Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 20, 1883, Image 1

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Each Commanding Officer 'Holds
His Forces Well in Hand
And Refuse All Overtures to
Burrrender to the Baeiny.
Another Effort Making to 3e-
cure a CAUCUS
The Koiultci'tho BrtUot In Dotall
Daingt of the Xir > ; lNinturo-
Senatorial Struggles In Other BtotcB ,
, ? p clal plspitch to Tin linn.
LINCOLN , January 10. Tha legisla
tive deadlock contliuioa. The gonurnl
nnpresaioa now is thnt there will be
no election baforo Tuesday. The re
publicans hold a conference to-ulght.
About forty members were present.
.11 laolutiona were aloptod to circulate
r.i r.groement for a eiuiui , providing
MT.ty-aoven members will sign , tha
vote to bo opjn and two-ihida neces-
niry for a nomination. I : is very
doubtful whether the requisite num
ber will sign. Millard wai disposed to
obindon the contest yesterday , but
his backers notably , Guy Barton , in
sists ho muat slay to the end , and U
be cannot bo elected Help to make
some man outside of Omaha. Demo
crats hare come to an understanding
to concantrato on ono man whenever
they doom boat. The anti monopolists
will continue the support of their own
candidates until a coalition can be
formed for some man of their choice.
LINCOLN , January 19. The house
aud senate mot this morning in thoii
respective halld. Very little of im <
portauco was dono. At 12 the jolnl
convention assembled nnd ono vote wai
taken , which showed very little changt
from yesterday.
The vote woa as follows : Saundcn
12 , Thayer 1C , Cov.'in 11 , Vifqnain 0
Mundersnn 8 , Kennedy 1 , Sivage 5
Stickel 10 , Boyd 4 , Motion 13 , Dye 1
* Hail 2 , Liird 2 , Millard 1C. Cjunei
d , Brown 8 , Dora y 2 , Butler 1
Croun9o2 , Lnko2 , Munger 1 , Enirig 1
Weaver 1. The joint convention ther
hdjourned till 12 o'clock to morrow.
tl ) > hl Corre'pondsnoe of Tuu B .
LINOJLN , Januiry 19 Promptly al
12 the senate filed into the house in t
body , and proceeded to take a ballot
for United States senator , it being
the fourth ballot in joint convention ,
; nnd the fifth m nil. The following ii
the vote ;
Fo. Victor " " "liquate- Senator Barker
llerrenentntives Luthv. Palmer { of Saline.
Ualney. Sidolik , and Whltzel-li.
ForO. F. lL nder im Senator * liom
gardner. Sowarn aud Walker ; INpreaeutn
tive * Cox , ilenccn , Hohbert * , Walser am
Hnmphrev 8.
For B. K Kennedy Senator Brown ( ol
> Douglas- ) ! ,
v For Alvin SiundeH SenatoH Browt
iof ( Lancaster ) , nnd lleift ; Kspresentative1
Bierbower , Colpetner , Draper ( of Knox )
< tow , ( Irimoi , Ilotner , Jnbnaoa , Miller ,
Talmer ( ol Dlxon ) , and Koche 12.
For John \l Tuoyer S niters Browi
( of CUj ) , Hnrridon and Unwell ; Kepre
hotitativea Cole , Cook ( of IS'uckub ) , hnb
linger , GrimBtewl , Howard , Martiu , Net
tleton , Kanney , Kni-sell , Spnnnglo , See\ei
Swearingen \Vestoott-KJ. .
For J. IL Stickel Senators 'Butler
Keyuohls and Kich ; Kcpreseutative
Berkley. Cook ( of JetlerAOti ) , Dentnnn
Jone , Town , Tumor , W rhau and Ynunj
For C. H. Brown Senator Sang ; ltp
r > seutatlveB Barton. Davenport , Fraiwe
Graver , Hollmaa. Turtle and Ashby 8.
For J. Sterling Morton Senators Goaf
Duuphy , Patterson and KodRera ; Uepre
xADtatlves ( Jarnaby , Draper ( of Cna )
Jleirarich , lloebel , L ird , Neville , Payne
Tower and Schr > iler 13.
For Dye Senator Connor 1 ,
For Jati'63 Laird Henator Dolan ; Rep
reeeutatlve Babcock 2.
For A. U. Conner Senatom Dye ant
Fi-her ; Representatives Armlt&ge , Churl
Hton , Dodd and S ted well * C.
For John C. Co win Senator Kiucali
and Xorrie ; KeirreeentatUvs Christopher
BOD , Colllni , Dawson , ( Jordon , II ll , I ee
Tavlor , Wl onben < nnd Wolph. 11.
For Munger Thiinas 1 ,
For J. H. MHUrd Senatorn Filley am
rfcboenh lt ; Koprpsentatlven Aboil , Brit
ton , 1'rown , Couth , Field , Gray , Morri
eon , Snane , Sessions , Stephtneou , tiuot
enbacb , Thompson and Ware 10.
For A. J. Weaver Representative Clia
pin 1.
- - For Ijorenro Croimse Representative
Hatch and Kuonev 2.
For ( Jeorge W. 13 Doraey Kepresents
tivea ( i rout and Chnrlaton 2.
For J a K. Boytl .Senator Cutit ld am
Itepresentitlves Harrington , McUavoc !
and Watte-J.
rz lrl For George B. Jj Ve Ueiirefeatktlve
I. McAllister and Whedon-1 !
' For A. Kwing Uepreiientativa 1U1
clitfe L
For Kd J. HM Senator Dech an
Thatch 2.
For Butler Representative Free'jnrn
The ballot occupied about three quartet
ol an hour , when the joint convention m
jotirned to meet at 1 o'clock to-morrow.
pc ul Corrwiiondi.nce ol The Bee.
LINCOLN , January 111 Butler e
Pawnee rose under the nail of report
from committees and asked why th
railroad committee had no report t
rmko. Bill No. h had been lo th
h nde of the comml'teo "iqht diya.
Thn chatnat.ii , Mi * . M Saano , state
m rooty thnt the cr-mmitteu woul
consider the bill ruh'rred to and othci
similar to It , to-duy , and would rep'.i
to-morrow. The niecuuiun droppcc
on the understanding thnt the repoi
would be nmdo without further dehij
A special committee is rooommeiu
od to oArry out the wish.-a of thu pet
. - pie of Baunders county In regard t
the inspection of the railroad bridge
crouiiu Ilia Platte , in that cunuty.
A bill to prohibit poisons ptyir
usurious interest boinij reported ad
Tersely , adiicusalon ) arose as to tin
llspositloti which had been made ol
> thor bills so roportod. It was fount
hat the clerk had so construed hii
luty as to withhold all such bllli
rom the printer , and to put then
, way as If finally ralod out of ex
stonco. This Is only one instance
of many , proving that a grva1
leal cf Incxperionco has been tnrasl
nto important placoa , high and low it
hn senate.
The bill f jr the relief of inmates o ;
tisane asylums was lead a ncconc
Imo. Referred to committee or
publla charities.
A bill by Senator Dunphy provid-
ng for the publication of the laws
" by the lojjislnluto in ono news <
in each county wis road a sec
o.-.d tim ? ard referred to the commit
ee on printing.
Ai 11 o'clock a mo'lon ' to take t
recces till 11:15 : was agreed to.
An invitation fn m the s'ate horli
cultural ( society to visit the exhibitior
of Nebraska frulta was iccelvcd nnc
Cpnaido-ablo negllgouco or dolaj
mving occurred in regard to the
irintiug of bills , thn chairman cf the
committee on printing waa instructor
o inveatignto and report to the ouuiU
n the morning the cause rf delay.
January 19 Th bill to define bonn
lariea of Cherry county , wiw roportot
) Kck by the committee , with rccom
moudation that it so paia.
In consequence of the nbionco 01
Senator McShiue , called away by thi
loath of his brother , the promisat
eport of the railroad committee or
> lll N ) . 8 waa not forthcoming.
Senator Butler stated thnt hwai
ory anxious to have the bill befon
senate , and it waa resolved that thi
rules should bo suspended and tbi
) ill printed and laid before the'sonati
at for itu cousldoration.
The bill for the relief cf person
owning real estate , was read n soconc
imo and referred to the jadlclnr
It wa4 resolved to appoint a committee
mittoo of throe to investigate the com
plaints of the people of Sannder
county against the railroad bridge
croaking the Platte rivor.
Several other bills were read am
referred , some reported back iron
committees nnd nt 11:15 : the sonati
took a recess till tluio to go into join
When thn roll had been called a
xplration of roctns , Sing introduce !
, resolution that senators ulnuld havi
diitributod to them dally fito dill )
papers , live three cent stumps und iivi
one cent wrappers.
The dltcuEsion was terminated by ;
motion to adjourn to go into join
On return to the senate chamber
thu aenate voted to adjourn till to
morrow morning nt 10 o'clock.
' '
LINCOLN , January 19 The worl
of killing bills in the house has core
menced in good earnest. This more
ing a largo number of unimportan
bills wcro reported back from th
different committee * , and moat of th
reports were ia favor of indefinite ! ;
postponing. Only u few were recom
trended t ir passage.
Nearly every morning a resolutio :
ia Introduced to provide for employiu ,
extra doorkeepers or extra clerke
or some other extra help. Yesterda ;
morning extra doorkeepers were em
ployed , and this morning n rnsolutioi
was introduced for another aaalatnn
sergeant-at arma , but it was prompt ) ;
voted down. Daring the past tot
days Botno of the members have beoi
Inquiring Into the number of lions
employes , and to their ustoniahmen
they land that there are about lift ;
persons drawing poy at ttip rate of &
a day and perquisites , besides the 10
For the first time during the sessioi
the house resolved iteelf Into a com
mlttee of the whole this morning fo
the purpose of considering bills o :
general rile.
During the session of the committe
of the whole five bills were acted upon
namely : House roll Xos. 0 , it , 11 , 1
and 21 , und all recommended to pasi
Theio bills were ordered engrossed fc
a third reading by the house.
The extreme cold weather (25 ° bt
low zero ) has had a tendency to kee
the members in their room * , most c
them preferring to hug n red-he
stove to attending a cold caucus in
room filled with second hand tobuec
smoke with n certainty of accoiupliil
ing nothing.
How H Appears Through Vftrtui
Special Ils | tcli to Tut Kit.
ON , January 19 Th
Star has the follonlng : "Orapo sni
this morning that he did nor , yosto ;
day , send a dispatch to his friends I
the Massachusetts legislature wit !
drawing from the senatorial coulee
nor has It been his intention to witl
draw.1 ;
Tho'Star also publishes the follov
ing :
"UohTON , Janaary 19 That Crap
dispatch was sent by ex Colleotc
Grlnnll , of New York , to llepresonU
tivn Randall , I have read it.
( Signed ) " 0. J. BHOOKH , "
Crape himself declines to see r peters
ters to-day.
Crape denies the allegation of fo :
gory , and has Inf jrincd Senator HOE
that he ( Crape ) sent a dispatch whlc
influenced his friends to transfer the !
votoa to him ( Hoar )
1HU UEimniATK.
HOMO * , January 19 (3ov. IJuth
signed the certificate tt election <
II jar ca senator this afternoon nn
the document wan forwarded to U :
president of the United States Banal
this morning. The governor
for Washington to-night on
A Fix ! o Keuort-
Special Ulsiutch to Tun linn.
UOHTON , January 19.A further li
vestlgatiou in the alleged forgery of
dispatch tr letter from Crape , ai
nounolng his withdrawal from the
lonntorial contest , shows thnt no actual
letter nor telegram from Crnpo was
shown , heuco there was forgery as
stated in last night's dispatches. There
is no question , however , of the fact
that the statement was circulated at
the State house , and thnt such a com
munication bad been received and it
wan generally bclioved.
No Ti nth In It
dpcflal DuUli ! ) to Tun Hut.
WASIIISUMX , January 19 Honr'a
election and the alleged forged Grape
telegram are thn top'ui of discuKidcii
in the capital to-day. The friends of
Crape dououno'i tht theory of forgery.
Governor Jlico says : Ornpo told mo
ho had tolegraphoi hU friends to
thro * his strength for Uoar and there
is not n word of truth in the rumor of
he forged dispiich.
BpciUl IHipatcit' ) to Tim llni.
Sr. PAUL , January 19 Three bal
otj for United Suitei senator. No
DBNVKU , January Id The eena-
orial conU-it aliil coutinuus. The
vote in the joint Bcsaion to-dny devel
oped nothing noA % ( Another caucus
was held - -
The Miolitunn SeuatorNb p
ipr < > lal Dlpjiatcli to TIIK BM.
Duiuorr , January 19 The first
jallot iri the joint uonventiou of the
ogislnture for United States senator
was ES follows : Ferry 52 , Stout 50 ,
ilanohot 7 , Burrows 7. The fifteen
other votes weroscattoriug on ton can
Entries for the Summer Meeting.
Spoilal IMjp tch to Tin linn
OUIOAUO , January 19The sixteen
stakes opened by the Chicago Driving
ir.rk for it * summing running rneot
, Juno 27th to July 0h , cloood the
loth inst. , nnd will bo made public to
morrow , Tno entries number 595 ,
with omo stables yet to come. Tbo
jrentoat nnmbor of ontreia for any
previous meeting wna 487 , in .lime
1882. Tha entire conutrv contributes
to the list , there being 107 stablcH rep-
eBontod. Aside from the turf nipii ef
Kentucky , Tennusseo , Illinois , Ohio ,
nd other etatoa in the heart of the
nutton , entries nro made hy SVm M
Djnnor and L P. Uruce , of New
lornoj ; Oliarlus Boy o nnd John
Forhos , cf Canada ; Ulifton Hall , of
California ; Wm. OottriU nnd Ira
Brldo , of AUbaniiV. . L Scott , of
PonnB > lvnnii and AI. M Allen , ol
Utah. Moat of thsso r waern have
not heretofore boon rooreautited.
The Secretnry's Oiinlon-
Mpocl&l Dispatch to Tim Bin.
WASIIINOTON , January 19. la ro-
apone to a letter from the attorney
general asking for auggestiona in the
matter , Secretary Teller , iu a lottei
dated to-day , exprenced the opinion
that the inclosure of large tracts ol
public land bp a barbed wire , feii7o 01
otherwise by the herders or stockinet )
should bo enjoined as a nuisance if II
becomes detrimental to the public In
terest to tiiVextont of preventing set
tlements , of interrupting the aveuuoe
of commerce , or intorforim ; with mall
transportation in the use of highways ,
etc. The secretary recommends thai
proper stops bo taken in the cases that
como to the attention of the depart ,
mont of juotico to ntop this unlawful
monopoly. Ho thinks the United
Status may resort to all methodn ol
procedure to protect its own interest ;
that would be available to protect
other parties in like circumstances.
The G.D on Sugar.
Speaal Dtopntch to TDK llkii.
Sr Louis , January 19. TheGlobo
Democrat saye : The Hawaiian treatj
cannot be abrogated without a great
violation of faith until September ,
1885 , and that the weight of argument
from the standpoint of American in
teresta is decidedly in favor of main
taining the convention. A great deal
of nonsense has been written nboul
the "loaa" which the treaty has occa
sioned to our government. The fact
is that It has been the meanB of greal
gain to many of our citUans and ol
leas to none of them. The owners of
sugar plantations are Americans ,
There huH boon an enormous increase
in the sales of American merchandise
to the islands since the arrangement
was made , and ) / the treaty has noi
cheapened sugar iu California lot thi
Californiaus look to the Central Paci
fie railroad for their satisfaction. It li
that company's freight rates and no
the f Uwitllan treaty that makes sugai
unnaturally dear on the Pacific slope
A Printer Out of Horlx.
Hif'i | J lM | > iit * ll to 1 * < Dili ,
Sr. LOUIH , January 1H About (
o'clock to-night Kllhu Palmer , i
printer In the employ of the Grea
Western printing company , met hii
wife on Fifteenth street , between Pini
and Chestnut , draggei her into at
alloy close by , and shot her in uecl
with a revolver , and then put a bal
into his own head , The woman wa
only alightly hurr , but Palmer , whi
was taken to n dispensary , thence sen
to the city hospital , Is said to bo mor
tally wounded , the ball having ontom
the brain behind the right oar , Palme
Bays he shot his wli because she lef
him aud entered a uTaroputablo house
while the woman Bays he had no cauai
whntovcr for the not.
A Cbnngn of Glfloa.
iatch tolui B
NKW YOIIK , January I'.i ' E. Haw
ley , general agent of the Callfornli
fiat freight line ( Iowa nee ) > haa t ui
dori'd his rcsij'nution , to take tll'o
Fbru ry luth , to aoeopt the gcnori
freight nnd passenger agency of lh <
Gi'vpston ' , Harrlsburi ' , and Sin Antonio
nio A ; Southern Pacific railroad.
Curtailing Gail Proiluotlou.
8pecll Ill < i > aUh tuTur. llfh.
PiiiLADKM'iUA , January 19 - Tin
combined Anthracite Coal companies
agreed to auipond pradaction on thi
last three days of each week untl
further notice ,
Which the Republican Party will
Perform in Behalf of American
ican Labor ,
The Factorioa of the Nation
Must be Protected nt the
Bxpenaa of the Many.
The P.xrty Oauous OrJord the
Early Passa o of the
Taritt Bill ,
A Eplrliad Debto in the S.uatc
on the Duty on Qn ! s ,
The President Protosta Anntust Spec-
ItU Legislation of All Kinds.
Special Dispatchoe to Tim llM.
YAfllII ! > TON , January 19. Thoeori'
ute bill directing the secretary of the
treasury to redeem five bonds stolen
from Hobott Stodart Wild and destroyed
stroyed by thieves , having becotno f
law by lapse of time , the president
improves the opportunity to oxprsaf
to the Bonato his disapproval of tliii
clais of legislation in the followluy
words : " 1 have carefully considered
the provisions of the Bonato bill , No.
GUI , entitled 'A bill for the rohof ol
Robert Stodarl Wild. ' I am of
the opinion the gcnorf.1 ntatuto la uuf
ficeiitly liberal to provide for rnlicf it
all proper caaos ot doatroyod Uaitoi
Btntoa bonds , and I believe the ac1
above referred to conatitutca an evil
precedent. It ia not , however , BO objectionable
jectionablo aa to call for my forma
disapproval , and I have allowed itjtc
booomo a law under the conati'.utiona
provision , contenting myself wltl
communicating ; with the sonata li
which the bill originated my dlsap
proval of Hpccial li'gialntion of thi
character. "
All members of the cabinet wort
present at the mooting to-dsy , Thi
session wns eliort. The proposed Moxt
can treaty was the only question o
Importance counldcrod.
Inquiry as to the reliability of clos
ing any of the navy yards loads t
onrtain concluaion that on the illjt o
Much ull nnvy yards will bo ctoaei
except these nt Now York , Norfolk
Washington and Mare Island , owinj
to deficient appropriations.
The socressiry of the interior son
to the senate copies cf u cor roe
pondonco and other papers relating t
the agreement of the lease of Itufu
Hatch and two others , nith exolusiv
privileges of lands , embracing thro
principal objects of Interest in th
Yallowetona Nitloual pfirlr i
approved such congress actions as wil
secure abrogation of the ITa < vailni
treaty and adjourned.
Special Dlsintcbes to Tun linn.
WABIUNOTON , January 1 ! ) In thi
honao Mr. Moore , of Tennessee , i
joint resolution pro { > oaiiig a ccmatitu
tional amendment granting to cungres
the power to providu by upproprlat
legislation for the legal onforcemen
of the obligation of contracts ontoruc
into by the states of the Union.
Mr , 11 iscock endeavored to dispena
with the private business f > r to-daj
but failed to secure the necessary two
thirds vote and trio house went Inti
committee 11 the whole , Mr. Rich , o
Michigan , in the chair.
At 2 o'clock the committee aroao
and the house pissed two private bills
The war claim bill thtm gave rise t <
some debate , and tha year and nayi
wore ordered on its passage , uondlnj
which , on motion of Mr. Roboaoi
( N. J. , ) house at 1 ! o'clock ndjouanod
was held Immediately after adjourn
mont. Robeeon presided and Mlllc
( Pa. ) was secretary. Speaker Koife
offdred a resolution , which In i IFjc
declared the republicans of the honsi
would proceed to consider the taril
bill Tuesday nextImmediately after th <
naval appropriation till shall bo dii
posed ( f , and that it shall have preference
once overall other legislation txcopt
ing appropriation bills until brough
to a vote.
A resolution was adopted , afto :
brief spofo'ios from Kelly , McKlnltj
(0 ( ) and Iloskoll ( Km. ) in explana
lion of Its provisions and probibli
efl'jct. Kasson spoke , but not so mud
on the merits of the bill as to urgi
full and constant attendance of repnb
ilcan members during the debate. I
was agreed there shall bo four houn
general debate on the bill two hour
to each side , and that the amend
mpnts shall bo debated under the fivi
minutes rule , While there was per
feet harmony in the caucus and a generally
orally expressed desire to pass the bill
and so effect a revision of the tariil
several members expressed their intention
tontion to amend it and there was ovl
dent a disposition to have it under
stood there would bo demands fo
modification from the republican
when the bill gets under way. Thi
estimated given in explanation of thi
olfect of the bill put the total , rndna
tion of revenues from custom
receipts at $25,000,000 The roductloi
on Euyar alone ia $12 000 000 nnd th
reduction on wool S'J.OCO.OOO. TJi
estimated specific reduction ia put 01
an avcrjga at 12 per cent. Thcro wn
nothing in the eomito bill or any othu
than ia contHined in that roportoi
from the wnv > t und nieanH coramitte
which will bo laid before the hnnsi ii
printed form Monday , with thro
columns of figures opposite ouch Iton
in the schedules to show the prcsen
rate of duty , the rate rr.commendo <
by the tariff commission and the rat
proposed by the bill. It Is expectoi
the n v l appropriation bill will oocup\
SUnrday and Monday.
There were present at the CAUCUS be *
twoen 130 and 140 members , and il
* aa romarknd aa the most ( ffrctivi
meeting o ( the kind over hold by the
In the sonnto the poatofliou appropriate
priato bill was taken up.
Mr. Plum said ho would ask the
senate to diipoao of It to day.
Debate then ensued on the clause
proposing n reduction of loiter postage -
ago to two cents , and nt Iho oloao of
the morning hour the posh ill 30 bill
was laid as wo and the souato resumed
canndoratiu of the tariff bill ,
Senator Vftr.oj made a calculation
to show the duty on imported window
glu&a In 18827i $1,110. 100 and that
M ft result of Iho tariff about $1K" : > 0- ,
COO wan added to the price of gluts ol
dorucoUa manufacture. Ho was nt n
leas tn ' now what reason could bo
glrou i - imposing this bardeu upon
thp pi > Jo unless It wf ro put on the
gronn f protoctnig AmuticAn labor ,
and r.i o the honcDfy of those who
guvo t t ic on was illustrated by
the cot. luct of the frroat Indianu iluaj ;
nnnuLjturer , Mr. Ddpnu , iu import'
lilg ohi > p Jjolgians to tnko the plac (
othiti American workmen. Ho was
also h.'oriuud ' thta gentleman had
boon u'lowud to import his mtohinorj
free of duty ,
Dabuty ensued upon the labor quita <
Ranalor Williama said DAWOS OB
suiliod i hat there was no other hboi
in this country but manufacturing la
bor , aud that the manufacturing la
borer might to rucoivo $2 a day whil <
the farm Inboreis gota only 70 cent
ind thnt farm laborers ought to b ,
t xcd for the boneQt of others.
Seimtor Dnwoa dented thin , nnd aaU
if the f ictories wore closed and opera
tlvos turned out upon thp farms , i
would reduce thn compensation o
firm laborers 50 per cent at oni
blow. The factories by furnishing i
market for the farmer , enhance thi
value of his farm labor and his land
Senator Willln-nn-Why. Mr. L'rosi
dent , that's all booh. [ Laughter.
There are not moro than 6 pnr cent c
our people employed in minuf.'ctnroc
Pennsylvania , Senator Williams Bale
not only raised enough farm product
to supply the laborers of faolorloa , be
she shipped some to Europe , end h
ponld n loct two comities in 111
nols or Kun an that could prc
rluco moro provisions than n
factory opar.-Uivon in the country coal
Senator Vance dircujaed the quo
tion of wages paid fiotory operutlvr
of Kuropo and Atuerici roepootivnlj
nud avguei5 the tariff far1 more tha
oqvored the difTereucn.
Senator DAWOS replying to Vunoi
asV'Ltl why no Lawoll or Lnwronce <
Eloljoko grow up around that motl\
power of the lloanoko river nn
anaworcd the queution himself t
u yliir | , there wiui no reason oxco ]
the people preferred to tap trees at
make turpentine and buy what the
required of foreign producers rath
tnan produce for themselves ,
° 1ittlor Harrison ofl'crod un araoni
mont fixing the duty on rou h lal
glass nt the sumo rate aa iu the pa
tariff. Adopted.
Senator Harrison reported from tl
committee on territories a bill I
authorize thn county of Vauktoi
Dakota , to fund its repudiated rail rot
indebtedness In new bondo. This
preliminary to asking the admission i
Dakota into the Union ( in a atato.
Senator Hoar having rojtynod th
regency of the Smithsonian Instltuti
Senator Edmund's wiva appointee
Ha Dcnlo * thn Telegram-
Special Dispatch to Tim lit r.
WAHIIINCITON , January It ) . Iu re
furring to a statement contained I
The Boston News Item late list nigli
to the fcilect that Hoar secured th
support of Orapo men wan the resul
of forgery , The Nutinnttl Republics
this morning publlnhcu an intervioi
with Orapo , obtained at 2. 00 o'clock i
the morning , in which he says ; ' '
did not know there wai to bo an
mooting of my friends I have nt
soon any Boston papers and do nc
know the nature of the dispatch a
Inded to. I sent sovorul dispatches.
"Hut " said the "Did
, reporter , yo
send a dispatch requesting yoi
friends to vote for Mr. Hoar ? "
"No , " answered Grape , "I aunt u
such dispatch. "
Fira In Now York.
Hpoe'al Dieiiakli to TIIK i > n.
NEW YOHK , January lit A fn
In the five Htory marble building o
Uarcloy street , adjoining the Aat <
house to-night , gave the irnproBsio
It was the hotel building that was ci
fire , creating much oxcitoment. 1
view of the present epidemic of hot
fires , u largo force of engines wa
qnickly summoned , and the exai
place of the fire located. It wi
quickly extinguished. The durua :
done amounted to $10,000
Tha Royal Party.
Special Dlspitch to Till Das
OIIAKLBSTON , S. 0. , January ! ! . -
Princess Louise , MaTtjnls of Lorno an
party arrived thin evening. 1'ho di
pot was crowded with pooplo. Th
princess and maiquis bowed to tl
vlco consul and walked rapidly inl
the waiting rooms whore carrligi
were taken and the party went imnu
dlatoly to Charleston hotel where
suite of rooms were In readiness. Tl
princbts tjxpcctud to biard the Did
on iho 27th und sail I > r Bermuda.
TSnuth ui'aFitht Horsn.
SlHtcul Ilsiitcli ] to TDK llnii.
LA\MIKMI : , Musi , January I'.l.-
The sttillion Piimbcrton , with n 2 ' .
record , while being driven to u nlolp
this afternoon , bocitmo unmaiiagiub
and ran into a picket fence and MI
instantly killed. He WHI ornii d Y ,
II , 0. Nevins , of Mothuen , a ; d v , .
uod ut $10 000.
CnlliNluii nt'
Special Dleiuitcli to Tim Urn
SVUAUUHK , N. Y. , January 1 ! ) A
oxproiis train goinq on the Nu
York Oentral this morning dashed inl
the roar of a freight train on the mai
rack , cast oi Syracuse Two brailc
nen were Injured , No paasoiigon
ittrt. The damage to rolling stocli
nd freight is oonsidornblo. 'llic
iccidcnt was caused by the switch
aiders being asleep on duty.
The Iowa Prohibition Ainond-
mont Doolarod Unconstitn-
lional by the Supreme
Umubrinua [ nnd His Disciples
ViotorioUb in the Hawkeye -
eye Stuto.
| Kcktl Dlsjwtch to Tim UKI
DKS MOINKS , January 19 The pro-
Ibitiou amendment to the constitu
ent adopted by the puptihr vole last
line WHS declared Invalid by the tu-
irumo court to-day , Jurlgo Srevura
Qudoring the opinion. Tim case on-
itliut Kohlur it Ling va. Hill , cime
rom Divouport. The plaintiff unod
1111 for the vulttu of beer aold him.
1111 admitted the debt , but pleaded
hat Iho constitutional amendment for-
> ndo thi ) Sato i f beer , wlno nnd ute ,
nd claimed exemption from the
, ubK The plftintifls nmondrd
heir petition by declaring thnt the
mondment was not In force , the
ocord - > f the Eighteenth asminbly
ailii g to show it had p.uoed and thnt
ho houno measure was different from
ho hinoudinont un pissed by the ncu <
ute in form nnd substance fnrthot
hat the subsequent nctiur on the lOtli
[ id not nnd could not cure carolesfi
loss in the Kightconth ur.nembly. The
: -aoe was tried by Judge Unvoa ai
Davenport , who gave a verdict foi
.he plaintiff for the amount claimtiri
ind declared Uio nmondmont not in
operation. Tl.u opinion rendered ii
very long nnd r-sviows fully the cam
uul nil luithoii I'.MI bearing thereon
Many collateral issues vruro raitti' it
the lower court , but having bcoi
dropped as nmna'cml. .ludg
Soovors s ys thnt while It i
truu the rmollod bills ar
landmarks of evidence , yet inaamuc
ni the IOWA COIIB itution dora not re
quire umcndmunts to the uauatitutio
to bo enrolled us laws are , higlslativ
journals in tlilu state atu equally con
potent ns ovldenco nn to the constlti
tionnl provtnions us enrolled bills. I
the cnao at bar the journal of tl
houao of the eighteenth nnjotnbly doi
not nhow the amendment was p.ussni
aud also that it varied in form un
nuhatiinco. from the meabtiro in tl
a junto. Thia bulug the caao , the no :
legislature oould not correct the mi
takua of its predecessor , nnd tl
amendtnout falls ,
The disueut of Judge Beck ia loii
or than the opinion. Ho takes tl
opposite ground to the view abov
aud says iu addition tint Inasmuch
the pooplw had elected the members
the nineteenth ntsembly on the issi
of the Amendment , they thomselv
had cured the Irregularities of tl
eighteenth aasomby. Judge Beck ; J
declares the much mooted abort pub
cation in thu Oskaloosa paper to ha' '
beun tubatnntinl compliance with tl
law. The cuuo wus hoard by t
audience that filled the senate chui
bur noiirly lull.
Special Dispatched to Tun HKI.
I'AIIIH , January 19. Some cf tl
morning papers ) /ivo further details i
the alloyed organization of n civil wi
In West Franco with the help of tl
Catholic workmen clubs and mcntio
the discovery of a Icgltimliit 001
splrncy called the "Catholic alliance ,
forming n vast association direcod L
Uaran de Cliarottol. They declni
that thirty-throe loglonei have bee
formed in the west and centre. _ Se <
oral cflhuru of the armynre Implicate
in the conspiracy , and depots of am
exist. The LaVettairo declared thi
a rising in a LiVonduo Is fixed f , ir tl
21st instant.
January 19. Thn
terrific explosions took place to-da
In a gunpowder manufactory In Mn
don , when nearly all the houses woi
unroofed by the concussion. Tl
neighboring towns and villages ai
much damaged. Tlio loss of life
unknown , but it Is feared that fort
perished. Tlio windows in this cit ;
which Is eight miles from Mulden ai
Twelve bodies of victims of thn ea
plosion were discovered. Twelv
workmen were In the building at tli
time of the oiplohlon. Four woi
greatly injured The inhabitants ui
leaving i n . . honees. There la n
fnir ot further oxplooions.
PAIUH , January 19. Dorano ,
lionapartist member of the house i
deputies gave notice to the prefect i
police , last evening thnt IIH had postc
Prince Jerome Nnpoleon'rt manifest
outside his own house and challengi
him on the illegality ef the aotioi
Persons passing by .the house pnllc
the placard down. Tno polioo declit :
to gratify Dorano's offer of nmrty
TUB J'llINCb'H lll'.OMKT.
PAUIS , January 19. The Figai
luaorts thnt Princp Jerome Kapoloc
now regrets ho eliminated the phrai
contained in the draft of his manlfoa
n i follows : "Who ever ho inuy b
the elect cf the people will ba the
own logitlmnto chiof. "
Another Fnr o Gone
i toTiir IlKB
, January l'i .leromo (
Furgo , brother o the late Win (
Firgo , of express fdiuo , died to-da ;
Fargo waa snpcrlntundunt of the ro
uatato nrd puisunnl properly of tl
American Express company on ull 1
litiea of BuflMo up to the tin
of hln death.
Norvoousnera , acbillty and o :
haustod vitnlity cured by usli
Brown's Iron Bitters.
Positive Evidence J gainst the
Newhall House Incendiary
Secured ,
The Excitement Gradually In-
cr aoos as the Fnota
Become Known ,
'ho OptrA Honn Accid nt the Ro-
Kttlt of GrcnH
Two Men Mid tlio Troiujury Kfttnlly
Injnrocl ,
DU1 Not Ltnvo Iho Gltv.
DUipntch to Till HHI.
A1H.WAUKUK , January 19 Sheller ,
10 Alleged Newhall house iueendury
bruu ht b.ick to the j il huro
ulutly tbii morning. It is now set-
hid beyond n doubt that ho never
oft tlio city , but was concealed in the
cuso of one of the dopution ot the
iirrlll' . The roison for thin notion is
ard to find becmie besides tlio ex-
iteuient immudiiitoly following the
rrcot the nnttf w.ia taken cxtrunuly
uiot. The cvidonco thnt Schullor
cmoved his stock the dny provloui to
: io firu accumulivten. Ithus now como
c light that ho oven removed the *
alls of ( ho tcvtn billiard tables lu
cre the I'm1 The value of 'ho stock
rcroted BO fir Is about { tl 000. The
enroll during this forenoon hits ro-
uttcd in finding onu body , making
orty-six b'jdlen secured , and leaving
lirto still to bj accounted for.
Th Newhall Fivo.
pcclul Il itattli to Tun linn.
MIL-VAUKKK , January 19 Only enemy
my wiu found in the rninu of the
dnhnll houae to-day , niAklnu f irty-
ix in nil. One cf the oliarrnd Dodics
identified as Mrs Miller , of
Out. , one of the employes
if tin ) hotel , which bring ! up the
di > ntiliud dcnd up to twenty-nine.
I'hii meotini ; to make arrangements
" > r the mass fiinornl adjourned till
0 mortow.
Sincn the discovery of the f ict that
Sahulli r diiposod of n largo part of1
hm stock , the excitement re-
the prieoucr la growing.
Six barrels c f whisky secreted by
him were attached to-day by
ortniitors. The authorities refuse
positively 10 let the prisoner bo
noen or give information regarding the
ovldonco , but the remarks of the
fiolioj leave it to bo inferred thnt fiey
have pobitlvo ovldonco to substantiate
tlio charge made against the prisoner.
The Simtinol will pnblVi to morrow
( f the hotel , giving the
every ocoupint of the rooms.
The lint was made up by thu son of
'andlord ' and the otilef clork. Th' y
gitro the following totalr : ( luosta
saved , 02 ; employes navoii , ! U ! ; guests
lost , 25 ; employes lost 34 ; total lo jt , ,
W. The list made up by the asso
ciated press agent contains 72 namei.
cf uertonr roporte < l lost.
AUBI ( : JbVrrrington , fatally injured'
ut the explouinn In the opera house
Inst night , died this afternoon. Albert
Seremoro cannot live , as the physi
cians say. The other three injured
are doing well and will The
c iifoof the accident was thw explosion
of the cak ium light oylindtr , the ro-
suit of mixing hydrogen and oxygin
gas , with which the two cylinders were
charged. The mistake woa made by
Fnriington in the f jronoon. It was
noticed und his attention calkd to it
by the flcono artist accompanying the >
1 'Lights o1 London" company. Far.
ringtcn replied it was ull right ; that
when ho wanted hydrogen all ho had
to do was to tarn on the oxygen cyl
inder. This ho forgot to do. The
Boenio artist also told Manager Marsh
that the running of calcium lights
eras in Inexperienced hands , and that
he WAS apprehensive of danger.
Chemist liodo lays the wonder li that
the entire building WDH not blown
to pieces. The vessel exploded .was
about three feet long and one in di
ameter. The prompt action on the
part of the officials and the soniiblo
men in the audience prevented fatal
results from a stampede. The com
pany plays to-night before empty seats.
A benefit matinee for the injured la
advertised for to-morrow. It ia stated
that the accident will seriously cripple
the whole season of the opera house ,
which is not at all a safe place In case.
of tiro.
A Lunatic' * Bloody Work.
Special Dtrpvtth to Till Ull.
UTNJA , N. Y. , January lit Thura-
dy night Harvey Taylor , of Itichfield
Springs , killed his wifd und mother-
in law , and then hanged himself.
The bodies were discovered this after
noon by Taylor's son-in-law. The
w. men hnd their heads crushed In ;
they were regularly laid out on the
tl > or , with hands crossed , ftuas washed
and fvet tied. Taylor was found
In the cellar. He was do-
The "Q" Dtniei.
apt-rill DlluUcli to Tun Ull
DOBTON , January 19 It Is stated
here that the Chicago , Burlington it
Qalncj' rnilrnad111 probably buy the
Denver and Rio Grande as reported in
a Chicago dispatch
ipotU ! Dlipatch to Tux Ilia
WASIIINOTON , January 19 The
colored boy Charles Shtw , was hanged
at 12:45 : p. in. to-day for the murder
of hii sister on the lh ( ! of January
UL.UU , Md. , January 19 Arthur
Preston , colored , nuudiil , was hanged
In nn enclosure In the jail yard this
afternoon for the murder of his
colored mistress , AFary Dorscy , last
April , by ctushin ? her uknll with an
Another HoteltBuruoil.
.Spin uil DUp.-xtilitoTin. llt.K.
QUI.VOY , 111 , January 19. The
Qulnoy house , a large hotel , burned
this morning. The guests escaped
with great diflisnlty.