npenta wnnted. Corresponilenco solicited fram all parts of Iowa. . .OFFICE103 Pearl S'rrv > * Council Bluffs , Ia , i yroS-Jtl