THE BEJfrSATUJlUAY JANUARY 20 he Omaha Bee. PnblUhod every monilng , ezucnt Sun. y. The only Mondny morning dully. TKUMS BY MAIIj- 9ne Year. . . .810 00 I Thrco Month .g3 00 8i ! Month * . . 5.00 | One Month. . . . 1.00 'HK WKKKLY BEK , published every Wdlnondny. TBUMS POST PAID One tfoar . $2.00 I Thrco Month * . W ) qii Months. . . . 1.00 | One Month. . . . 20 AMKHIOAN NKWB COHFANT , Sole Agontp Neffidealeni In the United Stalci. COUUESrONDKNCli-AU Cotmmml. fttfona relating to NOWH nnd hmtoml aiattflr ahotild bo addressed to the Lnuoit or TUB BKR. BUSINESS LKT'J JIHS-AH Baalncj Letters and IleinltUncci Miould Iw (1 hewed to Tjir UKJE rum.iHHi.f COMPANV JMAIIA. Drafts. Checks end Poatoffica Jnlprs to bo made payable to the order of the Company. The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , .Props . , r. nOSEWATER Editor IT looks an if the dark horeo In ting ready for hli work on the homo stretch. TIIEUE baa boon a proud deal of fancy sparring in the aonatorlal contest , but the first blood and knock-down remains mains to bo chronicled. THE Yale boat-crow have gone into training. It IB ovidotit that the holi day vacation of our collogon is closed and that studios have boon resumed. IT is atatod that thero'wlll bo about fifty contested loats in the next con- grcsi. Kothln ? further need bo added than that a democratic majority will dooldo the contest. THE shirking corporations , the crea tions of the state , must bo made to boar their aharo of the burdens of the Rtato. Nebraska and New Jersey are cursed by a steady and outrageous evasion cf their taxes by the railroads. THE Ohio legislature has passed a resolution of thanks to Senator Pen * dloton f jr.his efforts in scouring the piassgo of the civil service reform bill. Ohio Is sufficiently well sup plied with < llhos to endorse the Pen- dleton bill with good grace. COLONEL JOHN A. MAUTIN , of Kan * BUB , the now secretary of the national republican committee , Is an nblo nnd honest mar , which is rnoru than can bo said of the man whom ho d a- places , Any decent citizen would have been on improvement on Stove Doinay. THE inhabitants of the French cap ital are practically unanimous In de- uounciug Prlnoe "Plou Plon" as a theatrical and Imboolle ( rand. Prince Ntpoleon prides hltnioit on being en art critic , but ho doesn't like "The Judgment of Paris. " Mn. GRAY , of DjugUi , denounces General Thayer as a pensioner of the Union Puciih. Before the special railrxad committee , the other day , Mr. Gray testified that he rode on pitsos because his brother was freight agent of the Central Pacific. It will now bo in order for General Thayer to dinounco Mr. Gray as a pensioner ( if .the Central Peclfio. GEOHOK F. UOAII , of Mas- saohnsotto , has soourod a ] re-olootlou to the United States sonhto nflor n bitter contest , in which Gov. Long made it particularly interesting for the senator. Mr. lloar intolleotually is one of the ablest of our senators , ranking with Messrs. Edmunds and Davis in the soundness of his viewi on most of the vital Issues of the day. His honesty has never been .Impugned but his miitakon vote on the river and harbor bill nearly cost him his seat In the senate. TUB Iowa state prohibitory amend ment has boon declared invalid by the supreme court , the grout-da of ( he decision befog a nou-compllauce with the law regarding the submission c 1 constitutional amendments to the people. This disposes of the pro- hibltlon question in Iowa for several years at least. Two successive legislatures - laturos will have to dcoluro thoinsolvoe in favor of its submission before the people will bo afforded another oppor tunity to vote on another constitu tional amendment. The last election Indicate that such an opportunity will not put in an appearance for some years to come. A rouuTii joint ballot taken yesterday day at Lincoln was as fruitless of ro - .suits us the throe which preceded It. . * The nucleus around which the votci -of the coming senator are to cluster , Is not yet clear. The balloting thui % far has beou a surprise to the friend ; , ' cf all the leading candidates , am prophoiloa are not wanting that nom cf the gentleman who are soiling hltl ; n the pools possess poles long onougl to roach the coveted ponitn mon. Ono thing is certain an that Is , that the anti-monopoly ropnl Means , the anti-monopolists and r. ma jority of the democrats will never ai slat in securing the election of a ral ! i road candidate. The coming senate will not be Mr. Mlllard , but who i * ' -will be no ono la as yet bold enona * to prophecy , and tbe general pobll probably know aa much abont It aa th wire pullers * t the state capital , Sovornl bills have been introdncod in the legislature which have for tholr object the prevention of frauds at pri mary elections. Two years ago TIIE BEK strongly urjjed the subject upon the laet Icgliilatura nnd a measure of similar tenor to those now proposed was introduced in the senate by Gen eral Van Wyck. Owing to the oner- gotlo < ( forts of several Interested par- tics it never became a law. The pres ent legislature owes it to the people cf Nebraska to pass some measure which will bo adequate to deal with the evils of the primary. In no portion of the United States have frauds at tbo primaries boon com tnlttod so boldly as in our own , It is notorious that Omaha hni not euon an honest primary in ton years. Both parties have Buffered from the cor ruption which has surrounded tbo ballot boxes and hna suppressed th * uxprcasion of party eontimcnt by pur chased votes , Bluffed boxes and the polling of moa who wore disqualified under the rules of pnrty manage ment. The primary election is the fountain head cf our political system , It se lects the mcmbars of our conventions which formulate the party principles and nominate the candidates for pop ular support. As long as party Hues bind tightly together the members of a political organization , the party will generally approve the results cf the primary , however obtained. For this very reason It is all the more impor tant that the primaries should be taken from the hands of the political thugs and placed under the control of the coo- plo with such legal restrictions as will Insure the full and free expression of their Swishes , Ohio has a law reg ulating the primaries which has been in successful operation for several years. Its provisions were fully dis cussed in THE BKE several months ago , Nebraska needs just snch a measure. Anything that will purify our politics ought to bo welcomed and will bo welcomed by the people. WHO forged the census returns ? The question is likely to become as puzzlingly elusive as the historic con undrum , "Who struck Billy Patter- arm ? " The congressional committee are iu profound ignorance. Tom Ma jors is indignantly Inquisitive and Pat Uawos doea not hesitate to express the opinion that it is more mysterious than the rapidity with which Ben Brlstow changed his mind on the plo question. Si Alexander , as ex-score tary of state , feels very ranch hurt that suspicion has been thrown upon his Intelligence. He Insists that he knows the difference between the census report of 1874 and that of 1877 , and Peter Schwenck and Valentino are so amazed over the discovery that they have been made the victims at wicked duplicity that they are absolutely speechless. , The only supposition which is tena ble under the circumstances Is that the returns forged themselves nnd com mitted n crime which has clouded the youtbfal enthusiain of Pat Hawes and cast a shade over the spirits of Schwenck and Valentino. THK Kansas Oity Journal makes merry at the expense of our numer ous senatorial candidates. It any a : A great many patriotic Americans are ottering themselves na sacrifices in various purls of the country. In Michigan fourteen of those patriots have allowed their names to bo used In the senatorial content. For patriots , however , Nebraska heads the list , with twenty-nine candidates and a dozen dark horses. When the ardu ous duties of the otlico of United States aonator are considered , every true lover cf liberty must feel lifted up with pride at this unusual spirit of sacrifice. It will ban day full cf Manitoba waves when the republic can be endangered , with a United States senatorial as pirant ou every section of land , Such examples will induce every youth in the nation to go to the senate , if called upon to sacrifice himself. Wo almost feel like going ourselves. MK. QUAY , ou behalf of Mr. Millard , seemed to bo afraid that the General would got Thayor. OTHER I/ANDS THAN OURS. The political event of the week abroad has been the manifesto ol Prince Napoleon , ( "Plou-Plon"j which was posted throughout France on Tuesday night , and in which the soucf Jerome Bonaparte assorts hit claim to reign over the French people , The only effect of the document wat the prompt arrest cf the prince and the Introduction of a bill in the chamber of deputies which will prao tically banish if carried iute e licet all members of French dynasties from Franco and Algeria , It is believed In some quarters tha1 Priuco Plon-Plon's manifesto was in tended simply to bring Us nuthoi again before the public and that hi arrest is a serious mistake on the par of the government for this reason The issuing of the manifesto was wel timed. The friends of republicanism In France are disheartened at thi inability and weakness of the govern montj President Grovy falls to com mand respect , the cabinet is Impotent and the chamber of deputies disorganized ganizod aud rent by factions. It is a this juncture that Prlnoo Napoleot declares that the republic Is i failure , that It has degraded thi army , mined the finance * of thi country , nnd thnt relicrlon uncl good government have hllku endured ntidrr It. The character of th * tuun roLatho proclamation of much tf ito dangers. Flo began public life as a red republi can , lie accepted office under his couain , became a prince of the umpire , and wan given hiflh military command only to abandon his post when danger threatened. Ilis poltroonery gained him the contemptuous sobriquet of "Plon-Plon , " and his personal cowar dice was shown by his refusal to acoapt the challcn o of the DuoD'Au- male , who defended the honor of the Orlennisla against Prince Napoleon's attack. Plon-Plon coquelled with the radicals under the umpire while dependent pendent on the fiver of his cousin for his honors nud wealth , and to-day ho is found ready to stab the republic wh'ch ' htH unwisely allowed him the privilege of asylum. France in not yet ready for another Napoleonic empire. The remembrance of the treachery and crimes of the late emperor is itill too fresh in the mint's of the French people to make them incline kindly to any of his blood. The republic is rent with fdctlonism but Franco Is still thor oughly republican nod the apprecia tion of ouch daL'gera us the presence cf the plotting "Plou Plouis the surest road to the sweeping away of the minor differences whioh. now dis tract her political parti us. Mr. ( lladotono la taking a few weeks rostinsouthornFrancobetorethoopen- lug of parliament. Meantime LordDuf- forin has enunciated briefly but clearly the outlines of the English plan for the control of Egypt. The joint con trol is to be abolished , a representa tive native government established , England's mastery of the Suez canal is frankly affirmed and broad intima tions are made that both In Egyptian politics and finances her majesty's ministry propose to hold the tramp , rd. Lrd Dufforiu on behalf of Sngland formally withdraws from the "uanclal control , and Franca has given n an unwilling acquiescence. In Ire- and new clues are said to have been ound of the Phoouix park assaaalna , nd twenty urrosta were made on londay in Dublin , one of whom was member of the municipal council , 'wo executions cf convicted murder- rs took place during the week and ono wed excitement ou the question f homo rule is manifested. It is estimated that nearly throe nndrod men , women and children est their lives in the burning of a clr- us on Sunday In Bordetchcif , HOB- > lan Poland. The audience consisted Irnost entirely of Jews , but several of ho loading cltlzona of the town , whioh us 100,000 inhabitants , perhhed in ho flames. From Cairo cornea news of a bold ittompt which was made on Sunday assastinate the sultan at Constanti nople. The plot was divulged by a woman and the assassins were met nd routed In the vicinity of the sal- tan's apartments , several being killed n the melee. Recent rntnora reviving the creation ) f an English representative residing at the Vatican , are declared to be in natqre of feelers , to sound the ontlraeut of the British people upon ta ixDorlment which few ministries havefdlt ( themselves strong enough to 'rake'openly. Palraeraton did main- ain a strt uf occult agency at the Vat ican , but ho uovor assumed any oil ! clal character. The no-popery cry has been until very recently strong enough o bring England to the verge of rev- ilutiou , If Glndutono ventures to openly re-establish the relations that were broken off with such parade after ho expulsion of the Stuarts , it will bo a declaration of greater independence han Pitt would have ventured when ho armies of England were overrunning ning every country in the world. Our homestead laws are objects of warm admiration In Germany , where mortgages have ruined many farmers and other country pooplo. Certain measures of relief for these classes are under consideration this winter , and meanwhile the newspapers are full of Interesting information about the conditions under whioh land may bo obtained aud is hold iu the United States. L ws somewhat like our homo- toad acts have been In foroo in Sor- via since 1873 , aud more significant , perhaps , of their liberality and bene < tidal regulations , they were introduced in the British Eist Indies recently , A society has been formed with the object of procuring a declaration ol the neutrality of Denmark , which would place that country in a political Btato like that oojupled by land or Belgium. A uowly establish ed journal advocates the idea brilliant ly. There is , however , little prosppcl that this change of status will bi brought about ; so little , indeed , thai during the late debate on the fortifi cation bill n speaker advocated as thi basis of Danish policy a close nnloi with Sweden and. Norway. An alliance - lianco of this kind , between Scandl navian neighbors , would bo very nat ural , but there are many jealousle ; between the countries to be overcome and no such combination of Interest ! is likely to bo brought about in thii generation. Moreover , if it over ii seriously considered , it is qnostiona bio how much of Dunmark will bi left to join the coi federation. Ger many will have some words to say 01 that head , and If the islands atom remained to enter a Soandtnaviai league , the utmost expectation o many Danes would bo fully realized The revolt cf the Norwegian people plo against King Osoar , or rathe aghinst monr.rolilcal government , i proved to be gaining strength by th result of last month's election , whicl sends ninety opposition members t the national parliament or Storthing and only twenty crown supporters There has been eomothiug cf jealous and discontent among the people eve since the partial uulon with Swede ; sixty-eight years ago ; but the irnrae diato cause of this la t strong move mout is the king's determination t veto at all hazards a bill giving th ministers cf state seats In tha stnrth Ing. Under Norwegian law a bll most be passed over the king's vet bj three successive storthing * btfor it become * a law ; and though this has been done with the minister aut , OacMf claims that on questions of con * itiiotlonal amendment ho has the final veto power. Bjonrnstjerne Bjornson , the novelist , leads the popular party. Only a leader was needed to fashion into a force the democratic sentiment hi oh has existed tunong the peasant otora for many yearn and expressed self BO lorgngo as 1815 by abolishing 10 titles of nobility , and in later ears by substituting annual for trl- nnial sessions of Btorthiug. It la a tardy and plucky little nation of 120- 00people which wants togovcrn itself , Ono resell of the lute war is the Boning of R now rou'o ' to travi'l tr. ypt. Hitherto people bound to 'alro have been forced to miiko the ouruey from Alexandria , and if thn ? ave taken pnins to aeo the Suez oiiml , hiy have Ind to go out of tholr w > or it. Within a few weeks an Eag Iflh Australian line of atcnmora , call ng at Naples fortnightly , haa begun o take travelers either from London r Naples to lamallia , on the cinal , rotu which place a few hours' ride > 7cr the railroad which WSB of BO great mporlanca to General Woisoloy , con eys them to Cairo. This route tokis mo over the bittlo field of Tel-el eblr , affords a chance to toe the canal , nd costs no more than the direct jour- oy through Alexandria. The first International exhibition ver held in Holland is to bo opened t Amsterdam May 1. Preparations 'or ' it have been under way for nearly wo years , and a fair representation of ho products of all countries is assured The exposition building will cover evenly acres cf ground , and apace Is Inly assigned to all nations and col- nies. Among the latter the Brltlah clonics will naturally shtno pro iminent. British India will fill 10- 00 feet of f naco and Australia nearly a many. The outlook for American exhibits la unfortunately discouraging There would bo a great demand for. i ny American manufactures in the Dutch colonies if they were thoroughly dvortisod , and this show will be a ; oed advertising medium. A correspondent writing from Con- tantinoplo complains because Russia , s playing a sharp trick on Turkey in .he matter of the monument , which iy the terms of the Berlin treaty , the victor in the late war is authorized tc iOt up in honor of ita soldiers who fell at Shipka Pass. Nothing was stipula ted M to the form of the memorial , nor was a alto for it designated. In asmuch as the heavy fighting took place at the top of the pass the Turki hink the Hussions ought to put tholi column at that point. But Instead ci his It is proposed to establish it at ho mouth c f the defile and to give il ho form of a monastery. But a mon iBtery at chat point could bo little else han a fort , and , it is pointed out. . would give the Russians the complete command of the Balkans , which were supposed to have been loft by the reaty of Berlin in possession of the Ottoman empire. The Turk objecti trenuonsly to this Infraction cf hli rights , as he naturally regards it , bu no one seems to care very much. The cumpulsory school attendance of children In the German empiri differs in the several states. In Ba vorla the law begins with their slxtl year , ending with the completion o their thirteenth year , as regards weel day olassos , and with their slxteenti year as far as the 'attendance of Sun iUy schools Is concerned. Aoeordlnj 1 o the Prussian law of public inatruo tion of March 24 , 1803 , every chile has to attend to the instruction pre scribed for public schools from thi completed sixth to the completee fourteenth year. In the Grand Uaob ; of Baden the term is the same as li Prussia , beginning and ending on tin 23d day of April of the respeotlvi years. In the duchy of Anhalt children dron are likewiao required to go ti school on the completion of their aixtl year ; girla , however , arn oxnmpt a fourteen , while boya must oontlcuo ti the completion of their fiftoauth yeat In the kingdom of Saxony and th duchy of Saxo the duration cf th compulsory school-term is eight yoare n Wnrtemberg only seven , Bay fror the seventh to the completed foui teonth year. The German salary list contain some Interesting items. Ohancelln Bismarck receives an annual stipen of $18,000 and the free use of hi palace , together with an extra allow ance of nearly $7COO for the maintenance tenanco of the furniture , linen an utoneita of the palace and the garden connected therewith. The oecrotar tf state for foreign affairs , Coun Hartzfoldl , is paid ยง 17,000 per annut with certain perquisites. But th ' Ambassadors' London and 81 Petersburg take the prlza compel sations for their aorvicea to the go\ ornment , getting $50,000 apiece pc annum ; their colleague in Paris nt $ 10COO , ho at Constinoplo the same nnd he at the Vatican $33 OJO. Th governor of tVIa&co-Loiraino is pai $60,000 a year , but he Is not exact ! a public functionary. The nmba sador at Vienna gets $40,000 , the oc at Pekin $20 000 , and the ono i Toklo $15,000. From those amount the notaries shade down to moderat stipends to consuls , the consuls genei al , however , being paid from $5,0 ( to $16,000 , the latter amount , U largest on the Hat , going to the ono i New York. Most of the Ambaasadoi aro'"found , " and those at thovatlca and with the porto have In their aul official "preachers , " paid by tbo stat Now that the czu has signed a d croo dissolving all the secret soclotl in Russia , it is to ba hoped that v shall hear no moro about those post ! orous nihilists. When they're di solved they're dissolved , and th ; ought to put an end to them. It is pity that the late czir never thougl of this simple means of getting rid them. While in St. Paul , Minn , , ou 01 occasion , Miss Minnie Palmer trlppc on the atago , causing her to spra her ankle. St. Jacobs Oil was prompt and freely applied , and in two da ; Miss Miunle was as active as over. Horsford's Aclil Phoipliato. AS A UBA1N FOOD. Dn. S. F. NEWCOMER , M. E ' Greenfield , 0. , Bays ; "In cases general debility , and torpor of mlt and body , U does exceedingly well. " . CURES Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Oackachs , Headache , Toothache , Nor * ThninU Swfl1ln , hpralnn , llrutic * . Hum * . Honl.U , Fr > t Illtri , AID ILL OTHER no II I LI I-IIVH AMI UIIFV SoU DraxrfiU n4 pckUri 'rcr whtrt. ' ' t Iflr Cvnti totllt. Direction * la U I nt ffM THK VHAIM.LN A. > KKl.iU : 4 O. ( iMWMcn U i. VOJKLIK J > .U ) Billlaorr , H.I. , 1. S. i. PERSONAL -"IVutHof the Inn in body uihricvd , neitlnpeu tind sin "uthotwl , " an Inti resting ftd > crt soncnt IO-K run In our | iaier. In rii > h to I ( | U rlcj t will w j that thcro Is no t\l Iciru i f humbug ill ut thi' On thocontrnr ) , the adiertU r ar' > irr highly In- Intcrcs fd ppr < oni tr i ) jjct l U < lr- idn all pmtlmlarn , Klvfni ; Ml jurtlcn- mMhwuiif Krln M'dlmlCo. , I * . O. lto\ 513 , HuHalo , N. Y. ToVIo Ktoulny Hee. fin H-ly _ Genius Rewarded , OB , The Story of tlie Sewing Machine A bandwme lllllt ptmpblei , blnejand jolter tor * with nnmercat engratlnga will Jin GIVEN AWAY to DT kaall penon ctlllog ( or II , t inr b nol or lab-oHlce ol Tha Slntrer Unnf clartng Com p ny , 01 will b o nt ttj null , poll p M , It > nv penon tiring dlaUncc from oar ofSctt The Singer Manufacturing OP , , Pilaotpri Office , 34 Union Bqoay Sionx City & THB 8IOUX OIl Z KOUT ) RaEi Solid Tntn Ihroagh Iron- Oonncil Dlafia to Bt. Paul Without Ohtngo Tlmu , 17 Hour * UILE3 THK ( QOBTRfl RODt rttu OOUNOIL BL17FFB TO BT. PAUL , MTNKBAPOLIB DDLDTH nd til polnta In Northern low * . UIncs .U ui DkoU. Tbli line Li equlpptd nlth the Iraprovi WesUnjhoDW Antotna ! o Alr-bralc and xJIIlt Pl lorra ( Conpler and Iln3f > r : kctl tot PEKD. AF71Y AND COUFOBY IB nn nrp ! od. Pallmui Paleco Blteplog Cu ran tbioa h WtTHOUI CHANOE between n n ii Cltyund 81. f al , rl Ooanci. Bluda tat Sloaz CUy. Tnlna leave tnlon Fulflo Tri > i ler kl Conn ell BluCa , at 7:30 : p. m. dklly on krrlvkl Kinwt City , BI Joseph and Council Blafio train Iron lha South. Anlvlnp k Sloai City 11:10 : p.m. cJ IhtHtw Cnlon Bepol l BI. P nl a. 11IC : noon rKN nocsa in ADVANCE or ANT.OTUIJ nocTE flTRemeraber In taking lh Sloni City Boa yon eel Through Trln. Th * Shorttsl the Quickest Time and r. OomlorUbla RIdt In Ik Through Ctn b tween OODNOIL BLUFFS AND 8T. PAUL. tfBoi thf > t your Tleketa re d T ! Ih * "Blon > Cltr nd Padflo K Ibo d ' / I. WATTLKS , J. B. BDOHA JAR apcilntendtol. 0 n' Piaa. Aj'n Mlwonri V.lley Iv W. E DAVIH DtbwejUrn PweeDucr Oonndl Bloffi J. R ROW & GO F. L. Sommers & Go's CELEBRATED CRACKERS BISCUITS , OAKES , JUMBLES AND NOV ELTIE3 Wholesale Manufacturing 1ND DEALERS IN Fruits. Nuts and Cigar * III S I4th St. OMHA kEB Hynolntba- BULBS Tnllud , Croonio * . And all other for Fall Planting. Large t assort ment over nhown In Chicago- Illustrated Cutnlotfue free. Hend ( or It. Hiram Sibley & . Co. , SEEDJMEN , V Blo'pbSt ' . . Chid IS 0 id s- s10 10 ts to Jo 10 at rs FOR in CHICAGO to , o. PEORI o.e ST. LOUIS , e- ca MILWAUKEE to DETROIT NIAGARA PALLS if. , , isat NEWYORK.BOSTON at And nil Poluta E it and > outh.E t. ati THKL1NECOMFU18K3 iht Nearly 1,000 miles. Solid Smooth Steel Tract ht 11 counactloui are iiukle In UNION DhPOTe of h > a Nattontl Uepntatlon at being th reat Throujh Oar Line , and la uulvertall needed to be the FIN C3T EQUIPPED Bali ad In tbe world lor all classes of tra\rl. Tryltaudyoa will Qnil trareUoK a lozar ue Initead ot a uliicoiulort. 3d Through Tlcketi via rhis Celebrated Line Ic in xle at all office * la the West. All tnroimatlOQ about Batei o Fare , Gleepln iy Car Acocmtuoiatloni , Time Table * , Ac. , will t oheerlolly glren by applylaln < to T. J. POTTER. f d Ylce-f rea't & den. ManaxorChlca < PEROIVAL LOWELL. Oon. Faaeeiwer Agt. Chlcagi W. J. DAVtNPOttT , Uen. Agent , Conncll BluBi. II. P. DUE.LL , Ticket | Agt. i 'ii id Uenuty , health , and It.tttpIneM for lad's " U " In "WINEOE.CrV Boasters and Grinders of Coffees nnd Spices , Manufacturers of IMPERIAL BAKING POWDER Clark's Double Extracts of / BLUEING , INKS , ETC H. G. CLARK & CO. , Proprietors , 1403 Douglas Street , Omaha. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Ground Oil Gake. It is the beat and choapeot food for atock of any kind. Ono pound Is equal to throe ponn-a of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the fall and winter - tor , instead of running down , will increase in weight and bo in good market able condition in the spring. Dairymen as well o"a others who UBO it can tes tify to its merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton ; no charge for sacks. Address 04-ood.rao WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob. The Original and Only Kegular SEED HOUSE in Nebraska. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Agricultural N. W. Cor. Hi h oust , H uer , SZEIEIDS Dodge and Btrocts ! , Grass , Hedge , Omaha , Mob. Wo m ko a specialty of Onion Sfods , Onion Seta , lllue Dins ? , T inothy , Red Alfalf * and Whit Clover , Obseand Honoj Ix > cuit. Deilcrj and Market Gardener ] will save money by SOT md for Cu nlogue , KRHK. Hellman < fc Co. WHOLESALE OTHIERS 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. OMAHA , NEB. ANHEUSER-BUSCH Brewing Association , CELEBBATED N KEG & BOTTLED BEER , THIS EXOBLLEHT BEER SPEAKS FOR ITSELF , Orders from any part of the State or the Entire West will be promptly shipped : All Our Goads arc Made to the Standard of our Guarantee. GEORGE HENNING , Sole Agent for Omaha and the West. Office Corner 13th and Barney Streets , Omaha , Sab , PLANING MILLS. MANUFACTURBR3 OP Carpenter's Materials ALSO SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Balusters , Window and Door Frames , Etc. First-claw facilitloe for the Manufacture of all kindes of Mouldings , Fainting nd matching n Specialty. Orders from tbe country will be promptly executed. nHrtregmm communlcatl-pn to A. MOVER , Proprjeto BERQUIST BROTHERS , MANUFACTURERS OF CARRIAGES , BUGGIES w jr3oajaaa : epairln in all Branchop " 9 8- t ESTABLIBHEDIIN 188H. D. H. McDANELD & CO. , HIDES , TALLOW , GREASE , PELTS , 204 North 10th St. , Miuonlo Block. Main House , 4G , 48 and 52 DOM- bcrn avenue , Chicago , llefor by permlealon to Dido and Leathnr National Bank , Chicago. . O. 1213 Farnam St. . Ornaha , POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , IHISC UACnlHEKY , BKLTINQ , HOSE. I11US3 AMD H'.ON niTWOS FI7B. EIKAM PAPKINU , AT WnOLKSAUE AND RETAIL. HALIADAY WIND-MILLS CHURGH'AND.SGHOOLliSELLS Gor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha ,