Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 19, 1883, Image 6

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The Daily Beef
Friday Morning , Jon. 10
B/Curler , - - - - - 20 cent * per week
. . . . . . 110.00 pet Year
Offlce : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near
road war.
J. Mueller's PalacoJMnslo Hall.
Subscribe for newspaper * andperiodl-
* la at H. E. Seaman' * book store.
The city council meets this evening to
diacuss the paving question.
The ladles meet again this nftornoon
t the B ptl t chapel to ew for the needy.
NextSnndaymorning Kev. Mr. Lemen
preacbea bin annuil termon at the Baptist
This evening the Royal Arc num ex
p cts to receive and entertain their Oin h
A though SO days of itcady ileighing
were not enough. More snow came yes
The street cara bad a struggle with
enow yesterday , bat succeeded In making
regular trips.
The ice hou'o for the Institution for
the deaf and dumb has been filled with
cakes eighteen Inthes thick.
The Y. M. 0. A. la keeping up twen
ty-minute Monday prayer meetings at
their rooms with fulr succeis.
f Marshal Jackson's horse , which was
injured in the runaway Wednesday , Is not
yet dead , and in fact stands omo show of
pulling through.
Permit to marry was yesterday given
't to Letter Carey and Nanny A. SchutT ,
both of Walnut , tt being the first licenie
issued for nearly n week.
The plan for organizing a fire patrol
here , or a pompier corpr , or both , lias been
talked over and talked over until now
everything is ripe for action , if there Is to
be any action.
Those who have thought that any sort
of an old box on runners would do for/what
sleighing there is In this country begin to
change their minds and inquire what a
good sleigh Is worth ,
Despite the fact that one justice goes
without his dinner , und another Illumi
nates his hallway at night so as t ) be
ready for business , there seems to bo no
tmuaual amount of news develops d.
A. W. Sherwuod , of Woodbine , was
brought before Commissioner Key on a
charge of violating the revenue law In re
gard to iwhlsky , 11 o was held to the
United States court In the sum of StCO.
Due caio should bo taken in'ebovelinj
unow elf of the roofs of buildings not to
send avalanches upon thoEo walking on
the sidewalks beneath. Snow IB good in
Ita place , but not on tc/p of a man's head in
ehovolful lots.
The city marshal has received com
plaint of the nuisance at the corner of da
Third avenue and Tenth street , where
vacant lot has been UBOJ a the dumping '
place of a lot of garbage whiib promises in
the thawing out time if not before to laden
the air with any thing but wholesome odors.
One witness in a case on trial before
Jndge Aylesworth yesterday insisted that vei
the prisoner at the bar was a com in of the
notorious James boya. The judge ruled at
out the statement on the ground that he
WM not trying the James boys , but the at
The youthful graduate of the reform thiI
achool who was lately sentenced to a short
term In jail for larceny , and who expressed tet
Buch apparently sincere repentance and
made such stout premises to do better in de
the future , is now out and Is seen spend
ing his time at one of the gambling houses ho
and seems to have struck a few dollars
aomewhere with which to buck the tiger.
The adultery canes which have lately thiI
n Attracted public attention are to appear in tei
the circuit court at the coming term , in
the form of two divorce cases , one entitled
Peter Johniou vs. Annlo Johnson , tbo riv
other being J , J , Simpson vs. Ida M.
Simpson , The former was the case in , te
which the parties wore brought back from
Kansas City , and the latter the one which an
culminated in a row on Broadway last
W. 8 , Homer expects to soon open up
in the crockery and
glassware buiioess in an
the building lately occupied by the CItt-
xens * bank. He baa
now gone east to se the
lect stork , and will immediately upon his eh
.re.urn embark ft-tUely la the nor enter
prise , which will no doubt be a tucceufu
one. Mr. ilorner has long been connected coi
with Smith & Crittenden , and Is a tlior-
onghly experienced man and very popular nut
M well. He may rest asm rod of A liberal city
patronage , and the public may expect a
large variety of the latest and best goods am
from which to select , and at prices which bo
will bo reasonable. he
The board of trade is to meet , or try
to meet , agiln next Monday evenlcg , One The
of the chief causes ef the difficulty In getting - ing
ting out a large attendince ii the tardineca ihi
which hai characterized tbo gatherings ,
the meetings seldom beginning until on
hour after the time set in the notice. few
Another cause Is the calling o ( meetings
on comparatively unimportant matters.
These faults are now promised to be
remedied , A business organization can
only be conducted sucsersfully on builnesii
principles , punctuality and regularity be
ing among the needfuls.
Holiday gocda at Jlarkncos. Orcutt
& OO.'B.
Weak muscles and nerves , sluggish-
neai of thought and Inactivity , cared
by Brown'u Iron Biltoro. in
. 1 Roller MUM Patent . . . , .
Intcd FJtur , Superlative A , thu high
cat grade of flour manufactured.
Snowy white , pure , light nnd avrnet.
Atk > our y recur for U und you
Lave none other. tf.
Ohildron'a heavy school hoao at It
Oroutt & OO.'B.
When you feel out of orte , have
the bluea , melancholy , etc. , it must
bo Indlgeetion that alia yon. Brown's
con Bittern caret it.
A Woman 8uen the Pullman Palace
Oar Company for Damagoa on
tnat Claim.
A suit has boon commenced In the
circuit court hero for the February
term , in which the plaintiff , named
Nellie Drlscoll , claims of the Pullman
Palace Car company the sum of $5COO
damages. Mlea Drlscoll'a story has a
sprinkling of sensation in it. She
claims Milwaukee as her homo , and
that the Injury done her wan on a trip
to this city about the 8.h of last Do-
ccrnber. She states that she bought
a Grat clam ticket to Council Bluffs
over the Chicago , Milwaukee & 8t.
Paul road , and then bought a ticket
for a berth In Iho Pullman sleeper , |
and proceeded to occupy the name.
Some time after leaving Davia Junc
tion , III. , n colored man , ono of the |
attaches tf the car , intuited her
grossly , nnd because aho would not
submit to his desires , ho compelled
her to leave her berth and go into n
car forward. She claims to have boon
compelled to make the change In the
night , and cross the platforms while
the train wes in motion and thn wind
also blowing cold and strong , BO that
it waa a perilous paasago. Besides
this she WBB nick at the time , and on
entering the other car she had to take
a seat near the door where she wan
subjected to cold draughts. The
losing of rest , the catching of cold ,
and the nervous shock aho had sus
tained had broken her health , and she
claims to bo still suffering from the
effects of that night'M occurrences.
Her bill for all thia is $5,000 , which
she aska the company to outtlo. Myn-
star & Adams are her attorneys In the
Table linens , napkins , doylies , tow-
eli and crimhos cheap at Darkness ,
Orcutt & Co.'fl.
Vigor , strength and health all found
in one bottle of Brown's Iron Bittors.
An Ecjoyable Evening.
Mias May Abbott , daughter of Jus
tice Abbott , entertained on Wednes
day evening about thirty of her young
frionda in a very happy manner , the
occasion being her fifteenth birthday.
The guests enjoyed themselves in
dancing and social chatting until alato
hour , and there WAS no lack of hos
pitality in any cf the details cf the
happy HfTiir. All who participated
seeini'd to enjoy themselves most
heartily , and many happy wishes ap
propriate to such an anniversary were
expressed for the young hostces.
Indies' and children's wool hoods at
Uarkuoss , Orcutt & OO.'B. .
To strengthen and build up the sys
torn , a trial will convince you that
Brown's Iron Bittera is the bust med
icine made.
II. M. French , St. Liuln , nt the O/gdcu / ,
R. II. Feed , of Marlon , waa hero yester
day. ;
W , D. Ilickman , of Chicago , la at the
J. L , Platt , jr. , of Fort Dodge , was here
0. ( P. Dnherty , of Boston , U at the Re
vere housn.
George ( W. Humphrey , of Burlington , is
the Pacific.
William Burton , of Onawa , Is registered
the Pacific.
A. N. Greay , ot Lancaster , Ohio , WAS at
the Pacific yesterday.
S. I C. Ojhorn , of Glenwood , spent yes
terday In tlila city ,
Leavltt'a Minstrels stopped at the Og
den yeaterday. i.
T. J. Rwp , of Dow Clly , toojc a Pttdfio
house dinner yesterday.
Charles I F. Dana , of St , Paul , dined at
the Ogden yeaterday. 2
0. I D. Dlllln '
, of Neola , wai 'among yes
terday's visitors to this city.
W. B. Farlw , of Rochester , N. Y. , arrived -
rived at the Revere yesterday.
F. ] M. Park , of Slienandoah , Iowa , vis
ited the Uluffi ycateiday ,
II. ] B. Mitchell , of Spartansbnrg , Pa , ,
arrived yesterday at the Pacific.
M. ] J. Jones and George A. Hummer , of
David City , were at the Ogden yesterday.
Lewis ] Mendelsohn , of New York , was
aBiong yesterday's arrivals at the Ogdon.
"Bob , " simply that and nothing more , Ii
( way Bob Finn , Des Molnet' pet trav
elvlng man , registers at the Ogden , a
George ( 8. Smith , of the Mftdlion Square
company , waa at the Ogden yesterday.
William Hill , the wacon-maker of Wai-
, who foiiuerly lived here , was iu the
yeaterday ,
The faces and forms of A , W. Stedman
William R. White , two of Chicago's
> known traveling men , were visible
here : yesterday , It
Schuyler Lung , ono of the printers on
Deaf Mute Hawkeye , fell while skat
and ia now laid up with a disabled
Ilarkness , Orcutt & Co. have utlll a id
fine ailk dolmans , Call and BOO
them. It
- The grout distinguishing feature of
Heading's Russia Sal.e U iU power to re-
u'vo lulW > nnaUon i
Itoma Qlounod About Otllceru nnd rrP
OUendera. ! rra
The neighborhood row which vna loo.
dragged into pollco court Wednesday o.
I K'
which Scribnorund Dty were prominent K'u K'ti
inont , cropped out again yesterday , n tiei
third pirty John R Miller ei
, , being ar eiEl
rested for threatening to kill Scribncr. ElP
Scribnornnd his wifi claimed that
Miller promised to "stamp the etui' . I r ;
In1" out of the f irmor , while Millar O1P
and another witnets denied it , making O1w
a lo of two and two. Judge Ayles
worth gava the troublesome tribu a Itc
fatherly lecture on their rcapectlva Itctl
duties and dismissed the matter , tlst
Another Miller was brought in as a stal
plain drunk. Hs ( front numo was al
Jacob. Ho sold his overcoat yesterday altl
and drank up all the proceeds , leaving tltl
him nothing to pay his fine , and ho
. was therefore committed.
Stranp , who was arrested with Mrs.
Johnson in Kansas Oity , on a charge
cl adultery , was brought before Judge
Aylcsworth yesterday on a writ of
habeas corpus. By agreement of at
torneys his case was sent to Justice
Rchurz , to bo hoard together with Mrs ,
Jjl nson this afternoon.
Young Grant , who was arrested for
jumping a board bill haa had his caao
continued until next Wednesday ,
Joe Brown was arrested yesterday
and brought before Justice Vaaghan ,
on a charge of perjury , the complain
ing witness being his brother-in-law ,
Qoldstein , who avows that in a re
plevin case Brown qualified as being
worth moro property than ho really is
worth , The case was sot for a hearing
nnxt Saturday , the accused giving
$300 bail to appear at that time.
The Supreme Court of Iowa Uoolor |
tbo Amendment Unconati *
The following telegram rrao received
hero late yesterday afternoon , and
the news contained therein speedily
circulated on the strootr , calling forth
much jubilation , especially among
these Interested in the business. Despite -
spite the storm the Bavarian band was
got out and a general jubilee indulged
in :
DKH MOINKS , la. , January 18.
0. GBISI : : Glory ! Amendment de
clared null and vdid by n majority of
the supreme court. J. EiunccK ,
Womou'd Trno Friend.
A friend In need in a friend Indeed. Tbla
none can deny , especially when ( wsintnnctj is
rendered when one is sorely afllicted with-
dlseane , more particularly those com-
plaintB and weaknesses so common to our
female population. Every woman should
know tlmt Electric Bittera are woman's
true friend , and will positively restore her
to health , ovoii when all other remedlen
fail , A single trial always proven our as
sertion. They are pleasant to the taste ,
and onlv cost fifty cents a bottle , Sold by
C , F. ( JonrttTmn
lo the Caltar of Till UEK.
A great interest is felt by our gov
ernment clh'siali nnd practical forest-
growers about the future supplies of
fuel and timber in the United States
and an effort Is being made to promote
extensive forest tree planting ,
There are very many important
considerations which may bo urged in
favor of oxtonalvo tree planting , The
moro common considerations aru the
providing of fuel , poles and posts for
the firm. Uowovor important these
may bo they are only n part of the
considerations that ahoald bo urged in
favor of artificial forest groveu and
Occasionally a man hos blundered
upon a nice llttlo fortune by planting
a quantity of European larch , oonqa
or walnut timber and earing well for
it. I know of a man who was cifdred
$2,500 per aero for lurch os on three
acres. The trace were eighteen years
old at the time.
Some of our journals give an aa-
count of a man in Wiaconsla who Hold
his artificial walnut grove last year for
$27C09. This looks like a remarka
ble statement , but a little figuring will
show that it is no moro than may rea
sonably bo expected to bo accom
plished in twenty years , I recently
noticed a grove of walnut trees of
twenty-two years ermv/th. Some of
those trees wore upwards of forty feet
in hoighth and would make from tour
to six fence posts each , by splitting
the lower lengths. The grove would
average at least four posts to the tree ,
thus making the trees worth from fifty
to seventy-live cents. Many of the
trees are worth double this price for
other uses. At a distance of five feet 5
apart I ono acre would produce about
000 trees. These , at , the end of
twenty years , at tifty cents each ,
would bring $1OCO per acre. Ic Is
also quite probable that twenty years
will double the price of timber for
mechanical purposes. A few long
sighted persona aru being influenced
by such facts and are commencing to
plant black walnut and other trees
adapted to mechanical purposes more
extensively. This fall I met a man
from southwestern Iowa who had
chartered a cir for Dakota and the
principal part of his load was to bo
black walnuts. Ho estimated that ho
had enough to produce GO 000 trees.
Those will make him $30,000 m twenty
pears. Those walnuts will make only
part ? f his foreet , White ash Is
equally valuable for many kinds of
furniture and much moro valuable for
mechanical purpo.soe. It is , however ,
worthless for posts , The ash is more
easily proposatod and transplanted
than walnut and grows much more
The common wild cherry is also a
very valuable timber for furniture and
makes a rapid growth when cultivated.
is produced by planting the cherry
without drying ,
The Outgo hedge tree is probably
the moat valuable hard wood that can
bo cultivated wherever it can stand
the winter. It is easily raised , a rap
grower , and a stronger and harder
wood than the best oak or hickory.
is very valuable for rgrioultural im
plements , grape stakes , fence posts
and fuel
The Hardy Catalpa Is perhaps moro
valuable , than any other ono tree. It
a light colored , fine grained wood
suitable for furniture. It is a light ,
with great strength , nnd is adapted to
mochanloil purposes where a ah or ma-
pie would bo of service. It Is the
most durable timber known for posts ,
bating throe or four times no long aa
oak or cedar ; and ttith nil of these
good ' quallitiea it is a rapid crpwor ,
making wood r jout oa fast rgiin as
tbo black wnlr.ut. No other tree is so
easily proongitod from the
teed or more readily trans-
plnntoil. Thuso und nouio other
ol Mmbr have a very wide
range of us f alucia which ought to bo
considered ' * planting , Wo should
plur.t with / n eye to tin future whun
we inn pos ilbly do BO. Timber baits ,
grovoa onj hedges are of great aorvlco
us ii ! checking the aovoro winds ,
thus often modifying the worst of bo
stoinu ,
There are Bomo unpleasant things
about hojges ana coma sorlons objec
tions to rows of trees planted around
the farm , but it IB quite probable that
if every farm was hedged and every
lection was surrounded with a row or
two of rapid growing trees , farmers
would gain instead < f lose by It. Wo
ala know that there is some waste along
a timber belt or hedge on account of
shade , but this is probably more than
made up by the protection given to
the growing crops. Our stock also
derive great benefit f torn the shelter
olBl groves and hedges during both
summer and winter.
To appreciate thodifTaronco between
the bleak open prairie and the shelter
OlVI a nice timber bolt in one of our se
vere winter days , ono needs but to
change locations. In raising oiage
hedges < , If a nice straight tree Is left
standing every ton foot , and then
trimmed up as high as practicable ,
these trees will look ornamental , and
will servo to break the wind and be
worth 91 apiece In ten or fi i'.cn
years , lor double-trees , single-trees ,
ploflr beams , wagon axles or spokes ,
etc. A row of trees planted on the
lines around the farm one rod apart ,
nnd trimmed up straight , will give the
farmer jive fence poats in five or sz !
years'time , and ttiu save thousands
ely dollars to every county. If
yon do not like hedge or cinnot
afford it , plant willow , cottonwood
r ; anything nt regular intervals along
your lines and care for thorn , and in
a few years you can attach wires to
them , or what Is bettor you can nail
paillngs to the tree and staple wires to
the pollings. If trees or cuttings are
set os soon as the farm is opened , and
then trimmed and cared for , by the
tirao the country is ready to stretcn
wires the fence posts are all ready.
During the winter much may bo done
tc prepuro for the planting of timber
inC the spring. Cuttings of willow ,
cottonwcod ( , Lombirdy poplar , white
poplar , &o. , may bo made nnd may bo
covered with snow , manure , dirt or
put ' in the cellar ; any w y to keep
moist. Ash , catalpn or box older S'jed
may bo gathered any time when it can
bicc found and can bo kept in a dry ,
cool place until April , when it may be
planted. Black cherries and all nuts
should bo planted in the fall without
drying , or bo burled without drying ,
and planted early in the spring.
M. 8. IltJlICELK ,
Cromwell , Iowa.
Free of Cost.
All persons wishing to test the merits of
n gvo'it remedy ono that will positively
cure Consumption , Coughs , Colds , Asth
ma. Bronchitis , or any affection of throat
und lungs are requested ta cell at
C. F. Goodman's Drug Store and get a
trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption , FBER or COST , which will
show you what a regular dollar-size bottle
will do
Deilera aru paying 3lc ( for corn here ted -
d y ; cost and frcigtr. to Chicago 16o.
Chicago market for LOIV mixed corn , 40 ©
Corrected daily by J. Y , duller , mer-
chnndiae broker , buvor and shipper of
grnin and provision * , 3D I'ecrl street.
WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 77c ; No. 3C5 ;
rejected COc ; qooA demand ,
COHN2o to feeders and 32a to ship'
pew.OATS Scarce and in good demand ; 30 ® ,
HAT 1 OOfflG 00 per ton. '
IlVE 40c ; light supply.
COHN MEAL I 25per 100 pounds.
WOOD Good supply ; pricea at yards ,
COAL Delivered , hard , 10 CO per ton ;
soft. C 00 per ton.
Plenty and in fair demand ;
UG3 ! Scarce and in demand ; 80s per
dozen ,
LAIin Fairbnnk's. wholesaling at 13c.
POULTRY. Firm ; dealers payint ; 13o per
pound for turkeys and lOc for chickens.
VjcaKTABUM Potatoes , 45c ; onion ? , 25c :
cabbage * , iiO@40c per dozen ; apples , 2 50
@ 3 50 per barrel.
FLOUK Crystal Roller mill flour re tall
od at .1 25 for diaduiu winter ; 2 80 for gold
en ftheaf ; 2 00 for hurd tuck.
Wholesale price * for flour , 2 40@3 25.
Buooua 2 00@3 00 per doren. '
CATTLK 3 00@3 50 ; calves 5 00@7 50.
Iloos There la a big demand for hog * ,
and all olIenufH are quickly taken at the
following price * : For cor lot * common ,
45@5 50 ; ( rood mixed , 5 GO@E 80 ; heavy
pucklnjr , 5 70@5 95 ; fancy packing , 6 C5@
U10 ; butchers and shippers paying for
wagon lota , 5 2o@5 50 , ,
Riohe * In Hop Farming.
At the present prices , ten acres in
Hopa will bring more money than
five hundred acres in any other farm
ing ; and , If there is a consumer or
dealer who thinks the ptice of Hop
Bitters high , remember that Hope are
$1.25 per lb. , and tbo quantity and
quality cf Hopa In Hop Bitters , and
the price remains the same as former-
ly. Don't buy or use worthless stuff
or imitations becnusa the price is less.
New Goods.
For Dry Goods and
Fancy Goods go to L ,
HARRIS , 734 Lower
Broadway ,
Omahn and Council BlutTs
Real Katato & Collection Agency.
In Odd Fellow's block , over Savings'
Bank. ianS-tj
Nebraska Loan & Trust Uompany
Capital Stock , - - $100,000
JAS. H. 1IRARTWKI.L , President.
A. L , CI.AItKK , Vlco-1'rtviUlcnt.
E. C. WUtoTKU , Treasurer
Samuel Alexander , ( VwaM Ollvrr ,
. L. ClarU , K. 0. Webster ,
Uco , H. 1'ratt , Jtu. 11. lleiutwcll ,
D. M. McKl lllimcy.
First Mortgage Loans a Speohlty
Thli Company furnishes permanent , home
Inbtltutlon whtro School II ; i und other legally
Itsuuil MunlcliuJ nccrrltl" 10 iSvlirMka can be
iH'tfotUtiKl on the u ) i adorable terms.
Loans made on ImprotvtU n n all well settled
counties of the BUto , thm I i wjwnilblojlocal
- cum
' " 4 " -"Mtion urul ) sort
NOT10K. Sp d l tdvertlMmentt , euc
Lot , Found , To Lou , For SAO ! , To Kent ,
Wnt , Dotrdlng , etc. , will be Inserted In thll
column at the ow rate of TEN CENTS PER
LINE for the flni Iniortlon and FIVE CENTS
PER LINK for each tubeoquenl Insertion.
LeT adr ertlMtnenta al our offlc , No , 7
Pearl Street , near Broadway.
WANTKD-10,000 buihcln of corn , tnrjulro
at No. 31 I' rrl utrect , cr binom factor ; ,
Mill * nnd Morth Sixth MATXPACO.
dtfWANTM > KAcrvbuat in cuuui.ii Biuat >
to Uka Tin Dn , 90 cents per we k , de
rftd by carrier ! . Office , No 7 Pearl Street
near ItrOMwav.
For Sale and Rent
A N olllcc , mo'taihiuiUia'Otuly rltuatcd , offers
rx duk room In riturn for trvlocs ; KM , fuil ,
etc. , furnished , , "Ollkc , " Hex. olllcc ,
Counc 1
OLU HKK3-ln parstgea ot a hundred at 26c
a package at VHR linn olllcu , No. 7 Ptarl
street. tf
SALOOXTOKHAI.K-In Om ha , dolngaosh
tmtlne s front SUM ) 00 to 31200 CO per mon h
cipcnccs light Iho party has other huslno's. Ad-
droiB Omaha Dally Dee Omaha Nib * 77G-19 *
RKMOVAL-Oeo U. Heard , dealer In wall
paper and window h ilc , will mo\e Janu
ary in , from No 11 , Pearl street , to new Me-
Mahon l > loik.1J Main , and 33 Pearl u re-Is , next
door to pogtotlico Jan 1-tf
If OUND A colleio tocloty pin. Come to the
1 HKH olll e , pty for this ad , prove property
and lift the pin. d27 tt
DR. W. L. PATTON Pfcyelelan and Oculist.
Can cure any ctuw of aore oyon. II la only
a matter of time , and can cure generally In
from three tc Gvevweeks It make * nc differ
ence how long diseased. Will straighten croea
oyoa , operate and remove Ptyreelnma , etc. , and
Insert artificial eyes. Special attention to ro-
movelng Udenormi apB-tf
Depart. .Arrive.
Atlantic Ext..520pm Pacific E5c.9lBam } :
Kxnnd Mall.025am Kx and Hail,6 5pm
D. Molnca ac.7lS : a m DCS Motnesnc.4:40 : p m
Depart Arrive.
Atlantic Ext..BaOpm Pacific Ex.920am
Mall nnd Ex.9:20 : am Mall and Ex.7.-00pm
N.Y. Ex 4:00jim : Neb & Kaa Ex..8:20 : a m
Depart. Arrho.
Atlantic Ext-.B:15pm : ' Padnc Ext--9:15am :
Mali and Ex.9.20am Mali and ix.C:15 : p m
Accom. ( Sat..5 0 p m Accom , ( Mon..l:4Spm )
Depart. Arrive.
Molland Ex..9JS5am I Exprcsa. , . . . . .
Exprcsa 9:10 : p m | Mall and Ex..6-45 p tn
Depart. Arrh o.
Overland Ex.lUTOa. m. Overland Ex..4.00 p. m.
Lincoln ' Ex. . 11:30n. : m. Denver Ex . , 8.00 n. m ,
Denver Ex..7:00p. : m. Local Ex 0:30 : a. in.
Local Ex 7:25 : a. m. " Ex O.asn. m.
Emigrant..620 p. m. " Ex fOOa.m.
Depart. Arrhc.
Mall and Ex. . 9:45 : a m I Moll and Ex. . 4:30 : p m
Cannon Ball. . 4M : pm | Cannon Ball..11:05 : a m
Depart. Arrive.
For Sioux City.7:53am : Frm Sioux C'y.6
For KortNlobrora. Krra Kort Nlobran ,
Neb * 7:55am : Neb'O O
For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul..8:50 : a ra
Leave Council Itluffa. Arrh ca Council Itluds.
Mall and Ex.n:2U : a m I Mall and Ex.0M : pm
Atlantic Ex..15:15pm : | Atjantic tx..19.10a in
, Lca\eaOmahx Arrives at Omaha.
Mall and Ex.7lB : a m I Pacific Ex 119:45 : a m
Atlantic , Er.3:40p | | : m | Mall and Kx.'T-25 p in
Except Sundaya. fExcopt Saturdajs. ( Except
Mondajs. 'Dally.
Council BluBa & Omoba Street B. R.
Leave Council Bluffs. Leave Omaha ,
8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , I 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m ,
11 a m , I m , 2 p rn , 3 p 111 a m , 1pm , Up m , 3 p
m , 4 p m , 5 p m , 6 p m. | m , 4 p m , G p m , G p m.
Street cars run half hourly to the Union Pacific
Depot. On Sunday the cars bejfln their trips at
9 o clock a. m. , and run rccru'any during the day
nt 9 , 11 , 2 4 , B and fi o'clock , and run to city time.
Dr , J , Meaglier.mOculist , Aurist ,
In Chrnnlc dlreases , otters hla Ben Ices tc all at
dieted with dletanea of > h < Eye , Ear , rr Chronic
dl eisc8 of any character , wcrranta a euro In
a 1 Rheumatic atloctl-ns Can bo conuulted by
mail or In pen-on at the MttropollUn hotel ,
Council UluQi , Iowa ,
Ground by
Porcelain I ' Rolls
Eiclnslvoly ,
Warranted Equal to any made In the
United Statea.
Bran & Shorts.
jan4-tf Council Blofla , la.
Are now ruuh to contract for small castings of
every dencrlptlon in
Special attention U called to the fict that tha
metals arc me Uil In CIUUBLKShlcliijiiatto
M'O beat casting * ,
Burning Brands
FACTORIES , Etc. , E O. ,
Ao well u
Cattle Brands
Works : CornerSUthitreetand Eleventhanuut.
Justice ot the Peace and
Notary Public.
t)5Broadway ) , Council Bluffs.
Broadway , and Fourth Street ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
Whoop la ! Get along ! Go !
2,13 , and you may know
We're ' en ronte for the Boston
[ tore , '
Nothing like it since old "Hoar , "
Heaved his anchor and left the
16 Main Street.
Guarantees the Best $1,50 , $1.75 and $2.00
nff.aBJ Billow Sreets , Coecil Bluffs.
Orders Quod In uny partct tbo city. Orders by telephone promptly attended to.
lirjant Street , ono Door norih of Dohiny'a Hall.
Thermo-Elrctric , Medicated and Sulphur Baths.
For ladles and gentlemen. These Bathi are fully endo srd by the Medical Fraternity as being an
unfftllint' BU > lllayln roc nt Co'd ? , llheuniailsro , curalgia , Liimtago and inuny other aliments
Besides , my wife , a competent lady , will attend todies. P M. LOOK WOOD , Propr.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Fresh Roasted Coffeer , Teas and Spicoe ,
3Q5 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA.
The finest quality and largeat stock west of Chicago of wooden and metalio cases.
Calls attended to at all hours. We defy competition in quality of goods or prices.
Our Mr , Morgan has served OB undertaker for forty years and thoroughly understands
hisbuaineas. WAREROOMS , 346 AND 857 BROADWAY. Upholstering In
all its branched promptly attended to ; also carpet-laying and lambrequins. Tele *
graphic and mall otdpramlpdwjthgutdejtty.
Council Bluffs , - Iowa.
Befr and malt In any quanMty'to ' suit purchuers. Beer 18.00 per barrel. Private famhltt sup
plied with until keg at 11.00 each , delivered freoof charge to any part of the city.
Wholesale Dealer In and SOLE AGENT FOR Joseph Schlitz Brewing
Company's Celebrated
No. 711 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. Orders from the oountry elicited
City orders to families and dealers delivered free. _ _
( Successors to iiU : ) & DUQUETTE ) ,
( I
16 and 18 Pearl-st. , Council Bluffs , la.
No. 529 S Main Street. - Council Blull's.
Our constantly Incremlng trade is eufilcifnt pro < f of our iquare dealing and atten
tion to customers. Good butter always on hand. Prompt delivery of goods.
S. M. CHOOKS I'-vs. N. B. EABTOX , Secy.
J. 0. HOFFMAN , V.oi Pros. N. B. MOOKK , Couneolor.
tinder the Liwa of Iowa. ]
Insurance at iclnal Cost ,
LIVE STOCK .Ag-ilnst Loan by
Unknown or Contingent Event Whatever.
Experienced agents wonted. Correipondence
loliclted i'raui all parts of Iowa ,
OFKIUE103 Pearl Street , Ocunoil Blufli. ' la ,